Movies Vocabulary
Movies Vocabulary
Movies Vocabulary
cinema cine
movie (US), film pelcula
action film pelcula de accin
cartoon dibujos animados
comedy comedia
detective film pelcula de detectives
documentary film pelcula documental
educational film pelcula educativa
full-length film largometraje
horror film pelcula de terror
love story historia de amor
musical musical
romantic film pelcula romntica
science-fiction film pelcula de ciencia ficcin
short-length film cortometraje
silent film cine mudo
western pelcula del oeste
commercial publicidad
episode episodio, captulo
actor actor
actress actriz
cameraman camargrafo
cast elenco
cinema review crticas de cine
dialogue dilogo
director director
extras extras
film star estrella de pelculas
producer productor
role papel, rol
scene escena
screenwriter guionista
set plat
studio estudio de grabacin
subtitles subttulos
supporting actor actor secundario, de reparto
supporting cast reparto
supporting role papel secundario
titles ttulos
action movie (noun): a movie with many exciting and violent scenes
- Our teenage boys love watching action movies.
cast (noun): all the actors and actresses in a movie or TV show - It had
a good cast, but the story wasn't very interesting.
character (noun): one of the people in a story - Harry likes movies with
lots of interesting and unusual characters.
cinema (noun): a place where movies are shown on a big screen - Let's
meet in front of the cinema just before the movie starts.
comedy (noun): a film with lots of funny scenes - Let's see a comedy
and have a good laugh.
family movie (noun): a movie that both children and adults can enjoy
- Which entertainment company made the family
movies Cinderella and 101 Dalmatians?
film (noun): another word for "movie" (also "motion picture") - This
year's Academy Award for Best Picture was won by a British film.
horror movie (noun): a movie that frightens and shocks people - If you
love horror movies, you've got to see Fright Night.
movie star (noun): a very popular movie actor or actress - Movie stars
earn millions of dollars every time they play a role.
plot (noun): the series of events that form the main story - It was a
good film, but the plot was difficult to follow at times.
sci-fi (or "science fiction") (noun): a genre with stories set in the
future or in outer space - Have you seen that sci-fi film Interstellar yet?
screen (noun): the flat surface that a movie is projected onto - Do you
like sitting at the back, or close to the screen?
Here is some vocabulary to describe different types of film and
some people connected with the cinema.
Types of film, using the word 'film':
Types of film that don't need the word 'film' in the name:
El acomodador usher
El actor actor
El actor secundario supporting actor
La actriz actress
La banda sonora soundtrack.
La butaca seat
El cine (local) movie theater, cinema
El cine de barrio local movie theater / cinema
Los crditos credits
La crtica de cine Movie review
El director director
La entrada (de cine) ticket
La escena scene
La estrella de cine movie star
El estudio studio
Los extras extras
El guionista screenwriter
El multicine multiscreen movie complex / cinema.
Las palomitas (de maz) popcorn
La pantalla screen
El papel (de cine) role
La pelcula movie, film
La pelicula doblada dubbed movie
La pelcula subtitulada subtitled movie
El preestreno preview
La primera sesin - matine
El productor producer
El reparto cast
La sesin (de cine) showing, performance
La sesin de tarde evening performance
La sesin de noche - last performance
Los subttulos subtitles
La taquilla box office
These expressions cover the most common ones used to go to the movies and to buy the