Cancer and The Cell Cycle

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Cancer and the cell genes that encode cell cycle regulator

cycle Here, well look in more detail at what's
wrong with cancer cells. We'll also see
How cancer can be linked to overactive how abnormal forms of cell cycle
positive cell cycle regulators (oncogenes) regulators can contribute to cancer.
or inactive negative regulators (tumor
suppressors). Whats wrong with cancer
Introduction Cancer cells behave differently than
Does cell cycle control matter? If you ask normal cells in the body. Many of these
an oncologist a doctor who treats cancer differences are related to cell division
patients she or he will likely answer with behavior.
a resounding yes. For example, cancer cells can multiply in
Cancer is basically a disease of culture (outside of the body in a dish)
uncontrolled cell division. Its development without any growth factors, or growth-
and progression are usually linked to a stimulating protein signals, being added.
series of changes in the activity of cell This is different from normal cells, which
cycle regulators. For example, inhibitors need growth factors to grow in culture.
of the cell cycle keep cells from dividing Cancer cells may make their own growth
when conditions arent right, so too little factors, have growth factor pathways that
activity of these inhibitors can promote are stuck in the "on" position, or, in the
cancer. Similarly, positive regulators of context of the body, even trick
cell division can lead to cancer if they are neighboring cells into producing growth
too active. In most cases, these changes factors to sustain them.
in activity are due to mutations in the
The environment in a dish is different
from the environment in the human body,
but scientists think that the loss
of contact inhibition in plate-grown
cancer cells reflects the loss of a
mechanism that normally maintains tissue
balance in the body.
Another hallmark of cancer cells is their
"replicative immortality," a fancy term for
the fact that they can divide many more
times than a normal cell of the body. In
general, human cells can go through only
Diagram showing different responses of about 40-60 rounds of division before they
normal and cancer cells to growth factor lose the capacity to divide, "grow old,"
presence or absence. and eventually die.
Normal cells in a culture dish will not Cancer cells can divide many more times
divide without the addition of growth than this, largely because they express an
factors. enzyme called telomerase, which reverses
Cancer cells in a culture dish will the wearing down of chromosome ends
divide whether growth factors are that normally happens during each cell
provided or not. division.
Cancer cells also ignore signals that
should cause them to stop dividing. For Cancer cells are also different from
instance, when normal cells grown in a normal cells in other ways that arent
dish are crowded by neighbors on all directly cell cycle-related. These
sides, they will no longer divide. Cancer differences help them grow, divide, and
cells, in contrast, keep dividing and pile form tumors. For instance, cancer cells
on top of each other in lumpy layers. gain the ability to migrate to other parts
of the body, a process called metastasis, Diagram showing different responses of
and to promote growth of new blood normal and cancer cells to conditions that
vessels, a process would typically trigger apoptosis.
called angiogenesis (which gives tumor
cells a source of oxygen and nutrients). A normal cell with unfixable DNA
Cancer cells also fail to undergo damaged will undergo apoptosis.
programmed cell death, or apoptosis, A cancer cell with unfixable DNA
under conditions when normal cells would damage will not undergo apoptosis and
(e.g., due to DNA damage). In addition, will instead continue dividing.
emerging research shows that cancer
cells may undergo metabolic changes that
support increased cell growth and
How cancer develops
Cells have many different mechanisms to
restrict cell division, repair DNA damage,
and prevent the development of cancer.
Because of this, its thought that cancer
develops in a multi-step process, in which
multiple mechanisms must fail before a
critical mass is reached and cells become
cancerous. Specifically, most cancers
arise as cells acquire a series
of mutations (changes in DNA) that
make them divide more quickly, escape
internal and external controls on division,
and avoid programmed cell death.
How might this process work? In a
hypothetical example, a cell might first
lose activity of a cell cycle inhibitor, an
event that would make the cells
descendants divide a little more rapidly.
Its unlikely that they would be cancerous,
but they might form a benign tumor, a
mass of cells that divide too much but
dont have the potential to invade other
tissues (metastasize.
Over time, a mutation might take place in
one of the descendant cells, causing
increased activity of a positive cell cycle
regulator. The mutation might not cause
cancer by itself either, but the offspring of
this cell would divide even faster, creating
a larger pool of cells in which a third
mutation could take place. Eventually,
one cell might gain enough mutations to
take on the characteristics of a cancer cell
and give rise to a malignant tumor, a
group of cells that divide excessively and
can invade other tissues.
Diagram of a hypothetical series of
mutations that might lead to cancer
In the first step, an initial mutation
inactivates a negative cell cycle regulator.
In one of the descendants of the original do these changes arise? At least in some
cell, a new mutation takes place, making a cases, they seem to be due to inactivating
positive cell cycle regulator overly active. mutations in the very genes that keep the
genome stable (that is, genes that
In one of the descendants of this second
prevent mutations from occurring or being
cell, a third mutation takes place,
passed on.
inactivating a genome stability factor.
These genes encode proteins that sense
Once the genome stability factor is
and repair DNA damage, intercept DNA-
inactivated, additional mutations
binding chemicals, maintain the telomere
accumulate rapidly in the cell's
caps on the ends of chromosomes, and
descendants (because mutations are no
play other key maintenance roles. If one
longer prevented or repaired as
of these genes is mutated and
nonfunctional, other mutations can
Once a critical mass of mutations affecting accumulate rapidly. So, if a cell has a
relevant processes is reached, the cell nonfunctional genome stability factor, its
bearing the mutations acquires cancerous descendants may reach the critical mass
characteristics (uncontrolled division, of mutations needed for cancer much
evasion of apoptosis, capacity for faster than normal cells.
metastasis, etc.) and is said to be a
cancer cell. Cell cycle regulators and
Different types of cancer involve different
As a tumor progresses, its cells typically types of mutations, and, each individual
acquire more and more mutations. tumor has a unique set of genetic
Advanced-stage cancers may have major alterations. In general, however,
changes in their genomes, including mutations of two types of cell cycle
large-scale mutations such as the loss or regulators may promote the development
duplication of entire chromosomes. How of cancer: positive regulators may be
overactivated (become oncogenic), while different gene, producing a combo
negative regulators, also called tumor protein with unregulated activity.
suppressors, may be inactivated.

Positive cell cycle regulators may be
overactive in cancer. For instance, a
growth factor receptor may send signals
even when growth factors are not there,
or a cyclin may be expressed at
abnormally high levels. The overactive
(cancer-promoting) forms of these genes
are called oncogenes, while the normal,
not-yet-mutated forms are called proto-
oncogenes. This naming system reflects
that a normal proto-oncogene can turn
into an oncogene if it mutates in a way
that increases its activity.
Mutations that turn proto-oncogenes into
oncogenes can take different forms. Some
change the amino acid sequence of the
protein, altering its shape and trapping it
in an always on state. Others
involve amplification, in which a cell
gains extra copies of a gene and thus
starts making too much protein. In still
other cases, an error in DNA repair may
attach a proto-oncogene to part of a
active form. The oncogenic Ras protein
activates a signaling pathway leading to
growth and proliferation even when
growth factors are not present.
Many of the proteins that transmit growth
factor signals are encoded by proto-
oncogenes. Normally, these proteins drive
cell cycle progression only when growth
factors are available. If one of the proteins
becomes overactive due to mutation,
however, it may transmit signals even
when no growth factor is around. In the
diagram above, the growth factor
receptor, the Ras protein, and the
signaling enzyme Raf are all encoded by
Oncogenic form of the Ras protein. proto-oncogenes.
Normal Ras is activated when growth Overactive forms of these proteins are
factors bind to growth factor receptors. often found in cancer cells. For instance,
When active, Ras switches to its GTP- oncogenic Ras mutations are found in
bound form and triggers a signaling about 90% of pancreatic cancers. Ras is a
pathway leading to cell division and G protein, meaning that it switches back
proliferation. Normal Ras then exchanges and forth between an inactive form
GTP for GDP and returns to its inactive (bound to the small molecule GDP) and an
state until the cell perceives more growth active form (bound to the similar molecule
factors. GTP). Cancer-causing mutations often
An oncogenic form of Ras becomes change Rass structure so that it can no
permanently locked in its GTP-bound, longer switch to its inactive form, or can
do so only very slowly, leaving the protein
stuck in the on state (see cartoon
Tumor suppressors pause buys time for DNA repair, which
Negative regulators of the cell cycle may also depends on p53, whose second job is
be less active (or even nonfunctional) in to activate DNA repair enzymes. If the
cancer cells. For instance, a protein that damage is fixed, p53 will release the cell,
halts cell cycle progression in response to allowing it to continue through the cell
DNA damage may no longer sense cycle. If the damage is not fixable, p53
damage or trigger a response. Genes that will play its third and final role: triggering
normally block cell cycle progression are apoptosis (programmed cell death) so
known as tumor suppressors. Tumor that damaged DNA is not passed on.
suppressors prevent the formation of
cancerous tumors when they are working
correctly, and tumors may form when
they mutate so they no longer work.
One of the most important tumor
suppressors is tumor protein p53, which
plays a key role in the cellular response to
DNA damage. p53 acts primarily at the
G_1 checkpoint (controlling the G_1 to S
transition), where it blocks cell cycle
progression in response to damaged DNA
and other unfavorable conditions
When a cells DNA is damaged, a sensor
protein activates p53, which halts the cell
cycle at the G_11start subscript, 1, end
subscript checkpoint by triggering
production of a cell-cycle inhibitor. This
pausing the cell cycle in G1 to allow time
for repairs. p53 also activates DNA repair
pathways. Finally, if DNA repair is not
possible, p53 triggers apoptosis. The net
effect of p53's activities is to prevent the
inheritance of damaged DNA, either by
getting the damage repaired or by causing
the cell to self-destruct.
When a cell contains only nonfunctional
p53 that cannot bind DNA, DNA damage
can no longer trigger any of these three
responses. Although p53 is still activated
by the damage, it is helpless to respond,
as it can no longer regulate transcription
of its targets. Thus, the cell does not
pause in G1, DNA damage is not repaired,
and apoptosis is not induced. The net
effect of the loss of p53 is to permit
damaged DNA (mutations) to be passed
on to daughter cells.

Diagram showing normal p53 and In cancer cells, p53 is often missing,
nonfunctional p53. nonfunctional, or less active than normal.
For example, many cancerous tumors
In response to DNA damage, normal p53 have a mutant form of p53 that can no
binds DNA and promotes transcription of longer bind DNA. Since p53 acts by
target genes. First, p53 triggers binding to target genes and activating
production of Cdk inhibitor proteins,
their transcription, the non-binding oncogenes or inactivate other tumor
mutant protein is unable to do its job. suppressors.
When p53 is defective, a cell with p53 is the gene most commonly mutated
damaged DNA may proceed with cell in human cancers, and cancer cells
division. The daughter cells of such a without p53 mutations likely inactivate
division are likely to inherit mutations due p53 through other mechanisms (e.g.,
to the unrepaired DNA of the mother cell. increased activity of the proteins that
Over generations, cells with faulty p53 cause p53 to be recycled.
tend to accumulate mutations, some of
which may turn proto-oncogenes to

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