Travel Logbook Sample
Travel Logbook Sample
Travel Logbook Sample
Excel Skills
Skills || Vehicle
Vehicle Logbook
Logbook Template
About this
this template
This unique template
unique template enables
enables users
users toto compile
compile aa complete
complete vehicle
vehicle logbook
logbook forfor all
all business
business andand private
private travel.
travel. The
The te te
multiple vehicles and can also be used to calculate travel charges for invoicing to clients. The template is suitable for
vehicles and can also be used to calculate travel charges for invoicing to clients. The template is suitable for i
compile aa vehicle
vehicle logbook
logbook for for income
income taxtax purposes
purposes and and for
for businesses
businesses that that need
need to to manage
manage aa fleet
fleet ofof vehicles,
vehicles, calculat
be charged
charged to to clients,
clients, manage
manage pool pool cars
cars and
and analyze
analyze business
business && private
private use
use ofof vehicles.
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unique templates
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practical templates
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contain limited
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About this
this sample
sample file file
This Excel document is
Excel document is only
only aa sample
sample of of the
the vehicle
vehicle logbook
logbook template.
template. Weve
Weve created
created this
this sample
sample to to enable
enable customers
features of this template. You will therefore not be able to use this version of the template - the full version
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Buy this template Register for
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and private
private travel.
travel. The
The template
template accommodates
ee template
template is suitable for individuals
is suitable for individuals who
who need
need to
a fleet
fleet of
of vehicles,
vehicles, calculate
calculate amounts
amounts that
that need
need to
tions than
utions than regular
regular Excel
Excel templates.
templates. Most
Most Excel
ports based
based on on limited
limited user
user input.
input. You
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c user
ic user input
input and
and include
include comprehensive
comprehensive step
step by
mple to to enable
enable customers
customers to
to view
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the layout
layout and
ee -- the
the full version of the template can only
full version of the template can only be
This unique template enables users to compile a complete vehicle logbook for all business and private travel. The template
accommodates multiple vehicles and can also be used to calculate travel charges for invoicing to clients. The template is On
suitable for individuals who need to compile a vehicle logbook for income tax purposes and for businesses that need to This
This sheet
sheet includes
includes detailed
detailed instructions
manage a fleet of vehicles, calculate amounts that need to be charged to clients, manage pool cars and analyse business &
private use of vehicles.
on setting
setting up
up and
and using
using this
this template.
All business & private trip details for each of the vehicles that are included in this template need to be recorded on the
Logbook sheet. All the columns with yellow column headings require user input while the columns with light blue column
headings contain formulas which need to be copied for all the new rows that are added to this sheet.
Note: All the logbook entries that are added to the Logbook sheet need to be entered in a continuous cell range otherwise
some entries may not be included in the template calculations. You should therefore not insert any blank rows between the
rows that contain data.
The Logbook sheet contains the following user input columns (columns with yellow column headings):
Travel Date - enter the date of the trip in this column. All dates must be entered in accordance with the regional date settings
that are specified in your System Control Panel.
Travel Time - enter the time of the trip in this column. All times must be entered in accordance with the regional time settings
that are specified in your System Control Panel.
Form Number - enter the form number of the printed form which was used to record all the trip details. If forms are printed
with sequential form numbers, the sequence of the form numbers can be checked in order to ensure that all forms have been
recorded on the Logbook sheet.
Vehicle Reg Number - select the vehicle registration number from the list box in this column. The list box includes all the
vehicles that have been added to the Vehicles sheet. New vehicles must therefore be added to the Vehicles sheet before the
registration number will be available for selection on this sheet.
Odometer Opening - enter the odometer reading at the start of the trip in this column.
Odometer Closing - enter the odometer reading at the end of the trip in this column.
Travel Type - select either "Business" or "Private" from the list box in this column. If any cell in this column is left blank, the
trip will be seen as a private trip.
Client Code - select the client code from the list box in this column. The list box includes all the client codes that have been
added to the Clients sheet. New client codes must therefore be created on the Clients sheet before being available for
selection on this sheet.
From - enter the location from which the trip started.
To - enter the trip destination in this column.
Purpose - enter the purpose of the trip in this column.
Rate - enter the rate per mile or kilometre that needs to be charged to the client. Charges are typically only applicable to
business trips and a nil value is usually therefore specified for private trips.
Driver - enter the name of the driver in this column.
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Excel Skills | Vehicle Logbook Template
The Logbook sheet contains the following calculated columns (columns with light blue column headings):
Total Trip Distance - the distance of the trip is calculated by deducting the opening odometer reading from the closing On
odometer reading. If the odometer reading is in miles, the trip distance will be in miles. If the odometer reading is in This
This sheet
sheet includes
includes detailed
detailed instructions
kilometres, the trip distance will be in kilometres.
on setting
setting up
up and
and using
using this
this template.
Total Trip Charges - this amount is calculated by multiplying the rate in column L by the trip distance in the previous column.
Standard Distance - the standard trip distance is defined for each client on the Clients sheet.
Distance Variance - this calculation is the difference between the standard client distance in the previous column and the trip
distance which is calculated in column N. It therefore indicates a variance between the logbook entry and the standard
distance to the appropriate client location and can be used to identify errors in recording the distance travelled for business
purposes. There is no standard distance for private travel which means that this calculation is not performed for private trips.
Error Code - this column will contain an error code if there is a problem with the input in any of the user input columns. Refer
to the Error Codes section of the instructions for more info on the error codes that may be encountered. All error codes must
be resolved in order to ensure that the template calculations remain accurate.
Note: Trips can be added to the logbook on a single or round trip basis. If you are basically travelling to and from a client, it
may not be necessary to add both trips to the logbook as it will only result in additional entries needing to be recorded. If
round trips are used, the odometer readings should be entered accordingly in order for the correct distance to be calculated
and the basis of entering round trips should be applied consistently to all the business & private trips that are added to this
Note: Aside from the mileage that is travelled, private trips usually do not need to be specified in detail on a per trip basis. The
mileage of multiple private trips can therefore be determined at the start of the next business trip based on the odometer
reading at the time. The template does however provide for entering individual private trips - this basis of input will only result
in more entries having to be added to the template.
Note: A customer code of "XXX01" needs to be assigned to all private trips. This customer code has been created
specifically for private trips and has been added to the Clients sheet. This default private trip client code therefore
needs to be retained in the list of client codes.
All the column headings on the Logbook sheet contain filter selection arrows which indicate that the Filter feature has been
activated on the Logbook sheet. This feature can be used to filter the data on the sheet based on requirements. Note that the
totals above the column headings will also only be based on the filtered records once a filter has been applied to the sheet.
Note: The Filter feature can be used to display the detailed logbook records for any of the individual or combined totals on the
Clients or Vehicles sheet by simply applying the same filter criteria as has been applied to the appropriate sheet to the
columns on the Logbook sheet. This is especially useful if you want to supply a client with the detailed logbook entries which
make up the total that is charged to the client for any particular period.
The Clients sheet can be used to calculate the travel charges that needs to be invoiced to each client based on any user
defined date range. Simply create a new client code for all client accounts, enter a client name and enter the standard
distance which is applicable when travelling to the particular client. The columns with light blue column headings contain
formulas which need to be copied for all new client codes that are created.
Note: All the client codes that are created on the Clients sheet need to be entered in a continuous cell range otherwise some
entries may not be included in the template calculations. You should therefore not insert any blank rows between the rows
that contain data.
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Excel Skills | Vehicle Logbook Template
Travel Distance - enter the standard distance which is applicable when travelling to the client. The distance should be based
on the same measurement (miles or kilometres) which the odometer readings on the Logbook sheet are in. This standard On
distance is compared to the trip distances on the Logbook sheet in order to ensure that accurate travel distances are This
This sheet
sheet includes
includes detailed
detailed instructions
on setting
setting up
up and
and using
using this
this template.
The Clients sheet contains the following calculated columns (columns with light blue column headings) which are all based on
the filter selections at the top of the sheet:
Total Mileage - this is the total mileage that has been travelled to the client during the user defined period based on the
logbook entries which have been recorded on the Logbook sheet.
Total Charges - this is the total charges which have been allocated to the client code and is calculated by multiplying the
travel distance in column N on the Logbook sheet by the rate in column L on the Logbook sheet.
Rate Charged - this is the average rate which has been charged for travelling to the client and is calculated by dividing the
total charges by the total mileage.
Number of Trips - this is the number of trips which have been allocated to the client. If round trips are recorded as a single
trip, the number of trips would reflect round trips.
Average Distance - this is the average distance of the trips to the client as recorded on the Logbook sheet and is calculated
by dividing the total mileage by the number of trips.
Distance Variance - this is the variance between the standard client distance in column C and the average distance in the
previous column. This calculation indicates whether the trip distance which is recorded on the Logbook sheet is consistent
with the standard distance which is specified for the particular client.
Total Mileage by Month - these three columns display the total mileage per month which has been allocated to the client.
The monthly reporting periods are determined by the To Date which is specified in cell I4. The calculations in these columns
can be used to review the mileage which have been allocated to clients for the appropriate quarter.
Number of Trips by Month - these three columns display the number of trips per month which has been allocated to the
client. The monthly reporting periods are determined by the To Date which is specified in cell I4. The calculations in these
columns can be used to review the number of trips which have been allocated to clients for the appropriate quarter. This is
especially useful when you need to monitor sales representatives with fixed routes.
Note: A customer code of "XXX01" needs to be assigned to all private trips. This customer code has been created
specifically for private trips and has been added to the Clients sheet. This default private trip client code therefore
needs to be retained in the list of client codes.
Note: The total business & private mileage as well as the appropriate percentages are displayed in column C and D at the top
of the sheet.
All the calculations in the light blue columns on the Clients sheet are based on the filter selections which have been specified
at the top of the sheet. These selections enable users to compile a client charge sheet based on any user defined date range
and for any individual vehicle. The filter selections on the Client sheet include the following user input cells:
From Date - the date range for which the calculations on the sheet are performed starts on the user defined date in cell G4.
The date should be entered based on the regional date settings which are specified in the System Control Panel. If this cell is
left blank, the date range will commence on the first day of the year that is five years before the current year (it can therefore
be reasonably expected that all logbook entries for the past 5 years will be included in the calculations on the Clients sheet).
To Date - the date range for which the calculations on the sheet are performed ends on the user defined date in cell I4. The
date should be entered based on the regional date settings which are specified in the System Control Panel. If this cell is left
blank, the date range will end on the last day of the current calendar month (which is determined based on the current system
Vehicle - the calculations on the Clients sheet can be performed based on a single vehicle or all the vehicles which have
been added to the Vehicles sheet. If you want the calculations to be based on a specific vehicle, simple select the appropriate
vehicle from the list box in cell K4. If you want the calculations to be based on all vehicles, simply delete the contents of cell
K4 in order to display a blank cell.
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Excel Skills | Vehicle Logbook Template
Note: All the vehicle registration numbers that are added to the Vehicles sheet need to be entered in a continuous cell range
otherwise some entries may not be included in the template calculations. You should therefore not insert any blank rows
between the rows that contain data.
The Vehicles sheet contains the following calculated columns (columns with light blue column headings) which are all based
on the filter selections at the top of the sheet:
Total Mileage - this is the total mileage that has been recorded for the particular vehicle during the user defined period based
on the logbook entries on the Logbook sheet.
Total Charges - this is the total charges which have been allocated to the vehicle and is calculated by multiplying the travel
distance in column N on the Logbook sheet by the rate in column L on the Logbook sheet.
Business Mileage - this is the total business trip mileage that has been recorded for the particular vehicle during the user
defined period based on the logbook entries on the Logbook sheet.
Business Travel % - this is the percentage of travel for business purposes associated with the particular vehicle. This
calculation indicates the level of usage of the vehicle for business purposes and can be compared to the same calculation for
other vehicles in order to identify excessive private use of vehicles.
Rate Charged - this is the average rate which has been charged to clients based on the use of the vehicle for business
purposes and is calculated by dividing the total charges by the business mileage.
Business Trips - this is the number of business trips which have been allocated to the vehicle. If round trips are recorded as
a single trip, the number of business trips would reflect round trips.
Total Mileage by Month - these three columns display the total mileage per month which has been allocated to the vehicle.
The monthly reporting periods are determined by the To Date which is specified in cell I4. The calculations in these columns
can be used to review the total mileage which have been allocated to each vehicle for the appropriate quarter.
Business % by Month - these three columns display the percentage monthly business use of the vehicle. The monthly
reporting periods are determined by the To Date which is specified in cell I4. The calculations in these columns can be used
to review the business use of the vehicle for the appropriate quarter.
Number of Business Trips by Month - these three columns display the number of business trips per month which has been
allocated to the vehicle. The monthly reporting periods are determined by the To Date which is specified in cell I4. The
calculations in these columns can be used to review the number of trips which have been allocated to the vehicle for the
appropriate quarter. This is especially useful when you need to monitor sales representatives with fixed routes where each
sales representative uses a separate vehicle.
Note: The total business & private mileage as well as the appropriate percentages are displayed in column C and D at the top
of the sheet.
All the calculations in the light blue columns on the Vehicles sheet are based on the filter selections which have been
specified at the top of the sheet. These selections enable users to compile a vehicle charge sheet based on any user defined
date range and for any individual client. The filter selections on the Vehicles sheet include the following user input cells:
From Date - the date range for which the calculations on the sheet are performed starts on the user defined date in cell G4.
The date should be entered based on the regional date settings which are specified in the System Control Panel. If this cell is
left blank, the date range will commence on the first day of the year that is five years before the current year (it can therefore
be reasonably expected that all logbook entries for the past 5 years will be included in the calculations on the Vehicles sheet).
To Date - the date range for which the calculations on the sheet are performed ends on the user defined date in cell I4. The
date should be entered based on the regional date settings which are specified in the System Control Panel. If this cell is left
blank, the date range will end on the last day of the current calendar month (which is determined based on the current system
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Excel Skills | Vehicle Logbook Template
Client - the calculations on the Vehicles sheet can be performed based on a single client or all the client codes which have
been added to the Clients sheet. If you want the calculations to be based on a specific client code, simple select the On
appropriate client code from the list box in cell K4. If you want the calculations to be based on all clients, simply delete the This
This sheet
sheet includes
includes detailed
detailed instructions
contents of cell K4 in order to display a blank cell.
on setting
setting up
up and
and using
using this
this template.
Vehicle Logbook Form
The vehicle logbook form on the Form sheet can be printed and supplied to drivers in order for them to record all business &
private trips. The contents of these forms can then be recorded on the Logbook sheet.
Note: An example of the input which is required in each column is supplied at the top of the sheet.
Note: We strongly recommend issuing these forms in a numeric sequence by changing the form number at the top of the
sheet before printing the form. This will enable users to check the form sequence in order to ensure that all vehicle logbook
entries have been recorded.
Error Codes
The following error codes may result from inaccurate input on the Logbook sheet and will be displayed in the Error Code
column. The heading of the affected input column will also be highlighted in orange:
E1 - this error code means that the vehicle registration number that has been selected in column D is invalid. All the vehicle
registration numbers that have been added to the Vehicles sheet will be included in the list boxes in column D and the error
can therefore be rectified by simply selecting a valid vehicle registration number from the list box. New vehicle registration
numbers must be created on the Vehicles sheet before being available for selection.
E2 - this error code means that the client code that has been selected in column H is invalid. All the client codes that have
been added to the Clients sheet will be included in the list boxes in column H and the error can therefore be rectified by
simply selecting a valid client code from the list box. New client codes must be created on the Clients sheet before being
available for selection.
E3 - this error code indicates that an incorrect client code has been specified for a private trip on the Logbook sheet. All
private trips must be allocated to the default "XXX01" client code in column H on the Logbook sheet. The error can be
corrected by simply selecting the correct client code ("XXX01") in column H or changing the type of travel to business and
selecting the correct client code.
E4 - this error code indicates that an incorrect client code has been specified for a business trip on the Logbook sheet. All
private trips must be allocated to the default "XXX01" client code in column H on the Logbook sheet. If you use this default
private trip code for a business trip, this error will be displayed. The error can be corrected by simply selecting the correct
client code in column H or changing the type of travel to private.
Note: Input errors may result in inaccurate template calculations and it is therefore imperative that all errors are resolved
before reviewing the template calculations.
Template Settings
The functionality that has been included in this template uses data validation and named cell ranges in order to validate all
user input and to produce the calculations that form part of this template. Most of the formulas that are used in this template
are based on named cell ranges that include the first 2,000 rows on the Logbook sheet and the first 200 rows on the Vehicles
and Clients sheets. When the number of entries that you've recorded on these sheets reaches this pre-defined limit, you will
therefore have to extend the default number of rows in order to include all your entries in the template calculations.
The named cell ranges can be extended by accessing the main Insert menu, selecting Name, and selecting Define in order to
open the Define Name dialog box. The calculations that include the transactions on the Logbook sheet are all based on the
"Records" named range. This named cell range includes a default value of 2,000 - you can therefore extend the number of
entries that are included in the template calculations by simply entering a new value for this named range and clicking the OK
button. The same principle applies to the Vehicles and Clients sheets but the number of entries on these sheets are based on
the VRecords and CRecords named ranges respectively.
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Excel Skills | Vehicle Logbook Template
The data validation features that are used to validate user input on the Logbook sheet have been implemented in the first
2,000 rows on these sheets. Before you reach this limit, you can simply copy one of the blank rows before row 2,000 and On
paste the cells in this row into the required number of additional rows. This will result in all the data validation features being This
This sheet
sheet includes
includes detailed
detailed instructions
copied to the target cell range.
on setting
setting up
up and
and using
using this
this template.
Help & Customization
If you experience any difficulty while using this template and you are not able to find the appropriate guidance in these
instructions, please e-mail us at [email protected] for assistance. This template has been designed with flexibility in
mind to ensure that it can be used in most business environments. If however you need an Excel based template that is
customized specifically for your business requirements, please e-mail our Support function and provide a brief explanation of
your requirements.
This template remains the intellectual property of and is protected by international copyright laws. Any
publication or distribution of this template outside the scope of the permitted use of the template is expressly prohibited. In
terms of the permitted use of this template, only the distribution of the template to persons within the same organisation as
the registered user or persons outside the organisation who can reasonably be expected to require access to the template as
a direct result of the use of the template by the registered user is allowed. Subsequent distribution of the template by parties
outside of the organisation is however expressly prohibited and represents an infringement of international copyright laws.
Page 8 of 18
Vehicle Logbook Entries 17,910.00 40,134.00
Form Vehicle Reg Odometer Odometer Client Total Trip Total Trip Standard Distance Error
Travel Date Travel Time Number Number Opening Closing Travel Type Code From To Purpose Rate Driver Distance Charges Distance Variance Code
1/6/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0001 EXS111WC 50,415 50,515 Business ENE01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 100.00 300.00 100.00 - -
1/6/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0002 EXS222WC 33,215 33,365 Business PTY01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 150.00 450.00 150.00 - -
1/6/2015 TL0001 EXS111WC 50,515 50,545 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 30.00 - - - -
1/6/2015 TL0002 EXS222WC 33,365 33,375 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 10.00 - - - -
1/7/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0001 EXS111WC 50,545 50,645 Business ENE01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 100.00 300.00 100.00 - -
1/7/2015 8:30:00 AM TL0002 EXS222WC 33,375 33,525 Business PTY01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 150.00 450.00 150.00 - -
1/7/2015 TL0001 EXS111WC 50,645 50,795 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 150.00 - - - -
1/7/2015 TL0002 EXS222WC 33,525 33,525 Private XXX01 On
this Private
sheet: Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson - - - - -
1/8/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0001 EXS111WC Enter all
Enter all the
the required
required in
in the
details the columns
columns yellow
with yellow column
column headings
Client and
headings and copy
copy the formulas
the Client in
in the
formulas the 3.00 A Smith 100.00 300.00 100.00 - -
1/8/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0002 EXS222WC columns
columns with light blue
blue column
light 33,675 headings
headings in
column in order
PTY01order to
to compile
Work compile aa comprehensive
comprehensive vehicle
vehicle logbook. The
The list
list box
Client Consultation
logbook. box 3.00 C Wilson 150.00 450.00 150.00 - -
1/8/2015 TL0001 EXS111WC in
in the vehicle
vehicle registration
the 50,915 number
registration Privatecolumn
number is
is based
columnXXX01 based on
on the
Various contents
contents of
the the
the Vehicles
ofVarious Private sheet
Vehicles sheet and the
and list
list box
the box inin - A Smith 20.00 - - - -
1/8/2015 TL0002 EXS222WC the
the client
client code column is
column is based on
on the
based the contents
XXX01 of
contents the
the Clients
ofVarious Privatesheet.
Clients sheet. The travel
The distance
distance is
travel calculated
isPrivate Travel based
calculated based - C Wilson 25.00 - - - -
1/9/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0001 EXS111WC on
on the opening
opening &
the & closing
50,975 odometer
closing Business readings
odometer CCS01
readings and
and compared
compared to
Work to the
the standard
Client distance
standard distance which
which is
is specified
Client Consultation
specified for
for 3.00 A Smith 60.00 180.00 60.00 - -
1/9/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0002 EXS222WC each client
client on
each33,700 on the
the Client
Client The
The sheet
sheet. sheet also
also accommodates
accommodates entering aa mileage
enteringClientmileage rate
rate for
for calculating charges
Client Consultation
calculating charges 3.00 C Wilson 150.00 450.00 150.00 - -
1/10/2015 TL0001 EXS111WC 50,975 51,010 Private XXX01 to to clients.
Various Private
clients. Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 35.00 - - - -
1/10/2015 TL0002 EXS222WC 33,850 33,886 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 36.00 - - - -
1/13/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0001 EXS111WC 51,010 51,110 Business ENE01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 100.00 300.00 100.00 - -
1/13/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0002 EXS222WC 33,886 34,036 Business PTY01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 150.00 450.00 150.00 - -
1/13/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0003 EXS333WC 110,213 110,628 Business ITS01 Work Client Client Consultation 2.50 R Hughes 415.00 1,037.50 415.00 - -
1/13/2015 TL0001 EXS111WC 51,110 51,199 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 89.00 - - - -
1/13/2015 TL0002 EXS222WC 34,036 34,051 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 15.00 - - - -
1/14/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0001 EXS111WC 51,199 51,299 Business ENE01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 100.00 300.00 100.00 - -
1/14/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0002 EXS222WC 34,051 34,201 Business PTY01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 150.00 450.00 150.00 - -
1/14/2015 TL0001 EXS111WC 51,299 51,354 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 55.00 - - - -
1/14/2015 TL0002 EXS222WC 34,201 34,203 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 2.00 - - - -
1/15/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0001 EXS111WC 51,354 51,454 Business ENE01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 100.00 300.00 100.00 - -
1/15/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0002 EXS222WC 34,203 34,353 Business PTY01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 150.00 450.00 150.00 - -
1/15/2015 TL0001 EXS111WC 51,454 51,500 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 46.00 - - - -
1/15/2015 TL0002 EXS222WC 34,353 34,368 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 15.00 - - - -
1/16/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0001 EXS111WC 51,500 51,588 Business DIG01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 88.00 264.00 88.00 - -
1/16/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0002 EXS222WC 34,368 34,518 Business PTY01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 150.00 450.00 150.00 - -
1/16/2015 TL0001 EXS111WC 51,588 51,652 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 64.00 - - - -
1/16/2015 TL0002 EXS222WC 34,518 34,539 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 21.00 - - - -
1/17/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0001 EXS111WC 51,652 51,740 Business DIG01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 88.00 264.00 88.00 - -
1/17/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0002 EXS222WC 34,539 34,689 Business PTY01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 150.00 450.00 150.00 - -
1/17/2015 5:00:00 PM TL0003 EXS333WC 110,628 111,043 Business ITS01 Client Work Client Consultation 2.50 R Hughes 415.00 1,037.50 415.00 - -
1/20/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0003 EXS333WC 111,043 111,458 Business ITS01 Work Client Client Consultation 2.50 R Hughes 415.00 1,037.50 415.00 - -
1/20/2015 TL0001 EXS111WC 51,740 52,042 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 302.00 - - - -
1/20/2015 TL0002 EXS222WC 34,689 34,712 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 23.00 - - - -
1/21/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0001 EXS111WC 52,042 52,142 Business ENE01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 100.00 300.00 100.00 - -
1/21/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0002 EXS222WC 34,712 34,862 Business PTY01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 150.00 450.00 150.00 - -
1/21/2015 TL0001 EXS111WC 52,142 52,172 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 30.00 - - - -
1/21/2015 TL0002 EXS222WC 34,862 34,887 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 25.00 - - - -
1/22/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0004 EXS111WC 52,172 52,272 Business ENE01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 100.00 300.00 100.00 - -
1/22/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0005 EXS222WC 34,887 34,927 Business SAB01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 40.00 120.00 40.00 - -
1/22/2015 TL0004 EXS111WC 52,272 52,297 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 25.00 - - - -
1/22/2015 TL0005 EXS222WC 34,927 34,932 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 5.00 - - - -
1/23/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0004 EXS111WC 52,297 52,397 Business ENE01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 100.00 300.00 100.00 - -
1/23/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0005 EXS222WC 34,932 34,972 Business SAB01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 40.00 120.00 40.00 - -
1/23/2015 TL0004 EXS111WC 52,397 52,453 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 56.00 - - - -
1/23/2015 TL0005 EXS222WC 34,972 35,026 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 54.00 - - - -
1/24/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0004 EXS111WC 52,453 52,541 Business DIG01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 88.00 264.00 88.00 - -
1/24/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0005 EXS222WC 35,026 35,066 Business SAB01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 40.00 120.00 40.00 - -
1/24/2015 5:00:00 PM TL0003 EXS333WC 111,458 111,873 Business ITS01 Client Work Client Consultation 2.50 R Hughes 415.00 1,037.50 415.00 - -
1/24/2015 TL0004 EXS111WC 52,541 52,582 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 41.00 - - - -
1/24/2015 TL0005 EXS222WC 35,066 35,171 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 105.00 - - - -
1/27/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0004 EXS111WC 52,582 52,670 Business DIG01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 88.00 264.00 88.00 - -
1/27/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0005 EXS222WC 35,171 35,186 Business WCA01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 15.00 45.00 15.00 - -
1/27/2015 TL0004 EXS111WC 52,670 52,706 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 36.00 - - - -
1/27/2015 TL0005 EXS222WC 35,186 35,211 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 25.00 - - - -
1/28/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0004 EXS111WC 52,706 52,794 Business DIG01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 88.00 264.00 88.00 - -
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Vehicle Logbook Entries 17,910.00 40,134.00
Form Vehicle Reg Odometer Odometer Client Total Trip Total Trip Standard Distance Error
Travel Date Travel Time Number Number Opening Closing Travel Type Code From To Purpose Rate Driver Distance Charges Distance Variance Code
1/28/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0005 EXS222WC 35,211 35,226 Business WCA01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 15.00 45.00 15.00 - -
1/28/2015 TL0004 EXS111WC 52,794 52,902 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 108.00 - - - -
1/28/2015 TL0005 EXS222WC 35,226 35,231 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 5.00 - - - -
1/29/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0004 EXS111WC 52,902 53,002 Business ENE01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 100.00 300.00 100.00 - -
1/29/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0005 EXS222WC 35,231 35,331 Business ENE01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 100.00 300.00 100.00 - -
1/29/2015 TL0004 EXS111WC 53,002 53,038 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 36.00 - - - -
1/29/2015 TL0005 EXS222WC 35,331 35,331 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson - - - - -
1/30/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0004 EXS111WC 53,038 53,138 Business ENE01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 100.00 300.00 100.00 - -
1/30/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0005 EXS222WC 35,331 35,431 Business ENE01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 100.00 300.00 100.00 - -
1/30/2015 TL0004 EXS111WC 53,138 53,392 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 254.00 - - - -
1/30/2015 TL0005 EXS222WC 35,431 35,436 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 5.00 - - - -
2/3/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0004 EXS111WC 53,392 53,492 Business ENE01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 100.00 300.00 100.00 - -
2/3/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0005 EXS222WC 35,436 35,536 Business ENE01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 100.00 300.00 100.00 - -
2/3/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0003 EXS333WC 111,873 112,293 Business KZB01 Work Client Client Consultation 2.50 P Butler 420.00 1,050.00 420.00 - -
2/3/2015 TL0004 EXS111WC 53,492 53,525 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 33.00 - - - -
2/3/2015 TL0005 EXS222WC 35,536 35,541 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 5.00 - - - -
2/4/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0004 EXS111WC 53,525 53,600 Business ABC01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 75.00 225.00 75.00 - -
2/4/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0005 EXS222WC 35,541 35,573 Business TPS01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 32.00 96.00 32.00 - -
2/4/2015 TL0004 EXS111WC 53,600 53,685 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 85.00 - - - -
2/4/2015 TL0005 EXS222WC 35,573 35,587 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 14.00 - - - -
2/5/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0004 EXS111WC 53,685 53,760 Business ABC01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 75.00 225.00 75.00 - -
2/5/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0005 EXS222WC 35,587 35,619 Business TPS01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 32.00 96.00 32.00 - -
2/5/2015 TL0004 EXS111WC 53,760 53,836 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 76.00 - - - -
2/5/2015 TL0005 EXS222WC 35,619 35,633 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 14.00 - - - -
2/6/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0006 EXS111WC 53,836 53,911 Business ABC01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 75.00 225.00 75.00 - -
2/6/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0007 EXS222WC 35,633 35,665 Business TPS01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 32.00 96.00 32.00 - -
2/6/2015 5:00:00 PM TL0003 EXS333WC 112,293 112,713 Business KZB01 Client Work Client Consultation 2.50 P Butler 420.00 1,050.00 420.00 - -
2/7/2015 TL0006 EXS111WC 53,911 53,974 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 63.00 - - - -
2/7/2015 TL0007 EXS222WC 35,665 35,678 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 13.00 - - - -
2/10/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0006 EXS111WC 53,974 54,049 Business ABC01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 75.00 225.00 75.00 - -
2/10/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0007 EXS222WC 35,678 35,710 Business TPS01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 32.00 96.00 32.00 - -
2/10/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0003 EXS333WC 112,713 113,133 Business KZB01 Work Client Client Consultation 2.50 P Butler 420.00 1,050.00 420.00 - -
2/10/2015 TL0006 EXS111WC 54,049 54,111 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 62.00 - - - -
2/10/2015 TL0007 EXS222WC 35,710 35,735 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 25.00 - - - -
2/11/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0006 EXS111WC 54,111 54,186 Business ABC01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 75.00 225.00 75.00 - -
2/11/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0007 EXS222WC 35,735 35,767 Business TPS01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 32.00 96.00 32.00 - -
2/11/2015 TL0006 EXS111WC 54,186 54,260 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 74.00 - - - -
2/11/2015 TL0007 EXS222WC 35,767 35,792 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 25.00 - - - -
2/12/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0006 EXS111WC 54,260 54,335 Business ABC01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 75.00 225.00 75.00 - -
2/12/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0007 EXS222WC 35,792 35,824 Business TPS01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 32.00 96.00 32.00 - -
2/12/2015 TL0006 EXS111WC 54,335 54,357 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 22.00 - - - -
2/12/2015 TL0007 EXS222WC 35,824 35,849 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 25.00 - - - -
2/13/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0006 EXS111WC 54,357 54,432 Business ABC01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 75.00 225.00 75.00 - -
2/13/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0007 EXS222WC 35,849 35,881 Business TPS01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 32.00 96.00 32.00 - -
2/13/2015 TL0006 EXS111WC 54,432 54,453 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 21.00 - - - -
2/13/2015 TL0007 EXS222WC 35,881 35,913 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 32.00 - - - -
2/14/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0006 EXS111WC 54,453 54,513 Business CCS01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 60.00 180.00 60.00 - -
2/14/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0007 EXS222WC 35,913 36,063 Business PTY01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 150.00 450.00 150.00 - -
2/14/2015 5:00:00 PM TL0003 EXS333WC 113,133 113,553 Business KZB01 Client Work Client Consultation 2.50 P Butler 420.00 1,050.00 420.00 - -
2/14/2015 TL0006 EXS111WC 54,513 54,523 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 10.00 - - - -
2/14/2015 TL0007 EXS222WC 36,063 36,104 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 41.00 - - - -
2/17/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0003 EXS333WC 113,553 113,973 Business KZB01 Work Client Client Consultation 2.50 R Hughes 420.00 1,050.00 420.00 - -
2/18/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0006 EXS111WC 54,523 54,553 Business DFM01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 30.00 90.00 30.00 - -
2/18/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0007 EXS222WC 36,104 36,136 Business TPS01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 32.00 96.00 32.00 - -
2/18/2015 TL0006 EXS111WC 54,553 54,573 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 20.00 - - - -
2/18/2015 TL0007 EXS222WC 36,136 36,184 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 48.00 - - - -
2/19/2015 8:15:00 AM TL0006 EXS111WC 54,573 54,661 Business DIG01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 88.00 264.00 88.00 - -
2/19/2015 9:15:00 AM TL0007 EXS222WC 36,184 36,239 Business TRF01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 55.00 165.00 55.00 - -
2/19/2015 TL0006 EXS111WC 54,661 54,666 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 5.00 - - - -
2/19/2015 TL0007 EXS222WC 36,239 36,260 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 21.00 - - - -
2/20/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0006 EXS111WC 54,666 54,766 Business ENE01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 100.00 300.00 100.00 - -
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Vehicle Logbook Entries 17,910.00 40,134.00
Form Vehicle Reg Odometer Odometer Client Total Trip Total Trip Standard Distance Error
Travel Date Travel Time Number Number Opening Closing Travel Type Code From To Purpose Rate Driver Distance Charges Distance Variance Code
2/20/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0007 EXS222WC 36,260 36,410 Business PTY01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 150.00 450.00 150.00 - -
2/20/2015 TL0006 EXS111WC 54,766 54,802 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 36.00 - - - -
2/20/2015 TL0007 EXS222WC 36,410 36,418 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 8.00 - - - -
2/21/2015 5:00:00 PM TL0003 EXS333WC 113,973 114,393 Business KZB01 Client Work Client Consultation 2.50 R Hughes 420.00 1,050.00 420.00 - -
2/24/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0006 EXS111WC 54,802 54,902 Business ENE01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 100.00 300.00 100.00 - -
2/24/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0007 EXS222WC 36,418 36,450 Business TPS01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 32.00 96.00 32.00 - -
2/24/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0003 EXS333WC 114,393 114,813 Business KZB01 Work Client Client Consultation 2.50 P Butler 420.00 1,050.00 420.00 - -
2/24/2015 TL0006 EXS111WC 54,902 54,926 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 24.00 - - - -
2/24/2015 TL0007 EXS222WC 36,450 36,483 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 33.00 - - - -
2/25/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0008 EXS111WC 54,926 55,026 Business ENE01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 100.00 300.00 100.00 - -
2/25/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0009 EXS222WC 36,483 36,515 Business TPS01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 32.00 96.00 32.00 - -
2/25/2015 TL0008 EXS111WC 55,026 55,041 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 15.00 - - - -
2/25/2015 TL0009 EXS222WC 36,515 36,556 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 41.00 - - - -
2/26/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0008 EXS111WC 55,041 55,116 Business FSF01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 75.00 225.00 75.00 - -
2/26/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0009 EXS222WC 36,556 36,706 Business PTY01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 150.00 450.00 150.00 - -
2/26/2015 TL0008 EXS111WC 55,116 55,157 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 41.00 - - - -
2/26/2015 TL0009 EXS222WC 36,706 36,731 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 25.00 - - - -
2/27/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0008 EXS111WC 55,157 55,187 Business DFM01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 30.00 90.00 30.00 - -
2/27/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0009 EXS222WC 36,731 36,763 Business TPS01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 32.00 96.00 32.00 - -
2/28/2015 5:00:00 PM TL0003 EXS333WC 114,813 115,233 Business KZB01 Client Work Client Consultation 2.50 P Butler 420.00 1,050.00 420.00 - -
2/28/2015 TL0008 EXS111WC 55,187 55,251 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 64.00 - - - -
2/28/2015 TL0009 EXS222WC 36,763 36,777 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 14.00 - - - -
3/3/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0008 EXS111WC 55,251 55,351 Business ENE01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 100.00 300.00 100.00 - -
3/3/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0009 EXS222WC 36,777 36,872 Business XXB01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 95.00 285.00 95.00 - -
3/3/2015 TL0008 EXS111WC 55,351 55,372 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 21.00 - - - -
3/3/2015 TL0009 EXS222WC 36,872 36,880 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 8.00 - - - -
3/4/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0008 EXS111WC 55,372 55,472 Business ENE01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 100.00 300.00 100.00 - -
3/4/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0009 EXS222WC 36,880 36,975 Business XXB01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 95.00 285.00 95.00 - -
3/4/2015 TL0008 EXS111WC 55,472 55,485 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 13.00 - - - -
3/4/2015 TL0009 EXS222WC 36,975 36,990 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 15.00 - - - -
3/5/2015 8:30:00 AM TL0008 EXS111WC 55,485 55,585 Business ENE01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 100.00 300.00 100.00 - -
3/5/2015 9:30:00 AM TL0009 EXS222WC 36,990 37,085 Business XXB01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 95.00 285.00 95.00 - -
3/5/2015 TL0008 EXS111WC 55,585 55,609 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 24.00 - - - -
3/5/2015 TL0009 EXS222WC 37,085 37,099 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 14.00 - - - -
3/6/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0008 EXS111WC 55,609 55,709 Business ENE01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 100.00 300.00 100.00 - -
3/6/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0009 EXS222WC 37,099 37,194 Business XXB01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 95.00 285.00 95.00 - -
3/7/2015 TL0008 EXS111WC 55,709 55,724 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 15.00 - - - -
3/7/2015 TL0009 EXS222WC 37,194 37,206 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 12.00 - - - -
3/10/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0008 EXS111WC 55,724 55,799 Business FSF01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 75.00 225.00 75.00 - -
3/10/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0009 EXS222WC 37,206 37,301 Business XXB01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 95.00 285.00 95.00 - -
3/10/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0003 EXS333WC 115,233 115,513 Business INS01 Work Client Client Consultation 2.50 P Butler 280.00 700.00 280.00 - -
3/10/2015 TL0008 EXS111WC 55,799 55,855 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 56.00 - - - -
3/10/2015 TL0009 EXS222WC 37,301 37,316 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 15.00 - - - -
3/11/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0008 EXS111WC 55,855 55,930 Business FSF01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 75.00 225.00 75.00 - -
3/11/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0009 EXS222WC 37,316 37,466 Business PTY01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 150.00 450.00 150.00 - -
3/11/2015 TL0008 EXS111WC 55,930 55,955 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 25.00 - - - -
3/11/2015 TL0009 EXS222WC 37,466 37,507 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 41.00 - - - -
3/12/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0008 EXS111WC 55,955 56,030 Business FSF01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 75.00 225.00 75.00 - -
3/12/2015 8:20:00 AM TL0009 EXS222WC 37,507 37,657 Business PTY01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 150.00 450.00 150.00 - -
3/12/2015 TL0008 EXS111WC 56,030 56,054 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 24.00 - - - -
3/12/2015 TL0009 EXS222WC 37,657 37,679 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 22.00 - - - -
3/13/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0011 EXS222WC 37,679 37,829 Business PTY01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 150.00 450.00 150.00 - -
3/13/2015 9:00:00 AM TL0010 EXS111WC 56,054 56,129 Business FSF01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 75.00 225.00 75.00 - -
3/13/2015 TL0010 EXS111WC 56,129 56,165 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 36.00 - - - -
3/13/2015 TL0011 EXS222WC 37,829 37,861 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 32.00 - - - -
3/14/2015 5:00:00 PM TL0003 EXS333WC 115,513 115,793 Business INS01 Client Work Client Consultation 2.50 P Butler 280.00 700.00 280.00 - -
3/17/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0010 EXS111WC 56,165 56,240 Business FSF01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 75.00 225.00 75.00 - -
3/17/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0011 EXS222WC 37,861 38,011 Business PTY01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 150.00 450.00 150.00 - -
3/17/2015 TL0010 EXS111WC 56,240 56,255 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 15.00 - - - -
3/17/2015 TL0011 EXS222WC 38,011 38,019 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 8.00 - - - -
3/18/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0010 EXS111WC 56,255 56,330 Business ABC01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 75.00 225.00 75.00 - -
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Vehicle Logbook Entries 17,910.00 40,134.00
Form Vehicle Reg Odometer Odometer Client Total Trip Total Trip Standard Distance Error
Travel Date Travel Time Number Number Opening Closing Travel Type Code From To Purpose Rate Driver Distance Charges Distance Variance Code
3/18/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0011 EXS222WC 38,019 38,094 Business ABC01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 75.00 225.00 75.00 - -
3/18/2015 TL0010 EXS111WC 56,330 56,351 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 21.00 - - - -
3/18/2015 TL0011 EXS222WC 38,094 38,116 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 22.00 - - - -
3/19/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0010 EXS111WC 56,351 56,426 Business ABC01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 75.00 225.00 75.00 - -
3/19/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0011 EXS222WC 38,116 38,191 Business XYS01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 75.00 225.00 75.00 - -
3/19/2015 TL0010 EXS111WC 56,426 56,531 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 105.00 - - - -
3/19/2015 TL0011 EXS222WC 38,191 38,203 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 12.00 - - - -
3/24/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0010 EXS111WC 56,531 56,631 Business ENE01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 100.00 300.00 100.00 - -
3/24/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0011 EXS222WC 38,203 38,278 Business XYS01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 75.00 225.00 75.00 - -
3/24/2015 TL0010 EXS111WC 56,631 56,656 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 25.00 - - - -
3/24/2015 TL0011 EXS222WC 38,278 38,293 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 15.00 - - - -
3/25/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0010 EXS111WC 56,656 56,744 Business DIG01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 88.00 264.00 88.00 - -
3/25/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0011 EXS222WC 38,293 38,368 Business XYS01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 75.00 225.00 75.00 - -
3/25/2015 TL0010 EXS111WC 56,744 56,770 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 26.00 - - - -
3/25/2015 TL0011 EXS222WC 38,368 38,388 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 20.00 - - - -
3/26/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0010 EXS111WC 56,770 56,800 Business DFM01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 30.00 90.00 30.00 - -
3/26/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0011 EXS222WC 38,388 38,463 Business XYS01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 75.00 225.00 75.00 - -
3/26/2015 TL0010 EXS111WC 56,800 56,834 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 34.00 - - - -
3/26/2015 TL0011 EXS222WC 38,463 38,481 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 18.00 - - - -
3/27/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0010 EXS111WC 56,834 56,879 Business ECE01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 45.00 135.00 45.00 - -
3/27/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0011 EXS222WC 38,481 38,556 Business XYS01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 75.00 225.00 75.00 - -
3/27/2015 TL0010 EXS111WC 56,879 56,926 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 47.00 - - - -
3/27/2015 TL0011 EXS222WC 38,556 38,578 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 22.00 - - - -
3/28/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0010 EXS111WC 56,926 57,026 Business ENE01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 100.00 300.00 100.00 - -
3/28/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0011 EXS222WC 38,578 38,653 Business XYS01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 75.00 225.00 75.00 - -
3/28/2015 TL0010 EXS111WC 57,026 57,049 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - A Smith 23.00 - - - -
3/28/2015 TL0011 EXS222WC 38,653 38,686 Private XXX01 Various Private Various Private Private Travel - C Wilson 33.00 - - - -
3/31/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0010 EXS111WC 57,049 57,124 Business FSF01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 A Smith 75.00 225.00 75.00 - -
3/31/2015 8:00:00 AM TL0011 EXS222WC 38,686 38,836 Business PTY01 Work Client Client Consultation 3.00 C Wilson 150.00 450.00 150.00 - -
Page 12 of 18
Client Charge Sheet
Total Business Trip Mileage 14,308.00 79.9% Filter Selections:
Total Private Trip Mileage 3,602.00 20.1% From Date: 1/1/2015 To Date: 3/31/2015 Vehicle: All vehicles
Total All Trip Mileage 17,910.00 1/1/2015 3/31/2015 All
Page 13 of 18
Vehicle Charge Sheet
Total Business Trip Mileage 14,308.00 79.9% Filter Selections:
Total Private Trip Mileage 3,602.00 20.1% From Date: 1/1/2015 To Date: 3/31/2015 Client: All clients
Total All Trip Mileage 17,910.00 1/1/2015 3/31/2015 All
On this
this sheet:
Enter aa vehicle
vehicle registration
registration number
number andand vehicle
vehicle description
description in
in the
the user
user input
input columns.
columns. The The columns
columns with
light blue
blue column
column headings
headings contain
contain formulas
formulas which
which should
should be
be copied
copied for
for all
all new
new vehicles
vehicles that
that are
are added
added to
this sheet.
sheet. The
The calculations
calculations inin these
these columns
columns enable
enable users
users to
to calculate
calculate the
the business
business & & private
private mileage
mileage for
each vehicle
vehicle based
based onon any
any user
user defined
defined date
date range
range && client
client selection.
selection. The
The sheet
sheet also
also contains
contains aa monthly
analysis of
of total
total mileage,
mileage, business
business mileage
mileage %% and
and number
number of of business
business trips
trips over
over aa three
three month
month period.
Page 14 of 18
Vehicle Logbook Form Vehicle Registration Number:
Odometer Odometer
Travel Date Travel Time Opening Closing Travel Type Client Code From To
3/11/2015 8:00:00 AM 31,520 31,620 Business AAA001 Work Client
On this
this sheet:
This sheet
sheet can
can be
be printed
printed and
and supplied
supplied to
to drivers
drivers in
in order
order for
for them
them to
record all business & private trip details. The details that are entered on this
all business & private trip details. The details that are entered on this
form can
can then
then be
be recorded
recorded on on the
the Logbook
Logbook sheet
sheet in
in order
order to
to compile
compile aa
comprehensive logbook
logbook for
for each
each vehicle.
Vehicle Logbook Form Vehicle Registration Number:
Odometer Odometer
Travel Date Travel Time Opening Closing Travel Type Client Code From To
3/11/2015 8:00:00 AM 31,520 31,620 Business AAA001 Work Client
Vehicle Registration Number:
Form Number: TL00001