Development of SWP
Development of SWP
Development of SWP
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Scope .................................................................................................................................................... 3
3 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................ 3
4 Responsibilities .................................................................................................................................... 3
6.2 Development............................................................................................................................. 5
6.5 Implementation......................................................................................................................... 7
10 Related Documents............................................................................................................................... 8
2 Scope
This guideline applies to the development of any safe work procedure used for any work activity at,
or on behalf of, the University of Wollongong.
3 Definitions
Job step One part of the step by step sequence of the activity/task.
Hazard A hazard is anything that has the potential to cause injury or disease to people,
damage to the environment, property, plant or equipment.
Risk The likelihood that a hazard will result in injury, illness, loss or damage to
people, to the environment, property, plant or equipment and the potential
consequences of that injury, illness, loss or damage.
Risk control Risk control is a method to manage the risk to a level as low as reasonably
Work Any activity or process undertaken for or on behalf of the University of
Workers All persons who work for or on behalf of the University of Wollongong, eg
employees, contractors, students and volunteers.
4 Responsibilities
4.1 Heads of Schools and Managers of Units
Heads of School and Managers of Units have the responsibility for ensuring that safe work
procedures are implemented, as appropriate, for their area of control.
4.3 Workers
All workers who undertake activities which involve WHS risk are expected to familiarise
themselves and comply with the safe work procedures that exist in their area of work.
The implementation of a SWP relies on the individual undertaking the task to follow the
requirements as set out in the document. Therefore a SWP is considered an administrative control,
and should only be adopted once all other types of controls (i.e. elimination, substitution, isolation
and engineering) have been considered.
Risk Assessment / Hazard Report
SWP Supervision
Review Training
These procedures also assist in the training and orientation of new workers in the hazards of the
tasks to be performed, as well as providing them with the preferred way to safely perform the
task/activity. SWPs may also be used in assessing the level of understanding with regards to on-
the-job training.
The SafetyNet User Guide can be used to assist in completing SWPs on SafetyNet. The same
information applies to completing SWPs on the template.
Persons conducting the SWP must be familiar with the process and understand hazard identification
and methods of control. It is important that workers that actually perform the task participate in the
SWP development process. The number of persons involved in the SWP development process will
vary based on the complexity of the task, number of locations, and availability of people.
Team members may be made up of workers, subject matter experts, supervisors, managers, safety
specialists, trainers, engineers etc. Whenever possible, a minimum of three people should be
involved with a SWP development. It is important that development team members be trained and
understand how and why SWPs are conducted. The supervisor is responsible for selecting team
members and ensuring those workers are properly trained and understand how to conduct SWPs.
6.2 Development
The following steps should be followed to ensure a sound safe work procedure is developed:
6.5 Implementation
Once the SWP is completed and approved it must be then be implemented, each time the task is
If developed in SafetyNet, the safe work procedure will be classified as APPROVED which
identifies it as available for use.
If developed using the template, the finalised copy shall be placed in the relevant location for the
area where it will then be available for use.
8 Records Management
Electronic safe work procedures stored in SafetyNet can be uniquely identified as each document
contains the following:
Document identifier: The reference number shall be displayed in the format
UOWXXXXX, where X is the document number e.g. UOW00001
Date of Creation: the date the document was first approved
Date of Last Update: the date the document was last approved.
Safe work procedures completed on the template shall be retained locally for future reference and
maintained in accordance with the requirements of the WHS Document Control Guidelines and
WHS Records Handling Guidelines.
10 Related Documents
Risk Management Guidelines
SafetyNet User Guide
Safe Work Procedure Form (SafetyNet)
Safe Work Procedure Template (hard copy)
WHS Document Control Guidelines