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Articol 1-2
Articol 1-2
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Surface aeration experiments were conducted in tanks of length to width ratio (L/W) 1.0, 1.5 and 2 as well as circular tanks
to study their relative performance on oxygen transfer and energy consumption while re-aerating deoxygenated water. An
identical geometric similarity of various linear dimensions of aerators, rotor blades and rotor diameter was maintained for
all sizes and shapes of aeration tanks tested. The power consumed per unit volume concept to simulate the oxygen transfer
coefficient k was found to be valid for all three shapes of aerators. Simulation equations to predict the oxygen transfer
coefficient k for any given dynamic parameter governing the theoretical power per unit volume, X, were developed for
rectangular tanks of L/W ratios equal to 1.5 and 2. Results were compared with simulation equations (correlating k and X)
for square and circular tanks. A simulation criterion correlating the oxygen transfer coefficient k with actual and effective
power consumption per unit volume for three shapes of tanks was developed. Energy consumption per unit volume of water
was also analyzed. Examples illustrating the application of results are presented. It has been found that the circular tanks are
the most energy efficient, i.e., they produce maximum k for a given effective/actual input energy, followed by square tanks,
rectangular tanks of L/W = 1.5 and rectangular tanks of L/W = 2. This suggests that the circular tank performs better as far
as power requirements are concerned and hence provide better economy.
Relative Performance of Surface Aeration Tanks
oxygen transfer rates with the theoretical power per unit Dimensional Analysis
volume X. Kozinski and King (1966) summarized twelve
studies on cylindrical baffled tanks and reported that the Many investigators including Schmidtke et al. (1977), Udaya
overall oxygen transfer coefficient at 20C (KLa20) is the et al. (1991) and Rao (1999) have successfully used the theory
function of the power input per unit volume as KLa20 = (P/V) , of dimensional analysis to describe the surface aeration
where a is a constant parameter ranging from 0.2 to 0.4. process, which depends on geometric, physical and dynamic
Hwang (1983) developed a scale-up equation which indicates variables as explained below:
that volumetric mass transfer coefficient in cylindrical baffled
tanks can be related to the power input per unit volume as Geometric variables. The geometric variables include cross-
KLa20 = 0.332(P/V) . Hsieh (1991) has developed a sectional area of the tank (A), depth of water in the tank (H),
relationship between mass transfer rates and effective power diameter of the rotor (D), length of the blades (l), width of the
per unit volume as KLa20 = 0.167(P/V)
for cylindrical blades (b), distance between the top of the blades and the
baffled tanks. Forrester et al (1998) has predicted the horizontal floor of the tank (h) and the number of blades (n)
relationship between the mass transfer rates and effective as shown in Fig. 1.
0.80 0.06
power per unit volume as KLa20 = (76 21)10 (P/V)
Generally, unbaffled tanks are being employed for surface Physical variables. The physical variables include density of
aeration, because these give a higher fluid-particle mass air (ra), density of water (rw), and the kinematic viscosity of
transfer rate for a given power consumption (Johnson and water (n).
Huang 1956; Grisafi et al. 1994; Rao and Jyothish 1997),
which is of paramount importance in designing an aeration Dynamic variables. The rotational speed of the rotor (N) is the
system. dynamic variable associated with the surface aeration process.
The objective of this research is to compare oxygen Variables influencing the oxygen transfer coefficient at
transfer rates and the theoretical power per unit volume (X) 20C (i.e., KLa20) for a given shape of an aeration tank are
for the three shapes of aeration tanks. An additional aim is to therefore given by:
compare their relative performance using a simulations
equation (Rao 1999 and Rao et al. 2004). Lastly, this study KLa20 = f (A, H, D, l, b, h, n, N, g, ra, rw, n) (4)
aims to develop a relationship between oxygen transfer rates
with the actual power per unit volume (P/V) for three shapes
Equation 4 may be expressed in terms of non-dimensional
of unbaffled surface aeration tanks.
parameters as follows:
Theory and Background Information
k = f (A/D, H/D, l/D, b/D, h/D, n, ra/rw, R, F) (5)
Oxygen Transfer Coefficient
While more advanced oxygen transfer models have been
developed in the recent past (McWhirter et al. 1995,
Mahendraker et al. 2005), the two film-theory developed by k = KL a (n g ) is the non-dimensional oxygen
transfer parameter;
Lewis and Whitman (1924) seems to be satisfactory for clean
water, and such a model is used in the present study. = ND 2 n is the Reynolds number; and
According to this theory, the oxygen transfer coefficient
at TC, KLaT may be expressed as follows:
F = N 2D is the Froude number.
( s - 0 )- ( s - t ) (2) Alternately it can be expressed as (Rao 1999 and Rao 2004):
Rao et al.
analysis. Therefore, the functional relationship of equation 6 the product of the flow discharge and head loss (Rao 1999).
can now be expressed as: Therefore, one may expect a correlation between the effective
(actual or measured) power per unit volume (P/V) and X.
k = f (A/D, H/D, l/D, b/D, h/D, X) (7) Furthermore, the oxygen transfer coefficient (k) is a function
of P/V because k = f(X) and P/V and X are directly related. In
this functional relationship, P/V can be expressed as the non-
Geometric Similarity dimensional form PV. Hence the relationship between k and
P/V can be expressed as:
Equation 7 suggests that if geometric-similarity of the first
five variables on the right-hand side is maintained for any
given shape of aeration tank, then k depends only on X. k = f (P ) (10)
Relative Performance of Surface Aeration Tanks
b -6 -6 2
Rao et al.
water (WEF and ASCE 1988). Thus the values of KLa20 were It is interesting to note that each set of data points
determined for different rotational rotor speeds N in all of the pertaining to the given shape of the tank fall very closely on a
geometrically similar tanks. unique curve, suggesting the validity of equation 8; however,
the functional relationships are different for different shapes
Measurement of Power Available at the Shaft as the data fall uniquely on different curves. The simulation
equation for square and circular tanks between k and X has
The current (I) and voltage (V) of the power supply given to been established by Rao (1999) and Rao et al. (2004) and the
the DC motor of the aerator were measured by a digital same is plotted in Fig. 2 along with the data from the present
multimeter. The rotational speed of the rotor was measured experiments to verify the validity of such a simulation
by using a digital speed indicator. The power available at the equation.
shaft was calculated by measuring input power and In Fig. 2 the following equations fit well for all data
deducting the losses occurring in the DC motor. Since points belonging to rectangular tanks with L:W ratio of 1.5:1
rotational speed of the shaft was low (70 to 120 rpm) and 2:1 respectively.
compared to the rated speed (1400 rpm) of the DC motor,
only important losses (such as copper and iron losses) were K 0.25
considered for determining the power available at the shaft. kr = = { 0.75 exp ( 0 .19 X ) + 8 .035
To determine these losses, current and voltage at no load (free R (17)
rotation of rotor without load) and loaded (rotation with 2 -6
water) conditions were measured during the experiment. The - 7 .955 exp [- 1 .85 (X - 0 .2 ) ]} 10 X
power available at the shaft was then calculated according to
the method given by Cook and Carr (1947). (Rectangular tank L:W = 1.5:1)
From the measurement of no load current (I1) and
voltage (V1), the iron loss was calculated by: and
I L = I 1 V1 - I 1 R a (12) K 0.03
kr = = { 0 .6275 exp ( 0.5X ) + 21 .085
where Ra is the armature resistance of the DC motor and X (18)
I1 R a is the no load copper loss. From the measured loaded 2 -6
- 20 .955 exp [ - 1.85 (X - 0 .2 ) ]} 10 X
condition for current (I2), and voltage (V2), the copper loss
was calculated by:
(Rectangular tank L:W = 2:1)
CL = I2 Ra (13)
where kr is the oxygen transfer coefficient k for the
rectangular tanks. Therefore, it is confirmed that k can be
Total loss occurring in DC motor:
related with the theoretical power per unit volume parameter
X, not only for square (Rao 1999) and circular (Rao et al.
TL = I L + C L (14) 2004) tanks but also for rectangular tanks. However, the
simulation equations 17 and 18 are different depending on
Incoming power to DC Motor: L/W. The equations developed earlier by Rao (1999) and Rao
et al. (2004) for square and circular tanks are presented below
Pi = I 2 V2 (15) for comparison:
Relative Performance of Surface Aeration Tanks
Fig. 2. Simulation of oxygen transfer rate with theoretical power per unit volume.
Rao et al.
Relative Performance of Surface Aeration Tanks Simulation of Oxygen Transfer on the Basis of
with k and X Effective (Actual) Power per Unit Volume
It is clear from Fig. 2 that for values of X 0.5, square tanks As reported in the literature (Kozinski and King 1966;
offer a higher oxygen transfer coefficient k, followed by Hwang 1983; Hsieh 1991), the rates of oxygen transfer can
rectangular tanks and circular tanks. But at higher values of X be correlated with effective power consumption per unit
(say X 4) rectangular tanks with L/W = 2 give marginally volume. Figure 4 shows the behaviour of the oxygen transfer
higher values of k than the square tanks do, followed by the coefficient with input power per unit volume for square,
rectangular tank of L/W =1.5, and with the lowest values in circular and rectangular tanks. It is interesting to observe that
the circular tanks. Thus, while there seems to be no fixed data for an individual shape of an aerator fall on a unique
trend of k for all X values, there seems to be an order for a curve, suggesting that the oxygen transfer rates can be
given pair of shapes: square tanks always produce a higher k simulated with the actual and effective power per unit
for a given X when compared to circular tanks (Rao et al. volume. After conducting statistical analysis of the data for
2004) whereas rectangular tanks of L/W = 2 produce a higher an individual shape, the associated relationships have been
k than the other rectangular tanks of L/W = 1.5. presented in equations 21 to 24.
The relative performance of circular and rectangular
tanks of L/W = 1.5 and 2 with respect to square tanks in terms -
= 4.64 + [ 0.185(
5 0.5
of the dimensionless oxygen transfer parameter, k/ks, for a 10 ) ] (21)
given X is shown in Fig. 3. It is clear from Fig. 3 that for any
given X, the ratio of k/ks for values of a rectangular tank of (For square tanks)
L/W = 2 and rectangular tank of L/W = 1.5 kr kr
(2) (1.5 )
is always greater than one. This means that the performance
- 0.5
of a rectangular tank of L/W = 2 is better than a rectangular 10
= 7.384 + [ 0.33( ) ] (22)
tank of L/W = 1.5 as far as k and X are concerned. But at
higher values of X (X > 0.5), the performance of the
rectangular tank of L/W = 2 is marginally better than the (For circular tanks)
square tank. It is also observed from Fig. 3 that, for any given
X, circular tanks produce lower values of the oxygen transfer -
coefficient k than square tanks. At lower values of X, the 5 0.5
10 = 4.64 +[ 0.13( ) ]
performance of circular tanks is less than that of rectangular
tanks; however, circular tanks produce better oxygen transfer
rates than rectangular tanks of L/W = 1.5 at high X values (For rectangular tanks where L/W = 1.5)
(high speed). Non-uniform variation of the oxygen transfer
coefficient, as shown in Fig. 2, may be attributed to various -
parameters such as turbulence intensity, input power per unit = 4.77 + [ 0.1045( ) ]
volume, non-uniform spacing around the impeller, etc., which
needs further investigation.
(For rectangular tanks where L/W = 2)
Relative Performance of Surface Aeration Tanks
Fig. 4. Simulation of oxygen transfer rate with actual power per unit volume, P .
Rao et al.
Relative Performance of Surface Aeration Tanks
Rao et al.
TABLE 2. The performance of different types of aerators to re-aerate 0.347 m of water at a constant rotational
speed of the rotor, N
6 Equations 21 to Effective power per unit 154 W/m 28 W/m 120 W/m 221 W/m
24 volume of water
7 E = (t/3600) x Effective energy consumed 6.44 5.62 10.2 Wh/m 6.44 Wh/m
(P/V) per unit volume of water Wh/m Wh/m
8 Energy savings using circular tanks vs. others 14% 81% 36%
3 a,b,c
Surface aeration tanks
Parameter Rectangular Rectangular
Step estimation Parameters Square Circular (L/W = 1.5) (L/W = 2)
2 2 2 2
1/3 K a20
K a20 n g 2
K a20 K a
K a t
3 3 3 3
E t P/V
Relative Performance of Surface Aeration Tanks
a 3
c -6 2 2 3
TABLE 4. The performance of different types of aerators to re-aerate 0.347 m3 of water at a constant oxygen transfer rate, L 20
Area 1 m2 1 m2 1 m2 1 m2
Length 1m 1.224 m 1.414 m
1 Equations 1 to 9
dimensions Depth 1.128 m
Width 1m 0.82 m 0.707 m
2 = L 20 (n/ 2) 1/3 105 1.756 1.756 1.756 1.756
Rao et al.
3 Equations 21 to 24 Effective power per unit volume 139.92 W/m3 77.67 W/m3 159.83 W/m3 181.9 W/m3
of water
4 = ( /3600) x ( ) Effective energy consumed per 4.49 Wh/m3 2.59 Wh/m3 5.32 Wh/m3 6.05 Wh/m3
unit volume of water
6 Energy savings using circular tanks vs. others 73% 105% 133%
Constant oxygen transfer rate, L 20, is approximately 0.5/min.
Known variables: T = 25C; ?n = 0.88 x 10-6 m2/s; g = 9.81 m/s2; volume of water = 0.347 m3; L 20 = 0.5/min.
Relative Performance of Surface Aeration Tanks
Rao ARK, Jyothish S. 1997. Oxygen transfer in circular PV = P/[Vg(gn)] = Non-dimensional power per
Rao et al.