Federal Reserve Rico

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Keywords: andrew jackson shut down rothschild bank and its illegal

charging of interest for printing money out of thin air and secret loans
to shell owned banks that they own and control


How the Fed Prints Money Under the Guise

of Currency Swaps
Eric J. Fry February 2, 2012

Whoops!Oh dear!It looks like Ben fell off the wagon again!

Such a shame. He had been doing so well ever since he put that bottle of Old Q.E. back on the
shelf last June and got sober. But a few weeks back, he tripped up on his 12-step program and
started nipping at the bottle again. Slowly at first then to excess.

Yes, its true, dear reader, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, is printing money again.
Thats bad enough. But this time, after he prints it, he sends it over to Europe. Crazy, but true.
The chart below tells the tale. It shows the quantity of currency swaps on the Feds balance

What are these things?

Technically, they are an exchange of one currency for another currency. Functionally, they are a

Typically, one side of the swap pays interest to the other side of the swap, depending on the
prevailing interest rate differentials between the two currencies. [For more about swaps, click
here.] During the crisis of 2008-9, the Fed supplied nearly $600 billion of this form of credit to
various financial institutions. Eventually, as credit conditions improved, the borrowers unwound
these swaps, causing them to disappear completely from the Feds balance sheetuntil late last

The Fed is ramping up its currency swap activity again. As we noted in the January 6th edition
of The Daily Reckoning:

Whenever a central bank cannot provide direct, overt assistance to a specific insolvent
investment bank or government, not to worry, a central bank can still provide indirect, covert

The recently announced backdoor bailout of European financial institutions illustrates the
point. The European Central Bank (ECB) cannot directly bail out the insolvent governments of
Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, et al. Meanwhile, the US Federal Reserve cannot directly rescue
Europes insolvent banks.

Enter the indirect bailouts Heres how they work:

The Fed extends unlimited lines of credit to the ECB under so-called swap agreements. The
ECB, in turn, provides dirt-cheap capital to Europes struggling banks. Then, the banks
understanding an unspoken quid pro quo use the dirt-cheap financing to buy the high-yielding
bonds of Greece, Italy, Spain, et cetera.

So if you follow the money, the Fed is lending money to the Greek governmentand all along
the way, the insolvent European banks are making money they dont deserve to make, while US
taxpayers are losing money they dont deserve to lose

As recently as a few weeks ago, the amount of dollar swaps i.e., loans with the ECB was only
$2.4 billion. For the week ending December 14, however, the amount jumped to $54 billion,
the Journal reports Thus far, the Feds indirect bailout of Europe is relatively small, at a mere
$62 billion. But we should expect that number to growa lot. And as that number grows, the
Federal Reserve will be providing yet one more reason to buy gold, silver and other hard

Since we aired those remarks, the Fed has added another $41 billion (and counting) in currency
swaps to its balance sheet bringing the grand total to $103 billion, as of January 18th. That
little green doodad at the upper right of the chart below represents $103 billion of currency
swaps. (The fact a $103 billion increase on a chart of Fed assets is barely visible says something
about how out-of-control the Feds activities have become).
Importantly, these currency swaps are not replacing some other asset on the Feds balance sheet.
In other words, the Fed did not sell $103 billion worth of Treasury securities in order to provide
$103 billion worth of currency swaps to the ECB. Instead, the Fed conjured this fresh cash into
existence out of thin air. Since announcing the emergency swap lines on November 30, 2010,
the Feds balance sheet has increased by $100.7 billion a mere rounding error away from the
$100.8 billion in currency swaps the Fed added to its balance sheet over the same timeframe.

The mainstream financial press has not seemed to notice or care that the Fed is printing
dollars and sending them to Europeeven though this new Fed operation is a kind of QE3
without any headlines or fanfareand without any direct US-based beneficiaries.

What does interest the press, however, are the improving credit conditions in Europe. LIBOR
rates have retreated a bit from their recent highs, for example, which means that European banks
are finding it easier to obtain short-term credit.

Of course they are! The Fed is flooding the European financial markets with cheap credit,
thereby lowering the demand for credit from traditional sources in the private sector. But unless
the Fed intends to single-handedly bail out every insolvent bank and government in Europe, the
short-term balm it is providing will achieve absolutely zero long-term benefitexcept for the
owners of precious metals.
This Backdoor QE Operation will merely kick the can down the stradas, rues and calles of
Europe, while adding hundreds of billions of dollars to the Feds balance sheet. This new Fed
operation is inflationary and it will become more inflationary if/as/when the volume of
currency swaps on the Feds balance sheet continues to grow.

While watching, remember to add a few precious metals to your portfolio.


Eric Fry
for The Daily Reckoning Australia

Eric Fry is the Editorial Director of Agora Financial.

This article originally appeared in The Daily Reckoning USA.


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Eric J. Fry

Eric J. Fry has been a specialist in international equities since the early 1980s. He was a
professional portfolio manager for more than 10 years, specializing in international investment
strategies and short- selling. Mr. Fry launched the sometimes-abrasive, mostly entertaining and
always insightful Rude Awakening.
For example, Thomas Edison was once quoted in the New York Times
as saying the following.
That is to say, under the old way any time we wish to add to the national
wealth we are compelled to add to the national debt.
Now, that is what Henry Ford wants to prevent. He thinks it is stupid, and
so do I, that for the loan of $30,000,000 of their own money the people of
the United States should be compelled to pay $66,000,000 that is what
it amounts to, with interest. People who will not turn a shovelful of dirt nor
contribute a pound of material will collect more money from the United
States than will the people who supply the material and do the work. That
is the terrible thing about interest. In all our great bond issues the interest
is always greater than the principal. All of the great public works cost
more than twice the actual cost, on that account. Under the present
system of doing business we simply add 120 to 150 per cent, to the
stated cost.
But here is the point: If our nation can issue a dollar bond, it can issue a
dollar bill. The element that makes the bond good makes the bill good.

35 Things the Ruling Cabal Does Not Want You to Know
By Preston James, Ph.D on September 2, 2013

2. The Federal Reserve Bank is a foreign owned private

central bank which creates imaginary, fiat money out of thin
air only, is no more federal than Federal Express shipping
company, has no reserves, and is basically an
unconstitutional sleight of hand fraud operation which
charges American citizens interest illegally to use what
should be their own money. Its twelve stockholder/owners are
kept secret. the federal reserve Act was supposedly passed
to prevent depressions but has been used to create them on
behalf of the Ruling cabal so that they can pick up more
assets at huge discounts. This fraudulent system generates
mass debt slavery through pernicious usury, considered by
the Muslims to be a very great sin and used to also be
considered the same by the Catholic faith. The creation of the
Federal Reserve Bank in 1913 is one of the greatest frauds in
history and was actually stealth legislation passed without
a true quorum, right before Christmas break when few
Congress-persons were present. The Internet has been
exposing this big lie in spades and more and more
Americans are catching on and hopping mad because they
are realizing for the first time that this illegal Central Banking
has allowed the Ruling cabal to steal their hard earned
income and asset strip the wealth of everyday citizens as well
as America the Republic.
3. The Internal Revenue Service is incorporated in
Puerto Rico and is the private collection agency for
the Federal Reserve Bank. It too is completely illegal but
is able to steal the taxpayers money by use of brute power,
a hijacked and compromised justice system and brutal police
state style boot in your face power. Obamas affordable
Health Care was designed by top Cabal members who control
the insurance industry as a means to bring all taxpayers and
citizens together under the massive daily control of the IRS
who are designated to be the enforcers of Obama care and
will have access to everyones bank accounts and can size
assets at will even if in error. And of course there is a
somewhat recent smoking gun letter from a certain
Midwest senator that instructed the IRS to get real tough with
Tea Party groups which will probably be released to the public
sooner than later and could easily prevent any re-election of
that individual.

by Preston James
keywords: illegal federal reserve rico crimes against people of u.s.,
illegal interest, secret loans to shell banks owned and controlled, buying
u.s. t bills when u.s. government has a deficit

Lincoln understood who was really pulling the strings and this is how he
explained his rationale, The Government should create, issues and
circulate all of the credit needed to satisfy the spending power of the
Government and the buying power of the consumers. The privilege of
creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of

An editorial in the London Times explained the bankers attitude toward the
greenbacks. If this mischievous financial policy, which has its origin in
North America, shall become underrated down to a fixture, then that
Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts
and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its
commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of
the world. The brains, and wealth of all countries will go to North
America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy
on the globe.

How does the Fed create money out of nothing? It is a four step process,
but bonds must first be discusses. Bonds are a promise to pay for
government I.O.U.s. People buy bonds to get a secure rate of interest and
at the end of the term of the bond the government repays the bond, plus
interest and the bond is then destroyed. There are today about 3.6
trillion dollars worth of these loans or bonds in existence today.
Creating Money.
The method by which the Federal Reserve creates money out of nothing is
surely magical.
Step One. The Federal Open Market Committee approves the purchase of U.S.
Bonds on the open market.
Step Two. The Bonds are purchased by the Fed from whoever is offering them
for sale on the open market.
Step Three. The Fed pays for the bond with electronic credits to the
sellers bank, these electronic credits are based on nothing. The Fed
merely creates them out of nothing.
Step Four. The bank uses these deposits as reserves. They can loan out
over ten times that amount of their reserves to new borrowers all at
In this manner a Fed purchase of a million dollar in bonds, gets turned
into ten million dollars in bank accounts. The Feds in affect create 10%
of this phony money that is not backed by anything, and the banks then
create the other 90%, which is not backed by anything. To reduce the
amount of money in the economy, the process is simply reversed. The Feds
sell bonds to the public, and the money flows out of the purchasers bank,
and loans must be reduced by ten times the amount of the sale, so a Fed
sale of a million dollar bond, results in ten million dollars of less
money in the economy.
**The next question that must be asked is, how does all of this benefit
the bankers whos representatives conspired on Jekyll Island?
It misdirected banking reform from proper solutions.
It prevented a proper debt free currency like the greenbacks from making a
comeback. The bond based system of government finance forced on Lincoln
after he created greenbacks was now cast in stone.
It delegated to the bankers the right to create 90% of the nations money
supply, based on merely fractional reserves, which the bankers then loan
out at interest.
It centralized overall control of the U.S. nations money supply in the
hands of a few men.
It established a central bank with a high degree of independence from
effective political control. Soon after its creation, the Feds contraction
of money in the early 1930s would cause the Great Depression, and this
independence has been enhanced ever since that period, through additional


Most people are aware that out money (the Federal Reserve notes) is printed by a
Federal Agency - the Bureau of Printing and Engraving. But FEW people are
aware of what actually happens after a note is printed in order for it to be put into
circulation to be used by the American People. Strangely, the Government does
not issue the money into circulation itself. WHY NOT ????

The Federal Reserve Bank, a private corporation, buys (yes that's right buys)
$100 bills from the Bureau of Printing & Engraving for 2 to 4 cents each. Then
the Bank "fractionalizes" the "reserve" and then loans the total (7 times what it
bought - through the miracle (or conspiracy, depending on your persepective) of
fractional reserve banking, it lends seven dollars out for every dollar it actually
has on deposit) back to the government (it bought them from) for their full face
value plus interest (prime rate 3.5%), or $103.50. So the Government sells the
note for 2-4 cents to the private bank, whereupon the notes becomes the private
"property" of the bank (which is why it says "Federal Reserve Note" instead of
"United States Note" (or "Dollar") at the top), and then the government borrows
that private property from the bankers for full face value plus interest.

But wait a minute, they never buy just one note - lets look at what happens for the
bankers through the economy of scale. The private bank buys ten thousand
(10,000) 100 dollar bills for 2.5 cents each, or $250 (.025 x 10,000). That's one
million dollars for 250 bucks folks - but it gets even sicker. The bank then
"fractionalizes" that 1 million "reserve" to lend 7 million dollars (not 1 million)
at prime (3.5%) rate of interest. Let's see that's 7,000,000 x .035 = $245,000.00
(two hundred forty-five thousand) dollars a year for their initial investment of
$250. Plus, the whole seven million is returned to the bank through the
repayment of the loans to lend again. So for every 250 dollars our supposedly
representative government takes in, the bank makes a quarter of a million a year
in interest, every year, forever (because the whole seven million is returned to the
bank to be lent again, and again, and again). (You might also note that when the
bank "loses" "money" (ha-ha) on a bad loan, they don't really lose any
"MONEY", do they? All they really lose is the fictional, fractionalized "reserve"
they spun out of the original purchase - because 7 times the original face value
purchased, is issued. And of course, that means all they really lose when a million
dollar loan goes bad is $35 dollars - one-seventh of the $250 it cost to buy the fiat
paper notes!

The American People pay for this scam because not only
does the U.S. Treasury sell the note for 2-4 cents,
but it guarantees that the American People will honor
and guarantee (pay for) the full face value
(1,5,10,20,50, or 100) of the note being sold to the
bankers for 2.5 cents ! When we apply the same scale
of operation that we did above in analyzing the end
result to the bankers, to analyze the end result of
this system to We the People when the government
borrows from the bank, we find that while the bankers
are guaranteed to make a quarter of a million dollars
a year for every $250 dollars they spend, We the
People, on the other hand, are left to pay a quarter
of a million dollars in interest every year to the
private bank for every $250 dollars that the Bureau of
Printing & Engraving takes in for printing the notes.
All for the privilege of having a currency (medium of
exchange) in our society provided by the private
corporate bank instead of the government.

By virtue of this currency monopoly, the Federal Reserve Bank, a private

corporation, is able to unconstitutionally control our nation's entire monetary
system, currency and credit systems, and thereby, control our entire government,
our economy, our society and all of its most critical policies. Can you buy $100
bills for 3 cents from the Bureau of Printing & Engraving ? Do you really think
that you can compete against men that can? What happened to equal
opportunity? The so-called "tax" collected by the IRS, is not tax at all, but
forced peonage debt service obligations necessary for the government to
continue renting currency from the private powers that unconstitutionally rule
America and actually run this country in place of Congress (which is becoming
more (painfully) obvious with each passing week - RIGHT?).. The fact that
your tax check is cashed by the private corporation (Fed. Reserve Bank) and
not the Treasury, is proof that these payments are NOT "TAX" at all
(because they are not deposited at the Treasury as required by law).

So, what does the Federal Reserve Bank really do with all those taxpayers'
"tax" dollars being routed to them illegally ? (They use them to exert
unconstitutional influence, power and control over our society and economic
policies, governmental actions and programs, and the making of the nations laws.
They use it to advance their global lending interests, and they use it to slowly
acquire controlling influences and interests in the huge multi-national
corporations exploiting the resources of underdeveloped or developing nations.
They use it to manipulate your media, your debates, your elections, and your
candidates by ensuring that there is plenty of money for the candidates they want
you to hear from - and no place on the stage for the candidates they don't want
you to hear from (Ron Paul for one). (And not much money either.) And finally,
they use it to make sure that power keeps concentrating in the hands of the few
(theirs) instead of being distributed amongst the People as the founding fathers

None of these funds are deposited in the Treasury when they are withheld from
your pay in order to conceal the fraudulent and ILLEGAL transfers of "tax"
dollars and revenues to a PRIVATE corporation (the bank). NONE of this money
is spent by the U.S. Government because it is beyond their legal reach at the
Federal Reserve bank, and little if any of these "tax" revenues are spent in
America, for America, for its People, or by its government. They are used by the
private corporate Federal Reserve Bank to advance its global lending interests.
The Federal Reserve bank, of course, is actually NO MORE a FEDERAL
government operation than Federal Express or Federated Department Stores!
They are all private corporations! And it all stems from this one little
unconstitutional law.

Do you get it ?

This is "currency" debt peonage - pure and simple - all fraud - all illegal -
and all unconstitutional !!

Do you care that all America, your children and grandchildren, will soon be
nothing but debt slaves ? Do you care that America has lost her history and
legacy of freedom ? If so, you better take political action now ! Before it
is too late !!!
The Fed basically works like this: The government granted its power to
create money to the Fed banks. They create money, then loan it back to the
government charging interest. The government levies income taxes to pay
the interest on the debt. On this point, it's interesting to note that the
Federal Reserve act and the sixteenth amendment, which gave congress the
power to collect income taxes, were both passed in 1913.

The Federal Reserve "loans" money to the United States Government at exhorbitant interest
rates, which accounts for the tremendous deficit we now have, The U.S. has to pay back MORE
than it borrows from the Federal Reserve (the rich banking families). How does this system of
borrowing work? Read on...

1. The Federal Reserve decides that more money should be placed in circulation.
2. The United States Government "goes along" with this decision and "authorizes" the increase.
3. The Treasury Department is then instructed to print (in its printing facilities) whatever amount
was "authorized."
4. The Treasury Department then SELLS these printed notes to the Federal Reserve Corporation
for the actual costs incurred in printing the money - NOT for the amount printed on the face of
the notes. Current costs for printing run about 1-1/2 CENTS per note.
5. The Federal Reserve then places these newly-printed notes into circulation through their
twelve Federal Reserve Banks from which ALL banking facilities in this country obtain their
money. HOWEVER, the Federal Reserve charges the FACE VALUE of the notes to the United
States Government as a LOAN with annual interest!
6. When the loan term ends, whether it has been paid by the U.S. Government or not, the Federal
Reserve renews the loan at whatever their (the Federal Reserve's) current interest rate is.
7. Every FRN is a DEBT to the Federal Government of the U.S., and thus its taxpayers (that's
8. The Federal Reserve Act included language that put Limits on the U.S. Government's right to
print and spend these FRNs.
9. When the U.S. Government needs money, it borrows FRNs at the FACE VALUE from banks
(under the control of the Federal Reserve).
10. Thus, the U.S. Government owes TWICE for every FRN placed into circulation - plus
interest! As with most loans, the interest is a FIRST PRIORITY payment to the "Big Eight"
families that own the Federal Reserve.

With this kind of monetary lending and pay-back system, it is easy to see how the U.S.
Government can NEVER pay off its debt. Regardless of what any politician tells you, this type
of lending at such high interest rates can NEVER he paid off! President-Elect Bill Clinton will
NOT be able to solve our country's debt DESPITE all of the hoopla he promised during his
election campaign. Cutting military spending, foreign aid, welfare, and health-care costs simply
WILL NOT reduce the federal deficit. [Cutting 3. spending is nice because it will slow running
the deficit up even higher than it would be otherwise. Since most Americans don't understand
the monetary lending and pay-back system we now have in the U.S., politicians can talk about
reducing the deficit and score lots of "brownie points" with voters because this subject
(reducing the deficit) really appeals to most people.]

The money supply of any nation, if based solely upon the net birth and death count of its
Citizens, will normally produce zero inflation and deflation. If either of these two situations ever
come about, a withdrawal of currency would curb inflation, and an increase would curb

The total interest paid to the Federal Reserve since 1913 is over TWENTY SEVEN TRILLION
DOLLARS (that's an "27" with twelve zeros!). And as of this writing, we still owe 8.875
TRILLION dollars more!

According to the U.S. Constitution, Congress cannot LAWFULLY delegate to a non-government

entity any National Duties for America that the Constitution has mandated for Congress.
However, through the "exclusive legislation" powers in Article 1:8:17, it can delegate any power
to anyone for LIMITED federal areas and owned properties of the federal government.
Therefore, the Federal Government's $22.4 Trillion FRN debt (this figure includes real debt plus
other commitments that must be paid) should not be America's debt. It is the debt of the Federal
Government only. Interest payments due in 1990 alone totaled $1.69 Trillion FRNs. This money
goes straight to the "Big Eight."

Keywords: The Fed basically works like this: The government granted its
power to create money to the Fed banks. They create money, then loan it
back to the government charging interest. The government levies income
taxes to pay the interest on the debt.
the bankers of the Federal Reserve System, who print paper money then loan
it to the government at interest.
How the U.S. Government after terminating the rothschild central bank
created, issued and circulated all of the money and credit needed to
satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of the
total yearly interest being paid to the federal reserve for their printing
and issuing the federal reserve note

Federal Reserve Note

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The notes are then put into circulation by the Federal Reserve Banks,[4] at which point they
become liabilities of the Federal Reserve Banks[5] and obligations of the United States.[3]

Federal Reserve Notes are legal tender, with the words "this note is legal tender for all debts,
public and private" printed on each note.[6] They have replaced United States Notes, which were
once issued by the Treasury Department. Federal Reserve Notes are backed by the assets of the
Federal Reserve Banks, which serve as collateral under Section 16.[7] These assets are generally
Treasury securities which have been purchased by the Federal Reserve through its Federal Open
Market Committee in a process called debt monetizing. This monetized debt can increase the
money supply, either with the issuance of new Federal Reserve Notes or with the creation of debt
money (deposits). This increase in the monetary base leads to a larger increase in the money
supply through fractional-reserve banking as deposits are lent and re-deposited where they form
the basis of further loans.

Prior to centralized banking, each commercial bank issued its own notes
Q: How does U.S. currency make its way into circulation?

A: Currency is printed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and coins are produced by the
U.S. Mint. Each year, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors determines the number of new
Federal Reserve notes that are needed and submits a print order to the Bureau of Engraving and
Printing. The order reflects the Federal Reserves estimate of the amount of currency that the
public will need in the upcoming year. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing and U.S. Mint ship
new currency and coin to the Federal Reserve Banks. New coins are shipped in bulk bags, and
new currency is shipped in distinctive colored packages, called "cashpaks." When financial
institutions, such as commercial banks, credit unions, and savings & loans, need currency for
their customers, they can place an order with their local Federal Reserve Bank, which in turn
supplies the requested currency using a mix of recirculated currency and coin along with new
currency and coin. Learn more about the cash lifecycle (Off-site Link) on the Federal Reserve
Bank of San Franciscos cash website and view a video (Off-site Link) on currency circulation.

Keywords: how the illegal federal reserve issues federal reserve notes and
places them in circulation
how the illegal federal reserve creates money currency
"Congress... gave the power to regulate money to a
handful of unelected private bankers. America has
been paying the price ever since... As the Federal
Reserve is a private banking institution, every time
Congress requisitions money it creates a debt
obligation... a transfer of cash [created out of thin
air] from the Fed in exchange for U.S. bonds,
resulting in taxpayers paying untold billions of
dollars in interest every year with no hope of ever
being able to reduce the principal. By controlling our
money, private Federal Reserve bankers have
indebted us all, forever... By eliminating the
middleman we would be able to create a debt free,
productive, government at all levels."
Edward F. Mrkvicka, Jr.

"5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of

a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly."
Communist Manifesto #5,
Karl Marx & Fred. Engels


Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and
commerce... and when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or
another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation
and depression originate.

James Garfield President of the United States of America

This system requires that we go deeper into debt every month than we were the previous month.
We have to always borrow more currency into existence than we are extinguishing every single
month or the whole thing starts to collapse.


The Federal Reserve "loans" money to the United States

Government at exhorbitant interest rates, which accounts for the
tremendous deficit we now have, The U.S. has to pay back MORE
than it borrows from the Federal Reserve (the rich banking
families). How does this system of borrowing work? Read on...
1. The Federal Reserve decides that more money should be
placed in circulation.
2. The United States Government "goes along" with this decision
and "authorizes" the increase.
3. The Treasury Department is then instructed to print (in its
printing facilities) whatever amount was "authorized."
4. The Treasury Department then SELLS these printed notes to
the Federal Reserve Corporation for the actual costs incurred in
printing the money - NOT for the amount printed on the face of
the notes. Current costs for printing run about 1-1/2 CENTS per
5. The Federal Reserve then places these newly-printed notes into
circulation through their twelve Federal Reserve Banks from which
ALL banking facilities in this country obtain their money.
HOWEVER, the Federal Reserve charges the FACE VALUE of the
notes to the United States Government as a LOAN with annual
6. When the loan term ends, whether it has been paid by the U.S.
Government or not, the Federal Reserve renews the loan at
whatever their (the Federal Reserve's) current interest rate is.
7. Every FRN is a DEBT to the Federal Government of the U.S.,
and thus its taxpayers (that's YOU!).
8. The Federal Reserve Act included language that put Limits on
the U.S. Government's right to print and spend these FRNs.
9. When the U.S. Government needs money, it borrows FRNs at
the FACE VALUE from banks (under the control of the Federal
10. Thus, the U.S. Government owes TWICE for every FRN placed
into circulation - plus interest! As with most loans, the interest is
a FIRST PRIORITY payment to the "Big Eight" families that own
the Federal Reserve.
Mike Maloney

How currency is created.

1 U.S. Treasury Department creates bond

2. Banks buy bond from Treasury
3. Treasury gets currency from bank in exchange for bond
4. Fed buys bond from bank
5. Bank gets new currency from Fed in exchange for bond
6. And the whole process repeats again and again


More balances can be created by the Fed as it chooses.

It does this by entering the open market and buying
securities (i.e., interest-earning debt of the
government). To purchase securities, essentially writes
a check on itself. The bank that ultimately receives this
payment as a deposit gets its accounts with Fed
credited by the amount, allowing it to make additional
loans. The Fed can achieve the opposite by selling a
security that it bought sometime in the past. In selling
the security, it receives a payment on an account at a
bank, which gets its account debited (and which will
find it must cut back on its planned lending activity).
As a result, the buying and selling of securities on the
open market is the principal means by which the Fed
influences the money supply. Buying securities, it
injects money into the system. Selling them, it removes
money from the system. Between augmenting these
accounts (creating reserves) and selling currency, the
Fed acquires a large portfolio of interest-earning
securities which provide it a profit.


"The Federal Reserve uses open-market operations to either increase or decrease reserves. To
increase reserves, the Federal Reserve buys U.S. Treasury securities by writing a check drawn on
itself. The seller of the Treasury security deposits the check in a bank, increasing the seller's
deposit. The bank, in turn, deposits the Federal Reserve check at its district Federal Reserve
bank, thus increasing its reserves" [ 1 ] When a bnak increases it's reserves it can loan more
money due to the magic of fracional reserve banking.
"When the Federal Reserve writes a check for a government bond it does exactly what any bank
does, it creates money, it created money purely and simply by writing a check." [ 2 ]


1. The Fed is privately owned.

Its shareholders are private banks. In fact, 100% of its shareholders are private banks. None of its
stock is owned by the government.

2. The fact that the Fed does not get appropriations from Congress basically means that it
gets its money from Congress without congressional approval, by engaging in open market

Here is how it works: When the government is short of funds, the Treasury issues bonds and
delivers them to bond dealers, which auction them off. When the Fed wants to expand the
money supply (create money), it steps in and buys bonds from these dealers with newly-issued
dollars acquired by the Fed for the cost of writing them into an account on a computer screen.
These maneuvers are called open market operations because the Fed buys the bonds on the
open market from the bond dealers. The bonds then become the reserves that the banking
establishment uses to back its loans. In another bit of sleight of hand known as fractional
reserve lending, the same reserves are lent many times over, further expanding the money
supply, generating interest for the banks with each loan. It was this money-creating process that
prompted Wright Patman, Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee in the
1960s, to call the Federal Reserve a total money-making machine. He wrote:

When the Federal Reserve writes a check for a government bond it does exactly what any bank
does, it creates money, it created money purely and simply by writing a check.

Ellen Brown, J.D., developed her research skills as an attorney practicing

civil litigation in Los Angeles. In Web of Debt, her latest book, she
turns those skills to an analysis of the Federal Reserve and the money
trust. She shows how this private cartel has usurped the power to create
money from the people themselves, and how we the people can get it back.
Her eleven books include the bestselling Natures Pharmacy, co-authored
with Dr. Lynne Walker, and Forbidden Medicine. Her websites are
www.webofdebt.com and www.ellenbrown.com .

Whats wrong with the Fed?
Federal Reserve Notes that we use as currency are a note of debt to the FED.
These debt notes denoted in dollars are created (out of thin air, so to speak)
whenever borrowing occurs. There is no commodity backing this currency,
and if all loans are paid back there would be no dollars. Therefore the
incentive is for the FED to loan (an accounting swap of deposits and
reserves) more and more to the banks, which they loan to you (creating Fed
Notes reflecting your debt to the bank) to keep dollar notes in circulation. All
might be well, if loans made and loans paid back were in balance. But the
government is under the false impression that low interest rates and easy
lending are the way to juice the economy. It actually stimulates one part of
the economy at the expense of another.

The more Notes put into circulation, the more it dilutes the purchasing power
that each note represents. That causes a re-evaluation of the amount of notes
needed for purchases. This causes prices for raw materials, good and
services, taxes and wages to change. Deflation of purchasing power, is
misrepresented by the government as inflation shifting the blame from the
real culprit, the FED, to business as though they are gouging the consumer
and not the government. That is government propaganda, not reality.

Because we use Debt notes as currency and not commodity backed notes
(Gold or precious metal) The Federal Reserve has become an accounting
scam and , in effect, a money skimming machine that, figuratively, cuts off
pieces of your dollar for the government to spend and for the Banks to loan.
(thats when Fed reserve notes, we call money, is created out of thin air) At
first they take a sliver then another and eventually its you that is left with
only a sliver of your dollars original value.

The Federal Reserve is not Federal and its Reserve is debt purchased
( by swapping deposits for reserves) essentially with newly created, (when
they are introduced into circulation by a loan, mortgage or credit card. )
worthless, Federal Reserve Notes (called dollars) that only gain value by
taking it from your dollar (by dilution of what all dollars represent in goods
and services).

The FED is a a stealth confiscator of the value/capital, represented by the

currency in your savings (the loss of value appears to you as price inflation
as prices adjust to the new lower value of the Fed Reserve Note)
The Fed reduces the weight of the dollar (think Coin) and you get less
product for the dollar.

Same Package (Dollar Bill) Same Price (One Dollar) but you get Less
Product (Value and purchasing power)

The FED is a consortium of Banks working together with government

officials to centrally control the amount of purchasing power/value of your
dollar and all interest rates. It is a Government created Monopoly
that disrupts the free market. The Federal Reserve directly causes, or
contributes to, economic boom/bust cycles, recession and depression
(see Appendix A below) by stealing the money from your savings
and diverting it into loans, generating incentive or disincentive for loans,
mortgages, credit cards and money to be invested in the Stock Market.

****Monopoly Control of Capital is a Communist technique and giving

preference to Big Business, a Fascist technique. Neither belongs in our free
market system which leverages the intelligence of everyone in the market and
not just a few FED governors. The result is a broken market and a chaotic

The Federal Reserve (FED), created in 1913, usurped the monetary role of
the Constitutionally sanctioned United States Treasury and replaced the
coinage of Gold and Silver (or paper redeemable in coinage of Gold and
Silver), required by the Constitution, with a Fiat (meaning by decree,

not the car company currency of non-redeemable Paper Money

backed solely by the faith and credit of the US government (e.g. the amount
of taxes the government can confiscate from you. The 16th amendment,
coincidentally also passed in 1913, went against the Constitution and
allowed direct taxation of citizens. This income tax, massively increased tax
revenue to the government and tax burden on the people).

The FED also usurped the role of the Free Market in determining interest
rates. Ostensibly not under Political authority, the FED is nonetheless
Politically influenced, since its director is appointed by the Federal
Government. The Influence can be seen for instance, in its keeping the
interest rate low to facilitate unprecedented borrowing by the government at
low payback rates.

The only legitimate function of the Federal Reserve System should be as a

clearing house for checks and funds between banks, and as a safe repository
of coin and paper currency.

The way Honest Banking should work:

Firstly, the currency must be honest and stable. The US currency, before the
Federal Reserve, consisted of Treasury Notes and Certificates as per the
Constitution, which were directly redeemable for coins (specifically for
gold coins with a Gold Certificate or silver coins with a Silver Certificate),
validated as to weight, deposited in the US treasury.

When you deposit $100, the bank gives you a record of your deposit. Either
you pay a fee for the safe preservation of your money in a demand deposit
account (where you can take the money out at any time) or the bank pays you
a portion of the interest they charge, when they lend out your $100. Like a
CD you can not redeem the loaned out money without penalty. The bank can
only lend exactly what it possesses, and no more (100% reserve
requirement). In this case, only the $100 on deposit.

The larger the supply of deposited money for lending, and/or the demand for
borrowing, the lower the interest rate the lender charges due to supply and
demand. Banks compete for your long term deposits by offering depositors a
higher interest rate and better service than other banks and compete
for borrowers by offering lower interest rates and better service than other

To cover the risk of bad loans that are not paid back, the bank makes sure
the borrowers put up some collateral and that they are likely to pay back the
loans. The bank purchases bad loan insurance in some fashion (or resells the
loans) and charges a high enough interest rate to cover the risk.

When banks loan money to finance productive and profitable endeavors, the
loans are paid off rapidly and bank credit continues to be generally
available. But when the business ventures financed by bank credit are less
profitable and slow to pay off, bankers soon find that their loans outstanding
are excessive relative to their gold reserves, and they begin to curtail new
lending, usually by charging higher interest rates. This tends to restrict the
financing of new ventures and requires the existing borrowers to improve
their profitability before they can obtain credit for further expansion. Thus,
under the gold standard, a free banking system stands as the protector of an
economys stability and balanced growth.

When gold is accepted as the medium of exchange by most or all nations, an

unhampered free international gold standard serves to foster a world-wide
division of labor and the broadest international trade. Even though the units
of exchange (the dollar, the pound, the franc, etc.) differ from country to
country, when all are defined in terms of gold the economies of the different
countries act as one so long as there are no restraints on trade or on the
movement of capital. Credit, interest rates, and prices tend to follow similar
patterns in all countries. For example, if banks in one country extend credit
too liberally, interest rates in that country will tend to fall, inducing
depositors to shift their gold to higher-interest paying banks in other
countries. This will immediately cause a shortage of bank reserves in the
easy money country, inducing tighter credit standards and a return to
competitively higher interest rates again. Allan Greenspan. Gold and
Economic Freedom 1966

However (there always is a but), if money is merely hoarded (taken out of

circulation and not put back), the value of the money and the interest rates for
borrowing goes up, due to scarcity of the currency not just market
forces. Both prices and interest rates are skewed.

What the problem with Gold backed Currency?

Currency, backed by gold, is vulnerable to not having enough in circulation

to sustain an economy. As we became a net exporter outside the USA, (more
Money flows out than comes back in) and people kept their gold coins and
treasury notes under their mattress and not flowing back into the economy,
less and less currency became available for loans or commerce, interest
rates rose overly high and the economy slowed.

One method used to balance out the currency missing from circulation was to
lower the reserve requirement for Banks, down to whatever percentage is
missing from the economy. At a 50% reserve the bank could lend out twice
as much as the actual value of the gold or certificates they possessed. At
10% they could lend out 10 times as much as they actually possessed. Guess
where the reserve is today. Aside from not being honest and inflationary,
when banks lend out more than the dollars they possess (called Fractional
Banking), they become vulnerable to runs, where depositors redeem their
bank receipts all at once. The bank does not have enough to redeem all the
bank receipts and either must borrow the money from another bank or go out
of business. With a large reserve, the risk of panic was low, but the incentive
to make more profit led to lower reserve requirements.

It does not follow that a person who can, will yield to temptation. Put
that same person in a group, add power, and can becomes should.
Dr. Society.

How it works after 1913 following the creation of the Federal Reserve
To get people to put the mattress money back into circulation, the
government made Gold illegal for private individuals to possess or use. The
Treasury note was re-written to be redeemable for an unspecified amount of
gold, equal to the dollar (not validated gold coins anymore) according
to Law.

According to law, effectively meant that the new dollar could no longer be
redeemed for Gold by US citizens, because it was illegal to possess
gold, keeping the supply somewhat more stable.

Eventually the Treasury ceased even that pretense and only redemption for
more notes was possible. The Treasury stopped printing Treasury and
United States Notes and Certificates and replaced them with Federal
Reserve Notes.

You are Money

Fed Notes are only backed by the governments ability to collect taxes from
you (and from future taxation of your descendants, if borrowing is larger
than tax revenue). You are now the asset backing the

The Stealth Tax

When the profligate spending of the government gets to a point where raising
taxes to cover printing new notes is blocked, the Fed obtains the capital for
additional notes it spent by diluting all the dollars in
circulation. Like cold coffee, poured into hot coffee, the cold coffee (new
notes) goes up in temperature and the hot coffee goes down in temperature
until they equalize somewhere between the two initial temperatures. So too
the newly printed, un-capitalized (cold) dollars go up in value and old (hot)
dollars go down in value to equalize somewhere in between the initial values.

The FED Note is only a Promise of money or value.

Government never keeps its promises. The
Government reneges a bit on their promise to you so
they can make a promise with the new FED note.
Lets say they make twice as many new Fed Notes as
before. To make a promise of 50 cents on the new
notes, they renege on the promise of 100 cents on
your Notes and will now only promise 50 cents of
value on all notes.

Or, think of the dollar as a balloon, filled with

the hot air of politicians promises. The dollar
balloons purchasing power/value depends on how
much hot air is in the balloon. The government can
print up as many balloons as they want but there is
no air in them. To fill up their newly printed
balloons they let out some air from your dollar to
fill up the newly printed ones. If they let out
half the air in your balloons to half fill their
newly printed balloons, then you only have half the
purchasing power as before. Now you will need two
balloons to get the same amount of hot air as one
dollar used to have. It is easy to see that it is
not the price that has gone up but rather the hot
air in the balloons has gone down. It is easy to
see the reduction in size in a balloon but not in a
paper dollar, which looks the same, but is only half
the promise it was before.

The government quickly uses the new money to pays

its bills with the 50 cent dollar as though it is
still a 100 cent dollar, stealing from the merchants
they buy from and the Treasury Bond holders they pay
How quickly these notes go into circulation is
manipulated through the Feds control of Interest
rates. The lower the rate the faster the newly
printed notes are borrowed from the bank.

When the new dollars hit the market either from the
government directly or through the banks which
borrow the money from the FED, prices adjust at the
same percentage that the money has been devalued. We
then think there is price inflation, when really it
is the reneged promise of the government to pay back
yesterdays dollars full value, reflected in the

The clue that your wealth has been reduced, to cover

the new Money, is price Inflation. Although even
that is masked by technology and improvements in
production that lower prices and offset the rise.

The government reduces the value of the dollar by

Here is a place where it is unmasked. In the last
few years the price of a power ball lottery ticket
went up from 1 dollar to 2. Did the value of the
ticket change? Its actually just a slip of paper.
With all the efficiency of the computer network, the
price could have come down and the States would
still have made the same amount of profit. So what
happened? During the prior years the Fed created
twice as many notes as before. To get air
(capital/value) into those new notes, the Fed let
out half the air in your balloon/dollar. So it now
takes two, half-filled, dollars to buy a power ball
ticket, where before it took only one, fully filled,
The government gets to spend all those half-filled
dollars that they didnt have before and you lose
half the value of yours.
It is effectively a flat percentage rate tax on
every persons dollar and the worth of every
persons property.
Banks magnify the dilution and devaluation through the fraudulent practice
of Fractional Banking loaning out more than the bank actually possesses.
In Fractional Banking your deposit is loaned out more than once. When the
bank lends out your same $10 deposit to 10 people, that is called keeping a
10% reserve. (Guess what the reserve requirement is for Federal Reserve
banks? ) The bank makes 10 times the interest by pretending to have $100
when they only really have $10. Whos going to know with the smokescreen
of words the government puts up? Did anyone ever understand a word of
what Allan Greenspan said? lol

Since the total capital in the $100 they lend out is only $10, and all the banks
in the Federal Reserve system lend out $100 for every $10 in reserve, at some
point the market catches on and, the value/buying power of $100 shrinks to
$10 to reflect reality. What used to cost $10 will now cost $100. Prices
reflect actual value and capital, not the diluted bank promises we call Federal
Reserve Notes. Prices are the intelligence that allows people to make
decisions in trade and business. They need to be accurate. When the
FED through the banks, dilutes the dollar, by printing more dollars and/or
lending out more dollars than actual deposits/reserves, prices rise to reflect
the original capital/value.

If you dilute a shot of whiskey with 9 shots of soda, then you need 10 shots
to get the same amount of alcohol as before dilution. Same thing when you
dilute a dollar that has 100% capital with 9 newly printed dollars that have
no capital. The capital of the original dollar is spread across 10 dollars
instead of one. And now you need ten of them to get the same bang you
used to get for a buck. Dr. Society

Like a skilled magician, the government diverts your attention away from the
Federal Reserve to the so-called greedy capitalist Merchants
and corporations, whom they use as scapegoats to blame for inflation.

By this process, your wealth is being stolen, right out from under you.
Banks dont need to pay you a high interest to motivate you to deposit money
for them to lend because the FED can just steal your savings and give it to
the banks. To add insult to injury, you have to pay brokerage fees and
interest on every FED note we now call a dollar.

The Currency Fraud

What we call money is actually Debt to the Federal Reserve. They can call
back the money at any time and give you nothing. You cant redeem a
Dollar for anything but more FED debt notes. Our currency is not tied to
Coins of Silver and Gold as the Constitution specifies, rather currency is
created when a loan is made.

But that new currency is an magicians illusion. No matter how many notes
are printed, the net value of all the notes in circulation does not change. The
value in the currency is tied to the goods and services it can be exchanged for.
Printing more money does not increase the goods and services or provide
more net capital. More notes just decreases how much goods and services
can be exchanged for one Dollar. The more the FED issues into circulation,
the less your dollar is worth.

Stealth Theft Redistribution of wealth

Effectively, The FED issues new notes to move capital from you, and every
other holder of a dollar and assets denominated in dollars like your house,
car, retirement fund and savings, to the government and Banks who profit
from loans to business and investors. Although new goods are generated by
loans, assuming a successful business is formed, and they provide jobs and
such, you are the one whose capital funded the business. The FED, a bunch
of banks in collusion with the government, stole it from you to give to their

The Mechanics of the Fraud

From the FED: the Treasury redeems maturing debt held by the public and
issues new debt held by the public. The Treasury is redeeming higher
interest bonds with lower interest bonds to save money on interest payments
and so be able to stay in debt long enough for the next administration to deal
with the eventual monetary crisis.

Who buys the lower interest bonds, besides insurance companies, when
anyone can get a better interest rate elsewhere? I wont. You probably
wont. Countries probably wont. So the FED buys the bonds. The FED
will exchange its debt instrument, the Federal Reserve note denominated in
dollars, for a Federal Government debt instrument A Treasury Bond. The
government spends the money to keep afloat. The FED reserve Note is
Debt not money. Even though the FED is in debt it counts the Treasury Bond
as an asset. **So the FED asks the Treasury to print up Federal Reserve
Notes in the amount of the bonds purchased, and lends the notes to the banks
at no interest, which the banks release as loans up to 10 times the amount of
the original bond (Only required to keep a 10% reserve) which dilutes the
value of our currency, effectively stealing cents from every dollar holder to
fund the Feds purchase and garner interest on loans for the bank. Those cents
add up to the amount you would have invested in savings accounts if interest
rates were governed by the market.

The banks get a free loan of your savings to them, they pay you no interest
and never give back the money. Theft.

The FDIC enabler of the Fraud

Now the bank is collecting interest on $1000, $900 of which it

doesnt actually possess. Since the bank is not paying any interest to a
depositor for the $900 they lent out, the bank can afford to charge less
interest on a loan or pay more interest on your
deposits and attract more business. No one is the wiser if all goes well and
you leave your money in the bank. But loans do go bad and the bank have to
cover them with your deposit. In this case, the bank only has enough
deposits to cover 10% of the loans. When more than 10% of the loans go
bad the bank fails and you lose your deposit. Another way for the bank to
fail is if you and the rest of the depositors come to collect your principal and
the interest all at once and the bank does not have enough in reserve.

Think of Zero Mostel, in The Producers, a Mel Brooks comedy, selling a

100% stake in a play over and over again. He hopes the play is a flop, so no
one comes to redeem their shares. When the play becomes a success and all
the 100% shareholders come to take their profit, thats a run on the bank.

The Federal Depositors Insurance Corp (FDIC) was created to mitigate the
risk of a run on the bank and continue fractional banking.
This stealth thievery is used by every government in
the world. The Founders created a country that
would not bow to corruption of currency. Lets end
it here and set a better example for the world.
(after we pay back the almost twenty trillion in
debt that the administration is counting on paying
back with fraudulent valued dollars)
In Summary so far:

The Fed immorally and unconstitutionally benefits the banks and the
government at your expense. By replacing legitimate Treasury notes with
Bank Notes under the control of the Federal Reserve and controlling interest
rates they are able to steal your savings/wealth to provide capital for the
banks to lend, borrow money for the government at artificially low interest
rates, not determined by the free market, pay back government loans
with devalued currency and allow government to spend even more of your
wealth (on top of the taxes they already confiscate) on entitlements,
Crony Capitalism and pork which buys votes.

Before the FED all our money was redeemable for Gold and silver coins
deposited in the treasury. The Treasury certificate we called the dollar was a
promise to deliver gold which was as good as gold. Your dollar was a
receipt for Gold deposited in, and guaranteed by, the Treasury of the United
States and the security of Fort Knox. The Fed, created in the early 20th
Century, is a bunch of banks that the administration allowed to usurp control
of the US Treasury. No Gold can be redeemed for the FED Reserve note we
now call a dollar. In fact, nothing can be redeemed except more Fed Notes. A
Federal Reserve dollar, is not real money, it is not even a promise of real
money. It is a promise of potential capital that the government can extract
from the people via taxes (the 16th amendment creating income tax) and
borrowing against later taxation. It is potential Capital, wholly dependent on
whether the government will keep its promise. It gives the government and
the banks the ability to break that promise by decreasing the amount of
capital that the government will exchange for every Fed note and using that
capital to back up newly printed FED notes that the government spends and
gives to the banks to lend out.

The Politicians and Banks get away with the fraud because the benefits of
free money, artificially low interest rates and government welfare are felt
right away but the terrible cost is hidden far enough down the road not to be
The Fed acts as an unlimited credit card for Government over-spending and
1. Federal Reserve Notes denoted in Dollars have
replaced real Dollars (United States Treasury
Notes backed by Gold and Silver bullion and
coinage made of gold and silver).

2. We are forced by the government to use this non-

asset as money. (This note is legal tender for
all debts public and private)

3. The Fed manipulates the supply and value of

Federal Reserve Notes (paper and electronic).

4. Federal Reserve Notes are based on debt the

government owes (Treasury Notes) and deposits
of Federal Reserve Notes.

5. The Fed controls interest rates.

6. The Governor of the Fed is a Political


7. There is minimal oversight or supervision

and their books are closed to us.

In fact, the FED is a Communist Nationalization of all Capital.

The FED controls your capital, allowing you to use whatever percentage it
determines by its Central Planning committee. Outside of taxes, which the
government spends, it funnels your capital through the banks to the rich and
large corporations so that only they have enough Capital to invest. This is
causing the same problem that Communism was supposed to address. The
government acts as though your wealth belongs to them, because it actually
does. Ownership is not guaranteed, there is no private property except in
name only.
The Fed exerts central planning and control over credit, interest rates, the
money supply and affects the pricing of goods and services. Central Planning
by a few governors is unintelligent compared to the Free Market intelligence
of millions of people. Central planning screws up the market and often
skews the market in favor of those closest to power at the expense of the
rest of society. Government elimination of risk skews the profit-loss
incentives of the free market.


The US Government has a technology, called a printing press (or, today, its
electronic equivalent), that allows it to produce as many U. S. dollars as it
wishes at essentially no cost. By increasing the number of U. S. dollars in
circulation, or even by credibly threatening to do so, the U. S. government
can also reduce the value of a dollar in terms of good and services, which is
equivalent to raising the prices in dollars of those goods and services
Federal Reserve Governor Ben Bernanke in remarks before the National
Economists Club November 21, 2002

Rising prices are the result of the government inflating the amount of Federal
Reserve Notes in circulation, which decreases the amount of capital that each
note represents. What is mislabeled as inflation is an adjustment to the
amount of Notes needed to buy something after the capital that can be
redeemed by the Note is decreased. Its really the amount of Capital that
your dollar Note represents thats changed, not the price. Todays inflated
price buys the same amount of goods and services as the prior price, just
translated into the new amount of Capital that the currency represents.
According to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, the goods and services
you could buy in 1913 for $1 would cost $21 in 2008 (which just happens
to track the price of silver). Another way of looking at it is the purchasing
power (amount of Capital that the Note Represents) of the dollar had fallen
to 5 cents.

However, price comparisons alone does not show the TRUE devaluation
of the dollar. Since 1913, unit prices have continually decreased due to
technological innovations and huge increases in productivity. This
downward pressure on prices balanced out a good deal of the upward
pressure, of the increase in Dollar Notes, so that people only saw a very
gradual increase, which they accept as normal. How much more productive
are we today? Ten times? A hundred times? Thats how much more the
dollar has been devalued and how much more of your wealth has been stolen
directly from your pocket without you knowing it. If you are mathematically
inclined, this study proves that production, across industries, doubles every 3
years with Information Technology running at an even faster rate.

Since 2008 (the figures quoted above) the Fed has stolen another 40%
60% of our wealth to pay Bank and Political Cronies for their financial
support which the Politicians called TARP, bailouts and stimulus.

The Government can use the Fed to spend recklessly like an unlimited credit
card that you pay for. The Politicians rack up crippling debt, spend on
welfare to buy votes and creates a dependent lower class, and some would
argue enable wars, which would not be approved and could not be financed
otherwise. All the while the Banks collect interest.

How they do it

Every Treasury Bond (a debt to future taxpayers) sold (from the secondary
market) to the Federal Reserve is counted as an asset on the Feds books.
The Fed counts this faux asset as a reserve. Banks are allowed to lend out
more than they actually have in reserve (called Fractional Banking) so the
Fed then asks the Treasury to print up to 10 times the reserve amount of
Federal Reserve Notes that we call dollars to pass on to the banks for
lending. This increases the money supply (currency in circulation).
Increasing the total amount of dollars, similar to increasing the amount of
shares in a company, dilutes the value of what you already have. Prices are
pegged to the amount of Capital each note represents. When total dollars
increase and their redeemable Capital gets diluted, prices also increase
to balance out to the new value of the Notes (inflation). This hidden tax is
akin to counterfeiting and should be prohibited.

Printing money, that reduces the nations consumer capital, and redistributing
it to the banks, together with lowering interest rates not based on market
demand, causes a false boom for the stock market and business. Loans are
taken out to ramp up production, create new businesses, buy real estate
and speculate in stocks which pushes up prices due to the artificial demand
that would not exist in a free market. International money may prolong the
boom but, in the end, this Socialist re-distribution from consumer to
bank means the consumer does not have capital available to purchase the
goods, stock or house. Businesses fail, loans are foreclosed and people bail
out of their investments causing a bust.

Paying the yearly 6% interest the Fed charges on every Federal Reserve Note
in circulation was the excuse used to pass the 16th amendment allowing
Congress to directly confiscate your income.

The Constitution only authorizes congress with the power

to coin money [of silver and gold which have intrinsic value].
States are prohibited from making any thing but gold and silver coin a
tender in payment of debts in Article 1 Section 10 of the
Constitution. Money is a good that can be exchanged for any other
good because it is portable and has a known and reliable value . Paper or
electronic money is only a promise of money. The old silver and gold
certificates were redeemable in lawful money (gold and silver coins
deposited in the US Treasury). Federal Reserve Notes are not even a
promise of money. They are not redeemable for money, just more debt. They
were made lawful by Supreme Court usurpation of power and interpreting
the meaning of legal. We are forced by the government to accept an
unsound currency as tender.

Getting around the Constitution:

1819 Supreme court usurps the power to decide constitutionality Marbury
V Madison

1819 Supreme court grants Implied powers to Congress. The 10th

Amendment to the Constitution states that the Federal
government can exercise only the powers explicitly granted to it by the
Constitution (the rest being reserved for the States and the people). Despite
this the Supreme Court in 1819 (McCulloch_v._Maryland) usurped the
Constitution by interpreting article 1, section
8 enumerated_powers necessary and proper clause to effectively grant the
US government all powers except those explicitly denied to it by the

Unconstitutional paper money called Greenbacks were issued to pay for the
Civil War by Congress based on this precedence.

To finance the Civil War, the federal government under President Lincoln in
1862 passed the Legal Tender Act, authorizing the creation of paper money
not redeemable in gold or silver. About $430 million worth of greenbacks
were put in circulation, and this money by law had to be accepted for all
taxes, debts, and other obligationseven those contracted prior to the
passage of the act.

In Hepburn v. Griswold (1870), the Supreme court, in a 53 vote, struck

down the Legal Tender Act as unconstitutional. Immediately, President
Grant appointed two progressive Justices to the Supreme Court who ruled on
the remaining legal Tender cases, Knox v. Lee and Parker v. Davis together
and overturned the ruling of Hepburn v. Griswold. More Detail

Only Coinage of Silver and Gold is authorized by the Constitution as lawful

State Banks issued notes redeemable in Silver and Gold as a receipt to
each depositor. These notes were as good as gold and used as currency.
Banks accepted each others notes. Rather than carrying gold or silver back
and forth to banks to settle accounts at the end of the day, a central clearing
house would keep accounts of the notes and settle against other banks
notes. Gold and silver moved only if absolutely necessary. Depositors paid
a fee for storage if they wanted on demand redemption of their notes back
into gold or silver. If the bank was allowed to lend the deposit, the depositor
would receive a Certificate of Deposit (CD) and would only be able to
withdraw their deposit after a contracted time period. In return
the depositor would receive a portion of the interest that the bank charged the

At least that is the way an honest bank would operate. There were none and
there are none today. Banks lend out paper notes based only on a fraction of
assets they hold. Banks could lend out 1000 dollars worth of notes backed
only by 100 dollars worth of gold.

As long as everybody didnt redeem their notes at once the banks could get
away with this fraud and squeeze out spectacular profits. Banks would
gage the likelihood of a run and adjust their reserve percentage accordingly.
There is no such thing as a run on the bank with an Honest bank (100%
reserve). Ever wonder why bank safes and vaults were kept open to display
their gold? Its the confidence builder essential to a con. Keeping a full
reserve of gold necessitated Theft Insurance which cut into bank profits.

But that dang competition on interest rates still motivated depositors to move
their money from one bank to another. This risk forced banks to keep
reserves higher and competition kept interest rates favorable to the
public. So the banks had incentive to be reasonably honest and reasonable
safe and secure. Risk was assessed before making loans. Credit could not
easily be obtained.

The Federal Reserve and Government Regulation eliminated all competition

in interest rates and later risk in housing loans. Depositor Insurance pacified
the public and prevented runs on the bank. Since 1971 when the government
took us off the Gold Standard, a run on the bank is useless because depositors
can only redeem their Federal Reserve Notes for more of the same, which can
be printed to cover any demand.

Further Reading:

The Creature from Jekyll-Island- A Second look at the Federal-Reserve G.

Edward Griffin
End The Fed Ron Paul

Appendix A:

How the Federal Reserve helping Great Britain caused the Great

When business in the United States underwent a mild contraction in 1927,

the Federal Reserve created more paper reserves in the hope of forestalling
any possible bank reserve shortage. More disastrous, however, was the
Federal Reserves attempt to assist Great Britain who had been losing gold to
us because the Bank of England refused to allow interest rates to rise when
market forces dictated (it was politically unpalatable). The reasoning of the
authorities involved was as follows: if the Federal Reserve pumped excessive
paper reserves into American banks, interest rates in the United States would
fall to a level comparable with those in Great Britain; this would act to stop
Britains gold loss and avoid the political embarrassment of having to raise
interest rates. The Fed succeeded; it stopped the gold loss, but it nearly
destroyed the economies of the world, in the process.

The excess credit which the Fed pumped into the economy spilled over into
the stock market, triggering a fantastic speculative boom. Belatedly, Federal
Reserve officials attempted to sop up the excess reserves and finally
succeeded in braking the boom. But it was too late: by 1929 the speculative
imbalances had become so overwhelming that the attempt precipitated a
sharp retrenching and a consequent demoralizing of business confidence. As
a result, the American economy collapsed. Great Britain fared even worse,
and rather than absorb the full consequences of her previous folly, she
abandoned the gold standard completely in 1931, tearing asunder what
remained of the fabric of confidence and inducing a world-wide series of
bank failures. The world economies plunged into the Great Depression of the
1930s. Allan Greenspan. Gold and Economic Freedom 1966
Richard Szymanski
The Federal Reserve is not really federal or a reserve but a
government-licensed monopolist money creator. The Federal Reserve collects
interest on the money it creates and lends to the federal government. A
few hard money advocates point out that its in the interest of this
private, government-enabled cartel to keep the dollar game going. After
all, the dollar is this private companys product and they want to make
sure theres still a demand for it.
So its important to note that the Federal Reserve not only is tax-exempt, they in fact earn
interest on the money they print out of thin air now about $trillion a year and then lend to
the US government so they can buy the bad debt of too big to fail banks like Goldman Sachs,
etc, as well as aiding and abetting other central banks and sovereign wealth funds. The private
banks receiving this free money are, the trickle-down theory goes, supposed to lend this money
to hard working people like you so you can build a business. When was the last time you
qualified for a low-interest loan to start a business?

Instead, we all know these private banks take the free money given to them by the US
government and speculate in the stock market, creating profits by inflating an asset bubble which
will then crash, leaving millions of retirees without any savings while the bankers collect $multi-
million dollar bonuses and buy back the stock they sold when the bubble was bursting.

Its a beautiful job if you can get it, a great business to be in this Federal Reserve. The greatest
con ever perpetrated upon the American people. Heres what Dr. Mercola has to say about this
criminal enterprise.

****The greatest scam in history has been exposed and has largely been ignored by the
media. In fact, its still going on.

The specifics of a secret taxpayer funded backdoor bailout organized by unelected bankers
have been revealed. The data release revealed emergency lending programs that doled out
$12.3 trillion in taxpayer money ($16 trillion according to Dr. Ron Paul) and Congress didnt
know any of the details.

According to the Public Record:

The Federal Reserve was secretly throwing around our money in unprecedented fashion, and it
wasnt just to the usual suspects like Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Citigroup, Bank of America,
etc.; it was to the entire Global Banking Cartel. To central banks throughout the world:
Australia, Denmark, Japan, Mexico, Norway, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, England We
are talking about trillions of dollars secretly pumped into global banks, handpicked by a small
select group of bankers themselves. All for the benefit of those bankers, and at the expense of
everyone else.

The greatest scam in history. And you are the scamee.

the Federal Reserve has engaged in some $16 trillion-worth of transactions, one-third of which
were with banks overseas.
As Dr. Paul points out, theres no doubt that foreign banks have been major recipients of Federal
Reserve funds.

We want to know the details of what the agreements were, Paul says, and whether any of that
money will be recouped.

Why is the Federal Reserve of the US giving money to foreign banks? Where is that money
going, who is profiting from it, and why is it being stolen from the American people without
their knowledge?


Where Does Money Come From? The Giant Federal Reserve Scam That Most
Americans Do Not Understand
By Michael Snyder, on June 26th, 2012
What is fractional reserve banking
If the reserve requirement is 10%, for example, a bank that receives a $100 deposit may
lend out $90 of that deposit. If the borrower then writes a check to someone who deposits the
$90, the bank receiving that deposit can lend out $81. As the process continues, the banking
system can expand the initial deposit of $100 into a maximum of $1,000 of money ($100+

When you put your money into the bank, it does not say there. The bank only keeps a relatively
small amount of money sitting around to satisfy the withdrawal demands of account holders. If
all of us went down to the banks right now and demanded our money, that would create a major

If I put 100 dollars into the bank and the bank lends out 90 of those dollars to you, now it looks
like there are 190 dollars floating around. I have 100 dollars in my bank account and you have
90 dollars that you just borrowed.

The new debt that you have taken on (90 dollars) has created more money. But of course you
are going to end up paying back more than 90 dollars to the bank, so more debt has been created
than the amount of money that has been created.

And that is one of the big problems with our financial system. It is designed so that the amount
of debt and the amount of money are supposed to be perpetually expanding, and the amount of
debt created is always greater than the amount of money that is created.

So is it any wonder that our society is swamped with nearly 55 trillion dollars of total debt at this

A debt-based financial system is unsustainable by nature because it will always create debt
bubbles that will inevitably burst.

Public banking creates at-cost and in-house credit to pay for public goods
and services without the expense and for-profit interest of selling debt-
securities. North Dakota has a public bank for at-cost credit that results
in it being the only state with annual increasing surpluses rather than

How the Federal Reserve Works
Taken from The Truth of the Federal Reserve System: The biggest financial
crime in the history of the United States. by Don J. Grundmann, D.C.,

1. Government wants to have 1 billion dollars in circulation to aid commerce within th

2. Government goes to private bank and asks for 1 billion dollars.

3. Private bank, usurping authority of government, creates 1 billion dollars from noth

4. Private bank loans bank created money AT INTEREST to government.

5. Government issues 1 billion dollars into circulation.

6. Government now owes 1 billion dollars PLUS INTEREST to private bank.

7. Private bank demands " collateral " for " loan."

8. " Collateral " for " loan " comes from the hides of the American people.

9. Personal income tax is imposed upon the American people to pay for the INTEREST AND

The End Results From The Above Examples

1. The nation is FOREVER in debt to the private bank.

2. The accumulated debt and interest on the loans from the private bank
only grows greater. It will NEVER be smaller.

3. More and more of the labor of the citizens of the nation must be spent
in paying interest to the private bank for their " loans " to the

4. Income taxes are unconstitutionally imposed by the hijacked government

which is now under the control of the private bank and they are
continually raised to pay interest to the private bank for the "
privilege " of its " loan " to the nation.

5. The debt to the private bank, WHICH YOU KNOW AS THE " NATIONAL DEBT,"
can NEVER be smaller nor or can it ever be paid ( go to
www.algaoaktree.com and click on the " money " link for the reasons why
this is true ).

6. The financial and monetary policies of the nation are dedicated not to
serving the interests of the citizens of the nation but to serving the
interests of the real controllers of the nation and its future - the
private, and unaccountable, bank which enslaves the citizens to it as
it drains off the resources of the nation as its profit for allowing
the nation to use the money substitute which it created out of nothing.

Read this amazing historical story your teachers never taught you....

(Much of the following historical material is taken from a radio

address given a half century ago by the late Congressman Charles G.
Binderup, of Nebraska, and compiled by Mrs. Lucie Boulrice, 1133
Liberty, Springfield, MA 01104. For more information, you may write or
call her at (413) 737-3080.

How America created its own money in 1750

Benjamin Franklin tells what made New England prosperous


Colonies were more prosperous than the home country

Before the Declaration of Independence (1776) and the war that

followed, the colonized part of what is today the United States of
America was a Crown possession of England. It was called New England,
and was made up of 13 colonies, which became the original states of the
great Republic.

In 1750, this New England was very prosperous. Benjamin Franklin wrote:
"There was abundance in the Colonies, and peace reigned on every
border. It was difficult, even impossible, to find a happier and more
prosperous nation on all the surface of the globe. Comfort prevailed in
every home. The people, in general, kept the highest moral standards,
and education was widely spread."

When Franklin went over to England to represent the interests of the

Colonies, he saw a completely different situation; the working
population of the home country was gnawed by hunger and plagued by
inescapable poverty. "The streets are covered with beggars and tramps,"
he wrote. He asked his English friends how England, with all its
wealth, could have so much poverty among its working classes. His
friends replied that England was prey to a terrible condition; it had
too many workers! The rich said they were already overburdened with
taxes, and could not pay more to relieve the needs and poverty of this
great mass of workers. Several rich Englishmen of that time actually
believed what economist Thomas Malthus later wrote, that wars and
epidemic disease were necessary to rid the country from "manpower

People in London asked Franklin how the American Colonies managed to

collect enough money to support their poorhouses, and how they could
overcome this plague of unemployment and pauperism.

Thanks to debt-free money issued by the colonial governments

Franklin replied; "We have no poorhouses in the Colonies, and if we had

some, there would be no one to put in them, since in the Colonies there
is not a single unemployed person, not a beggar nor a tramp."

His friends could not believe their ears, or understand how this could
be. They knew when the English poorhouses and jails became too
cluttered, England shipped the wretched inmates like cattle, to be
dumped on the quays of the Colonies if they survived the filth and
privations of the sea voyage. (In those days English debtors went to
jail if they could not pay their debts, and few escaped, since in jail
they could not earn money.)

Franklin's acquaintences, in view of all this, asked him how he could

explain the remarkable prosperity of the New England Colonies.

Franklin told them: "Why, that is simple! In the Colonies, we issue our
own paper money. It's called 'Colonial Scrip.' We issue it to pay the
government's approved expenses and charities. We make sure it's issued
in proper proportion to make the goods pass easily from the producers
to the consumers. In other words, we make sure there is always adequate
money in circulation for the needs of the economy.

"In this manner, by creating ourselves our own paper money, we control
its purchasing power, and we have no interest to pay, to anyone. You
see, **a legitimate government can both spend and lend money into
circulation, while banks can only lend significant amounts of their
promissory bank notes, for they can neither give away nor spend but a
tiny fraction of the money the people need. Thus, when your bankers
here in England place money in circulation, there is always a debt
principal to be returned and usury to be paid. The result is that you
have always too little credit in circulation to give the workers full
employment. You do not have too many workers, you have too little money
in circulation, and that which circulates, all bears the endless burden
of unpayable debt and usury."

English Bankers impose poverty on the Colonies

Franklin should not have been so free with his advice, which soon came
to the attention of the powerful English Bankers. They quickly used
their influence to have the British Parliament pass a law that
prohibited the Colonies from using their Colonial Scrip money. The new
law ordered them to use only credit redeemable in gold and silver coins
that were provided in insufficient quantity by the banks of England.
And so began in America the plague of debt-based money, which has ever
since brought as many hardships to the American people, as it has to

The first law regulating Colonial money was passed by the British
Parliament 1751, then expanded by a more restrictive law in 1763.
Franklin reported that only one year after implementation of the
prohibition on Colonial Scrip, the streets of the Colonies were filled
with unemployed and beggars, just like those he had seen in England,
because there was not enough money to pay for their goods and work. The
English Banker's new laws had reduced the circulating medium by half.

**Franklin added that this was "the original and true cause of the
American Revolution;" and not the tax on tea or the Stamp Act, as has
been taught our children for generations in "history" books. The
Financiers (bankers) of every generation manage to have removed from
school books any information that can throw light on their own schemes
and fraudulent actions that protect their power over the people.

Franklin, one of the chief architects of American independence, put it

clearly: "The Colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea
and other matters had it not been for the poverty created by the bad
influence of the English Bankers on the Parliament, which has caused in
the Colonies hatred of England and the Revolutionary War."

Other great statesmen of that era, including Thomas Jefferson, John

Adams, and George Jackson confirmed this point of view held by
Franklin; and later by Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren. Abraham
Lincoln and John Kennedy both issued sovereign money, James Garfield
tried, and all three died in office.

A remarkably honest English historian, John Twells, speaking of the

money of the Colonies, their Colonial Scrip, wrote: "It was the
monetary system under which America's Colonies flourished to such an
extent that Edmund Burke was able to write about them: 'Nothing in the
history of the world resembles their progress. It was a sound and
beneficial system, and its effects led to the happiness of the people.'

John Twells added: "In a bad hour, the British Parliament took away
from America its own scrip money, forbade any further issue of such
bills of credit, these bills ceasing to be legal tender, and ordered
that all taxes should be paid in British coins. Consider now the
consequences: this restriction of the medium of exchange paralyzed all
the industrial energies of the people. Ruin took place in these once
flourishing Colonies; most rigorous distress visited every family and
every business, discontent became desperation, and reached a point, to
use the words of Dr. Johnson, when human nature rises up and asserts
its rights."

Another historical writer, Peter Cooper, expressed himself along the

same lines. After saying how Franklin had explained to members of
Parliament the reason for the prosperity of the Colonies, Cooper wrote:
"After Franklin gave explanations on the true cause of the prosperity
of the Colonies, the Parliament enacted laws forbidding the use of this
money in the payment of taxes. This decree, clearly in the interest of
the British bankers who stood behind the Crown, brought so many
drawbacks and so much poverty to the people that it was the main cause
of the Revolution. The supression of the Colonial money was a much more
important reason for the general uprising than the Tea and Stamp Acts."

DANGER! The Scrip of the Bankers has Taken over America

Today, in America as well as in Europe, we are under the regime of the
Scrip of the Bankers instead of the scrip of the sovereign nations.
Hence the enormous public debts, everlasting interest (usury) charges,
taxes that plunder purchasing power and rob the production of the
people, with the result being more and more consolidation of the
financial dictatorship.

Where shall we start to correct the fraud of the bankers?

The first step in the monetary reform being advocated by more and more
action groups of educated and intelligent people is precisely the
replacement of the banks' debt money by debt-free money issued by the
Constitutionally mandated sovereign government of the nation, the
United States Congress, and elsewhere, the British Parliament, and
similar governments. It is the duty of those governments to serve and
protect their people, not allow financial robber barons to destroy them.

We must end the dictatorship of the moneyed interests!

It will soon become clear to you that we need to abolish the Federal
Reserve Banking System as a privately owned central bank controlled
partly by foreign interests. Check clearing must be taken over by the
U. S. Treasury Department, and the commercial banks of our system must
no longer be permitted to create and issue debt money by fractional
reserve deposit expansion. **A debt money system never provides money to
pay interest, so the banks ultimately acquire all the People's property
by foreclosure, as Thomas Jefferson said they would. Learn more. Study
this go-oaktree site until you begin to grasp the essentials of our
money problem. Learn the truth, before it is too late. Find out how you
can help yourself and your nation. Download these flyers and circulate
them via copy machines to friends who do not have Internet access.

The United States government borrows money from the Federal Reserve by
selling debt instruments (securities) - US Treasury bills, notes and
bonds28 - through specifically designated securities dealers (like Goldman
Sachs) to the Federal Reserve, which buys the securities with
money it creates out of nothing. The Treasury trades pink pieces of paper
(Treasury bonds) for green pieces of paper (Federal Reserve notes). The
Fed purchases these securities through the activities of the Federal Open
Market Committee (FOMC) and its Open Market Operations, so-called
because it buys these securities on the open market. It pays for the
securities with a check drawn upon itself.

The FOMC is the principal organ of United States national monetary

policy.29 The FOMC consists of twelve members: the seven members of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; the President of the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York; and four of the remaining Reserve Bank
presidents who serve rotating one-year terms. The FOMC is where
the real power lies since it establishes the Federal Funds Rate and the
Discount Rate used at the Feds Discount Window. These set the parameters
for the widely-known Prime Rate, which is traditionally fixed at 3
percentage points (300 basis points in bankers language) higher than the
Federal Funds Rate.
If the Fed wishes to increase the money supply, it buys US securities; if
it wishes to contract the money supply, it sells some of its own US
securities on the open market. In the first instance, when it wishes to
increase the money supply, it makes an electronic deposit to the
reserve account the seller of the security has with its local Federal
Reserve Bank thereby creating more money from nothing. Alternatively,
when it seeks to contract the money supply, to take a certain amount of
money out of circulation, it sells some of its own US securities. The
buyers must use their own money to pay for same, crediting the account of
the regional Fed bank and reducing the amount of their own reserve


The Money Matrix How the FED Works (PART 6/15)

November 17, 2008 by Jake Towne, the Champion of the Constitution Leave a
In this article, I hope to share, as simply as possible, enough details
for you to understand how modern-day central banking tries to control the
money supply, and even how the value of the paper money in your wallet or
the electrons in your bank account fluctuates on a daily basis. First I
will formally define fractional reserve banking and describe how it
expands or contracts the money supply. Next I will share how the Federal
Reserve controls monetary policy and supply with its three major tools
printing or de-printing money (technically referred to as open market
operations by the FED), bank reserve requirement ratios, and the infamous
Fractional Reserve Banking is a banking system in which banks are supposed
to maintain a quantity of reserves from their depositors. This quantity
is a fixed fraction of the amount of new money the banks are then allowed
to create. This newly created money is then loaned to the banks
Fractional reserve banking has two major flaws. The first is that money
creation is a fraudulent or even criminal act, which is a topic more
suited for Part 7. **(See Rothbards The Case Against the Fed below,
pages 40-45.)
The second flaw is insolvency. This is commonly known as a bank run and
is easy enough to understand. If the systems depositors demand in excess
of the reserve amount within a short enough time span, the entire system
theoretically just runs out of printed cash and goes broke. To prevent
this system crash, governments often resort to a massive physical printing
of currency, resulting in massive devaluation of the currency and its
eventual demise by hyperinflation. Hyperinflation in its terminal stages
looks like Zimbabwe's, which is estimated at 89.7 sextillion percent.
Here is how fractional reserve banking works in the United States, using
the current approximate 10% fractional reserve ratio requirement:
1) A depositor deposits $100 with a bank. (This depositor could be a
citizen, or another bank, even a receiver of the FEDs open market
operations which is described later.)
Total Reserves: $100, Total Loans: $0, Total Money Supply: $100
2) The bank holds $10 for its reserves and loans out the other $90 to other banks or citizens. If it
is a citizen, this money is temporarily held outside the banking system until he/she decides to
deposit the money into a bank.

Total Reserves: $10, Total Loans: $90, Total Money Supply: $100
3) Next, the second bank takes the $90 in deposits, holds $9 for its reserves, and loans out the
other $81.

Total Reserves: $19, Total Loans: $171, Total Money Supply: $190
4) Step 3 repeats. The third bank takes the $81 as a deposit, holds $8.10 for its reserves, and then
loans out $72.90.

Total Reserves: $27.10, Total Loans: $243.90, Total Money Supply: $271
5) Step 3 repeats again. The fourth bank takes the $72.90 as a deposit, holds $7.29 for its
reserves, and then loans out $65.61.

Total Reserves: $34.39, Total Loans: $309.51, Total Money Supply: $343.90
6) And so on. The bulk of the money creation is done after 15 repeats, but what is eventually left
after 40 or 50 repeats is pretty much:

Total Reserves: $100, Total Loans: $900, Total Money Supply: $1000
So you can see that within a very short period of time, banks transferring to other banks within
the system can CREATE $900 from the initial $100 deposit. For many, this process is such
NONSENSE that it is indeed hard to grasp, which is why I used the numbered steps and

Now I will describe how the FED controls our monetary policy in concert with the fractional
reserve banking system. The FED uses three prime monetary mechanisms to accomplish
this. These powers are Open Market Operations, Bank Reserve Requirement Ratios, and the
Discount Rate. I will not discuss the FED's vocal propaganda pronouncements which have had
some success at driving contemporary and future expectations in the past.


The FEDs Open Market Operations are the principle tool for implementing monetary
policy, which is fancy for saying they are the FEDs best way to swell or contract the
money supply.

The Federal Reserve writes here on page 36 (my italics) In theory, the Federal Reserve could
conduct open market operations by purchasing or selling any type of asset. In practice, however,
most assets cannot be traded readily enough to accommodate open market operations. For open
market operations to work effectively, the Federal Reserve must be able to buy and sell quickly,
at its own convenience, in whatever volume may be needed to keep the federal funds rate at the
target level. These conditions require that the instrument it buys or sells be traded in a broad,
highly active market that can accommodate the transactions without distortions or disruptions to
the market itself.
Earlier this year and for decades prior, the vast amount (as in 90-95%), of the FEDs balance
sheet rested in US Treasury securities traded in New York City. However, this changed with the
Great Panic of 2007, and the FED is now exercising its' once-theoretical abilities. The Atlanta
FED published this truncated graph, and now foreign securities, AIG, illiquid mortgage debt
have replaced, then ballooned the FEDs balance sheet. Now Treasury securities account for
only 32% of the FEDs balance sheet, which limits the effectiveness of this monetary weapon,
per the FEDs own admission above.

****Heres how it works, step-by-step, when the FED buys Treasuries, although it is the same
process for whatever asset they wish to purchase.

1) The FEDs Open Market Committee (FOMC) decides expand the nations
money supply and purchases, for example, $10 billion in Treasury bonds.
Monetary Supply Expansion: $0
2) The FED writes a check on itself for $10 billion. [Where did it get the money? The answer is

Monetary Supply Expansion: $10 billion

3) This $10 billion FED check then goes to one of the select government bond dealers (such as
Secretary Paulsons Goldman Sachs) in exchange for the $10 billion in Treasuries.

Monetary Supply Expansion: $10 billion

4) Then the bond dealer deposits its $10 billion FED check at a commercial bank.

Monetary Supply Expansion: $10 billion

5) Go to the fractional reserve loop above.

[Fractional Reserve Banking is a banking system in which banks are

supposed to maintain a quantity of reserves from their depositors. This
quantity is a fixed fraction of the amount of new money the banks are then
allowed to create. This newly created money is then loaned to the banks
Fractional reserve banking has two major flaws. The first is that money
creation is a fraudulent or even criminal act, which is a topic more
suited for Part 7. **(See Rothbards The Case Against the Fed below,
pages 40-45.)
The second flaw is insolvency. This is commonly known as a bank run and
is easy enough to understand. If the systems depositors demand in excess
of the reserve amount within a short enough time span, the entire system
theoretically just runs out of printed cash and goes broke. To prevent
this system crash, governments often resort to a massive physical printing
of currency, resulting in massive devaluation of the currency and its
eventual demise by hyperinflation. Hyperinflation in its terminal stages
looks like Zimbabwe's, which is estimated at 89.7 sextillion percent.
Here is how fractional reserve banking works in the United States, using
the current approximate 10% fractional reserve ratio requirement:
1) A depositor deposits $100 with a bank. (This depositor could be a
citizen, or another bank, even a receiver of the FEDs open market
operations which is described later.)
Total Reserves: $100, Total Loans: $0, Total Money Supply: $100
2) The bank holds $10 for its reserves and loans out the other $90 to other banks or citizens. If it
is a citizen, this money is temporarily held outside the banking system until he/she decides to
deposit the money into a bank.

Total Reserves: $10, Total Loans: $90, Total Money Supply: $100
3) Next, the second bank takes the $90 in deposits, holds $9 for its reserves, and loans out the
other $81.

Total Reserves: $19, Total Loans: $171, Total Money Supply: $190
4) Step 3 repeats. The third bank takes the $81 as a deposit, holds $8.10 for its reserves, and then
loans out $72.90.

Total Reserves: $27.10, Total Loans: $243.90, Total Money Supply: $271
5) Step 3 repeats again. The fourth bank takes the $72.90 as a deposit, holds $7.29 for its
reserves, and then loans out $65.61.

Total Reserves: $34.39, Total Loans: $309.51, Total Money Supply: $343.90
6) And so on. The bulk of the money creation is done after 15 repeats, but what is eventually left
after 40 or 50 repeats is pretty much:

Total Reserves: $100, Total Loans: $900, Total Money Supply: $1000
So you can see that within a very short period of time, banks transferring to other banks within
the system can CREATE $900 from the initial $100 deposit. For many, this process is such
NONSENSE that it is indeed hard to grasp, which is why I used the numbered steps and

We just learned how this deposit will very quickly be pyramided and lead to $10 billion in
deposits and $90 billion in loans within the banking system.

Monetary Supply Expansion: $100 billion

Now, the FED can very quickly CONTRACT the money supply in a similar fashion by
SELLING its assets. The process typically takes several weeks. However, the key enabler to do
this is that there must be a buyer outside of the FED so it is not quite as easy Treasuries are
(historically-speaking) a liquid market, but the AIG debt, for instance, is a lot harder to find a
buyer for.

[And yes, the US government DOES pay interest on the Treasuries to the FED, which many harp
on, since it can never be paid back since there are not enough dollars in the banking system to
ever clear all of the debt owed. Others love to point out that the privately-held FED stock pays a
guaranteed 6% annual dividend to the (undisclosed) owners. However, if these are compared to
the raw power to create money with its open market operations and the power I will describe
next, I want to point out that these are, monetarily-speaking, quite insignificant.]

The FEDs control over bank reserve requirements is an incredibly powerful backup punch
to its' open market operations power.

Per the FED, the reserve requirement ratio is the ratio of funds that a depository institution must
hold in reserve against specified deposit liabilities. Specified deposit liabilities are
traditionally limited to cash deposits from depositor, but the FED is technically free to redefine
this as they wish. A simpler, but slightly less precise, definition is the fraction of deposits at a
bank that it is supposed to hold in cash for withdrawals. I write supposed to since modern
banks do not really have to do so. (Like the thieving medieval goldsmith, good work if you can
get it!)

The Federal Reserve writes here on page 41 (my italics): The Federal Reserve can adjust
reserve requirements by changing required reserve ratios, the liabilities to which the ratios apply,
or both. Changes in reserve requirements can have profound effects on the money stock and on
the cost to banks of extending credit and are also costly to administer; therefore, reserve
requirements are not adjusted frequently. Nonetheless, reserve requirements play a useful role in
the conduct of open market operations by helping to ensure a predictable demand for Federal
Reserve balances and thus enhancing the Federal Reserves control over the federal funds rate.

Profound effects is right! The reserve requirement ratio has been more or less at 10% since the
1990s, falling from 14% in the 1970s. Rothbard notes: Ever since the Fed, after having
expanded bank reserves in the 1930s, panicked at the inflationary potential and doubled the
minimum reserve requirements to 20 percent in 1938, sending the economy into a tailspin of
credit liquidation, the Fed has been very cautious about the degree of its changes in bank reserve
requirements. (p. 144)

However, if the Federal Reserve Board of Governors have a joint bad hair day and decide
tomorrow to halve the reserve requirement ratio to 5%, the nations money supply will almost
DOUBLE in a matter of weeks. A $20,000 asset like a car or a small apartment would rapidly
approach $40,000 in value. In fact, just about everything would see 100% inflation, but salaries
purchasing power would be halved until the inflationary tidal wave rips them upwards. (The
FED finds it far less painless to do this over a long period of time by utilizing open market
operations. What I just described happened not in a few weeks, but from 1985 to 2008. Use
t;_blank>this calculator for those years to track the worth of $1.)

With the weapons of open market operations and reserve ratio requirements, the FED has
close to absolute monetary control over the American dollar, aka the Federal Reserve Note.
There is one last tool that is more or less a propaganda-type revolver, although without bullets
recently. However, since it is what most Americans associated with the FED before the Great
Panic of 2007, I will address it briefly.

The FED Discount Rate, or Fed Rate, is the interest rate the FED charges to banks to
borrow from the FED. However, borrowed reserves are not as satisfactory to the banks as
reserves that are wholly theirs, as they now have to pay it back with interest.
Per the FED, the discount rate is the interest rate charged to commercial banks and other
depository institutions on loans they receive from their regional Federal Reserve Bank's lending
facility the discount window. The Federal Reserve Banks offer three discount window
programs to depository institutions: primary credit, secondary credit, and seasonal credit, each
with its own interest rate. All discount window loans are fully secured.

However, the Federal Reserve also notes the volume of discount window borrowing is rela-
tively small. Besides being famous previously for dramatically shifting the stock markets ebb
and flow within minutes of its announcement, it is merely an ordinary wave in monetary policy
compared with the other two powers. An open market operation could be construed as a double-
overhead (surfer slang), and a sizeable shift in the reserve requirement ratio could be construed
as a monster rogue at a certain magical place in California called Mavericks. You can check the
discount window volume by googling DISCBORR.


The power to create these waves is the key reason why the FED must be driven out of existence.
There will be more to follow on the FED in Part 7.

In Liberty!

Jake Towne is running for U.S. Congress in Pennsylvania's 15th District in the 2010 election as
a citizen unaffiliated with any political parties. Jake also writes at www.LibertyMaven.com and
www.CampaignForLiberty.com. A master campaign presentation for internet viewing is
available. [Reach the Author Here!]

PS My sincere thanks to LW who did an awesome job revising this article.

UPDATE 4/09 It now seems like the banking system is not obeying the reserve requirements
listed above. Please read the research and link in this article for more details Off a Cliff with
No Airbags: The FED Banking System Quivers in Fright

END THE FED! Protest to take place on Saturday, 11/22/08

Published: November 16, 2008
Scenes are now to take place as will open the eyes of credulity and of insanity itself, to the
dangers of a paper medium abandoned to the discretion of avarice and of swindlers. -Thomas
Jefferson to Thomas Cooper, 1814

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice,
insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and
secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this
Constitution for the United States of America.

As always, unlike the NFL, the author grants full permission to allow any accounts of,
rebroadcasts, retransmissions, repostings in part or full of this article to your blog or anywhere
else in order to promote the Restoration of our Republic.
Veritas numquam perit. Veritas odit moras. Veritas vincit. Truth never perishes. Truth hates
delay. Truth conquers.

Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or
reduce them to slavery under an arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with
the people, who are thereupon absolved from further obedience, and are left to the common
refuge which god hath provided for all men against force and violence. John Locke


Nolan Chart Facebook Group Page Created

Summary of Articles for Jake, the Champion of the Constitution (11/15/2008)


The Money Matrix Series

1. America, Were Michael Phelps' Eight Olympic Gold Medals Worth Winning?

2. The Money Matrix Prelude (PART 1/15)

3. The Money Matrix What is a Dollar Bill Worth? (PART 2/15)

4. The Money Matrix What Makes Money Money? (PART 3/15)

5. The Money Matrix If You Don't Know Who the Sucker Is, Then It's
You! (PART 4/15)

6. The Money Matrix on the Grand Deception of Seigniorage (PART 5/15)

7. The Money Matrix Who Owns the FED (PART 7/15)

8. The Money Matrix Who Owns the FED (UPDATED PART 7/15)

9. The Money Matrix on Credetary Inflation and Deflation (PART 9/15)

10. The Money Matrix What the Heck Are Derivatives? (PART 10/15)

11. The Money Matrix Bring Light to Dark Derivatives! (PART


12. Save Ron Paul's Voice A Money Matrix Addendum

13. A Money Matrix Addendum: Citigroup and GATA Call for an End to
the Suppression of the Gold Market

14. MY PROPHECY The Federal Reserve Will End! A Money Matrix

The End for the Dollar and all Fiat Currencies (1/5)
Published: December 6, 2008
Gold is now in backwardation. I submit to you, Reader, the US Dollar is now officially a DEAD

Rioting at the Gates of Thermopylae: The Ramparts of the FED & Central Banks Shudder
Published: December 14, 2008
M1 hits 37% growth!! Most of the significant American banks, the larger banks, are bankrupt,
totally bankrupt. Jim Rogers, 12/11/2008

The Great Slump of 2008 (PART 1/2)

Published: December 20, 2008
One of Lord John Maynard Keynes's essays The Great Slump of 1930 is extremely relevant
today as we look forward at the 2009 economy and future governmental antics. Let's take a look!

Bernanke's Great Lie The Gold Standard and the Great Depression (PART 2/2)
Published: December 25, 2008
The claim that the gold standard caused or worsened the Great Depression debunked.


Source List and Recommended for Further Research on the FED (see also Part 1 above)
(Photos 1) (Photos 2) (Photos 3) (license)

Rothbard, Murray N. The Case Against the Fed. 1994. Pages 137-145.

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Purposes and Functions. 2005. Pages

Martenson, Chris. While I do not agree with a lot of what Dr. Martenson says, this 4 minute
and this 7 minute video are great visuals for understanding money creation.

Mises Institute. Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve. 41 minute video, highly

TheMoneyMasters.com. The Money Masters How International Bankers Gained Control of

America. A much longer but quite interesting viewpoint.

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Modern Money Mechanics. 1994. A fairly blunt, now
out-of-print description of the FED by the FED!

Keywords: rothschild social engineering communist country

Murray N. Rothbard, The Case Against The Fed, (Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2007)
Money, after all, can neither be eaten nor used up in production. The money-commodity,
functioning as money, can only be used in exchange, in facilitating the transfer of goods and
services, and in making economic calculationpossible. But once a money has been established in
the market, no increases in its supply are needed, and they perform no genuine social function.
As we know from general economic theory, the invariable result of an increase in the supply of a
good is to lower its price. For all products except
money, such an increase is socially beneficial, since it means
that production and living standards have increased in
response to consumer demand. If steel or bread or houses
are more plentiful and cheaper than before, everyone's
standard of living benefits. But an increase in the supply of
money cannot relieve the natural scarcity of consumer or
capital goods; all it does is to make the dollar or the franc
cheaper, that is, lower its purchasing power in terms of all other
goods and services. Once a good has been established as money
on the market, then, it exerts its full power as a mechanism of
exchange or an instrument of calculation. All that an increase
in the quantity of dollars can do is to dilute the effectiveness,
the purchasing-power, of each dollar. Hence, the great truth of

monetary theory emerges: once a commodity is in sufficient

The Ludwig von Mises Institute 19

supply to be adopted as a money, no further increase in the

supply of money is needed. Any quantity of money in
society is "optimal." Once a money is established, an increase
in its supply confers no social benefit.

20 The Ludwig von Mises Institute

Suppose that Joe Doakes and his merry men have invented
a perfect counterfeit: under a gold standard, a brass
or plastic object that would look exactly like a gold coin, or,
in the present paper money standard, a $10 bill that exactly
simulates a $10 Federal Reserve Note. What would happen?
In the first place, the aggregate money supply of the
country would increase by the amount counterfeited;
equally important, the new money will appear first in the
hands of the counterfeiters themselves. Counterfeiting, in
short, involves a twofold process: (1) increasing the total
supply of money, thereby driving up the prices of goods and
services and driving down the purchasing power of the
money-unit; and (2) changing the distribution of income and
wealth, by putting disproportionately more money into the
hands of the counterfeiters.
The first part of the process, increasing the total money
supply in the country, was the focus of the "quantity theory"
of the British classical economists from David Hume to Ricardo,
and continues to be the focus of Milton Friedman and
the monetarist "Chicago school." David Hume, in order to
demonstrate the inflationary and non-productive effect of
paper money, in effect postulated what I like to call the
"Angel Gabriel" model, in which the Angel, after hearing
pleas for more money, magically doubled each person's stock
of money overnight. (In this case, the Angel Gabriel would
be the "counterfeiter," albeit for benevolent motives.) It is
clear that while everyone would be euphoric from their
seeming doubling of monetary wealth, society would in no
way be better off: for there would be no increase in capital or
productivity or supply of goods. As people rushed out and

22 The Ludwig von Mises Institute

At this point, there was no need for even national banks

to hold onto gold; they could, and did, deposit their gold into
the vaults of the Fed, and receive reserves upon which they
could pyramid and expand the supply of money and credit
in a coordinated, nation-wide fashion. Moreover, with reserves
now centralized into the vaults of the Fed, bank reserves
could be, as the bank apologists proclaimed,
"economized," i.e., there could be and was more inflationary
credit, more bank "counterfeiting," pyramided on top of the
given gold reserves. There were now three inverted inflationary
pyramids of bank credit in the American economy: the

As in the
case of any counterfeiting, the result, so long as the warehouse
receipts function as surrogates for cash, will be to
increase the money supply in the society, to raise prices of
goods in terms of dollars, and to redistribute money and
wealth to the early receivers of the new bank money (in the
first instance, the bank itself, and then its debtors, and those
The Ludwig von Mises Institute 49

whom the latter spend the money on) at the expense of those
who receive the new bank money later or not at all.

50 The Ludwig von Mises Institute

The Ludwig von Mises Institute 119

Fed pyramided its notes and deposits on top of its newly

centralized gold supply; the national banks pyramided bank
deposits on top of their reserves of deposits at the Fed; and
those state banks who chose not to exercise their option of
joining the Federal Reserve System could keep their deposit
accounts at national banks and pyramid their credit on top
of that. And at the base of the pyramid, the Fed could
coordinate and control the inflation by determining the
amount of reserves in the member banks.
To give an extra fillip to monetary inflation, the new
Federal Reserve System cut in half the average legal minimum
reserve requirements imposed on the old national
banks. Whereas the national banks before the onset of the Fed
were required to keep an average minimum of 20 percent
reserves to demand deposits, on which they could therefore
pyramid inflationary money and credit of 5:1, the new Fed
halved the minimum reserve requirement on the banks to 10
percent, doubling the inflationary bank pyramiding in the
country to 10:1.

120 The Ludwig von Mises Institute

Before then, the Secretary of the Treasury had continued the legally mandated
practice since Jacksonian times of depositing all government
funds in its own sub-treasury branch vaults, and in
making all disbursements from those branches. Under spur
of wartime, however, McAdoo fulfilled Strong's long-standing
ambition: becoming the sole fiscal agent for the U.S.

126 The Ludwig von Mises Institute

Treasury. From that point on, the Treasury deposited its

funds with the Federal Reserve.

The other major monetary change accomplished by the

New Deal, of course, and done under cover of a depression
"emergency" in the fractional reserve banking system, was
to go off the gold standard. After 1933, Federal Reserve
Notes and deposits were no longer redeemable in gold
coins to Americans; and after 1971, the dollar was no
longer redeemable in gold bullion to foreign governments
and central banks. The gold of Americans was confiscated
and exchanged for Federal Reserve Notes, which became
legal tender; and Americans were stuck in a regime of fiat
paper issued by the government and the Federal Reserve.

the Fed can print at will. Unlike the days of the gold standard, it is impossible for
the Federal Reserve to go bankrupt; it holds the legal monopoly
of counterfeiting (of creating money out of thin air) in the
entire country.

The Fed and the banks are not part of the solution to inflation;
they are instead part of the problem. In fact, they are the
problem. The American economy has suffered from chronic
inflation, and from destructive booms and busts, because
that inflation has been invariably generated by the Fed itself.
That role, in fact, is the very purpose of its existence: to
cartelize the private commercial banks, and to help them
inflate money and credit together, pumping in reserves to the
banks, and bailing them out if they get into trouble.

The Ludwig von Mises Institute 145

There is only one way to eliminate chronic inflation, as

well as the booms and busts brought by that system of
inflationary credit: and that is to eliminate the counterfeiting
that constitutes and creates that inflation. And the only way
to do that is to abolish legalized counterfeiting: that is, to
abolish the Federal Reserve System, and return to the gold
standard, to a monetary system where a market-produced
metal, such as gold, serves as the standard money, and not
paper tickets printed by the Federal Reserve.

146 The Ludwig von Mises Institute

Keywords barclays, blackrock, state street, vanguard, fmr owned by

rothschild Rockefeller


In the past I have written that BlackRock is one of the Big Four - a group of huge financial holding
companies that control many sectors of the economy in the US and abroad. Other members of the
Big Four also include: the Vanguard Group; State Street Corporation; and FMR Corporation (Fidelity)

The companys very name, black rock, is probably intended to convey an image of
strength and solidity. In a recent article titled The Wars of Wall Street (May 13, 2015),
Russian strategic analyst Elena Larina wrote: ...behind every well-known bank on Wall
Street stand even more powerful and unregulated institutions. Those are asset
management companies. The biggest and most mysterious of them is the BlackRock
corporation headed by Larry Fink. Currently it manages assets - the vast majority of
which are stocks - worth more than $4.5 trillion. Just one figure - $36.5 trillion - gives an
idea of the extent of the firms predominance, and that number is slightly less than the
capitalization of this company that is included in the S&P 500, meaning that BlackRock
controls a significant part of corporate America.

BlackRock (BR) is an international investment company headquartered in New York

(USA). At the end of 2013 it had $4.57 trillion in assets under management. By mid-
2014, those assets had grown to $4.77 trillion. Some experts believe that BlackRock
controls more assets than any of the other Big Four firms.

BlackRock is the youngest of the Big Four, founded in 1988. It has literally only been in
the market for a quarter century, but has soared to heights beyond the reach of other
companies. The company has a global presence, with 21 investment centers and 70
offices in 30 countries and with clients in 100 countries.

And unlike the family-owned FMR, BlackRock is a public corporation with shares traded
on the stock exchange. The principal owners of BR, if one can trust Wikipedia, are Bank
of America (34.1 %), PNC Financial Services (24.6 %), and Barclays PLC (19.9 %). But
that information is likely out of date. NASDAQ claims that as of Dec. 31, 2014, BRs
biggest shareholders (share capital, %) were: PNC Financial Services 20.98; Norges
Bank Investment Management 7.15; Wellington Management Co. 6.38; FMR 4.16;
Vanguard 3.89; State Street 3.43; and BlackRock Institutional Trust Company
(BRITC) 1.98. In additional to institutional investors, mutual funds also hold shares of
BlackRock, as is typical. Almost every member of the pantheon of the Big Four is
included in the top ten of these funds (six from the coterie of Vanguard, two from FMR,
and another two have to be looked at separately).

The biggest institutional shareholder is PNC Financial Services - an American financial

company with $345 billion in assets at the end of 2014 and headquartered in Pittsburgh.
But when we look at who owns PNC Financial Services, it appears that its five largest
institutional investors include three of the Big Four. That would be Vanguard, State
Street, and BlackRock Institutional Trust Company (BRITC). The last of these
companies is a division of BlackRock - part of its empire.

And the third largest institutional investor - Wellington Management Co. - is very closely
linked to another member of the Big Four, the financial company Vanguard. Perhaps the
only one of BRs institutional investors that is relatively independent of the Big Four is
the company Norges Bank Investment Management - a specialized division of the
Norwegian central bank, which is responsible for investing the Pension Fund of Norway
in the financial markets.

Individual shareholders, primarily those who serve as the companys senior managers,
also invest in BlackRock. The five biggest individual investors own shares equal to
1.16% of the companys capital (as of April 2015).6 The key figures in BlackRocks
management are: Laurence D. Fink - founder, chairman, and CEO; Robert S. Kapito -
founder and co-president; Charles Hallac - co-president; and Susan Wagner - founder
and member of the board of directors.

It is worth noting that BlackRock has the smallest staff of any of the Big Four companies
numbering only 11,500 (in 2013). That works out to over $400 million in managed
assets per BlackRock employee. That figure is beyond the reach of other companies
and organizations in the American financial sector.

Like the other Big Four companies, BlackRock owns a capital stake in the leading banks
on Wall Street. But the company also has an appetite for European banks. In December
2009, BlackRock purchased Barclays Global Investors for $13.5 billion. As we see,
BlackRock has a very intimate relationship with Barclays bank. That bank, by the way,
took first place in a ranking created by the Institute of Technology in Zurich. The
**Rothschild-led Barclays Bank also held some staggering positions during the global
financial crisis.

Suffice it to say that in 2007, Barclays was the biggest institutional investor in some key
Wall Street banks, such as Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, and Bank of
New York Mellon. Plus, Barclays was the second largest institutional investor in the US
bank Wells Fargo. Incidentally, Barclays also held strong positions in many non-US
banks. It is worth noting that BlackRock was as a major shareholder in those same
banks as well (although not as significant a figure as Barclays). It could also be seen
that BlackRock and Barclays seemed to work in tandem, but their codependence was
not easy to establish.

It can be difficult to figure out which end is the dog and which end is her tail and who is
controlling whom. Is Barclays directing BlackRock or is BlackRock running the bank?
But most experts are inclined to believe that it is BlackRock that is dominating the
famous Barclays bank, which has always been associated with the Rothschild family.
Therefore, a correction can be made to the Swiss rankings, in order to take into account
BlackRocks purchase of Barclays. The Swiss list of top ten companies did not
previously include BlackRock, but now it can be added with confidence. If BlackRock
assumes Barclays place, that will put it right at the top. The company is very influential,
publishing the credit ratings of countries all over the world. According to its January
2013 rating, the most creditworthy country is Norway, followed by Singapore,
Switzerland, Sweden, and Finland. BlackRock awarded the United States only 15th

Of course BlackRocks interests are not limited to banks. It buys shares in a wide
spectrum of industries in different parts of the world. We have talked about how Fidelity
owns a 7% stake in the world-famous company Google. And the second largest investor
is BlackRock with 5.7%. NASDAQ provides information about the investment activity of
several major divisions within the BlackRock financial holding company: BlackRock
Group Ltd. (BRG), BlackRock Institutional Trust Company (BRITC); and BlackRock
Fund Advisors (BRFA). See table 1.
Table 1.

The investment activities of BlackRocks financial holding company (as of Dec.

31, 2014)

The value of the shares

The number of companies
held in that BlackRock
with shares in the
BlackRock division divisions investment
investment portfolio of that
portfolio (billions of US
BlackRock division

BlackRock Group Ltd. (BRG) 2,882 190.4

BlackRock Institutional Trust

3,894 640.7
Company (BRITC)

BlackRock Fund Advisors

3,928 413.0

Source: nasdaq.com; nasdaq.com; nasdaq.com.

Lets take a closer look at BlackRocks investment priorities based on the example of
one of its divisions, BlackRock Fund Advisors (BRFA). These are the first ten positions
in BRFAs investment portfolio (the value of a block of shares as of Dec. 31, 2014 in
billions of US dollars): Apple Inc. 9.26; Microsoft 5.03; Exxon Mobil 4.91; Johnson
& Johnson 3.44; General Electric 3.31; Chevron Corp 3.11; Wells Fargo 2.94;
Pfizer Inc 2.91; Berkshire Harthaway Inc 2.89; and JP Morgan Chase 2.75.

Heres a guide to BlackRocks investments in US banks (table 2). As we see, the

financial holding company is involved with all of the Big Six Wall Street banks.

Table 2.

BlackRocks investments in the Big Six US banks (in billions of US dollars; as of

Dec. 31, 2014)

Bank whose BlackRock division Total

shares were
purchased by the BlackRock BlackRock
BlackRock BlackRock Fund
Group Ltd. Institutional Trust
division Advisors (BRFA)
(BRG) Company (BRITC)

Wells Fargo 2.26 7.01 2.94 12.21

JP Morgan Chase 2.20 6.69 2.75 11.64

Bank of America 1.42 4.54 1.88 7.84

Citigroup 1.56 4.33 1.83 7.72

Goldman Sachs 0.68 2.25 0.96 3.89

Morgan Stanley 0.43 1.53 0.68 2.64

Total 8.55 33.36 11.04 52.95

Source: nasdaq.com; nasdaq.com; nasdaq.com. .

And so, many banks and companies that are represented at the annual meetings of the
Bilderberg Club, are, to a greater or lesser extent, dependent on BlackRock. If Philipp
Hildebrand spoke at the current conference, then I am sure the other attendees listened
to him with particular attention and respect. For this reason, one of the best-informed
people in the world, former Fed chairman Paul Volcker, once called BlackRock the most
powerful financial corporation in the world.

Tags: Bilderberg Club BlackRock Switzerland US Hildebrand



Banks Rule the World, but Who Rules the

Banks? (II)
Part I

Is just a few per cent of share capital enough to effectively manage a bank? At this point
there are at least three things that should be taken into account.

Firstly, large shareholders of leading US banks are long gone. Officially, there is not a
single shareholder of these banks with more than a 10 per cent stake. The overall
number of institutional shareholders (investors) of US banks is around one thousand. It
works out that an average of one institutional shareholder accounts for approximately
0.1 per cent of capital. In reality it is less, since there are also mutual funds (accounted
for separately) and many thousands of individuals. In a number of banks, shares are
owned by employees. In the case of Goldman Sachs, nearly 7 per cent of the share
capital is held by individuals. Finally, some of the shares are floated on the stock
market. In view of the fact that share capital is dispersed among tens of thousands of
security holders, owning just one per cent of the shares in a Wall Street bank is a very
powerful position.

Secondly, one and the same owner the ultimate beneficiary could be behind a few
(or many) officially independent shareholders. Let us say that the owners of the financial
holding company Vanguard Group hold shares in Goldman Sachs both directly and
through mutual funds that fall within the holding companys sphere of influence.
Chances are that the share of the Vanguard Group in the capital of Goldman Sachs is
more than 4.9 per cent (the percentage of the parent company) and more than 8.49 per
cent (the percentage in view of the three mutual funds under its control). Neither should
one disregard the individual shareholders, whose specific weight is far greater than their
percentage of the share capital since they are senior managers who were put into
management positions by the ultimate beneficiaries.

Thirdly, there are shareholders whose influence on the banks policies is greater than
their percentage of the share capital because they own so-called voting shares, while
other shareholders own so-called privileged shares. The latter give their holders
privileges like receiving a fixed dividend, but deprive them of the right to vote at
shareholder meetings. By way of example, a shareholder may hold shares in the capital
of the bank equal to 5 per cent, but his share of the total number of votes could be 10,
20 or even 50 per cent. The privilege of a casting vote for Wall Street banks could be of
much greater value than the privilege of receiving a guaranteed income.

Let us look back at Table 1 in the first part of this article. It shows that the main
shareholders of almost all the US banks are financial holding companies. Moreover,
while the names of the leading Wall Street banks are today familiar to all of us, the
names of the financial holding companies that own large stakes in these banks only
mean something to a very small circle of financiers. But they are the ones who
ultimately control the US banking system and the Federal Reserve System. For
example, the investment fund Franklin Templeton Investments, which bought up
Ukrainian debt securities for $7-8 billion and is taking an active part in the countrys
economic strangulation, has been mentioned rather a lot of late. This fund is a
subsidiary of the financial holding company Franklin Resources Inc., which is a
shareholder of Citigroup (with a share of 1.24 per cent) and Morgan Stanley (1.4 per

Financial holding companies like the Vanguard Group, State Street Corporation, FMR
(Fidelity), BlackRock, Northern Trust, Capital World Investors, Massachusetts Financial
Services, Price (T. Rowe) Associates Inc., Dodge & Cox Inc., Invesco Ltd., Franklin
Resources, Inc., , Capital Group Companies, Pacific Investment Management Co.
(PIMCO) and several others do not just own shares in American banks, they own mainly
voting shares. It these financial companies that exercise the real control over the US
banking system.
Some analysts believe that just four financial companies make up the main body of
shareholders of Wall Street banks. The other shareholder companies either do not fall
into the key shareholder category, or they are controlled by the same big four either
directly or through a chain of intermediaries. Table 4 provides a summary of the main
shareholders of the leading US banks.

Table 4.

Leading institutional shareholders of the main US banks

Name of shareholder Controlled assets, evaluation (trillions of dollars; date Number of

company of evaluation in brackets) employees

Vanguard Group 3 (autumn 2014) 12,000

State Street
2.35 (mid-2013) 29,500

FMR (Fidelity) 4.9 (April 2014) 41,000

Black Rock 4.57 (end of 2013) 11,400

Evaluations of the amount of assets under the control of financial companies that are
shareholders of the main US banks are rather arbitrary and are revised periodically. In
some cases, the evaluations only include the companies main assets, while in others
they also include assets that have been transferred over to the companies control. In
any event, the size of their controlled assets is impressive. In the autumn of 2013, the
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) was at the top of the list of the worlds
banks ranked by asset size with assets totalling $3.1 trillion. At that point in time, the
Bank of America had the most assets in the US banking system ($2.1 trillion). Just
behind were US banks like Citigroup ($1.9 trillion) and Wells Fargo ($1.5 trillion).
It is interesting that the big four financial holding companies control trillions of dollars
worth of assets with a rather modest number of employees. With total assets of around
$15 trillion, the big four has less than 100,000 employees. For comparison: Citigroup
alone has nearly 250,000 employees, while Wells Fargo has 280,000. Wall Street banks
seem like workhorses in comparison with the financial holding companies of the big

In terms of controlled assets, the big four financial companies are in a heavier weight
category than the big six US banks. The tentacles of the big four financial holding
companies do not just extend to the US banking system, but to companies in other
sectors of the economy in both the US and overseas. Here we can recall a study by
specialists from the Zurich Institute of Technology in Switzerland, the aim of which was
to reveal the controlling core of the global economic and financial system. In 2011, the
Swiss specialists calculated that there were 1,128 companies and banks at the core of
global finance at the beginning of the financial crisis (2007). An even denser core of 147
companies was revealed within this conglomerate. The authors of the study estimated
that this smaller core controlled 40 per cent of all corporate assets in the world. The
Swiss researchers ranked this core group of companies. Here is the top ten:

1. Barclays plc

2. Capital Group Companies Inc

3. FMR Corporation

4. AXA
5. State Street Corporation

6. JP Morgan Chase & Co

7. Legal & General Group plc

8. Vanguard Group Inc


10. Merrill Lynch & Co Inc.

An important fact is that all ten places in the Swiss list are occupied by financial sector
organisations. Of these, four are banks whose names everyone is familiar with (one of
them, Merrill Lynch, no longer exists). I will make particular mention of the US bank JP
Morgan Chase & Co. This is not just a bank; it is a bank holding company that holds
shares in many other US banks. As can be seen from Table 1, JP Morgan Chase holds
shares in every big six bank with the exception of Goldman Sachs. There is another
remarkable bank in the US banking world that is not officially one of the big six, but
which has invisible control over some of the big six banks. I am referring to The Bank
of New York Mellon Corporation. This bank holds shares in Citigroup (1.24 per cent), JP
Morgan Chase (1.48 per cent) and Bank of America (1.25 per cent).

But six of the places in the Swiss list belong to financial companies rarely mentioned in
the press. These are financial holding companies that specialise in acquiring
shareholdings in companies in various sectors of the economy around the world. Many
of them set up various investment funds, including mutual funds, and manage their
clients assets on the basis of trust agreements etc. The list includes three of the big
four financial companies in Table 4: Vanguard Group Inc, FMR Corporation (Fidelity),
and State Street Corporation. These financial holding companies, along with the
company BlackRock (which has strengthened its position considerably since 2007) also
make up the core of the US banking system.

It is interesting that the big six are also well represented in the bank holding company
JP Morgan Chase: Vanguard Group 5.46 per cent; State Street Corporation 4.71 per
cent; FMR Corporation (Fidelity) 3.48 per cent; and BlackRock 2.75 per cent.
Another of the bank holding companies mentioned above, The Bank of New York Mellon
Corporation, is controlled by three of the big four financial companies: Vanguard Group
5.15 per cent; State Street Corporation 4.72 per cent; and FMR Corporation
(Fidelity) BlackRock 2.62 per cent.

After revealing the controlling core of the US banking system made up of a small
number of financial holding companies, a number of new questions arise. Who are the
owners and ultimate beneficiaries of these financial holding companies? How far does
the influence of these financial holding companies extend sectorally and
geographically? And can we say that the approach to explaining what goes on in the
sphere of global finance based on the concept of the struggle between the Rothschild
and Rockefeller clans has now become obsolete?

However, these are subjects for another discussion.

Banks Rule the World, but Who Rules the Banks? (I)
These days, it is already a truism that the hegemony of the US is based on the Federal Reserve
Systems (FRS) printing press. It is also more or less clear that the shareholders of the FRS are
major international banks. These include not just US (Wall Street) banks, but also European
banks (London City banks and several in continental Europe).

**During the 2007-2009 global financial crisis, the FRS quietly gave out more than $16 trillion
worth of credit (virtually interest free) to various banks. The owners of the money gave out the
credit to themselves, that is to the main shareholder banks of the Federal Reserve. Under strong
pressure from US Congress, a partial audit of the FRS was carried out at the beginning of this
decade and the results were published in the summer of 2011. The list of credit recipients is also
a list of the FRS main shareholders. They are as follows (the amount of credit received is shown
in brackets in billions of dollars): Citigroup (2,500); Morgan Staley (2,004); Merrill Lynch
(1,949); Bank of America (1,344); Barclays PLC (868); Bear Sterns (853); Goldman Sachs
(814); Royal Bank of Scotland (541); JP Morgan (391); Deutsche Bank (354); Credit Swiss
(262); UBS (287); Leman Brothers (183); Bank of Scotland (181); and BNP Paribas (175). It is
interesting that a number of the recipients of FRS credit are not American, but foreign banks:
British (Barclays PLC, Royal Bank of Scotland, Bank of Scotland); Swiss (Credit Swiss, UBS);
the German Deutche Bank; and the French BNP Paribas. These banks received nearly $2.5
trillion from the Federal Reserve. We would not be mistaken in assuming that these are the
Federal Reserves foreign shareholders.

While the makeup of the Federal Reserves main shareholders is more or less clear, however, the
same cannot be said of the shareholders of those banks who essentially own the FRS printing
press. Who exactly are the shareholders of the Federal Reserves shareholders?

To begin with, let us take a good look at the leading US banks. Six banks currently represent the
core of the US banking system. The big six includes Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase,
Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, and Citigroup. They occupy the top spots in US
bank ratings in terms of indices such as amount of capital, controlled assets, deposits attracted,
capitalisation and profit. If we were to rank the banks in terms of assets, then JP Morgan Chase
would be in first place ($2,075 billion at the end of 2014), while Wells Fargo is in the lead in
terms of capitalisation ($261.7 billion in the autumn of 2014). In terms of this index, incidentally,
Wells Fargo came out on top not only in America, but in the world (although in terms of assets,
the bank is only fourth in America and does not even figure in the worlds top twenty).
There is some shareholder information on the official websites of these banks. The bulk of the
big six US banks capital is in the hands of so-called institutional shareholders various financial
companies. These include banks, which means there is cross shareholding.

At the beginning of 2015, the number of institutional shareholders of each bank were: Bank of
America 1,410; JP Morgan Chase 1,795; Morgan Stanley 826; Goldman Sachs 1,018;
Wells Fargo 1,729; and Citigroup 1,247. Each of these banks also has a fairly clear group of
major investors (shareholders). These are investors (shareholders) with more than one per cent of
capital each and there are usually between 10 and 20 such shareholders. It is striking that exactly
the same companies and organisations appear in the group of major investors for every bank.
Table 1 lists the major institutional investors (shareholders).

Table 1.

Major institutional shareholders of US banks and their percentage of the share capital of
each bank (as of 31 December 2014)

Main US banks
Leading institutional
shareholders Bank of JP Wells Goldman Morgan
America Morgan Fargo Sachs Stanley

Vanguard Group 5.13 5.46 5.02 5.22 4.91 3.87

State Street Corporation 4.55 4.71 4.61 4.23 5.60 7.50

FMR (Fidelity) 3.67 3.48 2.85 3.14 - 2.44

Black Rock 2.63 2.75 2.64 2.46 2.59 2.05

Northern Trust 1.24 1.53 1.37 1.35 1.29 -

JP Morgan Chase 1.71 - 1.56 1.99 - 2.96

Source: finance.yahoo.com

As well as the institutional investors identified in Table 1, the list of shareholders of the leading
US banks also includes the following organisations: Capital World Investors, Massachusetts
Financial Services, Price (T. Rowe) Associates Inc., Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.,
Berkshire Hathaway Inc., Dodge & Cox Inc., Invesco Ltd., Franklin Resources, Inc., The Bank
of New York Mellon Corporation and several others. I have only named those organisations that
appear as shareholders of at least two of the six leading US banks.
The institutional shareholders listed in the financial statements of leading American banks are
various financial companies and banks. Separate records are maintained with regard to
shareholders such as individuals and mutual funds. In a number of Wall Street banks, a
substantial proportion of the shares are owned by the employees of these banks. Obviously these
are top managers rather than ordinary employees (although ordinary bank workers may also have
a symbolic amount of shares). With regard to mutual funds1, many of these fall within the sphere
of influence of exactly the same institutional shareholders listed above.

A list of the largest shareholders of the US bank Goldman Sachs that qualify as mutual funds
may be given by way of example (Table 2).

Table 2.

Largest mutual fund shareholders of Goldman Sachs (as of 31 December 2014)

Name of mutual fund Percentage of share capital

Dodge & Cox Stock Fund 1.73

Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund 1.61

SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF 1.03

Vanguard 500 Index Fund 1.02

Vanguard Institutional Index Fund-Institutional Index Fund 0.96

SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust 0.94

Growth Fund Of America Inc 0.91

MFS Series Trust I-MFS Value Fund 0.83

Select Sector SPDR Fund-Financial 0.57

Fundamental Investors Inc 0.56

Source: finance.yahoo.com

At least three of the funds listed in Table 2 fall within the sphere of influence of the financial
corporation Vanguard Group. These are Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund, Vanguard 500
Index Fund, and Vanguard Institutional Index Fund-Institutional Index Fund. The Vanguard
Group holds 4.9 per cent of the share capital in Goldman Sachs, but the three mutual funds that
are part of this financial holding company provide an additional 3.59 per cent. The Vanguard
Groups actual position in Goldman Sachs is therefore determined by a share of 8.49 per cent
rather than 4.9 per cent.

A number of Wall Street banks also have an individual shareholder category. These are usually
the banks senior executives, both active and retired. The table below contains information on the
individual shareholders of Goldman Sachs (Table 3).

Table 3.

Largest individual shareholders of Goldman Sachs (as of 27 February 2015)

Shareholders Number of shares






Source: finance.yahoo.com

Altogether, the five individuals listed in Table 3 hold more than 5.5 million shares in Goldman
Sachs, which amounts to approximately 1.3 per cent of the banks total share capital. This is the
same amount of shares as an institutional shareholder like Northern Trust. Who are these people?
They are senior managers at Goldman Sachs. Lloyd Blankfein, for example, has been the
chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs since 31 May 2006. John S Weinberg has been a vice
chairman of Goldman Sachs since around the same time. He is also a member of the
management committee and was co-head of the investment banking division (he left the latter
post in December 2014). The three other individual shareholders also fall into the category of
Goldman Sachs senior management, and they are all current employees of the bank.

(To be concluded...)

(1) A mutual fund (MF) is a portfolio of shares acquired by professional financiers through investments by
many thousands of small investors. By the beginning of the 21st century, there were several thousand mutual
funds in operation in the US. By 2000, 164.1 million accounts had been opened under the framework of mutual
funds, which is to say nearly two per family.


Monsanto, Pfizer and Disney owned by the Rothschild family

These three huge corporations that look different and even
distant are actually departments of a mega-corporation owned by the Rothschild banking
family Mafia. Disney is the largest media Corporation of the world. Monsanto is the world's
largest corporation of "food". Pfizer is the largest pharmaceutical corporation in the world. Both
Monsanto and Pfizer are working to depopulate the Earth, and Disney is in charge to hide it.

How do we know that the Rothschild are the owners of these three companies? Quite simply,
they are saying it! The problem is that most people don't read nor investigate.

Disney's ownership-largest shareholders:



Monsanto's ownership-largest shareholders:

* JENNISON ASSOCIATES LLC 15,351,518 Morgan Stanley (Zionist Jew)

Pfizer's ownership-largest shareholders:



Source: NASDAQ, YAHOO Finance. Bloomberg

Who or what are these shareholders?




Belongs to Edmond de Rothschild.

Rothschild Bank AG


Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance - Rothschild Bank of Londres, Rothschild Bank of Berlin


Under control of Edmond de Rothschild's daughter, married with the puppet Marcus Agius.

Divide and Conquer

Communism and capitalism (and its derivatives) are two sides of the same coin: A false
ideological dichotomy implanted in world culture, that is the biggest dividing lie in history.

The Rothschild banking family financed Stalin. The Rothschild banking family and The
Rockefellers financed Hitler. They own the major corporations and banks. They created

In fact, the ideological possibilities are as endless as the directions in which the branches of a
tree grow. The only persistent condition is the search of sunlight, source of life. The right-left
notion is not consistent. According to biology and evolution of species (including humanity) can
not be an "ideological dichotomy". Any human social expression has biological roots, the
dichotomy Communism-Capitalism as an political idea no. And much less a false dichotomy
where both ideological "ways" converge in the same

Diego Ignacio Mur

Twitter: @DiegoMur
Celeste Fassbinder
Twitter: @CelesFassbinder
BWN Argentina

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