Wave Webquest
Wave Webquest
Wave Webquest
Waves Webquest
3. What is a wave? (Give a scientific definition and then put it in your own words.)
Scientific Definition:
Your Definition:
9. Describe the motion of the wave of the people and the string.
11. Under the Demonstration Tab, experiment with different medium densities and wave controls. Describe the
changes you observe as you adjust the different variables.
12. Under the water waves tab, watch the Water Waves Animation and then explain the motion of a water wave.
13. Sketch a diagram of a transverse wave. Be sure to label the crest, trough, positive amplitude,
negative amplitude, and wavelength.
Experiment with the waves frequency. What do you think frequency is?
19. Set the frequency to about 50Hz and adjust the amplitude to several different settings.
What happens to the string as you adjust the amplitude? Record your observations.