Bu Yun
Bu Yun
Bu Yun
ISSN 1948-5476
2012, Vol. 4, No. 1
zgl Kele
Received: January 3, 2012 Accepted: February 21, 2012 Published: March 11, 2012
doi:10.5296/ije.v4i1.1327 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5296/ije.v4i1.1327
The purpose of this study was investigating elementary teachers views on mind mapping by
using interviews. In this line, the study group of the research was composed of 24 elementary
teachers experience periods in their job between two and 21 who were enrolled in a
Teaching Thinking Science Consulting Course. In the implementation phase of the study,
the teachers were primarily instructed about the application of the mind mapping technique.
In the interviews open-ended six questions were asked to teachers about mind mapping and
the use of this technique in the classroom. Interviews were analyzed using qualitative
research methods. Results showed that using mind mappings in instruction helps teachers
improve their instruction, planning and evaluating lessons and makes the lecture more
entertaining. The technique can be suggested to extend by analyzing its relation with different
variables like different lessons and participants.
Keywords: Elementary Teachers Views, Mind mapping, Turkey
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1. Introduction
Elementary level science and technology program was developed based on constructivist
approach. For students to achieve the objectives set by the program, student-centered
teaching methods and techniques should be employed. Because of this teachers utilize
various instructional strategies to be effective in assisting students learning. One of the visual
techniques that are used with the stated objectives is mind mapping. According to Zhao (2003)
teachers can understand if students understood the subject and if they could construct an
appropriate structure for the new information by examining their mind maps. Mind mapping
is a note-taking, organizational technique, which allows individuals to organize facts and
thoughts (Buzan, 2002) in a map format containing a central image, main themes radiating
from the central image, branches with key images and key words, plus branches forming a
connected nodal structure (Buzan, 1993). In addition, the mind map helps students to
assimilate new information, to think and to develop their conceptual schema. Mind mapping
is a technique which enhances creativity and promotes individuals learning (Mento,
Martinelli & Jones, 1999). They assure individuals to recall knowledge and to show the
relations between different thoughts and concepts (Evrekli, Balm & Inel, 2009; Buzan, 2005).
During teaching and learning, a mind map also helps teachers to explain why they are
focusing on a particular aspect of a topic. From the mind maps that students make, teachers
may learn whether their students understand the topic and whether the student is able to
organize and construct a suitable structure for that knowledge (Zhao, 2003).
Recent years, studies of mind mapping have been conducted with various age groups in the
literature. Positive and negative effects have been encountered. Evrekli et al. (2009) found
that according to science teacher candidates, mind mapping can be used in constructive
science and technology effectively. To Farrand, Hussain, and Hennessy (2002) Mind maps
provide an effective study technique when applied to written material. Taliaferro (1998)
determined that students enjoyed the mind-mapping exercise. Negative results of the study
were students level of cognitive development. Students were not able to think abstractly.
Goodnough and Woods (2002) performed a qualitative, interpretive case study on two fifth-
grade classes and two sixth-grade classes. There were many effects of this study. Students
perceptions of mind mapping were fun, interesting, and a motivating approach to learning.
In addition, students preferred to use mind mapping in an individual situation rather than a
group situation because they could express their own ideas for their own meaning. Williams
(1999) stated that mind mapping provided students with an opportunity to improve their
learning. According to this study, the mind-mapping technique, as confirmed by other
studies, is helpful as a study aid and helps learners understand and recall information better.
Negative outcomes of the study involved adults who found this strategy to be uncomfortable
to use (Williams, 1999). Their reasoning was because it lacked structure and required
spontaneity. Time and practice were required for adults to feel comfortable with the strategy.
When the features of mind maps are taken into consideration, it is proposed that using mind
maps in the different lessons might be effective tool. Furthermore, views of the elementary
teachers using mind maps in their lessons can provide feedback for the investigators about
utility, uses of learning environments and limits of using mind maps. Thus, it was needed to
make a search intended to investigate elementary teachers views on mind mapping by using
2. Research Methods
The study group of the research was composed of 24 elementary teachers (18 females; six
males) experience periods in their job between two and 21 who were enrolled in a Teaching
Thinking Science Consulting Course. In the implementation phase of the study, the teachers
were primarily instructed about the application of the mind mapping technique. Firstly, mind
maps were presented in details to the teachers participating in the study. Then, a mind map
was prepared with the participants stating one days plan. After preparing sample map, each
participant was asked for to prepare a mind map presenting himself /herself individually.
Participants were enabled to analyze each others mind maps by presenting the studies
carried out on mind maps on the board. In the interviews open-ended six questions were
asked to teachers about mind mapping and the use of this technique in the classroom.
Interviews were analyzed using qualitative research methods.
3. Analysis of Results
This part includes the findings of the research and interpretations of the findings. The first
open ended question intended for identifying views of elementary teachers relating to
applications of mind maps was: What do you think about mind maps? Please explain.
The percent frequency rates relating to answers and categories of their thoughts given to this
open ended question by the elementary teachers are given place in Table 1.
Table 1. Views of Elementary Teachers Relating to the First Open Ended Question
For the purpose of determining the opinions of teachers concerning mind mapping
applications the following open ended question was inquired: Do you think that mind maps
are applicable in the learning environment? Why?
The percentfrequency rates relating to answers given to this open ended question by the
elementary teachers are given place in Table 2.
Table 2. Views of Elementary Teachers Relating to the Second Open Ended Question
Do you think that mind maps are applicable in the learning environment? Why?
Categories f % Sample Expressions
It makes learning permanent. 4 14
It makes data visual. 6 21 I think that it is applicable. Since it makes
It makes data systematic. 1 4 data visual, it provides learning to be
It is a technique that can be utilized easily in 4 14 permanent.
learning environments in which oral and
visual expressions can be used together. It can be applied easily. Togetherness of
It enables coding of the data learned in 1 4 pencil, paper and imagination is enough.
It provides pencil-paper and imagination. 7 25 I believe that students will enjoy a lot as
It can be use planning of a day and a course. 1 4 in mind maps students can act freely, can
It is a study that will appeal students as they 4 14 draw pictures, and they can use colors.
will feel themselves free and they can draw
pictures by using colors.
At the end of the analyses of the second open ended question, 24 participants expressed that it
can be definitely applicable. For the purpose of determining the opinions of teachers
concerning mind mapping applications the following open ended question was inquired: In
which step of your lessons do you plan to use mind maps? Why?
The percentfrequency rates relating to answers given to this open ended question by the
elementary teachers are given place in Table 3.
Table 3. Views of Elementary Teachers Relating to the Third Open Ended Question
In which step of your lessons do you plan to use mind maps? Why?
Categories f % Sample Expressions
In searching pre-knowledge 21 40 I believe that I can use it to summarize the
In evaluating teaching 15 30 course in starting and after the course.
In introduction part, I use it to determine
In getting feedback 4 8 being ready, to comprehend the things learned
In measuring their levels of being ready 3 6 and in conclusion part to get feedback about
In summarizing the course 3 6 the deficiencies.
In determining whether conceptual learning is 2 4 I had some studies in self knowledge with
realized or not disabled children and in concept teaching with
In planning courses and daily life 1 2 autistic children.
In making courses enjoyable 1 2 Before the course, I use it in order to
With autistic children in teaching concepts 1 2 determine pre-knowledge for evaluating
students being ready for the course and in
evaluating teaching.
All the participants expressed that they will use it in searching pre-knowledge, in
summarizing relevant subject and evaluating. For the purpose of determining the opinions of
teachers concerning mind mapping applications the following open ended question was
inquired: Do you prefer using the mind maps prepared by you or your students in your
courses? Why?
The percent frequency rates relating to answers given to this open ended question by the
elementary teachers are given place in Table 4.
Table 4. Views of Elementary Teachers Relating to the Fourth Open Ended Question
Do you prefer using the mind maps prepared by you or your students in your courses? Why?
Categories f % Sample Expressions
The participants preferring using the mind 11 46
maps prepared by students indicate their
reasons as in the following: I plan to use mind maps prepared by the
To improve students creativity 7 20 students more. I think I will see the
To see the techniques positive effects 3 9 positive effects of this method on them
To enable permanence of the information 4 11 and will provide permanent learning.
To learn students styles of expressing own 3 9 I would like to use mind maps prepared
feelings by students. I also desire to improve their
To determine pre-knowledge of 3 9 creativity and broaden their horizons.
the students
To increase students awareness about the 4 11
To enable students transferring their minds 4 11
To make them express themselves easily 3 9
To broaden their horizons 4 11
The participants preferring using the mind 12 54
I use the maps prepared by myself to
maps prepared by themselves and also by
broaden students horizons and to make
students indicate their reasons as in the
them gain different perspectives and I use
the maps prepared by students in order to
In making students comprehend the subject 3 25 learn whether they learned the subject or
the maps prepared by me not.
In treating the subject its being leading to 4 33
me I prefer both of them. Since the one
To make students gain different 2 17 prepared by me will lead me in treating
perspectives the subject. The one prepared by students
The ones prepared by students in order to 3 25 will be more appropriate for their level
understand if they comprehend the subject and comprehending.
11 participants preferred using the ones prepared by students when 12 ones preferred both the
mind maps prepared by themselves and the students in accordance with the content of the
subject. For the purpose of determining the opinions of teachers concerning mind mapping
applications the following open ended question was inquired: In which points do you think
your students and you will have difficulties in preparing mind maps? Why?
The percentfrequency rates relating to answers given to this open ended question by the
elementary teachers are given place in Table 5.
Table 5. Views of Elementary Teachers Relating to the Fifth Open Ended Question
In which points do you think your students and you will have difficulties in preparing mind maps?
Categories f % Sample Expressions
In the stage of drawing visuals 8 29.6
I believe that as this skill is not
In the stage of planning and making 4 14.8
developed in students drawings visual
images and symbolization, there may be
In classifying general and specific concepts 2 7.4
some difficulties.
In the stage of correlating 6 22.2
No difficulty will be seen. 7 25.9 Students may have difficulties in
classifying general and more specific
I do not think that students will have
difficulties in the stage of preparing when
they are made comprehend what mind
maps are and their function.
In Table 5, seven participants indicated that no difficulty will be exposed and 17 participants
expressed that in some points there may be some troubles. For the purpose of determining the
opinions of teachers concerning mind mapping applications the following open ended
question was inquired: Which one do you think more useable (concept or mind maps) when
taking into consideration learning environment, learning tools, teaching program, course
instruments? Why?
The percentfrequency rates relating to answers given to this open ended question by the
elementary teachers are given place in Table 6.
Table 6. Views of Elementary Teachers Relating to the Sixth Open Ended Question
Which one do you think more useable (concept or mind maps) when taking into consideration
learning environment, learning tools, teaching program, course instruments? Why?
Categories f % Sample Expressions
Mind maps are more useable. 14 58 Mind maps are more useable as they give
students freedom of expressing themselves,
improves creativity, have less rules and
develop level of remembering by
appealing to visual intelligence and it
increases the interest to the course.
Concept maps are more useable. 3 12 Concept map is a more suitable
technique in expressing theoretical
Both of them are useable. 7 30 I believe that in the first grades of
primary education mind maps and in the
preceding years mind maps should be used
in accordance with the age, student level
and subject content.
4. Conclusions
The data gathered indicated that all the teachers participated in the study believe that mind
maps are effective tools in learning and improving students creativity and in providing
permanent learning. Participants emphasized that it is a technique that appeals visual
intelligence, gives students chance to express themselves freely and that is easily applicable.
They also expressed that this technique can be applied in all grades of learning and in early
years of primary education it is more appropriate to use mind maps than concept maps.
Among the difficulties in application of this technique, drawing pictures and correlating
concepts can be counted. Relevant literature studies support these findings (Balm, Aydn &
Evrekli, 2006; Trevio, 2005; Goodnough &Woods, 2002; Williams, 1999; Taliaferro, 1998)
Graphic organizers assist learning by providing an opportunity for visual stimuli, assessment,
checking understanding, elaboration, note taking, summarizing, illustrating sequence of
events, and other creative ways of instruction (Gregory & Chapman, 2002; Trevio, 2005;
Bromley, Irwin-DeVitis & Modlo, 1995). There are studies showing that mind maps
contribute to longer retention of the information through mind maps (Aknolu & Yaar, 2007;
Buzan, 2005); help students to see the connections among the pieces of information (Evrekli
& Balm, 2010; Evrekli, Balm & Inel, 2009); in light of these findings, mind maps are
thought to be useful for teachers while teaching science concepts.
Mind mapping improves students skills of thinking and reveals their creativity by using
different colors and shapes and affects them positively. Teachers can help students to improve
thinking skills and creativity by using mind mapping together with the other techniques in
accordance with the philosophy of constructivist approach. An important implication of this
study is that there is a need for teachers to know how to teach mind map construction and to
associate the mind maps into their lessons. The present study is limited to the elementary
teachers. In order to extend the use of mind mapping technique, this technique can be offered
to teachers from different branches.
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