Corrections To Design and Analysis of Experiments 6 Edition, Douglas C. Montgomery, Wiley, New York, 2005 5 January 2006

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Corrections to Design and Analysis of Experiments 6th Edition,

Douglas C. Montgomery, Wiley, New York, 2005

5 January 2006

1. Page 17, Figure 1-11. Noisance should be Nuisance.

2. Page 28, line -6. The expression should be N!/[(N-n)!n!].
3. Page 29, Equation 2-7 on right hand side, y1 should be yi.
4. Page 70. At the bottom of the page, in the calculation of the correction factors for the
treatment and error sum of squares, 12, 355 should be (12, 355)2.
5. Page 80, line 16; reference to Chapter 14 should be to Chapter 15.
6. Page 87, line 3 in Section 3-5.3; y1 , y2 should be y1. , y2. (dots on subscripts are
7. Page 124; in Table 4-2 the fonts in the last two columns are wrong; they should be
times Roman not courier.
8. Page 125, line 12 should read SSE = SST - SSTreatments - SSBlocks
9. Page 125, line 14, at end of line the numerator degrees of freedom on the F-percentile
should be 3.
10. Page 157; add the student solutions manual symbol to problem 4-11.
11. Page 159; add the student solutions manual symbol to problems 4-32, 4-33, 4-34, 4-
35, 4-36, 4-40, and 4-41.
12. Page 167, Equation 5-3 first row; y.. should be yi..
13. Page 215, Table 6-4, run 7, the bc total should be 2138 not 2178.
14. Page 248, Figure 6-35. The label in the lower right-hand corner of the square should
be (1).
15. Page 248, equation 6-29. y should be yC .
16. Page 249, two lines below Table 6-20, upper limit of summation should be 4.
17. Page 251, line -2, x1 should be xi.
18. Page 280, Table 7-11. In the Mean Square column, 458.1250 should be 229.0625
19. Page 305; in Table 8-14 the generator for the 210-3 design (128 runs) should be
20. Page 335; in Problem 8-3 the reference to Problem 6-18 should be to Example 6-1.
21. Page 336; in Problem 8-4 the reference to Problem 6-21 should be to Problem 6-24.
22. Page 341; in Table 8-38 the sample average for run 13 should be 4.6.
23. Page 346; in problem 8-36 the reference should be to problem 8-35.
p p
1 1
24. Page 364, second line of Section 9-3.2, should be .
3 3
25. Page 370; in Problem 9-6 part (c) the coefficient for (x2)2 should be 7.84.
26. Page 444, line 10; larger should be smaller.
27. Page 593; in Problem 15-9 the reference to Problem 12-10 should be to Problem 12-
28. Page 597. The reference to Cornells book should be to the 3rd edition, 2002.
29. Page 625; the second entry in column P1 for n = 5 should be -1.

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