Done Year 9 Pe Lesson Plan Softcrosse 2

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Tabor School of Education - Lesson Plan

Pre-Service Teacher Name: Taylor Wilmot Date and Time:

School: Faith Lutheran College

Year level: 9 Curriculum Physical Education

Topic: Soft Lacrosse
General - Personal and Social
Lesson Cross- n/a
duration: Curriculum
110 Priorities:
Aust. - Provide and apply feedback
Curriculum to develop and refine specialised movement skills in a
Content range of challenging movement situations (ACPMP099)
Descriptions - Develop, implement and evaluate movement concepts and
(with code) strategies for successful outcomes with and without
equipment (ACPMP101)
) education/curriculum/f-10?layout=1#level9-10

Anticipated Lesson Outcomes: By the end of this lesson, students will...

Outcomes - Have displayed development in their throwing and catching
skills with a lacrosse stick
- Have displayed effective teamwork skills and
communication through general gameplay
Students - Students have basic knowledge of rules from a prior soft
prior lacrosse lesson
knowledge - Any other prior knowledge will have come from personal
interactions with the sport outside of school.
Resources - Lacrosse sticks
needed - Cones
- Pop up goals
- Whistle
- Lacrosse balls
- Class roll

Revised for Australian Curriculum January 2014; logo revision February 2016, format revision October 2016
Lesson & Differentiation
- Welcome students
Beginning o Take roll
1:35 o Soft Lacrosse today
- Collect gear from the shed
o 3 students to help carry gear
o rest of the students to head to the
soccer pitch and job around it to
warm up
- Intro to the lesson
Middle - Passing drill
1:50 o Students to pair up
o Standing across the midline with
their partner 10 meters away,
pass back and forth
o For every 3 successful
consecutive passes, take two
steps back
o Continue
While students do the drill,
set up the lacrosse field.
- Pairs to come and stand back in their
two lines
o One line is the red team, one is
o Ensure that students in the same
line have the same coloured
- One team to stand on each side of the
field facing towards their goal
o I will yell out a number and that
amount of students from each
team will run out and contend for
the ball
o Whichever team reaches the ball
first becomes offense and the
2:30 other team becomes defence
o If a defender touches the ball, its
game over and the players must
return to the end of their team
o The offensive team wins by
scoring a goal.
- Students to stay in their teams for
3:00 gameplay
o Choose positions (2 forward, 4
mid, 2 behind)
o 3 subs
o Rock, paper scissors to determine
End who starts with the ball
3:15 o Loser of rock paper scissors
chooses which goal they want
Revised for Australian Curriculum January 2014; logo revision February 2016, format revision October 2016
o 12 minute s
- Pack up
o Students to bring in cones
o Put crosses back in bin
o Pack up goals
o Help carry gear back to shed
- Dismiss

Assessment What is being assessed and how?

(formative/ Formative visually assessing students skill development
summative) throughout drills and gameplay and providing feedback.
Evaluation Students will continue on developing their soft lacrosse skills in
for next weeks lesson. They will be challenged further to work on
students. strategic gameplay to further develop their teamwork and
Where to communication.
Evaluation This lesson plan was well thought out in practice it was not as
of your easy to follow as I thought. The students were ratty from
planning NAPLAN, I did not do my best teaching and in general this was
just a flop of a lesson. However, the teacher I worked with liked
the lesson plan and simply suggested that I need to allocate
some time at the end of the lesson for a recap.

Revised for Australian Curriculum January 2014; logo revision February 2016, format revision October 2016

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