Ta 8423

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TOSHIBA TA8423P/F TOSHIBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TA8423P, TA8423F 3 PHASE Bi-DIRECTIONAL HALL MOTOR DRIVER ‘The TA8423P, TA8423F are 3 phase Bi-Directional Hall A883 Motor Driver IC designed for VCR (Capstan, head and reel), ADP, Tape Deck, FDD and other Output Driver for 3 phase bipolar Hall motors. aa cearuns aa oF nal i ‘ew external parts required pipt6-p-300-2 54a ‘© Wide operating supply voltage range Tast23F Vee (opr) =7~17V © Forward rotation, re by 1 terminal signal control and easy to interface with Pu, ¢ rotation and stop are controlled Nets ae Hs0°16-P-20041.00 '® High sensitivity of the position sensing circuit. (Hall sensor input): Viw=20mVp.p (Typ.) © Large output current : Io (Max,)=1.2A Weight DIPT-P-300-2.54A : 1.119 (Typ) © Protect diodes equipped for all inputs HSOP16-P-300-1.00 : 0.509 (Typ) ‘© Recommend to use TOSHIBA Ga-As Hall sensor "THS100 series” © Built-in intemal reference © Built-in thermal shut down circuit soiaoiepat ‘GTOHTBA w contrualy worting to Inyove she ually and the calabiiy of he produce. Nevethalem emiconductor 2oScr in gcterl ead fant ar Ma i tina ahr late sent Se wunersony ts pigneal eae Etta Sey Othe bebe’ wit stleine TORSA msuets ts osere Sondors ef step, "a3 to red Fase ere eee eet eat a SossiBn pets cul Se ot of naman the Goss uy et Estrge’ to" propery, developing yout designs, ‘please eure tat TOSMEA produce ae” vied. thin speled eraing sate a att fonts Wr ie fous eco clots treme asa base oep 0 wind ie procaons Se eorex fot nthe FoRrtas Senesroulc testy Nansoook ite eebdued dotted in ie dortnert au saber fo erelgn Shenae foreign trade contol tw 3c ifornchon contained ese prestad ny ar gods er Oieappliatons Gf our penluce No responsbity i estnel by TOBA COMPONATION for any Inthanbents of ileal oropery or eter fants See eg Bailes"! mor tes Yat seo Tete” grareaby impo 8 eter dey intial repent on athe fans o| TOsules CORPORATION er sites oe? infdrmatlon contained hens subject to coange without notice 1997-08-29 1/12 TOSHIBA BLOCK DIAGRAM @ sv(00 snd09 PIN FUNCTION PN Not sywBot FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION TD Vec__| Power supply input terminal 2 [2 Ly __[a-phase drive output terminal 3 [3 Rr | Output current detection terminal 4 | 4 | _FRS__|Forward/ Reverse control terminal 5_ [5 | Vin _ [Control Amp. positive input terminal 6 [6 | NC |New Connection: 7 [7 H+ _[a-phase Hall Amp. positive input terminal 8 | 8 | Ha-_|@-phase Hall Amp. negative input terminal 3 [9 Hp + _|b-phase Hall Amp. positive input terminal. 10_[ 10 | _Hp- _|b-phase Hall Amp. negative input terminal 11_|_11_| _He+ _|e-phase Hall Amp. positive input terminal 12_| 12 _| He _|e-phase Hall Amp. negative input terminal 13_| IN| GND [GND terminal v4 | 13 [Rp [Output current detection terminal. 1s_| 15 | tc __|ephase drive output terminal 16 | 16 | th _[b-phase drive output terminal TA8423P/F 1997-08-29 2/12 TOSHIBA TA8423P/F 1. Control input circuit vec fe ote Var (=RplL) of feed back voltage is feed backed to negative input of control amp internally Voltage gain becomes approximately equal to 1 (0dB) by this internal feed back. (Note) 2 terminals (Pin, ® for F version and Pin®, @ for P version) are provided for RF terminal to decrease the interference caused by internal common impedance. Both Pins are required to connect for stable operation. INPUT-OUTPUT CHARACTERISTIC Var - Vin WeemVee san as Vee¢sany + Output Saturation otage z (Upper nd Loner fide Feta 1 3333 vin 69 1997-08-29 3/12 TOSHIBA TA8423P/F pe is feed back voltage generated by Rr and output current of IL, drive current of Ip and internal reference circuit current of Ip. But Io and Ig are negligible therefore, In Ip. Ik Var RFI 0 Torque state is obtained when less than 2.3V of control voltage fed into input terminal 0 Torque state also obtained by select a stop mode by controlling FRS input (Pin). Less supply current is obtained with this condition. 2. FRS CIRCUIT To Foard Rotation Circuit nl fs Forward, Reverse and Stop Modes are selectable by controlling this terminal. Specified voltages are less than 1.3V (Forward), 2.4~3.0V or Open (Stop) and 3.9V~Vcc (Reverse). Vers ~lrrs characteristic is shown below. 1997-08-29 4/12 TOSHIBA TA8423P/F lens - VERS . 3 & a | | FUNCTION 7 W@<13V) 0 7 0 L HM (Note) “1” of the Hall Sensor input means that voltage above +20mV is applied to the positive side of each Hall Sensor from the negative side and “0” means that voltage above +20mV is applied to the negative side from the positive side. In this case, needless to say, DC potential must be within the specified common mode voltage range of Hall Sensor input. Further, "H", “M" and “L" of output mean Vcc-Vsat1=1/2 Vcc and VsaT2, respectively. 1997-08-29 5/12 TOSHIBA TA8423P/F MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta = 25°C) CHARACTERISTIC sympo. | RATING | UNIT Supply Vahage Vee 7 Vv (Output Current To 72 a Hall Sensor Input Voltage Vi 400 | mVpp TA8423P 72 (Note 1) Power Dissipation Pp [os Note] Ww TAB423F 2.2 (Note 2) (Operating Temperature Toor =30~75_| © Storage Temperature Tag =55~150_ | °C (Note 1) No heat sink (Note 2) Te=25°C ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Vcc= 12V, Ta=25°C) TEsT| CHARACTERISTIC syMBoL | ciR-| TEST CONDITION — | MIN. | TYP. | MAX. | UNIT curr] Teer FRS open 4,8] 1 Supply Current Tec2 1 [FRS=5V a5{ 9 | 21] ma Tees Voc = 18V, FRS= GND 55] | 2 Reference Voltage | Vref = 22| 23 | 24] V Voltage Gain Gy = = [of — [ae Control [input Current Tin , [vNESBV = 2s 0 a ‘Amp. [Reference Voltage Ripple Rejection Ry - — | os Ratio [Upper Sidel Tou (uy == 50 Cutoff Curent lower Sided loL(i) | — = |= {50 |“ - lUpper SidelVsar1 = as [719 Saturation Voltoae ner Sidet Vents | 2 hs Gain Difference acy 7 = = a1 | % Residual Output Voltage Vor 7 = =o [10 [mon position | NBUt Sensitivity Vit = = 20 = nv ‘Common Mode Vee Sensina| vonage Range cwry | 3 - zo} — | Nee] y Put [input Offset Voltage | Vio | — =f of 5] mw Rotation Control [Forward] Ve = =o3| — | 13 (Input Operation [Stop _|_Vs 1 = 24| — | 30] v Voltage) Reverse | VR = 39| — | Vcc Thermal Shut Down Circuit Operating Temperature liad = = 150 -|* 1997-08-29 6/12 TOSHIBA TA8423P/F TEST CIRCUIT 1 TAB4A23P/F ‘TEST CIRCUIT 2 TAB423P/F 1997-08-29 7/12 TOSHIBA TA8423P/F TEST CIRCUIT 3 ® TAB423P/ F 1997-08-29 8/12 TOSHIBA Output Amplifier Saturation Voltage Characteristics Vsart = lo (UPPER SIDE) TA8423P/F Vsar2 ~ lo (LOWER SIDE) 29 B s 4 { [ Cr oF aa 0808 © fo TA8423P TA8423F Pp - Te : P : agen=a7erw e201 Sm Fa MOUNTING z, | conven atta stove e 2 no war em ze po “Ts , 2 7 AvoentTeWPRATURE Te 60 10 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE Ta CC) TH 7 1997-08-29 O12 TOSHIBA TA8423P/F APPLICATION CIRCUIT conto 6 (Note 1) (Note 2) (Note 3) (Note 4) (Note 5) gpa nt ora) ees 2 ote 5) S | ‘oe 5) Fewer Spy for Hall Sensor Recommendable value of Rr is 0.3 to 502. It depends on required initial torque, gain, coil impedance and control voltage of Pin 5. To connect directly to IC Pin (Fin for F version and @ Pin for P version) and GND to eliminate the influence of common impedance. It is required to increase the value of this capacitance for stable operations in case of poor wiring or patterning of PCB. Special care should be taken not to have a common impedance with GND line, Rr GND line and Hall Sensor GND line. Please select to optimum value for eliminate a vibration noise and parasitic oscillation. And also to change the connection (for example, each output to Vcc or to Rr) for getting better characteristics. Utmost care is necessary in the design of the output line, Vcc and GND line since IC may be destroyed due to short-circuit between outputs, air contamination fault, or fault by improper grounding, 1997-08-29 10/12 TOSHIBA TA8423P/F OUTLINE DRAWING DIP16-P-300-2.548 Unit : mm 16 9 Ao ry Sooo ooUoE 19.75MAX 19.2540.2 en ve — 22 TI | 8 [ él = zl" te 7 ig 2 o 0.7351ve 1.4104 |Loss sercarey Weight : 1.119 (Typ) 1997-08-29 11/12 TOSHIBA TA8423P/F OUTLINE DRAWING HSOP16-P-300-1.00 Unit : mm Weight fna-—=npah al 3 3 gl 6] O Tat 1 ~~ 8 (25) 13.5uax 13.010.2 x $2 S| si I 3 0.50g (Typ.) 5 04 25 5 f 0.9210.2 1997-08-29 12/12

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