Formative Assessment Project Reflection
Formative Assessment Project Reflection
Formative Assessment Project Reflection
Student Teaching B
Spring 2017
Formative Assessment Project
presentation to be quite amazing and it in some shape and form got me even
able to include every single assessment type into my own classroom. I never
really had many ideas for assessment besides exit tickets. However, by
I was able to teach my students well and use interesting and effective
The first strategy I had used for my formative assessment was exit
them throughout my Primary II, and all Student Teaching placements this
semester. What I enjoyed most about the exit tickets was that they were
connected to the lesson I taught. In Eureka Math, part of the student packet
is the exit ticket. It is a great way to quickly assess which students need help
most. While reviewing the math exit tickets, I was able to determine which
students I would need to pull to the side during I/E every day. The math exit
ticket wasnt the only type of ticket used. While being observed, I had
students quickly write me a sentence about what they learned during a
prove it. By implementing exit tickets every day, it has allowed me to really
get to know my students. I collected them in a small white binder, and they
The second strategy I used during the placement was green, yellow,
and red cards. I used them because while researching possible assessments,
cards had statements that said Got it! I can do it on my own and I can help
others, I think I understand but I need a little help and I dont get it! I
need some help to understand. Each was then copied on green, yellow, and
red construction paper and laminated in the ESU curriculum center. What I
found while having these cards on the desks, was that I could quickly see
which students needed help during independent work. I kept a personal log
that went along with my kids notes, and this guided me to pay more
attention to certain students during the period. What I ended up doing with
these cards was placing them in a green basket. Each day, the cards were
passed out when I would teach. At the end of the day, students returned
them back to the basket. This wasnt the only card set attached to the set
though. I also managed to use ABCD cards, as I would call them. These were
used less however because I found them to require more of a set-up. I would
mostly think of options on the spot or not utilize them much at all. However, I
did find them useful. Just like any other assessment I could see a visual of
understanding at all. What I could have done was prepare when I would use
them and set-up my multiple choice the night before. This could have
stopped random choices from being implemented and provided better use of
the cards.
The final formative assessment strategy I had used was the Die Game.
This game was played during ELA. I would have a foam die that I would allow
one student to be in charge of spinning the dice. The class would then write
Fundations lesson plan Have students roll a die and when the die rolls to a
number, the students must write a words on their whiteboard with the
attached sound. 1- U, 2- U-e, 3- Ue, 4- oo, 5- ou, 6- ew. The whiteboard also
day. The students would be asked a question and then write the word, or
sound on the board. They would then turn them over when finished writing.
Students finally would then show me their board, and I would correct them as
them. What I found the most challenging about using different formative
lessons. I kept the folder from the workshop and dug through all the various
strategies. I found these three written about above the most useful because
they could be used for any subject. My goals are to continue researching for
was the kick start to collecting strategies and It has completely interested
some strategies didnt work best for a certain class but, this does not mean it
couldnt be perfect for another classroom in the future. I plan to look for
engaging and resourceful ways to collect data, and use the formative