Lesson Plan-Weather

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The key takeaways are that weather changes throughout the day and can be different in the morning than the afternoon. The lesson also teaches students to identify different types of weather and tools to measure weather.

The different types of weather identified are sunny, cloudy, rainy and windy.

The tools used to measure weather according to the lesson are thermometers, which measure temperature.

Date 6-3-2016 (Monday) Student teacher

Time (45 minutes) School The First Academy School

MCT Garnel Desravins Class Grade: 1 E
Lesson Unit: weather and seasons No of students 28
unit/page Lesson: what is weather
Page: 257
Context of the lesson
This lesson is about different kind of weathers .It is the first lesson in the weather and
seasons unit.
Teaching goal
The aim of this lesson is to teach the students that weather keeps changing during the day.
It can be sunny in the morning then cloudy or rainy in the afternoon.
Learning objectives (Students will be able to)
Identify different kinds of weather.
Identify different tools used to measure weather.
Observe and record weather information over time.

Assumptions about prior learning

Students already know what does weather mean? In this lesson they will identify different
kind of weather.
Anticipated problems and possible solutions
Students might get confused between the kinds of weather.
The teacher will show them different examples and pictures of it to understand the
difference between them.
Personal focus for this lesson
My personal focus in this lesson is to observe students while they are working on the

Target language Teacher language

Weather. What is weather?
Wind. What is the weather today?
Rainy. Will the weather tomorrow be the same as
Sunny. today? Why?
Cloudy. What are some kinds of weather?
How might wind affect the weather?
Which tool measure temperature?
Main tasks or activities: Resources and Materials For whole
teaching aids: class:
Video Data show to present Worksheets
Presentation a PowerPoint. Plastic
Assessment Flashcards plates( weather
Worksheets wheel)
Puzzle Puzzle
Weather wheel
Observe and record

Consider these grouping strategies: Consider where the children are working:
Group work Outside.
Pair work At their desk

Planning Stages Within the 5-E Inquiry Model

Engage (10 minutes)
Before asking students question, the teacher will give them a puzzle to solve
it. The puzzle will attract them to the lesson as well as getting them know
what is the lesson going to be?
Key Question:
What is weather?
What is the weather today?
Opening activity to surface student thinking:
Will the weather tomorrow be the same as today? Why?
Opening activity to engage student interest and clarify context
of the investigations:
Now lets see what this video
Questions for pair discussion:
Talk to each other and think about different kinds of weathers.

Teacher (What will the teacher do/say Student (What will the student do/say
etcetera) etcetera)
The teacher will give students a piece
of puzzle and ask them to solve it, The students will solve the puzzle,
after solving it she will ask them what watch the video carefully; Then they
you think the lesson will be? will respond to the teachers
After that the teacher will let the questions.
students to see the video of the
different kind of weathers. After that
the teacher will ask the students to
give examples about different kind of
Then she will listen to their responses.

Explore (30 minutes)

Activities (list) Driving Question
Observe and record What is the weather today?
What is the weather tomorrow?
Teacher (What will the teacher do/say Student (What will the student do/say
etcetera) etcetera

In this activity, the students will go - The students listen to the

outside and observe the weather teacher and observe the
today. The teacher will give each weather.
students a recording sheet. - Students will answer teachers
The teacher will ask students to question and record their data
Line up quietly. (drawing or writing).
Observe the weather.
Record their data of their
observation(they could write or

Student Communication Product: The teacher will be asking them questions

while they are doing the activities to see how they are going.

Explain (30 minutes)

Content Media: PowerPoint
Clarifying Questions for Whole/Small Group Discourse: What did you learn from
this activity? What are some kinds of weather?
Student Communication Product (assessment): The student will write and draw
their finding in the board and then they will present it.
Teacher (What will the teacher do/say Student (What will the student do/say
etcetera) etcetera)
- The teacher will explain the
different kind of weather and The students listen to the teacher
the tools used to measure explanation and then they work
temperature. together in group to do the work.
- The teacher will ask the
students to
Take the plastic plate and
design a weather wheel. It
will divided to different
sector and student will read
the kind of weather that
written of the plate and
represent the weather by

Elaborate (10 minutes)

Activities: Teacher: Student:
Look at the picture and
circle what weather The teacher will do - The students
represent (low ability). example of each respond when the
Match the picture with worksheet together with teacher asks while
the correct weather, the students, then she she is showing
(middle ability). will say there are papers them example of
Draw the different kind in your groups take one the worksheets.
of weather and write write your name and do - Students will do
them down. (High it, if you finish just rise the worksheets.
ability). your hand and I will
Materials: come. If you do it
Worksheet correctly I will give you a
Picture sticker.

Content Media:

Questions for Whole/Small
Group Discourse:
Which picture represent
sunny weather?
Which picture represent
cloudy weather?
Which picture represent
windy weather?
Student Communication
Product (assessment):
written paper.

Evaluate (10 minutes)

Skill/Reasoning Learning Objectives Assessment Instrument
Communication By discuss together and share their

Knowledge Learning Objectives Assessment Instrument

The students will understand the Using worksheets, the weather wheel
different kind of weathers. activity and presentation.
Teacher (What will the teacher do/say Student (What will the student do/say
etcetera) etcetera)

The teacher will check the students The students set in the chairs.
work which is in the worksheet or
weather wheel activity she will give
the students who do it correctly a

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