Pbell Hurst
Pbell Hurst
Pbell Hurst
1 Buck Institute for Education (2011). Driving Question. Tubric 2.0. Retrieved from
o Concept 2: Science and Technology in Society
PO 3. Support a position on a science or technology issue.
PO 4. Analyze the use of renewable and nonrenewable resources in
PO 5. Evaluate methods used to manage natural resources (e.g.,
reintroduction of wildlife, fire ecology).
Materials (5 pts):
1.Four Maps (see appendix)
2. Transparencies
3. Wet Erase markers
4. Pre-researched facts about the Tailed Frog (see appendix)
5. PowerPoint
Students will work together to develop a proposal that presents a potentially viable
location to build a Tailed Frog preserve with all accompanying justifications. They will
share their research using sentence frames (see academic conversation) in jigsaw
groups of four. They will then work in groups to decide which location would be best
based upon that research and write either a 1) quick write or 2) formal proposal using
the rubric as a guide. The teacher will heterogeneously assign groups based on
English reading and writing proficiency. Students with exceptional English proficiency
needs will have a buddy accompany them to their maps to model academic
language for them.
Evaluate (5 pts):
When and how will you use formative and summative assessments to measure
student progress and learning (content and language)?
1. Formative (language) assessment of students ability to justify their proposed
location will be though the use of language frames given in academic
2. Formative (content) assessment of students ability to select a viable location
will be students graphically representing location on board (projected satellite
image of mapped area) and whole class discussion on the pros/cons of each
3. Summative (language) assessment for justifying their proposed location will be
via the students using compare and contrast sentences in their written proposal
related to the pros and the cons of the selected area. (see rubric for further
4. Summative (content) assessment for selecting a viable location will be the
students written proposal including all requirements found in content rubric.
(See rubric for further details)
The Tailed Frog
(Ascaphus truei)
The Tailed Frog belongs to a family
of frogs call Ascaphidae that use a
false tail to internally fertilize a
females eggs. Tailed frogs are very
small (~5cm or 2 in). Interestingly,
these frogs make no known sounds.
Tailed frog lives in cold, fast-flowing
and steep mountain streams.
Besides adequate temperature and
type of a stream, tailed frog requires
stable rock bottom, composed of
granite usually. Population of tailed
frogs has been declining in certain
areas due to habitat destruction.
chosen, then the instructor will ensure group synthesis in the final
o Rationale and approach.
o Proposed park or protected area, in further detail than in
Usage/ Student showed Student used adequate control of Student showed basic or
Mechanics exceptional control sentence structure with limited control of sentence
of sentence appropriate word choice and use structure with limited or
structure with of language. There were some inappropriate word choice.
precise word errors in grammar, and spelling, There were multiple errors
choice and and/or punctuation, but they did in grammar, spelling
appropriate use of not cause confusion or create a and/or punctuation that
language. distraction for the reader. caused confusion or were
AND distracting to the reader.
There were few
errors in grammar,
spelling, and
Exemplary example student work- Will provide with the final version
of the lesson. (I need to get some back from my Mentor Teacher's
class where I just taught this lesson)