Blood Covenant
Blood Covenant
Blood Covenant
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Reasons for cutting a Blood Covenant:
(1) For love, friendship, weddings. - becoming one.
(2) For trade or business deals.
(3) For protection and safety, - stronger ones to protect
the weaker.
(3) Other ways: Seared with a hot iron, licking a hot iron.
Drinking dangerous potions, eating broken glass.
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command you."
= attachment, affection, adherent, love.
= to feed. My God shall supply all your needs.
= a leech, blood-sucker. We live off the blood of Jesus.
Spilling blood is not representative of death but of life.
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We cannot avoid the Blood Covenant. It is woven into every
story and every hope in the Bible. It tells us what God has
already done, taken care of. It is our way to approach God. It
negates audacity on our part in our approach. Without it,
faith becomes presumption. We don't have blind faith. We
have enlightened faith. The Holy Spirit sees in all directions
and He will help you and warn you. Faith is man's response
to what God planned and took the iniative on. Rom.1:16
"...not ashamed of the Gospel..."
A covenant is a solemn agreement between two
parties in which there is total commitment
by each party; and in which there is shedding
of blood. It is sacred and abiding.
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things through and in Jesus. God will get it to you if He can
get it through you. Means that if you are a giver He will get
more to you so He can bless others through you.
In the person of Jesus, God has taken on Himself our
penalty for sin, and has wiped out all of our guilt and given
Himself to us in covenant. You can enjoy the covenant
without fully understanding it. We are as rich and as free as
we know ourselves to be, through the covenant. God has
given Himself to us and for us. Belief in words empowers
them (both our words and satan's words.)
The covenant opened the door for God to deal with man on
legal terms. Mankind was an eternal criminal.
The creation and fall of man Gen.1:1 and on. is by the same
Spirit as in Acts 2:4. Both the Hebrew and Greek describe the
same Spirit. Therefore we have the Spirit, the creative force
of the universe in us. Gen 1 "and God said and it was so"
occurs frequently. v 28 blessing means to confer prosperity
and happiness upon someone.
Gen.1;29 God makes provision for His people.
Instructions are given to Adam to oversee and to keep his
sphere of influence. Rules are so that you can reach your full
potential. Adam was told to tend, keep, protect, guard the
garden, that is to "dress" it. Adam was not told what form
the evil would take but he was told to guard against it.
Is.14;12 tells how satan fell from his heavenly position.
Ezek.28;12 lamentations against the King of Tyrus describe
this. Perfect in beauty,in Eden, the garden of God,precious
stones his covering when created perfect. He sinned and was
cast out. See v 16. he "covered" the mountain of God. God
warned Adam to guard against impending danger.
Gen.2:18 God provided Adam with a companion.
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We have power and authority over him. We should be
speaking and rejoicing in what God has done for us and has
given us. With sin comes change. Gen 3:7 their eyes were
opened and they had shame. They hid from God. They were
afraid. Fear robs you of victory and joy.
2 Tim.1;7 God hath not given us a spirit of fear but of power
and love and of a sound mind.
Gen.3:11,12. One sin will always bring down another.
Eve was deceived but Adam was not. 2 Cor.11:3. 1
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Noah, the animals were there when needed.
God established capital punishment, not man ( i.e. the
death sentence.)Gen.9:5.
Is. 26:43."Put Me in remembrance..." When we pray we can
remind God of the covenant which gives us the right to ask
of Him.
Gen.9:20-29. Shem Ham Japheth. Nimrod a mighty hunter,
founder of Babel. Gen 11:6 They wanted to make a name for
themselves. The people were all in unity, they all spoke the
same thing. God said, "Now nothing is restrained from
He confused their language. Gen.11:25. Noah lived 119
years afterwards. Abram was a descendent.
God looks for a man He can talk to . Abram was called out of
an idol-worshipping nation to walk with God at 75 years of
age. He was promised:
To be a blessing.
To have a great name.
These people at Babel wanted tp make a name for
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1. Exchange coats. Symbolizes giving of self.(God said I
am your reward.)
2. Give you weapons belt and sword. Symbolizes that you
will defend each other. (God said I am your shield
and strength.)
3. Exchange names or part thereof. It shows that you each
have a legal right to each others name. God
became the God of Abraham. Abram became
God gives us authority to use the name of Jesus.
They could sign with each other's name so that
people would know that they were in covenant.
4. Cutting and co-mingling of blood. They become one. We
are one in Christ
5. Blessings and curses. The terms of the covenant are
agreed. (We have all of the blessings of Abraham,
Deut 28.)
6. Sacrifice Blood spilt. A scar to be made.
7. Memorial set up. Could be a tree planted and sprinkled
with blood. We have the blood sprinkled cross. Or
a stone is set up and engraved. We have the Bible
inscribed with the terms of our covenant.
8. A communion meal is taken together.
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seal of the covenant. It was to be done on the 8th. day
hereafter because on the 8th. day the bloods coagulating
capacity is the highest. It represents cutting away of fleshly
It was as important spiritually as it was physically.
Those who trust and obey God speak often to one another. A
Book of Remembrance is kept before Him, for them that fear
Him. They shall be mine in that day when I make up My
Malachi 4:1 The day is coming when the proud and wicked
will be burnt like stubble. Those who fear His name will see
the Son of righteousness arise with healing in His wings.
v.3. The wicked shall be like ashes under the souls of our
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Reuben, Simeon Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulen were all
from Leah.
Joseph and Benjamin were from Rachel
Dan and Naphthali were from Bilhar, Rachel's maid.
Gad and Asher were from Zilphar, Leah's maid.
Ex.3 Moses and the burning bush. In order to stay under the
protection of a covenant-making God you have to abide by
His spiritual laws. Sin always brings judgement.
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1 Sam.18; The covenant between David and Jonathon.
Amos 3:3. 2 Sam.4 David and Mephibosheth.
Honoring the covenant with the next generation.
Mephibosheth was afraid because he didn't know that he
was in covenant with the King because of his father. David
sent to Lodebah looking for him to bless him. He benefited
from a blood covenant made long before he was born.
Our forgiven sins are forgotten by God. They are not counted
against us. If this is so, then we can't call to His
remembrance things that are forgiven. What we are to call to
His remembrance is are covenant status in Christ through
which we are entitled to the promises of Abraham. We are
sealed into the covenant by the Holy Spirit. Begin to use
what is yours by right. Jer. 31:31-34.
"Its not against you any more. I look into the book of
remembrance and its not there."
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Mephibosheth was treated as though he were Jonathon.
When we are in covenant with God through Christ we are
treated the same way as Christ is. Most Christians have a
distorted picture of God therefore are reluctant to hand their
lives over to Him. Lodeba was invaded by love from David
because of Jonathon. It was David's idea to go and look for
Mephibosheth, just as it was God's idea to search for us.
When you believe the truth you disbelieve the lie of satan. To
believe is to commit your whole life to the truth.
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We are exclusively His by His seal. It is against the law for
anyone to mess with us. We are in the world but not of it.
Seal: a mark of distinction signifying:-
(1) Finished transaction. We ought to act like we are not
up for sale any more.
(2) Ownership, - who we belong to.
(3) Security - sealed into the Kingdom.
(4) Approval. He purchased us because we, in Christ,
measured up to His standard. It is a mark of
God has keeping power. He can keep us. Paul said,"For I
know in whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is
able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against
that day."
1 Jn.5:10 The witness within of the Holy Spirit that we are the
children of God.
Don't act like the dead do. You can't act like the world and be
in Christ without real problems.
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Glory Cloud over them to protect them.
Ex.12. They left Egypt with the lamb in them, the blood over
them and the Glory cloud protecting them. They had a
common bond. One lamb did for the whole family. The Lamb
within makes us one. It would not have been enough to slay
the lamb to save just the firstborn. It was for all. THE Lamb
of God was for all the world. Killing the lamb wasn't enough.
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They had to apply the blood to their own place, on their own
behalf. It wasn't forced on them. They applied it by and in
By His blood all the world is saved but it does no good unless
each individual accepts and applies the blood personally.
Gal.4:21 to 5:6 Comparisons of Old and New Covenant.
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Mark 11:23-26. How To Succeed With God And With Fellow
Verses 23 & 24 won't work without 25 & 26.
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