Wave Webquest

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Waves Webquest

Click on the link: http://physicsquest.homestead.com/quest7.html

1. Waves are everywhere-List 3 examples of waves in nature:

2. Based on the introduction paragraph, what do you think the word oscillate means?

In the website above, click on the link - Nature of Wave:

3. What is a wave? (Give a scientific definition and then put it in your own words.)

Scientific Definition:

Your Definition:

4. Define the following terms:

a. Equilibrium position-
b. Disturbance-
c. Pulse-
d. Medium-

Click the link: www.acs.psu.edu/drussell/Demos/waves/wavemotion.html

5. What are Mechanical Waves?

6. What are the 2 types of Mechanical Waves?


7. How do transverse waves differ from compressional/longitudinal waves?

8. Illustrate and give an example of each type of wave:

Use the following link to answer questions 9-12:

9. Describe the motion of the wave of the people and the string.

10. What type of wave is being demonstrated in the examples.

11. Under the Demonstration Tab, experiment with different medium densities and wave controls. Describe the
changes you observe as you adjust the different variables.

12. Under the water waves tab, watch the Water Waves Animation and then explain the motion of a water wave.

Click the link: http://zonalandeducation.com/mstm/physics/waves/partsOfAWave/waveParts.htm

13. Sketch a diagram of a transverse wave. Be sure to label the crest, trough, positive amplitude,
negative amplitude, and wavelength.

14. What does the straight line in a transverse wave represent?

15. Define frequency? What unit is frequency measured in?

Click the link:


Experiment with the waves frequency. What do you think frequency is?

16. What happens to the wavelength when you increase frequency?

17. What happens to the wavelength when you decrease frequency?

Click the link: https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/wave-on-a-string/latest/wave-on-a-string_en.html

Adjust the simulations to have the following settings:

a. Set to oscillate
b. Set to no end
c. Set amplitude, frequency and damping to 0 or none
d. Set tension to high
e. Check the rulers and timer boxes
18. What do you notice about the string with the initial settings?

19. Set the frequency to about 50Hz and adjust the amplitude to several different settings.

What happens to the string as you adjust the amplitude? Record your observations.

20. Based on your observations, define the amplitude of a wave:

Click the link: http://www.softschools.com/quizzes/science/waves/quiz343.html

21. Take the quiz-Record you score: ______________________________

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