Difference Between GAAP and IFRS
Difference Between GAAP and IFRS
Difference Between GAAP and IFRS
GAAP vs IFRS GAAP and IFRS are two of the accounting rules and guidelines that regulate
the financial reporting standard. All over the world, different procedures for computing
financial results of companies are being observed which are known as their versions of
GAAP or local GAAP. This is nothing but generally accepted accounting principles that are
followed in various parts of the world. The US GAAP is the one followed by the Accountants
for the financial reporting of the companies in US. As there are different versions of GAAP in
different countries, The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has been
advocating a system of accounting that is same across the globe. This system of accounting
is known as International Finance Regulation Standards or IFRS.
As described above, GAAP is the framework within which accountants in any country record
and summarize transactions, and present them in financial statements. These are the sum
total of accounting standards that are used in any country reflecting conventions, rules and
guidelines regarding preparing financial statements of any organization. GAAP is not a
single, but a framework of rules that are followed by chartered accountants and accounting
firms to prepare and present incomes, expenses, taxes and liabilities of individuals and
Presence of GAAP ensures that financial reports of different companies can be compared
and analyzed without any ambiguity and this is a major advantage to Banks, financial
experts and tax officials and even to share holders and potential investors who can compare
the results and decide upon better performing companies.
As the economy has become global and with emergence of multinationals, it often becomes
confusing for the parent company to assess the performance of its subsidiary operating in
another country as accounting principles are different in both the countries. This difference in
accounting leads to many grouses especially pertaining to taxation. Thus International
Accounting Standards board has taken upon itself to develop guidelines for accounting that
are applicable in every part of the globe. IFRS is a set of guidelines for accounting that is
being encouraged by IASB and the objective is to ensure that gradually all countries
progress towards IFRS. Much has been done in the last few decades but a lot still needs to
be done.
Difference between GAAP and IFRS
Like all other countries, the US is trying to change and switch over the guidelines set under
IFRS for accounting from its present accounting principles known as GAAP. Though there
are many similarities between the two, there are glaring dissimilarities that need to be
bridged so that accounting is finally same in all parts of the world. Let us have a look at
some of the major differences between the two.
(1) When it comes to inventory measurement, GAAP assumes that its value is to be ascertained on the basis of
FIFO, LIFO and weighted average method but IFRS does not permit using LIFO for the value of inventory.
(2) Where services are provided, GAAP only takes money as revenue and does not take into account any pending
service. But if IFRS is being used for accounting, even part services can be converted into revenue. If it is not
possible to calculate revenue, IFRS makes use of zero profit method.
(3) In construction business, GAAP allows for recognition of contract if it is not completed and it can be shown in
the financial results. But in IFRS, though it recognises the % of completion method, gross profit approach of %
completion is not allowed.
Eric Cassel
For many years now there has been a struggle to converge both the
generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and international
generally accepted accounting principles (IGAAP), which is also
known as the international financial reporting standards (IFRS). For
the most part they are very similar however do have a few key
differences that need to be addressed. The mission to converge US
GAAP with IFRS had begun in 1988 when the Security and
exchange commission (SEC) first made a motion to establish
worldwide accounting principles that were the same.
One major difference is the cash taxes, which could seriously effect
international business and seriously effect the way some
companies do business. IFRS does not permit one to use last in
first out method to cost inventory and would have to cost items at
actual cost. This could hurt many small companies when tax season
comes around. This is switching over but it will be a several year
process. As it is stated that the earliest the SEC would even allow
public companies to converge would be 2015. Currently there are
more then 100 countries that are required to use the IFRS.
Dividends paid by a company to its shareholders are classified on the cash flow
statement under cash flow from financing.
The dividends received by a company from its investments are classified as cash
flow from operations.
All interests received and paid by or to a company are classified as cash flow
from operations.
Under IFRS:
Dividends paid by a company to its shareholders, dividends received by a
company from its investments and all interests received and paid by or to a
company can be classified as either cash flow from financing or cash flow from
Intercorporate Use voting control % to determine the need Use voting control % and
i of consolidation: economi
n c control
v Less than 20% (no significant to
e influence)=> market determi
s method; ne the
t need of
m 20%-50% (Significant consolid
e influence) => Equity ation
n method;
t Less
More than 50% (Control) => than 20%
Consolidation; (no
Shared (Joint control) nt
=>Proportionate influenc
consolidation* or equity e) =>
method; market
*Proportionate consolidation
- report pro-rata share of 20%-50%
the assets, liabilities and (Signific
net income of the investee. ant
e) =>
than 50%
) =>
ation is
Not systematically
amortized but subject to
an impairment test at
least annually.