Managing Occupational Stress: A Mantra For Success: DR - Roshan Lal DR Ashok Khurana

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* Dr.Roshan Lal ** Dr Ashok Khurana

* Professor, Faculty of Business Management, MM Institute of Management, Maharishi
Markandeshwar University, Mullana Ambala (HR) India.

** Associate Professor, P.G. Department of Commerce, G.N.K.College, Yamuna Nagar.


Abstract tight schedules of work, prolonged meetings that never

seem to end on time, unhelpful colleagues, critical
Stress is the spice of life and the absence of bosses, incompetent subordinates and the irritating
some degree of stress makes life dull, monotonous and factors including new technologies, globalization,
spiritless. The life of employees have turn out to be liberalization and competitive pressures have multiplied
the woes of employees in recent times. Perceptions of
antagonistic due to occupational pressures, tight
events may be positive or negative, activate stress. The
scheduling that never seems to end on time, effects of this may be in other ways to individual one. It
unsupportive colleagues, critical bosses , incompetent is concluded that everyone lives under a certain amount
subordinates and other irritating factors may all have a of stress. Mild stress may force the employees to focus
cumulative effect in making the day to day life quite more sharply on the problems and produce solutions to
disconsolate. Stress may be considered as a situation of enhance the productivity. Severe stress may be harmful
tension experienced by individual facing extra ordinary and may be destructive for an individual. Organizations
have launched several innovative programmes in their
demands. In the light of this background, this paper organizations to control this problem of stress. Employee
discusses the concept of stress, stages of stress and counseling, mentoring and continuous helping processes
remedies to make the human resources more and more have a crucial role in tuning the employees to achieve the
conducive to enhance their performance to help organizational objectives.
accomplish their individual as well as organizational
Stress is the non specific response of a body
goals. It is found that major reasons for stresses are role
when a pressure made upon it. It is one type of state of
conflict, role ambiguity, over load and under load, tension experienced by individuals facing extraordinary
internal relationship, ineffective communication, demands, constraints or opportunities. Stress is the spice
sharing of responsibilities and job changes climate of life and the absence of stress makes life dull,
within the company. Excessive stress harms the monotonous and spiritless. The excessive degree of stress
individual performance and experience illness, and disturbs the mental peace of an individual.
absenteeism, turnover, errors, accidents, dissatisfaction
and reduced performance. An optimum level of stress
2.0 Main Objectives of the Study:
is needed to spur employees to peak performance. This The main objectives of this study are as
paper observes that various soft skills can be adopted in follows:-
the organizations to manage stress, and boost work
performance. It advocates certain positive measures 1. To find out the main benefits in
which if adopted can facilitate employees perform well keeping some degree of stress in the
and contribute professionally towards the growth and organization.
success of the organization.
2. To discuss the main stages of stress
in the organization?
Keywords: occupational pressures, performance, role
conflict, soft skills, manage stress. 3. To find out the main strategies to
resist with stress.
1.0 Introduction: 4. To find out the main techniques of
coping with stress in the
Presently the life of employees in the
organization has become quite stressful. Work pressures,

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3.0 The Review of Literature: true feelings, loss of sense of humour, feeling of neglect,
horror of future, a feeling of having failed as a person or
Hoffman Richard (2006) has examined parent, no confidence, difficulty in concentrating and a
stress among graduate level counselor education tendency of intense fear. There are suddenly changes in
students at different stages during their training weight, smoking habits or use of alcohol.
programme. Three constructs were chosen from the
survey; (1) Stress, (2) Cognitive hardiness and (3) 5.0 Main Stages of Stress:
Psychological wellbeing. Although the survey did not
demonstrate significance on the measure of stress. These are the main stages of Stress:

1. Honey Moon Stage.

Lane Rebecca Spooner (2004) stated
one of the stress theories, transactional stress-strain- 2. Fuel Crisis Stage.
coping proposed by Lazarus and Foolkmans (1984).
The overload job conditions and role conflicts were the 3. Hitting the wall Stage.
main determinants of emotional exhaustion.
4. Chronic Disease stage.
According to Woods Antoinette
Petrazzi (2005) the burnout is a job related hazard 6.0 Sources of Stress:
for human service employees including rural
community mental health counselors. Stressors are the main causes of stress. It is the
duty and responsibility of a manager to recognize the
From the above literature survey, the stressors because they cause job-related stress, which
researchers have concluded that everyone is suffering influences work attitudes and behaviour. These are the
from stress, but level of stress varies from person to major sources of stress:-
person and therefore one needs to develop a versatile
kind of intervention strategies in order to cope with this 6.1 Organizational factors: - These are the
menacing problem. main organizational factors:-

Role Conflicts.

4.0 The Symptoms of Stress: Role ambiguity.

There are various changes seen as symptoms Role overload.

of individual stress. These are:
Role underload.
4.1 Biological: This includes lack of
appetite, craving for food when under pressure, frequent Occupational Demands.
indigestion or heartburn, constipation or diarrhea,
insomnia, constant tiredness, tendency to sweat for no Interpersonal relationships.
good reason, nervousness, nail biting, headaches, muscle
catch, crying or desire to cry and high blood pressure etc. Ineffective communication.

4.2 Psychological: A number of Duties and Responsibilities.

changes include negativism, expression of boredom,
Job Changes.
dissatisfaction, irritability, anger over unimportant issues,
feelings of harassment, apathy, resignation, fantasy,
Organizational Climate.
forgetness, inability to concentrate, inability to take
decisions, inner confusion about duties and
responsibilities and a tendency to misjudge the people.
6 Personal Factors: These are:-The impact
of Life changes.
The symptoms of anxiety and depression are visible.
Type of Personalities.
4.3 Behavioural: There are constantly
changes like irritability with people, feeling unable to Believe in Locus of Control.
cope up, lack of interest in life, constant fear of diseases,
a feeling of being a failure, a feeling of being bad or self- Other Reasons
hatered, difficulty in making decisions, feeling of
ugliness, lack of interest in other people, inability to show

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The Social Re-adjustment Rating Scale 26. Trouble with boss 20

27. Change in working hours or 20

Sl. Life Event Scale
No. Value
28. Change in social activities 17
1. Death of Spouce 100
29. Change in sleeping habits 15
2. Divorce 73
30. Change in eating habits 15
3. Martial separation 65
31. Vacation 13
4. Jail Term 63
Source: Rahe. L.O. & Holmes. Scaling of life change:
5. Death of Close Family Member 63
Comparison of direct and indirect
6. Major Personal Injury or illness 53 methods, Journal of Psychosomanic
Research: 2001.
7. Marriage 50
7.0 Unhealthy ways of coping with
8. Fired from Work 47 stress:
9. Martial Reconciliation 45
These coping strategies may temporarily
10. Retirement 45 reduce stress, but they cause more damage in the long
11. Major Change in Health of 44
Family Member Smoking.
Drinking too much.
12. Pregnancy 39 Overeating or undereating.
Zoning out for hours in front of the
13. Sex Difficulties 39
TV or computer.
14. Gain of New Family member 39 Using pills or drugs to relax.
Sleeping too much.
15. Changes in Financial State 37 Procrastinating.
Filling up every minute of the day to
16. Death of a close friend 36 avoid facing problems.
Taking out your stress on others
17. Change in different line of work 35 (lashing out, angry outbursts, and
physical violence).
18. Change in number of arguments 31
with spouse
Effect of Various Diseases
19. Change in responsibilities of 29
Sl. Particulars Level of Effect
work No.

20. Son or daughter leaving home 29 Very High Medium Low Nil
High Effect Effect Effect
21. Trouble with in-laws 28 Effect

1. Diabetes 25 9 22 0 0
22. Wife begins or stop work 26
2. High BP 45 6 3 2 0
23. Outstanding personal 26
achievement 3. Cholesterol 29 18 8 1 0

24. Change in living conditions 24 4. Heart 19 26 9 2 0

25. Revision of personal habits 23
5. Asthma 41 14 0 1 0 truly necessary to the bottom of the list or
eliminate them entirely.
6. Digest 41 13 0 2 0

Total 200 86 42 8 0 8.2 Alter the Situation: If you cannot

Average 33.33 14.33 7.0 1.33 0
avoid a stressful situation, try to alter it. Figure out
what you can do to change things so the problem does
Scale 5 4 3 2 0 not present itself in the future. Often, this involves
Avg. x 170 56 21 2 0
changing the way you communicate and operate in
Scale your daily life.

Source: Gohil, An imperical investigation of

Express your feelings instead of
executive stress on 56 Employees of
bottling them up: - If something or
banks, Management Trends, Vol.2, No. 2
someone is bothering you, communicate
Sept. 2005.
your concerns in an open and respectful
way. If you do not voice your feelings,
8.0 Stress Management Strategies: resentment will build and the situation
will likely remain the same.
8.1 Avoid unnecessary stress: Not all Be willing to compromise: - When you
stress can be avoided, and it is not healthy to avoid a ask someone to change their behavior, be
situation that needs to be addressed. You may be willing to do the same. If you both are
surprised, however, by the number of stressors in your willing to bend at least a little, you will
have a good chance of finding a happy
life that you can eliminate.
middle ground.
Be more assertive: - Do not take a
Learn how to say no: Know your backseat in your own life. Deal with
limits and stick to them. Whether in your problems head on, doing your best to
personal or professional life, refuse to anticipate and prevent them. If you have
accept added responsibilities when you got an exam to study for and your chatty
are close to reaching them. Taking on roommate just got home, say up front that
more than you can handle is a surefire you only have five minutes to talk.
recipe for stress. Manage your time better: - Poor time
Avoid people who stress you out: If management can cause a lot of stress.
someone consistently causes stress in When you are stretched too thin and
your life and you can not turn the running behind, it is hard to stay calm and
relationship around, limit the amount of focused. But if you plan ahead and make
time you spend with that person or end sure you do not overextend yourself, you
the relationship entirely. can alter the amount of stress you are
Take control of your environment: If under.
the evening news makes you anxious,
turn the TV off. If traffics got you tense,
8.3 Adapt to the stressor: If you can
take a longer but less-traveled route. If
going to the market is an unpleasant not change the stressor, change yourself. You can adapt
chore, do your grocery shopping online. to stressful situations and regain your sense of control
Avoid hot-button topics: If you get by changing your expectations and attitude.
upset over religion or politics, cross them
off your conversation list. If you Reframe problems: - Try to view
repeatedly argue about the same subject stressful situations from a more positive
with the same people, stop bringing it up perspective. Rather than fuming about a
or excuse yourself when it is the topic of traffic jam, look at it as an opportunity to
discussion. pause and regroup, listen to your favorite
Pare down your to-do list: Analyze radio station, or enjoy some alone time.
your schedule, responsibilities, and daily Look at the big picture: - Take
tasks. If youve got too much on your perspective of the stressful situation. Ask
plate, distinguish between the shoulds yourself how important it will be in the
and the musts. Drop tasks that arent long run. Will it matter in a month? A
year? Is it really worth getting upset over? there is nothing you can do to alter the
If the answer is no, focus your time and stressful situation.
energy elsewhere. Learn to forgive: - Accept the fact that
Adjust your standards: - Perfectionism we live in an imperfect world and that
is a major source of avoidable stress. Stop people make mistakes. Let go of anger
setting yourself up for failure by and resentments. Free yourself from
demanding perfection. Set reasonable negative energy by forgiving and moving
standards for yourself and others, and on.
learn to be okay with good enough.
Focus on the positive. When stress is 8.6 Make time for fun and
getting you down, take a moment to
reflect on all the things you appreciate in relaxation: Beyond a take-charge approach and a
your life, including your own positive positive attitude, you can reduce stress in your life by
qualities and gifts. This simple strategy nurturing yourself. If you regularly make time for fun
can help you keep things in perspective. and relaxation, you will be in a better place to handle
lifes stressors when they inevitably come.
8.4 Adjusting The Attitude: How
you think can have a profound affect on your emotional 8.7 Adopt a healthy lifestyle: - You
and physical well-being. Each time you think a
can increase your resistance to stress by strengthening
negative thought about yourself, your body reacts as if
it were in the throes of a tension-filled situation. If you your physical health.
see good things about yourself, you are more likely to
feel good; the reverse is also true. Eliminate words Exercise regularly: - Physical activity
such as "always," "never," "should," and "must." These plays a key role in reducing and
are telltale marks of self-defeating thoughts. preventing the effects of stress. Make
time for at least 30 minutes of exercise,
8.5 Accept the things you cannot three times per week. Nothing beats
aerobic exercise for releasing pent-up
change: Some sources of stress are unavoidable. You stress and tension.
cannot prevent or change stressors such as the death of Eat a healthy diet: - Well-nourished
a loved one, a serious illness, or a national recession. In bodies are better prepared to cope with
such cases, the best way to cope with stress is to accept stress, so be mindful of what you eat.
things as they are. Acceptance may be difficult, but in Start your day right with breakfast, and
the long run, its easier than railing against a situation keep your energy up and your mind clear
with balanced, nutritious meals
you cant change.
throughout the day.
Reduce caffeine and sugar: - The
Do not try to control the temporary "highs" caffeine and sugar
uncontrollable: - Many things in life are provide often end in with a crash in mood
beyond our control particularly the and energy. By reducing the amount of
behavior of other people. Rather than coffee, soft drinks, chocolate, and sugar
stressing out over them, focus on the snacks in your diet, you will feel more
things you can control such as the way relaxed and you will sleep better.
you choose to react to problems. Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs: -
Look for the upside: - As the saying Self-medicating with alcohol or drugs
goes, What does not kill us makes us may provide an easy escape from stress,
stronger. When facing major challenges, but the relief is only temporary. Do not
try to look at them as opportunities for avoid or mask the issue at hand; deal with
personal growth. If your own poor problems head on and with a clear mind.
choices contributed to a stressful Get enough sleep: - Adequate sleep fuels
situation, reflect on them and learn from your mind, as well as your body. Feeling
your mistakes. tired will increase your stress because it
Share your feelings: - Talk to a trusted may cause you to think irrationally.
friend or make an appointment with a
therapist. Expressing what you are going
9.0 Healthy ways to relax and recharge:
through can be very cathartic, even if
These are the main ways to relax during stress 11.0 Conclusions:
and keep your self calm and cool:
Stress is an unavoidable aspect of life.
Go for a walk. Everyone has to cope with the situation. Both
Spend time in nature. individual and organization have the responsibility to
Call a good friend. manage stress; individual should manage his stress for
Sweat out tension with a good workout. his own benefit while the organization (as a system)
Write in your journal. should help to manage individual stress for his own
Take a long bath. survival and economic development. The Collective
Light scented candles and sensible efforts of an organization, family and
Savor a warm cup of coffee or tea. individual can bring positive way of life. So unity of
Play with a pet. heart, unity of action and unity of thinking can restore
Work in your garden. the real peace and happiness with self, work and the
Get a massage.
Curl up with a good book.
Listen to music. The goal of this study as such is not to
eliminate stress but to learn how to cope with it and
Watch a comedy.
how to use the knowledge of it to help society or
Light scented candles
organizations. From the study it is revealed that stress
can not be avoided but could be managed or reduced.
10.0 Nurturing Techniques: Reorganizing the early signs of stress and then paying
attention to them can make an important difference in
Do not get so caught up in the hustle and the quality of human life and may actually influence
bustle of life that you forget to take care of your own human survival and growth in the long run.
needs. Nurturing yourself is a necessity, not a luxury.
These are the main ways:-

Set aside relaxation time: - Include rest References:

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