Healthy: Lesson Plan Template

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Lesson Plan Template (7)

Name: Amal Ebrahim Grade Level: Grade 4 \ section 3

CCSS Standards: our amazing body (Healthy and Strong).

Main Lesson Aims (Concepts, Procedures, & Processes):

-The Students will be able to listen for specific details in a text
About health.
-The students will be able to speak about healthy habits.
- The students will be able to know how can we stay healthy.


teacher books

student book(s) Learners book to read the text from page,132

worksheets/ papers Classify healthy food or unhealthy food and cut out images and
them in the right place and Write three sentences from these t
pictures about how can we stay healthy.
teacher materials Power point, markers, whiteboard, small papers.
student materials/ Pencils, colors, glue.

technology Data show, laptop.

other -
Key vocabulary with definitions (and pictures if appropriate):

word glossary definition image

Healthy .Strong and well

Exercise Physical activity that you do to make

.your body strong and healthy

Sleep The resting state in which the body is

not active and the mind is unconscious.

Students Prior Knowledge:

-Some of students know how they we can healthy.
-The students know the words: sleep early, do exercise.

Possible Problems and Misconceptions:

-Some students can't read the text.
-Some students do not bring their pencils and colors.
-I will read the text for the students.
-I will bring extra pencils and colors.

Lesson Schedule
Targeted teacher language: Hello Grade 4, How are you?. I have many interesting activities and I ho
pay attention with me and if you have any question you may raise your hand. Do you know what is t
of our activity today? It's called our amazing body.
Student language: Hi Ms. Amal, Iam fine thank you. How are you Ms. Amal, We are excited to work
activity and we will pay attention with you. Yes, teacher. Its about our amazing body.

Engage (warm up, review prior knowledge): time:

- After greeting I will show the students power point include the picture of the healthy food 10 min
and what should they do to stay healthy. Then I will ask each students what you eat every
day and what time you sleep, and you do exercise or not and what's kind of the exercise.

Core (introduce and practice new concepts & procedures): 30 mi

-I will give the students the text about how can we stay healthy, and we will discuss together
about the text and I will let the students to find from the text what is the points they can we
stay healthy.
-I will give each students two worksheets the firs work sheet it is about Classify healthy food
or unhealthy food and cut out images and put them in the right place: , and the second
worksheet it is about to Write three sentences from these three pictures about how can we
stay healthy.
-Then I will let each student to come on the board and write the answer on the board.

Close (wrap up, discussion, brief review activity or assessment): 5 min

-I will give each student small paper to draw anything they want it about healthy then I will
say for each student to speak about their own picture they should say what is the important
thing to stay healthy and what we should to do to stay healthy.

Vegetables are also important.

The text that I will give each students:
Meat, milk and cheese. Fruit and
Strong foods like eggs, beans, fsh,
We need food to make our muscles
Healthy food How can we stay healthy?

To keep your body healthy and strong, you need healthy food
to eat and clean water to drink. You need plenty of exercise
and plenty of sleep. You need to keep clean.
Exercise makes strong bones and muscles.
There are many ways to exercise, for
Example: walking, running, climbing stairs
And playing ball games.

10 hours each night.

Children need to sleep for about
Your brain and body need to rest.
Your bones grow while you sleep.

Classify healthy food or unhealthy food and

cut out images and put them in the right
Healthy food Unhealthy food

Write three sentences from these three

pictures about how can we stay healthy:



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