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VIP Data StudioUsers Guide

2001, 2002 Landmark Graphics Corporation

Part No. 159680 R2003.4

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Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide


Overview .............................................................................................................................. 1
What is Data Studio? .......................................................................................................... 1
VIP-CORE Initialization Data File .............................................................................. 1
VIP-EXEC Recurrent Data File ................................................................................... 2
Starting Data Studio............................................................................................................ 3
Understanding the Data Studio Interface............................................................................ 4
User Interface Conventions ......................................................................................... 5
Color-Coded Entry Fields ...................................................................................... 5
Options Tree .......................................................................................................... 5
Menu Options .............................................................................................................. 7
Shortcut Menus ............................................................................................................ 7
Toolbar Icons ............................................................................................................... 8

Basic Operations ............................................................................................................ 9

Introduction......................................................................................................................... 9
Working with Case Files..................................................................................................... 10
Opening a New Case .................................................................................................... 11
Using the Assistant to Create a Simple Initialization (CORE) Dataset ................. 12
Fill New Case by Parsing Existing Data Set .......................................................... 13
Opening an Existing Case ............................................................................................ 14
Saving and Closing the Current Case .......................................................................... 15
Working with Simulation Data Files .................................................................................. 16
Creating a New VIP Data File ..................................................................................... 16
Opening an Existing VIP Data File ............................................................................. 17
Saving the Data File ..................................................................................................... 18
Closing the Current Data File ...................................................................................... 19
Customizing the View ........................................................................................................ 20
Changing the Location of Toolbars ............................................................................. 20
Controlling the Display of Toolbars and Status Bar .................................................... 21
Customizing the Toolbars ............................................................................................ 22
Creating a New Toolbar ............................................................................................... 24
Resetting or Deleting Toolbars .................................................................................... 26
Setting User Preferences ..................................................................................................... 27
Setting Preferences for Dates - Units - Formats .......................................................... 28
Setting the Default Color and Chart Options ............................................................... 31
Setting the Default Reservoir Model Options .............................................................. 34
Setting the VIP Data File Generation .......................................................................... 35
Defining Related Files ........................................................................................................ 38
Generating the Simulation file ............................................................................................ 40

R2003.4 iii
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Printing Data ....................................................................................................................... 41

Setting Up a Print Job .................................................................................................. 41
Previewing the Print Job .............................................................................................. 42
Printing the Data .......................................................................................................... 43

Defining External Include Data ............................................................................... 45

Data Section Selection ........................................................................................................ 46
Include Files........................................................................................................................ 47
External Data ...................................................................................................................... 49

CORE - Defining Utility Data ..................................................................................... 51

Unit Grid System ................................................................................................................ 52
General Information ..................................................................................................... 52
Grid System ................................................................................................................. 53
Specify GridGenr Files .......................................................................................... 53
Define Simple Grid ................................................................................................ 54
Local Grid Refinements ......................................................................................... 56
Exclude or Add gridblocks to LGR ....................................................................... 61
Fluid Model......................................................................................................................... 63
Output Data......................................................................................................................... 67
Results Files Control (Map Output) ............................................................................. 67
Print Options ................................................................................................................ 70
Print Format ................................................................................................................. 71
Output Region Definition ............................................................................................ 72
Fluid Reservoir Constants................................................................................................... 75
Water Properties .......................................................................................................... 75
Reservoir Constants ..................................................................................................... 76
Standard conditions ...................................................................................................... 76
Rock Thermal Properties (THERM only) ................................................................... 77
Dimension Data .................................................................................................................. 78
Reservoir Model ................................................................................................................. 81
Initialization Options .......................................................................................................... 91
Initialization Type ........................................................................................................ 91
Initialization Algorithm ............................................................................................... 92
Vertical Equilibrium .................................................................................................... 94
Grid Input Options .............................................................................................................. 95
Offband Connections ................................................................................................... 95
Tolerance for Individual Grids .................................................................................... 97
EOS-PVT Options .............................................................................................................. 99
Saturation and Hysteresis Option ....................................................................................... 101
Capillary Pressure ........................................................................................................ 101
Relative Permeability ................................................................................................... 103

iv R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

CORE - Defining Table Data .................................................................................... 105

Region Management ........................................................................................................... 106
Add Region Pane ......................................................................................................... 106
Add/Edit Region Description and Comments ............................................................. 106
Select Region Pane ...................................................................................................... 107
Delete Region Pane ...................................................................................................... 107
Build Tables ................................................................................................................. 108
Define Tables ............................................................................................................... 108
Import Tables ............................................................................................................... 109
View and Edit Tables ................................................................................................... 110
Initialization Data ............................................................................................................... 112
Initial PVT Conditions ................................................................................................. 112
Phase Contact ............................................................................................................... 113
Initial Saturation/Composition Pressure ...................................................................... 114
Constants ................................................................................................................ 114
Varying by Depth ................................................................................................... 115
Rock Property Tables.......................................................................................................... 117
Water-Oil Table ........................................................................................................... 117
Gas-Water Table (Gas-Water Fluid Model) ................................................................ 118
Corey Model Saturation Curves Correlation ............................................................... 118
Advanced Reservoir Model Tables .............................................................................. 119
Fluid Property Tables.......................................................................................................... 120
Differential Expansion Table Definitions .................................................................... 121
Black Oil, Water-Oil, Gas-Water, and Enhanced Black Oil .................................. 121
Define Separator Batteries (Compositional Model Only) ........................................... 125
Define Density/Molecular Weight Data ...................................................................... 126
Define Undersaturated Data ......................................................................................... 127

CORE - Defining Grid Array Data........................................................................... 129

Array Panel ......................................................................................................................... 130
Use the Roadmap ......................................................................................................... 130
Import Arrays ............................................................................................................... 130
Define Arrays ............................................................................................................... 131
Define Constant Array ........................................................................................... 131
Define Multiple ...................................................................................................... 131
Define Variable ...................................................................................................... 132
Overview of Array Data ..................................................................................................... 133
Definition Arrays ......................................................................................................... 133
Physical Properties ....................................................................................................... 133
Other Arrays ................................................................................................................ 135
Advanced Reservoir Model Arrays ............................................................................. 136
Functions for Array Definition ........................................................................................... 137
Function Management and Selection ........................................................................... 138
Add or Delete a Function ....................................................................................... 138
Rename a Function ................................................................................................ 138

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Select a Function .................................................................................................... 139

Define the Function ..................................................................................................... 139
Analytical ............................................................................................................... 139
Interpolation ........................................................................................................... 142
Volume Averaged (Cartesian Grids Only) ............................................................ 144
Define Range ............................................................................................................... 144
Gridblock Range .................................................................................................... 145
Value Range ........................................................................................................... 146
Transmissibility/Pore Volume Modifications..................................................................... 148
Modification Management and Selection .................................................................... 148
Add or Delete a Modification ................................................................................ 149
Rename a Modification .......................................................................................... 149
Select a Modification ............................................................................................. 149
Define the Modification ............................................................................................... 149
Specify an Include File .......................................................................................... 150
Specify a Constant ................................................................................................. 150
Specify Value Range ............................................................................................. 151

CORE - Defining Aquifer Data ................................................................................. 153

Create Multiple Aquifers .................................................................................................... 155
Define Carter-Tracey Aquifer............................................................................................. 156
Define Fetkovich Aquifer ................................................................................................... 159
Aquifer Connection to Reservoir Grid................................................................................ 161

EXEC - Working with Production Data ............................................................... 163

Introduction......................................................................................................................... 163
Importing ............................................................................................................................ 164
Importing Production Data ................................................................................................. 165
Importing Other Types of Well Data Files .................................................................. 182
Adjusting the Start Date ............................................................................................... 183
Import File Examples ............................................................................................. 184
Appending Production Data to an Existing Case with Production Data - Example 191
Reviewing and Editing the Worksheet ............................................................................... 195
Viewing Production Data by Well Hierarchy .............................................................. 195
Changing the Worksheet .............................................................................................. 197
Changing Column Widths ........................................................................................... 198
Hiding Columns ........................................................................................................... 198
Changing the Display Format ...................................................................................... 199
Reviewing and Editing the Charts ...................................................................................... 201
Zooming In and Out ..................................................................................................... 201
Changing a Plotted Value ............................................................................................ 202
Inserting/Removing Charts .......................................................................................... 202
Changing the Chart Properties ..................................................................................... 203
Searching for Inconsistent Data .......................................................................................... 205

vi R2003.4
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Manual Search for Switchovers ................................................................................... 206

Automatic Search for Switchovers .............................................................................. 207
Averaging the Data ............................................................................................................. 208
Setting Up and Performing the Averaging .................................................................. 209
Interactively Adjusting Averaged Data ....................................................................... 212
Generate Types and Constraints ......................................................................................... 213
Clearing the Worksheet ...................................................................................................... 219

EXEC - Defining Utility Data ..................................................................................... 221

Entering Simulation Data.................................................................................................... 221
Entering Dimension Data.................................................................................................... 223

EXEC - Defining Output Options ........................................................................... 225

Introduction......................................................................................................................... 225
Viewing the Output Options Worksheet............................................................................. 226
Setting Up the Date List...................................................................................................... 228
Changing the Date List ....................................................................................................... 234
Adding a Date Record .................................................................................................. 234
Adding or Changing the Selected Options in a Cell .................................................... 235
Changing the Restart Dates .......................................................................................... 237
Changing the Output Frequency .................................................................................. 237
Clearing the Worksheet ...................................................................................................... 239

EXEC - Working with Well Data .............................................................................. 241

Introduction......................................................................................................................... 241
Viewing the Well Names and Locations Worksheet .......................................................... 242
Setting Up the Well List ..................................................................................................... 244
Displaying Common Well IDs ........................................................................................... 246
Changing the Well List ....................................................................................................... 247
Changing the Effective Date or Other Cells ................................................................ 247
Sorting the Worksheet ................................................................................................. 247
Cutting, Copying and Pasting Cells ............................................................................. 247
Inserting a New Well ................................................................................................... 248
Deleting Individual Wells ............................................................................................ 249
Deleting Multiple Wells ............................................................................................... 250
Clearing the Worksheet ...................................................................................................... 251
Viewing the Perforations Worksheet .................................................................................. 252
Setting Up the Well Perforation List .................................................................................. 253
Importing from an FPF File ......................................................................................... 254
Importing using the Perforation Wizard ...................................................................... 256
ASCII file format to import Well Perf Data .......................................................... 264
Importing from an ASCII File ..................................................................................... 268
Perforation Data Import Results .................................................................................. 269

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Changing the Perforation List............................................................................................. 271

Changing the Effective Date or Other Data ................................................................. 271
Sorting the Worksheet ................................................................................................. 271
Cutting, Copying and Pasting Cells ............................................................................. 271
Adding or Removing Columns in the Worksheet ........................................................ 272
Inserting a New Perforation Record ............................................................................ 273
Adding a Perforation to an Existing Well .................................................................... 274
Deleting Well Perforation Records .............................................................................. 275
Deleting Layer Perforations ......................................................................................... 276
Clearing the Worksheet ............................................................................................... 277
Viewing/Editing Well Constraints...................................................................................... 278
Well Type Color Code ................................................................................................. 279
View Mode Selection ................................................................................................... 279
Setting Constraints ....................................................................................................... 280
Definitions ............................................................................................................. 280
Procedures .............................................................................................................. 281
Well Management Level Data ............................................................................................ 290
Add, Delete, or Rename Components ......................................................................... 291
Assign Targets and Rates ............................................................................................. 292

Index ................................................................................................................................... ccxcv

viii R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide


What is Data Studio?

VIP Data Studio is an application which automates the creation of the

initialization and recurrent data files that are submitted to the reservoir

The output files created by Data Studio are in the ASCII keyword/option
format used by the simulator. Data Studio lets you enter data within a
context-driven interface and automatically translates the information
into the required format. As you enter data, the interface dynamically
changes to reflect data-dependent options. The application also traps for
and identifies some basic input errors so you can correct them before
you begin the simulation.

Data Studio includes the most common simulation options. However, it

does not include all the specialized options available in VIP-CORE and
VIP-EXECUTIVE. It provides an Include File panel through which you
can add include files or enter advanced keyword options. Or you can use
a text editor to modify the initialization and recurrent data files output
by Data Studio to include additional keyword options. A complete list
of keyword options is provided in the VIP-CORE Reference Manual and
VIP-EXECUTIVE Reference Manual.

VIP-CORE Initialization Data File

The VIP-CORE data file contains the data needed to define the initial
reservoir model. The required data is listed below:

Utility Data, including simulation start date, grid size and number
of components, and physical property constants.

Tabular Data, including equilibrium table, relative permeability/

capillary pressure table, and black-oil phase behavior table.

Array Data, including gridblock dimensions or cornerpoints,

porosity/pore volume arrays, and permeability/transmissibility
arrays by grid definition and properties.

R2003.4 Overview:What is Data Studio? 1

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

VIP-EXEC Recurrent Data File

The VIP-EXEC recurrent data file contains the data needed to take the
initialized model and move it forward in time, calculating migration of
fluids through the reservoir and production or injection flow at wells. It
contains the data needed to accurately describe the time-dependent
characteristics of the reservoir.

Recurrent data, including a definition of each well that is active

in the simulation, specific days during the simulation at which key
events occur (e.g., output reported, wells added, flow rate change,

Output data, including the content and frequency of output files.

Data Studio lets you import and edit well production history data, well
name/location data, and well perforation data for use in your reservoir
model. It also lets you generate certain types of data automatically from
production data, such as a list of well constraints to be applied on
specific days during the simulation.

2 Overview: What is Data Studio? R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Starting Data Studio

VIP Data Studio is available as one of the options on the Input menu in

1. Make sure you have an open study and case for the current
simulation run. The VIP Data Studio menu option is inactive until
a study and case is selected.

2. Select Input > VIP Data Studio from the DESKTOP-VIP Main
Menu. This opens VIP Data Studio main window, as shown next.

R2003.4 Overview:Starting Data Studio 3

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Understanding the Data Studio Interface

When you first start VIP Data Studio and open a new case, the main
window appears as shown below:

Menu bar Toolbar

CORE/EXEC selection tabs

Status messages

VIP Data Studio - Main Window

The window opens to the first VIP-CORE initialization panel as shown

above, or to the panel from which you last exited the application.

A complete description of the user interface conventions, menus, and

toolbar icons is provided on the following pages.

4 Overview: Understanding the Data Studio Interface R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

User Interface Conventions

The Data Studio application adheres to the following user interface

Color-Coded Entry Fields

Red (default) shading indicates a mandatory entry field. Green (default)
shading indicates an optional entry field. Only those entry fields that
are mandatory or optional under any condition are color coded. You can
change th default color coding from the Preferences menu.

Error Checking: In many cases, you receive a descriptive error

message when you attempt to remove your cursor from a field with an
invalid entry.

Options Tree
You select the type of data you want to enter using the options tree
located in the left panel of the window. Branches of the options tree are
organized by topic.

(+) Options branch closed

(-) Options branch open

Data Status Indicators:

Required data missing
Required data complete
No data but none required

Refer to the illustration above. Click the icon to close a branch of the
Options list. Click the icon to open a branch of the Options List.
Click on an option in the list to select it. The associated panel opens in
the right pane of the window.

Data Status Indicators

Notice the data status indicators in the above illustration. These icons
dynamically update to reflect the status of the data within each panel. A
red indicator means that data required for the initialization or recurrent

R2003.4 Overview:Understanding the Data Studio Interface 5

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

simulation run is missing. A green indicator means that the minimum

amount of data is present. A yellow indicator means that you have
entered no data in the panel, but none is mandatory.

6 Overview: Understanding the Data Studio Interface R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Menu Options
The following options are available from the pull-down menus along
the top of the main window.

Menu Name Purpose

File Open, close and save cases; open, close and save VIP data files;
retrieve recent cases and data files; print data.
Edit Cut, copy, and paste data in worksheet.
View Control display of toolbar/status bar; zoom in/out; review and
set user options. (User options apply to VIP-EXEC and are
explained in that section of the manual.)
Simulation Data Generate or parse a VIP-CORE or VIP-EXEC simulation data
file; view the files.
Window Arrange windows; control display of main window elements;
retrieve various open data files.
Help View copyright/ownership notice.

Shortcut Menus
Several shortcut menus are available for access by clicking the right
mouse button in different parts of the programs main window.

Example of Shortcut Menu Example of Shortcut Menu

in Worksheet Area in Text Editing Window

Notice that most of these options duplicate functions already listed on

the pull-down menus, but provide a more convenient means of access.
Other options, however, appear only on the shortcut menus. These
distinctions are covered later in this manual, where appropriate.

R2003.4 Overview:Understanding the Data Studio Interface 7

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Toolbar Icons
Common options are available using icons on the toolbar. You can
determine the purpose of an icon by moving the mouse over it and
reading the pop-up description, or observing the longer description on
the Status line. You can select an icon by clicking it with the mouse.

Many of these icons correspond to specific menu options that are also
available on the pull-down menus. Selecting an icon may bring up an
additional dialog box as needed to complete the operation.

8 Overview: Understanding the Data Studio Interface R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Basic Operations


There are several basic operations on the File and View menu that you
should understand before getting started, including:

Knowing the difference between case files and data files

Creating, opening, saving and closing case files (including using

the wizard to create a case)

Opening, saving and closing data files

Setting the toolbar display

Setting the user options

Printing data

This chapter explains how to perform each of the operations listed


R2003.4 Basic Operations:Introduction 9

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Working with Case Files

Experienced users of DESKTOP-VIP understand that the entire

simulation process is organized around the concept of a Case study.
For instance, when you are using DESKTOP-VIP, you typically open a
Study and then open a series of Cases within that study. All data
being prepared for use in a particular simulation are typically saved as a
case in the VIP database file for that study (studyname.vdb).

The same is true with VIP Data Studio. However, VIP Data Studio sets
up its own unique case file (using a file extension of .vds) that differs
from the case information stored in DESKTOP-VIP. Specifically, VIP
Data Studio case files contain all the data you have compiled during a
particular work session within VIP Data Studio. This case file is used
so that you can easily save a work session and retrieve it within VIP
Data Studio.

When you open VIP Data Studio from DESKTOP-VIP, it borrows the
current case name (e.g., case3) from DESKTOP-VIP and uses it for the
current case name in VIP Data Studio. When you are finished working
with a case and save it, VIP Data Studio saves its own case file using
the borrowed case name (e.g., case3.vds). You can reopen that case file
at any time when you want to resume a work session.

When you open Data Studio, the Case that is your current Desktop
selection is active. Within Data Studio you can:

open a new case file with your own preferred case name

open an existing VDS case file created previously

open the most recent case from a special menu

You can work on the case file, and then save it using the current name
or any other name you want to save it as. The following procedures
explain how to open, close and save case files in VIP Data Studio.

10 Basic Operations: Working with Case Files R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Opening a New Case

Perform the following steps to define a completely new case in VIP
Data Studio.

1Open the dialog box. Select File > New Case on the VIP Data Studio
menu bar, or press Ctrl-N. This opens the New Case dialog box.

Filename Folder where

to use new file will
for new file be saved

Creation Mode

2. Change directory if necessary. The current directory is shown in

the Location field. Click the next to the Location field to
open the Selection dialog box. Filter to the directory and click the
OK button to close the dialog box.

3. Enter Case name. Type the Case name in the Case Name entry
field. As you type the name, the initialization (i.dat), restart (r.dat)
and well file names are also created.

4. Select creation mode option. The default is to create an empty

Case. Click to activate the toggle to:

Use the Assistant to create a simple dataset (CORE only)

Import data from an existing Case into the new one.

Both of these options are described below.

5. Save the Case. Click the OK button to create and open the new
Case. Notice that your new Case name now appears on the title bar
at the top of the VIP Data Studio main window. For example:

R2003.4 Basic Operations:Working with Case Files 11

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Using the Assistant to Create a Simple Initialization (CORE) Dataset

The Assistant (wizard) steps you through the series of panels that
contain mandatory data for a basic initialization file. It provides all the
error checking that is available from the Options Tree panels. You enter
the following data.

Grid data
Grid definition, porosity, and permeability arrays
Basic water and rock properties
Fluid model
Output, equilibrium, PVT, and rock type regions
Rock and fluid table correlation data (with preview button)
PVT Data
Equilibrium data

Perform the following steps to create a basic initialization data set

using the wizard:

1. Open the Assistant. Activate the Use Assistant to Create Simple

VIP CORE Data Set toggle and click the OK button to open the
Assistant as shown below.

NEXT button activates when all required

data is present and meets error-checks

12 Basic Operations: Working with Case Files R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

2. Enter the data. Complete each panel. Click the Back button at any
time to return to a previous panel Click the Next button to move
between panels. The Next button will be inactive until all required
data has been entered and meets error-checking rules.

3. View the summary. This message box provides a summary of the

data you entered. If necessary, review the summary. Then click the
Generate button.

The initialization file displays in the lower portion of the Data Studio
window. The data you entered populates the panels. No red Status
Indicators (required data missing) should display on the Options Tree.
If desired, you can continue adding optional information.

Fill New Case by Parsing Existing Data Set

This option opens two additional fields that let you select an existing
initialization *i.dat and/or restart *r.dat file from which data will be
copied into the new name.

Click the Folder icon located beside each field to open the File
Selection dialog box. Filter to the file to select and click the OK button.

Recognized data from each file will populate the Data Studio panels. If
the original data files contain any keywords that are not available in
Data Studio, you receive a message similar to the one shown below:

If you click the NO button, only the data recognized by Data Studio
will be included in the new data file(s). If you click the YES button, the
data will be saved as the specified file name to the current directory so
it can be added as an include file.

R2003.4 Basic Operations:Working with Case Files 13

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Adding the Include File

Use the External Include Data option (as described in Include Files
on page 47) from either the CORE or EXEC Options Tree to add the
include file to the new *i.dat or *r.dat file. Filter to the current
directory. You may want to change the Files of Type menu to *.inc
files. Select the *.inc file that corresponds to the Case name that was
parsed. Click the Open button to include the file in the new data set.

Include file for unrecognized


An include file statement is added to the appropriate section of the new

data file.

Opening an Existing Case

Use the following steps if you want to open an existing case in VIP
Data Studio. When you do so, all worksheets and editing windows will
be filled with the data previously compiled and saved for that case.

1. Select File > Recent Cases on the VIP Data Studio menu bar, to
see if the case you want to open is available on the Recent Cases
submenu. If not, select File > Open Case, or press Ctrl-O to

14 Basic Operations: Working with Case Files R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

display the Open Case dialog box.

being viewed

in this

for opening

2. If you do not see the desired case, use the Look in drop-down list
to locate the folder where the case is located.

3. Select the desired File name from the file list and click Open.

4. Notice that your selected case name now appears on the title bar at
the top of the VIP Data Studio main window.

Saving and Closing the Current Case

You can save your work in VIP Data Studio at any time using File >
Save Case, or by pressing Ctrl-S. You can also close the current case
using File > Close Case. Closing a case affects only the contents in the
top half of the main window. If you have a data file displayed in the
bottom half of the main window (as explained next), it remains open.

If you have just started using VIP Data Studio, do not close the case
until you have finished studying this manual. In particular, use the
options in the following chapters to compile and generate new data.

R2003.4 Basic Operations:Working with Case Files 15

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Working with Simulation Data Files

In addition to Case files, VIP Data Studio also lets you work with VIP-
CORE and EXEC Data Files. In fact the main purpose of VIP Data
Studio is to produce these files for use in a simulation. When working
with these files, it is important to understand the difference between

VIP Data Studio case files (*.vds) store the data and program
options that you use when working on a case. They make it easy to
start up VIP Data Studio and resume work on a particular case.

VIP-CORE data files (*i.dat) and VIP-EXEC data files (*r.dat) are
specially formatted to work with the VIP simulators. They are
stored and used with the simulation case studies that you create in

Notice that VIP-CORE data files have an *i.dat extension and VIP-
EXEC data files have a *r.dat extension. For example, a typical
simulation data file might be named newcaser.dat or fieldstudyr.dat.

You can use VIP Data Studio to create new VIP-CORE and VIP-EXEC
data files or work with existing ones. The following set of procedures
explains how to do this.

Creating a New VIP Data File

A new VIP Data file is created automatically in the lower half of the
main window, as you work with VIP Data Studio.

As you work with and build the data file, you can use the options on the
File menu to save the data file, save it using a different name, or close
the file. These options are explained on the following pages.

16 Basic Operations: Working with Simulation Data Files R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Opening an Existing VIP Data File

VIP Data Studio also lets you open existing simulation data files. For
instance, you may have already created a simulation data file for use in
DESKTOP-VIP, and now you want to open it in VIP Data Studio to
augment it with new data.

To work with an existing simulation data file, you must first open it in
VIP Data Studio. The file you are opening must be an existing r.dat file.
Use these steps:

1. Select File > Recent VIP CORE Data Files or Recent EXEC
Data Files to see if the data file you want to open is listed on the
submenu. If so, select it. If not, select File > Open VIP CORE
Data File or Open VIP EXEC Data File to display the following
dialog box:

being viewed

List of
files in
this folder

for opening

2. If you do not see the desired VIP data file in this list, use the Look
in drop-down list to locate the folder where the data file is stored.

3. Click the desired File name in the file list and click the Open

The VIP data file must have a file extension of i.dat (CORE) or
*r.dat (EXEC), which is the standard filename ending for this type
of file. Notice that the selected simulation data file now appears in
the editing window at the bottom of the VIP Data Studio main
window. You can use this window to view and edit the contents of
the data file. Standard editing controls are provided. You can insert
the text cursor on any line, type new text, backspace, delete, cut/
copy/paste, insert, move the cursor up or down, and perform other

R2003.4 Basic Operations:Working with Simulation Data Files 17

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

standard editing operations.

Saving the Data File

You can save the VIP data file at any time using File > Save VIP- Data
File > CORE Data File or EXEC Data File. This feature does not
work, however, unless you have made changes to the data file. Once
you save the data file, this menu option is dimmed (turns gray) until the
next time you make changes the data file in the lower half of the VIP
Data Studio main window.

Occasionally, you may want to save different versions of the data file
for use in different simulations. To save a different version of the
current data file:

1. Select File > Save VIP Data File As > CORE Data File or
EXEC Data File. This displays the following dialog box:

Folder where
file will
be saved

List of

to use
for new

2. Use the Save in drop-down list to locate the folder where you want
the data file to be stored.

18 Basic Operations: Working with Simulation Data Files R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

3. Type in the File name you want to use for saving this data file.
The data file must have a file extension of *i.dat (CORE) or *r.dat
(EXEC), which is the standard filename ending for this type of

4. Click the Save button to begin saving the data file under a new
name. You will see a progress box, informing you that the file is
being copied.

Closing the Current Data File

Once you have saved your changes, you can close the data file using
File > Close VIP Data File > CORE Data File or EXEC Data File.
Closing a data file affects only the contents in the bottom half of the
main window. If you have a case already working in the top half of the
main window, it remains open and you can continue working with it as
you generate or open other data files.

If you have just started using VIP Data Studio, do not close the VIP
Data File until you have finished studying this manual. In particular,
use the options in the following chapters to compile and generate
new data.

R2003.4 Basic Operations:Working with Simulation Data Files 19

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Customizing the View

As you work with VIP Data Studio, there are many options available
that let you customize the view.

Changing the Location of Toolbars

Each toolbar in the VIP Data Studio main window has its own handle
that you can use to interactively move it around. To move a toolbar:

1. Use the mouse to grab the handle. In other words, move the mouse
over the handle and hold down the left mouse button.

2. Drag the mouse to any other location in the main window where
you want the toolbar to be located and release the left mouse
button. This drops the toolbar at the selected location.

3. If you drop the toolbar into any gray area of the main window, it
reappears at that location. If you drop the toolbar into any white
area of the main window (e.g., into the production data
worksheet), it floats at the selected location inside its own tiny
inset window, as shown here:

4. You can continue adjusting the position of the toolbar, even if it is

displayed in an inset window. To do this, use the mouse cursor to
grab the blue title bar at the top of the inset window (e.g., the bar
with Well Options in the image above), then release the mouse
when the inset window has moved to a new location.

20 Basic Operations: Customizing the View R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Controlling the Display of Toolbars and Status Bar

You can display or hide both the toolbar at the top and the status bar at
the bottom of the VIP Data Studio main window. Follow these steps:

1. Click open the View menu and examine the first two options:

When these options are checked, it means that the toolbar and/or
status bar are currently displayed. When unchecked, the toolbar
and status bar are hidden.

2. Selecting the Status Bar option turns the status bar on/off

3. Selecting the Toolbar option opens the Toolbars control panel:

4. In the Toolbar control panel, click any of the check boxes to turn
them on or off: You will see the VIP Data Studio window change
dynamically as you click each option:

Menu bar - cannot be turned off.

File - shows or hides the 10 icons related to File menu and Edit
menu options (new, open, save, cut, copy, paste, delete, print).

R2003.4 Basic Operations:Customizing the View 21

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Production Data - shows or hides the four toolbar icons

related to production data.

Wells Options - shows or hides the four toolbar icons related

to well data.

Simulation Def -- shows or hides the five icons related to the

CORE initialization (grid, regions and fluids, water and rock
properties, advanced options and grid model).

Show Tooltips - shows or hides the pop-up descriptions that

appear when you hover the mouse over a toolbar icon.

Cool Look - changes the appearance of the toolbar icons from

flat to raised. The cool look is a flat appearance, more in line
with recent versions of Microsoft products.

Large Buttons - changes the size of the toolbar icons - makes

them larger and more visible.

5. Click the Close button when finished to close the panel. Other
options that you can perform using this panel are covered next.

Customizing the Toolbars

In addition to displaying or hiding toolbars, you can actually customize
the icons shown on each toolbar. Follow these steps:

1. Select View > Toolbar to open the Toolbars control panel:

22 Basic Operations: Customizing the View R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

2. Click the Customize button to display the following control panel:

This panel has two tabs displayed across the top of it: Toolbars
and Commands.

The Toolbars tab shows the same basic options found on the
Toolbars control panel.
The Commands tab shows the complete set of icons available
with each standard toolbar category.

3. Click the Commands tab to see the available icons for each

4. Use this panel interactively with the toolbar at the top of the

R2003.4 Basic Operations:Customizing the View 23

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Click on each toolbar type in the Categories list to see the

icons (Buttons) normally associated with it. These are the
default icons for each toolbar set.

Click on each icon to view its purpose in the Description field.

You can drag any icon from this panel and drop it into any
toolbar currently displayed in the VIP Data Studio main
window, as desired. To do this, move the mouse over the icon
in the panel and hold down the left mouse button as you move
the mouse into the VIP Data Studio main window. Continue
dragging the icon until it is at the location where you want to
insert it, then let go of the mouse button to insert it.

You can remove any icon from the toolbars currently displayed
In the VIP Data Studio main window. To do this, move the
mouse over the icon to be discarded and hold down the left
mouse button as you move the mouse away from the toolbar.
When you let go of the mouse button, the icon disappears.

5. Click the OK button to close the Customize panel and the Close
button to close the Toolbar control panel.

Creating a New Toolbar

You can create and name an entirely new toolbar, then drag any of the
available icons to it. Follow these steps.

1. Select View/Toolbar and click the Customize button to view the

Customize panel.

2. When the Customize panel appears, click the New button under
the Toolbars tab. This displays the following field:

24 Basic Operations: Customizing the View R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

3. Enter the desired Toolbar name and click OK. You will see an
empty toolbar inset floating inside the main window:

4. Select the Commands tab on the Customize panel, then select the
Category containing the icons you want to place on the new

5. Drag the icons from the Customize panel into the new Tool inset

6. Drag the toolbar inset containing the new icons into the Toolbar
area of the main window and drop it between any other two
existing toolbars.

R2003.4 Basic Operations:Customizing the View 25

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Resetting or Deleting Toolbars

Even after making all these changes, you can still reset the toolbars to
their original configurations by using the following steps. You can also
delete any new toolbars you have added.

1. Select View/Toolbar to view the Toolbars control panel.

2. To reset any of the original toolbars to their original status, click

the name of the toolbar to be reset and then click the Reset button.

3. To delete any of the new toolbars that you created, click the name
of the toolbar and then click the Delete button.

4. Click the Close button when finished to close this panel.

26 Basic Operations: Customizing the View R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Setting User Preferences

Before starting to work extensively with VIP Data Studio, it may be a

good idea to review and set up all of the User Options on the View
menu. There are four sets of user options, as described in the following
procedures. They can be set individually or all at once, since there are
all on different parts of the same control panel that you can see by
selecting View >User Options.

Setting the User Options tells VIP Data Studio what your preferences
are when using the program. These are the default selections that will
appear in other dialog boxes later in the program. Instead of having to
make the same selections over and over -- each time you use a dialog
box -- you can set them once here so that they will be automatically
selected when encountered later.

It is important to recognize that setting your preferences here does not

force you to use these options every time they apply. In every dialog
box where you see these options applied, you will still be able to
change your selection, within the context of that specific dialog.

Many of these options will make more sense once you start using the
program. If so, you can always return to the User Options panel and
reset your preferences anytime. Complete instructions are provided on
the following pages.

R2003.4 Basic Operations:Setting User Preferences 27

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Setting Preferences for Dates - Units - Formats

You can specify the default date formats and measurement units to be
used in VIP Data Studio. To set these preferences, follow these steps:

1. Select View > User Options to display the User Options control

2. Make sure the Dates-Units tab is selected at the top of this panel.

3. Review the available options and make appropriate changes as

desired. These are the default date settings that will be applied to
dates generated by VIP Data Studio and used in your VIP-EXEC
Data File. A complete description of available options is provided
in the following table.

4. When finished viewing and/or changing the Date-Unit options, go

to the next tab in the User Options panel, or click the OK button to
close the User Options panel.

28 Basic Operations: Setting User Preferences R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

User Options on the Dates-Units Tab

Category Option How To Use It
Default Date Full Date or Click the toggle to display either the full data (DD-Month-YYYY) or the time
Formats Time from from the start of the simulation.
Start Date
Y2K Pivot Use the scroll arrows or retype the number to reflect the correct Y2K Pivot
Year Year. This number will be used to convert from two- to four-digit dates for Y2K
purposes. Any two-digit years below this number will be converted to 20xx
dates and years above this number will be converted to 19xx dates. Specifying
30 as the Y2K Pivot Year, for example, converts years from 1-30 as 2001,
2002, etc. and years from 31-99 as 1931, 1932, etc.
Default Unit Field Units/ Select whether you want default units to be field units (English units) or metric
Formats Metric Units units. Metric unit pressure options are kPa, kg/cm2, or bar.
Floating point Use the scroll arrows or retype the number to indicate the default number of
precision decimal positions for display of numeric values.
Default Time Well Select the default time interval over which you want to average well data. For
Frequencies Averaging example, you may want to average data over six month intervals. If so, select 6
Frequency as the frequency number and Month as the date unit.
Print Options / This lets you specify the types and frequency of reports to be generated during
Frequency the simulation. To see a list of all available reports, click the button to the right
of the Print Options field. Use the Frequency field to the right of the Print
Options field to select a default frequency for reports. For example, you may
want the reports to be generated every three months during the simulation.
For more details on the use of this feature, see Setting the Date List Options
on page 230. For more details on available PRINT options, see the VIP-EXEC
Reference Manual.
Well By Well/ By Within the well constraints table, you have the option of viewing data by well or
Constraints Constraint by wells meeting specific criteria (i.e., gas producers at maximum rate). This
View Mode toggle lets you define the default display when you first open a session.

R2003.4 Basic Operations:Setting User Preferences 29

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

User Options on the Dates-Units Tab (Continued)

Category Option How To Use It
Default Time Plot Options / PLOT options are a standard feature of VIP that let you specify data sets to be
Frequencies Frequency generated for use with PLOTVIEW. To see a list of all available options, click
(contd) the button to the right of the PLOT Options field. Use the Frequency field to
the right of the PLOT Options field to select a default frequency for generating
data sets. For example, you may want plot data to be generated at the gathering
center level and at the field level every three months during the simulation.
For more details on the use of this feature, see Setting the Date List Options
on page 230. For more details on available PLOT options, see the VIP-EXEC
Reference Manual.
Map Options/ MAP options are a standard feature of VIP that let you specify data sets to be
Frequency generated for use with 3DVIEW. To see a list of all available options, click the
button to the right of the MAP Options field. Use the Frequency field to the
right of the MAP Options field to select a default frequency for generating data
sets. For example, you may want to generate a set of pressures, saturations, and
fluid volumes every month during the simulation.
For more details on the use of this feature, see Setting the Date List Options
on page 230. For more details on available MAP options, see the VIP-EXEC
Reference Manual.
Restart Use the check box to indicate whether you want restart records to be written
Options / that will allow you to restart the simulation at a specific point in time. Use the
Frequency Frequency field to specify the default frequency of the restart records.

30 Basic Operations: Setting User Preferences R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Setting the Default Color and Chart Options

You can specify the colors and line widths to be used in charting
production data and other information. To set these preferences, follow
these steps:

1. Select View > User Options to display the User Options control

2. Make sure the Color and Chart tab is selected at the top of this

3. Notice the color codes in the top half of this panel. These are the
colors that will be used to chart the indicated values in any
displayed charts. This type of color-coding makes it easy to
distinguish between different types of data.

R2003.4 Basic Operations:Setting User Preferences 31

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

4. You can change any color by clicking on it. This brings up a

detailed color palette that you can use to select a new color.

5. Select an appropriate color from the list of Basic Colors at left, or

click inside the color field at right to select a random hue. You will
see a comparison of the previous/selected color demonstrated in
the Color Solid field, along with the actual HSL and RGB values.
If you like a particular color and want to reuse it, click on Add to
Custom Colors and the new color will appear in your Custom
Colors list. Otherwise, just click on OK to apply the your color
selection to the Display Options panel.

6. Repeat the last two steps for each color that you want to change.

7. Notice the line width values in the bottom half of the Display
Options panel. These are the line widths (in pixels) that will be
used to chart the indicated values in any displayed charts. You can
make the line widths thicker or thinner for each data type by
incrementing/decrementing this value. To change a line width
value, click on it and retype or use the scroll arrows that appear
when the cursor is focused in the current table cell.

8. Notice the line types and symbols. These are the line types and
symbols that will be used to chart the indicated values in any
displayed charts. Click in the field to display the drop-down menu.
Select the line type or symbol from the menu.

32 Basic Operations: Setting User Preferences R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

9. Notice the chart background, required field, and optional field

color displays at the bottom of the dialog box. Click to down arrow
to open a color selection chart. Select the color. Or select Other to
open the color palette. Select the default background color for
charts. Or change the default color-coding for required and
mandatory fields within the application.

10. When finished viewing and/or changing the Display Options, go to

the next tab in the User Options panel, or click the OK button to
close this dialog box.

R2003.4 Basic Operations:Setting User Preferences 33

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Setting the Default Reservoir Model Options

You can specify the reservoir model that will be used by default for
fluid formulation, table entries and rate constraints. To set these
preferences, follow these steps:

1. Select View > User Options to display the User Options control

2. Make sure the Reservoir Model tab is selected at the top of this

3. Review the available options and make appropriate changes as

desired. These are the default date settings that will be applied to
dates generated by VIP Data Studio and used in your Data File. A
complete description of available options is provided in the
following table.

4. When finished viewing and/or changing the Date-Unit options, go

to the next tab in the User Options panel, or click the OK button to
close the User Options panel.

34 Basic Operations: Setting User Preferences R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

User Options on the Reservoir Model Tab

Category Option How To Use It
Default Fluid Black oil, gas- Click the toggle to define the default fluid model and corresponding molecular
Formulation water, water- weight that will be selected under the CORE - Basic Utilities tab. If you select
oil, enhanced enhanced black oil, you can also specify oil and gas phase.
black oil, K-
Default saturation, Click the stepper to define the number of table entries when the correlation
Number of black oil option is used.
Table Entries (above bubble
point and
below bubble
Default Oil or Gas This option indicates that you want to constrain wells using a maximum oil rate,
Producer Rate Producer at which point the well may automatically switchover to gas production. The
Constraints gas-oil ratio (GOR) controlling switchover is entered on this panel, as well.
Total Liquid This option indicates that you want to constrain wells using a maximum liquid
Producer rate, which is the sum of the oil and water phase.
Producer with This option indicates that you want to constrain wells using a specified rate for
Each Phase each of the oil, gas and water phases. These rates are specified elsewhere in VIP
Specified Data Studio, and are covered where appropriate in this manual.
GOR Switch The gas-oil ratio switch for converting to/from oil-gas production. Available
only if you select the Oil or Gas Producer option.

Setting the VIP Data File Generation

You can specify various preferences indicating how you want data to
be used or how you want it to appear in the data files and other types of
data generated by VIP Data Studio. To set your preferences, use these

1. Select View > User Options to display the User Options control

R2003.4 Basic Operations:Setting User Preferences 35

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

2. Make sure the VIP Data File Generation tab is selected at the top
of this panel.

3. Review the available options and make appropriate changes as

desired. A complete description of available options is provided in
the following table.

User Options on the EXEC File Generation Tab

Category How To Use It
ASCII Data The default it to write data files in PC ASCII data format.
Format When opening data files for viewing, differences in line
feeds and other characters cause the files to look
somewhat nicer if they are written the format on which
they are read. Click the toggle to write the data files to
UNIX format if this where you would normally read
Path for Include Depending on how your include file directories are
File Statements organized, click the toggle to select the desired option.
For example, if your include files are normally stored in a
subdirectory under the Case, you may want to always
maintain the relative path. On the other hand, if you have
a standard directory under which all include files are
stored, you may want to always maintain the full path.
Date Cards Specify whether you want the date records in your VIP-
EXEC data file to be in DATE format (DDMMYYYY) or
in TIME format (number of days since beginning of
Well List Specify whether you want to use well names or well
numbers when generating well lists.

36 Basic Operations: Setting User Preferences R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

User Options on the EXEC File Generation Tab

Category How To Use It
Comments Specify whether to use standard, user-defined, or no
comments. User-defined comments are those provided on
the Region Management Table Description and
Comments option.
Observed Data Specify whether you want observed data files to be
File generated from the raw production data that you have
imported or the averaged data that you have produced.

4. When finished viewing and/or changing the Well Constraint

options, go to the next tab in the User Options panel, or click the
OK button to close this dialog box.

R2003.4 Basic Operations:Setting User Preferences 37

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Defining Related Files

Before generating a VIP-EXEC data file, you must define certain

specific filenames that will be used in the process. Specifically:

VIP EXEC data file. You must specify a filename that will be
used for saving the keyword data file generated by the program.

Well ID table file. GRIDGENR converts long well names from

the OpenWorks database to a format that can be read by VIP
(maximum eight characters). As it does this, it creates a .wdb file
that cross-references the OpenWorks filenames to the VIP
filenames. If this file is available, you can read it into VIP Data
Studio and use it for reference. In the future, this file will also be
used to help data from VIP make the round-trip back to

Observed data file. At the same time as you are generating the
EXEC data file, you will also be able to create an observed data
file to be used for history matching in PLOTVIEW. If you plan to
do this, you must specify the name to be used for the observed data

Use the following steps to set up these files:

1. Select Simulation Data > Related Files on the main menu bar.
This displays the following dialog box:

2. Click the buttons to the right of each field and use the resulting file
selection dialogs to identify these three types of files:

File Type Purpose

VIP CORE data file Provide a filename to be used for saving the
initialization data file generated by the program.

38 Basic Operations: Defining Related Files R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

File Type Purpose

VIP EXEC data file Provide a filename to be used for saving the
recurrent data file generated by the program.
Well ID table file Locate and point to the .wdb file containing
cross-referenced well names from GRIDGENR.
Observation file Provide a filename to be used in saving the
observed data file, if you want the production
data to be converted to a special format for use in
history matching with PLOTVIEW.

3. Click the OK button when finished.

R2003.4 Basic Operations:Defining Related Files 39

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Generating the Simulation file

At any point in the data entry, you select the Simulation > Generate
VIP Data File > CORE or EXEC or CORE+EXEC option. This
opens the Data Set Generation message box as shown below.

Data OK
Open Options
branch to view
error description

The message box displays the status of each branch of the options tree.
If an error is detected, click the (+) beside the branch to open the
individual options. A more detailed error message is listed beside each
option that is not correct.

Whether or not you choose to correct the errors at this time, click the
Generate button to create the *i.dat or *r.dat file or both. The VIP-
formatted keyword file opens in the lower part of the display window
as shown below.

Formatted VIP *i.dat file with keywords/options

40 Basic Operations: Generating the Simulation file R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Printing Data

The worksheet display in the top half of the main window lets you view
both raw data and charts derived from the data. Conveniently, VIP Data
Studio lets you set up, preview, and print copies of this data on paper,
as desired. The procedures for doing this are covered on the following

Setting Up a Print Job

Before printing data, check to make sure your print options are set
correctly. Follow these steps:

1. Select File > Print Setup to display the Print Setup dialog box.

2. Make sure the correct printer is selected in the Name field. If not,
select the correct printer.

3. Make sure the correct paper Size, Source and Orientation are
selected in the lower half of this dialog box. If not, change the
options appropriately.

4. Click the Properties button to view and/or change other printer-

specific options.

5. Click the OK button when finished to close this dialog box.

R2003.4 Basic Operations:Printing Data 41

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Previewing the Print Job

Once you set the print options, as discussed in the previous procedure,
it is easy to see how the job will print by using the Print Preview option.
Follow these steps:

1. Select File > Print Preview to display the Print Preview window.

2. Use the Next Page button to preview all the pages in the print job.
If there are any charts, they will appear on the last pages of the
preview. Other buttons are available:

Use the Prev Page button to move back through the preview.

Use the Two Page button to see two pages at a time.

Use the Zoom In/Zoom Out buttons to get a better view of the
previewed pages.

3. When you are finished previewing the print job, click the Print
button if you are ready to begin printing, or click the Close button
to close the preview window. Instructions on printing the job are
covered next.

42 Basic Operations: Printing Data R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Printing the Data

The previous two sections explained how to set up and preview a print
job. When you are ready to begin printing the data, follow these steps:

1. If you are looking at the Print Preview window, click the Print
button. Otherwise, select File > Print.

Either method displays the Print dialog box:

2. Make sure the correct printer is selected in the Name field. If not,
select the correct printer.

3. Make sure the correct Print Range and Number of Copies are
selected in the lower half of this dialog box. If not, change the
options appropriately. The Selection option will print only cells
that are currently selected in the worksheet.

R2003.4 Basic Operations:Printing Data 43

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

4. Click the OK button when finished to begin printing. The program

displays a dialog showing the progress of the printing.

5. To cancel printing, click the Cancel button in this message.

Otherwise, allow printing to proceed and collect your printed job
from the printer previously specified in the Name field on the Print
dialog box.

44 Basic Operations: Printing Data R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Defining External Include Data

This option lets you attach additional simulation keyword commands to

the *i.dat or *r.dat file. Commands entered here must be in the proper
VIP-CORE or VIP-EXEC format, but they can include any valid VIP
keywords, not just those currently recognized by the Data Studio

There are two ways to add external include data. You can specify an
external file. Or you can key the information directly into the panel.
Both options are described.

R2003.4 Defining External Include Data: 45

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Data Section Selection

Both the *i.dat and *r.dat files are organized by topical sections. Notice
in the following procedures that you must always specify the correct
section in which the external data should be added (except for
unrecognized data in parsed files saved as .inc files).

Details of file sections

A complete example of the CORE and EXEC data file sections is provided within
the Input Data Template section of the Data Overview chapter of the VIP-CORE
Reference Manual and the VIP-EXEC Reference Manual.

The Data Section Selection pane lists every section of the CORE or
EXEC template structure as shown below. When you select a section
folder for the current include information, the folder opens within the
display. When include data has been added to a section, a red asterisk
displays by the folder.

Section contains include

data (red asterisk)
Selected section for
current include file

Warning - Data placed at beginning of section

Include data is placed at the beginning of the template section. Any

data dependencies within the section must be performed by editing
the data file directly.

46 Defining External Include Data: Data Section Selection R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Include Files

This option lets you attach external include files to the current CORE
or EXEC data file.

One File per Section except .inc files

Note that, except for .inc files, each include file must have data only for a single

Recall that you can create a new CORE or EXEC data file by parsing an existing
file. When you do, any unrecognized keywords are placed in the current directory
with the extension .inc. You can select these files following the procedures
described below. But, since the data was extracted from particular sections, this
information is retained and sections are assigned automatically.

Key commands to manage the file list are shown below.

Delete selected line Move up a line
Add line Move down aline

Perform the following steps to attach external files:

1. Define the section. In the Data Section Selection pane, click on the
folder for the data section in which the file should be included.

2. Add a line. Click the Add Line button as shown above. A line is
added to the list.

3. Open the dialog box. Click the button located beside the line.
The File Selection dialog box opens.

4. Select the include file. Filter and select the include file to add.
Click the Open button to close the dialog box when the file is

R2003.4 Defining External Include Data:Include Files 47

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

5. View the include file. Click the button located at

the bottom of the pane to view the include file. The file displays in
the lower portion of the window a shown below.

Include file tab

When you regenerate the file, an include statement is added to the data
file at the beginning of the selected section of the CORE or EXEC data
file as shown below.

Include statement within Grid

section of *i.dat file

When you have multiple include files, you can view the contents of any
file by clicking on the file name and clicking the . The
name of the currently open inclue file displays on the Include File tab.

You can also use the right mouse button menu in the include file
display area as shown below.

These options let you:

Open include file. This open opens the File Selection dialog box
and displays the contents of the selected file.

Close include file. Closes the currently displayed file.

Save include file as. Opens the File Save dialog box to let you save
the file under a new name.

Find. Opens the Find dialog box to let you search the file for a
particular search string.

48 Defining External Include Data: Include Files R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

External Data

This option lets you enter keyword data directly onto the panel to be
written into the current CORE or EXEC file.

One command procedure per section

Note that you must perform the procedure separately for commands within
different sections of the *i.dat or *r.dat file.

Perform the following steps to type in simulator keyword commands.

1. Define the section. In the Data Section Selection pane, click on the
folder for the data section in which the file should be included.

2. Type in the command. Click in the entry field as shown below and
type the keyword command (or series of commands within the
same section of the date file). Your entry must conform to all
simulator format requirements in order to be valid. Data Studio
cannot perform validity checks on your entries.

3. Update external data. When the command has been entered, click
the button located at the bottom of the pane. The
command is added to the buffer and the screen clears. You can
perform another command procedure.

When you regenerate the file, the commands are added directly to the
CORE or EXEC data file at the beginning of the selected section as
shown below.

Keyword command within

Grid section of *i.dat file

R2003.4 Defining External Include Data:External Data 49

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

50 Defining External Include Data: External Data R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

CORE - Defining Utility Data

General utility data is divided into two branches: basic and advanced.
Basic options include the options used in most datasets: grid system,
fluid model, output array controls, fluid and reservoir constants, and
dimensions data. Advanced data options allow more specialized input
for defining a special reservoir model: initialization options, EOS-PVT
options, and saturation table and hysteresis options.

Utilities branches Tabs for selected branch

Click the (+) button beside Utility Data on the options tree. Then
double-click on the utility data icon beside the Basic Options or
Advanced Options branch to open the associated tabs. When you
double-click on a tab, the related entry pane opens. Each option is
described in detail.

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Utility Data: 51

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Unit Grid System

Perform the following steps to complete the Grid System panel.

General Information
1. Specify simulation start date. Click the down arrow beside the
Start Date field. Select the simulation start date from the pop-up
calendar as shown below.

Time is initialized to zero at this date. VIP-CORE accounts for

leap years.

2. Specify units. Click the down arrow beside the Units field and
select the data units. The default is field units.

Changing Units

If you change the units, you will receive a dialog box giving you the option
to recalculate the units or simply relabel the existing units.

3. Provide title(s). Click in the Title field(s) and enter up to three

lines (80 characters each) of optional title information. The title
will print in the initialization (i.dat) output reports. Use these
fields to identify the simulation runs.

52 CORE - Defining Utility Data: Unit Grid System R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Grid System
There are two ways to define the grid. You can specify grid files that
were created within the GridGenr application.

GridGenr Recommended

The GridGenr application lets you easily create complex grids. This is the
recommended method for defining all but very simple grids.

Or you can define a simple grid within the Utilitites panel.

Defining Arrays for a Simple Grid

If you define a simple grid, you must also define the grid dimension arrays
and property arrays located under the Grid Data branch. Procedures for
completing the grid data are described in CORE - Defining Grid Array
Data on page 129.

Procedures for specifying GridGenr files and defining simple grids are
described below.

Specify GridGenr Files

Perform the following steps to specify GridGenr files:

1. Open the File Definition pane. Click the Use Gridgenr Grid Files
toggle. The file definition pane opens as shown below.

Click to define LGR file

2. Define grid file. Click the Folder icon located next to the Grid
Definition File field. The File Selection dialog box opens. Filter
and select the grid (.lgr) file. When the file is selected, click the
Open button to close the dialog box.

The corresponding .cor is entered in the Physical Properties

File field. If a corresponding .fml file exists, the Fault in Model
toggle activates, and the corresponding .fml file is entered in the
Fault Definition field. (Deactivate the toggle if you do not want to
include the fault file.) Include statements for these files are added
to the initialization file.

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Utility Data:Unit Grid System 53

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Editing Local Grid Refinements

You can add, edit, or remove LGRs from the GridGenr definitions. Procedures
for defining local grid refinements are provided in Local Grid Refinements on
page 56.

Define Simple Grid

Click the Define Simple Grid toggle. The Main Grid menu options

VIP-CORE offers two choices of reservoir geometry: cartesian and

radial (cylindrical). The cylindrical grid commonly is referred to as
"radial." It is most often used for single-well studies.

The simple grid definition is written directly into the initialization file.

Define Cartesian Grid

Perform the following steps to define a cartesian grid.

1. Open cartesian definition fields. Click the Define Cartesian Grid

toggle. The cartesian grid definition fields open as shown below.

2. Enter number of gridblocks. Enter the root grid in number of

gridblocks in the X direction (NX), Y direction (NY), and Z
direction (NZ).

Adding Local Grid Refinements

Procedures for defining local grid refinements are the same for both
cartesian and radial grids. Refer to Local Grid Refinements on page 56.

Define Radial Grid

Perform the following steps to define a radial grid.

54 CORE - Defining Utility Data: Unit Grid System R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

1. Open radial definition fields. Click the Define Radial Grid

toggle. The radial grid definition fields open as shown below.

2. Enter number of gridblocks. Enter the number of gridblocks in the

R direction (NR), theta direction (NTHETA), and Z direction

Note that if NR = 1, then NTHETA cannot be greater than 1.

3. Enter inner radius. Then enter in the Inner Radius field the
distance in (ft) m from the origin to the inner edge of the first
gridblock. For a single well study, it is usually the wellbore radius.

The inner radius must be greater than zero.

Adding Local Grid Refinements

Procedures for defining local grid refinements are the same for both
cartesian and radial grids. Refer to Local Grid Refinements on page 56.

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Utility Data:Unit Grid System 55

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Local Grid Refinements

GridGenr Recommended

The GridGenr application lets you easily create LGRs. This is the
recommended method for defining all but very simple, rectangular LGRs.

Perform the following steps to open the LGR definition pane.

1. Activate LGR pane. With your root grid defined, click the Use
Local Grid Refinement toggle to activate the LGR pane as shown

Your root grid and any previously defined LGRs display in the

Local Grid Refinement Information

The Local Grid Refinement chapter of the VIP-CORE Reference Manual

provides a detailed introduction to creating LGRs.

You can define LGRs (as a function of parent grid refinement),

delete LGRs, or edit LGR properties using the right mouse button
menu shown below.

56 CORE - Defining Utility Data: Unit Grid System R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

LGR Formats

When you create, delete, or edit an LGR file within Data Studio, the LGR
definition is written or updated directly in the initialization file. When you specify
a GridGenr LGR, an include statement is written in the initialization file

When you have selected GridGenr LGR files, you can deactivate the Use
GridGenr Files toggle to create, delete or edit the LGR data. When you deactivate
the toggle, the include statement is removed from the initialization file and all LGR
information defined from the the Grid System pane is written directly into the
initialization file. Your GridGenr properties and fault file include statements are
retained in the initialization file.

If you reactivate the Use GridGenr Files toggle, the include statement for your
GridGenr LGR is restored and the LGR information defined from the Grid System
pane is deleted from the initialization file.

Perform the following steps to add an LGR:

1. With your pointer over the parent grid icon , select the Add
LGR option from the right mouse button menu. The LGR
Definition dialog box opens with the parent grid defined in the
dialog box title.
Parent Grid Definition

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Utility Data:Unit Grid System 57

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

GridGenr Recommended

The GridGenr application lets you easily create local grid refinements. This
is the recommended method for defining all but very simple, rectangular

2. Specify LGR name. Click in the Refinement Name entry field and
enter an LGR name of up to 8 characters.

3. Specify refinement type. Click the Type of Refinement toggle to

select cartesian or radial (along the X, Y, or Z axis). Radial
refinements are constrained within either a row or column of a
cartesian grid. Radial grid refinements cannot be refined.

Continuing Grid Refinements through All Communicating


It is strongly recommended that all grid refinements are continued through

all communicating layers in the grid system.

When you select the refinement type, the appropriate refinement

location and definition parameters display as follows

Cartesian I, J, K range and number of refinements in all directions

Radial Range and number of radial refinements in direction aligned
with parent grid axis. Well intersections in other directions.

Procedures for both types of grids are described below.

4. Specify I,J,K range. Click the up or down stepper arrow located

next to the I Location, J Location, or K Location fields to define
the parent I,J, K gridcell range(s) appropriate for your grid type.

5. Specify number of refinements. Click the button beside the

Number of Refinements field(s).

58 CORE - Defining Utility Data: Unit Grid System R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

The Number of Refinements dialog box opens as shown below.

The number of gridblocks corresponds to the gridblock range you

Click in the Number of Refinements field to activate the up or

down stepper arrow . For each gridblock, select the number of
refinements from that of the parent grid.

6. Specify well intersections (radial grid only). If you have a radial

LGR, click the button beside the Well Intersections in the
directions that do not correspond to the parent grid alignment axis.
The Well Intersections dialog box opens.

The number of boundaries corresponds to the number of well/

gridblock face intersections calculated along the non-aligned axes.

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Utility Data:Unit Grid System 59

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

7. Enter well interesections. Click in the Location field and enter the
point where the well intersects the face of the gridblock.

Values must be fractions, with 0.5 being the gridblock center.

8. Specify radial direction data (radial grid only). If you have

selected a radial grid refinement, click the up or down stepper
arrow located next to the Number of Refinements in the
Radial Direction field and define the number.

9. Specify inner radius. Click in the Inner Radius entry field and
enter the distance from the origin to the inner edge of the first

This value must be greater than 0.

10. Specify angular direction data (radial grid only). If you have
selected a radial grid refinement, click the up or down stepper
arrow located next to the Number of Refinements in the
Angular Direction field and define the number.

The number of refinements can be 1 or any integer multipe of 4.

11. Specify outer radius. Click in the Minimum Outer Radius for
Innermost Ring of Gridblock entry field and enter the value.

This is an optional entry that will default to 0.

Delete LGR
You can delete a GridGenr or defined LGR from the initialization file.
If you are removing a GridGenr LGR file from the initialization file,
you must first deactivate the Use GridGenr Grid Files toggle. The
LGR names will remain in the display.

Perform the following step to delete an LGR:

1. Select LGR. With your pointer over the grid icon to delete,
select the Delete LGR option from the right mouse button menu.
The selected LGR is removed from the list of refined grids.

60 CORE - Defining Utility Data: Unit Grid System R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

If the LGR was included from GridGenr, the original .lgr file is not
deleted from the directory, but the include statement in the current
initialization file is removed. If the LGR was defined within the Data
Studio, the data is deleted.

Edit LGR Properties

You can reopen a Local Grid Refinement Definition dialog box to edit
previously defined properties. If you are editing a GridGenr LGR file,
you must first deactivate the Use GridGenr Grid Files toggle. The
LGR names will remain in the display.

Perform the following steps to edit LGR properties:

1. Select LGR. With your pointer over the grid icon to edit, select
the Edit LGR Properties option from the right mouse button
menu. The definition window for the selected LGR opens for

2. Edit the properties. Edit the data and then click OK to close the
definition window.

If the LGR was included from GridGenr, the original .lgr file is not
changed, but the include statement in the current initialization file is
removed and the modified LGR definition is placed directly into the
initialization file.

Exclude or Add gridblocks to LGR

Since LGRs must be defined as a single rectangular region, you can
exclude or add coarse gridblocks from the parent grid to further refine a
non-rectangular LGR area.

Perform the following steps to remove or add gridblocks.

1. Open the tables. Click the Exclude Coarse Gridblocks and/or

Add Coarse Gridblocks toggle to activate the corresponding

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Utility Data:Unit Grid System 61

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

2. Define the gridblocks. Click the right mouse button to select the
Add Row or Remove Row option. When you add a row, the
columns display I,J, K ranges. Click in the cells to activate the up
or down stepper arrow to define the range of gridblocks to
exclude or add.

62 CORE - Defining Utility Data: Unit Grid System R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Fluid Model

Click the Fluid Model tab to open the Fluid Model panel.

Fluid Model tab

Rock Properties for

selected model

Fluid Properties
for selected model

Fluid Properties Table

Note that when you select a Fluid Model, the corresponding Fluid and Rock
Properties Tables activates in the options tree as shown in the illustration above.
Procedures for completing the Rock Properties Tables are described in Rock
Property Tables on page 117. Procedures for completing the Fluid Properties
Tables are described in Fluid Property Tables on page 120.

Fluid model options are:

Black-Oil: standard pressure-dependent, three-phase option.

Back-Oil with oil vaporization limit: allows the simulation of a

true black-oil system in which the K-value of the oil
component is near zero, which prevents the residual oil from
vaporizing during gas injection.

Gas-Water: standard two-phase gas-water option useful for

cases with no oil or condensate in the reservoir (dry gas).

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Utility Data:Fluid Model 63

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Water-Oil: standard two-phase water-oil option useful for cases

with no gas in the reservoir.

Enhanced Black-oil: three-phase option that models

condensates with black oil.

Compositional: Models diverse fluid mixtures using N-

component (i.e. C1, C2) fluid description to simulate phase
behavior as a function of pressure and composition. Fluid
composition varies with time and space.

K-Values: special compositional model which uses equilibrium

ratio or K-value tables as a function of pressure. Phase
compositions are computed using K-values. Phase densities are
computed using correlations.

Perform the following steps to complete the Fluid Model panel.

1. Select fluid model. Click the toggle beside the model to select.

a. Black oil. If you selected Black-oil, click to activate the

Limit Oil Vaporization option if you do not want
residual oil to vaporize during gas injection.

b. Enhanced black oil. If you selected Enhanced Black-oil,

click to define the oil and gas phase component. Or click
the Use Desktop-PVT Blackoil PVT File option to filter
and select an existing PVT data file.

c. K-Values. If you selected K-Values or Compositional:

Specify fluid type. Click the Fluid Type toggle,

64 CORE - Defining Utility Data: Fluid Model R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Specify number of hydrocarbon components. Click

the up or down stepper arrow to increase or decrease
the Number of Hydrocarbon Components.
Stepper arrows

Open dialog box for component selection. Click the

Click the button beside the same Hydrocarbon
Components field to open the Component Selection
dialog box. A component row displays for the
number of hydrocarbon components you specified.

Specify hydrocarbon component names and

molecular weight. Click the down arrow to select
components from the drop-down menu as shown in
the illustration above. The default molecular weight
for the corresponding component display

Defining Different Names or Weights

Optionally, you can double-click in the Component Name

field and enter a different name for the component. You
must then click in the Molecular Weight field and assign
the value.

You can also double-click in the Molecular Weight field

and change default values.

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Utility Data:Fluid Model 65

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

d. Compositional: If you selected Compositional:

Specify hydrocarbon components, component

names, and molecular weights. Procedures are the
same as those described for K-Values on page 65.

66 CORE - Defining Utility Data: Fluid Model R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Output Data

Click the Output Data tab to define the controls for the initialization
array and print data that will be generated.

Output tab

Output print option

default NONE

Each option is described in detail.

Results Files Control (Map Output)

The Results Control parameters define the initialization arrays that
will be written to the VDB (or map file if you select to save them
outside the VDB). The initialization arrays you specify will then be
available in the 3DView application.


You must specify at least one map option in the initialization file if you want to be
able to map recurrent arrays.

Perform the following steps to complete the Results File Control


R2003.4 CORE - Defining Utility Data:Output Data 67

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

1. Open map options for selection. Click the button next to the
Map Options field. The Map Selection dialog box opens. Each
topic folder lists the associated arrays that can be written to the
initialization file.

2. Select map options. Click the plus (+) symbol beside a topic folder
to open the associated selection list. (Or click the minus (-) symbol
to close it.) Then click the check boxes to select the arrays as
shown below.

Click +/- to open/close

topic folder
Click check box to
select/deselect array

Red asterisk (*) symbol

indicates folder contains

Selection options will produce the following outputs:

ALL Map all appropriate arrays

NONE Map only pore volume and corner-point arrays
ADD Map both default and listed arrays

When you have selected all the map options, click OK to close the
Map Selection dialog box.

3. Map Mole Fractions (compositional fluid model only).Click the

button next to the Liquid, Gas, and Overall fields, which
display only if you have selected the compositional fluid model.
The associated Component Selection dialog box opens. The
number of components you defined corresponds to the number of

68 CORE - Defining Utility Data: Output Data R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

hydrocarbon components in the fluid model as described on

page 65. Both dialog boxes are shown below.

Hydrocarbon Selected for

component mapping

Fluid Model Definition Output Map Data

Hydrocarbon Definitions Map Mole Fractions

Click the check box by the component to map in the

appropriate dialog box as defined below.

Liquid Map Liquid Mole Fractions

Gas Map Vapor Mole Fractions
Overall Map overall hydrocarbon mole fractions

4. Do not use VDB option. The default is to write the map data
directly to the VDB file. Click the Do Not Use VDB toggle to
write the data to a map file outside the VDB. (The file will be
placed in your working directory with the name

Import the map file into the VDB

You can use the VIP Convert utility to import the map file into the VDB.

5. Write formatted records. The default is to write a file outside the

VDB in binary format. Click the Write Formatted Records
toggle if you want the file written in ASCII format.

The advantage of an ASCII file is that you can view and edit the
data. The disadvantage is that the ASCII file is much larger.

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Utility Data:Output Data 69

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Print Options
These options define the array data that will be printed in the
simulation region output files.


Because of the large volume of data that can be generated, print options should be
used judiciously.

Three different print options control processed initialization data

printing. The default is to print none of the data. You can select to print
all of the data. Or you can select and control individual print options.
You can also define the print format.

Perform the following steps to define print options:

1. Define tables and arrays to print. Click the Print All or Print
None toggle in the Processed Tables and Arrays field to print all or
none of the data within any/all of the groups.

Or click the toggle beside the specific groups to print in the

Individual Group Print Controls field. Then click the button
beside the group name to open the Print Option dialog box.

Click the plus (+) symbol beside a topic folder to open the
associated selection list. (Or click the minus (-) symbol to close it.)
Then click the check boxes to select the arrays as shown below.

Click +/- to open/close

topic folder
Red asterisk (*) symbol
indicates folder contains
Click check box to
select/deselect option

70 CORE - Defining Utility Data: Output Data R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Selection options will produce the following outputs:

All available options will print all of the
available options within the group,
regardless of your topic folder selections.

No options will print, regardless of your

topic folder selections.

Those available options NOT SELECTED

within the topic folders will print.

Available options exactly as selected

within the topic folders will print.

When you have selected all the print options, click OK to close the
Map Selection dialog box.

Print Format
Click the toggle to activate the following changes in print format:

1. Print by layer or cross-section. The default is to print the array

data by vertical layer. Click the Print by Cross-Section toggle to
to print the array data by cross-section instead of layer.

2. Print layer value in initialization region reports. The default is for

the initialization region reports to provide totals for each region.
Click the Print Layer Values in Initialization Region Reports
toggle to output layer values as well.

3. Print hydrocarbon pore/bulk volume tables. Click the Print the

Hydrocarbon Pore Volme and Bulk Volume Vs. Depth toggle to
cause three additional tables to be printed as a function of depth:
hydrocarbon pore volume, bulk volume, and cumulative bulk

Then click in the entry fields and enter the depth increment
(spacing of depths in the tables), and optional top depth.

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Utility Data:Output Data 71

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Output Region Definition

These options let you name, assign separator batteries for
compositional surface volume calculation, and specify output region
datum depths for the region reports.

Region Definitions

The regions you define in the Output Data panel must correspond to the gridblock
region indices defined on the Grid Data Region Arrays panel. Refer to Other
Arrays on page 135.

Perform the following steps to define the output regions:

1. Define number of output regions. Click the up or down stepper

arrow beside the Number of Regions field to specify the number
of grid regions.

2. Define region names. Click the button beside the Output

Region Names field. The Region Name Selection dialog box
opens as shown below. Remember that the region number defined
here will correspond to the region index number of the defined
region array.

Click in the Region Name entry field and provide a descriptive

name for the corresponding region gridblock range. The names are
transferred to the Output Region Names field for display.

72 CORE - Defining Utility Data: Output Data R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

3. Specify regions datum separator (compositional only).

Separator Definitions

The options for no surface volume report or the report using the default surface
separator (one stage -- reservoir conditions directly to surface conditions) are
available for situations where you do not know the field separator information.

However, to output surface volume based on a true field separator model, you
must first provide the separator information on the Surface Separator Data tab of
the Fluid Properties tree. Refer to Define Separator Batteries (Compositional
Model Only) on page 125.

Click the Specify Output Region Datum Separator toggle. Then

click the button that displays beside the activated field. The
Region Separator Battery dialog box opens as shown below.

For each region, click in the Region Separator field to activate

the the down arrow and select the separator option from the
drop-down menu. Then click OK to close the dialog box.
Corresponding values for your selections are transferred to the
Specify Output Region Datum Separator field for display.

4. Specify output region datum depth. For each region, you can
specify the standard datum depth used to calculate datum pressure
for the region. Click the Specify Output Regions Datum Depth

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Utility Data:Output Data 73

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

toggle. Then click the button that displays beside the activated
field. The Region Datum Depth dialog box opens as shown below.

For each region, click in the Regions Datum Depth entry field
and enter the depth in your default units. Then click OK to close
the dialog box. The values you entered are transferred to the
Specify Output Regions Datum Depth field for display.

74 CORE - Defining Utility Data: Output Data R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Fluid Reservoir Constants

Click the Fluid Reservoir Constants tab to define the constant

properties for the reservoir and its fluids.

Fluid Reservoir
Constants tab

This includes water properties, reservoir constants, and standard


Thermal Reservoir Constants

Note that these options are different if you have selected the Thermal Reservoir
model under the Advanced options tree. Refer to Reservoir Model on page 81.

Water Properties
Water property parameters are mandatory unless you have selected the
thermal reservoir model. These options are not used in VIP-THERM.
The displayed units depend on your selection under the Units-Grid

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Utility Data:Fluid Reservoir Constants 75

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

System tab. Perform the following steps to complete the Water

Properties parameters:

1. Define stock tank water density. Click in the entry field and enter
the stock tank water density.

2. Define water formation volume factor. Click in the entry field and
enter the water formation volume factor at the initial datum
reservoir pressure for the first equilibrium region.

3. Define water viscosity. Click in the entry field and enter the water

4. Define water compressibility. Click in the entry field and enter the
water compressibility.

Reservoir Constants
Reservoir constant parameters are mandatory. The displayed units
depend on your selection under the Units-Grid System tab. Perform the
following steps to complete the Reservoir Constants parameters:

1. Define rock compressibility. Click in the entry field and enter the
rock compressibility.

2. Define reservoir temperature. Click in the entry field and enter the
initial reservoir temperature.

Defining Temperature by Gridblock or Depth

If you have a Thermal or compositional model, you can define reservoir

temperature by depth or gridblock as described Other Arrays on
page 135. However, this field cannot be blank. Enter an arbitrary value if
you plan to use temperature vs. depth or values by gridblock.

Standard conditions
Standard condition displayed units depend on your selection under the
Units-Grid System tab. Perform the following steps to complete the
Standard Conditions parameters:

76 CORE - Defining Utility Data: Fluid Reservoir Constants R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

1. Define standard pressure. Click in the entry field and enter the
standard pressure.

Standard pressure default

The default is 14.65 psia (101.325 Kpa or 1.03353 kg/cm2.

2. Define standard temperature. Click in the entry field and enter the
standard temperature.

Standard temperature default

The default is 60oF (15oC).

Rock Thermal Properties (THERM only)

Rock thermal properties are mandatory for a thermal reservoir model.
Perform the following steps to complete the rock thermal properties:

1. Derivative term in rock heat capacity equation. Click in the entry

field and enter the value (oR-1, oK-1), where:

CPR = CPR0 (1 + derivative term (T - TS))

CPR0 is the reference rock thermal conductivity at standard

2. Derivative term in rock thermal conductivity equation. Click in the

entry field and enter the dimensionless value where:

KT = KT0 (1 - derivative term x SG)

KT0 is the referenceliquid-filled thermal conductivity

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Utility Data:Fluid Reservoir Constants 77

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Dimension Data

These options let you to change the default dimensions for any
initialization run.
Dimensions tab

Click to open
options dialog

If these values are set too high, the simulation run will use more
memory than necessary. If they are set too low, enough memory will
not be allocated to complete the run.

The following dimension maximums are automatically defined based

on your data:

Separator batteries
Depth values for composition vs. depth.
Equilibrium regions
Saturation regions
Tracked hydrocarbon types
Tracked water types
Table entries in Carter-Tracy
Points in each undersaturated curve
Undersaturated curves (oil and gas)

78 CORE - Defining Utility Data: Dimension Data R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Output regions
Entries in each saturation table input - from list of type
Stages per battery
Unique PVT regions
Compaction regions
Water-induced compaction table
SWINIT in any water-induced compaction table

Dimension maximums that are not automatically changed based on

your data include:

Maximum number of entries in any table

Maximum number of regions of any type
Maximum number of faults
Maximum number of influx regions
Gridblock faces, over/underburden layers, temperature entries, or
VISOIL/VISGAS table entries for VIP THERM.

If you are running a model with an unusual number of any of these

features, it is a good idea to look at the corresponding dimension
values. Perform the following steps to change dimension defaults:

1. Open Dimensions dialog box. Click the Dimension Options

button located on the lower bottom, right of the panel as shown

The Dimensions dialog box opens to display the topic folders.

2. Select dimensions. Click the plus (+) symbol beside a topic folder
to open the associated selection list. (Or click the minus (-) symbol

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Utility Data:Dimension Data 79

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

to close it.) Then click the check boxes to select the dimensions as
shown below.

Click +/- to open/close

topic folder
Red asterisk (*) symbol
indicates folder contains
Click check box to
select/deselect option

Click OK to close the Dimensions dialog box. Your selections are

transferred to the Dimensions panel as shown below.

3. Change the dimension value. Click in the Value field for each
parameter to activate the up or down stepper arrow . Increase or
decrease the value as necessary for your dataset. The minumum
allowed value is the VIP default.

80 CORE - Defining Utility Data: Dimension Data R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Reservoir Model

These options let you to define advanced reservoir modelling options.

Reservoir Model tab

Click the toggle(s) to activate the reservoir model(s). Options are:

Thermal option (license required): This option invokes VIP-

THERM (thermal, compositional, or dead oil model). When
selected, this option activates the Thermal Arrays option within
the Grid Data branch and lets you define arrays for reference rock
heat capacity or thermal conductivity. Refer to Other Arrays on
page 135.

Some Thermal Options Unavailable

Note that not all VIP-THERM options are now available in Data Studio.
You can edit the initialization file to define these options.

Polymer injection option (license required): initializes the model

for polymer injection, which will solve the polymer and electrolyte
equations and include the polymer physical properties in the

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Utility Data:Reservoir Model 81

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

calculations. The physical properties required to model polymer

transport can be introduced in the recurrent data file at any point
prior to polymer injection.

Dual option (license required): initializes the dual porosity/

permeability model.

Matrix and Fracture Tables

When the dual option is selected, matrix and fracture tables are activated in
the Tables branch of the options tree.

Perform the following steps to define the dual option parameters:

1. Open the dialog box. Click the Details button that

displays when the Dual option is activated. The corresponding
dialog box opens as shown below.

2. Select single or dual permeability option. There are two

options available.

Model the fluid flow in two continuous media which

represent the matrix rock and fractures. Exchange of
fluids between the fractures and matrix rock is based
on the Warren and Root theory and includes the
effects of imbibition and gravity drainage.

Model a dual porosity/single permeability which

assumes that the fractures alone are a continuous
media and the matrix rock exists only as a source or
sink for reservoir fluids. While less general than the
full dual porosity/dual permeability approach, this

82 CORE - Defining Utility Data: Reservoir Model R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

option can result in a substantial decrease of

computer time.

Leave the Dual Porosity/Single Permeability option inactive

to use the dual permeability and porosity model. Click to
activate this toggle to use the single permeability model.

3. Specify option for reservoirs that are not fractured (dual

porosity and permeability model only). Click to activate the
Special Treatment for Reservoirs not Fractured in Some
Regions toggle if you want to simulate dual porosity reservoirs
that are not fractured in some regions.

4. Define fracture/matrix transmissibility equation. The current

default is to use the implicit compositional simulation
equation, which differs from the original primarily in that it
takes into account that permeabilities vary in the X, Y, and Z
direction. (Refer to the the section Matrix-Fracture Flow
Exchange Term of the Dual Porosities chapter of the VIP
Technical Reference for a mathematical comparision between
this method and that originally used by VIP.)

Click to activate the Use Original Method for Fracture/

Matrix Transmissibility toggle to invoke the original VIP
method for calculating the matrix/fracture exchange

5. Select matrix pseudo capillary pressure options. The dual

option accounts for the effects of imbibition and gravity
drainage from matrix gridblocks that contain many matrix
blocks by invoking an automatic calculation of matrix pseudo
capillary pressure.

For water-oil imbibitions, the calculation assumes an

equilibrium distribution of saturations in each of the matrix
blocks and then calculates, for each gridblock, a table of
average gridblock saturation versus pseudo capillary pressure
at the block center by varying the fluid contact between the top
of the gridblock and the bottom of the gridblock.

A smooth curve of pseudo capillary pressure is produced by

integrating the saturations over a number of columns of matrix
blocks displaced areally relative to one another.

Select the following matrix pseudo capillary pressure options:

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Utility Data:Reservoir Model 83

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Use Coats Method for Gas-Oil Matrix Fracture

Exchange. This option is active by default. Click to
deactivate this toggle to use the method parallel to
that of water-oil imbibition.

Integrate Water-Oil (Gas-Oil) Capillary Pressure

Over Blocks Above Water-Oil (Gas-Oil) Contact.
Click to activate this toggle to integrate water-oil
capillary pressure over matrix blocks above the
water-oil contact (default SW = SWC above water-
oil contact). Gas-oil capillary pressure is always
integrated above the gas-oil contact.

Print Internally Generated Pseudo Capillary

Pressure to Unit 28. Click to activate this toggle to
print to Fortran Unit 28 the internally generated
pseudo capillary pressures that are used in the
matrix-fracture flow.

Number of Matrix Blocks for Psuedo Capillary

Pressure Calculation. Click the up or down stepper
arrow located next to this field and increase or
decrease the number of matrix blocks. The default is
to use 1.

Number of Saturation Entries in Psuedo Capillary

Pressure Tables. Click the up or down stepper arrow
located next to this field and increase or decrease
the number of matrix blocks. The default is to use

Use Molecular Diffusion between Fracture and

Matrix. Click to activate this toggle to compute mass
transfer between fracture and matrix via the
mechanism of molecular diffusion. The diffusion
calculation is not used for matrix-matrix or fracture-
fracture mass transfer.

Hydrocarbon tracking option: This option initializes tracking of

multiple hydrocarbons.

Perform the following steps to define the dual option parameters:

84 CORE - Defining Utility Data: Reservoir Model R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

1. Open the dialog box. Click the Details button that

displays when the Hydrocarbon Tracking option is activated.
The corresponding dialog box opens as shown below.

2. Define number of fluids to track. Click in the Number of

Tracked Fluids field and enter the number of hydrocarbons to

3. Name the fluids. Click the button located next to the Name
of Tracked Hydrocarbons field. The Tracked Fluid Names
Selection dialog box opens as shown below. An entry is
available for the number of hydrocarbons you selected to track.

Enter a name for each hydrocarbon.

4. Enter assignments above gas-oil contact. Click in the entry

field and enter the number of the tracked hydrocarbon fluid
assigned to the oil above the gas-oil contact in transition

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Utility Data:Reservoir Model 85

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

5. Enter assignments below gas-oil contact. Click in the entry

field and enter the number of the tracked fluid assigned to the
oil below the gas-oil contact in transition blocks.

6. Enter residual oil saturation. Click in the entry field and enter
the residual oil saturation used to calculate the fraction of the
transition block oil located below the gas-oil contact, fraction.
Default is to use the block value of the residual oil saturation.
The formula for the fraction is:

F = ((S(o) - S*(or))(1-S(w))) / (S(o) (1-S(w) - S*(or)))

Water tracking option: This option initializes tracking of multiple

water types.

IMPES Formulation only

Note that the IMPES formulation must be used when the the water tracking
option is invoked.

Perform the following steps to define the water tracking option


1. Open the dialog box. Click the Details button that

displays when the Water Tracking option is activated. The
corresponding dialog box opens as shown below.

2. Define number of water types to track. Click in the Number of

Tracked Water Types field and enter the number of water
types to track.

3. Define index of insitu water. Click in the entry field and enter
the index to the water type to be used.

4. Name the water types. Click the button located next to the
Name of Tracked Water Types field. The Tracked Fluid Names

86 CORE - Defining Utility Data: Reservoir Model R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Selection dialog box opens as shown below. An entry is

available for the number of water types you selected to track.

Enter a name for each water type.

Miscible option: This option initializes either the Todd and

Longstaff (three component) or four component miscible tracking.
These models are compatible with either the IMPES or implicit

Perform the following steps to define the water tracking option


1. Open the dialog box. Click the Details button that

displays when the Miscible option is activated. The
corresponding dialog box opens as shown below.

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Utility Data:Reservoir Model 87

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

2. Select miscible type. Click the Miscible Type toggle and select
either the original Todd and Longstaff model (three
component: water, oil, solvent) or the four component model
(four component: water, gas, oil, solvent).

Grid Dimensions

When you select the three component model, two hydrocarbon components
are automatically selected within the Fluid Model panel. When you select
the four component model, three hydrocarbon components are au
tomatically selected on the Fluid Model panel.

3. Define miscible transition zone. Click the Transmission Zone

Definition toggle to define one of four zone definition
methods. The default is the first contact miscible process.
When you select the transition zone option, the miscibility
parameters and pressure options update to reflect the required

Description of Transition Zone Options

The transition zone options and related parameters are described in detail in
the Initialization Data section of the VIP-CORE Reference Manual.

4. Define miscibity parameters and presure by grid. For each

grid, enter the following values. Click the toggle to select the
mixing procedure for the density calculation.

Parameter Used with

1st Contact 1st Contact (not Interpolation Miscibility pressure
miscible without parameter increases function of total
solvent) linearly hydrocarbon comp
Mixing parameter -
Mixing parameter -
Mixing rule for density
Residual oil saturation X X X X
Water blocking factor X X X X
Minimum solvent
saturaton to maintain X X

88 CORE - Defining Utility Data: Reservoir Model R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Parameter Used with

1st Contact 1st Contact (not Interpolation Miscibility pressure
miscible without parameter increases function of total
solvent) linearly hydrocarbon comp
Miscibility pressure
lower and upper bounds
Transition zone size X

Hydraulic fracture option: This option initializes hydraulic

tracking which determines how non-Darcy flow behaviors within
the hydraulic fracture gridblocks can be described through Beta
(turbulance) factors.

Import HYBETA (Beta Turbulence) Tables

When this option is selected, you must import HYBETA tables as an include
file, either manually or using the Defining External Include Data on
page 45.

Rock compaction option: This option lets you input pore volume
and permeability changes based on water saturation history.

Compaction Tables

When this option is selected, it activates the Compaction Tables option

under the Tables branch of the options tree as as described on Advanced
Reservoir Model Tables on page 119.

Perform the following steps to define the rock compaction option


1. Open the dialog box. Click the Details button that

displays when the Rock Compaction option is activated. The
corresponding dialog box opens as shown below.

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Utility Data:Reservoir Model 89

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

2. Select compaction table type. Click the toggle and select the
Compaction Table Type: pressure, water, or both.

3. If you selected pressure or both, select calculation method.

Click the toggle to select the method of calculation. Activate
either Irreversible (use minimum pressure) or Reversible (use
current gridblock pressure).

90 CORE - Defining Utility Data: Reservoir Model R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Initialization Options

These options let you define advanced equilibrium and non-

equilibrium initializations..

Initialiation Options tab

Click the toggles to activate the initialization options.

Refer to the VIP-CORE Reference Manual

Initialization option are described in detail in the Initialization Options chapter.

Initialization Type
The default initialization procedure is to always produce an equilibrium
system, which is to say that regardless of which input data options are
used, capillary pressure adjustments are computed for each gridblock
which will ensure that the phases are in equilibrium. Non-equilibrium
can be specified to deactivate the computation of the capillary pressure

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Utility Data:Initialization Options 91

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Use equilibrium initialization. Click the Equilibrium toggle if the

default equilibrium option is used. The adjustments are zero;
otherwise, small capillary pressure adjustments are calculated, and
remain constant for each of the gridblocks for the entire
simulation. The integrated saturation initialization options may
require small adjustments to capillary pressures in order to
maintain initial phase equilibrium.

Use non-equilibrium initialization. Click the Non-Equilibrium

toggle to initialize at dynamic conditions by specifying
saturations, pressures, and possibly compositions, even though
there may be fluid movements at these initial conditions.

Initialization Algorithm
Click the toggle to select the initialization algorithm The default is
gridblock center initialization.

Use gridblock center initialization. When the Gridblock Center

option is selected, the saturation distribution of the gridblock is
determined by the fluid located at the gridblock center.

Use thickness center initialization. When the Thickness Center

option is selected, the thickness along the bedding plane is used to
calculate block properties. True vertical thickness is used to
calculate block properties; this more accurately represents dipping
reservoir blocks.

Integrate capillary pressure over gridblock thickness. When the

Integrate Capillary Pressure over Gridblock Thickness option
is selected, initial fluid saturations are calculated based upon the
actual fluid distribution throughout the gridblock, by integrating
the capillary pressure on the block thickness.

92 CORE - Defining Utility Data: Initialization Options R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Click the button located next to the activated field to select

optional values of modified residual oil and gas. The following
dialog box opens:

Click the Perform Mobile Saturation Calculations toggle to

activate mobile calculations to account for initial contacts in some
blocks. This is especially useful for grids with large blocks
downdip, near the water-oil contact, where a small oil thickness
above the contact will contain mobile oil, while the oil saturation
is much less than residual oil saturation.

The default for minimum calculated residual oil and gas and
critical gas saturation is zero. Click in the entry field to change the
default minimum value.

Integrate capillary pressure over gridblock volume. When the

Integrate Capillary Pressure over Gridblock Volume option is
selected, the volume averaged integrated saturation initialization
algorithm is invoked, where saturation values are calculated based
on the actual fluid distribution throughout the gridblock by
integrating the inverse capillary pressure function over the
gridblock volume.

This option allows calculations of average gridblock saturations

and bulk volume with specified approximation error tolerances.
Click the button located next to the activated field to select
optional values of modified residual oil and gas. The following
dialog box opens:

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Utility Data:Initialization Options 93

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Default relative approximation error tolerances for initial water

and gas saturation and block bulk volume are 0.001. Click in the
entry fields to change these values. Block bulk volume is only
used for pore volume calculations.

Click to activate the Use Standard Mapping Technique toggle if

you do not want to update bulk volume. When active, DX . DY .
DX will be used for cornerpoint grids.

Vertical Equilibrium
The vertical equilibrium with completely segregated fluids may be
invoked for the water and oil phases, the gas and oil phases, or both.

Click to activate the Water-Oil and/or Gas-Oil option. When

activated, the Number of Sublayers to Divide Each Gridblock option
opens. The default value is 10. Click the up or down stepper arrow
located next to the field to increase or decrease the value.

94 CORE - Defining Utility Data: Initialization Options R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Grid Input Options

These options let you turn off or define tolerances by which

connections across pinchouts and faults are made and barriers are
created for low pore-volume gridblocks.

Grid Input Options tab

Click the toggles to activate the grid input options.

Refer to the VIP-CORE Reference Manual

Initialization option are described in detail in theOff-band Connections section of the

Initialization Options chapter.

Offband Connections
By default, non-standard gridblock connections between layers of the
grid system where pinchouts occur are generated automatically

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Utility Data:Grid Input Options 95

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

whenever two layers are separated by one or more inactive blocks if the
total thickness separating them is less than tolerance.

Inactive blocks

Except for the thermal model, a block is inactive whenever pore volume = 0.
When the thermal model is used, a block with zero pore volume or zero total
volume are considered inactive.

By default, faults are connected only when they are logically vertical

Turn off generation of pinchout and/or fault connections. Activate

the Turn off Generation of Pinchout Connections toggle or the
Turn off Generation of Pinchout and Fault Connections to turn
off the default of automatic generation.

Generate fault connections across any gridblock. Activate the

Generate Fault Connections Across Any Gridblock on the other
side of the Fault Plane toggle to calculate both lateral and vertical

Change pinchout connection tolerance. Click the button

located next to the activated field to specify tolerances for
automatic pinchout connection. The following dialog box opens.

Enter the following:

Gridblock net thickness tolerance. Pore volume is set to zero

for blocks with a net thickness less than or equal to this value.
Default is zero.

Interblock gross thickness tolerance. A block is "pinched-out"

if it is inactive, or if the gross thickness between two active
gridblocks is less than or equal to this value. The default is the
gridblock net thickness tolerance value.

96 CORE - Defining Utility Data: Grid Input Options R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Gridblock gross thickness tolerance. Total volume and pore

volume are set to zero for blocks with a gross thickness is less
than or equal to this value. The default is the gridblock net
thickness tolerance value.

Tolerance for Individual Grids

Specify pore volume cut-off . Click the button located next to
the activated field to open the following dialog box.

For each active grid, click in the PV Cutoff entry field and enter
the value. The simulator will set blocks with pore volumes less
than or equal to this value to zero.

Specify LGRs to check separately for pinchout. By default grid

refinements are inactive only if the parent gridblock is inactive.

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Utility Data:Grid Input Options 97

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Click the button located next to activated Specify Grids to

Check Pinchout field. The following dialog box opens.

Click the check box beside any grid refinement you want tested
separately against the tolerance for pinchout connection.

98 CORE - Defining Utility Data: Grid Input Options R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

EOS-PVT Options

These options let you deactivate black-oil table monotonicity and

hydrocarbon compressibility checking and activate PVT interpolation.

EOS-PVT Options tab

Click the toggles to activate the EOS-PVT options.

Refer to the VIP-CORE Reference Manual

Initialization option are described in detail in the Fluid Property Options section of
the Initialization Data chapter.

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Utility Data:EOS-PVT Options 99

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Do not check black oil monotonicity and total hydrocarbon

compressibility. Click this toggle to suppress property data
checking of these tables when BOTAB tables are read.

Guidelines for using this option

This option is necessary in some 3-component miscible cases, but should be

used with caution since PVT table non-conformity can cause instability in
the simulation.

Use PVT interpolation option.


This option (and the accompanying oil type stepper) has

specific requirements as well as changes that must be made to
other parameters. Before activating this option, be sure you
have reviewed the related documentation in the VIP-CORE
Reference Manual (BOTINT keyword).

100 CORE - Defining Utility Data: EOS-PVT Options R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Saturation and Hysteresis Option

These options let you define saturation and hysteresis parameters,

tolerances, and calculation methods
Saturation and
Hysteresis Options tab

Click the toggles to activate the saturation and hysteresis options.

Refer to the VIP-CORE Reference Manual

Initialization option are described in detail in the Saturation Tables and Hysteresis
section of the Initialization Data chapter.

Capillary Pressure
These options invoke capillary pressure hysteresis.

Use Leverett-J function. This option invokes the Leverett-J

function for calculating capillary pressure.

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Utility Data:Saturation and Hysteresis Option 101

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Use water-oil capillary pressure hysteresis. Click the button

located next to the activated field to open the following dialog box.

Enter or select the following:

Scanning curve shape parameter. Enter the value of the shape

of the scanning curve. The default is 0.1.

Recommended value range

The recommended values are between 0.05 to 0.1.

Maximum number of levels of scanning curve. Click the up or

down stepper arrow located next to the field to increase or
decrease the number of levels of scanning curve.

Minimum water saturation change to accept saturation

reversal. Enter the minimum change to allow reversal to be

Maximum water saturation to compute hysteresis. Enter the

maximum water saturation for which the program will
calculate hysteresis.

Use imbibition curve for initialization. Click the toggle to

initialize from an imbibition curve rather than a drainage

Import Imbibition or Drainage Curves

You must import either the imbibition or drainage curves, either

manually or using the Defining External Include Data on page 45.

Use gas-oil capillary pressure hysteresis. Click the button

located next to the activated field to open the dialog box. Dialog

102 CORE - Defining Utility Data: Saturation and Hysteresis Option R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

box specifications are the same as for water-oil hysteresis

described above, except that gas rather than water saturation
values must be provided.

Freeze water-oil capillary pressure at initial value. Click the

toggle to freeze water-oil capillary pressure in saturation tables at
the initial value for the entire simulation.

Freeze gas-oil capillary pressure at initial value. Click the toggle

to freeze gas-oil capillary pressure in saturation tables at the initial
value for the entire simulation.

Relative Permeability
These options are used to invoke oil and/or gas phase relative
permeability hysteresis.

1. Activate the option. Click the toggle to activate the Use Oil Phase
Rel Perm Hysteresis and or Use Gas Phase Rel Perm Hysteresis

2. Select calculation method. Click the down arrow to select the

hysteresis calculation method from the drop-down menu.

3. Modify tolerances. Click the toggle to activate the Modify

Tolerances option. These are values that must be exceeded before
the hysteresis calculations are performed. Otherwise, only the
drainage relative permeability curves are used:

Phase saturation. This is the saturation fraction by which the

phase saturation must be below the historical maximum phase

Maximum historical gas saturation. This is the incremental

gas saturation by which the adjusted historical maximum must
exceed the critical gas saturation. (Used for gas relative
permeability hysteresis only.)

4. Select 3-phase/2-phase calculation method. Select the 3-phase

calculation method as described above. Then click the toggle to
activate the optional two-phase option and select the calculation

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Utility Data:Saturation and Hysteresis Option 103

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

104 CORE - Defining Utility Data: Saturation and Hysteresis Option R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

CORE - Defining Table Data

Table (region) data consists of initialization (equilibrium), rock

property, and fluid property definitions. These options share common
user interface procedures for setting up regions, building/importing and
editing tables or optional correlation curve definitions. Common
procedures are described first. Then, individual table definitions are
described for initialization, rock, and fluid properties.

Overview of Tables

An overview of equilibrium, fluid property and rock property tables is provided in the Tables
chapter of the VIP-CORE Reference Manual.

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Table Data: 105

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Region Management

These options let you specify and manage the number of regions. The
Region Management options are located on the bottom of the pane.

Add Region Pane

Perform the following step to add a pane for each region you want to

1. Click the down arrow icon beside the Region Management

field and select the Add New Region option from the drop-down
menu as shown below.

Add new region

The region number increments in the Initialization Regions field

as shown below.

A corresponding blank Region Definition pane is created for the

new region.

Add/Edit Region Description and Comments

Perform the following steps to add or edit an existing description and
comments for the region.

1. Click the down arrow icon beside the Region Management

field and select the Edit Description and Comments option from
the drop-down menu as shown below.

Edit description

106 CORE - Defining Table Data: Region Management R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

The Description and Comments dialog box opens as shown below.

2. Click in the Description field and enter a short description. Click

in the Comments field and enter comments about the region.
Click the OK button to close the dialog box.

When the User Comments option is active on the VIP Data File
Generation tab of the User Options panel (View > User Options),
then the description and comments entered here will print in the
output file.

Select Region Pane

Select regions by clicking the stepper arrows or select from the drop-
down menu as shown below.
Active Open
First region menu Last

Previous Next

Once selected, you can complete the entry fields for the active region.

Delete Region Pane

With the region pane active, perform the following step to delete a

1. Click the down arrow icon beside the Region Management

field and select the Delete Region option from the drop-down
menu as shown below.

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Table Data:Region Management 107

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Delete region

The region is deleted and the region numbers increment

consecutively. Any data you have entered for the region is deleted.

Build Tables
When building equilibrium or property tables, the right mouse button
menu options let you build the rows as shown below.

Click in a row with the right mouse button and select to:

Insert Before Row. Insert a new row above the current row.

Insert After Row. Insert a new row below the current row.

Delete Row. Delete the current row.

Set Row Number. Opens a dialog box from which you can click the
up or down stepper arrow to define the total number of rows for
the table (including the current ones). Additional rows are added to
the bottom of the table.

Define Tables
There are two ways to define tables:

Import an existing table from an initialization file, text file, or

spreadsheet (or extension file for PVT tables).

Define the curve correlation

Procedures for importing tables are described in this section.

Procedures for defining curve correlations are described by fluid model
in the next section.

108 CORE - Defining Table Data: Region Management R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Import Tables
Perform the following steps to import an existing table:

1. Open the Select File dialog box. With the rock properties region
active, click the Import from File button located at the bottom of
the pane.

The Select file dialog box opens as shown below.

2. Select the file. Click the Files of Type drop-down menu and select
the format of the file to import. Then filter and select the file.
When you click OK, the dialog box closes. If the initialization file
contains multiple tables, the Table Import Selection dialog box
opens as shown below.


3. Select the table. Click on the table name in the list of available
tables to display the corresponding curves. Click the OK button
when the table you want to select is highlighted.

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Table Data:Region Management 109

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

The table data is imported and the corresponding curves display as

shown below.

View and Edit Tables

Once a table is populated, you can click in any field to edit the data. Or
you can move your pointer within the curve display as shown below.

Corresponding table entry Values

At each pointer position, the corresponding values are annotated on the

curve display and the corresponding table entry field is highlighted.

110 CORE - Defining Table Data: Region Management R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

You can click and drag any point to edit the curve. When you press
your right mouse button, your pointer becomes an up or down arrow
( ). Drag the arrow to the new value and release MB1. The curve and
the corresponding table entries are updated.

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Table Data:Region Management 111

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Initialization Data

VIP-CORE can initialize multiple reservoirs (called equilibrium

regions) within the same model. Initialization data includes all data
necessary to define the equilibrium region tables.

Double-click on the Initialization Data icon . The related entry pane

opens. Each option is described in detail.

Equilibrium Region Index

When you define the initialization (equalibrium) regions, you will define the associated
gridblock ranges within the Region Arrays branch of the Grid Data tree. Refer to Other
Arrays on page 135.

Initial PVT Conditions

Peform the following steps to define the initial PVT conditions:

1. Define reservoir pressure. Click in the Reservoir Pressure and At

Depth entry fields and enter the initial reservoir pressure (psia
(kPa)) and corresponding depth.

112 CORE - Defining Table Data: Initialization Data R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

2. Define reservoir temperature for the region. Click in the

Reservoir Temperature entry field and enter the initial reservoir
temperature in the equilibrium region, degrees F (degrees C).


Initial reservoir temperature is not used for Gas-Water, Water-Oil, and

Enhanced Black Oil fluid models.

Phase Contact
The phase contact display depends on the fluid model you have
selected. Perform the following steps to enter the phase contacts.

1. Specify capillary pressure. Click in the entry field(s) and enter the
capillary pressure at the model-dependent contact.

For black oil, enhanced black oil, compositional, and K-Values

fluid models, enter the water-oil and gas-oil capillary pressure at
water-oil and gas-oil contact, psia (kPa), where pcwoc = po - pw.

For Gas-Water fluid models, enter the gas-water capillary

pressure, psia (kPa), where pcgw = pg - pw.

2. Specify contact depth. Contact depth can be define in one of two


a. Enter the value in the corresponding Contact Depth

entry field.

b. Slide the Depth Bar along the Grid Display as shown

below. The depth dynamically updates in the
corresponding Contact Depth entry field.

Grid Depth Bar

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Table Data:Initialization Data 113

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Initial Saturation/Composition Pressure

The saturation and compositional pressure entries that display in the
Initialization pane depend on the fluid model you have selected.

Perform the following steps to define constants.

1. Enter saturation pressure. Click in the Saturation Pressure entry

field and enter the initial saturation pressure, psia (kPa),

2. Enter component mole fraction (compositional and K-values fluid

models only). Click the button beside the main phase (either the
Oil Phase Composition and/or Gas Phase Composition) field.
The Component Mole Fractions dialog box opens to display the
hydrocarbon components you specified for the compositional or
K-values fluid model. Enter the component mole fractions as
shown below.

Click OK to close the dialog box. The values you specified

transfer to the display field.

Mole Fractions

Mole fraction values must equal 1.

114 CORE - Defining Table Data: Initialization Data R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Varying by Depth
Click the Depth Varying toggle to activate the applicable equilibrium
tables. For saturation tables, enter the values in the Depth and PSAT
fields as shown in the saturation table below.

For different phases of an enhanced black oil model, you will have
toggles for additional oil-gas or gas-oil ratios. In the live oil/wet gas
model shown below, the selected option is to use solution gas ration
instead of saturation.

For K-value and compositional models, you have an optional toggle to

specify temperature at each depth, additional (mandatory) fields to
specify component mole fractions for the main phase, and a super-
critical initialization toggle as shown below.

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Table Data:Initialization Data 115

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

The options available for each fluid model are:

Fluid Model Constants Optional Equilibrium Tables vs Depth

Black Oil Saturation Pressure Saturation Pressure
Gas-Water none none
Water-Oil Saturation Pressure none
Enhanced Black Oil
live oil /dry gas Saturation Pressure Saturation pressure OR solution gas-oil ratio
live oil/wet gas Saturation Pressure Saturation pressure OR solution gas-oil AND oil-gas ratio
dead oil/dry gas Saturation Pressure Solution gas-oil ratio
dead oil/wet gas Saturation Pressure Saturation pressure OR solution oil-gas ratio
K-Values Saturation pressure and Saturation pressure (with optional temperature) and MAN-
component mole frac- DATORY component mole fractions for main phasea,b
tion for main phasea,b
Compositional Saturation pressure and Saturation pressure (with optional temperature) and MAN-
component mole frac- DATORY component mole fractions for main phasea,b
tion for main phasea,b

a. Main phase is gas above the gas-oil contact and oil below.
b. You can invoke super-critical initialization to initialize fluid systems which are always one phase but
are gas condensate overlaying volatile oils. The compositions are such that they are always above the
equilibrium two phase envelope at the reservoir temperature and pressure. The gas-oil contact is
defined by looking at the heaviest component k-value to insure it is less than one because there is no
two phase region in the reservoir at initial conditions. The initial reservoir pressure/depth values are
used as the starting point for the initial pressure profile calculations.

116 CORE - Defining Table Data: Initialization Data R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Rock Property Tables

VIP-CORE can initialize multiple rock property regions.

Click the (+) button beside Rock Property Tables on the options tree.
Then double-click on the rock property icon beside the table to
select. The related entry pane opens.

Rock property table options depend on the fluid model you have
selected. Each option is described in detail.

Rock Type Region Index

When you define the rock property regions, you will define the associated gridblock ranges
within the Region Arrays branch of the Grid Data tree. Refer to Other Arrays on
page 135.

Water-Oil Table
Water saturation tables define the rock properties that depend on water
saturation: relative permeability of water, relative permeability of oil in
the presence of water, and water-oil capillary pressure.

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Table Data:Rock Property Tables 117

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

The following fields must be defined in the Water-Oil Saturation table:

Column Name Description

SW Water saturation as a fraction of total pore volume. Values must
increase consecutively.
KRW Relative permeability of water (in an oil-water system) at a given
water saturation. Values must increase with water saturation.
KROW Relative permeability of oil in the presence of water (in an oil-
water system) at a given water saturation. Values must decrease
with increasing water saturation. If this is an imbibition table,
krow must be less than or equal to the corresponding drainage
curve value.
PCWO Water-oil capillary pressure, psia (kPa). Values must decrease
with increasing water saturation unless all values are equal. This
will either be a primary drainage curve or an imbibition curve. If
this is an imbibition table, pcwo must be less tha
n or equal to the corresponding secondary drainage curve value.
Here, pcwo = po - pw.

Gas-Water Table (Gas-Water Fluid Model)

The following fields must be defined in the Gas-Oil Saturation table:

Column Name Description

SG Gas saturation as a fraction of total pore volume. Values must
increase consecutively.
KRG Relative permeability of gas (in a gas-oil or gas-water system
with connate water) at a given gas saturation. Values must
increase with gas saturation.
KRWG Relative permeability of water in the presence of gas at a given
gas saturation. Values must decrease with increasing gas satura-
PCGW Gas-water capillary pressure, psia (kPa). Values must increase
with increasing gas saturation unless all values are equal.
(pcgw = pg - pw)

Corey Model Saturation Curves Correlation

Perform the following steps to enter the curve data:

1. Define endpoints. Click in the entry fields and enter values for:

Residual gas saturation to water (mandatory)

118 CORE - Defining Table Data: Rock Property Tables R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Maximum water relative permeability (mandatory)

Minimum water saturation (mandatory)

Gas relative permeability at minimum water saturation


Capillary pressure and maximum capillary pressure

2. Define curves shape. Click in the Exponent entry fields and enter
the gas (mandatory), water (mandatory), and capillary pressure
exponents to define the shape of the curve.

3. Define number of table entries. Click the up or down stepper arrow

beside the Number of Entries in Table field to define the total
number of point along the curve to be calculated.

Advanced Reservoir Model Tables

The following tables activate when advanced reservoir model options
are defined.

Table Option Column Description

Rock CompactionTable Pressure History P Pressure (PSIA)
Water Saturation History DSW Change in water saturation
PVMULT Pore volume multipliers
TAMULT Transmissibility multipliers
TVMULT Vertical transmissibility
multipliers (optional)

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Table Data:Rock Property Tables 119

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Fluid Property Tables

VIP-CORE can initialize multiple fluid property regions.

Click the (+) button beside Fluid Property Tables on the options tree.
Then double-click on the rock fluid property icon beside the table to
select. The related entry pane opens.

Rock fluid table options depend on the fluid model you have selected.
Each option is described in detail.

PVT Region Index

When you define the fluid property regions, you will define the associated gridblock ranges
within the Region Arrays branch of the Grid Data tree. Refer to Other Arrays on
page 135.

120 CORE - Defining Table Data: Fluid Property Tables R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Differential Expansion Table Definitions

Black Oil, Water-Oil, Gas-Water, and Enhanced Black Oil

The following fields must be defined in the differential expansion table
for all fluid models:

Fluid Models Description

PSAT All except compositional Values of saturation pressure at successive pressure

steps in the differential expansion experiment, psia
(kPa). These values must be monotonically decreas-
RS Black Oil Values of solution gas-oil ratio corresponding to
Water-Oil each value of psat, SCF/STB (SCM/STCM).
Enhanced Black Oil (live oil)
RV Enhanced Black Oil (wet gas) Values of solution oil-gas ratio corresponding to
each value of psat, STB/MSCF (SCM/STCM).
BO Black Oil Values of oil formation volume factor correspond-
Water-Oil ing to each value of psat, rb/STB (cm/STCM).
Enhanced Black Oil (live oil/dead oil)
BG Black Oil Values of gas formation volume factor correspond-
Gas-Water ing to each value of psat, rb/STB (cm/STCM).
Enhanced Black Oil (wet gas/dry gas)
GR Black Oil Values of gas gravity corresponding to each value
of psat. Values are measured as density relative to
air at standard conditions.
VO Black Oil Values of saturated oil viscosity corresponding to
Water-Oil each value of psat, cp (cp).
Enhanced Black Oil (live oil/dead oil)
VG Black Oil Values of gas viscosity corresponding to each value
Gas-Water of psat, cp (cp).
Enhanced Black Oil (dry gas/wet gas)
K-Values (all fluid types)
ZG K-Values (all fluid types) Values of gas compressibility factor (z-factor) cor-
responding to each value of psat.
ZO K-Values (all fluid types) Values of oil compressibility factor (z-factor) corre-
sponding to each value of psat.
VO K-Values (all fluid types) Values of oil viscosity corresponding to each value
of psat, cp (cp).
X1 K-Values (black oil and gas condensate fluid Values of oil mole fraction of the first component
types) corresponding to each value of psat.

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Table Data:Fluid Property Tables 121

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Fluid Models Description

YNC K-Values (black oil and wet gas fluid types) Values of gas mole fraction of the last (nc) compo-
nent corresponding to each value of psat.
KV-N K-Values (all fluid types) K-values for each component (N) corresponding to
each value of psat.
MW Compositional onlya Value of oil molecular weight corresponding to oil
viscosity parameter.
TC Compositional only Critical temperature.
PC Compositional only Critical pressure.
ZC Compositional only Critical gas compressibility factor.
Acentric Compositional only Acentric factor of component
Omegaa Compositional only
Equation of state factor for each component
Omegab Compositional only

a. For compositional fluid models, you specify the EOS type. You can activate the 3-parameter EOS ver-
sion. You can also specify Binary Interaction Coefficients for components defined for the Fluid Model.
You can also define separator batteries as described on page 125.

Fluid Model Correlation Curves

Perform the following steps to define the fluid model correlation

1. Define correlations for differential expansion data. The data you

define is dependent on the fluid model. Procedures are defined
separately below.

2. Define density/molecular weight. This information must be

defined whether you are importing the table or defining the
correlations. Refer to See Define Density/Molecular Weight
Data on page 126.

3. Define undersaturated data. This information must be defined

whether you are importing the table or defining the correlations.
Refer to See Define Undersaturated Data on page 127.

Black Oil and Water-Oil PVT Curve Correlation

Perform the following steps to enter black oil PVT curve data:

1. Define PVT conditions. Click in the entry fields and enter values

122 CORE - Defining Table Data: Fluid Property Tables R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

API gravity of the residual oil at standard conditions


Fluid gas-oil ratio (mandatory).

Gas gravity (mandatory).

Fluid temperature (mandatory).

2. Define separator conditions. Click in the entry fields and enter

separator temperature and pressure.

Defining Separator Batteries

Within Data Studio, you can define separator batteries only if you have
selected the compositional fluid model. Unless you plan to edit the
initialization file manually to add separator batteries, these entry fields
assume only a surface separator.

3. Define number of table entries above and below bubble point.

Click the up or down stepper arrow beside the Entries Above/
Below Bubble Point fields to define the total number of point
along the curve to be calculated.

4. Generate the correlations. Click the Generate button located at

the bottom of the Correlations dialog box. The bubble point is
calculated and displayed at the bottom of the dialog box. Click the
Close button to close the dialog box.

Gas-Water PVT Curve Correlation

Perform the following steps to enter gas-water curve data:

1. Define Fluid PVT conditions. Click in the entry fields and enter
values for:

Gas Gravity (mandatory)

Temperature (mandatory)

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Table Data:Fluid Property Tables 123

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

2. Define separator conditions. Click in the entry fields and enter

separator temperature and pressure.

Defining Separator Batteries

Within Data Studio, you can define separator batteries only if you have
selected the compositional fluid model. Unless you plan to edit the
initialization file manually to add separator batteries, these entry fields
assume only a surface separator.

3. Define number of table entries above and below bubble point.

Click the up or down stepper arrow beside the Entries Above/
Below Bubble Point fields to define the total number of point
along the curve to be calculated.

4. Generate the correlations. Click the Generate button located at the

bottom of the Correlations dialog box. The bubble point is
calculated and displayed at the bottom of the dialog box. Click the
Close button to close the dialog box.

124 CORE - Defining Table Data: Fluid Property Tables R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Define Separator Batteries (Compositional Model Only)

For the compositional model, you have the option to define the
separator batteries. Double-click on the Initialization Surface Separator
icon . The related entry pane opens.

Surface battery table

Surface battery design

Battery regions are defined as descibed in Region Management on

page 106. The definition table is build as described in Define Tables
on page 108.

For each stage, enter the:

Temperature and pressure at the current stage

Fraction of liquid steam:

Entering the stage (LFRAC1) and leaving the stage (LFRAC2)

to be sent to the destination.

The value of liquid steam entering and leaving the stage

(LFRAC1 + LFRAC2) must equal 1.

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Table Data:Fluid Property Tables 125

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Destination (LDEST). Destination can be the oil sales line

(OIL) or a downstream stage number.

Fraction of vapor steam:

Entering the stage (VFRAC1) and leaving the stage (VFRAC2)

to be sent to the destination.

Values of VFRAC

The value of vapor steam entering and leaving the stage (VFRAC1 +
VFRAC2) must be between 0 and 1.

Destination (VDEST). Destination can be the gas sales line

(GAS), a downstream stage number, or vented.

As you build the table, the surface battery design panel dynamically

Define Density/Molecular Weight Data

Perform the following steps to enter density and molecular weight data.

Gas-Water Fluid Model

With the Gas-Water fluid model, you can only define gas gravity.

1. Define displayed fields (mandatory). Click in the Density of

Residual Oil at Standard Conditions and Molecular Weight of
Residual Oil entry fields and enter the values.


If you have imported a table, all density/molecular weight data in the table
is imported and displays.

2. Open optional VIP fields. Click the Other Options button as

shown below.

The VIP Options dialog box opens.

126 CORE - Defining Table Data: Fluid Property Tables R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

3. Select options. Click the plus (+) symbol beside the Density and
Molecular Weight topic folder to open the associated selection
list. (Or click the minus (-) symbol to close it.) Then click the
check boxes to select the parameters as shown below.

Click +/- to open/close

topic folder (Red
asterisk (*) symbol
indicates folder contains

Click check box to select/

deselect parameter

Click the OK button to close the dialog box. The selected

parameters display as on the pane so you can enter values.

Define Undersaturated Data

Perform the following steps to provide the undersaturated data

1. Define saturation pressure. Click in the Saturation Pressure

entry field and enter the value. You can click the down arrow icon
and select the value from a list of those entered for previous
regions. Values entered in the table described below will be
relative to this saturation pressure.

2. Complete the table. The following fields must be defined in the

Undersaturated Data table:

Column Name Description

DP Values of pressure relative to the saturation pressure.

BOFAC Values of oil formation volume factor at pressure p relative to the
volume factor at pressure psat. [bo(p)/bo(psat)].
VOFAC Values of oil viscosity at pressure p relative to the viscosity at
pressure psat. [vo(p)/vo(psat)].

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Table Data:Fluid Property Tables 127

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

128 CORE - Defining Table Data: Fluid Property Tables R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

CORE - Defining Grid Array Data

Reservoir properties can vary spatially. A value for any one of these
properties must be given for each gridblock in the reservoir model The
field of values required to specify a reservoir property is called an

Click the (+) button beside the Grid Data options tree. Then double-
click on the icon beside the grid array to select. The related entry pane
opens. The Definition Arrays panels is shown above. Grid array
procedures and definitions are described in this chapter.

Overview of Arrays

An overview of array data is provided in the Grid Data Arrays chapter of the VIP-CORE
Reference Manual.

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Grid Array Data: 129

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Array Panel

There is a standard user interface for entering most array definition.

Standard definition procedures are described in this section. Then
individual array definitions are described in the next section.

Use the Roadmap

As you define array data, the top of the panel dynamically updates as
shown below.

The top line shows you which arrays you have already defined. The
bottom line shows you which arrays are mandatory.

Note: Last Array Does Not Display on the Roadmap

Array data is not saved until you perform another action. The last array you
define is saved when you leave the panel. Therefore, it will not display on
the Roadmap unless you return to the panel.

Import Arrays
When you import text (.cor) or binary (.bin) files from other
applications such as GridGenr or ZMap, include statements are added
to the initialization file. Perform the following steps to import array
data files:

1. Specify the file type and select the file. Click the Include (text) or
Binary File toggle as shown below to specify the file type.

The File Selection dialog box opens. Filter and select the file to
include. The file name displays in the File Name field.

2. Load other properties (optional). If you want to load all other grid
arrays from the same file, click the Load Properties button. You

130 CORE - Defining Grid Array Data: Array Panel R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

receive a confirmation prompt. Click the Yes button to close the

prompt window. All grid array data loads and populates the panels
under the Grid Data tree.

Define Arrays
Arrays can be defined as a constant, multiple of a property, or as a
variable. Procedures for each are described.

Undoing an array definition

Note that you can "undo" an existing array definition at any time by clicking the
Not Used toggle.

Define Constant Array

Perform the following steps to define a constant array:

1. Select the option. Click to activate the Constant toggle as shown

Constant value entry field
opens when activated

The constant value entry field opens.

2. Enter the constant. Click in the entry field and enter the value.

Define Multiple
Perform the following steps to define a multiple:

1. Select the option. Click to activate the Multiple toggle as shown

Multiple specification fields
Property open when activated

The multiple value specification fields open.

2. Select the property. Click the down arrow beside the toggle and
select the property for which you want to specify the multiplier.

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Grid Array Data:Array Panel 131

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

3. Enter the multiplier. Click in the Multiplier Value field and enter
the multiplier.

Define Variable
Perform the following steps to define a variable in the X, Y, Z direction
or for all grid values:

1. Select the option. Click to activate the Variable toggle as shown

Variable specification fields
open when activated

The variable value specification fields open.

2. Select the variable direction. Click the down arrow beside the
toggle and select the property for which you want to specify the

If you selected the X or Y, or Z direction, a table opens to provide

the I, J, or K range. If you selected All Grid Values, the table
allows for K/J values at each I.

3. Enter the values. Click in the Multiplier Value field and enter the

132 CORE - Defining Grid Array Data: Array Panel R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Overview of Array Data

Definition Arrays

Input Format
Selection Options

Along horizontal plane arrays Length of gridblock in X or Y direction measured along

Gross or net vertical thickness
Ratio of net vertical thickness to gross
Along bedding plane arrays Length of gridblock in X or Y direction measured along
bedding plane
Gross or net stratum thickness
Depth to top of gridblock
Corner-point grid arrays X or Y direction cornerpoint location
Depth to each cornerpoint
Cornerpoint gross vertical or stratum thickness
Corner-point data arrays Eight X/Y/Z cornerpoints for each gridblock
Ratio of net vertical thickness to gross

Physical Properties

Input Format
Selection Options

Porosity and gridblock center or gridblock face Porosity of each gridblock. If both net and gross thickness
permeability are input, porosity should correspond to the net thickness.
Permeability controlling flow in the X, Y, And Z direction,
applied at the gridblock face or center.

For gridblock face permeability:

For gridblock face permeability, the value input for block
(i,j,k) is the permeability at the block face between cells (i -1,
j, k) and (i, j, k). For KXF is zero.
Rock compressibility can be given a value for each
gridblock. Typically rock compressibility can be expressed
as a function of porosity.

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Grid Array Data:Overview of Array Data 133

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Input Format
Selection Options

Gridblock pore volume and transmissibility arrays Pore volume of each gridblock
For a rectangular grid:

The x-direction transmissibility of gridblock (i,j,k) is

defined at the boundary between blocks (i-1,j,k)
and (i,j,k) and controls flow between them. For i = 1,
TX is zero.

The y direction transmissibility of gridblock (i,j,k) is

defined at the boundary between blocks (i,j-1,k) and
(i,j,k) and controls flow between them. For j = 1, TY is

The z-direction transmissibility of gridblock (i,j,k) is

defined at the boundary between blocks (i,j,k-1) and
(i,j,k) and controls flow between them. For k = 1, TZ is

For a diagonal grid (using a nine-point finite difference


The left diagonal-direction transmissibility of gridblock

(i,j,k) is defined (at an imaginary boundary) between
blocks (i-1,j-1,k) and (i,j,k) and controls flow between
them. For i=1 and for j=1, TXYL is zero.

The right diagonal-direction transmissibility of

gridblock (i,j,k) is defined (at an imaginary boundary)
between blocks (i+1,j-1,k) and (i,j,k) and controls flow
between them. For i=NX and for j=1, TXYR is zero.

Rock compressibility can be given a value for each

gridblock. Typically rock compressibility can be expressed
as a function of porosity.

134 CORE - Defining Grid Array Data: Overview of Array Data R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Other Arrays

Array Type Properties

Region Integer values defining distinct ranges for equilibrium regions. Each region may have different
water-oil and gas-oil contacts. Each value in this array directly refers to an equilibrium region
defined specified in Initialization pane. Default sets the entire array to 1; i.e., only one set of
contacts input for equilibrium data.
Integer values distinguishing areas with differing PVT properties. Each value in the this array
directly refers to a set of input PVT tables defined in the Fluid Properties pane.
Integer values defining different regions for output purposes. Gridblocks with the same integer
value are grouped together and considered a single region for output of average pressure,
cumulative injected volumes, cumulative produced volumes, net influx, and current fluids in
place in the Region Summary.
Integer values that distinguish areas containing rock types which require unique saturation-
dependent tables for inter-gridblock flow. Each value in this array directly refers to a set of
relative permeability/capillary pressure tables defined in the Rock Properties pane.
User-specified Pressure of each gridblock at the beginning of the run (time = 0).
Average water saturation of each gridblock at the beginning of the run (time = 0).
Average gas saturation of each gridblock at the beginning of the run (time = 0).
Saturation Table Relative permeability of oil phase at connate minimum water saturation.
Residual water saturation.
Water saturation at residual oil saturation.
Relative permeability of water phase at residual oil saturation.
Maximum water saturation
Connate gas saturation.
Residual gas saturation.
Gas saturation at residual oil saturation.
Transmissibility The X/Y/Z direction transmissibility multiplier for gridblock (i,j,k) is defined at the boundary
Multiplier between blocks (i-1,j,k) and (i,j,k) and controls flow between them. For i = 1, TMX is zero. For
j = 1, TMY is zero. For k = 1, TMZ is zero.
Thermala Reference rock-specific heat capacity (values at starndard temperature). Actual values are
calculated from reference values using the equation CPR = CPR0 (1 + DCPRDT (T-TS)).
Reference thermal conductivity in the X, Y, or Z direction (applied to gridblock center). Values
correspond to liquid-filled pore volume. Actual values are calculated from reference values
using the equation KT = KT0 (1 x DKDSG x SG), where KT is thermal conductivity.
Transmissibility/ The X/Y/Z transmissibilities are to be modified.
Pore Volume

a. Options available only if the Therm reservoir model is selected. Note that not all VIP-THERM options are now
available in Data Studio. You can edit the initialization file to define these options in keyword format.

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Grid Array Data:Overview of Array Data 135

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Advanced Reservoir Model Arrays

The following arrays activate when advanced reservoir model options
are defined.

Array Properties

Thermal Thermal Reference rock heat capacity at standard temperature.

Reference thermal conductivity in X, Y, and Z directions.

Duala Matrix Gridblock definition arrays (as described Definition Arrays on

Fracture page 133).

a. These options activate under each existing array in the options tree. Click the plus (+) icon beside each
array to open the Dual suboptions.

136 CORE - Defining Grid Array Data: Overview of Array Data R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Functions for Array Definition

The function option can be used to calculate dependencies for arrays,

either in tabulated or or analytical form. You can:

Represent some correlations between reservoir rock properties

(analytical function).

Calculate average values of a rock property array using

information about its values in another reservoir location
(interpolation function).

Calculate volume-averaged values of a rock property array using

known gridblock center values (volume averaged function).

If a function is defined, the values of the output arrays in the grid

blocks are calculated as an analytical function of input array values. If a
table is defined with known values of output arrays at given values of
input arrays, an interpolation procedure is applied to define the values
of the output arrays in reservoir grid blocks.

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Grid Array Data:Functions for Array Definition 137
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

An advanced multidimensional spline interpolation technique is used

for the tabular function representation. The order of the spline and the
number of the points of the function table used for the interpolation are
defined internally in order to minimize the interpolation error. By
default, the total number of function table entries you define is used for
the calculation of the values in different grid blocks. However, you can
control the number of the function table entries used for the
interpolation and the spline order. You can also limit functions by
region, gridblock range, value, or distance.

Each option is described in detail.

Function Management and Selection

The Function Management and Selection panel lets you add, delete,
rename, and select functions.

Delete selected function Move up function list

Add function Move down function list

Add or Delete a Function

Before you begin defining the new function, click the icon to add a
function name to the list. By default, functions are named in numerical

To delete an existing function, click and highlight the function in the

list. Then click the icon to delete the selected function.

Rename a Function
Double-click in the function name field to erase the existing name and
enter a new one.

138 CORE - Defining Grid Array Data: Functions for Array Definition R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Select a Function
Click on a function name in the list to select it. You can then define or
edit the selected function name.

Define the Function

You can define an analytical, interpolated, or volume-averaged
function. Procedures for each are described below.

Analytical function options are:

POLYN is the polynomial of the n-th order. The polynomial order

n can be not larger than nine. The value of the output array (y) in a
grid block is determined as y = ao xn + a1 xn-1+ . . . + an, where x is
the value of the first input array in the grid block;

ABS is the absolute value y = |x|;

EXP is the exponential function y = ex;

EXP10 is the exponential function y = 10x;

LOG is the natural logarithm y = ln|x|;

LOG10 is the common logarithm y = log10|x|;

SQRT is the square root ( y = x ); ;

SIN is the sine of degrees y = sin(x);

COS is the cosine of degrees y = cos(x);

GE is the step function

x, ifx greater than or equal to a 0
y =
a 1 , otherwise;

LE is the step function

ADD is the sum of the values of the two input arrays in a grid
block y = x1 + x2;

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Grid Array Data:Functions for Array Definition 139
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

SUBT is the difference of the values of the two input arrays in a

grid block y = x1 - x2.

DIV is the ratio of the values of the two input arrays in a grid

( x 1 x 2 ) ,if x 2 is not equal tozero,

y =

MULT is the product of the values of the two input arrays in a grid
block y = x1 x2

MIN is the minimum of the values of the two input arrays in a grid
block y = min (x1,x2)

MAX is the maximum of the values of the two input arrays in a

grid block y = max (x1,x2)


analytical functions, only the first input array is used. All other input arrays are
ignored. In the DIV, MULT, ADD, SUBT, MIN, MAX analytical functions, the
first two input arrays are used. All other input arrays are ignored. If the number of
the input arrays in the DIV, MULT, ADD, SUBT, MIN, MAX analytical
functions is equal to one, the second input array is assumed to be equal to the first
input array.

Perform the following steps to define an analytical function:

1. Select function type. Click the down arrow beside the

Analytical Function field and select the function type.

2. Open array selection dialog boxes. Click the the button beside
the Input Arrays and Output Arrays fields to open the Input and
Output Region Selection dialog boxes.

Click to open dialog box

140 CORE - Defining Grid Array Data: Functions for Array Definition R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

The selected dialog box opens. The arrays you have defined are
available for selection in the Input dialog box. All arrays are
available for selection in the Output dialog box.

Work Arrays

Note that work arrays are available for intermediate functions.


Note that if you define IREGION as an input or output array, any extra
regions you have defined are not included in the calculation.

3. Select input and output arrays. Click the plus (+) symbol beside
the Array topic folder to open the associated selection list. (Or
click the minus (-) symbol to close it.) Then click the check boxes
to select the function input and output array(s) as shown below.

Click +/- to open/close topic folder

(Red asterisk (*) symbol indicates
folder contains selections)
Click check box to select/deselect

Error Checking

Note that your input/output array fields will tag inconsistencies between the
analytical function you selected and the arrays that you have specified. In the
example below, the MAX function (maximum of the values of two input arrays)
has been selected, but only one input array has been specified. The (?) in the input
array field shows that an array is missing.

(?) another input array needed

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Grid Array Data:Functions for Array Definition 141
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

If coeffiecients are needed for the selected function, the panel

expands to display the coefficients field as shown below.

4. Specify coefficients if necessary. Click the the button beside the

Coefficients field. The Analytical Function Coefficients dialog
box opens as shown below.

Click in the Values field and enter a value for each required
coefficient. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Perform the following steps to define an interpolation function.

1. Select the function. Click to activate the Interpolation toggle. The

Input-Output Values table opens.

2. Open array selection dialog boxes. Click the the button beside
the Input Arrays and Output Arrays fields to open the Input and
Output Region Selection dialog boxes.

Click to open dialog box

142 CORE - Defining Grid Array Data: Functions for Array Definition R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

The selected dialog box opens. The arrays you have defined are
available for selection in the Input dialog box. All arrays are
available for selection in the Output dialog box.

Work Arrays

Note that work arrays are available for intermediate functions.


Note that if you define IREGION as an input or output array, any extra
regions you have defined are not included in the calculation.

3. Select input and output arrays. Click the plus (+) symbol beside
the Array topic folder to open the associated selection list. (Or
click the minus (-) symbol to close it.) Then click the check boxes
to select the function input and output array(s) as shown below

Click +/- to open/close topic folder

(Red asterisk (*) symbol indicates
folder contains selections)
Click check box to select/deselect

4. Complete the table. Enter the corresponding input array to output

array values as shown below.

In the example above, permeability is defined as a function of

porosity and critical water saturation.

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Grid Array Data:Functions for Array Definition 143
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

5. Specify number of table entries for spline interpolation. Click to

activate the Specify Number of Table Entries to Use for
Interpolation toggle. Click the up or down stepper arrow
located next to the toggle to increase or decrease the number of
tables entries to use. The default is to calculate through all points
in the table.

Volume Averaged (Cartesian Grids Only)

Perform the following steps to define a volume-average function.

1. Select the function. Click to activate the Volume Averaged toggle.

The Input-Output Values table opens. Input values are
automatically defined as XC (grid centerpoint in X direction), YC
(grid centerpoint in Y direction), and MDEPTH (depth to center of

2. Complete the table. Enter the XC, YC, MDEPTH and

corresponding output array value(s) as shown below.

3. Specify number of table entries for spline interpolation. Click to

activate the Specify Number of Table Entries to Use for
Interpolation toggle. Click the up or down stepper arrow
located next to the toggle to increase or decrease the number of
tables entries to use. The default is to calculate through all points
in the table.

Define Range
You can limit the function to a specific region or gridblock range, value
range, or distance as described below.

144 CORE - Defining Grid Array Data: Functions for Array Definition R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Gridblock Range
The default is to apply the function to all gridblocks in all regions.
Click the Select Gridblock Range toggle to activate the gridblock
range options as shown below.

Limit by Region Type

Click the Specify Region Type toggle to limit the function by region
type. The Region Type fields open as shown below.

Region Type drop-down menu Open Region Selection dialog box

Perform the following steps to limit the function to a particular region:

1. Select the region type. Click the down arrow next to the Specify
Region Type field and select the type from the list of regions you
defined within the Region Arrays panel.

2. Select the regions. Click the button next to the Selected

Regions field. The Region Selection dialog box opens as shown

Click Check Box to select region

There is a checkbox in the Selection Indicator field beside each

region. Click the checkbox beside the regions to activate and click
the OK button to close the dialog box.

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Grid Array Data:Functions for Array Definition 145
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Limit by Gridblocks
Click the Specify Gridblock Range toggle to limit the function by I, J,
K range. The Gridblock Range fields open as shown below.

Click the up or down stepper arrow beside the From/To fields in each
direction to define the range over which the function is applied.In the
above example, the function will be applied in gridblocks 1 through 10
in all directions.

Value Range
You can limit the output array to within specific bounds for input value
read and/or output value calculated. You can also limit by the distance
between the gridblock and the input point used for the calculation.


You may need to scroll down to locate these options.

Limit by Value
Perform the following steps to limit the output array by defining a
minimum and maximum value.All interpolated values not within the
bounds you define are set to the minimum or maximum value. If these
bounds are not defined, the default is (+/-)1.e+12.

1. Open the dialog box. Click the button located next to the Input
Range, or Output Range field. The Bounds dialog box opens as
shown below. The Bounds for Input Arrays dialog box lists all the
function input arrays you have defined. The Bounds for Output

146 CORE - Defining Grid Array Data: Functions for Array Definition R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Array dialog box lists all the function output arrays you have

2. Enter the bounds. Click in the entry field and enter the value. Click
OK to close the dialog box. The value(s) you entered display in
the entry field.

Limit by Distance
This option lets you define the range of points to use for the polynomial
fit for each property. The larger the number (in property units), the
more range of influence each point will have over distant points along
the curve. The default is 1E+12 (use all points).

1. Open the dialog box. Click the button located next to the Input
DRange field. The Input Points Maximum Distance dialog box
opens as shown below. The dialog box lists all the function input
arrays you have defined.

2. Enter the range for each input array. Click in the entry field and
enter the maximum range value (in property units). Click OK to
close the dialog box. The value(s) you entered display in the entry

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Grid Array Data:Functions for Array Definition 147
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Transmissibility/Pore Volume Modifications

This option lets you modify pore volume and transmissibility arrays
over a range of gridblocks. It is normally used to specify an initial
override that applies during the entire simulation.

You can modify the array by a constant value or replace a section of the
array with a selected value. Options are described below.

Modification Management and Selection

The Modification Management and Selection panel lets you add,
delete, rename, and select modifications.

Move up
Delete selected modification modification list
Add modification Move down
modification list

148 CORE - Defining Grid Array Data: Transmissibility/Pore Volume Modifications R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Add or Delete a Modification

Before you begin defining the new modification, click the icon to
add a function name to the list. By default, functions are named in
numerical sequence

To delete an existing function, click and highlight the function in the

list. Then click the icon to delete the selected function.

Rename a Modification
Double-click in the modification name field to erase the existing name
and enter a new one.

Select a Modification
Click on a modification name in the list to select it. You can then define
or edit the selected function name.

Define the Modification

When you click the Add Modificaton icon .or highlight an existing
modification and click the Open icon , the Grid Array Modifications
Options dialog box opens as shown below.

Options are to:

Specify an include file

Overwrite a defined array section with a constant

Overwrite a defined array section with a range of values.

Each option is described.

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Grid Array Data:Transmissibility/Pore Volume Modifications 149

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Specify an Include File

Perform the following steps to specify an existing include file with grid
array modification data.

1. Activate the option. Activate the Include File with Array

Modifications option on the dialog box.

2. Specify the array. Click the Array to Override option and select
the array type from the drop-down menu.

3. Select the include file. Click the Include File icon. The File
Selection dialog box opens. Filter and select the include file. Click
the OK button to close the File Selection dialog box.

4. Specify the type of first array modification. Click the Type of First
Array Modification in Include File option and select either
Constant or Values from the drop-down menu. This field should
identify the first modification card in the include file.

5. Close the dialog box. Click the OK button to close the dialog box.
The modification displays in the Modification Management list.

Specify a Constant
Perform the following steps to specify a constant override.

1. Activate the option. Activate the Overwrite Section by a

Constant option on the dialog box.

2. Specify the array. Click the Array to Override option and select
the array type from the drop-down menu.

3. Specify the gridblock range. Click in the entry field and click the
up or down stepper arrow beside the From/To fields for the I, J,

150 CORE - Defining Grid Array Data: Transmissibility/Pore Volume Modifications R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

K gridblock range to specify the number of gridblocks to modify

as shown below.

Specifying Gridblocks for Transmissibility Overrides

Transmissibility is a property that exists at the interface where one gridblock

touches another. When modifying transmissibility, the question arises which
gridblock face it will apply to. VIP looks in the negative direction. Thus overriding
gridblock 1 (i=1, j=1, or k=1) ends up applying the override to the external grid
boundary itself, rather than to the interface between 1 and 2. To override
transmissibility for the interface between 1 and 2, you have to apply the override to
gridblock 2.

4. Select action. Click the down arrow in the Action column and
select the action from the drop-down menu. Options are to:

set values equal to (=) the constant

add (+) the constant to each value
multiply (*) each value by the constant
subtract (-) the constant from each value
divide (/) each value by the constant

5. Enter constant. Click in the entry field in the Value to Apply

column and enter the constant value.

6. Close the dialog box. Click the OK button to close the dialog box.
The modification displays in the Modification Management list.

Specify Value Range

Perform the following steps to specify a gridblock range.

1. Activate the option. Activate the Overwrite Section with Values

option on the dialog box.

2. Specify the array, gridblock range, and action. These procedures

are the same as those described above.

3. Specify the value range. There are two options for defining the
values. You can:

Import values within an include file. Click the Include File

icon. The File Selection dialog box opens. Filter and select the

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Grid Array Data:Transmissibility/Pore Volume Modifications 151

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

include file. Click the OK button to close the File Selection

dialog box.

Specify the values. Click the button next to the Values to

Apply field. The Grid Values table opens as shown below. The
available grid range is defined by your I/J/K definitions.

Enter the grid range and click the OK button to close the table.

4. Close the dialog box. Click the OK button to close the dialog box.
The modification displays in the Modification Management list.

152 CORE - Defining Grid Array Data: Transmissibility/Pore Volume Modifications R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

CORE - Defining Aquifer Data

Within the VIP application, boundary flux is handled by including source/sink

terms in the interblock flow equations for edge blocks. The outer boundaries
of the grid are normally treated as sealing barriers to flow. This option lets you
fine-tune a model by using an aquifer influence to represent a surrounding
body of water.

A radial aquifer geometry is assumed as shown below. The aquifer and

the reservoir communicate through the boundary AB. The water influx
from the aquifer into the reservoir is the response to pressure changes at
this boundary.


A Aquifer

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Aquifer Data: 153

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Two types of aquifers can be modelled:

Carter-Tracy method provides good approximations to the Van

Everdingen and Hurst analytical solutions for influx.

Fetkovich method uses a pseudo steady-state aquifer productivity

index and an aquifer material balance to represent the system.

Each option is described.

Refer to the VIP-CORE Reference Manual

Aquifer options are described in detail in the Grid Boundary Flux chapter of the VIP-
CORE Reference Manual.

154 CORE - Defining Aquifer Data: R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Create Multiple Aquifers

The Region Managment options let you create and select multiple
aquifers for definition. These options are located on the bottom of the

Procedures adding aquifers are the same as those described in Region

Management on page 106

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Aquifer Data:Create Multiple Aquifers 155

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Define Carter-Tracey Aquifer

Perform the following steps to define an aquifer using the Carter-

Tracey method.

1. Select the method. Under the Aquifer Type pane, click to activate
the Carter-Tracy option. The properties for the Carter-Tracey
method open.

2. Specify Carter and Tracy Model B1 parameter (mandatory). Click

in the Carter and Tracy Model B1 parameter entry field and
enter the B1 value, where the parameter B1 as defined by Carter
and Tracy, rb/psia (cm/kPa) is:

2 c hr s
t e
B1 = ----------------------------


= Average porosity of the "aquifer"

expressed as a fraction.

ct = Total compressibility of the fluid and

rock in the "aquifer", 1/psia (1/kPa).

h = Net thickness of the "aquifer", ft (m).

re = Radius to the perimeter of the reservoir,

ft (m). (The boundary between the
reservoir and the "aquifer".)

s = Fraction of a circle that the boundary

between the reservoir and the aquifer

1 = 5.6146 for conventional units. 1.0 for

metric units.

3. Specify dimensionless time value (mandatory). Click in the TC

Dimensionless Time Conversion Factor entry field and enter the
value used to convert time to dimensionless time, 1/day defined as:

2 k
tc = --------------------2
ct d

156 CORE - Defining Aquifer Data: Define Carter-Tracey Aquifer R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide


2 = 0.006328 for conventional units;

8.527x10-5 for metric units.

k = Average permeability of the "aquifer",

md (md).

= Average viscosity of the fluid contained

in the "aquifer", cp (cp).

d = re as described above for radial

"aquifers". Length of the "aquifer", ft
(m) for linear "aquifers".

4. Specify water influx linear multiplier. Click in the Water Influx

Linear Multiplier entry field and enter an optional linear
multiplier to apply to the water influx. This can be used to adjust
the strength of the aquifer without the need to change the
parameters. Default is 1.

5. Specify initial aquifer pressure. Click in the Initial Aquifer

Pressure entry field and enter the pressure value at the reference
depth. Then click in the at Reference Depth of entry field and
enter the reference depth for the initial aquifer pressure.

6. Specify aquifer properties and geometry. Click the button to

open the Carter-Tracy Aquifer Parameters dialog box. Enter the
following information about the aquifer:

Average porosity, permeability, and fluid viscosity

Total rock plus fluid compressibility

Net thickness

Radius to reservoir perimeter

Circle fraction completed by aquifer-reservoir boundary

7. If necessary, deactivate infinite radial aquifer option and provide

pressure vs. time table. The default is to assume an infinite radial

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Aquifer Data:Define Carter-Tracey Aquifer 157

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

aquifer. Deactivate this toggle to open the Pressure vs. Time

Aquifer Table as shown below.

Deactivated Infinite Radial Aquifer


Pressure vs. Time Aquifer Table

Right mouse button menu table-

building options

Use the right mouse button table building options as described in

Build Tables on page 108 to enter values of dimensionless time
(td = tc * t), and dimensionless pressure.

Pressure vs. Time Aquifer Table Guidelines

The first line of the table must have both infinite time and infinite pressure
set equal to zero. Enough values should be entered to extend to
dimensionless times beyond the time to be simulated, or until a linear
extrapolation of the last two values will provide satisfactory results.

158 CORE - Defining Aquifer Data: Define Carter-Tracey Aquifer R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Define Fetkovich Aquifer

Perform the following steps to define an aquifer using the Fetkovich


1. Select the method. Under the Aquifer Type pane, click to activate
the Fetkovich option. The properties for the Fetkovich method

2. Specify aquifer productivity index. Click in the entry field and

enter the aquifer productivity index, rb/day/psi(m3/day/kPa).
(Total influx rate per day per unit pressure difference.)

7.08 k h
pi = -------------------------------------, for radial flow
ln ---- 3
r o

4 k b h
pi = ----------------------------, for linear flow


k = Average permeability of the

"aquifer", md (md).

h = Net thickness of the "aquifer", ft (m).

ro = Radius to the perimeter of the

reservoir, ft (m). (The boundary
between the reservoir and the

re = Radius to the perimeter of the

aquifer, ft (m).

3 = 0.75 for no-flow outer boundary; 0

for constant pressure outer boundary.

4 = 3.381 for no-flow outer boundary;

1.127 for constant pressure outer

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Aquifer Data:Define Fetkovich Aquifer 159

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

b = Width of the linear aquifer, ft (m).

= Average viscosity of the fluid

contained in the "aquifer", cp (cp).

d = re as described above for radial

"aquifers." Length of the "aquifer", ft
(m) for linear "aquifers."

3. Specify initial volume of encroachable water (optional, see step 4).

Click in the entry field and enter the initial volume of encroachable
water, , rb (cm) awip = ct wi pi.


ct = Total compressibility of the fluid and

rock in the "aquifer", 1/psia (1/kPa).

wi = Initial aquifer volume of water in

place, rb(cm).

pi = Initial aquifer pressure at the

hydrocarbon/water contact, or at the
specified reference depth, if entered,
psia (kPa).

4. Specify initial volume of water in place and total fluid and rock
compressibility (optional, see step 3). Click in the entry fields and
enter the volume of water in place (as defined above)

Then enter the total compressibility of the rock and fluid in the
aquifer, 1/psia (1/kPa).

5. Specify initial aquifer pressure and reference depth. Enter the

initial aquifer pressure, psia (k/Pa). Then enter the reference
depth., ft. (m).

160 CORE - Defining Aquifer Data: Define Fetkovich Aquifer R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Aquifer Connection to Reservoir Grid

The Aquifer Connection to Reservoir Grid section lets you attach the
aquifer to either a single gridblock (top table) or to a gridblock range
(bottom table).

When specifying aquifer connections to the grid, the right mouse

button menu options let you add a row to the bottom of the table or
delete a selected row as shown below.

Perform the following steps to attach the aquifer to the grid

1. Specifying gridblocks Click in the entry field and click the up or

down stepper arrow beside I, J, K (single gridblock) or I to I, J
to J, K to K (gridblock range) to specify the gridblocks to attach.

2. Specify the scale factor. Click the down arrow in the Scale
Factor field to select the scale factor used to allocate the total
"aquifer" influx/efflux among the gridblocks attached to the
"aquifer". These are normalized within the program, so values
have only relative meaning. They will usually reflect the cross-
sectional area times the permeability of the gridblock faces
attached to the "aquifer". Options are:

=n Scale factor is set to "n".

+n Scale factor is increased by "n".
n Scale factor is increased by "n".
-n Scale factor is decreased by "n".
*n Scale factor is multiplied by "n".
/n Scale factor is divided by "n".
XCALC Scale factor is calculated in the x(r) direction.
YCALC Scale factor is calculated in the y(theta) direction.
ZCALC Scale factor is calculated in the z direction.

R2003.4 CORE - Defining Aquifer Data:Aquifer Connection to Reservoir Grid 161

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

If you are attaching the aquifer to a grid section, there are six
additional options which enableyou to assign an aquifer to an
irregular grid boundary. Starting on the specified face of the
window and moving inward, the aquifer is attached to the first
active gridblock encountered within the window. The options are:

I- Aquifer connects to the i- faces

I+ Aquifer connects to the i+ faces
J- Aquifer connects to the j- faces
J+ Aquifer connects to the j+ faces
K- Aquifer connects to the k- faces
K+ Aquifer connects to the k+ faces

162 CORE - Defining Aquifer Data: Aquifer Connection to Reservoir Grid R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

EXEC - Working with Production Data


VIP Data Studio provides all the features you need to prepare
production data for use in a VIP-EXEC simulation. You can:

Import production data into the worksheet

View production data one well at a time

Change worksheet values, column widths, or display formats

Automatically plot the data

Manually adjust the display or formatting of plotted data

Average the production data

Search for and edit data where wells switch function (e.g.,
producer to injector, gas injector to water injector)

Generate well types and constraints

The procedures for performing the tasks listed above are provided on
the following pages of this chapter.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Production Data:Introduction 163

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark


The first step in compiling data for VIP Data Studio is to import
production history data from OpenWorks or a prepared file, or to build
a production history from scratch by typing it directly into the
worksheet area of the main window.

Production data can be imported from OpenWorks Oracle or plain text

data file in comma-delimited format or in columns separated by tabs or
blank spaces. Assuming the data is formatted in a consistent way, VIP
Data Studio can easily parse the formatted file and help you
determine the purpose and contents of each column of data in the file.

The import process uses a wizard that displays the incoming data,
lets you set certain defaults for dates and units, and lets you edit the
column headings, as appropriate. The procedures for importing data
vary slightly, depending on whether you are importing from
OpenWorks or a plain text file. Use the appropriate procedure on the
following pages.

164 EXEC - Working with Production Data: Importing R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Importing Production Data

Refer to Import File Examples on page 184 for more information on

import file formats and restrictions.

To import production data, follow these steps:

1. Select Production Data > Import Production Data. The Select

Data Source dialog box opens.

Click the button that corresponds to the data source and click OK.

Using VIP without OpenWorks

If you are not in an OpenWorks environment, or if you select to import from

an ASCII file, proceed to Step 6.

If you selected an OpenWorks data store (with no project or well

list previously selected), the Select Project and Select Well dialog
boxes open. The Select Project dialog box is shown below.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Production Data:Importing Production Data 165

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

2. Click on the project to select and click OK. The Select Well List
dialog box opens.

3. Click on a well list to select it and click OK.

Changing a Project or Well List

You receive the Select Project and Select Well List dialog box only when
you first log in. If you wish to change project or wells, exit Data Studio and
use the Openworks -> Project Administsration -> Project Change
option. When you reopen Data Studio, your change will be reflected in the
new session.

166 EXEC - Working with Production Data: Importing Production Data R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

The first Import Production Data wizard opens.

4. Review the data and set the options as follows:

Field How It Works

Choose data Available data columns display at the top of the dialog box.
columns to By default, all will be imported. Click the Ignore Data toggle
import if you do not want to import a column.
Choose Date Click the appropriate toggle to specify how the dates in the
Format production data file should be interpreted. Options are: day,
month, and year delimited by slashes (D/M/Y); month, day,
and year delimited by slashes (M/D/Y), or days.
Data OpenWorks allows production data to be stored by provider
provider (i.e., application such as TOW/cs) that populates the
database with production data. Click on the arrow and select
the source to import.
Zones to This option lets you choose which zone(s) to import. For
import example, the default Import All Zones sums the production
data for all existing zones in each well selected. You can
choose to sum any or all zones for all imported wells,
depending on the simulation area of interest.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Production Data:Importing Production Data 167

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Field How It Works

Production OpenWorks associates each production data record with a
date is end of specific date (for monthly import).
production Within TOW/cs, this date is always the last day of the
interval month. Thus, this option does not appear.
For other data providers, activate the toggle to specify that
the date is the end of the production interval. For example, if
the data is 1/1/2000, an activated toggle specifies that the
production date is for 12/99. If not activated, the production
date is for 1/2000.
Choose Once the data is imported and interpreted, you can easily
Display display the dates in U.S. format (month-day-year), Euro
Format format (day-month-year) or as days since the beginning of
the first production interval. This is simply a matter of
convenience for ease of use, and does not affect
interpretation of the data.

When the data is complete, click OK. The second Import Data
Wizard opens.

168 EXEC - Working with Production Data: Importing Production Data R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

5. Review the data and set the options as follows:

Field How It Works

Date Select the desired Import from and Import to date for your
Selection data. The dates shown here are the default start and end dates
of the production data. It is not recommended that you
change the Start Date, however you may want to set the End
Date much later than the end date of your production data if
you want to simulate a production run that continues well
into the future.
You can click on the date to retype it, or you can click the
down arrow icon to select from a calendar.

If the calendar appears, use the double arrow icons to change

the year and the single arrow icons to change the month.
Once the desired date appears, click to select it.
Well Click on the well name to select. Or hold down the control
Selection key and click to select multiple wells.
Add Sum Activate this toggle if you wish to export the production/
over Zones injection sums by zone to the OpenWorks database. VIP
of Data Studio will write the summation to the OpenWorks
Production Production Data Mart (PDM) tables using VIP as the data
Data to source and SUM as the zone name. There is currently a
OpenWorks limit of one SUM record per well. If zones/wells selected
are changed or re-summarized, you will be prompted to
choose whether or not to replace the existing OpenWorks
SUM zone.
Deactivate this toggle to speed up the import process if you
do not wish to export the sums to OpenWorks

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Production Data:Importing Production Data 169

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Field How It Works

Action If you have no existing production data, or no duplication
Selection between existing and imported data, this field remains
If you have existing production data and you are importing
new wells over the same date intervals, this field displays the
following options:

Click the button for the load option you want:

Replace current production data: this will overwrite
existing data with imported data.
Add new wells to current production data: this will
import only the production data associated with new wells.
If you have existing production data and you are importing
new date intervals for existing wells, this field displays the
following options:

Click the button for the load option you want:

Replace current production data: this will overwrite
existing data with imported data.
Add new production data entries for existing wells: this
will append data for new date ranges only.
If you have existing production data and you are importing
both new wells and new date intervals, this field displays all
of the loading options:

Click the button for the load option you want:

Replace current production data: this this will overwrite
existing data with imported data.
Add new wells to current production data: this will
import only the production data associated with new wells.
Add new production data entries for existing wells: this
will append data for new date ranges only.
Add all new wells and new entries to current
production data: this will append both production data
associated with new wells and new date intervals.

170 EXEC - Working with Production Data: Importing Production Data R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

The OpenWorks data is imported into VIP Data Studio.

6. If you are not in an OpenWorks environment, or if you selected the

ASCII option in Step 3, the file selection dialog box opens.

being viewed

List of
files in
this folder

for importing

7. Click the Files of type field and select from the menu the type of
file to be imported. Files of the selected type are then listed in the

8. Select the file to be imported from the file list in the center of this
dialog box. This places the selected name in the File name field. If
you do not see the desired file, use the Look in drop-down list to
locate the folder where the data file is located.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Production Data:Importing Production Data 171

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

9. Click the Open button to begin reading in the data file. This opens
the first page of a wizard used to import the data:

The wizard gives you a preview of the production data in the file,
with a scrollbar that you can use to scroll down through the data
and review it. Several option buttons along the bottom are preset
based on the User Options you chose in the previous chapter.

10. Review the data and set the data options as follows:

Field How It Works

Change Date Click this check box if you want to specify how the dates in
Format the production data file should be interpreted. A special
drop-down list appears, with up to 19 different choices for
how the date column can be interpreted. For instance, D/M/
Y means to interpret the dates as day, followed by month,
followed by year, separated by slashes.
Add Missing Click this check box if you want the software to assume a set
Rows for frequency for production values. When activated, selection
Frequency fields open to let you define the frequency. The program will
then add a null date entry for missing periods.
Choose This shows your default units as selected in the User Options
Units dialog box (discussed in previous chapter). Change if

172 EXEC - Working with Production Data: Importing Production Data R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

11. Click the Next button when finished to continue to the next panel
of the wizard.

If the program is unable to interpret the day/hour format (e.g., if

the date of each production interval is expressed as days rather
than in a standard date format such as D/M/Y, you will see the
following dialog box.

12. Enter the correct start date and click the OK button to continue to
the next panel of the wizard.

For each column of data in the file, VIP Data Studio attempts to
identify the column heading, column title and data type. This page
of the wizard shows the results of this interpretation process, and
lets you adjust the formatting selections column-by-column.

13. Use the horizontal scrollbar to review all the columns parsed. Use
the Back button if necessary to compare each column to the
displayed version of the original data file.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Production Data:Importing Production Data 173

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

14. Make changes as necessary. To change the column title, click on it

and select one of the options from the drop-down list.

Click Column
Title field to open
drop-down list

Some selections provide additional options, such as the volume/

rate/cum radio buttons shown in the previous illustration.

You can write a column of data to an OBS file by selecting the

Not Recognized option on the Column Title drop-down menu,
activating the Export to OBS toggle, and entering the class name
in the bottom field as shown below.

Select Not Recognized from

Column Title field to open drop-
down list
Enter description

Activate Export to OBS toggle

Enter Class Name

174 EXEC - Working with Production Data: Importing Production Data R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

You can specify the units your production data is in. The software
will convert the data from the specified units to those required by

Metric Units
Liquid (Oil, Water)
Volume Cubic meters (STCM) Thousand cubic meters (MSTCM)
Rate Cubic meters/Day (STCM/Day) Thousand Cubic meters/Day
Cumulative Thousand Cubic meters Million Cubic meters (MMSTCM)
Volume Cubic meters (SCM) Thousand Cubic meters (MSCM)
Rate Cubic meter/Day (SCM/Day) Thousand Cubic meters/Day
Cumulative Thousand Cubic meters (MSCM) Million Cubic meters (MMSCM)
Field Units
Liquid (Oil, Water)
Volume Barrels (STB) Thousand Barrels (MSTB)
Rate Barrels/Day Thousand Barrels/Day (MSTB/Day)
Cumulative Thousand Barrels (MSTB) Million Barrels (MMSTB)
Volume Thousand Cubic Feet (MSCF) Million Cubic Feet
Rate Thousand Cubic Feet/Day Million Cubic Feet/Day
(MSCF/Day) (MMSCF/Day)
Cumulative Million Cubic Feet (MMSCF) Thousand Million Cubic Feet

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Production Data:Importing Production Data 175

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Or you can activate the Enter Conversion Factor toggle and enter a
conversion rate to the specified units. In the example below,
gallons are converted to STB.

Select conversion option

Enter conversion rate

You can also deselect data field(s) for import by clicking the
Ignore Data toggle. (Click Import Data toggle to reselect.)

15. Click the Next button when finished to continue to the next panel
of the wizard.

16. Review the data and set the data options as follows:

Field How It Works

Well Click on the well name to select. Or hold down the control
Selection key and click to select multiple wells.

176 EXEC - Working with Production Data: Importing Production Data R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Field How It Works

Data Range Select the desired Start Date and End Date for your list of
Selection dates. The dates shown here are the default start and end
dates of the production data. It is not recommended that you
change the Start Date, however you may want to set the End
Date much later than the end date of your production data if
you want to simulate a production run that continues well
into the future.
You can click on the date to retype it, or you can click the
down arrow icon to select from a calendar.

If the calendar appears, use the double arrow icons to change

the year and the single arrow icons to change the month.
Once the desired date appears, click to select it.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Production Data:Importing Production Data 177

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Field How It Works

Action If you have no existing production data, or no duplication
Selection between existing and imported data, this field remains
If you have existing production data and you are importing
new wells over the same date intervals, this field displays the
following options:

Click the button for the load option you want:

Replace current production data: this will overwrite
existing data with imported data.
Add new wells to current production data: this will
import only the production data associated with new wells.
If you have existing production data and you are importing
new date intervals for existing wells, this field displays the
following options:

Click the button for the load option you want:

Replace current production data: this will overwrite
existing data with imported data.
Add new production data entries for existing wells: this
will append data for new date ranges only.
If you have existing production data and you are importing
both new wells and new date intervals, this field displays all
of the loading options:

Click the button for the load option you want:

Replace current production data: this this will overwrite
existing data with imported data.
Add new wells to current production data: this will
import only the production data associated with new wells.
Add new production data entries for existing wells: this
will append data for new date ranges only.
Add all new wells and new entries to current
production data: this will append both production data
associated with new wells and new date intervals.

178 EXEC - Working with Production Data: Importing Production Data R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Refer to Appending Production Data to an Existing Case with

Production Data - Examples on page 191 for more description of
merging and appending well data.

17. When finished, click the Finish button at the bottom of the wizard.

At this point, VIP Data Studio begins reading the production data
into the worksheet area of the display. When the data is finished
loading, you may see an optional dialog box (shown below):

This dialog appears if VIP Data Studio detects either of two

Well switchover effect within a data time interval. This
occurs if any time interval shows non-zero flows for both
production and injection on the same well -- indicating that the
well is in the process of switching from production to injection
(or vice versa). It is important to identify these switchover
patterns at some point before you finish working with the case,
because VIP will require the data to show either production or
injection -- not both within the same timestep.

Undefined values (recorded in OpenWorks and as negative

numbers in ASCII files) are replaced by an X.

For more details, see Searching for Inconsistent Data on

page 205.

18. Select one of the following options to indicate whether you want to
correct the data now or later:

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Production Data:Importing Production Data 179

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Scroll through ... You can immediately search the data to

identify well switchover patterns and undefined values. See
Manual Search for Switchovers on page 206. Or use the
Check Production Data Consistency option on the
Production menu to reopen this dialog box at any time.

Let program take action ... You can let the program
automatically correct switchovers and/or undefined values.
When you select the option, the dialog box expands to provide
the following options.

For switchovers, you can select to have the program create a

switchover date as described in Searching for Inconsistent
Data on page 205.

For undefined values, you can select to zero the values,

interpolate them from the values above and below, or zero
injection values and interpolate the others.

180 EXEC - Working with Production Data: Importing Production Data R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

19. Click the OK button when finished to close the Consistency

Summary dialog box.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Production Data:Importing Production Data 181

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Importing Other Types of Well Data Files

You can import production data from plain text files containing
comma-delimited well data, or columnar data separated by tabs or
blank spaces. When importing data from these types of files, you can
use the same procedure as before (see Importing on page 164), but
with the following variations:

1. When you select Production Data > Import Production Data

File notice that the resulting file selection dialog box also lets you
import other types of files.

being viewed

List of
files in
this folder

for importing

2. Click open the drop-down menu on the Files of type list and select
Tabular Well Production Data ASCII File as the file type to be

3. When you select a filename and click the Open button, you will
start a wizard that is quite similar to the one used for importing PA
files, but with slight differences.

4. All other steps are the same, as indicated on page 172.

182 EXEC - Working with Production Data: Importing Production Data R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Adjusting the Start Date

It is assumed that the production history file you are importing contains
rows of projection or injection data keyed to specific historical dates.
For example, the first few lines of your data file may look like this:


05/01/1988 4140.32 0.00 1950.05 0.00 0.00 3931.81
06/01/1988 3918.73 0.00 1845.68 0.00 0.00 3940.77

As the data is being imported into VIP Data Studio, the program
automatically assigns a start date for the production history cycle
based on the way it interprets these first few lines of data.

In the example shown above, it assumes that the data represents

monthly production, and that the production values apply to the entire
month. Based on this logic, it assumes that production started on April
1, 1988 and that the data given on 5/1/1988 is for the prior month
period from 4/1/1988 and 5/1/1988.

If the date is in other formats, VIP Data Studio takes action as follows:

Date Format Action Taken

D/M/Y or M/D/Y Production interval is calculated by subtracting first entry
date from second entry date. Start date is calculated by
subtracting production interval from first date.
M/Y Dates are interpreted as 1/M/Y or M/1/Y, then production
interval and start date are calculated as above.
Days Special dialog box will appear to ask for start date.

Regardless of what the system puts as a start date, you can always
change the start date using Production Data > Change Production
Interval Start Date. When you select this option, the following dialog
box opens:

Enter the correct start date and click the OK button.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Production Data:Importing Production Data 183

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Import File Examples

Format restrictions and specifications for ASCII and PA files are
described below.

PA File Formats
Data Studio will accept PA files with the following two formats.

Old Format
The old format is:


Name1 date1 val1(1) val2(1) valn(1)
| | | | |
Name1 datek val1(k) val2(k) valn(k)
Name2 date1 val1(1) val2(1) valn(1)
| | | | |
Name2 datek val1(k) val2(k) valn(k)
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
NameN date1 val1(1) val2(1) valn(1)
| | | | |
NameN datek val1(k) val2(k) valn(k)


The first line contains the header.

The first column header must be WELL or NAME and the second
DATE or a date format, the following headers identify the type of
production data being imported.

In order to be imported, a line of data must contain first the correct

well name on the first entry, a valid incresing date on the next
entry followed by the same number of items than specified in the
header: all other lines will be ignored.

Items must be separated by blank space or tab separator.

Only positive real values are de facto imported into VIP Data
Studio, all other values (including negative values or character
symbol) will be marked as undefined (X symbol).

184 EXEC - Working with Production Data: Importing Production Data R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide


Well Date Qg Qo Qw thp

B01 1/1/98 25.64 10.25 2.34 80.43
B01 2/1/98 24.32 12.43 1.45 79.12
B01 3/1/98 25.32 14.12 2.54 76.54
B01 4/1/98 22.31 -1 2.43 75.43
B01 5/1/98 21.23 13.21 3.45 ?
B01 6/1/98 19.45 12.12 4.56 73.45
B01 7/1/98 X 11.65 4.23 74.56
B01 8/1/98 24.65 13.54 2.34 72.34
B01 9/1/98 23.43 11.12 3.22 71.34
B01 10/1/98 20.43 15.23 2.54 70.12
B02 1/1/98 44.54 20.25 7.37 96.59
B02 2/1/98 54.38 12.73 4.55 94.42
B02 3/1/98 27.32 24.12 4.74 93.64
B02 4/1/98 52.31 25.64 2.03 X
B02 5/1/98 27.23 23.91 7.48 90.02
B02 6/1/98 39.45 22.18 5.56 88.48
B02 7/1/98 35.76 21.65 3.28 87.66
B02 8/1/98 24.95 23.84 6.94 86.37
B02 9/1/98 43.43 21.12 5.22 85.74
B02 10/1/98 50.43 25.03 4.58 83.10

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Production Data:Importing Production Data 185

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

On importing the above example, well B01 will appeared as followed

on the production data spreadsheet view:

New Format
The new format is:


WELL Name1
date1 val1(1) val2(1) valn(1)
| | | |
datek val1(k) val2(k) valn(k)
WELL Name2
date1 val1(1) val2(1) valn(1)
| | | |
datek val1(k) val2(k) valn(k)
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
date1 val1(1) val2(1) valn(1)
| | | |
datek val1(k) val2(k) valn(k)

186 EXEC - Working with Production Data: Importing Production Data R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide


The first line contains the header.

The first column header must be DATE or a date format, the

following column headers identify the type of production data
being imported.

After the header and before production data entries for each well, a
line with the keyword WELL or NAME plus the well name must
be entered

In order to be imported, a line of data must contain first a valid

incresing date followed by the same number of values than
specified in the header: all other lines will be ignored.

Only positive real values are de facto imported into VIP Data
Studio, all other values (including negative values or character
symbol) will be marked as undefined (X symbol).

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Production Data:Importing Production Data 187

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark


m/d/yy Qg Qo Qw thp
Well B01
1/1/98 25.64 10.25 2.34 80.43
2/1/98 24.32 12.43 1.45 79.12
3/1/98 25.32 14.12 2.54 76.54
4/1/98 22.31 -1 2.43 75.43
5/1/98 21.23 13.21 3.45 ?
6/1/98 19.45 12.12 4.56 73.45
7/1/98 X 11.65 4.23 74.56
8/1/98 24.65 13.54 2.34 72.34
9/1/98 23.43 11.12 3.22 71.34
10/1/98 20.43 15.23 2.54 70.12
1/1/98 44.54 20.25 7.37 96.59
2/1/98 54.38 12.73 4.55 94.42
3/1/98 27.32 24.12 4.74 93.64
4/1/98 52.31 25.64 2.03 X
5/1/98 27.23 23.91 7.48 90.02
6/1/98 39.45 22.18 5.56 88.48
7/1/98 35.76 21.65 3.28 87.66
8/1/98 24.95 23.84 6.94 86.37
9/1/98 43.43 21.12 5.22 85.74
10/1/98 50.43 25.03 4.58 83.10

188 EXEC - Working with Production Data: Importing Production Data R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Other ASCII Files

Production data contained in other common ASCII format files like
*.txt, *.dat, *.prn, *.csv, etc. can be imported directly into Data Studio.
The import procedure is very similar than the one followed for the *.pa
file, except that the type of separator can be specified and the columns
of data do not have to follow any particular order:

Item separator must be either a tab delimiter, a comma delimiter or

blank space(s) delimiter. VIP Data Studio will try to guess the type
of separator used and the number of data column of the file, and
show both on step 1 of the import wizard. If the guess is wrong for
any reason, both separator type and number of data column can be
respecified on step 1 of the import wizard.

There must be a column containing the wells names and another

one for the date each record refers to. The well name column and
date column can be any of the column, they have to be identified in
step 2 of the import wizard.

Header line is optional, if found VIP Data Studio will try to use it
to guess the types for each column in step 2 of the import wizard.
If omitted the user will have to specify in the same step 2 the
column for the well name, the column for the date plus the type for
all other columns.

In order to be imported, a line of data must contain a well name, a

valid increasing date and a number of values equal to the number
of data column specified in step 1 minus 2: all other lines will be

Only positive real values are de facto imported into VIP Data
Studio, all other values (including negative values or character
symbol) will be marked as undefined (X symbol).

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Production Data:Importing Production Data 189

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Examples (Comma Separator with Header):


90/1, Well01, 1200., 200., 2456.
90/2, Well01, 2200., 210., 2466.
90/3, Well01, 1800., 220., 2426.
90/4, Well01, 1800., 220., 2426.
90/5, Well01, 1500., 230., 2476.
90/6, Well01, 1600., 230., 2356.
90/7, Well01, 1700., 240., 2356.
90/8, Well01, 1500., 240., 2656.
90/9, Well01, 1700., 260., 2656.

Examples (Blank Separator with No Header):

01 90 Well01 1200. 200. 2456.

02 90 Well01 2200. 210. 2466.
03 90 Well01 1800. 220. 2426.
04 90 Well01 1800. 220. 2426.
05 90 Well01 1500. 230. 2476.
06 90 Well01 1600. 230. 2356.
07 90 Well01 1700. 240. 2356.
08 90 Well01 1500. 240. 2656.
09 90 Well01 1700. 260. 2656.
10 90 Well01 1600. 260. 2756.
11 90 Well01 1500. 250. 2756.
12 90 Well01 1400. 300. 2856.

Active Field Surveillance (AFS) Format

You can also import production data in Active Field Surveillance
(AFS) format. This format is the same as PA format, except that it
contains one additional field (which VIP will ignore), and includes
OpenWorks scenario fields.

190 EXEC - Working with Production Data: Importing Production Data R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Appending Production Data to an Existing Case with Production Data -

VIP Data Studio can handle the following scenarios when importing a
production data file on top of a case with existing production data:

Append production data for extra wells to existing production data

with same production interval.

Append new production data columns to existing production data

with same production interval.

Append new production data records to existing production data.

Any combination of three above appends.

The file must be imported following step 1 and step 2 of the import
wizard. On step 3 the user can specify either to replace the current
production data or to append the imported production data to the
current one.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Production Data:Importing Production Data 191

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Append Production Data for Extra Wells to Existing Production

Data with Same Production Interval
If any extra well is found in the imported production data file, this
option will be available on step 3 of the import wizard.

Current production data has only well B01 with data from 01/12/1997
to 01/10/1998:

Importing a data file with production data for B02 from 01/12/1997 to
01/10/1998, step 1 of the import wizard:

192 EXEC - Working with Production Data: Importing Production Data R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Step 3 of the import wizard now shows the following:

Select Add new wells to current production data, well B02 and
Finish. The case production data will now have production data
available for well B01 and B02 from 01/12/1997 to 01/10/1998.

Append New Production Data Records to Existing Production Data

If new production data records are found for existing wells, this option
will be available on step 3 of the import wizard.

Current production data is available for well B02 from 01/12/1997 to


R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Production Data:Importing Production Data 193

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

We import now a production data file with production data for well B02
from 01/08/1998 to 01/10/1998, step1 of the wizard:

Step 3 of the wiard now gives the option to append the new entries:

Select Add new production data entries for existing wells well
B02 and press Finish button, the case has now production data
available for well B02 from 01/12/1997 to 01/10/1998 for Gas, Oil,
Water production and Tubing-Head pressure.

194 EXEC - Working with Production Data: Importing Production Data R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Reviewing and Editing the Worksheet

The Production Data worksheet gives you complete functionality to

review and edit production data on the screen. Use the horizontal and
vertical scrollbars to view all columns and rows in the worksheet.

Scroll down
Scroll right to view more columns to view more rows

Viewing Production Data by Well Hierarchy

Once you have imported production data, the worksheet shows all the
data for a particular portion of the well management hierarchy. You can
view the data by well, by gathering center, by flow station, or by field.
This assumes, however, that a hierarchy has already been defined for
the data (see Well Management Level Data on page 290).

If a multi-level hierarchy is available within the data, you will see up/
down arrow buttons at the far right below the Production Data
worksheet. Clicking these buttons moves the worksheet display level
up or down and changes the types of data you can view.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Production Data:Reviewing and Editing the Worksheet 195
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

For instance, the following drop-down lists are available at the bottom
of the Production Data worksheet when the level is set to gathering
center. At this level, you can select a specific gathering center (on the
right), and then view the data for each well in the gathering center.

Change data view to: First well Previous well Next well Last well

Gathering center

Other levels and data view options are listed below:

Level Selected View Data By

Field Area
Area Flow station
Flow station Gathering center
Gathering center Well

196 EXEC - Working with Production Data: Reviewing and Editing the Worksheet R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Changing the Worksheet

It is not commonly done, however you can retype the value of any cell
in the worksheet, as desired. When you make changes any cell in the
worksheet, VIP Data Studio will check to make sure your entries are
consistent. For instance, if you change a date, it will make sure your
entry uses the correct date format. If not, you will see an error message.

You can also can insert or delete rows in the worksheet, using the right-
click shortcut menu. Follow these steps:

1. Right-click on the worksheet at the place where you want to insert

or delete a row of data, to view the shortcut menu:

2. Select the Insert or Delete option, depending on whether you want

to add a production interval or delete a production interval.

If you selected Insert, VIP Data Studio adds a row to the

worksheet, effectively splitting the selected production interval
in half. The new row and the old row reflect half the time and
half the production volumes of the previous single row.

If you selected Delete, VIP Data Studio deletes the selected

row from the worksheet and adjusts the production intervals
above and below the deleted row to compensate for the

3. Review the changes that VIP Data Studio has made, and adjust the
values in the worksheet to fine-tune the result.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Production Data:Reviewing and Editing the Worksheet 197
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Changing Column Widths

You can change the width of any column by moving the mouse cursor
to the border between the columns and dragging the mouse left or right.
You can also select several columns by dragging the mouse over the
column heads until they are shaded, then drag the border of any
selected column to resize all of them.

Hiding Columns
You can temporarily hide or display columns by double-clicking the
column heading:

1. Double-clicking a displayed column hides it.

2. Double-clicking the location of a hidden column (between two

displayed columns) redisplays the hidden column.

198 EXEC - Working with Production Data: Reviewing and Editing the Worksheet R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Changing the Display Format

For data shown in the Production Data worksheet, you can change the
type of data displayed, the decimal positions, or the date format. Follow
these steps:

1. Select Production Data> Properties from the VIP Data Studio

menu bar, or right-click the production data worksheet area and
select Properties from the shortcut menu. This displays the
Production Data Properties control panel.

The entries in this panel vary slightly, depending on whether you

imported data from a .pa file or a plain text ASCII file.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Production Data:Reviewing and Editing the Worksheet 199
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

2. Under the Display Format tab, make the following changes, as


Option How To Use It

Flow Specify how you want data displayed for each column of
Display production data. For instance, to see cumulative volumes
Format instead of daily volumes, click the Cumulative option in any
column. VIP Data Studio will recalculate the data to match
your preferences.
Precision Specify the number of decimal positions for data display. VIP
Display Data Studio will round off the production data figures to the
Format nearest decimal position you specify.
Date Select the most appropriate date format for your purposes.
Display VIP Data Studio will recalculate and redisplay dates to match
Format your selected format. U.S. format is month-day-year.
European format is day-month-year. The Days option is
number of days since beginning of production.

3. To test any of your selections, click the Apply button at the bottom
of the Properties dialog box.

4. When finished changing the properties, click OK to close this

dialog box and apply your changes, or Cancel to avoid making
any unapplied changes.

200 EXEC - Working with Production Data: Reviewing and Editing the Worksheet R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Reviewing and Editing the Charts

You can view charts at the far right of the Production Data worksheet
by using the horizontal scrollbar (bottom of worksheet) to bring them
into view. Once the charts are in view, you can scroll up or down using
the vertical scroll bar, to see all the charts.

Scroll right to view charts

There are several different ways you can control the view of these
charts as explained on the following pages.

Zooming In and Out

VIP Data Studio lets you easily zoom in or out for a better view. You
can use the icons on the toolbar, or the related options on the View

Icon Purpose Related View Menu Option

Zoom in on worksheet and charts View/Zoom In
(enlarge the perspective).
Zoom out on worksheet and charts View/Zoom Out
(shrink the perspective).
Return to original size. View/Original Size

Each time you select a zoom in/out function, it enlarges/shrinks both

the worksheet and the related production charts. Selecting Original
Size returns the worksheet and charts to their original size.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Production Data:Reviewing and Editing the Charts 201
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Changing a Plotted Value

The charts reflect the actual data values listed in the worksheet. To
change a value in the plot, retype it in the worksheet. Make sure your
changes are consistent with the data, or VIP Data Studio will display an
error message. When you change a value in the worksheet, the chart
reflects your change automatically.

Inserting/Removing Charts
You can control exactly which values are plotted in the worksheet area
by selecting them from a list. Follow these steps:

1. Right click on any worksheet cell and select Insert Chart from the
shortcut menu. This displays a list of available data.

The list shows all the data values available to be charted under
Available Data and all the data values that are actually charted
under Active Data. At first, these two lists are the same, indicating
that VIP Data Studio has already charted all available data.

2. You can move data values on/off the Active list by selecting the
data type and then clicking the arrow buttons to move it between
lists. Clicking the left arrow button moves a selected data type off
the Active list. You can move it back onto the Active list by

202 EXEC - Working with Production Data: Reviewing and Editing the Charts R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

selecting it from the Available Data column and clicking the

right-arrow button.

3. Click OK when finished to close this dialog box.

Changing the Chart Properties

To change the colors and fonts used on the production charts, follow
these steps:

1. Select Production Data> Properties from the VIP Data Studio

menu bar, or right-click the production data worksheet area and
select Properties from the shortcut menu. This displays the
Production Data Properties control panel.

2. Click the Production Charts tab to see the following display.

Certain elements of this panel appear only if you have averaged
the production data already.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Production Data:Reviewing and Editing the Charts 203
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

3. Under the Production Charts tab, change any of the display

options, as explained in the following table.

4. To test any of your selections, click the Apply button at the bottom
of the Properties dialog box.

5. When finished changing the properties, click OK to close this

dialog box and apply your changes, or Cancel to avoid making
any unapplied changes.

Production Chart Options

Option Purpose/How To Use It
Chart Title These are the column headings in the worksheet. Click to retype any column heading, as
desired. Use the Tab kay or Shift-Tab to move between columns.
Line Color These are the colors used to plot data values in the charts at the far right on your worksheet,
for both production data and averaged data (if available). Click any color to change it and
select a new color from the palette. For details see Setting the Default Color and Chart
Options on page 31.
Line Width These are the line widths (in screen pixels) used to plot data values in the production charts.
Separate widths can be specified for both production data and averaged data (if available).
Click any value and use the scroll arrows to change it, or simply retype the value.
Background This controls the background color of the production charts. Click this button to select a
new color from the palette. For details see Setting the Default Color and Chart Options on
page 31.
Font This controls the font used on the production charts. Click this button to select a new font
type, style, or size, then click OK when finished, or Cancel to avoid changing the font.

Horizontal Turn on this checkbox if you want horizontal grid lines to appear on the production charts.
Grid Lines
Avg. Interval Turn on this checkbox if you want vertical grid lines to appear on the charts for data
Grid Lines averaging intervals (not available unless data has been averaged).
Symbols Turn on this checkbox if you want symbols to display on the charts.

204 EXEC - Working with Production Data: Reviewing and Editing the Charts R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Searching for Inconsistent Data

Production data in some time intervals may have nonzero values for
both production and injection. Such events indicate that the well is in
the process of switching over from a producer to an injector, from a
gas injector to a water injector, or vice versa. VIP Data Studio lets you
easily search for these events in your production data, so that you can
review the switchover conditions and make any adjustments necessary.

Production data may also be imported with undefined values which the
program records with an X in the appropriate cell.

Perform the following steps to check for well switch overs or undefined

1. Select Production Data> Check for Production Data

Consistency from the main menu. This following dialog box

2. Select the appropriate radio button:

Scroll through all - lets you manually search for and edit each
of the switchover events or undefined values. Or you can
Cancel and search another time using the Check Production
Data Consistency option on the Production Data menu.

Let program take action to correct - lets the program mark

and edit switchovers and undefined values automatically.

3. Click the OK button to begin the process, then continue to the

appropriate section below.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Production Data:Searching for Inconsistent Data 205
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Manual Search for Switchovers

If you selected to scroll the inconsistencies, the program displays a
search dialog as shown below. Follow these steps:

1. Select the appropriate Search Type:

Option What It Finds

All Well Switchover Every type of well switchover.
Producer to Injector Only wells that switched from producer to injector.
Injector to Producer Only wells that switched from injector to producer.
Gas Injector to Water Only wells that switched from gas injector to water
Injector injector.
Water Injector to Gas Only wells that switched from water injector to gas
Injector injector.

2. Select the appropriate search Direction. You can search up or

down in the worksheet.

3. Click the Find Next button to begin searching. You can also use
Find First or Find Last to move to the first or last instance of the
selected well switchover type.

206 EXEC - Working with Production Data: Searching for Inconsistent Data R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Automatic Search for Switchovers

If you selected the second option (Let program take action) on the
Switchover panel on page 205, the program automatically scans the
data and marks all switchover events with a color code in the

At each event, it splits the switchover into two separate intervals (i.e.,
two rows in the worksheet) -- each of which represents one half of the
switchover process. For instance, one row in the worksheet might
represent the production interval while the next row represents the
injection interval. The dates are also adjusted so that the first new
interval occurs during the first half of the original interval, and the
second new interval occurs during the second half of the original
interval. Follow these steps to review and edit the changes:

1. Scroll through the worksheet and review the color-coded entries.

2. Make any adjustments to the data, as necessary, to correctly reflect

real-word conditions.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Production Data:Searching for Inconsistent Data 207
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Averaging the Data

Before generating type and constraints from production data, you may
want to use the data averaging option to average your production data
over fixed intervals or varying intervals defined within date ranges.
This process helps make sure that no data values are misapplied to the
wrong intervals during the VIP-EXEC reservoir simulation run. For
example, the following worksheet display shows production data
averaged over a uniform three-month interval.

Two procedures are included on the following pages. The first

procedure shows how to actually accomplish the data averaging
process. The second procedure shows how to interactively adjust the
results by using the mouse and charts.

How Averaging Affects the Data in Cases of Well Switchover

Special situations may occur where a well changes type at some point in the
production history, such as from production to injection, or vice versa. The
averaging process will not honor such changes in well type if any production
interval shows nonzero flow in both the production and injection columns. To
solve this problem, you should first perform a Well Switchover search before
averaging the data. The well switchover search automatically adjusts the
production intervals so that the switching well does not have two types of flow in
the same interval. Instead it will split the interval in two and assign production to
one of the subintervals and injection to the other. Once this happens, averaging
can proceed without further problems. To search for well switchovers, see
Searching for Inconsistent Data on page 205.

208 EXEC - Working with Production Data: Averaging the Data R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Setting Up and Performing the Averaging

When you are ready to start averaging the data, use the following steps:

1. Select Production Data> Average Production Data from the

VIP Data Studio menu bar, or right-click the production data
worksheet area and select Average Production Data from the
shortcut menu. This displays the Data List Selection panel.

This panel shows the Start Date and End Date for the production
data. You can select a Frequency for averaging and see the
resulting interval dates in the Date List, or you can define varying
intervals between data ranges.

2. Specify the interval. You can specify the interval in one of two

To specify a fixed interval: Use the scroll arrows to increment

or decrement the Frequency value, and watch how this
changes the Date List. You can average data over any interval
desired, including the current interval (e.g., one month).

To specify varying intervals: Click the Advanced button on the

bottom, right side of the dialog box. The box expands to
display a set of variable options as shown below.


R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Production Data:Averaging the Data 209

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Note that the Advanced and Regular buttons let you move
between the dialog box for each option.

The default start and end dates correspond to the production

start and end dates.

Click the Add Interval button. The Select Date dialog box

Click the down arrow icon ( ) to select the interval start date
from the calendar. Use the double arrow icons ( ) to
change the year and the single arrow icons ( ) to change the
month. Once you see the desired month/year for the Start or End
Date, click the desired date to select it.

Click OK to close the Select Date dialog box. The date you
entered displays in the Start Date field of the current interval and
the End Date field of the previous interval.

Click in the Frequency field. When you click in the field, scroll
arrows let you increment or decrement the frequency value from 1-

Then click in the Frequency Units field. When you click in the
field, a pull-down menu lets you select between hours, days,
weeks, months, or years.

You can also click the Delete Interval button and select the start
date of intervals you want to delete as shown below.

210 EXEC - Working with Production Data: Averaging the Data R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Click Apply on the Data List Selection dialog box to compute the
varying intervals.

You must click Apply...

Note that you must click the Apply button for the varying intervals to be

3. Once you have chosen the desired frequency, click the OK button
to average the data based on that frequency.

You can also use the Cancel button to close this panel without
averaging the data. If you clicked OK above, the program adds
extra columns to the worksheet to show the averaged interval and
the data averaged over that interval (see picture on previous page).
It also updates the charts to the right of the worksheet area.

4. Make sure the data has been averaged to your satisfaction. VIP
Data Studio will use this data when generating the VIP-EXEC
simulation data file. Averaging should not skip important dates
such as a well shut-in. You can manually change any value in the
worksheet and the data will be reaveraged automatically.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Production Data:Averaging the Data 211

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Interactively Adjusting Averaged Data

You can view averaged data in the charts to the right of the Production
Data worksheet, and interactively adjust the averaged data intervals.
Follow these steps:

1. Scroll to the right of the worksheet and view the averaged data in
the chart.

2. If you do not see the horizontal grid lines in the chart, select
Production Data> Properties then click the Production Charts
tab and turn on the Averaged Interval Grid Lines checkbox.

3. You can drag these grid lines left or right to interactively adjust the
averaging interval. To begin this process, move the mouse to the
top of the grid line until you see a large black vertical arrow

4. Without moving the mouse from its current position, hold down
the left mouse button until the arrow turns into a double white
horizontal arrow. Keep holding the mouse as you drag the grid line
left or right. As you drag the grid line, the axis annotation changes
automatically to match the current grid line position.

5. Release the mouse when the grid line is at the desired position.

212 EXEC - Working with Production Data: Averaging the Data R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Generate Types and Constraints

Once you have imported the production data and defined the wells in
the Well Definition panel, the Generate Well Types and Constraints
from Production Data wizard lets you define the types and constraints.
Follow these steps:

1. Select Production Data > Generate Well Types and Constraints

from Production Data on the main menu bar. Or click the ion
on the toolbar. This displays the first panel of the Generating VIP
Data File wizard:

This panel lists three types of problems with the well data as it
currently exists within your case. It shows:

wells with no perforations defined

wells with no production data defined

wells that have production data but have not been defined in
the Wells Names and Locations view

2. If you have a combination of well(s) defined without production

data / wells not defined with production data, a Reconcile Wells
button activates on the form.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Production Data:Generate Types and Constraints 213
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

3. Click the Reconcile Wells button to associate one well name to

another, or remove a well name. The dialog box shown below
Highlight wells to associate

Specify associated
well name

This option is useful if you have a single well listed under one or
more names. Perform the following steps to associate two wells:

Click on the well in the list of undefined wells.

Click on the well in the list of defined wells with no production
Click the Associate button. When you are finished, click OK.
The Reconcile Wells dialog box closes.

The two highlighted wells are associated. They display in the

Wells to Be Associated field.

Perform the following steps to remove a well.

Click on the well name(s) to remove.

Click the Remove Wells button. When you are finished, click
OK. The Reconcile Wells dialog box closes.

Associated wells are now listed under the well ID of the name you
specified. Removed wells are deleted from the database. Any
associated data is also removed.

4. To continue, press the Next button at the bottom of the wizard.

The next panel may look different, depending on whether or not

you have already set up well constraints in the Wells Dates

214 EXEC - Working with Production Data: Generate Types and Constraints R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

worklist. This manual assumes that you have not set up such
constraints. However, some users may have already done so.

If you have not set up constraints on the Wells Dates

worksheet, the panel looks like this:

This panel shows the Start and End Dates of both your
simulation data and production data. It also points any
problems that may still exist with your data, such as whether
your production data needs averaging. If necessary, click the
Cancel button to return to the program and adjust the start/end
dates, or correct other problems, before restarting the wizard.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Production Data:Generate Types and Constraints 215
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

If you have already set up constraints on the Wells Dates

worksheet, the panel looks like this:

Notice that, in addition to displaying the Start and End Dates

of both your simulation data and production data, this panel
also asks you to define how it should handle well types and

Option What It Does

Generate types and Discards any well types and constraints you have
constraints from defined and replaces them with information from the
production data production data file.
Append production The production data will be added to the simulation
data to data input data stream and the simulation end date will be
replaced with the production end date. This only
works in the case where the dates in the production
data are later than the dates in the simulation data.
Use production data Similar to the first option, but preserves well types
with data well type defined on the Well Dates panel. Constraints are
replaced with information from the production data
file, as with the first option above.
Ignore production Does not use the production data in the simulation
data input data stream. (You still have an opportunity on
the next panel to generate an observed data file from
the production data.)

216 EXEC - Working with Production Data: Generate Types and Constraints R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

5. To continue, press the Next button at the bottom of the wizard.

This displays the final panel of the wizard.

This panel shows wells defined for the simulation and lets you
control how the observed data file and BHP/THP data will be

Any wells that have dual flow (production/injection) during a

given simulation time interval are marked in red. If you see
this, click the Cancel button and correct the problem using the
switchover search feature discussed on page 205, then return
to this procedure.

If you see problems with the well definitions in general,

Cancel and use the appropriate worksheets in discussed in
earlier chapters of this manual to define wells data for wells to
be included in the simulation.

If you have on time, BHP, and/or THP data in your data, additional
fields are available for selection. Activate the BHP/THP cards to
define the limiting bottomhole pressure or tubing head pressure.

When ontime information has been loaded for production data,

activate the Generate ON TIME card for wells from production
data toggle if you want to generate ontime cards and corrected
rates (to maintain volumetric) for the wells. Otherwise, production
over the entire date interval is assumed.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Production Data:Generate Types and Constraints 217
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

The observed data file can be generated directly from either the
raw or averaged production data, per your selection, and is used
primarily for history matching using the SimResults or
PLOTVIEW program. Using visualization programs like
PLOTVIEW and 3DVIEW, you can compare the result of your
simulation to the actual production data to determine how well
your model is working. PLOTVIEW shows simulated and
observed data side-by-side on the same plot for making detailed

6. Press the Finish button at the bottom of the wizard to complete the
well types and constraints generation.

218 EXEC - Working with Production Data: Generate Types and Constraints R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Clearing the Worksheet

You can clear the Production Data worksheet and start over if desired.
Follow these steps:

1. Right-click in the worksheet area to see the following shortcut


2. Select Clear Grid Data from the shortcut menu. You will see this

3. Click the Yes button to clear all data from the Production Data
worksheet. Otherwise, click No.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Production Data:Clearing the Worksheet 219

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

220 EXEC - Working with Production Data: Clearing the Worksheet R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

EXEC - Defining Utility Data

When the production data is defined, the Utility options let you specify:

Simulation data - such as simulation start/end date, title, and


Dimension data - such as the maximum number of perforations

(NPRFMAX) allowed in the simulation.

Entering Simulation Data

The Simulation Data section of the EXEC Options control panel lets
you enter miscellaneous data for the simulation.

Simulation interval - controls the start and ending dates for the
simulation. Enter the dates manually or select from a calendar by
clicking the down arrow.

Restart run - click here if you want to restart the simulation.

Title - enter up to three lines of a descriptive title for the

simulation. run.

Result files control - click to select options that deactivate the

default to write to the VDB and to generate an output restart file.
When you select not to write to the VDB, you can specify plot

R2003.4 EXEC - Defining Utility Data:Entering Simulation Data 221

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

files, map files, or both from drop-down menus. If you select not
to write map files to the VDB, you can select the map file format
from the drop-down menu.

Solver Formulation - use the drop-down lists and check box to

specify the solver and formulation for the run. Depending on
whether you select IMPES or IMPLICIT formulation, you will be
able to optionally select the Volume Balance or Material Balance
option. If you select IMPES, you can also select implicit well rate
equations, which usually results in larger, stable timestep sizes.
The example above shows special fields that appear when you
select LGR Mixed. When this happens, you can import more local
grid refinement (LGR) definition files (.lgr files) using a simple
file selection dialog. For the root grid and for each LGR, you can
select IMPES or IMPLICIT formulation individually. For more
details on all of these options, please refer to the VIP-EXEC
Reference Manual.

222 EXEC - Defining Utility Data: Entering Simulation Data R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Entering Dimension Data

The Dimension Data section of the EXEC Options control panel lets
you enter dimension data for the simulation. This corresponds to the
DIM card discussed in the VIP-EXEC Reference Manual.There are
dozens of options available for the DIM card, and this panel gives you
access to most of them.

Several DIM options are set automatically when you generate a VIP-
EXEC data file, based on some simple consistency checks that VIP
Data Studio does on your worksheet data. The automatically set DIM
NFSMAX, and NGCMAX. For instance, VIP Data Studio will verify
the number of wells and perforations in your compiled worksheet data
and set the maximum number of perforations (NPRFMX) and
maximum number of wells (NWMAX) accordingly. The same types of
checks are performed for the other automatic DIM options.

You can use the Dimension Data panel to specify other DIM options.
Follow these steps:

R2003.4 EXEC - Defining Utility Data:Entering Dimension Data 223

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

1. Click the Dim Options button. This brings up a Dimensions

selection panel as shown below:

2. Open the various folders on this panel by clicking the (+) sign next
to each folder. You will see many of the DIM options described in
the VIP-EXEC Reference Manual.

3. Turn on the checkbox of any option you want to select.

4. Click the OK button. This adds the selected options to the

Dimension Data section of the Exec Options control panel.

5. Click inside the Value column on the display and type in the value
for this dimension setting, or use the scroll arrows to set the

224 EXEC - Defining Utility Data: Entering Dimension Data R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

EXEC - Defining Output Options


So far, this manual has only discussed using the Production Data
worksheet. However, there are several other types of worksheets you
can use to compile data. In particular, you can use the Output Options
worksheet to generate date records and output records that will be used
in the VIP-EXEC simulation. You can:

Set up a list of dates on which important events will occur,

including the start and end date.

Generate a list of output events (PRINT, PLOT, MAPOUT, and

RESTART) that will occur during the simulation at a given
frequency. For instance, you may want the simulation to write a
specific set of reports every three months during the simulation.

Edit the records, for instance, you may want to change the types
of output produced on a specific date.

Insert additional DATE records that do not follow an easily

identifiable frequency pattern.

The procedures in this chapter explain how to perform each of the tasks
listed above. It is assumed that you understand the purpose of PRINT,
PLOT, MAPOUT, and RESTART records as explained in the VIP-
EXEC Reference Manual.

R2003.4 EXEC - Defining Output Options:Introduction 225

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Viewing the Output Options Worksheet

To begin generating a list of dates, you must first view the Output
Options worksheet. To do this, double-click the Output Options option
in the tree diagram to the left of the worksheet display area. The
worksheet display area should now appear as follows:

Worksheet changes to date summary display

Double-click here

This display lets you set up a list of Run Dates and then designate
various events that will occur on those dates, such as:

PRINT options - reports that will be printed on certain dates

MAP options - map records that will be generated on certain dates for
use by 3DVIEW

Mole Fraction Map Fields for Compositional Model

If you have a compositional fluid model, you will have three additional fields
(MAPX Options, MAPY Options, and MAPZ Options). These put mile fraction
of the selected component into the map file, where X is liquid, Y is gas, and Z
is overall.

PLOT options - plot records that will be generated on certain dates for

RESTART - - restart records that will be captured on certain dates for

use in starting new simulations at different dates (use carefully since
these generate large output files that can quickly fill up your hard drive)

226 EXEC - Defining Output Options: Viewing the Output Options Worksheet R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

OUTPUT options -- controls array printout in the simulator output

file. Also controls simulator special reports. Refer to the Output
Control Options (Print/Map Arrays and Parameters) section of the VIP
Executive Reference Manual .

OUTRFT Wells option -- specifies the wells to be included in the well

RFT report.

SSUM Wells option -- specifies options and variables to appear in the

spreadsheet summary files for a well, gather, flow station, area, or

Note -- adding include files

Inclue files are now added using the External Include Data tab on the options tree
as described in Include Files on page 47.

R2003.4 EXEC - Defining Output Options:Viewing the Output Options Worksheet 227
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Setting Up the Date List

Once you have opened the Output Options worksheet, use the
following procedure to start generating a list of run dates on which you
can program specific simulation events:

1. Right-click in the worksheet area to see the following shortcut


2. Select Generate New Output Date List to see the following

dialog box:

This dialog box lets you define the Start Date and End Date for
the entire list of dates that you will be generating. You can also
indicate the type and frequency for four different types of VIP-
EXEC data records: PRINT, PLOT, MAPOUT, and RESTART.

3. Select the desired Start Date and End Date for your list of
dates.Notice that these are already set to the defaults listed on the
Dates-Units tab of the User Options panel (as covered under

228 EXEC - Defining Output Options: Setting Up the Date List R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Entering Simulation Data on page 221). If these defaults are

acceptable for the current case, you can skip the next two steps.

The dates shown here are the default start and end dates of the
production data. It is not recommended that you change the Start
Date, however you may want to set the End Date much later than
the end date of your production data if you want to simulate a
production run that continues well into the future.

You can click on the date to retype it, or you can click the down
arrow icon ( ) to select from a calendar.

If the calendar appears, use the double arrow icons ( ) to

change the year and the single arrow icons ( ) to change the
month. Once the desired date appears, click to select it.

4. Set up the remaining fields on the dialog box according to

procedures in the table on page 230.

5. When finished setting up the date list options, click the OK button
to close this panel.The date list is generated automatically and
looks something like this:

R2003.4 EXEC - Defining Output Options:Setting Up the Date List 229

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Setting the Date List Options

Option How To Use It
Print Options / Specify the PRINT options to be used and default frequency for the print options. PRINT
Frequency records will be generated for the simulation on the frequency specified. To see a list of all
available PRINT options, click the button to the right of the Print Options field. Major
categories are shown as folders, which you can open by clicking the (+) icon. Put a check
next to each option desired, then click OK to close the option list.
To select a default frequency for the PRINT options, set the Frequency value to the right of
the Print Options field.

Click to display option list Enter frequency of PRINT output

Click to
expand folders

Click to turn on

Once selected, these options will be included as keywords in any VIP-EXEC data file that
you generate with VIP Data Studio, until the next time you change them.
Note: You can use the MB3 Change Print Option option for cell to define multiple
reports, each with its own frequency. Refer to Adding or Changing the Selected Options in
a Cell on page 235.

230 EXEC - Defining Output Options: Setting Up the Date List R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Setting the Date List Options (Continued)

Option How To Use It
Plot Options / Specify the PLOT options to be used and default frequency for the PLOT options. PLOT
Frequency records will be generated for the simulation on the frequency specified.
This works the same way as the PRINT options discussed above. The only difference is the
option list that you see:

Map Options/ Specify the MAPOUT options to be used and default frequency for the MAPOUT options.
Frequency MAPOUT records will be generated for the simulation on the frequency specified.
This works the same way as the PRINT options discussed earlier. The only difference is the
option list that you see:

R2003.4 EXEC - Defining Output Options:Setting Up the Date List 231

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Setting the Date List Options (Continued)

Option How To Use It
Output Options Use this option to:
Control the arrays that are printed for a cell or column. The array options dialog box opens
as shown below.:

Note: when this option is set, it is not used unless the Array option is active within the
corresponding Print command.
Create special reports such as timestep summaries, well/performation status changes,
convergence information, automatic workovers, recompletion unit status changes, and
condensate information. The Action Options dialog box opens as shown below.

This option lets you shift values by a constant factor and change average pore-volume
pressure from total to hydrocarbon only,

232 EXEC - Defining Output Options: Setting Up the Date List R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Setting the Date List Options (Continued)

Option How To Use It
Spreadsheet Select the Change Spreadsheet File for Cell option on the right mouse button drop-down
Summary menu in any of the Spreadsheet Summary fields (Well, Gather, Flow Station, Area, Field
Options Region) to open the Spreadsheet Summary Options dialog box.

Use this dialog box to select the spreadsheet format and data.
Restart Options / Use the check box to indicate whether you want RESTART records to be written. When the
Frequency box is checked, a Frequency field displays so you can specify the frequency of the
RESTART records.

6. Use the procedures in the rest of this chapter to change the date
list, as needed to make it conform to your needs.

R2003.4 EXEC - Defining Output Options:Setting Up the Date List 233

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Changing the Date List

Once you have generated a date list, there are various ways you can
change the Output Options worksheet, as explained on the following

Adding a Date Record

You can add a date into the list by adding an extra row to the
worksheet. Follow these steps:

1. Right-click on the date list at the point where you want to insert a
new date (i.e., on the row above where you want the date inserted).
You should see the following shortcut menu:

2. Select Add Date Card to view the following dialog box:

3. Type in the date you want to add to the list, or select it from the
pop-up calendar that appears when you click the down-arrow
button ( ).

4. Click the OK button. This adds an empty row to the chart. You
will now need to manually specify the options that apply in each
column of the Output Options worksheet, as explained next.

234 EXEC - Defining Output Options: Changing the Date List R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Adding or Changing the Selected Options in a Cell

You can change the contents of any cell in the worksheet, or specify
options for an empty cell in a new date row. Follow these steps:

1. Right-click the cell to be changed, and then select the option

shown below on the resulting shortcut menu.

Option to select

For instance, if you right-click a cell in the Print Options column,

you will select Change Print Option for cell from the last
position on the shortcut menu.

Clicking on an Empty Row

You cannot do this on an empty row in the worksheet. The shortcut menu will
not provide the appropriate Change option if you click on an empty row.

Selecting the Change Print Option for Cell option displays the
Select Print Options dialog for the appropriate option type.

R2003.4 EXEC - Defining Output Options:Changing the Date List 235

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

2. Click the Add Option button to add a new report. The Print Option
dialog box opens as shown below.

3. Open each of the folders by clicking the (+) icon.

4. Put a check next to each option desired, then click OK. The Select
Frequency dialog box opens as shown below.

Select the print frequency and click OK. You return to the Select
Print Option dialog box with all selected reports listed.

You can then click and highlight an individual report in the list to
delete it (Remove button), replace it (Modify button), or change
the frequency.

236 EXEC - Defining Output Options: Changing the Date List R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Changing the Restart Dates

When you generate a list of dates in the Date Summary worksheet, the
Restart option is invoked (checked) based on the frequency that you

If desired, you can turn Restart on or off on any date in this worksheet.
To do this, click the check box until the check is on or off.

Changing the Output Frequency

VIP supports situations where an individual output statement can be
terminated abruptly on a certain date, or applied repetitively to future
dates and timesteps. Use the following steps to apply these special
frequency modifiers to your existing output statements in the Output
Options worksheet:

1. Move your mouse cursor to the exact cell where you want to apply
a frequency modifier. For instance, you might want to apply a
frequency modifier to the fourth cell in the Print Options column.

2. Right-click the desired cell. You will see a shortcut menu as


R2003.4 EXEC - Defining Output Options:Changing the Date List 237

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

3. Select Change Output Frequency from the shortcut menu. This

displays a special dialog box:

4. Select the appropriate option as follows:

Option What It Does

For date only Output option will be applied to this date only.
For all DATE or Output option will be applied to all subsequent dates
TIME cards in the date list, regardless of whether those are
specified using a DATE card or TIME card.
Switch Output Terminate the output option on the selected date in
Option off the date list (no repetition on future dates).
Activate Output If either of the first two selections are chosen, you
Option every X can specify a timestep frequency for output. For
timesteps example, if you want the output to be generated
every tenth timestep, check this box and set the
counter to 10.

5. Click OK to close this dialog box.

238 EXEC - Defining Output Options: Changing the Date List R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Clearing the Worksheet

You can clear the Output Options worksheet and start over if desired.
Follow these steps:

1. Right-click in the worksheet area to see the following shortcut


2. Select Clear Grid Data from the shortcut menu. You will see this

3. Click the Yes button to clear all data from the Date Summary
worksheet. Otherwise, click No.

R2003.4 EXEC - Defining Output Options:Clearing the Worksheet 239

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

240 EXEC - Defining Output Options: Clearing the Worksheet R2003.4

Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

EXEC - Working with Well Data


In the previous chapter, this manual discussed using the worksheet area
to generate date lists. You can also use the worksheet area to generate
lists of Well Names and Locations for use in the VIP-EXEC input data
stream. In particular, you can:

Create well lists from scratch

Import a well list based on the .wij files produced in GRIDGENR/


Review and edit the well list, and sort it in various ways

Change the effective date that any well comes online

Insert or delete wells in the well list

Create well perforation lists from scratch

Import and edit a well perforation list based on the .fpf files
produced in GRIDGENR/ARRAY. Or import well trajectory and
perforation data from OpenWorks, a .gtf file, or a formatted text
file, edit the perforations, and adjust them to the simulation grid

View and edit well constraints

Define and edit the well management level data and define
production/injection target rates and ontime factors

The procedures in this chapter explain how to perform each of the tasks
listed above.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Well Data:Introduction 241

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Viewing the Well Names and Locations Worksheet

To start generating a list of wells, you must first view the Well Names
and Locations worksheet. To do this, double-click the Wells Name and
Location option in the tree diagram to the left of the worksheet. The
worksheet display area should now appear as follows:

Double-click here Worksheet changes to well list display

This display lets you set up a list of wells that will come online during
the simulation, including:

Effective Date - the date on which the well becomes visible to the
simulation and begins producing or injecting as specific flow rates

Well Number - the number of the well

Well Name - the name of the well

I Location - the I direction gridblock coordinate of the well in the

simulation grid

J location - the J direction gridblock coordinate of the well in the

simulation grid

242 EXEC - Working with Well Data: Viewing the Well Names and Locations Worksheet R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Separator Battery Number- the number of the separate battery that

the well is attached to, if applicable.

Grid - the name of the local grid refinement file where the well is
located, if applicable. If local grid refinement is not used, this column
contains the word ROOT to indicate the well is located in the base

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Well Data:Viewing the Well Names and Locations Worksheet 243
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Setting Up the Well List

Once you have opened the Well Names and Locations worksheet, you
can fill in the worksheet manually with well names, locations, and
effective dates. If you have already used GRIDGENR and ARRAY to
set up a simulation model, you can import data directly from the
resulting .wij file using the following procedure.

1. Right-click the worksheet area to see the following shortcut menu:

2. Select Import wij File to view the following dialog box:

Folder being

List of files
in this folder

File name
for inclusion

3. If you do not see the desired file, use the Look in drop-down list to
locate the folder where the .wij file is stored.

When looking for a folder, you also have the following options:

Click the drop-down list icon ( ) to see the current location

where the program is trying to find the file.
Use the up-folder icon ( ) if you need to move up to a higher
folder level.

244 EXEC - Working with Well Data: Setting Up the Well List R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Double-click any folder icon ( ) shown in the file list if you

want to open it (i.e., move to a lower folder level).
Click the new folder icon ( ) if you want to create a new
folder within the currently selected location. This adds a new
folder with the name New Folder to the file list. Type the
new folder name and press the Enter key.
Use the Details icon ( ) if you want to see the size, type, and
modification date of the files shown in the file list.

4. Click the desired File name in the file list and click the Open

This reads in data from the .wij file and fills in the worksheet with
the resulting data. For instance:

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Well Data:Setting Up the Well List 245
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Displaying Common Well IDs

The Common Well ID section of the EXEC Options panel lets you
view cross-referenced well names from OpenWorks and how they
translate for use with VIP. This information comes from the .wdb file.

246 EXEC - Working with Well Data: Displaying Common Well IDs R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Changing the Well List

Once you have set up the Well Names and Locations worksheet, you
can change it in various ways, as explained on the following pages.

Changing the Effective Date or Other Cells

The list of dates in the Effective Date column should correctly reflect
the dates on which the wells apply to the simulation. To change any
date, simply click on it and retype it. However, the date you specify
must be within the simulation time interval as specified in the Dates
Summary worksheet (see EXEC - Defining Output Options on
page 225). You can also change any other cells in the worksheet by

Sorting the Worksheet

You can sort the list of wells based on any data type. For example, you
Click column
heading to may want to sort the list by Effective Date, Well Name, Well Number,
sort by that
data type
or any of the other column headings.

To sort the list based on a particular data type, click the appropriate
column heading for that data type. For instance, if you click the Well
Number column heading, the list will be resorted by Well Number.

Cutting, Copying and Pasting Cells

You can cut, copy, and paste cells to/from any column in the worksheet,
as long as you do not try to cut, copy, and paste information across
multiple columns. This is an easy way to remove a group of cells or
duplicate the contents of a group of cells at a different location on the

1. Click on the first cell to be copied or cut.

2. If you want to select a range of cells, control-click the cell at the

end of the range. This highlights all cells in between your first
click and your control-click. Remember that you can only cut or
copy a range of cells within a column, not across columns.

3. Select Edit > Cut to delete the selected cells or Edit > Copy to
copy them. Or you can press Ctrl-X to cut or Ctrl-C to copy.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Well Data:Changing the Well List 247
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

4. You can paste the selected cells by clicking on the top cell in the
area to be pasted, and then selecting Edit > Paste (or Ctrl-V).

VIP Data Studio performs basic validation to make sure the data
remains consistent within the spreadsheet. If you try to cut, copy,
or paste inconsistent data types, it will display an error message.

Inserting a New Well

Use the following steps if needed to insert a new well into the existing

1. Right-click the worksheet area to see the following shortcut menu:

2. Select Insert New Well to view the following dialog box:

3. Enter the well name, number, gridblock location (I/J), gathering

center number, separator battery, and grid type, as appropriate.
Notice that an appropriate well number is already proposed.

4. Click the OK button. The new well is added to the worksheet at

the appropriate place in the hierarchy (in well number sequence).

248 EXEC - Working with Well Data: Changing the Well List R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Deleting Individual Wells

You can delete individual wells from the worksheet by removing the
appropriate row from the worksheet. Follow these steps:

1. Right click on the row you want to delete, then select Delete Well
from the shortcut menu. This displays the following message:

2. Turn on the check box labeled Renumber Wells After Deleting if

you want all the Well Numbers in the worksheet to be renumbered
appropriately after deleting this one.

3. Click the OK button if this is the well you want to delete,

otherwise click Cancel to avoid deleting it.

If you click OK, the appropriate row is deleted from the


R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Well Data:Changing the Well List 249
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Deleting Multiple Wells

You can delete multiple wells from the worksheet by selecting them
from a special list. Follow these steps:

1. Right click on any cell in the worksheet, then select Delete Wells
from the shortcut menu. This displays the following dialog box:

2. Turn on the check box labeled Renumber Wells After Deleting if

you want all the Well Numbers in the worksheet to be renumbered
appropriately after deleting these wells.

3. Hold down the Control key and click on all the wells you want to
delete. Use the scrollbar to see the entire list.

4. Make sure all wells to be deleted are highlighted, then click the
OK button to delete them (or click Cancel if you change your
mind and do not want to delete any wells).

If you click OK, the appropriate rows are deleted from the

250 EXEC - Working with Well Data: Changing the Well List R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Clearing the Worksheet

You can clear the worksheet and start over if desired. Follow these

1. Right-click the worksheet area to see the following shortcut menu:

2. Select Clear Grid Data from the shortcut menu. You will see this

3. Click the Yes button to clear all data from the worksheet.
Otherwise, click No.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Well Data:Clearing the Worksheet 251

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Viewing the Perforations Worksheet

To begin generating a list of well perforations, you must open the Well
Perforations worksheet. To do this, double-click the Well Perforations
option in the tree diagram to the left of the worksheet. The worksheet
display area should now appear as follows:

Double-click here Worksheet changes to well perforation display

This display lets you set up a list of well perforations that will come
online during the simulation, including the following data:

Effective Date - the date on which the perforation becomes effective

during the simulation.

Well - the name of the well in which the perforation is located.

Layer No. - the vertical simulation grid layer in which the perforation
is located.

I/J location - the simulation gridblock coordinates of the well


Grid Name - the name of the local grid refinement file where the well
is located, if applicable. Default is root (i.e., no LGR file).

These are the standard data fields typically found in perforation data.
However, many more fields may be available, depending on the source
of the data.

252 EXEC - Working with Well Data: Viewing the Perforations Worksheet R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Setting Up the Well Perforation List

Once you have opened the Well Perforations worksheet, you can fill it
in manually with perforation data and effective dates. If you have
already used GRIDGENR and ARRAY to set up a simulation model,
you can import data directly from the resulting .fpf file using the
following procedure. Otherwise, you can import an ASCII test file
which meets the following specification.

Specifications for ASCII Import for Well Perforation Data

The file must be formatted into columns.

A standard delimiter (tab, spaces, commas) must be used to delineate
each column.
The top row may contain valid keywords to define the data in the column.
If so, the Import Wizard will translate the data. If no valid keyword is
found on the top of the columns, you will have to define the data using
the Import Wizard.
One column must be the well name.
Only columns that match VIP perforation options can be imported.

1. Right-click the worksheet to see the following shortcut menu:

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Well Data:Setting Up the Well Perforation List 253
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

2. Select Import fpf File to view the following dialog box:

Folder being

List of files
in this folder

File name
for import

3. The default lists only the fpf files. If you are importing from
another ASCII file format, click the Files of Type pull-down menu
and select All Files.

4. If you do not see the desired file, use the Look in drop-down list to
locate the folder where the .fpf file is stored.

When looking for a folder, you also have the following options:

Click the drop-down list icon ( ) to see the current location

where the program is trying to find the file.
Use the up-folder icon ( ) if you need to move up to a higher
folder level.
Double-click any folder icon ( ) shown in the file list if you
want to open it (i.e., move to a lower folder level).
Click the new folder icon ( ) if you want to create a new
folder within the currently selected location. This adds a new
folder with the name New Folder to the file list. Type the
new folder name and press the Enter key.
Use the Details icon ( ) if you want to see the size, type, and
modification date of the files shown in the file list.

5. Click the desired File name in the file list and click the Open

Importing from an FPF File

When you click the Open button after selecting an fpf file, the data
is read from the .fpf file and fills in the worksheet with the

254 EXEC - Working with Well Data: Setting Up the Well Perforation List R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

resulting data. For instance:

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Well Data:Setting Up the Well Perforation List 255
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Importing using the Perforation Wizard

The Perforation Wizard allows you to edit perforation data directly
within Data Studio. You can also load markers to adjust geological
layers and faults to the simulation grid. Refer to the illustration below.

Openworks GridGenr .gtf File Formatted Text File

(from Wellbore Planner, (to modify outside of (generic format compatible with Wellbore
field data, etc.) GridGenr) Planner and other products)

Simulation Grid

Perforation Wizard

Map Geological Layers/Faults to Simulation Grid

(Text Marker File Only)
VIP Format
Perforations VDB

Add/Delete Perforations
Change Length

Geological Layers/Faults
Mapped to Simulation Grid
Modified Perforations

The Perforation Wizard lets you load well trajectory and perforation
data from:

An ASCII text file (formatted as described in the next section).

The format is similar to those output by most applications,
including Wellbore Planner.

A GridGenr (.gtf) file. This format is described in the GridGenr

Users Guide (Importing and Exporting Files section of the
Getting Started chapter).


Note: Order-dependent Imports

It is highly recommended that you import data in order (i.e., traces before
perforations and perforations before markers.

256 EXEC - Working with Well Data: Setting Up the Well Perforation List R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

The perforation wizard guides you through the steps necessary to load
the file as described below.

1. Open the wizard. Click the wizard icon on the toolbar.

2. Select the grid from the VDB. The grid definition wizard is panel
shown below.

Click the folder icon to open the File Selection dialog box.
Select the database (.vdb) file which contains the grid definition. If
multiple Cases exist for the study, click the icon and select the
Case. Then click the Next Button.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Well Data:Setting Up the Well Perforation List 257
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

3. Select the text and/or .gtf well file(s). The well file definition
wizard is panel shown below.

Fields available only if you

have OpenWorks

Use the buttons shown below to select the file(s) to import.

Create new file import line

Delete selected file from import list
Move up import list
Move down import list

Open File Selection dialog box

File types

Use the Files of Type menu on the File Selection dialog box to filter the
available .txt or .gtf files.

Select the date format from the drop-down menu. Click the toggle
to define whether the units are in field or metric.

Importing OpenWorks Perforation Data

If you are importing data from OpenWorks, activate the Import Well Data
from Openworks toggle. Then click the button and select the
OpenWorks project, wells to import, and interpreter.

258 EXEC - Working with Well Data: Setting Up the Well Perforation List R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Then click the Next Button. If you imported a well trajectory file
with markers, the marker mapping panel opens as described in the
next step. If you did not import markers, proceed to step 5.

4. Map markers. If you imported perforation and/or fault markers,

the marker/simulation layer relations panel opens as shown below.

Click in Marker
Type field to Click in
open marker Simulation
type drop-down Layer field to
menu. activate
layer selection

Import existing
marker file.

Save defined
as marker file.

This panel lets you assign markers for geological layers or faults to
the top or bottom of a simulation layer in order to adjust for
discrepancies between the simulation grid and the structural
layers. The simulator will then compute the location of the
perforation in terms of the gridblock. This can improve the
accuracy of the simulation, especially in highly dipping areas
where the gridblock is too coarse to track the structure.

Well Trace Correction from top of structure

to top of simulation gridblock

Geometric intersection default

Correction totrue layer

For each imported marker ID, select the marker type and use the
stepper to map it to the appropriate simulation layer. Options are to

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Well Data:Setting Up the Well Perforation List 259
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

ignore the marker, map it to the top or bottom of the selected

simulation layer, or identify it as a fault.

Saving and loading marker map files

Once defined, you can save the marker map to a file for repeated use.

Then click the Next Button. The marker locations are recalculated.

5. Review/adjust perforations. The review/adjust perforations panel

opens as shown below.

Error report

Perforation well/time perforations
selection menus in 3DView


Sort by perforation
length cutoff

If you did not map markers, the panel displays as shown above. If
you mapped markers, the corrected perforations are color-coded,
by default green for corrected depths and orange for deleted

Error Reporting

Note the message Simulation Grid Perforations could not be calculated for some
perforation intervals. The program ignores intervals where well trace did not
intersect the reservoir. Click the View Intervals button to open a listing of
ignored intervals.

260 EXEC - Working with Well Data: Setting Up the Well Perforation List R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Column definitions are:

Column Header Description

Well Well name
Date Effective Date
Status (Editable) Whether the perforation is active (Perf) or plugged
MD1 (or TVD) Measured or true vertical depth at the top of the
MD2 (or TVD) Measured or true depth at the bottom of the perforation
Calculated by the Program
IW x(r) direction gridblock index of the block containing
the perforation
JW y(theta) direction gridblock index of the block
containing the perforation
Layer Simulation layer of the perforation
Length (Editable) Length of the perforation
ANGLA Angle (in degrees) of the well segment with respect to
the x axis in the areal plane.
ANGLV Angle (in degrees) of the well segment with respect to
the x axis in the areal plane.
PWDEP Depth to middle of perforation segment

You can do the following on this panel:

View the Click the button to open 3DView and view the
perforations perforations.
Find perforation Enter the cut-off value in the field shown below. This
cut-off length activates the Apply Cut-off button. When you click the
button, all perforations less than specified length
highlight (default red) for easy identification.


Perforate or plug Click the Perf/Plug toggle to edit the status of a

Change Click in the Length field and edit the perforation length.
perforation length

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Well Data:Setting Up the Well Perforation List 261
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Add/delete Click in the row below which to add a perforation or in

perforations the row you want to delete. Select the Add or Delete
option from the right mouse button menu as shown

If you selected to add a perforation, complete the

information in the dialog box and click OK.

The perforation is added.

Click the Next button when you are ready to export the

6. Export the perforations. The export panels opens as shown below.

Activate the first option to export the well definition and

perforation files to the VDB. Activate the second option to import
them into your current Data Studio session as well.

262 EXEC - Working with Well Data: Setting Up the Well Perforation List R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

If you have perforations less than the specified cut-off value, click
the toggle to remove them or set their status to off. The default is
to keep them.

Click the Finish button to perform the import/export and close the

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Well Data:Setting Up the Well Perforation List 263
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

ASCII file format to import Well Perf Data

Three formats are defined: the well trace, well perforations, and well

Well Trace File

The format for the well trace file is:


name1 [bore1] X1,1,1 Y1,1,1 Z1,1,1 [MD]1,1,1

name1 [bore k] Xi,1,k Yi,1,k Zi,1,k [MD]i,1,k

namen [bore p] Xi,n.p Yi,n,p Zi,n,p [MD]i,n,p


Name for the nth well entered.
Bore number for the nth well entered. If no bore
information is entered, bore 1 is assumed.
X coordinate of the ith trajectory point entered for
pth bore of nth well.
Y coordinate of the ith trajectory point entered for
pth bore of nth well.
Z coordinate of the ith trajectory point entered for pth
bore of nth well.
Measured depth of the ith trajectory point entered for
pth bore of nth well. If no measured depth is entered,
it will be interpolated from the trajectory segments.


W1 6100 5000 0.00 0.00
W1 6000 5000 4812.50 4813.54
W1 5750 5000 4860.08 5068.03

264 EXEC - Working with Well Data: Setting Up the Well Perforation List R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

W1 5500 5000 4910.26 5323.01

W2 5600 5200 0.00 0.00
W2 5700 5100 4932.24 5013.62

Well Perforation Events

Two alternate formats for the well perforation events file are:


name1 [bore1] date,1,1 event1,1,1 MDT1,1,1 [MDB]1,1,1

name1 [bore k] datei,1,k eventi,1,k MDTi,1,k [MDB]i,1,k

namen [bore p] datei,n.p eventi,n,p MDTi,n,p [MDB]i,n,p



date,1,l,1 name1 [bore1] event1,1,1 MDT1,1,1 [MDB]1,1,1

datei,1,k name1 [bore k] eventi,1,k MDTi,1,k [MDB]i,1,k

datei,n.p namen [bore p] eventi,n,p MDTi,n,p [MDB]i,n,p


Name for the nth well entered.
Bore number for the nth well entered. If no bore
information is entered, bore 1 is assumed.
Date of ith perforation event for pth bore of nth well.
Event must be given in historical order i.e.
datei+1,n,p >= datei,n,p. Format for the date must be
specified on the UI, most common date format sup-
ith event for pth bore of nth well. Event can be either
PERF or PLUG. For a PLUG event, the interval
must have had a PERF event at a previous date.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Well Data:Setting Up the Well Perforation List 265
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Measured depth of the top of the ith perf interval for
pth bore of nth well.
Measured depth of the bottom of the ith perf interval
for pth bore of nth well. If no bottom depth is given,
a bottom depth of a previous defined perf interval
will be assigned if any. If none perf interval will be
assumed all the way to the end of the reservoir.



W1 01/01/1998 PERF 5835.51 6249.06
W1 01/05/1998 PLUG 6035.51
W1 01/10/1998 PERF 6666.98 7090.54
W2 01/01/1998 PERF 4932.23 5324.19

At 01/05/1998, the only active perforation for well W1 will be from

MD=5835.51 to MD=6035.5:1


01/01/1998 W1 PERF 5835.51 6249.06
01/01/1998 W2 PERF 4932.23 5324.19
01/05/1998 W1 PLUG 6035.51
01/10/1998 W2 PERF 5122.02 5201.54

Wells Marker File

The format for the well marker file is:


name1 [bore1] MD1,1,1 pick1,1,1

name1 [bore k] MDi,1,k picki,1,k

namen [bore p] MDi,n,p picki,n,p


Name for the nth well entered.

266 EXEC - Working with Well Data: Setting Up the Well Perforation List R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Bore number for the nth well entered. If no bore
information is entered, bore 1 is assumed.
Measured depth of the ith marker entered for pth
bore of nth well.
Surface name corresponding to the ith marker
entered for pth bore of nth well.


W1 5835.51 Perf1
W1 6249.06 Fault1
W1 6666.98 Perf2


Perforation Events and Markers can be specified in the same file

than the Traces or in separate files.

Markers are optional, if no marker is entered, no correction will be

generated (i.e. perforation calculation will be done the same way
than in GridGenr).

Measured depths should be entered wherever available.

For true vertical wells, to define a trace only one record per well
with a name, X and Y location might be specified. Header cards
needed will be reduced to (WELL X Y).

For true vertical wells, true vertical depth can be entered for
Perforation Events. Use TVDTOP/TVDBOT header instead of
MDTOP/MDBOT. For Markers use TVD header instead of MD.

Comma, tab or space separator can be used. Well names with

blank spaces must be double quoted. Non VIP compatible well
names will be converted to VIP well names.

For input file names, gtf extension is reserved for back-

compatibility with GridGenr.

Comments can be added to the data files with same format as VIP
(C at beginning of line of after ! at the end of a data line).

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Well Data:Setting Up the Well Perforation List 267
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Importing from an ASCII File

Perforation data can be imported from a tabular column ASCII file
format (with either tabs, commas, or blanks as delimiters). One column
must be the well name and only valid VIP perforation options can be
imported. If you import data from an ASCII file, the Import Wizard
will display the number of columns that could be delineated.

You can click the toggles to change the number of columns or the
delimiter that the program should recognize. Click the Next button
when the format is correct. The Import Wizard proceeds to the next
dialog box. If you titled each column with a valid keyword, the data
type should appear correctly as shown below.

Click to open pop-up menu to

select data type

Pop-up menu

268 EXEC - Working with Well Data: Setting Up the Well Perforation List R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

If a keyword was not included or could not be read, click in the header
row and select the data type from the pop-up menu. Click Ignore Data
for any column you do not wish to import.

When all columns have been defined or ignored, the Finish button
becomes active. Click Finish to load the data. The keywords for which
data is loaded displays in the message area.

The perforations then open in the spreadsheet.

Perforation Data Import Results

Perforation data files can be fairly complex. When the program loads a
.fpf file, it shows all the data it was able to find. Some of the standard
perforation data columns may be blank if the data was not available in
the file.

If the .fpf file does not contain any date information, the Effective Date
for each perforation record defaults to the simulation start date. If you
want the perforation to come online later in the simulation, you will
need to change the Effective Date appropriately.

If the .fpf file does contain date information for the perfs, they will
show in the Effective Date column. If there are sets of perforations

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Well Data:Setting Up the Well Perforation List 269
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

defined before the simulation start date, for each well only the more
recent one will be kept and its Effective Date will be set to the
simulation start date.

Important: because of perforation format in VIP, if a well has sets of

perforations defined at different dates, all the perforations active at a
date have to be defined at that same date:

For example if well N1 has a perforation in layer 1 from date 1 1 1995

and another perforation in layer 2 from date 1 2 1995, 3 entries must be
present for the well in the Perf View as shown, one for perforation in
layer 1 at 1 1 1995 and two for perforations in layer 1 and 2 at 1 2 1995.

If only perforation in layer 2 was present, it would cause VIP to have

only perforation (the one in layer 2) active after 1 2 1995.

270 EXEC - Working with Well Data: Setting Up the Well Perforation List R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Changing the Perforation List

Once you have set up well perforation data in the worksheet, you can
change the data in various ways, as explained on the following pages.

Changing the Effective Date or Other Data

The list of dates in the Effective Date column should correctly reflect
the dates on which the perforations apply to the simulation. To change
any date, simply click on it and retype it. However, the date you specify
must be within the simulation time interval as specified in the Dates
Summary worksheet (see EXEC - Defining Output Options on
page 225). You can also change any other cells in the worksheet by

Sorting the Worksheet

You can sort the list of perforations based on any data type. For
Click column
heading to example, you may want to sort the list by Effective Date, Well Name,
sort by that
data type
or any of the other column headings.

To sort the list based on a particular data type, click the appropriate
column heading for that data type. For instance, if you click the Well
Number column heading, the list will be resorted by Well Number.

Cutting, Copying and Pasting Cells

You can cut, copy, and paste cells in the worksheet as a quick way to
remove or duplicate individual cell entries or a range of cells. For
details, see Cutting, Copying and Pasting Cells on page 247.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Well Data:Changing the Perforation List 271
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Adding or Removing Columns in the Worksheet

When you first opened the perforation list and imported data, certain
columns were listed in the worksheet area. The columns displayed in
this worksheet are controlled by a special list, that you can use to add or
remove columns. Follow these steps:

1. Right-click anywhere in the worksheet and select Perforation

Options from the shortcut menu.This displays the Perforation
Options list.

2. Notice the folders tagged with a red mark. These contain data
types already shown in the worksheet. You can open any folder by
clicking the (+) sign to the left of it. When you open a red-tagged
folder, the selected data fields are indicated by a check in the check
box next to the data field name.

3. Review all the data types and turn check boxes on or off,
depending on how you want the worksheet to be organized.

4. Click the OK button to close this list.

272 EXEC - Working with Well Data: Changing the Perforation List R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Inserting a New Perforation Record

Use the following steps, if needed, to insert a new perforation record
into the existing worksheet.

1. Right-click the worksheet to see the following shortcut menu:

2. Select Add Wells Perforations to view the following dialog box:

3. Specify an Effective Date for the perforation by typing it in or

selecting it from the drop-down list.

4. Use the scrollable list on the right to select the well being

5. Indicate the range of layers that the perforation covers in the

Perforated From Layer and To Layer fields. You can type in a
number or use the scroll arrows to select it.

6. Click the OK button. The new perforation is added to the list at an

appropriate place in the hierarchy (in well number sequence).

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Well Data:Changing the Perforation List 273
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

7. If the well duplicates an existing perforation, you may see the

following message. Answer Yes if you want to overwrite the
existing definition. Otherwise, answer No.

Adding a Perforation to an Existing Well

Use the following steps, if needed, to insert a new perforation record
into the existing worksheet.

1. In the worksheet, locate the well that you want to add a perforation
to. Right-click on the well to see the following shortcut menu:

2. Select Insert Perforation for Well XX to view the following

dialog box:

274 EXEC - Working with Well Data: Changing the Perforation List R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

3. Enter the Layer Number of the simulation grid layer in which the
well will be perfed, or enter the Depth to Top and Depth to
Bottom of the perforation interval, in the units requested.

4. Click the OK button when finished.

Deleting Well Perforation Records

You can delete individual perforation records from the worksheet or
delete all perforations on a well-by-well basis. Follow these steps:

1. To remove a single record, right-click on it and select Delete

Perforation for Well NN from the shortcut menu. The row is
deleted automatically from the worksheet.

2. To remove multiple perforations on a well-by-well basis, right-

click anywhere in the worksheet, then select Delete Wells
Perforations from the shortcut menu. This displays the following
dialog box:

3. Hold down the Control key and click on all the wells you want to
delete. Use the scrollbar to see the entire list.

4. Make sure all wells to be deleted are highlighted, then click the
OK button to delete them (or click Cancel if you change your
mind and do not want to delete any wells).

If you click OK, all the rows are deleted from the worksheet that
contain the selected wells.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Well Data:Changing the Perforation List 275
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Deleting Layer Perforations

You can delete specific layer perforation records from the worksheet or
delete all perforations on a layer-by-layer basis. Follow these steps:

1. To remove multiple perforations on a layer-by-layer basis, right-

click anywhere in the worksheet, then select Delete Layer
Perforations from the shortcut menu. This displays the following
dialog box:

Stepper Buttons
Increase Number
Decrease Number

2. Use the Scroll Arrows to increment or decrement the first and last
(inclusive) layer of perforations to remove.

3. Click the OK button to delete them (or click Cancel if you change
your mind and do not want to delete any perforations).

If you click OK, all the perforations are deleted from the
worksheet that contains the selected layers.

276 EXEC - Working with Well Data: Changing the Perforation List R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Clearing the Worksheet

You can clear the Well Perforations worksheet and start over if desired.
Follow these steps:

1. Right-click the worksheet to see the following shortcut menu:

2. Select Clear Grid Data from the shortcut menu. You will see this

3. Click the Yes button to clear all data from the worksheet.
Otherwise, click No.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Well Data:Changing the Perforation List 277
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Viewing/Editing Well Constraints

The Wells Constraints worksheet helps you to define and review

specific constraints for specific wells over time. This worksheet should
be filled in automatically when you generate the VIP-EXEC Data File.
However, you can also use it anytime to add or edit well constraints.

To use the worksheet, double-click the Wells Constraint option in the

tree diagram to the left of the worksheet. The worksheet display area
should now appear as follows:

Double-click here Worksheet changes to well constraints display

The dates are those generated on the Dates Summary worksheet. The
wells are those generated on the Well Names and Locations worksheet.

278 EXEC - Working with Well Data: Viewing/Editing Well Constraints R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Well Type Color Code

You can set the color for each type of well. Once set, each row of data
in the worksheet will display in the selected color. Click to activate the
Disable Well Type Color Code toggle when you do not want the
color-coded worksheet display.

Click to open Color Palette

Activate toggle to disable color coding in worksheet

View Mode Selection

You can view the worksheet by well or by constraint. The selection
menus at the bottom of the panel reflect your View Mode Selection

In By Constraint mode, you can select constraints from a pull-down

menu for all well types, all or selected producers, or all or selected
injectors. In Well mode, you can work from a list of constraint columns
for individual wells.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Well Data:Viewing/Editing Well Constraints 279

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Setting Constraints
A definition for each type of constraint is provided. Procedures for
setting constraints are then detailed.

Constraints are defined as summarized in the table below.

Constraint Description Keyword

Well Type Switch between producer, injector, or water-alternating gas. ???WAG,
Well Constraints
Maximum Rate The maximum rate a well is allowed to produce/inject. QMAX
Water Limit The maximum water cut, water rate, or gas ratio for a production well. WLIMIT
Gas Limit The maximum gas-oil ratio or gas rate for a production well. GLIMIT
Well Economic The units being used for minimum well rate data. ECOLIM
Fraction On-Time The fraction of time a well is actually producing/injecting. Fraction is ONTIME
applied to the well rate after the rate has been determined by the
Maximum Rate value or pressure constraints
Gas Injector The composition of the injected gas for injection wells using the STD YINJ
Composition or RES options and not identified as MI wells (with MI plant in the
major gas sales option).
Pressure Constraints
Well Index The well indices for wells. WI
Reference Depth The depth to which the flowing and limiting bottomhole pressures are WLWDAT
Bottomhole Pressure The limiting bottomhole pressure (a productivity/injectivity index BHP
must be defined).
Tubinghead Pressure The limiting tubinghead pressure (Gas Producer THP tables must be THP
defined. See below).
Hydraulic Tables
Hydraulic Table Relates tubinghead pressure to bottomhole pressure. Must be defined if ITUBE
Assignment tubinghead pressure limits are defined for a multi-phase producer.
Gas Producer THP Number of the gas producer THP table that defines the z-factors and GTHPWL
Tables Assignment viscosities in the wellbore for this well.

Tubing Length Used in conjunction with tubing diameter data to relate tubinghead TUBE
pressure to bottomhole pressure.

280 EXEC - Working with Well Data: Viewing/Editing Well Constraints R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Constraint Description Keyword

Tubing Diameter/ Used in conjunction with tubing length to relate tubinghead pressure to DIAM
Friction Factor bottomhole pressure.
Crossflow Model
Well Crossflow Select crossflow computations by well. Modine, Coats, and Wells XFON,
Calculations method is used. XFOFF
Minimum Rate for Minimum rate to which well rate is cut back when a phase target is TRGQMN
Targeting being satisfied at any well management level.

A more complete description can be found in the Well Data or Well

Management Level Data (for targeting option) section of the VIP-
EXECUTIVE Reference Manual.

You must specify the type of well and type of constraint for each
production or injection unit to be brought online during the simulation.
For instance, you might specify that well N4 is a gas producer at the
beginning of the simulation, and then change it to a water producer at a
later date in the simulation.

Perform the following steps to set a constraint:

1. Right-click the selected cell and select the constraint option from
from the pull-down menu as shown below. Or double-click with
the left mouse button.

This displays a dialog box you can use to define the constraint

2. Complete the dialog box and click OK.

Each constraint dialog box is summarized below. Recall that the

constraints definition table on the previous page lists each associated

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Well Data:Viewing/Editing Well Constraints 281

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Well Type

The Well Type dialog box is shown below.

Use the radio buttons to define the well as a producer, injector, or water
alternating gas. Then define the following based on the well type you

Well Type Parameters

Producer Specify fluid type and unit for rate constraint
Injector Specify fluid type and unit for rate constraint
specification. If you select Fraction of Surface
Injection Rate or Fraction of Reservoir Fluid
Withdrawl, then specify the heirarchy level.
If you specified a gas injector, you can activate key
component reinjection or the miscible option???.
Water Alternating Specify unit for rate constraint specification and
Gas heirarchy level. You can activate key component
reinjection or the miscible option???.
Define WAG cycle (number of cycles, cumulative
injection per cycle, and after-WAG conversion).

Flow Rate Constraint

Now that you have specified the type of constraint, you can specify the
actual flow rate or pressure from the dialog box as shown below.

282 EXEC - Working with Well Data: Viewing/Editing Well Constraints R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Enter the desired maximum flow rates to be applied to the selected well
on the selected date. If this is a producing well for which you selected
Specify each Fluid Phase within the Well Type dialog box, then this
dialog box provides entry fields for each fluid. If you selected a water
alternating gas well type within the Well Type dialog box, then this
dialog box provides entry fields for water and gas.

Water Limit
You can specify a water limit for any given well on any available
effective date from the dialog box as shown below.

Click the toggle to select the limit option. Then enter the Water cut
limit value.

Gas Limit
You can specify a gas limit for any given well on any available
effective date from the dialog box as shown below.

Click the toggle to select the limit option. Then enter the Gas/oil ratio
limit value.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Well Data:Viewing/Editing Well Constraints 283

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Well Economic Limit

You can change an economic limit for any given well from the dialog
box as shown below.

Click the toggle to select minimum oil, gas, water, or liquid option.
Then enter the Rate Value.

Fraction On-Time
You can specify a fraction on-time for any given well from the dialog
box as shown below.

Enter the fraction value.

Gas Injector Composition

If you have a compositional model, you can constrain a gas injector
well so that the injected gas stream contains a specified component
mole fraction from the dialog box as shown below.

284 EXEC - Working with Well Data: Viewing/Editing Well Constraints R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Each component you defined under the Fluid Model tab of the CORE -
- Basic Utilities panel displays in the dialog box. Click in the
corresponding Mole Fraction entry field and enter the value. Values
must sum to 1.0.

Well Index
You can specify a well index for any given well from the dialog box as
shown below

Click the toggle to select the index format. The dialog box expands to
display the Well Index Data topic block. The data fields vary depending
on the format you selected:

If you selected to define the well index directly, enter the Well

If you selected to define productivity/injectivity, enter the

geometric factor and the productivity/injectivity.

If you selected radial flow equation, enter the wellbore radius,

equivalent radius, and skin factor.

Reference Depth
You can specify the depth to which the flowing and limiting bottomhole
pressures are referenced from the dialog box as shown below.

Click in the entry field and enter the depth value.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Well Data:Viewing/Editing Well Constraints 285

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Bottomhole Pressure
You can specify a bottomhole pressure constraint for any given well on
any available effective date from the dialog box as shown below.

Enter the desired maximum bottomhole pressure. Enter either the

referenced depth at which this pressure will be applied or click the
toggle to specify gridblock center with the first perforation.

Tubinghead Pressure
You can specify a tubinghead pressure constraint for any given well on
any available effective date from the dialog box as shown below.

Enter the pressure value.

Hydraulic Tables Assignment

You can assign hydraulic tables to relate tubinghead pressure to
bottomhole pressure. Hydraulic tables are mandatory if tubinghead
pressure limits are defined for a multi-phase producer. It is optional for
single-phase (water and gas) injectors and gas producers. Define
hydraulic tables from the dialog box as shown below.

286 EXEC - Working with Well Data: Viewing/Editing Well Constraints R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Use the stepper to select the bottomhole pressure table number that will
define tubing prssure losses for this well. Then enter the following:

Vertical distance from the wellhead to the first set of perforations.

Well datum depth. Bottomhole pressure is returned to this depth. If

not entered, datum depth defaults to the DEPTH from the first
IEQUIL card. A value of zero causes datum depth to be set to the
depth to the center of the gridblock containing the first perforation.

Activate the Turn Off Tubing Calculations for Well toggle to

deactivate the calculations without removing the data.

Datum Depth

The bottomhole pressure printed in well reports is referenced to this depth, which
must be measured from the same reference point as used for gridblock depths

Gas Producers THP Tables Assignment

You can assign a THP table to a gas producer in order to define the z-
factors and viscosities in the wellbore from the dialog box as shown

Enter the number of the gas producer THP table that defines the Z-
factors and viscocities in the wellbore for this well.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Well Data:Viewing/Editing Well Constraints 287

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Tubing Length
You can define the tubing length that, in conjunction with tubing
diameter data, relates tubinghead pressure to bottomhole pressure from
the dialog box as shown below.

Enter the following:

Effective tubing length, including the equivalent tubing length of

any downhole equipment.

Vertical distance from the wellhead to the first set of perforations.

Well datum depth. Bottomhole pressure is returned to this depth. If

not entered, datum depth defaults to the DEPTH from the first
IEQUIL card. A value of zero causes datum depth to be set to the
depth to the center of the gridblock containing the first perforation.

Datum Depth

The bottomhole pressure printed in well reports is referenced to this depth, which
must be measured from the same reference point as used for gridblock depths

Tubing Diameter/Friction Factor

You can define the tubing diameter data that, in conjunction with tubing
length, relates tubinghead pressure to bottomhole pressure from the
dialog box as shown below.

288 EXEC - Working with Well Data: Viewing/Editing Well Constraints R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Enter the inside diameter of the tubing and the tubing roughness factor.

FrictionFactor Calculation

Friction factors are calculated by the Jain equation.

Well Crossflow Calculations

Well crossflow calculations (Modine, Coats, and Wells method) can be
toggled on or off from the dialog box shown below.

Click to activate or deactivate the calculation for this well.

Minimum Rate for Targeting Calculations

You can specify the minimum rate to which well rate is cut back when a
phase target is being satisfied at any well management level.

Click the button beside the phase to select and enter the corresponding
minimum value.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Well Data:Viewing/Editing Well Constraints 289

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Well Management Level Data

The Well Management Level Data panel lets you view, define, and edit
the available fields, areas, flow stations and gathering centers involved
in a simulation.

Expand the diagram to its full extent by clicking on the (+) signs.Right-
click any of the symbols in the diagram and notice the shortcut menus:

Symbol Shortcut Menu

290 EXEC - Working with Well Data: Well Management Level Data R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Symbol Shortcut Menu

For the selected date/time, these menus let you add, delete, and rename
new components and assign targets and rates.

Add, Delete, or Rename Components

Selecting the Add option on any shortcut menu automatically adds a
new component to the diagram. You can then rename or delete that
component, or add sub-components to it.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Well Data:Well Management Level Data 291
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

When you select the Add option on a Gathering Center, the Well List
opens as shown below.

CTRL-click to select multiple wells. Shift-click to select a series. Or

activate the Well Filter option to enter a search string.

Right-click on the component to Delete or Rename and select the

option from the menu. The component is removed, or the name is
removed and your cursor is placed in the entry field to enter a new

Assign Targets and Rates

Define the following values from the menu options. Once defined, the
values display in the Well Management Level table.

Target and Rate Descriptions

These options are described in detail in the Well Data chapter of the VIP-
EXECUTIVE Reference Manual. Keywords are provided below for cross-

Production rate (PTARG). The following dialog box opens. Click

the toggle(s) to activate the phase and enter the corresponding

292 EXEC - Working with Well Data: Well Management Level Data R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

If you activate the gas phase, you can choose to include gaslift gas.

Injection rate (ITARG). The following dialog box opens. Click the
toggle(s) to activate the phase and enter the corresponding target.

Minimum production rate (PRDMIN). The following dialog box

opens. Click the toggle(s) to activate the phase and enter the
corresponding rate.

For each phase, you can select to shutin producer wells when the
corresponding rate is not met.

Minimum injection rate (INJMIN). The following dialog box

opens. Click the toggle(s) to activate the phase and enter the
corresponding rate.

For each phase, you can select to shutin injectors when the
corresponding rate is not met.

R2003.4 EXEC - Working with Well Data:Well Management Level Data 293
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

Ontime factor (ONTIME). The following dialog box opens. Click

the toggle(s) to activate the phase and enter the corresponding

You can specify a single factor, or a separate factor for producing

and injecting wells.

294 EXEC - Working with Well Data: Well Management Level Data R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

Carter-Tracey Algorithm 156
definition 153
Fetkovich algorithm 159
definition of 290
advanced reservoir model 136
defining 131
definition arrays 133
functions for array definition 137
importing 130
physical properties arrays 133
region arrays 134
saturation Table Endpoint 135
thermal 135
transmissibility Multiplier 135
transmissibility/Pore Volume Modifications 135
user-specified Initialization 135
using the Roadmap 130
averaging data 208

barriers for low pore-volume gridblocks 95
black-oil table monotonicity (deactivate) 99
bottomhole pressure
specifying 283, 284, 285, 286

capillary pressure hysteresis 101
case files
existing 14
saving and closing 15
working with 10
chart properties
changing 203
production data 201
closing a case 15
color coding 5
setting 31, 34
common well IDs 246
connection across pinchout and fault tolerances 95

R2003.4 Index ccxcv

VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

viewing and editing 278

create dataset using the Assistant 12
parse existing dataset 13
cut, copy, paste cells 247

averaging 208
data files
closing 19
creating new 16
opening existing 17
saving 18
understanding 16
data status indicators 5
changing the date list 234
of perforations 271
setting preferences for 28
setting up the date list 228
Dates Summary worksheet 226
default color and line widths
setting 31, 34
dimension data
automatically set (CORE) 78
specifying (CORE) 77, 79
specifying (EXEC) 223

effective dates
for wells 242
of perforations 271
error checking
data status indicators 5
entry field level 5
simulation file generation 40
existing case 14
external data
entering 49

definition of 290
flow rate
specifying 282
flow station
definition of 290
fluid model
defining 64

ccxcvi R2003.4
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

types of 63
functions for array definition
defining 139, 149
limiting range 144
functions for array definitions
defining 137

gas injector composition
specifying as a constraint 284
gathering center
definition of 290
Generating CORE or EXEC file 40
production data 201
grid system
creating LGRs 56
defining 54
including GridGenr files 53

hydrocarbon compressibility checking (deactivate) 99

I/J location 242
on toolbar 8
importing production data 164
attaching 47
specifying sections 46
algorithm 92
equilibrium 92
non-equilibrium 92
vertical 94

line widths
setting 31, 34
local grid refinement 243, 252

MAP Options (CORE) 67
MAP options (EXEC) 226
MAPOUT options (EXEC) 231
menu options 7

ccxcvii R2003.4
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

menus 4
shortcuts 7

observed data file
specifying 38
offband connections 95
opening an existing case 14
importing production data 165
options tree 5
output 228
output data options
setting 35
output frequency (EXEC) 237
output regions (CORE) 72

data types 252
adding columns to worksheet 272
adding to well 274
adding to worksheet 273
deleting 275, 276
effective dates 271
setting up a list 253
PLOT options (EXEC) 226, 231
setting 27
specifying 282
PRINT options (CORE) 70
PRINT options (EXEC) 226, 230
printing 41
basic steps 43
print preview 42
setup 41
production data
averaging 208
charts 201
importing 164
importing from OpenWorks 165
Production Data worksheet 195
clearing 219
Properties 133
PVT interpolation (activate) 99

region data

ccxcviii R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

fluid property 120

initialization 112
rock property 117
defining and managing 106
related files 38
reservoir constants
thermal option 77
water 75
reservoir model
dual option 82
hydrocarbon tracking option 84
miscible option 87
polymer injection 81
thermal 81
water tracking option 86
Restart option 237

saving a case 15
separator batteries 125
shortcut menus 7
sorting columns 247
specifying EXEC output 228
standard pressure 77
standard temperature 77
start date
adjusting 183
starting the program 3
status bar
controlling display of 21
status messages
where found 4
working 205

editing 110
importing 109
toolbar icons 8
toolbars 4
changing location of 20
controlling display of 21
creating new 24
customizing 22
resetting or deleting 24


R2003.4 ccxcix
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

setting preferences for 28

user options
setting colors and line widths 31, 34
setting output data 35
utility data 221
user options EXEC)
dimension data EXEC) 223
user preferences
setting 27
utility data
specifying 221

VIP Data Studio
product definition 1
starting the program 3
understanding the interface 4
VIP-EXEC data file
specifying name of 38

water-oil capillary pressure hysteresis 102
well constraints
viewing and editing 278
well data
available features 241
Well ID table file
specifying 38
well management hierarchy 290
Well Names and Locations worksheet 242
Well Perforations worksheet 252
well type
specifying 281
adding a new well 248
adding perforations 274
changing well list 247
defining common IDs 246
deleting 249
effective dates 242
setting up well list 244
Wells Dates worksheet 278
cut,copy,paste 247
worksheets 4
adding columns 272
Dates Summary 226
Production Data 195
Well Names and Locations 242
Well Perforations 252
Wells Dates 278

ccc R2003.4
Landmark VIP Data Studio Users Guide

zoom features 201

R2003.4 ccci
VIP Data Studio Users Guide Landmark

cccii R2003.4

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