ism became dominant in academia the world by showing that atoms
e are a group of internation- during the 20th century. So domi- and subatomic particles are not
ally known scientists, from a nant that a majority of scientists really solid objectsthey do not exist
variety of scientic elds started to believe that it was based with certainty at denite spatial loca-
(biology, neuroscience, psy- on established empirical evidence tions and denite times. Most
chology, medicine, and psychiatry), who and represented the only rational importantly, QM explicitly intro-
participated in an international summit view of the world. duced the mind into its basic con-
on post-materialist science, spirituality, 4. Scientic methods based upon ceptual structure since it was found
and society. The summit was co-orga- materialistic philosophy have been that particles being observed and the
nized by Gary E. Schwartz, PhD and highly successful in not only increas- observerthe physicist and the
Mario Beauregard, PhD, the University ing our understanding of na- method used for observationare
of Arizona, and Lisa Miller, PhD, ture but also in bringing greater linked. According to one interpreta-
Columbia University. This summit was control and freedom through ad- tion of QM, this phenomenon
held at Canyon Ranch in Tucson, Ari- vances in technology. implies that the consciousness of
zona, on February 79, 2014. Our pur- 5. However, the nearly absolute dom- the observer is vital to the existence
pose was to discuss the impact of the inance of materialism in the aca- of the physical events being
materialist ideology on science and the demic world has seriously con- observed and that mental events
emergence of a post-materialist paradigm stricted the sciences and hampered can affect the physical world. The
for science, spirituality, and society. the development of the scientic results of recent experiments support
We have come to the following study of mind and spirituality. Faith this interpretation. These results sug-
conclusions: in this ideology, as an exclusive gest that the physical world is no
explanatory framework for reality, longer the primary or sole compo-
1. The modern scientic worldview is has compelled scientists to neglect nent of reality and that it cannot be
predominantly predicated on ass- the subjective dimension of human fully understood without making
umptions that are closely associated experience. This has led to a severely reference to the mind.