Done Year 9 Pe Lesson Plan Softcrosse 2
Done Year 9 Pe Lesson Plan Softcrosse 2
Done Year 9 Pe Lesson Plan Softcrosse 2
Revised for Australian Curriculum January 2014; logo revision February 2016, format revision October 2016
Lesson & Differentiation
- Welcome students
Beginning o Take roll
1:35 o Soft Lacrosse today
- Collect gear from the shed
o 3 students to help carry gear
o rest of the students to head to the
soccer pitch and job around it to
warm up
- Intro to the lesson
Middle - Passing drill
1:50 o Students to pair up
o Standing across the midline with
their partner 10 meters away,
pass back and forth
o For every 3 successful
consecutive passes, take two
steps back
o Continue
While students do the drill,
set up the lacrosse field.
- Pairs to come and stand back in their
two lines
o One line is the red team, one is
o Ensure that students in the same
line have the same coloured
- One team to stand on each side of the
field facing towards their goal
o I will yell out a number and that
amount of students from each
team will run out and contend for
the ball
o Whichever team reaches the ball
first becomes offense and the
2:30 other team becomes defence
o If a defender touches the ball, its
game over and the players must
return to the end of their team
o The offensive team wins by
scoring a goal.
- Students to stay in their teams for
3:00 gameplay
o Choose positions (2 forward, 4
mid, 2 behind)
o 3 subs
o Rock, paper scissors to determine
End who starts with the ball
3:15 o Loser of rock paper scissors
chooses which goal they want
Revised for Australian Curriculum January 2014; logo revision February 2016, format revision October 2016
o 12 minute s
- Pack up
o Students to bring in cones
o Put crosses back in bin
o Pack up goals
o Help carry gear back to shed
- Dismiss
Revised for Australian Curriculum January 2014; logo revision February 2016, format revision October 2016