Asme V Art 9
Asme V Art 9
Asme V Art 9
APPENDIX I GLOSSARY OF (excluding light source, mirrors, and /or corrective lenses)
TERMS FOR VISUAL EXAMINATION enhanced visual examination a visual examination
technique using visual aids to improve the viewing capa-
bility, e.g., magnifying aids, borescopes, video probes,
This Mandatory Appendix is used for the purpose of fiber optics, etc.
establishing standard terms and definitions of terms lux (Lx) a unit of illumination equal to the direct
related to Visual Examination which appear in Article 9. illumination on a surface that is everywhere one meter
from a uniform point source of one candle intensity or
equal to one lumen per square meter
I-920 GENERAL remote visual examination a visual examination
(a) Article 30, SE-1316, Section 9, provides the defi- technique used with visual aids for conditions where the
nition of footcandle (fc). area to be examined is inaccessible for direct visual exam-
(b) Definitions of terms for visual examination and ination
other methods appear in Article 1, Mandatory Appendix surface glare reflections of artificial light that inter-
I, Glossary of Terms for Nondestructive Examination. fere with visual examination
(c) The following Code terms are used in conjunction translucent laminate a series of glass reinforced
with Article 9: layers, bonded together, and having capabilities of trans-
artificial flaw an intentional imperfection placed on mitting light
the surface of a material to depict a representative flaw translucent visual examination a technique using
condition artificial lighting intensity to permit viewing of translu-
auxiliary lighting an artificial light source used as cent laminate thickness variations (also called candling)
a visual aid to improve viewing conditions and visual visual examination a nondestructive examination
perception method used to evaluate an item by observation, such as:
candling see translucent visual examination the correct assembly, surface conditions, or cleanliness
direct visual examination a visual examination tech- of materials, parts, and components used in the fabrication
nique performed by eye and without any visual aids and construction of ASME Code vessels and hardware