Lesson Plan 5

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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher: Jin Soo Park

Date: 4/22/2017 Friday Subject/ Topic/ Theme: Environmental Science Grade: 6th Grade

I. Objectives
How does this lesson connect to the unit plan?
The lesson connects to the Environmental Science unit as well as Economics in that it helps students to see how natural resources are taken away from the continent of
Africa, in turn affecting the economy of Africa.

cognitive- physical socio-

Learners will be able to: R U Ap An E C* development emotional
Understand a complexity of how natural resources are overused in parts of the world by analyzing a map and a chart. U x x
Analyze a chart of richest countries and the poorest countries by looking at how the different natural resources are An
used and taken away.
Evaluate the issues of poverty in the continent of Africa by seeing how unjust the economic system is. E
Understand a holistic view of Africa by watching the two videos. U

Common Core standards (or GLCEs if not available in Common Core) addressed:
Integrate visual information (e.g. in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.
Explain that the physical environment is modified by human activities, which are influenced by the ways in which human societies value and use Earths natural
Explain how human action modifies the physical environment and how physical systems affect human systems.
Identify factors that contribute to conflict and cooperation between and among cultural groups (control/use of natural resources, power, wealth, and cultural diversity).
Explain that nations interact with one another through trade, diplomacy, treaties and agreements, humanitarian aid, economic sanctions and incentives.
Use geographic inquiry and analysis to answer important questions about relationships between people, cultures, their environment, and relations within the larger
world context
(Note: Write as many as needed. Indicate taxonomy levels and connections to applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to particular learners
write the name(s) of the learner(s) to whom it applies.)
*remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create

II. Before you start

Identify prerequisite The students learned about how natural resources were used throughout the history of humanity.
knowledge and skills. Also, they touched upon how they can bring a change in their society through small actions for the
Pre-assessment (for learning):
What are the three main societies the humanity has gone through? How can we be more sustainable
or care for the environment in our age today?
Formative (for learning):
Outline assessment The students will be asked why there are poverty in the continent of Africa and how they can
activities Formative (as learning):
(applicable to this lesson) The students will reflect what they watched and felt about the injustice of taking away resources
from other countries. Also, they will be asked to find a holistic view of the situation in Africa.
Summative (of learning):
What barriers might this Provide Multiple Means of Provide Multiple Means of Provide Multiple Means of
lesson present? Representation Action and Expression Engagement
Provide options for perception- Provide options for physical Provide options for recruiting
making information perceptible action- increase options for interest- choice, relevance, value,
Images interaction authenticity, minimize threats
What will it take
Maps Students stand up to talk among Usage of colorful images,
neurodevelopmentally, YouTube video themselves drawing, and video
experientially, emotionally, Texts Students come up to the board to Self-reflection for students at the
etc., for your students to do point at countries on the map end.
this lesson?
Provide options for language, Provide options for expression and Provide options for sustaining
mathematical expressions, and communication- increase medium effort and persistence- optimize
symbols- clarify & connect of expression challenge, collaboration,
language They can express through speech, mastery-oriented feedback
Usage of images text, drawing, or image
video They write their notes on Google
drawing Doc, which checks their spelling
texts and speech and grammar.

Provide options for comprehension- Provide options for executive Provide options for self-
activate, apply & highlight functions- coordinate short & long regulation- expectations, personal
term goals, monitor progress, and skills and strategies, self-
modify strategies assessment & reflection
Give the student questions to
write, draw, find an image or talk.
Self-reflection at the end

Laptops, projector, handout on Richest Countries of the World and Poorest Countries of the World.
Materials-what materials
(books, handouts, etc) do
you need for this lesson and
are they ready to use?

The students will be sitting in a group on a row.

How will your classroom be
set up for this lesson?

III. The Plan

Describe teacher activities AND student activities
Time Components for each component of the lesson. Include important higher order thinking questions and/or
10mins Ask the students to close their laptops. The students close their laptops and they stand
Motivation Ask the students to stand up and walk around and up and they move around. They go to three
(opening/ tell three classmates what they have learned classmates to talk about how they can make a
introduction/ yesterday about how they can make a change in the change in the environment.
engagement) environment.

5mins Development Ask the students to come back to their seats. Show The students will look at the map. They will also
(the largest the map of the world in Google map. Turn on the go to Google map on their own laptop as well.
component or projector to show Google map on the board. Ask the The students from Africa might feel unsafe in
main body of students to go to Google map. Pass the handout on this activity, so be very careful by encouraging
the lesson) the richest and the poorest countries in the world. them and giving them hope that they can bring a
Remind the students that just because a country is a difference in their country back home and it is
poor does not mean it is bad country, rather there not Africans fault but everyones. Therefore, we
is series of injustice and corruption that took place are learning this to see the injustice in the
in and outside of these countries that caused economic system.
poverty. Moreover, the poverty remains because of
the lack of equal distribution of wealth in the nation.

2mins Ask the students to find these countries on the They will look at the handout and find these
handout in Google map. Ask a volunteer to come countries. One of the student will come up to the
and point to the countries. board to point at where the countries are at.
As the student point to the country ask the students The students will answer the natural resources as
what kind of natural resources are in those they look at the handout.

Ask the students which continent has the poorest The students will answer, the continent of Africa.
Why do you think it is at the continent of Africa? If the students know colonialization, then the
What happened in history that this text missed? students will talk about how the Europeans
Why do we have so much natural resources coming colonized parts of Africa.
out from the continent of Africa and why do we not
see wealth like the United States, Singapore, Qatar,
Norway? What happened in these African countries
after the Industrial Revolution?

Well, colonization is part of the problem. However, The students will share what they think.
there is no more colonization in Africa. Then why is
it right now in 2017, they are suffering from poverty
even if they have all these resources? Talk among
your partners or groups why they are suffering from
Ask the students to reconvene. Open African is poor The students reconvene. The students watch
and 5 myths. https://www.youtube.com/watch? attentively and they can jot down notes for their
v=Go4Xsd53Qqw from 0:00-4:37. Ask the students reflection at the end.
to just watch and tell them that they will have a
10mins reflection afterward.
After the video, ask the students, what can we do to
stop this? Talk amongst yourselves or write your The students watch the video.
thoughts on your SS notes, or create a drawing or After the video, the students can get their laptops
find an image that incorporates what you saw and out to reflect what they think through writing,
what you feel and think right now. talking with a partner, drawing, or finding an
The students will talk about what they heard and
what they feel about how much natural resources
are being taken away by wealthier nations.
4mins As the students are doing that have them stop for a The students are continuing to work but they are
moment. Open Taking Root the Vision of Wangari also watching this video.
Maathai. https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Closure v=p5GX6JktJZg
(conclusion, 0:00-2:59.
4mins wrap-up) We must change how we use our language about the The students are looking at the video and seeing
continent of Africa and it is full of poor people, the bigger picture of the complexity of
rather there is a system of injustice taking place in exploitation of natural resources in Africa as well
the continent through big corporations and as how Africans are working to change the
businesses from the developed countries like United environment.
States and United Kingdom. Moreover, there are
changes that are happening in the continent of
Africa such as in Kenya through Wangari Maathai.
Your reflection about the lesson, including evidence(s) of student learning and engagement, as well as ideas for improvement
for next time. (Write this after teaching the lesson, if you had a chance to teach it. If you did not teach this lesson, focus on the
process of preparing the lesson.)
I was not able to teach this lesson. I go in depth to discuss why we overexploit natural resources in Africa for the sake of our own
goods. The curriculum does not go into the injustice of forcefully taking natural resources of Africa, but it touches upon rich and poor
countries and their natural resources. I do not want to show the student which country is poor or rich, but I want them to know why
poor countries are facing poverty because of rich countries overexploiting natural resources in these countries. So, I looked for a
YouTube video that touched specifically about overexploitation in Africa. Moreover, I did not want to only discuss the problems
many of the African countries are facing, but also how they are bringing hope to this world. Therefore, I looked up Wangari Maathai
because I have heard of her when I was in Kenya and I want to introduce her to the students so that they may see both problems of
overexploitation and hope of replanting trees.


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