Yearly Scheme of Work (Y5) 2017 2
Yearly Scheme of Work (Y5) 2017 2
Yearly Scheme of Work (Y5) 2017 2
Language Arts
3. Serenade
4. Watching a
Bumble Bee
Sumatif Test 1 Able to read for
(1.3.2016- information and
3.3.2016) enjoyment with guidance:
(a) fiction
Language Arts
Short Story 3.3.1
An Something Able to create texts using
Weird Had a variety of media with
Happened guidance:
(a) non-linear
*Labour Day
Week: PKSR 1
19 (16.05.2016- 20.05.2016)
Language Arts
Short Story
An Something
Weird Had
Able to read for
information and
enjoyment with guidance:
(a) fiction
Topic: 3.2.2
Adventure Able to write with
Sports guidance:
(a) stories
Grammar: (c) informal letters
Language Arts
Graphic Novel
Gullivers Travel
Week PKSR 2
38 (17.10.2015-21.10.2015)
Language Arts
Graphic Novel
Gullivers Travel
Week: 1.1.4 2.2.2 Able to read and 3.2.1 5.1.1 Able to use nouns 4.2.1
40-41 Able to speak on related understand phrases and Able to transfer appropriately and Able to respond to
topics with guidance. sentences from: information with correctly literary texts:
01.11.2016 (a) linear texts guidance to complete (b) collective nouns (a) characters
- (b) non-linear texts
Theme: Able to create texts using
World of Self a variety of media with
Topic: (a) non-linear texts
Yummy Cakes
*Guiding Pupils for their English Scrapbook as one of the method for the assessment
Language Arts
Graphic Novel
Gullivers Travel
*Sultan of
42-43 1.1.4 2.2.3 3.2.1 5.1.3 4.2.1
Able to speak confidently Able to read and Able to transfer Able to use verbs Able to respond to
14.11.2016 on related topics. demonstrate information with correctly and literary texts:
- understanding of texts guidance to complete: appropriately: (c) values
25.11.2016 1.3.1 Able to listen to and by: (b) linear texts (a) simple future tense
demonstrate (a) giving main ideas and
Theme: understanding of oral supporting details 3.1.1
World of texts by: Able to write in neat
Knowledge (a) asking and answering legible print with correct
questions. spelling:
Topic: (a) sentences
Language Arts
Graphic Novel
Gullivers Travel