Student Name Miss Martin's 3A Science Class Age:11-12 Grade: 6th Date: 2-16-2017

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Functional Behavioral Assessment Behavior Support Plan (F-BSP) Protocol

Functional Behavioral Assessment Interview Teachers/Staff

Student Name Miss Martins 3A Science Class Age:11-12 Grade: 6th Date: 2-16-2017

Person (s) interviewed: Miss Martin

Interviewer: Kayla Little

Student Profile: What is the student good at or what are some strengths that the student
brings to school?

This is a class with very bright students who know how to do the work. These students do well in
some of their classes when their motivated. There are some behavioral issues, and this teacher
has reached out because she is on her breaking point. She has had a couple students suspended a
couple of times, and there are students being sent out of the class in which they lose instruction
time. This is where she has asked for help, and doesnt know how to apprehend this class of
chaos. These students know what the rules are around the school, and they will listen when they
are asked in a certain way. They know their material and they will participate when their called


Description of the Behavior

What does the problem behavior(s) look like?

These kids dont like to listen to me. When I tell them to not throw paper, they will throw
paper. When I tell them to not get out of their seat, then they decide theyll do it anyway. There
are kids that sleep, there are kids that mouth off, and I have one student who called me the b-
word and I wasnt going to have that. These kids are out of control and I dont think they are
going to get any of the lesson or understand any of it because they mess around too much.
They talk through instruction, and they like to talk and scream at inappropriate times.

How often does the problem behavior(s) occur?

Everyday I have this class. There is never a good day. Then when I think I have them under
control, then they begin to act wild or one student will set them off.

How long does the problem behavior(s) last when it does occur?

Pretty much the whole period. This is about 1 hour and 15 minutes. We have a daily warm-up
and it takes them about 45 minutes to get their notebooks and to calm down before we can
even talk about the warm-up. Then after that during the transitions it just never flows smoothly.

How disruptive or dangerous is the problem behavior(s)?

Very disruptive. The students are screaming, throwing stuff, yelling to each other across the
room, talking to each other, and this is all during instruction time. Then there will be one
student who likes to get up at his leisure and do whatever he wants, and then I have to stop
what I am doing to argue with this boy. They think we are on the same level, and this is
causing a huge problem because we are behind in our work, but they dont seem to care.

Description of the Antecedent

When, where, and with whom are problem behaviors most likely?

Schedule Activity Specific Problem Likelihood of With Whom does

Behavior Problem Behavior Problem Occur

2/16/17 Warm-up Talking, Low High Class

10:05a focus 1 2 3 4 5 6
10:42a Out of seat


1 2 3 4 5 6

2/22/17 Entire class Talking, screaming,

10:03am to Warm-up, video, out of seat, bullying
11:25am class work
Summarize Antecedent (and Setting Events)
What situations seem to set off the problem behavior?
The issues I am seeing with this class is that there isnt any set structure. I talked with one
student and he told me that he feels like he is always picked on, or he gets yelled at when he goes
to sharpen his pencil. There is clear miscommunication between the students and the teacher in
this class. A lot of the students understand the material, and if they dont they are in pods of four
to five where they can help each other out. After examining this class I decided that doing a
lesson on their MARS skills set was needed. This was a class that needed to be reminded what
the rules are, and how they should be in the classroom.
They are struggling with transitioning, focusing, raising their hand, talking when the
teacher is talking, miscommunication and lack of respect for the teacher, and just basic classroom

When is the problem behavior most likely to occur?

This class is every other day, and it is an hour and fifteen minute block period. I have examined 6
classes, and every time it is the same thing. It doesnt matter if there is a video, if they're doing a
fun activity, taking notes, but they always display the same behavior. This usually always starts
at the beginning when the teacher yells at them. I notice that every time they are yelled at they
continue to misbehave or the behavior begins to increase.

When is the problem behavior least likely to occur?

I have yet to see a good day with these students unfortunately. I have observed them in different
classes, and the students that seem to cause the most behavioral issues in the science class dont
do it in their history or math class. The students are completely different, but the expectations of
all the teachers are different.
Setting Events: Are there specific conditions, events, or activities that make the problem
behavior worse?

For some of these students it is conflict at home. Then for others they want out of class, so they
try to be as bad as they can so they are sent out, or they can go home. The most frequent reason
for the behavior is when the teacher yells at them, or if their singled out. This may be they are
embarrassed and want to show their not affected, or this is something they experience at home so
this is how they cope with it.

Description of the Consequence

What usually happens after the behavior occurs?

Usually security is called and the student is taken out of the room. This can either make the
situation better, or it can become worse. There was a time that seven students were sent out, and
there are only 23 students in this classroom. They will either get yelled at, lose time to do fun
activities, they dont get their work done, or their sent out to the hall, another class, or ISI.

- - - - - - End of Interview - - - - - -


Setting Event Antecedent Behavior Consequence

Science Warm-up 1. Talking, out Work isnt
of seat finished, yelled at.

Science Class notes 2. Talking, out of seat, Sent to the hall,

screaming, name calling taken by security
for ISI

Function of the Behavior

For each ABC sequence listed above, why do you think the behavior is occurring? (to get
teacher attention, to get peer attention, gets desired object/activity, escapes undesirable activity,
escapes demand, escapes particular people, etc.)
1. Dislike for the subject and for the teacher.
2. Bored and doesnt want to be in class.
3. Doesnt want to do any work, so they want to be sent out.

How confident are you that your testable explanation is accurate?

Very sure So-so Not at all
6 5 4 3 2 1
Functional Behavioral Assessment Interview Students

Student Name Bryan Age: 12 Grade: 6th Date: 2/22/17

Interviewer Kayla Little

Student Profile: What are things that you like to do, or do well, while at school?

I am really good at basketball, I like to hang out with my friends, and I like to help my mom with
vacuuming. I like P.E. and I like Art. I like to do things that I can get dirty with. A lot of my
friends are in this class so I like to talk with them. They always have funny things to say, so its
hard for me not to laugh all the time. I like to help the teacher with things, but not this class.


Description of the Behavior

What are some things you do that get you in trouble or that are a problem at school?
Um, I like to talk a lot, and I laugh a lot. I get in trouble because I talk too much. I also get in
trouble because I get out of my seat, but I usually do it because I need to throw something
away or I need to sharpen my pencil. I also tap my pencil when the teacher is talking.

How often do you talk in class ?

I talk a lot. Sometimes I know it's wrong, but when someone talks to me I need to answer
them. Sometimes I feel like its okay to talk because thats how we make friends.

How long does talking in class usually last each time it happens?

Sometimes I talk the whole period, and sometimes I whisper so I dont get in trouble. I am
talkative and my mom says I have a mouth that wont quit. I am just friendly and I like to talk.
There are times the teacher yells at me and Ill count to 60 and then try talking again, but it
depends on the teacher and if I like them or not. Some of them arent fair.

How serious is talking in class? Do other students get distracted?

Yes, but there are other kids that talk to. They also bring things in class that they shouldnt so
we talk about it. I know the teacher gets mad, but she is mean to us so I dont care. Then
sometimes I will be talking about the work and she still yells at me. I dont think she likes me,
and its not fair. I talk a lot, but so does everyone else. She always picks on me.
Description of the Antecedent

Where, when and with whom are problem behaviors most likely?

Schedule Activity With Whom does Likelihood/Intensity Specific Problem

Problem Occur of Problem Behavior Behavior

Warm-up Other Low High Talking, out

students of seat
10:03 1 2 3 4 5 6



10:03 Taking notes Other Talking,

to students swearing,
1 2 3 4 5 6 yelling, out of
11:29 seat
Summarize Antecedent (and Setting Events)
What kind of things make it more likely that you will have this problem?

When the teacher yells at me. It is embarrassing because everyone is looking at me, and all I
wanted to do was sharpen my pencil or throw something away. Sometimes I feel like she is
picking on me, because I will do something that she will yell at me about, but then there will be
someone else doing it and she doesnt say a word to them. Its not fair, and I dont like being in
her class.

When and where is the problem most likely to happen?

Every time I am in this class. I can never do anything right so why should I try. Im just going to
talk to my friends.

When is the problem behavior least likely to occur?

When Im not in her class. All of my other teachers are nice, and I dont think they hate me. I
always want to skip.

Setting Events: Is there anything that happens before or after school or in-between classes
that make it more likely that youll have a problem?

Sometimes I go to bed late, or I fight with my sister. Shes really little and always gets her way.
Im always the one getting in trouble. Sometimes I fight with my friends too, but I dont always.
She just knows when Im coming to her class and she starts to find ways to get rid of me.

Description of the Consequence

What usually happens after the problem occurs?
Usually I make everyone in the class laugh, but Miss Martin doesnt laugh. She yells at me and
tells me to go to Mr. Andersons class. She will also call Kevin (Security) and I have to go to ISI.
She never gives me a chance to explain myself, or I can never do anything right. All she does is
yell at me or sigh. I can see when she looks at me she hates that I am in her class. Its not fair.

- - - - - - End of Interview - - - - - -


Setting Event Antecedent Behavior Consequence

Science Do Now 1. Talking Yelled at without

any warnings

Science Class Activity 2. Talking, out of seat Yelled at sent to hall

Science Independent 3. Talking, yelling, out of Yelled at and had

work seat security escort to

Function of the Behavior

For each ABC sequence listed above, why do you think the behavior is occurring?
1. To get peer attention
2. Escaping work that may be too hard, or not hard enough
3. Escaping from class and getting away from teacher and work he thinks is
If you completed both interviews, was there agreement on these parts? (Y/N)
(a) Setting Events _Y__ (b) Antecedents _Y__ (c) Behaviors _Y__ (d) Consequences _Y__
(e) Function _Y_

The students understands what he is doing isnt the correct school behavior, and so does the rest
of the class. What the teacher isnt quite coming to terms with is the class is having issues with
the way that the behavior is handled, and a lot of them dont think that everything is fair in the
classroom. Then there is an issue where expectations or rules arent stated or posted. They hear
rules, but their never given warnings or its never the same rules. There is confusion and then
there are students who are defiant.
How confident are you that your testable explanation is accurate?
Very sure So-so Not at all
6 5 4 3 2


In this class I observed multiple things. The main reason I came to this class
because there was a student on an IEP that was sent out of the class almost
on a daily, and she was doing everything she could to get out of the class.
This is when I decided that I was going to step in and see what was going on.
I observed on four different class periods and this is what I saw:
February 7th,2017: This was the first class I observed. I noticed there were
students who were goofing off, out of their seats, and the teacher yelling.
The teacher would continually yell, and the more she did the more the
students would act up. There wasnt rules posted anywhere in the classroom,
and the teacher would yell at students for different rules. There was a bit of
confusion, and students were frustrated.
She then would send students to other Science rooms, out in the hall,
or call security to escort them to ISI. On that day there were seven out of
twenty-two students kicked out of the classroom. The class was noisy, doing
any activity would take three times longer than it should, and there was a lot
of insubordination. This is where I sat down with the teacher after class, and
she said she is at a loss of what to do in the class. She is a second year
teacher and she told me she tries everything to keep them under control.

February 14, 2017: This class was about the same way as the last one. The
Do Now which is done at the beginning of the class took almost 45 minutes
to do versus 5 minutes. Students were throwing paper and pencils, students
were arguing with the teacher, and it almost just felt like these kids were
having a free day. The teacher was yelling at them, and started to send
students out. There were some kids that wanted to learn and would try to
help the teacher. There were kids who said she never made rules, so they
dont care. Security was called.

February 20, 2017: After sitting in more classes and seeing this continual
behavior I decided to talk with students individually and see what was going
on. One student stood out, and he was almost seen as a leader in the
classroom. This is the student I interviewed and decided to see what he
thought and why he had a rough time in the classroom. This gave me an idea
of how a lot of this students felt in the classroom, and this gave me a clearer
picture of what was going on. This allowed me to add more to what I saw.
This is where I think would be a great opportunity to go over the schools
Positive Behavior Support. This will go over MARS skills which is M
(Motivated), A (Accountable), R (Respectful), and S (Safe). This will allow
them to think how they should be in the classroom and how they're affecting
the teacher, along with how the teacher is affecting the students.

For each ABC sequence listed above, why do you think the behavior is occurring?
1. To escape classwork and listening to the teacher
2. Gain peer attention and drown out teacher instruction
3. Escape what they deem unfair


Was there agreement between the Teacher Interview and the Observation? Y/N

a) Setting Events _Y__ (b) Antecedents _Y__ (c) Behaviors _Y__ (d) Consequences __Y_
(e) Function _N__

Was there agreement between the Student Interview and the Observation? Y/N
a) Setting Events _Y__ (b) Antecedents _Y__ (c) Behaviors _Y__ (d) Consequences _N__
(e) Function _Y__

Based on the interviews and observations, what is your working testable explanation for
why the problem behavior occurs?
A lot of these students feel that this classroom has no structure, and without structure there is
chaos. The teacher is trying some approaches, but it doesn't seem to be working with the
students. Students dont want to listen to a teacher that yells at them all the time, and they are
bored in the classroom. The teacher cant do anything fun because the students have a bad
behavior. They dont display positive classroom conduct enough for her to feel like she can do
anything with them. There is a lot of conflicting personalities.

Desired Behavior

For the students to have an understanding that the teacher is there to help them learn, and to have
a better connection from student to teacher. I also want these students to know how to be a
student in the classroom, and what the roles they have in the classroom. This will keep them in
check on what is expected of them, and they know each and everyday how to have good

Have a lesson on the MARS skill set and make a powerpoint so the students have a
visual. Write out the rules for the students and for the teacher and write it out together. Then have
students model how a good behavior looks. This will allow me to see how the class is before the
lesson and after. I want to take a look at how they act, and what the difference will be.


What is the short-term behavioral goal?

What I want from this is to have the students be able to follow direction from the teacher and to
understand the rules and MARS skills of the school. I want them to be able to display this when
they are in the classroom.

What is the long-term behavioral goal?

To be models of the school. These students are all 6th Graders, and I wanted to be able to work
with them and help them understand how to behave once they enter the school. Then they will be
able to understand the rules, and how they should show their pride once they come to school. My
hopes are they carry this onto 8th grade and they can lead by example for kids coming into the
6th grade.

Behavioral Goal

Since I have a short amount of time at the school I decided I would look up, and find out
from the teacher how many times the students were sent out of class to ISI or sent to another
classroom. I also decided to follow the one student I interviewed around and see how well he
does in all classrooms and in passing periods. I will do this on different days so he doesnt have
the knowledge that I am following him around and observing. I will mark down different tasks
he does in the classroom from the class rules we set:
1. How many times he gets out of his seat
2. When does he raise his hand to talk
3. When is he talking to his peers appropriately and at the right time
4. Using an appropriate voice level
5. Respecting the teachers directions

Evaluation Procedures

Data to be Collected Procedures for Data Collection Person Timeline

Students Observation of class 3 times Miss Little 3/13/17,
following rules in 3/15/17

The week of
One student and Observation on him all week 3/13-3/17
how he follows
the rules


After talking with students and with working with the class I have found that this was

helpful. Of course one day wasnt going to change the students, but there has been a difference in

the way the students act. I had went and observed the students before and I observed two of the

students especially. They were the ones the teacher had pointed out as the worst in her class.

Then I decided after a couple days of observing I talked with one of the boys. I asked him why

he was acting the way he was, what it was that caused him to have a behavior, and what he likes

to do. Then I had a couple talks with the teacher. Overall I could see there wasnt a great

relationship with the students and the teacher. The teacher is becoming increasingly tired, and the

students are restless. Then when a kid is yelled at, and they feel that it isnt justified they decide
to escalate the behavior. For example, one student got up to sharpen his pencil. The teacher

yelled at him to sit down. When he said he needed to sharpen his pencil, she responded back, I

dont care. You didnt raise your hand, so you cannot get out of your seat. In return he

proceeded to go and sharpen his pencil and the teacher decided to send him out of the room.

This is where I decided to do a powerpoint on how a student should act in the classroom,

and what their positive behavior is for the school. They are posted everywhere which is MARS

skills. There wasnt anything posted in this classroom, and the teacher doesnt remind the

students of their behavior, so I thought that a powerpoint would be the best for them. After

talking with a lot of students they like visuals, and they like to be active. This is where I thought

a power point would be good and have a video to follow along. I would also make rules with

them, and made them half sheets so they could place the rules in their notebook. This way the

teacher could refer back to it at any given point. I also had students model the different skills

sets. M is for Motivated, A is for Accountable, R is for Respectful, and S is for Safe. The kids did

a great job, and they followed along. They did well with the presentation, they followed along,

they were respectful, but if they did have moments where they got off task and talked I would

redirect and they would do it right away, and they were fantastic.

After the fact I went and observed the two students in different settings, rather than just

their science class. I wanted to see if this worked for the students in all of their classes. I would

say overall there was a HUGE difference with one student. It was the same student that I had

interviewed. He was doing a lot better with raising his hand, staying in his seat, and talking when

it was appropriate. There were moments where he would do something, but then he would catch

himself. He and I talk off and on in the hallway and he said he really is starting to learn a lot

more. This student is very intelligent, and I told him if he ever needs to talk to anyone he can
come and talk with me. He is contributing more to the classroom, and he looks like he is doing

well. I checked in on referrals and he hasnt received one since we did the lesson. I did a little

interview with him and this is what I found out:

1. How are you doing in your classes?

I like them. There are some classes that are hard. I like them, but I really like art and I like gym.

All my friends are there and it makes it fun. My classes are making sense to me too.

2. What do you think you are doing better on?

I dont talk in class as much. I also raise my hand! My teachers are really nice when I ask

questions. Miss Martin is being nicer to me too. I do my work and she hasnt yelled at me once! I

like not being yelled at.

3. How do you think you have been in class lately?

Um I think I am doing good. I have 2 As, 1 B, 2 Cs, 1 D, and 1 F. I am working on getting better

though. I have some missing assignments. I dont think the teacher will be nice about it though. I

will try my best though.

4. Do you think you are doing well with your teachers, and I mean listening to them and

following their directions?

I havent been yelled at! The teachers are being nice and since I dont talk as much to my friends

they are nicer to me. I do talk with my friends when they are near me, but I havent gone to ISI

or gotten ASD (After School Detention) so I can have fun with my friends after school. We go

and play soccer or play Call of Duty or Halo.

5. Is there anything exciting you would like to share with me?

When can you come teach us again? I really like to talk with you! I also like that you brought us

candy and you were fair. Oh! I also have a new cousin! She was born last night. I get to go see

her after school today!

The other student hasnt been as successful. He is still having some behavioral issues, but

he is getting better. He has had less referrals and I have asked teachers how his behavior has

been. There are a couple teachers who said they noticed he is doing better, but then there were a

couple who said he is basically the same. I asked Miss Martin, and she said he is doing better in

her class and if he starts to do something inappropriate she tells him to look at the rules he came

up with, and then he will apologize and get back on task.

Overall, I didnt expect that the lesson would make a huge impact, but I was hoping that

it would help some of these students to think about their actions, and what it could mean to them

when they do act right in the classroom. These kids are amazing students, and because they are

6th graders they have time to work on it. Im hoping that this teacher will remember what will

work for the students and that she implements it for future students.

Examples from class:

These examples come from the classroom, and this is where the students and I wrote
out the rules, and the students copied the rules into their notebooks. After the class I went
and observed the one student that I interviewed (+-positive, - is negative) and he has made
drastic changes! He has done an amazing job and I also looked into his write ups and this
is what was amazing to me:

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