Versiondog UserGuide
Versiondog UserGuide
Versiondog UserGuide
0000000 1.0
Date : 2016-04-28
User Guide
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1. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 4
2. Becoming a versiondog user ................................................................................... 5
2.1 Installation of versiondog client ........................................................................... 5
2.2 Request for a user account. ................................................................................ 5
3. First login ............................................................................................................. 5
3.1 Configuration of the servers ................................................................................ 6
4. Checking-out projects from the server ..................................................................... 8
4.1 Server directories .............................................................................................. 8
4.2 Check-out ......................................................................................................... 9
5. Creating a new project ..........................................................................................10
6. Working with project .............................................................................................13
6.1 Local archive ....................................................................................................13
6.2 Modifying a project ...........................................................................................14
6.3 Creating new local version .................................................................................14
6.4 Comparing local versions ...................................................................................17
6.5 Standard job ....................................................................................................17
7. Check-In (storing local version on server)................................................................18
8. Jobs versiondog scheduled actions .......................................................................19
8.1 Request for job configuration .............................................................................19
8.2 Checking results of Jobs ....................................................................................20
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1. Introduction
versiondog is software dedicated to PLC projects management. Main goals of versiondog are:
version and backup management
data backup
quality management
All projects are stored on servers whereas clients are distributed among user computers. Every
time user checks-out project from the server files are copied to his local machine and can be
modified, tested and locally versioned. After applying changes, user checks-in to the server
with new version of the project. History of changes is maintained with a minimal contribution
of a user.
Development of a PLC code is kept outside the versiondog and is still done with dedicated tools
as Simatic Step7 or Unity.
versiondog has a schedule mechanism called Jobs that automatically creates a backup of the
program running in a device and checks coherency of the retrieved program with a version
stored on server.
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Your username should be the same as your NICE account login. When logging into the
versiondog client use your NICE account password and you will be authenticated by the
operating system.
3. First login
Once you have your account and the versiondog client is installed on your machine you can
start it by choosing UserClient from the start menu:
- ReportClient a tool for monitoring online changes in the versiondog system as check-
ins, check-outs, creating new versions, job results, etc.
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To specify a connection with the CERN versiondog server select Server settings from the
drop-down menu:
In the next windows choose Add a server, enter the configuration name (any name you
want) and the versiondog server name (vdog-srv-01). Leave the Ports configuration with
default values:
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Once the values are entered save the configuration and close the window.
Now you can login using your NICE username and password (enter CERN in the domain field):
On the first run you will be asked for the configuration of the parallel server:
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Put the names as on the picture above and confirm by clicking OK.
After checking this field you can see the current structure of the projects on the server (grey
In the section Component overview you can see all projects (in versiondog called
components) stored under the selected path:
You should see only the projects inside the directory prepared for the group you belong to.
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4.2 Check-out
To download a project from the server archive to your local archive, select one or more entries
on the list and choose Check-Out (take selection):
In the next window you can select or unselect projects to be copied by moving them between
left (server) and right side (your selection).
You can even lock the access to the project, so no one else will be able to store a newer
version of this project before you do this:
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Once you make your selection click the Copy all selected components from server to local
button. When copying is finished you will see the status next to each component:
If there is no directory structure prepared for your project, contact your Group Admin to get
instructions on how to proceed.
Your local archive directory hierarchy should match the hierarchy of directories on server:
Once the directory is created you can create new component inside:
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In the next step choose what type of project will be stored in this location (S7/Unity/TIA, etc):
In current form the created component is empty and you have to provide project files.
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To do this, just select Open file manager and this will open the directory prepared for your
projects. Its enough to copy-paste your project files into this directory:
At this point you have only created a component with project files. Its only a working copy
and no local version of your project was created.
To create base version with provided files select Create base version.
It's a good practice to rename a created component so its easier to find it on the list of
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Figure 21 Project tree representation of local archive (black) and server archive (grey)
To start working on one of projects double click on the corresponding line or expand the
Project Tree until you reach your component:
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Upper part of the window presents a summary of the project. In the lower part you have list of
versions in your local archive (in the example only the initial one).
When your changes are done you will see that Edit state is no more Equal, but Different:
When you create new version, versiondog looks for differences and gives you a report:
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Once you accept the changes, put a change reason for the new version and click New
version. You can also introduce detailed change reasons for each part of the project:
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You can also create new version without any changes (Extras->Version without difference),
but usually there is no good reason to duplicate versions.
Analogically, status Server newer than client would mean that someone checked-in to the
server with new version and the one in Local archive is not up-to-date. To avoid such
situations, always check-out with option Lock for other users.
Versiondog wont compare created version and will only ask about a comment:
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To get more detailed information (as the one when you create new version) you can request
detailed comparison:
In general, its possible to compare any two versions on the list and compare any version with
working copy:
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If your project has its Standard job you can use functionality called Upload and compare.
This way you can request upload of the program from the PLC and compare it with your
working copy.
If the functionality Upload and compare is not available (greyed out) contact your
administrator to configure this functionality.
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Here you can select which projects you want to send to the server.
By default Reset working state checkbox is checked to remove lock from the project or status
in development to release the project for other users.
Once you click Copy all selected Components from local to server, version is copied and as a
result you will receive information about the check-in state:
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- Compare saved backup with: previous backup and/or latest server version.
Job will be executed periodically on agents machines and will provide report on the result by
To configure a schedule for your project you should contact your local admin and provide
following information set:
- Name of the component (project)
- IP address of the PLC
- Information on who should receive email notifications after Job is executed.
If you have a special requirements regarding the configuration of the frequency of a Job
execution or the settings of comparator (what should be compared), discuss possible options
with your GroupAdmin. Otherwise, a default optimal configuration will be used.
The result of the last comparison between server version and PLC project is displayed in the
project summary:
When you select a project you will see list of stored backups: