Events With Adyashanti & Mukti

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The passage discusses the ideas of solitude, silence, and recognizing the completeness and unity of all existence according to Adyashanti.

The passage says that true solitude is recognizing the absolute completeness and unity of all existence, and that in solitude we can intuitively orient ourselves towards our unborn and uncreated ground of being.

The passage says that in our deepest solitude we come upon the fullness of our being, and that it is within ourselves that we will ever be or can be, timelessly present in its fullness and completeness.

Events with Adyashanti & Mukti 2013

Mukti Newsletter: Insert s Teachings: p. 3 s Events: p. 4 s 2013 At-A-Glance: p. 8 s Downloads & Streaming: p. 10 s Bookstore: p. 12
To stand alone in true solitude
is to stand in the recognition of the

absolute completeness and

unity of all manner

of existence.

~ Adyashanti

The Immensity of Solitude

by Adyashanti

When the mind is free of all of its content,

all of its conditioned thinking, it enters into
the solitude of silence. That silence can
only arise when one sees the limitations of
ones thinking. When one sees that his or
her thoughts will not bring truth, peace, or freedom, there arises a natural
state of silence and inner clarity. And in that silence there is a profound soli-
tude, because one is not seek-
ing a more advantageous rela-
tionship with thought or with
the accompanying emotions
that are derived by thought.
In that solitude all ideas and images are left behind, and we can intui-
tively orient ourselves toward the unborn and uncreated ground of being. In
that ground we find our true being; and in the same manner in which our
being is uncreated, it is also undying. Therefore, all that we will ever be or can
be is found in our solitude (within ourselves) and is timelessly present in its
fullness and completeness, now and eternally.
It is within our deepest solitude, where we take leave of every image and
idea of ourselves as well as of God, that we come upon the fullness of our be-
ing. And in that fullness of being we recognize the divinity of all things and
all beings, no matter how great or small. For divinity is not something earned
or given, but lavishly present within all. To have the eyes to see the divinity of
all beings is to bring light into this world.
So we are given this one small task: to cease being what we are not, and to be what we eternally are. Such a task would
seem to be a gift of Love, but how often is it denied in favor of the blind security of conforming to the dictates of our fear and
blame? If we would only see that all limitations are self-imposed and chosen out of fear, we would leap at once into the arms
of grace, no matter how fierce that embrace might be.
It is Love that leads us beyond all fear and into the solitude of our being.
There we find our utter aloneness because we stand free of all the false com-
forts of illusion and find the capacity to stand where no one else can stand for
us. We are alone not because we have isolated ourselves behind an emotional
defense or false transcendence, but because we are no longer held captive by
either the mind or fear.
To stand alone in true solitude is to stand in the recognition of the abso-
lute completeness and unity of all manner of existence. And from that com-
mon ground, where nothing and no one is foreign to you, your love extends
across the magnitude of time and embraces the greatest and smallest of

Open Gate Sangha | 3

San Francisco Bay Area Events
Satsangs with Adyashanti are a time of silence and intimate investigation East Bay
into the nature of spiritual awakening and living an awakened life. Each
satsang begins with a period of silence, followed by a talk, and then dia- Time: Saturdays, 11am1pm
logues with the audience. Doors open at 10:40am. Please arrive on time.
s Doors open 20 minutes prior to satsang for silent sitting. Dates: February 16, April 20, September 21
s Contribution per satsang is $10, paid at the door. Location: Lake Merritt United Methodist Church
for the most current schedule.
s )FYOUAREINTERESTEDINVOLUNTEERINGATTHESEEVENTS email volunteer@ Peninsula Time: Sundays, 46pm
s 3ATSANGSMAYBEVIDEORECORDED Doors open at 3:40pm. Please arrive on time.
Dates: April 7, May 12, August 18
North Bay Location: Unity Palo Alto Community Church
Time: Saturdays, 46pm 3391 Middlefield Rd., Palo Alto
Doors open at 3:40pm. Please arrive on time.
Dates: April 6, August 17 Santa Cruz Area
Location: San Rafael Community Center Time: Saturdays, 46pm
618 B St., San Rafael Doors open at 3:40pm. Please arrive on time.
Dates: March 2, May 11, November 9
Location: First Congregational Church
900 High St., Santa Cruz

Participants understand that all events hosted by Open Gate Sangha will be
recorded for use by Open Gate Sangha, Inc. Open Gate Sangha makes no repre-
sentations or warranties as to any benefit that may be received by attending an event.

4 Adyashanti | 2013
Special Events
Restoring the Sovereignty of Being
Hosted by Spirit Rock Meditation Center
November 2, 2013
Saturday, 11am6pm
The first task of spirituality is to awaken to being. Being is the source and
substance of our existence and reveals that we are not essentially a body-
bound personality, but a presence. Awakening opens the door, not only of
realizing our existential reality, but also of the possibility of functioning
from that reality in the world of time and space. In order for this possibility
to be actualized, being must be restored to its rightful place as the center
and substance of our existence. It must become the ground from which we
live and act.
Until being is restored to its rightful sovereignty, we are sleepwalking
through life, all the while imagining that we are awake. Until being is re-
stored, the radiance cannot shine; light cannot come into the world. And The beautiful hills of Spirit Rock.
no matter how much we may accomplish, it all takes place in the realm of
unconscious being. Christmas Intensive
During this intensive we will explore the challenges and potential of During the busy Christmas season, many desire to dedicate time to honor-
restoring the sovereignty of being to our lives. ~ Adyashanti ing the truth as it manifests through Christ. Adyashantis annual Christmas
This event is a benefit for Open Gate Sangha and Spirit Rock Meditation Intensive provides a space where we can do just that. This day of com-
Center. Please bring a bag lunch; carpooling is required. munity will include silent meditation, talks by Adyashanti, question-and-
answer periods, special musical offerings, and singing.
Cost: $90$150 sliding scale
Location: Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Woodacre, CA Palo Alto, CA
Join us also for the
Registration: Register through Spirit Rock at after December 14, 2013 2012 Christmas Intensive,
July 2013. Saturday, 39pm Saturday, December 15
Registration begins at 2pm.
Cost: $50 (preregistration deadline: December 6)
$75 (at the door on the day of event, space permitting)
It is Love that leads us beyond all fear
Location: Unity Palo Alto Community Church
and into the solitude of our being. 3391 Middlefield Rd., Palo Alto, CA 94306
~ Adyashanti Registration: Register online, by mail, or at the door. See the Intensives
page at for details.
Food Drive
The event will include a food drive to benefit local families in need. To par-
ticipate, please bring canned or nonperishable foods with you to the event
and place them in one of the receptacles in the entry area.

Open Gate Sangha | 5

2013 Schedule
Adyashanti will be teaching in the following locations in 2013:
Sebastopol, CA February 2223
Santa Fe, NM March 910
Garrison, NY March 2229
Seattle, WA April 1314
Tahoe City, CA April 28May 3
Boulder, CO May 1819
Elspeet, The Netherlands June 714
Los Angeles, CA August 2324
Rhinebeck, NY September 613
NSW, Australia October 1118
Details about these events will be posted online as they become available.
Event announcements will be included in Adyashantis monthly email
prior to each event. To get on the email list, go to the Log In page of www. Absolute completeness surrounds you
sOnline preregistration is available for travel events.
s,IMITED scholarships are available for daylong travel events.
wherever you go. ~ Adyashanti
s4O volunteer at a travel event, contact the local event host listed online.

Online Events
Offered at
Open Gate Sangha is pleased 4-Week Study Courses
to offer many opportunities for
you and others around the world In 2013, Adyashanti will be offering two 4-week online study courses for
to join Adyashanti through those who wish to delve more deeply into their inquiry and unfolding with
online events. You are invited to his teaching and guidance. Online events take place at www.adyashanti.
tune in for the live audio/video
broadcasts, submit questions The Way of Liberation
by email, and/or call and speak
with Adyashanti directly. See page 11 for a complete description of this course.
To be reminded of upcom- Broadcast Dates: Wednesdays, January 9, 16, 23, and 30.
ing free broadcasts of Radio Adyashanti or to be notified when the 4-week Broadcast Time: 68pm PST
study courses open for registration, log in at and Cost: $90
sign up for email updates.
November Study Course
Radio Adyashanti Broadcast Dates: Wednesdays, November 6, 13, 20, and 27.
Free Live Video/Audio Broadcasts Broadcast Time: 68pm PST
Wednesday Dates: February 20, March 6 and 13, April 10 and 24, May 15 Cost and Details: TBA
and 29, July 31, August 28, September 25, October 2, December 18
Check the website for possible broadcast schedule changes. To confirm the
date of the next program, or to tune in to the current broadcast, visit the
Radio page at

6 Adyashanti | 2013
Silent Retreats
About Retreats
Silent retreats are for those who desire to deeply realize the truth of their
being and the essence of existence. Retreats offer time to step back from
the course of daily life and enter into the unknown, in an environment that
provides both structure and support. To serve this intention, all retreats
are held in deep silence, except for time together in satsang. In addition
to satsang, the daily schedule includes several periods of meditation. Both
forums are suited to penetrating heartfelt questions and discovering the
liberating truth of ones being.

Open Gate Sangha Retreats Omega Institute Retreat

Check the Events/Retreats page at to see if a Rhinebeck, NY
retreat still has openings.
February 18
7-Night Silent Retreat
7 Nights at Mount Madonna Center ~ Watsonville, CA September 613, 2013
Omega Institute is sponsoring a 7-night silent retreat with Adyashanti. This
March 2229
retreat will be structured just like Adyashantis Open Gate Sangha retreats,
7 Nights at Garrison Institute ~ Garrison, NY where participants share in a deep commitment to the container of silence.
April 28May 3 The schedule will include several periods of silent sitting and 2 satsangs
5 Nights at Granlibakken Conference Center ~ Tahoe City, CA per day.
Omega 7-Night Tuition: $515
June 714
Omega 7-Night Accommodations: From $518* for camping to $1,708*
7 Nights at Mennorode Conference Center ~ Elspeet, The Netherlands for a single room.
August 49 *Accommodation pricing is subject to change. Check
5 Nights at Mount Madonna Center ~ Watsonville, CA for updated pricing.
October 1118 Omega Institute Retreat Registration
7 Nights at Mangrove Yoga Ashram ~ NSW, Australia
All registration and housing arrangements will be handled by
December 16 Omega Institute. For more information visit
5 Nights at Asilomar Conference Center ~ Pacific Grove, CA Omega Institute will begin accepting registrations in December 2012
by phone on a first-come, first-served basis. Call (800) 944-1001 within the
Open Gate Sangha Retreat Registration US, or (845) 266-4444 outside the US. Registration is not available through
Open Gate Sangha. Omega Institute is offering a limited number of schol-
Silent retreats are Adyashantis most powerful form of teaching. To see if a arships to this event.
retreat or waiting list still has openings, visit and
go to the Events/Retreats page.
In September 2013, the retreats in 2014 will open for registration. To be
notified when registration opens, log in at and sign
up on our mailing list.
Open Gate Sangha offers a limited number of scholarships to retreats
for those who need financial assistance. As stated in the Retreats brochure,
the scholarship application deadline for all 2013 retreats was October 31,
Visit for complete details, or request a Retreats
brochure by calling (408) 299-0201 ext. 10.

Open Gate Sangha | 7

2013 AtAGlance ~ Adyashanti
Wed, Jan 9 The Way of Liberation Online Course Part 1 68pm July
Wed, Jan 16 The Way of Liberation Online Course Part 2 68pm Wed, Jul 31 Radio Adyashanti ~ LIVE with Call-in* 67:30pm
Wed, Jan 23 The Way of Liberation Online Course Part 3 68pm August
Wed, Jan 30 The Way of Liberation Online Course Part 4 68pm
Sun, Aug 4 Mount Madonna 5Night Retreat
February Fri, Aug 9 Retreat Ends
Fri, Feb 1 Mount Madonna 7-Night Retreat Sat, Aug 17 San Rafael Satsang 46pm
Fri, Feb 8 Retreat Ends Sun, Aug 18 Palo Alto Satsang 46pm
Sat, Feb 16 Oakland Satsang 11am1pm Fri, Aug 23 Los Angeles Satsang 79pm
Wed, Feb 20 Radio Adyashanti ~ LIVE with Call-in* 67:30pm Sat, Aug 24 Los Angeles Intensive Noon6pm
Fri , Feb 22 Sebastopol Satsang 79pm Wed, Aug 28 Radio Adyashanti ~ LIVE with Call-in* 67:30pm
Sat, Feb 23 Sebastopol Intensive Noon6pm September
March Fri, Sep 6 Omega 7-Night Silent Retreat
Sat, Mar 2 Santa Cruz Satsang 46pm Fri, Sep 13 Retreat Ends
Wed, Mar 6 Radio Adyashanti ~ LIVE with Call-in* 67:30pm Sat, Sep 21 Oakland Satsang 11am1pm
Sat, Mar 9 Santa Fe 2-Day Intensive Noon6pm Wed, Sep 25 Radio Adyashanti ~ LIVE with Call-in* 67:30pm
Sun, Mar 10 Intensive Day 2 Noon5pm October
Wed, Mar 13 Radio Adyashanti ~ LIVE with Call-in* 67:30pm
Wed, Oct 2 Radio Adyashanti ~ LIVE with Call-in* 67:30pm
Fri, Mar 22 Garrison Institute 7-Night Retreat (Jesus)
Fri, Oct 11 Australia 7-Night Retreat
Fri, Mar 29 Retreat Ends
Fri, Oct 18 Retreat Ends
Sat, Apr 6 San Rafael Satsang 46pm
Sat, Nov 2 Spirit Rock Intensive 11am6pm
Sun, Apr 7 Palo Alto Satsang 46pm
Wed, Nov 6 Online Study Course Part 1 68pm
Wed, Apr 10 Radio Adyashanti ~ LIVE with Call-in* 67:30pm
Sat, Nov 9 Santa Cruz Satsang 46pm
Sat, Apr 13 Seattle 2-Day Intensive Noon6pm
Wed, Nov 13 Online Study Course Part 2 68pm
Sun, Apr 14 Intensive Day 2 Noon5pm
Wed, Nov 20 Online Study Course Part 3 68pm
Sat, Apr 20 Oakland Satsang 11am1pm
Wed, Nov 27 Online Study Course Part 4 68pm
Wed, Apr 24 Radio Adyashanti ~ LIVE with Call-in* 67:30pm
Sun, Apr 28 Tahoe 5Night Retreat December
May Sun, Dec 1 Asilomar 5Night Retreat
Fri, Dec 6 Retreat Ends
Fri, May 3 Retreat Ends
Sat, Dec 14 2013 Christmas Celebration 39pm
Sat, May 11 Santa Cruz Satsang 46pm
Wed, Dec 18 Radio Adyashanti ~ LIVE with Call-in* 67:30pm
Sun, May 12 Palo Alto Satsang 46pm
Wed, May 15 Radio Adyashanti ~ LIVE with Call-in* 67:30pm
Sat, May 18 Boulder 2-Day Intensive Noon6pm
Sun, May 19 Intensive Day 2 Noon5pm
Wed, May 29 Radio Adyashanti ~ LIVE with Call-in* 67:30pm For the latest schedule information, check the Calendar pages at www. and
Fri, Jun 7 The Netherlands 7-Night Retreat *Online broadcast dates are subject to change. See the Calendar pages at
Fri, Jun 14 Retreat Ends

Letters to Adyashanti Open Gate Sangha

Please know that I read every letter, card, and email that is sent to me. Due Located in the heart of Silicon Valley in California, the Open Gate Sangha
to my teaching schedule and working on various writing projects, I very organization supports the teachings of Adyashanti and Mukti by making
rarely respond to written inquiries. If you have a pressing question or issue them available to all who sincerely yearn for peace and freedom. Founded
that requires personal attention, you may want to either call in to Radio in 1996, Open Gate Sangha produces Adyashantis and Muktis publications,
Adyashanti or contact one of those that I have asked to share the dharma.You online media, websites, and live events. We are a nonprofit organization run
can find them on the Community page at by a small staff with the heartfelt support of many dedicated volunteers. To
learn more about us, visit
Many Blessings to all,
Scholarships and Access to the Teachings: Open Gate Sangha is dedi-
cated to making the teachings readily available to all who are sincerely
called to awakened living. To learn more about scholarships, free teachings,
and the other ways we make Adyashantis and Muktis teachings available,
visit the Teachings page at

8 Adyashanti | 2013
2013 AtAGlance ~ Mukti
Tue, Jan 15 Berkeley Satsang 79pm July
Thu, Jan 17 Santa Barbara Satsang 79pm Mon, Jul 22 Palo Alto Meditation 78:45pm
Fri, Jan 18 Los Angeles Satsang 7:309:30pm Fri, Jul 26 Toronto Satsang 79pm
Sat, Jan 19 Los Angeles Silent Retreat Day 9:30am5pm Sat, Jul 27 Toronto Silent Retreat Day 9:30am5pm
Mon, Jan 21 Palo Alto Meditation 78:45pm August
Sun, Jan 27 Marin Silent Retreat Day 9:30am5pm
Fri, Aug 2 Ithaca Satsang 79pm
Mon, Jan 28 Santa Cruz Satsang 79pm
Sat, Aug 3 Ithaca Silent Retreat Day 9:30am5pm
February Tue, Aug 6 Berkeley Satsang 79pm
Fri, Feb 15 Grass Valley Satsang 79pm Mon, Aug 12 Santa Cruz Satsang 79pm
Sat, Feb 16 Grass Valley Silent Retreat Day 9:30am5pm Mon, Aug 19 Shambhala 5-Night Retreat Checkin: 2pm
Mon, Feb 18 Santa Cruz Satsang 79pm Sat, Aug 24 Retreat Ends Noon
Mon, Feb 25 Palo Alto Meditation 78:45pm September
March Tue, Sep 3 Berkeley Satsang 79pm
Sun, Mar 3 Santa Cruz Silent Retreat Day 9:30am5pm Wed, Sep 18 Sevenoaks 4-Night Retreat Checkin: 5:30pm
Tue, Mar 5 Berkeley Satsang 79pm Sun, Sep 22 Retreat Ends 2pm
Mon, Mar 11 Palo Alto Meditation 78:45pm Mon, Sep 30 Palo Alto Meditation 78:45pm
Fri, Mar 15 Philadelphia Satsang 79pm October
Sat, Mar 16 Philadelphia Silent Retreat Day 9:30am5pm
Mon, Oct 28 Palo Alto Meditation 78:45pm
Tue, Mar 19 Asheville Satsang 79pm
Wed, Mar 20 Asheville Satsang 79pm November
April Fri, Nov 1 Ashland Satsang 79pm
Sat, Nov 2 Ashland Silent Retreat Day 9:30am5pm
Fri, Apr 5 Boulder Satsang 79pm
Mon, Nov 4 Bend Satsang 79pm
Sat, Apr 6 Boulder Silent Retreat Day 9:30am5pm
Tue, Nov 5 Bend Satsang 79pm
Mon, Apr 15 Palo Alto Meditation 78:45pm
Fri, Nov 15 Los Angeles Satsang 7:309:30pm
Sun, Apr 21 Vajrapani 6-Night Retreat Checkin: 35pm
Sat, Nov 16 Los Angeles Retreat Day 9:30am5pm
Sat, Apr 27 Retreat Ends Noon
Mon, Nov 18 Palo Alto Meditation 78:45pm
May Fri, Nov 22 Sebastopol Satsang 7:309:30pm
Fri, May 3 Vancouver Satsang 79pm Mon, Nov 25 Santa Cruz Satsang 79pm
Sat, May 4 Vancouver Silent Retreat Day 9:30am5pm December
Mon, May 13 Palo Alto Meditation 78:45pm
Fri, Dec 6 Mount Madonna 2-Night Retreat Checkin: 3pm
Tue, May 14 Berkeley Satsang 79pm
Sun, Dec 8 Retreat Ends Noon
Mon, May 20 Santa Cruz Satsang 79pm
Mon, Dec 16 Palo Alto Meditation 78:45pm
Fri May 24 Kripalu 3-Night Retreat Checkin: 2:15pm
Tue, Dec 17 Berkeley Satsang 79pm
Mon, May 27 Retreat Ends Noon
Fri, May 31 London Satsang 79pm
Sat, Jun 1 London Silent Retreat Day 10am5:30pm Participants understand that all events with Adyashanti and Mukti hosted by Open Gate
Tue, Jun 4 Amsterdam Satsang 7:309:30pm Sangha will be recorded for use by Open Gate Sangha, Inc. Open Gate Sangha makes no
Wed, Jun 5 Amsterdam Satsang 7:309:30pm representations or warranties as to any benefit that may be received by attending an event.

Gatherings: Adyashantis teachings are shared globally as well as locally, Donations: Many thanks to those who have contributed to the scholar-
as groups gather to listen to Adyashantis CDs or watch DVDs. There are ship fund and offered financial support of Adyashantis and Muktis teach-
over 150 gatherings now taking place in 35 states and 15 countriesand ings. All donations to Open Gate Sangha are tax-deductible. Retreat and
the list continues to grow. To learn more about attending or hosting a intensive fees are not considered donations. General donations may be
gathering, visit the Community page at made online or by mail. To contribute specifically to the scholarship fund,
Private Meetings with Mukti: Mukti, Associate Teacher of Open Gate please indicate it on your check, and mail it to PO Box 112107, Campbell,
Sangha, offers dokusans (private meetings for satsang inquiry) in person CA 95011. Open Gate Sangha, Inc. is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) or-
and by phone on a donation basis. In-person meetings take place in San ganization.
Jose, CA. To schedule a dokusan, call (408) 728-3839. Board of Directors and Officers:
Spiritual Director ..................................................................................................... Adyashanti
Volunteering: If you are interested in volunteering at events or at the President / Executive Director ............................................................................Jerilyn Munyon
Open Gate Sangha office, please email [email protected]. Visit the Vice President........................................................................................................... Mukti Gray
Community page at for more information. Secretary ..................................................................................................................Don Oakley
Treasurer .................................................................................................................... Julie Zeise
Director ..............................................................................................................David Mulliken

Open Gate Sangha | 9

Downloads & Streaming
On the Audio Page
Explore the Teachings The Audio page features Adyashantis latest full-length satsangs and multi-
download sets available to download instantly. New satsangs are usually
Free Teachings Online added within a few days of being recorded, and each month youll find a
You can explore many teachings on Open Gate Sanghas websites, new free download! In addition, you will find the latest download from and Updated Mukti, always in the lower right corner of the page.
monthly, the Teachings pages offer free audio clips, video clips, and
writings, while Adyashantis Cafe Dharma offers an ever-changing Recommended Audio Downloads
selection of free full-length downloads and live satsang broadcasts.
To be notified of new teachings and free downloads, sign up for
Uncensored Straight Talk
$65 / Cafe Dharma AUDIO Library ID #313
Adyashantis and Muktis monthly email updates by logging in at Based on his groundbreaking book The End of Your
World, this 4-part self-guided course offers weekly
themes of exploration with recommended reading
assignments, a series of recorded talks and dialogues,
and written Q&A between Adyashanti and the origi-
Adyashantis nal course participants.
Cafe Dharma Ending the Seduction of Mind
Adyashantis Downloads and Streaming media center makes his teachings $25 / Cafe Dharma AUDIO Library ID #324
accessible to anyone with an internet connection. The Audio page offers The vast majority of human beings are seduced by
his most recent satsangs via MP3 downloads; the Radio page features the realm of thought and the emotions triggered by
live satsang via streaming audio and video; and the Video page features thought. Through a guided meditation, vivid talks,
specially recorded teachings viewable for free via streaming video. You can and compelling dialogues, this 3-download set offers
access Adyashantis Downloads and Streaming area at www.adyashanti. Adyashantis guidance on living beyond the content
org/cafedharma. of our experience.
To be notified of new satsang recordings, scheduled radio programs,
and free downloads, sign up for Adyashantis monthly email updates by The Evolving Edge
logging in at $40 / Cafe Dharma AUDIO Library ID #304
Many people who have a fundamental realization that
On the Video Page there isnt a separate self are often confused by the
experience of a separate self that seems to appear
In three specially recorded 30- to 45- again. In this 5-download set, Adyashanti sheds light
minute videos, Adyashanti outlines the on what it means to experience the falling away of
orientation, principles, and application both the ego and the self.
that form a foundation of understand
ing of his teaching. He discusses what Be Where You Are
it means to allow everything to be as $10 / Cafe Dharma AUDIO Library ID #326
it is, spiritual inquiry, conscious living, What does it actually mean to be where you are?
and the spiritual orientation that can Most people often try to get out of their current state
deliver us to the ultimate realm of true of thinking or emotion so that they can get into a
consciousness. better moment than now. In this satsang, Adya
emphasizes that pushing against anything just makes
it stick, and explores what it means to get completely
In the Library within yourself, where you are not pursuing some-
where other than here.
There are over 200 full-length downloads from Adyashanti and Mukti
available in the Audio and Radio Libraries! Single satsangs are available for
$10 each, with a large selection of multiple-download sets also available. = Book = Ebook = CD = Radio Download
And remember, there is always a selection of FREE downloads updated = DVD = Audio Download = Video Streaming
monthly. You can access the entire download catalog by clicking the Library
link in the left column. To find a specific title in either library, enter a key-
word from the title in the upper right search box and click Go.
10 Adyashanti | 2013
On the Radio Page Online Study Course
Radio Adyashanti is a live online program that makes it possible for people
from around the world to join in satsang with Adyashanti. Offered one or The Way of Liberation
two times per month, the broadcast is available to anyone with access to an In this four-part live broadcast study course, Adyashanti will explore and
internet connection. expand upon the teachings in his newest book, The Way of Liberation.
During a live broadcast, Adyashanti usually begins with a talk followed With concise Foundations, Orienting Ideas, and Core Practices, The Way
by answers to emailed questions, and then he dialogues with callers. The of Liberation is Adyashantis stripped-down, practical guide to spiritual
audio broadcast of Radio Adyashanti is always FREE to the public. Due to liberation, and living it to the fullest extent possible.
a generous donation, the video portion of the broadcast will also be free The course will occur over four consecutive Wednesday evenings, each
in 2013. lasting two hours. Each evening will open with a talk where Adyashanti will
To see the date of the next program, or to tune in to the current broad- define and explore various topics pertaining to awakening, embodiment,
cast, visit the Radio page at and liberation, followed by time for participants to call in with questions.
Participants may also submit questions
Welcome! via email, many of which Adyashanti will
Radio Adyashanti welcomes listeners and callers from all over the US and respond to in writing in the online Q&A
around the worldincluding regular listeners in Iceland, Kazakhstan, area, accessible to course participants.
Hong Kong, Malaysia, Uruguay, and the Virgin Islands! Aside from the US, As a participant in this study course,
most listeners reside in Canada, Australia, The Netherlands, and Mexico. you will have the opportunity to:
Learn how to work with The Way of
Recommended Radio Downloads Liberation teachings as an integrated
What Awakening Really Is whole.
$10 / Cafe Dharma RADIO Library ID #151 Uncover the often overlooked aspects
In this rich hour-long talk, Adyashanti describes the of spiritual life that can keep you stuck
three phases of awakening that enable us, through psychologically and spiritually.
purification and awareness, to let go of even the most Become grounded in the essential
subtle magnetic force of the minds content. foundations that support you to not only realize your true nature, but
also to live it.
Understand and experience the core practices that have the greatest
Compassion & Connectedness impact on your unfolding realization.
$10 / Cafe Dharma RADIO Library ID #148
Avoid aimless practices and fleeting realizations by seeing the larger
In this intimate satsang, Adyashanti speaks of the interconnectedness of all context of your process of awakening and liberation.
life forms, and the compassion and love that are fundamental to that con-
nection. Through in-depth answers to emails and revealing dialogues, he Experience how deep and powerful it can be when you engage with in-
offers suggestions for restoring our lost connection with humanity, coming quiry and meditation correctly, within a clear context of understanding.
into harmony and peace with our sexuality, and finding the avenues into Tap into the power that underlies your unique process of transforma-
our greatest realizations. tion, with the support and guidance of Adyashanti.

The Wisdom of No Escape Includes Broadcast Dates: Wednesdays, January 9, 16, 23, and 30.
$10 / Cafe Dharma RADIO Library ID #139 Ebook and Broadcast Time: 68pm PST
Often when we experience turmoil in our lives, we think something out- Cost: $90 (includes a PDF ebook of The Way of Liberation
side ourselves will rescue us from our unhappiness. Eventually we run up and free MP3 recordings of the course broadcasts)
against a wall because we can no longer delude ourselves into thinking that Registration: To be notified when this online study course
something external can save us. In this compelling satsang, Adyashanti opens for registration, log in at and
shows us how such an inescapable situation can be a powerful point of sign up for email updates. To register, go to the Web Events
transition that makes possible a deep kind of listening where we can dis- tab at
cover the core pattern that is the real cause of our suffering.

Photo Courtesies Shake: cover. Clau- The Open Gate Sangha office is located in San Jose at 1299 Del Mar Avenue, Suite 200. Please
sen page 2. Fenner: page 3 (top). Mukti: page 3 (middle), page 6 send all mail to: PO Box 112107
(top inset), page 8 (top inset), back cover (top). Kristensen: page Campbell, CA 95011
3 (bottom). Nacino: pages 45. Walt Opie: page 5. Bigstock- (408) 299-0201 Boogles: page 6 (top), pages 89. Maja Apolonia Rod: page 6 (bottom). [email protected] Barbone: page 7 (top). Sermek: Acknowledgments Editor: Maja Apolonia Rod. Associate Editor: Julie Donovan. Graphic
page 7 (bottom). Adyashanti: page 9 (top inset), back cover (bottom). Designer: Susan Kurtz.
Ondacarcola: page 11 & 12. 2012 Open Gate Sangha, Inc. All rights reserved.

Open Gate Sangha | 11

New Book!

The Way of Liberation

A Practical Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

The Way of Liberation is a stripped-down, practical

guide to spiritual liberation, sometimes called
awakening, enlightenment, self-realization, or simply
seeing what is absolutely True. It is impossible to know what words like liberation or enlighten-
ment mean until you realize them for yourself. This being so, it is of no use to speculate about
what enlightenment is; in fact, doing so is a major hindrance to its unfolding. As a guiding
principle, to progressively realize what is not absolutely True is of infinitely more value than
speculating about what is.
Many people think that it is the function of a spiritual teaching to provide answers to lifes
biggest questions, but actually the opposite is true. The primary task of any good spiritual
teaching is not to answer your questions, but to question your answers. For it is your conscious
and unconscious assumptions and beliefs that distort your perception and cause you to see
separation and division where there is actually only unity and completeness.
The Reality that these teachings are pointing toward is not hidden, or secret, or far away.
You cannot earn it, deserve it, or figure it out. At this very moment, Reality and completeness
are in plain sight. In fact, the only thing there is to see, hear, smell, taste, touch, or feel, is Reality,
or God if you like. Absolute completeness surrounds you wherever you go. So there is really no
reason to bother yourself about it, except for the fact that we humans have long ago deceived
ourselves into such a confined tangle of confusion and disarray that we scarcely even consider,
much less experience for ourselves, the divinity within and all around us.
The Way of Liberation is a call to action; it is something you do. It is a doing that will undo
Free Ebook Download! you absolutely. If you do not do the teaching, if you do not study and apply it fearlessly, it cannot
effect any transformation. The Way of Liberation is not a belief system; it is something to be put
Adyashanti is making this book freely avail- into practice. In this sense it is entirely practical.
able to all who are interested in his teachings. To read this book as a spectator would be to miss the point. Being a spectator is easy and
Download the complete PDF ebook at: safe; being an active participant in your own awakening to Truth is neither easy nor safe. The way forward is unpredictable, the commitment absolute, the results not guaranteed. Did you
Starting in January 2013, the printed softcover really think that it could be any other way?
book will be available for $10 in the Bookstore Excerpted from the Introduction of The Way of Liberation by Adyashanti.

The Way of Liberation

2012 by Adyashanti
53-page softcover book
ISBN: 978-1-937195-17-5
$10 Item #3WOL

Available in
the Bookstore
Jan. 2013

12 Adyashanti | 2013
Complete selection of books at

Falling into Grace Order Online
Insights on the End of Suffering To order online go to the Bookstore
2010 by Sounds True page at where
240-page hardcover book you can choose from a selection of
ISBN: 978-1-60407-087-3 more than 70 Adyashanti books,
$24.95 $17 Item #3FIG-R DVDs, CDs, and CD albums! You can
In the same way that we fall into the arms of a loved one or drop our also hear or view excerpts from most
heads on the pillow at night, we can surrender into the beauty and truth of the video and audio publications.
of who and what we really are. In his first introductory book, Falling into
Grace, Adyashanti invites us to let go of our struggles with life and open Order by Mail
to the full promise of spiritual awakening: the end of delusion and the To order by mail and pay by check or
discovery of our essential being. Adyashanti has found that the simpler money order, download and print an
the teaching, the greater its power to change our lives. In this book he shares what he considers funda
funda- order form at
mental insights that will spark a revolution in the way we perceive life. Go to the Bookstore page and click on
Ordering by Mail in the right-hand
The End of Your World column.
2008 by Sounds True
218-page softcover book New Items
ISBN: 978-1-59179-779-1 To be notified when Adyashantis new-
$17.95 $13 Item #3EOYP-R est publications are available online,
sign up for Adyashantis mailing list by
More and more people are waking up spiritually. And for most of them,
logging in at
the question becomes: now what? The End of Your World is Adyashantis
You will receive emails keeping you
response to a growing need for direction on the spiritual path. With
up-to-date on events, publications, free
straight talk and penetrating insight, he describes the I got it / I lost
internet radio broadcasts, and more.
it phenomenonthe fluctuation between what he calls non-abiding
awakening and the ultimate state of abiding enlightenment. He also
points out the pitfalls and cul-de-sacs that un-enlighten us along the
journey. Adapted from the 6-CD album. = Book = Audio Download
= Ebook = Radio Download
True Meditation = DVD = Video Streaming
Book with CD
2006 by Adyashanti = CD
87-page hardcover book plus 60-minute CD
ISBN: 978-1-59179-467-7
$19.95 $14 Item #3TME-R
What would happen if you were to allow everything to be exactly as
Online Specials
it is? What if you gave up the need for control, and instead embraced Visit the online Bookstore at www.
the whole of your experience in each moment that arose? This and check out the Special
engaging and elegant hardcover book and audio CD invite you to Offerings in the right-hand column to find
explore these life-changing questions as Adyashanti offers his unique specially priced DVDs and CDs available only
and powerful perspective on the art of meditation. [ + ] if you order online.

Emptiness Dancing
2004, 2006 by Adyashanti
195-page softcover book
ISBN: 978-1-59179-459-2
$18.95 $13 Item #3EDA2-R
Who are you when you are not thinking yourself into existence? What
is ultimately behind the set of eyes reading these words? In Emptiness
Dancing, a collection of dharma talks, Adyashanti invites you to wake
up to the essence of what you are, through the natural and spontaneous
opening of the mind, heart, and body.

Open Gate Sangha | 13

Death The following DVDs are the latest in a series of videos that capture the dynamic quality of satsang with
The Essential Teachings
Adyashanti in a live, unedited format.
1-DVD & 3-CD Album
20022012 by Adyashanti. Approx. 5 hrs. Infinite Well-Being ~ Vol. 65
$55 Item #4DTE August 26, 2012 ~ Palo Alto, CA New!
2012 by Adyashanti. DVD length: approx. 90 min.
$25 Item #4IWB
Through all our experiences in life, there is a dimension of reality that
is not an experience. It is the substance of every single moment, every
state of consciousness, and every aspect of creation. In this satsang,
Adyashanti points to this infinite essence of our nature and the sense
of well-being, nonresistance, and exquisite stillness that is always pres-
ent no matter how life moves.

Purity of Being ~ Vol. 64

January 15, 2012 ~ Palo Alto, CA New!
2012 by Adyashanti. DVD length: approx. 90 min.
$25 Item #4POF
Can you perceive beyond your senses and recognize the purity of
beingin yourself and others? Adyashanti explores the kind of intui-
tive wisdom that enables each of us to perceive the fundamental truth
Whether you are grieving a loss, antici- of what we all truly are. He guides us into the immensity of silence
pating someone passing, in the dying where we can access the deepest dimension of being.
process yourself, or experiencing the
falling away of identification, this album
covers the full spectrum of Adyashantis
teachings on the subject of death.
Through powerful talks and moving dia- The Unified Expression of the All ~ Vol. 63
logues, Adyashanti guides us through the October 2, 2011 ~ Palo Alto, CA
darkness of lifes inevitable experience 2011 by Adyashanti. DVD length: approx. 90 min. New!
to the profound freedom that awaits in $25 Item #4UEO
coming to grips with death on all of its Enlightenment is nothing more than the full flowering of the big view.
levelspsychologically, emotionally, In this luminous satsang, Adyashanti sheds light on what he refers to as
physically, and existentially. Key topics the big viewthe clear, undivided perception of our natural, true
include: being. He explores what keeps us from this recognition and guides us
s Death of the Psychological Self to see, and act from, the view that everything in the universe is a uni-
s Meeting the Fear of Death fied expression of the All.
s Resistance to Aging
s Facing Someone Dying
s Grieving the Loss of Loved Ones Seeing Nothing and Everything ~ Vol. 62
s Teachings on Suicide May 1, 2011 ~ Palo Alto, CA
s What Happens After Death? 2011 by Adyashanti. DVD length: approx. 90 min.
s Dying Into Life $25 Item #4SNA
This album contains 1 DVD and 3 CDs Adyashanti illustrates how our essential being is simultaneously a pro-
compiled from previously published found, silent nothing as well as everything within existence. He first
recordings. [ + ] guides us beyond the illusive, divided ego to our fundamental nothing-
ness. He then explores the infinite potential of this nothingness and
how it can be more fully manifested by our moving from this absolute

Complete selection of CDs and DVDs at

14 Adyashanti | 2013
New Audio CD Albums
Guided Meditations, Vol. 2 Awaken the Infinite
2-CD Album 7-CD Album
20072012 by Adyashanti. 2 hrs. 16 min. 2012 by Adyashanti. Approx. 8 hrs.
$19 Item #2GMD-2 $65 Item #2ATI
We could boil down awakening to one simple thing
there is only the infinite. Yet to completely recognize
this reality, and live from this view, we must see through
our habitual reference points that we deem as real. In
this potent and fundamental 7-CD album of the 2012
Mount Madonna weekend retreat, Adyashanti leads
us beyond our world of abstraction and dimensions
of self-identification. He points to the extraordinary
infinite silence that has no center, has no opposition to
lifes movement, and is awake to all of existence as itself.

As a sequel to the popular Guided Medita- Direct Pointers to Truth

tions, Volume 1, this volume contains four A Daylong Inquiry with Adyashanti
powerful guided meditations led by Adya- 5-CD Album
shanti during live events. These selected 2012 by Adyashanti. 5 hrs. 39 min.
meditations focus on dissolving any illusory $45 Item #7DPT
sense of self/division and bring to light a
more conscious recognition of the unifica- Whether youre new to spirituality or have been involved
tion of all existence. for decades, this 5-CD album of a daylong intensive with
Adyashanti provides vital and practical pointers to the
direct experience of truth on the awakening journey.
Facets of Integrity Adyashanti draws our attention beyond any separation
7-CD Album between thought and awareness, I and other, or form
20112012 by Adyashanti. Approx. 8 hrs. and formlessness, and sets our sights on living the true
$65 Item #2FOI unified dimension of reality.

Wu Wei
The Way of Non-Doing
1 CD
2012 by Adyashanti. 58 min.
$10 Item #1WWE
The whole universe is moving through Wu Wei, the
way of non-doing. There is nobody behind the scenes
orchestrating itthe universe orchestrates itself. In
this vibrant talk given at the 2012 Lake Tahoe retreat,
Adyashanti illustrates the fine nuances of Wu Wei and
how we can discover its eternal presence as we live in
When truth infiltrates every facet of our accordance with reality.
lives, we see ever more clearly the ways our
minds create imagined reality. We come out
of hiding with ourselves, which starts to Losing Yourself Forever
change anything that isnt in alignment. In 2-CD Album
this 7-CD album from the 2011 Mount Ma- 2012 by Adyashanti. Approx 2 hrs. 11 min.
donna weekend retreat, Adyashanti invites $19 Item #2LYF
us into the highest integrity and honesty In these two landmark retreat talks, Adyashanti reveals
with ourselves, and offers an invaluable basis a teaching that he senses will become relevant to more
from which true living can take place. and more people within spirituality over the next de-
cade. Although we may realize that there is no separate
self, the lived experience of no-self is fundamentally

Complete selection of CDs and DVDs at

Open Gate Sangha | 15
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Adyashanti 2013
Adyashanti, author of The Way of
Liberation, Falling into Grace, True
Meditation, and The End of Your World,
is an American-born spiritual teacher
devoted to serving the awakening of all
beings. His teachings are an open invita-
tion to stop, inquire, and recognize what
is true and liberating at the core of all

Mukti, whose name is translated as lib-

eration, is a teacher in the lineage of
Adyashanti, her husband. Prior to 1996,
when she began studying the nondual,
Zen-flavored teachings of Adyashanti,
Mukti studied the teachings of Parama-
hansa Yogananda for more than 20 years.
In her own teachings, Mukti points
audiences back to their natural state of
wholeness or undivided consciousness.


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