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Horizon Report > 2017 Higher Education Edition

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Table of Contents

Executive Summary 2

Introduction 4

Key Trends Accelerating Technology Adoption in Higher Education 8

Long-Term Trends: Driving Ed Tech adoption in higher education for five or more years
> Advancing Cultures of Innovation 10
> Deeper Learning Approaches 12
Mid-Term Trends: Driving Ed Tech adoption in higher education for the next three to five years
> Growing Focus on Measuring Learning 14
> Redesigning Learning Spaces 16
Short-Term Trends: Driving Ed Tech adoption in higher education for the next one to two years
> Blended Learning Designs 18
> Collaborative Learning 20

Significant Challenges Impeding Technology Adoption in Higher Education 22

Solvable Challenges: Those that we understand and know how to solve
> Improving Digital Literacy 24
> Integrating Formal and Informal Learning 26
Difficult Challenges: Those that we understand but for which solutions are elusive
> Achievement Gap 28
> Advancing Digital Equity 30
Wicked Challenges: Those that are complex to even define, much less address
> Managing Knowledge Obsolescence 32
> Rethinking the Roles of Educators 34

Important Developments in Educational Technology for Higher Education 36

Time-to-Adoption Horizon: One Year or Less
> Adaptive Learning Technologies 38
> Mobile Learning 40
Time-to-Adoption Horizon: Two to Three Years
> The Internet of Things 42
> Next-Generation LMS 44
Time-to-Adoption Horizon: Four to Five Years
> Artificial Intelligence 46
> Natural User Interfaces 48

Methodology 50

The 2017 Higher Education Expert Panel 52

Endnotes 53

The NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition

is a collaboration between The NEW MEDIA CONSORTIUM and
The EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative, an EDUCAUSE Program.

The research behind the NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Acknowledgments
Education Edition is jointly conducted by the New Media The NMC is grateful to Helen Beetham, Steven J. Bell, Cheryl
Consortium (NMC) and the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative Brown, Jim Devine, Jill Leafstedt, and Riina Vuorikari for their
(ELI), an EDUCAUSE Program. The ELIs critical participation in input to the Improving Digital Literacy topic in this report.
the production of this report and their strong support for the
NMC Horizon Project is gratefully acknowledged. To learn more Front Cover
about ELI, visit www.educause.edu/eli; to learn more about the Photo provided by University Technology at Case Western
NMC, visit www.nmc.org. Reserve University (CWRU), the Bostwick Agency and the
Sextant Group. Interactive classroom at CWRU. The University
2017, The New Media Consortium is one of the countrys leading private research institutions.
Located in Cleveland, Ohio, CWRU offers a unique combination
ISBN 978-0-9977215-7-7 of forward-thinking educational opportunities in an inspiring
cultural setting. Leading-edge faculty engage in teaching and
Permission is granted under a Creative Commons Attribution research in a collaborative, hands-on environment. Nationally
4.0 International License to replicate, copy, distribute, transmit, recognized programs include arts and sciences, dental
or adapt this report freely provided that attribution is provided medicine, engineering, law, management, medicine, nursing,
as illustrated in the citation below. To view a copy of this and social work. Visitcase.eduto see how Case Western
license, visit creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0. Reserve thinks beyond the possible.

Citation Inside and Back Covers

Adams Becker, S., Cummins, M., Davis, A., Freeman, A., Hall BigStock Photography
Giesinger, C., and Ananthanarayanan, V. (2017). NMC Horizon
Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition. Austin, Texas: The New
Media Consortium.
2 NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition

Executive Summary

hat is on the five-year horizon for higher status, race, ethnicity, and gender. Further, sufficient
education institutions? Which trends internet access remains uneven.
and technology developments will drive
educational change? What are the critical
challenges and how can we strategize
5 Processes for assessing nuanced skills at a
personal level are needed. Adaptive technologies
and a focus on measuring learning are driving
solutions? These questions regarding technology
institutional decision-making while personalizing
adoption and educational change steered the
student learning experiences; leaders must now
discussions of 78 experts to produce the NMC Horizon
consider how to evaluate the acquisition of vocational
Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition, in partnership
skills, competencies, creativity, and critical thinking.
with the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI). This NMC
Horizon Report series charts the five-year impact of
innovative practices and technologies for higher
education across the globe. With more than 15 years of
6 Fluency in the digital realm is more than just
understanding how to use technology. Training
must go beyond gaining isolated technology skills
research and publications, the NMC Horizon Project can toward generating a deep understanding of digital
be regarded as educations longest-running exploration environments, enabling intuitive adaptation to new
of emerging technology trends and uptake. contexts and co-creation of content with others.
Six key trends, six significant challenges, and six
developments in educational technology profiled in
this report are poised to impact teaching, learning, and
7 Online, mobile, and blended learning are
foregone conclusions. If institutions do not already
have robust strategies for integrating these now
creative inquiry in higher education. The three sections pervasive approaches, then they simply will not survive.
of this report constitute a reference and technology An important step is tracking how these models are
planning guide for educators, higher education leaders, actively enriching learning outcomes.
administrators, policymakers, and technologists. These
top 10 highlights capture the big picture themes of
educational change that underpin the 18 topics:
8 Learning ecosystems must be agile enough to
support the practices of the future. In using tools
and platforms like LMS, educators have a desire to

1 Advancing progressive learning approaches

requires cultural transformation. Institutions must
be structured in ways that promote the exchange
unbundle all of the components of a learning experience
to remix open content and educational apps in unique
and compelling ways.
of fresh ideas, identify successful models within and
outside of the campus, and reward teaching innovation
with student success at the center.
9 Higher education is an incubator for developing
more intuitive computers. As artificial intelligence
and natural user interfaces tip into mainstream use,

2 Real-world skills are needed to bolster

employability and workplace development.
Students expect to graduate into gainful employment.
universities are designing machine learning algorithms
and haptic devices that more authentically respond to
human interaction.
Institutions have a responsibility to deliver deeper,
active learning experiences and skills-based training
that integrate technology in meaningful ways.
10 Lifelong learning is the lifeblood of higher
education. Institutions must prioritize and
recognize ongoing learning both formal and informal

3 Collaboration is key for scaling effective solutions.

Communities of practice, multidisciplinary leadership
groups, and open social networks can help spread
for their faculty, staff, and students.
It is our hope that this analysis will help to inform the
choices that institutions are making about technology
evidence-based approaches. Institutions and educators
to improve, support, or extend teaching, learning,
can make more progress learning from each other.
and creative inquiry. Education leaders worldwide

4 Despite the proliferation of technology and online

learning materials, access is still unequal. Gaps
persist across the world that are hampering college
look to NMC Horizon Project publications as strategic
technology planning references, and it is for that
purpose that the NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher
completion for student groups by socioeconomic Education Edition is presented.

NMC Horizon Report > 2017 Higher Education Edition at a Glance

Key Trends Accelerating Higher Education Technology Adoption
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Driving technology adoption in Higher

Short-Term Education for the next one to two years

Blended Learning Designs

Collaborative Learning

Driving technology adoption in Higher Education for the

Mid-Term next three to five years

Growing Focus on Measuring Learning

Redesigning Learning Spaces

Long-Term Driving technology adoption in Higher Education for five or more years

Advancing Cultures of Innovation

Deeper Learning Approaches

Significant Challenges Impeding Higher Education Technology Adoption

Solvable Those that we understand and know how to solve

Improving Digital Literacy

Integrating Formal and Informal Learning

Difficult Those that we understand but for which solutions are elusive

Achievement Gap
Advancing Digital Equity

Wicked Those that are complex to even define, much less address

Managing Knowledge Obsolescence

Rethinking the Roles of Educators

Important Developments in Technology for Higher Education

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Time-to-Adoption Time-to-Adoption Time-to-Adoption

Horizon: One Year Horizon: Two to Horizon: Four to
or Less Three Years Five Years
Adaptive Learning Technologies The Internet of Things Artificial Intelligence
Mobile Learning Next-Generation LMS Natural User Interfaces
4 NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition


he NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education The topics are placed directly in the context of their likely
Edition was produced by the NMC in collaboration impact on the core missions of universities and colleges,
with the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI). The and detailed in succinct, non-technical, and unbiased
internationally recognized NMC Horizon Report presentations. Each has been tied to essential questions
series and regional NMC Technology Outlook series of relevance or policy, leadership, and practice.
are part of the NMC Horizon Project, a comprehensive
To plan for the future, it is important to look back. In
effort established in 2002 that identifies and describes
reflecting on the past 15 years of the NMC Horizon
important developments in technology poised to
Project, larger themes have emerged. Certain topics
have a large impact on technology planning and
such as a focus on measuring learning and competition
decision-making in education around the globe. Each
from new education models reappear, regularly voted
of the four global editions of the NMC Horizon Report
into the report by a now vast body of higher education
higher education, primary and secondary education
leaders and technologists. The tables below show the
(K-12), museum, and library highlights six trends,
findings from the past five higher education editions as
six challenges, and six developments in technology or
well as the 2017 edition. (In some cases, for consistency,
practices that are likely to enter mainstream use within
the topic names have been slightly modified from the
their focus sectors over the next five years (2017-2021).
report where they originally appeared.) Also noteworthy
In the pages that follow, 18 topics selected by the is the inclusion of Rethinking the Roles of Educators as
2017 Higher Education Expert Panel related to the well as Blending Formal and Informal Learning as both
educational applications of technology are examined. a trend and challenge; initially categorized as trends,

Six Years of the NMC Horizon Report Higher Education Edition

Key Trends 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Blended Learning Designs
Growing Focus on Measuring Learning
Advancing Cultures of Innovation
Redesigning Learning Spaces
Deeper Learning Approaches
Collaborative Learning
Evolution of Online Learning
Rethinking the Roles of Educators
Proliferation of Open Educational Resources
Rethinking How Institutions Work
Cross-Institution Collaboration
Students as Creators
Agile Approaches to Change
Ubiquity of Social Media
Blending Formal and Informal Learning
Decentralized IT Support
Ubiquitous Learning
Introduction 5

Significant Challenges 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Competition from New Models of Education
Blending Formal and Informal Learning
Improving Digital Literacy
Integrating Technology in Faculty Education
Personalizing Learning
Keeping Education Relevant
Rewarding Teaching
Insufficient Metrics for Evaluation
Embracing the Need for Radical Change
Rethinking the Roles of Educators
Achievement Gap
Advancing Digital Equity
Managing Knowledge Obsolescence
Balancing Our Connected and Unconnected Lives
Teaching Complex Thinking
Scaling Teaching Innovations
Expanding Access
Academics Attitude about Technology
Documenting and Supporting New Forms of Scholarship

Developments in Technology 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Learning Analytics
Adaptive Learning Technologies
Games and Gamification
The Internet of Things
Mobile Learning
Natural User Interfaces
Bring Your Own Device
Flipped Classroom
Wearable Technology
3D Printing
Tablet Computing
Artificial Intelligence
Next-Generation LMS
Affective Computing
Augmented & Virtual Reality
Quantified Self
Virtual Assistants
Massive Open Online Courses
6 NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition

previous expert panels moved to re-categorize them as accordingly. While mobile and digital learning strategies
challenges. have increased over time, disparities in high-speed
broadband connectivity and in engagement between
In observing the numerous overlaps from edition to
different student groups (socioeconomic status, gender,
edition, it is important to note that while topics may
etc.) prompt higher education leaders to continuously
repeatedly appear, they only represent the broad strokes
evaluate the affordability, access, and quality of their
of educational change; each trend, challenge, and
technology development evolves over time, with fresh
perspectives and new dimensions revealed every year. Spurring Innovation
For example, both mobile and online learning today are If education is viewed as a vehicle
not what they were yesterday. Virtual reality, chatbots, for advancing the global economy,
and immersive apps have added more functionality and then it must be the North Star that
greater potential for learning. guides societies to the next big
thing, illuminating new ideas that
The NMC Horizon Report format was revised in 2014 to
solve pressing challenges and creating opportunities
more deeply expand on the trends and challenges that
to shape a better future. In this sense, institutions are
frame technology adoption. This change was grounded
incubators of high-quality products actual inventions
in the reality that technology alone cannot cultivate
and developments that progress positive trends, as well
education transformation; better pedagogies and
as the most important product of all: graduates who not
more inclusive education models are vital solutions,
only fulfill evolving job market needs but redefine and
while digital tools and platforms are enablers and
improve the workforce they enter. Advancing cultures
accelerators. Further, the way that society is evolving
of entrepreneurial thinking and designing new forms
inherently impacts how technology is used as well as
of artificial intelligence are just two of many areas of
the programming institutions offer. Prior to the 2014
higher education that are spreading innovation.
edition, trends and challenges were not placed in
horizons; thus the table views do not capture changes Fostering Authentic Learning
over time in length of impact or scope of difficulty, Project-based learning, challenge-
respectively. based learning, and competency-
based learning all of these
Individual topics in the report are published as two-
pedagogical trends are in service of
page spreads to make them useful as standalone essays
creating richer and more hands-on,
and guides, but generating a more holistic vision of how
real-world experiences for students. As higher education
they all coalesce is becoming increasingly important. In
institutions prioritize active learning over rote learning,
some instances, the challenges represent the obstacles
students are being viewed in a new light. Rather than
hindering positive trends from scaling and the
being regarded as mere participants and consumers of
technologies are accelerators, revealing a convergence
knowledge, the embedding of maker culture in higher
between all three sections.
education has made them active contributors to the
Taken together, the topics featured in the report from knowledge ecosystem. They learn by experiencing,
year to year tell a larger story about the overarching doing, and creating, demonstrating newly acquired
themes driving progress in or impeding teaching, skills in more concrete and creative ways. Students
learning, and creative inquiry. Each topic can be placed do not have to wait until graduation to change the
into one (or more) of six meta-categories that reflect world. However, institutions continue to be challenged
movements in higher education. to generate these opportunities in spaces and with
paradigms that still lean on traditional practices.
Expanding Access and Convenience.
People expect to be able to learn and Tracking and Evaluating Evidence.
work anywhere, with constant access What good is a new approach or
to learning materials, as well as each technology deployment if the results
other. Colleges and universities have are not carefully measured and
made great strides in generating more analyzed, with the program adjusted
methods and platforms for faculty, students, and staff based on the results? Institutions
to collaborate and be productive wherever they are. The are becoming more adept at capturing a bevy of
advent of always-connected devices has provided more programmatic data. This same principle has been
flexibility in how, when, and where people learn, and applied to tracking student performance, engagement,
many institutions have updated their IT infrastructures and behavior, and leveraging that data to inform
Introduction 7

decision-making across departments and campuses. media and new technologies as they emerge. A major
This information is also fueling more personalized element of fostering this fluency is recognizing that
learning experiences through adaptive learning tools simply understanding how to use a device or certain
that analyze areas for improvement and deliver tailored software is not enough; faculty, staff, and students must
content to each student accordingly. As this data-driven be able to make connections between the tools and the
theme proliferates in higher education, leaders must intended outcomes, leveraging technology in creative
consider how to scale the data in a way that presents ways that allow them to more intuitively adapt from one
a more holistic picture of student success and makes context to another. Ownership of this movement must
it useful across all disciplines. Embracing a culture be shared and supported among institutional divisions
of sharing that breaks down silos, while maintaining as digital fluency is an important thread that runs
ethical and privacy standards, will be paramount. through practically every facet of teaching and learning.
Improving the Teaching Profession In the report that follows, each topic will have icons
The emphasis on more hands-on, that appear next to it, indicating the above meta-
technology-enhanced learning has categories where it belongs, in order to more clearly
impacted every facet of campus illuminate the connections between topics. The reports
life, with teaching as a central force. first two sections focus on an analysis of the trends
With students inventing, iterating, driving technology decision-making and planning, and
and collaborating regularly, instructors have been the challenges likely to impede the adoption of new
transplanted from their position as sage on the stage technologies, respectively. Each includes an explicit
to guide on the side. There is a need for mentoring and discussion of the trend or challenges implications for
coaching as students work through complex problems policy, leadership, and practice in higher education-
to explore new frontiers and gain concrete skills. As focused institutions and organizations. The inclusion
student-led class discussions delve deeper into the of these three elements acknowledges that it takes
material, faculty must balance the student-centered a combination of governance, vision, and action
approach with subtle but effective facilitation. However, to advance positive trends and surmount pressing
institutions are often set up in ways that indicate a value challenges. Relevant examples and readings conclude
on research over teaching. As such, educators are not each topic for further elaboration.
always sufficiently motivated to improve their teaching
The reports third section focuses on important
craft or rewarded when they do so successfully.
developments in technology consumer technologies,
Programs that recognize and scale positive teaching
digital strategies, enabling technologies, internet
practices are a necessity. Further, just as there is a need
technologies, learning technologies, social media
to advance digital literacy among students, faculty must
technologies, and visualization technologies all
also engage in ongoing professional development, with
positioned to impact higher education over the next
support from institutions.
five years. Each development contains a discussion of its
Spreading Digital Fluency relevance to teaching, learning, or creative inquiry, and
Technology and digital tools have concludes with a set of project examples and further
become ubiquitous, but they can readings.
be ineffective or dangerous when
Taken together, the three sections constitute a
they are not integrated into the
straightforward guide for strategic planning and
learning process in meaningful ways.
decision-making for postsecondary education leaders
The contemporary workforce calls for digitally-savvy
across the world.
employees who can seamlessly work with different
8 NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition

Key Trends Accelerating Technology Adoption in Higher


hesix trends described in the following institutions. Research has been conducted over the past
pageswere selected by the projects expert panel year to better understand how institutions can nurture
in a series of Delphi-based voting cycles, each the types of culture that promotes experimentation.
accompanied by rounds of desktop research, A significant element for progressing this movement
discussions, and further refinements of the topics. is the call for higher education to alter its status quo
These trends, which the members of the expert panel to accept failure as an important part of the learning
agreed are very likely to drive technology planning and process. The act of integrating entrepreneurship into
decision-making over the next five years, are sorted higher education further acknowledges that every
into three movement-related categories long- big idea has to start somewhere, and students and
term trends that typically have already been affecting faculty can be equipped with the tools needed to
decision-making and will continue to be important for spark real progress. In order to keep pace, institutions
more than five years; mid-term trends that will likely must critically assess their curriculum and implement
continue to be a factor in decision-making for the changes to their evaluation methods in order to remove
next three to five years; and short-term trends that are barriers that limit the development of new ideas.
driving educational technology adoption now, but will
Deeper Learning Approaches. There is an ongoing
likely remain important for only one to two years, either emphasis in higher education on deeper learning
becoming commonplace or fading away in that time. approaches, defined by the William and Flora Hewlett
While long-term trends have already been the topic Foundation as the mastery of content that engages
of many education leaders discussions and extensive students in critical thinking, problem-solving,
research, short-term trends often do not have an collaboration, and self-directed learning. To remain
abundance of concrete evidence pointing to their motivated, students need to be able to make clear
effectiveness and future directions. All of the trends connections between their coursework and the real
listed here were explored for their implications for world, and how the new knowledge and skills will
higher education in a series of online discussions that impact them. Project-based learning, challenge-based
can be viewed at horizon.wiki.nmc.org/Trends. learning, inquiry-based learning, and similar methods
are fostering more active learning experiences. While
The NMC Horizon Project model derived three meta- deeper learning is proving to be effective for improving
dimensions that were used to focus the discussions graduation rates in schools, its implementation in higher
of each trend and challenge: policy, leadership, and education settings is not as robust, pointing to the need
practice. Policy, in this context, refers to the formal for colleges and universities to make larger investments
laws, regulations, rules, and guidelines that govern in quality teaching. As the enabling role of technologies
institutions; leadership is the product of experts visions for learning crystalizes, instructors are leveraging these
of the future of learning, based on research and deep tools to relate materials and assignments to real-life
consideration; and practice is where new ideas and applications.
pedagogies take action, in universities and colleges
and related settings. Below are summaries of the six Mid-Term Trends: Driving Ed Tech adoption in higher
key trends that will be explored more in-depth in this education for the next three to five years
section, with citations and resources included. Growing Focus on Measuring Learning. This trend
Long-Term Trends: Driving Ed Tech adoption in higher describes an interest in assessment and the wide variety
education for five or more years of methods and tools that educators use to evaluate,
measure, and document academic readiness, learning
Advancing Cultures of Innovation. As campuses progress, skill acquisition, and other educational needs
have evolved into hotbeds for entrepreneurship of students.As societal and economic factors redefine
and discovery, higher education has become widely what skills are necessary in todays workforce, colleges
regarded as a vehicle for driving innovation. The focus of and universities must rethink how to define, measure,
this trend has shifted from understanding the value of and demonstrate subject mastery and soft skills such
fostering the exploration of new ideas to finding ways to as creativity and collaboration. The proliferation of data
replicate it across a span of diverse and unique learning mining software and developments in online education,
Key Trends 9

mobile learning, and learning management systems are approach involves activities generally focused around
coalescing toward learning environments that leverage four principles: placing the learner at the center,
analytics and visualization software to portray learning emphasizing interaction, working in groups, and
data in a multidimensional and portable manner. developing solutions to real challenges. In addition to
In online and blended courses, data can reveal how improving student engagement and achievement, a key
student actions contribute to their progress and specific benefit of collaborative learning is bolstering openness
learning gains. to diversity, exposing students to people from different
demographics. Educators also engage in collaborative
Redesigning Learning Spaces. As universities engage learning through online communities of practice where
with strategies that incorporate digital elements and ideas and insights are regularly exchanged. While
accommodate more active learning in the physical this trend is rooted in pedagogy, technology plays an
classroom, they are rearranging physical environments important role in the implementation; cloud-based
to promote these pedagogical shifts. Educational services, apps, and other digital tools promote persistent
settings are increasingly designed to support project- connectivity, enabling students and educators to access
based interactions with attention to greater mobility, and contribute to shared workspaces, anytime. Further,
flexibility, and multiple device usage. To improve through adaptive learning and student advising
remote communication, institutions are upgrading platforms, data can be shared across an institution
wireless bandwidth and installing large displays that to illuminate student performance in order to inform
allow for more natural collaboration on digital projects. improved instructional design and student advising.
Further, universities are exploring how mixed reality
technologies can blend 3D holographic content into The following pages provide a discussion of each of
physical spaces for simulations like experiencing Mars the trends highlighted by this years expert panel that
by controlling rover vehicles, or to enable multifaceted includes an overview of the trend, its implications, and
interaction with objects, such as the human body in a set of curated recommendations for further reading
anatomy labs, with detailed visuals. As higher education on the topic.
continues to move away from traditional, lecture-based
lessons toward more hands-on activities, classrooms
are starting to resemble real-world work and social
environments that foster organic interactions and
cross-disciplinary problem-solving.
Short-Term Trends: Driving Ed Tech adoption in higher
education for the next one to two years
Blended Learning Designs. Over the past several years,
perceptions of online learning have been shifting in its
favor as more learners and educators see it as a viable
alternative to some forms of face-to-face learning.
Drawing from best practices in both online and face-to-
face methods, blended learning is on the rise at colleges
and universities as the number of digital learning
platforms and ways to leverage them for educational
purposes continues to expand. The affordances
blended learning offers are now well understood, and
its flexibility, ease of access, and the integration of
sophisticated multimedia and technologies are high
among the list of appeals. The current focus of this
trend has shifted to understanding how applications of
digital modes of teaching are impacting students. Many
findings showcase an increase in creative thinking,
independent study, and the ability for the student to
tailor learning experiences to meet their individual
Collaborative Learning. Collaborative learning, which
refers to students or educators working together
in peer-to-peer or group activities, is based on the
perspective that learning is a social construct. The
10 NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition

Advancing Cultures of Innovation

Long-Term Trend: Driving Ed Tech adoption in higher education
for five or more years

s campuses have evolved into hotbeds for with a professor from Harvard University advocates
entrepreneurship and discovery, higher for institutions to incubate, then integrate. Successful
education has become widely regarded as a transformative practices can be identified by piloting
vehicle for driving innovation. The focus of proofs of concept, but an important facet of this
this trend has shifted from understanding the approach involves the acceptance of the risk of failure.3
value of fostering the exploration of new ideas to In a study to better understand how to graduate more
finding ways to replicate it across a span of diverse entrepreneurial thinkers, faculty members from the
and unique learning institutions. Research has been University of Malaysia investigated the relationship
conducted over the past year to better understand between a universitys environment and its effect on
how institutions can nurture the types of culture that student behavior. Using a four-dimensional framework,
promotes experimentation. A significant element the report concludes that students innovation-friendly
for progressing this movement is the call for higher behaviors, such as curiosity and creativity, stem from
education to alter its status quo to accept failure as the establishment of positive internal and external
an important part of the learning process. The act of factors such as teamwork, support, and motivation.4
integrating entrepreneurship into higher education
Before this trend can take root at an institution,
further acknowledges that every big idea has to start
faculty and staff must be equipped with the proper
somewhere, and students and faculty can be equipped
tools to implement new practices. The Chronicle
with the tools needed to spark real progress.1 In order
of Higher Educations Great Colleges to Work For
to keep pace, institutions must critically assess their
program interviewed over 1,200 institutions to identify
curriculum and implement changes to their evaluation
the specific kinds of support needed to advance
methods in order to remove barriers that limit the
innovation. The responses were then analyzed and
development of new ideas.
grouped together to form five overarching themes:
the need for open communication, collaboration
within departments, job security when challenging
Innovation within higher education has been
the status quo, shared responsibility, and top-down
accelerated by institutions that are moving away from
support.5 While student success remains at the core
traditional methods of learning in which academics and
of institutions initiatives, education leaders must also
researchers are the main sources of idea generation.
recognize the need to empower all stakeholders to
New approaches are prompting universities to act as
support the changes needed to advance cultures that
incubators for all students, faculty, and staff to make
promote invention and discovery.
new discoveries and design solutions to meet the needs
of real-world challenges. A study published by the
Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America
Implications for Policy, Leadership, or
(TIAA) Institute highlights three factors for promoting
Recent publications underscore the need for policies
strategic innovation: a diversity of people, who bring
that help institutions better finance revolutionary
along a variety of proficiencies and opinions; a need
practices, calling for US states to be more strategic
for dedicated resources to support individuals intrinsic
in their allocation of funds to invest in efforts that
motivations, rather than using extrinsic incentives, such
increase program completion and degree attainment.
as the promise of perfect grades; and autonomy, where
For example, HCM Strategists Driving Better Outcomes
individuals are encouraged to voice differing opinions
report series centers on outcome-based funding,
based on a variety of experiences instead of making
which provides incentives for institutions to graduate
decisions as a single-minded group.2
more students. This structure could open doors for
In order to breed innovation, institutions must be universities to adopt academic models that provide
structured in ways that allow for flexibility while driving targeted assistance to improve retention and graduation
creativity and entrepreneurial thinking. Universities rates for first-generation, minority, and lower-income
can accomplish this by fostering environments students.6 Other organizations are working to evolve
that encourage risk-taking behavior, through traditional higher education paradigms. Information
experimentation and the testing of ideas. An interview Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) published
Long-Term Trend 11

a report urging institutions to separate learning from Embracing an Entrepreneurial Culture on Campus
credentialing. The authors champion policy shifts that go.nmc.org/uni
help students more effectively demonstrate their skills (Tom Corr, University Affairs, 4 May 2016.) The Ontario
and knowledge to prospective employers. To advance Network of Entrepreneurs is gaining global recognition
these goals, ITIF proposes that the US Congress enact for its efforts to bolster students business skills through
reforms when reauthorizing the Higher Education investing in multiple campus events and programs. For
Act, including new accrediting agencies, alternative example, the success of Ontario Centres of Excellence
credentials to diplomas, and the use of federal financial has led to the establishment of similar innovation hubs
aid to support these alternatives.7 throughout North America, the UK, Australia, and Asia.
The Times Higher Education Asia Universities Summit Innovation Fest Brings Entrepreneurs to Campus
2016 focused on how Asian universities are developing go.nmc.org/fest
a culture open to the exploration of new ideas in order (Amy Weaver, Auburn University News and Research, 29
to create changes with environmental, economic, and November 2016.) Auburn University teamed up with
social implications. The keynote presenter proposed city leaders to host its first ever Innovation Fest, an
that higher education is unique in its ability to foster opportunity for collaboration and dialogue between the
an ecosystem where discovery, intervention, and university and local businesses. Students participated in
learning occur without constraint.8 The president of challenges with the potential to win cash prizes.
the University of Hong Kong penned an article prior JMU Drone Challenge Project
to his summit session that rallied for i-words to form go.nmc.org/jmudrones
the backbone of his institutions planning for the next (JMU Drones Project, accessed 24 January 2017.) At
decade: internationalism, interdisciplinary, impact, and James Madison University, the JMU Drone Challenge
innovation. He charges university leadership to nurture project is an interdisciplinary collaborative effort be-
environments that normalize failure as another facet of tween seven majors, four professors, and a variety of
learning an idea that is a major cultural challenge in off-campus organizations. Participants will use design
Asia.9 Dedicated space is needed to foster this kind of thinking and drone technology to determine innovative
experimentation and iteration. For example, the Maker solutions to complex global problems.
Commons at Penn State houses the Invention Studio,
which is equipped with littleBits, Arduinos, Raspberry Promoting a Culture of Innovation &
Pis, and Phillips HUE lightbulbs to provide students with Entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia (PDF)
hands-on experience in using connected technologies go.nmc.org/saudiarabia
to create custom solutions.10 (Nadia Yusuf and Huda Atassi, International Journal
of Higher Education Management, February 2016.) In
For universities that recognize the importance of efforts to diversify and strengthen the national economy,
this trend, programs are well underway to ensure a Saudi Arabian leaders proposed a framework that
progressive culture is promoted throughout their includes partnerships between government, industry
campuses. The University of Sydney piloted its stakeholders, and universities to bring new ideas to life.
Inventing the Future initiative, which aims to cultivate
multidisciplinary collaboration skills through product UMUCs Blueprint for Designing a Culture of
development; students work together to engage in Constant Innovation
ideation, prototyping, and seeking funding.11 Nesta, a go.nmc.org/blueprint
foundation that fosters new ideas to overcome the worlds (Peter Smith, EdSurge, 30 July 2016.) The University of
inequalities, recently published a report that highlights Maryland University College has mapped out ways to
institutional exemplars whose curricula align with their ensure their campus remains on the cutting edge of
mission. For example, the Norwegian School of Science discovery. First acknowledging that all change is difficult,
the author outlines methods for continuous improvement
and Technology forms student groups to create solutions
that help to define what the new normal looks like.
to real-world issues including sustainable energy and
social justice. The publication also features prospective Universities are Becoming Like Mechanical
developments, like the New Model in Technology and Nightingales
Engineering University, set to launch in Britain in 2018, go.nmc.org/innovate
which will leverage interdisciplinary and problem- (Keith Burnett, Times Higher Education, 19 December
based approaches to teaching and learning through 2016.) This article cautions academic practitioners of
collaborations with industry and academic partners.12 the dangers of complacency within a static system.
Rather than viewing higher education as a machine,
For Further Reading leaders must continue searching for new models of
The following resources are recommended for those who teaching and learning so that the field can address the
wish to learn more about advancing cultures of innovation: needs of an evolving society.
12 NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition

Deeper Learning Approaches

Long-Term Trend: Driving Ed Tech adoption in higher
education for five or more years

here is an ongoing emphasis in higher education where students work in teams to tackle problems
on deeper learning approaches, defined by the without clear solutions.21 A fundamentals of strategic
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation as the management course at the University of Buffalo, for
mastery of content that engages students in example, worked with a Singapore-based mobile app
critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, startup called Carousell. The course gave students the
and self-directed learning.13 To remain motivated, opportunity to learn how a small business operates
students need to be able to make clear connections and apply the knowledge they acquired to navigate
between their coursework and the real world, and real-world business challenges.22 The University College
how the new knowledge and skills will impact them. Dublin has been applying project-based learning to
Project-based learning,14 challenge-based learning,15 impart design skills in their civil engineering course.
inquiry-based learning,16 and similar methods are Evaluations revealed that the students enjoyed peer-
fostering more active learning experiences. While to-peer teaching and interactions with external experts,
deeper learning is proving to be effective for improving and the activities fostered skills valued by employers,
graduation rates in schools,17 its implementation in such as innovation and presentation.23
higher education settings is not as robust, pointing to
As disciplines including business, communications,
the need for colleges and universities to make larger
psychology, and nursing are seeing the benefits of
investments in quality teaching.18 As the enabling role
deeper learning approaches, research indicates that
of technologies for learning crystalizes, instructors
this trend has not yet seen wide penetration in higher
are leveraging these tools to relate materials and
education. Indeed, a recent survey conducted by
assignments to real-life applications.
the Buck Institute for Education found that although
77% of the educator respondents use some form of
project-based learning, 43% use it less than 25% of
Integrating deeper learning pedagogies in higher
the time.24 New developments in deeper learning
education has been a growing trend over the past
may encourage greater adoption; student learning
few years and is continuing to see new developments,
communities, curricular programs designed by faculty,
particularly in STEM disciplines. These active learning
and collaborations between instructional designers
approaches fall primarily under two strategies of
and students are becoming increasingly popular.
inquiry-based learning: problem-based learning where
Loyola Marymount University and Ohio University
students solve real challenges and project-based
are both leveraging student learning communities to
learning where they create completed products.19
connect humanities with STEM disciplines to improve
According to research conducted by Ume University in
intercultural competencies and understanding of
Sweden, when technology-enhanced problem-based
human rights issues.25
learning concepts were applied to small group work
in advanced chemistry courses, it proved effective in
motivating and engaging students in the process of
Implications for Policy, Leadership, or
solving authentic challenges, such as sampling and
While there are no explicit policies mandating project-
analysis of contaminated sites. Students claimed that
based learning or other deeper learning approaches
social technologies like online logs and group wikis
in colleges and universities, governments around the
supplemented their learning, helped them articulate
world are prioritizing education reforms that emphasize
their new knowledge, and guided them in addressing
more 21st century practices. As part of European
problems in new ways.20
Commission program Erasmus+, Knowledge Alliances
A goal of higher education is to equip students with the represent transnational projects intended to bring
skills they need to be successful in the workforce and together postsecondary institutions and businesses
to make an impact on the world at large. This notion to solve common problems. They focus on developing
is giving rise to the challenge-driven university. Over innovative, multidisciplinary approaches to education;
the past decade, higher education institutions from stimulating entrepreneurial skills in higher education;
Chile to China are eschewing traditional lectures and and exchanging knowledge. Similarly, in the US, the
textbooks in favor of project-based learning activities Improving Career and Technical Education for the 21st
Long-Term Trend 13

Century Act, passed by the House of Representatives and Does Problem-Based Learning Improve Problem
awaiting Senate approval, is intended to help Americans Solving Skills?
receive the skills required to compete for in-demand go.nmc.org/doesp
jobs. The legislation will support meaningful student (Z. Abdul Kadir et al., International Education Studies,
involvement in work-based learning opportunities and 26 April 2016.) A study of business undergraduates at
promote the use of new types of credentialing.26 Malaysian Premier Technical University revealed that
when students in an experimental group were given
Partnerships and frameworks are paving the way for four problems to solve, they significantly improved their
advancing deeper learning worldwide. Conceived by problem-solving abilities compared to a control group
the University of Delaware and Pontificia Universidad that only received traditional classroom instruction.
Catlica del Per, the Pan-American Network for
Problem-Based Learning promotes the approach in IDEAS Academy
education throughout the Americas via bilingual training go.nmc.org/ideasacademy
and resource materials, consulting with organizations (HCC, accessed 24 January 2017.) Houston Community
interested in implementation, and organizing a bi- Colleges West Houston Institute encompasses the
annual conference.27 The Buck Institute for Education IDEAS Academy, which will offer courses in innovation,
has created a comprehensive, research-based model to design thinking, and entrepreneurship. The Academy is
help educators and institutions measure, calibrate, and being designed as a unique learning experience for the
improve their practice. Known as Gold Standard Project- region that teaches students critical skill sets for the 21st
Based Learning, their framework addresses student century workplace.
learning goals, essential project design elements, and Sharing Power to Promote Deeper Learning
teaching practices.28 New organizations continue to go.nmc.org/sharing
emerge, signaling increased interest in deeper learning. (Maura Rosenthal, Teaching and Learning Together
The Center for Project-Based Learning at Worcester in Higher Education, Issue 16, Fall 2015.) A sociology
Polytechnic Institute, for example, was recently professor at Bridgewater State University describes
established at the Association of American Colleges using a fishbowl-type discussion to foster deeper
& Universities annual meeting to provide faculty and engagement. In this approach, groups of students sit in a
administrators support in advancing deeper learning circle to discuss book chapters based on questions they
approaches on their campuses through an institute, prepared ahead of class, while students positioned on
workshops, and online resources.29 the outer circle observed and noted discussion themes.
The impact of this trend continues to grow as deeper Strengthening Deeper Learning Through Virtual
learning matures in practice. Since their founding, Teams in E-Learning
Maastricht University in the Netherlands has integrated go.nmc.org/streng
problem-based learning principles into their coursework. (Joyline Makani et al., International Journal of E-Learning
Classes of roughly one dozen students are supervised & Distance Education, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2016.) As online
by a tutor, and each class is tasked with solving real- learning becomes more prevalent in universities, there
world challenges. An example of an assignment in a is a need to identify the core skills and knowledge that
European Public Health course, for example, involves a improve learning in this setting. In this study, researchers
case study where an electrician with tuberculosis might concluded that providing plentiful opportunities for
have infected patients at a hospital as well as passengers collaboration among virtual teams are crucial to
on public transportation. Students have to answer the fostering deeper learning.
following questions, How is tuberculosis spread?, What
are the risk factors?, and What national and cross-border UICEE Centre for Problem Based Learning
measures are needed to prevent the further spread of the go.nmc.org/uicee
(Aalborg University, accessed 16 December 2016.)
disease? At St. Edwards University, faculty from different
Under the auspices of UNESCO, the Aalborg Centre
disciplines collaborated to redesign assignments with
works to reform higher education strategies through
more problem-based and real-world elements; the
combined research involving problem- and project-
course Mathematics for the Liberal Arts aims to prepare
based learning, engineering education research, and
students to apply mathematics in daily life, while students
education for sustainable development.
enrolled in American Dilemmas apply methodologies
from social sciences to analyze social problems.30 Using Blogs to Foster Deeper Student Learning
For Further Reading (Kevin Gannon, Pearson, 1 September 2016.) Through
The following resources are recommended for those blogging, a history professors students at Grandview Uni-
who wish to learn more about deeper learning versity felt more connected to the subject matter while
approaches: receiving continuous feedback from instructor and peers.
14 NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition

Growing Focus on Measuring Learning

Mid-Term Trend: Driving Ed Tech adoption in higher education
for the next three to five years

his trend describes an interest in assessment of learning in real-world learning environments.35
and the wide variety of methods and tools Voice and tonal inflections, facial gestures, and visual
that educators use to evaluate, measure, attention and inattention are some examples of this
and document academic readiness, learning kind of data that can be captured via motion sensors,
progress, skill acquisition, and other video cameras, and other tracking devices. Wearable
educational needs of students.31 As societal and technologies that capture biometrics can also serve
economic factors redefine what skills are necessary as data repositories, but present another layer of
in todays workforce, colleges and universities must ethical and privacy concerns.36 Concurrently, LMS are
rethink how to define, measure, and demonstrate also experiencing a paradigm shift from course to
subject mastery and soft skills such as creativity curricular management that support adaptive learning
and collaboration. The proliferation of data mining technologies, offering specialized data analytics and
software and developments in online education, visualization tools for enhanced instructional design
mobile learning, and learning management systems and snapshots of student progress.37
are coalescing toward learning environments that
More sophisticated analytics are aiding retention
leverage analytics and visualization software to
and college completion. For example, Nottingham
portray learning data in a multidimensional and
Trent Universitys (NTU) Student Dashboard has
portable manner. In online and blended courses, data
facilitated timely interventions from tutors, positively
can reveal how student actions contribute to their
impacting student engagement and behavior. The
progress and specific learning gains.
dashboard presents data collected from online
learning environments, card swipes, library access, and
assignments as engagement scores. Students use the
Twenty-first century learning outcomes emphasize
dashboard to benchmark their progress against those
academic skill along with interpersonal and
of their peers and modify their behaviors accordingly,
intrapersonal competencies for complete learner
while tutors are able to initiate immediate dialogues
success. To evaluate these learning gains, next-
to ensure the students continued engagement. NTU
generation assessment strategies hold the potential
leaders assert that it has transformed the university
to measure a range of cognitive skills, social-emotional
culture into a data-driven business approach.38 At
development, and deeper learning, giving students and
the University of Wollongong, instructors use SNAPP,
instructors actionable feedback to foster continued
a browser extension for LMS, to analyze student
growth.32 The foundation for facilitating this kind of
interactions in online discussion forums. SNAPP
assessment is learning analytics (LA) the collection,
visualizes participant relationships as social network
analysis, and reporting of data about learners and their
diagrams in real time, enabling instructors to compare
contexts, for purposes of understanding and optimizing
and contrast interaction patterns over time and fine
learning and the environments in which it occurs.33 LA
tune discussions.
continues to gain traction at institutions as a means to
assess and fundamentally improve student learning.
Data mining software captures rich datasets that enable
Implications for Policy, Leadership, or
learners and instructors alike to monitor learning and
While big data technologies have demonstrated
generate personalized feedback to ensure continued
promise in increasing student retention, ethics are a
progress. As the LA industry matures, the emphasis
paramount concern. Mount St. Marys use of predictive
has shifted from data accumulation to garnering
analytics to encourage at-risk students to drop out to
nuanced insights on student engagement through data
elevate the retention rate reveals how analytics can be
aggregated across multiple sources and courses.34
abused without student knowledge and consent.39 It
Multimodal data and social network analysis represent also speaks to the need for policies at national, local, and
a holistic focus that prioritizes the social, cognitive, institutional levels that frame ethical practices for the
and affective components of learning. Multimodal collection, security, ownership, access, dissemination,
learning analytics, a relatively new approach, focuses on and application of learning data. The UK is at the
gathering data on the biological and mental processes vanguard of policy efforts with initiatives such as the
Mid-Term Trend 15

DELICATE checklist40 and Jiscs Code of Practice.41 Open The Colleges Are Watching
Universitys Policy for the Ethical Use of Student Data go.nmc.org/arewatching
is learner-centric and uses openness and transparency (Mikhail Zinshteyn, The Atlantic, 1 November 2016.)
as guiding principles in the use of learning analytics.42 With unprecedented access to student data and
At the University of California, Los Angeles, the chief sophisticated predictive analysis tools, education
privacy officer along with the Data Governance Task institutions balance issues of student privacy while
Force developed a governance structure that guides fostering academic success.
the ethical and appropriate collection and use of data Learning Analytics in Higher Education (PDF)
on faculty, staff, and students.43 go.nmc.org/ecarla
(Pam Arroway, et al., Learning Analytics in Higher
University leaders continue to explore pedagogical
Education, March 2016.) This EDUCAUSE Center for
innovations that deepen and enhance student
Analysis and Research (ECAR) report provides a
learning, especially through data-driven analytics. comprehensive overview of learning analytics in higher
At the University of Hong Kong, learning analytics education and future considerations of its role and
is used to gather direct evidence of learner gains, application for academic success.
recommend teacher actions, and inform curriculum
development through a better understanding of the Learning Analytics: Visions of the Future (PDF)
relationship between learning design, online learning go.nmc.org/lace8
behaviors, and student grades.44 More recently, the (Rebecca Ferguson, et al., 6th International Learning
Analytics and Knowledge Conference, 25-29 April
University Innovation Alliance launched a large cross-
2016.) The authors present eight visions of the future
campus study using 10,000 students to measure the
of learning analytics developed by the LACE project
effectiveness of advising programs based on data (Learning Analytics Community Exchange) for the LACE
analytics.45 At the other end of the spectrum, the Multi- Visions of the Future Policy Delphi study.
State Collaborative to Advance Learning Outcomes
Assessmentinitiative demonstrated that standardized Measuring Mastery: Best Practices for Assessment
rubric-based assessments could be reliably scaled in Competency-Based Education (PDF)
across disciplines and institutions to gain actionable go.nmc.org/measmast
insights into student learning.46 (Katie Larsen McClarty and Matthew N. Gaertner,
Center on Higher Education Reform, American
The transformative impact of learning analytics is most Enterprise Institute, April 2015.) The potential benefits
evident in the evolution of adaptive learning, featured of competency-based education for student success
in greater detail later in this report. Two professors at the are numerous, but the same processes for measuring
University of New South Wales used the Smart Sparrow more traditional learning approaches do not apply. This
platform to develop the first massive open online report recommends a framework for determining the
course in engineering that leverages adaptive learning acquisition of real-world skills.
to provide personalized support. The course aims to Personalization at Scale: Using Analytics for
enhance learning outcomes in a degree area that is Institutional Improvement
usually marked with high dropout rates, delivering go.nmc.org/atscale
high-quality learning experiences to students of all (Elizabeth Mulherrin and Laura Fingerson, The
backgrounds.47 LA is also informing better instructional EvoLLLution, 2 February 2016.) Capella University and
design. An assistant professor at Marist College used University of Maryland University College are using
learner data to identify which content students find the big data strategically and effectively to shift from
most challenging and create multiple opportunities operational reporting to prescriptive analytics.
to interact with it until they achieve mastery.48 The Traversing the Trough of Disillusionment:
University of Technology in Sydney uses REVIEW, Where Do Analytics Go from Here?
an online criteria-based assessment tool to monitor go.nmc.org/traversing
student learning across a set of attributes. Students (Mike Sharkey and Timothy Harfield, Next Generation
can view the visual dashboard to gain a comprehensive Learning Challenges, 19 December 2016.) The authors
picture of their learning by year, subject, task, and offer practical steps to achieve student success at
category.49 scale for institutions considering or just undertaking a
learning analytics initiative.
For Further Reading
The following resources are recommended for those
who wish to learn more about the growing focus on
measuring learning:
16 NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition

Redesigning Learning Spaces

Mid-Term Trend: Driving Ed Tech adoption in higher
education for the next three to five years

s universities engage with strategies that two or three times a week can be limiting on its own,
incorporate digital elements and accommodate so additional opportunities to work in spaces that are
more active learning in the physical classroom, open for longer hours give students flexibility during
they are rearranging physical environments to their unstructured time. Further, some institutions
promote these pedagogical shifts. Educational are finding that reconfiguring spaces to be more
settings are increasingly designed to support project- open and favorable for experimentation can break
based interactions with attention to greater mobility, down institutional silos, encouraging students and
flexibility, and multiple device usage. To improve staff across disciplines to work closely together. The
remote communication, institutions are upgrading University of Southern California recently developed
wireless bandwidth50 and installing large displays its Garage, combining fabrication and workshop
that allow for more natural collaboration on digital areas with informal lounging spaces to encourage
projects. Further, universities are exploring how cross-disciplinary interaction, hands-on projects,
mixed reality technologies can blend 3D holographic and collaboration; they found students immediately
content into physical spaces for simulations like requesting all-hours access, which reinforced the value
experiencing Mars by controlling rover vehicles, or of such a space.55
to enable multifaceted interaction with objects, such
University makerspaces, a major iteration of learning
as the human body in anatomy labs, with detailed
space redesign, have gained traction in the past few
visuals.51 As higher education continues to move
years, especially as extensions of campus libraries.
away from traditional, lecture-based lessons toward
Libraries have traditionally provided access to
more hands-on activities, classrooms are starting to
information resources and technologies that students
resemble real-world work and social environments
may not otherwise be able to afford; many are now
that foster organic interactions and cross-disciplinary
expanding their offerings to include cutting-edge tools
such as virtual reality equipment, advanced digital
editing software, and 3D printers. Additionally, spaces
that encourage skills like designing and coding are
To facilitate workplace-style collaboration in the
viewed as valuable aspects of a well-rounded university
classroom, some universities are forgoing fixed seating
experience.56 Institutions are also building incubators
and transforming traditional lecture halls into dynamic
and innovation hubs that connect learning with real-
layouts.52 Telepresence technologies are allowing
world opportunities, while helping students to network
geographically dispersed students and professors to
and secure funding. The University of Nottingham
more flexibly meet and work together. For example, the
Ningbo Chinas Incubator Centre is open 24/7; with only
University of South Carolina developed telepresence
a few enclosed meeting rooms, its open design fosters a
rooms at seven locations, each equipped with cameras,
sense of community and a seamless exchange of ideas.
a 72 display screen, and a control room. Instructors
The space also links students and staff to local startups,
can rotate between rooms to work with several classes
investors, and government representatives through
simultaneously, while students interact across locations
special programs and events.57
using a polling system as well as shared files and notes.53
Adaptable learning spaces that incorporate features
such as movable furniture, adjustable control of display
Implications for Policy, Leadership, or
screens, WiFi, and multiple outlets can be modified to
Several organizations offer resources to ensure that
suit a variety of learning activities, including group work,
design plans comply with accessibility policies. Under
hands-on tasks, and student presentations. Designing
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and Titles II and
learning environments with flexibility at the forefront is
III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, US colleges
helping universities maximize their space.54
and universities must provide students with disabilities
More accessible spaces can further promote lifelong equal and integrated access to higher education; this
learning principles by providing students around-the- includes both physical and digital learning spaces. The
clock access to learning tools. A traditional 50-minute National Federation of the Blind provides free online
class period that takes place in the same lecture hall resources that institutions can leverage. Additionally,
Mid-Term Trend 17

many universities have developed their own taskforces Building for Everyone
and policies.58 For example, California State University go.nmc.org/buildfor
Northridges Universal Design Center works with (Centre for Excellence in Universal Design, accessed
its campus community to incorporate accessibility 11 January 2017.) In Ireland, the Centre for Excellence
considerations into everyday activities, such as using in Universal Design offers recommendations and best
multiple means of representation when developing practices to ensure the design and composition of an
resources, including audio, text, and video. The environment allows it to be easily accessed by everyone.
universitys procurement process also calls for staff to
Collaborative Learning Space at BSU
evaluate products for accessibility prior to purchase.59
Leading organizations are publishing best practices to (Boise State University, accessed 24 January 2017.)
help university leaders transform visions for learning Boise State Universitys English Department redesigned
spaces into practice. Jiscs Learning Spaces Guide for a traditional computer classroom into a collaborative
evaluating and designing environments is accompanied learning space. By connecting any wireless device to
by case studies and a photo library. The guide calls for Solstice technology, faculty and students can stream
entrenching the planning process into institutions content or share files to any of six monitors. The space
overall teaching and learning strategy, along with has no focal point and furniture can be easily moved
accessibility and inclusion requirements.60 FLEXspace and reconfigured.
is another open educational resource that was initially Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Learning Space
developed by the SUNY system to aid institutions Improvement
in discovering and sharing information on learning go.nmc.org/wismad
space design. Users can search for content using three (Provost, University of Wisconsin-Madison, March 2016.)
taxonomies: types of activities taking place in the University of Wisconsin-Madison formed the Ad Hoc
space; technology equipment within the space; and Committee on Learning Space Improvement to help
architectural technical requirements. It can be further transition its spaces to accommodate more active
utilized as a companion tool to the Learning Space learning techniques enabled by technology. This report
Rating System developed by EDUCAUSE. Campuses are describes their improvement plan, providing a window
finding success with first scoring their spaces potential into the entire process.
and then using FLEXspace to identify examples of
effective priorities.61 Research-Informed Principles for (Re)designing
Teaching and Learning Spaces
Institutions are analyzing how learning spaces are go.nmc.org/mcgill
currently used campus-wide and applying feedback (Adam Finkelstein, Journal of Learning Spaces, 1
from students and instructors, while offering November 2016.) McGill University developed a
professional development opportunities that framework for renovating its campus based on
encourage new and refurbished spaces to be aligned institutional goals for active, collaborative teaching and
with innovative instruction. At the University of New learning. They encourage other institutions to develop
South Wales, the Piloting Active Learning Spaces project their own research-informed pedagogical principles to
convened a cohort of cross-disciplinary faculty to test guide the design and evaluation of learning spaces.
new learning spaces with configurable furniture and a
range of AV equipment to enable information transfer The UK Higher Education Learning Space Toolkit
and collaboration. Users of the spaces are evaluating go.nmc.org/uktool
their experiences to allow continual evolution of (Universities and Colleges Information Systems Associa-
the project.62 In the UK, University of Surreys Active tion, 2 February 2016.) The Universities and Colleges In-
Learning Space project team is implementing designs formation Systems Association created a learning space
aimed at providing more flexibility for instructors and toolkit that can serve as a practical guide for higher edu-
enabling more interactivity. For example, Microsoft cation institutions as they build new pedagogies, evalu-
ate their spaces, and implement changes.
Surface hubs allow anyone in the room to wirelessly
project their laptop or tablet screen. In tandem with University of Western Australias Reid Library
the new spaces, the university is providing workshops Collaborative Zone
on flipped classroom teaching and active learning go.nmc.org/refurb
approaches.63 (UWA Library, accessed 24 January 2017.) By offering a
variety of group study spaces enabled by technology
For Further Reading along with dedicated zones for relaxation, the new Reid
The following resources are recommended for those Library Ground Floor Collaborative Zone helps students
who wish to learn more about redesigning learning feel more comfortable while engaged in learning for
spaces: long periods of time.
18 NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition

Blended Learning Designs

Short-Term Trend: Driving Ed Tech adoption in higher education
for the next one to two years

ver the past several years, perceptions of depth evaluations.66 The flipped classroom is another
online learning have been shifting in its favor highly recognized form of blended learning, with roots
as more learners and educators see it as a in K-12 education. Many institutions, including Brazils
viable alternative to some forms of face-to- Singularidades Institute, are finding that this model
face learning. Drawing from best practices benefits students by rearranging the time spent in
in both online and face-to-face methods, blended the classroom to promote more active learning and
learning is on the rise at colleges and universities as collaboration.67 While some educators are still hesitant
the number of digital learning platforms and ways to move a portion of the learning experience online,
to leverage them for educational purposes continues proponents view blended approaches as a positive
to expand. The affordances blended learning offers disruption that individualizes student-learning activities
are now well understood, and its flexibility, ease in ways that build on their strengths and supplement
of access, and the integration of sophisticated their limitations with personalized resources.68
multimedia and technologies are high among the
Blended learning designs have topped the list of trends
list of appeals. The current focus of this trend has
for the past five higher education editions of the NMC
shifted to understanding how applications of digital
Horizon Report, in part due to their role in increasing
modes of teaching are impacting students. Many
flexibility and convenience for students. Medical
findings showcase an increase in creative thinking,
students at the Imperial College London recently
independent study, and the ability for the student to
participated in a mixture of online and face-to-face
tailor learning experiences to meet their individual
instruction in a two-course experiment. The study
highlights the students appreciation of being able to
combine the physical comfort of interacting on campus
with the convenience of completing assignments and
The growth of blended learning designs acknowledges
watching video lectures online. Students attributed
that students have become more adept at navigating
the success of the model to its high-quality design
digital environments and engaging with online content
and structure, with easy-to-follow animations and
and enjoy the convenience it affords. Over time, this
interactive quizzes.69 Institutions across the US are also
trend has become an umbrella term that encompasses
recognizing the affordances these designs offer in how
any combination of traditional, face-to-face teaching
time is spent, both in and outside the classroom. Law
with modes of technology-facilitated instruction.64
students liked that the blended approach allowed
Campus Technology conducted its first-ever Teaching
them to review lectures and reading materials online
with Technology survey in 2016, and 71% of faculty
so they could focus on more difficult topics when
respondents reported using a mix of online and
they came together face-to-face. Further, it provided
face-to-face environments to teach.65 From adaptive
them the flexibility to attain a degree while supporting
learning to flipped classrooms to the incorporation of
themselves through part- or full-time jobs.70
online learning modules, blended learning designs are
gaining traction because, when implemented well, they
reflect the best of both worlds: they enhance traditional
Implications for Policy, Leadership, or
approaches with engaging uses of social technology
The growing momentum of blended learning designs
and rich media. The goal is to foster models that
has led to a number of campuses developing policies to
empower faculty with a range of tools to address the
guide faculty in best practices. In 2016, the University of
varying needs of students from all backgrounds.
Vermont College of Medicine (UVM) began its six-year
The most effective incarnations of this trend incorporate journey to flip their courses, replacing the lecture-style
emerging technologies that enable students to learn in platforms with video lectures with the goal of fostering
ways they would not be able to on a strictly physical more active learning and experimentation during
campus, or without the tools. For example, architecture class. In order to make a successful transition into
students from Ryerson University are using newly the blended program, UVM developed new policies,
released virtual reality headsets to immerse themselves including guidelines for faculty development, strategies
in 360-degree sketches of their designs, allowing for in- for curriculum changes, and new financing structures.71
Short-Term Trend 19

UNESCO recently collaborated with leaders from the between the American Association of State Colleges
Education University of Hong Kong to co-author a and Universities and the University of Central Florida,
report that promotes strategies to drive, sustain, and the Blended Learning Toolkit is a free, open resource
scale blended learning in higher education. One key for institutions that are developing or expanding their
takeaway is for institutions to incorporate the designs blended learning initiatives.
into their vision and mission statements as a way to
Business MOOC Maker Udacity Is Embracing
ensure the use of a variety of digital learning platforms
Blended Campus/Online Learning
is a part of the universities long-term guidance and
developmental plan.72
(Seb Murray, Business Because, 20 April 2016.) After
The evolution of this trend and its prevalence throughout evidence pointed to higher success rates for students
higher education has led to multiple events centered on participating in clicks and bricks, online learning
advancing its designs. A part of the inaugural Learning company Udacity invested in brick-and-mortar buildings
Innovation Week held in New South Wales, Australia, the with the goal of generating more opportunities for
Blended Learning Summit focused on its widespread students to connect and network.
adoption by addressing three elements fundamental to
Flipping Large Classes: Three Strategies to Engage
its success: best practices in implementation methods; Students
ways to promote a culture in which key stakeholders go.nmc.org/flipped
understand and support the need for transition to (Barbi Honeycutt, Faculty Focus, 22 August 2016.)
blended models; and communication strategies to Flipped classrooms require educators to advance from
strengthen relationships between educators and dispensing information to guiding students throughout
technical staff.73 The Online Learning Consortium (OLC) the learning process. This article provides three tips
also initiated a new conference in April 2016 that focused on how teachers can help foster more active learning
on promoting best practices in online and blended during class time, transforming into the role of a mentor.
learning.74 Another effective pathway targets faculty
understanding of the designs. In May 2016, EDUCAUSE Statement on the Review of Modernization of
Learning Initiative (ELI) invited educators interested in Higher Education Systems in Europe
adding online learning components to participate in a go.nmc.org/CESAEER
three-part course that dives into the design, facilitation, (CESAEER, 8 March 2016.) The Conference of European
and direction of blended courses.75 Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and
Research (CESAEER), which spans 50 universities in
Kiron, a Belgium-based social startup, is modeling an 24 countries, promotes blended learning in their
innovative application of this trend, focused on enrolling recommendations by calling for an increase in the use of
refugees into higher education courses, free of charge. technology as a means to expand access to institutions.
Their blended program leverages the accessibility
and flexibility offered by the combination of online The Experiences of Lecturers in African, Asian and
and offline services; to date, the program has 1,500 European Universities in Preparing and Delivering
students, and established four study tracks through Blended Health Research Methods Courses
partnerships with 22 universities.76 A music course at go.nmc.org/GH
the University of Helsinki recently incorporated online (Myroslava Protsiv and Salla Atkins, Global Health Action,
learning into its design in hopes of enriching face-to- 6 October 2016.) This research paper explores the use of
face time and nurturing more creative thinking in the blended learning across four countries South Africa,
process of learning music. The overall student feedback Uganda, India and Sweden to better understand
on the inclusion of the digital environment was positive; how technology can be used to increase enrollment for
students reported advantages in greater opportunities lower-income students with the goal of meeting the
for independent learning, as well as the ability to apply demand for global health training.
existing knowledge and experiences to focus on new Understanding Blended Learning Through
topics.77 Innovative Professional Development
For Further Reading (Stepan Mekhitarian, EdSurge News, 19 November
The following resources are recommended for those 2016.) The author believes current practices for training
who wish to learn more about blended learning designs: faculty on how to create a blended learning design are
Blended Learning Toolkit inadequate. This article outlines a step-by-step guide
go.nmc.org/bltkt that institutions can adopt for faculty development.
(University of Central Florida, accessed 28 January
2017.) Funded by the Next Generation Learning
Challenges program and created in partnership
20 NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition

Collaborative Learning
Short-Term Trend: Driving Ed Tech adoption in higher education
for the next one to two years

ollaborative learning, which refers to students fruitful applications. To guide faculty in designing
or educators working together in peer-to- effective activities, seminal research at Arizona State
peer or group activities, is based on the University pinpoints key areas for consideration, from
perspective that learning is a social construct.78 climate-setting to classroom management. In the
The approach involves activities generally former, instructors get student buy-in, helping the
focused around four principles: placing the learner class understand how collaboration will build better
at the center, emphasizing interaction, working in communication and trust. In the latter, educators
groups, and developing solutions to real challenges. carefully formulate heterogeneous teams in terms of
In addition to improving student engagement and achievement, skills, ethnicity, gender, or experience
achievement, a key benefit of collaborative learning in order to expose students to diverse perspectives.
is bolstering openness to diversity, exposing students Once in groups, students may require coaching to hone
to people from different demographics.79 Educators their interpersonal communication skills, especially in
also engage in collaborative learning through online terms of giving and receiving feedback to their peers.84
communities of practice where ideas and insights Similarly, Athabasca University in Canada cites the need
are regularly exchanged.80 While this trend is rooted for approaches that foster a feeling of community and
in pedagogy, technology plays an important role in integrate socially-conscious pedagogy to establish
the implementation; cloud-based services, apps, and trust, set a proper tone for teamwork, and encourage
other digital tools promote persistent connectivity, meaning-making through sustained reflection.85
enabling students and educators to access and
The advent of educational technology is spurring more
contribute to shared workspaces, anytime. Further,
collaborative learning opportunities; at the most basic
through adaptive learning and student advising
level, wikis, Google Docs, social media, and messaging
platforms, data can be shared across an institution
apps enable seamless sharing and communication. In
to illuminate student performance in order to inform
China, educators are leveraging the popularity of social
improved instructional design and student advising.81
media network WeChat to facilitate student discussions
and review assignments.86 Slack, a real-time messaging
platform increasingly used in the workplace, also holds
The now commonplace nature of this trend, also
compelling implications for collaborative learning. Mar-
referred to as cooperative learning, acknowledges
keting guru Seth Godin launched AltMBA, an online
the social, emotional, and learning gains associated
leadership workshop hosted in Slack, which consisted
with collaboration. According to the Cornell University
of different channels where participants could synchro-
Center for Teaching Excellence, effective collaborative
nously trade ideas, post resources, and initiate calls.87
activities can lead to higher-order thinking, better self-
+Acumen, a nonprofit community of social change lead-
esteem, and increased leadership skills.82 Rarely in the
ers, leveraged the success of this model, asking How
workplace do employees operate as silos, independently
can we teach and assess subjects that are nuanced,
completing projects without input from others. As such,
nonlinear, and deeply human on platforms that are in-
higher education institutions recognize the need to
creasingly adaptive and automated? Their Slack-hosted
prepare students for successful careers in which they can
seminar transcended surface level conversations into
adeptly work with a range of personalities and expertise.
dynamic, complex territory suited for deeper learning.88
Students benefit not just from their instructors, but also
learn from each other along the way. The University of
Queensland views collaborative learning as an integral
Implications for Policy, Leadership, or
facet of active learning, fostering a community of
Increasingly, the spirit of collaboration is reflected
inquiry where students feel a sense of belonging.83
in initiatives that prioritize global connectivity and
Collaboration is an important undercurrent for many of
leadership training. The US Department of State,
the other topics in this report, such as Deeper Learning
in partnership with the Institute of International
Approaches and Redesigning Learning Spaces.
Education, launched the EducationUSA Leadership
While the nature of collaborative learning emphasizes Institutes a program aimed at promoting global
group work, there are many more factors that comprise collaboration in higher education. With the goal of
Short-Term Trend 21

cultivating a more globally competent workforce, more For Further Reading

than 40 government officials from 24 countries were The following resources are recommended for those
invited to participate in three academic residencies: US who wish to learn more about collaborative learning:
graduate education, industry-private sector linkages,
and student mobility. Portland State University, Case Assessing Collaborative Learning
Western Reserve University, and GlobalPittsburgh go.nmc.org/assesco
hosted leadership institutes for the exploration of topics (Peter Williams, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher
including international research collaboration and Education, 28 July 2016.) There is an opportunity for
course accreditation.89 Recognizing a shortage of work- more authentic assessments that measure the qualities
integrated learning opportunities, the Higher Education and dispositions that are key to successful cooperative
Commission in Thailand is looking to adapt Germanys learning, leveraging the growing wealth of analytics
Duale Hochschule Baden-Wuerttemberg institutional accessible at universities.
model to prepare students for the multidisciplinary, Collaborative Learning Spaces
cooperative nature of the workforce.90 go.nmc.org/cls
University leaders are also recognizing the need for (The University of Arizona, accessed 23 November 2016.)
campus-wide collaboration around data-sharing, to As part of the University of Arizona Undergraduate
bolster student success. Georgia State Universitys STEM Education Project, the campus-wide Collaborative
(GSU) advising program, Graduation and Progression Learning Spaces Project was developed to foster
Success (GPS), identified 800 academic mistakes, such environments that are better suited for active work with
as registering for the wrong lab sequence or low math the goal of improving student learning outcomes.
scores for students whose major requires calculus. Cooperative Learning
Leveraging this data in a central location, mistakes are go.nmc.org/coope
flagged whenever they occur for any student, and an (The University of Tennessee Chattanooga, accessed 23
advisor contacts them within 48 hours.91 The GPS initiative November 2016.) The Walker Center for Teaching and
has helped drive an increase in the six-year graduation Learning at the University of Tennessee Chattanooga
rate from 32% in 2003 to 54% in 2014.92 GSU has also has established definitions and best practices for
partnered with the University Innovation Alliance on an facilitating small group work. One recommendation
$8.9 million grant from the US Department of Education includes using a three-step interview as an icebreaker
for a multiyear research project to expand their success to for students who are newly formulated in teams.
11 universities.93 Large-scale international collaborations
are also taking root with University of Washington, How-to Integrate Collaboration Tools to Support
Tsinghua University, and Microsoft partnering to Online Learning
develop the Global Innovation Exchange, a Washington- go.nmc.org/5stepstr
based program that enables US and Chinese students (Debbie Morrison, Online Learning Insights, 2 July 2016.)
The author outlines a five-step strategy to cultivate
to attain graduate technology degrees alongside each
more active learning in online environments. For
other. An 100,000 square-foot building will encompass
starters, faculty and staff must consider how the digital
design studios, makerspaces, and designated areas for
tool will improve instruction and motivate learners.
collaborative projects and presentations.94
Open Badges Supporting Intercultural Language
Students benefit when universities partner on courses
Learning in a MOOC
that leverage collaborative learning activities. For
example, Kings College London and Portsmouth
(Association for Learning Technology, 26 February 2015.)
University bring together student dentists, students
The Language Centre at the University of Warwick has
of dental hygiene therapy, and nurses to practice
integrated Mozillas Open Badge infrastructure for their
working in real-world teams.95 Hope College recently
Online Intercultural Exchange in order to recognize the
received an $800,000 three-year grant from the
skill sets required to collaborate effectively online.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to support collaboration
between faculty and students across disciplines. The Teletandem
Mellon Grand Challenge Initiative will establish joint go.nmc.org/telet
research opportunities in which faculty-student teams (Teletandem Brasil, accessed 23 November 2016.) So
explore and solve pressing global challenges such as Paulo State University created Teletandem, an app with
freedom of speech, religious co-existence, and post- text, voice, and webcam features that enable pairs of
conflict reconciliation. The program incorporates Hope students who speak different languages to help each
Colleges liberal arts, natural and applied sciences, arts other learn their target languages. Students engage
and humanities, and social sciences departments with in 30-minute conversations that are subsequently
the aim of developing 50 new linked courses.96 mediated by the instructors.
22 NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition

Significant Challenges Impeding Technology Adoption in

Higher Education

hesix challenges described on the following stakeholders in developing these competencies.
pageswere selected by the projects expert panel Frameworks are helping institutions assess current
in a series of Delphi-based cycles of discussion, staff capabilities, identify growth areas, and develop
refinement, and voting; the expert panel was strategies to implement digital literacy practices.
in consensus that each is very likely to impede
the adoption of one or more new technologies if Integrating Formal and Informal Learning. As the
unresolved. A complete record of the discussions and internet has brought the ability to learn something
related materials were captured in the online work site about almost anything to the palm of ones hand, there
used by the expert panel and archived at horizon.wiki. is an increasing interest in self-directed, curiosity-based
nmc.org/Challenges. learning. Informal learning encompasses these types
of activities, along with life experience and other more
Because not all challenges are of the same scope, the serendipitous forms of learning, and serves to enhance
discussions here are sorted into three categories defined student engagement by encouraging them to follow
by the nature of the challenge. The Horizon Project their interests. Many experts believe that blending
defines solvable challenges as those that we both formal and informal methods of learning can create an
understand and know how to solve; difficult challenges environment that fosters experimentation, curiosity,
are ones that are more or less well-understood but for and creativity. An overarching goal is to cultivate the
which solutions remain elusive; and wicked challenges, pursuit of lifelong learning in all students and faculty.
the most difficult, are categorized as complex to even Institutions are beginning to experiment with flexible
define, and thus require additional data and insights programs that provide credit for prior learning and
before solutions will be possible. Once the list of competencies gained through employment, military,
challenges was identified, they were examined through or extracurricular experiences. However, there is a lack
three meta-expressions: their implications for policy, of scalable methods of formally documenting and
leadership, and practice. Below are summaries of the assessing skills mastered outside of the classroom and
six significant challenges that will be explored more adapting pricing structures and financial aid models to
in-depth in this section, with citations and resources fit new degree options.
Difficult Challenges: Those that we understand but for
Solvable Challenges: Those that we understand and know which solutions are elusive
how to solve
Achievement Gap. The achievement gap, also referred
Improving Digital Literacy. The productive and to as the college completion gap, reflects a disparity in
innovative use of technology encompasses 21st the enrollment and academic performance between
century practices that are vital for success in the student groups, defined by socioeconomic status, race,
workplace and beyond. Digital literacy transcends ethnicity, or gender. While emerging technological
gaining isolated technological skills to generating a developments such as digital courseware and open
deeper understanding of the digital environment, educational resources (OER) have made it easier to
enabling intuitive adaptation to new contexts and co- engage with learning resources, significant issues of
creation of content with others. Institutions are charged access and equity persist among students from low-
with developing students digital citizenship, ensuring income, minority, single-parent families, and other
mastery of responsible and appropriate technology disadvantaged groups. The one-size-fits-all approach
use, including online communication etiquette and of traditional higher education paradigms, coupled
digital rights and responsibilities in blended and online with overwhelming tuition costs, is in stark contrast
learning settings and beyond. This new category of with an increasingly diverse global student population;
competence is affecting curriculum design, professional more flexible degree plans are needed. The challenge
development, and student-facing services and facing higher education is to cater to all learners
resources. Due to the multitude of elements comprising needs, aligning postsecondary programs with deeper
digital literacy, higher education leaders are challenged learning outcomes and the acquisition of 21st century
to obtain institution-wide buy-in and to support all skills, enabled by personalized learning strategies and
Significant Challenges 23

data-driven student support systems, that foster goal project- and problem-based learning. This shift to
achievement and gainful employment. student-centered learning requires them to act as
guides and facilitators. Adding to this challenge is the
Advancing Digital Equity. Digital equity refers to evolution of learning through the rise of competency-
unequal access to technology, particularly broadband based education, which further customizes the
internet. UNESCO reports that while 3.2 billion people academic experience to students needs. As these
across the globe are using the internet, only 41% of those technology-enabled approaches gather steam, many
that live in developing countries are online. Further, institutions across the world are rethinking the primary
200 million fewer women than men are accessing the responsibilities of educators. Related to these growing
internet around the world. The United Nations has expectations are the implications of societal changes
identified internet access as essential to meeting its and evolving faculty models where an increasing
sustainable development goals of alleviating poverty percentage of classes are being taught by non-tenure
and hunger and improving health and education track instructors.
worldwide by 2030. This rampant social justice issue
is not just impacting developing nations: more than The following pages provide a discussion of each of the
30 million Americans lack access to high-speed challenges highlighted by this years expert panel that
internet. Efforts to improve these figures are necessary includes an overview of the challenge, its implications,
to promote full participation, communication, and and a set of curated recommendations for further
learning within society. Technology plays an important reading on the topic.
role in advancing the availability of higher education for
underrepresented student populations and ensuring
accessibility of web materials for disabled students.
Online learning is enabled by high-speed internet
access, while use of open educational resources can
provide cost savings to students.

Wicked Challenges: Those that are complex to even define,

much less address
Managing Knowledge Obsolescence. Staying
organized and current presents a challenge to academics
in a world where educational needs, software, and
devices advance at a strenuous rate. New developments
in technology hold great potential for improving the
quality of learning and operations. However, just as
faculty and staff are able to master one technology,
it seems a new version launches. Institutions must
grapple with the longevity of technologies and devise
back-up plans before making large investments. There
is added pressure to ensure that any tools selected are
in service of deepening learning outcomes in ways
that are measurable. Processes must be established for
both technology and pedagogy discovery so higher
education professionals can filter, interpret, organize,
and retrieve information in an efficient and insightful
manner. Further, the widespread emphasis on research
over teaching for promotion and tenure consideration
has jeopardized progress in designing high-quality
learning experiences, requiring faculty to balance the
two and pursue relevant professional development
even in the face of inadequate budgets.
Rethinking the Roles of Educators. Educators are
increasingly expected to employ a variety of technology-
based tools, such as digital learning resources and
courseware, and engage in online discussions and
collaborative authoring. Further, they are tasked
with leveraging active learning methodologies like
24 NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition

Improving Digital Literacy

Solvable Challenge: Those that we understand and know how to solve

he productive and innovative use of technology digital issues into strategic planning at an institution-
encompasses 21st century practices that are wide level is vital, while leadership and vision must
vital for success in the workplace and beyond.97 incorporate efforts to empower individual growth.105
Digital literacy transcends gaining isolated Professional development and ongoing support are
technological skills to generating a deeper essential to help faculty contextualize digital literacies
understanding of the digital environment, enabling within their disciplines. Jisc recommends staff-student
intuitive adaptation to new contexts and co-creation partnerships to drive innovation while upskilling the
of content with others.98 Institutions are charged with digital prowess of all involved, and has published a guide
developing students digital citizenship, ensuring for planning a collaborative approach.106 Their digital
mastery of responsible and appropriate technology capability framework also illustrates the spectrum of
use, including online communication etiquette and interrelated skills necessary to meet the challenges of
digital rights and responsibilities in blended and digital environments,107 including a self-reflection tool
online learning settings and beyond.99 This new to help individuals assess their strengths and access
category of competence is affecting curriculum resources to build additional competencies.108
design, professional development, and student-
In addition to teaching, learning, research, and
facing services and resources. Due to the multitude of
innovation divisions, academic libraries play an active
elements comprising digital literacy, higher education
role in addressing the problem; for example, Western
leaders are challenged to obtain institution-wide buy-
Sydney University Librarys digital literacy tutorials and
in and to support all stakeholders in developing these
reflection activities help students develop high-order
competencies. Frameworks are helping institutions
thinking skills.109 While many digital literacy programs
assess current staff capabilities, identify growth
are underway, this challenge remains thorny due to the
areas, and develop strategies to implement digital
need for more comprehensive ownership and action.
literacy practices.
Institutions can prioritize their focus on urgent but
achievable actions, and incentivize opportunities for
staff at all levels to translate their skills to advance the
Preparing students for the future is the core mission
work of the digital university. Creating and participating
of higher education. Digital literacy is not just about
in the digital space also surfaces a number of digital
ensuring that students can use the latest technologies,
literacy issues, including security, privacy, and openness.
but also developing skills to select the right tools for a
The Digital Polarization Initiative provides a venue for
particular context to deepen their learning outcomes
students to engage in fact-checking and share additional
and engage in creative problem-solving.100 Jisc, whose
context for news stories. A collaborative wiki reflects
work in this area is seminal, has defined digital literacies
a cross-institutional effort overseen by Washington
broadly as those capabilities which fit an individual
State University Vancouver, with support from the
for living, learning, and working in a digital society.101
American Association of State Colleges and Universities.
Digital literacy also encompasses the ability to critically
Instructors in any course can gain access and create
evaluate information encountered on the web.
student assignments to improve digital literacies.110
Stanford University researchers have examined civic
online reasoning skills and found that undergraduate
students have trouble judging validity and impartiality
Implications for Policy, Leadership, or
of content shared on social media.102 The proliferation
Advancing digital literacy has profound implications
of fake news stories during the recent US presidential
for global economies; governments are recognizing
election illustrates the importance of cultivating skills
the intersection of digital strategy with workforce
for mindful media consumption.103
development. The European Commission reports that
During a recent digital literacy webinar produced by by 2020, there will be over 750,000 IT jobs without
the NMC, panelists agreed that a major obstacle is qualified applicants. The Digital Skills and Jobs
promoting collective ownership of responsibility and Coalition initiative directs EC member states to develop
devising comprehensive approaches to developing policies that address deficiencies in digital skills and
digital literacy across the curriculum.104 Embedding increase access to high-quality learning materials.111
Solvable Challenge 25

To support curriculum modernization, policymakers For Further Reading

can look to the DigComp framework, which describes The following resources are recommended for those
digital competencies to aid the assessment of digital who wish to learn more about improving digital literacy:
knowledge and support the design of targeted
educational initiatives.112 Singapores government has 11 Digital Literacy Myths, Debunked
introduced SkillsFuture, a national initiative to nurture
(Leah Anne Levy, University of Southern California, 2
future-ready skills and ensure global competitiveness
May 2016.) This article addresses common educator
in the job market. Courses and training modules in the
concerns about the role of technology in the classroom,
SkillsFuture Credit online portal include IT topics such
its impact on classroom workflow, and perceived needs
as digital marketing, data analytics, and social media.113
to possess expert-level abilities.
In 2016, over two million Singaporeans received $500
credits toward courses available in the portal.114 Digital Transformation of Industries (PDF)
Institutional leaders are working to solve this challenge (World Economic Forum, January 2016.) As digital
by creating widely accessible training materials. In technologies proliferate, this report examines the
the spirit of sharing best practices, Irish universities potential impacts on job creation, automation,
are collaborating on the Transforming Personal and environmental sustainability, and more, highlighting the
Professional Digital Capacities in Teaching and Learning need for large-scale action to address digital skills gaps.
Contexts project. Following a survey of social policy
educators on their digital proficiencies, instructors Enhancing Students Tertiary Blended Learning
and learning technologists will co-design professional Experience Through Embedding Digital Information
training to encourage adoption of technology- Literacy
enhanced, student-centered teaching and learning go.nmc.org/digimbed
approaches. Contributors serve as digital champions, (Bettina Schwenger, Journal of Perspectives in Applied
sharing stories to help others overhaul their pedagogies Academic Practice, 2016.) By adopting a learner-centered
and marking progress with digital badges.115 Further, approach and providing continual support throughout
the Tech Partnership, an alliance of UK technology the course, blended learning instructors can develop
employers, is developing a set of standards for digital students critical thinking skills and promote learner
skills for workplace success. The standards will guide the
development of educational programming to best meet Faculty Development in the Age of Digital,
these benchmarks. Two categories of competencies Connected Learning
have been identified: basic technical skills focus on go.nmc.org/untether
information management, security, and technology (Jill Leafstedt and Michelle Pacansky-Brock, EdSurge, 15
prowess to improve productivity, while behavioral skills December 2016.) California State University Channel
include collaboration and critical thinking. Islands is transforming faculty development through
an innovative, untethered approach. By increasing
The University of Edinburgh has hired a Wikimedian- availability of online training and encouraging reflection
in-residence to promote the use of open knowledge and sharing through contributions to a digital learning
resources and improve students critical assessment blog, the program promotes openness and cultivates
skills.116 The resident will curate events including connections between educators.
Wikipedia edit-a-thons, research and translation
workshops, and trainings to foster high-quality digital First-Year Experience Project
scholarship.117 The university also recently offered 23 go.nmc.org/fye
Things for Digital Knowledge, a self-paced course (University of Cape Town, accessed 12 January 2017.) At
introducing topics including digital security, Twitter, the University of Cape Town learners complete a digital
and augmented and virtual reality. Participating literacy self-assessment to pinpoint areas for further
students and staff have linked their blogs to the course training, while senior students serve as tech buddies
site, sharing their learning journeys.118 Northwestern to help build technical skills.
University is awarding faculty innovation through the A Peer Training Model to Promote Digital Fluency
Provosts Fellowship for Digital Learning, which provides Among University Faculty
funding for projects that leverage technology and go.nmc.org/georgefox
digital environments to enhance student learning. In (Linda Samek et al., George Fox University, February
one award-winning initiative, students will investigate 2016.) The Digital Fluency Initiative at George Fox
the experience of Chinese nationals studying in the University uses a peer-to-peer model to help faculty
US, publishing stories in a variety of media formats and discover implementations of education technologies
languages.119 relevant to their interests and goals.
26 NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition

Integrating Formal and Informal Learning

Solvable Challenge: Those that we understand and
know how to solve

s the internet has brought the ability to learn students with certificates or digital badges, or public
something about almost anything to the palm assets published by libraries, museums, and cultural
of ones hand, there is an increasing interest centers. Informal experiences can expose students to
in self-directed, curiosity-based learning.120 new areas outside of their academic focuses and allow
Informal learning encompasses these types of them to make new connections; learning institutions
activities, along with life experience and other more are in a unique position to connect more students
serendipitous forms of learning, and serves to enhance to these opportunities.124 Humboldt State University
student engagement by encouraging them to follow Library, for example, promotes international scientific
their interests. Many experts believe that blending research on the effects of mindfulness, attention, and
formal and informal methods of learning can create an contemplation through its Library Brain Booth, a drop-
environment that fosters experimentation, curiosity, in space with hands-on tools and activities. Learners can
and creativity.121 An overarching goal is to cultivate the explore the positive impacts of taking an intentional
pursuit of lifelong learning in all students and faculty. brain break in a low-key, experiential setting.125
Institutions are beginning to experiment with flexible
A key to integrating informal and formal learning is
programs that provide credit for prior learning and
finding a unified manner to support assessment and
competencies gained through employment, military,
certification of knowledge and skills gained through
or extracurricular experiences. However, there is a
a variety of ventures. With the right infrastructure,
lack of scalable methods of formally documenting and
students might easily display proof of aptitudes
assessing skills mastered outside of the classroom and
and accomplishments in a more transparent and
adapting pricing structures and financial aid models
comprehensive manner than traditional degrees
to fit new degree options.122
allow.126 For instance, a student who took online
marketing courses through Coursera and developed a
product campaign could efficiently display a description
Market forces and the fast pace of technological
of specific skills gained, along with a link to related
developments are challenging workers to continually
multimedia materials; this would more accurately
evolve and update their skillsets, making lifelong
portray the students abilities to student advisors and
learning essential. With over 40% of the worlds
prospective employers. Creative partnerships between
population accessing the internet,123 recognizing the
universities, online learning providers, and industry
power and prevalence of online informal learning
leaders will be vital in advancing recognition of a
opportunities is vital to keeping formal education
broader array of competencies. The National Coalition
relevant. Online learning resources through platforms
of Certification Centers is connecting community
such as w3schools, lynda.com, and YouTube have long
colleges and local industries to develop and implement
been leveraged by motivated learners to hone skills,
technical certifications that are portable, stackable, and
especially in technical fields. The internet has become
endorsed by institutions and industry alike.127
saturated with learning options on subjects ranging
from financial planning to the history of medicine, to
hands-on activities like building a bicycle. Currently,
Implications for Policy, Leadership, or
incorporating informal knowledge acquisition into
The European Commission is setting an influential
formal learning is hindered by a lack of consensus on
policy precedent by recognizing that informal
what constitutes credible informal learning, along with
learning validation increases visibility of learning
a need for scalable ways to document learning that
outcomes and appropriate value of these experiences.
happens outside the classroom.
Their recently published European Guidelines for
Students must be able to recognize what characterizes Validating Non-formal and Informal Learning is aimed
beneficial learning resources for their specific needs at stakeholders, policymakers, and practitioners
and how to maximize them. Learning institutions involved in developing and implementing education
are challenged to encourage self-directed learning validation arrangements.128 The European Centre for
experiences and to guide students toward the wealth of the Development of Vocational Training has, in tandem,
resources available, such as online courses that reward developed a database that provides an overview of how
Solvable Challenge 27

each country is meeting the challenge of validating Digital Badges in Nursing

informal learning.129 In the US, the Department of go.nmc.org/dbnursing
Education launched Education Quality through (Digital Badges Nursing at CSUCI, accessed 24 January
Innovative Partnerships, which allows students to 2017.) Digital Badges in Nursing at California State
leverage financial aid toward several non-traditional University, Channel Islands is a project to recognize and
offerings, including management in industries like certify nursing students in skills and competencies that
hospitality and manufacturing or mobile and web are not built into the formal nursing curriculum, ranging
development; they are also piloting new assessment from empathy to patient safety to student research.
mechanisms to support and track the outcomes of Integration of Formal and Informal Contexts, for a
these new programs.130 Better Learning and a Better Teaching
Solving this challenge requires leaders to articulate go.nmc.org/contex
its significance and mobilize institutions to integrate (Daniel Burgos et al., UNESCO-UNIR ICT & Education
LATAM Congress, 2016.) The UNESCO-UNIR ICT &
informal learning into their curriculum. The VINCE
Education LATAM Congress is focused on combining
project encompasses 13 partners from varying sectors,
informal learning with official academic programs
including higher education institutions, vocational
and has published this selection of papers to give an
education and training providers, NGOs, and an
overview of related challenges and discussion.
independent Quality Assurance Agency all working to
validate informal learning experiences to increase access Learning: A Review of the Literature on Informal
into continuing education options as well as the labor Learning
market. The project is developing training resources and go.nmc.org/reconc
policy recommendations.131 Additionally, a coalition of (Michelle Van Noy, ACT Foundation, April 2016.) This
learning stakeholders in Europe has issued the Bologna study analyzes and provides strategies for recognizing
Open Recognition Declaration: a Call for a Universal informal learning by using a framework in which learning
Open Architecture for the Recognition of Lifelong occurs on a continuum of formality based on location,
Learning Achievements. The coalition values delivery whether learning is instructor- or student-led, content
and recognition of lifelong learning as an enabler for the and curriculum, and the motivation of the learner.
promotion of social inclusion, employability, and mobility Measuring Outcomes in Informal Learning Spaces
of the worlds citizens and global development.132 go.nmc.org/outcomesin
(Jessica Morley, HASTAC, 22 March 2016.) Informal
Institutions are also working to move informal learning
learning can provide traditionally overlooked students
recognition into practice by implementing campus-
with better educational opportunities. As institutions
wide procedures. In Australia, Macquarie Universitys
and educators access more data, they will be able to
Recognition of Prior Learning policy provides a framework personalize learning opportunities by adjusting for
for students to gain credit for informal learning through individual experiences.
work, social, family, hobby, or leisure activities and
experiences as well as other unofficial programs and Motivational Factors in Self-Directed Informal
courses.133 Trinity College Dublin is another example of Learning from Online Learning Resources
an institution that has created a Recognition of Prior go.nmc.org/inself
Learning strategy as part of a broader effort to facilitate (Donggil Song and Curtis J. Bonk, Cogent Education,
student access and mobility.134 Texas A&M University 22 June 2016.) This study of learners using informal
Commerce has developed the competency-based learning websites and online learning resources
Texas Affordable Baccalaureate (TAB) Program, which discusses the motivations, obstacles, and learning goals
includes credit for prior learning that has taken place of the self-directed learners interviewed.
during previous employment. The TAB option allows
students to gain credit for more courses per term, saving Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning
A Holistic Approach by Scotland
them time and money.135 While pioneering universities
continue to take measures to validate a wider variety
(Andrew McCoshan, Electronic Platform for Adult
of learning experiences on their own campuses, broad
Learning in Europe, 15 August 2016.) Scotland has
cross-institution and cross-sector collaborative efforts implemented a robust recognition of prior learning
will be crucial for a large-scale solution. approaches embedded within its Scottish Credit and
Qualifications Framework built on values of access,
For Further Reading flexibility, and quality assurance.
The following resources are recommended for those
who wish to learn more about integrating formal and
informal learning:
28 NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition

Achievement Gap
Difficult Challenge: Those that we understand but for which
solutions are elusive

he achievement gap, also referred to as the while women in the US have earned more than half of all
college completion gap, reflects a disparity in the bachelors degrees since the 1980s.143 Exacerbating the
enrollment and academic performance between completion challenge is the growth in non-traditional
student groups, defined by socioeconomic status, students defined as financially dependent, single
race, ethnicity, or gender.136 While emerging parent, and full-time workers/part-time learners, with
technological developments such as digital courseware a fast-growing number of college students ages 22 to
and open educational resources (OER) have made it 39.144 This cohort of students first-year attrition rate
easier to engage with learning resources, significant is more than twice as high as traditional students.145
issues of access and equity persist among students Online or blended offerings with personalized and
from low-income, minority, single-parent families, adaptive learning strategies are increasingly viewed as
and other disadvantaged groups. The one-size-fits-all a retention solution.146 Competency-based education,
approach of traditional higher education paradigms, a model exemplified by Western Governors University
coupled with overwhelming tuition costs, is in stark and Southern New Hampshire University, aims to
contrast with an increasingly diverse global student support completion and job readiness by equipping
population; more flexible degree plans are needed.137 online students with concrete skills related to their
The challenge facing higher education is to cater to career goals.147
all learners needs, aligning postsecondary programs
Disparities in achievement can also be attributed to
with deeper learning outcomes and the acquisition of
socioeconomic factors. The Pell Institute for the Study
21st century skills, enabled by personalized learning
of Opportunity in Higher Education recently reported
strategies and data-driven student support systems,
that 24-year-olds raised in the top two income brackets
that foster goal achievement and gainful employment.
account for 77% of bachelors degrees awarded in the
US. The lowest income quarter of less than $35,000
represented just 10%.148 Further, low-income students
Across the world, education has become the most
eligible to receive federal grants were three times
important currency. Attaining some form of a college
more likely to enroll in for-profit institutions, where the
degree is vital for earning livable wages and building
completion rates are significantly lower, than students
successful long-term careers, with an estimated 85% of
without financial aid.149 As a result, the Pell Institute
current jobs and 90% of the fastest-growing, best-
recommends an increase in the maximum Pell grant
paying jobs requiring postsecondary education.
award from $5,800 to $13,000 as well as expansions
Manufacturing jobs, historically attractive for non-
in federal programs designed for low-income college
graduates, increasingly require postsecondary training
students, in which only 10% of eligible students currently
and skills.138 Unfortunately, even the most developed
participate. Other countries such as Norway, Germany,
nations are struggling with student achievement. The
and Slovenia have circumvented the wealth gap by
US, for example, is currently on track to produce at
providing free public postsecondary education.150
least 11 million fewer certificates and degrees than the
national economy will require by 2025.139 At the same
time, nearly half of students who most aspire to filling
Implications for Policy, Leadership, or
that need eventually drop out. According to a White
Governments are launching large-scale initiatives and
House report, half of all people from high-income
studies to prioritize college completion. The Obama
families earn a bachelors degree by age 25, as opposed
administration unveiled an agenda to address rising
to just one in ten from low-income families.140 This
tuition costs as well as spurring student-centered campus
problem is amplified in Brazil, where only 43% of adults
innovation;151 students can now secure financial aid three
have some postsecondary education.141
months earlier to help them make smarter enrollment
Additionally, in many of the 40 countries that the OECD decisions.152 The European Commission (EC) published
routinely researches, a higher percentage of women the report Dropout and Completion in Higher Education
than men graduate from postsecondary programs. in Europe to investigate factors hampering degree
Lithuania sees 66.2% of enrolled women completing attainment. They found that flexibility in transferring
postsecondary education compared to 38.6% of men,142 credits to different programs impacts completion; in
Difficult Challenge 29

Scandinavian countries, students can easily switch from Helping Higher Education Faculty Practice
one degree to another, but transfer credit is not widely (Not Preach) Equity
accepted in the UK, prompting students to drop out go.nmc.org/notpreach
after they initially chose a program that was not a good (Joseph A. Garcia and Estela Mara Bensimon, The Denver
fit. Further, many institutions have poor data collection Post, 27 May 2016.) Plans to ensure greater college
technology infrastructures, hindering them from enrollment for African-Americans, Latinos, and Native
Americans cannot alone solve degree attainment gaps;
developing adequate intervention measures.153
the authors posit that rather than focusing on large
Initiatives that promote different routes to enrollment institutional efforts, individual actions from faculty
beyond traditional testing and admissions processes members must be rethought.
are showing promise. Australia is leading this charge, Status and Trends in the Education of Racial and
graduating low-income and first-generation students Ethnic Groups 2016 (PDF)
at an increasing rate. Forty percent of residents ages go.nmc.org/iesnces
25-34 whose parents did not attend college earn a (Lauren Musu-Gillette et al., Institute of Education
degree compared to just 14% in the US.154 The Fast Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, August
Forward program, a partnership between schools, 2016.) A report commissioned by the US Department of
universities, and the Australian government, provides Education details the educational strides and challenges
early information to prospective students about of specific demographics, charting changes over time.
alternative pathways to tertiary education, even if they While some disadvantaged groups have demonstrated
have not performed well in high school.155 Rather than progress in recent years, gaps persist for other groups.
relying on standardized test scores from the Australian University Degree Remains a Remote Dream for
Tertiary Admission Rank, students can enroll in online Many in Latin America
courses meant to bridge their knowledge from high go.nmc.org/remotedream
school to college, demonstrate skills mastered through (Carolina Guzmn-Valenzuela, Times Higher Education, 7
non-formal learning, or submit personal e-portfolios.156 July 2016.) While increased efforts and investments are
In order to qualify for funding and participation in the positively impacting some Latin American countries,
Fast Forward program, each institution must explicitly the region remains unequal. The growth of private
universities is creating an unmanageable financial
detail how its strategies will improve student success.
burden for low-income families.
Institutions are turning to technology solutions to
What It Takes for a Poor Black Kid from Chicago to
monitor student engagement and predict potential Earn a College Degree
dropouts to inform retention tactics. The Office of go.nmc.org/whatitta
Information Technology at the University of Texas at San (Rebecca Klein, The Huffington Post, 30 September
Antonio (UTSA) is leveraging Ellucians DegreeWorks 2016.) The author chronicles the education of Krishaun
platform to aid students in planning their coursework Branch and Robert Henderson, two students living in
and tracking their progress towards achieving their notoriously violent Chicago neighborhoods. Against
degree and marketable skills. In fall 2016, UTSA the odds, both earned college degrees largely due to
launched the Education Advisory Boards Student effective school and institutional support systems.
Success Collaborative Campus to enable student When College Students Start Behind
advisors to provide more personalized support to go.nmc.org/tcf
learners, integrating data from several systems into a (Thomas Bailey and Shanna Smith Jaggars, The
single platform designed to target at-risk students.157 Century Foundation, 2 June 2016.) Evidence suggests
Queensborough Community College has generated a that investments in helping underprepared students
virtual network of student support services, connecting succeed are not greatly impacting their performances
the Academic Literacy Center, the Campus Writing at community colleges. This report examines four kinds
Center, the College Discovery Center, the Math Learning of reform efforts at various institutions and concludes
Center, and the Student Learning Center with Starfish that the student experience must be redesigned.
Early Alert. Through this infrastructure, learners receive Why are South African Students Protesting?
real-time feedback and recommended resources that go.nmc.org/whyaresa
cater to their unique needs.158 (BBC News, 4 October 2016.) In recent months, South
Africa has experienced the largest student protests
For Further Reading since the apartheid ended, due to 10-12% increases
The following resources are recommended for those in university tuition. Many of the protestors, who are
who wish to learn more about the achievement gap: fighting for free tertiary education, come from low-
income families and cite the price hike as discriminatory.
30 NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition

Advancing Digital Equity

Difficult Challenge: Those that we understand but for which
solutions are elusive

igital equity refers to unequal access to for Student Equity in Higher Education explored the
technology, particularly broadband internet. learning experience for students with disabilities
UNESCO reports that while 3.2 billion people studying at Open Universities Australia, an online
across the globe are using the internet, only institution. Many students advised that the flexibility
41% of those that live in developing countries of online learning allowed them to pursue educational
are online.159 Further, 200 million fewer women opportunities and that they would be unable to
than men are accessing the internet around the matriculate at traditional institutions.166 As institutions
world. The United Nations has identified internet gather data about student learning via online learning
access as essential to meeting its sustainable environments, adaptive technologies provide
development goals of alleviating poverty and hunger personalized support and targeted feedback to help
and improving health and education worldwide by more students complete courses.167 In some instances,
2030.160 This rampant social justice issue is not just however, freely available learning resources continue
impacting developing nations: more than 30 million to benefit the most advantaged learners. Researchers
Americans lack access to high-speed internet. Efforts from Harvard and MIT examined enrollment data from
to improve these figures are necessary to promote 68 MOOCs they offered between 2012-2014. They found
full participation, communication, and learning that participants lived in neighborhoods with median
within society.161 Technology plays an important role incomes above US averages. Further, teenagers enrolled
in advancing the availability of higher education for on the HarvardX platform with a college-educated parent
underrepresented student populations and ensuring were more than twice as likely to earn a certificate than
accessibility of web materials for disabled students. those whose parents lacked education credentials.168
Online learning is enabled by high-speed internet
Many institutions have recognized a social responsibility
access, while use of open educational resources can
to increase educational access through digital resources.
provide cost savings to students.162
In 2017, Oxford University will provide free online
courses through the edX platform founded by Harvard
University and MIT.169 OER, learning materials with free
Internet access is vital to sustainable economic
use and remixing rights for educators, offer another
development; governments must address connectivity
alternative to improve equity in higher education.170
challenges alongside efforts to strengthen traditional
Online repositories including ISKMEs OER Commons171
infrastructure such as roads and electricity. A World Bank
and the international collaboration Commonwealth
study found that developing countries experienced
of Learning172 house collections of resources that
a 1.3% increase in GDP following a 10% increase in
institutions can use to reduce costs for students.
broadband access.163 A white paper by the World
Evidence is mounting that OER can also positively
Economic Forum, Internet for All, identifies factors
impact student performance. For example, at Northern
that compound the challenge of bringing more people
Virginia Community College, pass rates were 9% higher
online, including a lack of electricity for 15% of the
in courses using OER as compared to courses using
worlds population, unaffordable broadband access,
traditional texts.173
and illiteracy.164 Without high-speed internet access,
successful scaling of emerging technologies in education
is moot. Barriers to equity persist as broadband remains
Implications for Policy, Leadership, or
unevenly distributed; the Center for Public Integrity
Government initiatives are working to address
reported that US families in neighborhoods with median
connectivity gaps and increase use of OER. Indias prime
incomes in the lowest 20% are five times more likely to
minister recently launched the Digital India program,
lack broadband access than households in areas with
which aims to synchronize implementation of a variety
median incomes in the top 20%.165
of strategies underway to increase broadband access
Where high-speed internet is available, institutions are in rural areas and empower the country through digital
challenged to leverage technology-enabled education technologies. Growth areas include mobile connectivity,
models to better meet the needs of underserved public internet access, electronic delivery of services,
students. A report funded by Australias National Centre and IT training for young people.174 The state of California
Difficult Challenge 31

has allocated $5 million for the California Community Analysis: Internet Access An Incomplete Promise
Colleges system to develop Z-degrees zero-textbook- go.nmc.org/incomp
cost degree pathways. Institutions can design degree (Frederick L. Pilot, Rural Futures Institute, 1 June 2016.)
plans using existing OER or use funds to create new OER In the US, access to broadband internet service is often
materials; the learning resources will be published in the determined by telecommunications companies ability
California Open Online Library for Education (COOL4Ed) to seek profits. Lack of infrastructure impacts peoples
to promote cross-institutional collaboration within the ability to pursue online learning, conduct business from
state and beyond. Incentive funds are also available to their homes, and receive remote medical services.
spur faculty adoption of OER through the provision of
professional development services.175 Closing the Digital Divide: A Briefing Note
Industry leaders are developing digital equity strategies (World Wide Web Foundation, 14 April 2016.) This article
to meet this challenge. Comcast is piloting an initiative provides recommendations on government-industry
in Colorado and Illinois in which community college partnerships, fiscal plans, and policy initiatives that
students receiving Pell grants are eligible to purchase must be prioritized in order to meet the United Nations
computers for less than $150.176 Programs of this nature sustainable development goals of improving internet
recognize the growing importance of access to digital access worldwide and reducing gender disparities in
resources and technologies for postsecondary students. technology access.
Googles Project Link is building metro fiber networks
in Uganda that allow internet service providers to offer E-Learning, the Digital Divide, and Student Success
low-cost broadband access. The company is working at Community Colleges
with the Research & Education Network of Uganda go.nmc.org/elearncc
(RENU) to provide last-mile connectivity that enables (Lisa Young, EDUCAUSE Review, 22 August 2016.) Online
research collaborations across higher education learning presents opportunities to better meet the
institutions.177 Media Access Australia and the Australian needs of diverse students, including the use of OER to
Communications Consumer Action Network have reduce educational costs. Institutions must be mindful
partnered on Affordable Access, a website aggregating of persistent inequalities in internet access among those
resources to improve access to technology for disabled same populations they serve.
persons and their caregivers. The site provides guidance Indigenous Internet Increases Inclusion
on selecting affordable smartphones and tablets as well go.nmc.org/inclus
as accessibility features of popular devices.178 (Marcus Butler, University of Canberra, 31 May 2016.)
Institutions are harnessing technologies to meet the Internet connectivity rates are persistently lower among
needs of more students. The University of Cambridge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as compared to
aims to improve inclusivity for students with disabilities non-indigenous Australian populations. Addressing
through its Lecture Capture pilot, where faculty will affordability to bring more people online would increase
post course content online in a variety of formats access to education and employment opportunities,
including audio and video. Analytics on student use which in turn could improve health outcomes.
of these materials will also help instructors determine Laptop Program Narrows Digital Divide for College-
where further instruction is needed. The program is Bound Foster Youth
part of the institutions Digital Strategy for Education, go.nmc.org/foster
which supports activities that enhance teaching and (Eric Lindberg, University of Southern California, 13
learning through technology and improves equity in September 2016.) A program that provides laptops to
the student experience.179 While the MOOC movement foster teens has seen its participants miss fewer school
has experienced low completion rates and difficulties days, improve their mental health and self-esteem, and
in scaling feedback, discussion, and assistance across apply to college and jobs in increasing numbers.
thousands of students,180 well-designed courses
continue to hold promise for delivering quality education Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Right to
to underserved populations. Stanford Universitys Lytics Education (PDF)
Lab found that adding activities that promote social go.nmc.org/uneduc
belonging and self-confidence to MOOCs can improve (Kishore Singh, United Nations General Assembly, 6
learner perseverance and achievement for participants April 2016.) International human rights laws mandate
from developing countries.181 that governments devote public funds to increasing
access to education. This report cautions against
For Further Reading excess privatization and urges leaders to support the
The following resources are recommended for those development of free online resources while addressing
who wish to learn more about advancing digital equity: infrastructure inequalities.
32 NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition

Managing Knowledge Obsolescence

Wicked Challenge: Those that are complex to even define,
much less address

taying organized and current presents a Asian universities are now expected to incorporate
challenge to academics in a world where 21st century skills; institutions across the continent are
educational needs, software, and devices conceptualizing professional development programs
advance at a strenuous rate.182 New that instill more effective learning approaches.189 For
developments in technology hold great example, Seoul Intensive Course for Medical Educators
potential for improving the quality of learning is a collaborative program for faculty in Cambodia, Laos,
and operations. However, just as faculty and staff Mongolia, Myanmar, and Vietnam to exchange best
are able to master one technology, it seems a new practices and bolster international health education
version launches. Institutions must grapple with the capacity.190 In the US, the Tracer Project examined how
longevity of technologies and devise back-up plans faculty professional development at Carleton College and
before making large investments. There is added Washington State University affected student learning
pressure to ensure that any tools selected are in outcomes. Findings revealed that extensive ongoing
service of deepening learning outcomes in ways that training, as opposed to one-off topical workshops for
are measurable.183 Processes must be established for single departments, cultivates better teaching practices.
both technology and pedagogy discovery so higher Progress is further enhanced by instructors engaging in
education professionals can filter, interpret, organize, self-directed learning and communities of practice.191
and retrieve information in an efficient and insightful
Another dimension of this challenge is the idea
manner. Further, the widespread emphasis on research
that institutions must prepare for the possibility
over teaching for promotion and tenure consideration
that the technologies they adopt may be rendered
has jeopardized progress in designing high-quality
obsolete by future incarnations or discontinuations.
learning experiences, requiring faculty to balance the
Higher education can take a cue from other sectors.
two and pursue relevant professional development
Museums, for instance, are no stranger to the notion
even in the face of inadequate budgets.184
of preservation and conservation as digital objects
require special care to ensure the artists intent is
retained during updates to the display technology. The
Academics are challenged to understand the
Canadian Heritage Information Network has established
educational impact of societal shifts, agilely anticipate
a digital preservation template and framework to guide
sea changes, and continuously generate new ideas that
museums in the process.192 Institutions must similarly
benefit teaching and learning. Additionally, they must
build infrastructures that support technology transitions
make smart decisions around technology adoption,
so that changes in products such as smartphones and
connecting tools with furthering effective pedagogies
telepresence systems do not disrupt connectivity and
and research methodologies. However, there is a
physical spaces on campuses. At Columbia University,
disparity between the perceived gains of educational
Teachers Colleges Gottesman Library is building the
technologies and tangible student outcomes. In South
Learning Theater, an open-plan educational lab that
Africa, researchers found that technologies are often
deploys proven techniques from the visual arts to enable
deployed without sufficiently addressing the needs of
staff to experiment with unconventional collaboration
both instructors and students.185 When Inside Higher Ed
and instructional approaches, constructing mock-spaces
and Gallup surveyed attitudes on technology, they found
in the same manner a set designer does a play.193
the topic of online learning to be particularly divisive;
53% of faculty asserted that virtual courses did not match
the quality of face-to-face offerings.186 Although online
Implications for Policy, Leadership, or
learning is on the rise as learners expect more flexible
While policies that directly address this wicked challenge
degree pathways,187 institutions are not yet equipped to
are elusive, the European Commission has set a precedent
present the most valuable experiences possible.
for developing greater capacity for innovation. One aim
With more options than ever for students to acquire new of their Erasmus+ program, for example, is to modernize
skills, traditional institutions must maintain a competitive higher education offerings by aligning curriculum to
edge.188 Recognizing that rote learning is insufficient labor market needs, fostering more skills in institutional
for producing workforce-ready graduates, faculty at leadership, and generating opportunities for international
Wicked Challenge 33

exchanges.194 In 2017, Erasmus+ will award grants of up Communities of Practice in Higher Education
to 1,000,000 euros for capacity-building projects aimed go.nmc.org/usqcop
at helping formulate better institutional policies and (University of Southern Queensland, accessed 19
practices.195 Additionally, institutions have established December 2016.) Australias University of Southern
clear policies around faculty and staff professional Queensland emphasizes the importance of communities
development. Durham Technical Community College has of practice, which provide safe spaces for faculty and
training and development advisory committees that are staff to collaborate and reflect on teaching and learning
responsible for identifying opportunities and maximizing practices.
campus resources,196 while Rochester Institute of
Technology allows many tenured faculty to apply for Courseware in Context Framework
leave to pursue long-term development.197 go.nmc.org/cwicf
(Courseware in Context Framework, Tyton Partners,
Higher education leadership must continuously seek accessed 19 December 2016.) This open-access resource
to fill knowledge gaps among faculty, regardless of enables higher education leaders to view a product
tenure status. The Houston Community College system taxonomy that categorizes technologies by features.
exemplifies best practices for providing adjuncts with Users can discover peer-reviewed research on how
technological and pedagogical assistance.198 Eight product features impact student learning as well as
Curriculum Innovation Centers work with instructors guides to inform implementation.
to integrate the latest technologies into their courses
and facilitate engaging learning experiences. Adjuncts Departmental Cultures and Non-Tenure-Track
receive training on special projects, such as digital Faculty (PDF)
storytelling and designing online courses, as well as go.nmc.org/nontenf
basic assistance with LMS and grade entry software.199 (University of Southern California Earl and Pauline Pullias
The centers are accessible during set hours or by Center for Higher Education, August 2015.) With the
appointment, providing flexibility for adjuncts to visit Delphi Project on the Changing Faculty and Student
the location nearest their home, place of employment, Successs self-assessment tool, institutional leadership
or teaching campus. In the UK, Jisc provides both online can use the results to address any gaps in creating a
and face-to-face training to a wide range of educators supportive environment that enables adjuncts to best
to encourage timely approaches; a recent virtual meet student needs.
workshop covered upcoming changes to Disabled Female Professors Pay Price for Academic Citizenship
Students Allowance provisions, helping institutional go.nmc.org/femprof
leaders identify and deploy affordable strategies to (Jack Grove, Times Higher Education, 14 December 2016.)
support disabled learners.200 The author makes the case that while male professors
Penn State University (PSU) employs a three-pronged concentrate on bolstering their own research and are
approach for managing knowledge obsolescence more likely to receive external recognition, female
among faculty and staff: providing them with emerging professors value mentoring and development. Fulfilling
technologies for freeform experimentation, bringing more learning and service-oriented roles may be causing
together instructional designers and programmers to them to be overlooked for promotions.
reimagine how technology can transform classroom How Colleges Prepare (or Dont Prepare) Their
activities, and establishing long-term bonds between Leaders Is Holding Back Innovation
leadership and faculty to engage in creative problem- go.nmc.org/howcol
solving. PSUs Faculty Fellows program also awards (Jeffrey J. Selingo, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 9
grants to those interested in piloting new digital tools, August 2016.) This article examines barriers to effective
such as wearable devices. One such pilot with smart leadership in higher education, including the steep
watches has already uncovered compelling student learning curve before new leaders can be involved in
gains, with seamless interactions between participating major decision-making.
learners and the content itself.201 Encouraging faculty
and staff to learn through innovation and technology Learning Technology Commons
experimentation in this manner is key; effective go.nmc.org/uncltc
evidence-based practices cannot exist without support (Marguerite McNeal, EdSurge, 8 February 2016.)
for gathering the evidence in the first place. The University of North Carolina System launched
the Learning Technology Commons to make the
For Further Reading procurement of specific tools easier for faculty members
The following resources are recommended for those across 17 campuses. The Commons marketplace allows
who wish to learn more about managing knowledge faculty and staff to contribute product reviews, creating
obsolescence: an aggregation of crowdsourced user experiences.
34 NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition

Rethinking the Roles of Educators

Wicked Challenge: Those that are complex to even define,
much less address

ducators are increasingly expected to employ must address shifting demographics, changes in
a variety of technology-based tools, such as enrollment, and pressure from stakeholders to provide
digital learning resources and courseware, and graduates with the skills for a globalized 21st century
engage in online discussions and collaborative work environment.207 In Bangladesh, thought leaders
authoring. Further, they are tasked with note that economic prosperity in developed and
leveraging active learning methodologies like project- developing countries hinges on universities building a
and problem-based learning. This shift to student- skilled workforce, and their traditional education system
centered learning requires them to act as guides and must evolve to more effectively produce graduates that
facilitators.202 Adding to this challenge is the evolution are creative and adequately prepared to address real-
of learning through the rise of competency-based world challenges.208
education, which further customizes the academic
Compounding this wicked challenge is the contradiction
experience to students needs. As these technology-
between what higher education institutions value
enabled approaches gather steam, many institutions
and how they prioritize those values. A Gallup survey
across the world are rethinking the primary
of college and university presidents found that 64% of
responsibilities of educators. Related to these growing
presidents place teaching first in importance in faculty
expectations are the implications of societal changes
roles, and only 1% believe that publishing and research
and evolving faculty models where an increasing
are their most important responsibilities.209 Yet, pundits
percentage of classes are being taught by non-tenure
note that a growing number of faculty appointments
track instructors.
are part-time or non-tenure track positions with lower
faculty engagement, higher turnover, and declining
instructional quality, and those with tenure are assessed
As detailed in the Deeper Learning Approaches
primarily on their scholarly output rather than their
section, higher education institutions are increasingly
ability to engage students.210 The National Education
incorporating activities that foster active learning
Association (NEA) supports these claims, stating that
and promote problem-solving. Educators duties
only 30% of instructional faculty are tenure-track
are changing to curators and facilitators of learning
positions at non-profit universities, while a majority are
experiences, encouraging students to develop better
adjuncts employed on a term-to-term basis. The NEA
research habits and formulate deeper questions.203 With
claims that failing to properly support non-tenure track
the rise of personalized and contextualized learning,
faculty is detrimental to student outcomes.211
such as competency-based education (CBE), educators
are no longer the sole authoritative source of information
and are expected to assist students in navigating the
Implications for Policy, Leadership, or
mastery of content and skills. An RPK Group study on
Government action will be key to helping educators
CBE found that when traditional faculty models are
keep pace with the needs of 21st century learners,
unbundled, it allows for further specialization, with
especially in the realm of workforce preparedness and
some institutions separating subject-matter experts
entrepreneurship. In spite of criticism of their model,212
from mentors, as well as faculty who only work with
higher education in the state of Arkansas is undergoing
learning assessments.205 CBE requires faculty to work
a major change with a new funding framework; instead
in a counter-intuitive way that is challenging for them;
of basing funding on how many students start college,
experiments at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
institutions will focus on how many students graduate,
found that CBE curriculum development requires
requiring shifts in how they operate, with reimagined
designing assessments before content.206
roles for faculty. The governors intent is to strengthen
As emerging learning approaches become more the ties between higher education and workforce
commonplace on campuses, an array of societal readiness.213 The ECs Education and Training 2020
changes are impacting educator roles. A study (ET 2020) strategic framework is also designed to help
by Academic Impressions on faculty professional educators address skills deficits in the workforce.214
development highlighted that in addition to keeping HEInnovate is an initiative promoted by ET 2020 to
pace with disruptions in teaching and learning, faculty guide institutions in conducting self-assessments on
Wicked Challenge 35

the innovative nature of their environment. Criteria Issues and Challenges in Open and Distance
include organizational capacity, knowledge exchange e-Learning: Perspectives from the Philippines
and collaboration, and entrepreneurial teaching and go.nmc.org/phili
learning.215 (Patricia Arinto, International Review of Research in Open
and Distributed Learning, Volume 17, No. 2, February
Education-focused organizations and agencies 2016.) Distance education has impacted teaching
are working together to design solutions that practice at the University of Philippines Open
help educators understand how to use innovative University. While faculty and administrators in this
pedagogies to advance their practice. The National study are interested in innovative teaching and learning
Research Center for Distance Education and Technology practice, they constitute the minority and believe more
Advancements (DETA) was created to help colleges faculty development is needed to foster the exploration
and universities conduct rigorous inquiries on distance of new pedagogies.
education to identify the variables that influence
learning and teaching efficacy. They offer the DETA Rethinking Faculty Models/Roles: An Emerging
research toolkit that provides faculty and institutions Consensus about Future Directions of the Professoriate
with consistent and accessible ways to conduct research, go.nmc.org/profess
including research models, survey instruments, and (Adrianna Kezar et al., TIAA Institute, accessed 1 Decem-
data codebooks.216 The Competency-Based Education ber 2016.) Researchers commissioned by TIAA Institute
conducted a study on the rise of non-tenured faculty
Network (C-BEN) is a US consortium of colleges and
and the related potential implications and attributes of
universities aimed at designing and scaling CBE degree
future faculty models.
programs. The network of 17 institutions will undergo
research and development to provide an evidence- Support Scholar-Practitioner in International
based approach to advancing CBE.217 C-BEN recently Higher Education
released eight quality standards for CBE to inform the go.nmc.org/suppscho
design and scaling of high-quality programs in this (Bernhard Streitwieser and Anthony Ogden, NAFSA:
emerging field. Association of International Educators, 2016.) The
authors define two aspects of international higher
Efforts are under way to help educators transform education: practitioners who work in expanding
their teaching practices, enabled by the creative use professional management and scholars who conduct
of technology. The University of Maryland University and publish research. They argue the need for the
College is embarking on a three-year initiative to shift development of scholar-practitioners to bridge both
their pedagogies from those based on memorizing areas, maximizing the connections between the field
knowledge to experiential learning and competency and profession.
radically changing the teaching culture. This will
require faculty to think more like project managers Teaching Presence and Facilitation
with experience in interpreting data, monitoring team go.nmc.org/presence
dynamics, and managing IT issues among other skills.218 (Norma Hansen, Faculty eCommons, accessed 11 January
In Australia, the University of Melbourne recently 2017.) Increasing student satisfaction and outcomes in
established a new academic position with the goal of online courses requires faculty to be mindful of how
they engage with students. This post highlights five
strengthening connections between the university
principles that instructors should achieve in their online
and industry. The inaugural round of appointments
offerings including establishing and cultivating online
included Enterprise Professors across various disciplines
presence, and responsiveness.
including engineering, economics, and arts.219
The Shift Toward Competency Starts with Faculty
For Further Reading go.nmc.org/shift
The following resources are recommended for those (Richard Senese, EdSurge, 24 March 2016.) Todays
who wish to learn more about rethinking the roles of college students are older and more diverse than ever
educators: and the author claims that this demographic shift is,
in some part, related to the evolution of competency-
Faculty Role in Competency Programs Still Evolving based learning. This notion changes the role of
go.nmc.org/facrol instructors and enables more opportunities to deeply
(Dian Schaffhauser, Campus Technology, 1 December engage with students.
2016.) This article examines a study on the roles and
responsibilities involved in developing and delivering
CBE content. The researchers found that at least 75% of
the institutions surveyed noted attracting and retaining
students as major challenges.
36 NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition

Important Developments in Educational Technology for

Higher Education

ach of the six developments in educational used to inform the final round of voting. Technology
technology detailed in this section were selected developments that do not make the interim results
by the projects expert panel using the Horizon or the final report are often thoroughly discussed on
Projects Delphi-based process of iterative rounds the project wiki at horizon.wiki.nmc.org. Sometimes a
of study, discussion, and voting. In the NMC candidate technology does not get voted in because
Horizon Project, educational technology is defined the expert panel believes it is already in widespread use
in a broad sense as tools and resources that are used in higher education, or, in other cases, they believe it is
to improve teaching, learning, and creative inquiry. more than five years away from widespread adoption.
While many of the technologies considered were not Some technology developments, while intriguing,
developed for the sole purpose of education, they have do not have enough credible project examples to
clear applications in the field. substantiate them.
The technology developments, which the members
of the expert panel agreed are very likely to drive
technology planning and decision-making over the next
A key criterion for the inclusion of a
five years, are sorted into three time-related categories
near-term developments that are expected to
new technology development in this
achieve widespread adoption in one year or less; mid-
term developments that will take two to three years; edition was its potential relevance
and far-term developments, which are forecasted to
enter the mainstream of education within four to five to teaching, learning, and creative
years. Each technology development opens with an
overview of the topic. inquiry in higher education.
The initial list of topics considered by the expert panel
was arranged into categories that were based on the There are currently seven categories of technologies,
primary origin and use of the technology. The potential tools, and strategies for their use that the NMC monitors
applications of the featured technologies, specifically in continuously. These are not a closed set, but rather are
the context of global higher education, were considered intended to provide a way to illustrate and organize
in a series of online discussions that can be viewed at technologies into pathways of development that are
horizon.wiki.nmc.org/Horizon+Topics. or may be relevant to learning and creative inquiry. The
list of seven categories has proven fairly consistent, but
The expert panel was provided with an extensive set
new technologies are added within these categories
of background materials when the project began
in almost every research cycle; others are merged or
that identified and documented a range of existing
updated. Collectively, the categories serve as lenses for
technologies used in both education and beyond.
thinking about innovation; each is defined below.
The panel was also encouraged to consider emerging
technologies whose applications for higher education > Consumer technologies are tools created for recre-
institutions may still be distant. They also proposed ational and professional purposes and were not de-
developments in technology that were new to the signed, at least initially, for educational use though
NMC Horizon Project; a key criterion for the inclusion of they may serve well as learning aids and be quite
a new topic in this edition was its potential relevance adaptable for use in colleges and universities. These
to teaching, learning, and creative inquiry in higher technologies find their ways into institutions because
education. people are using them at home or in other settings.
In the first round of voting, the expert group reduced > Digital strategies are not so much technologies as
the master set, shown on the next page, to 12 they are ways of using devices and software to enrich
developments in technology that were then researched teaching and learning, whether inside or outside of
in much greater depth by the NMC staff. Each was then the classroom. Effective digital strategies can be used
written up in the format of the NMC Horizon Report and in both formal and informal learning; what makes
Important Developments in Educational Technology for Higher Education 37

them interesting is that they transcend conventional but they have become so ever-present and so widely
ideas to create something that feels new, meaningful, used in every part of society that they have been
and 21st century. elevated to their own category. As well-established as
social media is, it continues to evolve at a rapid pace,
> Enabling technologies are those technologies that
with new ideas, tools, and developments coming
have the potential to transform what we expect of our
online constantly.
devices and tools. The link to learning in this category
is less easy to make, but this group of technologies > Visualization technologies run the gamut from
is where substantive technological innovation begins simple infographics to complex forms of visual data
to be visible. Enabling technologies expand the reach analysis. What they have in common is that they tap
of our tools, making them more capable and useful. the brains inherent ability to rapidly process visual
information, identify patterns, and sense order in
> Internet technologies include techniques and
complex situations. These technologies are a growing
essential infrastructure that help to make the
cluster of tools and processes for mining large data
technologies underlying how we interact with the
sets, exploring dynamic processes, and generally
network more transparent, less obtrusive, and easier
making the complex simple.
to use.
The following pages provide a discussion of the six
> Learning technologies include both tools and
technology developments highlighted by the 2017
resources developed expressly for the education
Higher Education Expert Panel, who agree that they
sector, as well as pathways of development that
have the potential to foster real changes in education,
may include tools adapted from other purposes
particularly in the development of progressive
that are matched with strategies to make them
pedagogies and learning strategies; the organization
useful for learning. These include technologies that
of teachers work; and the arrangement and delivery of
are changing the landscape of learning, whether
content. As such, each topic includes an overview of the
formal or informal, by making it more accessible and
technology; a discussion of its relevance to teaching,
learning, or creative inquiry; and curated project
Social media technologies could have been examples and recommendations for further reading.
subsumed under the consumer technology category,

Consumer Technologies Internet Technologies Social Media Technologies Enabling Technologies

> Drones > Blockchain > Crowdsourcing > Affective Computing
> Real-Time Communication > Digital Scholarship > Online Identity > Artificial Intelligence
Tools > Internet of Things > Social Networks > Big Data
> Robotics > Syndication Tools > Virtual Worlds > Electrovibration
> Wearable Technology > Flexible Displays
Learning Technologies Visualization Technologies > Mesh Networks
Digital Strategies > Adaptive Learning > 3D Printing > Mobile Broadband
> Location Intelligence Technologies > Information Visualization > Natural User Interfaces
> Makerspaces > Microlearning > Mixed Reality > Near Field Communication
> Preservation & Technologies > Virtual Reality > Next-Generation Batteries
Conservation Technologies > Mobile Learning > Open Hardware
> Next-Generation LMS > Speech-to-Speech
> Virtual & Remote Translation
Laboratories > Virtual Assistants
> Wireless Power
38 NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition

Adaptive Learning Technologies

Time-to-Adoption Horizon: One Year or Less

ncompassed by the personalized learning 15% to 1.5%.226 SRIs three-year study of the Adaptive
movement and closely linked to learning Learning Market Acceleration (ALMAP) initiative, a
analytics, adaptive learning refers to the multi-institution effort to use advance adaptive learning
technologies monitoring student progress, to improve access and graduation rates, showed more
using data to modify instruction at any time.220 modest gains, with slightly higher than average course
Adaptive learning technologies, according to grades in some courseware integrations. Even more
EDUCAUSE, dynamically adjust to the level or type significant was how the adaptive courseware varied
of course content based on an individuals abilities or by use case; student learning was positively impacted
skill attainment, in ways that accelerate a learners both when switching from lecture to adaptive blended
performance with both automated and instructor instruction, and when moving from non-adaptive to
interventions.221 Enabled by machine learning, adaptive learning environments in fully online courses.
these technologies can adapt to a student in real
Supportive attitudes amongst leadership towards
time, providing both instructors and students with
adaptive learning are accelerating its adoption. An annual
actionable data. The goal is to accurately and logically
survey conducted in 2016 by the Campus Computing
move students through a learning path, empowering
Project found that 96% of higher education CIOs agreed
active learning, targeting at-risk student populations,
that adaptive learning technology shows great promise
and assessing factors affecting completion and
for improving learning outcomes.227 Projects abound
student success. Advocates for adaptive learning
in the US, with eight universities, including Oregon
believe that it can be a solution for the iron triangle
State University and Portland State University, recently
of educational challenges: cost, access, and quality.222
receiving funding from the APLU for the Accelerating
Adoption of Adaptive Courseware initiative.228 While
efforts are not advancing as quickly as in the US, the
Previously paired with the topic of learning analytics
UK policy group Higher Education Commission sees
in the NMC Horizon Report > 2016 Higher Education
the driving force behind adaptive learning systems
Edition, adaptive learning continues to be poised to
learning analytics to have enormous potential. The
see significant growth in 2017. Gartner named it as
commission is interested in developing adaptive tools
the top strategic technology for higher education IT
in consultation with students, with ethics and needs of
leaders to plan for in 2016 because of its potential to
the institution being paramount.229 Similarly, a proposal
help scale personalized learning.223 Tyton Partners have
for ICT strategy in higher education submitted to the
been mapping the evolution of adaptive learning in
Ministry of Education in Norway highlights adaptive
higher education since 2012; their most recent analysis
learning as a key area of development.230
has identified several key themes that indicate growth
in adaptive learning.224 The biggest change from the
beginning of their study to present lies in the response
Relevance for Teaching, Learning, or
of vendors to institutional demands for new feature sets,
Creative Inquiry
At Colorado Technical University, adaptive learning
showing that courseware developers are now more in
is a major component of their long-range academic
tune with sector needs. This was followed in importance
programming plan. Nearly 82%, or 800 faculty members,
by adaptive learnings viability in some competency-
use Intellipath, the universitys adaptive learning
based education cases, highlighting the technologys
platform. Longitudinal research shows students have
strength in hybrid and online learning environments.225
increased control over their work by progressing more
In spite of the limited research on the empirical impact of quickly through known material; are more engaged,
this pedagogical approach, early results are promising. stating classes are more fun; and demonstrate higher
Adaptive learning company CogBooks and Arizona confidence in mastering challenging subject areas. A
State University studied the impact of next-generation student in a college algebra course, for example, may
adaptive courseware in a flipped introductory biology be stronger in general fractions but weaker at solving
course and two online history courses. After using linear equations with fractions. Intellipath assesses
CogBooks for one semester, student success rates rose each students strengths and changes how the course
from 76% to 94% and the dropout rate reduced from is delivered, providing more time to work on problem
Time-to-Adoption Horizon: One Year or Less 39

areas.231 While STEM subjects have been in the spotlight Learning Consortium (OLC) for its implementation of
for the application of adaptive learning technologies, the Junction Education online platform in its online
the University of Georgia is developing tools for biology courses. Integrated into the colleges LMS, the
English composition courses. Using adaptive tools, adaptive learning tool provides differentiated learning
students will be guided through foundational concepts materials such as video introductions, online textbooks,
such as peer review strategies, argumentation, and and games based on students learning preferences.
designing multimodal compositions, ensuring strong
Cellular Transport Virtual Lab
understanding of these concepts before moving on to
more sophisticated activities.232
A lecturer at Central Queensland University worked with
In Europe, Jisc has been analyzing the benefit of edtech startup Smart Sparrow to create an interactive
learning analytics and adaptive learning through 11 virtual lab for scientific experiments in cellular transport;
case studies in their report Learning Analytics in Higher based on how students perform, adaptive feedback and
Education: A Review of UK and International Practice.233 pathways guide their personalized lab experiences.
The authors believe that adaptive learning systems help
foster a more personalized and self-paced approach
to learning and are most appropriate for teaching
PERFORM, a joint project of Beijing Normal University
basic skills. One case study highlights the work of
and Universidad Internacional de la Rioja, aims to
Open University Australia (OUA) and their Personalized
develop software that harnesses learner data to provide
Adaptive Study Success (PASS) project intended to
personalized recommendations. The initiative not only
help students identify learning pathways. Embedded
works to improve outcomes, but allows for researchers
in OUAs online learning environment and support
to observe the learning patterns of students from
systems, PASS analyzes data from customer relationship
different cultures.
management systems, learning management systems,
and curriculum profiles to provide recommendations
via customizable dashboard. In addition to tracking
For Further Reading
The following articles and resources are recommended
student performance, the dashboard recommends
for those who wish to learn more about adaptive
activities, predicts course mastery, and provides
learning technologies:
dynamic content recommendations.234
Clearing the Hurdles to Adaptive Learning
The potential of this technology for teaching and
learning continues to grow. The recent report Clicks
(Barb Freda, University Business, 26 August 2016.)
and Mortarboards by Nesta, an innovation foundation
Integrating adaptive learning technologies in higher
based in the UK, examines developments in the use of
education can be an arduous task, requiring time,
digital technologies in higher education. While much
expertise, and budgets. The author highlights six
of the literature on adaptive learning technologies
challenges to implementation and how early adopters
focuses on its relevance for individual learning, new
have overcome them, including moving ahead without
developments show promise in fostering collaboration.
strong evidence, selecting the right provider, and
In online learning environments, for example, new tools
dealing with extensive data.
can automatically sort users into groups with shared
interests and recommend information sources based Designing Values in an Adaptive Learning Platform
on user interests and web browsing habits. Similarly, go.nmc.org/deval
the report highlights the use of artificial intelligence (AI) (Josine Verhagen et al., LACE Project, accessed 9 January
in collaborative learning. In adaptive group formation, 2016.) This paper describes the ethical considerations
AI is used to create groups of students best-suited to higher education must undertake when developing
tackle a specific task; it could suggest pairing learners adaptive learning technologies. The authors posit that
based on their cognitive abilities or interests or sort collaboration between ethicists and designers early in
them based on complementary knowledge and skills.235 the design process may help overcome some obstacles.
How Personalized Learning Unlocks Student Success
Adaptive Learning Technologies in Practice
The following links provide examples of adaptive
(Nazeema Alli et al., EDUCAUSE Review, 7 March 2016.) In
learning technologies in use that have direct
this post, the authors demonstrate how technology can
implications for higher education settings:
customize learning experiences, help at-risk students,
2016 DLIAward Recipient: Tougaloo College and develop pathways for success. Adaptive digital
go.nmc.org/tougaloo courseware, for example, can not only help improve
Tougaloo College in Mississippi received a Digital student outcomes, but can also reduce instructional
Learning Innovation Award (DLIAward) from the Online costs by accelerating course completion.
40 NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition

Mobile Learning
Time-to-Adoption Horizon: One Year or Less

he pervasiveness of mobile devices is changing mobile subscribers (46% of the population) at the end
the way people interact with content and of 2015.244 An innovative mobile learning initiative
their surroundings. As the processing power aims to increase access to higher education across the
of smartphones, smartwatches, and tablets continent. Kenyas Daystar University has launched
continues to increase dramatically, mobile Daystar Mobile, a program in which students can earn
learning, or m-learning, enables learners to access a bachelors degree in education primarily through
materials anywhere, often across multiple devices. their smartphones. A mobile app will deliver videos
Convenience is driving demand for this strategy, with and interactive course materials on demand; faculty
potential for new mobile-enhanced delivery models use the platform to interface with learners and provide
that can increase access to education.236 Instructors are additional support.245
harnessing the capabilities of mobiles to foster deeper
Mobile devices have become the gateways to
learning approaches by creating new opportunities
personalized working and learning environments
for students to connect with course content. Mobile
that facilitate the exploration of new subjects at each
apps, for example, allow two-way communication
users pace. A study of a South Korean online university
in real time, helping educators efficiently respond to
found that learners with full-time jobs were 48%
student needs. This development is impacting both
more likely to use a mobile LMS than non-working
the delivery and creation of educational content.
students. Researchers posited that the flexibility
Surveys of the field have revealed that instructors still
afforded by on-the-go access to lectures and learning
need technical and pedagogical support from their
materials helped these students better integrate
institutions in integrating mobiles in their curricula.237
academic pursuits into their schedules.246 Students
can also use mobiles to practice 21st century skills
including communication, collaboration, and creating
In 2016, StatCounter reported that 51.3% of web
content. Effective deployment of mobile technology
browsing worldwide took place via mobiles and tablets,
entails careful planning built on the foundation of a
overtaking desktop browsing for the first time.238
thorough initial evaluation of the learning context.247
Google has adopted a variety of mobile-first strategies
For example, at RMIT University in Melbourne, Spanish
that are driving industry growth, most notably in its
language students produced autobiographical videos
recent inclusion of mobile usability as a ranking factor
on their phones, describing their personalities and
in search results. The company recently announced
neighborhoods. The activity helped learners increase
that it will split its search index into a primary mobile
their vocabularies and offered a practical application
version and a secondary desktop version, which will
of course content through the perspective of their own
eventually result in desktop searches returning less
updated results as compared to mobile.239 Higher
education is well positioned to leverage the ubiquity of
mobiles to enhance teaching and learning. In a study
Relevance for Teaching, Learning, or
conducted by McGraw-Hill Education and Hanover
Creative Inquiry
Mobile devices are providing more opportunities
Research of over 2,600 US college students, nearly two-
for student-instructor interaction. Hotseat, an app
thirds reported using their smartphones to study.240 The
developed at Purdue University, allows students to
global market for mobile learning is predicted to grow
post questions and comments in real time during
by 36% annually, increasing from $7.98 billion in 2015 to
class, anonymously or via their social networking
$37.6 billion by 2020.241
accounts. Learners can participate via SMS or the
Thought leaders have emphasized the potential for mobile app. Through Hotseat, students answer each
mobile learning to boost equity, citing the ability to others questions, like posts, and respond to polls
disseminate content to underserved students.242 Pew and quizzes. Faculty cite benefits including increased
Research Center reports that due to affordability issues, engagement, the ability to refine their instruction based
emerging economies continue to lag behind developed on student feedback, and helping introverted students
nations in smartphone ownership.243 However, mobile find their voices.249 Educators can also leverage mobiles
penetration is on the rise in Africa, with 557 million capabilities to create rich learning content. A faculty
Time-to-Adoption Horizon: One Year or Less 41

member in the University of Nebraska-Lincolns College into the classroom. The event focused on integrating
of Education and Human Sciences produced a series informal uses of mobile learning into formal practices.
of food science videos using a GoPro camera and an
iPad.250 One video uses 360-degree recording to provide Exploring Mobile Apps for Special Education STEAM
an immersive tour of the departments labs; viewers can Teaching and Learning
witness students and faculty developing solutions.251 go.nmc.org/spedapps
The SpedApps project at Kent State University aims
Field research has indicated that mobile learning can to produce a searchable database of mobile apps for
impact student achievement. A study was conducted at special education teachers and students. The initiative
Middlesex University in the UK where mobile learning is also building its own apps; a future release called
activities were incorporated into certain sections of first- iPD will provide a mobile professional development
year anatomy courses. Students in the experimental platform.
groups used iPads to access Real Bodywork Muscles
and Skeletal 3D apps during class, which encompass Using Mobile Devices in Your Teaching
quiz and game functions to improve learner retention. go.nmc.org/qilt
Feedback indicated that students found the technology Western Sydney University has dedicated online
fun and preferred the hands-on experiences to the resources to help instructors implement mobile
lecture format; the iPad cohort also earned better devices to manage their teaching activities. This
grades.252 By creating ubiquitous access to educational website offers ways to leverage mobiles to enhance
materials, mobiles also have potential to foster learner established activities and introduce new activities,
independence and build habits for lifelong learning. including streamlining feedback and assessment and
Jibu, a mobile nursing education app, is helping health encouraging active classrooms.
workers in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania to engage in
ongoing training to maintain their professional licenses; For Further Reading
institutions can also use the app to support student The following articles and resources are recommended
nurses in the field.253 for those who wish to learn more about mobile learning:
Resources are available to assist educators who are
Mobile Device Usage
integrating mobiles into their courses. Jisc offers an
extensive guide to mobile learning, including a survey
(Tara Coffin et al., University of Washington, accessed 12
of pedagogical frameworks, case studies and examples
January 2017.) Potential challenges impeding adoption
of higher education mobile initiatives in progress,
and technical considerations. In incorporating mobile of mobile learning include concerns about how to
technologies, instructors are encouraged to consider mitigate student distraction, students lack of clarity on
the SAMR model, moving beyond mere content delivery classroom policies, and a lack of support for instructors.
toward supporting real-time discussions and data- The authors recommend development of professional
driven assessment.254 The University of Central Floridas training on evidence-based best practices for improving
Center for Distributed Learning has created a Critique- student success.
at-a-Glance mobile checklist that allows instructors to Mobile Learning Practice in Higher Education in Nepal
quickly evaluate a mobile app for adoption into course go.nmc.org/nepal
curriculum based on metrics including price, privacy
(Krishna Prasad Parajuli, Open Praxis, 2016.) Research
policy, content rating, and more. Upon completion
spanning six universities throughout Nepal has found
of the checklist, the user receives feedback and is
that the majority of undergraduates use their mobile
directed to conduct a deeper assessment of the apps
devices for learning. The author concludes that a
accessibility, FERPA compliance, and opportunity for
student feedback.255 continued effort by Nepalese institutions to understand
mobiles in the context of pedagogies is essential to
Mobile Learning in Practice ensure that device usage will foster positive learning
The following links provide examples of mobile learning outcomes.
in use that have direct implications for higher education Student-Driven Mobile App Design: A Case Study
settings: go.nmc.org/ctumobile
Examining Use of Mobile Device in the Classroom (Constance Johnson, EDUCAUSE Review, 19 September
go.nmc.org/ubit 2016.) When developing a mobile-learning app for its
In the three-part Digital Challenges Series at the students, Colorado Technical University had one goal
University at Buffalo State University of New York, in mind: student-driven design. Tapping the students
students and faculty were invited to share their as stakeholders led to the creation of an app that best
experiences of implementing mobile technology aligned with their needs.
42 NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition

The Internet of Things

Time-to-Adoption Horizon: Two to Three Years

he Internet of Things (IoT) consists of objects Dyns data centers with fake traffic requests.263 Internet
endowed with computing power through users in Europe and the US were temporarily unable
processors or imbedded sensors that are capable to access major websites serviced by Dyn, including
of transmitting information across networks. Netflix, Twitter, Spotify, and Reddit, as well as major news
These connections allow remote management, outlets.264 This incident has renewed concerns about the
status monitoring, tracking, and alerts.256 Municipal impacts of potential future large-scale security breaches.
governments and education institutions are applying Carnegie Mellon Universitys CyLab has received a grant
the capabilities of IoT, leveraging data to streamline from the National Science Foundation to develop a
processes and promote sustainability. Connected software-based security solution to shield networks
devices are generating data on student learning from malware on individual devices.265
and campus activity, informing the direction of
Institutions face uncertainty about the potential deluge
content delivery and institutional planning. As more
of smart devices in coming years. As with the advent of
smart devices arrive on campuses, institutions are
Bring Your Own Device, leaders must consider bandwidth
examining implications for privacy and security.257
needs and determine which things are authorized to
Some technologists predict explosive growth in this
connect to campus networks. Additionally, educational
area, which will impact the goals of engineering
applications of networked objects are surfacing issues
education.258 Institutions are partnering with industry
around data security and ethical questions surrounding
to provide students with hands-on experiences
collection and use of student data. Meeting student
designing and building IoT devices, equipping them
needs as new technologies proliferate will require
with the skills to meet workforce needs.
concerted efforts across multiple departments to
address legal, financial, and technical implications.266
Beyond infrastructure, the IoTs development will impact
Many people are already familiar with the Internet
curriculum to prepare students for the workforce.
of Things through their experience with wearables
Market research firm Cybersecurity Ventures projects
including Apple Watches, Fitbits, and smart home
a total of six million jobs in global information security
products such as Nest thermostats. Gartner has
by 2019, with a talent pool falling short of this demand
predicted that by 2020, nearly 21 billion connected
by 1.5 million people.267 Intel Securitys report Hacking
things will be in use,259 while International Data
the Skills Shortage recommends that institutions work to
Corporation forecasts that global spending on the IoT
increase diversity in STEM education programs.268
will reach $1.29 trillion by 2020.260 Another growing
facet of this field is the smart cities movement, which
uses connected devices to capture and analyze data
Relevance for Teaching, Learning, or
to improve public services and conserve resources. For
Creative Inquiry
Applications of IoT have potential to enhance many
example, Copenhagen has deployed smart LED street
aspects of campus life, including safety and efficiency.
lights that dim according to time of day, and brighten
Through their VT Alerts system, students, faculty, and
when pedestrians or cyclists pass by.261 The Dubai Plan
staff at Virginia Tech receive emergency notifications
2021 aims to address transportation management
via smartphone or smartwatch.269 Sensors have been
through smart traffic sensors, mobile traffic apps,
deployed at the University of New South Wales to lower
and potentially driverless cars; the city will also install
energy consumption and improve connectivity. Further,
250,000 smart meters by 2018.262
by tracking student movement and activity, leaders can
As the number of connected things grows, consumers take action to facilitate group learning opportunities
will be challenged to ensure the security of everyday outside of lecture delivery.270 Institutions can also use
objects. In 2016, Dyn, a service provider that resolves web data from connected devices and location-tracking
addresses into IP addresses to allow browsers to deliver to identify students in need of targeted interventions.
content, was the subject of a distributed denial of service For example, one expert describes the possibility of
(DDoS) attack; hundreds of thousands of poorly secured, monitoring for signs of depression by combining
connected devices such as DVRs and routers were data on skipped meals with data on students staying
hacked and infected with malware that overwhelmed inside residence halls for extended periods of time.
Time-to-Adoption Horizon: Two to Three Years 43

While these innovations can improve decision-making traffic. Companies have joined forces with the lab to
and delivery of services, administrators must consider provide students with business development support.
ethical implications of student data collection and
prioritize security, transparency, and privacy.271
By generating awareness of patterns and connecting The European Commissions Erasmus+ initiative is
actions to outcomes, consumer technologies that track supporting the creation of an online education module
movement and sleep can spur change in behaviors.272 focused on the Internet of Things. Students from
Educational applications are similarly poised to impact multiple European universities connect to a remote lab
student learning and wellbeing. Researchers at the to learn about IoT hardware, infrastructure, and mobile
University of Texas Arlingtons LINK Lab are studying applications. Open access learning materials can be
how emotions affect learning, using wearables to integrated into courses across various disciplines.
monitor biological factors that correspond to emotional
National Internet of Things Innovation Competition
states. At the University of the Pacific, Kinect sensors
for Women in Engineering
in classrooms are tracking students skeletal positions
to investigate correlations between postures and
A student at University of Surrey developed a smart
learner engagement.273 Instructors will need support
garden watering system that utilizes ground-based
as they harness pedagogical capabilities of IoT. The
sensors, taking the top prize in an IoT competition
Tennessee Board of Regents system offers professional
sponsored by Bosch. As part of the companys
development at its institutions through showcases called
#BetweenUsWeCan initiative to increase female
Education and Workforce Smart Tools and Gadgets for
representation in engineering fields, Bosch engineers
IoE [Internet of Everything]. Participants apply rubrics
will provide mentorship to the student for one year.
to understand new technologies educational impacts,
examining types of data generated and methods to
monitor and analyze data to drive classroom change.274
For Further Reading
The following articles and resources are recommended
As IoT proliferates, institutions are partnering with for those who wish to learn more about the Internet of
industry to enable student innovation and developing Things:
new programming to equip learners with the latest
Growing Trend: Internet of Things Expands into
skills. At Aggies Invent: Internet of Things, a two-day
College and University Curricula
competition at Texas A&M University, representatives
from Texas Instruments and Accenture mentored student
(Laura Devaney, eCampus News, 8 August 2016.) Growth
teams as they conceptualized and prototyped IoT-
of IoT is increasing demand for skilled workers in areas
enabled solutions. Winning inventions included a device
including hardware engineering, sensors development,
for shared laundry facilities that alerts users of machines
and systems design and integration. Institutions
cycle status and an LED projector that integrates customer
and policymakers must support the development of
data to optimize timing of advertisements on LED
multidisciplinary curricula to address workforce needs.
billboards.275 Undergraduate students can major in IoT at
the University of Sydney. The interdisciplinary course of How IoT in Education is Changing the Way We Learn
study encompasses electrical and computer engineering, go.nmc.org/learniot
wireless communications, and data analytics. Through (Andrew Meola, Business Insider, 20 December 2016.)
exposure to cutting-edge technologies, the program Connected devices enable the aggregation of learning
prepares students to develop new products and ideas for data that will help students understand their learning
fields such as healthcare, utilities, transportation, retail, trajectories, helping instructors gain a clearer picture
and resource management.276 of academic progress to inform the direction of lesson
The Internet of Things in Practice
The Internet of Things: Riding the Wave in Higher
The following links provide examples of the Internet of
Things in use that have direct implications for higher
education settings:
(Itai Asseo et al., EDUCAUSE Review, 27 June 2016.) Five
Internet of Things Lab Fosters Student Innovation, experts describe the promise of IoT in higher education.
Adds Industrial Partners Connected learning environments can generate
go.nmc.org/iotwisc student profiles with data on attendance, performance,
At the University of Wisconsin-Madisons Internet of and productivity that provide a holistic view of learner
Things Lab, students gain access to emerging technol- engagement and knowledge advancement. Machine
ogies to transform ideas into reality, such as Safe Cycle, learning capabilities will enable data analysis, helping
a sensing device that alerts cyclists to nearby vehicular institutions personalize the student experience.
44 NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition

Next-Generation LMS
Time-to-Adoption Horizon: Two to Three Years

earning management systems (LMS), also referred persist that necessitate the design of new models. The
to as Virtual Learning Environments, comprise a 2017 Higher Education Expert Panel observed that
category of software and web applications that LMS are owned by companies that tightly control their
enable the online delivery of course materials platforms, making it difficult to expand the feature sets
as well as the tracking and reporting of student and integrate external resources in ways that best align
participation.277 Viewed as a centralized location for with evolving institutional needs and pedagogies.285
the ephemera of learning experiences, LMS have long More faculty and students leverage tools such as Google
been adopted by colleges and universities worldwide Apps, WordPress, Slack, and iTunes U, but these apps
to manage and administer online and blended are generally accessed outside of LMS. Furthermore,
courses. It is commonplace for students to access gamification, adaptive learning, and OER are just a few
syllabi and readings, submit assignments, check examples of technology developments that institutions
grades, and contact peers and instructors through are adopting to bolster student success and increase
their institutions LMS, while faculty monitor student affordability though these elements are not always
engagement and performance at individual and integrated into LMS. There is a need for ecosystems that
course levels. However, some thought leaders believe not only incorporate emerging learning approaches of
current LMS are limited in capacity, too narrowly today, but are also agile enough to support evidence-
focused on the administration of learning rather based practices of tomorrow.
than the learning itself.278 Next-generation LMS, also
In 2014, EDUCAUSE was commissioned by the Bill &
called next-generation digital learning environments
Melinda Gates Foundation to conduct research on the
(NGDLE),279 refers to the development of more flexible
LMS landscape and gain a clear picture of the ideal
spaces that support personalization, meet universal
platforms for student success in higher education.
design standards, and play a larger role in formative
A collection of three reports document the current
learning assessment.280 Rather than existing as single
LMS ecosystem, report on next-generation needs,
applications, they are a confederation of IT systems
and synthesize the complex sea of information into
and application components that adhere to common
an approachable format.286 Conversations with 70
standards that would enable diversity while
community thought leaders surfaced the essential
fostering coherence.281
attributes of next-generation digital learning
environments: interoperability; personalization;
analytics, advising, and learning assessment;
The current higher education LMS space is dominated by
collaboration; and accessibility and universal design.
several brands, including Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle,
Overall, a Lego approach to LMS was recommended
Edmodo, Desire2Learn, and Sakai, which are generally
to empower both institutions and individuals with the
deployed at the institution-wide level.282 Outside of the
flexibility to create bespoke learning environments that
larger players, only a small percentage of the market
accommodate their unique requirements and needs.287
share belongs to alternative learning and course
development platforms, though the advent of massive
open online courses in 2011 sparked new possibilities
Relevance for Teaching, Learning, or
with open-source platform OpenEdX, while the Helix
Creative Inquiry
The overarching goal of next-generation LMS is to
LMS caters to burgeoning online approaches such as
shift the focus of these platforms from enabling
open education283 and competency-based learning.284
administrative tasks to deepening the act of learning.
The path for next-generation LMS is being paved by
Traditional LMS functions are still a part of the
the desire for enabling educators to unbundle all of the
ecosystem, but reimagined incarnations deviate from
components of a learning experience and allow them
the one-size-fits-all approach to accommodate the
to remix open content and educational apps in unique
specific needs of all faculty and students. Currently,
and compelling ways.
this type of environment is more aspiration than reality,
Though technological advancements in LMS have though a number of organizations and institutions
enabled sophisticated learning analytics, adaptive are working to envision and develop next-generation
learning, and dynamic social exchanges, challenges LMS. IMS Global, an organization devoted to advancing
Time-to-Adoption Horizon: Two to Three Years 45

technology in affordable ways that improve education Domain of Ones Own

attainment, has developed learning tool interoperability go.nmc.org/domain
standards and an API for a common architecture that University of Mary Washingtons Division of Teaching
allows institutions to more seamlessly customize their and Learning Technologies developed the Domain of
virtual environments, integrating both web-based and Ones Own project to enable faculty, staff, and students
externally-hosted content.288 to register their own domain name and freely associate
it with a hosted university webspace. The Division works
As more institutions adopt mastery- and competency- closely with faculty to ensure the domains are well
based education (CBE) approaches, learning ecosystems integrated into course activities.
must support the process of skill acquisition and
assessment. To carry out their competency-driven
mission, Grand Canyon University uses LoudCloud,289
Salt Lake City Community College is among the
a tool that leverages a host of open educational
institutions that have adopted Lumen Learnings
resources and learning analytics to personalize learning MyOpenMath, an OER-based learning solution that
experiences.290 Western Governors University, a has significantly increased the affordability of course
widely acknowledged leader in delivering CBE online, materials for students and helped bolster student
does not have an LMS; instead, they have designed success in developmental and college math courses.
learning portals specifically for each course where
students engage in projects and discussions, access Osmosis at Johns Hopkins University
free e-textbooks, and build portfolios.291 Acrobatiq, a go.nmc.org/osmosis
platform developed based on cognitive science from Osmosis is an LMS designed to help medical students
learn the extensive content needed to navigate medical
Carnegie Mellon Universitys Open Learning Initiative,
school. Supported by a mobile app, the collaborative
also aims to bolster student achievement in CBE and
learning framework has led to higher success for users.
hybrid models, enabling instructional designers The project team is also developing Open Osmosis, a
including those at National Louis University292 to crowdsourcing model for anyone to contribute content
author customized courses with adaptive learning through open access models.
The growth of adaptive learning technologies, explored For Further Reading
earlier in this report, is also expanding the possibilities The following articles and resources are recommended for
for a wealth of data LMS are able to collect and analyze. those who wish to learn more about next-generation LMS:
Smart Sparrow, for example, enables educators to 6 Implications of the Next-Generation Digital
customize highly visual content for their classes Learning Environments (NGDLE) Framework
needs and then track how students are engaging go.nmc.org/6imp
with the material, flagging common mistakes and (Malcolm Brown, Next Generation Learning Blog, 6
misconceptions.294 The promise of next-generation LMS June 2016.) The EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative Director
is that this kind of data will be seamlessly aggregated synthesizes the major themes of the organizations
with student demographic, grades, social presence, seminal work on the blueprint for NGDLEs, citing the
and other data points to provide a more holistic essential role of policy and governance and the need to
picture of learning progress. Another area of interest rethink the way institutions collaborate with each other.
is platforms that curate a range of resources for self- Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) 2.0
directed learning. Sandstorm, a company in the British go.nmc.org/atag
Indian Ocean Territory, aims to make the best open- (W3C, W3C Recommendations, 24 September 2015.)
source web apps such as WordPress, Etherpad, and Higher education professionals involved in the
Wekan295 integrate more seamlessly within institutions development of next-generation LMS should look to
learning ecosystems.296 This strategy emphasizes ATAG 2.0, a set of guidelines for designing web content
greater personalization and access to a continuously authoring tools that promote universal design.
expanding array of digital tools. EdCast uses a similar Beyond the LMS
model, aggregating content from existing LMS and go.nmc.org/beyondlms
recommending resources based on learners needs.297 (Audrey Watters, Hack Education, 5 September 2014.)
The author examines the current landscape of LMS with
Next-Generation LMS in Practice a critical lens, cautioning that other countries may be
The following links provide examples of next-generation adopting unworthy models from the US and advocating
LMS in use that have direct implications for higher for systems that foster more open and participatory
education settings: learning.
46 NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition

Artificial Intelligence
Time-to-Adoption Horizon: Four to Five Years

n the field of artificial intelligence (AI), advances a need for interfaces that crystalize how it works to
in computer science are being leveraged to foster greater trust. IBM has been a leader in this area,
create intelligent machines that more closely releasing images and explanatory charts for its medical
resemble humans in their functions.298 The AI systems.307 In higher education, the possibilities
knowledge engineering that allows computers to for virtual tutors and more sophisticated adaptive
simulate human perception, learning, and decision- learning tools are routinely met with concern that the
making is based on access to categories, properties, technology, no matter how humanlike, cannot and
and relationships between various information should not replace educators.308 The book Interfaces,
sets. Machine learning is a subset of AI, providing by Cornell University professor Brandon Hookway,309
computers the ability to learn without being explicitly envisions a more balanced future for higher education
programmed.299 As another significant area of in the vein of Interface University. In this view, AI-
research, neural networks model the biological enabled computers are not seen as a tool, but instead
function of human brains to interpret and react to as a third hemisphere of the brain that enhances the
specific inputs such as words and tone of voice. Neural creative and cognitive learning processes an equal
networks are proving valuable for more sophisticated and symbiotic partnership, or hybrid mind, between
natural user interfaces through voice recognition and humans and their devices.310
natural language processing, allowing humans to
Machine learning is already spurring progress in both
interact with machines similarly to how they interact
professional life and informal learning. The citizen
with each other.300 As the underlying technologies
science project, Smart Flower Recognition System, is
continue to develop, AI has the potential to enhance
a partnership between Microsoft Research Asia and
online learning, adaptive learning software, and
Chinese Academy of Sciences to help botanists in
research processes in ways that more intuitively
China quickly identify plants with photos taken by
respond to and engage with students.
smartphones. Through neural networking, algorithms
automatically filter out low-quality image submissions
and identify the flowers in the photo database with
Since the 1950s, the benchmark for machine intelligence
over 90% accuracy.311 The implications of this kind of
has been the Turing Test, which requires that a human
project for student and faculty research are compelling,
be unable to distinguish a machine from another human
as search queries no longer have to be based on text. To
in conversations and real-world situations.301 IThe test
scale the affordances of AI over the next four to five years,
was finally beaten in 2014302 and AI is now regularly
higher education can start with open-source codes and
leveraged in higher education in the form of 24/7 online
open software libraries for numerical computation, as
help desks, including the use of IBM Watson at Deakin
provided by OpenAI312 and Googles TensorFlow.313
University.303 AIs full potential for education remains
untapped, but institutions can look to developments
in the consumer sector. Virtual assistants, for example,
Relevance for Teaching, Learning, or
interpret verbal cues to respond conversationally,
Creative Inquiry
An overarching goal of artificial intelligence is to bolster
mirroring human interaction.304 Though popular
productivity and engagement, better supporting the
avatars like Siri and Cortana are built into smartphones,
global workforce and individuals in their daily lives.314 This
Amazons Alexa is becoming a household name as a
makes this technology promising for higher education,
standalone, always-listening assistant that uses far-field
especially as teaching and learning increasingly take
microphones to retrieve information from the web on
place online. Adaptive learning, featured earlier in this
command.305 Indeed, autonomous technology that
report, leverages basic AI algorithms to personalize
caters to peoples needs is in the spotlight; Uber recently
learning, delivering content that best suits students
piloted a fleet of self-driving cars, safely transporting
needs based on performance and engagement with the
customers around San Francisco.306
subject matter.315 As institutions gather an increasing
Some fear, however, that the field is advancing faster amount of data on student learning, they also need
than peoples understanding of it. By nature, AI is tools to mine and analyze it at scale; machine learning
complex and opaque in its functioning, so there is enterprise software including Jenzabar316 and IBM
Time-to-Adoption Horizon: Four to Five Years 47

SPSS317 help colleges and universities interpret the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at UM
data to support student retention, improve financial go.nmc.org/umail
aid programs, and predict future enrollment. Emerging A key focus of the University of Michigans AI lab is
approaches like competency-based education will researching and developing assistive technology for
require more sophisticated forms of AI to assess those with physical and cognitive impairments. One
concrete skill acquisition, such as the 3D modeling and such project is the design of a computer interface
prototyping of a car, to provide tailored feedback. that automatically adjusts to cater to the needs of the
In pursuit of greater personalization in higher education,
SAIL-Toyota Research Center
thought leaders such as Bill Gates champion AI tutors.
Providing thorough feedback on writing assignments,
The Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory has
for example, is an extensive and time-consuming
partnered with Toyota to conduct research for the next
process for instructors; virtual tutors can transcend generation of intelligent automobiles. Researchers in
checking for surface level errors to analyze meaning, fields including machine learning, robotics, and natural
themes, and arguments to provide granular feedback to language processing are coming together to develop
students. In online classrooms, the tutors can interrupt new algorithms.
video lectures to ask questions directly to learners,
replaying snippets of the video if it is clear the student is University of Cambridge Artificial Intelligence
struggling to understand specific subject matter.318 This Group (AIG)
kind of omnipresent support and mentoring can fill in
The AIG spans multiple disciplines including
gaps, particularly for large introductory courses where
genomics, computational learning theory, and informal
it is challenging for instructors to give their pupils one- reasoning to devise powerful algorithms that address
on-one attention. Researchers at the National School machines pattern recognition issues and subsequently
of Engineers of Sousse in Tunisia are investigating an identify practical applications for those models.
AI tutoring system that recognizes facial expressions as
students engage in science experiments in remote and For Further Reading
virtual labs.319 The following articles and resources are recommended
for those who wish to learn more about artificial
However, skepticism about the ethics of AI may
hamper progress. The World Economic Forum cites
learned biases, such as racism, as a major concern, Four Ways that Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit
questioning humans ability to prevent such unintended Universities
consequences.320 As AI proponents wade through these go.nmc.org/4ways
issues, universities are vital incubators for developing (Rose Luckin, Times Higher Education, 9 August 2016.)
new enabling technology. MITs Computer Science In addition to three other affordances, the author
and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory recently created notes that higher education is well positioned to
a deep learning algorithm that observes still images train students to work alongside complex intelligent
systems; workers who can adeptly discern how and
and then creates brief videos that simulate likely future
where human intelligence can augment machines have
events.321 In Switzerland, the University of Zurichs AI
the potential to increase productivity.
Lab developed Roboy, a humanoid robot with lifelike
joints and tendons that prompted many follow-up The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Education
activities; through the human brain project, for example, go.nmc.org/futai
scientists and professors are simulating human brains (Barbara Kurshan, Forbes, 10 March 2016.) Advancements
for robots.322 Progress in embedding AI into everyday in AI still lag behind in education. The article cites progress
life hinges on the advancement of natural-language at Cornell University and Brown University in the design
processing to spark more genuine interactions between of robots that can learn how to perform small tasks.
machine and man. Researchers at the Free University Higher Education for the AI Age
of Brussels are investigating how robotic agents can go.nmc.org/machinesdo
self-organize languages, positing that meaning can co- (Joseph E. Aoun, The Washington Post, 27 October 2016.)
evolve with language.323 A 2016 survey reveals 80% of AI researchers assert that
machines will achieve levels of artificial intelligence
Artificial Intelligence in Practice that match human intelligence. With AIs increasing
The following links provide examples of artificial applications in professional domains such as medical
intelligence in use that have direct implications for diagnosis, the author encourages people to view higher
higher education: education less as a one-stop milestone and more as a
vehicle for lifelong learning.
48 NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition

Natural User Interfaces

Time-to-Adoption Horizon: Four to Five Years

growing list of devices built with natural user their devices. With its virtual assistant Siri, Apple is
interfaces (NUIs) accept input in the form of experimenting with speaker recognition where voice
taps, swipes, and other ways of touching; biometrics can be utilized for user authentication.328
hand and arm motions; body movement; The developers of wearables are also tapping into
and increasingly, natural language. Tablets gesture recognition as their interfaces evolve. The Korea
and smartphones were among the first devices to Institute of Science and Technologys third iteration
allow computers to recognize and interpret physical of smart glasses called K-Glass 3 can now detect hand
gestures as a means of control.324 These NUIs enable movements and provide virtual text or piano keyboards
users to engage in virtual activities with movements to make the interfaces more intuitive and convenient.329
similar to what they would use in the real world,
Haptic technology where users interact with sensors,
manipulating content intuitively. There is a rising
actuators, and software that, in tandem, simulate
level of interactive fidelity in systems that understand
physical touch is a NUI category seeing considerable
gestures, facial expressions, and their nuances, as well
experimentation in the consumer and education
as the convergence of gesture-sensing technology
sectors.330 Researchers at the University of Sussex are
with voice recognition. While there are many
piloting interfaces that use skin as a touchscreen
applications of gesture and voice recognition already,
a solution to the decreasing size of wearables such
developments in haptic technology, tactile sensations
as smartwatches. Called SkinHaptics, the tool sends
that convey information to the user, are creating
ultrasound waves through the back of the hand to
new areas of scientific inquiry and application in
a screen display on the palm.331 Although higher
education is years away from fully unlocking the
potential of NUIs to dramatically change how learners
use computers, the medical training field is already
Although natural user interfaces were largely
raising compelling implications. Force feedback haptic
popularized with the launch of the iPhone and its
technology is augmenting the robotic surgery already
touchscreen in 2007, the concept of the natural user
taking place by helping surgeons more accurately feel
interface was already forming. Discussions around the
inside a human body as they interact with tissues. This
development of interfaces beyond command line and
has applications in anatomy studies where medical
graphical user interfaces came about in the 1970s and
students train with a limited supply of cadavers. Haptic
80s when Steve Mann, widely regarded as the father
technology would allow learners to engage with a
of wearable computing, began experimenting with
digital patient in a more realistic manner.332
human-machine interactions that developed into
NUIs.326 According to a report by Tracxn, over $800
million has been invested in NUIs since 2010 in six major
Relevance for Teaching, Learning, or
categories: speech recognition, touchscreen interfaces,
Creative Inquiry
Natural user interfaces are becoming instrumental
gesture recognition, eye-tracking, haptics, and brain
in the research and training of medical professionals.
computer interface. Higher education is playing a
Rice Universitys Mechatronics and Haptic Interfaces
major role in these developments as many enabling
Lab is experimenting with neurotechnology to help
technologies are being designed at universities and
stroke patients regain movement. Researchers there
impact how students in the future will engage with
have developed a robotic orthotic device that uses a
learning technologies.327
stroke patients brain waves to operate an exoskeleton
The development of NUIs in the consumer realm is likely surrounding their arm from elbow to fingertips.333
to impact higher education as learning organizations Stanford University researchers have created the
need to cater to the evolving expectations of learners. Wolverine, a mobile, wearable haptic device that
Industry leaders including Amazon, Apple, and Google simulates grasping a rigid object in virtual reality.334 At
have all developed voice-enabled products that the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, nursing students
are gaining traction in the market. The NDP Groups are using a haptic feedback system for nasogastric tube
recent research study found that 73% of smartphone placement training. Inserting a plastic tube into the
owners already use voice commands to interact with stomach for feeding or drainage is important in nursing
Time-to-Adoption Horizon: Four to Five Years 49

training as misplacement could lead to complications HoloMed: A Low-Cost Gesture-Based Holographic

or even death; using a computer-simulated virtual System to Learn Normal Delivery Process (PDF)
environment mitigates risk and allows for greater go.nmc.org/arxiv
accuracy.335 Photographs are often used to visualize certain
elements in medicine studies, but they are insufficient
Developments in NUIs are enabling greater access to because of their static nature. HoloMed is a holographic
education for those with disabilities. Visually-impaired system paired with a gesture based interface that
learners will soon be able to benefit from the work of a helps students more accurately visualize the childbirth
team of cross-disciplinary researchers from University of process.
Michigans Engineering, Music, and Theater and Dance
Schools. The team is developing a tablet with a full- Improving Motivation in a Haptic Teaching/
scale refreshable browser display that uses air or fluid Learning Framework
pneumatics to push dots up and down, allowing for go.nmc.org/improm
many lines of Braille as well as the possibility of reading Engineering researchers in Spain have developed a
graphs, spreadsheets, and other spatially distributed framework for building haptic feedback simulators in
mathematic and scientific information.336 At Deakin education. Simulators give students in fields such as
University, researchers are developing bespoke haptic- civil engineering education, electronic engineering
related research for improving appreciation in the arts. education, and surgery the opportunity to virtually
interact with infrastructure, critical devices, and body
Their Haptic-Enabled Art Realization (HEAR) project is a
tissues and organs, respectively.
platform that enables the visually-impaired to feel the
information within a two-dimensional work of art.337
For Further Reading
Experiments with NUIs have the potential to unearth The following articles and resources are recommended
new forms of learning and communication in education. for those who wish to learn more about natural user
Disney Research has developed an electrostatic interfaces:
vibration technology nicknamed the TeslaTouch that Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Go to Work
enhances smooth glass displays with tactile sensations, go.nmc.org/arandvr
enabling users to feel bumps, ridges, and other textures. (Nelson Kunkel, Deloitte University Press, 24 February
This technology offers possibilities for more profound 2016.) Technologies such as augmented reality and
interactions with educational content. Applied to virtual reality have introduced new interfaces that are
mobile devices, the phenomenon of electrically- changing how organizations do business improving
induced tactile sensation creates the potential for fidelity of intention, increasing efficiency, and fostering
interactive textbooks, allowing students to manipulate innovation.
3D objects directly on a page.338 At the University of
Tampere in Finland, current projects are investigating A Tactile Palette to Translate Graphics for the
an entirely new form of human-technology interface Visually Impaired
that adds a fresh dimension to communications that are go.nmc.org/tacolor
primarily audio and visual in nature. Their Digital Scents (Muhammad Usman Raza et al, National Braille
project measures scents through an electronic nose and Technology, accessed 18 January 2017.) Research led
by Disney and the National Braille Press investigates
converts that information into a numbering system,
the use of electrostatic vibration on friction-enabled
enabling the digital transfer of olfactory perceptions
displays to convey color information. With a tactile
and experience around the world.339
palette of six stimuli corresponding to six specific colors,
visually impaired users will be able to perceive color in
Natural User Interfaces in Practice two-dimensional graphics.
The following links provide examples of natural user
interfaces in use that have direct implications for higher Why Conversational UI is the Next Big Digital
education settings: Disruption
Computer Aided Engineering Design and Virtual (Sarat Pediredla, IT Pro Portal, 1 April 2016.) User
Prototyping interfaces are moving from graphical user interfaces
go.nmc.org/pvamu to conversational user interfaces where people can use
A mechanical research project at Prairie View A&M their voices to interact with a device. Machine learning
University is combining freeform shape modeling and advancements in big data will increasingly enable
with virtual reality techniques to improve aerospace, computers to understand hypothetical objects and
automobile, and model prototyping. The virtual future events.
sculpting process uses a PowerWall VR system and a
haptic controller.
50 NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition


he process used to research and create the NMC Once the panel for a particular edition is constituted,
Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition their work begins with a systematic review of the
is rooted in the methods used across all the literature press clippings, reports, essays, and other
research conducted within the NMC Horizon materials that pertains to technology developments,
Project. All editions of the NMC Horizon Report trends and challenges, current research and reports,
are informed by both primary and secondary research. and more. Panelists are provided with an extensive set
Dozens of meaningful trends, challenges, and important of background materials when the project begins and
developments in technology are examined for possible are then asked to comment on them, identify those that
inclusion in the report for each edition before the expert seem especially worthwhile, and add to the set.
panel selects the 18 topics profiled here.
Following the review of the literature, the expert
Every report draws on the expertise of an international panel engages in the central focus of the process
expert panel that first considers a broad set of trends, the research questions that are at the core of the
challenges, and developments in technology, and then NMC Horizon Project. The group discusses existing
explores each of them in progressively more detail, applications and manifestations of trends, challenges,
reducing the set until the final listing of topics is selected. and technology developments while also brainstorming
This process takes place online, where it is captured in new ones. A key criterion for the inclusion of a topic
the NMC Horizon Project wiki. The wiki is intended to in this edition is its potential relevance to teaching,
be a completely transparent window into the work of learning, and creative inquiry in higher education.
the project, one that not only provides a real-time view
These research questions are designed to elicit a
of the work as it happens, but also contains the entire
comprehensive listing of interesting technology
record of the process for each of the various editions
developments, challenges, and trends from the panel:
published since 2006. The wiki used for the NMC Horizon

Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition can be found at Which of the important developments in
horizon.wiki.nmc.org. educational technology catalogued in the NMC
Horizon Project Listing will be most important
This year, the panel was composed of 78 education to teaching, learning, or creative inquiry for higher
and technology experts from 22 countries on five education within the next five years?
continents; their names and affiliations are listed at the

end of this report. Despite their diversity of backgrounds What important developments in educational
and experience, they share a consensus view that each technology are missing from our list? Consider
of the profiled topics will have a significant impact on these related questions:
the practice of higher education around the globe over
the next five years. > What would you list among the established
developments in technology that some
The procedure for selecting the topics in the report is institutions are using today that arguably
based on a modified Delphi process refined over the all higher education institutions should be
now 15 years of producing the NMC Horizon Report using broadly to support or enhance teaching,
series, and began with the assembly of the panel. The learning, or creative inquiry?
panel represents a wide range of backgrounds, yet
> What technologies that have a solid user
each member brings a relevant expertise. Over the
base in consumer, entertainment, or other
years of the NMC Horizon Project research, more than
industries should higher education institutions
2,000 internationally recognized practitioners and
be actively looking for ways to apply?
experts have participated on the panels; in any given
year, a third of panel members are new, ensuring a > What are the developments in technology
flow of fresh perspectives. Nominations to serve on the you see advancing to the point that higher
expert panel are encouraged and can be submitted at education institutions should begin to take
go.nmc.org/panel. notice during the next four to five years?

What key trends do you expect to accelerate
educational technology uptake in higher

What do you see as the significant challenges
impeding educational technology uptake in
higher education during the next five years?
In the first step of this approach, the responses to
the research questions are systematically ranked and
placed into adoption horizons by each expert panel
member using a multi-vote system that allows members
to weight and categorize their selections. These are
compiled into a collective ranking, and inevitably, the
ones around which there is the most agreement are
quickly apparent.
From the comprehensive list of trends, challenges, and
developments in technology originally considered for
any report, the dozen that emerge at the top of the initial
ranking process in each area are further researched and
expanded. Once these interim results are identified, the
group explores the ways in which these topics impact
teaching and learning in colleges and universities. A
significant amount of time is spent researching real and
potential applications for each of the topics that would
be of interest to practitioners. The semi-finalist topics of
the interim results are then ranked yet again. The final
topics selected by the expert panel are those detailed
here in the NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education
52 NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition

The 2017 Higher Education Expert Panel

Samantha Adams Becker Marwin Britto Tom Haymes Bryn Lutes Bill Shewbridge
Co-Principal Investigator University of Saskatchewan Houston Community College Washington University in University of Maryland,
New Media Consortium Canada United States St. Louis Baltimore County
United States United States United States
Daniel Burgos Doug Hearrington
Malcolm Brown International University of La James Madison University Damian McDonald Paul Signorelli
Co-Principal Investigator Rioja (UNIR) United States University of Leeds Paul Signorelli & Associates
EDUCAUSE Learning Spain United Kingdom United States
Initiative Anthony Helm
United States Chun-Yen Chang Dartmouth College Courtney Miller Barbara Smith
National Taiwan Normal United States University of Southern Niagara College
Michele Cummins University California Canada
Horizon Project Taiwan Susan Hines United States
Operations San Jose City College Nachamma Sockalingam
New Media Consortium Fiona Concannon United States Lawrence G. Miller Singapore University of
United States NUI Galway Miller & Associates Technology and Design
Ireland Brad Hinson United States Singapore
Veronica Diaz University of Colorado
Researcher Deborah Cooke Denver Ruth Nemire Jan Svrdhagen
EDUCAUSE Learning Western Governors University United States American Association of Dalarna University
Initiative United States Colleges of Pharmacy Sweden
Ted Kahn United States
United States David Thomas
Paulo Dantas DesignWorlds for Learning,
_________________________ Javier No Sanchez University of Colorado
Associao Cultura Inglesa Inc.
Bryan Alexander So Paulo United States Loyola University Andalusia Denver
Bryan Alexander Consulting, Brazil Vivo Technology Inc. Spain United States
LLC United Kingdom
Rebecca Frost Davis Sunay Palsole Kelvin Thompson
United States University of Central Florida
St. Edwards University AJ Kelton Texas A&M University
Joseph Antonioli United States Emerging Learning Design / United States United States
Middlebury College Montclair State University
Kyle Dickson United States David Parkes Paul Turner
United States De Montfort University University of Notre Dame
Abilene Christian University
Kumiko Aoki United States Mike Kenney United Kingdom United States
Open University of Japan Cuyahoga Community
Yvette Drager College Andrew Phelps Michael van Wetering
Japan Rochester Institute of
Department of Training and United States Kennisnet Foundation
Kevin Ashford-Rowe Workforce Development Technology The Netherlands
Australian Catholic Australia David Kernohan United States
Jisc Kristen Vogt
University Emy Phillips
Kimberly Eke United Kingdom Next Generation Learning
Australia California State University,
University of Pennsylvania Challenges (NGLC)
Armagan Ateskan United States Whitney Kilgore Fresno United States
Bilkent University University of North Texas United States
Maya Georgieva United States Ryan Wetzel
Turkey Alexandra M. Pickett
Digital Bodies - Immersive Pennsylvania State University
Yordanos Baharu Learning Lisa Koster State University of New York United States
The George Washington United States Conestoga College United States
Canada Niki Whiteside
University Ruben Puentedura
Aline Germain-Rutherford San Jacinto College
United States
University of Ottawa Ole Lauridsen Hippasus United States
Elizabeth Barrie Canada Aarhus University United States
Denmark Neil Witt
University of Nevada Las Michael Reese
David Gibson Plymouth University
Curtin University Mike Lawrence Johns Hopkins University United Kingdom
United States United States
Australia CUE
United States Matthew Worwood
Helga Bechmann Jaime Reinoso
Rob Gibson University of Connecticut
Multimedia Kontor Hamburg
Emporia State University Fernando Ledezma Pontificia Universidad United States
GmbH Javeriana Cali
United States University of Chihuahua
Germany Colombia Noeline Wright
Melissa Green The University of Waikato
Jean-Pierre Berthet Gilly Salmon
University of Alabama Deborah Lee New Zealand
Ecole Centrale de Lyon University Western Australia
United States Mississippi State University
France Australia Francisca Yonekura
United States
Stella Hadjistassou University of Central Florida
Jorge Bossio Ramesh Sharma
KIOS Research Center for Joan Lippincott United States
Universidad Peruana de Wawasan Open University
Intelligent Systems and Coalition for Networked
Ciencias Aplicadas Malaysia Deone Zell
Networks, University of Information (CNI)
Peru California State University,
Cyprus United States
Cyprus Northridge
United States


1 https://techcrunch.com/2016/07/21/the-role-of-higher- 53 http://www.bizedmagazine.com/archives/2017/1/features/ 103 http://www.npr.org/2016/12/14/505547295/fake-news-expert-

education-in-entrepreneurship/ business-schools-teach-with-telepresence on-how-false-stories-spread-and-why-people-believe-them
2 https://www.tiaainstitute.org/public/pdf/cultivating_strategic_ 54 http://www.edtechmagazine.com/higher/article/2016/08/ 104 https://youtu.be/UnrUTPb-Bfs?list=PLVwavmSEaasH_twUVwJ-
innovation_in_higher_ed.pdf (PDF) colleges-transform-campus-sites-high-tech-spaces zhSo38lewevY9
3 http://evolllution.com/managing-institution/higher_ed_business/ 55 https://campustechnology.com/articles/2016/06/08/designing- 105 https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/digcomporg/framework
accepting-risk-and-rejecting-the-status-quo-fostering-an- learning-spaces-for-innovation.aspx 106 https://www.jisc.ac.uk/guides/developing-successful-student-
innovative-higher-ed-culture/ 56 https://ww2.kqed.org/mindshift/2016/02/05/what-colleges-can- staff-partnerships
4 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/ gain-by-adding-makerspaces-to-its-libraries/ 107 https://www.jisc.ac.uk/rd/projects/building-digital-capability
S1877042816301252 57 http://www.nottingham.edu.cn/en/news/2016/unnc-launches- 108 https://discoverytool.jisc.ac.uk/discovery-
5 http://chroniclegreatcolleges.com/blog/indicators-culture- incubator-centre.aspx tool/57f5af9013b67a9a177f2ff1/intro
innovation/ 58 https://nfb.org/higher-education-accessibility-online-resource- 109 https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/studysmart/home/digital_
6 http://www.ecampusnews.com/entry/rethinking-state-funding- center literacy
policies-to-spur-innovation/ 59 http://www.edtechmagazine.com/higher/article/2016/10/ 110 http://digipo.io/
7 https://itif.org/publications/2016/08/01/improve-quality-and- universal-design-does-your-campus-comply 111 https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/digital-skills-
reduce-costs-higher-education-itif-calls-policies 60 https://www.jisc.ac.uk/guides/learning-spaces core-new-skills-agenda-europe
8 http://www.washington.edu/president/2016/06/20/universitys- 61 https://campustechnology.com/articles/2016/05/17/flexspace- 112 https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/publication/eur-scientific-and-
role-innovation-ecosystem-times-higher-education-asia-summit- sharing-the-best-of-learning-space-design.aspx technical-research-reports/digcomp-20-digital-competence-
keynote/ 62 https://www.learningenvironments.unsw.edu.au/content/PALS framework-citizens-update-phase-1-conceptual-reference-model
9 https://www.timeshighereducation.com/comment/innovation- 63 http://www.surrey.ac.uk/tel/news/160634_active_learning_ 113 http://www.skillsfuture.sg/
nation-hong-kongs-eyes-on-the-future spaces.htm 114 http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/education/starting-jan-1-
10 http://makercommons.psu.edu 64 http://acrobatiq.com/what-is-blended-learning-in-higher-ed-six- singaporeans-aged-25-and-above-will-get-500-credit-to-upgrade
11 http://sydney.edu.au/news-opinion/news/2016/10/24/a-pilot- definitions-from-thought-leaders/ 115 http://www.teachingandlearning.ie/transforming-personal-
program-drives-innovation-across-the-.html 65 https://campustechnology.com/articles/2016/10/12/55-percent- professional-digital-capacities-teaching-learning-contexts-
12 https://www.nesta.org.uk/sites/default/files/the_challenge- of-faculty-are-flipping-the-classroom.aspx collaboration-social-policy-educators-students-learning-technolo-
driven_university.pdf (PDF) 66 https://nowtoronto.com/lifestyle/class-action/how-virtual-reality- gists/
13 http://www.hewlett.org/library/deeper-learning-defined/ is-changing-post-secondary-education/ 116 http://www.ed.ac.uk/information-services/about/news/
14 http://www.shsu.edu/centers/project-based-learning/higher- 67 http://www.eurodl.org/?p=current&sp=brief&article=717 wikimedian-in-residence
education.html 68 http://www.christenseninstitute.org/blog/breaking-cycle- 117 http://thinking.is.ed.ac.uk/wir/
15 http://cbl.digitalpromise.org/wp-content/uploads/ education-fads/ 118 http://www.23things.ed.ac.uk/
sites/7/2016/10/CBL_Guide2016.pdf (PDF) 69 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4973547/#CR13 119 http://www.northwestern.edu/provost/faculty-honors/digital-
16 http://www.inquirybasedlearning.org/about/#/what-is-ibl/ 70 http://www.usnews.com/education/best-graduate-schools/top- learning-fellowships/index.html
17 http://www.air.org/sites/default/files/downloads/report/ law-schools/articles/2016-11-07/law-schools-experiment-with- 120 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/
Graduation-Advantage-Persists-Deeper-Learning-Report-March- partially-online-learning S0747563213003075
2016-rev.pdf (PDF) 71 https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2016/09/26/u-vermont- 121 http://infed.org/mobi/informal-learning-theory-practice-and-
18 http://acue.org/quality-teaching/ medical-school-get-rid-all-lecture-courses experience
19 http://www.uq.edu.au/teach/flipped-classroom/problem-bl.html 72 http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0024/002468/246851e.pdf 122 https://www.academicimpressions.com/news/current-state-
20 http://www.education-inquiry.net/index.php/edui/article/ (PDF) competency-based-education-us
view/27287 73 http://www.blended-learning.com.au/ 123 https://hostingfacts.com/internet-facts-stats-2016/
21 http://www.economist.com/news/international/21701081-new- 74 https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/jaln_full_issue/online- 124 http://etale.org/main/2016/06/29/learning-that-sticks-is-usually-
crop-hands-universities-transforming-how-students-learn-flying- learning-2016-olc-conference-special-issue/ informal-implications-for-school/
high 75 https://events.educause.edu/eli/courses/webinar/2016/eli-course- 125 http://libguides.humboldt.edu/brainbooth
22 https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/project-based-learning- teaching-in-blended-learning-environments 126http://www.forbes.com/sites/gradsoflife/2016/06/13/are-digital-
business-education-paul-mcafee 76 https://kiron.ngo/about badges-the-new-measure-of-mastery/#c17b9ed23aec
23 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/233224245_ 77 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/ 127 https://assets.aspeninstitute.org/content/uploads/files/content/
Case_study_of_a_project-based_learning_course_in_civil_ S1877042816000641 upload/NC3%20Case%20Study.pdf (PDF)
engineering_design 78 http://www.cte.cornell.edu/teaching-ideas/engaging-students/ 128 http://www.qqi.ie/Publications/European%20guidelines%20
24 http://www.bie.org/blog/pbl_is_making_headway_in_higher_ collaborative-learning.html for%20validating%20non-formal%20and%20informal%20
education 79 http://www.education.umd.edu/Academics/Faculty/Bios/facData/ learning%20-%20CEDEFOP%202015.pdf (PDF)
25 http://hechingerreport.org/the-inquiry-based-approach-to- CHSE/cabrera/CollaborativeLearning.pdf (PDF) 129 http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/en/publications-and-resources/
higher-ed-that-could-prevent-college-students-from-dropping- 80 http://www.connectededucators.org/briefs/online-communities- data-visualisations/european-database-on-validation-of-non-
out/ of-practice-for-educators/ formal-and-informal-learning
26 http://edworkforce.house.gov/news/documentsingle. 81 http://agb.org/trusteeship/2015/taming-big-data-using-data- 130 https://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2016/08/16/testing-access-
aspx?DocumentID=400894 analytics-for-student-success-and-institutional low-income-students-new-generation-higher-education-
27 http://www1.udel.edu/inst/partners/panpbl.html 82 https://www.cte.cornell.edu/teaching-ideas/engaging-students/ providers
28 http://www.bie.org/blog/gold_standard_pbl_essential_project_ collaborative-learning.html 131 http://www.discuss-community.eu/validation-of-informal-
design_elements 83 http://www.uq.edu.au/teach/flipped-classroom/collaborative- learning-3/item/282-vince-validation-for-inclusion-of-refugees-
29 http://wp.wpi.edu/projectbasedlearning/ learning.html and-migrants-in-european-higher-education.html
30 http://www.aacu.org/peerreview/2016/winter-spring/Musselman 84 Ledlow, Susan. Cooperative Learning in Higher Education. 132 http://www.openrecognition.org/
31 http://edglossary.org/assessment/ Arizona State University, 1999. 133 http://www.mq.edu.au/study/admissions/recognition-of-prior-
32 http://nextgenlearning.org/next-gen-assessment 85 https://coi.athabascau.ca/coi-model/ learning
33 https://tekri.athabascau.ca/analytics/ 86 http://www.sixthtone.com/news/how-wechat-changing-online- 134 https://www.tcd.ie/teaching-learning/assets/pdf/RPL%20
34 http://er.educause.edu/articles/2016/8/big-data-analysis-in- learning-we-know-it Policy%20Final.pdf (PDF)
higher-education-promises-and-pitfalls 87 https://altmba.com/about 135 http://er.educause.edu/articles/2016/12/competency-based-
35 http://epress.lib.uts.edu.au/journals/index.php/JLA/article/ 88 https://www.edsurge.com/news/2016-03-04-could-slack-be-the- education-saving-students-time-and-money
view/5081/5595 next-online-learning-platform 136 http://www.nea.org/home/20380.htm
36 https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2015/10/wearable-tech-true- 89 http://www.iie.org/Who-We-Are/News-and-Events/Press-Center/ 137 https://www.eab.com/research-and-insights/continuing-and-
health/ Press-Releases/2016/2016-03-01-EducationUSA-Leadership- online-education-forum/expert-insights/2016/non-traditional-
37 http://acrobatiq.com/from-course-to-curriculum-an-interview- Institutes-2016#.WDRnCKIrLEY student-success
with-ray-henderson-on-the-coming-lms-paradigm-shift/ 90 http://www.apjce.org/files/APJCE_17_3_227_247.pdf (PDF) 138 http://www.tonywagner.com/69
38 https://analytics.jiscinvolve.org/wp/files/2016/04/CASE-STUDY-I- 91 Cook, Lisa. How Georgia State University Plans to Use Predictive 139 http://fortune.com/2015/06/03/bill-gates-college-grads/.
Nottingham-Trent-University.pdf (PDF) Analytics to Address the National Achievement Gap. Academic 140 http://www.ecampusnews.com/technologies/underserved-
39 https://www.datanami.com/2016/11/01/data-analytics-higher- Impressions, February 2, 2016. http://www.academicimpressions. chicago-adaptive-737/.
education/ com/news/how-georgia-state-university-plans-use-predictive- 141 http://portal.unesco.org/geography/es/
40 http://www.laceproject.eu/ethics-privacy/ analytics-address-national-achievement-gap. files/13662/12960781625TOM_-_Brazil%27s_Ed_System_EN.pdf/
41 https://www.jisc.ac.uk/guides/code-of-practice-for-learning- 92 Kurzweil, Martin, and D. Derek Wu. Building a Path to Student TOM%2B-%2BBrazil%27s%2BEd%2BSystem_EN.pdf (PDF)
analytics Success at Georgia State University. Ithaka S+R, April 23, 2015. 142 https://data.oecd.org/eduatt/graduation-rate.htm#indicator-chart
42 https://analytics.jiscinvolve.org/wp/files/2016/04/CASE-STUDY-H- http://www.sr.ithaka.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/SR_Case_ 143 http://www.nationalreview.com/article/425506/gender-gap-
Open-University-UK.pdf (PDF) Study_Building_Pathway_Student_Success_042315_0.pdf (PDF). college-fatherless-households
43 https://na-production.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/Promise- 93 Talbot, Jenna Schuette. US Department of Education Awards UIA 144 http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2015/2015025.pdf (PDF)
and-Peril_4.pdf (PDF) $8.9 Million to Evaluate Analytics-Based Advising for Low-Income 145 https://www.eab.com/research-and-insights/continuing-and-
44 http://www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/online-resources/ and First-Generation College Students. University Innovation online-education-forum/expert-insights/2016/non-traditional-
databases/ict-in-education-database/item/article/scaling-out- Alliance, September 21, 2015. http://www.theuia.org/blog/ student-success.
teaching-scaling-up-learning-some-thoughts-on-innovation-in- post/us-department-education-awards-uia-89-million-evaluate- 146 http://er.educause.edu/articles/2016/3/how-personalized-
higher-education/ analytics-based-advising-low-income. learning-unlocks-student-success
45 http://postsecondary.gatesfoundation.org/areas-of-focus/ 94 http://www.geekwire.com/2016/gix-groundbreaking/ 147 http://www.usnews.com/opinion/knowledge-bank/2016/02/17/
incentives/policy-advocacy/making-difference/bridget-burns/ 95 https://www.timeshighereducation.com/blog/office-students- the-approaching-revolution-of-competency-based-higher-
46 https://www.aacu.org/press/press-releases/multi-state- must-promote-collaboration-well-competition education
collaboration-produces-valuable-new-evidence-about-writing- 96 http://www.hope.edu/news/2016/academics/grant-to-support- 148 http://www.pellinstitute.org/downloads/publications-Indicators_
critical faculty-and-students-in-interdisciplinary-exploration-of-grand- of_Higher_Education_Equity_in_the_US_2016_Historical_Trend_
47 https://www.engineering.unsw.edu.au/news/worlds-first- challenges.html Report.pdf (PDF)
adaptive-engineering-course-opens-up-engineering- 97 http://www.forbes.com/sites/jordanshapiro/2015/10/31/ 149 http://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2016/04/the-
fundamentals-to-all five-technology-fundamentals-that-all-kids-need-to- growing-wealth-gap-in-who-earns-college-degrees/479688/
48 https://sf-asset-manager.s3.amazonaws.com/96945/2/19.pdf (PDF) learnnow/#1a712e397c8c 150 http://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-
49 http://learning-analytics.info/journals/index.php/JLA/article/ 98 http://blog.core-ed.org/blog/2015/10/what-is-digital-fluency.html finance/080616/6-countries-virtually-free-college-tuition.asp
view/4888/5628 99 http://www.digitalcitizenship.net/Nine_Elements.html 151 http://www.ed.gov/college
50 http://www.csusm.edu/classrooms/ 100 http://er.educause.edu/articles/2016/3/from-written-to-digital- 152 http://blog.ed.gov/2015/10/latinosachieve-when-we-believe-in-
51 http://case.edu/hololens/ the-new-literacy them/
52 http://www.conferenceboard.ca/topics/education/ 101 https://www.jisc.ac.uk/guides/developing-digital-literacies 153 http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/education_culture/repository/education/
commentaries/16-05-16/innovation_in_learning_spaces_how_ 102 https://sheg.stanford.edu/upload/V3LessonPlans/Executive%20 library/study/2015/dropout-completion-he_en.pdf (PDF)
we_are_reinventing_the_classroom.aspx Summary%2011.21.16.pdf (PDF) 154 http://time.com/90399/how-australia-beats-the-u-s-for-
54 NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition

155 https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/fastforward 216 http://www.pearsoned.com/education-blog/studying-the- 274 https://campustechnology.com/Articles/2016/09/20/From-IoT-to-

156 https://myfuture.edu.au/career-insight/alternative-pathways-to- effectiveness-of-online-learning-needs-to-continue/ IoE-Institutions-Connect-to-Everything.aspx
higher-education 217 http://www.cbenetwork.org/about/ 275 http://engineering.tamu.edu/news/2016/10/28/students-
157 https://www.utsa.edu/today/2016/08/oitipass.html 218 https://www.edsurge.com/news/2016-07-30-umuc-s-blueprint- collaborate-on-innovative-solutions-using-the-internet-of-things
158 http://www.qcc.cuny.edu/starfish/ for-designing-a-culture-of-constant-innovation 276 http://sydney.edu.au/courses/bachelor-of-engineering-honours-
159 http://www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/online-resources/ 219 http://newsroom.melbourne.edu/enterpriseprofessors mechanical/major-internet-of-things
databases/ict-in-education-database/item/article/digital-equity- 220 https://campustechnology.com/articles/2016/12/20/the-blurry- 277 http://searchcio.techtarget.com/definition/learning-
as-an-imperative-for-the-ict-ecosystem/ definitions-of-adaptive-vs-personalized-learning.aspx management-system
160 http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/blog/2015/12/ 221 http://er.educause.edu/articles/2016/10/adaptive-learning- 278 http://er.educause.edu/articles/2015/6/whats-next-for-the-lms
countries-adopt-plan-to-use-internet-in-implementation-of- systems-surviving-the-storm 279 https://library.educause.edu/~/media/files/library/2015/12/
sustainable-development-goals/ 222 http://www.educationdive.com/news/adaptive-learning-holds- eli7127-pdf.pdf (PDF)
161 https://www.publicintegrity.org/2016/05/12/19659/rich-people- promise-for-the-future-of-higher-education/421228/ 280 http://www.educause.edu/blogs/mbrown/lms-future-exploring-
have-access-high-speed-internet-many-poor-people-still-dont 223 http://www.gartner.com/newsroom/id/3225717 next-generation-digital-learning-environment
162 https://www.oercommons.org/ 224 http://tytonpartners.com/library/learning-to-adapt-2-0-the- 281 https://library.educause.edu/~/media/files/library/2015/12/
163 https://blogs.state.gov/stories/2016/01/25/global-connect- evolution-of-adaptive-learning-in-higher-education/ eli7127-pdf.pdf (PDF)
initiative-making-internet-development-priority 225 https://campustechnology.com/articles/2016/04/21/research-5- 282 http://mfeldstein.com/state-of-the-us-higher-education-lms-
164 http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Internet_for_All_ ways-adaptive-learning-has-changed.aspx?admgarea=news market-2015-edition/
Framework_Accelerating_Internet_Access_Adoption_ 226 https://www.cogbooks.com/2016/02/04/improve-student- 283 https://open.edx.org/
report_2016.pdf (PDF) success-and-retention-with-adaptive-courseware/ 284 http://www.helixeducation.com/
165 https://www.publicintegrity.org/2016/05/12/19659/rich-people- 227 http://www.campuscomputing.net/cc2016 285 http://horizon.wiki.nmc.org/New+Topic
have-access-high-speed-internet-many-poor-people-still-dont 228 http://www.aplu.org/projects-and-initiatives/personalized- 286 https://library.educause.edu/resources/2014/9/next-generation-
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learning-unlocks-student-success hecreportforweb.pdf (PDF) 289 https://support.gcu.edu/hc/en-us/articles/201883674-Accessing-
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digital-equity-using-online-courses-could-look-like/ learner-or-community-effort/ 290 http://www.bnedloudcloud.com/
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community-colleges-in-13-states-develop-new-degree-programs- 235 http://www.nesta.org.uk/sites/default/files/higher_education_ 297 https://www.edcast.com/
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technology-to-support-teaching-and-learning web-browsing-desktop-smartphones-tablets computer-simulates-13-year-old-boy-passes-turing-test
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much-popularity-as-expected/ desktop-search-out-of-date-mobile ibm-watson-helps-deakin-drive-the-digital-frontier
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technology-and-the-changing-needs-of-the-workforce-will- 241 http://www.emerging-strategy.com/article/learning-on-the-go- 305 http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/cover_story/2016/04/
create-the-higher-ed the-rise-of-mobile-learning-across-the-globe alexa_cortana_and_siri_aren_t_novelties_anymore_they_re_our_
183 https://www.edsurge.com/news/2015-06-24-before-choosing- 242 http://connectedlearning.tv/personal-stories/bryan-alexander- terrifyingly.html
edtech-products-ask-yourself-these-three-questions mobile-learning-equity-and-future-education 306 http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/14/technology/uber-self-
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distance-education-enrollment-growth-continues-2/ 245 http://www.universityworldnews.com/article. 309 https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/interface
188 Jouko Sarvi and Hitendra Pillay, Innovations in Knowledge and php?story=20160819075248597 310 https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/interface
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Asian Development Bank, 1 December 2015. of_a_mobile_learning_management_system_and_academic_ team-up-with-chinese-botanists-on-machine-learning-flower-
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015-0518-8 education 313 https://www.tensorflow.org/
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Assessing the Connections, Indiana University Press, 11 December viewFile/494/457 intelligence-460d288cccf3#.4m86dzivv
2015: 249 http://www.purdueexponent.org/features/article_9921c432- 315 http://er.educause.edu/articles/2016/3/adaptive-learning-
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for-organisations/innovation-good-practices/capacity-building- 251 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJ-SFcA0zpk 317 http://www-01.ibm.com/software/analytics/spss/academic/
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key-action-2-cooperation-for-innovation-and-exchange-good- nurses-scalable-continuing-education interview-education-software-artificial-intelligence
practices/capacity-0_en 254 https://www.jisc.ac.uk/guides/mobile-learning 319 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/
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197 https://www.rit.edu/academicaffairs/policiesmanual/e180 the-internet-of-things-arm-holdings-softbank in-artificial-intelligence/
198 Houston Community College. Instructional Technology. 257 http://er.educause.edu/articles/2016/6/the-internet-of-things- 321 https://www.csail.mit.edu/node/2910
Accessed October 18, 2016. http://northeast.hccs.edu/about-us/ unprecedented-collaboration-required 322 http://roboy.org/
instructional-technology/. 258 http://er.educause.edu/articles/2016/8/iot-and-the-campus-of- 323 https://ai.vub.ac.be/research/topics/evolutionary-linguistics
199 Storycenter. Houston Community College: Embedding Digital things 324 http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2013/04/from-touch-displays-to-
Storytelling Across the Higher Education Curriculum. Accessed 259 http://www.gartner.com/newsroom/id/3165317 the-surface-a-brief-history-of-touchscreen-technology/
October 18, 2016. http://www.storycenter.org/case-studies/hcc. 260 https://campustechnology.com/articles/2017/01/05/internet-of- 325 https://www.fastcodesign.com/3049577/wears/the-newest-user-
200 https://www.jisc.ac.uk/training/developing-a-strategic-response- things-spending-to-reach-1-29-trillion-by-2020.aspx interface-rhythm
to-dsa-changes 261 http://www.cio.com/article/3137047/internet-of-things/internet- 326 https://www.interaction-design.org/encyclopedia/wearable_
201 http://www.centerdigitaled.com/higher-ed/How-to-Help-Faculty- of-things-poised-to-transform-cities.html computing.html
Explore-Wearable-Technology-for-Learning.html 262 http://www.cbronline.com/news/internet-of-things/5-mega- 327 https://blog.tracxn.com/2016/02/11/tracxn-report-natural-user-
202 http://www.downes.ca/post/65519 smart-city-projects-from-around-the-world-4881856/ interface/
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understanding-project-based-learning-in-the-online-classroom/ update-internet-of-things-hacking-attack-led-to-outage-of- 329 https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/02/160226125315.
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education-vs-traditional-education/ 264 https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/oct/21/ddos- 330 http://www.sigmadzn.com/user-experience-emerging-use-
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cbe_business_model_report_20161018.pdf (PDF) 265 http://www.cmu.edu/news/stories/archives/2016/august/nsf- 331 https://thestack.com/world/2016/04/11/skinhaptics-turns-your-
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207 http://www.academicimpressions.com/sites/default/files/pd- 266 https://www.universitybusiness.com/article/higher-prepares- 332 https://www.vancouver.wsu.edu/haptic-touch
report-2016.pdf (PDF) internet-things 333 https://www.aau.edu/research/article4.aspx?id=17857
208 http://www.thedailystar.net/op-ed/politics/rethinking-higher- 267 http://cybersecurityventures.com/jobs/ 334 http://shape.stanford.edu/research/wolverine/
education-1285114 268 http://www.mcafee.com/us/resources/reports/rp-hacking-skills- 335 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k4gAtOvO3jMUJeKz4p5Y
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university-presidents-study-2016.aspx 269 http://er.educause.edu/articles/2016/6/the-internet-of-things-is- 336 http://www.engin.umich.edu/college/about/news/stories/2015/
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university-faculty-role-teaching-student-service.aspx 270 https://www.metering.com/news/university-nsw-becomes- 337 http://www.deakin.edu.au/iisri/our-research/haptics-research
211 http://www.nea.org/home/68481.htm testbed-iot-smart-city-tech/ 338 https://blog.somaticlabs.io/electrovibration-electrostatic-
212 https://tcf.org/content/report/why-performance-based-college- 271 http://www.edtechmagazine.com/higher/article/2016/08/ vibration-and-touchscreens/
funding-doesnt-work/ internet-things-coming-your-campus-sooner-you-think 339 http://www2.uta.fi/en/ajankohtaista/uutinen/universities-
213 http://talkbusiness.net/2016/08/higher-education-and-workforce- 272 https://www.edsurge.com/news/2016-01-04-what-higher- tampere-develop-digital-scent-technology
readiness-need-entrepreneurship-building-blocks/ education-can-learn-from-fitbit/
214 http://ec.europa.eu/education/policy/strategic-framework_en 273 https://www.edsurge.com/news/2016-11-17-wearable-tech-
215 https://heinnovate.eu/about weaves-its-way-into-learning
For the NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition, an expert panel identified 18 topics very likely
to impact technology planning and decision-making: six key trends, six significant challenges, and six
important developments in educational technology.
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