Discussion Papers On Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy
Discussion Papers On Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy
Discussion Papers On Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy
Public Policy
# 0605
Entrepreneurship, Regional Development and
Job Creation: the Case of Portugal
Rui Baptista
IN+, Instituto Superior Tcnico,
Technical University of Lisbon and
Max Planck Institute for Research into Economic Systems
Vitor Escria
CIRIUS, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestao,
Technical University of Lisbon
Paulo Madruga
CIRIUS, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestao,
Technical University of Lisbon
Number of Pages: 46
The Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy are edited by the Max Planck Institute for
Group Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy, MPI Jena. Research into Economic Systems
For editorial correspondence, Group Entrepreneurship, Growth and
please contact: [email protected] Public Policy
Kahlaische Str. 10
ISSN 1613-8333 07745 Jena, Germany
by the author Fax: ++49-3641-686710
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 1
Rui Baptista
IN+, Instituto Superior Tcnico, Technical University of Lisbon and Max Planck
Institute for Research into Economic Systems, Jena
Vtor Escria
CIRIUS, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gesto, Technical University of Lisbon
Paulo Madruga
CIRIUS, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gesto, Technical University of Lisbon
Abstract: This paper investigates whether a high level of new business formation in a
region stimulates employment in that region. The study looks at the lag structure of these
effects, using a data set covering a fairly large time span (1982-2002). The indirect
supply-side effects of new firm births, whether due to greater competition, efficiency or
innovation, seem to be at least as important as the direct effects associated with
employment creation by the new entrants. However, such supply-side effects only occur
after a time lag of about eight years, leading to a pattern of lagged effects that is
somewhat u-shaped. This finding suggests that new entrants bring about improvements to
overall regional competitiveness, but that such improvements only become significant
after some time.
Acknowledgements: the authors would like to thank David Audretsch, Michael Fritsch,
Pamela Mueller, David Storey, A. Roy Thurik, Andr van Stel and participants at the
2005 IECER Conference at the University of Amsterdam for helpful discussion. Rui
Baptista is grateful to the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)
POCTI Programme for financial support with regard to a visiting fellowship at the
Institute for Development Strategies, Indiana University.
Corresponding Author: Rui Baptista, Instituto Superior Tcnico, IN+ Center for
Innovation, Technology and Policy Research, Pav. Mecanica II, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-
001 Lisboa, Portugal. Ph: +351.218.417.379. Fax: +351.218.496.156.
E-mail: [email protected].
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 2
1. Introduction
In recent years, the relationship between new firm formation, business ownership (or
self-employment) and economic progress has received considerable attention from
scientists and policy makers. In Western Europe, persistently high unemployment rates
coupled with limited economic growth have triggered policy makers into giving greater
importance to entrepreneurship and self-employment as ways to foster economic progress
and reduce unemployment.
Europe and other industrialized regions of the globe have experienced considerable
industrial re-structuring in the last three decades, changing from traditional
manufacturing industries towards new and more complex technologies such as
electronics, software and biotechnology. In this context, entrepreneurship and small firms
play a particularly important role for two main reasons:
i. the use of new technologies has reduced the importance of scale economies in
many sectors (Piore and Sabel, 1984 and Carlsson, 1989);
ii. the increasing pace of innovation and the shortening of product and
technology life cycles seem to favor new entrants and small firms, which have
greater flexibility to deal with radical change than large corporations
(Christensen and Rosenbloom, 1995).
Under such circumstances, it would be expected that high levels of new firm
formation should stimulate economic development and employment growth. Audretsch
and Thurik (2001) argue that the role of new firms in technological development has been
enhanced by a reduced importance of scale economies and an increasing degree of
uncertainty in the world economy, creating more room for innovative entry. It can also be
argued, following Audretsch and Fritsch (2002), that such effects should be stronger
within strongly entrepreneurial regions. This implies that positive supply-side
spillovers generated by high levels of new firm formation should have a stronger impact
on the regions where such formation has occurred.
The present paper tests whether there is a significant relationship between increased
new firm start-up rates and subsequent employment growth at the regional level. Results
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 3
from recent research (Audretsch et al., 2001; Audretsch and Fritsch, 2002; Van Stel and
Storey, 2004; and Fritsch and Mueller, 2004) suggest that the ambiguous evidence on the
relationship between new firm formation and both economic growth and net employment
change (as reported by, among others, Storey, 1991 and Fritsch, 1996) may be due to the
long time lags required for the main effects of new entry to occur. Following Fritsch and
Mueller (2004), this paper investigates whether there are significant time lags for the
effects of new firm entry on regional employment, using the Almon lag model to examine
the structure and extent of such time lags.
Section 2 of the paper presents the main theoretical underpinnings and reviews the
existing empirical evidence regarding two main propositions:
ii. positive effects of high levels of new firm formation are stronger within the
regions where such new firm formation has occurred.
Section 3 of the paper discusses data and measurement issues and lays out the
empirical approach used to examine the structure of lag effects of new firm formation on
regional employment. Section 4 reports the results while Section 5 presents some
concluding remarks.
The economies of developed countries are in a transition from a state in which mass-
production was the mainstay of business to an economy in which knowledge intensive
industries form the cornerstone of economic activity. Audretsch and Thurik (2000, 2001)
refer to this process as the transition from the managed to the entrepreneurial economy.
In the managed economy technological trajectories were relatively well defined and
firms were subject to relatively low market uncertainty. In the developed economies of
the West, the pervasiveness of transaction costs meant that the economic structure most
conducive to growth favored the dominance of large firms. However, a turning point
occurred during the 1980s as these economies experienced decreasing levels of vertical
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 4
and horizontal concentration of businesses. Carree (2002) finds that the extent to which
this process of structural change has occurred varies across countries and sectors;
technologically advanced industries that have experienced relatively low levels of
downsizing and de-concentration when compared with the international average are
shown to experience less subsequent growth.
The first contribution of new firm formation to employment growth is, naturally, the
number of jobs directly created as successful new firms enter the market and grow.
Comprehensive compilations of studies relating firm size to growth such as Sutton (1997)
have produced what Geroski (1995) terms the stylized fact that (successful) smaller firms
have higher growth rates than their larger counterparts. A central finding of this literature
is that firm growth is negatively related to firm size and age. These findings have been
confirmed in most subsequent studies despite differences in country, industry, time
period, and methodology used (see Audretsch et al., 2004 for a review). More
specifically, the evidence has been especially strong for the very young and very small
firms to outperform their older and larger counterparts in terms of employment formation
even when corrected for their higher probabilities of exit.
However, net job formation by new firms might not be positive. As Van Stel and
Storey (2004) point out, while new firms directly contribute only a very small proportion
of the stock of jobs in the economy, most new firms merely displace existing firms.
Moreover, new businesses have a greater probability of failure than old businesses.
According to Geroski (1995), the survival of most entrants is low and even successful
entrants may take more than a decade to achieve a size comparable to the average
incumbent. Moreover, in many cases the crowding-out of incumbents by successful
entrants leads to declining market shares or market exit for these incumbents, with the
ensuing reduction of the stock of jobs in the economy.
ii. Acceleration of structural change: high turnover of firms tends to speed up the
adoption of new technologies and organizational innovations by the industry,
increasing productivity (Schumpeter, 1934);
iv. Greater product variety and quality: if new entrants introduce significant
product or process innovations, the probability of finding a better match for
customers preferences increases, thus increasing general welfare and
providing the basis for further, cumulative, innovations.
The supply-side effects of new firm formation may lead to significant improvements
in the competitiveness of a country, region or industry, thereby stimulating economic
growth and employment. However, the net effect of new entry in terms of employment
generation depends on whether new entrants bring about market growth. If new entry
processes result only in selection mechanisms working through increased competition
and survival of the fittest while the overall market volume remains constant, then the
net effect of entry is unlikely to be significantly positive. Hence, the magnitude of
positive supply-side spillovers from new firm entry depends on the quality of new
entrants with regard to innovation and efficiency. While structural rigidities (such as, for
instance, employment security legislation and government protection of unsuccessful
incumbents) may allow for temporarily positive net effects from new entry on
employment, these are unlikely to last too long.
New firms provide a vehicle for the introduction of new ideas and innovation to an
economy, which has been shown to be a key source for long term economic growth
(Romer 1986). Even though, as pointed out by Van Stel and Storey (2004), innovation in
new firms seems not to be as frequent as expected, it is likely to be one of the main
conduits through which new firm formation may impart positive supply-side spillovers on
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 6
the economy. Authors such as Lucas (1988), Feldman (1994) and Baptista (1999) have
argued that spillovers associated with innovation are stronger within relatively
circumscribed geographical regions due to agglomeration externalities that increase the
capacity of firms to tap into the local pool of new ideas. Glaeser et al. (1992) and Jaffe et
al. (1993) found evidence of such spillovers for firm growth and innovative (patenting)
activity. Based on these arguments, it is possible to claim that any positive spillovers
generated by new firm entry should occur primarily within the region where such entry
occurred, thus making the regional effects of new firm entry particularly worthy of
An important feature of this process which is stressed by Fritsch and Mueller (2004)
is that the emergence of positive supply-side effects from new firm formation does not
require that newcomers are successful. As long as entry produces spillovers that induce
improvements on the side of incumbents, generating growth in overall market volumes, it
will generate positive spillovers even if entrants fail and exit soon after entering. It should
be pointed out, however, that a high probability of failure could dissuade potential
entrants thus lowering the potential for positive supply-side spillovers. Moreover, barring
those new ventures that are rapidly acquired by larger incumbents, positive effects from
exiting new small businesses on incumbents are likely to come solely from increased
competitive pressure, and not from any innovative features.
Studies of the relationship between new firm formation and job creation have found
very diverse results, frequently because of the variety of approaches used. An important
analysis is provided by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM, 2000), which
analyses the relationship across 21 countries between Total Entrepreneurial Activity and
per cent growth in GDP finding that, amongst nations with similar economic structure,
the correlation between entrepreneurship and economic growth is high and very
significant. Johnson and Parker (1996) find evidence that growth in firms births and
reduction in firm deaths significantly lowers unemployment. Taking the period 1981-89,
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 7
Ashcroft and Love (1996) find new firm formation to be strongly associated with net
employment change in Great Britain.
Davidsson et al. (1994) find a positive impact of new firm formation on a complex
economic indicator of well-being for Sweden. Aghion et al. (2004) focus on the effect of
new entry on productivity growth showing that more entry, measured by a higher share of
industry employment in foreign firms, has led to faster total factor productivity growth in
British manufacturing establishments during the period 1980-93.
At the regional level, a clear positive impact of new firm formation on employment
has been found by Reynolds (1994, 1999), and Acs and Armington (2004). However, the
magnitude of such relationship seems to vary over time. Foelster (2000) has found a
positive effect of increased self-employment rates on regional employment for Sweden.
Similar evidence was found by Brixy and Grotz (2004).
Other studies, however, have found less clear evidence or even opposite results.
Fritsch (1996), found a positive statistical relationship between entry rates and
employment change for manufacturing in Germany, but a negative relationship for the
service sector and the whole economy. Audretsch et al. (2001) investigated the impact of
changes in self-employment on unemployment rates for 23 OECD countries, finding
overall positive effects that, however, do not hold for all the countries in the sample
such is the case of Portugal, as reported by Baptista and Thurik (2005).
Audretsch and Fritsch (2002) provide results for Germany at the regional level,
confirming Fritschs (1996) findings that start-up rates in the 1980s are unrelated to
employment change, while in the 1990s, those regions with higher start-up rates
experience higher employment growth. Principally, regions with high start-up rates in the
1980s had high employment growth in the 1990s. This latter finding leads the authors to
suggest that the lack of clarity with regard to the impacts of new firm formation on
employment growth may be attributed to the relatively long time lags that are required for
these impacts to become visible.
Van Stel and Storey (2004), in their analysis of the effects of new firm births on
employment for the regions of Great Britain, investigated the relevance of time lags,
finding that rates of growth of regional employment are positively shaped by entry
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 8
occurring in several earlier years. According to their results, the magnitude of such
effects over time takes an inverse u shape, peaking on the effect on employment growth
in the current period of start-up activity occurring five years ago, while no significant
effects are identified after ten years.
Fritsch and Mueller (2004) use Almon lags to model the structure and extension of
the effects of new firm entry on regional employment, finding that net employment
effects of new firm formation are small in the year of entry and become negative over the
first six years. Positive effects only occur after that, tending to peak around the eight year
and fading away after the tenth year. The authors argue that the negative effects in the
first years result from the exit of existing capacities, as an outcome of market selection
through the failure of new businesses and the crowding-out of incumbents, while the
positive effect that occurs after that is probably due to a dominance of supply-side effects.
Data on regional entry and employment come from the Longitudinal Matched
Employer-Employee Microdata set LMEEM (Escria and Madruga 2002) based on
information gathered by the Portuguese Ministry of Labor and Solidarity covering all
business units with at least one wage-earner in the Portuguese economy and includes
extensive information on firms, establishments and workers, for 1982 to 2002 inclusive.
Probably the main strength of the data set concerns the amount of information it reports
and the number of units considered in the analysis as it covers most of the private sector
of the economy.
The information gathered in the data set is organized in three different levels firms,
establishments and workers each one covering specific information. The three levels are
matched, giving this data set its linked employer-employee nature. At the firm level there
is information reported for address of the firm; postcode; year of constitution; tax
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 9
number; location; industry1; employment, including wage earners and unpaid workers
engaged in the firm during the last week of March2, including those on temporary leave;
number of establishments; legal setting; equity capital and share of private, public or
foreign capital; and sales volume.
The specific form in which the data set was built enables us to distinguish between
entry and birth of the business units, which is very important to separate true start-ups
from other processes. New firm formation is then measured by yearly regional start-up
rates. Start-ups in the agricultural sector are excluded.
In order to control for differences in the size of regions, entry rates should be
measured relative to regional dimension. According to Ashcroft et al. (1991), the regional
size denominator should both control for the different absolute sizes of the regions
concerned and represent the source from which start-ups are most likely to come. The
two variables more commonly used as denominators are the stock of existing firms, and
the size of the regional workforce. These are called the Business Stock approach and the
Labor Market approach, respectively. The Business Stock approach assumes new firms
arise from existing ones, whereas the Labor Market approach assumes that new firms
arise from workers. The choice of measure can be highly significant has the same number
of new firms in a given region may yield completely different results in terms of these
two indicators of entrepreneurship.
Garofoli (1994) argues that the Labor Market approach has advantages over the
Business Stock approach as the latter is misleading in regions with small numbers of
large firms. In such case, small numbers of new firms would provide an artificially high
birth rate, primarily because of the small denominator. Audretsch and Fritsch (1994)
show that, in West Germany, the statistical relationship between unemployment and start-
up activity crucially depends on the Business Stock or Labor Market methods used to
measure start-up rates. Fritsch and Mueller (2004) use the Labor Market approach to
examine effects of new entry on employment for West Germany. In the present study,
Firms are classified according to main activity (i.e. the activity yielding the highest sales or involving
more workers).
Changed to October in 1994.
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 10
both approaches will be used for estimation, even though the discussion of results will
focus mainly on estimations based on the Labor Market approach.
To account for the different industry structures and the different relative importance
of start-ups and incumbents in different industries a shift-share procedure (see Ashcroft et
al., 1991; Audretsch and Fritsch, 2002; and Van Stel and Storey, 2004) is applied to
derive a measure of sector-adjusted start-up activity. The sector-adjusted number of start-
ups is defined as the number of new firms in a region that can be expected to be observed
if the composition of industries was identical across all regions. Thus, the measure adjusts
the raw data by imposing the same industry composition in each region.
The regional unit used in the present paper is the NUTS3 which, in the case of
Portugal, yields 30 regions. These regional units are relatively larger in size than the ones
used by Fritsch and Mueller (2004)3. While the use of smaller spatial units would have
the advantage of providing a higher number of cross-section observations in the panel,
the fact that counties may include only parts of larger urban agglomerations. This means
that positive agglomeration externalities which prove to be relevant for larger regions
than a county would not be picked up in the analysis. Although Portugal is a relatively
small country when compared to Germany (or even West Germany), it has considerably
large urban agglomerations, both in terms of land area and population, thus making the
Fritsch and Mueller (2004) use data for 326 West German counties (kreise).
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 11
use of a relatively larger spatial unit advantageous. Figures 1 and 2 present start-up rates
using the Business Stock and Labor Market approaches.
where: dEMPt change in regional employment; BIRti firm birth rates at start of
period t-i, with i=0,,n being the lag periods considered; and Xt control variables.
Alternatively, one can also estimate the effect of new firm formation rates in each year
separately, giving rise to n+1 distinct models. For the analysis of the impact of new firm
formation on regional employment growth, the yearly start-up rates at the beginning of
the current employment change period and for the ten preceding years are included.
Estimation uses panel data regression techniques that allow us to account for
unobserved region-specific factors. Application of the Huber/White/Sandwich procedure
provides robust estimates of the standard errors. As an alternative method, panel data
estimation of fixed effects was also conducted. Regional fixed effects should play a
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 12
ii. differences in local labor market conditions, house prices and the extent of
knowledge/innovation spillovers;
Even though, as specified the previous sub-section, the use of NUTS3 is likely to
avoid missing some of the positive agglomeration externalities which prove to be relevant
for larger regional units of analysis than small counties, spatial autocorrelation could still
affect results. To cope with the problem of spatial autocorrelation, following Anselin
(1988) and Anselin and Florax (1995), an average of the residuals in the adjacent regions
is included in the estimation. Such residuals provide an indication of unobserved
influences that affect larger geographical entities than NUTS3 and that are not entirely
Estimations were carried out using each of the two variables population density and per capita GDP
individually, reaching similar results.
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 13
reflected in the explanatory variables. Fritsch and Mueller (2004) find this approach to be
the best suited to account for spatial autocorrelation.
The Almon lag procedure reduces the effects of multicollinearity in distributed lag
settings by imposing a particular structure on the lag coefficients (see, for instance,
Greene, 2003). In the Almon method, parameter restrictions are imposed in such away
that the coefficients of the lagged variables are a polynomial function of the lag. In this
way, the start-up rate coefficients are re-parameterized smoothly.
4. Results
Tables 3 through 18 present the estimation results for the all the different model
specifications discussed in the section above. All estimations were conducted using both
the Business Stock and the Labor Market approaches. Moreover, estimations are
presented using regional employment change and sector-adjusted regional employment
change (using the same shift-share approach as employed for business formation rates).
Results are presented for the effects on employment change of business formation rates
for the current period and up to period t-10, including start-up rates for all periods in one
model and also estimating the effects of yearly start-up rates individually, using the
Huber/White/Sandwich robust estimator and the panel data fixed effects estimator.
Estimation of Almon polynomial lags was also conducted for both the Business Stock
and Labor Market approaches, using regional employment change and sector-adjusted
regional employment change. Following Fritsch and Mueller, the present study estimated
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 14
Almon polynomials up to the 5th order. Again, estimations were carried out using the
Huber/White/Sandwich robust estimator and the panel data fixed effects estimator.
In order to simplify the analysis and to be able to better compare the outcomes of the
present study with those by Fritsch and Mueller (2004), and Van Stel and Storey (2004),
it is convenient to concentrate on a single model specification which seems to better
encompass all the data measurement and estimation concerns stated at length in the
previous section. Therefore, the discussion of results will focus on estimation of the effect
of start-up rates measured using the Labor Market approach on sector-adjusted
employment change using the Huber/White/Sandwich robust estimation procedure, and
accounting for spatial autocorrelation. While the Labor Market approach seems to have
advantages which are corroborated by both Audretsch and Fritsch (1994) and Fritsch and
Mueller (2004), results obtained from fixed effects and Huber/White/Sandwich robust
estimation procedures are not very different. These specifications are reported by the two
benchmark studies mentioned previously. While Fritsch and Mueller (2004) use regional
employment change as the dependent variable without adjusting for industry differences,
Van Stel and Storey (2004) use a sector-adjusted measure of employment change. The
present focuses on the latter specification since it provides a greater chance of dealing
properly with fixed effects arising from different regional industry structures.
Results for the unrestricted model (i.e. where no restrictions are imposed on the form
of time lags, such as Almon polynomial forms) for the effects of Labor Market weighted
start-up rates on sector-adjusted regional employment change using the
Huber/White/Sandwich robust estimation procedure are presented in Table 14.
An exploratory approach to observing the lag structure of the effect of new business
formation on regional employment change, is to estimate a model that includes the start-
up rate at the beginning of the inspected period of employment change (current year) and
all start-up rates of the preceding ten years. Given the reasonably high level of correlation
between the start-up rates of subsequent years, results also include the separate impact of
each start-up rate taken individually.
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 15
When including all start-up rates in one model, the highest positive impacts on
employment change are found for the current year and, remarkably, for the earliest period
(t-10), suggesting that the more significant positive effects of new firm formation on
economic growth may occur only after a considerable period of time. Although not all
individual effects are significant, likely due to multicollinearity, the pattern of the lagged
effects shown on Figure 3 suggests that positive effects occurring in the first couple of
years after start-up fade away and, with the exception of t-4, do not become clearly
positive until t-9. However, it should be noted that only the positive effects recorded for
the current year and the earliest years, as well as for t-4, are statistically significant. The
separate regressions with the single start-up rates again show the strongest impacts for the
current and earliest year, as well as for t-4.
The pattern of the results is not too different from the one found by Fritsch and
Mueller (2004) for the same analysis. However, the magnitude of the significant effects is
considerably larger on average, Portuguese coefficients about double those of West
Germany for the same years.
The variable accounting for economic size is not significant for the model including
all start-up rates, suggesting that agglomeration externalities arising from regional size, as
measured my a combination of population density and per capita GDP, is not a significant
source of spillovers once fixed effects are accounted for by model estimation. This result
contradicts the one found by Fritsch and Mueller (2004) for West Germany. The effect of
the residuals of adjacent regions is positive but only significant at the 10% level. This
suggesting that using NUTS3 spatial units reduces the significance of spatial
autocorrelation. It is expected that the significance of this effect should increase if smaller
regional units were used.
Estimation using the Almon polynomial lag procedure, reported in the following sub-
section, attempts to deal with this problem.
Estimation of the Almon polynomial lag model assumes that the effect of changes in
yearly start-up rates is distributed over eleven periods. Estimation results for the effects
of Labor Market weighted start-up rates on sector-adjusted regional employment change
using the Huber/White/Sandwich robust estimation procedure are presented in Table 18.
Lag effects are estimated for the second through to the fifth orders, accounting for spatial
autocorrelation through the inclusion of the residuals of adjacent regions in the model,
which are found to have a significant and positive effect. The economic size variable is
also included but its effect is again not significant.
Figure 4 presents the lag structures of the effects of new firm formation rates on
employment growth for each of the lag orders estimated. The second and third order
polynomials result in rather similar u-shaped structures in which the effect of start-up
rates on employment change is positive and decreasing for the first couple of years
following start-up, becoming negative after that. Positive effects return around the eight
year and are strongest for the final period (t-10). This pattern is similar to that found by
Fritsch and Mueller (2004) for the second order polynomial in their estimation for West
German counties.
Assuming a fifth order polynomial leads to a different pattern of results in which new
firm formation has a relatively low positive impact on employment growth for the years
up to t-3 and then switches to an equally low negative impact that dominates until year t-
8. From t-9 onwards a positive effect is observed which is strongest for the final period (t-
10). This pattern is somewhat similar to that found by Fritsch and Mueller (2004) for
West German counties in estimations of Almon polynomials of the third order or higher.
However, the magnitude of the effects for the years up to t-8 is smaller.
The pattern of results for the fourth order polynomial is more undefined, resembling
some kind of transition between the u-shape observed for the second and third order
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 17
polynomials and the pattern observed for the fifth order polynomial. Positive effects of
new business formation on employment growth occur for the current period and for t-1,
and again for t-9 onwards, with the strongest impacts occurring in the current and the last
periods. The negative impacts occurring between t-2 and t-8 register relatively stable
coefficients, making the pattern of results less u-shaped than for the second and third
order polynomial estimations.
The fourth order polynomial estimation has the highest F-value of all, followed by the
second and third order polynomials, while the F-value for the fifth order polynomial
estimation is clearly the lowest. This suggests that the lag structure for the present
analysis is closer to a u-shape than to the pattern found by Fritsch and Mueller (2004) for
West Germany. The lag distribution of the impact of new firm formation on employment
change estimated through the fourth order Almon polynomial suggests a certain time
sequence for the effects presented in sub-section 2.1. Using either the second or the third
order polynomials the interpretation of results is very similar.
The positive impact of start-ups in the current period and in t-1 can be interpreted as
corresponding to the additional jobs that are created as a result of the establishment of the
new businesses. This direct effect can be depicted by area I in Figure 5. Studies of the
evolution of new businesses such as Boeri and Cramer (1992) for Germany, and Mata et
al. (1995) for Portugal find that employment in entry cohorts tends to stagnate or even
decline from the second or the third year on, thus corroborating the decline in the positive
effect of new business formation on employment after the first year.
As soon as new businesses face market selection there should be a negative impact
on employment resulting from the decline and exit of incumbents or from the failure of
new entrants. This negative effect seems to dominate in the Portuguese case from about
the second year to the eight year after entry, corresponding to area II in Figure 5. The
duration of this period of negative effects is larger for Portugal than for West Germany
where, according to Fritsch and Mueller (2004), effects of new business formation on
employment growth become positive again from about the sixth or seven year after start-
up and then fade away again after the ninth or tenth year.
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 18
5. Concluding Remarks
The present paper has looked at the effect of new business formation in a region on
employment growth in that region. The study investigates the lag structure of these
effects, using a data set for the Portuguese economy covering a fairly large time span
(1982-2002). The indirect supply-side effects of new firm births, whether due to greater
competition, efficiency or innovation, seem to be at least as important as the direct effects
associated with employment creation by the new entrants. However, such supply-side
effects only occur only after a time lag of about eight years, leading to a pattern of lagged
effects that is somewhat u-shaped. Stable negative effects dominate during the period
between the first year after start-up and the eighth or ninth year, suggesting a relatively
long market selection period.
The findings of this study confirm that new business formation contributes to
economic growth not just directly through the jobs created by start-ups, but also by
bringing about improvements to overall regional competitiveness. Such improvements
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 19
may occur either on the side of newcomers or on the side of incumbents reacting to the
competition from new entrants.
This paper also finds that the positive indirect supply side effects of new business
formation on employment growth take time to occur. Direct effects of new business
formation on employment through the creation of new jobs may be offset in the medium
run by negative effects resulting from the exit of newcomers or incumbents due to market
selection. Hence, the net effect of new business formation on employment in the first
seven or eight years after start-up may well be negative. Positive indirect effects arise
from supply-side spillovers, increasing competitiveness and fostering growth and
employment, but only in the longer run, after nine or ten years. Obviously, the lag time
for positive effects to ensue will vary according to the type of entrant not all entrants
are equally innovative and with the type of industry depending, for instance, on the life
cycle of products and on the technological regime that dominates the industry and the
region, as suggested by Audretsch (1995).
Further research should focus on the effects of different types of entry considering,
for example, initial size or the existence of foreign investment as factors differentiating
between new entrants. Studies such as Mata et al. (1995) have found that initial size is a
good indicator of the probability of survival, while several authors have argued that
foreign direct investment is an important conduit for supply-side spillovers (see
Blomstrm and Kokko, 1998 for a survey).
Further research should also focus on in-depth studies of the different effects of entry
on market processes in different types of industries. In particular, it is important to
determine which factors influence the size of positive indirect supply-side effects and the
time lag for those to occur.
Finally, the sources of regional fixed effects should also be explored. In particular, it
is important to determine whether positive indirect supply-side spillovers are more likely
to arise from entry into more diverse or concentrated industries, i.e. whether supply-side
externalities are more likely to assume a Marshall-Arrow-Romer form or a Jacobs-Lucas
form (see Glaeser et al., 1992 for a review of these concepts). The role and sources of
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 20
spatial autocorrelation also deserves a deeper analysis which may require estimating the
effect of new business formation on employment for different regional units.
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 21
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Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 24
Table 1: Correlation matrix of sector adjusted start-up rates for subsequent time
periods Business stock approach
Year t Year t-1 Year t-2 Year t-3 Year t-4 Year t-5 Year t-6 Year t-7 Year t-8 Year t-9 Year t-10
Year t 1.000 *0.629 *0.316 *0.159 *0.142 *0.350 *0.482 *0.389 *0.289 *0.255 *0.259
Year t-1 1.000 *0.647 *0.334 *0.180 *0.175 *0.389 *0.481 *0.423 *0.336 *0.279
Year t-2 1.000 *0.639 *0.310 *0.150 *0.140 *0.395 *0.465 *0.411 *0.326
Year t-3 1.000 *0.628 *0.288 *0.118 *0.139 *0.375 *0.452 *0.397
Year t-4 1.000 *0.613 *0.249 *0.118 0.094 *0.350 *0.441
Year t-5 1.000 *0.588 *0.263 0.063 0.040 *0.340
Year t-6 1.000 *0.611 *0.222 0.014 -0.003
Year t-7 1.000 *0.644 *0.256 0.025
Year t-8 1.000 *0.648 *0.235
Year t-9 1.000 *0.645
Year t-10 1.000
Notes: * statistically significant at 5% level
Table 2: Correlation matrix of sector adjusted start-up rates for subsequent time
periods Labor market approach
Year t Year t-1 Year t-2 Year t-3 Year t-4 Year t-5 Year t-6 Year t-7 Year t-8 Year t-9 Year t-10
Year t 1.000 *0.474 *0.468 *0.510 *0.505 *0.529 *0.555 *0.499 *0.477 *0.499 *0.516
Year t-1 1.000 *0.473 *0.461 *0.502 *0.514 *0.531 *0.532 *0.500 *0.486 *0.503
Year t-2 1.000 *0.469 *0.455 *0.497 *0.506 *0.531 *0.524 *0.495 *0.475
Year t-3 1.000 *0.456 *0.453 *0.492 *0.494 *0.525 *0.515 *0.486
Year t-4 1.000 *0.453 *0.445 *0.476 *0.481 *0.521 *0.505
Year t-5 1.000 *0.445 *0.443 *0.469 *0.474 *0.514
Year t-6 1.000 *0.435 *0.432 *0.462 *0.463
Year t-7 1.000 *0.428 *0.428 *0.459
Year t-8 1.000 *0.419 *0.415
Year t-9 1.000 *0.408
Year t-10 1.000
Notes: * statistically significant at 5% level
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 27
Table 3: The impact of lagged start-up rates on regional employment change: Business Stock approach Fixed effects
Dependent variable: Two-year regional employment change
Start-up rate current year *11.540 *9.749
(0.030) (0.000)
Start-up rate year t-1 5.295 *5.322
(0.129) (0.000)
Start-up rate year t-2 -0.950 3.560
(0.833) (0.103)
Start-up rate year t-3 *-9.382 *3.528
(0.015) (0.033)
Start-up rate year t-4 7.229 *5.796
(0.178) (0.020)
Start-up rate year t-5 *-8.508 4.709
(0.046) (0.115)
Start-up rate year t-6 0.486 2.924
(0.869) (0.113)
Start-up rate year t-7 -2.214 *1.674 (-
(0.524) 0.875)
Start-up rate year t-8 -1.757 1.913
(0.332) (0.132)
Start-up rate year t-9 2.169 *4.721
(0.161) (0.000)
Start-up rate year t-10 *9.295 *9.815
(0.019) (0.001)
Economic size 0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 0.000
(0.634) (0.049) (0.006) (0.006) (0.005) (0.017) (0.019) (0.007) (0.004) (0.003) (0.004) (0.218)
Spatial Autocorrelation 0.419 0.442 0.354 0.301 0.285 0.241 0.246 0.301 0.225 0.298 0.351 0.427
(0.072) (0.053) (0.138) (0.231) (0.271) (0.379) (0.371) (0.296) (0.299) (0.174) (0.098) (0.066)
Constant -8.209 -2.479 *6.657 *10.895 *11.564 7.705 9.827 *12.097 *11.821 *12.939 *8.128 -0.374
(0.161) (0.305) (0.030) (0.020) (0.005) (0.135) (0.110) (0.010) (0.005) (0.000) (0.000) (0.941)
R2 0.238 0.158 0.082 0.059 0.056 0.076 0.066 0.062 0.046 0.050 0.079 0.188
F-value 50.990 38.690 19.440 9.070 11.290 14.020 10.110 10.480 10.230 9.000 18.780 17.090
N. Observations 270(9) 570(19) 540(18) 510(17) 480(16) 450(15) 420(14) 390(13) 360(12) 330(11) 300(10) 270(9)
(No. Obs. Per NUT)
Notes: P-values in parentheses; * statistically significant at 5% level
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 28
Table 4: The impact of lagged start-up rates on regional employment change: Business Stock approach Robust Huber-White
Dependent variable: Two-year regional employment change
Start-up rate current year -0.593 *-0.316
(0.142) (0.000)
Start-up rate year t-1 -0.065 -0.239
(0.719) (0.079)
Start-up rate year t-2 -0.012 -0.229
(0.973) (0.140)
Start-up rate year t-3 *-0.635 -0.022
(0.000) (0.824)
Start-up rate year t-4 0.103 *0.443
(0.610) (0.000)
Start-up rate year t-5 *0.330 *0.453
(0.030) (0.000)
Start-up rate year t-6 0.094 *0.266
(0.560) (0.001)
Start-up rate year t-7 *0.473 0.142
(0.002) (0.110)
Start-up rate year t-8 *0.375 -0.015
(0.009) (0.859)
Start-up rate year t-9 0.193 -0.110
(0.184) (0.347)
Start-up rate year t-10 *-0.332 -0.204
(0.014) (0.084)
Economic size 0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000
(0.084) (0.001) (0.001) (0.002) (0.003) (0.042) (0.060) (0.020) (0.009) (0.004) (0.002) (0.002)
Spatial Autocorrelation 0.298 *0.748 *0.709 *0.686 *0.727 *0.751 *0.756 *0.735 *0.736 *0.735 *0.718 *0.647
(0.094) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Constant 7.786 *11.346 *10.588 *10.939 *7.827 0.285 -0.146 2.353 *4.222 *7.115 *8.918 *11.260
(0.131) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.835) (0.911) (0.058) (0.010) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
R2 0.260 0.313 0.276 0.260 0.278 0.333 0.345 0.296 0.283 0.281 0.259 0.214
F-value 15.540 61.770 52.570 52.560 54.530 55.400 51.760 41.040 45.820 45.240 45.250 32.260
N. Observations
(No. Obs. Per NUT) 270(9) 570(19) 540(18) 510(17) 480(16) 450(15) 420(14) 390(13) 360(12) 330(11) 300(10) 270(9)
Notes: P-values in parentheses; * statistically significant at 5% level
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 29
Table 5: The impact of lagged start-up rates on (sector adjusted) regional employment change: Business Stock approach
Fixed effects estimates
Dependent variable: Sector adjusted Two-year regional employment change
Start-up rate current year -0.291 *-0.739
(0.753) (0.008)
Start-up rate year t-1 1.131 *-0.847
(0.204) (0.002)
Start-up rate year t-2 -1.170 *-1.091
(0.182) (0.000)
Start-up rate year t-3 *-1.680 *-0.828
(0.037) (0.006)
Start-up rate year t-4 1.015 0.466
(0.214) (0.139)
Start-up rate year t-5 -0.980 0.495
(0.269) (0.152)
Start-up rate year t-6 0.732 *0.730
(0.423) (0.027)
Start-up rate year t-7 1.549 0.402
(0.098) (0.212)
Start-up rate year t-8 0.824 -0.501
(0.364) (0.129)
Start-up rate year t-9 -1.040 *-0.779
(0.147) (0.027)
Start-up rate year t-10 0.498 -0.562
(0.372) (0.131)
Economic size 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
(0.852) (0.900) (0.983) (0.762) (0.795) (0.752) (0.747) (0.504) (0.368) (0.610) (0.671) (0.717)
Spatial Autocorrelation -0.076 *0.281 *0.254 *0.210 *0.222 *0.205 0.164 *0.230 0.209 0.210 0.153 0.134
(0.646) (0.001) (0.003) (0.021) (0.018) (0.035) (0.122) (0.038) (0.078) (0.100) (0.267) (0.359)
Constant 5.799 *26.559 *28.907 *34.074 *30.478 8.899 8.308 2.572 6.435 *22.437 *27.787 *25.025
(0.882) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.120) (0.195) (0.683) (0.310) (0.001) (0.000) (0.003)
R2 0.085 0.037 0.037 0.039 0.028 0.017 0.015 0.030 0.015 0.021 0.027 0.015
F-value 1.630 6.800 6.410 6.500 4.260 2.390 1.900 3.620 1.680 2.080 2.460 1.230
N. Observations
(No. Obs. Per NUT) 270(9) 570(19) 540(18) 510(17) 480(16) 450(15) 420(14) 390(13) 360(12) 330(11) 300(10) 270(9)
Notes: P-values in parentheses; * statistically significant at 5% level
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 30
Table 6: The impact of lagged start-up rates on (sector adjusted) regional employment change: Business Stock approach
Robust Huber-White estimates
Dependent variable: Sector adjusted Two-year regional employment change
Start-up rate current year -0.090 -0.336
(0.907) (0.142)
Start-up rate year t-1 1.332 -0.431
(0.363) (0.056)
Start-up rate year t-2 -1.156 -0.648
(0.200) (0.156)
Start-up rate year t-3 -1.718 -0.425
(0.061) (0.339)
Start-up rate year t-4 1.168 0.642
(0.199) (0.093)
Start-up rate year t-5 -0.617 *0.636
(0.356) (0.035)
Start-up rate year t-6 0.998 *0.868
(0.325) (0.007)
Start-up rate year t-7 *1.817 *0.634
(0.025) (0.016)
Start-up rate year t-8 1.133 -0.065
(0.117) (0.737)
Start-up rate year t-9 -0.867 -0.299
(0.236) (0.276)
Start-up rate year t-10 0.408 -0.153
(0.293) (0.656)
Economic size 0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000
(0.169) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.004) (0.003) (0.004) (0.003) (0.001) (0.002) (0.003)
Spatial Autocorrelation 0.041 0.359 0.325 0.270 0.271 0.261 0.224 0.290 0.280 0.291 0.240 0.213
(0.898) (0.129) (0.174) (0.262) (0.271) (0.349) (0.456) (0.341) (0.184) (0.200) (0.347) (0.405)
Constant -20.500 *21.348 *23.574 *28.240 *25.232 7.598 7.704 2.372 5.364 *17.631 *22.362 *20.840
(0.379) (0.000) (0.000) (0.001) (0.003) (0.228) (0.155) (0.619) (0.197) (0.000) (0.001) (0.005)
R2 0.127 0.056 0.053 0.051 0.046 0.052 0.049 0.067 0.051 0.044 0.041 0.036
F-value 5.800 5.790 5.740 4.910 4.950 6.830 8.430 8.420 8.230 5.620 5.470 4.910
N. Observations 270(9) 570(19) 540(18) 510(17) 480(16) 450(15) 420(14) 390(13) 360(12) 330(11) 300(10) 270(9)
(No. Obs. Per NUT)
Notes: P-values in parentheses; * statistically significant at 5% level
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 31
Table 10: The impact of lagged start-up rates on (sector adjusted) regional
employment change - Almon Method: Business Stock approach Robust Huber-
White estimates
Dependent variable: Sector adjusted Two-
year regional employment change
Almon Method assuming a polynomial of
2nd order 3rd order 4th order 5th order
Start-up rate current year -0.905 0.052 0.187 -0.374
Start-up rate year t-1 -0.403 -0.304 -0.544 -0.216
Start-up rate year t-2 0.002 -0.348 -0.587 -0.158
Start-up rate year t-3 0.308 -0.172 -0.246 -0.140
Start-up rate year t-4 0.516 0.132 0.233 -0.105
Start-up rate year t-5 0.626 0.471 0.661 -0.012
Start-up rate year t-6 0.637 0.755 0.912 0.150
Start-up rate year t-7 0.551 0.890 0.915 0.354
Start-up rate year t-8 0.366 0.785 0.661 0.520
Start-up rate year t-9 0.083 0.348 0.199 0.505
Start-up rate year t-10 -0.298 -0.513 -0.364 0.088
Economic size 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Spatial Autocorrelation 0.186 0.172 0.149 0.167
Constant -6.825 -15.594 -15.180 -1.166
R2 0.0666 0.078 0.079 0.080
F-value 4.99 4.250 3.960 4.320
N. Observations
(No. Obs. Per NUT) 270(9) 270(9) 270(9) 270(9)
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 35
Table 11: The impact of lagged start-up rates on regional employment change: Labor market approach Fixed effects
Dependent variable: Two-year regional employment change
Start-up rate current year -0.357 -0.558
(0.788) (0.152)
Start-up rate year t-1 0.486 *-1.051
(0.743) (0.008)
Start-up rate year t-2 1.751 *-0.953
(0.233) (0.017)
Start-up rate year t-3 0.086 -0.157
(0.953) (0.698)
Start-up rate year t-4 2.133 0.647
(0.123) (0.121)
Start-up rate year t-5 1.821 *0.846
(0.150) (0.042)
Start-up rate year t-6 1.275 0.246
(0.245) (0.555)
Start-up rate year t-7 -0.204 -0.604
(0.732) (0.166)
Start-up rate year t-8 0.264 -0.331
(0.651) (0.461)
Start-up rate year t-9 0.791 0.465
(0.159) (0.334)
Start-up rate year t-10 -0.195 -0.414
(0.718) (0.417)
Economic size 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
(0.174) (0.565) (0.381) (0.483) (0.669) (0.726) (0.848) (0.560) (0.200) (0.139) (0.148) (0.178)
Spatial Autocorrelation *0.667 *0.830 *0.804 *0.778 *0.772 *0.771 *0.807 *0.764 *0.769 *0.755 *0.761 *0.700
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Constant -7.954 *6.872 *8.143 *8.431 *7.306 *6.115 *5.676 *5.965 *6.693 *6.093 *4.626 *6.644
(0.329) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
R2 0.243 0.408 0.379 0.349 0.344 0.341 0.379 0.326 0.315 0.316 0.314 0.268
F-value 5.590 123.420 103.090 85.170 78.190 72.010 78.590 57.590 50.120 45.670 40.800 28.850
N. Observations
(No. Obs. Per NUT) 270(9) 570(19) 540(18) 510(17) 480(16) 450(15) 420(14) 390(13) 360(12) 330(11) 300(10) 270(9)
Notes: P-values in parentheses; * statistically significant at 5% level
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 36
Table 12: The impact of lagged start-up rates on regional employment change: Labor market approach Robust Huber-
White estimates
Dependent variable: Two-year regional employment change
Start-up rate current year -0.559 0.322
(0.602) (0.545)
Start-up rate year t-1 -0.004 0.142
(0.997) (0.815)
Start-up rate year t-2 1.164 0.251
(0.489) (0.674)
Start-up rate year t-3 -0.386 0.636
(0.597) (0.277)
Start-up rate year t-4 1.426 1.043
(0.119) (0.155)
Start-up rate year t-5 0.976 *0.510
(0.438) (0.023)
Start-up rate year t-6 0.168 0.635
(0.803) (0.220)
Start-up rate year t-7 -0.493 0.173
(0.052) (0.673)
Start-up rate year t-8 -0.031 *0.390
(0.908) (-0.461)
Start-up rate year t-9 0.645 *0.802
(0.051) (0.040)
Start-up rate year t-10 -0.290 0.348
(0.511) (0.164)
Economic size 0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000
(0.066) (0.003) (0.003) (0.004) (0.006) (0.009) (0.004) (0.004) (0.002) (0.002) (0.004) (0.005)
Spatial Autocorrelation *0.700 *0.793 *0.757 *0.728 *0.730 *0.731 *0.769 *0.726 *0.734 *0.734 *0.750 *0.707
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Constant 2.761 *5.656 *6.480 *6.742 *6.308 *5.820 *5.638 *5.821 *6.384 *6.243 *5.465 *6.923
(0.095) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
R2 0.256 0.355 0.311 0.283 0.292 0.302 0.337 0.285 0.276 0.285 0.299 0.251
F-value 14.950 68.660 63.490 58.960 55.310 53.020 47.680 40.640 44.800 43.810 42.260 35.310
N. Observations
(No. Obs. Per NUT) 270(9) 570(19) 540(18) 510(17) 480(16) 450(15) 420(14) 390(13) 360(12) 330(11) 300(10) 270(9)
Notes: P-values in parentheses; * statistically significant at 5% level
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 37
Table 13: The impact of lagged start-up rates on (sector adjusted) regional employment change: Labor market approach
Fixed effects estimates
Dependent variable: Sector adjusted Two-year regional employment change
Start-up rate current year *11.099 *8.666
(0.019) (0.000)
Start-up rate year t-1 4.092 0.143
(0.436) (0.932)
Start-up rate year t-2 -2.188 *-3.416
(0.667) (0.048)
Start-up rate year t-3 *-12.023 -3.398
(0.019) (0.059)
Start-up rate year t-4 5.910 1.807
(0.225) (0.324)
Start-up rate year t-5 *-9.422 0.568
(0.037) (0.766)
Start-up rate year t-6 0.667 -1.322
(0.865) (0.467)
Start-up rate year t-7 -2.706 -1.898
(0.192) (0.287)
Start-up rate year t-8 -2.190 -3.243
(0.289) (0.068)
Start-up rate year t-9 1.822 1.024
(0.362) (0.591)
Start-up rate year t-10 *9.172 *9.789
(0.000) (0.000)
Economic size 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
(0.428) (0.915) (0.713) (0.737) (0.824) (0.945) (0.918) (0.708) (0.498) (0.450) (0.434) (0.476)
Spatial Autocorrelation *0.378 *0.422 *0.309 *0.247 *0.225 *0.225 *0.232 *0.334 0.219 *0.263 *0.264 *0.395
(0.009) (0.000) (0.000) (0.005) (0.016) (0.019) (0.021) (0.002) (0.064) (0.034) (0.046) (0.004)
Constant 4.937 -0.801 *14.854 *22.000 *22.516 *13.715 *15.936 *17.856 *17.006 *18.871 *11.389 -2.973
(0.862) (0.797) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.014) (0.551)
R2 0.179 0.089 0.027 0.025 0.022 0.016 0.014 0.028 0.015 0.028 0.018 0.116
F-value 3.820 17.420 4.730 4.070 3.330 2.240 1.890 3.410 1.650 2.850 1.600 10.380
N. Observations
(No. Obs. Per NUT) 270(9) 570(19) 540(18) 510(17) 480(16) 450(15) 420(14) 390(13) 360(12) 330(11) 300(10) 270(9)
Notes: P-values in parentheses; * statistically significant at 5% level
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 38
Table 14: The impact of lagged start-up rates on (sector adjusted) regional employment change: Labor market approach
Robust Huber-White estimates
Dependent variable: Sector adjusted Two-year regional employment change
Start-up rate current year *11.540 *9.749
(0.030) (0.000)
Start-up rate year t-1 5.295 *5.322
(0.129) (0.000)
Start-up rate year t-2 -0.950 3.560
(0.833) (0.103)
Start-up rate year t-3 *-9.382 *3.528
(0.015) (0.033)
Start-up rate year t-4 7.229 *5.796
(0.178) (0.020)
Start-up rate year t-5 *-8.508 4.709
(0.046) (0.115)
Start-up rate year t-6 0.486 2.924
(0.869) (0.113)
Start-up rate year t-7 -2.214 *1.674
(0.524) (0.875)
Start-up rate year t-8 -1.757 1.913
(0.332) (0.132)
Start-up rate year t-9 2.169 *4.721
(0.161) (0.000)
Start-up rate year t-10 *9.295 *9.815
(0.019) (0.001)
Economic size 0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 *0.000 0.000
(0.634) (0.049) (0.006) (0.006) (0.005) (0.017) (0.019) (0.007) (0.004) (0.003) (0.004) (0.218)
Spatial Autocorrelation 0.419 0.442 0.354 0.301 0.285 0.241 0.246 0.301 0.225 0.298 0.351 0.427
(0.072) (0.053) (0.138) (0.231) (0.271) (0.379) (0.371) (0.296) (0.299) (0.174) (0.098) (0.066)
Constant -8.209 -2.479 *6.657 *10.895 *11.564 7.705 9.827 *12.097 *11.821 *12.939 *8.128 -0.374
(0.161) (0.305) (0.030) (0.020) (0.005) (0.135) (0.110) (0.010) (0.005) (0.000) (0.000) (0.941)
R2 0.238 0.158 0.082 0.059 0.056 0.076 0.066 0.062 0.046 0.050 0.079 0.188
F-value 50.990 38.690 19.440 9.070 11.290 14.020 10.110 10.480 10.230 9.000 18.780 17.090
N. Observations
(No. Obs. Per NUT) 270(9) 570(19) 540(18) 510(17) 480(16) 450(15) 420(14) 390(13) 360(12) 330(11) 300(10) 270(9)
Notes: P-values in parentheses; * statistically significant at 5% level
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 39
Table 15: The impact of lagged start-up rates on regional employment change -
Almon Method: Labor market approach Fixed effects estimates
Dependent variable: Two-year regional
employment change
Almon Method assuming a polynomial of
2nd order 3rd order 4th order 5th order
Start-up rate current year 0.638 -0.043 -0.345 -0.562
Start-up rate year t-1 0.772 0.710 1.113 -0.518
Start-up rate year t-2 0.856 1.141 1.655 -0.423
Start-up rate year t-3 0.890 1.310 1.638 -0.304
Start-up rate year t-4 0.875 1.273 1.341 -0.188
Start-up rate year t-5 0.811 1.088 0.969 -0.099
Start-up rate year t-6 0.698 0.815 0.653 -0.056
Start-up rate year t-7 0.535 0.509 0.447 -0.067
Start-up rate year t-8 0.322 0.230 0.332 -0.132
Start-up rate year t-9 0.060 0.035 0.213 -0.236
Start-up rate year t-10 -0.251 -0.018 -0.080 -0.348
Economic size 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Spatial Autocorrelation 0.656 0.646 0.646 0.324
Constant -5.222 -6.681 -8.213 51.723
R2 0.238 0.234 0.232 0.341
F-value 14.670 11.910 10.040 15.000
N. Observations
(No. Obs. Per NUT) 270(9) 270(9) 270(9) 270(9)
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 40
Table 16: The impact of lagged start-up rates on regional employment change -
Almon Method: Labor market approach Robust Huber-White estimates
Dependent variable: Two-year regional
employment change
Almon Method assuming a polynomial of
2nd order 3rd order 4th order 5th order
Start-up rate current year 0.291 -0.229 -0.754 -0.162
Start-up rate year t-1 0.359 0.260 0.587 -0.147
Start-up rate year t-2 0.401 0.534 0.999 -0.043
Start-up rate year t-3 0.417 0.636 0.886 0.128
Start-up rate year t-4 0.407 0.606 0.559 0.344
Start-up rate year t-5 0.370 0.485 0.236 0.578
Start-up rate year t-6 0.307 0.314 0.043 0.784
Start-up rate year t-7 0.218 0.134 0.014 0.895
Start-up rate year t-8 0.102 -0.014 0.090 0.811
Start-up rate year t-9 -0.040 -0.089 0.120 0.396
Start-up rate year t-10 -0.209 -0.051 -0.140 -0.538
Economic size 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Spatial Autocorrelation 0.681 0.679 0.684 0.452
Constant 2.671 2.760 2.695 0.406
R2 0.248 0.2478 0.250 0.260
F-value 20.180 20.35 17.910 20.780
N. Observations
(No. Obs. Per NUT) 270(9) 270(9) 270(9) 270(9)
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 41
Table 17: The impact of lagged start-up rates on (sector adjusted) regional
employment change - Almon Method: Labor market approach Fixed effects
Dependent variable: Sector adjusted Two-
year regional employment change
Almon Method assuming a polynomial of
2nd order 3rd order 4th order 5th order
Start-up rate current year 10.354 9.622 11.903 -0.070
Start-up rate year t-1 5.055 5.082 1.307 -0.154
Start-up rate year t-2 0.887 1.323 -3.121 -0.043
Start-up rate year t-3 -2.150 -1.577 -4.093 -0.004
Start-up rate year t-4 -4.055 -3.542 -3.599 -0.271
Start-up rate year t-5 -4.830 -4.497 -2.911 -0.936
Start-up rate year t-6 -4.474 -4.364 -2.583 -1.843
Start-up rate year t-7 -2.987 -3.068 -2.445 -2.472
Start-up rate year t-8 -0.368 -0.531 -1.612 -1.833
Start-up rate year t-9 3.381 3.321 1.522 1.645
Start-up rate year t-10 8.261 8.567 9.284 10.223
Economic size 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Spatial Autocorrelation 0.448 0.450 0.459 0.209
Constant -3.640 -5.831 5.835 23.623
R2 0.148 0.148 0.162 0.198
F-value 8.150 6.790 6.440 7.140
N. Observations
(No. Obs. Per NUT) 270(9) 270(9) 270(9) 270(9)
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 42
Table 18: The impact of lagged start-up rates on (sector adjusted) regional
employment change - Almon Method: Labor market approach Robust Huber-
White estimates
Dependent variable: Sector adjusted Two-
year regional employment change
Almon Method assuming a polynomial of
2nd order 3rd order 4th order 5th order
Start-up rate current year 10.507 9.197 12.189 0.433
Start-up rate year t-1 5.375 5.178 2.775 0.335
Start-up rate year t-2 1.332 1.738 -1.343 0.318
Start-up rate year t-3 -1.622 -1.009 -2.504 0.237
Start-up rate year t-4 -3.487 -2.950 -2.408 -0.024
Start-up rate year t-5 -4.262 -3.973 -2.120 -0.477
Start-up rate year t-6 -3.948 -3.966 -2.071 -0.962
Start-up rate year t-7 -2.545 -2.815 -2.054 -1.066
Start-up rate year t-8 -0.053 -0.407 -1.226 -0.057
Start-up rate year t-9 3.528 3.370 1.891 3.197
Start-up rate year t-10 8.199 8.629 9.410 10.294
Economic size 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Spatial Autocorrelation 0.474 0.480 0.477 0.331
Constant -7.840 -7.750 -7.057 -15.148
R2 0.216 0.217 0.2256 0.226
F-value 27.600 28.400 39.140 12.300
N. Observations
(No. Obs. Per NUT) 270(9) 270(9) 270(9) 270(9)
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 43
Impact on employment change
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Lag (year)
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 44
Figure 4: The lag structure of the impact of new business formation on regional
employment growth based on Almon polynomials
Impact on employment change
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Lag (year)
Impact on employment change
-2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Lag (year)
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 45
Impact on employment change
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Lag (year)
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy 46
Impact of new firm formation on
New capacities
employment change
Supply-side effects
0 1 5 9 10
Exiting capacities Lag (year)