Mentor Teacher - Midterm

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Teacher Internship Midterm Evaluation

Special Education: Cognitive Impairment
Form Completed By: Mentor Teacher
Date: 3/29/2017 8:19:36 AM

Student Teacher: Kristi Dunn Date of Experience: Spring Semester (February - May, 2017)
Cooperating Teacher: Capozzoli, Jill/Klein, Abbie School: Forest Hills Northern City: Grand Rapids, MI
College Supervisor: Phil Stegink
Age Range & Level of Impairment: 14-19 years old. Cognitive Level Pre-K-5th grade
School Setting: Mod-CI classroom with 24 students with a wide variety of abilities as well a socioeconomic status.

Please rate the extent to which the candidate has demonstrated competence by checking the appropriate box.
Include comments at the end of each section to explain your ratings.
Column Key: 4 Exemplary; 3 Satisfactory; 2 Needs Improvement; 1 Unacceptable; N Not Observed
A. Shows genuine interest in and empathy for others. 4
B. Demonstrates general intellectual curiosity; asks questions related to theory and practice. 4
C. Meets the expectations of school and community regarding personal appearance. 4
D. Gives evidence of good general health and vitality. 4
E. Demonstrates initiative and leadership. 4
F. Exhibits dependability and punctuality. 4
G. Demonstrates creativity and imagination. 4
H. Listens actively, with attention and comprehension. 4
I. Responds with appropriate judgment, humor, and common sense. 4
J. Adjusts voice projection for volume and clearness according to teaching situation. 4
K. Demonstrates the ability to write in a logical style with appropriate penmanship, grammar, and sentence 4
L. Demonstrates the ability to communicate information orally in a coherent and logical manner. 4
M. Demonstrates respect for the dignity and worth of diverse ethnic, cultural, linguistic, and economic groups. 4

Comments: Kristi is genuinely interested in our students well being. Students respond to her in a positive manner. She is
confident when working with our students.


A. Seeks and utilizes suggestions for professional growth. 34
B. Shows concern by involvement in the total school program. 3
C. Conducts self in an ethical manner and in ways that are consistent with laws, rules and regulations, local district
policies, and within-building procedures. 3
D. Demonstrates interest in further professional growth, e.g., by attending staff in-service, participating in
professional organizations relevant to the field of intellectual disability. 4
E. Reflects on and evaluates decisions and actions. 4
F. Uses copyrighted educational material in an ethical manner. 3

Comments: Kristi always conducts herself in a professional manner. This is exhibited by the conversations she has with our
students as well as other staff members. She is on time and prepared. She is willing to jump in and work in any situation.


A. Demonstrates adequate knowledge of human growth and development. 3
B. Exhibits understanding of the unique learning characteristics of students with cognitive impairment. 4
C. Demonstrates an awareness and application of appropriate learning theory. 3
D. Demonstrates understanding of cultural, gender, and economic diversity. 3
E. Demonstrates awareness of medical conditions associated with cognitive impairment. 3
F. Articulates positions on current issues and trends in the education of students with cognitive impairment. 4
G. Behaves in ways that are consistent with a Christian philosophy of education and life. 3

Comments: Kristi has worked hard in understanding the subject matter/curriculum that is used with our students. She
understands the importance of modifying and accommodating materials to suit our students needs.


A. Collects and uses information from formal assessment tools such as adaptive behavior measures and 3
achievement tests. N/A
B. Uses informal assessment strategies such as systematic observation, checklists, rating scales, & ecological
inventories. 3
C. Develops and/or uses authentic, curriculum-based assessments to evaluate the results of instruction. N/A
D. Uses assessment results for planning appropriate programs, environments, and instruction. N/A
E. Considers potential sources of bias when gathering or using assessment data. N/A
F. Communicates assessment results clearly and accurately to parents and other professionals. N/A

Comments: Kristi is learning to assess students as she is teaching her lessons. Checking for understanding. This is as simple
as a thumbs up or quick question/answer sessions. Having students If repeat important vocabulary


A. Prepares well-designed lesson plans. 34
B. Identifies long-range goals for a given subject area, topic, or theme. 3
C. Identifies and sequences related short-range objectives for a given subject area, topic, or theme. 4
D. Constructs and implements integrated, multidisciplinary curriculum. 3
E. Relates specific deficits of students to sequences of skills in various areas of the curriculum. 4
F. Gives directions clearly for carrying out an instructional activity. 4
G. Locates appropriate materials for students with cognitive impairment. 4
H. Uses research-based instructional strategies and approaches, including task analysis, multisensory techniques,
and concrete/manipulative techniques. 3
I. Considers factors which influence acquisition, retention and transfer of learning when designing instruction. 3
J. Teaches functional life skills useful in domestic, vocational, or other community environments. 3
K. Assists students in the use of alternative or augmentative communication systems. 4
L. Uses and maintains orthotic, prosthetic, and adaptive equipment needed by students with multiple impairments. N/A

Comments: Kristi is able to support cognitive, social and emotional growth in our students. She exhibits flexibility which is
extremely important. She elicits feedback.


The teacher...
A. Establishes and maintains a physically and psychologically safe and healthy learning environment. 4
B. Creates an attractive learning environment. 4
C. Structures the physical environment to provide optimal learning for students with cognitive impairment. 4
D. Incorporates instructional technology in the learning environment. 3
E. Integrates related services such as speech, PT, and OT into the instructional day. 3
F. Organizes routines and procedures that promote efficient use of time. 4
G. Designs and implements community-based instruction. N/A
H. Locates and uses assistive devices for students with extensive needs. 4
I. Plans integration experiences for students with and without labeled disabilities. N/A
J. Directs activities of the classroom paraprofessional, volunteers, and peer tutors. 3
Comments: Kristi is organized and is ready with her lesson plans. Her classroom management skills are excellent. She is
able to gain and keep our students attention which can be very difficult.


The teacher...
A. Uses effective classroom management methods and techniques. 4
B. Modifies learning environment (e.g., tasks, schedule, physical arrangement) to reduce inappropriate behaviors. 4
C. Designs instruction that enhances students social participation in family, school, and community activities. N/A
D. Integrates social skill instruction into the curriculum. 3
E. Implements procedures to increase student self-awareness, self-control, self-reliance, self-esteem, and self-
determination. 4
F. Recognizes the classroom as a social community and nurtures concern and respect among students for each
other. 4
G. Uses behavioral strategies such as reinforcement, shaping, fading, chaining, and extinction. 3

Comments: If students are exhibiting inappropriate behavior, Kristi will intervene and talk with student on how to handle
situation. She may model a new behavior, role play


A. Exhibits knowledge of the continuum of programs and services available for students with cognitive impairment. 2
B. Uses collaborative planning and problem-solving strategies when working with families and with other school
personnel. N/A
C. Demonstrates active listening skills. 4
D. Collaborates with regular classroom teachers to integrate students with cognitive impairment into various
learning environments. 3
E. Communicates with general educators about characteristics and needs of individuals with mental retardation. N/A
F. Establishes and maintains positive, respectful relationships with parents. 3
G. Demonstrates sensitivity to differences in family structures and social and cultural backgrounds. 4
H. Involves parents/guardians in setting instructional goals and charting progress. N/A
I. Participates in parent conferences and IEPTs. 4
J. Assists in planning transitions from school to work and to independent living for students with mental retardation. 3

Comments: Kristi does a nice job self advocating to us if there are any concerns about students, curriculum, school policies,
or herself as a teacher. Kristi does a wonderful job collaborating with the teachers and paraprofessional to help reach the
wide range of abilities within our classroom and modifying lessons to meet each individuals needs. She has had the
opportunity to participate in many professional development days & activities throughout this semester, allowing her to see
how a high school special education department runs and works together. She speaks up in these meeting when she feels
confident about the topic at hand, giving her insight where she can. Kristi is professional in her communication skills within
our school where she gives & receives respect with our administrators, itinerants, teacher aides and students.

SUMMARY COMMENTS: Having Krisit at Northern High School has been a wonderful addition to our classroom. Her
vibrant outlook on Special Education and our students prove how passionate Kristi is about her future profession. Kristi
conducts herself professionally, as well as engaging. We can see Kristi's eagerness to teach those with special needs through
her interactions with our students as well as the background she has acquired through her volunteering and camp counselor
experience. She brings new ideas to the table and helped to provide us with different interventions to help our students. We
feel privileged to have the opportunity to have Kristi in our classroom to motivate our students and share some new, fresh
outlooks with us.

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