Intern Log Book JazanU
Intern Log Book JazanU
Intern Log Book JazanU
Internship Supervisor
1st edition
2014 1435 H
I am greatly indebted to Dr.Ali Swaid the vice dean for clinical affairs whose vision is ingrained in this work, for
his encouragement, continuous support and positive feedback. I am also grateful to the members of the vice deanship for
clinical affairs for the positive feedback that I have received during the preparation of this work, namely Dr.Nader
Wahba, Dr.Abu Obaida Yassin and Dr.Azza Noor. I would also like to thank the different members in the departments
of general surgery, internal medicine, obstetrics& gynaecology and paediatrics for their great contribution in setting the
targets of different skills and competencies in this log book.
Many thanks are extended to the vice deanship for quality affairs, the vice deanship for academic affairs and the
medical education department for their meticulous review of this log book and their constructive remarks.
Last but not least special thanks and gratitude are extended to the Faculty Board headed by Dr.Hussein Ageely the
Dean of the faculty for their unlimited support and encouragement.
Internship Supervisor
Name : ............................................................................................................
National ID: ..
University: .
Sponsor: ..
Year of Graduation:
Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
Paediatrics -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
In Saudi Arabia internship consists of a supervised twelve months of clinical rotations in different departments. It is
formulated in such a way as to ensure the utmost benefit that will help the young doctor in his future career. However to
achieve the maximum benefit the young doctor should be sincere, devoted, keen to learn and assume the right attitude.
A log book is not a new idea; it is a means to achieve objective assessment of performance by the supervisor allowing
him to give fair evaluation of the intern at the end of the rotation. It also allows the intern to look critically into his
performance and give him a chance to compare himself with his colleagues.
This log book is designed to meet the general goals of internship and to fulfil the educational objectives set in the
intern roadmap which comply with the guidelines of the National Commission for Academic Accreditation &
Assessment (NCAAA). The targets for different skills, competencies and procedures were set by the respective
departments in a comprehensive way.
Success is always achieved by hard work and dedication and leniency has no place in medical practice, so try to get
the maximum benefit from your internship year to make an outstanding career in the future.
Internship unit
September 2014
Write your name and other requested information in the appropriate place.
Fill all the requested fields at the start of each rotation.
Register any activity immediately after its conclusion.
Get the supervisors assessment and signature immediately.
The target number of presentations is the minimum requested.
Keep all case presentations records and attach it with your log book in the appropriate section.
Get the supervisors signature for all procedures that you have done or participated in.
The target number of procedures is the minimum requested.
At least half the target number of academic activities should be presentations.
Add any procedure which is not included in the appropriate section.
Attach a copy of the certificate of attendance of any academic activity that you have attended.
Give your log book to the supervisor at the end of your rotation to help him write his report.
Collect your log book from your supervisor after he finishes his report.
Keep your log book tidy and clean throughout the internship year.
Log books should be presented to internship unit along with evaluations at the end of internship year.
Name of supervisor
Name of supervisor
Rating %
Name of supervisor
Department Paediatrics
Name of supervisor
Name of supervisor
Key: * =Poor, ** =Fair, *** =Good, **** =Very good, ***** =Excellent
Rating %
Name of supervisor
Key: * =Poor, ** =Fair, *** =Good, **** =Very good, ***** =Excellent
Rating %
Name of supervisor
Key: * =Poor, ** =Fair, *** =Good, **** =Very good, ***** =Excellent
Rating %
Name of supervisor
Key: * =Poor, ** =Fair, *** =Good, **** =Very good, ***** =Excellent
Rating %
Attach a copy.