ADHD Overview

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Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Focused Overview for Childrens

Environmental Health Researchers
Andra Aguiar,1 Paul A. Eubig,1 and Susan L. Schantz1,2
1Department of Comparative Biosciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, and 2Neuroscience Program, University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, USA

prevalence lessens with age (Faraone et al.

Objectives: Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most frequently diagnosed
2006). The pooled worldwide prevalence of
childhood neurobehavioral disorder. Much research has been done to identify genetic, environmental,
and social risk factors for ADHD; however, we are still far from fully understanding its etiology. In ADHD in children and adolescents is 5.29%,
this review we provide an overview of diagnostic criteria for ADHD and what is known about its bio- with a range of about 510% when children
logical basis. We also review the neuropsychological functions that are affected in ADHD. The goal are considered alone and about 2.54% when
is to familiarize the reader with the behavioral deficits that are hallmarks of ADHD and to facilitate adolescents are considered by themselves
comparisons with neurobehavioral deficits associated with environmental chemical e xposures. (Polanczyk etal. 2007). Among adults, the
Data sources: Relevant literature on ADHD is reviewed, focusing in particular on meta-analyses pooled prevalence of ADHD is 2.5% (Simon
conducted between 2004 and the present that evaluated associations between measures of neuro etal. 2009). Estimates of rates for ADHD
psychological function and ADHD in children. Meta-analyses were obtained through searches of the persistence into adulthood vary depending
PubMed electronic database using the terms ADHD, meta-analysis, attention, executive, and on the definition of ADHD persistence.
neuropsychological functions. Although meta-analyses are emphasized, nonquantitative reviews are When only those meeting the full criteria for
included for particular neuropsychological functions where no meta-analyses were available. ADHD are considered, persistence rates are
Data synthesis: The meta-analyses indicate that vigilance (sustained attention), response inhibi- lower, around 15% at 25 years of age, whereas
tion, and working memory are impaired in children diagnosed with ADHD. Similar but somewhat when cases of ADHD in partial remission are
less consistent meta-analytic findings have been reported for impairments in alertness, cognitive considered, rates climb to around 65% at
flexibility, and planning. Additionally, the literature suggests deficits in temporal information pro- 25years of age (Faraone etal. 2006). Using
cessing and altered responses to reinforcement in children diagnosed with ADHD. Findings from
brain imagining and neurochemistry studies support the behavioral findings.
retrospective self-reports, Kessler etal. (2005)
found that ADHD persisted into adulthood
Conclusions: Behavioral, neuroanatomical, and neurochemical data indicate substantial differences in about 36.3% of cases.
in attention and executive functions between children diagnosed with ADHD and non-ADHD con-
trols. Comparisons of the neurobehavioral deficits associated with ADHD and those associated with
One of the challenges with ADHD is the
exposures to environmental chemicals may help to identify possible environmental risk factors for great heterogeneity of symptoms among affected
ADHD and/or reveal common underlying biological mechanisms. children (Nigg 2006b; Nigg and Nikolas 2008;
Key words: ADHD, attention, executive function. Environ Health Perspect 118:16461653
Nigg etal. 2006). The most common clini-
(2010). doi:10.1289/ehp.1002326 [Online 9 September 2010] cal scale for diagnosing ADHD, the scale in
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV), Text Revision
In recent years, there has been increasing compare the performance of children and ado- (American Psychiatric Association 2000), con-
awareness of the role of environmental fac- lescents diagnosed with ADHD against non- sists of 18 behavioral items and distinguishes
tors in neurodevelopmental disorders, includ- ADHD controls on neuropsychological tasks among three ADHD subtypes (see Appendix).
ing attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder measuring attention and executive functions. A predominantly inattentive type (ADHD-PI)
(ADHD) (e.g., Banerjee et al. 2007; Nigg Additionally, we summarize the performance is diagnosed when at least six items are selected
2006b; Swanson etal. 2007). In this review of ADHD children and adolescents on tests of from the inattentive-d isorganized dimen-
we provide a focused overview of ADHD for temporal information processing and responses sion; a predominantly hyperactiveimpulsive
researchers who are interested in the associa- to reinforcement, which have not been evalu- type (ADHD-PH) is diagnosed when at least
tion between environmental exposures and ated in meta-analyses to date. six items are selected from the hyperactive
ADHD risk but have little familiarity with Meta-analyses were obtained through impulsive dimension; and a combined type
the disorders diagnosis and prevalence, the searches of PubMed (http://www.ncbi.nlm. (ADHD-C) is diagnosed when at least six
functional domains that are impaired, or the using the terms ADHD, items are selected from each of the two dimen-
underlying changes in brain structure and meta-analysis, attention, executive, and sions. Behavioral symptoms listed in the scale
function. A second goal is to summarize behav- neuropsychological functions, among oth-
ioral deficits that are hallmarks of ADHD in ers. Meta-analytic studies were included if Address correspondence to A. Aguiar, Department
order to facilitate comparisons with behavioral they originated in 2004 or later, included of Comparative Biosciences, College of Veterinary
deficits associated with widely dispersed envi- children or adolescents, and measured the Medicine, 2001 S. Lincoln Ave., Urbana, IL 61802
ronmental chemicalsspecifically lead and effect size of the association between neuro USA. Telephone: (217) 333-5814. Fax: (217) 244-
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), which are psychological deficits and ADHD in terms of 1652. E-mail: [email protected]
This work was funded in part by National Institute
reviewed in the companion paper by Eubig Cohensd, which is a metric that is discussed of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) grant
etal. (2010). At present, there is compelling ahead. If no meta-analysis was available for a ES015687 and Agency for Toxic Substances and
evidence suggesting that several key brain func- particular neuropsychological function, non- Disease Registry (ATSDR) grant TS000072 to S.L.S.
tions are implicated in ADHDattention, quantitative reviews were included. and by NIEHS grant K08 ES017045 to P.A.E.
executive functions, processing of temporal The contents are solely the responsibility of the
information, and responses to reinforcement ADHD Prevalence and authors and do not necessarily represent the official
Diagnostic Criteria views of NIEHS or ATSDR.
(Nigg and Nikolas 2008)all of which are The authors declare they have no actual or potential
critical for modulating behavior (Barkley ADHD is characterized by impulsivity and competing fi
nancial interests.
1997; Nigg and Casey 2005). We review sev- inattention, has an onset in early school age, Received 22 April 2010; accepted 8 September
eral meta-analyses published since 2004 that and can persist into adulthood, although the 2010.

1646 volume 118 | number 12 | December 2010 Environmental Health Perspectives

Brain functions and ADHD

are selected only if they occur often, have per- Neuropsychological Functions 1995). Based on a meta-analysis of 13studies
sisted for the preceding 6months, and are Affected in ADHD of CPT performance in individuals diagnosed
maladaptive and incongruent with the indi- Attention. Attention is a multidimensional with ADHD, Frazier etal. (2004) reported that
viduals developmental level. Additionally, an construct (Stefanatos and Baron 2007) that those with an ADHD diagnosis were slower
ADHD diagnosis is given only if at least some can be broadly defined as the facilitated pro- than non-ADHD controls in responding to the
of the behavioral symptoms were present before cessing of one piece of information over others target, with a small to moderate pooled effect
7years of age, happen in more than one setting, (Nigg and Nikolas 2008). Attention consists size across studies (d= 0.39) (Table1). Slower
cause clear and significant impairment in social, of several interrelated processes including alert- reaction times in ADHD children are not con-
school, or work functioning, and do not hap- ness and vigilance (Oken etal. 2006; Posner strained to CPT tasks. For example, a recent
pen in the course of another mental disorder. 1995). In psychology and cognitive neurosci- study (Albrecht etal. 2008) compared boys
Children with ADHD-C make up most ence the term alertness is described as the diagnosed with ADHD with their unaffected
clinical referrals, which could explain why ability to obtain an alert state by focusing rap- siblings and with non-ADHD controls using
some authors have noted that most research idly on new or unexpected information or a computerized reaction time task in which the
has focused on this ADHD subtype (Nigg stimuli (Nigg and Nikolas 2008). Similarly, stimuli were either congruent or incongruent
2006a; Nigg and Nikolas 2008). ADHD-PI vigilance or sustained attention is described as with a previous target stimulus. ADHD boys
tends to be more prevalent in girls (Nigg and the ability to maintain attention on a task for were slower in their correct responses on both
Nikolas 2008), whereas ADHD-C is most fre- a period of time once the alert state is entered congruent and incongruent trials than were
quently diagnosed in boys. Like many other (Oken etal. 2006). the non-ADHD controls. Interestingly, the
childhood-onset behavioral disorders, ADHD Research indicates that children with unaffected siblings of the ADHD boys were
is diagnosed more frequently in boys than ADHD have problems with alertness as well midway between the two other groups; they
in girls (Pastor and Reuben 2002; Polanczyk as with vigilance. These two attentional func- did not differ significantly from either their
etal. 2007). tions can both be assessed with continuous ADHD siblings or the controls.
ADHD often co-occurs with one or more performance tasks (CPTs), which measure Vigilance. Vigilance is commonly assessed
other DSM-IV disorders. Young (2008) esti- the ability to respond to a rare target (e.g., by errors of omission (misses) on CPTs. Two
mates that up to two-thirds of ADHD chil- the letter X when it is preceded by the letter meta-analyses, one of 30 and the other of
dren have one or more coexisting disorders. A but not by other letters) over an extended 33studies that were published in 2004 or
The most common disorders co-occurring period of time (usually 15 min). later, found that on CPTs, ADHD children
with ADHD-C in boys in the large, multisite Table1 lists the two attention functions made more errors of omission than non-
study of ADHD, the Multimodal Treatment that are impaired in ADHD individuals, the ADHD controls did (Frazier et al. 2004;
Study of Children with ADHD (MTA) neuropsychological tasks used to assess the Willcutt et al. 2005). Both meta-analyses
(National Institute of Mental Health 1999), functions, the behavioral findings obtained reported moderate effect sizes. The two meta-
were oppositional defiant disorder (>32%), with ADHD individuals, and meta-analy- analyses did not employ completely unique
anxiety (> 22%), and conduct disorder ses that estimated the strength of associa- data sets. Unfortunately, not enough informa-
(>7%). According to Young (2008), anxiety tion between deficits in these functions and tion was available in Frazier etal. (2004) to
disorders seem to be even more common in ADHD based on Cohensd, which is defined ascertain the degree of overlap.
girls (~ 33%) than in boys, when ADHD as the difference in means divided by the Executive functions. Executive function
children 617 years of age are considered. pooled standard deviation across study popu- refers to a set of abilities including working
Depression and bipolar disorders are also lations. Cohensd is a standardized measure memory, response inhibition, and error cor-
common comorbidities among adolescents often used to compare the effects of variables rection that are involved in goal-directed prob-
with ADHD, as are substance use disorders measured on different scales and to estimate lem solving (Marcovitch and Zelazo 2009).
(Spencer 2006; Spencer etal. 2007; Young effect size across different studies. Cohen Executive function allows an individual to
2008). Other comorbidities that are less com- (1988) categorizes effect sizes around 0.2 as plan a series of steps necessary to achieve a
mon among ADHD adolescents are eating small, around 0.5 as moderate, and around desired goal, keep these steps in mind while
disorders, sleep disorders, learning disabilities, 0.8 as large. Meta-analyses that focused only acting on the goal, monitor progress through
and certain medical conditions such as tic on ADHD adults, were published before these steps, and have the cognitive flexibil-
disorders, epilepsy, and celiac disease (Young 2004, or did not measure effect sizes in terms ity to adjust or change the steps if progress
2008). Comorbidity is another challenging of Cohensd are not included. is not being made toward the original goal.
factor in interpreting ADHD data and eval- Alertness. Alertness can be measured by the Table2 lists the executive functions that have
uating theoretical claims about underlying subjects reaction time or how quickly the indi- been identified as impaired in a number of
mechanisms. vidual responds to the target stimuli (Posner meta-analytic studies of ADHD children and

Table 1. Attention functions impaired in ADHD: meta-analyses of studies comparing ADHD and control.
ADHD subjects
No. of studies in summed across Effect size
Attention function Task name and description Behavioral findinga meta-analysis (k) studies (n) Age rangeb (Cohens d) Reference
Alertness CPT: Latency to respond to target SE hit RT 13 NA Childrenadult 0.39 Frazier etal. 2004
sequence is the hit RT; its SE
indicates the consistency in
focusing attention
Vigilance CPT: Respond rapidly to target omission errors 33 NA Childrenadult 0.66 Frazier etal. 2004
sequence; failure counts as 30 1,366 Childrenteens 0.64 Willcutt etal. 2005
omission error
Abbreviations: CPT, continuous performance task; NA, not available; RT, reaction time; SE, standard error.
a indicates significant increase associated with ADHD. bAge range is for all studies examined in the referenced article; an age breakdown was not given for the individual neuropsy-

chological tasks included in the meta-analyses.

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Aguiar et al.

Table 2. Executive functions impaired in ADHD: meta-analyses of studies comparing ADHD and control.
No. of studies ADHD subjects
Behavioral in meta- summed across Effect size
Executive function/task name and description findinga analysis (k) studies (n) Age range (Cohens d) Reference
Verbal working memory
DB: repeat series of numbers in reverse digits recalled 7 548 Childrenteens 0.63 Walshaw etal. 2010
order of presentation
SeS: generate final word missing in words 11 718 Childrenteensb 0.55 Willcutt etal. 2005 (DB and SeS were
sentences, then recall all words generated recalled analyzed together)
Color/Digit Span: recall items in order of items recalled See Martinussen etal. 2005
CMS Numbers-B: recall number sequence items recalled See Martinussen etal. 2005
in reverse order
Counting Span: count groups of shapes and items recalled See Martinussen etal. 2005
remember count totals
PASAT: add single digit numbers presented correct See Martinussen etal. 2005
at varying speeds additions
SOPT-Objects: select different familiar repeated 13 475 418 years 0.56 Martinussen etal. 2005 (all VWM tasks
items across sets of items in different selections listed were analyzed together)
Spatial working memory
SpS: mentally rearrange spatial blocks correct 3 61 Childrenteensb 0.94 Walshaw etal. 2010
configuration of blocks and produce a
CANTAB SWM: remember where between- 7 292 Childrenteens 0.77 Walshaw etal. 2010
previously searched tokens were found to search errors
avoid revisiting these places (between-
search error)
SOPT-Abstract: same as SOPT-Objects, repeated 8 342 Childrenteensb 0.63 Willcutt etal. 2005 (SOPT-Abstract and
except items are abstract shapes selections CANTAB SWM analyzed together)
FWT-B: reproduce in reverse sequence of locations See Martinussen etal. 2005
locations presented recalled
WAIS SpS-B: reproduce in reverse locations 8 161 Childrenteensb 1.06 Martinussen etal. 2005 (CANTAB SWM,
sequence of blocks tapped by examiner recalled SOPT-Abstract, FWT-B, and WAIS SpS-B
Response inhibition
SST: inhibit ongoing response RT when tone 13 NA Childrenadultb 0.54 Frazier etal. 2004
is heard 27 1,104 Childrenteensb 0.61 Willcutt etal. 2005
17 1,195 613 years 0.58 Lijffijt etal. 2005
22 726 612 years 0.63 Alderson etal. 2007
25 1,054 Childrenteens 0.63 Walshaw etal. 2010
CPT: inhibit response to nontarget commission 40 NA Childrenadultb 0.55 Frazier etal. 2004
sequence, failure counts as commission errors 28 1,390 Childrenteensb 0.51 Willcutt etal. 2005
error 23 994 Childrenteens 0.56 Walshaw etal. 2010
Cognitive flexibility
WCST: sort picture/symbol cards according perseverative 25 NA Childrenadultb 0.35 Frazier etal. 2004
to shifting rules errors 21 NA Children 0.52 Romine etal. 2004
24 1,259 Childrenteensb 0.46 Willcutt etal. 2005
18 1,064 Childrenteens 0.36 Walshaw etal. 2010
Stroop: name ink colors used to print interference 20 NA Childrenadultb 0.56 Frazier etal. 2004
color words; ink and color words are score 13 407 613 years 0.58 Homack and Riccio 2004
mismatched 17 1,395 627 years 0.35 van Mourik etal. 2005
15 817 Childrenteens 0.35 Walshaw etal. 2010
7 148 747 years 1.11 Lansbergen etal. 2007 (only time-per-item
studies that do not use Goldens method)
Trails-B: connect letters and numbers response time 14 NA Childrenadultb 0.59 Frazier etal. 2004
in ascending order while alternating 14 609 Childrenteensb 0.55 Willcutt etal. 2005
between them
TOL/TOH: move stacked objects to new score 6 186 Childrenteensb 0.69 (TOH) Willcutt etal. 2005
position while following rules on how to 6 383 Childrenteensb 0.51 (TOL) Willcutt etal. 2005
move them 7 373 Childrenteens 0.38 (TOL) Walshaw etal. 2010
PM: exit maze w/ no backtracking score 5 324 Childrenteensb 0.58 Willcutt etal. 2005
ROCF: copy an abstract figure score organization 6 NA Childrenadultb 0.24 Frazier etal. 2004
score 9 587 Childrenteens 0.43 Willcutt etal. 2005
Abbreviations: CANTAB, Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery; CMS, Childrens Memory Scale; CMS Numbers-B, Childrens Memory Scale Numbers Backward; DB,
Digits Backward; FWT-B, Finger Windows Test Backward; NA, not available; PASAT, Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task; PM, Porteus Maze; ROCF, Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Task;
RT, reaction time; SeS, sentence span; SOPT, Self-Ordered Pointing Task; SpS, spatial span; SpS-B, Spatial Span Backward; SST, stop signal time; Stroop, Stroop Color-Word test; SWM,
spatial working memory; Trails-B, Trail Making Test Part B; TOH, Tower of Hanoi; TOL, Tower of London; VWM, verbal working memory; WAIS, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale; WCST,
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test.
a indicates significant increase associated with ADHD; indicates significant decrease. bAge range is for all studies examined in the referenced article; an age breakdown was not

given for the individual neuropsychological tasks included in the meta-analyses.

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Brain functions and ADHD

adolescents published since 2004 (Alderson go/no-go task, the stopping or stop signal etal. 2004). After the subject correctly sorts
etal. 2007; Frazier etal. 2004; Homack and time (SST) task (Aron and Poldrack 2005; the cards in a series of consecutive trials, the
Riccio 2004; Lansbergen etal. 2007; Lijffijt Winstanley etal. 2006), the fixed interval sorting category is changed and the subject
etal. 2005; Martinussen etal. 2005; Romine schedule of reinforcement (Sagvolden etal. must learn the new sorting category by trial and
etal. 2004; van Mourik etal. 2005; Walshaw 1998), and CPTs. Only meta-analyses of error. An indicator of impairments in cognitive
et al. 2010; Willcutt et al. 2005). Table 2 studies of response inhibition in SST and flexibility is the tendency to make persevera-
includes the neuropsychological tasks com- CPT tasks met the criteria for inclusion in tive errors or persist in sorting the cards by the
monly used to assess these functions, the Table 2, so this discussion focuses on these previously correct category, even after being
behavioral findings obtained with ADHD two response inhibition measures. told the sorting strategy is incorrect. Four recent
individuals, and the strength of the associa- As Huizenga etal. (2009) describe, in the meta-analyses (Frazier etal. 2004; Romine etal.
tion, with the resulting effect sizes expressed SST task subjects are typically required to 2004; Walshaw etal. 2010; Willcutt etal. 2005)
as Cohensd. The inclusion criteria for Table2 make rapid choice responses to go signals computed small (0.35) to medium (0.52) effect
are similar to those for Table1: The table lists (e.g., press a button with the right hand if sizes for the differences in mean perseverative
only meta-analyses published since 2004 that they see an X and a button with the left hand errors between ADHD individuals and non-
reported effect sizes as Cohensd and that if they see an O). At random and occasional ADHD controls on the WCST (Table 2).
analyzed studies whose samples included chil- time intervals, a stop signal (e.g., the letterA ADHD individuals made more perseverative
dren. As in Table1, there is overlap in the or a tone) is presented shortly after the go errors on the WCST than did non-ADHD
studies included in the various meta-analyses signal, instructing the subject to inhibit the controls, suggesting that ADHD is associated
in Table2. already initiated response activated by the go with impaired cognitive flexibility.
Working memory. Working memory signal. As listed in Table2, since 2004, five In the Stroop task, problems in cognitive
is the ability to hold something in mind meta-analyses (Alderson etal. 2007; Frazier flexibility are measured by the degree of dif-
momentarily while doing something else or et al. 2004; Lijffijt et al. 2005; Walshaw ficulty subjects have in naming the color of the
while using the information to perform an etal. 2010; Willcutt etal. 2005) estimated ink used to print color words when the two
action (Baddeley 1986). Research indicates Cohens d effect size for SST studies that are mismatched (e.g., when the word green
that there are separate neural circuits for included or were limited to children. The is printed in blue ink). Interference scores
working memory processes that involve verbal analyses indicated that, compared with non- quantify subjects difficulty in the task, with
information (verbal working memory) versus ADHD individuals, those diagnosed with higher scores indicating greater difficulty. Effect
spatial information (spatial working memory) ADHD were consistently slower in stopping sizes for Stroop interference scores reported in
(Baddeley 1996). Myriad neuropsychological an ongoing response, suggesting difficulty in five recent meta-analyses (Frazier etal. 2004;
tasks index verbal and spatial working response inhibition. Effect sizes for stop signal Homack and Riccio 2004; Lansbergen etal.
memory function. Since 2004, three meta- reaction times in ADHD samples were in the 2007; van Mourik etal. 2005; Walshaw etal.
analyses (Martinussen etal. 2005; Walshaw moderate range (d = 0.540.63). 2010) vary widely from small (0.35) to large
etal. 2010; Willcutt etal. 2005) evaluated Commission errors (or false alarms) (1.11), making it hard to characterize the find-
studies on working memory in ADHD chil- in CPTs are also often used as a marker of ings (Table2). This inconsistency may be at
dren and adolescents. These studies found response inhibition deficits in ADHD chil- least partially due to variation in the method
moderate effect sizes ranging from 0.55 to dren. Since 2004, three meta-analyses (Frazier used to calculate the interference score across
0.63 for impairments in ADHD children etal. 2004; Walshaw etal. 2010; Willcutt studies. [For a description of different ways of
and adolescents compared with non-ADHD etal. 2005) have examined the strength of the deriving interference scores, see Homack and
controls on seven different verbal working association between CPT commission errors Riccio (2004).]
memory tasks: Digits Backward, Sentence and ADHD diagnosis in studies that included Another widely used tool for assessing
Span, Color/Digit Span, Childrens Memory children and teens and calculated Cohensd cognitive flexibility is Trails-B, in which sub-
Scale Numbers Backward, Counting Span, effect sizes (Table2). As in the SST analyses, jects are presented with numbers and letters
Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task, and the results for CPT commission errors were in inside circles that are randomly arranged on a
Self-Ordered Pointing Task (SOPT)-Objects. the moderate range (d = 0.510.56). sheet of paper. Subjects are asked to connect in
Table2 gives short descriptions of each of Cognitive flexibility. The ability to switch ascending order the numbers and letters while
these tasks. Larger effect sizes ranging from attention from one aspect of an object to alternating between them (e.g., 1A2B3
0.63 to 1.04 were observed for impairments another, or to adapt and shift ones response C4); they are asked to do this as quickly as
in children and adolescents diagnosed with based on situational demands, such as changes possible (Lezak etal. 2004). Time to complete
ADHD compared with non-ADHD con- in the rules, schedule, or type of reinforce- the task is measured, with longer response
trols in five spatial working memory tasks: ment in a task, is defined as cognitive flex- times indicative of difficulties in cognitive flex-
spatial span, a spatial working memory task ibility or set shifting (Monsell 2003; Stemme ibility. Two meta-analyses (Frazier etal. 2004;
from the Cambridge Neuropsychological etal. 2007). Tests used to assess cognitive flex- Willcutt etal. 2005) have reported medium
Test Automated Battery (CANTAB); Finger ibility in children include the Wisconsin Card effect sizes (d = 0.55 and 0.59 respectively,
Windows Test Backward; SOPT-Abstract; Sorting Test (WCST), the Stroop Color-Word as shown in Table2) as evidence of reduced
and the Spatial Span Backward task from the test (Stroop task), and the Trail Making Test cognitive flexibility in ADHD versus control
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS). Part B (Trails-B). children based on Trails-B scores.
Table 2 also provides brief descriptions of On the WCST, subjects are asked to sort Planning. Some researchers have found
these spatial working memory tasks. into two different piles a series of cards with that deficits in planning and strategy develop
Response inhibition. Response inhibition figures that can differ in color, shape, and/or ment discriminate well between children with
refers to the ability to inhibit or interrupt a number. Each time a card is sorted, the subject ADHD and those without (Papadopoulos
response during dynamic moment-to-moment receives feedback as to whether the choice was etal. 2005). ADHD children have been found
behavior (Nigg and Nikolas 2008). Key para- correct or incorrect, and based on this feed- to perform poorly in four tasks that are com-
digms that tap this ability and have shown back the subject must infer the correct category monly used to assess planning ability: Tower of
significant deficits in ADHD children are the (color, shape, or number) for sorting (Romine Hanoi (TOH) task and its variant the Tower of

Environmental Health Perspectives volume 118 | number 12 | December 2010 1649

Aguiar et al.

London (TOL) task, Porteus Maze, and Rey- between patterns of behavioral deficits on structural changes becomes evident (Nigg and
Osterrieth Complex Figure Task (ROCF). the various neuropsychological tasks and the Nikolas 2008). Overall, there is a reduction of
Tower tasks such as TOH and TOL are a three different ADHD diagnoses (ADHD-C, up to 5% in brain volume, with greater reduc-
popular neuropsychological measure of plan- ADHD-PI, and ADHD-PH), primarily tions in the prefrontal cortex, caudate nucleus,
ning (Riccio etal. 2004). The many variations because most ADHD studies, especially older cerebellum, and corpus callosum (Nigg and
of this task basically involve moving stacked studies, have not evaluated ADHD subtypes. Nikolas 2008; Valera etal. 2007) (Figure1A).
beads or disks of different sizes to new posi- Temporal information processing and Smaller brain volume tends to be associated
tions that match the model provided. This responses to reinforcement. Two other types with a greater severity of ADHD symptoms
must be accomplished in a minimum number of deficits related to the processing of tem- (Krain and Castellanos 2006).
of moves and while following rules for moving poral information and to responses to the There is strong evidence for altered cor-
the objects (e.g., only one disk can be moved reinforcing properties of rewards have been ticostriatal circuitry in ADHD. This circuit
at a time, no disk can be placed on top of a reported in ADHD children but have not includes the dorsolateral prefrontal and dorso
smaller disk) (Papadopoulos etal. 2005; Riccio been subjected to meta-analysis. These deficits anterior cingulate cortices, the dorsal striatum
etal. 2004). It is assumed that subjects will could contribute to the difficulties ADHD (especially the caudate nucleus), and the thal-
generate a more efficient solution if they plan children have in executive function tasks. amus, which links to the cerebellum (Sonuga-
a series of moves before actually beginning to Recent studies have focused increasingly on Barke 2005; Vaidya and Stollstorff 2008).
move the beads or disks (Riccio etal. 2004). temporal information processing, which is The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex has roles in
In the Porteus Maze task, subjects are pre- believed to be key to the control and modu- planning and organizing behavior, working
sented with mazes of increasing difficulty. They lation of behavior (Barkley 1997; Nigg and memory, and response inhibition (Nigg and
must find a solution (i.e., the way out) while Casey 2005). Toplak etal. (2006) reviewed Nikolas 2008). The anterior cingulate cortex
following a number of rules (e.g., no enter- 38 studies that measured temporal informa- has roles in cognition and motor control and
ing a dead end, no backtracking) (Levin etal. tion processing in ADHD children. Most of is specifically involved in processes underly-
2001). Planning the movement through the these studies used tasks in which the child was ing the arousal/drive state of the organism
maze increases the subjects ability to adhere asked to indicate the end of a specific time (Makris etal. 2009). The dorsal striatum plays
to the rules. In the ROCF, individuals are interval, either by holding down a response an important modulatory role in controlling
asked to copy and later recall a complex figure key for the specified interval or by respond- responses (Nigg and Nikolas 2008), whereas
composed of 64 segments. In both stages the ing verbally to indicate the end of the inter- the cerebellum is important for coordinating
examiner can rate the accuracy of the different val. There were no external cues by which the motor activities as well as timing and shifting
lines as well as the level of organization when child could estimate the interval. Most studies attention (Krain and Castellanos 2006).
clustering lines during the copying and recall found poor time estimation in children with Bilateral prefrontal cortices, the right cau-
phases (Sami etal. 2003). Higher levels of ADHD, especially when longer time intervals date, and regions of the cerebellum were all
organization are indicative of better strategic were employed. found to be reduced in size in a meta-analysis
planning. Three recent meta-analyses (Frazier In terms of responses to reinforcement, of structural MRI findings (Valera et al.
etal. 2004; Walshaw etal. 2010; Willcutt Luman et al. (2005) reviewed 22 studies 2007), whereas the left dorsolateral prefrontal
etal. 2005) indicate effect sizes in the low to comparing the responses of children with and anterior cingulate cortices, right caudate,
medium range (d = 0.240.69) (Table2) for and without an ADHD diagnosis to rein- and right thalamus were shown to be hypo
the differences between ADHD individu- forcement contingencies in a variety of tasks. active in a meta-analysis of functional MRI
als and non-ADHD controls in these four The authors concluded that ADHD is associ- data from ADHD individuals performing
planning tasks. ated with increased weighting of near-term tests of executive functioning (Dickstein etal.
Summary of meta-analytic studies. In over long-term (but larger) rewards, positive 2006).
summary, meta-analyses indicate that per- response to high-intensity reinforcement, and A limited number of functional MRI
formance is impaired in ADHD individuals a lack of a physiological response, such as studies suggest alterations in functional con-
on a large number of attention and execu- heart rate acceleration, to potential rewards. nections between components of the cortico
tive function tasks. Within the attention and The pattern of results in these studies suggests limbic circuit (Vaidya and Stollstorff 2008).
executive function domains, larger deficits are that ADHD children have difficulty reasoning This circuit includes the orbitofrontal and
found on tasks measuring vigilance, working about rewards and, as a result, do not respond anterior cingulate cortices, the ventral stria-
memory (especially spatial working memory), appropriately to reinforcements. Although tum (especially the nucleus accumbens),
and response inhibition abilities, whereas abnormalities in responses to reinforcement the thalamus, and regions of the amygdala
smaller but significant deficits are also seen on have been studied in the context of motiva- (Sonuga-Barke 2005; Vaidya and Stollstorff
tasks measuring alertness, cognitive flexibility, tion, they could be related to impairments in 2008) (Figure1). The orbitofrontal cortex
and planning abilities. There is overlap in the executive functioning, especially in the case of integrates sensory and affective information as
studies included in some of the meta-analyses difficulties in weighing near-term versus long- part of reward processing, whereas the ventral
discussed herein. Thus, the individual analy- term rewards. striatum has roles in reward-related emotion
ses cannot be taken as totally independent and motivation (Fareri etal. 2008).
indicators of the effect. Also, deficits on any Neural Imaging Studies of
single test of attention or executive function ADHD Patients Neurochemistry of ADHD
are not sufficient for a diagnosis of ADHD The heterogeneity in symptoms and func- Converging lines of evidence argue that dys-
(e.g., Homack and Riccio 2004) or for differ- tional deficits observed in ADHD is paral- functional catecholaminergic signaling under-
entiating ADHD from other mental or learn- leled by heterogeneity in the results of brain lies the cognitive alterations seen with ADHD
ing disorders (e.g., Walshaw etal. 2010). This imaging studies. Although many individuals (Vaidya and Stollstorff 2008). The prefrontal
should not be surprising given the great het- with ADHD do not have abnormal structural cortex receives both dopaminergic and nor
erogeneity of symptoms across affected indi- magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) results, adrenergic innervation, whereas the striatum
viduals. Finally, meta-analyses to date have when the results are considered across indi- has generous dopaminergic innervation but
lacked in-depth analyses of the associations viduals in an ADHD sample, a pattern of sparse noradrenergic innervation (Figure1B,C).

1650 volume 118 | number 12 | December 2010 Environmental Health Perspectives

Brain functions and ADHD

In these regions, both of which are implicated the relative levels of monoamines (including Genomewide linkage scans, which are fam-
in ADHD, catecholaminergic systems modulate serotonin) may be more important than abso- ily based, and genomewide association studies
glutaminergic and GABAergic (-aminobutyric lute levels (Winstanley etal. 2006). However, (GWAS), which are population based, differ
acid) neurotransmitter release (Brennan and these ambiguities should not distract from the from candidate gene studies in that the entire
Arnsten 2008). Catecholaminergic transporters, large body of evidence that implicates altera- genome is analyzed without apriori hypothe
including both dopamine and norepinephrine tions in dopaminergic and noradrenergic sig- ses (Franke etal. 2009). These approaches
transporters, exert an important influence on naling as important underlying factors in the can suggest novel genes that may be involved
dopamine neurotransmission in the prefrontal pathogenesis of ADHD. in the pathogenesis of ADHD. Although
cortex and striatum. genomewide linkage scans have identified
Although the exact nature of the neuro- Genetics of ADHD chromosome regions that might contain
chemical deficits underlying ADHD is still ADHD is a highly heritable disorder based genes associated with ADHD (reviewed by
unknown, there is evidence that hypoactivity on findings from family, twin, and adoption Smith etal. 2009), the findings have not rep-
of frontostriatal dopamine circuits (reviewed studies. The risk of ADHD in parents and licated well across studies (Zhou etal. 2008).
by Swanson etal. 2007) and abnormal nor siblings of children with ADHD is increased This may be attributable partly to the fact
adrenergic signaling (Brennan and Arnsten two to eight times (Franke etal. 2009), with that linkage studies are best able to identify
2008) play a role. Imaging studies have iden- heritability estimated at 76% based on pooled polymorphisms that account for 10% of
tified apparent increases of dopamine trans- data from twin studies (Franke etal. 2009; the phenotypic variance of a disorder (Franke
porter and dopamine D2 receptor numbers Smith etal. 2009). Hence, much effort has etal. 2009). The absence of significant find-
in ADHD patients (Nikolaus et al. 2007), focused on genetic studies of ADHD. ings from genomewide linkage studies suggests
although a recent study in medication-naive Candidate gene studies focus on specific that the effects of DNA risk variants are indi-
ADHD adults found decreases in dopamine genes identified apriori as important in neu- vidually very small despite the high heritability
transporter and dopamine D2/3 receptors rotransmitter pathways relevant to ADHD of ADHD (Faraone etal. 2008). In line with
(Volkow etal. 2009). Finally, the improve- (Brookes etal. 2006; Nigg and Nikolas 2008). this, a recent meta-analysis of seven ADHD
ments in symptoms seen with medications that Polymorphisms in the dopamine transporter genomewide linkage studies identified a signif-
target catecholaminergic systems indirectly gene (DAT1, SLC6A3) and the dopamine4 icant signal on chromosome16, whereas none
suggest dysfunctional dopaminergic signaling (D4) receptor gene (DRD4) have been most of the individual studies was able to detect a
in ADHD. Effective pharmacotherapies for often associated with ADHD; other candidate signal at that location (Zhou etal. 2008), sug-
ADHD include stimulant medications, such genes with significant associations in meta- gesting that combining individual studies to
as methylphenidate and amphetamine, which analyses include the dopamine D5 recep- increase power may be a valuable approach.
increase synaptic dopamine release (Madras tor (DRD5), serotonin transporter (5HTT, GWAS is a more powerful, unbiased method
etal. 2005; Pliszka 2005). Other beneficial SLC6A4), serotonin receptor 1B (5HT1B, used to search for risk genes of smaller effect
medications include the norepinephrine trans- HTR1B), and synaptosomal-associated (Psychiatric GWAS Consortium Coordinating
porter inhibitor atomoxetine, which inhibits protein 25 (SNAP25) (Gizer et al. 2009; Committee et al. 2009). So far, GWAS of
the reuptake of dopamine in the prefrontal Smith et al. 2009). Polymorphisms in the ADHD has produced a limited number of signif-
cortex, and the 2A agonist guanfacine, which nore pinephrine transporter gene (NET1, icant findings and little overlap between studies
increases delay-related firing in the prefrontal SLC6A2) also have been associated with (Banaschewski etal. 2010; Franke etal. 2009).
cortex (Brennan and Arnsten 2008; Madras ADHD (e.g., Brookes etal. 2006; Kim etal. However, genes related to cellcell communi-
etal. 2005; Pliszka 2005). 2008), although meta-analytic findings have cation and adhesion, neuronal migration, and
ADHD cannot be explained by simple not been strong for NET1. Overall, the asso- potassium-related signaling are commonly found
deficiencies or excesses of synaptic cate- ciations from candidate gene studies have in the top ADHD GWAS rankings, suggesting
cholamines (Pliszka 2005). Alterations in the been very modest, with no gene accounting candidate genes for further study (Banaschewski
interactions between neurotransmitter sys- for >34% of the total variance in ADHD etal. 2010; Franke etal. 2009). Much remains
tems are likely to better explain ADHD. Also, phenotype (Smith etal. 2009). to be understood about the genetic causes of
Dopamine system Norepinephrine system
Nucleus Caudate Putamen
accumbens nucleus Thalamus Nucleus Striatum Cortex
Anterior accumbens
cingulate cortex
Corpus callosum

Prefrontal cortex

cortex Temporal
lobe Thalamus
Amygdala Ventral tegmental area
Substantia nigra Locus coeruleus
Cerebellum Cerebellum
Spinal cord

Figure 1. Neuroanatomical structures and dopaminergic and noradrenergic neuronal projections that have roles in ADHD. The illustrations are of the medial surface
of a hemisected human brain. (A) Reductions in prefrontal cortical, caudate nucleus, corpus callosum, and cerebellar volumes are seen in ADHD. Altered function-
ing of the anterior cingulate and orbitofrontal cortices, the amygdala, and the nucleus accumbens has also been demonstrated in ADHD. The striatum includes the
caudate nucleus, the putamen, and the nucleus accumbens. (B) Dopaminergic neurons that are important in ADHD arise in the ventral tegmental area of the mid-
brain and project to the frontal cortical and limbic structures, where they serve to modulate neurochemical signaling. Other dopaminergic neurons arise from the
substantia nigra and project to the striatum, where they participate in controlling voluntary movement. (C) Noradrenergic neurons arise from the locus coeruleus
and project to numerous structures including the prefrontal cortex, the limbic system, the thalamus, and the cerebellum. Adapted from Bear etal. (2001).

Environmental Health Perspectives volume 118 | number 12 | December 2010 1651

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1. Fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork, Brennan AR, Arnsten AF. 2008. Neuronal mechanisms underly-
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6. Avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant about engaging in tasks that require sustained mental Cohen J. 1988. Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral
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7. Loses things necessary for tasks or activities (e.g., toys, school assignments, or tools) Dickstein SG, Bannon K, Castellanos FX, Milham MP. 2006.
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