Van Gurp Palmen

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Marnix van Gurp and Jo Palmen

DSM Research
PO. Box 18
6160 MD Geleen, The Netherlands

Time-temperature superposition (TTS, also frequency-
temperature superposition or the method of reduced variables)
is a well-known procedure frequently applied, either to
determine the temperature dependence of the rheological
behavior of a polymeric liquid or to expand the time or
frequency regime at a given temperature at which the material
behavior is studied. For elementary models of polymers under
deformation, it is not too difficult to show that the principle is
indeed valid [ 1]. This is due to the fact that the various
relaxation times belonging to a given relaxation process have
the same temperature dependence. For example, the modified
Rouse model has a relaxation spectrum:

PRT 6M() 71
Gi = M
- 2
7~ i pRT L

in which all Gi and all zi have the same temperature

dependence. If we now define shift factors

i(T) Gi(T)
aT = - a n d b, = - we will find
i (T()) Gi(To)

G'(o) = b, Gi(To)
@a,) 2q (To)
1 + (au,) zj? (To)
so that G( o )lb, and similarly G( o )/bT, G, (a) /b T , a n d
6 = atan(G/G) as a function of ( waT) yield temperature
independent curves. Note that the product of the horizontal and
vertical shift factors equals the shift factor determined from the
zero shear viscosity:

According to Ferry ITS holds when: (i) exact matching of

shapes of adjacent (time or frequency dependent) curves is
obtained; (ii) aT has the same value for all viscoelastic
functions; (iii) the temperature dependence of aT has a
reasonable form (WLF, Arrhenius).
In practice, however, many reasons why the principle should
fail are conceivable, like the occurrence of more than one
relaxation mechanisms with distinct temperature dependences
[2]. For example, in the vicinity of the glass transition
temperature both energetically and entropically induced
relaxations play a role, and in general TTS will not hold.
Obviously, materials which change (chemically or physically)
during the rheological measurement will not obey TTS.

In the case of inhomogeneous polymeric materials, in violated. A more pronounced example of this effect is
particular polymeric blends, the different components of the branched EPDM. Figure 1 shows the master curves of the
material will in general display a different temperature- storage and loss moduli G and G of a long chain branched
dependent rheology, so that TTS will not hold for blends. EPDM as a function of the reduced angular frequency o at
Surprisingly, for many blends the principle is still reported to 125 OC . In addition we have plotted the phase angle 6 =
hold [3], see also Table 1. The question arises why this is the atan(G/G) versus the absolute value of the complex modulus.
case. Furthermore, if indeed TTS fails, further inspection of This way of plotting eliminates the effect of shifting along the
this failure might give information on specific interactions frequency axis, and yields temperature independent curves
present in the inhomogeneous system. when ITS holds. Furthermore, direct insight into the amount
of a resulting vertical shift (here along the G, -axis) is readily
Table 1: observed, which cannot be seen from a G-G plot. Therefore,
failure of TTS can conveniently be read from the plot. Indeed,
TTS holds TTS fails failure of TTS is clear for this example of a long-chained
branched EPDM.
Miscible PWVME [ 1,25,26] PEO/PMMA Interestingly, in some cases, e.g. for materials in which
SAN/SMA [2, own] [21,27,own] branching is introduced by peroxide or electron beam
SAN/PCL [30] 1,2PB/PIP [18- irradiation, it is possible to shift the long times side of the
PMMA/PVDF [2,3] 20,281
PPO/PS [2,4,5,3 l] relaxation time spectrum using one activation energy (related
sPS/mF?A2,10 [29] to the branched polymer) and the other side with a lower
PWCHMA [32] activation energy (the linear components).
Immiscible ABS [6,7, own] PS/PMMA [22] 6
SB/PB [14] PWLDPE [own]
PWC [9, lo] PE/EVA [15] 5.5
HDPE/LDPE [ 1 l] PS/PEA [12]
PA6/EVA [2] i3 5
PS-co-SSA/PEA-co- g
VP [12] $ 4.5
PWPB [8]
PE/PP [ 13,own] 4
PP/EVA [23]
1. Stadler et al. Polymer 29, 1643 (1988), 2. Han & Chuang, JAPS 30,443l -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
(1985), 3. Wu, JPS:B:PP 25,557 (1987), 4. Prest & Porter, JPS A2 lo,1639 log(reduced frequency)
(1972), 5. Schmidt, JAPS 23,2469 (1979), 6. Aoki, J. Sot. Rheol. Jpn. 7,20
(1979), 7. Masuda et al. Pure & Appl. Chem. 561457 (1984), 8. Wang & Lee,
JAPS 33,431 (1987), 9. Wisniewski et al. Eur. Polym. J. 21,479 (1985), 10. 1
Lipatov et al. JAPS 26,499 (1981), 11. Curto et al Rheol. Acta 22,197 (1983),
12. Bazuin & Eisenberg, JPS:B:PP 24, 1021 (1986), 13. Alle & Lyngaae-Jor-
gensen, Rheol. Acta 19,94 (1980), 14. Watanabe & Kotake, Mcromol. 16,769 +218C
(1983), 15. Fujimura & Iwakura, Kobunshi Ronb., Eng. Ed. 3 1864 (1974), 16. 25 +19OC
Yanovski, Chem Eng. Comm. 32,219 (1984), 17. Cavaille et al JPS:B:PP 25, *1soc
1847 (1987), 18. Kannan & Komfield, J. Rheol. 38, 1127 (1994), 19. Zawada s 20 -++125c
z --8_lOOC
et al. Macromol. 27,686l (1994), 20. Roovers & Toporowski, Macromol. 25, 15 -I--77x
3454 (1992), 21. Colby, Xth Int. Congr. Rheol. p 278 (1988), 22. Han & Rim, +5oc
Polymer 34,2533 (1993), 23. Cassagneau et al. JAPS 58,1393 (1995), 24. 10
- -
Zom et al. Macromol. 28,8552 (1995), 25. Ajji et al. JPS:B:PP 29,1573 5
(1991), 26. Mani et al J. Rheol. 36,1625 (1992), 27. Colby, Polymer 30, 1275
(1989), 28. Arendt et al Rheol. Acta 33,322 (1994), 30. Han & Yuang, JAPS 0
33, 1199 (1987), 3 1. Stadler & De Araujo, Makromol. Chem. Macromol. 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
Symp. 38,243 (1990), 32. Friedrich et al. Polymer 37,2499 (1996).
HOMOGENEOUS BLENDS Figure 1 Dynamic mechanical results of a long chain branched
Homogeneous polymeric materials with a distribution of EPDM. a) Storage and loss moduli as a function of reduced angular
chain lengths are the simplest class of blends to consider. In frequency at a reference temperature of 125 o C . b) Phase angle as a
general, the chain length will not influence the relaxation function of dynamic modulus at various temperatures.
mechanism, and in practice no influence of chain length on the
activation energy is found. Branched polymers are a separate MISCIBLE BLENDS
class, since they may be considered as blends of polymers with Until the end of the 1980s it was thought that for miscible
various amounts of branching. In most cases more branching is blends of chemically differing polymers the dynamics of the
found for longer chains, while in addition the longest chains two components would have the same temperature dependence
are responsible for the longest relaxation times. Since [5], due to their intimate mixing. However, measurements on
branching does affect the temperature sensitivity of the PEO/PMMA blends, assumed to be miscible, showed a clear
rheology [4], an inhomogeneous branching distribution may failure of the TTS principle [6]. It was suggested that the
cause failure of the TTS principle. LDPE for example needs a components retain their own temperature sensitivity in the
considerable vertical shift in the superposition procedure (in blend due to heterogeneities on a very small scale, while the
steady shear this can equally well be explained by a stress- local dynamics may be influenced by each components
dependent activation energy) and TTS is sometimes slightly surroundings [7]. When strong interactions between

components play a role, it is thought that the strong coupling of the components falls outside the experimental time regime.
may result in one single temperature dependence [8]. Furthermore, broad molar mass distributions yield structureless
Obviously, when the temperature sensitivities of both dynamic spectra, which may in practice result in successful
components are comparable (close Tg s), TTS will also hold. application of TTS. In the latter case, it is possible to find the
The occurrence of local heterogeneities, and therefore failure activation energy of the blend using a simple mixing rule, see
of TTS, is reported to be very sensitive to the difference in Figure 3. The subtleness of failure of TTS is illustrated in
glass temperature of the blend components [9]. Interestingly, a Figure 4, where the phase angle 6 is plotted versus G, for a
miscible SAN-SMA blend with ATg =47 OC , seems to obey 40:60 LDPE/LLDPE blend at three different temperatures. The
TTS quite well, see Figure 2. experimental symbols indicate that within small scatter TTS
seems to hold, while calculated curves at the three different
temperatures using a simple log additive blending rule
80 -' indicates failure (i.e. the three drawn curves do not superpose).
70 . +17oc Interestingly, although the activation energies of LDPE and
60. +19oc LLDPE are differing by about a factor of two, the calculated
g 50. +22oc
-si 40- *18OC curves almost perfectly superpose between moduli of lo4 and
30 . +2ooc
lo5 Pa. Obviously, the arguments to explain the successful
20 -- +21oc
10 --
application of ITS in practice to immiscible blends are equally
well applicable to miscible blends. In fact, a nice example is
2 3 4 5 6 7 the 1,2-PB/PI system, for which TTS is reported to hold [lo]
and -- after close inspection-- to fail [7,11].
80 l I
Figure 2 Phase angle as a function of dynamic modulus for a 40:60 75
SAN/SMA blend at various temperatures. 70
; 65
- 1 9 0
In principle, immiscible blends will not obey TTS due to the F 55
: 50 0 190
different temperature dependencies of both components. % A 140
5 45
Surprisingly, however, for many blends successful application 40 ~ ~~._
a 240
of TTS is reported, see Table 1. The simplest reason may be 35
that the activation energies or WLF parameters .of the compo- 30
nents are not too far apart. On the other hand, the experimental 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5
accuracy with which a measurement is performed may well be WaW
a factor affecting the decision whether or not TTS is thought to
hold. It should be realized that in many cases the only criterion Figure 4 Phase angle as a function of dynamic modulus for a 40:60
is the visual inspection of the experimental results on a certain LDPE/LLDPE blend at three different temperatures. Symbols indicate
(most often logarithmic) scale. Consequently, the same blend experimental results, drawn lines are calculations based on a log-addi-
tive mixing rule applied to the two components.
may be found to obey TTS on the basis of capillary
measurements while it fails if dynamic mechanical results are
Interfacial effects can be seen as a relaxation mechanism with
used. Furthermore, measurements at large deformations like its own temperature dependence and therefore accountable for
capillary experiments are suspect due to the fact that the blend the failure of TTS. Figure 5 shows results of dynamic
morphology may change during flow. mechanical measurements on a PE/PS blend at various
60 l 1 temperatures. Failure is apparent, in particular at reduced
temperatures where the effect of interfacial tension is more
pronounced. Blends undergoing a phase transition upon a
change of temperature will, in principle, not obey the TTS
principle [ 12]. Here the physical microstructure of the material
changes with temperature.


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 $3-180C
d 60
volume fraction LLDPE 8 1+210c
Figure 3 Activation energy as a function of volume fraction LLDPE
in a LDPE/LLDPE blend.

Even if activation energies of the two components in the 30 1

blend are different, failure of TTS may be subtle and therefore 0 1 2 3 4

experimentally unseen, e.g. when the contribution of one of the ww

two components to the measured stress signal is small. This
Figure 5 Phase angle versus complex modulus for a 20:80 LDPE/PS
may be due either to small volume fractions or low viscosity of blend at various temperatures.
one of the components, or to the fact that the relaxation of one

TTS AS AN INDICATOR the shifting procedure [ 15]. Interestingly, both effects are
In many cases, rheology (in particular dynamic spectra at purely elastic, and therefore appear to show up predominantly
various temperatures) can be used as an indicator of molecular in the storage modulus. Shifting of both G and G may now be
structure. The most obvious example is the relation set up used to have an indication of the existence of either additional
between molar mass distribution and the relaxation time elastic or frictional forces. Figure 7 shows a 3565 PEO/
spectrum. Furthermore, the activation energy may be used as PMMA blend, where the shifting of G seems to be reasonable,
an indicator of the type of material [ 13] or the amount of while G is not shiftable. Although, in principle, G and G are
branching [ 14]. Also, the vertical shift factors may yield related according to the Kramers-Kronig relations, one might
information on chain stiffness, or branching, although not argue that in this case mostly local frictional interactions
much work has been devoted to these relations. influence the temperature-dependent dynamics.
60 t 1

-p-e 1. J.D. Ferry, Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers, Wiley,
+ 22oc
-e- 2ooc
New York, 1980.
e 180C
2. D.J. Plazek, J. Rheol. 40, 987 (1996).
20 . + 160C
3. L.A. Utracki, Polymer Alloys and Blends, Hanser,
Munich, 1989.
1 0 .- 4. W.W. Graessley, Macromol. 15, 1164 (1982).
5. C. Tsenoglou in: New Trends in Physics and Physical
4 5 . 6
Chemistry of Polymers, L.-H. Lee (ed.), Plenum Press,
New York, 1989, pp 375-383.
6. R.H. Colby, Polymer 30, 1275 (1989).
Figure 6 Phase angle as a function of dynamic modulus for PVC at 7. B.H. Arendt, R.M. Kannan, M. Zewail, J.A. Komfield, and
different temperatures. S.D. Smith, Rheol. Acta 33, 322 (1994).
8. R. Hagen and R.A. Weiss, Polymer 36, 4657 (1995).
Failure of TTS may now be an indication of several things: 9. S.K. Kumar, R.H. Colby, S.H. Anastasiadis, and G. Fytas,
1. The most trivial of these is thermal instability of the material J. Chem. Phys. 105 , 3777 (1996).
at elevated temperatures. This can simply be checked by ld. C.M. Roland, J. Polym. Sci., Part B 26, 839 (1988).
performing time-dependent measurements, since in most cases 11. J. Roovers and PM. Toporowski, Macromol. 25, 3454
kinetics will play a role. Furthermore, physical changes may (1992).
take place in the vicinity of a phase transition. These are, 12. S. Mani, M.F. Malone and H.H. Winter, J. Rheol. 36, 1625
however, reversible. A nice example is PVC in which it takes (1992).
very long for all microcrystals to vanish at elevated 13. R.S. Porter, H.H. Chuah and J.-S. Wang, J. Rheol. 39, 649
temperatures, see Figure 6. (1995).
2. A priori it is expected that application of TTS fails in the 14. B.H. Bersted, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 30, 375 1 (1985).
case of blends. It is not too difficult to apply a blend rule to the 15. B.J.R. Scholtens, J. Polym. Sci., Part B 22, 317 (1984).
dynamic spectra of both components of the blend and check
the resulting curves at various temperatures. This is indeed
illustrative, since this reveals if the extent of failure agrees with
the experimental results, or, alternatively, that TTS is strictly
speaking not applicable, but only to such a minor extent that
the experimental results are superposable.
7 ,

o G

-2 0 2 4 6

kq(reduced frequency)

Figure 7 Storage and loss modulus of a 35:65 PEO/PMMA blend at a

reference temperature of 190 O C , measured at 70,90,110,, 130, 150,
170,190 and 210 OC.

3. In some cases other temperature-dependent phenomena may

be anticipated, like the influence of interfacial stresses, e.g. to
be calculated using Paliernes model, or the effect of an
equilibrium modulus, which can simply be subtracted before

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