RTK 725B Basic Information
RTK 725B Basic Information
RTK 725B Basic Information
Modular construction with 2 to The 725B brings together many years of development in
256 alarm points Alarm Annunciator technology and represents the best
Multi-redundant design so there available investment in protection for your industrial plant.
is no single point of failure
Using advanced communication techniques, coupled with
Interchangeable, white LED RTK Instruments unique multi-redundant design, the 725B
illumination as standard
Annunciator gives the best combination of flexibility, usability,
1ms Event Recording reliability and cost of ownership.
functionality up to 256 points
Isolated RS485 serial The modular multi-redundant design instantly provides the
communications user with a more powerful and more reliable system without
Fully software configurable the possibility of a single component causing system failure.
through USB port for each Systems can be constructed in almost any shape and size
individual alarm point using the from a single channel to a maximum of 256 channels.
intuitive, setup utility
Integral integral PSU for direct The standard unit includes RS485 serial communications as
connection to 85-264VAC or standard and time-stamping to a resolution of 1ms can be
88-360VDC provided as an option for all system sizes up to 56 channels.
Features & Benefits
Modular Construction does fail then only four alarm points are
The modular design of the 725B Series affected. This design combined with the
allows units to be assembled in almost any huge reduction in component count gives a
size and shape to suit the individual far higher Mean Time Between Failures.
customers requirements. Units can be
constructed from a single point to a Fully Software Configurable
maximum of 256 points with a choice of Each Annunciator has a programming port
three window sizes. positioned behind the Pushbutton Module.
This is a standard USB connection to Sequence of Events
LED Illumination as standard connect directly to your laptop or PC using In many applications it is often useful to
The days of costly maintenance and the the cable provided with the unit, although know the exact sequence of events
risk of missing alarms due to blown bulbs any standard USB cable will suffice. following a plant breakdown. In order to
are now behind us. This latest range of
Each individual channel can be cater for these applications the 725B can
Alarm Annunciators uses ultra-bright white
configured to operate exactly as required be supplied with an integral 1ms Event
LEDs as standard to back-light different
with the user selecting from a huge range Recorder for all system sizes up to 256
colored filters. LEDs are considered as
of functions, features and alarm channels. As the design uses a
reliable as any solid-state electronics but
sequences. All the standard sequences distributed architecture, it is possible to
failures can still occur so these LEDs are
are available as defined in the ISA maintain the 1ms resolution and accuracy
designed to be easily interchangeable for
publication Alarm Sequences and on all system sizes.
on-site maintenance.
Specifications S18.1 1979 (R1985). The Larger systems should use the 9000TS
programmed information is safely stored Sequence of Events Recorder.
Proven CANBUS Technology
in EEPROM without the need for any
In order to provide the greatest flexibility
battery backup and can also be archived
and programmability in this enhanced
Annunciator at the lowest possible cost of
on the PC. Inputs and Outputs
ownership, the design utilises the highly
Advanced Diagnostics Inputs
successful CANBUS technology to provide
The 725B Annunciator is designed with All inputs are opto-coupled and comply to
internal communications.
comprehensive diagnostics to monitor all the stringent requirements of the European
This is a robust and fast method of
aspects of the systems operation. Any Directive in Electromagnetic Compatibility
communicating used to ensure the highest
fault found will be indicated on the front and the Low Voltage Directive. This
combination of speed and security.
LEDs and can also drive a diagnostic ensures there is no possibility of false
Multi-Redundant Design relay for external indication. alarms. The standard unit has a selectable
As Annunciators are often used to monitor The system will monitor the field contact input voltage of 24V or 125V and a further
critical plant alarms it is essential the unit voltage and also provide an early warning version gives a selection of 48V and 250V.
provides the highest reliability possible. of wiring problems and ground faults. The All versions are capable of accepting AC or
With this design there is no Common CPU internal supplies are checked for tolerance DC voltages.
or Common Services Modules, failure of and also all aspects of the internal and
which would cause complete system external communications, clock pulses, Common Relay Outputs
failure. All Alarms Cards in the Series 725B memory and configuration data and many The 725B Annunciator gives the most
can act as the master controller, so if a card more features. flexible range of relay outputs available
today. As well as having options of one or
two individual repeat relays per point it is
possible to have up to 32 common relays
which are user configurable as watchdog
relays, group relays, horn relays, ring-
back relay or diagnostic relays.
The standard unit has four configurable
common relays. Additional relay cards
are added when required to suit each
Features & Benefits
Complete Alarm System
Everything is contained within the
standard 725B Annunciator to provide a
complete alarm monitoring system. This
includes power supply, all pushbuttons
and local audibles.
First-Up Alarms
In alarm annunciation applications it is
often essential to know which alarm
occurred first in a particular group. To this
end, four different first-up sequences and
Auxiliary Relays Connections 16 different first-up groups are available,
Each alarm way can be supplied with one All connections are made to the rear of the all user programmable through the
or two individual repeat relays. Each relay unit, using two part screw terminals capable configuration software.
can be configured to be energized or de- of taking 12 AWG (2.5mm2) wire. For
energized on alarm and both normally additional security these terminals are also Power Supplies
open and normally closed contacts can be fitted with retaining screws at each end. The 725B can be powered from remote
used. The repeat relays can be set to 24VDC power supplies or alternatively can
follow the alarm logic, follow the field be fitted with integral power conversion
contact or follow the display. Display modules making it possible to connect
directly to higher AC or DC supplies.
Window Sizes
CE Marked
The flexible unit is designed to be fully
Designed to surpass the stringent
modular using a cell based structure.
requirements of the European EMC and
Each cell can house: LVD directives, the Annunciator conforms
One large window 2.36" x 2.36" (60 x to the highest standard of both safety
60mm); Two medium windows and function.
2.36" x 1.18" (60 x 30mm); Four small
windows 1.18" x 1.18" (30 x 30mm). Wall, Panel and Rack Mounted
Window sizes can be mixed as required. The standard unit is supplied as a panel
mounted version ready for customers to
Re-flash Backlit illumination drop into a single cut-out. If required RTK
All the programmable group relays can be Each window is backlit using the latest can supply the 725B Annunciator fully
set to have the re-flash facility. The means ultra-bright, pure white LEDs. These integrated into wall mounting or floor
the first alarm to alarm in the group will provide a true fit and forget solution standing enclosures or mounted in
change the state of the state of the relay and improve the reliability without standard 19" plates.
and any subsequent alarms within the
same group will cause the relay to pulse for
approximately 0.5 seconds.
Audible Outputs
The standard unit has two integral audibles
which can be configured as a critical and
non-critical audible.
In addition four standard relays can be
programmed to drive external audibles.
In total up to sixteen different audible
groups can be programmed.
Technical Specification
Repeat Relays
Inputs Each alarm point can have up to two General
individual repeat relays.
The inputs are all bipolar so can accept AC or Changeover contact available. Supply Voltage
DC voltages.
Relay ratings 24VDC Nominal (19-28VDC)
Alarm Contacts Relay contacts rated at 220VDC (250VAC)
The standard unit is suitable for volt-free Integral Power Supplies
max, 125VDC @ 0.5A, 24VDC @ 2A, resistive. Universal AC or DC supply
contacts, 24 or 125VDC powered inputs.
Each input can be easily set to operate from Audible 85-264VAC
either a Normally Open or Normally Closed Two integral audibles are included which 88-360VDC
field contact. can be programmed as critical or non-
Each Power Supply Card can power up to
critical horns.
Isolation 40 small windows, 20 medium or 10 large.
Audible 1: 3kHz peizoelectric buzzer at Additional Power Supplies will be required
All customer inputs are optically coupled as 90dB 11.81" (30cm).
standard and are capable of withstanding for systems larger than the above.
Audible 2: 2.5kHz peizoelectric buzzer at
1000V Megger test to ground. Supply Current Per Alarm Point
80dB 11.81" (30cm).
Field Contact Voltage (at 24VDC supply)
Communications Quiescent: 20mA
This voltage is distributed through the
RS485 2 or 4 wire or ethernet.
annunciator to field contacts. As standard this Window illumination current
Master and Slave configurations.
is selectable between 24 and 125V. Small window 20mA
Supports bi-directional communications.
As an option a different version, which is Medium window 40mA
selectable between 48 and 250V, is available. Large window 80mA
The inputs are all bipolar so can accept AC or
DC voltages.
Time Stamping Relays: All window sizes 10mA per relay
Additional current for pushbutton module,
Response Time Resolution
common relay and audible is nominally
The response time is software configurable on 1ms across the whole system up a 256
each channel from 1ms to 65s. As a default points.
the system is supplied at 20ms for all points. Standard External Power Supplies and
Accuracy DC/DC Converters can be supplied on
First-up Discrimination 0.5millisecond. request.
Better than 10ms.
Synchronisation Compliance
Pushbuttons From GPS Master Clock type 4850 Immunity to EN61000-6-2:2001
Both integral and terminals for remote fitting Emissions to EN61000-6-4:2001
Lamp Test System Test LVD to EN61010-1:1993
Acknowledge Mute Display
Reset First-up Reset Surge Immunity
It is not necessary to use the standard Window Sizes To AMSI/IEEE C37.90:1989
integral Pushbutton Module. If required, the Small: 1.18" x 1.18" (30 x 30mm) Environment
position normally used for this module can Medium: 2.36" x 1.18" (60 x 30mm) (W x H) Operating temperature -4140F (-20 to 60C)
be fitted with additional alarm windows and Large: 2.36" x 2.36" (60 x 60mm) Storage temperature -4176F (-20 to 80C)
external pushbuttons wired to terminals. Humidity 0-95% RH, non condensing
Window Colors
Red, Amber, Yellow, White, Green and Blue. Protection
Outputs Illumination Front of panel: IP41
Small window Single white LED Rear of enclosure: IP20
Common Relays Optional covers and enclosures to protect
Medium window Dual white LED
The 725B system is totally flexible in terms from IP54 up to IP67
of common relay outputs. Up to 32 relays Large window Four white LEDs
can be fitted which can be configured as Each LED is plugged into a base to allow Connections
group relays, horn relays, ring-back relays, easy serviceability in case of LED failure. All connections are two-part rising clamp
diagnostic relays etc. type terminals, for conductors up to 12
AWG (2.5mm2) with retaining screws to
All systems come with a standard four relays Laser printed onto standard acetate sheet,
ensure connectors cannot fall out.
one of which will be configured as using templates provided by RTK Instruments.
watchdog relay which will trip if any card Weight
fails or there is any internal system fault. Approximately 0.66lb (0.3kg) per module.
Due to our policy of continuous product development, we reserve the right to amend specifications without notice.
Doc 725B-3