Potentially of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Installation As Power Plant in West Sumatera - Indonesia
Potentially of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Installation As Power Plant in West Sumatera - Indonesia
Potentially of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Installation As Power Plant in West Sumatera - Indonesia
Abstract: - Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) is a field of science that is still less developed
in the area of renewable energy sources for electricity utilization. Yet the potential of the OTEC is
very large, especially in countries whose land is crossed by the equator. This study focuses on one part
of the region of Indonesia which has the potential OTEC that is large enough in the area of West
Sumatera. There are several points West Sumatera region that has the potential for the development of
electric power installation on the utilization of seawater temperature difference waterwheel region of
western Sumatera, especially the West Sumatera. From depth size coastline is very adequate for the
OTEC plant was built.
Key-Words: - Indonesia, OTEC, power plant, renewable energy, seawater temperature, West Sumatera
To have effective heat transfer it is necessary to OTEC plant construction and operation may affect
protect the heat exchangers from bio fouling. It has commercial and recreational fishing. Fish will be
been determined that bio ouling only occurs in attracted to the plant, potentially increasing fishing
OTEC heat exchangers exposed to surface in the area. Enhanced productivity due to
seawater. Therefore, it is only necessary to protect redistribution of nutrients may improve
the CC-OTEC evaporators. Chlorine (Cl2) has been fishing. However, the losses of inshore fish eggs and
proposed along with several mechanical larvae, as well as juvenile fish, due to impingement
means. Depending upon the type of evaporator, both and entrainment and to the discharge of biocides
chemical and mechanical means could be used. may reduce fish populations. The net effect of
OTEC operation on aquatic life will depend on the
Other potentially significant concerns are related to balance achieved between these two effects.
the construction phase. These are similar to those Through adequate planning and coordination with
associated with the construction of any power the local community, recreational assets near an
OTEC site may be enhanced.
ISBN: 978-1-61804-303-0 64
Recent Advances in Renewable Energy Sources
Other risks associated with the OTEC power system nautical-mile Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) as
are the safety issues associated with steam electric number third in the world.
power generation plants: electrical hazards, rotating
machinery, use of compressed gases, heavy The development of OTEC resources is also
material-handling equipment, and shop and critically dependent upon the accessibility of the
maintenance hazards. Because the CC-OTEC deep cold seawater heat sink, i.e. on the steepness of
power plant operates as a low-temperature, low the coastal seafloor. Coincidentally, a rapidly
pressure Rankine cycle, it poses less hazard to dropping seafloor often corresponds to excellent
operating personnel and the local population than wave power resources as well. Sea depths around
conventional fossil-fuel plants. It is essential that all southern Sumatera, Java and eastern Indonesia
potentially significant concerns be examined and quickly exceed 1,000 m as one moves away from
assessed for each site and design to assure that shore. In some areas, a depth of 500 m is reached
OTEC is an environmentally benign and safe within only 2 km from the coastline. Global
alternative to conventional power generation. The Indonesian bathymetric features are shown in Figure
consensus among researchers is that the potentially 1.
detrimental effects of OTEC plants on the
environment can be avoided or mitigated by proper
2. Problem Formulation
Indonesia is the tropical oceans country,
approximately defined by latitudes less than 20
degrees, may be thought of as enormous passive
solar collectors, and the amount of available OTEC Figure. 1. The steepness ( 1,000 m or more
energy has often been evaluated on the basis of how depth) of the coastal seafloor of Indonesia as
much solar radiation is absorbed by the upper layer OTEC resources
of the oceans. This method is flawed in many
respects: for example, a strictly renewable OTEC The absence of typhoons in Indonesia is a very
resource should be limited by the supply of deep positive point, since the OTEC resource often
cold seawater from the polar regions; it also leads to position in regions of active tropical storms. In other
extraordinarily optimistic (large) numbers, with countries, such as the Philippines, the frequent
convertible energy in one 1-degree-by-1-degree occurrence of violent typhoons represents a major
mesh element of a latitude-longitude grid amounting hurdle to the deployment of OTEC plants, whether
to the electricity production of a large developed on platforms (with delicate connections between
country (say 5 quads, or 5 x 1011 kWh, per year). platform and cold water pipe, or between platform
More sober estimates are typically three orders of and power cable) or on land, in the path of storm
magnitude smaller, but still represent a potential surges.
resource globally comparable to the Worlds current
electricity output. Indonesia is a country of active volcanism, however:
earthquakes and tsunamis consequently may
3. Problem Solution happen. Such events are very rare, though they are
A survey of suitable OTEC power plant locations potentially violent, as historical records show.
shows that temperature difference large enough for OTEC plants deployed on floating platforms would
OTEC, approximately correspond to latitudes less definitely be spared from earthquakes or tsunamis.
than 20 degrees. Land-based plants can be designed with state-of-the-
art guidelines, and should only suffer major damage
That arguments make it clear that Indonesia, a during the most catastrophic events, i.e. when it
country of 1.9 million km2 stretching from latitudes could be argued that virtually no structure on land or
608 N to 1115 S and longitudes 9445 E to near the shoreline would be safe from destruction,
14105 E, globally has excellent and potentially thus, it may be unreasonable to rule out OTEC
significant OTEC resources. Moreover, the great plants in those areas without ruling out any
number of islands included in the Indonesian industrial infrastructure at all.
archipelago define a sea area about four times larger
than the country itself, on the basis of a 200-
ISBN: 978-1-61804-303-0 65
Recent Advances in Renewable Energy Sources
The temperature of surface seawater around level is the most influential on a citizen's daily life,
Indonesia water in all year mostly between 29 31 and handles matters of a village or neighborhood
C as shown in Figure 2, and candidate OTEC of through an elected lurah or kepala desa (village
temperature difference more than 20 C in Western chief).
of Sumatera found at depth between 500 800 The provinces of Aceh, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Papua,
meter. and West Papua have greater legislative privileges
and a higher degree of autonomy from the central
government than the other provinces. The Acehnese
government, for example, has the right to create an
independent legal system; in 2003, Yogyakarta was
granted the status of Special Region in recognition
of its pivotal role in supporting Indonesian
Republicans during the Indonesian Revolution.
Papua, formerly known as Irian Jaya, was granted
special autonomy status in 2001. Jakarta is the
Figure.2. Sea surface temperature country's special capital region.
ISBN: 978-1-61804-303-0 66
Recent Advances in Renewable Energy Sources
ISBN: 978-1-61804-303-0 67
Recent Advances in Renewable Energy Sources
[1] Avery, W. H, Renewable Energy from the
Ocean a guide to OTEC, Oxford University
Press, pp. 280 (1994).
[2] Achiruddin, D., K.Saito. and G.C. Nihous,
Figure. 4. Three location temperature Feasibility Study of OTEC Plants in
Indonesia, Trans. Of the West Japan Soc of
At western of Siberut island on depth around 600 Naval Architects, No. 94, August 1997.
meter, temperature difference found 20 oC, as good [3] Achiruddin, D., Ikegami, Y, Possibility Study
resources for OTEC. Others data at 3 locations can To Develop OTEC & DOWA In Indonesia,
see in Table 3. 2010.
[4] BPS, Sumatera Barat (West Sumatera) Dalam
Table 3. Data of 3 candidate locations for OTEC Angka, 2014.
[5] Ikegami, Y., and H. Uehara, Performance
plant in West Sumatera
Analysis of OTEC Plants at Off design
Location Location
Location 1 Coditions: Ammonia as Working Fluid, Solar
2 3
Engineering, 1, pp. 633-638, 1992.
City/Regen Pesisir Padang Mentawai [6] Website Wikipedia, West Sumatera Province,
cy Selatan Islands 2014.
Ordinate 2.10 S 0.57 S 1.26 S
/100.51 E /100.21 E /99.8 E
Population 568.520 871.534 82.355
(2013) people people people
Electricity - Pancung Padang Siberut
& Water Soal city city Island
- Balai Tapan
- Baganti city
- Ranah
Sea surface temperature (0C)
- January 28.80 28.80 28.80
- July 29.01 29.01 29.01
Depth (m ) 600 to 700 600 to 600 to
700 700
Distance 12 km 18 km 10 km
History of
Typhoon None None None
Tsunami None None None
Earthquake Many Many Many
Source : BPS (Badan Pusat Statitik)
4 Conclusion
1. Indonesia is very potentially to build of OTEC
Plant, due to differences of sea surface
temperature and deep sea water in
ISBN: 978-1-61804-303-0 68