TransitNXT Advanced AdvancedFeatures ENG
TransitNXT Advanced AdvancedFeatures ENG
TransitNXT Advanced AdvancedFeatures ENG
Valid from Version 2016-12. This document is valid as of Transit/TermStar NXT
Service Pack 9 Service Pack 9.
Transit/TermStar is being continuously further developed. You can find current
Service Packs, installation instructions, user documentation and accessories on
our website in the following area: "Downloads | Transit & TermStar NXT"
Copyright, STAR Group. All rights reserved. All wording and images contained in this
liability and document are protected by copyright and may only in whole or in part be
trademarks reproduced, processed, passed on to third parties or published with written
permission from STAR AG. If you would like to use the content of this document,
please contact [email protected].
The content of this document has been carefully checked. STAR AG cannot be held
liable for any consequences arising from the use of this documentation.
The trademarks used within this document are the property of their respective
rights holders.
1 Exchanging reference material via TMX
What you should know here............................................................................. 9
Supported TMX versions.................................................................................. 9
Importing TMX files into Transit ...................................................................... 9
Naming and saving the language pairs ............................................................ 9
File name extension when importing from other systems ............................. 10
Performing a TMX import ............................................................................... 10
Segment status of imported TMX files ........................................................... 11
Exporting language pairs as TMX file ............................................................. 11
Checking prior to the TMX export .................................................................. 11
Settings for the TMX export ........................................................................... 11
Exporting the current project as TMX file....................................................... 12
Exporting projects, folders, and language files as TMX file ........................... 13
Compatibility of the language and country codes of TMX files ...................... 14
What you should know here........................................................................... 14
TMX files from other systems in Transit ......................................................... 14
TMX files from Transit in SDL Trados............................................................. 15
2 Managing roles
What you should know here........................................................................... 16
Hierarchy of functions .................................................................................... 16
Opening a role ............................................................................................... 17
Creating a new role........................................................................................ 19
Creating completely new roles....................................................................... 19
Editing an existing role ................................................................................... 20
Protect role by password ............................................................................... 21
STAR Group 3
8 Customising Transit
Correcting lists of abbreviations for segmentation by sentence ..................... 63
What you should know here........................................................................... 63
File names of abbreviation lists ...................................................................... 63
Scope and folders .......................................................................................... 64
Correcting abbreviation lists .......................................................................... 64
Spellchecking: Correcting a list of unknown words ....................................... 64
What you should know here........................................................................... 64
Reference-based spellcheck.......................................................................... 64
Spellcheck with Open Source dictionary ....................................................... 65
Editing the list of unknown words .................................................................. 65
STAR Group 5
13 Regular expressions
What are regular expressions?..................................................................... 106
Basic settings for searches in Transit .......................................................... 106
What can you use regular expressions for? ................................................. 107
Defining regular expressions........................................................................ 107
Control characters ....................................................................................... 109
Overview of meta characters....................................................................... 110
Wildcards: . [ ] & ...................................................... 111
Wildcard for any single character: . (dot)..................................................... 111
Wildcard for any of a specified group or class: Square brackets ([ ]) ........ 111
Wildcard for any sequence of characters: Ampersand (&) ........................... 113
Quantifiers: +*? ......................................................... 115
Escapement: \ ........................................................... 118
Applying meta characters to character strings: ( ) ........................ 120
Placement: ^ $ .......................................................... 121
Negation: ! ............................................................. 123
Negation of a character or character string ................................................. 124
Negation of a character group ..................................................................... 124
Negation of beginning/end of line ................................................................ 125
Alternatives: |........................................................... 127
What does Transit interpret as an alternative?............................................. 127
Alternatives and character groups/classes .................................................. 128
Alternatives and negated character strings.................................................. 128
STAR Group 7
14 Language codes
Sorted by language name ............................................................................ 143
Sorted by language code ............................................................................. 149
1 Exchanging reference
material via TMX
What you should TMX is a data format for exchanging translation memories. It allows you to use the
know here translation memory from another system in Transit.
You have the following options:
G Importing TMX files into Transit ( page 9)
G Exporting the current project as TMX file ( page 12)
G Exporting projects, folders, and language files as TMX file ( page 13)
Supported TMX During the import, Transit supports TMX versions 1.1 to 1.4.
versions During the export, Transit uses TMX version 1.4.
STAR Group 9
1 Exchanging reference material via TMX
File name When you import TMX files from other translation memory systems, you will need
extension when to specify a file name for the language files that you want Transit to create. Specify
importing from .txt as the file name extension.
other systems Transit then names the language files using the file name that you specified and the
file name extension in accordance with the language code.
G Example:
When importing an English-Swedish TMX file, specify the file name manual.txt.
Transit then creates the language files manual.eng and manual.sve.
Transit has imported the TMX file and saved it as language pairs.
5 Close the Import progress window with OK.
Transit displays the TMX Import window again in the foreground.
If you do not want to carry out another import, simply click on Close.
Segment status of During the TMX import, Transit assigns the segment status Translated to the source
imported TMX and target languages of the language pairs created.
files Depending on the quality of the translation memory you imported, you may need
to carry out a quality check before using the language pairs created as reference
material in translation projects.
You can do so either by checking each segment and assigning it a status individ-
ually or by changing the status globally for the entire language file ( Transit NXT
Users Guide , section Proofreading mode).
Checking prior to For the export as TMX, you must know the following:
the TMX export G Whether protected and unaltered segments should also be exported.
Settings for the You can define the following for the export:
TMX export G Source language and export languages
You must define the source language and at least one export language. The
source language is always exported, regardless of whether you select it as an
export language.
G Also export protected segments
This setting is only required if you want to import the TMX file into Transit at a
later point. It is not relevant for exchanging with other translation memory
Use this to tell Transit to export segments that only contain markups. If you
select this option, you must also select Also export unaltered segments.
Otherwise Transit will only export segments with contents that can be edited
and translated.
STAR Group 11
1 Exchanging reference material via TMX
Exporting the You can export the language pairs for the current project as TMX file. Transit then
current project as exports the source language and all target languages of the project.
TMX file
How do I export a project as TMX file?
1 Select Reference material | TMX interface | Export current project as TMX
from the resource bar.
Transit displays the following window:
Completed successfully.
Transit has created the TMX file.
Close the Export progress window by clicking on OK.
Exporting You can export any project, reference folder, and language file as TMX file.
projects, folders,
and language files How do I export projects, reference folders, and language files as TMX file?
as TMX file
1 Select Reference material | TMX interface | Export TMX from the resource
Transit displays the following window:
STAR Group 13
1 Exchanging reference material via TMX
4 Define the source and export languages ( Source language and export
languages, page 11).
5 Define the other settings for the TMX export ( Settings for the TMX export,
page 11).
6 Click on Start.
Once Transit has completed the export, it displays the following message:
Completed successfully.
Transit has saved the TMX file.
7 Close the Export progress window by clicking on OK.
Transit now displays the TMX export window again in the foreground.
If you do not want to carry out another export, simply click on Close.
TMX files from During the import, Transit takes varying codes from other systems into consider-
other systems in ation and can usually correctly interpret and import them.
Transit Exception: The language variants of Serbian (Cyrillic and Latin for Serbia, for
Montenegro and for Bosnia and Herzegovina in each case) cannot be clearly
TMX files from SDL Trados does not import the following languages correctly:
Transit in SDL
Trados Language and country codes
Acc. to ISO Export from Transit Code in SDL Trados
Afrikaans af af af-01
Basque eu eu eu-01
Catalan ca ca ca-01
Farsi fa fa fa-01
Hebrew he-il iw-il iw-01
Norwegian (Nynorsk) nn-no no-ny no-ny
Norwegian (Bokmal) nb-no no-no no-ny
Serbian sr-yu sr-yu sh-yu
Differing coding for special language variants
STAR Group 15
2 Managing roles
2 Managing roles
What you should Using the role administration of Transit, you can view the standard roles that are
know here supplied ( Opening a role, page 17) as well as create your own roles
( Creating a new role, page 19).
Hierarchy of The role administration hierarchically displays the functional elements of a role:
functions G General: General areas of the ribbon bar
Opening a role
How do I open a user role?
1 Select User roles | Manage user roles from the resource bar.
Transit opens the following window:
2 Select Open.
STAR Group 17
2 Managing roles
3 Select the user role you want to open and click Open.
Transit displays the selected role:
The upper section of the window hierarchically displays the function levels
( Hierarchy of functions, page 16).
To display or hide the next-lowest level, click on the plus sign or minus sign
in front of the name.
To display all sub-levels, click Expand. To hide all sub-levels again, click
once again on Expand.
In the Windows and View lists, you will find the windows assignment as well as the
Transit and TermStar views of the role.
STAR Group 19
2 Managing roles
3 Edit the role settings (details Creating a new role, page 19):
Define the functions that you want to be available for the role.
Decide how inactive controls are displayed (option Hide greyed-out
groups on the ribbon bar and greyed-out buttons on the resource bar).
In the Windows area, select the window layout for the role.
In the View preferences area, select the Transit and TermStar views for
the role.
4 As an option, a password can be allocated for the role
5 Click Save to save the information entered.
Click OK to use the new role or Cancel to go back to the current role.
3 Click Password.
Transit displays the following window:
You must enter the new password in exactly the same way in both fields.
STAR Group 21
2 Managing roles
Enter the new password, enter it a second time to confirm, and then select OK
to confirm your entry.
4 Ensure that the user cannot select a standard role.
To do so, add the following parameter to the [Options] section in the starte.ini
To ensure this setting cannot be changed, the user must not have access to
the \bin folder of his or her Transit installation.
If the user has already set up individual roles, you must delete them.
5 Send the ACT file for the role and the relevant password to the user.
You will find the ACT file in the subfolder of the selected scope in the \config folder.
What you should You can use a macro to automate a task you want to perform repeatedly in Transit.
know here For this purpose, you record the necessary steps of the task in a macro
( Recording a new macro, page 24). Transit saves all the commands and inputs
you give when recording the macro.
Then you can run the macro again and again. In this way ( Running the macro,
page 26), Transit automatically carries out all the commands and inputs contained
in the macro.
You can also alter, correct or delete an existing macro ( Editing the macro,
page 27).
STAR Group 23
3 Automating tasks using macros
Ensure that you do not use standard Transit keyboard shortcuts with which you
normally work.
G Do not use mouse movements
Transit does not record any mouse movements in macros, but only actions and
steps you carry via keyboard.
For this reason, only use the keyboard and call-up menus and commands only
with keyboard shortcuts.
If you are not familiar with keyboard shortcuts, note them before recording the
4 To have Transit display the commands recorded after recording the macro,
select Show macro definition after recording.
Transit can also display the macro definition any time at a later date ( Editing
the macro, page 27).
5 Confirm your entry with OK.
Message Macro name already exists:
Confirm the message by clicking OK and in the Macro name field, enter
another name which is not already in use ( Step 2, page 24).
Message No hotkey selected:
Confirm the message by clicking OK and select a key from the Key list
( Step 3, page 24).
From this point, Transit records all the commands and inputs you execute
using the keyboard.
6 Carry out all the commands and keyboard inputs which you want to record in
the macro.
7 To stop recording the macro, use the mouse to select Edit | Macros | Stop.
Make sure you select this option using the mouse. Do not use a keyboard
shortcut as this would be recorded with the macro.
Stop the recording using the mouse, but not using the keyboard.
STAR Group 25
3 Automating tasks using macros
You specified this hotkey while recording the macro ( Step 3, page 24).
Transit runs the macro selected.
Run a macro via How do I run a macro using the ribbon bar?
ribbon bar 1 Select Edit | Macros | Play.
2 From the Macro name list, select the macro which you want to run.
3 Click on Run.
Transit runs the macro selected.
2 From the Macro name list, select the macro which Transit should display.
Transit displays the shortcut and the contents of the macro.
3 Change the macro settings:
To change the shortcut, adapt the settings in the Hotkey section.
To edit the recorded commands, correct them in the Macro definition
4 Click Apply and close the window by clicking OK.
STAR Group 27
3 Automating tasks using macros
Stop the recording using the mouse, but not using the keyboard.
The command <U_160> inserts the Unicode character 160 (non-breaking space)
4 To confirm the changes, click Apply and close the window by clicking OK.
Now, you can simply insert the Unicode character in Transit with the defined
shortcut: For a non-breaking space you press CTRL + Space bar.
STAR Group 29
4 Print page setup
What you should When printing language pairs or dictionaries, you can save several settings as a
know here print page setup and use it again at a later stage ( Opening a print page setup,
page 31 and Saving the print page setup, page 31).
The print page setup can be used for the following settings:
G Page margins ( page 32)
G Separators for dictionaries ( page 33)
G Headers and footers ( page 36)
G Page layout ( page 38)
Saving the print If you have changed a print page setup, you can save it with the new settings. You
page setup have two options here:
G Save: Save as an existing print page setup
Transit saves the settings in the opened print page setup and overwrites the
old settings.
To do so, click Save in the Page setup window.
G Save as: Save as a new print page setup
With this function, you create a new print page setup with the new settings. The
existing print page setup remains unchanged.
STAR Group 31
4 Print page setup
Use File name to specify the name under which you will be able to select the page setup subsequently.
You should therefore a descriptive names for this.
2 Enter a name for the new print page setup in the File name field.
3 Under Scope, select the scope for the print page setup:
Global: For all users and all projects
User: Only for the current user
Customer: Only for projects of the current customer
4 Click Save.
Separators for On the Separator letters tab, you can specify how TermStar should separate the
dictionaries different letter groups of the dictionary.
You can specify separators for letter ranges, individual letters, digits or a combi-
nation of these options.
TermStar distinguishes between upper and lower case. Therefore enter letters and
letter ranges in both versions (upper and lower case).
STAR Group 33
4 Print page setup
TermStar does not print a separator for letters or digits you do not specify.
Entry in separator
Separator type Meaning
field (examples)
Letter range a-zA-Z TermStar separates any letter from A to Z.
TermStar prints all other characters without
separator (e.g. special characters or numbers).
d-kD-K TermStar separates any letter from D to K.
TermStar prints all other characters without
separator (i.e. letters A, B, C and from L to Z).
Individual letters aAbBcC TermStar separates the specified letters A, B and
C as well as .
TermStar prints all other characters without
Numbers 1-9 TermStar separates any number from 1 to 9.
TermStar prints all other characters without
separator (i.e. all letters).
Combinations 1-5a-tA-T TermStar separates numbers from 1 to 5, letters
from A to T and .
Separators for printing the dictionary
2 From the Placement list, select where TermStar should position the separator:
None: TermStar does not print any separators.
Left, Centre or Right: TermStar prints the separator left-aligned, centred or
3 From the New page list, select whether TermStar should print any new letter
on a new page:
None: New letter on the same page
Page: New letter on the next availiable page
Right page: New letter on the next right-hand page (may result in a blank
left-hand page)
This option is only relevant to double-sided layouts ( Page layout,
page 38).
4 In the Character(s) field, enter the characters in front of which TermStar should
print a separator (table Separators for printing the dictionary, page 34).
5 If you want to change the font for the separator, click Font.
6 If you want to select a background for the separator, click Background.
7 In the Distance from text section, specify the distances before and after the
Do not forget to save the print page setup if you have changed it ( Saving the
print page setup, page 31).
STAR Group 35
4 Print page setup
Headers and On the Header and Footer tabs, you can specify text to be printed on each page.
footers For this purpose, you can use static text (e.g. your department, copyright note) and
variables (e.g. date, consecutive page number, file name).
A header or footer has left, center and right areas. You can add text and variables
to each of these areas. You can also set a font for each area.
In addition, you can specify whether header and footer are to be separated by a line
from the print area.
You can use the following variables in headers and footers:
2 Choose the area you want to specify. To do so, select the Left, Center or Right
3 Specify the content for the area selected:
To insert a variable, you can double-click on the corresponding entry in the
Fields list.
If you want to change the font for this area, click Font.
4 Select Double-sided symmetrical to print the headers and footers in
mirror-image on the right and left pages.
If you have selected this option, the right and left-hand areas will be swapped
over between the right and left-hand pages. This means that the page numbers
always appear on the outer edge of the page.
The symmetrical layout is only used for double-sided layouts ( Page layout,
page 38).
5 You can insert a separating line between the header/footer and the print area
of the dictionary:
In the Separator lines section, check the Line option.
Specify the distance of the line from the header and footer (From text
setting) and the Line width.
Do not forget to save the print page setup if you have changed it ( Saving the
print page setup, page 31).
STAR Group 37
4 Print page setup
Page layout On the Page layout tab, you can define the general appearance of the printout.
G Page layout
1st page number
This is where you specify with which page number the numbering should
You can determine where the page number is printed using the variable %p
in the header or footer ( Headers and footers, page 36).
If you select Double-sided, Transit prints left and right pages differently:
The gutter is always added along the inside edge of the page ( Page
margins, page 32).
Headers and footers can be printed in mirror-image on the right and left
pages ( Headers and footers, page 36, Double-side symmetrical
G Column layout
Columns: Number of columns
For layouts with more than one column, you can also specify:
Spacing: Spacing between the columns
Line between: TermStar inserts a separating line between the columns.
You can also specify the width of the separating line in the Thickness field.
5 Customising dictionary
What you should TermStar saves the settings for displaying your dictionaries in views. A view is
know here composed of several layouts. You can use these layouts to define how TermStar
displays the fields of dictionaries and which fields can be edited.
The following properties are specified in the layouts:
G Field selection for the header data
G Selecting fields for the entries (separately for source language, target language
and additional languages)
G Field layout
G Formatting the field contents (font, size, colour, etc.)
G Texts that TermStar displays before and after the contents of the field
G Static texts that TermStar displays for every data record
G Display cross-references
TermStar is preconfigured with a number of layouts that have proven successful in
practice. You can also create and save your own layouts ( Managing layouts,
page 40). For editing layout, you use the layout editor ( Working with the layout
editor, page 43).
To use a new layout in TermStar, you will need to assign it to one of the existing
views ( TermStar NXT Users Guide , section Customising the dictionary
STAR Group 39
5 Customising dictionary layouts
Managing layouts
Creating a new
Opening existing You have the following options for opening an existing view:
layouts G Open an active layout
3 Select the layout you want to edit and confirm your choice with Open.
TermStar opens the layout in the layout editor ( Working with the layout editor,
page 43).
Saving the layout If you have edited a layout in the layout editor, you must save it so that your
and closing the changes are not lost.
layout editor There are two ways of saving a layout:
G Save: The layout editor saves the layout under the same name and in doing so
overwrites your old layout.
G Save under a new name: The layout editor saves the layout under a new
name. This allows you to create a new layout without changing your old layout.
STAR Group 41
5 Customising dictionary layouts
Use File name to specify the name under which you will be able to select the layout subsequently. You
should therefore use a descriptive name.
2 Enter a name for the new layout in the File name field.
3 Select the scope for the new layout from the Scope list:
Global: For all users and all projects
User: Only for the current user
Customer: Only for projects of the current customer
4 Click on Save to confirm the information entered.
Transit saves the layout under a new name.
Providing other Each layout is saved in its own file with the file extension *.tld. You can provide
TermStar users other TermStar users with access to any layout file so that they can also use it as
with your layouts their layout.
Where the layout files are saved depends on the scope that you defined when
saving the file ( How do I save a layout under another name?, page 42):
G Global scope: config\global folder
G Customer scope: config\customers\<customer> folder
G User scope: config\users\<user> folder
Layout editor When you open or create a layout, TermStar opens the layout editor:
Elements of the layout editor: 1: Tab for layout editor, 2: Toolbar, 3: Available fields ( page 43), 4: Fields
used in the layout, 5: Preview
Available fields The layout editor displays all of the fields that are not used in the layout as
available fields.
TermStar displays the fields hierarchically:
G Header: Header fields which belong to a data record.
G Source language: Source language fields.
Example: If you select the Term and Definition fields here, TermStar displays the
source language with these fields.
STAR Group 43
5 Customising dictionary layouts
Structure of the The structure of the target, source and additional languages is identical:
language units
G Language pseudo-field
You can use the Language pseudo-field to display the language code or the
language name for an entry.
This can be selected and formatted like a normal entry file.
You can define whether the layout displays the language code or the language
name by using a variable in the Field properties window ( Variables,
page 52).
G Language fields
If, for example, a data record contains multiple entries in the target language
English, you can enter a common definition which applies to all the English
entries of a data record.
G Entry fields
The Entry subgroup of a language unit contains the entry fields for this
You can specify whether you want TermStar to display multiple entries for the
language unit. This means, for example, that if a data record has two entries in
the target language German, TermStar will display both entries ( Formatting
entries and subentries, page 49).
G Subentry fields
In addition to the fields for the main entry, the subentries and their fields are
also available. You will need to add these subentries to the layout in order to
display them.
Like in main entries, the Term field is the index field the contents of which are
filed in the dictionary as an individual entry.
STAR Group 45
5 Customising dictionary layouts
Adding and In addition to fields, you can also add static text. TermStar adds these texts to the
deleting a static Fields in layout area. You can move these in the same way as fields ( Defining
text the order of fields, page 47).
Difference between static text and having the text before/after a field
As an alternative to static text, you can define text for each field, each level or
each sub-group and have this text displayed before or after the field.
Static texts have the following advantages:
G You can move them as a separate unit.
G You can specify an indentation.
G TermStar always displays them (even if the fields are empty).
Defining the order TermStar arranges the fields in the order in which you add them. You can change
of fields the sequence of the fields at a later point by moving the fields in the Fields in layout
STAR Group 47
5 Customising dictionary layouts
In doing so, the layout editor also moves the field icon:
3 Drag the field over another field and release the mouse button.
The layout editor positions the field you moved below the selected field.
Field properties in the layout editor: 1: Text before the field contents, 2: Field contents or fixed text, 3:
Text after the field contents
You can leave this window open the whole time so you can format the fields. If you
select a field from the Fields in layout area, the layout editor displays the
formatting of the field in this window.
You have the following options depending on the element selected:
G Formatting the header/source language/target language/additional languages
( page 49)
G Formatting entries and subentries ( page 49)
G Formatting fields ( page 50)
G Entering and formatting static texts ( page 51)
You can close the window by clicking on Close.
To open it again, select a field or item of static text in the Fields in layout area. In
the context menu, select Properties.
Formatting the For each of the four units (header, source language, target language, additional
header/source languages), you can specify texts or characters which frame all the fields of this
language/target unit.
Formatting entries You can define text or characters for each entry and subentry which frame all the
and subentries fields of this entry.
STAR Group 49
5 Customising dictionary layouts
Formatting fields You can use the field options to define the font formatting, spacing, indentation and
before and after texts for each field.
Entering and You can use the options for static texts to determine the contents, font formatting,
formatting static spacing and indentation for static texts.
STAR Group 51
5 Customising dictionary layouts
Variables You can also use the following variables for Text before, Text and Text after:
Formatting TermStar displays subentries in the dictionary as separate entries that refer to the
automatic main entry using a cross-reference.
cross-references You can define how TermStar displays these subentries and their cross-references.
G Additional units:
TermStar displays the available fields and the fields you have selected for the
cross-reference area of the layout.
2 Add the Term field from the Cross-reference layer if this field is not already
included in the layout.
3 Add the Term field from the Source language layer.
This field generates an automatic cross-reference to the main entry for the
4 In the Field properties window for this field, enter a string as Text before for
TermStar to display in front of the cross-reference (e.g. see or --->).
5 Format the field so that it can be identified as a cross-reference (e.g. different
font colour green).
6 Add additional fields if necessary.
TermStar uses this layout for subentries with an automatic cross-reference to the
main entry.
General settings You can define general settings for each layout. These apply to both areas of a
layout (normal and cross-reference).
You have the following options for this:
Area Meaning
Display graphics Displays the graphics linked in the Multimedia header field:
G Do not scale
G Scale for screen width
G Shrink image
G Show file name
General layout settings
STAR Group 53
5 Customising dictionary layouts
Area Meaning
Cross-reference colour Colour in which TermStar displays the manual cross-references.
Manual cross-references are cross-references that have been
created using the Create cross-reference function or the Create
special reference function.
This does not affect how automatic cross-references are
displayed ( Formatting automatic cross-references,
page 52).
Spacing You can specify the following distances:
G Data record distance: Distance between two data records
G Left margin: Distance to the left margin of the page
G Right margin: Distance to the right margin of the page
Show data records How data records are displayed:
G One data record per page: TermStar displays each data
record on a new page.
Especially useful for layouts for the right-hand page. For
example, it enables you to display word pairs on the left-hand
page and detailed information about the selected data record
on the right-hand page.
G Show empty fields: TermStar displays the fields of the layout
even if they do not contain any information.
G Separator: Separator between units, fields and field parts (text
before, text, text after)
TermStar displays the separator in the layout preview and
when the layout is used in edit mode.
Date/time format How the date fields are displayed:
G Short format: TermStar displays the date in short format (e.g.
29.05.2012 instead of Thursday, 29th May 2012)
G Show time: TermStar displays the time as well as the date.
General layout settings (cont.)
STAR Group 55
6 Using start parameters
As an experienced user, you can use start parameters to define which settings
Transit uses when it starts up (dialog language, user, user role) and which project/
language pair should be opened automatically.
You can use these parameters when opening Transit via a desktop shortcut, in the
command line or in a batch file.
Specifying the This parameter starts Transit with the specified dialog language.
dialog language: Without this parameter, Transit starts with the dialog language specified in Transit's
-DialogLanguage user preferences (Startup settings, option Dialog language for next startup.
Syntax -DialogLanguage=<LanguageCode>
Attribute G <LanguageCode> Dialog language
Possible values: CHS: Chinese
CSY: Czech
DEU: German
ENG: English
ESP: Spanish
FRA: French
ITA: Italian
JPN: Japanese
SVE: Swedish
Example G Start Transit with Italian as the dialog language:
"c:\Program Files\Transit NXT\bin\transitnxt.exe" -DialogLanguage=ITA
Specifying the This parameter starts Transit with the specified user or displays a dialog window in
user: -U which you can select the user.
Without this parameter, Transit starts with the current Windows user.
Syntax -U[<UserShortName>]
Attribute G <UserShortName> Short name of the user (optional)
Note: The attribute value ignores case and does not distinguish between user
names that differ only in terms of case.
Default: Transit displays the Select user window and waits for the user to make a
Note: The short name is not the full name that is displayed as the folder name
and in Transit.
Example G When starting Transit, display the dialog window for selecting the user:
"c:\Program Files\Transit NXT\bin\transitnxt.exe" -U
G Start Transit with user lpb:
"c:\Program Files\Transit NXT\bin\transitnxt.exe" -Ulpb
Specifying the This parameter starts Transit with the specified user role.
user role: -H Without this parameter, Transit displays the Select user role window or starts with
the role that was selected.
Syntax -H<role>
Attributes G <role> User role
Possible values: 1: Project Manager role
2: Project Calculation Manager role
3: Translator role
4: Reviewer role
5: Markup Specialist role
6: Reference Material Manager role
7: Alignment Specialist role
8: Terminology Manager role
9: Terminologist role
10: Terminology Translator role
11: Localisation Specialist role
12: Super User role
Note: TermStar only supports roles 8, 9, 10 and 12.
Examples G Start Transit with the Reviewer role:
"c:\Program Files\Transit NXT\bin\transitnxt.exe" -H4
G Start Transit with the Super User role:
"c:\Program Files\Transit NXT\bin\transitnxt.exe" -H12
STAR Group 57
6 Using start parameters
Syntax -P[<ProjectName>]
Attribute G <ProjectName> Path and name of the project file you want Transit to open (optional)
Note: The attribute value ignores case and does not distinguish between user
names that differ only in terms of case.
Default: The last-opened project (this corresponds to the Open last project option in
User preferences)
If you start Transit with different users (parameter Specifying the user:
-U, page 57), Transit opens the last project that was opened by the current
Examples G Start Transit with project NXT_Word:
"c:\Program Files\Transit NXT\bin\transitnxt.exe"
G Start Transit with the project that was last opened by the current user:
"c:\Program Files\Transit NXT\bin\transitnxt.exe" -P
Open language This parameter opens the language pairs of the project that is currently open.
pair: -O If you do not specify this parameter, Transit will not open any language pair.
Syntax -O[<LangPair>]
Attribute G <LangPair> Language pair (optional)
Possible values: *: All language pairs in the project (except translation extract).
Default: Last-opened language pair for the current project
If you start Transit with different users (parameter Specifying the user:
-U, page 57), Transit opens the language pair that was last opened by the
current user.
Examples G Start Transit with the last-opened language pair for the NXT_Word project:
"c:\Program Files\Transit NXT\bin\transitnxt.exe"
-P"c:\Users\Public\Documents\Transit NXT\config\global\Nxt_Word.PRJ" -O
G Open all of the language pairs for the NXT_Word project globally:
"c:\Program Files\Transit NXT\bin\transitnxt.exe"
-P"c:\Users\Public\Documents\Transit NXT\config\global\Nxt_Word.PRJ" -O*
Example using all The following example shows how to start Transit with the user interface in Italian,
start parameters the user con and the user role Super User. Transit will open the project Brochure_V4-2
and all of the language pairs for that project at the same time:
STAR Group 59
7 Managing database links
Set up ODBC How do I use the saved settings on the target computer?
settings on the 1 Copy the ini file onto the target computer or to a network folder the target
target computer computer can access.
2 Start the program ODBCDataLoader.exe by double-clicking it.
The program is located in the \bin folder of the Transit installation.
3 Click on Load from file, select the ini file and confirm your selection with
The program shows all saved database connections:
4 Select the connections that you want to set up on the target computer.
5 Click Install.
If a database connection of the same name already exists on the target
computer, the program displays a message.
To overwrite the existing database connection, click Yes in the message
To exit the program, click the X button on the window title bar.
STAR Group 61
7 Managing database links
8 Customising Transit
Transit and TermStar can be adapted to meet your needs, meaning that you can
carry out your tasks with the best possible results. You can customise almost
everything via the user interface.
This section describes a few exceptions where you will need to edit files in order to
customise Transit.
G Correcting lists of abbreviations for segmentation by sentence ( page 63)
G Spellchecking: Correcting a list of unknown words ( page 64)
G TermStar: Customising index buttons ( page 65)
File names of Transit uses two files for each working language:
abbreviation lists G Positive list <language code>_pos.ewl: Segment boundary as not an abbreviation
This list contains strings that Transit should not treat as abbreviations. Transit
interprets a full stop after these strings as the full stop at the end of a sentence
and segments the text at this point.
STAR Group 63
8 Customising Transit
Scope and folders During the interactive segment check, the user can define the scope that applies
for the lists. The lists are stored in different folders according to their scope:
G Global scope (for all projects and customers): config\global folder
G Customer scope (for all projects for the current customer):
config\customers\<customer> folder
G Project scope (for the current project only): Working folder of the project
If available, Transit uses the lists from all three scopes for a project, e.g. global,
customer-specific and project-specific lists.
Correcting You can use a text editor to edit the abbreviation lists in order to delete or correct
abbreviation lists incorrect entries.
Spellcheck with When using spellcheck based on an Open Source dictionary, the list of unknown
Open Source words is user-specific and applies for all of the current user's projects.
dictionary G Folder: User folder (config\users\<user name>)
Editing the list of The list of unknown words is an alphabetically sorted Unicode file. You can use a
unknown words Unicode editor to open and edit the file (e.g. by deleting or correcting incorrect
TermStar uses the additional Sch index button to navigate directly to the first term that begins with
STAR Group 65
8 Customising Transit
Configuration file The letters and letter groups of the TermStar index buttons are specified in
for index buttons language-specific configuration files. You can find the files in the config\global
folder of your Transit/TermStar installation.
They are named as follows:
buttons.<language code>
<language code> corresponds to the language code for the working language
( Language codes, page 143).
G Index buttons for German: buttons.deu
G Index buttons for Czech: buttons.csy
For source languages that do not have their own configuration file, TermStar
displays the index buttons that are defined in the buttons.def configuration file.
Changing index You can create and edit the configuration files with a text editor. They are struc-
buttons tured as follows:
G First line: Fixed content [Register]
G Subsequent lines: Button definitions with the following syntax:
<No>=<Label> <CharGroup>*
<No>: Consecutive number for the position of the index button
<Label>: Caption for the index button
<CharGroup>: Letter or string of letters to which this index button should
navigate. TermStar does not differentiate between upper and lower case.
1=A A* The first button displays A and navigates to the first entry that starts with an
A or a.
18=Sch SCH* The 18th button displays Sch and navigates to the first entry that starts with
an Sch or sch.
23=XZY X* The 23rd button displays XYZ and navigates to the first entry that starts with
an X or x.
Changes are not displayed until the source language has been changed
TermStar displays new index buttons or ones that have been changed when you
reselect the source language after making the change.
The quickest way of doing this is by swapping the source and target language
twice (CTRL+A button combination).
9 Organising reference
Three steps of the The Organise reference material function works in three steps:
function 1 You select the folder that contains the reference material (including
Transit scans the reference material for ten criteria.
To ensure that you can access the scan results at a later point, you can save
them and load them again ( Saving and loading the scan results, page 73).
STAR Group 67
9 Organising reference material
2 You define the criteria that Transit uses to filter the reference material.
In doing so, you limit the selection of reference files that are displayed.
3 You select the files that you want to copy, move or delete.
You can find out how to do this in the section Using the Organise reference
material function, page 69.
All associated The reference material from Transit consists of language pairs with at least two files
language files (source- and target-language file); with multilingual projects, this also consists of
message several target-language files.
G Example: The introduction.docx file was translated from German into English
and Spanish. This resulted in the following reference files: introduction.deu,
introduction.eng and introduction.esp.
To ensure that copied or moved files can be used as reference material, it makes
sense that all of the associated language files are copied or moved.
G Example: If you want to move the above-mentioned language file
introduction.deu to another folder, you must also move the introduction.eng
and introduction.esp files so that you can use these as reference material.
Transit therefore displays a message asking whether you want to copy, move or
delete all of the associated language files.
G Example: If you want to move the above-mentioned language file
introduction.deu to another folder, you have the following options:
Yes: In addition to the introduction.deu file, Transit also moves the
introduction.eng and introduction.esp files.
No: Transit only moves the introduction.deu file; the introduction.eng and
introduction.esp files remain unchanged in the previous folder.
Cancel: Transit cancels the move and all three files remain unchanged in
the previous folder.
Only in exceptional cases is it useful to only copy, move or delete the language file
for one language:
G Deleting just one language
You only want to delete files for one language because you no longer require
these as reference material or they no longer meet your quality standards.
Example: You want to prevent the Spanish translation from being used for
future pretranslations. To do this, delete only the introduction.esp file. You can
then continue to use the other two files for German-English translation projects.
G Copying only certain language combinations
You want to create a copy of the reference material, but not for all languages.
Example: You want to create a copy from the multilingual reference material
that only contains German-Spanish. To do this, copy only the introduction.deu
and introduction.esp files.
STAR Group 69
9 Organising reference material
Transit scans all of the reference files in the specified folder and its sub-folders:
Middle: Five selected filter criteria and their values in the scanned reference files
Bottom: Scan result as a list and the number of files that correspond to the selected filter criteria
You can filter for ten criteria, e.g. for the date of the last change.
5 If you want to limit the selection, select the values for the individual filter criteria:
Transit updates the scan result in accordance with your filter criteria.
Example: Transit only displays files that have the date of last change as 2013 or 2014 and with file type
MS Office or MS Word.
To select several values, press and hold the Ctrl button while clicking on the
Normally, all values from the subfolders are included.
Example: If you select the year 2014, the selection automatically applies for all
sub-entries from 01 to 12 (i.e. for all months).
You can use the plus and minus signs to display and hide the subfolders.
For the Folder hierarchy criterion, it may make sense to only take into
consideration the files from the selected level. To do this, click on the
Exclude subfolders symbol.
To sort the scan results, click in the header of the column according to which
you want to sort the values.
STAR Group 71
9 Organising reference material
6 In the Scan results section, select the files that you want to delete, copy or
To select several files, press and hold the Ctrl button while clicking on the corresponding rows.
If you want to delete, copy or move all of the files that are displayed, you do not
have to select anything.
7 Decide what you want to do:
Copy selected files: Click on the Copy symbol. Select the destination folder
and confirm your selection by clicking OK.
Transit copies the files into the specified folder.
Move selected files: Click on the Move symbol. Select the destination
folder and confirm your selection by clicking OK.
Transit moves the files to the specified folder and deletes them from the
original folder.
Delete selected files: Click on the Delete symbol.
Transit deletes the files from the specified folder.
8 Transit may display a message asking whether you want to copy, move or
delete all of the associated language files ( All associated language files
message, page 68).
You have the following options:
Yes: Transit copies, moves or deletes all of the associated language files.
No: Transit copies, moves or deletes only the selected language file; all
others remain unchanged.
Cancel: Transit cancels the process of copying, moving or deleting and
leaves all language files unchanged.
If you have finished your tasks in the Organise reference material window, click
on Close.
Saving and The process of scanning the reference material may take some time, depending on
loading the scan the volume. To ensure that you can access the results at a later point, you can save
results them and load them again.
STAR Group 73
9 Organising reference material
Search and filter You can specify the following search and filter options in the Modify reference
options material window:
G Search in...: Specify the language pairs in which you want Transit to search:
Reference material: Transit searches in the reference material for the
current project.
Working folder: Transit searches in the language pairs in the working
folder for the current project.
Both: Transit searches in the reference material and in the working folder
for the current project.
In addition, you can specify the minimum segment status that you want Transit
to take into consideration during the search.
G Phrase search: You use this to specify that the words must appear in the exact
order in which they were entered.
G Match case: You use this to specify that Transit should pay attention to the use
of upper case and lower case.
G Minimum quality (%): Specify how similar the search term and the text in the
segments have to be (not relevant for the phrase search).
Furthermore, you can specify the following filter options:
G Additionally filter by segment content
Here, you can use segment content to limit which segments are taken into
consideration. This may involve a string or a regular expression.
Hide segments with this content: Transit only displays segments without
this content.
Only display segments with this content: Transit only displays segments
with this content.
In addition, specify whether the filter criterion relates to the source language or
the target language.
Left: Result list with all of the segments that match the search and filter options
Right: Source- and target-language content of the first segment that was found
STAR Group 75
9 Organising reference material
At first glance, you can see where the segments come from:
symbol: Language pair from the current project
symbol: Reference file from the current project
symbol: TM Container from the current project
7 You can edit the segments that are found as follows:
Navigate through the result list: Select Next and Previous.
Replace the search term in the selected segment: Select Replace.
Replace the search term in all of the segments that are found: Select
Replace all.
Change the access status for a segment: Select the segment in the result
list and click on Selected segment under Do not permit as reference
material or Permit as reference material.
Change the access status for all of the segments of a file that are displayed:
Select the file in the result list and click on All segments under Do not
permit as reference material or Permit as reference material.
As soon as you have modified a segment, Transit displays a red pen symbol
As soon as you have saved the modified segments, Transit marks them with a green tick
Saving result lists You can save the list of found segments as a CSV file.
1 Click on Save result list in the Modify reference material window.
2 Specify the folder and name of the CSV file and confirm your selection by
clicking on Save.
Transit saves the result list in the specified file.
Size of the If you compact reference material with different file types, Transit generates a
compacted files separate file for each individual file type. Transit also divides files if they would
contain more that 15,000 segments.
Compacting You can use the following options to specify whether Transit should save segments
options that deviate slightly only once or if it should distinguish between each variant.
G Save segments where only the numbers differ only once
This setting can be useful because Transit can automatically adjust numerical
values during pretranslation.
It is therefore not usually necessary to save several segment pairs in
compacted reference material if these only differ as a result of containing
different numbers.
G Save segments where only the fonts differ only once
This setting can be useful because Transit can automatically adjust fonts
during pretranslation.
It is therefore not usually necessary to save several segment pairs in
compacted reference material if these only differ as a result of containing
different fonts.
G Save all translation variants
This setting is relevant if segments that appear multiple times in the source text
have to be translated differently. If you want to include these translation
variants in the compacted reference material, select this option.
This is useful if you usually use the No pretranslation if variants exist project
setting for pretranslation. In this case, Transit displays all of the variants as
translation suggestions for the translation.
G Also save context information
This setting is relevant if, in addition to the segment contents, you also want to
take structure information into consideration, e.g. in order to translate headings
only with headings and translate the contents of table cells only with table cells.
If you want to receive this structure information in the compacted reference
material, select this option. This is useful, for example, if you are using
context-based pretranslation.
STAR Group 77
9 Organising reference material
6 Click on Start.
When Transit has compacted the reference material, it displays the following
Completed successfully.
Confirm the message by clicking OK.
7 Close the Compact reference material window by clicking on Close.
Transit has compacted the reference material. You can now use it as reference
material for your projects.
STAR Group 79
9 Organising reference material
Folder structure Transit reference material is usually organised into folder structures with
For the conversion, it is sufficient to select the top folder in your structure: Transit
also automatically converts the reference material in all of the subfolders.
Transit creates the same subfolders in the destination folders in order to save the
converted NXT reference material. This means that you get the same folder
structure and file organisation in the destination folder as you had with your
previous XV reference material.
If you do not know the source language, select ---. In this case, Transit
attempts to automatically determine the source language.
4 Specify where you want Transit to save the converted reference material:
To do this, click on ... to the right of the Destination folder field, select the
folder, and confirm your selection by clicking on Open.
5 Click on Start.
When Transit has converted the reference material, it displays the following
Completed successfully.
Confirm the message by clicking OK.
6 Close the Convert reference material to Transit NXT window by clicking on
Transit has converted the XV reference material. You can now use it as reference
material in Transit NXT.
Unknown file If the XV reference material derives from translations from an unknown
format when user-defined file format, Transit displays the following message during the
converting conversion:
reference material Unknown file format.
In this case, the appropriate ffd file is missing from the config\sys folder for the
Transit installation. Copy the ffd file for the user-defined file type to the config\sys
Markups in When converting XV reference material, markups can also usually be clearly
converted assigned without any problems. If XV reference material is used for pretranslation,
reference material the markups are also usually clearly assigned:
Transit can also clearly assign and transfer markups from XV reference material.
The only exception here is reference segments that contain multiple markups of the
same type (e.g. two types of bold formatting). In this case, it is not clear which
highlighted target-language text matches which source-language text.
STAR Group 81
9 Organising reference material
If such a reference segment is used for the pretranslation, Transit displays an excla-
mation mark for these markups in the markup window:
The exclamation mark in the markup window displays the exceptional cases in which the XV markups
cannot be unequivocally assigned.
You can clearly assign these markups during the markup check. Otherwise, Transit
does not take these markups into consideration when displaying terminology from
formatted strings and does not automatically assign them in individual cases for
subsequent translations.
What you should As the basis for spellchecking in Transit, you can use open source dictionaries
know here (among others).
Downloading You can add spellcheck dictionaries for additional languages or update already
spellcheck installed spellcheck dictionaries.
dictionaries For this purpose, you require files with the file extensions .dic and .aff for each
STAR Group 83
10 Open source spellcheck dictionaries
Uninstalling an To deinstall a spellcheck dictionary, remove the corresponding .aff and .dic files
open source spell- from the spell folder of your Transit installation.
check dictionary
Spellcheck During the installation of Transit, the following spellcheck dictionaries are installed
dictionaries automatically:
installed as a
standard Language Installed files If different: Original file name
Afrikaans af_.aff / af_.dic af_ZA.aff / af_ZA.dic
Albanian sq_AL.aff / sq_AL.dic
Arabic (Egypt) ar_EG.aff / ar_EG.dic ar.aff / ar.dic
Arabic (Saudi Arabia) ar_SA.aff / ar_SA.dic ar.aff / ar.dic
Azerbaijanian (Latin) az_AZ.aff / az_AZ.dic az.aff / az.dic
Basque eu_.aff / eu_.dic eu.aff / eu.dic
Bulgarian bg_BG.aff / bg_BG.dic
Catalan ca_.aff / ca_.dic catalan.aff / catalan.dic
Croatian hr_HR.aff / hr_HR.dic
Czech cs_CZ.aff / cs_CZ.dic
Danish da_DK.aff / da_DK.dic
Dutch nl_NL.aff / nl_NL.dic
English (UK) en_GB.aff / en_GB.dic
English (US) en_US.aff / en_US.dic
English (Australia) en_AU.aff / en_AU.dic
English (Canada) en_CA.aff / en_CA.dic
English (New Zealand) en_NZ.aff / en_NZ.dic
English (South Africa) en_ZA.aff / en_ZA.dic
Estonian et_EE.aff / et_EE.dic
Faeroese fo_.aff / fo_.dic fo_FO.aff / fo_FO.dic
Installed spellcheck dictionaries
STAR Group 85
10 Open source spellcheck dictionaries
11 Compacting Access
database or transferring it
to SQL server
STAR Group 87
11 Compacting Access database or transferring it to SQL server
Run the Usually, the TermStar NXT Received database shall be compressed. Therefore the
compression following example describes how to compress this database.
The System DSN tab contains the TermStar NXT, TermStar Check and TermStar NXT Received databases, that
were created automatically during the installation of Transit.
If you want to compress a database you have created yourself, you will find
it on the User DSN tab or on the System DSN tab.
Click Configure.
3 Click Compact.
Windows displays the following window:
Only change the format here. Leave all other settings unchanged.
STAR Group 89
11 Compacting Access database or transferring it to SQL server
In most cases, the TermStar NXT Received database shall be transferred. Therefore
the following example describes the transfer of this database.
For the transfer, you perform the following steps:
G Renaming existing ODBC connection ( page 91)
G Creating a SQL database ( page 93)
G Transferring a database from Access to the new SQL server ( page 97)
G Deleting the connection to the existing database ( page 99)
Renaming existing First rename the existing ODBC connection. You need to do this so that you can
ODBC use the name of the existing ODBC connection for the new SQL database.
1 In the Start menu of Windows, select Control Panel | System and Security
| Administrative Tools | ODBC Data Sources.
Windows displays the ODBC Data Source Administrator with the User DSN
STAR Group 91
11 Compacting Access database or transferring it to SQL server
2 Switch to the System DSN tab and select the datasource TermStar NXT
The System DSN tab contains the TermStar NXT, TermStar Check and TermStar NXT Received databases, that
were created automatically during the installation of Transit.
If you want to rename a database you have created yourself, you will find it
on the User DSN tab or on the System DSN tab.
3 Click on Configure.
Windows displays the following window:
4 In the Data Source Name field, change the name of the ODBC connection,
e.g. to TermStar NXT Received Access, and confirm with OK.
You can now close all the windows of the ODBC data source administrator and the
control panel.
2 Click New.
STAR Group 93
11 Compacting Access database or transferring it to SQL server
4 Select the Microsoft SQL Server (MS SQL) and click Next.
5 Make sure that (local) is selected as database server and click Next.
Transit displays the following window:
Make sure that you enter the name TermStar NXT Received correctly.
STAR Group 95
11 Compacting Access database or transferring it to SQL server
7 Make sure that the name of the ODBC connection is TermStar NXT Received.
Select System DSN and click Next.
Transit displays the following window:
The TermStar database expert window now displays the new TermStar NXT
Received database.
Transferring a Then use Transit to transfer the contents of the existing Access database into the
database from newly created SQL database.
Access to the new 1 In the Transit resource bar, select Dictionaries | Dictionaries / Databases |
SQL server Manage dictionaries / databases.
Transit displays the following window:
2 Select the old TermStar NXT Received Access and click Copy.
Transit displays the following window:
3 Select the new SQL database TermStar NXT Received and confirm with OK.
STAR Group 97
11 Compacting Access database or transferring it to SQL server
Transit transfers the content of the old TermStar NXT Access database to the SQL
Deleting the Lastly use Transit to delete the ODBC connection to the Access database. Doing
connection to the this will prevent you from accidentally working with the old database.
existing database
The old TermStar NXT Access database connection has been removed.
STAR Group 99
12 Fields in the TermStar dictionary
What you should The TermStar data model consists of a predefined set of more than 10 entry types
know here and over 40 entry fields, all of which can be individually adapted and used. The data
model contains the following fields:
G Header fields ( page 101)
The header fields belong to a complete data record. They do not therefore
relate to an individual language entry but to the overall semantic unit.
G Language fields ( page 102)
The language fields relate to all language entries of one language. You can, for
example, use these fields to create a single English description for several
English language entries within a data record.
G Language entry fields and subentry fields ( page 103)
The language entry and subentry fields contain the data for an language entry
or subentry respectively. Each subentry you attach to an entry has the same
number of fields as a main entry.
Header fields
Language fields
Language entry
fields and
subentry fields Field name Meaning Format Example
Entry number Number assigned to each language Num. 195
G Automatically filled in
G Cannot be edited
GUID Number which uniquely identifies Num. {2F16...EAC63}
each language entry
G Automatically filled in
G Cannot be edited
Term Term of the language entry 16KB TermStar
TermStar sorts the language entries
according to this field content.
Language Language code of the language entry 16KB ENG
( Language codes, page 143
G Automatically filled in
G Cannot be edited
Created by User who created the language entry 255c A. Smith
G Automatically filled in
G Cannot be edited
Created on Point in time when the language entry Date 29. May 2002, 16:30
was created
G Automatically filled in
G Cannot be edited
Last change by User who last changed the language 255c A. Smith
G Empty as long as the entry has not
been changed
G Automatically filled in
G Cannot be edited
Last change on Point in time of the last change made Date 20. January 2017,
to the language entry 09:26
G Empty as long as the language
entry has not been changed
G Automatically filled in
G Cannot be edited
Entry fields and subentry fields (meaning of Format column Field formats, page 100)
Prefixes for field In selection lists and in the layout editor ( Working with the layout editor,
types page 43), TermStar displays a field name prefix for each field type:
13 Regular expressions
What are regular Regular expressions are used to define character strings that match a specific
expressions? pattern. You can use them in any situation where you want Transit or TermStar to
search for and/or replace items of text.
That gives you much flexibility so that you can even perform complex Find and
Replace sequences in a single operation. When performing a normal search
without using regular expressions, you can only specify a set search phrase.
G Example:
You want to find all occurrences of the expressions Year 2015, Year 2016 and
Year 2017.
If you enter the search phrase Year 2016 in the Transit editor, Transit will find
each occurrence of precisely the phrase Year 2016. With a standard search,
therefore, you would have to run three separate searches for the phrases
Year 2015, Year 2016 and Year 2017 respectively.
However, if you entered the regular expression Year 201[5-7], Transit would find
all three phrases in a single search operation. The precise meaning of the
expression is explained later on ( Wildcard for any of a specified group or
class: Square brackets ([ ]), page 111).
Basic settings for Unless you change them, Transit uses the following basic settings for searches:
searches in Transit G No distinction between upper and lower case
By default Transit does not distinguish between upper and lower case.
Example: Searching for STAR will also find Star, star and stAr.
To force the regular expression to find only those occurrences that match the
case of your search string, you must select the option Match case in Transit.
What can you use You can use regular expressions in the following functions:
regular expres- G In Transit
sions for?
Segment Filter
Translation exceptions
File type definition (tag definition and protection; segmentation)
G In TermStar
Data record filter
Input verification
Data manipulation (Find/Replace)
Dictionary import (preprocessing, field definitions in expert mode,
The character a in a regular expression will find the character a.
The character string star-group in a regular expression will find the
character string star-group.
G Control characters ( page 109)
Control characters are non-printing characters that control the appearance of
the text (e.g. tabulator, line break, etc.). Control characters can also be used to
search for Unicode characters or replace characters with Unicode characters.
G Meta characters
Meta characters have special meanings when used in regular expressions.
They are used to define the pattern that Transit searches for.
Transit treats the following characters as meta characters:
. & * + ? [ ] ( ) $ ^ ! \ | #
The meanings of the individual meta characters are explained in section
Overview of meta characters, page 110.
Control characters
Control characters are non-printable characters that control the appearance of the
text (e.g. tabulator, line break, etc.).
Control characters can also be used to search for Unicode characters or replace
characters with Unicode characters.
Control characters are introduced by a backslash (\).
Wildcards: . [ ] &
Wildcards are characters that are used to represent any single character or
sequence of characters.
Wildcard for any You can use a dot (.) to search for any single character.
single character: . Any character means any letter (including letters with accents), number, special
(dot) character (e.g. @, %, _), meta characters (e.g. $, . or &), space character, control
character (e.g. tabulator) or double-byte character. The only character that Transit
does not find is the control character for a line break.
Wildcard for any If you want Transit to search for any one of a particular group of characters you can
of a specified define a character group or class. To do this, place the valid characters in square
group or class: brackets [ ]. You can specify character groups, classes or a combination of both.
Square brackets G Character group: A group of multiple individual characters
([ ])
Example: [aeiou]: This group consists of all of the vowels
G Character class: A contiguous range of characters
This is a simpler way of specifying a group of consecutive characters rather
than listing each character in a group.
[a-k]: All letters from a to k inclusive (equivalent to character group
[3-5]: The numbers 3, 4 and 5 (equivalent to character group [345])
[\u3349-\u4221]: Unicode characters 3349 to 4221
To define a character class, you specify the first and last characters of a
consecutive group. Transit treats all characters that are between the specified
characters in the ANSI or Unicode table as belonging to the character class.
G Combination of character groups and classes
You can combine character groups and classes inside the square brackets.
[a-z]: Letters a to z plus German umlaut characters
Wildcard for any You can use the ampersand (&) to represent any sequence of characters. It is used
sequence of to define an unlimited sequence of any characters bounded by delimiters.
characters: In this case, you must always specify the characters by which the sequence is
Ampersand (&) bounded (the beginning delimiter and the end delimiter).
G Example: s&r finds s followed by any combination of any number of characters
followed by r.
Any character means any letter (including letters with accents), number,
special character (e.g. @, %, _), meta characters (e.g. $, . or &), space character,
control character (e.g. tabulator) or double-byte character.
Transit only finds occurrences where the beginning and end delimiters are in the
same segment. If there is a segment marker between the beginning and end delim-
iters, Transit does not find the search string.
G Example: s&r finds s followed by any combination of any number of characters
followed by r.
In the following two segments, Transit does not find the expression
because the beginning and end delimiters are not in the same segment:
as a rock<<30>>
If, however, the beginning and end delimiters are in the same segment
Transit finds the character string:
solid as a rock<<29>>
When you enter a regular expression using the ampersand, Transit searches as
G Transit first searches for the beginning delimiter. Transit starts highlighting/
marking the text from the first occurrence found.
G Transit then searches for the end delimiter while continuously extending the
G As soon as Transit finds the end delimiter, it highlights it and stops searching.
G You search for the regular expression s&r in the following passage of text:
The stars are shining bright.
G The passage contains three consecutive occurrences of the specified regular
The stars are shining bright.
The stars are shining bright.
The stars are shining bright.
G If you perform the search three times in succession, Transit will thus find the
following three character strings:
s ar
shining br
More examples are given in section Quantifiers for character classes and
groups, page 116.
Quantifiers: +*?
By using what are known as quantifiers you can specify how many instances of a
character are to be found.
G Question mark x?
Finds occurrences of absence or a single instance (0 1 instances) of the
preceding character.
Example: The regular expression a? finds a single letter a or the absence of it.
G Plus sign x+
Finds occurrences of a single instance or multiple instances (1 n instances)
of the preceding character.
Example: The regular expression a+ finds a single letter a or multiple sequences
of it (a, aa, aaa etc.).
G Asterisk x*
Finds occurrences of the absence, a single instance or multiple instances (0
n instances) of the preceding character.
Example: The regular expression a* finds a single letter a, a multiple sequence
of it, or its absence (a, aa, aaa etc. or nothing).
When searching, Transit only searches as far as a segment marker or line break and
extends the highlight up to the last character preceding the segment marker or line
G Example: The regular expression a* searches for the absence of the letter a, a
single instance of it or a multiple sequence of it.
In the following two lines, Transit first finds only the string aa as it is followed by
a line break.
as sheep do
On continuing the search, Transit finds the single a on the next line.
as sheep do
You can also use quantifiers to specify how many instances of a character in a
character group or class are to be found. To do so, you place the quantifier after
the square brackets in which the character group or class is defined ( Wildcard
for any of a specified group or class: Square brackets ([ ]), page 111).
G Example: The regular expression [0-9]+ finds any sequence of numbers (0, 15,
290504 etc.).
Escapement: \
Meta characters have special meanings when used in regular expressions. They
are used to define the pattern that Transit searches for.
If you wish to search for a meta character literally (in other words treat it as a
standard character and not as having a special meaning) you must place the
character \ (backslash) in front of it. The backslash acts as what is called an
escapement and prevents the meta character from being interpreted as having a
special meaning.
The same applies to the backslash itself, as it too is a meta character. If you want
to search literally for a backslash, you have to place another backslash in front of it.
G Examples:
You want to search for the string readme.txt.
The dot, however, is a meta character ( Wildcard for any single
character: . (dot), page 111).
So that Transit searches literally for a dot, you have to place a backslash in
front of it thus: readme\.txt
You want to search for the string Transit+TermStar.
However, the plus sign is a meta character ( Quantifiers: +*?, page 115).
So that Transit searches literally for a plus sign, you have to place a
backslash in front of it thus: Transit\+TermStar
The same expressions without the escapement do not produce the desired results:
In addition, round brackets are also required when using the following meta
G Negation: ! ( page 123)
G Alternatives: | ( page 127)
G Variables: # ( page 130)
Placement: ^ $
The meta characters that define placement are used to specify whether the
character string is placed at the beginning or end of a line (in Transit) or entry field
(in TermStar).
Transit checks whether the search string is at the beginning or end but does not
highlight the beginning or end itself.
G Circumflex ^
By using the circumflex you can specify that the search string must be placed
at the beginning:
In Transit: At the beginning of a line (i.e. after a line break)
In TermStar: At the beginning of an entry field
To do so, you place the circumflex at the beginning of the regular expression.
Example: The regular expression ^STAR searches for occurrences of STAR at
the beginning of a line.
G Dollar sign $
By using the dollar sign you can specify that the search string must be placed
at the end:
In Transit: At the end of a line (i.e. before a line break)
In TermStar: At the end of an entry field
To do so, you place the dollar sign at the end of the regular expression.
Negation: !
The exclamation mark (!) is used to negate part of a regular expression. In that way
you can instruct Transit to find characters that do not match the negated part of the
Negation of a You can specify that Transit is to search for sequences that do not include a
character or specific character or character string.
character string To do so, you place the exclamation mark and the character or characters inside
round brackets.
G Example: The regular expression ST(!ONE) finds any occurrence of the string ST
that is not followed by the string ONE.
Transit only interprets the exclamation mark as a meta character for negation if it is
placed as the first character inside the round brackets.
Otherwise, Transit interprets the exclamation mark literally, i.e. it searches for the
exclamation mark itself:
Negation of a You can specify that a group of characters is not included. This significantly
character group simplifies the definition of character groups ( Wildcard for any of a specified
group or class: Square brackets ([ ]), page 111).
To negate a character group you place the exclamation mark as the first character
of the character group inside the square brackets.
G Example: You want to define a character group that includes all characters
except s. Without using negation, you would have to specify all characters in
the group:
By using negation, the definition is much simpler and you have greater certainty
of including all the required characters:
G Example: The regular expression ST[!ONE] finds any character string that
consists of three characters, starts with ST and does not end in O, N or E.
Transit only interprets the exclamation mark as a meta character for negation if it is
placed as the first character inside the square brackets.
Otherwise, Transit interprets the exclamation mark literally, i.e. it searches for the
exclamation mark itself:
Negation of By negating the meta characters that define placement (circumflex and dollar sign)
beginning/end of you can specify that Transit is to search for occurrences of the character string that
line are not at the beginning or end of a line ( Placement: ^ $, page 121).
To do so, you place the exclamation mark and the circumflex or dollar sign inside
round brackets.
G Examples:
The regular expression (!^)STAR searches for occurrences of STAR that are
not at the beginning of a line.
The regular expression STAR(!$) searches for occurrences of STAR that are
not at the end of a line.
If you only want to negate the beginning/end of line placement, take care to place
the appropriate meta character in round brackets on its own. Otherwise the entire
expression would be negated.
G Example:
The regular expression ST(!AR$) finds any occurrence of the string ST that
is not followed by the string AR and the end of a line.
Transit only interprets the exclamation mark as a meta character for negation if it is
placed as the first character of the character string inside the round brackets.
Otherwise, Transit interprets the exclamation mark literally, i.e. it searches for the
exclamation mark itself:
Alternatives: |
The pipe character | allows you to search for alternatives. The pipe character acts
as a logical OR between parts of a regular expression.
G Example: The regular expression Transit|TermStar finds either the character
string Transit or TermStar.
Transit finds the first match with either of the two alternatives. It makes no
difference in which order the alternatives are specified in the regular expression.
G Example: In the passage
TermStar and Transit are using regular expressions.
Transit will first find the string TermStar because it is the first occurrence of
either of the two alternatives specified in the regular expression.
What does Transit By default, Transit interprets everything from the beginning of the regular
interpret as an expression to the first pipe character, between two pipe characters or from the last
alternative? pipe character to the end of the regular expression as an alternative.
G Example: Transit interprets the regular expression
You can use the English|German|Swedish interface
as the following three alternatives:
From the beginning to the first pipe character: You can use the English
From that pipe character to the next: German
From the last pipe character to the end: Swedish interface
To limit the boundaries of the alternatives you can enclose them in round brackets.
G Example: Transit interprets the regular expression
You can use the (English|German|Swedish) interface
as follows:
Normal text: You can use the
followed by the three alternatives: English or German or Swedish
followed by normal text: interface
Alternatives and Alternatives are not always useful or necessary in the following cases:
character groups/ G Alternatives between individual characters
Alternatives between individual characters are not useful because the
characters can be defined by a character group or class as part of which they
will in any case be treated as alternatives.
Example: (a|b|c) means either the character a or b or c. Instead of that you
can search for those alternatives by defining the character group [abc]
G Alternatives between character classes
Alternatives between character groups or classes are not useful because the
characters can be defined by a character class as part of which they will in any
case be treated as alternatives.
Example: ([a-z]|[0-9]) means any character from a to z or any character
from 0 to 9. Instead of that you can search for those alternatives by defining
the single character group [a-z0-9]
Transit does not interpret the pipe character as a meta character for alternatives
when it is placed inside a character group or class.
When you use it inside a character group, Transit interprets the pipe character
literally, i.e. it searches for the pipe character itself:
Alternatives and Alternatives between negated character strings are not generally useful. Such an
negated character approach would appear to make sense initially if want to exclude certain character
strings strings from your search however, it produces incorrect results.
You want to search for character strings that start with A followed by two-digit
number. However, you do not want Transit to find character strings that contain 05
or 29.
You want Transit to find: A06, A09, A68
You do not want Transit to find: X7, A05, A29
G You therefore decide to use the following regular expression:
This regular expression, however, does not produce the desired results. It will
also find A05 and A29.
Why? On the basis of that regular expression, Transit searches for the following
character string:
The letter A
followed by a character sequence that is not 05 or is not 29
followed by any number [0-9]
followed again by any number [0-9]
At least one of the alternatives will always be matched.
If the A is followed by the number 05 then that is a character string that is
not 29. The second alternative is thus a match.
If the A is followed by the number 29 then that is a character string that is
not 05. The first alternative is thus a match.
If the A is followed by another number then that is a character string that is
neither 29 nor 05. Both alternatives are thus a match.
This regular expression therefore does not prevent Transit finding A05 or A29.
G The desired result is obtained by using the following regular expression:
On the basis of that regular expression, Transit searches for the following
character string:
The letter A
not followed by 05 and
not followed by 29
followed by any number [0-9]
followed again by any number [0-9]
Now Transit proceeds as follows:
If the A is followed by the number 05, the first negation means it is not a
match because it specifies that A cannot be followed by 05. Transit thus
does not find A05.
If the A is followed by the number 29, the first negation allows a match (not
followed by 05). However, the second negation prevents a match because
it specifies that A cannot be followed by 29. Transit thus does not find A29.
If the A is followed by another number, the first and second negations allow
a match. Transit thus does find A06, A09, A68, etc.
Variables: #
Why use When performing a normal Find and Replace without using variables, you can only
variables? specify one string with which to replace the search string.
You can use variables in a Find and Replace operation to define variable compo-
nents of the character string that Transit is to search for. That allows you to perform
complex Find and Replace sequences in a single operation.
G Example: You want to replace the phrase Year 2015 or Year 2016 or Year 2017 by
2015 Edition or 2016 Edition or 2017 Edition respectively.
With a normal Find and Replace you would have to run three separate searches
to replace Year 2015 with 2015 Edition, Year 2016 with 2016 Edition and Year 2017
with 2017 Edition.
If, however, you use the regular expression Year 201#([5-7])0, Transit will find
any of the three phrases in the same search and substitute the appropriate
replacement specified by the regular expression 201#0 Edition. The precise
meaning of the expressions is explained later on ( How are variables used?,
page 131).
Other practical examples:
G You want every single-digit number to have a leading zero:
1 is to be changed to 01; 2 is to be changed to 02, etc.
G You want Transit to change all numbers in the format x.y to the format x,y:
2.1 is to be changed to 2,1; 2.2 is to be changed to 2,2, etc.
G You want Transit to change all hyphenated combinations (abc-xyz) to the format
On-line is to be changed to On_line; reference-based changed to reference_based,
For this, you have to define variables for such cases ( How are variables used?,
page 131).
When performing a Find and Replace using variables, you can also specify whether
Transit is to convert the string when replacing:
G Changing the case when replacing ( page 132)
G Changing number formats when replacing ( page 133)
G Performing mathematical calculations when replacing ( page 134)
G Rounding figures when replacing ( page 136)
G Converting numbers to characters when replacing, and vice versa
( page 138)
How are variables In order that it can use parts of the character string that it finds to replace what it
used? finds, Transit has to memorise those items during the search.
To enable it to do so, you use variables which you define in the regular expression
for the search and in which Transit stores components of the character string.
You then use the same variables in the regular expression for the replacement so
that Transit uses the stored data when performing the replacement.
G Syntax for regular expression for search string:
#(regular expression)variable number
Transit will thus store the characters that it finds on the basis of the regular
expression in the specified variable. You can use up to ten variables in a Find/
Replace operation (variable numbers 0 to 9).
Example: The following format is used to refer to keyboard keys in a
Ins key, DEL key, PgUp key, return key, etc.
You want to run a Find and Replace so that the names of the keys are
placed in quotation marks thus:
"Ins" key, "DEL" key, "PgUp" key, "return" key, etc.
You can use the following regular expression for the search:
On that basis Transit will search for a sequence of letters ([a-z]) followed
by a space (\s) followed by the string key. Transit saves the sequence of
letters found as the variable 0.
If you use only the variable number in the search and do not specify a wildcard
character or character string, Transit uses the wildcard character & as the
regular expression. That means that Transit will search for any sequence of any
number of characters and will store it as the specified variable.
Since the wildcard character & always requires a beginning and end delimiter,
you must specify them. However, they are not stored in the variable.
Example: You use the expression s#9r for the search string
Transit interprets that expression as s#(&)9r. Transit therefore searches for
s followed by any sequence of any number of characters followed by r.
Transit stores that sequence of characters as the variable 9. The delimiters
s and r are not stored in the variable.
G Syntax for regular expression for replacement string:
#Variable number
Example: In the above example involving the format for the key names, you
could use the following regular expression for the replacement:
"#0" key
Transit then replaces the string found with the character ", followed by the
contents of the variable 0, followed by the string " key.
Changing the case If you use variables, Transit can change the case of the variable contents when
when replacing replacing.
Option Meaning
^ Change replacement string to all capitals
Options for changing case
Option Meaning
^1 Change first letter of replacement string to capital. Leave all other letters
_ Change replacement string to all lower case
_1 Change first letter of replacement string to lower case. Leave all other letters
~ Invert case of all letters in replacement string (i.e. change lower case to upper
case and upper case to lower case)
~1 Invert case of first letter in replacement string (i.e. change lower case to upper
case or upper case to lower case). Leave all other letters unchanged.
Options for changing case (cont.)
Changing number If you use variables, Transit can change the number format of the variable contents
formats when when replacing.
replacing G Syntax for regular expression for replacement string:
#(={(<format>)}x)<variable number>
In place of <format> you enter a format option to specify how Transit is to
change the number format.
Format Meaning
# Show number only if value is not zero
0 Always show number whether value is zero or not
_ Show space if value is zero
Format options for changing number format
If you do not specify a number format, Transit applies the number format
specified in the Windows system settings.
G Example: A document contains decimal numbers in a variety of formats: 1.1,
10.123, etc. You want to use Find and Replace to change the format of the
To do so, you use the following regular expression for the search:
The following table shows the results obtained by the various options for
changing number format.
Rounding numbers
If you reduce the number of decimal places, Transit cuts off the surplus decimal
places. However, by specifying a calculation, you can have Transit round the
number ( Rounding figures when replacing, page 136).
Performing If you use variables, Transit can perform mathematical calculations on the variable
mathematical contents when replacing.
calculations when G Syntax for regular expression for replacement string:
replacing #(={<format>}<formula>)<variable number>
You use <format> to specify how Transit is to change the number format, if
required ( Changing number formats when replacing, page 133). In our
examples, however, we have left out the format option so as not to confuse the
explanation of the mathematical calculations.
In place of <formula> you enter the mathematical formula that Transit is to apply
to the number. In that formula you can use the following mathematical
Operator Meaning
+ Addition
- Subtraction
/ Division
Operators for mathematical calculations
Operator Meaning
* Multiplication
() Brackets
x Number to be converted
Operators for mathematical calculations (cont.)
Rounding numbers
If you reduce the number of decimal places, Transit cuts off the surplus decimal
places. However, by specifying a calculation, you can have Transit round the
number ( Rounding figures when replacing, page 136).
Rounding figures If you use variables, Transit can change the number format of the variable contents
when replacing when replacing ( Changing number formats when replacing, page 133).
If the change of format reduces the number of decimal places, Transit does not
automatically round the number, it simply cuts off the surplus decimal places.
G Example: Reduce all decimal numbers to one decimal place
A document contains decimal numbers with varying numbers of decimal
places. You want to change them all to decimal numbers with only one decimal
Regular expression for the search string:
Regular expression for the replacement string:
To determine the amount to be added, take the smallest decimal fraction required
and divide it by 2.
G Example: Rounding to two decimal places: Smallest decimal fraction 0.01
divided by 2 equals 0.005.
To round figures, add the value 0.005.
Converting If you use variables, Transit can change numbers to characters or characters to
numbers to numbers when replacing.
characters when G Syntax for regular expression for replacement string:
replacing, and #(<option>)<variable number>
vice versa
In place of <option>, you can enter one of the following values to specify how Transit
should change numbers to characters, and vice versa.
Option Meaning
c Change a decimal number to character using the relevant Unicode
cx Change a hexadecimal number to character using the relevant Unicode
n Change character to the decimal Unicode for the character
nx Change character to the hexadecimal Unicode for the character
nx2 Change character to a two-digit hexadecimal number
nx4 Change character to a four-digit hexadecimal number
Options for changing numbers to characters, and vice versa
Syntax errors The syntax of regular expressions can become very complex particularly where
the requirements of the search are themselves very complex. As a result, syntax
errors can creep in and invalidate the regular expression.
14 Language codes
Sorted by
language name
Microsoft Locale ID (LCID)
Language code Language
Hexadecimal Decimal
AFK Afrikaans 0x0436 1078
SQI Albanian 0x041C 1052
AMH Amharic 0x045E 1118
ARG Arabic (Algeria) 0x1401 5121
ARH Arabic (Bahrain) 0x3C01 15361
ARE Arabic (Egypt) 0x0C01 3073
ARI Arabic (Iraq) 0x0801 2049
ARJ Arabic (Jordan) 0x2C01 11265
ARK Arabic (Kuwait) 0x3401 13313
ARB Arabic (Lebanon) 0x3001 12289
ARL Arabic (Libya) 0x1001 4097
ARM Arabic (Morocco) 0x1801 6145
ARO Arabic (Oman) 0x2001 8193
ARQ Arabic (Qatar) 0x4001 16385
ARA Arabic (Saudi Arabia) 0x0401 1025
ARS Arabic (Syria) 0x2801 10241
ART Arabic (Tunisia) 0x1C01 7169
ARU Arabic (United Arab Emirates) 0x3801 14337
ARY Arabic (Yemen) 0x2401 9217
Sorted by language name
Sorted by .
language code
Microsoft Locale ID (LCID)
Language code Language
Hexadecimal Decimal
AFK Afrikaans 0x0436 1078
AMH Amharic 0x045E 1118
ARA Arabic (Saudi Arabia) 0x0401 1025
ARB Arabic (Lebanon) 0x3001 12289
ARE Arabic (Egypt) 0x0C01 3073
ARG Arabic (Algeria) 0x1401 5121
ARH Arabic (Bahrain) 0x3C01 15361
Sorted by language code