Guide To Math Needed To Study String Theory
Guide To Math Needed To Study String Theory
Guide To Math Needed To Study String Theory
The Official String Theory Web Site:--> Mathematics --> Math Guide I -- Undergraduate level physics
Calculus (multivariable)
Analytic Geometry
Linear Algebra
1 of 3 08-12-16 PM 04:30
Guide to math needed to study physics
Methods of approximation
2 of 3 08-12-16 PM 04:30
Guide to math needed to study physics
The Official String Theory Web Site:--> Mathematics --> Math Guide II -- Graduate and beyond
Real analysis
Books at In real analysis, students learn abstract properties of real
functions as mappings, isomorphism, fixed points, and
Geometrical basic topology such as sets, neighborhoods, invariants
Methods of and homeomorphisms.
Physics Complex analysis
Differential geometry
Lie groups
Differential forms
1 of 3 08-12-16 PM 04:31
Guide to math needed to study physics
Fiber bundles
Characteristic classes
Index theorems
2 of 3 08-12-16 PM 04:31
Guide to math needed to study physics
home/ basics/ math/ experiment/ cosmology/ black holes/ people/ history/ theatre/ links/ blog/
3 of 3 08-12-16 PM 04:31
Guide to math used in string theory
The Official String Theory Web Site:--> Mathematics --> Math Guide III - Current research
Books at Cohomology is a powerful mathematical technology for classifying differential forms. In the 1960s, work by
Sir Michael Atiyah, Isadore Singer, Alexandre
Sir Michael
Grothendieck, and Friedrich Hirzebruch generalized
Atiyah, A Great
coholomogy from differential forms to vector bundles, a
Mathematician of
subject that is now known as K-theory.
the 20th
Witten has argued that K-theory is relevant to string
theory for classifying D-brane charges. D-brane objects
K-Theory in string theory carry a type of charge called Ramond-
(Advanced Book Ramond charge. Ramond-Ramond fields are differential
Classics) forms, and their charges should be classifed by ordinary
cohomology. But gauge fields propagate on D-branes,
and gauge fields give rise to vector bundles. This << Previous
suggests that D-brane charge classification requires a
generalization of cohomology to vector bundles -- hence Next >>
1 of 2 08-12-16 PM 04:33
Guide to math used in string theory
home/ basics/ math/ experiment/ cosmology/ black holes/ people/ history/ theatre/ links/ blog/
2 of 2 08-12-16 PM 04:33