(ESP) English For Specific Purposes 1981 - 1990
(ESP) English For Specific Purposes 1981 - 1990
(ESP) English For Specific Purposes 1981 - 1990
Central Concepts)
. . . We are attempting, through this journal and elsewhere to break from ESP s
self - imposed limit in order to return to Strevens original broad definition of ESP
(1977), which included English for academic purposes, English for occupational
purposes (also called VESL). . . .
The attempt to widen ESP s scope by the English for Specific Purposes
Journal was certainly made and, as a result, the 1981 1990 period may have
been the most inclusive in terms of topics for published research and
pedagogical practice.
During this period, special issues of the journal were devoted to teacher training
(Vol. 2(1), 1983, in honor of Jack Ewer); to Vocational ESP (Vol. 3(2), 1984,
guest edited by JoAnn Crandall); to interlanguage (Vol. 6(2), 1987, guest edited
by Larry Selinker), and to training of international teaching assistants (Vol. 8(2),
1989, guest edited by Richard Young). In addition, submitted articles to issues
that were not special predicted much of what was to come. The most
frequently appearing of these topics are discussed below.
Needs assessment
Though computers were not widely employed between 1981 and 1990, various
researchers studied the technologies available. Betty Lou DuBois (1980) ,
whose interest was in the juxtaposition of the visual with the verbal, studied the
use of slides in biomedical speeches and later (1985) , the design and
presentation of posters at biomedical meetings. Zak and Dudley - Evans (1986)
examined two features of the telex: word omission and word abbreviation,
suggesting how they might be taught in Business English. Research involving
computers did appear in Murray s (1988) longitudinal study of this new
medium of communication in a business environment. In her article, the
author juxtaposed CmC (computer - mediated instruction) with more traditional
forms of written communication. In other ESP research contexts, the computer
was also gaining in importance. In August, 1988, for example, Eindhoven
University of Technology, in the Netherlands, held a Languages for Specific
Purposes (LSP) conference which combined papers on more traditional topics
(e.g. word counts within disciplinary discourses) with forward - looking papers
such as Technical communication via computational abstracts (Harvey and
Horsella 1988 ).
The term genre, which continues to be highly salient in ESP research, began to
appear in the ESP literature, often as linguistic devices were contrasted
among text types. Morrow (1989) , for example, contrasted the use of conjuncts
in two genres: business news stories and academic journal articles. First, like
Barber (1962) , he counted the number of conjuncts; but then he commented on
communicative and pragmatic functions of these linguistic elements within
the texts studied. Gunawardena (1989) compared the uses of the present perfect
in the rhetorical divisions within biology and biochemistry research articles.
Hopkins and Dudley - Evans (1988) , drawing from Swales 1981 Aspects
article, conducted a genre - based investigation of discussion sections in
published articles and student dissertations, contrasting the rhetorical
components of each. Interestingly enough, the issue of genre volatility,
important to current research and theory, was raised by Tinberg ( 1988 : 211),
who found differences in rhetorical purposes between examples of two texts
within the same genre, resulting from
. . . competing constraints on the author to stay within the bounds of the general
community s genre, while at the same time developing a strong and persuasive
argument within the smaller community of his/her paradigm.
The other, related, key term which has become central to ESP research is
rhetorical moves, discussed in Swales Aspects of Article Introductions
(1981) . It gained particular popularity in Britain during this period (e.g.
Hopkins and Dudley - Evans 1988 ) and in other parts of the world after the
publication of Genre Analysis in 1990. Here s what John Swales ( 2004 : 226),
with his characteristic modesty, has to say about the significance of his work:
The Create - a - Research Space (CARS) model for RA (research article)
introductions in Genre Analysis has apparently been quite successful, in both
descriptive and pedagogical terms. There are presumably a number of reasons: It was
relatively simple, functional, corpus-based, sui-generis for the part-genre for which it
applies and, at least in its early days, perhaps offered a schema that had not been
widely available. A further predisposing element for the largely positive response may
have been its strong metaphorical coloring that of ecological competition for
research space in a tightly contested territory.
Thus, during this second historical period, from the initial publication of
English for Specific Purposes and Aspects of Article Introductions in the
early 1980s to the appearance of Genre Analysis (1990), the two major terms in
the field, genre and rhetorical moves, were introduced and discussed; and many
of the current topics and research approaches were already in place. What was
missing, among other things, was the sophisticated use of the computer for
gathering corpus data, topics relating to additional ESP areas, and, more
triangulated, critical, and contextualized methodological approaches. It should
be pointed out, however, that despite the varied topics mentioned in this section,
much of ESP research continued to operate within a narrow topical range, as the
principal interest of researchers often focussed on English for academic
purposes, particularly science and technology (EST) at the post - secondary or
graduate level. In addition, written discourse continued to be the preferred data
for analysis, according to Hewings (2001) study.