Finite Element Analysis Prof. Dr. B. N. Rao Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Finite Element Analysis Prof. Dr. B. N. Rao Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Finite Element Analysis Prof. Dr. B. N. Rao Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Module - 01
Lecture - 13
In the last class, we have seen how to solve 2D plane frames. Basically, a plane frame or
even space frame is a combination of several effects, like, if it is a 2D plane frame, it is a
combination of axial force effects and bending effects; and will see later if it is a 3D
space frame, even torsional effects will come into picture. So, when we are taking or
solving a plane frame problem assuming small deformation conditions and assuming all
these effects to be uncoupled. What we did in the last class is we derived element
equations and also we looked at a problem - how to solve a 2D plane frame problem
subjected to some distributed load in the last class.
In todays class, will see thermal stresses in frames - how to analyze the stresses and
displacements due to temperature changes; and, we have seen a similar kind of thing
when we are actually solving beam problems - beam bending problems - subjected to
thermal stresses due to temperature change. We have seen that a beam element because
of temperature change will be subjected to curvature, and because of that it will be
subjected to bending moment, which is uniform, that is, which is constant along the a
length of the beam; and, these thermal stresses will not produce any shear forces.
Here, in frames in addition to this bending moment - again no shear forces will be there
even in frames. If it is a plane frame we are going to get - because of these thermal
temperature changes we are going to even have the axial force that is what we are not
going to see in todays class.
So, temperature change in a frame element in general will produce both axial and
bending deformations. Now, let us consider an element that is subjected to temperature
change that varies linearly through its depth as shown in figure below.
Similar kind of thing we have done even when we are looking at a thermal stresses in
beams. So, this is a frame element of depth h subjected to some temperature change; the
top surface temperature change is delta capital T subscript small t and change in the
surface temperature - bottom surface - is delta capital T subscript p and delta T m is the
mean temperature, that is, average of top surface temperature and bottom surface
Because of these temperature changes - top surface and bottom surfaces - we expect the
element to experience some curvature; because of curvature, moment will develop. And,
in addition to that, if these ends are constrained - the ends of the frame element are
constrained - for any moment or they are totally fixed, in that case, fixed end moments
will be developed in the direction which is shown in the figure; and, in addition to that,
in frame element axial forces will be developed at the ends, because if both ends are
constrained reactions will be there.
The direction in which these axial forces act also is shown in the figure. Please note that
the deformation shown in the figure is for the condition that the top surface temperature
is higher than bottom surface temperature.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:39)
We know that once we know elongation we can find what is strain and once we know
strain we can find what is the axial force.
Similarly, we know what the relationship is between bending moment and curvature;
since we know curvature we can find what is bending moment. So, the resultant - the
resulting - fixed end axial forces and bending moments - this figure you have already
seen it has been shown here - the resulting fixed and axial forces and bending moments.
And, the direction of these moments and forces assume mean temperature increase, and
top temperature change being larger than bottom surface temperature.
So, suppose if top surface temperature is less than bottom surface temperature, then the
direction in which fixed end moment is going to act is in the opposite direction to the
arrows indicated there; similarly, if the average temperature is, in total, the average of
top surface and bottom surface put together, if it increases then the axial forces will be
acting in the direction shown in the figure; otherwise, the direction will be in the
opposite; so, this is what is pointed out there in the slide.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:30)
The direction will be opposite if this is not the case; now, let us see what are these values
and how we get - in the figure we have indicated or we have seen how the force - these
axial forces - and bending moments are acting - fixed and bending moments. But, how to
compute those from the elongation and the curvature that we have? This is - you know
that strain times Youngs modulus gives you stress times area of cross section, gives you
axial force; so, that is how P FT can be calculated which is given there.
We know that bending moment is related to curvature, through this relation using
flexural rigidity EI, and once we have this equivalent applied nodal forces are equal and
opposite in direction to these fixed end forces; we can easily assemble what is the
equivalent nodal force vector.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:06)
This equivalent nodal force vector for element is given by this; so, for a problem which
is subjected to temperature changes in frames, what you need to do is we need to - rest of
the procedure for assembling the element equations corresponding to the stiffness part is
similar to what we have seen in the last class; that is, using the combination of axial
effects and bending effects we can get the stiffness part; only difference is that if there is
a temperature change then this is how equivalent load vector can be assembled.
Final element forces can be obtained once we solve for the nodal values using regular
methods like - because of these temperature changes the forces that are developed are
uniform throughout the length of the frame element; we need to apply superposition
All these details will be clear if we solve a problem; so, final element forces are obtained
by superposition as was done for beams and trusses.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:34)
Now, let us take an example; basically, this example is what you have already seen when
we were solving 2D plane frames; only thing is earlier it was subjected to uniformly
distributed load, here the same structure is subjected to temperature changes.
Analyze the frame shown in figure below that is subjected to a temperature change that
varies linearly from 100 Fahrenheit on the underside of the frame to 50 Fahrenheit on the
top side.
Assume a beam depth and also cross sectional area and moment of inertia and Youngs
modulus value, coefficient of thermal expansion - all these values are given both end
FPS units and SI units; as you can see, these values are round numbers in FPS units
whereas in SI units there all having some decimal places.
It is the convenient to work in FPS units, so let us work this problem out in FPS units.
The frame is shown in the first figure and the node numbers and element numbers are
shown, as you can see from the figure that node 1 and node 3 are constrained.
All the degrees of freedom at node 1 and node 3 are 0; the second figure shows the fixed
end forces due to temperature change. This is different from what we have seen when we
are looking at the concept just few minutes back; there, the top surface temperature is
assumed to be higher than bottom surface temperature, here the top surface temperature
is less than bottom surface temperature; so, all the fixed end forces, that is - and overall
temperature change rises; so, the axial forces will be in the same direction as we have
seen when we were looking at this concept.
But, the bending forces or the fixed end bending moments will be opposite direction;
because, now the bottom side temperature is higher than top side temperature; so, all the
fixed end forces due to this temperature change - the direction in which they will be
acting are shown in figure b.
The angle between local and global x axis is 0; so, in this - for second element - the
transformation matrix is going to be an identity matrix and whatever element quantities,
that is, the element stiffness matrix in the local coordinate system will be same as in the
global coordinate system; and also, the force vector calculated in local coordinate system
for element 2 will be same as in the global coordinate system.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:04)
Now, let us note down something; what is the mean temperature? This information is
given - top side and bottom side temperature change; so, using those we can calculate
what the mean temperature change is; and, once we have this we can calculate what is P
FT; please note, that this P FT it is not dependent on length of the element; P FT value is
going to be the same for the both element 1 and element 2.
Here, the calculation for fixed end moment is also given, and if you carefully observe
even fixed end moment equation there is no length quantity when you are calculating;
basically - so fixed end axial forces and fixed end axial moment are independent of
length of a element.
So, these values remain same for both element 1 and element 2; using these values we
can get the equivalent load vector. Direction of these fixed end forces are already shown
in the figure - the transformation matrices and element global stiffness matrices are same
as those in element stiffness matrix and local coordinate system and global coordinate
system are same as those what you have already got when we were solving this problem
subjected to uniformly distributed load in the last class.
But, for completeness let us repeat those things again once again here. Now, let us start
doing that and also note that only the right hand side load vector is going to be different,
because now it is subjected to temperature changes.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:08)
So, element 1 how can we calculate element equations the local coordinate system? We
need to keep a note of what the nodal coordinates are. Once we know the nodal
coordinates, we can calculate length of this element and also direction cosines - once we
have these we can calculate what is the transformation matrix.
Also we require some coefficients for stiffness matrix calculation, and please note that
there is no load - distributed load - that is, uniformly distributed load applied on this
member unlike in the previous example - only thing is now it is subjected to temperature
change; so, these are the coefficients that are required for calculating the element
stiffness matrix in the local coordinate system.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:21)
Using these values we can calculate what the transformation matrix is, and we can also
calculate what the stiffness matrix in the local coordinate system is; equivalent load
vector using the values of P FT and M FT that we calculated we can get this equivalent
load vector. This is in the local coordinate system and the equivalent load vector in the
global coordinate system can be obtained using transformation matrix.
Similarly, element stiffness matrix in the local coordinate system - we can convert into
the global coordinate system using the transformation matrix using this equation; only
the upper triangular portion of this stiffness matrix is shown and lower triangular portion
is similar to the upper triangular portion.
Similar calculations we need to repeat for element 2 - nodal coordinates for element 2;
length, direction cosines and these are the coefficients that are required for assembling
stiffness matrix.
Using the direction cosines, this is what is the transformation matrix that we get. Please
note that the load vector is same for both element 1 and element 2; using the coefficients
for stiffness matrix - this is the element stiffness matrix in the local coordinate system.
This is the load vector and since the transformation matrix is identity matrix, local
stiffness matrix - stiffness matrix in the local coordinate system - will be the same as
stiffness matrix in the global coordinate system.
Similarly, load vector - element load vector - in the local coordinate system will be same
as in the global coordinate system; now, we have got all the information. And also note
that this node numbering for this problem - only node 2 is not constrained, node 1 node 3
are constrained and element 1 is assume to go from node 1 to node 2 and element to go
from node 2 to node 3.
If you see the - imagine the final global equations - the global equation system - it is
going to be 9 by 9 equation system; so, instead of assembling all the entire global
equation system we can a smartly assemble or directly get the reduced equation system;
and, the contribution from reduced stiffness matrix comes from the bottom or the lower
quadrant of the element 1 stiffness matrix. To these reduced equations we get - or
reduced stiffness matrix - we get contribution from upper quadrant of the element 2.
Because of the boundary condition all the degrees of freedom at node 1 and node 3 are 0
there is no need to assemble corresponding rows and columns; therefore, since the
specified values are 0 the corresponding columns will not contribute anything either;
thus, only in the following global equations only the terms associated with node 2 are
This is the assemblage for a load vector assembling contribution from two elements; so,
global applied load vector is this and this can be simplified and we get this contribution
from both elements to the global load vector; the 3 by 3 global equations associated with
degrees of freedom at node 2 are therefore as follows: so, in the global load vector that
we got, whatever is there - the value at locations 4 5 6 - that is what is taken as the load
vector for the reduced equations; and, the stiffness part is obtained by adding the lower
quadrant of element 1 stiffness matrix and the upper quadrant of element 1 stiffness
matrix; because, that is what is the contribution that goes into the locations of 4 5 6 rows
and columns in the global equation system; so, using these things we get this reduced
equation system which we can solve for u2 v2 and theta 2 which are the unknowns at
node 2.
So, these are the values; now, we have got all the nodal values; so, the element forces
can easily be obtained by, first determining the local displacements and then using the
shape functions and their derivatives.
So, for element 1 the forces - element forces - this is the global element degrees of
freedom; but, we want to calculate the element forces using shape functions and their
derivatives; we need local degrees of freedom, so we can use transformation matrix and
get the local corresponding local degrees of freedom.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:19)
Once we get this d vector we can calculate axial effects, we can calculate using the
components in the d vector, and the finite element shape functions; but, since the axial
force is distributed or it is constant over the length of the element we need to apply fixed
end correction - that is, thermal axial effect needs to be also taken into account when we
are calculating axial force; so, using this formula we get axial force in element 1.
Similarly, we can calculate rest of the other two - that is, shear force and bending
moment. Shear force, as I mentioned, because of thermal effects only bending moment
and axial forces will be developed which are going to be uniform or constant over the
span of the element; no shear forces will be induced so no shear correction will be there -
there is no fixed and shear correction for when you are calculating shear force; so,
substituting all the values we get shear force with this value.
Using these sign conventions for internal moments and shear, we can draw the shear
force diagram and bending moment for element 1 at any point along the length of
element 1.
Again, using finite element shape functions we can calculate once we know the nodal
values; but, here we need to apply fixed and correction which we already calculated - M
FT. So, applying that correction we get this and this is a function of s s is equal to 0
corresponds to node 1 s is equal to 1 corresponds to node 2.
So, bending moment value at these two ends can be obtained by substituting s is equal to
0 and s is equal to 1; again, using the sign convention for internal moments we can draw
the bending moment diagram for element 1.
(Refer Slide Time: 28:00)
Similar calculations we can also repeat for element 2 - calculations for element 2 are
similar to those for element 1 - the details are not given here explicitly, but the final axial
force value shear force value and bending moment value are given.
Here also, when you are calculating the forces - element forces - for element 2 for axial
force and bending moment we need to apply the fixed end corrections; whereas, for
shear force no such correction is required.
Using these values we can draw free body diagram showing bending moment, shear
force, and axial forces for element 1 and element 2 and we can easily verify these two
elements independently or in equilibrium and also when they are put together whether
they are in equilibrium - we can do that kind of verification.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:07)
So, final forces are shown on the free body diagram and figure below. It can be easily
verified that indeed each element itself is in equilibrium and also both elements put
together - entire structure as in equilibrium, which is necessary for solution to be correct.
Now, we will proceed; we have seen here 2D plane frames both subjected to uniformly
distributed load and subjected to temperature changes and now let us move forward and
let us look at 3D space frame element.
Principle axis of its cross section are oriented along y and z axis; local z axis is along the
axis of maximum moment of inertia and local y axis is along minimum moment of
inertia; element must include axial force effects and bending effects due to loads applied
in x-z plane and x-y plane.
In addition, element must also be able to resist torsional forces and similar to plane frame
- 2D plane frame - element case, here also we assumed within small displacement theory
all these effects - that is, axial effects, bending effects and torsional effects are assume to
be uncoupled; final element equations are then just combination of equations treating
these effects individually.
Note that each node has 6 degrees of freedom now - three translations and three rotations
and displacements and forces are positive along positive coordinate directions; positive
directions for applied moments and rotations are based on right hand rule.
Here, what I mean by right hand rule is - suppose if you put your thumb pointing in the
positive direction of axis and the direction in which your fingers curl indicates the
positive direction for moment or the rotation; so, that is what is right hand rule.
When the thumb of your right hand is pointing towards positive coordinate direction the
curl of your fingers defines positive direction for applied moments and rotations in right
hand rule.
Now, the 3D space frame element we shown here in both local coordinate system, and
also all the local degrees of freedom are shown, and if you see the figure d1 d2 d3 or x y
z displacement at node 1.
Let us see what are the notations that will be using in these 3D space frame element;
material and cross sectional properties notation for that - you are familiar with this
Youngs modulus denoted with E.
Now, one more thing is coming here - shear modulus, because torsional effects are also
included for 3D space frame case and capital A is area of cross section - this also you are
familiar with; length L is the length of element; and this is what I mentioned - the
corresponding forces at node 1 or Fx1 Fy1 Fz1 similarly at node 2 are Fx2 Fy2 Fz2 in
the directions x y z respectively.
These are the rotations at node 1 node 2 and corresponding moments at node 1 node 2
are Mx1 My1 Mz1 Mx2 My2 Mz2; since we have bending above both about the z axis -
and y axis we need corresponding moments of inertia.
Moments of inertia of cross section about y axis and moment of inertia of cross section
about z axis is that denoted with Iy and Iz; and here, the positive directions for internal
forces and moments are shown in this figure. If you observe this figure, a double added
arrow convention is used to show moments; with this convention, if thumb of right hand
is pointed in the direction of the arrow, then curl of fingers shows the direction of
bending moment; so, these are the positive directions - the convention for positive
directions - for internal forces and moments.
Because, finally we will be using this sign convention after we calculate all the internal
forces - that is, all the three component of forces at node 1 and node 2 and also all the
three components of moment set node 1 and node 2.
We can use the sign conventions to draw the free body diagram and also to draw bending
moment, shear force, axial force and torsional moment, such kind of things we can draw
using the sign convention.
So, the positive directions for internal moments and internal shears are assumed to be in
the direction, which is indicated in this figure; now, let us put together all the effects for
assembling the final element equation for 3D space frame element which we will be
using for solving problems of 3D space frame element.
Now, let us see what are the axial force effects. Axial force effects, you are already
familiar with - it is given by this equation, except that we need to include the degrees of
freedom and forces corresponding to the axial effects; so, using those we get this
equation; and, bending forces in x-y plane and figure illustrates the forces applied in x-y
plane produce bending about z axis and using right hand rule rotation about z axis is
equal to partial derivative of v with respect to x.
The situation is exactly same as that for two-dimensional beam element; so, the
equations that you already have for beam bending can be directly used here. If you adopt
the same approach as we did for developing beam element equations - if you adopt that
procedure for this case - you get exactly same equations.
So, for bending effects that are in the x-y plane it is given by this one - this equation.
Since the rotation is about z-axis we need to use corresponding moment of inertia and we
are calculating flexural rigidity EI.
That is what is difference - there I z is used and in the load vector and also in the
displacement vector corresponding values to the corresponding degrees of freedom
values are shown in the equation; and, equivalent load vector for uniformly distributed
load is given by this - this is also coming from the element equations that we developed
for beam bending problem; because, the direction in which the rotation is taking place
and also the direction in which the load is applied is the same as that from beam bending
(Refer Slide Time: 39:45)
Now, this is how bending effects or bending effects in the x-y plane - because of that we
can calculate the contributions. Now, bending effects for forces in x-z plane: forces
applied in x-z plane produce bending about y axis using right hand rule, the clockwise
rotations about y axis are positive; so, the rotation about y axis is equal to now minus
partial derivative of w with respect x.
The shape functions for w are same as those for beam bending about z axis, which we
have already seen; except that change in sign for rotation terms is required here; because,
if you see here, our sign convention says that counter clockwise rotations are positive
whereas here we have clockwise rotation - so theta y is minus partial derivative of w
with respect x.
Because of this clockwise rotation, even when we are interpolating, the shape functions
for w are same as those for beam bending; but, for rotation, that is, the shape functions
corresponding to partial derivative of w with respect x we need to have this negative
So, this is how w can be interpolating using finite element shape functions. If you see,
only difference here is N1 and N4 are appended with negative sign and where N1 N2
N3 N4 are same as what you have already done- when we are solving a beam bending
shape functions.
(Refer Slide Time: 41:43)
Using the approach similar to what we did when we were deriving equations for beam
bending problem - it can be easily shown that bending moment is given by this, and
shear force is given by this; only difference is a negative sign is getting appended and
substituting shape functions into beam bending potential - beam bending potential
energy functional - the following equations can be easily derived by applying the
stationarity condition.
So, we have already noted down the equations with corresponding degrees of freedom
and forces for axial effects and also bending about x-y plane and x-z plane.
Now we are left with one more thing, which is torsional; so, torsional effects - a bar of
cross section subjected to torsional moments or twisting moment at its end is shown in
this figure, and the twisting we know that twisting moment per unit length is related to
angle of twist through this equation.
(Refer Slide Time: 43:53)
This J value for various cross sections - you can refer any standard handbook; but, for
simple cross sections you must have already learnt these things in your mechanics of
material class circular cross section; J is polar moment of inertia which is some of I y
and I z for other shapes J must be computed using methods of elasticity theory.
Formulas for few common shapes are given below; formulas for large number of
different cross section shapes can be found in any standard handbook.
So, for a square having dimensions 2a by 2a J is given by this polar moment of inertia;
similarly, for a rectangular section with the dimension shown that 2a 2b where a is
greater than or equal to b polar moment of inertia is given by that equation, and if you
have a section in which width is much larger than thickness - J is given by this.
So, this is how you can get the torsional constant J; now, we need to look at the
governing differential equations before we get element equations, because of the
torsional effects. So, this equation, this is the governing differential equation for a bar
subjected to twist; and, you can see this is a second order differential equations similar to
1 for axial deformation problem, and 0 is there on the right hand side and that is based on
the assumption that there is no applied distributed twisting moment along the span of the
Once we have this differential equation you can draw a similarity between this and the
axial deformation problem; and, from its similarity to axial deformation problem it is
easy to see that linear trial solution would give the following finite element equations;
so, this is the element equations to capture the torsional effects.
Now, we put together the element equations to capture axial force effects and bending
effects - both in x-y plane and x-z plane. Now, we are able to derive for element
equations for torsional effects, and when we are deriving all these equations we use the
corresponding degrees of freedom and also corresponding forces; and, when we are
starting out with this 3D space frame element details - we made an assumption that all
these effects that is axial effects bending effects and torsional effects are all uncoupled;
so, combining all force 4 effects - now combining all the 4 effects - the following
equations are obtained for 3 dimensional frame element in its local coordinate system.
Here, if you see all the displacement vector having all the degrees of freedom from all
kinds of effects - all the 4 effects - and also the force vector has the corresponding forces
due to all effects; and, this is similar to 2D plane frame element equation, except that
bending about 2 planes is considered here and torsional effects are also considered here.
In a next class we will see some numerical problems and before that we need to also look
at - because we got the element equations in the local coordinate system, we need to see
the transformation matrix details and how to transform this element equations into the
global coordinate system - this local element equations into the global coordinate system
- and then will solve a problem to understand various details, in the next class.