Sketch Roofing Guide (Sketching Roofs)
Sketch Roofing Guide (Sketching Roofs)
Sketch Roofing Guide (Sketching Roofs)
There are multiple ways to create a roofing estimate in Xactimate. One of the most efficient methods is to diagram the roof
in Sketch. When using Sketch to diagram the roof, you provide Xactimate with all the necessary dimensions to accurately
estimate the roofing material quantities. Additionally, sketch allows you to include professional roof diagrams and digital
images within the printed estimate. To Sketch a roof follow the six-step process below:
Starting on the Main Level of Sketch, use the Room tool and Square Break tool to diagram a room that reflects
a footprint of the buildings perimeter. In the room properties, it is helpful to set the Wall Thickness of the room
to 0 so that both inside and outside
measurements are identical.
(Diagraming the footprint is not required,
but it is extremely helpful for complex
roofs with multiple overbuilds.)
Right-click on the Main Level tab (in the bottom left corner of
Sketch) and click Insert Above. This will add a new level above the
Main Level that can be used to Sketch the roof. For complex roof
systems you may need to add additional roof levels.
Name the new level Roof or something similar and give it a Level
Code name. Click OK then Close to finish adding the new Roof
level. You should then see a new Sketch level tab, titled Roof.
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While on the Roof level, select the Auto Below in the Select Underlay
dropdown menu. This allows you to see the outline (underlay) of the Main
Level sketch while on the Roof Level. The underlay allows you to snap your
roof sections to the building foot print which you sketched on the Main
Use the Roof tool (keyboard shortcut F) to place the first section of roof. It is
helpful to start with the largest roof section first, working to the smallest roof
section. Use the Space Bar to change the roof type and the Tab key to
rotate the roof when it is on the cursor in dotted-line mode. Move the roof into
place and let the dotted wall line of the roof snap into place with the underlay.
Once the roof is in place, left-click to place it on the Sketch workspace.
Once the first roof section is in place, double-click the Roof1 name to access the Roof Properties. In the
Roof1 Properties:
2010 Xactware Solutions Inc. All Rights Reserved. One Xactware Plaza | Orem, Utah 84097 | 800-932-XACT (9228) | fax 801-224-5218 |
To set the correct dimensions for the roof, Click and Drag the blue handles (on the edge of the roof) until the
edge of the roof snaps in place with the corresponding underlay wall, or you reach the correct roof dimension. If
you do not see the blue handles on the edge of the roof, single-click on the roof name to bring back the handles.
Once the largest roof section is completed, use the Square Break tool and Ctrl + Drag to add the additional
sections of roof (overbuilds).
Using the Square Break tool, click the roof edge in the approximate area where the new roof section will tie in.
This will place a break line on the roof edge (as seen below).
Move the mouse cursor over the handle (where you want the new roof to be) until the cursor turns into the multi-
direction arrow . Hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard and click and drag out the new section of roof. Drag
the new roof section until the edge of the roof snaps in place with the corresponding underlay wall, or when you
reach the correct roof dimension.
2010 Xactware Solutions Inc. All Rights Reserved. One Xactware Plaza | Orem, Utah 84097 | 800-932-XACT (9228) | fax 801-224-5218 |
Go into the Roof Properties for each additional roof section and:
2010 Xactware Solutions Inc. All Rights Reserved. One Xactware Plaza | Orem, Utah 84097 | 800-932-XACT (9228) | fax 801-224-5218 |
You can also place a digital image reference within your Sketch. These references can be used to show where
each photo was taken in relation to the building structure. In the example below we have placed an image
reference in Sketch for the Left Elevation, Front Elevation, Garage Elevation, and Entry. The Sketch image
Reference is the camera icon that you see in the Sketch workspace. To activate the panel and reset the
estimating windows palette to the left, use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+R.
To add the image reference in Sketch, Click the desired photo on the left hand side of the screen. Then, move
the cursor over the Sketch workspace and Click on the location you want to place the Photo Reference.
2010 Xactware Solutions Inc. All Rights Reserved. One Xactware Plaza | Orem, Utah 84097 | 800-932-XACT (9228) | fax 801-224-5218 |