Definition: Prepositions are a closed class of items connecting two units in a sentence
and specifying a relationship between them.
Deferred prepositions
We have paid for the car. ~ The car has been paid for.
It is unpleasant to work with that man. ~ That man is unpleasant to work with.
It is not worth listening to his advice. ~ His advice is not worth listening to.
Who did you sell your house to? ~ To whom did you sell your house?
Prepositional meanings
Prepositions can express the following: space, time, cause and purpose, means
to stimulus, accompaniment, concession, exception, addition, respect
TASK: In each of the following sentences underline the prepositional phrase and
determine the meaning it expresses.
About your application, are you sure you would like a job of this kind?
An appeal is being opened for a new hospital.
Are you interested in quantum theory?
Be careful as you drive round corners.
Does this train stop at Lincoln?
During the summer, we stayed in a rented cottage for a month.
Everyone seemed tired but me.
Except for the weather, our stay was enjoyable.
For a teacher, he seems extraordinarily ignorant.
Having reached the shore, Mike was finally out of danger.
He lives down the hill.
He lost his job because of his laziness.
He managed to open the car without a key.
He misdirected the letter out of spite.
He told her of his problems.
Hell do it in three days.
Hes going for a walk with his dog.
I believe they are under suspicion of burglary.
I cannot concentrate without silence.
I go to work by car.
I have to sleep in the afternoon because I cannot sleep at night.
I hope you will come to dinner with your husband.
I last saw her in March.
I left the letter among my birthday cards.
I love walking through the woods in spring.
I think hes jealous of her.
I worked from 8 oclock.
Im surprised at her attitude.
In the evening, I listened to some records.
Jack ran to the corner.
Mildred enjoys living away from the city centre.
Our daughter is at Oxford studying philosophy.
Please move this desk closer to the wall.
Put the book on the top shelf.
She drove towards Edinburgh.
She is applying for a better job.
She is getting over her illness.
She last saw her parents at Christmas.
She left the keys beside her purse.
She was arguing with her brother.
She was fined for dangerous driving.
She will be here by Friday night.
She won the match with her fast service.
The article is being published in spite of her disapproval.
The children were playing around the park.
The coat is splendid as to the material, but Im less happy as regards the cut.
The film will begin at 7 p.m.
The office will be open from Monday to Friday.
The orchestra was disappointing as well as the soloist.
The police station is opposite my house.
The recipe is passed on from generation to generation.
Their house is past the church.
There must be space to walk between the chairs and the wall.
There were trees around the house.
They argued about the children.
They were rowing on Lake Windermere.
This picture was painted by Degas.
Try to stay alert throughout the entire ceremony.
We can come on Monday or on any other day that you may prefer.
We stayed in a rented cottage for the summer.
What will you drink with your meal?
You can find all the answers in this book.
You can stay until lunch time.
You have helped me immensely through the ordeal.
Complete the following sentences by putting the correct preposition in the
space provided.
1. All new models of our cars have been fitted _______________ a safety lock.
2. You look really scruffy. Cant you tuck your shirt _______________ your trousers at
3. The main part of this house is very old. It dates _______________ more than 400
4. The sudden movement of the train threw me _______________ balance and I fell
head-first down the steps.
5. Erica is an excellent colleague. She goes _______________ her job calmly and
6. The school ran _______________ financial trouble when 80% of the staff went on
7. As soon as the President stepped out of the car, guards moved _______________
action to hold back the crowds.
8. The price of shares in the company went up _______________ over 50% when they
announced the discovery of the new oilfield.
9. Weve decided to switch electricity _______________ solar power in an attempt to
be more eco-friendly.
10. The over-use of fertilisers and pesticides is one of the greatest threats
_______________ wildlife today.
Replace the incorrect prepositions in the following sentences with the
correct ones.
1. You can reduce your vulnerability for stress by taking a nap in the afternoon.
2. I play tennis but just in fun. Im not very good at it.
3. Ive no idea why Tony is so angry. He never confides with me.
4. Janes out in the garden mulling through a problem to do with work.
5. Theres no need to exercise at the point of exhaustion.
6. At weekends, I like to immerse myself with the peace and quiet of the
7. Bobs finding it hard to focus his mind in his studies at the moment.
8. Dentists fall on the category of high-stress occupations.
9. One of the greatest causes of stress at the workplace is the feeling of being
10. Moving house often has a negative effect for peoples mental health.
Put the correct prepositions in the gaps in the text below.
I must admit that I cringe (1) _______________ the prospect of going to see my
brother. He is, I suppose, fairly well-read (2) _______________ his field, which is
medicine. However, the way he insists (3) _______________ always being right all the
time, regardless (4) _______________ how well-informed his conversational
adversary may be, makes me quite angry. Whenever anything concerned (5)
_______________ medicine crops up in conversation, he puffs himself up and
prepares to inform people. His attitude (6) _______________ people who get their
facts slightly wrong is insufferable. He cannot just let things go, he is just not
comfortable (7) _______________ inaccuracies. It is almost as if he is dropping (8)
_______________ status if he fails to pick someone up on a point. I remember him
once arguing with a dinner guest for over an hour on the difference (9)
_______________ the hard and soft palate! No wonder his wife is always complaining
(10) _______________ him!
Complete the following sentences by putting the correct preposition in the
space provided.