Balc Ilar 2011
Balc Ilar 2011
Balc Ilar 2011
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Available online 18 November 2010 In this study, the best articial intelligence method is investigated to estimate the measured convective
heat transfer coefcient and pressure drop of R134a owing downward inside a vertical smooth copper
Keywords: tube having an inner diameter of 8.1 mm and a length of 500 mm during annular ow numerically. R134a
Condensation and water are used as working uids in the tube side and annular side of a double tube heat exchanger,
Heat transfer coefcient
respectively. The ANN training sets have the experimental data of in-tube condensation tests including six
Pressure drop
different mass uxes of R134a such as 260, 300, 340, 400, 456 and 515 kg m 2 s 1, two different saturation
Neural network
temperatures of R134a such as 40 and 50 C and heat uxes ranging from 10.16 to 66.61 kW m 2. The
quality of the refrigerant in the test section is calculated considering the temperature and pressure
obtained from the experiment. The pressure drop across the test section is directly measured by a
differential pressure transducer. Input of the ANNs are the measured values of test section such as mass
ux, heat ux, the temperature difference between the tube wall and saturation temperature, average
vapor quality, while the outputs of the ANNs are the experimental condensation heat transfer coefcient
and measured pressure drop in the analysis. Condensation heat transfer characteristics of R134a are
modeled to decide the best approach using several articial neural network (ANN) methods such as
multilayer perceptron (MLP), radial basis networks (RBFN), generalized regression neural network
(GRNN) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). Elimination process of the ANN methods is
performed by means of 183 data points, divided into two sets randomly, obtained in the experiments. Sets
of test and training/validation include 33 and 120/30 data points respectively for the elimination process.
Validation process, in terms of various experimental conditions, is done by means of 368 experimental data
points having 68 data points for test set and 300 data points for training set. In training phase, 5-fold cross
validation is used to determine the best value of ANNs control parameters. The ANNs performances were
measured by means of relative error criteria with the usage of unknown test sets. The performance of the
method of multi layer perceptron (MLP) with 5-13-1 architecture and radial basis function networks
(RBFN) were found to be in good agreement, predicting the experimental condensation heat transfer
coefcient and pressure drop with their deviations being within the range of 5% for all tested conditions.
Dependency of outputs of the ANNs from input values is also investigated in the paper.
2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction heat transfer systems have higher thermal heat transfer performance
than single-phase heat transfer systems in limited apparatus volumes.
Determination of heat transfer characteristics of compact systems The advantage of high thermal performance in comparison to the
such as heat transfer coefcient, frictional pressure drop, ow type single-phase applications includes smaller, more compact systems
between the uids, heat transfer surface area in heat exchangers regarding tube length, tube diameter, internal tube geometry shape in
should be known accurately for the optimum design. The two-phase a wide variety of applications, e.g. refrigeration and air conditioning
systems, power engineering and other thermal processing plants.
Before doing any numerical work on this subject, validation process of
Communicated by W.J. Minkowycz.
the experimental setup and data is a very signicant for reliability of
Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A.S. Dalkilic), [email protected] the study. The correctness of experimental data should be evaluated
(S. Wongwises). by either graphics regarding the characteristics of trend lines such as
0735-1933/$ see front matter 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
76 M. Balcilar et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 38 (2011) 7584
alteration of heat transfer coefcient vs quality, heat ux vs previous publications and for the identication of ow regimes in data
temperature difference between the vapor and inlet wall tempera- corresponding to annular ow downward condensation of R134a in a
ture, pressure drop vs vapor quality etc. or widely accepted vertical smooth copper tube. In addition to this, 12 number of well-
correlations in the literature and desired working conditions should known ow regime correlations from the literature are investigated to
be agreeable with the heat balance correlations and ow type identify the ow regime occurring in the test tube. Dalkilic et al. [22]
observations by means of sight glasses at the different points of determined the average predicted heat transfer coefcient of the
experimental apparatus. refrigerant by means of Kosky and Staub's model [23] and the Von
There have been a number of studies on the in-tube condensation Karman universal velocity distribution correlations using different
heat transfer coefcient and pressure drop. The frictional, acceleration, interfacial shear stress equations valid for annular ow in horizontal
and gravitational components determine the two-phase total pressure and vertical tubes in order to investigate Chen et al.'s annular ow
drop in tubes. Determination of the void fraction is required to compute theory [24]. The effects of heat ux, mass ux and condensation
the acceleration and gravitational components, and in a similar way, temperature on the pressure drop were also discussed. A new
determination of either the two-phase friction factor or the two-phase correlation, based on dimensionless parameters such as the equivalent
frictional multiplier is required to compute the frictional component of Reynolds number, Prandtl number, R number (- ratio), Lockhart and
pressure drop. Generally, empirical methods have been used to compute Martinelli parameter, Bond number and Froude number, using a large
the condensation heat transfer coefcients and pressure drops in tubes. number of data points for the turbulent condensation heat transfer
Most of these proposed models are modications of the DittusBoelter coefcient, was proposed in their paper. Dalkilic et al. [25] presented a
single-phase forced convection correlation [1], as in Akers et al. [2], new experimental approach on the determination of condensation
Cavallini and Zecchin [3], and Shah [4]. heat transfer coefcient using 13 number of frictional pressure drop
Dalkilic et al. [5] compared thirteen well-known two-phase models and 35 number of void fraction models in a vertical tube by
pressure drop models with the experimental results of a condensation means of von Karman's universal velocity distribution and Kosky and
pressure drop of R600a and R134a in horizontal and vertical smooth Staub's annular ow lm thickness model [23]. Dalkilic and Wong-
copper tubes respectively and discussed the main parameters of wises [26] presented a detailed review of research on in-tube
related models and correlations. Dalkilic et al. [6] proposed a new condensation due to its signicance in refrigeration, air conditioning
correlation for the two-phase friction factor of R134a ow based on and heat pump applications. Their review considered heat transfer and
the equivalent Reynolds number model [7] and also showed the pressure drop investigations during in-tube condensation. Almost all
effects of heat ux, mass ux and condensation temperature on the relevant research subjects were summarized, such as condensation
pressure drop. Dalkilic et al. [8] compared eleven well-known heat transfer and pressure drop studies according to tube orientation
correlations for annular ow to each other using a large amount of (horizontal, vertical, inclined tubes) and tube geometry (smooth and
data obtained under various experimental conditions and proposed a enhanced tubes), ow pattern studies of condensation, void fraction
new correlation based on Bellinghausen and Renz's method [9] for the studies, and refrigerants with oil. Dalkilic and Wongwises [27]
condensation heat transfer coefcient of high mass ux ow of R134a. performed a theoretical performance study on a traditional vapor-
They also reported the effects of heat ux, mass ux and condensation compression refrigeration system with refrigerant mixtures based on
temperature on the heat transfer coefcients in their paper. Dalkilic et HFC134a, HFC152a, HFC32, HC290, HC1270, HC600, and HC600a for
al. [10] emphasized that an interfacial shear effect is signicant for the various ratios and their results are compared with CFC12, CFC22, and
laminar condensation heat transfer of R134a using Carey's analysis HFC134a as possible alternative replacements. Dalkilic et al. [28]
[11], which is the improved version of Nusselt's theory [12], and investigated the direct relationship between the measured condensa-
proposed a new correlation based on Bellinghausen and Renz's tion pressure drop and convective heat transfer coefcient of R134a to
method [9] for the condensation heat transfer coefcient during determine the condensation heat transfer coefcient, heat ux, two-
annular ow of R134a at low mass ux in a vertical tube. Dalkilic et al. phase length and pressure drop experimentally. In addition to the
[13] reviewed thirty-three void fraction models and correlations, above, various other papers [2936] support and validate the proposed
determined using relevant data from the available literature. They models and correlations in their papers.
calculated the friction factors, based on the analysis of Ma et al. [14], To the best of the authors' knowledge, there has been only one
obtained from various void fraction models and correlations, and work just for the condensation of R600a in a horizontal tube, recently
compared these with each other and also with those determined from carried out by Demir et al. [37] dealing with numerical solution using
graphical information provided by Bergelin et al. [15]. The effect of neural network analysis of heat transfer coefcient, and no work
void fraction alteration on the momentum pressure drop was also regarding the numerical solution using neural network analysis for the
presented in their paper. Dalkilic et al.'s [16] analysis based on simple condensation heat transfer coefcient and pressure drop of HFC-134a
void fraction models of the annular ow pattern was presented for the either in a horizontal or vertical tube. For these reasons, there remains
forced convection condensation of pure R134a, taking into account room for further research. Especially, it can be noted that all of the
the effect of the different saturation temperatures in high mass ux numerical investigations of neural network analysis do not have any
conditions. The comparisons of calculated lm thickness from void that are concerned with the study. As a consequence, in the present
fraction models and correlations with those from Whalley's annular study, the main concern is to ll the gap in the literature. The results for
ow model [17] were made using their experimental database. the solution of neural network analysis on the two-phase heat transfer
Dalkilic and Wongwises [18] studied a mathematical model, devel- coefcient and pressure drop which have never before appeared in
oped by Barnea et al. [19], and based on the momentum balance of
liquid and vapor phases, in order to determine the condensation lm Table 1
thickness of R134a in their paper. The effects of heat ux, mass ux Operating conditions of the study.
and condensation temperature on the lm thickness and condensa- Refrigerant HFC-134a
tion heat transfer coefcient were also discussed for laminar and
Test tube material, inner diameter d, length L Copper, 8.1 mm, 500 mm
turbulent ow conditions. Six well-known ow regime maps from the
Range of condensing pressure, Psat (bar) 1012
literature were found to be predictive for the annular ow conditions Range of condensing temperature, Tsat (C) 4050
in the test tube in spite of their different operating conditions. Range of mass ux, G (kg m 2 s 1) 260515
Dalkilic et al. [20] reports the experimental investigation of Kosky's Range of heat ux, q (kW m 2) 10.1666.61
Range of temperature difference, T = Tsat Twi , K 1.268.98
model [21] for predicting ow pattern transitions and for the
Range of average vapor quality, x 0.690.96
validation of void fraction models and correlations proposed in their
M. Balcilar et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 38 (2011) 7584 77
Table 2 Table 4
Uncertainty of experimental parameters. Effect of the experimental data number on the error rates for the determination of
condensation heat transfer coefcient (a) and pressure drop (b) for the mass uxes of
Parameters Uncertainty 300, 400, 515 kg m 2 s 1 and Tsat = 40 and 50 C.
Tref, sat (C) 0.19
Experimental data number 35 68
xi 6.968.24%
T (K) 0.191 error analysis/ANN methods MLP RBFN MLP RBFN
(Tw,o Tw,i)TS (K) 0.045
(Tw,i Tw,o)ph (K) 0.13
h (W m 2 K 1)
mref (g s 1) 0.023
R square 0.999 0.988 0.999 0.99
mw,TS (g s 1) 0.35
Proportional (%) 0.059 1.295 0.061 1.444
mw,ph (g s 1) 0.38
Square law 6.048 144.952 5.551 132.68
qTS (kW m 2) 6.558.93%
qph (kW m2) 1214.81%
href (W m 2 K 1) 7.6410.71%.
P (Pa)
P (kPa) 0.15
R square 0.998 0.997 0.998 0.997
Proportional (%) 1.793 2.28 1.754 2.017
Square law 67.702 78.77 64.581 71.11
iTS;i il@TTS;i
xTS;i = 1
Table 3
Elimination of ANN methods according to the error rates for the determination of
condensation heat transfer coefcient (a) and pressure drop (b) for the mass uxes of
260, 340, 456 kg m 2 s 1 and Tsat = 40 and 50 C.
Error analysis/ h (W m 2 K 1)
ANN methods
R square 0.999 0.992 0.994 0.056
Proportional (%) 0.588 1.558 1.182 16.062
Square law 39.452 113.617 103.296 1293.76
P (Pa)
R square 0.997 0.998 0.989 0.432
Fig. 1. Schematic diagrams of articial intelligence models used in the analysis. a) Multi
Proportional (%) 2.127 1.74 4.15 37.608
layer perceptron (MLP) with 5-13-1 architecture. b) Articial neural fuzzy inference
Square law 64.895 55.208 147.85 1148.447
system (ANFIS).
78 M. Balcilar et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 38 (2011) 7584
vaporization based on the temperature of the test section inlet, iTS;i is 3.2. The outlet vapor quality of the test section (xTS,o)
the refrigerant enthalpy at the test section inlet and is given by:
iTS;o il@TTS;o
xTS;o = 4
Qph ifg@TTS;o
iTS;i = iph;i + 2
where iTS;o is the refrigerant enthalpy at the test section outlet, il@TTS;o
where iph;i is the inlet enthalpy of the liquid refrigerant before is the enthalpy of the saturated liquid based on the temperature of the
entering the preheater, mref is the mass ow rate of the refrigerant, test section outlet, and ifg@TTS;o is the enthalpy of vaporization. The
and Qph is the heat transfer rate in the preheater: outlet enthalpy of the refrigerant ow is calculated as follows:
Qph = mw;ph cp;w Tw;i Tw;o 3 QTS
iTS;o = iTS;i 5
where mw,ph is the mass ow rate of the water entering the preheater, where the heat transfer rate, QTS, in the test section is obtained from:
cp,w is the specic heat of water, Tw;i Tw;o is the temperature
QTS = mw;TS cp;w Tw;o Tw;i 6
difference between inlet and outlet positions of the preheater. TS
Fig. 2. Comparisons of experimental convective heat transfer coefcients with the articial neural network methods using 33 number of experimental data points as ANN test group
for the mass uxes of 260, 340, 456 kg m 2 s 1 and Tsat = 40 C (a) and 50 C (b).
M. Balcilar et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 38 (2011) 7584 79
where mw,TS is the mass ow rate of the water entering the test where d is the inside diameter of the test tube. L is the length of the
section, and Tw;o Tw;i is temperature difference between outlet test tube.
and inlet position of the test section.
3.4. Uncertainties
3.3. The average heat transfer coefcient
The uncertainties of the Nusselt number and condensation heat
QTS transfer coefcient in the test tube varied from 7.64% to 10.71%. It
hexp = 7 should be noted that similar range of uncertainty with minimum and
Awi Tref;sat Twi
maximum values are exist in the literature. The procedures of Kline and
McClintock [38] were used for the calculation of all uncertainties.
where hexp is the experimental average heat transfer coefcient, QTS is Various uncertainty values of the study for the operating conditions in
the heat transfer rate in the test section, Twi is the average Table 1 can be seen from authors' previous works and in Table 2 in detail.
temperature of the inner wall, Tref;sat is the average temperature of
the refrigerant at the test section inlet and outlet, and Awi is the inside 3.5. Error analysis
surface area of the test section:
Error analysis of the study is performed by means of Eqs. (9), (10)
Awi = dL 8 and (11) and results of them were given in Tables 3 and 4. In these
a) 8000
G=260 kg m-2s-1 MLP
G=260 kg m-2s-1 RBFN
G=260 kg m-2s-1 ANFIS +20%
G=260 kg m-2s-1 GRNN
6000 G=340 kg m-2s-1 MLP
G=340 kg m-2s-1 RBFN
G=340 kg m-2s-1 ANFIS
G=340 kg m-2s-1 GRNN
P (Pa)
2000 Tsat=40 oC
Tsat=1.63-8.48 C
q=10.83-50.89 kW m-2
0 2000 4000 6000 8000
Pexp (Pa) -30%
b) 6000
Tsat=50 oC
5000 x=0.76-0.95
Tsat=1.92-8.58 oC
q=11.21-48.24 kW m-2
+20% G=260 kg m-2s-1 MLP
G=260 kg m-2s-1 RBFN
P (Pa)
Fig. 3. Comparisons of measured two-phase pressure drops with the articial neural network methods using 33 number of experimental data points as ANN test group for the mass
uxes of 260, 340, 456 kg m 2 s 1 and Tsat = 40 C (a) and 50 C (b).
80 M. Balcilar et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 38 (2011) 7584
equations, N is the element number of test group, hiexp and hicalc are the 3.6.2. Radial basis function networks (RBFN)
experimental and calculated results of heat transfer coefcient RBFN architecture has a single hidden layer and some similarities
obtained from i number of test data respectively and hexp and with MLP method. On the other hand, it has different calculation
hcalc are the average values of experimental and calculated results of process for the determination of neuron number, different activation
heat transfer coefcient obtained from the numerical analysis. It function and difference in neuron number in hidden layer. RBFN
should be noted that error analysis of pressure drop was done architecture's of single layer has equal neuron numbers with the
similarly. R square error is determined as follows: element numbers in training group. Bias numbers are the control
parameters of RBFN architecture and should be given by the user.
!2 Training of this architecture, in other words, values of neuron
hexp hicalc h
calc connections is calculated using training group by means of least
ERsquare = ! ! 9 square method.
N 2 N 2
hiexp h
exp hicalc h
i=1 i=1 3.6.3. Generalized regression neural networks (GRNN)
A generalized regression neural network (GRNN) is often used for
Proportional error is calculated as follows: function approximation. It has a radial basis layer and a special linear
layer. It performs regression rather than classication tasks. GRNNs
can only be used for regression problems and trains almost instantly,
i i but tends to be large and slow. Like an RBFN network, a GRNN does
100 N hexp hcalc
Eratio = 10 not extrapolate. Detailed information can be seen from [40].
N i=1 hiexp
In terms of the elimination process of several ANN methods such best predictive method for the convective heat transfer coefcient (a)
as neural network (ANN) methods such as multilayer perceptron and pressure drop (b) accurately according to the their low average
(MLP), radial basis networks (RBFN), generalized regression neural values of test group of 33 data points' results using several error
network (GRNN) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), analysis. The performance of the method of multi layer perceptron
random sets of test and training/validation were determined as 33 (MLP) with 5-13-1 architecture and radial basis function networks
and 120/30 among 183 data points by means of Matlab software [40] (RBFN) with the spread coefcient (sp) of 40,000, shown in Figs. 2 and
respectively. The best value of ANNs control parameters is determined 3, were found to be superior to other methods and architectures by
using 5-fold cross validation in training phase. During the calculation means of satisfactory results with their deviations within the range of
process of heat transfer coefcient and pressure drop, the most 0.58% for the estimated condensation heat transfer coefcient and
agreeable hidden layer number value was found as 13 (h and P) 1.74% for the estimated pressure drop respectively. In addition to
among the numbers from 1 to 30 for the method of multi layer this, according to the condensation temperatures of 40 and 50 C,
perceptron (MLP), the most agreeable spread numbers (sp) were comparison of experimental heat transfer coefcients and pressure
found as 12,000 (h) and 40,000 (P) for the radial basis function drops with those from various articial neural network methods of
networks (RBFN). The experimental data includes the mass uxes of test groups are shown in Figs. 2 and 3 in a 20% deviation line for the
260, 340 and 456 kg m 2 s 1 belong to the saturation temperatures mass uxes of 260, 340 and 456 kg m 2 s 1respectively. It can be
of 40 and 50 C in Table 3 and also in Figs. 2 and 3. Table 3 shows the clearly seen from these gures that the generalized regression neural
Fig. 4. Comparisons of experimental convective heat transfer coefcients with the most predictive articial neural network methods using 35 number of experimental data points as
ANN test group for the mass uxes of 300, 400, 515 kg m 2 s 1 and Tsat = 40 C (a) and 50 C (b).
82 M. Balcilar et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 38 (2011) 7584
networks (GRNN) method has the poorest predictability of experi- according to the condensing temperatures of 40 C (a) and 50 C (b)
mental data. respectively with their deviations being within the range of 5% for all
In terms of the increase in data number for the accuracy and tested conditions. Table 5 shows the most predictive combinations of
validation process of the experiments, numerical calculations is done by input parameters, whose deviations are over 0.5%, according to the error
means of 368 experimental data points having 68 data points for test set rates for the determination of condensation heat transfer coefcient (h)
and 300 data points for training set in Tables 4 and 5. Table 4 shows the and pressure drop (P) using the method of multi layer perceptron
effect of the experimental data number on the error rates of the test (MLP) with 5-13-1 architecture including 68 experimental data points.
group of ANN according to the most predictive ANN methods, When the input parameter number is 2, heat ux (q) and temperature
determined from Table 3 and Figs. 2 and 3, for the determination of difference between the condensing temperature and inlet wall
condensation heat transfer coefcient (a) and pressure drop (b) for the temperatures (Tsat) seem to be dominant on the prediction of
mass uxes of 300, 400, 515 kg m 2 s 1 and condensation tempera- convective heat transfer coefcient with the deviation of 0.999% and
tures of 40 and 50 C. According to Table 3, results of error analysis pressure drop with the deviation of 0.897%. When there are 3 known
decrease with increasing data number due to the result of learning input parameters, heat ux (q), temperature difference between the
process of articial intelligence. Figs. 4 and 5 show the success of condensing temperature and inlet wall temperatures (Tsat), and
determined compatible articial neural network methods for the saturation temperature (Tsat) has the best predictability for the
prediction of convective heat transfer coefcient and pressure drop prediction of convective heat transfer coefcient with the deviation of
4000 -5%
Tsat=40 oC
T sat=2.47-8.26 oC
q=15.81-52.39 W m-2
0 2000 4000 6000 8000
Pexp (Pa)
Tsat=50 oC
1000 Tsat=1.34-8.52 oC
q=12.1-54.22 kW m-2
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Pexp (Pa)
Fig. 5. Comparisons of measured two-phase pressure drops with the most predictive articial neural network methods using 35 number of experimental data points as ANN test
group for the mass uxes of 300, 400, 515 kg m 2 s 1 and Tsat = 40 C (a) and 50 C (b).
M. Balcilar et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 38 (2011) 7584 83
0.998% and pressure drop with the deviation of 0.945%. It shows that the ph preheater
accuracy of the estimated output values by means of input values o outlet
increases with increasing added proper input parameters. ref refrigerant
A large number of graphics could be generated from the output of sat saturation
the calculations, however, due to space limitation, only typical results TS test section
are shown for limited data of the experimental database of the w water
authors. It should be also noted that detailed information on the heat
transfer characteristics of the study with some additional gures and
different experimental parameters can be seen from the authors'
previous publications. Acknowledgements
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