A 5-Year Follow-Up Study On The Relationship Between Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Parkinson Disease
A 5-Year Follow-Up Study On The Relationship Between Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Parkinson Disease
A 5-Year Follow-Up Study On The Relationship Between Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Parkinson Disease
pii: jc-00138-15
Study Objective: Sleep disturbances are among the most and 0.63% in the OSA and control cohorts, respectively. After
common nonmotor symptoms of Parkinson disease. However, censoring patients who died during the follow-up period and
no large epidemiological data regarding the association adjusting for socio-demographic characteristics, the hazard
between obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and Parkinson ratio (HR) of Parkinson disease during the 5-y follow-up
disease have been reported. The goal of this study was period for patients with OSA was 2.26 (95% confidence
to investigate the risk for Parkinson disease during a 5-y interval [CI] = 1.323.88) compared with comparison patients.
follow-up period after a diagnosis of OSA using a population- In addition, among females, the adjusted HR of Parkinson
based dataset. disease was 3.54 (95% CI = 1.508.34) for patients with OSA
Methods: The data for this retrospective longitudinal cohort compared to patients without OSA. However, among males,
study were retrieved from the Taiwan Longitudinal Health there was no significantly increased hazard of Parkinson
Insurance Database 2000. We identified 1,532 patients disease for patients with OSA compared to those without OSA.
with OSA as the study cohort and randomly selected 7,660 Conclusions: Female patients with OSA were found to be at
patients as the comparison cohort. Each subject was a significant risk of subsequent Parkinson disease during a
individually followed up for a 5-y period to identify those in 5-y follow-up period.
whom Parkinson disease subsequently developed. Stratified Keywords: epidemiology, obstructive sleep apnea, Parkinson
Cox proportional hazard regressions were performed as a disease, parkinsonism, sleep apnea
means of comparing the 5-y risk of subsequent Parkinson Citation: Sheu JJ, Lee HC, Lin HC, Kao LT, Chung SD. A
disease between the study cohort and comparison cohort. 5-year follow-up study on the relationship between obstructive
Results: Of the 9,192 total patients, Parkinson disease sleep apnea and Parkinson disease. J Clin Sleep Med
developed in 0.73% during the 5-y follow-up period: 1.24% 2015;11(12):1403 1408.
in the range of 40%90%.10 Sleep disturbances may occur in to randomly extract 7,660 patients (five for every patient with
the early stage of PD and become more significant as PD pro- OSA) matched in terms of sex, age group (younger than 30 y,
gresses. In addition, some types of sleep disturbances, e.g., 3039 y, 4049 y, 5059 y, 6069 y, and older than 69 y), and
REM sleep behavior disorder and excessive daytime sleepi- the index year. The index year for the study cohort was the year
ness, may antedate the onset of motor symptoms of PD by in which they received their first-time diagnosis of OSA. For
several years and therefore be thought of as predictors for the the comparison cohort, the index year was simply a matched
development of PD.11 year in which the comparison patients visited a physician. We
Therefore, the goal of this study was to investigate the risk further defined their first ambulatory care visit that occurred
for subsequent PD in patients with OSA compared to patients in the index year as their index date. Furthermore, all selected
without OSA during the same period, using a large, nationwide comparison patients were confirmed not to have a history of
population-based dataset in Taiwan. PD prior to their index date.
Thereafter, each sampled patient (n = 9,192) was individu-
ally tracked for a 5-y period from their index date to discrimi-
METHODS nate those patients who subsequently received a diagnosis of
PD during the follow-up period.
The data for this retrospective longitudinal cohort study Statistical Analysis
were retrieved from the Taiwan Longitudinal Health Insurance We performed all statistical analyses using the SAS sys-
Database (LHID2000), which includes claims data for 1 mil- tem. The Kaplan-Meier method and log-rank test were used to
lion beneficiaries. These 1 million beneficiaries were randomly compare the time to the development of PD and survival time
sampled from the Registry for Beneficiaries for the year 2000 among patients with and those without OSA. We further used
from the 23.72 million enrollees under the Taiwan National the stratified Cox proportional hazard regression (stratified
Health Insurance (NHI) program (coverage rate of the Taiwan- by sex, age group, and the year of the index date) to compute
ese population was > 98% in 2000) by the Taiwan National the risk of PD during the 5-y follow-up period among patients
Health Research Institute (NHRI). The Taiwan NHRI demon- with and those without OSA. In addition, we censored those
strated that there was no significant difference in sex distribu- patients who died during the follow-up period (103 from the
tion between enrollees in the LHID2000 and the NHI program. study cohort [6.7% of patients with OSA] and 746 from the
This study was exempt from full review by the Institutional comparison cohort [9.7% of patients without OSA]). Hazard
Review Board of the National Defense Medical Center because ratios (HRs) along with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were
the LHID2000 consists of deidentified secondary data released used to present the risk of PD, using a significance level of 0.05.
to the public for research purposes.
Study Sample
This study was designed to include a study cohort and a Table 1 shows the demographic characteristics for all sam-
comparison cohort. We selected the study cohort by identify- pled patients according to the presence of OSA. The mean age
ing 2,955 patients who had received a first-time diagnosis of was 46.5 y with a standard deviation of 13.9 y, and the over-
OSA (ICD-9-CM codes 327.23, 780.51, 780.53, or 780.57) in whelmingly majority were male (69.6%). After being matched
an ambulatory care visit from January 1, 2001 to December 31, for sex, age group, and the year of the index date, there were
2007. In Taiwan, when a patient is suspected of having OSA, significant differences in monthly income (p < 0.001), geo-
the physician gives the patient a temporary diagnosis of OSA. graphic region (p < 0.001), and urbanization level (p < 0.001)
This allows the physician to perform related clinical tests and between patients with and those without OSA. Patients with
polysomnography (PSG) for confirmation, without receiving OSA were more likely to reside in central Taiwan and more
possible fines for performing unnecessary or inappropriate urbanized communities than patients without OSA.
procedures. Thereafter, a patient receives another OSA diag- Table 2 shows the incidence of PD during the 5-y follow-up
nosis in their next ambulatory visit if he or she is confirmed to period between patients with and those without OSA. Of the
have OSA after these tests. Therefore, this study limited the 9,192 patients, 0.73% (n = 67) subsequently received a diagnosis
study cohort to those patients who had received 2 diagnoses of PD during the 5-y follow-up period: 1.24% of patients with
of OSA (n = 1,636) in order to increase the OSA diagnostic va- OSA and 0.63% of those without. The Kaplan-Meier analysis
lidity. We further excluded patients younger than 18 y (n = 84). demonstrated a significantly decreased PD-free survival in pa-
We then assigned their first ambulatory care visit for receiving tients with OSA compared to those without OSA (Figure 1;
an OSA diagnosis as the index date. In addition, we identified log-rank p < 0.001). Furthermore, we found that of the 67 sam-
and excluded those patients who had a history of PD (ICD- pled patients who subsequently received a diagnosis of PD dur-
9-CM code 332) prior to the index date (n = 20). As a result, ing the 5-y follow-up period, the mean time between the index
1,532 patients with OSA were included in the study cohort. date and the first diagnosis of PD was 945 days for all patients
The comparison cohort was likewise retrieved from the (standard deviation = 554 days), and 870 and 975 days for pa-
LHID2000. We first excluded all patients who had ever re- tients with and those without OSA, respectively (p = 0.488).
ceived a diagnosis of OSA or were younger than 18 y. The Table 2 also presents the HRs of PD during the 5-y follow-
SAS Proc SurveySelect program (SAS System for Win- up period between patients with and those without OSA. The
dows, version 8.2, SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA) was used stratified Cox proportional analysis (stratified by age, sex, and
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Vol. 11, No. 12, 2015 1404
Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Parkinson Disease
Table 1Demographic characteristics for the sampled patients stratified by the presence/absence of obstructive sleep apnea,
20012007 (n = 9,192).
Patients with OSA (n = 1,532) Comparison Patients (n = 7,660)
Variable Total n Column % Total n Column % p
Male 1,066 69.6 5,330 69.6 0.999
Age group (y) 0.999
< 30 143 9.3 715 9.3
3039 351 22.9 1,755 22.9
4049 447 29.2 2,235 29.2
5059 342 22.3 1,710 22.3
6069 151 9.9 755 9.9
> 69 98 6.4 490 6.4
Geographic region < 0.001
Northern 768 50.1 3,743 48.9
Central 424 27.7 1,774 23.2
Southern 323 21.1 1,976 25.8
Eastern 17 1.1 167 2.2
Urbanization level < 0.001
1 561 36.6 2,493 32.6
2 453 29.6 2,175 28.4
3 260 17.0 1,211 15.8
4 162 10.6 983 12.8
5 96 6.3 798 10.4
Monthly income < 0.001
NT $015,840 477 31.1 2,418 31.6
NT $15,84125,000 444 29.0 2,762 36.1
NT $25,001 611 39.9 2,480 32.4
the year of the index date) suggested that the HR of PD for Figure 1Five-year Parkinson disease-free survival rates.
patients with OSA was 2.26 (95% CI = 1.323.88) compared
to patients without OSA after censoring individuals who died
during the follow-up period and adjusting for the patients
monthly income, geographical location, and urbanization level.
Table 3 presents the HRs of PD between patients with and
those without OSA according to sex. We found that among fe-
males, the adjusted HR of PD was 3.54 (95% CI = 1.508.34)
for patients with OSA compared to patients without OSA. How-
ever, among males, there was no significantly increased hazard
of PD for patients with OSA compared to those without OSA.
Data currently available regarding the association between
OSA and PD were mostly obtained from cross-sectional de-
scriptive studies or small sample case-control studies.1216 Cur-
rently, the association between OSA and PD remains an issue
of controversy, and previous studies yielded conflicting results.
Maria et al.12 found there was a higher prevalence of OSA, de- Five-year Parkinson disease-free survival rates for patients with and
fined as an apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) > 5, in 15 PD patients those without obstructive sleep apnea are shown.
compared with 15 healthy controls.12 Shpirer et al.14 also demon-
strated a greater mean AHI for PD patients compared with that
of controls.14 On the contrary, compared with 50 in-hospital con- cannot be established by descriptive or case-control studies be-
trols, Cochen et al.15 showed that sleep apnea was less frequent cause of the small sample size or cross-sectional design. To our
in 100 PD patients. Nevertheless, Yong et al.16 found that there understanding, this study is the first population-based study to
was no difference in the AHI among PD patients and controls investigate the relationship between OSA and PD. In this study,
in an Asian population. A real association or causal relationship we first identified patients with OSA in ambulatory care visits,
1405 Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Vol. 11, No. 12, 2015
JJ Sheu, HC Lee, HC Lin et al.
Table 2Crude and covariate-adjusted hazard ratios for Parkinson disease among the sampled patients during the 5-year
follow-up period.
Presence of Parkinson Disease Total Sample (n = 9,192) Patients with OSA (n = 1,532) Comparison Patients (n = 7,660)
at 5-y Follow-Up Period n % n % n %
Yes 67 0.73 19 1.24 48 0.63
Crude HR (95% CI) 1.99 (1.173.40) b 1.00
Adjusted HR (95% CI) a 2.26 (1.323.88) b 1.00
HR was calculated using a stratified Cox proportional hazard regression stratified by sex, age group and the year of index ambulatory care visit. a Adjustments
are made for patients geographical location, urbanization level, and monthly income. b p < 0.01. OSA, obstructive sleep apena; CI, confidence interval;
HR, hazard ratio.
Table 3Crude and covariate-adjusted hazard ratios for Parkinson disease among the sampled patients during the 5-year
follow-up period.
Male Female
Patients with OSA Controls Patients with OSA Controls
Presence of Parkinson Disease (n = 1,066) (n = 5,330) (n = 466) (n = 2,330)
at 5-y Follow-Up Period n % n % n % n %
Yes 10 0.94 34 0.64 9 1.93 14 0.59
Crude HR (95% CI) 1.46 (0.722.97) 3.32 (1.437.72) b 1.00
Adjusted HR (95% CI) a 1.72 (0.843.52) 1.00 3.54 (1.508.34) b 1.00
HR was calculated using a stratified Cox proportional hazard regression stratified by age group and the year of index ambulatory care visit. a Adjustments
are made for patients geographical location, urbanization level, and monthly income. b p < 0.01. CI, confidence interval; HR, hazard ratio.
and then tracked each patient for 5 y to identify those subjects and therefore aggravate dopaminergic neurodegeneration in
who subsequently received a diagnosis of PD during the follow- PD.21 There is increasing evidence that OSA, characterized
up period. We found that the adjusted risk of subsequent PD by repetitive intermittent hypoxia during apnea and reoxy-
for patients with OSA was 2.26 times greater than for patients genation following apnea, activates intense local and systemic
without OSA. The results of our study provide the first epide- inflammatory and immune responses.23 Proinflammatory cy-
miological evidence that patients with OSA may be at greater tokines produced by peripheral inflammation can cross the
risk for subsequent PD, although the absolute number of pa- disrupted blood-brain barrier and ignite deleterious effects on
tients with OSA in whom PD later developed was small, and the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system.24 In addition, periph-
OSA might only contribute a minor risk for PD. eral inflammatory signals can also be transmitted to the brain
The actual mechanisms contributing to the association via the vagus nerve, consistent with the enteric autonomic ner-
between OSA and PD are not fully understood. There is ac- vous system route of the dual-hit hypothesis that initiates the
cumulative evidence that OSA is associated with cerebrovas- development of PD.25 Consequently, we postulated that OSA
cular disease and vascular risk factors, including hypertension, may trigger aberrant inflammatory responses, convey inflam-
diabetes, and hyperlipidemia.1719 Vascular parkinsonism, a matory signals to the brain through humoral or neural routes,
parkinsonian syndrome caused by cerebrovascular disease, and bring about microglial activation and degeneration of do-
usually occurs in the aged with vascular risk factors such as paminergic neurons in the substantia nigra.
hypertension and diabetes.3,20 Thus, the reason implicating Interestingly, we found that females rather than males had
OSA in the development of PD may be attributable to the ef- higher risks of subsequent PD following an OSA diagnosis. Al-
fects of cerebrovascular disease and vascular risk factors. though the reason is not clear, a possible explanation is related
Previous studies proposed possible underlying pathomech- to the underrecognition and underdiagnosis of OSA in women.
anisms for the initiation and progression of PD, including A low awareness of OSA in women by patients and physicians,
oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, excitotoxicity, under-reporting of snoring and breathing pauses during sleep,
microglial activation, and neuroinflammation.21,22 Oxidative and atypical presenting symptoms such as insomnia, anxiety,
stress plays a significant role in several cellular processes, in- and depression of OSA in women all result in the clinical un-
cluding perturbation of the ubiquitin-proteasome system, mis- derdiagnosis of OSA.26 Therefore, women with OSA might not
folding and aggregation of -synuclein, and mitochondrial receive a diagnosis until severe symptoms occur. It is reason-
dysfunction, which result in dopaminergic neurodegenera- able to hypothesize that severe OSA in women increases the
tion.22 Activation of microglial cells, resident immune cells in risk of PD because of the greater degree of hypoxia, inflam-
the substantia nigra, may trigger exaggerated inflammatory re- mation, and oxidative stress. Additionally, the age difference
sponses, successively activate the surrounding microglia and might be one of the potential rationales which contributed the
astrocytes, cause an adverse effect on the remaining neurons, dissimilar risk of PD between males and females. In this study,
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Vol. 11, No. 12, 2015 1406
Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Parkinson Disease
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cated no financial conflicts of interest.
Submitted for publication March, 2015
Submitted in final revised form May, 2015
Accepted for publication June, 2015
Address correspondence to: Shiu-Dong Chung, MD, PhD, Division of Urology,
Department of Surgery, Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, Number 21, Section 2,
Nanya South Road, Banciao District, New Taipei City 220, Taiwan; Tel: 8966-7000;
Fax: 8966-7000; Email: [email protected]
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Vol. 11, No. 12, 2015 1408