Bearing Book
Bearing Book
Bearing Book
Copyright SKF 1997
The contents of this catalogue are the
copyright of the publishers and may not be
reproduced (even extracts) unless permis-
sion is granted. Every care has been taken
to ensure the accuracy of the information
contained in this catalogue but no liability
can be accepted for any loss or damage
whether direct, indirect or consequential
arising out of the use of the information
contained here in.
Catalogue 4007/I E
Reg. 47 10 000 1997-08
Product data 39 3
Make use of the treme temperatures, and they must be pro-
tected against damp and contaminants.
Use SKF mounting tools ...
Operation concept The methods as well as the tools used to
mount bearings must be suitable for the job,
Bearing damage can cause unplanned stop- so that the bearings are not damaged during
pages and loss of production. This can be installation, before they even start to operate.
very costly, particularly where capital intens-
ive plant is concerned. ... and maintenance equipment
To achieve long life, bearings must be proper-
Use SKF bearings ly lubricated and maintained, and the oper-
It is desirable that every SKF bearing has a ating conditions controlled.
long service life and gives no trouble in op- Proper bearing maintenance is funda-
eration. Considerable investments in re- mental to good performance. The SKF con-
search and development enable SKF to pro- cept of Trouble-Free Operation shows how
duce bearings of the highest quality. How- bearing failures can be avoided and allows
ever, bearing quality alone cannot guarantee maximum exploitation of bearing potential.
trouble-free operation, since the life of a SKF offers a comprehensive range of prod-
bearing is influenced by external factors. ucts and services which eliminate uncertain-
ties in bearing mounting and maintenance,
Reduce the risks see page 25.
To perform properly, all machines and mech-
anical components must be kept in proper
condition. Bearings, for example, should not
be too tightly clamped or be subjected to ex-
Single packages
Singly packaged bearings are those best
protected against environmental influences,
particularly if, for example, for certain re-
placement bearings, it must be expected
that they will be in store for quite a long time.
SKF bearings having an outside diameter
up to and including 30 mm are packaged in
fully sealed plastic pouches (fig 1).
Larger bearings and bearing units weigh-
ing up to and including 3,5 kg are wrapped in
dust and oil-resistant foil and then put in
cardboard boxes (fig 2).
Bearings and bearing units weighing more
than 3,5 kg and up to and including 30 kg are 2
singly packed in partly decorated cardboard
boxes (fig 3).
Bearings weighing more than 30 kg are
delivered in wooden boxes or crates (fig 4).
Bulk packages
For customers using moderate to large num-
bers of bearings, SKF offers bulk packages 1
in order to limit the quantity of packaging
materials and the cost of disposing of these
materials. Special packages suited to cus-
tomer production routines are also available.
Environmentally friendly
SKF packaging materials are not damaging 4
to the environment and most can be re-
cycled. PVC is not used by SKF. All materials
including printing inks, lacquers and glues
are chosen to be environmentally friendly.
22222 E
2222 KM/C3
Supplementary designations
Suffixes are used to identify changes com-
pared with the original design, or variants of
the standard design. They follow a given
system, being divided into groups, and when
several suffixes identifying more than one
variant/feature are used, they are listed in a
given order following the basic designation.
The suffixes which appear in this cata-
logue and which are frequently encountered
are listed and explained in the text preceding
the relevant bearing table section under the
heading Supplementary designations.
Diagram of the basic designation system for rolling bearings
D d D d d
Bearing types
(0) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 N NA NN QJ
B D Outside diameter (D)
8 9 0 1
Dimension Bearing size 2
series d/5 3 4
Bearing series
Bearing type designation
The bearing type identification 0 for double row angular contact ball bearings is not used in the designation and is therefore
shown in brackets in the Bearing types figure.
Product index in numerical order
Product index in numerical order
Product index in alphabetical order
Product index in alphabetical order
Product index in alphabetical order
TSNA 2 A V-ring seal sets for SNH plummer block housings ........................................................... 155
TSNA 2 G Double-lip seal sets for SNH plummer block housings ..................................................... 155
TSNA 3 A V-ring seal sets for SNH plummer block housings ........................................................... 155
TSNA 3 G Double-lip seal sets for SNH plummer block housings ..................................................... 155
TSNA 5 A V-ring seal sets for SNH plummer block housings ........................................................... 153
TSNA 5 C Felt seal sets for SNH plummer block housings ............................................................... 153
TSNA 5 G Double-lip seal sets for SNH plummer block housings ..................................................... 153
TSNA 6 A V-ring seal sets for SNH plummer block housings ........................................................... 153
TSNA 6 C Felt seal sets for SNH plummer block housings ............................................................... 153
TSNA 6 G Double-lip seal sets for SNH plummer block housings ..................................................... 153
TU Y-bearing take-up units ................................................................................................... 147
U2 Seating washers for thrust ball bearings with sphered housing washer(s) ....................... 102
U3 Seating washers for thrust ball bearings with sphered housing washer(s) ....................... 102
W 619-2Z Single row deep groove ball bearings of stainless steel ................................................... 43
W 628-2Z Single row deep groove ball bearings of stainless steel ................................................... 43
WS 811 Shaft washers for cylindrical roller and needle roller thrust bearings ................................ 107
WS 812 Shaft washers for cylindrical roller and needle roller thrust bearings ................................ 107
and advice
How to find the right replacement bearing 17
About bearing storage 19
What to remember when mounting 20
How to maintain 28
How to lubricate properly 30
What to remember when dismounting 34
What to remember about sealing 36
How to find the right
replacement bearing
When the bearing is an SKF bearing, the
product designation (page 8) provides exact
information. Where bearings of other makes
are concerned, all SKF authorised distrib-
utors can help. They have interchange in-
formation, which generally includes appropri-
ate SKF software. Usually, an SKF product
of the same type will be provided, as the
SKF product range is second to none.
Recommendations and advice
d D
About bearing gradually loose its lubricating properties.
Such bearings will also have a higher start-
storage ing torque than new bearings when they
have been in storage for some time.
The ball, roller and plain bearings shown in
this catalogue form the SKF popular bearing Bearings not in original packages
range and are generally available from stock If bearings are stored without their original
or at short notice. SKF authorised distributors packaging, it is necessary to ensure that
also carry stocks in order to be able to serve they are adequately protected against corro-
their specific customers. In spite of this, there sion and contamination. The SKF high-per-
are good reasons for many bearing users to formance, high-viscosity oil LHPT 48 is emin-
have their own bearing stores. This is espe- ently suitable for the protection of bearings
cially true when the replacement bearings from corrosion, and is a must for any work-
are for machines or plant where a stoppage shop. It protects against rust, repels mois-
would lead to a total loss of production, or ture and lubricates at the same time. To pro-
where special bearings are used. tect bearings against contamination, they
should be wrapped in plastic foil (e.g. poly-
Bearings in original packages
Before being packaged, SKF bearings are
ethylene) and kept in a cardboard box or
other container.
treated with a rust inhibiting medium and can The full designation of the bearing should
be stored for many years. The bearings be marked on the box or container.
should be stored lying down, preferably in
rooms which are free from vibration, at a rel-
ative humidity that does not exceed 60 %
and a temperature which is reasonably con-
Bearings with shields at both sides (suffix -2Z)
should only be stored for a maximum of two
years and bearings with seals at both sides
(suffix -2RS1) for a maximum of three years.
Longer storage of these lubricated-for-life
bearings is not recommended because the
grease with which they are filled will age and
Recommendations and advice
1 2
that all surfaces are cleaned. Separate sol- Mounting on the shaft
vent baths should be used for washing and The SKF tool kit TMFT 33 can be used to
rinsing. The bearings should be protected mount small bearings quickly, precisely and
against contamination as they are drying off. reliably. It is also possible to make mounting
If compressed air is used to dry the bearings, dollies or use lengths of piping for small bear-
care should be taken to see that the bearings ings. The tools should be applied to the inner
do not rotate. As soon as the bearing is dry it ring. The bearing should never be hit directly
must be protected against corrosion, e.g. with a hammer (fig 3).
with LHPT 48. If a mechanical or hydraulic press is avail-
For hot cleaning, a thin machine oil which able, this may be used to mount small or
has been heated to approximately 120 C can medium-sized bearings. A sleeve or ring
be used. For safety reasons, the oil should should be placed between the bearing and
have a flash point above 250 C. Again separ- the press.
ate baths should be used for washing and Medium and large-sized bearings are
rinsing. The oil film which remains on the easier to mount if they are first heated to ap-
bearing after washing provides temporary proximately 80 C above room temperature.
protection against corrosion. The SKF induction heaters TIH, see page
Very dirty bearings or those covered with
tough, hardened lubricant are usually in such
27, are particularly suitable for heating bear-
ings. After heating, the bearing should quick-
poor condition that cleaning is not worthwhile. ly be pushed home on its seating and held in
It is generally more economic to replace position until it has cooled (fig 4). Protective
them by new bearings. This also applies to gloves should be used when handling hot
bearings with seals at both sides, which can- bearings.
not be cleaned and inspected without first Small and medium-sized bearings with a
removing the seals. tapered bore can be driven up on their taper-
ed seatings using a shaft (lock) nut and a
NB. hook or impact spanner. For larger bearings
Whenever possible, protective gloves should it is recommended that a hydraulic nut be
be worn as frequent skin contact with petro- used, and for really large bearings the SKF
leum products can cause allergies. Hot oil oil injection method should be applied. This
should be used with proper care because of method requires the presence of oil ducts
the danger of fire. and distributor grooves in the shaft seating.
3 4
Recommendations and advice
Mounting bearings on adapter sleeves
The adapter sleeve should be pushed on to
the shaft to a pre-marked position (fig 8).
This is relatively easy as the slot widens.
The bearing is then positioned on the sleeve,
the nut screwed on and the bearing pressed
up the sleeve by tightening the lock nut.
Remove the lock nut, insert the locking
washer and replace the nut. Tighten it se-
curely and bend down a tab of the washer
to lock the nut (fig 9).
SKF hook and impact spanners can be
used to tighten the nut, or the SKF spanner
set TMHN 7 is also available, see page 25.
Bearings having a bore diameter of 50 mm
and above can be easily and reliably mount- 8
ed using an SKF hydraulic nut, see page 26.
Recommendations and advice
Test run
After mounting has been completed, lubric-
ant should be applied to the bearing and a
test made to see that the bearing performs
well under the operating conditions.
Instructions are given on page 28. During,
or immediately after the test run, the perfor-
mance of the seals and any lubrication equip- 12
ment should be checked, and with oil bath
lubrication, the oil level should also be
The test run should be made under partial
load and, where there is to be a wide range
of speeds in operation, at low to moderate
speed. Under no circumstances should bear-
ings be started up after mounting before the
load is applied, or be allowed to accelerate
without load.
The tools to use for mounting
SKF mounting tools are right for the job. The
SKF trademark is a guarantee that the tool is
suitable for its purpose and is a high-quality
product. The wide SKF range of tools and
equipment for use with bearings enables the
most efficient method to be used. The proper
tool or equipment for any bearing type or size,
and any type of bearing location method will
always be available so that there is consider-
able freedom of choice.
Mechanical tools
16 17
Recommendations and advice
Hydraulic tools
20 21
24 25
Recommendations and advice
1 2
Looking Checking bearings when they are
standing still
Visual inspection (fig 3) can be used to check This type of inspection should preferably be
the condition of seals, screw plugs, housing carried out during a planned stoppage of the
joints etc. and also lubrication (sight glass for machine, or when the machine is to be di-
oil bath level). If continuous lubrication is sassembled, e.g. for repairs. Some time be-
employed, it is necessary to check that suffi- fore the machine is stopped it is advisable
cient lubricant is available in the system and to check that replacement bearings and re-
that the proper quantity of lubricant is actu- placement seals are available and any draw-
ally supplied. ings needed are also ready.
The lubricant itself should also be check- When dismounting the bearings, the re-
ed. A small quantity should be removed and commendations given on page 34 should be
compared with the unused product. If the lub- followed. Recommendations for re-mounting
ricant has become discoloured, this usually are given on page 20.
indicates ageing of the lubricant and if it is
dark in colour this is a sign of contamination. Maintenance report
Aged oil will also flow less easily. If the oil is It is advisable to record all the data relevant
cloudy this generally means that it contains
water. In all cases it is advisable to complete-
to a particular bearing position in a mainten-
ance report. This should contain, for ex-
ly replace the lubricant, and it is also recom- ample, the condition of the bearing arrange-
mended that the seals be replaced at the ment, the lubricant to be used, the relubrica-
same time. tion intervals, the date of the last relubrica-
Otherwise, the maintenance instructions tion etc. Drawings of the bearing arrange-
from the machine builder should be followed ment or the machine and a list of spare parts
for grease lubrication, and the appropriate should also be included. This type of report
grease or corresponding SKF grease, see gives a good picture of the situation and
page 33, should be used for relubrication. allows future maintenance work to be well
With oil lubrication, the oil level should be planned.
checked and the correct oil used for filling
up. More information on lubrication will be
found on page 30.
Recommendations and advice
How to lubricate shaft and filled with grease from both sides
(fig 2). Then the bearing with the shaft is
properly lowered into the housing and the prescribed
amount of grease put into the free space in
The purpose of the lubricant is to prevent the housing.
direct contact occurring between the rolling For one-piece housings and non-separab-
elements, raceways and cage(s), and thus to le bearings, the free space behind the bear-
keep friction and wear at a minimum. Lubric- ing should first be filled with grease. After
ant should also protect the bearing surfaces fitting the bearing (normally ungreased), the
against corrosion. In addition, grease is often bearing should be greased from the open
used to enhance sealing, and oil to remove side of the housing. Greasing bearings with
heat from the bearing position (circulating oil). annular groove and/or lubrication holes in
The choice of the particular lubricant and the outer or inner ring (or both) is particularly
lubrication method to be used for a given easy if appropriate means of lubricant supply
application depends on the operating condi- are provided in the housing and/or shaft.
tions, but may also be dictated by the lubrca- Finally, the free space in front of the bearing
tion requirements of neighbouring compo- should be filled with grease.
nents. Environmental factors such as dust,
water spray, condensation or aggressive Permissible operating temperatures
media and the orientation of the shaft (hori- for cages of glass fibre reinforced polyamide 6,6
with various bearing lubricants
zontal or vertical) also play a part. The lubric-
ant must also be compatible with the cage Lubricant Permissible
material of the bearing and any seals. More temperature1)
details will be found in the adjacent table.
Mineral oils
Grease lubrication
Oil without EP additives
Open bearings, i.e. without shields or seals, e.g. machine oils, hydraulic oils 120 C
must be greased on mounting. When and
EP oils
how this should be done depends on the type e.g. industrial and automotive
of bearing and on the design of the housing. gearbox oils 110 C
The rings, with or without cage and roller EP oils
assembly, of separable bearings, e.g. cylin- e.g. rear axle and differential
gear oils (automotive), hypoid
drical roller bearings or taper roller bearings, gear oils 100 C
should be greased as they are mounted.
Synthetic oils
After mounting the first ring, the space be-
hind it should be greased (fig 1). The race- Polyglycols, poly--olefins 120 C
ways of the separate rings should be lightly Diesters, silicones 110 C
greased to prevent the raceway becoming
damaged when the bearing is assembled.
After the ring with roller and cage assembly Lithium base2), polyurea,
bentonite, calcium complex 120 C
has been mounted, the free space between
the rollers should be filled with grease.
Non-separable bearings should be filled
with grease from both sides. After self-alig-
ning bearings have been mounted on the
shaft, the outer ring can be swivelled out
and grease be introduced into the space be-
tween the two sets of balls or rollers. Only if
it is impossible to evenly distribute grease in 1)
Measured on the outside surface of the outer ring
a bearing once it has been mounted should it 2)
For sodium and calcium base grease as well as
be greased before mounting. bearing greases with EP additives, the maximum
temperature for the polyamide cage is the same as
For split bearing housings (plummer the maximum temperature for the grease
blocks), the bearing is first mounted on the
Grease quantity 2
Generally, the used grease in the bearing
should be replaced by fresh grease. The qu-
antity required depends on the bearing size.
If no instructions are available, the requisite
quantity can be obtained using the following
rule of thumb.
G = 0,005 D B
G = grease quantity, g
D = bearing outside diameter, mm
B = total bearing width or height, mm
Recommendations and advice
Oil lubrication
Care should be taken when mounting bear-
ings which are to be lubricated with oil to see
that the raceways and rolling elements are
oiled and also that after mounting, but before
oil is supplied (fig 4), the bearings are not ro-
tated at speed, and above all are not rotated
under load.
Oil change
Thickener Lithium soap Lithium soap Lithium soap Lithium soap Lithium/calcium Calcium
soap sulphonate
Base oil Mineral oil Mineral oil Mineral oil Mineral oil Mineral oil Mineral oil
Suitable for:
strong vibrations
shock loads
heavy loads
preventing corrosion
resisting water
be used and filled to the correct level. It is The benefits of SKF greases include
also necessary to check that the ventilation
holes are not blocked. the high and consistent quality which is
continuously checked,
SKF lubricating greases the full range of multi-purpose and special
The effect of contamination on bearing life is greases, and
known. This is the reason why SKF is active, the worldwide availability via the SKF
not only in sealing technology, but also in the sales network.
development of lubricating greases for bear-
ings. This has resulted in the 13 SKF greases Full details of SKF greases will be found
shown in the matrix below and which cover a in the brochure MP 318 SKF Bearing
wide range of applications. Lubricants which is available on request.
Lithium soap Lithium/calcium Lithium soap Calcium Lithium complex Lithium complex Calcium soap
soap complex soap soap soap
Mineral oil Mineral oil Diester oil Ester/mineral oil Mineral oil Mineral oil Vegetable oil
1000 15 23 110 185 40
Highly viscous Extremely Low temperature Low temperature High temperature Grease with Grease suitable
grease with viscous grease grease grease for high grease extended for use in food
solid lubricant with solid speed operation temperature processing
additives lubricant range equipment
Recommendations and advice
What to remember
when dismounting
Remember: never remove an undamaged
bearing unless it is absolutely necessary.
Interference fit in the housing
In many cases it is possible to press the
bearing out of its housing using a press or
mounting dolly and hammer applied to the
outer ring. The SKF mounting kit TMFT 33
can also be used to dismount small bear-
ings, see page 25.
Where the bearing abuts a fixed shoulder
in the housing, a drift and hammer can be
used. Small deep groove ball bearings can
be quickly and easily removed using the SKF
tool kit TMSC 6 (fig 4).
Recommendations and advice
What to remember
about sealing
Seals are those components of a bearing
arrangement which have to retain the lubric-
ant at the bearing position and to prevent
contaminants from entering (fig 1). They
should therefore be given special attention
when mounting, maintaining and repairing.
When mounting radial shaft seals (oil seals,
garter seals) the following points should be
Radial shaft seals should always be inspect-
ed during routine maintenance as well as
when an unplanned stoppage occurs. As
soon as they show any signs of wear or
leakage, they should be replaced. Signs of
wear can be recognised by the seal making
a track on the shaft and leakage by traces
of lubricant on the wrong side of the seal.
The lubricant itself will also indicate whether
the seal is performing properly. If the lub-
ricant has darkened in colour, is cloudy, or
flows less easily, then this is a sign that one
or more seals are worn or otherwise
During repair work, the seals should always
be replaced. The sealing edge (lip) of the
seal should not be allowed to run on the track
made by the old seal. A simple way of achiev-
ing this is to use a CR Speedi-Sleeve (fig 2).
This is pushed over the damaged counter-
face, making the shaft as good as new in a
matter of minutes, and at a fraction of the
cost of other methods (fig 3).
CR Speedi-Sleeves are extremely thin-
walled and allow the use of the same size of
seal as the original. They are made of high-
grade stainless steel. The counterface is
machined without directionality and is often
better than the original shaft surface.
Seal replacement should not just consist
of replacing a seal with a new one of the
same design. Efforts should be made to find
out why the seal needed replacement, for
; ;
Product data
Deep groove ball 40
Self-aligning ball bearings 50
Angular contact ball bearings 55
Four-point contact ball 62
Single row cylindrical roller 64
Full complement cylindrical roller bearings 71
Drawn cup needle roller bearings 74
Needle roller bearings 77
Spherical roller bearings 83
Taper roller 90
Thrust ball bearings 99
Cylindrical roller thrust bearings 104
Needle roller thrust 106
Spherical roller thrust bearings 108
Combined needle roller 110
Precision 114
Precision single row angular contact ball bearings 114
Precision double row cylindrical roller bearings 116
Precision double direction angular contact thrust ball 120
Track runner bearings 122
Y-bearings 130
Y-bearing units 135
Pop Release plummer block 148
SNH plummer block housings 150
Adapter and withdrawal sleeves 158
Spherical plain 165
Rod 171
GLYCODUR plain bearings 179
Deep groove ball
Deep groove ball bearings are simple in can be used at temperatures between 30
construction as well as easy to operate and and +110 C. The sealed bearings are lubric-
maintain. They can run at high speeds and ated for life and maintenance-free.
can support both radial and axial loads. In addition to the bearings listed in the
SKF deep groove ball bearings are avail- tables, the SKF range also includes
able in single and double row designs. Their
special benefits are bearings with snap ring groove in outer
robust quality, bearings in inch sizes,
high load carrying capacity, and max bearings with filling slot,
low friction and quiet operation. conveyor roller bearings and
bearings for high temperatures.
A wide variety of types and sizes can be sup-
plied; standard bearings for conventional as Further information on these bearings can
well as unconventional applications. The be obtained from any SKF authorised distrib-
cost/performance ratio for deep groove ball utor.
bearings is excellent.
Open (unsealed) bearings which are also
available in sealed versions may, for reasons
of manufacture, have seal recesses in the
outer ring.
Bearings with shields or seals at both
sides are filled with a lithium base grease.
This has good rust inhibiting properties and
The boundary dimensions of the bearings
listed in the tables are in accordance with
ISO 15-1981.
SKF deep groove ball bearings are produced
to Normal tolerances as standard. Some sizes
are also available with increased accuracy to
P6 or P5 specifications; please enquire. The
tolerances conform to ISO 492:1994. -Z -2Z
Internal clearance
SKF deep groove ball bearings have Normal
radial internal clearance as standard. Many
of the smaller sizes can also be supplied with
smaller or larger clearance than Normal;
please enquire. The clearance limits are as -RZ -2RZ
specified in ISO 5753:1991.
Depending on bearing series and size, SKF
deep groove ball bearings incorporate
Supplementary designations N NR 3
The supplementary designations which are
frequently used for SKF deep groove ball
bearings are explained in the following.
Deep groove ball bearings
Deep groove ball bearings
single row
d 310 mm B
D d
mm kN kg mm kN kg
Deep groove ball bearings
single row
d 1020 mm
mm kN kg mm kN kg
Deep groove ball bearings
single row
d 2040 mm
mm kN kg mm kN kg
Deep groove ball bearings
single row
d 4065 mm
mm kN kg mm kN kg
Deep groove ball bearings
single row
d 6590 mm
mm kN kg mm kN kg
Deep groove ball bearings
single row
d 95220 mm
mm kN kg mm kN kg
Deep groove ball bearings Deep groove ball bearings
single row double row
d 240380 mm d 1080 mm B
45 85
4209 ATN9
4309 ATN9 3
50 90 23 41,0 0,58 4210 ATN9
110 40 81,9 1,70 4310 ATN9
Self-aligning ball
Self-aligning ball bearings can accommoda- +110 C. The sealed bearings are lubricated
te angular misalignments of the shaft with re- for life and maintenance-free.
spect to the housing and can withstand shaft Adapter sleeves, see page 158, can be
bending in operation. supplied for use with bearings having a taper-
SKF self-aligning ball bearings have an ed bore. The sleeves enable quick and easy
optimised internal design and extremely low location of the bearings on smooth or stepp-
friction as well as ed shafts. Bearings of the -2RS1KTN9
design require C-design adapter sleeves.
enhanced load carrying capacity, and Suitable mounting tools are also available
extended life, or from SKF, see page 25.
enhanced reliability.
The excellent price/performance ratio of the The boundary dimensions of the bearings
SKF bearings as well as the comprehensive listed in the tables are in accordance with
range are further advantages. ISO 15-1981; those of the bearings with
extended inner ring are in accordance with
Range DIN 630 Part 2, 1960.
SKF self-aligning ball bearings are available
in open (no seals) and sealed designs as well
as with an extended inner ring. They are pro-
duced with cylindrical as well as tapered
bore (taper 1:12).
The bearings with seals at both sides
are filled with a lithium base grease. This
has good rust inhibiting properties and can
be used at temperatures between 30 and
Tolerances Some bearings which normally have a poly-
SKF self-aligning ball bearings are produced amide 6,6 cage or a pressed steel cage can
to Normal tolerances to ISO 492:1994 as also be supplied with a machined brass cage
standard. To make mounting easy, the bore instead. Bearings with polyamide cages
of bearings with extended inner ring is, how- can normally be used at temperatures up to
ever, to tolerance J7. +120 C. For further information see page 30.
-2RS1TN9 -2RS1KTN9
112 ETN9
Self-aligning ball bearings
d 525 mm B
d D d 7 D
mm kN kg
Self-aligning ball bearings
d 3065 mm
mm kN kg
2309 E-2RS1TN9
1210 ETN9
1210 EKTN9/C3
90 58/20 26,5 0,85 11210 ETN9
90 23 33,8 0,60 2210 ETN9 2210 EKTN9/C3
90 23 26,5 0,57 2210 E-2RS1TN9 2210 E-2RS1KTN9/C3
Self-aligning ball bearings
d 65110 mm
mm kN kg
The balls of bearings 1318 (K) to 1322 (K) protrude 1 to 2,6 mm from the side faces
Angular contact ball
Angular contact ball bearings have raceways and speed capability, low operating temper-
in the inner and outer rings which are dis- atures, long relubrication intervals and quiet
placed with respect to each other in the direc- operation.
tion of the bearing axis. This means that they
are particulary suitable for the accommoda- Range
tion of combined loads, i.e. simultaneously The SKF popular range includes both single
acting radial and axial loads The single row and double row angular contact ball bear-
bearings can take up axial loads acting in ings.
one direction only, and are therefore usually
adjusted against a second bearing. Single row bearings
The range and performance of SKF an-
gular contact ball bearings are remarkable. The single row angular contact ball bearings
There is a wide choice of single row bearings shown in the tables have a contact angle of
for mounting singly as well as universal 40, are non-separable and can be operated
bearings for mounting in paired arrange- at relatively high speeds. Two executions are
ments, and the size range is large. This is available which are intended for different
also true of the double row bearings which types of arrangement. The normal execu-
are available in open and sealed versions. tion is used where a single bearing is required
The performance and reliability of SKF an- at each bearing position. The universal exe-
gular contact ball bearings result from cution is used where two or more bearings
are to be mounted immediately adjacent to
their optimised internal design, each other in random order.
high running accuracy, and Single row universal bearings are pro-
robust quality. duced specially so that they can be mounted
in pairs immediately adjacent to each other 3
The benefits are high load carrying capacity in any order and will then have a given posit-
Angular contact ball bearings
;;;;; ;
row bearings have filling slots at one side,
but this design is being gradually replaced
by the A design. Bearings with filling slots
should be mounted so that the main axial
load is taken by the raceways on the side
without filling slots.
The sealed bearings are filled with a lithium
base grease. This has good rust inhibiting
properties and can be used at temperatures
between 30 and +110 C. The sealed bear-
ings are lubricated for life and maintenance-
2RS1 2Z
Dimensions Cages
The boundary dimensions of the single and Depending on bearing series and size, SKF
double row angular contact ball bearings angular contact ball bearings incorporate a
listed in the tables are in accordance with
ISO 15-1981, except for the width of bearing a glass fibre reinforced polyamide
3200 A. 6,6 cage,
a pressed steel cage (standard for double
Tolerances row bearings, therefore no suffix), or
SKF angular contact ball bearings are pro- a machined brass cage.
duced to Normal tolerances as standard.
The single row universal bearings, how- Some single row bearings with polyamide
ever, have higher accuracy to class P6 as 6,6 cages can also be supplied with a ma-
standard. The tolerances conform to chined brass cage instead. Bearings with
ISO 492:1994. polyamide cages can normally be used at
temperatures up to +120 C. For further
Internal clearance information, see page 30.
Angular contact ball bearings
Angular contact ball bearings
single row
d 1070 mm B
d D
mm kN kg mm kN kg
7205 BECBM
7305 BEP
7311 BEP
7311 BECBP
7311 BECBM
62 17 26 0,23 7305 BECBP
62 17 24,2 0,23 7305 BECBM 140 33 111 2,75 7411 BGM
Angular contact ball bearings
single row
d 75280 mm
mm kN kg mm kN kg
75 130 25 72,8 1,20 7215 BEP 110 240 50 225 10,0 7322 BEP
130 25 72,8 1,20 7215 BECBP (cont.) 240 50 225 10,0 7322 BECBP
130 25 70,2 1,20 7215 BECBM 240 50 225 10,0 7322 BEM
240 50 225 10,0 7322 BECBM
160 37 133 3,20 7315 BEP
160 37 133 3,20 7315 BECBP 120 180 28 87,1 2,40 7024 BGM
160 37 125 3,20 7315 BECBM
215 40 165 6,10 7224 BM
80 140 26 83,2 1,45 7216 BEP
140 26 83,2 1,45 7216 BECBP 260 55 238 14,5 7324 BCBM
140 26 80,6 1,45 7216 BECBM
130 230 40 186 6,95 7226 BM
170 39 143 3,80 7316 BEP
170 39 143 3,80 7316 BECBP 280 58 251 17,5 7326 BM
170 39 135 3,80 7316 BEM 280 58 251 17,5 7326 BCBM
170 39 135 3,80 7316 BECBM
140 210 33 111 3,85 7028 BGM
85 150 28 95,6 1,85 7217 BEP
150 28 95,6 1,85 7217 BECBP 250 42 182 8,85 7228 BM
150 28 95,6 1,85 7217 BECBM 250 42 182 8,85 7228 BCBM
180 41 153 4,45 7317 BEP 300 62 276 21,5 7328 BCBM
180 41 153 4,45 7317 BECBP
180 41 146 4,45 7317 BEM 150 270 45 195 11,5 7230 BCBM
180 41 146 4,45 7317 BECBM
320 65 302 26,0 7330 BCBM
90 160 30 108 2,30 7218 BEP
160 30 108 2,30 7218 BECBP 160 290 48 199 14,0 7232 BCBM
160 30 108 2,30 7218 BECBM
170 310 52 221 17,5 7234 BCBM
190 43 165 5,20 7318 BEP
190 43 165 5,20 7318 BECBP 360 72 358 36,0 7334 BCBM
190 43 156 5,20 7318 BEM
190 43 156 5,20 7318 BECBM 180 320 52 251 18,0 7236 BCBM
95 170 32 124 2,70 7219 BEP 240 360 56 260 19,0 7048 BGM
170 32 124 2,70 7219 BECBP
170 32 124 2,70 7219 BEM 280 420 65 319 30,0 7056 BGM
170 32 124 2,70 7219 BECBM
Angular contact ball bearings
double row
d 10110 mm B
mm kN kg mm kN kg
12 32 15,9 10,1 0,058 3201 ATN9 90 36,5 59,2 0,95 3308 ATN9
32 15,9 10,1 0,058 3201 A-2RS1TN9 90 36,5 59,2 0,95 3308 A-2RS1TN9
32 15,9 10,1 0,058 3201 A-2ZTN9 90 36,5 59,2 0,95 3308 A-2ZTN9
15 35 15,9 11,2 0,066 3202 ATN9 45 100 39,7 72,1 1,40 3309
35 15,9 11,2 0,066 3202 A-2RS1TN9
35 15,9 11,2 0,066 3202 A-2ZTN9 50 90 30,2 47,5 0,66 3210 ATN9
90 30,2 47,5 0,66 3210 A-2RS1TN9
42 19 15,1 0,13 3302 ATN9 90 30,2 47,5 0,66 3210 A-2ZTN9
42 19 15,1 0,13 3302 A-2RS1TN9
42 19 15,1 0,13 3302 A-2ZTN9 110 44,4 88 1,95 3310
30 62 23,8 28,1 0,29 3206 ATN9 95 170 55,6 147 5,00 3219
62 23,8 28,1 0,29 3206 A-2RS1TN9 200 77,8 238 11,0 3319 M
62 23,8 28,1 0,29 3206 A-2ZTN9
100 180 60,3 157 6,10 3220
72 30,2 41 0,53 3306 ATN9
72 30,2 41 0,53 3306 A-2RS1TN9 215 82,6 255 13,5 3320 M
72 30,2 41 0,53 3306 A-2ZTN9
110 200 69,8 190 8,80 3222
35 72 27 37,1 0,44 3207 ATN9
72 27 37,1 0,44 3207 A-2RS1TN9 240 92,1 292 19,0 3322 M
72 27 37,1 0,44 3207 A-2ZTN9
Four-point contact
ball bearings
Four-point contact ball bearings are single Cages
row angular contact ball bearings which are The bearings are fitted with an outer ring
designed to carry heavy axial loads in both centred window-type cage of brass.
directions. They are not suitable for loads
which are predominantly radial. Supplementary designations
SKF four-point contact ball bearings have The suffixes which are frequently used for
a split inner ring, a contact angle of 35 and a SKF four-point contact ball bearings are
large number of large balls. The benefits are explained in the following.
The boundary dimensions of the bearings
listed in the table are in accordance with
ISO 15-1981.
SKF four-point contact ball bearings are
produced to Normal tolerances as standard.
The tolerances conform to ISO 492:1994.
Internal clearance
SKF four-point contact ball bearings have
Normal axial internal clearance as standard.
Depending on bearing size, this lies between
55 and 200 m. Some sizes are also avail-
able with larger or smaller clearance; avail-
ability should be checked before ordering.
Four-point contact ball bearings
d 20170 mm
d D
mm kN kg mm kN kg
35 72 17 46,2 0,35 QJ 207 N2MA 160 290 48 390 15,5 QJ 232 N2MA
80 21 59,2 0,57 QJ 307 MA
170 360 72 618 41,5 QJ 334 N2MA
40 80 18 52,7 0,45 QJ 208 MA
90 23 71,5 0,78 QJ 308 MA
70 125
QJ 214 MA
QJ 314 MA
75 130 25 117 1,45 QJ 215 MA
160 37 199 3,90 QJ 315 N2MA
Single row cylindrical
roller bearings
Single row cylindrical roller bearings are pro-
duced in several different designs which
differ in the arrangement and number of
flanges. The cage and roller assembly is
guided between integral flanges on one of
the two bearing rings. The ring with these in-
tegral flanges and the cylindrical roller and
cage assembly form a non-separable unit
which can be mounted separately from the
other bearing ring. This simplifies mounting,
particularly in cases where both rings are to
have an interference fit.
SKF cylindrical roller bearings represent
the latest state of the art. The contact geo-
metry between roller and raceway has been
considerably improved by using the log-arit-
hmic profile and the optimised bearing sur-
faces promote lubricant film formation and
the correct movement of the rollers. The fa-
;; ;;;;;;
vourable design of the roller end/flange con-
tact increases the axial load carrying
capacity and reduces running temperature.
These features heighten the performance of
SKF cylindrical roller bearings and the result-
ing benefits include even greater reliability
and less sensitivity to misalignment. NU N
Cylindrical roller bearings of the NU, N, NJ
The boundary dimensions of the bearings
listed in the tables are in accordance with
ISO 15-1981 and the dimensions of the
angle rings conform to ISO 246-1978. NU + HJ NJ + HJ
Tolerances MA Machined brass cage, two-part,
SKF single row cylindrical roller bearings are outer ring centred
produced to Normal tolerances as standard. MB Machined brass cage, two-part,
The tolerances conform to ISO 492:1994. inner ring centred
ML Optimised form-turned brass
Internal clearance window-type cage, inner or outer
SKF single row cylindrical roller bearings ring centred
have Normal radial internal clearance as MP Brass window-type cage (with
standard. Many sizes are also available with pierced, milled or reamed pockets),
the larger C3 clearance. The clearance limits inner or outer ring centred
are as specified in ISO 5753:1991. P Injection moulded glass fibre re-
inforced polyamide 6,6 cage
Depending on bearing series and size, SKF
single row cylindrical roller bearings incorp-
Supplementary designations
The suffixes which are frequently used for
SKF cylindrical roller bearings are explained
in the following. 3
C2 Radial internal clearance smaller
than Normal
C3 Radial internal clearance greater
than Normal
E Optimised internal design, more
and/or larger rollers
EC Optimised internal design, more
and/or larger rollers and improved
roller/end flange contact
J Pressed steel cage
M Machined brass cage, two-part,
roller centred
Cylindrical roller bearings
single row
d 1545 mm B
d D
mm kN kg
17 40 12 17,2 0,068 NU 203 ECP NJ 203 ECP NUP 203 ECP N 203 ECP
20 47 14 25,1 0,11 NU 204 ECP NJ 204 ECP NUP 204 ECP N 204 ECP
47 18 29,7 0,14 NU 2204 ECP NJ 2204 ECP
52 15 4 30,8 0,15 NU 304 ECP NJ 304 ECP NUP 304 ECP N 304 ECP HJ 304 EC
52 21 43,1 0,21 NU 2304 ECP NJ 2304 ECP
25 52 15 3 28,6 0,13 NU 205 ECP NJ 205 ECP NUP 205 ECP N 205 ECP HJ 205 EC
52 18 3 34,1 0,16 NU 2205 ECP NJ 2205 ECP NUP 2205 ECP HJ 2205 EC
62 17 4 40,2 0,24 NU 305 ECP NJ 305 ECP NUP 305 ECP N 305 ECP HJ 305 EC
62 24 4 56,1 0,25 NU 2305 ECP NJ 2305 ECP HJ 2305 EC
62 24 4 56,1 0,36 NJ 2305 ECJ HJ 2305 EC
62 16 4 38 0,20 NU 206 ECP NU 206 ECP NUP 206 ECP N 206 ECP HJ 206 EC
62 20 48,4 0,26 NU 2206 ECP NJ 2206 ECP NUP 2206 ECP
72 19 5 51,2 0,36 NU 306 ECP NJ 306 ECP NUP 306 ECP N 306 ECP HJ 306 EC
72 19 5 51,2 0,37 NU 306 ECJ HJ 306 EC
72 27 73,7 0,53 NU 2306 ECP NJ 2306 ECP
72 27 73,7 0,54 NJ 2306 ECJ
35 72 17 4 48,4 0,30 NU 207 ECP NJ 207 ECP NUP 207 ECP N 207 ECP HJ 207 EC
72 23 59,4 0,40 NU 2207 ECP NJ 2207 ECP NUP 2207 ECP
80 21 6 64,4 0,48 NU 307 ECP NJ 307 ECP NUP 307 ECP N 307 ECP HJ 307 EC
80 21 6 64,4 0,49 NU 307 ECJ HJ 307 EC
80 31 91,3 0,73 NU 2307 ECP NJ 2307 ECP NUP 2307 ECP
80 18 5 53,9 0,37 NU 208 ECP NJ 208 ECP NUP 208 ECP N 208 ECP HJ 208 EC
80 18 5 53,9 0,39 NJ 208 ECJ NUP 208 ECM HJ 208 EC
80 23 5 70,4 0,49 NU 2208 ECP NJ 2208 ECP NUP 2208 ECP HJ 2208 EC
80 23 5 70,4 0,51 NJ 2208 ECJ HJ 2208 EC
90 23 7 80,9 0,65 NU 308 ECP NJ 308 ECP NUP 308 ECP N 308 ECP HJ 308 EC
90 23 7 80,9 0,66 NU 308 ECJ NJ 308 ECJ HJ 308 EC
90 33 112 0,94 NU 2308 ECP NJ 2308 ECP NUP 2308 ECP
90 33 112 0,95 NU 2308 ECJ NJ 2308 ECJ
45 85 19 5 60,5 0,43 NU 209 ECP NJ 209 ECP NUP 209 ECP N 209 ECP HJ 209 EC
85 19 5 60,5 0,44 NU 209 ECJ HJ 209 EC
85 23 73,7 0,52 NU 2209 ECP NJ 2209 ECP NUP 2209 ECP
85 23 73,7 0,53 NU 2209 ECJ NJ 2209 ECJ
Cylindrical roller bearings
single row
d 4575 mm
mm kN kg
45 100 25 7 99 0,90 NU 309 ECP NJ 309 ECP NUP 309 ECP N 309 ECP HJ 309 EC
(cont.) 100 25 7 99 0,92 NU 309 ECJ NJ 309 ECJ NUP 309 ECJ HJ 309 EC
100 36 138 1,30 NU 2309 ECP NJ 2309 ECP NUP 2309 ECP
90 20 5 64,4 0,48 NU 210 ECP NJ 210 ECP NUP 210 ECP N 210 ECP HJ 210 EC
90 20 5 64,4 0,48 NU 210 ECJ NJ 210 ECJ HJ 210 EC
90 23 78,1 0,56 NU 2210 ECP NJ 2210 ECP NUP 2210 ECP
90 23 78,1 0,58 NJ 2210 ECJ NUP 2210 ECJ
110 27 8 110 1,15 NU 310 ECP NJ 310 ECP NUP 310 ECP N 310 ECP HJ 310 EC
110 27 8 110 1,15 NU 310 ECJ NJ 310 ECJ NUP 310 ECJ HJ 310 EC
110 40 161 1,70 NU 2310 ECP NJ 2310 ECP NUP 2310 ECP
110 40 161 2,00 NU 2310 ECML
55 100 21 6 84,2 0,66 NU 211 ECP NJ 211 ECP NUP 211 ECP N 211 ECP HJ 211 EC
100 21 6 84,2 0,67 NJ 211 ECJ NUP 211 ECJ HJ 211 EC
100 25 6 99 0,79 NU 2211 ECP NJ 2211 ECP NUP 2211 ECP HJ 2211 EC
120 29 9 138 1,45 NU 311 ECP NJ 311 ECP NUP 311 ECP N 311 ECP HJ 311 EC
120 29 9 138 1,45 NU 311 ECJ NJ 311 ECJ HJ 311 EC
120 43 9 201 2,20 NU 2311 ECP NJ 2311 ECP NUP 2311 ECP HJ 2311 EC
110 22 6 93,5 0,81 NU 212 ECP NJ 212 ECP NUP 212 ECP N 212 ECP HJ 212 EC
110 22 6 93,5 0,81 NU 212 ECJ NJ 212 ECJ HJ 212 EC
110 28 6 128 1,10 NU 2212 ECP NJ 2212 ECP NUP 2212 ECP HJ 2212 EC
110 28 6 128 1,10 NU 2212 ECJ HJ 2212 EC
130 31 9 151 1,80 NU 312 ECP NJ 312 ECP NUP 312 ECP N 312 ECP HJ 312 EC
130 31 9 151 1,80 NU 312 ECJ NJ 312 ECJ HJ 312 EC
130 31 9 151 1,80 NU 312 ECM HJ 312 EC
130 46 224 2,75 NU 2312 ECP NJ 2312 ECP NUP 2312 ECP
130 46 224 3,15 NJ 2312 ECML
65 100 18
120 23
NU 1013 MA
NU 213 ECP
NJ 213 ECP
N 213 ECP
HJ 213 EC
120 23 6 106 1,05 NU 213 ECJ HJ 213 EC
120 31 6 147 1,40 NU 2213 ECP NJ 2213 ECP NUP 2213 ECP HJ 2213 EC
120 31 6 147 1,40 NU 2213 ECJ HJ 2213 EC
140 33 10 183 2,25 NU 313 ECP NJ 313 ECP NUP 313 ECP N 313 ECP HJ 313 EC
140 33 10 183 2,25 NU 313 ECP NJ 313 ECP HJ 313 EC
140 48 251 3,30 NU 2313 ECP NJ 2313 ECP
125 24 7 119 1,15 NU 214 ECP NJ 214 ECP NUP 214 ECP N 214 ECP HJ 214 EC
125 24 7 119 1,15 NJ 214 ECJ HJ 214 EC
125 31 154 1,50 NU 2214 ECP NJ 2214 ECP NUP 2214 ECP
150 35 10 205 2,75 NU 314 ECP NJ 314 ECP NUP 314 ECP N 314 ECP HJ 314 EC
150 35 10 205 2,75 NU 314 ECJ NJ 314 ECJ HJ 314 EC
150 35 10 205 3,20 NU 314 ECM HJ 314 EC
150 51 10 275 4,00 NU 2314 ECP NJ 2314 ECP HJ 2314 EC
130 25 7 130 1,25 NU 215 ECP NJ 215 ECP NUP 215 ECP N 215 ECP HJ 215 EC
130 25 7 130 1,25 NU 215 ECJ HJ 215 EC
130 31 7 161 1,60 NU 2215 ECP NJ 2215 ECP NUP 2215 ECP
130 31 7 161 1,60 NJ 2215 ECJ
Cylindrical roller bearings
single row
d 75105 mm
mm kN kg
75 160 37 11 242 3,30 NU 315 ECP NJ 315 ECP NUP 315 ECP N 315 ECP HJ 314 EC
(cont.) 160 37 11 242 3,80 NU 315 ECM NJ 315 ECJ HJ 314 EC
160 37 11 330 4,90 NU 2315 ECP NJ 2315 ECP HJ 2315 EC
140 26 8 138 1,50 NU 216 ECP NJ 216 ECP NUP 216 ECP N 216 ECP HJ 216 EC
140 26 8 138 1,55 NU 216 ECJ NJ 216 ECJ HJ 216 EC
140 26 8 138 1,80 NU 216 ECM HJ 216 EC
140 33 8 187 2,00 NU 2216 ECP NJ 2216 ECP NUP 2216 ECP HJ 2216 EC
140 33 8 187 2,00 NU 2216 ECJ NJ 2216 ECJ HJ 2216 EC
170 39 11 260 3,95 NU 316 ECP NJ 316 ECP NUP 316 ECP N 316 ECP HJ 316 EC
170 39 11 260 3,95 NU 316 ECJ HJ 316 EC
170 39 11 260 4,65 NU 316 ECM HJ 316 EC
170 58 11 358 5,85 NU 2316 ECP NJ 2316 ECP HJ 2316 EC
150 28 8 165 1,90 NU 217 ECP NJ 217 ECP NUP 217 ECP N 217 ECP HJ 217 EC
150 28 8 165 2,15 NU 217 ECJ NJ 217 ECM HJ 217 EC
150 36 8 216 2,45 NU 2217 ECP NJ 2217 ECP NUP 2217 ECP HJ 2217 EC
150 36 8 216 2,45 NU 2217 ECJ HJ 2217 EC
180 41 12 297 4,70 NU 317 ECP NJ 317 ECP NUP 317 ECP N 317 ECP HJ 317 EC
180 41 12 297 4,70 NU 317 ECJ HJ 317 EC
180 41 12 297 5,40 NU 317 ECM HJ 317 EC
180 60 12 396 7,00 NU 2317 ECP NJ 2317 ECP HJ 2317 EC
160 30 9 183 2,35 NU 218 ECP NJ 218 ECP NUP 218 ECP N 218 ECP HJ 218 EC
160 30 9 183 2,35 NU 218 ECJ HJ 218 EC
160 40 9 242 3,15 NU 2218 ECP NJ 2218 ECP NUP 2218 ECP HJ 2218 EC
160 40 9 242 3,15 NU 2218 ECJ HJ 2218 EC
190 43 12 319 5,45 NU 318 ECP NJ 318 ECP N 318 ECP HJ 318 EC
190 43 12 319 5,45 NU 318 ECJ NJ 318 ECJ HJ 318 EC
190 43 12 319 6,30 NU 318 ECM HJ 318 EC
190 64 12 440 8,00 NU 2318 ECP NJ 2318 ECP HJ 2318 EC
190 64 12 440 8,00 NU 2318 ECJ HJ 2318 EC
170 32 9 220 2,85 NU 219 ECP NJ 219 ECP NUP 219 ECP N 219 ECP HJ 219 EC
170 43 9 286 3,85 NU 2219 ECP NJ 2219 ECP
200 45 13 341 6,25 NU 319 ECP NJ 319 ECP N 319 ECP HJ 319 EC
200 45 13 341 6,25 NU 319 ECJ NJ 319 ECJ HJ 319 EC
200 45 13 341 7,30 NU 319 ECM HJ 319 EC
200 67 13 468 9,35 NU 2319 ECJ NJ 2319 ECJ HJ 2319 EC
180 34 10 251 3,45 NU 220 ECP NJ 220 ECP NUP 220 ECP N 220 ECP HJ 220 EC
180 34 10 251 3,45 NU 220 ECJ NJ 220 ECJ HJ 220 EC
180 46 10 336 4,75 NU 2220 ECP NJ 2220 ECP HJ 2220 EC
Cylindrical roller bearings
single row
d 110170 mm
mm kN kg
200 38 11 292 4,80 NU 222 ECP NJ 222 ECP NUP 222 ECP N 222 ECP HJ 222 EC
200 38 11 292 4,85 NU 222 ECJ NJ 222 ECJ HJ 222 EC
200 53 380 6,70 NU 2222 ECP NJ 2222 ECP
200 53 380 7,00 NU 2222 ECJ
200 53 380 7,70 NU 2222 ECM
215 40 11 341 5,75 NU 224 ECP NJ 224 ECP N 224 ECP HJ 224 EC
215 40 11 341 5,85 NU 224 ECJ NJ 224 ECJ HJ 224 EC
215 58 11 457 8,30 NU 2224 ECP HJ 2224 EC
215 58 11 457 8,60 NU 2224 ECJ NJ 2224 ECJ HJ 2224 EC
215 58 11 457 9,70 NU 2224 ECMA HJ 2224 EC
250 42 11 391 8,60 NU 228 ECJ NJ 228 ECJ NUP 228 ECJ HJ 228 EC
250 42 11 391 9,10 NU 228 ECMA HJ 228 EC
250 68 11 572 15,0 NU 2228 ECMA HJ 2228 EC
270 45 12 446 11,0 NU 230 ECJ NJ 230 ECJ NUP 230 ECJ HJ 230 EC
270 73 12 627 20,0 NU 2230 ECM HJ 2230 EC
Cylindrical roller bearings
single row
d 180300 mm
mm kN kg
Full complement
cylindrical roller
Full complement cylindrical roller bearings Range
do not have a cage and therefore incorpor- The SKF popular range of full complement
ate the maximum number of rollers, thus cylindrical roller bearings includes single row
permitting compact bearing arrangements to as well as double row bearings.
be made for very heavy loads. Because of The single row bearings are of series
the special kinematic conditions, however, NCF 29 V. These have two integral flanges
full complement bearings cannot be oper- on the inner ring and one integral flange on
ated at such high speeds as the corres- the outer ring. A retaining ring at the flange-
ponding caged bearings. less side of the outer ring prevents the bear-
The SKF full complement cylindrical roller ing from coming apart.
bearings have the same optimised internal The double row bearings of series NNF 50
geometry as the bearings with cage. The also belong to the SKF popular range. These
logarithmic contact profile of the roller/race- bearings have a two-part inner ring which is
way contact improves stress distribution in held together by a retaining ring. The outer
the bearing. The optimised bearing surfaces ring has an integral central flange and two
favour lubricant film formation and correct snap ring grooves are provided in the outside
rolling conditions. The opened flanges im- diameter. The bearings are sealed at both
prove the conditions in the roller end/flange sides and filled with a lithium base grease
contact. The benefits deriving from these which has good rust inhibiting properties. The
features include operating temperature range is dictated by
the seal material and is from 40 to +80 C.
high radial and axial load carrying Under certain conditions the NNF bearings
capacity, require no maintenance. If the bearings oper-
enhanced operational reliability, and
long service life.
ate in moist or contaminated environments,
however, they should be relubricated peri-
Full complement cylindrical roller bearings
The boundary dimensions of the bearings
listed in the tables are in accordance with
ISO 15-1981.
The width of the outer ring of series
NNF 50 bearings is an exception as it is
1 mm narrower than the inner ring.
SKF full complement cylindrical roller bear-
ings are produced to Normal tolerances as
standard. The tolerances conform to
ISO 492:1994.
Internal clearance
SKF full complement cylindrical roller bear-
ings have Normal radial internal clearance
as standard. They can also be supplied with
the larger C3 clearance. Availability should
be checked before ordering. The clearance
limits are as specified in ISO 5753:1991.
Supplementary designations
The suffixes which are frequently used for
SKF full complement cylindrical roller bear-
ings are explained in the following.
Full complement cylindrical roller bearings Full complement cylindrical roller bearings
single row double row
d 60300 mm B d 25140 mm
d D d D
mm kN kg mm kN kg
70 100 19 76,5 0,48 NCF 2914 V 30 55 34 52,8 0,35 NNF 5006 ADA-2LSV
80 110 19 80,9 0,53 NCF 2916 V 35 62 36 66,0 0,45 NNF 5007 ADA-2LSV
90 125 22 105 0,82 NCF 2918 V 40 68 38 79,2 0,53 NNF 5008 ADA-2LSV
100 140 24 132 1,15 NCF 2920 V 45 75 40 95,2 0,68 NNF 5009 ADA-2LSV
110 150 24 140 1,25 NCF 2922 V 50 80 40 101 0,73 NNF 5010 ADA-2LSV
120 165 27 172 1,70 NCF 2924 V 55 90 46 119 1,10 NNF 5011 ADA-2LSV
130 180 30 205 2,30 NCF 2926 V 60 95 46 123 1,20 NNF 5012 ADA-2LSV
140 190 30 220 2,40 NCF 2928 V 65 100 46 128 1,30 NNF 5013 ADA-2LSV
150 210 36 286 3,85 NCF 2930 V 70 110 54 190 1,85 NNF 5014 ADA-2LSV
160 220 36 297 4,05 NCF 2932 V 75 115 54 201 2,00 NNF 5015 ADA-2LSV
170 230 36 308 4,25 NCF 2934 V 80 125 60 233 2,70 NNF 5016 ADA-2LSV
180 250 42 391 6,25 NCF 2936 V 85 130 60 251 2,75 NNF 5017 ADA-2LSV
190 260 42 440 6,55 NCF 2938 V 90 140 67 297 3,80 NNF 5018 ADA-2LSV 3
200 280 48 528 9,15 NCF 2940 V 100 150 67 308 4,05 NNF 5020 ADA-2LSV
220 300 48 512 9,90 NCF 2944 V 110 170 80 380 6,45 NNF 5022 ADA-2LSV
240 320 48 583 11,0 NCF 2948 V 120 180 80 402 6,90 NNF 5024 ADA-2LSV
260 360 60 737 18,5 NCF 2952 V 130 200 95 572 10,5 NNF 5026 ADA-2LSV
280 380 60 897 20,0 NCF 2956 V 140 210 95 594 11,0 NNF 5028 ADA-2LSV
Drawn cup needle
roller bearings
As the name suggests, drawn cup needle Range
roller bearings have a deep drawn, relatively Sealed drawn cup needle roller bearings
thin outer ring. Their main characteristics are have rubbing seals of polyurethane or synt-
their very low cross sectional height and high hetic rubber and are filled with a lithium
load carrying capacity. They must be mount- base grease having good rust inhibiting prop-
ed with an interference fit in the housing erties. They can be used at temperatures
bore. from 20 to +100 C.
Two designs are available: one which is SKF can also supply other sizes of drawn
open at both sides and one with a closed end cup needle roller bearings with or without
intended for shaft ends. The profiled form of seals. Further information will be supplied on
the closed end allows small axial guidance request.
forces to be accommodated.
The outer ring of hardened steel sheet and Dimensions
the needle roller and cage assembly of SKF The boundary dimensions of the drawn cup
drawn cup needle roller bearings form a non- needle roller bearings listed in the table are
separable unit. The needle rollers have a in accordance with ISO 3245-1974.
modified profile so that damaging edge
stresses are avoided. There is adequate free
space for lubricant so that long relubrication
intervals can be achieved.
The tolerance for the diameter Fw the dia-
meter inside the roller set when the rollers
are in contact with the outer ring will be F7
when the bearing is mounted.
SKF drawn cup needle roller bearings incorp-
Supplementary designations
The suffixes which are frequently used for
SKF drawn cup needle roller bearings are
explained in the following.
;; ;;
;; ;
; ;; ;;
Drawn cup needle roller bearings
Fw 360 mm
C C1
Fw D
mm kN g mm kN g
16 22 12 7,37 12 HK 1612
22 14 7,37 13,5 HK 1614 RS
22 16 10,5 16 HK 1616
22 20 11,0 17 HK 1620.2RS
22 22 12,8 22 HK 1622
17 23 12 7,65 12 HK 1712
18 24 12 7,92 13 HK 1812
24 16 11,2 18 HK 1816
20 26 10 6,16 12 HK 2010
26 12 8,42 14 HK 2012
26 16 12,3 19 HK 2016
26 18 12,3 21,5 HK 2018 RS
26 20 15,1 24 HK 2020
26 30 20,9 35 HK 2030
Needle roller bearings
Needle roller bearings are very low section double row bearings of series (R)NA 69
bearings with relatively high load carrying having an outside diameter of 55 mm and
capacity. They may be used with or without above have three integral flanges in the
inner ring. outer ring. These guide the two roller sets.
Needle roller bearings without inner ring The sealed bearings have synthetic rub-
provide the optimum bearing arrangement ber seals. They are filled with a lithium base
where shafts can be hardened and ground. grease as standard. The grease has good
Needle roller bearings with inner ring are rust inhibiting properties and the bearings
used where it is not possible, or not econom- can be used at operating temperatures be-
ically viable, to harden and grind the shaft. tween 20 and +100 C. The inner rings of
They permit axial displacement within the the sealed bearings are 1 mm wider than the
bearing. outer rings and they have a lubrication hole.
SKF needle roller bearings are available in
several designs and sizes. All the bearings
have needle rollers with modified profile so
that damaging edge stresses are avoided.
SKF needle roller bearings having an out-
side diameter of up to and including 19 mm
have flanges in the outer ring which are
either integral, or take the form of inserted
rings. All the larger bearings have integral
flanges and an annular groove and one lub-
rication hole in the outer ring. They are avail-
able in single and double row designs. The
Needle roller bearings
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;
; ;;
;; ;; ;; ;; ;;; ;
The boundary dimensions of bearings of
the NA design are in accordance with
ISO 15-1981. Bearings of the RNA design
are without inner ring but are otherwise di-
mensionally equivalent to the corresponding
NA design bearings. The other bearings
listed in the tables are common industrial
sizes. NKI (D 19 mm) NK (D 19 mm)
SKF needle roller bearings are produced to
Normal tolerances as standard. The toler-
ances conform to ISO 492:1994. ;;
Internal clearance ;
SKF needle roller bearings have Normal
radial internal clearance as standard. The
clearance limits are as specified in NKI (D 22 mm) NK (D 22 mm)
NA 48, 49 RNA 48, 49
ISO 5373:1991. NA 69 (D 47 mm) RNA 69 (D 47 mm)
Depending on size, SKF needle roller bear-
ings incorporate
; ;
;; ;; ;;
;; ; ;
;; ;; ;;
a steel or pressed steel cage, or
a glass fibre reinforced polyamide
6,6 cage.
NA 69 (D 52 mm) RNA 69 (D 52 mm)
Bearings with polyamide cages can normally
be used at temperatures up to +120 C. For
further information see page 30.
Supplementary designations
The suffixes which are frequently used for
; ;;
at one side of the bearing
.2RS RS seal at both sides of bearing
TN Injection moulded glass fibre rein-
; ;;
NA 49 RS RNA 49 RS
Needle roller bearings with flanges
without inner ring
Fw 540 mm C
Fw D
mm kN kg mm kN kg
NK 15/20
RNA 4901
30 40
NK 30/20
NK 30/30 3
24 13 8,09 0,018 RNA 4901.2RS 42 17 24,2 0,061 RNA 4905
24 16 11,7 0,022 NK 16/16 42 17 21,6 0,060 RNA 4905.2RS
24 20 14,5 0,032 NK 16/20 42 30 38 0,11 RNA 6905
24 22 16,1 0,032 RNA 6901
32 42 20 23,3 0,068 NK 32/20
17 25 16 12,1 0,024 NK 17/16 42 30 34,1 0,10 NK 32/30
25 20 15,1 0,030 NK 17/20
47 22 34,1 0,11 NKS 32
18 26 16 12,8 0,025 NK 18/16
26 20 16,1 0,032 NK 18/20 35 45 20 24,6 0,074 NK 35/20
45 30 35,8 0,11 NK 35/30
19 27 16 13,4 0,026 NK 19/16
47 17 25,5 0,070 RNA 4906
20 28 13 11,2 0,022 RNA 4902 47 17 23,3 0,069 RNA 4906.2RS
28 13 9,13 0,022 RNA 4902.2RS 47 30 42,9 0,13 RNA 6906
28 16 13,2 0,027 NK 20/16
28 20 16,5 0,034 NK 20/20 50 22 35,2 0,12 NKS 35
28 23 17,2 0,040 RNA 6902
37 47 20 25,1 0,077 NK 37/20
21 29 16 13,8 0,028 NK 21/16
29 20 17,2 0,035 NK 21/20 38 48 20 25,5 0,080 NK 38/20
Needle roller bearings with flanges
without inner ring
Fw 40165 mm
mm kN kg mm kN kg
50 62 25 38 0,16 NK 50/25
62 35 49,5 0,22 NK 50/35
65 78 25 44 0,22 NK 65/25
68 82 25 44 0,24 NK 68/25
82 35 60,5 0,34 NK 68/35
Needle roller bearings with flanges
with inner ring
d 545 mm B
d D
mm kN kg mm kN kg
NA 6902
NKI 17/16
NA 6907
29 20 17,2 0,054 NKI 17/20
38 53 20 27,5 0,14 NKI 38/20
30 13 11,4 0,037 NA 4903 53 30 40,2 0,21 NKI 38/30
30 13 9,52 0,040 NA 4903.2RS
30 23 18,7 0,072 NA 6903 40 55 20 27,5 0,14 NKI 40/20
55 30 40,2 0,22 NKI 40/30
37 20 26 0,098 NKIS 17
62 22 42,9 0,23 NA 4908
20 32 16 15,4 0,049 NKI 20/16 62 22 36,9 0,25 NA 4908.2RS
32 20 19 0,061 NKI 20/20 62 40 67,1 0,43 NA 6908
Needle roller bearings with flanges
with inner ring
d 50190 mm
mm kN kg mm kN kg
The inner ring of bearings with seal(s) is 1 mm wider than B
Spherical roller
Spherical roller bearings are self-aligning Dimensions
and therefore insensitive to angular misalign- The boundary dimensions of the bearings
ment of the shaft with respect to the housing listed in the tables are in accordance with
or to shaft bending in operation. They share ISO 15-1981.
this feature with self-aligning ball bearings,
but have considerably higher load carrying Tolerances
capacity for both radial and axial loads. SKF spherical roller bearings are produced
Spherical roller bearings are universally to Normal tolerances as standard. The toler-
applicable bearings for heavy loads. ances conform to ISO 492:1994.
SKF spherical roller bearings incorporate
a large number of long, symmetrical rollers Internal clearance
of large diameter and can carry extremely SKF spherical roller bearings have Normal
heavy loads. Their internal design repres- radial internal clearance as standard. They
ents the latest state of the art. The unique are also available with smaller or larger clear-
features such as the floating guide ring, spe- ances, but availability should be checked be-
cial raceway form and optimised bearing sur- fore ordering. The clearance limits are as
faces allow SKF spherical roller bearings to specified in ISO 5753:1991.
SKF spherical roller bearings are produced
with cylindrical as well as with tapered bore.
The taper is 1:12 except for the wide 240 and
241 series bearings where the taper is 1:30.
SKF also supplies appropriate adapter
and withdrawal sleeves to fit the bearings
with tapered bore. These enable the bear-
ings to be simply mounted on smooth or
stepped shafts, see page 158. Appropriate
mounting and dismounting aids, particularly
for large-sized bearings, are also available;
see page 25.
Spherical roller bearings
Bearing of CA design but with
special form and finish of the
CACK30 CAC + K30
;; ; ;;
Bearing with symmetrical rollers,
;;; ;;;
flangeless inner ring, a floating
guide ring centred on the inner
ring between the two rows of
rollers, and two pressed steel
window-type cages. With special
form and finish of the raceways
CCK30 CC + K30
C2 Radial internal clearance smaller
than Normal
C3 Radial internal clearance greater CCJA/W33VA405 E
than Normal
C4 Radial internal clearance greater
than C3
; ;
Spherical roller bearings
d 2065 mm
d D
mm kN kg
22209 CC/W33
21309 E
22209 CCK/W33
21309 EK
100 36 138 1,35 22309 CC 22309 CCK
100 36 138 1,35 22309 CC/W33 22309 CCK/W33
Spherical roller bearings
d 65120 mm
mm kN kg
Spherical roller bearings
d 120170 mm
mm kN kg
1 270
1 270
22330 CC/W33
22330 CCJA/W33VA405
22330 CCK/W33
160 240 60 506 9,70 23032 CC/W33 23032 CCK/W33
240 80 656 13,0 24032 CC/W33 24032 CCK30/W33
Spherical roller bearings
d 180240 mm
mm kN kg
Spherical roller bearings
d 260420 mm
mm kN kg
Taper roller bearings
Taper roller bearings are designed to be able bly) which have the same roller and cage as-
to take up combined (radial and axial) loads. sembly. Any cup of a series can be combined
Single row taper roller bearings can only with any cone of the same series to form a
accept axial loads acting in one direction. complete bearing. Because of this the cups
They are therefore adjusted against a second and cones have separate designations. The
bearing which takes axial loads acting in the designation of a complete bearing consists
other direction. The bearings are separable, of the cone designation followed by the cup
i.e. the inner ring with roller and cage assem- designation. The cone designation is separ-
bly (cone) can be mounted separately from ated from the cup designation by an oblique
the outer ring (cup). stroke.
SKF taper roller bearings, particularly the
TQ-Line bearings, represent the latest state
of the art. The roller/raceway contact has the
logarithmic profile. The optimised internal
geometry, including the roller end/flange
contact, and bearing surfaces provide the
following advantages for SKF taper roller
Metric sizes: these designations follow the
normal pattern for metric bearings, i.e. they
indicate the ISO Dimension Series and bore
Inch sizes: these designations follow
ANSI-ABMA Standard 19.2-1994). The main
difference here is that the bearing series is
made up of several cups (outer rings) and
cones (inner ring with roller and cage assem-
Range Supplementary designations
SKF produces single row taper roller bearings The suffixes which are frequently used for
in both metric and inch sizes. SKF taper roller bearings are explained in
In addition to the popular range shown the following.
in the tables, the SKF manufacturing pro-
gramme covers many other taper roller bear- CL7A Standard pinion bearing execution
ings of various types and sizes. These in- CL7B Special pinion bearing execution
clude paired single row taper roller bearings. CL7C New standard pinion bearing
Further information will be supplied on re- execution
quest. J Pressed steel window-type cage.
A figure following the J, e.g. J2,
Dimensions identifies a design which differs
The boundary dimensions of the metric taper from the original
roller bearings listed in the tables are in ac- Q Optimised contact geometry and
cordance with ISO 355-1977 and those of bearing surfaces
the inch-size bearings correspond to ABMA QCL7A Q + CL7A
Standard 19-1974. QCL7B Q + CL7B
Tolerances VC027 Special heat and surface treat-
SKF metric single row taper roller bearings ment
are produced to Normal tolerances as stand- /W Special ring width tolerance
ard. These conform to ISO 492:1994. +0,051/0 mm
SKF inch-size taper roller bearings are X Dimensions changed to conform
produced to Normal tolerances in accord- to ISO
ance with ISO 578:1987 and the AFBMA XJ2 X + J2
Standard 19-1974, class 4. Cups and cones /2 Special abutment width tolerance
having a width tolerance which deviates from of cone assembled with master
the Normal are identified by a suffix, e.g. /2 cup, or cup assembled with mas-
or /3. ter cone +0,051/0 mm
The tolerances of bearings to the CL7A /3 Special abutment width tolerance
and CL7C specifications correspond to of cone assembled with master
Normal tolerances except for the tolerances cup, or cup assembled with mas-
for the ring width variation and for the radial
runout and side face runout. These toler-
ter cone +0,076/0 mm
ances are approximately halved.
All the SKF taper roller bearings listed in this
catalogue are fitted with a pressed steel win-
dow-type cage.
Taper roller bearings
single row T
d 1540 mm C
d D
mm kN kg
Taper roller bearings
single row
d 4065 mm
mm kN kg
30311 J2
31311 J2/Q
32311 J2
60 95 23 17,5 23 82,5 0,59 32012 X/Q
95 27 21 27 91,3 0,71 33012
Taper roller bearings
single row
d 7095 mm
mm kN kg
Taper roller bearings
single row
d 95170 mm
mm kN kg
Taper roller bearings
single row
d 180280 mm
mm kN kg
Taper roller bearings
single row, inch sizes
d 15,87545,242 mm
mm kN kg
17,462 39,878 14,605 10,668 13,843 21,2 0,081 LM 11749/LM 11710 LM 11700
21,430 50,005 18,288 13,970 17,526 36,9 0,17 M 12649/M 12610 M 12600
30,162 64,292 21,433 16,670 21,433 49,5 0,33 M 86649/M 86610/CL7C M 86600
31,750 59,131 16,764 11,811 15,875 34,7 0,18 LM 67048/LM 67010/Q LM 67000
62,000 19,050 14,288 18,161 48,4 0,24 15123/15243 15000
63,500 19,050 15,875 19,749 48,4 0,27 15123/15250 X 15000
73,025 27,783 23,020 29,370 70,4 0,62 HM 88542/2/HM 88510/2/QCL7A HM 88500
34,925 65,088 18,288 13,970 18,034 47,3 0,25 LM 48548/LM 48510 LM 48500
72,233 25,400 19,842 25,400 67,1 0,50 HM 88649/HM 88610/CL7B HM 88600
76,200 28,575 23,020 29,370 78,1 0,66 HM 89446/2/HM 89410/2/QCL7A HM 89400
HM 89449/HM 89410/2/QCL7C
HM 89400
79,375 29,771 23,812 29,370 91,3 0,67 SK-3490/3420/QCL7C 3400
82,550 28,575 23,020 29,370 85,8 0,78 HM 801346 X/HM 801310/CL7A HM 801300
44,988 85,000 21,692 17,462 20,638 70,4 0,50 358 X/354 X 355
45,242 73,431 19,812 15,748 19,558 53,9 0,30 LM 102949/LM 102910 LM 102900
Taper roller bearings
single row, inch sizes
d 45,618127,000 mm
mm kN kg
57,150 96,838 21,946 15,875 20,886 80,9 0,59 387 A/382 A 385
98,425 21,946 17,826 21,000 80,9 0,64 387 A/382 385
112,712 30,162 23,812 30,162 142 1,45 39580/39520 39500
119,985 30,162 26,949 32,750 142 1,75 39580/39528 39500
60,325 130,175 33,338 23,812 36,512 151 2,10 HM 911245/HM 911210 HM 911200
61,912 146,050 39,688 25,400 41,275 198 3,20 H 913842/H 913810 H 913800
146,050 39,688 25,400 41,275 198 3,20 H 913843/H 913810 H 913800
90,000 161,925 55,100 42,862 53,975 330 4,75 6581 X/6535 6500
99,975 156,975 42,000 34,000 42,000 246 2,90 HM 220149/HM 220110 HM 220100
Thrust ball bearings
SKF thrust ball bearings are in regular pro-
duction in the following designs:
The boundary dimensions of the bearings
with flat housing washers listed in the tables
are in accordance with ISO 104-1979. The
dimensions of the bearings with sphered
housing washer are according to DIN 711
and DIN 715.
Thrust ball bearings
SKF thrust ball bearings are produced to
Normal tolerances as standard. Some sizes
are also available with increased accuracy; H
please check availability. The tolerances
conform to ISO 199-1979.
Cages D
Depending on bearing series and size,
SKF thrust ball bearings incorporate
Supplementary designations
The suffixes which are frequently used for
SKF thrust ball bearings are explained in the
Thrust ball bearings
single direction
d 3300 mm
mm kN kg mm kN kg
40 60
150 190
51130 F
51230 M
78 26 61,8 0,53 51308
90 36 112 1,10 51408 160 200 31 112 2,35 51132 F
225 51 242 6,55 51232 M
45 65 14 24,2 0,14 51109
73 20 39,0 0,30 51209 170 215 34 133 3,30 51134 F
85 28 76,1 0,66 51309 240 55 286 8,15 51234 M
100 39 130 1,40 51409
180 225 34 135 3,50 51136 F
50 70 14 25,5 0,16 51110 250 56 296 8,60 51236 M
78 22 49,4 0,37 51210
95 31 88,4 0,94 51310 190 240 37 172 4,05 51138 F
110 43 159 2,00 51410 270 62 332 12,0 51238 M
Thrust ball bearings
single direction
with sphered housing washer
d 12110 mm
H H1
mm kN kg
Thrust ball bearings
double direction D1
d 10150 mm d
mm kN kg
35 73 47 9 37 39 0,60 52209
85 47 12 52 76,1 1,25 52309
100 47 17 72 130 2,70 52409
110 62 15 64 101 2,55 52312
Cylindrical roller
thrust bearings
Cylindrical roller thrust bearings have a very Cages
simple design. They consist of two flat bear- The SKF cylindrical roller thrust bearings in-
ing washers with a cylindrical roller and cage cluded in the standard range are fitted with
thrust assembly between them. They can an injection moulded glass fibre reinforced
accommodate axial loads acting in one dir- polyamide 6,6 cage (suffix TN). Bearings
ection and provide for compact bearing ar- with polyamide 6,6 cages can normally be
rangements which are insensitive to shock used at temperatures up to +120 C. For
loads and can support very heavy loads. The further information see page 30.
bearings are separable and all components
can be mounted separately.
SKF cylindrical roller thrust bearings have
rollers which have only very small diameter
deviations within one set and the rollers have
a modified profile. As a result there is an
even distribution of load within the bearing
and damaging edge stresses are avoided.
The SKF cylindrical roller thrust bearings
listed in the table constitute the popular
range. Other sizes and designs can also be
supplied. Further information will be supplied
on request.
The boundary dimensions of the bearings
listed in the table are in accordance with
ISO 104-1979.
SKF cylindrical roller thrust bearings are pro-
duced to Normal tolerances as standard.
The tolerances conform to ISO 199-1979.
Cylindrical roller thrust bearings
d 15100 mm
mm kN kg
25 42 11 25 0,053 81105 TN
35 52 12 29 0,073 81107 TN
60 85 17 80 0,27 81112 TN
95 26 137 0,64 81212 TN
Needle roller thrust
Needle roller thrust bearings provide stiff Tolerances
bearing arrangements which are insensitive SKF needle roller thrust bearings have a bore
to shocks and can carry heavy loads. Bearing tolerance to E10 and an outside diameter
arrangements requiring no more space than tolerance c12. The bore diameter tolerance
a conventional thrust washer can be achiev- for the AS thrust washers and LS raceway
ed if components of the machine can be washers is E12 and the outside diameters are
used as raceways for the needle roller and machined to tolerance e12. The tolerances
cage thrust assembly. of the WS shaft washers and GS housing
For applications where this is not possible washers are in accordance with ISO 199-
SKF offers various raceway washers. SKF 1979, Normal tolerances.
needle roller thrust bearings consist of
a form-stable cage which provides reliable Cages
guidance for the rollers. The needle rollers in Depending on size, SKF needle roller and
an assembly have very small diameter devi- cage thrust assemblies incorporate injection
ations and a modified contact profile. This moulded cages of glass fibre reinforced poly-
produces an even load distribution within the amide 6,6 (suffix TN) or pressed steel cages.
bearing and damaging edge stresses are The polyamide cages can normally be used
avoided. at temperatures up to +120 C. For further
information, see page 30.
Because of the variety of possible com-
binations of needle roller and cage thrust
assemblies with the raceway and the thrust
washers, the components must be ordered
separately. The AS thrust washers are made
of spring steel and are hardened and polish-
ed. The LS raceway washers are made of
carbon chromium steel and are hardened.
The raceways are ground and the bore and
outside diameters are turned. Details of other
assemblies and washers and their avail-
ability will be sent on request.
The dimensions of the needle roller and cage
thrust assemblies listed in the table are in
accordance with ISO 3031. The bore and
outside diameters of the raceway washers
correspond to Diameter Series 1, ISO 104-
1979 (thrust bearings). The dimensions of
the AS thrust washers are according to
DIN 5405 Part 3.
Needle roller thrust bearings
d 8100 mm
Dw B 1 B 1
d D d D d D d d1 d D
mm kN g
90 120 120 92 4 6,5 65,5 86 AXK 90120 LS 90120 AS 90120 WS 81118 GS 81118
100 135 135 102 4 7 76,5 105 AXK 100135 AS 100135 WS 81120 GS 81120
Spherical roller thrust
Spherical roller thrust bearings have race- Details of larger SKF spherical roller thrust
ways which are arranged at an angle to the bearings and their availability will be supplied
bearing axis. In contrast to other thrust bear- on request.
ings, therefore, they are able to accommod-
ate radial loads in addition to axial loads. The Dimensions
bearings are also insensitive to shaft bend- The boundary dimensions of the spherical
ing or errors of alignment between shaft and roller thrust bearings listed in the table are in
housing. The bearings are separable. The accordance with ISO 104-1979.
shaft washer with roller and cage assembly
can be mounted independently of the Tolerances
housing washer. SKF spherical roller thrust bearings are pro-
SKF spherical roller thrust bearings con- duced with Normal tolerances as standard.
tain a large number of asymmetrical rollers The tolerances conform to ISO 199-1979.
and have optimised roller/racway conformity.
Bearings of the E design represent the latest
generation of SKF spherical roller thrust bear-
ings with refined internal geometry which
makes them able to carry much heavier
loads and have less friction than the other
bearings. The benefits resulting from this
Depending on bearing size and series, SKF
spherical roller thrust bearings are produced
in one of two designs. Bearings of the E de-
sign have a pressed steel window-type cage
which forms a unit with the rollers and the
shaft washer. These bearings are also suit-
able for grease lubrication. The other bear-
ings have a machined brass cage which is
guided and retained by a sleeve fixed in the
bore of the shaft washer.
Spherical roller thrust bearings
d 60300 mm
mm kN kg mm kN kg
130 225
1 380
29326 E
29426 E 3
140 240 60 845 10,5 29328 E
280 85 1 400 23,0 29428 E
Combined needle
roller bearings
Combined needle roller bearings are radial should not exceed 25 % of the simultaneous-
needle roller bearings with integral thrust ball ly acting radial load.
bearings or roller thrust bearings. They can
accommodate radial as well as axial loads Needle roller/thrust ball bearings
and enable support or locating bearing ar-
rangements to be designed which require a These SKF bearings, series NKX and
minimum of radial space. Their use is advant- NKX .. Z, are a combination of a needle roller
ageous, for example, where simple thrust bearing and a thrust ball bearing of series 511.
washers are inadequate for the axial loads They can carry heavy radial and axial loads.
and there is no space for other bearing types. Bearings of series NKX are separable. The
All SKF combined needle roller bearings needle roller bearing with integral housing
have an annular groove and one lubrication washer, the ball and cage thrust assembly,
hole in the needle roller bearing outer ring. and the shaft washer can be mounted separ-
ately. Bearings of series NKX .. Z have a re-
Range taining cover which is attached to the housing
washer and extends over the shaft washer,
Needle roller/angular contact ball bearings forming a gap-type seal with the shaft washer.
These non-separable bearings are particu-
These SKF combined bearings are available larly suitable for grease lubrication.
in two designs. Bearings of series NKIA 59 In addition to the bearings described
with one-piece inner ring can take up axial above the SKF popular range also com-
loads in one direction. Bearings of series prises
NKIB 59 with two-part inner ring, on the other
hand, can be used to locate a shaft in both
directions with an axial play of 0,08 to
0,25 mm. The axial load on these bearings
needle roller/full complement thrust ball Cages
bearings, and SKF needle roller/angular contact ball bear-
needle roller/cylindrical roller thrust ings: the needle roller bearing is fitted with a
bearings, steel or pressed steel cage and the angular
contact ball bearing has a snap-type cage of
which are not shown in the tables. Details polyamide 6,6.
will be sent on request. SKF needle roller/thrust ball bearings have
cages of steel or pressed steel. The needle
Dimensions roller bearing of the smaller sizes has a poly-
The boundary dimensions of the combined amide 6,6 cage (identified by suffix TN).
needle roller bearings listed in the tables are Bearings with polyamide 6,6 cages can
in accordance with the following standards: normally be used at temperatures up to
needle roller/angular contact ball bearings: +120 C. For further information see page 30.
DIN 5429 Part 2; needle roller/thrust ball
bearings DIN 5429 Part 1.
SKF combined needle roller bearings are
manufactured as standard with Normal toler-
ances to ISO 492:1994 and ISO 199-1979,
except for the width of the two-part inner ring
of bearings of series NKIB which has a uni-
form tolerance of 0/ 0,3 mm.
The diameter Fw for all bearings without
inner ring corresponds to tolerance F6
before the bearings are mounted.
Internal clearance
SKF needle roller/angular contact ball bear-
ings have Normal radial internal clearance
as specified in ISO 5373:1991. The com-
ponents of the bearings must remain to-
gether as supplied. 3
;; ;;;; ;;
;;; ;;
;;; ;;;;
; ; ;;;
Needle roller/angular contact ball bearing
d 1270 mm
B B1
d D
mm kN kg
Needle roller/thrust ball bearings
Fw 1070 mm C
d Fw D D1
mm kN kg
Precision bearings
Precision angular contact ball bearings
single row
d 8100 mm B
d D
mm kN kg mm kN kg
Precision bearings
Precision double row The bearings are available both with cy-
lindrical as well as with tapered bore (taper
cylindrical roller 1:12), bearings of series NN 30 usually have
a tapered bore. When using bearings with
bearings tapered bore it is possible to set a given radial
internal clearance or preload very accurately.
Precision double row cylindrical roller bear-
ings are of separable design with low sec- Dimensions
tional height. This enables large shaft or The boundary dimensions of the precision
spindle diameters to be used. The bearing double row cylindrical roller bearings listed
properties are such that the bearings are em- in the tables are in accordance with
inently suitable for heavily loaded machine ISO 15-1981.
tool spindle aplications.
The benefits of SKF precision double row Tolerances
cylindrical roller bearings include SKF precision double row cylindrical roller
bearings are produced as standard with toler-
very high radial load carrying capacity and ances to class SP specifications which were
stiffness, established especially for machine tool bear-
very high dimensional and running ings.
accuracy, and
the ability to operate at high speeds. Internal clearance
SKF precision double row cylindrical roller
Another advantage is that all larger bearings bearings are produced with C1 radial internal
have an annular groove and three lubrication clearance to ISO 5373:1991 as standard.
holes in the outer ring to facilitate efficient This is not indicated in the bearing designa-
lubrication. tion. The bearing rings of one bearing can-
not be interchanged with those of another
Range bearing.
SKF precision double row cylindrical roller
bearings are available in two designs: the Cages
NN and the NNU. The rollers of bearings of Depending on bearing series and size, SKF
the NN design are guided between integral precision cylindrical roller bearings incorp-
flanges on the inner ring, and those of the orate
NNU design between integral flanges in the
outer ring.
a double pronged machined brass cage,
two roller guided polyamide 6,6 cages.
Supplementary designations
The suffixes which are frequently used with
SKF precision double row cylindrical roller
bearings are explained in the following.
Precision cylindrical roller bearings
double row
d 25170 mm B
d D
mm kN kg
100 140 40 128 1,90 NNU 4920 B/SPW33 NNU 4920 BK/SPW33
150 37 151 2,20 NN 3020 TN9/SPW33 NN 3020 KTN9/SPW33
110 150 40 132 2,05 NNU 4922 B/SPW33 NNU 4922 BK/SPW33
170 45 220 3,55 NN 3022 TN9/SPW33 NN 3022 KTN9/SPW33
120 165 45 176 2,80 NNU 4924 B/SPW33 NNU 4924 BK/SPW33
180 46 229 3,85 NN 3024 KTN9/SPW33
130 180 50 187 3,85 NNU 4926 B/SPW33 NNU 4926 BK/SPW33
200 52 286 5,75 NN 3026 KTN9/SPW33
140 190 50 190 4,10 NNU 4928 B/SPW33 NNU 4928 BK/SPW33
210 53 297 6,20 NN 3028 K/SPW33
150 210 60 330 6,25 NNU 4930 B/SPW33 NNU 4930 BK/SPW33
225 56 330 7,50 NN 3030 K/SPW33
160 220 60 330 6,60 NNU 4932 B/SPW33 NNU 4932 BK/SPW33
240 60 369 9,10 NN 3032 K/SPW33
170 230 60 336 6,95 NNU 4934 B/SPW33 NNU 4934 BK/SPW33
260 67 457 12,5 NN 3034 K/SPW33
Precision cylindrical roller bearings
double row
d 180260 mm
mm kN kg
180 250 69 402 10,5 NNU 4936 B/SPW33 NNU 4936 BK/SPW33
280 74 561 16,5 NN 3036 K/SPW33
190 260 69 402 11,0 NNU 4938 B/SPW33 NNU 4938 BK/SPW33
290 75 594 17,0 NN 3038 K/SPW33
220 300 80 512 16,5 NNU 4944 B/SPW33 NNU 4944 BK/SPW33
340 90 809 28,5 NN 3044 K/SPW33
240 320 80 528 17,5 NNU 4948 B/SPW33 NNU 4948 BK/SPW33
360 92 842 32,0 NN 3048 K/SPW33
Precision bearings
The bore and outside diameters of the double
direction angular contact thrust ball bearings
listed in the table follow those of Diameter
Series 0 for radial bearings, ISO 15-1981.
SKF precision double direction angular con-
tact thrust ball bearings are produced as
standard to tolerance class SP specifications
which were especially established for ma-
chine tool bearings.
Precision angular contact thrust ball bearings
double direction H
d 35140 mm C
d D
mm kN kg
Track runner
A track runner bearing is, as the name sug- support rollers without axial guidance, with
gests, a bearing with an outer ring, generally and without inner ring, series STO and
reinforced, which is designed to run on a RSTO;
track. The track runner bearings shown in sealed support rollers without axial guid-
this catalogue are support rollers and cam ance, with and without inner ring, series
followers. The support rollers are available, NA 22.2RS and RNA 22.2RS;
depending on design, with or without inner support rollers with axial guidance, series
ring and are intended for mounting on shafts. NATR and NATV and series NUTR;
The cam followers have a solid stud (pin) in cam followers, series KR and KRV, and
place of an inner ring. The stud is threaded at series NUKR.
one end for quick and easy attachment to
appropriate machine components. All SKF support rollers and cam followers
SKF support rollers and cam followers are except those of series NAST are supplied
available in a variety of designs, with or with- filled with a lithium base grease which has
out seals, with cylindrical or sphered outside good rust inhibiting properties and an oper-
diameter, and with cage or a full complement ating temperature range of 30 to +110 C.
of rollers. Their common feature is their ro-
bust quality. Because of the variety of desig- Tolerances
ns, they enable tailored solutions to be SKF support rollers and cam followers are
achieved for very different operating and produced to Normal bearing tolerances in
load conditions. accordance with ISO 492:1994. The excep-
tion is the tolerance of the diameter of the sp-
Range hered outside surface this is a uniform 0/-
The following products are included in the 0,05 mm for all sizes. The tolerance for the
SKF popular range: width B of support rollers of series NAST,
; ;;
NATR, NATV and NUTR is also an exception
;;;;; ;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;
;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;
;;; ; ;;;;;;; ;;
it corresponds to h12.
The internal diameter Fw of the roller set
when the rollers are in contact with the outer
ring raceway is to tolerance F6 for the sup-
port rollers without inner ring, series RSTO
and RNA 22.2RS.
The diameter of the stud of the cam fol-
lowers is to tolerance h7.
; ;;
SKF support rollers and cam followers, un-
less they are of the full complement type, are NATR
fitted with a cage of steel or sheet steel, ex-
cept for support rollers of series STO and
RSTO having an outside diameter of up to and
including 24 mm. These have a cage of glass
fibre reinforced polyamide 6,6. Support rollers
with polyamide cage can generally be used
at operating temperatures up to +120 C. For
further information, see page 30.
Supplementary designations
The suffixes frequently used with SKF sup-
.2RS Synthetic rubber seal (rubbing
seal) with sheet steel reinforce-
ment at both sides of bearing
.2RSX 2RS + X
TN Injection moulded cage of glass
fibre reinforced polyamide 6,6
X Cylindrical outside surface
Support rollers without axial guidance
D 1662 mm
d F D
mm kN kg
Support rollers without axial guidance
with seals
D 1990 mm C
d F D
mm kN kg
Support rollers with axial guidance
D 1662 mm B
d1 d D
mm kN kg
Support rollers with axial guidance
D 62110 mm
mm kN kg
Cam followers
D 1662 mm
D d G
mm kN kg
16 11 6 28 16 M6 8 3,14 0,018 KR 16 KR 16 X
3,14 0,018 KR 16 PP KR 16 PPX
4,73 0,020 KRV 16
4,73 0,020 KRV 16 PP
19 11 8 32 20 M8 10 3,47 0,028 KR 19 KR 19 X
3,47 0,028 KR 19 PP KR 19 PPX
5,28 0,032 KRV 19
5,28 0,032 KRV 19 PP
mm kN kg
1 2
The dimensions of the Y-bearings with ec-
centric locking ring and grub screw locking
are in accordance with ISO 2264-1974 and
ISO 3145-1975, where applicable. The
dimensions of the bearings with standard
inner rings are to ISO 15-1981.
The bore of SKF Y-bearings with eccentric
locking ring and grub screw locking is ma-
chined to (H6 + H7)/2 to allow for easy mount-
ing. The bearings with standard inner ring
are made to Normal tolerances according to
ISO 492:1994.
Internal clearance
SKF Y-bearings with eccentric locking ring
and grub screw locking have Normal radial
internal clearance in accordance with ISO
9628:1992. Bearings with standard inner
ring have Normal radial internal clearance
to ISO 5753:1991.
SKF Y-bearings have a moulded glass fibre
reinforced polyamide 6,6 cage. The max-
imum operating temperature for the cage is
the same as for the seals, i.e. +110 C.
4 3
Y-bearings with grub screw locking Y-bearings with eccentric locking collar
d 17100 mm d 1760 mm
B B1
d D d D
mm kN kg mm kN kg
17 40 22,1 12 7,35 0,074 YAT 203 17 40 28,6 12 7,35 0,10 YET 203
40 27,4 12 7,35 0,088 YAR 203-2F
20 47 31 14 9,8 0,16 YET 204
20 47 25,5 14 9,8 0,11 YAT 204 47 31 14 9,8 0,16 YET 204 W
47 31 14 9,8 0,14 YAR 204-2F 47 43,7 14 9,8 0,19 YEL 204
47 31 14 9,8 0,14 YAR 204-2RF 47 43,7 14 9,8 0,19 YEL 204-2RF
47 31 14 9,8 0,14 YAR 204-2RFW
25 52 31 15 10,8 0,18 YET 205
25 52 27,2 15 10,8 0,14 YAT 205 52 31 15 10,8 0,18 YET 205 W
52 34,1 15 10,8 0,17 YAR 205-2F 52 44,4 15 10,8 0,23 YEL 205
52 34,1 15 10,8 0,17 YAR 205-2RF 52 44,4 15 10,8 0,23 YEL 205-2RF
52 34,1 15 10,8 0,17 YAR 205-2RFW
30 62 35,7 18 15 0,30 YET 206
30 62 30,2 18 15 0,23 YAT 206 62 35,7 18 15 0,30 YET 206 W
62 38,1 18 15 0,28 YAR 206-2F 62 48,4 18 15 0,36 YEL 206
62 38,1 18 15 0,28 YAR 206-2RF 62 48,4 18 15 0,36 YEL 206-2RF
62 38,1 18 15 0,28 YAR 206-2RFW
35 72 38,9 19 19,6 0,44 YET 207
35 72 33 19 19,6 0,31 YAT 207 72 38,9 19 19,6 0,44 YET 207 W
72 42,9 19 19,6 0,41 YAR 207-2F 72 51,1 19 19,6 0,52 YEL 207
72 42,9 19 19,6 0,41 YAR 207-2RF 72 51,1 19 19,6 0,52 YEL 207-2RF
72 42,9 19 19,6 0,41 YAR 207-2RFW
40 80 43,7 21 23,6 0,59 YET 208
40 80 36 21 23,6 0,43 YAT 208 80 43,7 21 23,6 0,59 YET 208 W
80 49,2 21 23,6 0,55 YAR 208-2F 80 46,3 21 23,6 0,67 YEL 208
YAR 208-2RF
YAR 208-2RFW
YEL 208-2RF
YET 209
45 85 37 22 25,5 0,48 YAT 209 85 56,3 22 25,5 0,74 YEL 209
85 49,2 22 25,5 0,60 YAR 209-2F 85 56,3 22 25,5 0,74 YEL 209-2RF
85 49,2 22 25,5 0,60 YAR 209-2RF
50 90 43,7 22 27 0,73 YET 210
50 90 38,8 22 27 0,54 YAT 210 90 62,7 22 27 0,89 YEL 210
90 51,6 22 27 0,69 YAR 210-2F 90 62,7 22 27 0,89 YEL 210-2RF
90 51,6 22 27 0,69 YAR 210-2RF
55 100 48,4 25 33,5 0,98 YET 211
55 100 55,6 25 33,5 0,94 YAR 211-2F 100 71,4 25 33,5 1,20 YEL 211
100 55,6 25 33,5 0,94 YAR 211-2RF
60 110 77,8 26 40,5 1,60 YEL 212
60 110 65,1 26 40,5 1,30 YAR 212-2F
110 65,1 26 40,5 1,30 YAR 212-2RF
Y-bearings with standard inner ring
d 1550 mm
d D
mm kN kg
25 52 15 14 0,11 1726205-2RS1
Y-bearing units
Y-bearing units consist of a Y-bearing, see ings with lubrication hole(s) can be relubric-
page 130, and a Y-bearing housing of cast ated when mounted in these cast iron hous-
iron, pressed steel or composite material. ings.
Because of the sphered surfaces of the con- SKF pressed steel Y-bearing housings are
tact between bearing and housing, Y-bearing in two parts and relubrication is not possible.
units can compensate for relatively large They are zinc coated to prevent corrosion.
initial errors of alignment. They do not, how- With SKF Y-bearing units having pressed
ever, permit axial displacement and are not, steel housings, the bearings and two-part
therefore, suitable for non-locating bearing housings are supplied and should be order-
positions. The distance between bearing ed separately.
positions should therefore be small, or the SKF Y-TECH bearing units are state-of-
housings mounted on resilient sheet metal the art products. The form-stable composite
walls to prevent inadmissible stressing of the housings and bearings fitted with the highly
bearings, e.g. when thermal elongation of efficient RF seals and filled with a special
the shaft occurs. long-life grease make the units maintenance-
Most of the Y-bearings and Y-bearing hous- free. No relubrication is required. Y-TECH
ings available from SKF can be combined to- plummer block units (SYK) and bearing units
gether, thus allowing the optimum Y-bearing with flanged housings (FYK, FYTBK) belong
unit for any given application to be selected. to the SKF popular bearing range.
SKF Y-bearing units can therefore solve
many bearing arrangement problems. They End covers
are robust, reliable and last a long time. They To protect bearing arrangements at the ends
are also easy to install, are well sealed, and of shafts and to eliminate the risk of acci-
offer a very favourable price/performance
dents with free shaft ends, end covers of
series ECY 2 are available for Y-bearing
SKF Y-TECH bearing units represent a new units with cast iron or composite housings.
performance class where ready-to-mount The covers are of plastic and can be snap-
bearing units are concerned. The composite ped into recesses in the housing bore which
housings of these units are corrosion resist- are provided for this purpose.
ant. The bearings are maintenance-free and
are filled with a special long-life grease.
SKF Y-bearing units are available as plum-
mer block, flanged, and take-up units. The
overview on page 137 shows the various
possible combinations of bearing and hous-
ing. The Y-bearing units shown on a blue
background belong to the SKF standard
range; those on a white background are
available to special order.
SKF cast iron Y-bearing housings are in
one piece and have a grease nipple and lub-
rication groove in the housing bore. Y-bear-
Y-bearing units
Rubber inserts
To reduce running noise and to damp vibra-
tions, synthetic rubber inserts, series RIS 2,
are available. These inserts also allow the
bearings a certain amount of freedom in
the housing, e.g. to compensate for thermal
elongation of the shaft. The various compon-
ents of the units with rubber insert, i.e. hous-
ing, bearing and insert, must be ordered
separately, see page 140.
The dimensions of the Y-bearing plummer
block and flanged housings, where standard-
ised, conform to ISO 3228-1977 with the ex-
ception of the shaft centre height of the pres-
sed steel plummer block housings which de-
viate slightly from the standard. The dimen-
sions of the Y-bearing take-up housings are
in accordance with ISO 3228-1977.
YAR 2-2F YAR 2-2RF YET 2 YEL 2 YEL 2-2RF YAT 2
Y-bearing plummer block units
with cast or composite housing
d 1735 mm
;;; ;;
SY .. TF
mm kN kg
20 32 64 33,3 14 88 106 127 20,5 11,5 18,3 9,8 0,57 SY 20 TF ECY 204
23,5 9,8 0,59 SY 20 FM ECY 204
26,6 9,8 0,62 SY 20 WM ECY 204
32 63,8 33,3 14 88 106 127 20,5 12 18,3 9,8 0,57 SYJ 20 TF ECY 204
32 64 33,3 16 80 113 126 17 11,5 18,3 9,8 0,24 SYK 20 TF ECY 204
18,3 9,8 0,24 SYK 20 TR ECY 204
23,5 9,8 0,26 SYK 20 FM ECY 204
25 36 70 36,5 16 94 110 130 19,5 11,5 19,8 10,8 0,72 SY 25 TF ECY 205
19,8 10,8 0,72 SY 25 TR ECY 205
23,5 10,8 0,73 SY 25 FM ECY 205
26,9 10,8 0,78 SY 25 WM ECY 205
36 69,5 36,5 16 93 112 133 21,5 12 19,8 10,8 0,72 SYJ 25 TF ECY 205
32 70,5 36,5 16 88 122 134 17 11,5 19,8 10,8 0,29 SYK 25 TF ECY 205
19,8 10,8 0,29 SYK 25 TR ECY 205
23,5 10,8 0,29 SYK 25 FM ECY 205
Y-bearing plummer block units
with cast or composite housing
d 40100 mm
mm kN kg
40 48 99 49,2 19 125 146 175 24,5 14 30,2 23,6 1,80 SY 40 TF ECY 208
30,2 23,6 1,80 SY 40 TR ECY 208
32,7 23,6 1,85 SY 40 FM ECY 208
34,9 23,6 1,95 SY 40 VM ECY 208
48 98,2 49,2 19 127 146 177 25,5 16 30,2 23,6 1,80 SYJ 40 TF ECY 208
48 99 49,2 19 115 157 176 21 14 30,2 23,6 0,86 SYK 40 TF ECY 208
30,2 23,6 0,86 SYK 40 TR ECY 208
32,7 23,6 0,89 SYK 40 FM ECY 208
45 48 107 54 21 135 152 187 22,5 14 30,2 25,5 2,20 SY 45 TF ECY 209
30,2 25,5 2,20 SY 45 TR ECY 209
32,7 25,5 2,25 SY 45 FM ECY 209
34,9 25,5 2,35 SY 45 WM ECY 209
60 60 137 69,9 26,5 179 202 240 29,5 18 39,7 40,5 4,45 SY 60 TF
39,7 40,5 4,45 SY 60 TR
46,8 40,5 4,75 SY 60 WM _
Y-bearing plummer block units
with pressed steel housing
d 1745 mm
;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;
s ;;
d H
mm kN kN kg
25 32 56 28,3 3,2 86 108 11,2 19,6 10,8 1,8 0,27 P 52 YAR 205-2F
23,5 10,8 1,8 0,28 P 52 YET 205
38 66 32,9 4 95 119 11,2 23,5 10,8 2,6 0,39 P 62 YET 205 RIS 205
35 41 78 39,2 5 106 130 11,2 25,4 19,6 3,3 0,67 P 72 YAR 207-2F
29,4 19,6 3,3 0,75 P 72 YET 207
43 86 43,5 5 120 148 14 29,4 19,6 3,8 0,89 P 80 YET 207 RIS 207 A
Y-bearing flanged units
with square cast or composite housing
d 1735 mm
;;;; A1
;;;; 3,2
d Da
FY .. TF T
mm kN kg
Y-bearing flanged units
with square cast or composite housing
d 40100 mm
mm kN kg
Y-bearing flanged units
with oval cast or composite housing
d 1750 mm
;;;;;;;;;;; ;;
; ; d
mm kN kg
20 29,5 11 50,8 112 90 60,5 11,5 37,3 9,8 0,50 FYTB 20 TF ECY 204
37,3 9,8 0,50 FYTB 20 TR ECY 204
42,5 9,8 0,52 FYTB 20 FM ECY 204
45,6 9,8 0,55 FYTB 20 WM ECY 204
29,5 15 50,8 112 90 60,5 11,5 37,3 9,8 0,24 FYTBK 20 TF ECY 204
37,3 9,8 0,24 FYTBK 20 TR ECY 204
42,5 9,8 0,26 FYTBK 20 FM ECY 204
30 32,5 13 76,2 141,5 116,5 83 11,5 42,2 15 0,93 FYTB 30 TF ECY 206
42,2 15 0,93 FYTB 30 TR ECY 206
46,7 15 0,95 FYTB 30 FM ECY 206
50,1 15 1,00 FYTB 30 WM ECY 206
33 15 76,2 142,5 116,5 83 11,5 42,2 15 0,44 FYTBK 30 TF ECY 206
42,2 15 0,44 FYTBK 30 TR ECY 206
46,7 15 0,45 FYTBK 30 FM ECY 206
35 34,5 13 88,9 156 130 96 14 46,4 19,6 1,25 FYTB 35 TF ECY 207
50,4 19,6 1,30 FYTB 35 FM ECY 207
53,3 19,6 1,40 FYTB 35 WM ECY 207
35 17 88,9 156 130 96 14 46,4 19,6 0,61 FYTBK 35 TF ECY 207
46,4 19,6 0,61 FYTBK 35 TR ECY 207
50,4 19,6 0,63 FYTBK 35 FM ECY 207
40 38,5 14 88,9 171,5 143,5 102 14 54,2 23,6 1,65 FYTB 40 TF ECY 208
54,2 23,6 1,65 FYTB 40 TR ECY 208
56,7 23,6 1,70 FYTB 40 FM ECY 208
58,9 23,6 1,80 FYTB 40 WM ECY 208
45 39 14 98,4 178,5 148,5 111 16 54,2 25,5 1,80 FYTB 45 TF ECY 209
56,7 25,5 1,85 FYTB 45 FM ECY 209
58,9 25,5 1,95 FYTB 45 WM ECY 209
; ; ;;;;
d Da
mm kN kN kg
40 13,5 91 148 119 13,5 33,7 23,6 7,5 1,20 PF 80 YAR 208-2F
36,2 23,6 7,5 1,30 PF 80 YET 208
Y-bearing flanged units
with round pressed steel housing
d 1735 mm
;;;;;;;; ;;
; H1
d Da
mm kN kN kg
35 12,5 81 122 45 100 11 27,9 19,6 6,5 0,64 PFD 72 YAR 207-2F 3
Y-bearing flanged units
with oval pressed steel housing
d 1730 mm
; ; ;;;;
mm kN kN kg
Y-bearing take-up units
with cast housing
d 2055 mm
;; A1
d D1 H1 H
s N
TU .. TF
mm kN kg
Pop Release
SKF Pop Release units are available in two
variants: a non-locating unit (suffix L) and a
locating unit (suffix F).
The dimensions of SKF Pop Release plum-
mer block units are in accordance with
ISO 113/II-1979, housing series 5. The
units are thus interchangeable with conven-
tional plummer blocks of the same series.
;; ; ;
;;;;; ;;;;;
;; ; ;;;;
d H
J A1
A H2
mm kN kg
SNH plummer block
SNH plummer block housings are an SKF Other benefits include
development and are designed on the modu-
lar principle. They can be combined with a the high product quality,
variety of seals. Together with a bearing they the high strength,
form economic, interchangeable bearing the large number of possible combina-
units, tailored to the needs of the application. tions, and
SNH housings have two elongated bolt the excellent price/performance ratio.
holes in the base. The housings are horizont-
ally split and faulty positioning of the cap on Range
the base is prevented by dowel pins position- SNH housings are produced in two designs:
ed off centre. The caps and bases must the standard design which cannot be relubric-
remain together as delivered. ated unless opened, and the N design which
SNH plummer block housings have a bear- can be relubricated. The N design has a th-
ing seating designed for a non-locating bear- readed hole and grease nipple in the cap at
ing arrangement. A locating bearing arrange- the side of the bearing seating.
ment is obtained by inserting one locating The larger sizes are also available in the
ring at each side of the bearing. The housings extra high-strength SSNHD design. These
can accommodate self-aligning ball bearings housings are made of spheroidal graphite
or spherical roller bearings with either a cylin- cast iron and are dimensionally the same as
drical bore, or with a tapered bore and SNH housings except that the standard SS-
adapter sleeve. NHD design is without bolt holes in the base.
SNH housings from SKF enable most The SKF catalogue Bearing housings
plummer block applications in the shaft dia- contains full details of the complete SKF
meter range of 20 to 160 mm to be covered, housing range.
and with only a small number of different
housings. Dimensions
The dimensions of the SNH plummer block Example: two SNH plummer block housings
housings are in accordance with of size 512 with double lip seals to take spher-
ISO 113/II-1979. ical roller bearings 22212 EK on adapter
sleeves H 312, one housing for a locating
Materials and one for a non-locating bearing arrange-
SNH plummer block housings are made of ment, and one housing for a shaft end and
grey cast iron GG 20 and SSNHD housings one for a through shaft.
of spheroidal graphite cast iron GGG 30.
The order should read:
Seals 2 plummer block housings SNH 512-610
One of the big advantages of SNH housings 2 seal sets TSNA 512 G
is that they can be fitted with different seals. 1 end cover ASNH 512-610
The standard seals are 2 locating rings FRB 10/110
double lip seals (TG), The bearings (and adapter sleeves) must
V-ring seals (TA), and always be ordered separately.
felt seals (TC).
End covers
End covers of plastic are available for bear-
ing arrangements at the end of a shaft. The
cover is inserted in the seal groove.
SNH plummer block housings are designed
for grease lubrication. However, oil lubrica-
tion can be used with the larger housings
provided special seals are used and certain 3
precautions taken.
How to order
SNH plummer block housings for bearings with adapter sleeve
da 20140 mm
;; ;
; Da da
mm kg
35 85 60 39 80 107 60 25 170 205 20 15 2,90 SNH 508 TG SNH 508 TA SNH 508 TC
90 60 41 90 113 60 25 170 205 20 15 3,20 SNH 608 TG SNH 608 TA SNH 608 TC
40 85 60 30 85 109 60 25 170 205 20 15 2,90 SNH 509 TG SNH 509 TA SNH 509 TC
95 70 44 100 127 70 28 210 255 24 18 4,40 SNH 609 TG SNH 609 TA SNH 609 TC
45 90 60 41 90 113 60 25 170 205 20 15 3,20 SNH 510 TG SNH 510 TA SNH 510 TC
105 70 48 110 133 70 30 210 255 24 18 5,10 SNH 610 TG SNH 610 TA SNH 610 TC
50 95 70 44 100 127 70 28 210 255 24 18 4,40 SNH 511 TG SNH 511 TA SNH 511 TC
110 80 51 120 148 80 30 230 275 24 18 6,50 SNH 611 TG SNH 611 TA SNH 611 TC
55 105 70 48 110 133 70 30 210 255 24 18 5,10 SNH 512 TG SNH 512 TA SNH 512 TC
115 80 56 130 154 80 30 230 280 24 18 7,00 SNH 612 TG SNH 612 TA SNH 612 TC
60 110 80 51 120 148 80 30 230 275 24 18 6,50 SNH 513 TG SNH 513 TA SNH 513 TC
120 90 58 140 175 95 32 260 315 28 22 9,50 SNH 613 TG SNH 613 TA SNH 613 TC
65 115 80 56 130 154 80 30 230 280 24 18 7,00 SNH 515 TG SNH 515 TA SNH 515 TC
140 100 65 160 193 100 35 290 345 28 22 12,5 SNH 615 TG SNH 615 TA SNH 615 TC
70 120 90 58 140 175 95 32 260 315 28 22 9,50 SNH 516 TG SNH 516 TA SNH 516 TC
145 100 68 170 210 112 35 290 345 28 22 13,7 SNH 616 TG SNH 616 TA SNH 616 TC
75 125 90 61 150 183 95 32 260 320 28 22 10,0 SNH 517 TG SNH 517 TA SNH 517 TC
160 100 70 180 215 112 40 320 380 32 26 17,6 SNH 617 TG SNH 617 TA SNH 617 TC
80 140 100 65 160 193 100 35 290 345 28 22 12,5 SNH 518 TG SNH 518 TA SNH 518 TC
85 145 100 68 170 210 112 35 290 345 28 22 13,7 SNH 519 TG SNH 519 TA SNH 519 TC
175 120 80 200 239 125 40 350 410 32 26 22,0 SNH 619 TG SNH 619 TA SNH 619 TC
90 160 110 70 180 215 112 40 320 380 32 26 17,6 SNH 520 TG SNH 520 TA SNH 520 TC
185 120 80 215 271 140 45 350 410 32 26 26,2 SNH 620 TG SNH 620 TA SNH 620 TC
100 175 120 80 200 239 125 45 350 410 32 26 22,0 SNH 522 TG SNH 522 TA SNH 522 TC
110 185 120 86 215 271 140 45 350 410 32 26 26,2 SNH 524 TG SNH 524 TA SNH 524 TC
115 190 130 90 230 290 150 50 380 445 35 28 33,0 SNH 526 TG SNH 526 TA SNH 526 TC
125 205 150 98 250 302 150 50 420 500 42 35 40,0 SNH 528 TG SNH 528 TA SNH 528 TC
135 220 160 106 270 323 160 50 450 530 42 35 49,0 SNH 530 TG SNH 530 TA SNH 530 TC
140 235 160 114 290 344 170 50 470 550 42 35 55,0 SNH 532 TG SNH 532 TA SNH 532 TC
Designations for components
Housing without seals
made of
grey cast
SNH 505
SNH 506-605
SNH 506-605
SNH 507-606
graphite cast iron
; ;
with ;
grease nipple
SNH 505 N
2 double-lip
2 V-ring
2 felt
Accessory set End cover
for housings for housings
which can be at shaft ends
ASNH 505
ASNH 506-605
ASNH 506-605
ASNH 507-606
SNH 507-606 SNH 507-606 N TSNA 507 G TSNA 507 A TSNA 507 C ASNA 507 V ASNH 507-606
SNH 508-607 SNH 508-607 N TSNA 607 G TSNA 607 A TSNA 607 C ASNA 607 V ASNH 508-607
SNH 508-607 SNH 508-607 N TSNA 508 G TSNA 508 A TSNA 508 C ASNA 508 V ASNH 508-607
SNH 510-608 SNH 510-608 N TSNA 608 G TSNA 608 A TSNA 608 C ASNA 608 V ASNH 510-608
SNH 509 SNH 509 N TSNA 509 G TSNA 509 A TSNA 509 C ASNA 509 V ASNH 509
SNH 511-609 SSNHD 511-609 SNH 511-609 N TSNA 609 G TSNA 609 A TSNA 609 C ASNA 609 V ASNH 511-609
SNH 510-608 SNH 510-608 N TSNA 510 G TSNA 510 A TSNA 510 C ASNA 510 V ASNH 510-608
SNH 512-610 SSNHD 512-610 SNH 512-610 N TSNA 610 G TSNA 610 A TSNA 610 C ASNA 610 V ASNH 512-610
SNH 511-609 SSNHD 511-609 SNH 511-609 N TSNA 511 G TSNA 511 A TSNA 511 C ASNA 511 V ASNH 511-609
SNH 513-611 SSNHD 513-611 SNH 513-611 N TSNA 611 G TSNA 611 A TSNA 611 C ASNA 611 V ASNH 513-611
SNH 512-610 SSNHD 512-610 SNH 512-610 N TSNA 512 G TSNA 512 A TSNA 512 C ASNA 512 V ASNH 512-610
SNH 515-612 SSNHD 515-612 SNH 515-612 N TSNA 612 G TSNA 612 A TSNA 612 C ASNA 612 V ASNH 515-612
SNH 513-611 SSNHD 513-611 SNH 513-611 N TSNA 513 G TSNA 513 A TSNA 513 C ASNA 513 V ASNH 513-611
SNH 516-613 SSNHD 516-613 SNH 516-613 N TSNA 613 G TSNA 613 A TSNA 613 C ASNA 613 V
SNH 515-612 SSNHD 515-612 SNH 515-612 N TSNA 515 G TSNA 515 A TSNA 515 C ASNA 515 V
ASNH 516-613
ASNH 515-612
SNH 518-615 SSNHD 518-615 SNH 518-615 N TSNA 615 G TSNA 615 A TSNA 615 C ASNA 615 V ASNH 518-615
SNH 516-613 SSNHD 516-613 SNH 516-613 N TSNA 516 G TSNA 516 A TSNA 516 C ASNA 516 V ASNH 516-613
SNH 519-616 SSNHD 519-616 SNH 519-616 N TSNA 616 G TSNA 616 A TSNA 616 C ASNA 616 V ASNH 519-616
SNH 517 SSNHD 517 SNH 517 N TSNA 517 G TSNA 517 A TSNA 517 C ASNA 517 V ASNH 517
SNH 520-617 SSNHD 520-617 SNH 520-617 N TSNA 617 G TSNA 617 A TSNA 617 C ASNH 520-617
SNH 518-615 SSNHD 518-615 SNH 518-615 N TSNA 518 G TSNA 518 A TSNA 518 C ASNA 518 V ASNH 518-615
SNH 519-616 SSNHD 519-616 SNH 519-616 N TSNA 519 G TSNA 519 A TSNA 519 C ASNA 519 V ASNH 519-616
SNH 522-619 SSNHD 522-619 SNH 522-619 N TSNA 619 G TSNA 619 A TSNA 619 C ASNH 522-619
SNH 520-617 SSNHD 520-617 SNH 520-617 N TSNA 520 G TSNA 520 A TSNA 520 C ASNA 520 V ASNH 520-617
SNH 524-620 SSNHD 524-620 SNH 524-620 N TSNA 620 G TSNA 620 A TSNA 620 C ASNA 620 V ASNH 524-620
SNH 522-619 SSNHD 522-619 SNH 522-619 N TSNA 522 G TSNA 522 A TSNA 522 C ASNA 522 V ASNH 522-619
SNH 524-620 SSNHD 524-620 SNH 524-620 N TSNA 524 G TSNA 524 A TSNA 524 C ASNA 524 V ASNH 524-620
SNH 526 SSNHD 526 SNH 526 N TSNA 526 G TSNA 526 A TSNA 526 C ASNA 526 V ASNH 526
SNH 528 SSNHD 528 SNH 528 N TSNA 528 G TSNA 528 A TSNA 528 C ASNA 528 V ASNH 528
SNH 530 SSNHD 530 SNH 530 N TSNA 530 G TSNA 530 A TSNA 530 C ASNA 530 V ASNH 530
SNH 532 SSNHD 532 SNH 532 N TSNA 532 G TSNA 532 A TSNA 532 C ASNA 532 V ASNH 532
SNH plummer block housings for bearings with cylindrical bore
da 25160 mm
;; Ca
; ;
;; Da db
; ;
93 50
H2 J
130 165
150 185
150 185
150 185
150 185
Mass Designations for complete units
Housings with
SNH 205 TG
SNH 305 TG
SNH 205 TC
40 50 85 60 39 80 107 60 25 170 205 20 15 2,75 SNH 208 TG SNH 208 TA SNH 208 TC
50 90 60 41 90 113 60 25 170 205 20 15 3,20 SNH 308 TG SNH 308 TA
45 55 85 60 30 85 109 60 25 170 205 20 15 2,75 SNH 209 TG SNH 209 TA SNH 209 TC
55 95 70 44 100 127 70 28 210 255 20 15 4,40 SNH 309 TG SNH 309 TA
50 60 90 60 41 90 113 60 25 170 205 20 15 3,00 SNH 210 TG SNH 210 TA SNH 210 TC
60 105 70 48 110 133 70 30 210 255 24 18 5,10 SNH 310 TG SNH 310 TA
55 65 95 70 44 100 127 70 28 210 255 24 18 4,20 SNH 211 TG SNH 211 TA SNH 211 TC
65 110 80 51 120 148 80 30 230 275 24 18 6,50 SNH 311 TG SNH 311 TA
60 70 105 70 48 110 133 70 30 210 255 24 18 4,75 SNH 212 TG SNH 212 TA SNH 212 TC
70 115 80 56 130 154 80 30 230 280 24 18 7,00 SNH 312 TG SNH 312 TA
65 75 110 80 51 120 148 80 30 230 275 24 18 6,10 SNH 213 TG SNH 213 TA SNH 213 TC
75 120 90 58 140 175 95 32 260 315 28 22 9,50 SNH 313 TG SNH 313 TA
70 80 125 90 61 150 183 95 32 260 320 28 22 10,0 SNH 314 TG SNH 314 TA
75 85 115 80 56 130 154 80 30 230 280 24 18 6,60 SNH 215 TG SNH 215 TA SNH 215 TC
85 140 100 65 160 193 100 35 290 345 28 22 12,5 SNH 215 TG SNH 315 TA
80 90 120 90 58 140 175 95 32 260 315 28 22 9,00 SNH 216 TG SNH 216 TA SNH 216 TC
90 145 100 68 170 210 112 35 290 345 28 22 13,7 SNH 316 TG SNH 316 TA
85 95 125 90 61 150 183 95 32 260 320 28 22 9,50 SNH 217 TG SNH 217 TA SNH 217 TC
95 160 110 70 180 215 112 40 320 380 32 26 17,6 SNH 317 TG SNH 317 TA
90 100 140 100 65 160 193 100 35 290 345 28 22 11,8 SNH 218 TG SNH 218 TA SNH 218 TC
100 115 160 110 70 180 215 112 40 320 380 32 26 17,6 SNH 220 TG SNH 220TA
110 125 175 120 80 200 239 125 45 350 410 32 26 22,0 SNH 222 TG SNH 222 TA
120 135 185 120 86 215 271 140 45 350 410 32 26 26,2 SNH 224 TG SNH 224 TA
130 145 190 130 90 230 290 150 50 380 445 45 28 33,0 SNH 226 TG SNH 226 TA
140 155 205 150 98 250 302 150 50 420 500 42 35 40,0 SNH 228 TG SNH 228 TA
150 165 220 160 106 270 323 160 60 450 530 42 35 49,0 SNH 230 TG SNH 230 TA
160 175 235 160 114 290 344 170 60 470 550 42 35 55,0 SNH 232 TG SNH 232 TA
;; ;
;; ;
; ;
Designations for components
Housings with double-lip seals and V-ring seals
2 double-lip 2 V-ring End cover
Housing with felt seals
Housing Felt strips End cover
without seals seals for housings (No. and for housings
seals at shaft ends designation) at shaft ends
SNH 205 TSNA 305 G ASNH 506-605 SNH 505 2 FS 170 ASNH 505
SNH 506-605 TSNA 507 G ASNH 506-605
SNH 206 TSNA 306 G TSNA 306 A ASNH 507-606 SNH 506-605 2 FS 170 ASNH 506-609
SNH 507-606 TSNA 306 G TSNA 306 A ASNH 507-606
SNH 207 TSNA 307 G TSNA 307 A ASNH 508-606 SNH 507-606 2 FS 170 ASNH 507-606
SNH 208 TSNA 510 G TSNA 510 A ASNH 510-608
SNH 208 TSNA 308 G TSNA 308 A ASNH 510-608 SNH 508-607 4 FS 170 ASNH 508-607
SNH 510-608 TSNA 308 G TSNA 308 A ASNH 510-608
SNH 209 TSNA 309 G TSNA 309 A ASNH 511-609 SNH 509 4 FS 170 ASNH 509
SNH 511-609 TSNA 309 G TSNA 309 A ASNH 511-609
SNH 210 TSNA 310 G TSNA 310 A ASNH 512-610 SNH 510-608 4 FS 170 ASNH 510-608
SNH 512-610 TSNA 310 G TSNA 310 A ASNH 512-610
SNH 211 TSNA 311 G TSNA 311 A ASNH 513-611 SNH 511-609 4 FS 170 ASNH 511-609
SNH 513-611 TSNA 311 G TSNA 311 A ASNH 513-611
SNH 212 TSNA 312 G TSNA 312 A ASNH 515-612 SNH 512-610 4 FS 170 ASNH 512-610
SNH 515-612 TSNA 315 G TSNA 312 A ASNH 515-612
SNH 213 TSNA 313 G TSNA 313 A ASNH 516-613 SNH 513-611 4 FS 170 ASNH 513-611
SNH 516-613
SNH 517
TSNA 313 G
TSNA 314 G
TSNA 313 A
TSNA 314 A
ASNH 516-613
ASNH 517
SNH 215 TSNA 315 G TSNA 315 A ASNH 518-615 SNH 515-612 4 FS 170 ASNH 515-612
SNH 518-615 TSNA 315 G TSNA 315 A ASNH 518-615
SNH 216 TSNA 216 G TSNA 216 A ASNH 216 SNH 516-613 4 FS 170 ASNH 516-613
SNH 519-616 TSNA 316 G TSNA 316 A ASNH 519-616
SNH 217 TSNA 217 G TSNA 217 A ASNH 217 SNH 517 4 FS 170 ASNH 517
SNH 520-617 TSNA 317 G TSNA 317 A ASNH 520-617
SNH 218 TSNA 218 G TSNA 218 A ASNH 218 SNH 518-615 4 FS 170 ASNH 518-615
SNH plummer block housings, series 5 and 6,
and appropriate bearings with adapter sleeve
Housing Shaft Appropriate self-aligning ball bearings and spherical roller bearings
Designation dia- Bearing designation + locating ring designation
meter (2 locating rings are required for a locating arrangement)
SNH 505 .. 20 1205 EK + FRB 5/52 2205 EK + FRB 3.5/52 22205 CCK + FRB 3.5/52
SNH 506 .. 25 1206 EK + FRB 8/62 2206 EK + FRB 6/62 22206 CCK + FRB 6/62
SNH 507 .. 30 1207 EK + FRB 8.5/72 2207 EK + FRB 5.5/72 22207 CCK + FRB 5.5/72
SNH 508 .. 35 1208 EK + FRB 10.5/80 2208 EK + FRB 8/80 22208 EK + FRB 8/80
SNH 509 .. 40 1209 EK + FRB 5.5/85 2209 EK + FRB 3.5/85 22209 CCK + FRB 3.5/85
SNH 510 .. 45 1210 EK + FRB 10.5/90 2210 EK + FRB 9/90 22210 EK + FRB 9/90
SNH 511 .. 50 1211 EK + FRB 11.5/100 2211 EK + FRB 9.5/100 22211 EK + FRB 9.5/100
SNH 512 .. 55 1212 EK + FRB 13/110 2212 EK + FRB 10/110 22212 EK + FRB 10/110
SNH 513 .. 60 1213 EK + FRB 14/120 2213 EK + FRB 10/120 22213 CCK + FRB 10/120
SNH 515 .. 65 1215 K + FRB 15.5/130 2215 EK + FRB 12.5/130 22215 EK + FRB 12.5/130
SNH 516 .. 70 1216 K + FRB 16/140 2216 EK + FRB 12.5/140 22216 EK + FRB 12.5/140
SNH 517 .. 75 1217 K + FRB 16.5/150 2217 K + FRB 12.5/150 22217 EK + FRB 12.5/150
SNH 518 .. 80 1218 K + FRB 17.5/160 2218 K + FRB 12.5/160 22218 EK + FRB 12.5/160
SNH 520 .. 90 1220 K + FRB 18/180 2220 K + FRB 12/180 22220 EK + FRB 12/180
SNH 522 .. 100 1222 K + FRB 21/200 2222 EK + FRB 13.5/200 22222 EK + FRB 13.5/200
SNH 524 .. 110 22224 EK + FRB 14/215 23224 CCK/W33 + FRB 5/215
SNH 526 .. 115 22226 EK + FRB 13/230 23226 CCK/W33 + FRB 5/230
SNH 528 .. 125 22228 CCK/W33 + FRB 15/250 23228 CCK/W33 + FRB 5/250
SNH 530 .. 135 22230 CCK/W33 + FRB 16,5/270 23230 CCK/W33 + FRB 5/270
SNH 532 .. 140 22232 CCK/W33 + FRB 17/290 23232 CCK/W33 + FRB 5/290
SNH 610 .. 45 1310 EK + FRB 10.5/110 2310 K + FRB 4/110 21310 EK + FRB 10.5/100
22310 EK + FRB 4/110
SNH 611 .. 50 1311 EK + FRB 11/120 2311 K + FRB 4/120 21311 EK + FRB 11/120
22311 EK + FRB 4/120
SNH 612 .. 55 1312 EK + FRB 12.5/130 2312 K + FRB 5/130 21312 EK + FRB 12.5/130
22312 EK + FRB 5/130
SNH 613 .. 60 1313 EK + FRB 12.5/140 2313 K + FRB 5/140 21313 EK + FRB 12.5/140
22313 EK + FRB 15/140
SNH 615 .. 65 1315 K + FRB 14/160 2315 K + FRB 5/160 21315 EK + FRB 14/160
22315 EK + FRB 5/160
SNH 616 .. 70 1316 K + FRB 14.5/170 2316 K + FRB 5/170 21316 EK + FRB 14.5/170
22316 EK + FRB 5/170
SNH 617 .. 75 1317 K + FRB 14.5/180 2317 K + FRB 5/180 21317 EK + FRB 14.5/180
22317 EK + FRB 5/180
SNH 619 .. 85 22319 EK + FRB 6/200
SNH 620 .. 90 1320 K + FRB 19.5/215 21320 EK + FRB 19.5/215 22320 EK + FRB 6.5/215
SNH plummer block housings, series 2 and 3,
and appropriate bearings with cylindrical bore
Housing Shaft Appropriate self-aligning ball bearings and spherical roller bearings
Designation dia- Bearing designation + locating ring designation
meter (2 locating rings are required for a locating arrangement)
SNH 205 .. 25 1205 E + FRB 5/52 2205 E + FRB 3.5/52 22205 CC + FRB 3.5/52
SNH 206 .. 30 1206 E + FRB 8/62 2206 E + FRB 6/62 22206 CC + FRB 6/62
SNH 207 .. 35 1207 E + FRB 8.5/72 2207 E + FRB 5.5/72 22207 CC + FRB 5.5/72
SNH 208 .. 40 1208 E + FRB 10.5/80 2208 E + FRB 8/80 22208 E + FRB 8/80
SNH 209 .. 45 1209 E + FRB 5.5/85 2209 E + FRB 3.5/85 22209 CC + FRB 3.5/85
SNH 210 .. 50 1210 E + FRB 10.5/90 2210 E + FRB 9/90 22210 E + FRB 9/90
SNH 211 .. 55 1211 E + FRB 11.5/100 2211 E + FRB 9.5/100 22211 E + FRB 9.5/100
SNH 212 .. 60 1212 E + FRB 13/110 2212 E + FRB 10/110 22212 E + FRB 10/110
SNH 213 .. 65 1213 E + FRB 14/120 2213 E + FRB 10/120 22213 CC + FRB 10/120
SNH 215 .. 75 1215 + FRB 15.5/130 2215 E + FRB 12.5/130 22215 E + FRB 12.5/130
SNH 216 .. 80 1216 + FRB 16/140 2216 E + FRB 12.5/140 22216 E + FRB 12.5/140
SNH 217 .. 85 1217 + FRB 16.5/150 2217 + FRB 12.5/150 22217 E + FRB 12.5/150
SNH 218 .. 90 1218 + FRB 17.5/160 2218 + FRB 12.5/160 22218 E + FRB 12.5/160
23218 CC + FRB 6.25/160
SNH 220 .. 100 1220 + FRB 18/180 2220 + FRB 12/180 22220 E + FRB 12/180
23220 CC/W33 + FRB 4.85/180
SNH 222 .. 110 1222 + FRB 21/200 2222 E + FRB 13.5/200 22222 E + FRB 13.5/200
23222 CC/W33 + FRB 5.1/200
SNH 224 .. 120 22224 E + FRB 14/215 23224 CC/W33 + FRB 5/215
SNH 226 .. 130 22226 E + FRB 13/230 23226 CC/W33 + FRB 5/230
SNH 228 .. 140 22228 CC/W33 + FRB 15/250 23228 CC/W33 + FRB 5/250
SNH 230 .. 150 22230 CC/W33 + FRB 16.5/270 23230 CC/W33 + FRB 5/270
SNH 232 .. 160 22232 CC/W33 + FRB 17/290 23232 CC/W33 + FRB 5/290
SNH 305 .. 25 1305 E + FRB 7.5/62 2305 + FRB 4/62 21305 CC + FRB 7.5/62
SNH 306 .. 30 1306 E + FRB 7.5/72 2306 + FRB 3.5/72 21306 CC + FRB 7.5/72
SNH 307 .. 35 1307 E + FRB 9/80 2307 E + FRB 4/80 21307 CC + FRB 9/80
SNH 308 .. 40 1308 E + FRB 9/90 2308 E + FRB 4/90 21308 CC + FRB 9/90
22308 E + FRB 4/90
SNH 309 .. 45 1309 E + FRB 9.5/100 2309 E + FRB 4/100 21309 E + FRB 9/100
22309 CC + FRB 4/100
SNH 310 .. 50 1310 E + FRB 10.5/110 2310 + FRB 4/110 21310 E + FRB 10.5/100
22310 E + FRB 4/110
SNH 311 .. 55 1311 E + FRB 11/120 2311 + FRB 4/120 21311 E + FRB 11/120
SNH 312 .. 60
22311 E + FRB 4/120
1312 E + FRB 12.5/130
22312 E + FRB 5/130
2312 + FRB 5/130 21312 E + FRB 12.5/130 3
SNH 313 .. 65 1313 E + FRB 12.5/140 2313 + FRB 5/140 21313 E + FRB 12.5/140
22313 E + FRB 5/140
SNH 314 .. 70 1314 E + FRB 13/150 2314 + FRB 5/150 21314 E + FRB 13/150
22314 E + FRB 5/150
SNH 315 .. 75 1315 + FRB 14/160 2315 + FRB 5/160 21315 E + FRB 14/160
22315 E + FRB 5/160
SNH 316 .. 80 1316 + FRB 14.5/170 2316 + FRB 5/170 21316 E + FRB 14.5/170
22316 E + FRB 5/170
SNH 317 .. 85 1317 + FRB 14.5/180 2317 + FRB 5/180 21317 E + FRB 14.5/180
22317 E + FRB 5/180
Adapter and
withdrawal sleeves
Adapter and withdrawal sleeves are used to Range
locate bearings having a tapered bore on a The SKF popular range of adapter and wit-
cylindrical shaft. They simplify mounting and hdrawal sleeves comprises all the popular
dismounting of the bearing, and in many sizes and series.
cases, bearing arrangement design.
As the adapter and withdrawal sleeves ad- Adapter sleeves
apt themselves to the shaft diameter, re-lati-
vely large shaft tolerances are permitted. SKF adapter sleeves are supplied complete
However, the form tolerance should be tight- with lock nut and locking device. The adapter
er as the the accuracy of form influences the sleeves are slotted and have an external
running accuracy of the bearing. Generally, taper of 1:12. Up to and including size 30
shaft seatings machined to tolerance h9 are they are black oxidised; other sizes are bright
adequate, but the cylindricity tolerance and oiled.
should be to IT5. To enable the oil injection method to be
SKF adapter and withdrawal sleeves have used, SKF adapter sleeves having a bore
diameter of 200 mm and above have an oil
high quality material, supply duct at the threaded side and an oil
accurate form, and distribution groove in the outside diameter.
an excellent price/performance ratio. These sleeves are designated OH .. H.
Withdrawal sleeves
The dimensions of the adapter sleeves are in
accordance with ISO 113/I-1979.
The withdrawal sleeves having a 1:12 ex-
ternal taper follow the dimensions specified
in ISO 113/I-1979.
Adapter sleeves
d1 2080 mm B1
d1 G d3
mm kg
Adapter sleeves
d1 85280 mm
mm kg
150 170 200 101 28,5 M 1703 5,80 H 3034 23034 CCK/W33
220 122 29 M 1703 8,10 H 3134 23134 CCK/W33 22234 CCK/W33
220 154 29 M 1703 9,90 H 2334 23234 CCK/W33 22334 CCK/W33
180 200 240 120 31,5 M 2003 8,90 H 3040 23040 CCK/W33
250 150 32 M 2003 12,0 H 3140 23140 CCK/W33 22240 CCK/W33
250 176 32 M 2003 13,5 H 2340 23240 CCK/W33 22340 CCK/W33
Withdrawal sleeves
d1 35115 mm B1
G d1 d
mm kg
105 110 68 M 1202 11 0,76 AHX 3122 22222 CCK/W33 23122 CCK/W33
82 M 1252 11 1,05 AHX 3222 23222 CCK/W33
98 M 1252 16 1,35 AHX 2322 22322 EK
Withdrawal sleeves
d1 125200 mm
mm kg
170 180
M 1803
M 1903
AH 24134
AH 3036
24134 CCK30/W33
23036 CCK/W33
105 M 2003 17 3,75 AH 2236 22236 CCK/W33
116 M 2003 19 4,25 AH 3136 23136 CCK/W33
140 M 2003 24 5,25 AH 3236 23236 CCK/W33
154 M 2003 26 6,05 AH 2336 22336 CCK/W33
Withdrawal sleeves
d1 200280 mm
mm kg
Spherical plain
Spherical plain bearings are designed to take
up alignment movements between shaft and
housing or predominantly oscillating tilting
movements at relatively low sliding speeds.
SKF spherical plain bearings are available
as radial, angular contact and thrust bear-
ings either as steel-on-steel bearings which
require relubrication or as maintenance-free
bearings. SKF spherical plain bearings have
designs which are well-proven and reliable.
They meet most designer demands and the
design, materials and quality provide long
life and operational reliability. A new multi-
groove system in the larger steel-on-steel
bearings serves to improve lubrication and 1
gives appreciably extended relubrication
The SKF popular range comprises all pop-
ular sizes of
The boundary dimensions of SKF spherical
plain bearings listed in the tables are in ac-
cordance with ISO 12240-1 and ISO 6124.
SKF spherical plain bearings are produced
to the tolerances specified in ISO 12240-1
and ISO 6125-1982.
Internal clearance
SKF steel-on-steel radial spherical plain
bearings are produced as standard with
Normal internal clearance according to ISO
12240-1. Some sizes are also available with
smaller or larger clearance. Availability
should be checked before ordering.
Supplementary designations
The suffixes which are frequently used with
SKF spherical plain bearings are explained
in the following.
Steel-on-steel spherical plain bearings
d 4300 mm B
d D
mm kN kg mm kN kg
2 320
GE 200 ES-2RS
GE 220 ES-2RS
35 55 25 20 80 0,23 GE 35 ES
55 25 20 80 0,23 GE 35 ES-2RS 240 340 140 100 2 550 40,0 GE 240 ES-2RS
62 35 22 100 0,47 GEH 35 ES-2RS
260 370 150 110 3 050 51,5 GE 260 ES-2RS
40 62 28 22 100 0,32 GE 40 ES
62 28 22 100 0,32 GE 40 ES-2RS 280 400 155 120 3 550 65,0 GE 280 ES-2RS
68 40 25 127 0,61 GEH 40 ES-2RS
300 430 165 120 3 800 78,5 GE 300 ES-2RS
45 68 32 25 127 0,46 GE 45 ES
68 32 25 127 0,46 GE 45 ES-2RS
75 43 28 156 0,80 GEH 45 ES-2RS
50 75 35 28 156 0,56 GE 50 ES
75 35 28 156 0,56 GE 50 ES-2RS
90 56 36 245 1,60 GEH 50 ES-2RS
60 90 44 36 245 1,10 GE 60 ES
90 44 36 245 1,10 GE 60 ES-2RS
105 63 40 315 2,40 GEH 60 ES-2RS
Steel-on-steel spherical plain bearings
with extended inner ring
d 20100 mm B
d D
mm kN kg
Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings, Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings,
steel/sinter bronze composite steel/PTFE fabric
d 430 mm B d 30300 mm B
d D d D
mm kN kg mm kN kg
Bearing made of stainless steel
Maintenance-free angular contact Maintenance-free spherical
spherical plain bearings, plain thrust bearings,
steel/PTFE composite T steel/PTFE composite
d 25100 mm C d 17120 mm
d D
mm kN kg mm kN kg
100 150 32 31 170 2,35 GAC 100 F 80 180 50 43,5/38 570 6,95 GX 80 F
Rod ends
Rod ends comprise a rod end housing and a Depending on size and series, SKF main-
standard radial spherical plain bearing or a tenance-free rod ends have the following
rod end housing with spherical plain bearing sliding contact surface combinations: steel/
inner ring and dry sliding insert. sinter bronze composite, steel/PTFE com-
SKF rod ends are available as steel-on- posite and steel/PTFE fabric.
steel or steel-on-bronze rod ends which re-
quire lubrication or as maintenance-free Dimensions
rod ends. The designs are well-proven and The dimensions of the rod ends are in accord-
reliable. ance with ISO 12240-4 and ISO 6126 with
SKF rod ends enable cost saving, opera- the exception of series SIR, SIRD, SIQG and
tionally reliable designs to be achieved and SCF. The dimensions of series SIQG conform
have long service lives. Their price/perform- to ISO 6982.
ance ratio is particularly favourable.
Range SKF rod ends are produced to the tolerances
The rod ends of the SKF popular range are specified in ISO 12240-4.
produced with female (internal) thread (1)
and male (external) thread (2), right-hand th- Internal clearance
reads being standard. Rod ends with left- SKF steel-on-steel rod ends are produced
hand threads must be specially ordered. as standard with Normal radial internal clear-
SKF also produces rod ends with welding ance according to ISO 12240-4.
shank (3).
All SKF steel-on-bronze rod ends can be
relubricated via a grease nipple as can SKF
steel-on-steel rod ends from size 25 and 3
1 2 3
Rod ends
Supplementary designations
The suffixes frequently used with SKF rod
ends are explained in the following.
Steel-on-steel rod ends with female or male thread
d 680 mm
h1 h
mm kN kg
Rod ends from 25 mm bore diameter are supplied with a cup-type lubrication nipple (to DIN 71 412) as standard
Rod ends with left-hand thread are designated SIL .. and SAL .. respectively; please check availability
Steel-on-steel rod ends with female thread
(for hydraulic cylinders)
d 12100 mm
mm kN kg
Rod ends from 25 mm bore diameter are supplied with a cup-type lubrication nipple (to DIN 71 412) as standard
Rod ends with left-hand thread are designated SILQG .., SILR .. and SILRD .. respectively; please check availability
Steel-on-steel rod ends with welding shank
d 20100 mm
mm kN kg
20 54 29 16 13,5 38 30 0,24 SC 20 ES
51,5 16 20 38 30 0,35 SCF 20 ES
25 65 35 20 18 45 48 0,43 SC 25 ES
56,5 20 24 45 48 0,53 SCF 25 ES
30 75 42 22 20 51 62 0,65 SC 30 ES
66,5 22 29 51 62 0,87 SCF 30 ES
35 84 49 25 22 61 80 1,00 SC 35 ES
85 25 31 61 80 1,55 SCF 35 ES
40 94
SC 40 ES
45 104 60 32 28 77 127 1,90 SC 45 ES
112 32 41,5 77 127 3,40 SCF 45 ES
Rod ends from 25 mm bore diameter are supplied with a cup-type lubrication nipple (to DIN 71 412) as standard
Steel-on-bronze rod ends with female or male thread
d 530 mm
h1 h
mm kN kg
All rod ends are supplied with a funnel-type lubrication nipple (to DIN 3405) as standard
Rod ends with left-hand thread are designated SILKAC .. and SALKAC .. respectively; please check avalability
Maintenance-free rod ends with female or male thread,
steel/sinter bronze composite or steel/PTFE fabric
d 680 mm
C1 d2
h1 h
mm kN kg
Rod ends with left-hand thread are designated SIL .. and SAL .. respectively; please check availability
Maintenance-free rod ends with female or male thread,
steel/PTFE composite
d 522 mm
h1 h
mm kN kg
Rod ends with left-hand thread are designated SILKB .. and SALKB .. respectively; please check availability
plain bearings
GLYCODUR plain bearings are dry sliding
bearings for rotational, oscillating or linear
movements. They are particularly suitable
for bearing arrangements where space is ex-
tremely limited, where freeedom from main-
tenance is desired or where lubricant starva-
tion can occur.
Two different materials are available:
materials have a copper plated steel back
on to which a layer of tin bronze is sintered.
The composition of GLYCODUR F guaran-
tees good dimensional stability and heat
conductance. Bearings of this material have 1
good dry sliding properties and need not be
GLYCODUR A has a 0,3 mm thick acetal
resin layer which is firmly anchored in the
sinter bronze. Lubricant pockets are formed
in this layer, so that for bearings of this mater-
ial a single initial grease filling is required on
mounting. The acetal resin top layer also
makes bearings of this material insensitive to
a certain extent to slight errors of alignment
and the edge stresses associated with this
In addition to the products shown in this 2
GLYCODUR plain bearings
The dimensions of GLYCODUR bushings
with bore diameters in the range 4 to GLY.PG .. F
160 mm are largely in accordance with
ISO 3547-1976.
The tolerances of the outside diameter of
GLYCODUR bushings conform to DIN 1494
Part 1. The tolerance for the width of the
bushings is +/0,25 mm.
GLYCODUR bushings
d 318 mm
mm kN g
14 16
GLY.PG 141610 F
GLY.PG 141612 F
16 15 16,6 25 5,2 4 GLY.PG 141615 F GLY.PG 141615 A
16 20 22,4 33,5 7 5,3 GLY.PG 141620 F GLY.PG 141620 A
16 25 28 41,5 8,7 6,6 GLY.PG 141625 F GLY.PG 141625 A
GLYCODUR bushings
d 2055 mm
mm kN g
30 34 15 34 22 GLY.PG 303415 F
34 20 46,5 69,5 30 27 GLY.PG 303420 F GLY.PG 303420 A
34 25 58,5 37 GLY.PG 303425 F
34 30 69,5 106 45 41 GLY.PG 303430 F GLY.PG 303430 A
34 40 95 140 60 54 GLY.PG 303440 F GLY.PG 303440 A
GLYCODUR bushings
d 60200 mm
mm kN g
100 105 60 475 710 360 335 GLY.PG 10010560 F GLY.PG 10010560 A
105 115 915 1 370 690 640 GLY.PG 100105115 F GLY.PG 100105115 A
105 110 60 490 735 375 350 GLY.PG 10511060 F GLY.PG 10511060 A
110 115 950 1 430 725 675 GLY.PG 105110115 F GLY.PG 105110115 A
110 115 60
115 115
1 000
1 500
GLY.PG 11011560 F
GLY.PG 110115115 F
GLY.PG 11011560 A
GLY.PG 110115115 A 3
115 120 50 450 670 340 320 GLY.PG 11512050 F GLY.PG 11512050 A
120 70 630 950 480 450 GLY.PG 11512070 F GLY.PG 11512070 A
120 125 60 560 850 430 400 GLY.PG 12012560 F GLY.PG 12012560 A
125 100 950 1 430 715 665 GLY.PG 120125100 F GLY.PG 120125100 A
125 130 100 980 1 500 745 695 GLY.PG 125130100 F GLY.PG 125130100 A
130 135 60 610 915 465 435 GLY.PG 13013560 F GLY.PG 13013560 A
135 100 1 020 1 530 775 720 GLY.PG 130135100 F GLY.PG 130135100 A
135 140 60 640 950 480 450 GLY.PG 13514060 F GLY.PG 13514060 A
140 80 850 1 270 645 600 GLY.PG 13514080 F GLY.PG 13514080 A
140 145 60 655 980 500 465 GLY.PG 14014560 F GLY.PG 14014560 A
145 100 1 100 1 660 835 775 GLY.PG 140145100 F GLY.PG 140145100 A
150 155 60 710 1 060 535 500 GLY.PG 15015560 F GLY.PG 15015560 A
155 80 950 1 430 715 665 GLY.PG 15015580 F GLY.PG 15015580 A
155 100 1 200 1 800 890 830 GLY.PG 150155100 F GLY.PG 150155100 A
GLYCODUR flanged bushings
d 535 mm B
D d
mm kN g
GLYCODUR thrust washers
d 1062 mm
mm kN g
Design of bearing
What to remember when designing 187
How to choose the right type of bearing 188
Load carrying capacity and life 192
When to use 194
When to contact the SKF application engineering service 195
Where to find relevant information 195
1 Available space
2 Type and magnitude of the load
a) radial load
b) axial load
c) combined load
d) moment load
3 Compensation for errors of alignment
4 Axial displacement of a non-locating
5 Can the bearing be mounted
as well as
Design of bearing arrangements
This matrix can only provide a rough overview of the design and characteristics of Bearing types design and characteristics
the various bearing types. If several designs of a bearing type are shown adjacent
to each other, the relevant information is indicated by the same small letter used Design
to identify the induvidual design.
+ + + excellent poor
++ good unsuitable
+ fair single direction
shields or seals
double direction
tapered bore
Bearing type
(back-to-back) a b
a a b b
Full complement
cylindrical roller bearings
Suitability of bearings for
non-locating bearing
possible in bearing
axial displacement
alignment (initial)
purely radial load
for misalignment
purely axial load
locating bearing
combined load
high stiffness
moment load
quiet running
in operation
for errors of
high speed
low friction
+ + + +++ +++ + +++ +++ ++ +
+ + + + + + + + ++ + +
+ ++ ++ ++ ++ +++ ++ + +
+ + ++ ++ +++ + ++ ++ ++
++ + ++ + + ++ ++ + + ++ +
+ + + ++ + + + + ++
++ + +++ ++ ++ + ++ + + +
a a
+++ + +++ + + +
+++ + + +++ + +
++ + + ++ + +++ +++
++ ++ +++ + ++ ++ + + ++
+ ++
a + + + +
+ + + + + +++ +
++ ++ ++ +
++ + ++ +
+++ + + + ++ + +++ ++ ++
Design of bearing arrangements
Life p
The life of a bearing (when not otherwise L10h = 1 000 000 C
stated) is a fatigue life and is the number of 60 n P
revolutions, or operating hours, for which the
bearing will run before the first sign of fatigue where
(flaking or spalling) on a rolling element or L10 = basic rating life, million revolutions
ring raceway can be detected. L10h = basic rating life, operating hours
It has been observed in the laboratory as C = basic dynamic load rating, N
well as in practice, that seemingly identical P = equivalent dynamic bearing load, N
n = rotational speed, r/min
p = exponent of the life equation,
p = 3 for ball bearings
p = 10/3 for roller bearings
Design of bearing arrangements
SKF CADalog is a bearing selection and cal-
culation program. The program calculates
and selects bearings based on one or more
of the following parameters: shaft diameter,
housing bore diameter, bearing width, basic
rating life and static safety factor. The bear-
ing data is stored in a data base, which
covers nearly all the bearings shown in SKF
The CADalog software also includes rou-
tines for drawing all the bearings stored in
the data base. It can be used with most CAD
There is a small administrative fee for SKF
CADalog. Further information can be obtain-
ed directly from SKF.
PC.adam is another software package from
SKF which is dedicated to the calculation of
statically determinate bearing arrangements.
This is normally the case in practice.
When to contact the Where to find
SKF application relevant information
engineering service If there is a need to obtain more detailed in-
formation about the design of bearing ar-
There are applications where it is very import- rangements, or about certain specific topics,
ant to obtain predictions of the performance then the alphabetical index which follows
and life of the bearings which are as exact as should be helpful. The first number given in
possible. This may be because there is in- the reference is the publication number of
sufficient experience available with similar the catalogue or leaflet and the second
bearing arrangements, or because the eco- number (after the colon :) the page number,
nomy and/or operational reliability are of vital e.g. 4000:40 refers to the General Catalogue
importance. In such cases it is recommended 4000, page 40.
to get in touch with the SKF application engin- The SKF publications referred to in the
eering service. This has as its disposal a index are as follows:
wealth of knowledge and experience which
has been gathered worldwide with all differ- 3500 Plain bearings
ent kinds of bearing applications. The service 3700 Precision bearings
is therefore capable of providing advice, 4000 General catalogue
even for difficult cases. 4005 Bearing housings
The SKF application engineering service 4006 CR seals
also has access to sophisticated computer 4100 Bearing Maintenance Handbook
programs which can perform a variety of PI 100 Product designations for rolling
complex calculations including bearings and accessories
PI 303 SKF oil injection method
the influence on bearing life of the internal
clearance or preload in operation, the
actual contact conditions in the bearing,
misalignments, housing deformations
etc., and
the very complicated calculation of static-
ally indeterminate three-bearing arrange-
Design of bearing arrangements
Subject Reference
Popular bearing range