Dr. Sandra Elizabeth Ford's M.O.R.E. Program For Moms: and Her Personal Mother's Day Greeting To All Mothers
Dr. Sandra Elizabeth Ford's M.O.R.E. Program For Moms: and Her Personal Mother's Day Greeting To All Mothers
Dr. Sandra Elizabeth Ford's M.O.R.E. Program For Moms: and Her Personal Mother's Day Greeting To All Mothers
the DeKalb FRIDAY, MAY 12, 2017 VOL. 20, NO. 6 FREE
Serving East Atlanta, Avondale Estates, Brookhaven, Chamblee, Clarkston, Decatur, Doraville, Dunwoody, Lithonia, Pine Lake, Stone Mountain, Stonecrest and Tucker A PUBLICATION OF ACE III COMMUNICATIONS
by John Hewitt C-section. She asked the attendants to
find her grandmother, who was in the
eKalb County District dining area. Ford said her grandmother
Director of Public Health scrubbed up and off they went to the
Dr. Sandra Elizabeth operating room. The scenario was far
Ford is a woman who from what Ford had so meticulously
precisely plans every planned.
aspect of her life. She Ultimately, everything turned out
also has a passion for young moms and well for Ford and her son Nicholas. Dr. Sandra Elizabeth Ford and son Nicholas
wants to provide support to those moms Reflecting on the situation Ford said
and their infants. She has drawn from she asked herself what she really
personal experience of the uncertainties needed at that time. The answer to her
of childbirth and single motherhood in own question was that she needed her
creating a program to help others. mother.
As a young full-time pediatrician, Fast forward to 2005, when Ford
Ford was expecting her first child and became district director of the DeKalb
was about to be a single mother. She County Board of Health. She was
described herself, as well as other reviewing infant mortality rates and
doctors, as control freaks. In addition to discovered what she referred to as a
practicing medicine, Ford was attending staggering difference between the rates
night classes while pursuing her MBA reported by the cities of Dunwoody and
and was pregnant. But she had her life Lithonia. The mortality rate for moms in
under control. She had planned every the Lithonia area was 13.5 percent
detail of her delivery and the days and compared to a national average of 5-6
nights following. percent, which was also the rate in the
Fords plan was to deliver her child Dunwoody area.
in the hospital where she was working. Around that same time, DeKalb
She had picked her specific rooma Commissioner Larry Johnson shared
corner room with more privacy. Ford said with Ford that he had funding available
she had planned who would be with her to address infant mortality rates and
during her delivery, who would be with that he wanted a program designed
her during her recovery and who would with a goal of reducing infant mortalities
be with her when she brought her new countywide. Ford accepted the challenge
bundle of joy home. She had the perfect and told Johnson she could handle the
plan, so she thought. When recalling request. This was the beginning of the Kassie Bennett, a M.O.R.E. staff member, with Minton
this, Ford chuckled and said When you M.O.R.E (Mothers Offering Resources
plan, God laughs. and Education) Moms program.
However, all of those plans for the M.O.R.E. matches young mothers with the moms would help during and after
birth of her first child did not play out trained resource moms who help before, their pregnancies with issues such as
the way she thought they would. Fords during and after pregnancy health care for the new moms and their
water broke unexpectedly while she Six women were initially recruited as infants, healthy eating, breastfeeding,
was at home, in bed and alone. Her first moms to serve as mentors and provide parenting skills and even how to properly
inclination was to change the linens on support to young mothers. The message use a child safety seat.
her bed so she would return home to a conveyed to expectant mothers was that See Moms on page 5
by R. Scott Belzer
[email protected]
Flowers Parklocated at
5910 New Peachtree Road in
Doravilleechoed the sounds
of steel drums, trumpets,
saxophones, bongo drums,
keyboards, maracas and
guitar as the seven-piece band
played Buffett favorites such
as Cheeseburger in Paradise,
Margaritaville, Son of a
Son of a Sailor, Fins, Come
Monday, Its Five OClock
Somewhere,, sending attendees
straight to the dance floor.
Jimmy Buffett tribute band A1Anamed after the coastal Florida highwayplayed Buffett favorites such as Fins, Cheeseburger in Paradise, Margaritaville,
A1A also treated guests to Son of a Son of a Sailor, Come Monday, Its Five OClock Somewhere, as well as classic reggae and original music. Photos by R. Scott Belzer
classic reggae and original
music in the trop-rock genre.
Three food trucks kept guests
stomachs full.
AVONDALE ESTATES DeKalb watershed management to host work-
Comedy show to benefit CARE
The DeKalb County Department of Watershed
Avondale Estates Towne Cinema will host the Management (DWM) will host its second Industrial
sketch and improve comedy show Folks to Give on Pretreatment Program (IPP) Stakeholder Workshop
May 25 from 8 to 11 p.m. May 25, 1:30-3:30 p.m. at 4572 Memorial Drive in
The eventa partnership between Atlanta Ex- Decatur.
plained, Flying Giants and Decaturish.comwill At the workshop, companies permitted by the
benefit CARE, a non-profit organization focused on countys IPP program will receive updates on organi-
fighting global poverty. zational and programmatic changes implemented to
Flying Giants is a comedy team responsible for improve compliance with county rules and ordinances,
The Internet is Trying to Kill You, sketch comedy show the Federal Clean Water Act and the Georgia Water
as well as bimonthly comedy shows throughout the Quality Control Act. Attendees will have an opportu- City to host Color Vibe 5K
metro Atlanta area. nity to discuss the program implementation and ask
Atlanta Explained is a comedy show based on questions or suggest modifications. Stone Mountain will host the annual Color Vibe 5K
news media and how people consume it. The troupe DeKalb County is currently under a federally May 20 at VFW Field beginning at 9 a.m. VFW Field
regularly performs at the Village Theatre. The team is mandated consent decree related to the operation and is located at 888 Gordon Street. For more information,
responsible for The Atlanta Banana, Atlantas satirical maintenance of the sewer system. The goal of IPP is to visit www.thecolorvibe.com/atlanta.
prevent further deterioration of pipes and other parts
online newspaper.
According to event organizers, the talent and event of the system. The IPP also prevents the introduc-
space are being donated. tion of pollutants to county treatment plants that may
Folks to Give tickets are $20 for general admission pass through into rivers, lakes and streams, adversely
and $35 for VIP passes. VIP passes grant front row impacting the environment.
seats. While these requirements have been in place for Middle school to host chess fair
Attendees are encouraged to purchase tickets early. years, DWM has enhanced enforcement to ensure that
For more information, visit http://www.brownpaper- the county and industries in the county permitted by Stone Mountain Middle Schoollocated at 4301
tickets.com/event/2931737. the IPP are up to current regulatory standards. Ad- Starr Parkwayis scheduled to host the fifth annual
ditionally, DWM is actively identifying industries that DeKalb County School District (DCSD) Chess Fair on
are required by law to be permitted by the program. May 13 from 9 a.m. to noon.
DeKalb Countys IPP is under the oversight of the DCSD officials invite all district parents and
BROOKHAVEN Georgia Environmental Protection Division and the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
students to participate in the fair, which will host
games at the novice, intermediate and expert levels.
The IPP Workshop is limited to 60 participants and After 15 minutes, point rules will be enforced to
is open to both regulated industries and the public. To ensure a game for all attending players.
City to host meeting on overlay project reserve space in the workshop, send an email request Parents must register students at the welcome table
to [email protected]. Questions about and go to the designated parent area. All students must
The first Brookhaven Peachtree Overlay Update public the event should be addressed to Bernard Bethea, be accompanied by an adult.
meeting will be held May 18 at 6:30 p.m., at St. Mar- pretreatment supervisor, at brbethea@dekalbcountyga.
tins Episcopal Church. The church is located at 3110 gov or 404-687-7147. General inquiries or questions
Ashford Dunwoody Road. For more information, visit about the IPP may be sent to IPP@DeKalbCountyGA. City to have state of the city address
www.brookhavenga.gov. gov
Tucker will have its first state of the city address
May 12 at city hall annex, 1-3 p.m. City hall annex is
located at 4228 1st Avenue. For more information, visit
DECATUR CLARKSTON www.tuckerga.gov.
come to
by Horace Holloman
[email protected]
Longtime DeKalb County resident Patricia
Culp said she was disappointed about the
condition of a playground where local children
play. She, along with members of the Cedar
Grove Neighborhood Association (CGNA),
decided to do something about it.
Culp, president of CGNA, said the
association worked with county officials to
fund a new playground for the area.
The process took nearly two and a half
years but on April 29, Culp and CGNA
members witnessed their hard work come to
fruition as the county unveiled Bouldercrest
Park during a ribbon cutting ceremony with
DeKalb County Department of Recreation,
Parks and Cultural Affairs.
The park, located at 4184 Bouldercrest
Park Road, features a new playground and a
recently installed library box.
The original playground was in really
bad shape. We decided we wanted to get an
initiative started to get a new playground,
Culp said. We just wanted a better
playground for our kids. I have lived here for
25 years and Im happy to live in this part of
DeKalb County.
She said community support helped the
process along with the support of the county.
She said shes pleased to see the county is
committed to keeping the parks green space
DeKalb County CEO Michael Thurmond
at the dedication ceremony said CGNAs effort
is something to be admired.
This is wonderful. This is a great day,
not just for the Cedar Grove Neighborhood
Association, but a great day for DeKalb. This
is evidence that when citizens take control of
their destiny, we can improve the quality of
life throughout the county, Thurmond said.
Culp said the improvements for the park
are not finished. She said she would like to add
signage to the park as well as an informational
booth about the parks history.
More than 35 children, adults and CGNA
officials were on site for the dedication
ceremony. Many of whom wasted no time
enjoying some of the new equipment.
Were trying to encourage people to step
up and be a part of their community. We had
to come together and make this a park that
people want to be proud of, Culp said.
DeKalb County Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Affairs and the Cedar Grove Neighborhood Association held the official opening
and ribbon-cutting ceremony for Bouldercrest Parks new playground April 29. Photos provided
LOCAL DEKALB FREE PRESS Friday, May 12, 2017 Page 5
A Mothers
Staff members Kassie Bennett and Dorothy Winfrey distribute M.O.R.E. information at a community
event. Day Message
MOMS Continued From Page 1
For the next several years, the
M.O.R.E. program flourished under Wishing a Happy
Fords guidance with its limited Mothers Day to all those who
budget and staff.
At the eight-year celebration take on the toughest yet most
of M.O.R.E., Ford had a chance
encounter with pregnant 13-year-old rewarding responsibility on
who was attending the event. The
young woman asked Ford, Does it earth, and to the villages that
hurt to have a baby? Ford said she
replied with Yes! Have you had any
support usmost especially
classes or anything? No maam, my wonderful M.O.R.E.
the soon-to-be mom replied, Im
in a girls home. Ford asked who Moms! I am so proud of
would be with her when she had her
baby. The girl replied she would be
both the women that join the
alone. That ripped me to shreds, program, and of our team
Ford said.
Fords chance encounter with
M.O.R.E. Moms participant Lisa Tullis and
that assists them in every
this young lady was the catalyst
to include more services to young
daughter Ebony
imaginable way.Though
mothers and Ford set up training
programs for the moms to act as Ford hopes the next expansion I love what I do at DeKalb
of the M.O.R.E. program will be
doulas who can assist the expectant
to have a residential facility where
Board of Health, being a
mothers during their delivery.
Most of the women who receive young mothers can come for mother is the job I love the
assistance through the M.O.R.E. additional life-skills training. She
program are single teens, Ford said, said having a facility would be a most, and I am grateful to
and dont have any concept of what really, really big component.
childbirth is like. The program has helped more have a program that does
As the M.O.R.E. program than 5,000 mothers and babies so much to support both
continued to expand its since opening its doors and now
services, it morphed into a more serves more than 1,000 moms with mothers and children.
comprehensive program that an annual budget of $250,000. She
provides self-esteem training, plans to ask DeKalb CEO Michael
language skills, job training and Thurmond for a portion of DeKalbs
support services so the young SPLOST funds to increase the
mothers can continue their services provided and hopefully Wishing you peace and pampering
educational pursuits. Ford said find a physical facility. This is my (and rest),
one former participant now has baby; M.O.R.E. Moms is my baby,
everybody knows it, Ford said.
Nicks Mom
her Ph.D. and often attends
meetings presented by M.O.R.E. She credits the success of the aka Elizabeth Ford, MD, MBA
to encourage the mothers to take program to the women who serve district health director/CEO
advantage of the program and to as surrogate moms. The women on DeKalb County Board of Health
continue to pursue their dreams and our team are so phenomenal, she
careers. said.
OPINION DEKALB FREE PRESS Friday, May 12, 2017 Page 6
the DeKalb
Publisher: Photographer: STATEMENT FROM THE
John Hewitt Travis Hudgons
Chief Financial Officer: Staff Reporters: We sincerely appreciate the
discussion surrounding this and any
Let Us Know What You Think! Dr. Earl D. Glenn Carla Parker issue of interest to DeKalb County.
SEND LETTERS TO EDITOR, R. Scott Belzer The Champion was founded in 1991
THE CHAMPION FREE PRESS encourages opinions Production Manager: Horace Holloman expressly to provide a forum for
The DeKalb Free Press, discourse for all community residents
from its readers. Please write to us and express your P. O. Box 1347, Decatur, GA 30031-1347; Kemesha Wadley on all sides of an issue. We have no
views. Letters should be brief, typewritten and contain Send email to [email protected] desire to make the news only to
FAX To: (404) 370-3903; Phone: (404) 373-7779. The DeKalb Free Press is published each Friday report news and opinions to effect
the writers name, address and telephone number for Deadline for news releases and advertising: by ACE III Communications, Inc., a more educated citizenry that will
verification. All letters will be considered for publication. Thursday, one week prior to publication date. 114 New Street, Suite E, Decatur, GA. 30030 ultimately move our community
forward. We are happy to present
Phone (404) 373-7779. ideas for discussion; however,
EDITORS NOTE: The opinions written by columnists and contributing editors do not necessarily reflect the opinions www.championnewspaper.com we make every effort to avoid
of the editor or publishers. The Publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement at any time. The printing information submitted to
us that is known to be false and/or
Publisher is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts. DISPLAY ADVERTISING (404) 373-7779 x 110 assumptions penned as fact.
LOCAL DEKALB FREE PRESS Friday, May 12, 2017 Page 8
Mobility: Adjust complementary ADA service to reflect the modified route alignments to
comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
All route information, a video with Hearing information & comment forms are available at www.itsmarta.com
Copies of the proposed Budgets and Bus Service Modifications will also be available for public viewing at MARTAs Headquarters Office of External
Affairs, 2424 Piedmont Road, N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30324 during regular business hours, Mon-Fri 8:30 am to 5 pm.
For formats (FREE of charge) in accordance with the ADA and Limited English Proficiency regulations contact, (404) 848-4037. For those patrons
requiring further accommodations, information can be obtained by calling the Telephone Device for the Deaf (TDD) at 404 848-5665.
In addition, a sign language interpreter will be available at all hearings. If you cannot attend the hearings and want to provide comments you may: (1)
leave a message at (404) 848-5299; (2) write to MARTAs Office of External Affairs, 2424 Piedmont Road, N.E. Atlanta, GA 30324-3330; (3) complete
an online Comment Card at www.itsmarta.com; (4) or fax your comments no later than May 26, 2017 to (404) 848-4179.
All citizens of the City of Atlanta and the counties of Fulton, DeKalb, Clayton and Gwinnett whose interests are affected by the subjects to be consid-
ered at these hearings are hereby notified and invited to appear at said times and places and present such evidence, comment or objection as their
interests require.
Kyle Brooks said he was told by a DeKalb County Code Enforcement officer that the displays in his yard are not art.
Art or violation?
Local artist told displays violate code
College student vows to change future, wins award
supporters and friends. who is he to tell me whats art?
by Horace Holloman Brooks created a post on Brooks said.
[email protected] his Facebook page Black Cat County officials said the
Tipsthe art of Kyle Brooks, issue isnt with the content
Local artist Kyle black cat and shared his accounts of of Brooks art, but the size of
tips Brooks has made a name what happened. He wrote, his displays. According to the
for himself selling his artwork We moved here because we county, Brooks was cited for
in the Atlanta area. Brooks, wanted to make the area even non-permitted signs. Kyle Brooks, who lives off Klondike Road in Lithonia, said he removed his lawn
a DeKalb County resident better and be a light in the DeKalb County Code, displays because he didnt want any trouble.
for more than a decade, said community. Happy, fun art Chapter 21, prohibits the
he purchased his home and should not be illegal. posting, displaying or erecting
land near Lithonia because he As of May 8, Brooks of signs without a valid sign
wanted a place to display his Facebook post was shared permit. Signs in residential
material. more than 1,000 times. areas shall be no greater than
However, some people Nonetheless, Brooks front yard 24 square feet in size and no
are questioning whether his does not currently showcase [higher than] 4 feet above
artwork is in violation of the any large displays of smiling the ground. In this case, the
countys code. Brooks said he faces. Brooks said he removed residents signs are greater than
was told by DeKalb County his artwork because he didnt the measurements allowed
Code Enforcement that his want any trouble. under the code. His court
displays were illegal. Without Brooks, who lives off date is not punitive; rather, a
warning, Brooks was given a Klondike Road in Lithonia, decision will be made by the
court date for May 23 to answer said hes overwhelmed by judge whether the pieces on his
to his alleged violations, he the community support hes property fit the definition of
said. receiving. He said several a sign or not, county officials
No letters, no calls... people called code enforcement said in a statement.
nothing, Brooks said. I got officials on his behalf. Brooks said he wants
a visit last week from a code Initially, Brooks said his his house to be known as
enforcement officer and he interaction with the code a stopping point for the
went on to tell me I was in enforcement officer didnt community and create a
violation of the countys code bother him until he was told conversation.
and what I was doing was that his displays were not art. Most of my art is just dogs,
illegal. I can go to court and The [code enforcement bears, smiley faces and funny
I can talk to the judge and officer] pointed at the different stuff. It makes me happy, and
maybe they could just give me things in my yard...he said in turn it makes other people
a fine, but I thought no, this anything with words on it cant happy, Brooks said.
happened to me for a reason be art...in my head I thought I According to county officials, DeKalb County resident Kyle Brooks is in violation
and I want to tell all my art dont think thats legitimate... of county code because of the size of his lawn displays.
LOCAL DEKALB FREE PRESS Friday, May 12, 2017 Page 10
Brookhaven closes
on purchase of
greenspace at PDK
by Carla Parker
[email protected]
Brookhaven finalized
the purchase of 33 acres of
greenspace near DeKalb-
Peachtree Airport (PDK) April
28, the city announced May 1.
The closing came three
months after Brookhaven
City Council signed off on an
intergovernmental agreement
to purchase and preserve
the space. The councils
action followed a unanimous
vote by the DeKalb County
Commission authorizing
the sale of the tract for $5.7
Former Liverpool player and team legend Phil Neal visited local soccer players at the Clarkston Community Center on April 29 thanks to the efforts of one supporters million to the city. As part of
club and one metro Atlanta nonprofit. Photos submitted.
the agreement, Brookhaven
Mercedes-Benz USA CEO and President Dietmar Exler (center) joined students from Emory University Goizueta Busi-
DeKalb County District Attorney Sherry Boston visits with leaders ness School May 4 as the keynote speaker for the Goizueta IMPACT Showcase Day. Photo provided
representing the East DeKalb Boys & Girls Club on May 3, announcing a
partnership between the county and the club. Photo submitted.
Councilman Ahmed Hassan had doubts about passing a Clarkston City Council passed a symbolic non-detainer policy on May 2 following outcry Glory Kilanko urged Clarkston City Council to keep its
non-detainer policy following a closed-door meeting with from the public and a meeting with immigration officials. Photo by R. Scott Belzer word and pass a non-detainer policy on May 2. Photo
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials on by R. Scott Belzer
May 2, but the measure unanimously passed. Photo by R.
Scott Belzer
by R. Scott Belzer immigration-related lawsuits.
ICE detainers are not
Council members met
Clarkston passes non-detainer policy, limiting
related businesses catering businesses in the two areas. Jr., president of H. J. Russell supported one another while
the dinner, which included Participants in the 2017
traditional foods from Syria, Clarkston and East Lake
Estonia and West Africa. cohorts are 93 percent minority
I know this gives the owned, 72 percent female
food businesses a little higher led, 28 percent foreign born.
profile at this event, remarked Approximately 41 percent
have employees other than the
Brian Goebel, Start: Me
program director, who joked owners and 31 percent have
that it would have been nice started previous ventures.
to have had a tree-trimming After the first couple of
program since trees that fell years, I thought there was no
during an afternoon storm way we could find another
16 small businesses in the
Monday, May 15, 2017 Special trusts have been set up by vendors and suppliers
of Frito Lay to pay asbestos victims:
TIME LOCATION If you ever worked at Frito Lay you may have been exposed to asbestos -
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Lung Cancer (even if you are a smoker) - or Esophageal, Laryngeal, Pharyn-
geal, Stomach, Colon, Rectal Cancer or Mesothelioma, or know
The DeKalb County Board of Education will hold a public budget someone who died from one of these cancers, call
hearing to solicit feedback from the public regarding the 2017-
2018 school systems budget. The proposed FY20172018 General
Fund Tentative Budget contains full funding for the salary
increases granted by the Board during mid-year FY2017 (1.5% and
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No representation is made that the quality of legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.
EDUCATION DEKALB FREE PRESS Friday, May 12, 2017 Page 15
According to DeKalb County School District board member Stan Jester, classroom sizes throughout the district have shrank. Champion file photo
Upcoming Events
May 16 July 13
Business-after-Hours - 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. General membership meeting Featuring Roosevelt
Harken Health, 158 West Ponce de Leon avenue, Council, Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta International
Decatur airport - 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
May 25 August 28
2017 apex Business awards - 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 13th Annual Golf Classic - 8:00 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Georgia Piedmont Technical College, Conference 4th Annual WELD Womens Golf Clinic 1:00 p.m.
Center, 495 North Indian Creek Drive, Clarkston to 3:30 p.m.
June 1 September
young Professionals of DeKalb after Hours General membership meeting Featuring Chris Carr,
5:30 to 7:00 p.m. attorney General, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Fogo de Chau, 4671 ashford Dunwoody Rd NE,
Dunwoody October 18-26
Discover and Explore Tuscany
June 15
General membership meeting For more information and to register for any of these
Featuring Pete Correll events, please visit www.dekalbchamber.
Grady memorial Hospital - 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
CLASSIFIED DEKALB FREE PRESS Friday, May 12, 2017 Page 17
The Champion is not responsible for any damages resulting from advertisements. All sales final.
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SPORTS DEKALB FREE PRESS Friday, May 12, 2017 Page 18
Arabia Mountain boys and girls track and field teams are hoping to win their first state titles. Photos by Carla Parker
by Carla Parker
[email protected]
Art, career exploration, community
service, fitness fieldtrips, guest
speakers, sports workshops,
swimming, tutorial and more!
Call now to
reserve space
per week
Junior Olena Bilukha improved to 52-0 The No. 1 doubles team of sophomore
in her career after winning the No. 1
singles match.
Madeline Meer and freshman Madison
Trinh won its match. www.dekalbcountypalplus.org
LOCAL DEKALB FREE PRESS Friday, May 12, 2017 Page 20
Golden Glide closes its doors
I remember. Youre in a skating Just hearing about it
by Horace Holloman rink locked in all night, said reminded me of all the
[email protected] DeKalb County resident memories of when I used to go
Joshua Bowens, 30. there when I was younger, said
Bowens, who currently Jeff Killins. I could barely
Social media was abuzz
resides in Tucker, said he skate, but Id still go out there.
the first week of May as many
grew up with fond memories Killins said he found out
DeKalb County residents
of Golden Glide. He said the via social media that Golden
discovered a popular skating
experience is similar to the Glide would be closing. He
rink would be shutting down.
movie ATLa metro-Atlanta said the rink was one of the last
Golden Glide, a skating
based film starring rapper Tip positive landmarks in that area Popular DeKalb County skating rink Golden Glide officially closed its
rink in Decatur, announced doors April 30, according to a company administrator.
Harris that follows the life of of DeKalb County.
it would be closing due to
four friends participating in I went to school in
financial difficulties.
skate battles. DeKalb County from when I
The rink, located on
You had crews out there was 4 until I was 13. A large
2750 Wesley Chapel Road, is
that could actually skate. They part of my childhood was in
advertised as a family-friendly
had games and benches and DeKalb County and going
business. An administrator
girls out there. You try to do to skating rinks and going to
with Golden Glide confirmed
your thing. At that time, I liked Golden Glide, Killins said.
that the business officially shut
the inline skates because I used Youve got liquor stores and
down April 30. The Champion
to be a blader, Bowens said. 12 wing places within a block
made phone calls to the owner,
Golden Glide had a from each other. To see our
but the calls were not returned
farewell skate party April only skating rink go away,
as of press time.
30 attended by an estimated its just sad. But at the same
Many people said they hate
1,300 people. On the businesss time, times are changing. We
to see the once-popular skating
website is a message that states, need another way to get kids
rink rolling out for the last
Effective immediately, Golden involved.
Glide is closed for business.
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