Creep of Plain and Reinforced Concrete Neville
Creep of Plain and Reinforced Concrete Neville
Creep of Plain and Reinforced Concrete Neville
and structural
A. M. Neville
Principal and Vie-Chancellor, Uni\,e ity of Du.dee, Scotland
W. H. Dilger
Profe$or of Cilil Enginftring, UnireBily of Cal-qary. Can.da
J. J. Brooks
lecruEr iD Civll EiCr.eeiiC, Unllctrily oI Leds, England
Construction Press
London and New York
Lonoan C rouD Limired
Lo,;mrn Hour. Bumr Mill, EJd
EssexCM20IE, England
Ase.idt 4 C.npatiet throushort the w.tU
Ptblished i the U nite,l States al Aherna
bt LoharunInt.,Nat Yark
O A. M. Ncville l98l
{ l flsh \ rcse ed, no pr o rhtr publcanon ma\ be
{ored n r Lerne!rl nrem or rransm I ed
in 3nr Lfm or bv r.vmeans, electo nic. mechanic a1,
nt,uoconr ng, r;cor,img u orhcr wse. qrthour the
o.o. *,irr." p.,.itt ,noflhe Puhlnhe^
Prinred r Srnedf!re hY
K\.do Shns Gun!. Pr nrislndu{ne\ PleLrd
*..1 $rite a book on creep of concreie? An answer to This is why the prcsenl book discusses the vanous
::i! question mighl well stari by pointing oui the theories of creep and reviews ihem against the back
rpnrla.ce of concrere as a slruclural matc al. used in ground o[ obscrved inffuences and factors.
:r:1 country ol the world, in the oceans. underground. All this, togelher with a description o[ tcsting tech-
.:i in ! irluaLl], every type ol construction. Moreover, the niques, h used to buiid up the mcthods ol predlction of
r-.npl.\it! ol strucrures and their size have continued to creep of vaious concretes under diferent conditions ol
r.:.aie. and this has resulted in a greater imporlance oi exposure. Finally, we present an extensive range of
.:-'..t',1 characrerislic' "ao in more !eriour cun analytical techniqucs lobeused in the d esign of struclural
ol thcir deformation. Thus, designers and elements and of struclures.
-,r!rneers need to know thc creep properties of concrete Thc book. while obviously represniing lhe rpproach
:iJmusi be able to lake them inlo accountinthe analysis and point ol view of its authors. reflecls the research and
:i thcir structures. Afier all. thc cnd product of an work on creep on a world wide bxsis. Hopefully, therc-
:.,gineer's cndeavours is a structure whose slrength must fore, our book will provc ol use lo engineers and research
- adequatc, bur nol wastefully excessive. whosc dura workers ali over thc world. ln this respect, we have made
r,1r] should be commensurate with the conditions of things easier by using the inlemational sysiem of uni!s,
.\posure, and whosc servicability should ensure fitness S.L, and, luckily, our language, English, is the inter-
:.r the purpose. Consideration of creep is a part of a national technical language.
riiional approach to satisfying these criteria. Creep is ot a beautiful word but wc have becomefond
But there is also another reason why we are interested of ir after years of association. Alter all, ii is the subject
n creep. Dcformarion characteristics of matcrials are an that matle.s: crecp is important and this is why we have
:iiential lealure of their properties, and a vital element in wriuen these 184 pages.
ihe knowledge of iheir behaviour. Since we use concrete
i.r ir tensively, ii is only righ 1 that we should learn to know Dundee. Novcmbcr 1982
iI better, and an understanding of creep and of the
'rnderlying phenomena is essenlial in this respect.
Chapter 5 lntluence
on creep ot strenqth, stress,
waler/cemenl ralio, age and size 51
Actnowledgements x S!rcss/strength ratio 5l
Watcr/cemeDt ratio 56
Notalion ri Age at application of load 57
Shape, size and isotropy of specimcn 6l
Revibration ol concrcte 6,1
Chapter 1 lntroduction 't
Referenccs 67
H::rorical no!e 1
a-.n.rele as a non elasric structurai material 4 Chapler 6 lnlluence ol humidily on creep 69
: rrnure of concrctc and ol hydraled cemenl paste Relarive humidity ol storage: rnoisi curcd
R:;3rences 6
Drying crecp and shrinkagc 72
Chapier 2 Classitication ot deformations 8 Relative humidity of storage: dry cured concrere 7:l
Deinilion of terms used 8
Wclring crcep 77
Creep E Eflect of wind 77
Creep recovery 10
Carbonation 78
Instanlaneousslrain l0 Alle.nating humidiry 78
Relaxation 11 Influencc of other environmenls 81
Relerences 84
Concretc as a composite marcrial I 1
Ttpes ol deformalion 13 Chaple. T lnlluence of temperature and curing l6 on creep 87
Inllucnce ol temperature on elastici!y 87
Chapter 3 lnlluence ot cement and admixlures lnflucnce ol temperarurc on basic crcep 87
on creep '17 Inllucnce oi temperatLrrc on total c.eep 94
Composilion and rype of portland ccment t7 Creep at freezing temperatures 98
Hrgh alumina cemenr 23 Influencc ol slrcss and strength at virious
lrneness ol ccmenr 25 tempcratures 9lj
R.sin. polymcr and polymer impregnarcd concrcres Prcdiction of basic and total crecp ai elevated
{ir entrainmenr 28 lemperatu.c 99
Plasticizing and superplasticiziDg admixtures 19 Creep under varying temperarure I00
Plasricizers 29 I,rfl rent.ul rreart.r',nSand"uloct,rUng t,,o
superplasticizcrs 3l Inlluence of illadr.rrion l0r
Reicrerces 109
Gencral 35
Chapler 8 Creep under diflerent states ot
stress 11'1
Clrcep in lcnsion ll I
Chapter 4 lnlluence ot aggregate on creep 38 Crecp in torsion 118
Inlluence oftype olaggregarc 38 Creep in bond 119
Obscrvalions on innuence ol aggregate contcnt 40 Laterxl creep and crcep Poisson's ratio in uniaxial
Creep as a function ol rhe contenr and modulus oi compression 120
elasticiry of the aggrcgate .10 Crecp and creep Poisson\ rario undcr multiaxial
Composite models for crccp 42 stress 122
Influence ol othcr properlics of agg.cgate 44 Creep under altcrnating loading i28
Reinlorced ccment composites 47 Creep under very high stresses 135
Concludins ren1a.ks 49 Influence of gradienl oi strain 136
r' l9l3 199
3. American ConcI'Ie In!tLuL!:1\Cl
Chapler 9 Creep recovery .139 CreeP 199
Pr n!rpl( ol suPerP.srtr(rn -r
sh,,nlape luo .,,rr' I!r'
.,-. -!1).,
4 Bazant dnd Panula s
i .l J.,.,i:^::i):li,r.']i...,n,,r "u.'''.,'''" Shrinkage 2r')0
Basic creep 201
uu.iJi,r t:tl Total.reeP 201
l'r/lj^ rrrr
\ge 15i 5 Concrete Socicly ICS)'
rrrn. ,trr.' r r ,_: ,.)
or. 5r'rr o. Pr^Posed modihcJtron -rrl
, ..." ;.,"'.,' under Jiller(nL naLes ri' Creeo 202
nec,"eraSr. and rrrec"terrble
!reep Shrr;lase 201
..mDar rs'tn ol Predictro
F,naic"mmerts 105
theories ol
chaDter'!0 Mechanisms and Rcterences 206
creep 158
\le.hrnr\m\ 158 predictionirr*;;::ij',.
\l-.hanilJl dclormation theory
chaprer 13
stress zur
i,.":ll;Il'..."'.i"' '' 6o"Louths61'e' r5q relaxation ol
tL.rtr! afterefftcr theone!
' * '*o'
\.lL.l solLrlron th!or\ l6() 'i q"ii":'."'p'".'r"J'nc
X.".li,:';;:Il:i:: n'"'-',ncrho!'
se.nJsc theorY 161
rPr- r-e'hod
.,#i;"". *-"t'". "..l:::,,.:6,' ,".
p"'.ir.le mcchanl.m ot a'tion ol comr\LuL(
i'll" ^ ir'*
i;"::i::i; 'errr'o
5';;';.rhou rD re'hoJ 2rI
M;rhod oi \uPerPos'tron /
Citer, hlPorhe'e' roo - -
RLsler\ h!P!thess to/
" ";")"'i"J"" ts 'rc'hrd' 'r4
Ruelz!hlPothe'ii l6q - Relerences 214
arlo\anis h\ Pothe\i\ loq\ratton tnrtg) afProach
lnY .,, damping 216
t'r moclels and
Fel,lman and Setcda ' h!Pothe\rs Chapter 14 Rheotogicsl
ftenrent\ of the^lugrc,rl mooLs 'LU
l(hars h) Porhesr\ 174
I ro Basic modls 216
Powera h\ fnthcs!\ 2lq
Razanfs analysis 17? Mode ts lor o'ncret!
178 l]\elulne$ ol rheologLtrl m'oeLi -'"
Concludhg remarks
Rlerences 179 D.lmPrng 2lq
Damrrng Jnd crecp ol c"ncreL( 'J!
ch"er", 11 p."di:tj;:;l,LT1:[0",,';;'"''""" Relerences 232
cr = cracking 0 = initial
d = delayed elastic .o : final (at infinite time)
e : effective
el : elastic
f: flow Supercc.ipts
d : gross
i = middle ofith irterval M = due to bendirg moment
i+1=endofithinterval N = due to normal force
* : referring to the creep{ransformed section
i - 1 : beginning oiith interval
j : middle ofjth inierval
j + 1: end ofjth interval
j - 1: beginning ofjth interval Sign conventlon
I: longitudinal tension and extension positive
sagging bending moment positive
ns : non-prestressed steel distance below neutral axis positive
Chapler 1
Strict dehnitions olthe,arious types ofdeformarion and aiter a ycar undcr Ioad is two to thre times the defor-
...o.idred phcroncra'rete qrll be gr,en rn malion on applicalion ol load-
Chapler 2 but to introduce the topic olc.eep in a
say that a material shows creep il its
i.formation increases wlth tlme under a constant stress. Hlstorlcalnote
Creep is not quite synonymous with flow for. as Orowanl It may be unfashionable to include in a book an historical
poir rcd oLt. $e rhinl ot flo$ trhen rhe lus rorernins rcvicw ol subjcct mattcrbut a lewnotes or the'discovery'
rhe delo.mation is a furctional rclation bctwcen ratc of alrd carly obscrvatjons ofnon claslicity olconcrcte are ol
srrain and stress, e.g. Newton's iaw oi viscosity. on the interest because ol the empirical wa), in which concreie
oiher hand, when referring to creep, we assume that became a structural maierjal. We are not relerrjng to
there is. in the first instance. a relation bet,reen stress ard concrete used in ancient times- when of course a math-
slrain. such as Hookc's law or thc plastic strcss strain ematical approach to matc als afld structurs was non-
.rr\e oI ducIle ralefl"15. cnd rn addrror lhere rr rlrarn cxistcnt. but to lhc use ol coDcrcte from th ninetnth
shose presence and magnitude are influenced by the century onward. Inillal dcsign was similar to that ofcast
passage of time during which the applied stress acts. iron and steel slructures in that elastic behaviour of
Thus the stress strain relation is a funciion of time. concrele was assumed.It is not certain, and possibly not
\eedless to say, there is no ciear-cut boundary between very important, who was the Iirst to report that concrete
does nor in fact behave elasticaliy- ln 1905, Woolson']
On rhe above basrs, a number ofmaterials are subjecl described the ability ol concrete in a steel iube to 'flow'
1o creep: slecl, but only at elvated temperatures. some under a high axial stress. As far as behaviour under a
rocks, but only at high stresses. plastics, espccially suslained load is concerncd, it was probably Hattr oi
rhermoplastics, and of course concrete. But there are at Purdue University, USA who published the tirst data on
leasl two fundamental differences between concrete and creep ol reinlorced concrele in the 1907 Procecdings ol
many othercommon structural materials. First, while,for the American Socieiy for Testins Materials. He iested
instance, steel, although a polycryslalline material, can 200mm wide beams with an etreclive depth of 250mm,
be consrdered macroscopically to bc homogcnous and made of 1:2:4 concrete. loaded at third-poinls, over a
isotropic and therelore trcatcd according to the methods span of 2.4 1o 3.6m. The percentage of longitudinal
of mechanics of continua, concrele, with ils ccmcnt gel, rcinforocment varied betwen 0.75 and 1.50. The beams
crystailine products of hydration, water, unhydrated werc loadcd al tlrc agc ol lwo months in an outdoor
cement. and aggregate is heterogeneous at virtually any location. Hal1 found the following incrcasc in dc0cction
le!el olnhqer\atron. dnJ. qhen reintorcenenr r. pre.enr, under sDstiined load
anisotropic as well.
The second difference ariscs from the lact that concrete.
lnilialnressinsteel Centedeflecdon
a onc itmong lhe major .ruclurrl marerial.. i.
11anu {MPa) immediarely alter days of sunained loading
facturcd on site. This descriplion is broadly correcr even if loadins
a workable mixture is brought on !o sjtc from a ready-mix (mn)
planl. Marufacture on sire may atlcct thc variability of 201 10 2.5
concrete and lhe stability ol ils properties. This is 55.2 2.i 1.1
110.3 :1.8
particularly so sincc the properties ol conc.ete change 204I 5.1 94
with time and arc greatly affected by temperature and
relalivc humidity, and therelore by the environment. In Hattmade no relcrcnce lo shrinkage ofconcrete, so that
lhis respect. concrete differs substantially from. say, steel, theincrease in deffection oihis rcinforced concrete beams
uh"h r un"lected b) humidiry. pro\rded corro,ion.. presumably includes the shrinkage eflec1 as well as creep.
prevenieq or by temperature wirhin the range lor con- This does not detract from the value ol Hall's resulls
ventional slructures. whose importarce lies ir the fact that they demonstrate
Lest it be rhought thal crccp represents only a small the presence of large non-elastic deformations under
slrain of litlle practical interesr, we should make it clar sustained load: after two months. the instantaneous
right now lhat this is not so: a typical creep deformation defleclion approximately doubled. Hatt's commentr is
2 lntoductian
so ll q roLI', th.'\e re\u r. rnLcr rog'\.r. 'h.{ J 'on Likc all scicnlific and technical literature, the volu e
.. o".i,.,rr il c^ncrer( D) uh.h rr \re,d. -1delhF of wrilten material on crcep has been growing al an
d.rion.l d.JJo rpplred lor "'ond'rne. ''r r'Dpl'd i increasing ratc. In 1967, thc American Concrete lnstitule
number of limes.' The Istter statcment applies to the ouhlishei an Annotated Bihlia.tra v o Shtl kage and
'Crcep in Condete: This conlains 487 ilems, but in
increase in deflection undcr repeatcd loading, a iact aLso
e.L-olshed o\ Hrll. prohu.ll beirre an)"ne el'J addition 792 items are given in a non annotaied list bv
enorher non e.a'rli detormdrion r" con.'ere' ''rink- ln 1972, a second volume ol "l'lnola'd
ase. was observcd even earlier but its structural sig Bibliigraphvlt containing 271 references was published'
nin"once *"t .e"ogrirea only in 1911 when White.l in a Further rescarch and technical papers on creep have
nnn.r ro lhc ATerr.Jn \L,cier! l^r len'19 \4"1e-'"1'' continued to be Dlentiful.
$rol\' ^. llrc\e\ dJ\e'oprIP due l' 'hrrnr"gc lr lhc All thcse papcis deal with various aspects ofcreep. as an
ensuine discussion. Humphrey5 said. 'If these stalemenls observe<l properry ofthe malerialand as a problem in lhe
were t; be taken in a strict sense I am alraid we should behaliou; ofitructures, as well as with hypotheses on the
all become descrters of concrcle. Fortunatcly. history mechanism of the phnomena involved' Manv ol rhe
has nol born out his fears, probablv mainlv because conclusions contained in these papers are cmpirical and
shrinkage strcsses can be relicved bv creep. thir valuc for practical applications is considerable' Bu1
One of thc eariies! studies reporting timc dependent for a real unde;sEnding ofthe naturc ofcreep, empjrical
delo(rr".'on ul borlt lo-deLl ard nor-londcLl concrcre ' knowledse musi be combined wiih a knowledge ol the
thal ol McM illan,6 publishcd in 19I 5. The problem oi the molecula-r an<i particLrlate behaviour of the hydrated
rcld ion oicreep lL, h- nk.rge hd' been urll' u' er( ' n" cement paste. The main dimcultyiics in ihe complxity of
rnd is olinlerest both from th theoretical point ofviv concre6 from thc rheological point oi view as the
and lor structural dcsign purposes comoonerl! ol Lh. -nalerra ar bondeLi roPelhe'dL d
There are many names, in addition to those ol Hatt. n,rmb.r or lercrs tron rhe n)nopoinr o thc ordcr ot
White and McMillan, in the history of the earlv ob- magnitude of observatio some ot this is con(i'lered in
ot cr in .n concrele. An e\.ell(11 re!ien war ChdDter l.
prbl.l'ed in qri br oari. and Dtrrr'- and rt r' rot rtc mo.L ,rkelr mcans oicorreldlrng lhe behariuur ot
p_op.,ed lo -cnedt l'.r nraL(riJl \erc Ho$(\e. one concret- ort foi that matter, ol any matcrial, at the
paper. publishcd by SmilhB in the l9 17 Proceedings of rhe djflerent lcvels is by the energv approach. The Ievels
Amer;can Concretc Institutc, deservs a special mention usually considercd are empirical, phnomenological (en-
lor hc showed tlral on removal of load concrcte under gincering), and molecular (theoretical or structural)' In the
gocs boih elastic and crccp recoveryi a part olhjs original firs! of thes, experimental results arc used to develop
graph is reproduced ]n Fig. 1.1. Thus the broad formal of empr-icdl equJrion.. Alrlorgh rhe merhod i' Lon\enicnr
deformalions of concrete subjecled to a sustaircd load ro pre'enl o:la. rl 8r\es no rnlo'malron dborl Ihe me(hd_
and subsequently unloadcd has become established. nism of lhe proccsses involved.
**l /''
q I/ , -..
Honey.ombed .oncrete
We compacted concrete
crystallin phase.
The n.ain at zero time is primarily elasric bur ma! include '6
,-o1<a..i. conpone;r. the;eatrer, rhere rhree ;e
iuges ol creep. ln the prirnary creep rangc. rhe rate ol
:reep decreases wirh iime. Il the material exhibits a
minimum crcep rale, the secondar) creep raflge Gome-
imes called stationary c.eep) designates the range of
iteady stare creep. The straight line reiarion ofsecondary
.r.ep may be a convenienl approximation when the
aagnitude of this creep is large compared with prima.y
creep. The tertiary creep may or may rot exisl, depend-
rng on whether or not there is an increase in stress. For ,a
:..tance in conc.cte lhi, m") urte.rum an in.rcJ.e ,n
crecp due to microcrackjng at high stresscs, i.e. ai stresses
greater than the typical range ol working s trcsses which is
generally 25 to 40 per ccnt ofthe short.term strength.
For lhe norrnal working levels ol srress in concreic.
primary creep cannot be djstinguished from sccondafl,
J-eeo. ind lert;^ c eep doeq nor eri.. lhe .r.arr rrrne
cu*c is oflhe form sbown in Fig 2.2 and creep sjmpl) i
defined as the gradualincrease in strain with rime undei;
sustained stress.
The strain at loading is mainty elastic srrain and '6
corresponds to the static modulus of clasticily at the agc
-r shich lhe loid - appt,ed. t-q lhc.d{e.l\.
rr .hor.lo be rored riar- the-,,nolutlr oi cfasilciiv A
'nc'ca.e, $ lh jl:rc, tIe ela:uc,l-rarn deeres,e3 ririlrtm.,/ v
Thus. striclly speak;ng,creep should bcreckoncd as slraiD
in ercess ol the elaslic strain at the rime considered and
not in excess ol the elastic strain at the !ime olapplication
belween them is generally small and also because of
convenience, thc changc in elastic strain wil be i_gnored
e\cepL in (e tdin cJ.e.ot :.. rctrra rnali,, rseet hr to ro 6
Figure 2.3 sho\rs rhe terms and definirions involvcd.
The symbols !o be used are as tollows:
Frg ?.j. Typical stresrstrain curve for conoete.
oiclasticity are as lollows: This quation agrees $cll wiih experimental data,
aithough evn better results wcrc )ielded by the model
lor lhe composite hard marerial
show! in Fis. 2.8 rvhich was developed by Hirsche and
I.: (1 aJE,,, + 9t" i2.5]
and for the composilc soft material
. '\t- ' t2.61
"') L.l
where t": modLrlus ol elasticity oi 1".
,,, : modulus of elasticity of thc matrix phase.
\q If'
I 1
Model ior 12.81.
According !o Counto,11 the composite soft model and
theabovcmodet areoflimited vt idityin thecasewhen E.
1q s tends 10 zero,i.c. for a porous cement paste, sinceE" tends
to zero, whilc i1 h known thal a porous marerial has a
Fi, 2 7 Models lor composile hard and comp.sitc soft matenals. finile modulus. This limitation lvas vcrillcd" by using a
Types of dehrmation t3
polylhene aggregate concrete (-9":0.29GPa) for \rhich
[2.8] predicted a modulus of elasticity of concrerc $hich
was much lower than that obtained experimenlally. In
order to overcome the limilation, CountolL proposed lhe
model shown ir1Fig.2.9. Here,lhe aggregate isconsidered
28 and [2.9]-
De ayed elasilc slra n
T me under load - daYs
Iis., r/. Delayed elastic and 6ow components ol crep lo. a l:6 5 condele wilh a waleridnent of 053'1tr
Types of deiotmatiot 15
Tarl" VcBn rrde,t deta\eJ etdr r...,%,n cotr\p. 1d, rs ro
*rected \alue\ ot Row srhn instant is independent ofany previous deformation. Thus
deformarron durrng a gi!en period ot rime rnder ]oad
Delaledelasricsbain(to 1 .larlrng ar age,j .hould be thc samc as the rncreare
corrcsponding ro now strain ( to 6)
oi in
dclo.malion during lhe ,ane peflod trom rhe \ame agc /
0.5 10 l^hen lhe,ime,oal had bein acring since an edrtrerr
30 l5 51 60 rn'rdnt. Ill5lon s datd': lrom test, s h dirlerenl age: d(
37 40 60 applicarjon or thal the abo\e,equ,rement ri
30 38 50 56
3.{0 ]',l 67
nor qujre irlhlred bt concreie ttabie 221. 4norhe-
example of the inff uence of past deform arion in concrere is
n str"rn
I'iC. 2../,2. Stres stain rlation Ior .onoere n.der a varyir8 slress.r'
paste, introduces a volume change since the Poisson's applied 1o concrete, cement mortar and cement paste,Inr.
Conl. ot the Siuctwe o.f Can.rere, Cemmt ud Corcrete
ratio of the crep deformation is considerably less t]Ian
Lodon, 1968, pp. 16 23.
0.5. Thus the deviatoric component of creep is always HANSEN. T. C. and NIELSEN. K. E. C. Influence of
present. aggregate properties on con$et shiikaqe, ACI Jottral,
62, t965,pp.783 794-
9. HIRSCH. T. J.. Modulus ot elasticity ot concrete affected
Relerences by elasaic noduli oi cement paste matrix ad aggregate,
ACI J o*na\,59,1962, pp- 421 5t-
l. NEVILLE, A. M.. Theoria ol creep in con6ete, ,4Cl 10. DOUGILL, J. w., Discussi on otrcfercncx 9, Act Jow@l.
J obndl,52, 1955, pp- 47 60. 59.1962,Dp. l163-5.
2. ALI. L and KESLER, Mechuism of creep in
C. E., ll COUNTO, I . J., The efiecr ol rhe elaer modulb ot rhe
concrete, Symposium on Croep ol Coric.ete, ,4CI Spe.ial agercgate oa tho elaltic modulus, creep and creep recoverv
Pfi lic ation N o- 9, 1964, pp. 35 57. or con$er., Maoazike ol Cowete Reseorch,16. No. 44,
3. HANSEN, T. C.. Creep dd s.res rlaxation of concrete. 1964, pp. 129 38.
Ptoc. No. 31. Swedish Cenent and Concrete Research \2- ILLSTON, J. M., The componnts of strain in concrete
Institute: Stockholm, 1960, 112 pp. under sustained compressive st6s, Masazine of Corctete
4. NEVILLE, A.M. Prcperti^ oJ Coh.rcte (3d ad0), iesear.ft, 17, No. 50, 1965, pp. 21 8.
Pitman: Inndon and Marshfiel4 M6s, 1981,779 pp. 13. NIELSEN, L. F., Krybning i uarmeret beton, Nr/dsk
5. III:
GLANVILLE, W. H., Studid in reintorced conqete, arora,10. No.2,1966, pp. 140 66.
The creep or flow ol conoete under load, alldirg t4. VOGT, F., Or the flow and xtensibjlity of coocrete,
Reseorch Techni.ol Pd?4 N o. 12, Dep&tment of Scienti$c Noryes Teknike Hliskole, 1935, pp. 349 74.
dd lndu'Lrial Research: London, lqlo. lo p!. 15. REINER. M., D4orharior, Srrai, a rlow, H. K. Lewis
6. HANSEN, T. C., Creep of
conctete, Bulletin No- i3, and Co.: London, 1960, 347 pp.
Swedish Cment and Cotrcrete Rdearch Institute: Stock- 15. CEB-FIP, Mod.el Code Jo Cotoete Sbrctrtes, Comiltr
bolm,1958,48 pp. Euro-International du B6ton F6d6ration Intemationale
7. HANSEN, T. C., Theories of multi-phase materials de 1s Pr6contrainte Paris,1978,348 pp.
Chapter 3
-r=t r! sensitive 10 many properlies of concrctc, and in of these compounds to a lar-qe degree while the silicates.
::! .hapter ihere will be discussed those intrinsic lactors which are formed mainly as solids, would be rehtilely
-.r.1relare to the properties of the cemenq also included unalTected. The glass may also hold a large proportlon ol
:.: :h. eR-cts of admi)itures: air enlraining, plasticizing 'impu.itics' such as alkalies and MgO. The latter is thus
.:. accelerating. not available lor expansive hydration. It will b remem-
bered that the Bogue compound composition assumes
Composition and lype ol Porlland cement
that the clinker has crystallized completely 10 yield its
equilibrium products. But the rate of cooling of clinker
i - -al ,. cement i. rhe mo.r rmf.llJnr in creep afi'ccts the degree of crystallization with a resulting
-.ause lhe hydrated cement paste is the seal oi thc varying amount ofglass. The reactivity ofglass is different
:..nomenon. The inlluencc of cemeni is twofold: that from that of crystals of slmilar composirion. and hence
=::.rng irom the physical and chemical propertics of the normally chemically similar cenrents may show din'erent
,,-:nenr. and tha! due to the variation in the amount of the strength developmenl depending on lhe glass content.l
:'.irated cement paste. Thc latter eflect is complemenrary The structure of the products of hydralion and the creep
r ihe etrect ol the quantity of aggregate, which has a bchaviour may also be atrected.
::.rraining influence on creep, although in some cases Despite the complications arising lrom glass contcnt.
::lregale can influence the sl.ucture ofthe paste. e.g. by there are some broad inffuences on crccp ol thc cment
::lorbing some of the mixing water or introducjng composirion ascharacterized by the type olcemcnt ofthc
,'lrLiona Ji.\urJ. lheinfruenLeotaggregdtconcreepi. ASTM classiiication. In general, and ihis agrees wilh the
:,.rsidered in the next chapter. earliercommcn!s on the influence ofstrength, creep seems
{n experimental investigationl of oreep ol mo(ars ro be inversely proportional to th rapidity ofhardening
'.de u,rl crrenrs ot drfferenr cheni(al (ompo.iriol of the cemeni used. Thus. for a given age of loading.
rignating lrom diferent cement plants and therefore creepis in an increasing order of magnitudefor concretes
:tr\ing different kiln lemperature hisrories. degree of made with the ioliowing cements: high-alumina, rapid
:r.bonalion, period of slorage, and amounr of su{ace hardening Portland lType III), ordinary Portland (Type
:rdration. has failed to show a simple direct correlation IJ, Portland blastfurnance, low-heat (Type IV), and
-*reen creep and the chemical composition ol cement. Portland-pozzolana. The ordcr ol the last three is not
This does not mean, however. that the compound com, clearly cstablished sinc the iest conditions wcre not
:Lxrtion ofcement has ro e$ect on creep but rarher thal directly comparable. Of course, at the same age these
:aere are otherfactors which modify ihe dircctinfluence oI cements have achievd varying proportions ofthelr 6nal
.remical composition- It was iound thar thcse other. strengths, and ii scems Iogicalthat the morehardened the
:ossibly unknown, factors influence also the strength pasle the more rigid it is and the lower its creep potential
:eleloped by the cement on hydration: a correlarion a1 a givcn applied stress.
:'elwen creep and strength of cemcnt paste will be I! should be noted that the comparjson ofcreep oflhe
:,rnsidered in Chapter 5. dilTere l cements in the preceding paragraph was made
\\e may add that a correlation of properries ol for the same applied stress or on thc basis ofspecificcreep,
:Idraled cement pasie, such as srrengllr, with chemical i.e. for a stress of i MPa. Il however, as would usually be
:.mposition has not been succcsslul to a that the case in practice, the slress applied in each case bears
aould permit a prediction of streflgth., The compound the same proportion to the strength at that time, the type
:omposition determined by the Bogue method does not of cemen! pel se does not influence creep. although the
:ake into account al1 the relevant properlies of cement, rate of hydration while the specimen is under load is a
rolably the content o{glass in clinker. Alumina and lerric factor, and this rate varies for dilIerent cemenrs. This is
r\ide are completely liquefied al clinkerirg temperaturcs considered in Chapter i.
:nd on cooling crysiallize into CrA and CaAF.' The Glanville and Thomas' tests3 showed ihar ihe dii,
:\tent ofglass formation would thus affect the behaviour ferencesincreep betwccn Type I and Type III cements are
smaller when the specimcns are stored in water. This can
'TIe shortened notation ol the chenistry ol ement is used: Cao:(rr possibly be explained by a lcsser diRerercein the degree of
r'o. =s:Alror:A: fc,or:F H,o:H hydration compared with storasc in air. Petersen and
18 lnllkrce ol cement and admixtures ot oeep
5--i-E-d- s tztsle z ll
Monlhs I Years
application ol loall, the diferences in creep arising
Walstein's measu.ementsa of loss of prestress for con_
'_ type ofcement
are small.
crets made with Type I afld Tvpe III cements showed
virtually no diflerenae in loss after 500 days; the loss
int""nt v"ars. ttrer" has been an upsurge in the use of
Portland-bl;sdurnace and Portland-pozzolana cements
included shrinkage. the heat
Tlpical datafm creep ofconcretes made with differeni in mass concrete and in large volume pours ' here
.i lraration needs to be mirimized so as to reduce
ceneits are shown in Fig. 3.1. All theconcrets used had a- faclor in prev-erting
water/cement ratio of0.55 and aggregate/cement ratlo ol cia"tlne ut eatty ag"". An important 5a
of the cube l, *ch applicationsiscreep,z afld'
5.4. ihe strcss/strength raiio was one{hird
qrrensth. Details oithc various mixes at the time of i. rrii.rir,."*itlrig
",."arii.g u^i.i*.p sinie in mas' concrete rhere ts
aoDl:auon ol load are siven in Table 3 l and rr can be i;i,i. * ."i.,r," *.hdnge beruecn the concrere and
surrourding environment.
.."n rt'"r troe I cemenl concretc al$a)'e\hibiled lhe
hiphe.L soeclfrc creep, beins lollo$ed b) I ype lll cemenl Ross6 ob"tained very full data on the behaviour of
,rit then br hreh-aldnina cemenr' the beha\tourollhe Portland blastfurnace cement concretes' He found the
'l ype I
creeo ,rme cur\es lo have lhe vme shape ds lor
raLrer rr cons,jered ,n dcrril bclo\\. ln all ca'e, the
observed.Decrfic 6.66p uas lower lor a hrgher rnilial cemenr Sur rhe creep sds larger $ith lbe Porll"nd
srrenprtr. Ths uas er idcnl e! cn one da] ailer apphcdlion
hlastfurnace cement. For insiance, a l:2:4 Portland
ot loa-d and rhere was comparal;\ely liltle lurlhe' rncrea'e blastfurnace cement concrete with a water/cement raiio
of 0.55 and a strength of 26MPa, kept for three
in the difference in creep beiween the various cements'
'I able 3.1 d$ gi!e\ creep al r con\lanl \tres\ strcngth o"ae. u str"tt of iMPa, showed a specific creep of
329 x 10
6 per MPa. Comparative tests of Type I and it can be lhar. ercepl lor lhe carl) age at
Ll& J.l Conpanson ol crep oI con.reles nade wirn diflerent enols 6rcm nunmel's lests)
r10.5 642
I 101.5 1181
III I140
116.0 t226
I 84.1 D82
IIi 2u
65.3 14]2
116.0 1539
I 79.8 1495
III 551
Composition and type of Pottla cemint ]9
100 125
T me under load days
ai4.J., Crepandsnnnhgeol Po land blasllumace andTypeI Po.tlandenenlconc.etes: |2:4mixeswilhavate4@nent
ralio o10.65: applied stress = 2 TMPa;ae. at aptlication ol load = 28 dars 5
100 150
T me underload - days
Fep acemenl (per cenl): F,a.J ?.
Efiecl of parlial redaceoenl ot cement by Censave on cEp oI
concrete stored in waler al45'C:applied nress: 10MPa.]
Fep acemenl(Perce.l)
S rooo
| 200
A decrease in basic creep of concrctc containing
blastfurnace slag as a partial replacement ofccnent wlrs 6o
obse.ved by Okada t dl.,' especially when the slag
content was high. This was so even though the strength
wilh replacemeni was 1ower, the applied slrcss being ihe 34a
same in all cascs (Fig. 3.6). Similar findings have bccn
reporred by,lr who used sealed concrete which
was subjected 1o a temperature cycle prior to the appli- !
cation of load; the concrete thus rcprcscnted mass con- 320
crete which underweni a thermal cyclc due to the heat of
hydration. Banlfortha? jnvestigated theinlluence on basic
creep of the age at application ofload ranging lrom I ro 2a 40
0 60 80 100
165 days and ofrcplacement levels up to 75 per cent, and
Fep acemeniolcemenl per cent byweight
concluded rhat, for a constant initial stress,/strength raiio
Fi, J.7 lnflue..e oI parlial rcplacenenl ol cement by blastlurnae
o10.25, the reduction in basic creep is proporlional to the slag on the basic crep oi concrelc at a cons tan t stress^lre. Ct h
level oi replacemenl; his rcsuhsa? are shown in Fig. 3.7
together wilh those of oiherinvestigators.' e.!R
The high creep of Portland-pozzolana cement has Other data show that. for concrete srored at 27'C and
already been mentioned. For the same applied stress. dl a re.alrve humrdrl) olq0 per cent. there $as no sig-
-epla.emerl oI Po( -nd cemerr b\ nificanl influence olreplacemcnt ofcement by fly ash, up
f'u//olana rncred.e.
creep. probably because the strcngth of the mix at carly to 15 per ce t, on creep ofconcrele al a constant initial
ages is reduced. Of the differen! pozzolanic materials, stress/strength ratio from the age of2E days: lor replace-
dialomaccous earth is reported to lead ro highest creep. menl lelclii ot 15 to 25 per cent, lhere was a slight increase
Probably thc pozzolanic material most commonly used as in creep ranging lrom 6 to 14 per
part repiacemen t of cemenr is fly ash or pulverised fuel ash For sealed subjected to a cycle of tempera-
(pfa). Rosslo lound that, for a given stress applied ar lhe ture before application ol the load, Bamfortha? found a
age of28 days, replaccment ofcement by fly ash (up to 25 reduction of approximately 50 per cent in crecp at a
pe_ cenr hJd lr"l. eflecl on creep:,rorJgc condrLron. q ere. constanl initial stress,lstrength ratio when l0 per cent of
temperature of I7.5'C and a relative humidiry of 90 cemcnt was replacedby fly ash. Thus. as rvilh blastfurnace
per cent. On the basis of constant iflitial stress/srrength slag. replacemen! of cement with fly ash appears to
ratio, there was a slight reduction in crecp at the highest decrease basic creep a1 a constant initial stress/strength
ratio (s Fis. 3.8).
Conpositionand t)pe of Pottland cement 2l
the long lerm rate gain ofstrenglh is allected. Hence,lor
-1J early ages at application ofload, replacement by fly ash
may slightly reduce basic creep in a similar way to
rplacement by blasrfurnace slag. Under conditions of
: drying, the influence of replacement by fly ash on
:d0 shrhkage is uncertain. Moreover, since lotal creep is
usually associated with the trend in shrinkage, we must
: await further test data before a general inlluence of
repiacement by ffy ash on total creep can be established.
In rcent ycars, interesl has grown in the use of
:; e\pdn5r\e cemenr to prodJce \hrnLage compen\dling
concrete! i.e. to reduce cracking caused by reslrained
drying shri*agc. An expansive potential is produced
during the early life of the concrete and, when actual
expansion is restrained, compressive stresses are devel-
oped. In theory, when subsequent drying shrinkage
occurs, the compressive stresses are relieved but not to
such an extent ihat any tensile stress developed becomes
0 20 40 80 greater than the tensile strength of the concrete; hence
60 100
craclrng F reoJced or pre\ented.'l he rnrUal comnres'ive
neplacement ol cemenl perceni byweighl
stressinduced by rstraining the expansive potenrial leads
'i ,r 8 hnlence oI partial replacement ol ceme.t by ny ash o. lhe
:.:. deer ofconciereata consrdr stEssttrength io creep lsometimes called pre-creep), a knowledge of
which is imporlant. However, for all three types of
Compared with sealed plain concrete ol a simllar expansivc cements available (ASTM and American
rDrkability, Giflord and Ward55 also found a reduction Concrele Institute designation:K, M and S).dataon creep
:: basic creep at a constantjnitial slress/strenglh ratio and
:- specific basic creep when 20 and 40 per cent ofcemnt Nagataki and Gotot3 obtained data on the creep of
a.r. replaced by fly ashes from different sources; the expansive cement concrete using a I i I .65 : 3.76 mix with a
.1i\.s used contained both air-entraidng agents and water/cement .atio of0.40 and replacement contents of 11
f,ater-redLrcing admixtures. In the same paper,55 it was ro lr per cenr oI ordinar) Porl'and ceFrenl b] e\pansi\ e
rbie.ved thatreplaccmcnt ofccmcntby fly ash rcsultcd in cement approximaling to Type K. Figur 3.9 shows lhat
:rgier values ol the modulus ol elasticity and ol drying specific creep increases with an increase in thc re-
!inDIage, the larter occurring despite reductions in water placement coDtenl for concrete stored in water at 20'C
,-.lntent for the Portland-fly ash mixes. tt may be noted but, for storagein air ai 50percent rlative humidity and
jrai Venuatll found replacement by fly ash ofthe sam 20'C, the specificcreepof expansivecement concrete for a
:neness as cement to result h reduced shrinkage. replacement oi I I per cent is less than that of plain con-
Furthermore, an increase in drying shdnkage was not crete. tt may be noted that the srrength at the time of ap-
rbierved in the tests reported by Brooks et al.r6 Here, plication of the load decreased with replacement level
ihere was a reductionin both shrinkag and in totalcrep so that the stress/strength ratio at application of load
*hen 30 per cent ofcement was replaced by 37.5 per cent increased with replacement level. However, creep at a
rl nr ash (by wisht). For saiurated concreie, there were conslant stress/strenglh ratio also increased wilh the re-
itrcreases in swelling and in creep for the ordinary placement level for concrete continuously immersed in
Poftland cement-and-fly ash concrete when compared water.13 The eflect o{ increasirg age at application of load
;ith plain concrete. Other iesis were made using ordinary is to decrase creep of expansive cement concrte,r3 i.e.
Portland cmentand-fly ash together with a super- after expansion has ceased creep is smaller, Hercjn could
:lasticizing admixtures6 (s page 33); this led to sienifi- lie the explanation of the lower creep of the dry-stored
=nt reduclions in basic creep, ir
total creep and in specimens. rtrere N less wdrer a\a lable Ior conlrnuing
iirinkage, the comparison with admixture-free concretes expansion compared with the immersed storage con-
:eing on the basis ofsimjlar workability. The advantagc dition. Taking a broader view, it is worth noting that,
ri combining a superplasticizer with part replacment although expansion occurs in the opposite sense to the
ri cemenl by fly ash is to improv the low early-ag applied stress, creep is increased by a concurrent expan-
:.'lelopment of strength of ordinary Portland cemert sion, which is an important observation for the purpose
:nd-fly ash concrete through a reduction in mixing watr of understanding the mechanism of creep (see Ch. l0).
.onient. without losing th bene6t of the later develop According to Okamum et a1.,14 it is suggestd that
renl of strength assoclated with the slow pozzolanic creep, and hence loss of prestress, is reduced in ex-
lctivitv. The net effeci ola reduction in water content and pansive ccment concret. Restraining the eariy expan-
increase in developrnent ofstrength durirg the period sior by the yel unstressed prestressing tendons induces
"n loadins is ro decrease basic creep (see Ch. 5). pre-creep and reduces the creep potential at a later age
Thus, replacement ofcement probably influences basic when tbe actual prestrss is applied and,consequently, the
reep at a given initial stress/strength ratio only in so far as subsequent creep and loss ofprestrss are reduced.ta
22 lnfluence oJ cement and admixtwes on creep
reinforcement ierels of 0.5 and 0.75 per cent. The mix
proportions were conslanr (1:2.60:1.89) and the speci
Replacement (pr ceni):
mens were cured under polyethylene for three days and
thereaftcr at 55 per cenl relative humidity and 21'C.
Maximum expansion was reached during the first three
days ol curing, after which shrinkage occurred. Some
& 1oo
'l-.-''* strengih, elasticity and creep data are listed ir Tablc 3.2,
the initial elastic strain and creep being determined on
the slabs subjected to a uniaxial compressive stress of
6.9MPaapplied to theendso[ thc specimens al the age ol
1,1 days. For each cement type, creep was less in the
11 reinforced specimens than in the plainones, but creep was
o5C greater for the expansive type cement concrete than for
= the ordinary Po.tland cment concretq here, we are
considering creep for the same applied stress. Tablc 3.2
indicare. lhar. tor unreinlo-ced conc.ere wirh e\pdn.rve
cemenr, creep is greater for a lower strength and lower
I rr r l
modulus of elasticity and there{ore the influence of the
(a) stress/strength ratio is apparent. Unfortunately, strength
andmodulus of elasticity dataare lackingfor the ordinary
Portland cement concrete (Table 3.2) but, evcn allowing
,".f Repla6ement(per ceni):
.0 for a higher strength of this concrete, it would appear that
creep at a consiant stress/strength ratio at the time at
//,, 'j'r applic"tion ot rhe load is gredrer lo. erpansive cement
concreles lhan for ordinary Portland cement concrete;
this observation is in agreement with that of Nagataki
."1 and Goto.t3
. 11 Figure 3.10 indicates that creep aftcr three years under
,:' /^-L
load is considerably greater for Types K and S expansive
cement concretes than lor ordinary Pordand cement
concrete, thcrc bcing no obvious correiaiion with initial
offi 5 l0 20 30 100 300 1000
xpansion or with subsequent shrn*age which was
siniiar for all concretes (approximately 500 x 10 6atihe
(b) Time under road( og scate) days age of three year9. A final observation on the data of
Fis. 1.9. Crep ol
expansile cenent concreres at vanous leveh of Russellls is that ior reinforcedexpansive cement corcrete,
replacement age al appliution of load:10 days.'l creepis greater under a constant stress than for reinforced
(a) Slorcd in water at 20 "C.
(b) StoEd in an al 50 p* cdt rel.tive hunidity and 20'C.
ordinary Portland cement concrete. which does not
confirm the suggestion of Okamura et al.'a that early
restraint reducs thecreep potential of concrele loaded at
The influenc of the type of expansivecement on oeep a later age; the period of moistcuring (and, hence, the
was investigated by Russell,r 5 who obtained creep dara on level ol early restraint) and the applied stress in rlation to
plain and reinforced lightweight aggregate concrete slabs strengthat the age at application of load are importart in
(1220 x 610 x l52mm), the latter having nominal steel
Ia6L J.? Str.nglh, elastic and crp propertis olconcrele slabs nade wilh ordin&, ponland cm@t and wilh eipdnsive ementr5
High-alumha cement alumina cemenl have shown that the explanation of the
' difle.ent creep behaviour of high alumina cement lies in
,1.o rrrrr. C(menl reqLrire. jpeJDl
-. id." alior. l! lhe eir lr(51lesrsJ flr Jble. Ctinv leand
the struclural changes \vhich rakeplacein hydrated high-
Tn.masr.l6 found that, while for atl portland cemenls the alumina ccment wirh time.
::iep time curve is of theshape of Fig.1.2,i.e. the rate ot This change in hydratcd high-alumina cement paste
. .D dec ea.e. .nrrinuo.r.l). tor hipt- umina .emenr arises from conversion of the merastable calcium alum-
..:.arly period during which rhc creep "rale decreases is inate hydrates, CAH,o and C,AH, from heiagonal !o
:r1lo$ed after six months bv a pe.iod of a constant crcep cubic form, the reactior being of the type
:::e lFig.3.11). At the rimc ofGlanvilte,s investigarion, thc 3CAH1o - C3AH6 + 2AHr + l8H.
.:asons lor this behaviour werc not understood anditwas
.- ,.El r . np.) lhir rhetLno"n(nrdlcreep(hd-acrcUnic. The change results in a lorvcring ol slrength, probably
iiph-" umrnu ceincnl dife-ed trorn tl,o,e ot po dnd owing to an increase in the porosity of the hydrated pasre.
.sments. However, studies'.-.13 ot the behaviour of hish- The conversion is encouraged by a tempcrature higher
than normal and by the presence of moislure, although
mo,r p.aclical high.alLmind cemenl concrere mrie. con-
tain al the end oi an initial period of curing enough
. 124
moisture lo. conyersion to take place. Thus, on sonvcr-
sion, strenglh decreases, the drop being, for insrance, ,10
percentfor a water,/cement ratio of 0.29 and 88 per cent at
a walc.,rcement ratio of 0.65., As a result, the ratio of the
applied stress to the strength oi concrete, or simply the
stress./strength ratio, increases sharply_ Since, as will be
.i oo shown later, creep is approximately proporrional to the
stress/slrength ralio,lhe rate of creep must increase wher
: conversion takes place- The various aspects of HAC and a
: [u I dr.cLr.,ron o[ conver,,on and irs effecls dre gr\en ;n J
42464 specialist
Time under toad - years lhs rnterp-e'at,on r\ .uppoled o) le.l re.u . of
,'iq -r.11. Specilic crftp ol high,alumina menr concrelq 1:2:4 mix H Lmnel.' s ho ob.erveo rha I alrer doout one )ear unoer
+h a *atel,enenl ratio oI0?:aAe al application oi load - r monlh.r load the creep of high-alumina cement concrete ot 1:3.4
24 Infuekce of ceme t and admixtutes on oeep
mix proporlions with a watelcemeni ratio ol 0.55 The explanation is as follo$s::' Glan\ille and Thomas'
increased sharply (Fig. :1.1). Hummel determined the specimens were ioaded at th. age ol 28 days, and their
strcngth of companion specimens at ihe age ol thrccyears slrengths at thc timc \r ere 23 \'1Pa for the we! and 32 MPa
and[ound thatiiwas only 60percent ol lhe slrength at 90 fo. thc dry specimens. No elplanation oi thls diflerence is
days. For safety reasons, he discontinued the creep tests. a!" lJble Il r lo*ot.rengr h"do(rrcJ..herei.oni.
The increase in creep due 1(r conversion has also been noi known. as the temperaiure was only l0'C. Ii is also
confirmed by Mishima er .ll.t' who compared the behav- interesting to note that Glanvillc and Thomas' daia for
iour of high-alumina cement concretes undr accelcr air-slored concrete show an increase in the elastic strai
ated and und. normal curing conditions. For ac- with lime. It is no! clear shether this incre$e is related to
celeraled curing, specimcns were cured al 20'C for selen a retrogrcssion ol sbength. L any case. taking the aclual
du),..o llen no ed JL l0 . .o rh.'' .on\cr.ion s"' vaiues of strength al the time at application of the load.
takingplace under Ioadin ihe caseofspccimens loadedat thc c.eep should be adjusted in inverse proportion to
seven days, bul conversion had aimost ceased for 28-day strenglh (sde Ch. 5). It h more convenicn ! to plot a produci
loading. Thc resuits are shown in Fig. 3.12: ihc total of crecp and strenglh against timc, and this relalion is
shown in Fig.3.l3.Itcan be seen that. on thjs basis,lher
is very little diflerence betwecn ihe creep dclormations ol
dry and wet specimens. although at periods under load
grearer than 14 dals the latler show a siighdy higher
E 10c
L6tu J.J Creep oI hona6 made wirhements oI difrerent 6.ness loaded al lhe ase o128 dars
Clnkerno. Speciic su ace Sun.ined stres creep(10 6)after a
(MPa) Fiod under load ot
z0dars 60 days 80 days
n.ain. Subsequent creep rccovery tests indicaled that Concrete which is imprcgnated with a monomer solu
recovery was srill contin uing afier 90 days from unloading tion with polymerization accomplished by a gamma
and, atthattime, thc proportions of creep recovered were radiatjon or by lhcrmal treatmenl has been reported to
28 and 36 percentfor the respective storage lemperatures exhibil virtually no creep. However, as pointed out by
oi 19 and 30 ''C. Grnasekaran and Van Antwcrp,ro lhe creep potential of
Some other dala obtained during the same lests showed polymeFimpregnated concrete (PIC) depends upon the
tha!, with prolonged storage at l9'C, rhere were stight ievel of polymer content. Tests on lightwcighl concrete
30 "c
i 6soox 10 6
// Cemeni-filledpolyesler:414MPa ed polyester:276 MPa
impregnated using methyl methacrylate, kimelhylol- impermeable so that there is ro moisture mo!emcnt to the
propane trimethacrylate, and bnzoyl peroxide cured lor surrounding medium. However, it would appear that
18 hours at 90"C. indicated a creep strain twice that of a aoo\e a .e14rn lim.' oi pol)mer conrenl..reep r1.rcr'c'
non-impregnated concrete Loaded for seven days at a because the polymer or rcsin ilsclf becomes the more
stresslstrength ratio of 0.25 (see Fig. 3.20). In ihc samc creep-sensitive phasc. Hencc lhe grealer levels ol creep
paper,3o there ar quotcd othcr resulls,3r which repo quoted earlier ior rcsin and polymet concreles when
virtually zcro crep for PIC using normal weight aggre- compared wilh Porrland cement concretes.
gate. According 1o Gunasekaran and Van Ant\rerp, lhe
reason ior the low creep was a combination oi the 1ow
polymer content, r!hich was 5.4 per cen! as opposed 1() l5
per cent in their lesrs, and the fact rhat the process of The queslion olinfluence ol air entrainment on creep is ol
polymer impregnarion involves prior dehydratioD of thc importance. As far as shrinkage is concerned, Davls and
concrelei rem oval ol evaporrble water causes a reducrion Troxell'lound noevidence of influence of airentraining
in creep and polymer impregnation renders the concrete asents. Work at tire US Army Ensireers Laboratoriesl
Aleai appiicaion ol load
Po ymerimpreonated
-- --------'- --'--.
-- --
,-.--' :t-:=--d---.-*io-
r 600
.1t--- .---'-' Nil
a!erape cerenl Da\le corlenL' or 02. ol. and '8 per cenl' The ovcrall trend of other admixtures within either
Cla,. I or ( las. 1 s.r. gcne'all) ro Increa'c crecp lor
rejoeiri!el\. aft;r r'0 dals under loxd. Ihc correspond-
inp hotrre\ lor conc_eLc cureJ and .ro-ed , a rclJli!e aggregare concreLc. - bur rirhin erci'
cla'\. nasnrrude oI lhe eflect oI lhc admr\lure \ ane'
h;i;rrv o, l3 per cenr $ere 1.0. L2 and I ) lor rhe 'amc
cemenl pd\Le conLenl'. On lhe other hand' a Cla I $rderr. A paitrar rea'on lor rhr''ies tn rhe influence ol
ddmrxlu;e hao no ,ignrficanr ePecr on creep in eilher $el-
admiirure' on lhe de\elopmenl ol slrenglh oI concrelc'
stored conrete (F]g. 3.21) or dry-stored concrete' lollowing an initial increaae in strength compared with a
Tests on wel_stoied concretemade with normalweight
nlain mil. lhe us or an aom'rlure lead'' iil laler 'pe'' to J
aqsreqale aLo.hoqed r-enJ. u'ing lhe 'arre Cla'( ,lowe, 'L,eneth o.u...p*enl lhan rn olaln con'rele
rl"amIrLrrc. as
n in }.4..I2) J nd 3 ) I. Holrevel lor H"ne ond Bro"n t in'enigaled the effe(l' ol cdlcium
alp,ica(ron ol loJd. lhe Cla" I admi\ture
earlier age aL
,'ono.utohonare lC,J.5 ll dnd hloro\vlaled carbo\)li(
hrd rhe effect of decrersins (reep (Fig. 1.23) ,i,a rClar' lradm rrure. on creep ol con.rere mdde silh
5 600
E 4oo
Iime trndet )oad daYs
Elalile hunidnv oi 94 per etrt age
aia,J.2J. Ciep oI nomat weight aSAresate concreles wilh and wnhoul adnixtu'e
slored at a
?dble J.J The efrect of aGlerating adoixluB on crep after 90 days under load:e
6) whn roadcd
creep 00 I.cEas in c@p (per ent)
mmpard Yilh lh plai!
nii when loaded al $e age ot
NB. Fog-cured for six days and rhen stoEd in the t6r envnonment; loaded al a strBrslrngth ratio oi 0.3
32 l l ence of cement and admixt,],es on teep
o 0.65
E 0.60 pl!s admixt!re
r00 150
T me underload days
quanz.asgresate concreles: aggreeale,lcencnl ratio:6i slress^lrenglh
J,,l' E6ect ol aplanici,ns admixlu,c on creep ol
raiio = o.l.r'
^--t- t--.-="r-Z
^ O43piusadmixture
. 0.38 plusadrnixt!re
should be mentioned is thar, prior ro testing, specimens lignosulphonates to mixtures of saccharates and acid
were stored in the laboratory for a period of tim. The amides. The additional benents claimed are increased
environmental humidity is unknown but the enect o{ anv workability, less set,retardation and less air entrainment.
pre-dryiDg uould reduce the creep polenliat (.e. ( b. 6). Superplasticizcrs are used to produce rot only high
Inasubsequenr pdper.Ngabcral'quanrii) lheertenl workability (flowifig) concrete but also a wateFreduced
ol bond m_rcrocrackrng in rhe ruo concrete, reported (high-strnsth) corcrete.
pre!rousl).' the e(lenr ot m,crocrackrnA under sus- Tests on concrete with a superplasticizer, based on
tained loadins was considerabl\ reduccd in [e admirrure sulphonated naphthalene formaldehyde condensates,
concrete comparcd with that i; the plain concrete. Since have shown no eflect on creep,a, for bolh flowingconcrete
mic.ocracking is included in the measured creep, this and hrgh-srrenglh concrete.atrer ca.llng. rhe specrmens
finding could explain, in pa , the lower crep ;f the were seald and then loaded at the age oI 28 days un-
admixture concrte. der ambiert conditioff wiih a retarive humidity of ap-
proximately 65 per cent. A load corresponding to a
Saper plasticizen slre.s srrenglh rario oi 0.2 uas:u.rained fo' appro\i.
Suprplasticizing admixtures, krovr'n in the United Stares mately 40 days.
as high-range water-reducers. are chemicallv diFereni Creep datahave been obtained usinglrgament Mighty
trom normal plasricrzer., and hare been inrroduced 150 ltwe naphthalene sulphonale formatdehyde con-
recently to overcome problems associated with the den\ater ro male flosing concreles. l-irstly. non-aiF
use of hrgh do<dge rare, of con!enlronal ptasrici/ers. I he entrained concretes wilh and without the admixture
broad catego,es oi superplasricrzers range irom sulpho- were compared with one another,a3 and, secondly, air-
nated melamine formdtdehlde condensates. sulphaled ntrained concretes were compared-aa In both series of
naphthalene formaldehyde condensates ard modified tests, iwo levels of cement content were used and. for rhe
Ia6,?J.7 Crep a.d shrintage of plain concr.te and concrelc conlaining a water_reducing and rclarding adnirturesl
00 1
Total Basic Drying Total Basic Drying Total Basic DryinS
63 0.45 30 16.1 21.5 - 1.4 731 772 -35 0.82 0,85 0.03 ,100
36 l0 7t.t 27.2 1058 1.31 l.r3 0.22 340
63 0.65 30 24.6 26.1 1.7 1005 1056 51 0.74 0.89 -0.15
16 0.65 30 '12.5 42.0 30.5 1560 1093 567 t.52 1.02 0.50 )4n
70 0.45 56 23.2 27.5 .- 4.3 114 861 29 0.71 0.92 0.21 180
t9 u45 56 55.1 911 71 1.22 1.19 0.01 ll0
31 Inlluence oJ cement aruL td'nixtures on creep
Whn Melment F10 (rulphonated melamire formal-
dehyde condensate) $as used to increase the slump of a
high-slrengrh concrele. a 10 per cent increase in total
.,",'",_""1_l_;___ creep was observed.a5 The control mix (1:0.60:2-39 with a
waier/cemcnt ratio oi 0.30) was designed lor the maxi-
mum attainable strength in that it had zero slump and
couldjust be compacled;for th admixture concrete- thc
supeelasticizing admixture was added at the rate of 1 per
Plain concrele A, and
cent by weight of cemenl. Whereas the strengths alier 28
f ow nd concrete B
days ol iog-curing were similar lor the conirol concretc
..'.-.--.__ ani:l admixture concrete (65 M Pa), the respeclive strengths
were 65 and 74 MPa aier subsequentdryingat 50percent
4oo relative humidity for a period of l7 months. Thereforc,
alth ough the strength of the admixture concrete increased
withage, crccp at a constan I initial stress/strength ralio of
0.25 was i0 per cent greater than thai of the control
concret over the 2o-month test period; the creep test
spccimens were fog-cured for seven days and then storcd
1---.:-11-;'-------'11; rr 50 per ccnl reliri\e hLmrdir) and 2l C. rhe spec'men'
being loaded at the ageof 2Sdays The greater tolal creep
of the admixture coflcretc can be explained by drying
shrinkage which was I0 to 25 per cent greater than
shrinkage ol the admixture-free concrete; for the two
0 100 200 300 concretes, thre was no significant difference in ihe
T me under oad days modulus of elaslicily.
4,4 J.2d. Efle.l oI a superylasticizing admixruE on.rep ol sel and The tong{erm problems associated with the use of
high-alLmrna cemenr (oncrere and concrere conraining
,{, 1r2.5:3.1nix;cement content = lootclnrr warericentnt ratio : calcium chioridc have restricled the methods ol obtai ng
B, lrl.9rl.l nix: cenenl.onlenl = 360 ke/m i Nateqnent ratio =
3 high-early strength concretes which are compatible with
the requircments of the precast industry. An alternative
method is one in which superylasticizing water-rcducing
plainmixes, the water/cement ratio and the fine-aggregate admixtures are used to obtain concrete of adequate
content were adjusted io give a constant slump (55 to n engrh dr the lrme ot de-mouldrnP and Drelen.ioninP.
70mm). For the flowing concreles, the admixture (0-6 to An investigation,s' using Irgament Mighty 150, into the
0.8 per cent by weight of cemeno was added to the plain long{erm properties of high-carly strength concrete was
mixes to gjve a flow table spread of 510 to 550mm. carried out on lwoconcretesmadc with a rapid_hardening
Spccimens were curd jn water at ambient tempera_ Portland cement and havjng the same workability but
ture and, at the age oi 28 days, were subjected to a one mix contained the admixture ard had a lower
stress/strength ratio of 0.2. Basic creep was determined on water/cement ratio. The strength obtained with moisl
specimens slored in water, and total creepwasdetermined curing\vas 35 MPa aller 40 and 29 hours fo. the plain and
on specimens slored in air ata rclative humidity of 65 per water-reduced admixture concrete, respcctively. When
cent and at ambient temperature from the time at subjected to two hours ofmoist curing and then to a six-
applicaiion of load. The results are shown in Figs. 1.26 hour cycle of steam curing, the same strength was reached
and 3.27. and it can be seen that the addition of the after 10 and 6 hours for ih two rcspeclive concretes.
admixture 10 the control concrcles has no signincant Table 3.8 shows the creep and shrinkage data after a
effect on thebasiccreep of either non-air-ntrained or air- period of one year using moistcured concrete stored in
entrained concrete. two environments: in water and in air lrom the age at
For total creep, Fig.1.26 showsthat the presence of the applicatiod ol load of two days. Correspondingcreep and
admixture increases the total creep of non_air_entrained shrinkage data were obtained using steam-cured and then
concrete whils!, in Fig. 3.27, the eflect of the admixture is $aLer-cu ed concrete rn l1e \ame L$o cn\iron_
seen to dccrease the total crccp of air-entrained concrete; ments lrom the age at applicatior of load of one day. With
these eflects apply especially to the lowcr strengih con- moisl curing, the spccific basic creep was similar for the
crele,. After one )ear Lnde, load. rhe dvrage increa'e in plain concrete and the water-reduced admixture concrele;
total creep of non-air-entrained concrete was 24 per cent also, the specific tolal creep and shrinkage were similar
and, ior air-entrained concrete, the average decrease in for the plain and water-reduced admixture concretes.
lotal creepwas 14percent. The etrect ol ihe admixture on However, both basic creep and total crecp at a consianl
total creep cannot be explained in terms of variations in stress/'strength ratio of 0.3 werc bigher for ih water_
the cement pasle content, in development ol strength reduced adnjxlure concretc than for the plain concrete
under load or in shrinkage since a1l these parameters were because the lormer concrete had a lower development of
similar lor the concretcs with and withoul the admixture. strength underload.For the concretes subjected to a cycle, A
/ .,'--
I 200
r,-- Pd n..d flowi.q .onLrele B
2@ 300
Time under load daYS
Fig J?7 Ellecr oI a supcitlasdcinne ldnrLure on creep ol wer- and dry{toEd an entrained concretes:
A, l:21:49 nirr cement conr..r : 270 ksim r i sarer,'enent raiio : O6liairconrenr =,1.6perenti
!, l: l 8:18 nmr.emcnr contenl - :l:15ksmr; waterrcenem nlb : O.5liajr conrent = 5.8 per cenl.{
of steam curing, rhe onc,year basic creep was 20 per cent of load and under condilions ol dryirg. Triethanolamire
higher for thc water-reduced admixture concrete. white dl.o had lle ele.r ol n( of rl-c mrr.on-
lotal creep and shrinkage were unallcctcd by rhe presencc lainirg lignosulphonatc but only for concrelc loaded at
ol thc admirture. The diffcrence 1n basic crep cannot be the age of seven days.
expiainedin terms oldevclopment of strength underioad Thc apparent increasc in creep due to rhe use of
since ihis parameter $as similar for bolh ihe admixture accelcrating adrnixtures was confirmed by Morgan and
aDd plain concrctcs. Welchao who also investigated the cfc;ts of addins
calciumchloride and triethanolaminc toa concrete with a
ligDosulphonate admirturer all mixes had the same pro
poriions and were ioaded to a constant stress/srrenglh
The eff"-cts ol thc acceleraling admixtures. caicium ratio ol 0.3 in various sto.age environments. The results
chloride and triethanolamine, were invesligated by Hope are summarized in Tablc 3.6 and. gencrally, it was
and rriethanolamine being used to ollset the concluded that the relative magnitude ol creep increased
set-retardingpropertyof calcium Iignosulphonare,which in the order of mix:
is a water-redncing admirrure. Thc calcium chloridc was
added to a plain mix at a dosage of 1.5 pcr oent by weighl
plain < lignosulphonate < lignosulphonate + calcium
of cemcnt. but water and cement were .cduced for a mix chloride < Iignos lphonate + rriethanolamine.
containing the lignosulphonale to achieve a constant
sl.cngth and workabiliry; trielhanolamine was added !o
tle Iattermix to provide afourth mir. Ascan be seen from General
Table 3.5, the use of calcium chloride significantty An accurate assessmert of the elTects ol chemical ad
increased creep, especially ior an earlier agc ar ap plication mixtures on creep is dilicult in spite of the research
(10 I
155 60.2
2ll 158
:ll5 17.9
299 59.8 520
251 51.8 520
36 lnJluen a d adnixt res on oeep
of cement
H"la_ro 'nrr'n''nsio 'rerc{'enS'\' 4'I
ii"." "." *"* """tlt"nl qualitative lrends which 1960 pp' 191 E
5 20 25
100 200
Time under toad - days
\lPi sftnorh:
1[) lt'i1uew:? aJ a(lgteudte on (reep
not rh, c..e qr. I lg'r$e,Elr cor''re'
* 'lrp' 4 ' s'r'h where .h: linear shrinkage olconcrete'
r.rr r,o.j ' ,. ..i.,""i t, B:'\c nnd \'h''rrF- r' a - iraclional vdume of rggregate'
renorted b\ llrucrhore E. : modulus ofclasricit) ol surrounding materlal
,.,n rlE cx.. o ,,orrJl ,eigqr :rdPre!''le 'or''ele (concretc),
,n-'. -oo.'-' i" u. "o JrD'( 'er;rion ocr$ecn c eep 'rd t" - mJd.r u ol el1'r( r) "ligg'eBire'
,l; ;.:'-;., ' '. .,, "J 'on on rodJrrr 'r rrsnr J (rgh
/r:Poissons ratio of sufounding
"" Hoq'\er'lheralr^olu'lrnalc'r('o
'cr s,t.' orcrel"'.
,:',*-;;";.;,. e,a ,,( oer 'r njr,oi ' o$'r iu riehr' and 11. :
Poisson\ ratio of aggregaie'
;;i;;;"g"".",",,",e owing to jts Lo'rer moduius or
' 'r.'",..1 Droor\'. ln der \:nu 4 hJr e"ch P"rl,tleoi
lre rrllJinc\ or
^lJ' rhe r. du.r' 'rom 'h e\t(rnar 'urric" or rh(
:. 'ern\ "s;;.;;'.
"..,. .,. , ', 'r ''-''..,."
";,0: ""'' *'rJ'e'he r"s\"r rhe nuot lL' rhe
.,.",., ."";*,., i: r,',,.' on('(d n) rl "gts esare ro rhe
l(I td
-. ..1 ..i J ,c ..,n, "r r,',., rhr' r" 'n'rJereu rn 1+t+2(l-2lq)E"|E"
;;;;;'";" ;J; ; relalion between crcp and the or r:cnl1 -s)' t4.,tal
;;*;;-,"*:n *"crete, on the basis of the premise
whcre .^ : (reel ot neat (ement Past''
,;;i;i.,, ' .^ ""'...''. 'r Il :n .en'c1' rJ're L1'ie'x
,'r",r,.o Frrr .r,. .,.. +:r' rr n.. rhe Jrl'^4" acrr"r i".,"',"" f +'11 "pfrie' ro -n \e' ol cor"ranrtherdrer
-,, .; _\ L\e Dre'er'e ''' 'hc oets eEale . "..-"i i,'i. ,"4, '" ,". 'o'lu$ rn; e\rerr-nenr''
'' rulen inro ac-
-, in\ige i" rre rdL" cemenldr o
l ,..i. ,,, r , r'r. :n're'ie 'r/Egrer "e on sh "i
;;,,",';, :;".';"t .,.ep nt c 'r'r'tanr \rre'\
" "r,an* 'trrnE'rr'
:,;i;i ,'.4;;;,", ,
" s. 'o:.'. ^' 'h
ink'ns and
r',uoi.a'..'",p"-i'o" "ie\perimentr' dr'a l"r no_lr"'
:;ii *",.,',, Pcr.,'' 'Lo\ed '! or 'o"'ranL *r;i,1:;;;;,'.'.*.*,( o s,'h
d I i' d,!en rr I ig 4'4'
watcr,rccrnenl ratio, ;",;;:'"iih..r. ve s'ring h. ' 'ue or rh'' \J uc
' JnJ Jl'o
d,,,n 3{1 ,r) 1iL i""i,il "" 'r,. ,r. " ;r.\-'hc road r'crdrrlr
becru'e r
r*- l+l+2(l 2tL')r'.i['' I q
,.. .1,, ','on or rre lu"d
Obser"-atio s on inltuence of agllrcgate
content 4 t
,.1 rh, -ro,dgL runJir,ul. $h,ch .,p.Lr
I !:f:df rhe
lTill.^l.!-.: he,(rar
rne cenenl :l
ia1 : ".,rme.
r on be.keel ., cer
Jro pa.te coltent L rhe .rm( tn, tlc \\el-
dr)_.o,crlon!rere. ,.ran be,een I,um
3.0 ::lc:i-Jnd 'hc .*.: Ie'l', .,lll1l,8e Jnd
1-",,'-, '''
rr o.n ,.r rl e tudJ {rre .m rt "w('Iln!
J,Ie, ne
ial Jnd L"n,euu.n ,\
.o 2.8
crecp un0er borh .lord!e ..ondil,or, {r.
, rnrrar anJ
'pp,o\rm,r,ed lo ba,,( c,eep I_qua io,r r41l hi. o(.1
3 2.6 I.LnJ 1o :rppl) to rhc drt, ri prerro .
,1 ' of uhon , rrre, -
pendenceotc'eeponasBr.grr..o"r*-r.,.", " rrre". d-
he 2.4
hcre dre
- t. tn,,,
(ondiIon, o, re,r,n!
h q I ,.
^r^:.i,lLTrl-rnc,.incc or D rn rhc resio,,
22 ::,i: 9l'.,'","*
orfle.enc(.bcl{e<r ,-lrre.l
or Ln,r). rre
rl nrotuflrunatj,y anJ rhL"nLr
rcrJlr^n-ol crcep and cpgregare rontenr
2.4 is
0.2 0.3
I he elle(t old .mitJer modu,U. "rnat,.
oiera\ric,l\ nt
0.5 0.6 (reep,"n hc.ecn rgts.eeale
on ion
la.2 t. " hn h,np,rJs, nrr ., ,o,rer
at aggrcEar( rnLren,e, ihe rrrrro t. L,
:..,:".1.J l, 1berqf1.r*o d.rer 6 d
. ,nd., ro,r
ld -o, relr .1" l"ll: *19:.,
r.r.nd ro be rhc ca,e io" rrghr*e,si
Herc. r\e r(t..,run ot
l] 4 r.-ge.r r4dr). ro..r.e* J.cnct.". l:1.4] wr. r..n"(d rc
ac(uunl lnr.rh( dmoun, o,,
nLmrd r) ulalperenr(\Lt14.1r o- r,r rh, m,,
rrnce unhldrdlcd c(menr r\ rantamounr ro tjn-a
l.laibec,me': -" - "'''Jsg"ePd('
d rme. rr ,hortd be poinred our rhI
t 1il:.11.'li,l
modr-tI\ or eja,r.r(ir\ r. r, rn etTe.ijve mod.rtr.
::::l:8"1-"-l!.modulus re.pon.e ,oad, and :
tl|u , log"-_
ro d \usrained roger
obtrrned in rhe u.Lral \ldltc le,t
cr appro\rmdrcl) 60 da\ { under tord.
--qc rhe \ itue ot,
'(, ro ,r constanr $hich i. dpprorimirer)
,r'tceous ,,0 to. rhe
dggregate u\ed. l-or edrl;er p(n^d,
rrder load .:.r(1 , r)c
[a 5a]
trom rire ageor I oay
^ *",I
s a"ri{" "
" '&\:fr"
Ceme nt paste conlenl
Creep oI dry-and wet-slor.d concrctes
per cenl
atter 60days,loaded ro a stre$/shenslh.aiio
ot O 5 at the a8E ot t4 days.j.
l fluen& of aggrugdte on creep
: pat( conlenr. rndr.are.,har ' I' no oF'onlrnuir)
wherc the notation is as bclore but' in addirion' l]
cemcnt' Figure 4'6 :;;.;:';;;; DeLseen nea' celrcr pa\re. molcr rnd
,oiu-" of unhldraied
sho$. L\ "on""n"ution
oical(\perrnentd' oalz or rrPhl$erPhl rggregcle
r.a', r r..o,a"nLe $ ilh l4'5 | ompared wrrh
"" ^", "t'.'otor
no mal te,ghHgPrcgale. Ihe \d'ue' or 0 werP 'mallet ConDsh! notuls [, ctclp
because thJmodular ratio E"/E" was grcater for light
n. ,1.,..1i, e uporo".r ro 'rJdr r'lg Lhe inRuence oi rhe
JPgr(gdle Lon( ret( for sel norJgJ (^ndil'on' 7 ,"n**,. ",,.=ii i' ul ae\e oprrg rhe elu{ic l"rha\ioulIn
u eiqhL
rhe.lrratrun oIlne lo"d bJt :nconlra't tL' ;i?;;.,.,. r,.n r-.,r.o ,' " r{o-pha'c marerialpre
'ncrer'e'rrr\ '
r n"nL.r -1. vr.ior. e\p-e\ron\ serL'g.\cn lor rhc
normal $rrehr JporetJ e concrele. u rd( condrl'on' ^f
ourJrron L,r rou.r'ng' lr rhe L'\r' a'".ii,rot tr1. nodulut ol ela'rrcirl ol cl'ncrele fiom rhe
.",,o . deirea,;."irl .li'uc moouh lrnd \olume con'enL'drron' oi rhe "ggr'_
on.iei'""ighlrgg-eg,re! inc'eL(.srrrnrrcc sd\c carel
r". ti., a.u-itn."a ,o."i.ens from the timc al application .".*, paste matrix' This tvpe ol analvsis' in
""i" ".J
ir,i"rrir'" -"arlrii, t *ed on the tolal deformation after
ol load. ard the eiplanation of a lowr vaiue of I is morc
n.ohrbl\ ."ocraled qrlh'hrrrkrgc craLkrng: lhc raltrc ol ii""'r"a"i r."a is, according to Riisch et al''16 rhdr lo.J
^ ,o a co_npo\'re hJrd nnlc ial
i '*."*' *1., hJ .hrirrkagc crac|'' clo'( u1d( rhe -oolcaole
( .oll nulerr"l. \\hrch doe' n"r xccounlsJlr'_
sustalned load. Alter approlimatcly 60days Lrnder
load g comDo.i
lightweigh! i;;;l' i.' the in'luence oi rhe JEgrcParc on rhe de-
was similar for both wer and drv-stored (ats that crecp is
i"..",i'", .f tf." *ulri*. Counlolr also
a.qgregaic concrete, i.e. I- and, in the bng term thc
t"tt""n creep on thc cemnl paste conlent is ;"a."."a.rr .r ,f,..t*llc lrodulu\ ol Ine Jggregile lor d
....*rLe,o'r lId e|Jl Ho$e\er. Lhr' maJ no aluJ)'
rndeDendent of the \torxrc conJition \\'rh (emcrr (lrnlcr
on .onc ere m"de
ln rmponanr conr'uslon tlom lhe'e le'l' i' lhr' Lhe "'.rl "' "'''.,",.0 rn u de'rcc"red I'mo'fhere' hd\e
noLLern otrnluen:. o, c.rrenl pdsle conlent or sggregrLe "!1,i",". r' rhar
loo,.n,. on .r..n i' rhe 'rne qherhe 'ishr\\eiehr ol ,f;I*i ir,rur,. c-een beharrour JPpru\ima esl'om lhis
ogeregare con. rele r\ Jseo' thr' i' il'^ nol
.i .orno"ri'. 'oll ndleriil: lhe Jcndnure
rormo' "
;;.;i,J.,'.. .,ishr') wrrh ur in( ex"e in rhe c'rnker
unt*oecr.dir. rrue lor .em, l;ghlwergtr con('ere. ie. col'
.*r" and normal
-aae wittr tiehrweich t coarse aggregale A"rnina ll-al rhe Jggreg!re Joes n'l c_(cn arrd du('
wcishr sand.l5 Fu;thermore, thc general relation betwen obrrin r\e
noL"b'o b"rarer, r ouiror derelrped l 2'o l ro
crei! and aggregate content for a wide range ol aggre-
slored' I dry
aw6ttI rromrheaoeof
1 dav
? 2.8
r."-t,-, I
prediLred.b\ ompoqre"moders wilb experimcnrlr varues artor re6 days (series 1)and 16? (s
I11k^:.i, s,lTjj::l:l :l::i irals ies2)unde.
F,47 FRd ol moduLus olelar,citY ol agereate un the raho olcreep olcotrcEte to thecreep
,ee .e,' ."... r,"r"t..o'.1' ca b\ I tr'o- ''
'o'a 'd"
.9 quarlz
! 500
Gran te ^Crushed Basa t
Bivergrave a MarbLe
^ Bo0nded q!artz
u"r'..*o '' rnrrial ' crearc' 'hd1
nu'crerf ttcxurJr creep re+. ' ' 'houed lh"r' lo 'pecrnen'
'i.."," ",,.rt',,.,i.,lonur-rrme"rrccroru
.nr,ronn 'n'' r' sim'lr" ,",,i"",",r," ',1". o-oorrron of 'h'rr ne\Jrdlof{rengrh', rf. 1... "op .3. i'r,. .r,i";ristics of GRC were similar
;;,".i;i .i". ,; 'h.nIJPe 'est' on hbr"rern'or(edPr ''l'-
.i,* ," ,r1*. .r ,1. o'"in mrr rr\. Hose\cr' tensile crecp
s(re pc'lormeJ b) 5$dm! rhe'anr 'tre '
'i"" dnd conc-e e
.,ii,' o-r.,,i""' ;e e 'or'ranr rolrr rhe mi\e'' ".. **,., 't"" -.p=""\c c'e"p rnder
concrele specrmens-
sJrer ror 6nC and glass fibrc-reinforced
.,';"i' ;il";'d"' fll a'h 'anu r"r'n or I r8 anJ
==:=:---s )-
Glass (0.7)P us Po YPropylene(1 0)
// ---1-:=1-
Time days
T me days
' 'l) ' mnnl on
/,J, , Son' "g"o '"peoa'n''lou DJ'\Pon'renc
l,d I I llJPcor nor'4''pe..i'1' rO' '--na"i'oi
| ",,;..,-i 1,,:;; \'u.d c^'d'd Fbrc
;";,."".. ';;J .,.,,.o g"' ".do''D' o)"1'Ir"e' (.reiar lr C and 5a ll{" (nr relat \c humid tl_'
2r c:ni ! ps cni F rrre humrd \'"
Relercnes 19
aarl. , , Crep.iabrereirroredmorrarand.on.rerel.adedl.astre$,rslrcngtnradooi0.l5attheaseol50days4r
(pei c*11
(10 1
5.1 2t :t2
0 240-260 100
,100 425
125 155 52 60
l8 56
5r 14',1 162 6t 62
95 120 24 28
218 248 9t 95
58 t19 165 30 l9
rusing ICO \ 500 r 25nm plate specnnens.
whereas for thc unreinlorced matrix compressive creep bcrs would lead to a relatively lower deflection. Anothcr
was greater than tensile creepr also. lor glass fibre- aspect ollheproblem is that a lower modulus ofelasticity
reinlorced concrete, compressive crecp lended to siabilize oflighrweight aggregate concrcLc mcans that the neulral
earlier than tensile crccp. This behaviour is considercd to axis in a rcinforced concrele beam is Iower: thererore. the
be duc to thc lormrlion of microcracks undc. lcnsile stress is lowe. and consequently the creep is smalter than
ifnormai aggregate concrete with a higher rodulus wcre
Table 4.2 compares the crccp o[!he various mixes alter
a time under load ol 50 days. and rhe effect of 6bre Thc influcnce on crccp ol spccial lcalures of olher
rcinforccncnl in reducing creep is clearLy demonstratcd. concreles can also bc cxplaincd. For erample, we1 mix
In the morlar specimens, replacement ofsome ofthc gl,Ns shotcrete Gprayed concrete) with asbestos addition lfor
fibres by polypropylene does not resulr in a significant rvorkabilily) shows much greatcr crccp than dry process
increase in crep. Thc glass and polypropylene fibres are mixesa5 because ofthe high water,icement ratio (or lower
lcsscflcctivc in thcconcrelemix because they are prone to irrenglh) ot rhe $el-mi\ shotcrete: hence. xn increase in
damage in the presence of coarse aggregate. Steet fibres creep. The eflecl of fibre reinforccmcnt in mortar or
are most successful in reducing creep but th;s is nol thc concrete in reducing creep is due to additional restraint
case for shrinkage where the geometry olthe fib.e seems or the paste or mortar matrix the libres can be thought
to be a significant factor (se Fig.4.l6). The overall lrend of as additional firc aggrcgate of special shape which
ol lhe re,rh, oIlJole,+2 r' lhdl 6or( r<riforcerr(nl r! stillens the cement paste matrix and supplements the
more effecrive in reducing crcep in comprcssion than in bond between linc aggrcgalc and cemefit paste. Thc
tension. The reasons fo. this arc possible microcracking influencing lactors on creep are therefore: themodulus ol
occurring in lhe tensile stress zone and a higher etrective eiasricity, the quantity and possibly the shape ofthefibres,
stress/strength ratio in tension compared with that in their combined e$ect being more apparent in mortar
compression4l for a given applied Hcxural ]oad.
Concluding remarks
In conclusior ol this chapter, jt appears that there are 1. DAvlS. R. E. ard DAVIS, H. E.. Flow oi concrete under
no fundamental di$erences in creep behaviour bctwccn rhc acrion of sustalned loads, ACI Jow al.21, 1931.
concrete made with normal weight aggregatc, with lighl pp. 837 901.
weight aggregatc or reinforccd with fibres. The main 2. TROXELL, G E., RAPHAEL. J. M. and DAVIS, R. E..
Lone-timc creep and shrinkage tesls ol plain and re-
lactors which affect creep are quantity and modulus of iniorced concrete, Pro.. ,,lSTM, 58. 1958, pp. 1101 20.
elasricity of the aggregate, both of which conlibute 1o 3. ,ENSEN. R. S. and RICHART, l- E., Short tjme creep
resisting the c.ccp olcemenl paste. The influence on creep lests ot concrete i! compre$roq Pro.. Part 2,
of special features of lightweight aggrcgatc, such as 1938. pp.410 17.
porosiry,canbe accounted forthrough the strcngdr oithe 4. KORDINA, K.. Experiments o! the jnfluence ot the
concrete. In realiiy, however, it is ihe modulus of clas- mindalogical character ot aggregates on lhe crecp oi
concrete. RILEM Bulletin, Patis, No. 6, March 1960.
ticity which inffuences creep but the presence ofvoids in
pp-1 22.
the aggregale affects both the strength and the modulus 5 SHIDELER, J. J., Lightseight aggregale conffete for
of elasticity of concrete so that either can be uscd in structural use. ,4CI Jo!/rdl. 54. 1957, pp. 299 329.
estimating creep. In the practical casc of deflection of 6. REICHARD. T. w.. Creep and drying shrirkaSe ol
structures, rhe lower self-weight of thc Iighlweight mem- llghlwelsht and normal wcielt concretes, M,,,r/ar, No
50 tnfl ence ol assresdte a crcep
/1, Nad.nal Bureau . i Standards: Washingion DC, 1964, NEPPER-CIIRISTENSEN, P, ShrinkaSe and swellirg
30 pp .Jroc(.o,"ro _,, .,.a {,DrnJ u..r./or"ni.,
1. HILLERBORG. A.. Delormalion and slrenglh properlies 15.1965, !p 5,18 55
of lighnveighr concrere. RiLnM allledr. Pa s. No. 10, 27. GILCHRIST. J. and EVA\S, R. H., Elasticity and hystc
March 1961. pp.9l 6. resis ol rocks and artificial slore, Enginedi !j,131.1932.
E. PICKETT. G.. Elt'ect olaggregate on shrlnkageotconcrele pp.519 22
aDd a hypotiesis conccrning shrinkagc, .4CI Jolnal,52. 28. MORLIER, P.. Le fluage des roches, /nDal.,s lnsrrrl
1956, p!. 581 90. Technique Au Batinett et des ftardrx P!bli.s. Paris, 19,
9. CARLSON. R W, Drylng shrlnkage oi large conc.ete No. 217, 1966, pp. 89 Il2.
mcmbcB. ,,ICi ./D"rral. 33. 1917. pp. 127 16. 29. GRIGGS, D.T., Creep ol rocks, .lot tl .I G.alo!l!,
10. NEVILLE, A. M.. Crcep ol concrctc as a lunction ol its :17. 1939, pp.225 51.
ceftent paste content,,4.7azine ol Ca .rcte 16, HARDY. H. R., Time-dependent delor ation and iailure
No.46. 196:1, pp. 21 t0. of seolosic maierials, Mir2s Btanth 'Ibchhical M.hotah
11. US ARMY ENGINEERS WATERWAYS EXPERI drft Nr.5/-59 MIN, Dcpartmcnt ol Mincs and Tech-
MENT STATION, Investlgatlon ol feep in concrete: n'c"l \-ne),. l-Lel. Dr,'no1. Orraqd. I'rro.5- pp.
Cieep otmass concrete, Mitc.llun!.Lt l'}utct i\io.6 ll2, t1. MCHENRY. D., A new aspect ot oeep in concrete and its
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12. I-YSE.l., Theshrinkage and c.eep olconcrele. M4d4zine o/ 32. US BUREAU OF RECLAMATION, Crep ol Glen
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Chapter 5
In this chapterwe are siill concrned withtheinfluence of constant mix proportions and the same type of aggregate,
rhe inrrinsrc racrors on creep bul the (mphJn. r. n-o!rnp creep is proportional ro ihc applied stlcs! atd lvcrscly
lowards a derived mechanical propertyr slrength- Ideally, propor torulro rhe-.rru4gtl+i +ue {sre oicpplrLargn ot
to undrstard the fundamenial cause of creep, we must &61+d. Belore establishing the limitatjons ofthis rule, it
first be able to express the physical properties of the is con! enien t 1() consider the influence on creep of the level
hydrated cement paste, which is the sai ofcreep, in terms of stress, olher conditions, including the strength, being
of independent intrinsic parameters. The effects of en-
vironmental factors can then be related to the intrinsic From a wide range olexperimental results there exists
parameters so that the creep of concrete can be quantified. substantialevidence ofa linear relatiofl bctwcen creep and
Such an approach is used by Ali and Kesler,l who the applied stress. exccpt in specimens loaded at a very
express crcep as a funclion of the dgree o{ hydratior in early age: one to thrce days. What is in doubt, however, is
terms of a compliance factor p; this factor rcpresenls the the upper limit ofthisrelation. (The lower limit is virtually
ratio ofthe deformatior ofthe gel componenl ofconcrete at a zero stress as creep is exhibited by concrcte cven at
to the deformatiorofa hypothctical specrmen of pure gel, very low stresses.) In terms oftbc stress/strcngth ratio, an
subjected to the same slress. Other investigators'z adopt upper limit bet$,een abort 0.10 and 0-75 has been
e!apurable satcr. poros,ty dnd aging J. lhe inrrin.ic observodr, cxccpting one sel ol resulls where a value as
parameters to express the state of the hydrated cement low as 0.23 per cent was iound.6
paste; here, porosity is a function ol the water/cement Regarding this upper limit, it is relevant io note that
ratio and degree of hydration while the detuitior of aging severe internal microcracking takes place in a corcrete
is not precise, but itis thoug.htto be related to the change compression specimer at a strcss/strcrgth ratio o10.4 to
h specific surface ofthe hydrated silicales. 0.6,7 and it is not surprising that, once the cracking has
The difrculty with the lundamental approach is two- acclerated, the creep behaviour also changes. It is
fold: intrinsic parameters are not easiiy identifid and possible that the onset ofcracking depends on the degree
ihey are not easily determined. An alternative approach is olheterogcncity oi thc concrete;fo. instance, mortars are
to start from strength, which is an easily determined less grossly heterogeneous than concrete containing a
property. Admittedly, strength is aft'ected by the pro- large-size aggregate and exhibit proportionality between
perties ol the constituents but it is also a iunc(ion of the crep and stress/strength ratio up to a higher limit, pos-
quality otthe hydrated cement paste and ofage- Powersl sibly 0.85,4 wh the strength is measured on slender,
determined the relation berween the strength and the creep-type specimens. In the raseoieo-i-fi etqllIe rEstraint
gel/space ratio, i.e. theratio ofthe volume ofthe hydrated of shrinkage bj+lreaoarse aggrcgete-ffi'r..mi.rocratF
cement paste 10 the sum of the volumes of the hydrated ing, wHc*La$ects lhq sbslugdayela[lre9laLd-i!.lrrch
cement and of the capillary pores. The influences of instances, the limit of proporlionalit)rrtrillj!.clease. In
water/cement ratio, age and size ofmembercan be studied general, the uppcr limit ol llre proportionality ol thc
in relation to strength which is always known to the relation rises somewhat with the duration of load. The
designer.In practice, itisusual to desigrmixesso that the relation for a 1-minute load is shown in Fig. 5.1. derived
relatjon between the appljed strcss and the slrength of ftom results of Jones and Richart.s Jensen and Richart's
concrete is approximaleiy ihe same, regardless olthe age shorlterm testse indicate proportionality of creep to
when the structure is put to us. For design p rposes, stress/strength ratio up to a value ofthe latter ofabout 0.6
therefore, it is the creep respoNe at a given stress/strength but there is increased creep at higher ratios. On the
ratio that is ofinterest and, consequently, it is convenient average, they found:
to include the relation between stress and creep in lhe
same chapter. slres+trc.glh ratio 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.? 0.9
cEep la.bitra.y unihl 0.2 0.,1 0.6 0.81 1.27 2.06
Inluerce on creep of strutgth. stt?ss, waterlcement rutio. age and size
: a.2 0.4 06 o8
The proportionality between creep, or strictiy speak-
Slress/strenglh ratio
ing creep-plus-elastic slrain, and stress in water-cured
i - -',i Relarion betNen.reep ol norlar nored noht alter 60 days
and water-stored concrctc is apparent lrom L'Hermite
::.: .adandlhe{ress^rrensrlratiolordiferenrnixesand{rcsscs.
and Mamillan's testsl5 on concretes loaded at seven davs
rl ig 5.4' l80da)5. and oneand rwolcar,.and lepr under
.: :'lr. a.e added to the
same figure. The strength ofrhe load for up to five years. The samc 6gure shows ih behav-
: -.1a. sas determined on slerlder 50 x 230 mm cylinders iour of sealed concrte.16 Such behaviour was, however,
.r:haI the strcss/strength ratlo in the abscissae ofFig- 5.3 not confirmed by de la Peiia's testslr on very thin mor-
:. iigher than iithe strength were determined on standard lar specimens and by Kubo's testsl3 on mortar over a
year old.
Ii ri importani to noie that rhe regression line ofFig.5.3 Proportionality of creep 10 stress/htrengih ratio up to
: as calculaled for specimens ofstandard mix proportions aboul 0.6 was found in Kruml's tests'e on lishtweishr
rlrd subjected to the samc stress only- Thus th effects of aggregate concrete and in US Bureau ol Reclamation
. arling eilher the water/cement ratio or rhe applied stress
testsro on very lean concrere {112kg/m3 of cement and
11e.e not included in determinjng the'best'line. And yet, ,18 kg/m3 olpozzolana)up to a stress/strengrh ratio
:.1 the points are scattered 1o the same exrenr. This which was the highst value tested.
:ldicales that the eflect ofcharging strenglh by the use ol Ross':l measured the influencc of maturity on crep.
tr differeni cement or by varying the water/tement rario is using specimens subjected to the same stress but with
:he same as far as creep is concerned. Likewise, for a varying strengths dcpending on ternperature history. A
:]\en stress/slrcrgth ratio, creep is the same regardless plol ol creep against the stress/strength ratio shows an
lri how stress and strength have been varied, provided appareDtly linear relation but the straight lire does not
:i.rr ratio is constant. The relation between creep and pass through the origin. Il
however. creep is plotted
:Iress,strength ratio seems to be approximately the same againsl thc reciprocal ol m aturity (the applied stress being
:. r diferen! relative humidi!ies of the ambien t medium, as constant), the resulting slraight line very nearly passes
ing as no appreciable shrinkage takes place. This means through ihe origin (Fig. 5.5). The explanatjon lies in the
:i a! the specimens musi reach hygral equilibrium with the fact that strength and maturily are not linearly relared,rt
trmbient medium before the load is applied. and it is the maturity rather than strcDgth that is the
The approximate validity of the stress/strergth ratio fundamental factor in creep. Maturity reflects the degree
:ule applies also to concrete as is evidenl from many of hydration and therelore the amount of cement gel,
rnlenigations. Sheikin and Baskakov'3 measured the while strength is only a crude mechanical reflectjon of
..eep ofconcretes made with three diflerent cemenls and these changes.
\ubjected to stresses reprcserting the same proportion of The influencc of the stress,/slrength rario on creep
ihe ultimate strength. The results show thar, whiie thc generally applies to lightweighi aggrcgate concretes as
specific creep strains ofthe three concretes varied widely well as normal weight aggregate concretes, as can be seen
:i.:,52.2 and 33.3 x 10 6 per M Pa at 20 days), the total lrom Reichard's data" shown in Figs. 5.6 and 5.7: here,
and size
54 lnfl ence on cteep of stength' sr:ess'v.aterlcement ttio' age
6 8oo
0.6 0.4
o2 0.4
Stress/strengih ratio
r', 5o Rerdr.or bcr{een (reep are' on' }ear
JrC- lo"d ad
$trh d'|neren and
l'.'....,,.;;,;;". r., -"-.,$'oboe (Lrns'"
Lo -eam ad .;Fr
;";"i.:$' ;..;,;.:,N '' btd.d
Siress - MPa
q'rd'n ror
I r 4 Beldlion b1$een rre' ar'l crep_P[.-el4'''
qord ir sa. L and ror
1"..,'i,.,,i.liJ.i,r.,e..r'e'er da)q and
\?aleJ mncrele toaded aL (he age ol zNd'ys"-
o 800
04 0.6 0.8
Stress/strength ralio
1O 6("Chours) ' I'r ) 7 Re'd,ol oerr'er ' 'eeo "fte' 01" \em I nd_ lodd dnd
Reciprocaloi maiurilv -
lir. JJ. Rlatior betNeen deep and the reciProcal of naturilv ol moistcuflng'"
\ubre(1cd Lo deam and
S'rcsslstreryth ratio 55
r00o e
Stress/sirengih raiio
aid. J.r. Relarionbetwentoraltimedeformation aftd tqo vea6under
4246810 12 lo.J .,r+. r rng n zr o r.,'gl r"ersh' dsseE" e.or.-r e to".cd
Stress MPa al tne"na
age ol 14 days and stored at a relalive hunidiry oI 60 per cenl.:r
-, -i.8. Reladon btvftn rotal rime defomation
rftle nored a1a relatilehumidny of 50 ler cent.'5
2500 400
g 3oo
E E 200
:r r0(
t0 15 20
Slress MPa 0.5 07
!ry2rc./.-ament rallo
id J11 Relation het$en total line dcfornation and sress lor
huhidill ol Tj perenl'"
concrele siored at a retalive |ic. Relarion betwee. ultimale specinc creep nnd walerrcenent
ratio in lhc lesls oI varnrus nrvenisalo4tr'y
j .-i
Davs rime underroad(ros scate)
0 50 loo r5o
Ageal app tcation oi load - days
L, /0 hfld-re o' ase d' appt.lalron or oal 01 ,pe.,rc (ieep ot
ron.Fl. a#regd'. .phenr rd io o qarer mtrh. jar o . 0 \0 .3
Fig- 5.19 shows that theinfluence ofan increasein the age Age aiapplicaiion ofload - days
at application ol load from seven to 26 days is to aia. J20 lnfluene oI aC. at application oI load on seven-dav bdlc
increase basiccreep whereas the effect is absent in the case
ro dl.'p.p coeh.E1r., drF. r rire under to". or !- ld\..'"
of total creep (unsealed concrete).
Niyogi e, dl.3e reported that the creep coemcient Niyogi er alre are presented as specific creep in order to
increased for an increasc in early ages at applicatior of aliow for the di$erent applied stress at the various ages at
load for both basic and total creep. Their results are application of load, Fig. 5.21 indicates that, while basic
shown in Fig. 5.20 for a Type III cemenq 1:3.8:3.8 mix creep increases for early ages at application ofload, total
concrete with a water/cement ratio of 0.90; as in th creep is unaflected.
expedments of Meyers and Siate,3s all specimens were The influence of early ages al application of load on
loaded to a constant initial elastic strain. When the data of creep, discussed abovc, is at variance with the data for
age dnd size
60 Influence on creep ol srrenglh, stress! ]i)oler/ce enr rutio'
100 azu
Age al aPP cation oi load - daYS Age alaPPlcation of load days
-' 20
_,r' ,/ .,.. -
o 400
40 100
rable J., Innuene oI sit ol specinen on ceep and shnnkagela concrcle there will have changed subslantially from the
state which existed when load was first applied. A greater
Minlmum thickne$ (mn) Coftction lactor lor crcep
degree ofhydration will have bcen achieved and a higher
1.6 slrength will have been developed in ihe core so that thc
50 1.5 creep response to the creep-while-drying condilion will bc
tu 1.3 small. This explanation is predicated on the assumption
rhal ., onl\ ll-e dr)rn! Lreep lhar i. sublecr lo rhe.r,7e
200 1.00
etTe.r H6uever e,r. ol Ttoxeli pr d/." rndrcale rhar a
250 095 small size c{Tect is present even with storage at a relative
300 0.9 humrdirt of t00 per (ent (Fip. 5.25)
4!0 0.8
I he s nrk ol H:,n,en ind Matto.k" ,ndicates lhal borh
600 creep and shrinkage of concrcte are functions of lhe
800 0.55 volume,/surface ratio ofthemember. Thus thesizeeflct is
lot)o 0.5
an indirecl one, involving lhe surface ofthc specimen, and
> 1000 and seded .oncrete
it may be concluded that when a free surface is absent, i.e.
N,,"' ir one .1 the su.tac.s is sealed. double lhe aclua1 tnicknes.
the spcinen is sealed, creep is unrflectedby thc size olthe
member. ln facl. in concrete cured under mass con_
Gvozdevl0 confimred the order ofmagnitudeol the elTect ditions. size effects do not appear to be present.56
and states, for instance, that for a 1i8 size rario, the creeP The relation between the creep coemcient and volume/
ratio is about 3:1. .urfJce ralro, de-i\ed b) Han.en rnd \4artock." r' shown
The original explanation olthe sizE e1lect jn terms ofthe in Fig. 5.26: lhe actual shape of ihe specimen is of even
loss of water to the ambient medium (which would be lesser importance than in the case of shrinkage. Also'
greater in a smaller spccimen where the surface/volume the decrease in creep wilh an ircrease in siTe is smaller
ratio is larger)can apply only ifdrying creep takes place than in the case of shrinkage. BuI the rates ofchange in
because in basic creep no loss ol water to oulsid is creep and in shrinkage are ihe same, ildjcating thal both
involved- In many practical cases, however, creep and phenomena are thc same function of the volumc/surface
shrinkage operale simultancously. Thus ir a small speci' ratio. These data apply to storage ofconcrete ai a reiativ
men a greater pafi of lhe concrete is subjected to creep humidiiy of 50 per cenl.
while drying takes place, and a larger creep is therefore All lhe.e ralue. \\e-e obrarned lot conc-ele rn com
recorded. The converse is true in a larger specimen, and pre,',on. lhe 01,t in\en garion of'he.i/e elTe.r rn the
even if, with timc, the drying eilect reaches the core. the ca\c or con!re,e in ten.ion appear' to be lhar b!
Shape, size and isotro , of specimen 63
3 zoo
Time under load (log sca e)
Fi4. J,rJ. Effed oI size of srEcimen on crep of m.crete slored in warer.rl
i--------.-Q qoL
I 80 . 30.
0 25 50 75 100
Dntribuxon ol rclalrve humldity along a diaEonal in a
0 \nrd tr r!n!,ete !pr!rmLn stor.,l rr J Le at \enumiditv
L] i
zlt, * t,.l
:-e L
@@" ,
;\) a i
:irse on creep should be considered. Figure 5.30 shows Portland blastfurnace cemenlJ. It is therefore reasonable
:iar revibration ofneat cment paste reduces crecp by 30 to assume that dryingcreep was reduced. too. However. as
:o,\0 per ccnt in the case olPo landcementand 15 to 20 Avram et a1.6'] point out, it is possible thal revibration
-r cenl when Portland biastfurnace cement is used; in removes the internal siresses induced by early shrinkage
:hese tests, revibration of30 scconds was applied every 30 so that the effective stress in the concreie is lower than
:rinutes until final set.6'zlt is relvant to notc that without revibratio!. Anolher factor, and probably the
:.libration reduced also the shrinkage (by 35 to 45 per dominating onc, is the increase in the strenglh ofcement
*-nt for Portland cement and about 15 per cenl for
) zoo
)r-'-',-- I ""*
Sl2eofpr sm mm Sizeoibriquelle - mm
.:J J2E Innuence oI anisotropy on specilic creep of square mncrete Iid. J.r9 Influence of anisotropy on sDeinc cre.p ol concrele
::i:msundo a compresire stre$ o11.9 MPa.5r brlqucxcs undo a lensile oi0.4l MPa.5r
66 Influence on creep of strenqth, s/7ess, waterl.ement ratio. age and si2e
60 80
T me unde. oad
a,s. J.Jo. Effe.toI [email protected]: (PBF :
paste due to revibration. This increase is largest when
shrinkage is largest as revibration would reduce the arly
shrinkage slresses. Withou t relibration Witn revibration
10 6
perMPa l0 6perMPa
The influnce ofrevibration on creep was invesligated
also byHilsdorfaDd Finsterwalder,6r who lound that, for 7rl 68.2
concrete loaded at the age ofthree days, the reductior in
creep due to revibration persisted for about six months 65.3 65.3
only. After 590 days under load the specific crcep was as
& aoo
3 2oo
0 50 100 150 mo
Time under load - days
I'is, J.J./. ol the p.riod oI vibmtion on specinc creep oI .o.cret b.iquettes under a lensile
Relercrces 67
The dlference in creep is thus negligible. It may be 1.{. KLIEGER. P., Early high-strength concrete tor preslress-
noted that there $as neverrheless an appreciable increasc inl. Pto.. Wotld Con{. o t'rlsr/.sred Con.r.le. San Fran-
in sirength due to re! ibrarion. Accordingto Hansen,6a the crco. 1957. p! A5-l A5-14.
eflect olrevibraiion on c.ccp is absent in well compacted t5. LIIERMITE, R. C; and MAMILLAN. M., Furlher
results olshrnrkage and creep tests- I,ro. tnt.Col.onth?
concrele. It is likely rhal lhc efect is significant only if Stucruc ol Cohttlle.Cenent and Cloiffele Asoclalion:
there is appreciable early shrinkage. LondoD, 196E. pp.42l ll.
Karapclian65 found thal a bnger vibralion olconcrele 16. L'HERMITE, R. G., Volume changes ot colcrctc, Prr..
increases ils strenglh and dccreases irs creep. the mag- Founh lnt- S!tup on the Chet i\rr oJ Cene t, yol.2,
nilude olthcctrecl on creep benrg about 10 per cenr. Both Washington DC, 1960, pp. 659 94 specimens testcdascast than in thosc 11 de la PENA, C., Shrinkage and c.eep ol specimens of
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tesled in a normal dircclion. Thrs behaviour was observed
\, Lh in .pe. irren L, cd rn co npre\ror rnJ in ren\.un pp.60 70.
t,l KUBO, K.. Plasticily and *ee! olcement mortar. 7id,r.
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an understanding ol thc problem. lt is probably true io a /2?J, Denver, Colorado,luly 1967, 12 pp.
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^l REICHARD, T w..C.eep ud dryirg shrinkage ol
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Chapler 6
luence ol humidity on
In rhe next two chapters we shall consider the environ- decreascs with an increase in thc size oithespecimen.: The
i.nlalinfluencesoncreep,i.e.rhoscthatallectthecemenl increase in creep under drying condilions is, of course.
S:l and the water thereifl after the concrete has sct: relarive termed d.ying creep, as defined in Chapter 2.
rumidil] and temperature. Stricriy speaking. these in- It is important to realize thar, when wc consider the
:rences are not entirely environmental. In the case of influence ol lhe relative humidity on creep, this implies
:3Dprrature, it is the tempcrature of the concrele itslf thattheequilibriumrelalivehumiditywithin theconcrete
-:ar aflecis creep but, olcourse, beyond the iniriat period (or. more accuratcly,witl n the cemenl paste) is higher
:.- h\.dration and excepting mass concretc, rhe ambient than the ambient humidi ty. When the concrele is in h ygral
:.:rperature conlrols the temperature olthe concrete. The equilibrium with the ambient medium, basia caaalrir -
:::a:i\e humidity ofthe surrounding medium has a morc assumed, for preseni purposes, to be unaffected by the
:ri.I 'environmental'in ffuence on creep,which is
affected le!el ol lumrdrr). j hur we can \ee rhdl r I r1e rrrr., rn
::' lhe drying of concrete urder load. The relative hu, Fig.6.l are parallel to one another from the age oljust
:nditl within the consete is also a factor as the amounr under one year. i.c. from the time when shrinkage is
::_qloislure present in th. concrete under load influences virtually completed- Thc rate ofcreep olall rhe concreres,
:ie magnitude of creep. This amount depends on ihe now in hygralequilibrium, is the same.
:rt.nt ol drying before application of load, i.e. on rbe lhe-e r. hoqe\er. r .c.ondrri ef(. o" lhc
a,n bient relative humidity at that time. Thus rhcinfluence content on continud hydration and srrenglh, and hence
ri rhc ambieflt relative humidity before and after appli- on the further rate ofcreep (ree Ch. 5). We may note that
--a{ion oiload should be distinsuished. Ir should also be hydration is very slow below 0.8 of the saturaijon prcssure
iored that, although moisture loss aBects delormation and stops altogcthcr at 0.3 of saturation pressure.l
rnder load- the presence olload and the process olcreep However- the actual content of evaporable water in the
io not influence the moisture loss. Sincc carbonation cement paste afects crccp. and this is considered in tle
fi,e. -o_n lhe cdrbon dio\ide present ,n lhe en!irnn-
-.n1"' . lhe inRLrence or c",bonarion .n creep tr
di It may be relevant to report some tesrs on the influence
1ncluded in this chapter. The influence of olher storage ol the length of water curing on c.eep afrer 1000 days
enlironmenls is discussed in the 6nal section. under load at diflcrent humidjries (Fis. 6.2). The etrect
ln addition to their influence on crcep, humidity and ceascs after abou! 600 days' curing, so that for longer
:.mperature aflect the dimensions is usuallv periods of curing creep depends only on the rclatire
a'rmeo thal the ellecr i, the qame rn toaded.rno untoade; humidity of storage. This arises probably from rhe fact
specimens. However, the changes ir moisture and !em- ihat beyond 600 days no changes in the strucrure of
perature in concrete are essentially a ditrusion process so cement paste take place on further water curing. On the
Ihat any change irtroduces gradients. These gradienrs other hand. lor periods of curing under 600 days, the
i,rouce,rre*es which are accompanied by creep. and ir sho(er the curing the higher rhe creep. probably because
iollo*' thar rhe mor.rUre and temperature deloimdrrons the lower the st.ength ofconcreteand therelore the higher
are n ot really independent of stress but incl ude some creep the strcss,i strengllr ratio; rhis bchaviour alTects the in-
fluence of the age at application ofload. as discussed in
Chaptcr 5. Thuscurinsin waieris afactoronh,in so faras
Relallve humidlty oI stoiage: motst-cured concrele itaffects the streigih olcorcrete, provided th;quantity of
evaporablc waterin tlre paste at the rime ofapplication of
The influence on creep olthe relative humidity otthe airin rl'e conc-e,c r. nored. after curing Lnder tl-e L.ual
Thefindings ofTroxell, al.' (Fig.6.1)indicate rhar, ror condilion5, ha. beer knosn tor \ome trme ln the same time under load, the relation belwccn creep and
particular, it was observed that dryirg concrcte creeps at a relative humidily is generally lincar. Tests by L'Hermite
higher rate and achieves higher ultimate creep than and Mamillan6 also show a linear relalion between crcen
.oncretewhich remains wet orremains dry. The influence and re."lrve hrmi.iil! i 'e lea.. J(0 oJ). under oJ'
olrelativehumidity is large, for at a relarive humidiry ofS0 (Fig. 6.3). lnitially, however, "l1ow relative hDmidities lead
per cent creep maybe two to three times greater thar ar a to a smaller creep than would lollo$ from a linear
relalive hurnidity of 100 per cenrl (Fig. 6.1), but the fl'ect
/0 lt4uence o/ iumny'lty on creep
. 800
Time !ider road (toq scale)
Other invesrjgations have indicatcd conflicting trends Tle cxpianation of the seemingly cortradictory find-
on the subject of the ;nfluencc of retaiive humiditv on ings is as follows. Below a certain evaporable water
crecp Drots.le-- ind I trr.tii3.ctalecreeparJn) rct:ri!e contenq an increase in the relalive humidity gradient
h rn drl) ro ( reep dr a nd nda rd -e .,ljve humio
\ and rhu\ between the hydratcd cement paslc and thc surrounding
a.Lrne prooo ional.l). On lhe h.,nd. oc d peia" medium does not proportionally increase the rate ofloss
drd noi Ind I opo ro -.rl) urn! ^,her
nrorLar ,pecimen. ot e\irpo"rble s e becnu,( rhe \^Jrer ,. progre*r\et)
2mm rhi.k a. trmidr.rc. te* rna-n 50 pe, cen.. rne held Tore nrnly \! irhrn rhe ,tr .1. rur c ot rhe ccmenr
rncre.r( rn (rccp rs.:omparatj\etv \matl
{se Ch. 1). Hence, the lower rhe relarive humiditv ot rhe
r00 1000
Length ot slorage in waterbefore appticalion of load(log scale) days
Irr ^,1 FLenr. (1"r1-t rJrdrc r tror-- oet .-"rp,,.dr.o, .t.,adon.r.ep,
!a!\ un rer a nre$ ol98 Mpi +
Relatil)e humiditl oI storage: moist-cured concrcte 7 I
cEB, r 970
u 50 ,9 AC 1S78
Felat ve lrumldily percenl
i:j 6.J Reiation btNcen relarive hunidiry and creep tor 70 i ?0 x
-1 ih prrms under a stEss ol9 3MPa.6
cEB. r978
E 2.0
t .\\
0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 r00
Felatvehumidily percent Re at vehumidity - percent
Iis.6 J lnfiu..ceolrelalivehufridiLyolsLorageon.ree!olall)O0mnr Iir.6.6. I.Ruence ol relalirc humiditl Dl sloragc on uhinare crep
djaneter concrete cylinder after one year undcr krad. as predicled by oa a 75nn dianerer concreie cyunder, as predrded by larious
various ncrhods 10 'r rr '!
relative humidities. These diflerences are discussed in is thc surrounding air bu1 other moislure sinks are also
Chapter 12. possible, e.g. emply pores in aggregate.
In an attempt to elucidate the role ofmoislure move,
menl out ol the concrctc in crcep. Ruetz'5 measurod the
Drying creep and shrinkage
creep ol thin cylindrical shells of neat cement pasle
subjected io a humidity gradient. This arose from the facr In lheprvious seotionwe have seen that, when concrete is
that rhe relative humidity on thc outside ofthe shell was allowed to dry whilc undcr load, creep is increased, i.e.
100 per cent and that on ihe inside was 40 per cent. Strss creep is greater than basic creep even :fter shrinkage has
was applied when the humidity regime reached a sleady been deducted from the rotal time-dependent strain. This
state. as indicaled by an absnce ofshrinkage or swelling. incrcase in creep is termed drying creep and is a con-
The average amounl ol wale. passing through the speci- sequencc o[the interaction between shrinkage and creep.
men was then approximalel, fivc times the amount The creep shrinkage interacrion does not arise from the
passing through the surlace ofa similar specimen whn in restraint of shrinkage by aggregate, or from other multi-
the initial stages of drying from saturation to a relative phase leatures of concrete, because neat cement paste
humidily of40 per cenl. The tests sbowed no difference in e)ihibits the same behariour as consrctc.
. reepbel\ccn lhe ,pecimen. lh ough whir h moinurr sJ, It has been observed lhat the magnitude of creep is
being transmitted and similar specimens in a seaied affected by concurrent shrinkage as measured on a load-
condition. Ruetz intrpreted this result io mean that free companion specimen. This musl not be inlerpreted
moisture movement oul ofcemcnt paste does not, per se. necessarily to mean that shrinkage in itself influences
inSuence creep. However, this argument ls not valid creep but only ihai the lwo phenomena are influenced by
bccause the moisture passing through the hydraled a common process during drying- Furthermore,
cemcnt paste does not upsei quantitatively lhe waler age and creep are influenced by many common factors
adsorbed on the gei surfaces and probably does not even in a similar manner and can seldom be separated.
disturb the actual adsorbed molecules. No drying is thus L'Hermites considers creep ro be covariant with shrink-
involved and no flect on creep should be enpecred. The age. by which he means that creep is not added lo
essential condition lor drying creep is the movemerlt of shrinkage but.ombines with it 'with a minimum of
moisturelrom the ccmcnt gclto other spaces;usually, this
Dtying creep d shtinkaoe 73
^8"" t hI
": "i' L L'*, ," l
U-v,-( h')t'.J1
a 25 50 75 1oO
I/" : Lactional volume of totai aggregate,
Fetalivehumrdriy percent a-aconstant:0.043,1.
rr, 6 7 I.fruence oI rclxtile hunidity oi sroragc on ulrimarc .re.p i:aconstant:0.1121.
i J In0rn dra'e" rvr! rd.r - ;ea.,d b,,roL,
and I /o : time under Ioad (days).
Equalion [6.5] appliesin the cascwhen dryingstarts at
Anempirical relation between shrinkageand creep lvas
the age at application of load, the influence of the time
iuggested by L'Hermiie5 in the form:
under load being greater al earlier times Thus, knowing
.. :.,.( .n*) i6.ll
the mix proportions and shrinkagc, drying creep can be
A similar approach is used by Gamblc and Parrott,l3
where E- : uliimatc time-dependent deformation lcreep- uho relared d-yr,rg (reep ro snrinlagc {hen .pecinen,
plus-shrirkage), werc exposed to dryingat various ages latcr than, or equal
cb- : ultimate basic creep (this is not L'Hermire's to. the age at appllcation of load for basic creep. For a
terminologl), given type ol concrete. they found:
I- a constant depending on the concrete,
lh : theoretical shrinkage at a relative humidity
of zero, where i:a conslant for the particular concrete used.
: In order to allor,, for mix proportions, rhe value of I can
and 6,h shrinkage at the actual relarive humidity.
be estimated eilher lrom lhe water/cemenr ratio or from
Expression [6.1] suggests a linear relation berween the 28 day cube strength, as shown in Iigs. 6.9 and 6.10,
shrinkage and time-depcndent deformarion, and there-
lore between shrinkagc and total creep. so that .we can Bazant and Panula's model llLa for cstimarirg total
crccp includes empirical formulae lor drying creep as a
function of drying shrinkage anel mix proportions; rhese
.r: cb(l + Qt.r) 16.21 expressions are given in Chapter 12.
where c, = total creep, There is onc case ol apparent sirinkage creep inter-
cb : basic creep,
action which should bc mentioned: increase in crcep on
sudden drying. Glucklich'1: explains this by the develop-
and 0':aconstant. mcnt ofcracking due 1() themoisture gradient j nduc.ed by
Now, by definition shrinkage. The cracks reduce thc clTectjve cross-section of
concrete and hcnc increase the acting stress. and the
t6.31 effeclisnhancedbytheorientationoicracksbytheload.
74 hluerce of humidltr on creep
<- 0.8
9 0.6
-1 37 2A 90 15
Days Years
curingIme(og sca e)
Fia 63 Proeres olhydrllion $nh iine Io r ..ncre res wrrh satcr/ce,.enr rarros bir.en 05 and O.rJ. cured at 2l.C and a
relalive humidity ot100 per cnt "
J 0.1 --o10
Relative humidily ol storage: dry-cured concrete amount ol watcr present in ihe concretc at the time oi
applicalion of.load. Cenerally, a smalleramount ofwater
In aD earlier section we have considered tbe influence on prescnt at that lime means a lesscrcreep potential- We can
creep of drying after thc application ol rhe load, bul ii note, lor instance, tha! concrete dried out to a .elativc
should be recalied tbar crcepdepends not only on thc Ioss humidity ol 10per cenl before sealing had lcss c.eep than
of water underload but also on thc aclual amounr present water-cured concrete even though the formcr was hy,
when the ioad is applied. Thus th relative humidity drated less.It appears thus that the amount ofwaterheld
duringihe curing period prior to application of load is ol b) rhe cen enr pa're; i nore;npoflanr lacro- in creep
interest, especially lrom a practical poirt of view. One than lhe degree ot hldration.
of the earliest experimentai invesligalions involving vari- There h.however. an addiiional eflecl in the case ol lhe
able humidity both before and after loading is that of specimens loaded at the age ol 128 days (Table 6.1):after
Dutronrr and his findings were confirmed by Hansen.'za 100 days' exposure to air, water dillusion and shrink
who used mortar beams (see Table 6.1)- This table shows age become much reduced. The efect of drying is still
the influence both of shrinkage during creep and of the noticeable (the order of tests Nos. la, 2a, la in Table 6.1)
Relatiue h mirlity of stotage: dt:]i-cured con rete 75
Lrla 6. 1 Crep for diflercnl s torase condi ti ons before and afier Tests'?5 on morlar beams have also shown thar a lower
water content at the lime of applicaiion of load due to
Tesi Relative bumidny of srorage ABe al Relative pre-dryingleads to a iower specific total creep. Figure 6.11
conllrms rhr' cHecr. a. reporrcd b) Cilo.dni.)6 lhe resulr
of areduction in the amount of evaporable warer content
belorc loading is lwofold: basic creep is less, and dryirg
creep is also reduced because the concurrent rate of
I 70 50
! 70
1.70 .hflnkage r. les. I vidence ot a decrea,c in ba,ic creep r.
l ?0 t.29 apparent from Ruetz's tesls.ts His specimens were desic-
70 28 t.l1 cated belore sealing at the age at application of load and,
j r00 thus, under load, the concrete was in hygral equilibrium
10 so that basjc crecp occurred; Fi9.6.12 shows that basic
crcep was reduced considerably on removal of evaporable
70 50 0.68
70 60 water. Thatno creep lakesplace inconcrere containingno
70 ?0 0.57 evaporable water was shown by Gluckiich and Ishaiz?
70 128 and by Mullen andDolch.23 Ross2q wenteven so faras to
100 suggest pre-dryirg, followed by wetting at loading, in
10 order to produce crccpiess ard shrinkless concrete for use
as small elements for prestressed members.
It is therefore apparent that creep is aflected by the
but lhe degree of saturation has a dominating effect, amount of ftee moislurc present ir the cement pastc at the
so that specimen 5a has the largest creep. All the other time at application ol load as weli as the amount of
specimens have less water at loading and therefore they moisture lost to the outside while urder load. However.
creep less. On the other hand, with loading a.28 days, a1l the latter action is not essential for creep to take place
specjmens have enough water, so thar it is the rate of loss as creep in fully sealed concrete and in mass concrete
of waler that is the controlling factor. We may note rhat ln sealed concrete, basic creep dereases with
is possible.
the creep of tests 5 a.d 5ais approximately the same:the the age at application o{ load because the amount of
effect on creep of increase in hydration between 28 and evaporable water decreases with the progress of hydra-
128 days is negligible. Hansen2a suggests therefore that tion. However, at very early ages, an ircrease in basic
the influence on creep of the age at application of load is creep with age can occur (seeCh.5): this is due to therapid
due less to hydration than to the efect o{ the dryirg incrcase in the quantity of gel, which dominates the effect
process. This interpretation is nol nccessarily correct as of the decrease in evaporablc watr.3o
the extent of additional hydration beyond the age of 28 Jasman3t observed that, while a thin-walled specimen
days is probably small. shrinks morc than a solid cylinder, the total deformation
Relalive humidiiyoi storae (pe. cent):
rr 10 20 3A 40
T me under oad days
Iir.6.71. Denedion of morrar beams stored at dinerenr retative humidiries betore dpplication of load,6
76 t fue e ol humiditJ on cteeq
,"".ifui ,r,. *r:l. ur'", 'o.. t'" rnoer 'o"d' th( fol- tIl a7l and [] 2 sll'
lhe creeo coeftck nr. or Lo-'.re ba'ed on u 'o-c'lleJ
lo*ine erplanarron I' oflered. ln lhe rhrnrer tpecrmen' ,,i*r-ii."..,:r.r'., elasrciil rr h l2)' rh u'ual
i"" 'ii,i"r'i'i"r, rare oi 'nrinkrgc reduce\ rhe moirrure n^,c.reeo coeficienr, O.1,. ror' i'e ll'e r"rio 'nJ oL bdnccreep
.".i"ri.r trlJ*r rr"t"* that in the thjcker specimenon rhe n^iru'e ;;;;"-"r";. 'rr,,r ar opp',car'on 'rr lodd '' obraincd
irt. u, rL. su'r( cre(p depend'
'nien,',a. fron f12.,181, viz:
.".i."i tr.i.. *.p " itt te loser rn rhe I h;nner 'pccimcn'
there' the
il. iil" lir'* r'*4, t*r'se shrinkage is hisher rnu' rl-r' d"(,,r")=+(1 +d;) r6.81
Ji'i." .*.0 $.1 be nighe-. lr can be 'een
.r,:i.i,"".n..,' rhe oo'r. c'ecp x' $elr a' rhe dr\ins at tbe age at
ri". ,f,. ,U.'. ir lo'los' rh)r since rhe where E.{i.)is the stalic modulus ol elasticiiy
,"n,L"...r 'r,,,"t"e" ^rgumcnr
on suu. '"cp l. rn the nePa'i\e application ol load,
a' m'!dined which is a
Ji,..,i"r. a',,rg .annor be cun'idcred and ,' is the as)'mptolic modulus oi elasiicity
basi! .rceP. funcrion oi strength ([12 50]).
ln.he,, firnmoJel tor p'e"'and'hrrn\dde'
gazani and panula" includc a term which allows lor the Hence. ihe specjlic basic creep is
,"n,,."...r a"."r.r b.'rc creeo' Reduc':on oi b"'i' Cb(.. ro) = r"(,0)db(r,,o). r6.91
.;;;" ",. '" "'r',e puo, ,o Jpplcarron or lodd rnd
pre\enled in
None o' lhe -ncrho,i''or e'lrmarrnP c-ecp
A',i'.g rtc p.,,oa o-l 'u'rarned lordrrg r' e\n-e"cd a' , r,""i.r ,: ,ff."' lo, rhc inlren(c oi dr)rne betorc
anDli(at.on or lhe ,oao. lhu'. r' '\ or Intc e'l lo compdre
A0;t,,0, t"h.!) ;;;i :.;, ", ,rr\-cu'ed con"ere $rr\ Iorarmrrod creep ul
;.i";i;d -*;,..' predicrcd bv 'hc
t roor.
'-'" .-.
r{ I .
-- Lr r0 h/rlI I r I r'ho l| p.(.t r li.-l - r;...".
- 6!
a gazant and Panula.ta'i'z
e.r: and 6.14 illustrare the efect ol rclarive
where 4o.1,.,n,,. I decred.e in
\d'i( 'reep coelT r,..iJiiu "olrg. on .he rdLiu or rorar (reet to br'ic
a I Jfter aPPl'c"l'or ol
.,".":"r.'*,,r. at) ng Lormencrne ar rhc age of
'ien 'ge due to drying from .,*i,i r.- 1r,.
.,*d conc-eL'' the conc eLe r'cd ''
load at age
age r.h.o (1,i.'o,o < < 4' rhat on page -l and lso 'i/e' ol 'le'tren J-e
'o 'oicifieo
.".,i",.a. r,,",r, io"aeo,r .\c 'ge o' :8 oa) lhe ' For d')-
o-r,.r^l ba{c clcep (oeF'rclenl dL "gc ' to,uf .t."p is thateslimated by BAP ll
aft(r aPPl'c-rror ot lu"d d' rPe ""..a "on"i"t".ll, m'nJ' Ire bJsic c-e(f a'
merhoo rCh.
io,forI:1001[1249])' ,. orpa (d urrh rordlc'cep
f otf rc"]., the
n : relaiive humidity ol storage "ir"". odrJrngrr rhe rilIear
(Per cent). "...*,i'-",''-.r*a;"a\\po'ed
Ellect ol wintt 77
Time !nderload(years):
9 9
i a
9 ,9 t0
0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100
Betative hum d iy pe.cent Be ative hum d ty percenl
aia. 6.7J. Influence ol relative hunidity oI srorage on cEep oI mohr Fia., /? Inlluence of relarivc nuridlly oi srorase on creep oI moist
cured conrele, and olconcrerecured andstored underload al lhe same cured oncrele aid oI concrele cured and stored ulder load ar the same
relalive hunidity lrom the ase ol on dar: 75nh diameter cylindes relative hudidny ton tle age ol one day: 1000mm di ameter c yli nders
loaded al $e age oI 28 dar".ra:' loaded al $e age ol28 days.r{:
application of load (when dryingcreep is maximized), the stated that the direction of moisture movement is im-
influence ofdry curing is to reduc rotal crcep, especially material as faras itsetrecl on crep is concerned. Whereas
for the smaller specimen (Fig. 6.13)in which the rate ot shrinkage ;s mostly reversible on r-wetiing, i.e. moisture
loss of evaporable water is rapid pdor to application ol movement takcs place, drying creep shows an apparenr
loadj thus, both basic and dryirg creep are reduced increase shen concrele i5 re-\ ellcJ. and lhl increa5e in
appreciably. On the othrhand. the loss of moisture ir the creep can be termed wetting creep which, in accordance
larger specimen is slower and, correspondingly, the with the additive approach to time,dependent srrains, is
reductions in basic creep and in drying creep are less for defined in Fig. 6.15. Renewed creep on re,wetting has also
early periods unde. load (Fig. 6.14I at laier pedods, the been encountered in torsion tests- where not onlv ac-
influnce of dryjng is rnore apparent so that rotal creep celeraled Lreep bul also crack,ng occurred.'4 lhr. be-
becomes appreciably less than toral crccp of moist-cured haviour is ascribed to a 'reduction of the surface tension
of thesolid due to moisture absorplion, resultingin crack
From the discussion in this section and in the preceding propagation'.34 " This phenomenon is similar to stress
one, it can be seen that the influence of drying on creep corrosion in other materials and the possible mechanism
wrll depend on lhe age ar whrch drling commence, in will be considered furthcr in Chapter 10.
relation to the age at application of load. cenerally, Gamble and Parrottt3 related wefting c]eep to the
drying prior to applicatioD of the load reducs the creep concurreni swelling by an expression similar to that of
potential while drying under load increases the creep [6.6], but, as with drying creep, the relation is limired to
potential. Furthermore, drying concrere creeps more rhan the first cycle of re-wctting. During the second and
wet concrete or than dry concrete since in the latter two subsequent cycles of fiuctuating humidiry, the behaviour
cases no drying creep takes place. change5. I \ influence o' dlremdtrng hum,d,ry on c cep ir
discussed later in this chapter.
Wettlng creep
Although dry concrete creeps little or not at all, its creep Effect of wind
capacity can be restored by rc-wetting and creep recovery Hansenr5 invesligaled the influence of wind velocity on
can also be re-started by re-wetting r3 A1i and Keslerl, creep, presumably because il could be believed that wind
78 Injuence of hunidit), o creep
It is kno\,!n tbat the proccss of carbonation resuhs in an
iDcrease in drying shrinkage.r3 Carbonation is due to rhe
lormation ol carbonates in the hardened cement naste
cau,ed br a r(Jclion r,rh cart-on d,o\rde in rhe ar-
mosphere in the prcsence of moislurc. Carbonation is
accompanied by an increasein weight of the coflcretc and
by shrinkage. and the rate of carbonation increases with
an increase in concenlralion ofcarbon dioxide. Alrhough
carbonation occurs undcr normal outdoor conditions. it
i,,rgrilcdnlt) gredre, n dn un\ent,ldreJ I.roo-ilurr
q here rle conceqrrurion or rarbor Llrorioe nar be mucl
gr(.rler I rlhermore. srnce ,,n \ thc ,urlaci laier
(oncre'e become, .arbonrrcd. i. i, tiket) rh"t a sn ",I
lahor.rro^ .pecrmen u rll be ,nJlLenced "
lo u !rearer J\len
than a luil-size member used in structures. These Doinrs
(c) are ol rmpo ance n .onciderrng the applicarion ot
laboralory tesr data ro structural behaviou..
I Test data on the influencc of carbonation or urcep are
lacking and the cned is yct ro bc quanriEcd in terms of
concentration of carbon dioxide and size of membcr.
Alexandre3e reported that carbonatior before appli-
cr'no4 o lo"d reduced creep. Accord,ng ro parrotr.,a rhe
Ieducl..n In c'ceD \\.\ probibj dde ro producls ot tl-e
carbondriun redc ,on oeire depo, rcJ rn ihe pore. ot ,he
cemenr pasle. rhus resultrnp,n d .educed poro,ily. Such
rtr, 6.lJ DetiLrr' n ot sclInrd.eD a process increases strength,33 which wor d resujt in
la) Trne tleformar on o ,n unloia.a ,n".
lbr Crpnt a toJded \pe.imcn In hyqr;l.ou rbnu- smaller creep through a decrease in stress/strength ratio.
/. r .\arr i,.r, r or c.oddco .oe. irer ,ii r On the otler hand, a great shinkage prior to toad-
(dl Crep ola loaded specioen wnh moisLure transler ing reduces the evaporable water which also results in
affects the loss of moisture from concrere. He used mortar Parrorl'o reoo, cd increa,ed crecp on carbonJlron o
specimens, 20 x 50mm, in cross-section. whjch- afrer Dfl:m, oJ .ement pa{te rtlS ll.5.Jt0nm)wflhr
water curing. were exposed ro a rclative humiditv of 50 waterircemeni ratio of 0.47. The specimens were cured in
per cfnr al 20 .
in cri.t dir ind rn a,r uith a relocr[ ot water for three weeks and dried a1 a relative humidit, ot
5m ,e\ \o drfleren(c in c-ccp undcr rne rro conrJirion, or te, cenr rn a de.'(caror tor Jb ueek, bcfore birnp
was observed. A possiblc exptanation is thar cvenwirhour .ubiectcd ro,r nress nrength ralioot 0 i. q,rer rhreedar!
wind all the water that reached the surfacc of concrere under loud. halt oi rhe rpecrmcn. uere remored rrom rhe
evaporaled. In other words, lhe ralc of movement of desiccaror r1o placed in rh( laboraror\ $he-e c.rr-
mor,tu-e ro rhe.ur tace tdifluion r"te) go\ er n, rhe rdte ol bonatron occurred ar o5 per c(nl .e'alr\e humidirr. The
lo.. o[ $aler lrom rhe cnncrele. Such beha\ rour saJ (on- rncrease in creep oi lhe carbonared .pecrmen. was ?0
firmed by Russellr6 who observcd rhat during the 6rsr per cent after seven weeks under load (Fig.6.t6). Thermal
phase of drying of cast gypsum there is a conslanr rate aflalysis and carbon dioxide mcasurements indicated
period $ hen rhe difi'u.ron rale cdn t(.ep pace $ ith lhe rdrr that calcium hydroxide was converted to calcium car-
of e!apordrion. a mo;t.rre g,rdienr i, beina e\tabtrrled bonare shrch ua. depo,ired in ,p.ce. tefi b\ rhe cat-
Howe!er. lhe.econd lhase the.urldce dr'ie, oJr ds lhe ciLm hidro\rde and .n jmatler pores. Addirionat creep i.
diffuiion rate i. sm.rller rhan lhe e!apo.alion rale. I hir dllribureLl lo a decrea.c in rhc loao-berring capacity
pha:e re.ched rapidl, Jnd p-esumabtv eii,t. rn prdc undcr load during the chcmical conversion of calcium
^ ol concrere e\posed to $ rnd.
ncal cases
Ofinterest, in conneclion with the influence ol wind on
c.eep. r-e lc.l. oI Jone. /, r/
d)ffer(nl e\f'o.urecundil,on. in the tabor,lor\ and n rhe Alternaling humidity
oper. u h rarn berng able jo co|ec. on rhe .irrace. fhrs A related problem is the behaviour of concrete under
latter condition may inhibit c.eep, alrhough rhis is iar conditions of altermting humidity a situation fre-
Alternating humidity 79
3 400
200 .4'
,l .1 10 100
Time undr oad(log scale) days
F,9 6 /6 Efieclolcarbonationon.rccpoinearcementpasrespccinenssroredatarelativenuridiryol65percenlandloadedatthe
agc oi1:6days: 1A)cxposd lo carbonation aitor thre days underloadr (B)noterDosed to ca;bona6i ao
quently xisting in rcal structures. HaNenal observed in ditions ofpractical exposure in most cases.
1958 that alternating the ambient relative humidity be- Latcr tcstsar of Han scn's showcd thal crecp is increased
tween trro limits results in a creep which is higher than when concretc is cxposed !o variations in relalive humid-
that obtained at a constant humidity within the given ity only if thc load is applied prior 1o first drying out, and
limits. The phenomenon was, in fact, 6rst noticed as far it is only the firs! drying that increases creep. This is
back as 1942 by Pickett,a2 but since no explanation was apparent lrom Fig. 6-17, Nhich shows that exposure ol
available it was simpiy ignored and lorgotten. If this mortar to relative humidity alternatingbetween 50 and 70
behaviour is generally true, it is of considerab)e import- per cent gives creep almost as large as at a constant
ance as laboratory tests performed at a constant relative relative humidity of 50 per cent, and much larger than at
humidity would underestimate the creep under con- the averageconstant humidity of 60 It may be
E a.2
0.1 :
\\ ...
-'-'* "" ;;
l/r' 10 o zo 2wpF^^c!. ,e
allerdryinq at 50iercenl
Time underload days
6.17. CEep defleclion otnortar beans stored at an ahernaline relalile hunidily.+l
80 lniuence ot humidnv on e"r
: 800
d 4AA ^
T me since apptication oi toad
Frq.6.78 Etre.roiclclcvanarioninbunidi
l:!.o1,.*eep olc-ondde udd a susranrcd codpressive load
Io.2r days lnd rh.; subjeoed ,;" ;;;;;;"rf;;::;;",i1;:i.. specimens we.e iog cured
.1,.,k1r. r. aor .rmirarrv anecred o) dn illcs. * dpDtieJ. rhe ifle\er.ibtc cracIrng d,.ronion,
arrernJ(rne rerali\e hrmrdilv there re\cr,ihle
moisture Decone onealed and the re\ulrdnl deto.mat,on
mo!emenr but nu cumularive efiecr ^ rr of
corsrderable mi,gn ude. Duriag 5ubsequent
Te\r, ot 4l qtuii et at.aa confirmed lhdr c\cte5 ot
the Increase or!rng .uch crackrng ooe\ not occur
m crcep rs ndint).due ro the Frr drying: rhe) cr..p ,, nor
mrcro\oncrele \ ith i cemenr sand raLio
used a "na
warer cemenl rario ot 0.58 which sd.
ol l:2 and a Lhdi and Clu(klich. ror\ron resr\ .
tog-cured for 2l _, hore ,:6n1i...6
oays. tuDuidr specimens rj2-mD oulside rnar oryrng under load inrroduces Jntolrooy
drameler of shflnk-
r)mm thrLt I0t5mm Jongt $ere subiecled ro ^ age. evrdenced b) orienled cracking
Re-werring ctose.
alleG rnese crack\ and inlrodule, a lorque oppo,ire
nrrrng cjal.!e h.rm,dirvclcle,ot t00dqd 50 prr ro lhdl
cenl, J. que ro rne apptred toad.
llll, ,:^'u 6.t8. Aficr rhe rfiird cycte oi humrdiry The anrsorropy is much.maller
rn concrete thdn rn neat cement paste.
d,a,. ai,e: ,odJinsr. rhe in(rea\e,n crecp with morrar occu-
negrgrbre. whereas.hlnkage bccdme .e\er.ibte
ua, pylng an rnrermediare posirion.
ar;r rhe
r tr.-or (,{lh humrd } change. tn unia\rul compre*ion, TI,,he,lodd r. appried dher nr.r drlrnC our, shrch
,l,li* ," c,eep ar rhe end or rhe firr orying cycte usualt)_rhe ca\e in prdctice. creep r. con,ide-abl\
rnan.when lhe concrere rs toaded during
rimcs rhe (rerp oc{urrins under d rhe 6r,idrying
:::-.,11.": :"d .B
,*',,. humidiry
ano rs rppro)r-rmaret) equdl ro rhe creep
::l-:?li o, 50 dnd t00 per cenr, re- upper le\et ol retati,e humidity. Thrs
rne consiani
rpe-crrvetv. t-or ro.rsionat ioading. rhe corre.ponding 5rruarion rs illus-
rn- rrared rn rrp. 6 t7 lor a humrdiLJ
cfealer rn creep afler ,he nrsr dryrng alLernalrng berseen 50
clcte wire fou. and dnd ,Upe cedr lheobserred 6nal c,eep is ro-wer
sx rme\ rhe_creeD occLrnng under a connant rha4 ar
numrorrl ot J0 and t00 per (enr. resDecrrret\
relative con.rdnl,humrdilyo[_-0 per cenl. I or tor.ion .pecimens.a
lsnar and CIuc\lich! lound lhal crcep increa.e,
rhe rar iarinns rn rrr,mrcrrr) dre ,rok.
creep on Frsr
Ienos 1 jl creep,. uirh a runhir. atberr irregura,,
ro a \nlue u orrd ha\ e d. rhe con.rdnt
or reralr\e humrdrl) Wilh rapid variarion\.
.owe. lim I.^i,lf!,).iTc
rncred\c,n detorrnarion on dryrng. and a raDid decrease
crecp rends on !uhsequeni \4e ing cl cles tFrs. 6.19t.
ro a value q_htch \aoLlld ha!e at a conslanr
reldtive On rhe bJ.r, of H r n,en\ re(rs.-1 u outd be.udicienrt\
n r,nrdr') hdlJ-sa) bcrueen.he trmij, ol
al.e.natron. Thrs .on'errattre lo d..ume th..r..p o. u.,ru, uru,,r...,o
0eha\ roLr has dl.o been oh.en.<d in ror,ron ul
re,r..,a (nar wnlcn_uould o!cu- dt Ihe
r he ph)..rcdt \ipnrficance ot nr.l
dry rng unocr load rr
lo\ er l,mit ol relali\e
{oxgnt b} Han.en. indn i"-c\er,iblemodincdlinnolsel, num,drry thal ma) oe encou, ered trul rhi,
wa, nol
conhrmed b) L Hermjte and Mamiilan 6
fo5!bl) b) d'ornatron oi r e.J nne crack\ due lo resrrrrnl
o, (n',nkdge bJ unh\dr.ted cemell and
-",. !-.^:lldl.,"o
drrernarins weUrns dnd dryins
dggregate. $ hen rncr(a\e\ l,r of
lhe magnjrude rhe difrerence Eerqeen rhe
Influen e of othe, enuitonments 81
a 1oo
Tlmeunderload days
Iis.6../9 In flucnce oI h ygronet cchanSesoncreepolno a.intorionrthenortarrascuEdinwater
for 28days. then at a relative hmidity ol50 per ent lor 14 days.r.
tolal deformation of a loaded specimen and the de- creep is lower lhe shorter the preceding immersion period.
formation of an unloaded companion. Figurc 6.20 shows Unfortunately, no comparative data are available lor
his results, and it can be seen that the difference in strain, corcrete continuously slored dry or wet.
referred to above, increases rapidly during the wetting L'Hermite and Mamillan6 sludied the behaviour of
period but remains stable during drying. This is plotted concrete exposed to variations in relalive humidity in
in Fi9.6.21. A possible explanation is in rerms of the open air but protected from rain- Theresults are shown in
occurrence of wetting creep which is proportional to the Fig. 6.23, and there appears to be no substantial dillerence
compressive stress acting'3 (page 77). For rhe parricular in creep or ir total deformation belwcen site exposure,
tests, a stress of 9.8MPa compeNated the free swelling where the relative humidity varied belween 60ard 90 per
in water so that there was no net charge in dimensions cent, and storage in the laboratory at a relative humidity
(Fig. 6.20). of 50 per cent. This woutd suggest that alternating rela-
Bernhardtas sub.iected concrete specimens ro alterfla! tive humidity increases creep somewhal beyond that
i g storage in water and in dry air (relarive humidity of 35 at the lower limit of humidity, although the creep of
to 55 per cent) for varying pedods between rhe ages of 10 the laboratory specimens could have been aflected by
and 120 days. The cycles were: (a) two days wer, 12 days carbonation. However, even if this were not the case.
dry; (b) two days wet, five days dry; (c) one day wer, six it is apparent that care is reqrired in applying results
days dry; (d) one-quarter day wet, six and three-quarter of constant humidity tests to site exposure: a small
dals dry Be)ond rhe dge ol 120dd)(.allspecimenswe.e allowance for additional creep corresponding to a rela-
kept underdry conditions. Figure 6.22 shows the resulting tive humidity somewhat lower than the actual lower limit
deformation on a comparative basis, viz. as creep coeffi- of exposure seems desirable.
cjent d (the ratio of creep to the elastic deformation on Generauy, in structural members, the influence of
loading). Two features car be observed. First, after about alternaling humidity on creep would be expected to be
60 days under load, stabilization of creep car be observed. smaller than in laboralory specimens because the larger
Second, in all cases where the total length of the cyclewas the size the smaller the effective rate of drying and
seven days (b) to (d) - lhe creep was sensibly the sarne,
regardless of the length of the wet period. This may
suggest that maximum wetting is achieved in six hours.
The stabilizd value of d was about 1.5 for the seven-day lnlluence ol other envlrcnmenls
cycle and 2.0 for the l4-day cycle. Although the subject of this chapter is mainly tbe
Subsequent drying maintains the higher value of d for influence ofthe quantity of moisture in theenvironmental
lhe I4-da) cycle. Among rhe ,-ddy cycle specimens, air on creep of co cret, it is pertinent to include a review
82 lnlue ce of hrmidit)J o meq
itf .\_
on lr water
----50 Per cent relatlve
Timeunderload - daYS
alr.lnarly in walei and at a relalile huoidrt} ot50
Fi,'6,0, Time.delomalion ol confete.$b*c*d to d,d*e,t (re$es and slored
I unJ{loa! in air "
in water
Sustained stress{MPa):
--_ 50 per cent reLative humidilY
.9 4oo
tl :' -' -' -' --- -i
^,- 4"" - ;' -; -
!,--. ov-,--- -"-----------i
0 50w
I rrc rnder loao - dd)s
he L' o'd"d 'n"flmcn'
lnfl ence of other emironnents 83
a 2.0
400 600
Tlme under oad
arq.6.r.l. Relalionbetwenrhecreepcoeficienrandtimeu.drloadtorcon.retesloGdunderatternatinscondirionsolrelativehumidity
{Bater and dry an) ior 112 days and Lhen srored d.y.45
under a stress of 1l.7MPa.o
of the possible eflec1 of other environmenls to which hand, Hansen\ testsa6 indicated that, lor morta. beams
concrete can be subjected. Here, we are excluding those storedin paralin oil, creep continues at a higherrate after
aggressive environments which for example react chemi, five years than would be expected for storage in waier or
cally with the hydraled cement paste so as to ailect in air, although it should be mentioned that correspond-
strength in an adversc manrer; such a situalion would ing tests werenot undertakeniIIeither of thelatter storage
result in an increase in creep due to the loss of strenglh. environments. Hansen\ explanation for a greater lorg-
Cilosani'?6 found that mortar beams stored in mincral term creep is that adsorbed water molecules are partially
oil ar not subject 1o creep (see Fis. 10.2). On the othcr replaced by hydrocarbon molcules.a6
81 lnllue ce ol humidity on creep
Storage environme.t:
./:-.--- lPenrane
: .-/-)4"'
Tmeunderload - daYS
Iia.6rl. Crcep olconcretc under a conpre$ive $res ol2l MPaaM slore.l inradou. cnrironmentsal21MPa'q
Hannanta? lound no influence on creep whcn speci_ Tesl data are somewhat limited bur some indication o{
mens were slored in bcnzene or in carbon ttrachloride. the influence olsea water, pentane and crude oil is shown
However, methyl alcohol, which has amolecular diameter in Fig. 6.24.4e After curing in fog for 28 days, cyiindrical
of0.35nm,i.e. approximately the same as water,hassome specimens were subjected to aD axial comprssive load ol
clTect on crecp. This would suggest that molecular size is 21MPa and immersed ineach ofthe environments under
the significant factor- a hydrosratic pressure of 21 MPa. Figure 6.24 indicates
The influencc ol sizeofmolecul on strength (known as that creep ifl the hydrocarbon envjronments is greaier
ihe molecular sieve cnect) was dmonstrated by Mills.a3 than creepin sea water. possibly becaus,with hydration,
Thestrength of well-cured concrete increases ondryingso there is lcss free waler availablc in the hydrocarbon
that desiccated concrete has a higher strength thar environments and hence the effec!ive stress/strength ratio
concreie stored continuously in water. However. when is grealer. Unfortunately, a comparison of resuits is
desiccated concrete is resaturated, a strength reduction hampered by a lack of control test data on slrength and
occurs owing to dilatiofl ol the cemnt paste structure and creep in a pure water nvironment. However, the experi-
lhe propdgarron ol microcrack' While resarurarron in mentersae conclude that the environments investigated
\ ater reducs strength to a level similar to lhat of con_ are not detrimental to the time-dpendent properties
tinuoudy moist-cured concrete, benzene and paraffin, of concreie provided the latter is of low permeability,
with rcspective molecular sizes oi approximarely 0.7 and i-e. a concrete having a high cement content and low
l nm,havelittle eflect on strength reductiol. On thcother water,/cement ratio.
hand, resaturation with ethyl alcohol which has a mol-
ecular size ofO.5 nm produces a similar strength to that oi
water.43 Thus it appears that. with resaturaiion, areas of
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Kyoto, Japa., Aug. 1971, pp. 257 6l oi concrete in contact witlr presurized hydrocarbons and
HANNANT, D. J., The nechanism ol creep in conc.ete, na qdkt. OTa 2662. of{.hr< l ahaoloqr .,.nl, r. \ !.
it uteriak a d Stu.tures. Paris, 1. No. 5, l96tl, pp. 403 l0 HoDston. Te\as, 1976.
Chapier 7
luence ol temperature and
curing on creep
Temperature is thc second maj or environmental lactor in elaslic strain at application of load so that our adopted
-'eep Thi. elTe.r .. u.u"ll) con,idered ro be le* impo,rant definition ofcreep in Chapter 2is maintained. Atconstanl
:Lan r.latile humidity since in the majority ofstructures normal temperature, the modulus of elasticily oi sealed
-:: .ange of operating tcmperatures is small. Howcver, concrete increa'es slrghllJ {rh dge (and thi' inrrease is
:: has been observedl that more creep takes place in ofren insignificant), while the modulus ofdrying concrete
rr-Iressed concrele bcams in hoi weather, even if it is decreases due to the loss of load bearing evaporable
:..ompanied by a high humidity, than when the air is cool waler. The influence ol temperature on the modulus of
.rd dr). Moreover, in recent years, the interest in the elaslicity, as rcportedby several investigators, isshown in
::mperature effecis on crcep has been stimulated by the Fig. 7.1 as the ratio ofmodulus at the test temperature to
:\- ol prestressed concrete pressure vessels in nuclear the modulus at 20"C. For drying concrete, the efiect ofan
:.actors. The service conditions herc involve tempera- increas in temperaturc is to reduce the modulus over the
:;res around 95'C (but this depends on the rype of the temperature range 50 to 10o'C. For mass-cured (sealed)
.a..orl. ,reep rcmperalLre gradtents and tar'ou\ (om- or water-stored concrete. the modulus is also reduced as
rinations oftemperature and pressure. As the vesscl walls the temperature increases, the effect beirg greater lhan
":e usuaLlyin excess of,l.5 m thick, we arevirtually dcaling when water can be expelled from the concrete. The data
:irh mass concrele. In mass concrete structures. wbcre for sealed concrete, shown in Fig. 7.1, are for concrete
::nc.ele urdergoes a temperature cycie, even if the which is heated a short time (approximately 24 hours)
:iibient lempcrature is constant, the problem of rhe before being subjected to load, during which period the
:riuence oltemperature on creep is also important- rise in temperature is thought to ircrease the mobiiity of
While the design stresses both in nuclear pressure moislure so lhat thc sti$ness of the solid structure is
r.ssels and in mass concrete structures such as d?rms are
generally very low, ihe eflects of timedeformation may On the other hand, ifsealed concrcte is subjected to a
:e important, so thal a reasonably accurate prediction of higher temperature thronghout its life, or during a long
period before application of 1oad, the effect of temperature
Sl.ictly spaking, as in the case ofhumidi!y, wc should is to accelerate hydration, and ifl consequence the con-
dislinguish between the lemperature during rhe period of creteis more mature.Inthis case, the modulus ofelasticity
curin g preceding the application oi load and the tempera, is nol signjGcantly affected by temperature, as was found
iure while the concrete is under load. In the fomrr casc. by Nasse( and Nevilleq and by Hannant,lo over the
:be properlies ol co1(rele. a, lar a. h)dralron rs con- temperature range oi21 to 95"C.
cerned, are more affected and this may modily rhe creep
behaviour in addition to thc more direct inffuence of
Iemperature on the aciual creep process_ However, ac- lnlluence ol lemperalure on basic creep
cording to Ross r, al..':the effects of.eduction in viscosity In the firsl instancc. wc shall consider ihe influence of
of rhe detor,nab]e phd.e dnd ol increa,e rn vxpour temperature on basiccreep, i.e. the case ofsealed concrete
pressure, when the temperature increases, are greater than lo represent mass-curing or lo represent concrete pre-
the increased bydration in both sealed and unsealed dried and sealed before loading, and also the case of
water-stored concrete.
One otthe earliest tests on the influence oltemperature
lnlluence ol temperature on etasticity on creep is that ofTheuera in 1937 who found that creep
doubled berween '0 ard 45 lor $eFsrored specimens
Before discussing creep, it is pe(inent to consider the loaded ai three days- de la Pefra" found creep of 1:1
irfluence ol temperature on the elastic proprties ol mortar specimens siored under water to be proportional
concrete since seveml investigators have reported thar the to the temperature in the range 0 to 50'C. Serafim and
Todrlu, o[ ela'lrcrr] decrease. wIh an increa,e in Guerreiro's testsl':on mass-cured concrete.loaded at the
iemperature, and tlis'relaxatio 'olthe material could be age ofthree days, showed that the rate of creep at 45 'C is
rhought to berelevant to creep.It should be noled that we higher than at room temperature dudng the first four to
are concerned with the inlluencc oftemperature on c.ecp five days after application ofthe load; thereafter, the rate
laken as the strain in excess of the tcmperature-aflecled ol creep is the same in both cases so that a constant
8\ /ry',c4. nt Pqt eJnJ urit 4i'c t
r 1.0
6 o1 .-_\.
100 300
Temperature .C
.arq i-1. Innuene ol temFrature on speilic crcep of concrele und.r bialial compre$ion:
temperature, this latter observatjon is oi considerable that a rapid-bardening Portland cement was used which,
,o.crher nilh currnP al ele!"led lemperalure. e'ulled in a
rl srs reported lhat 'rrenglh
ln lhe Ii,(l inre.rrgalron niih matu irr befoie rhc applicarion .'f lodd xl rhe age o[
and modulus of elasticity werc not significantly affectcd
,o_,1,t. 116uerer. in d laler paper by Nas'er and
l.ohtia.1l of
who used the same mix and age at applicxiion
b\ lemperalure durrng lhe pe'rod ol cteep te\lrng o\cr lhe of93'C.
timperature rangc.rl roob C. fhc'eason ao!inr'd ud' load, it was reportcd that, above a
two separate lines: for creep ploiled against the logarithm Temperaiure,6 - 'C
of time underload, one straight lineforcreep up to 21 days F,r 7.7. lnn uence of tenpeml ure on ciep a tio (exp.e$ed as rh. ra tio
ol creep at aconslanlsress/nrenslb rario ar tmperature ero creep at a
and another for creep after 21 days.In contrast to the first
rJlJdrr.r,esr'Prgt' r cr,:. cr"ne 80d"y.unde'ludu,torrle
Deriod. the majorilJ ot lesrs indicare rhar ll-e ma\imum
92 Infue .e of tempelatute and crting on creep
ir./.rsc in creep over that at 2l 'C. at a constanr
stress,rstrength ratio. measured from the 21-day creep.
occurs at a tempcrature ofapproximately 70"C and, on a
lurther temperature rise, the jncrease of creep is reduced.
Ol course, this docs nor always imply thal an actual
maximum dlre oI creep at a constant stress/strength ratio
occurs at a lemperature of70'C since the creep during the
first 2l days under load is a conrrihutiDg factor.
Howcver, the maioritt, of experimenlal evidence does
suggest lhat basic creep nlay become a maximum in the
rcgion ol rn I uher rhe.||..., nreng.l lIr,i .ernain\
corstant and whcn the concrete is cured ar lhe test
lemperature lor a long period belore the application of
load. i.e. for concretc ofa greater maturity.
In connection with the earlier comments on thc re- ---:-1e|
a./ 2a
duc tion in strenglh with an increase in tem perarure. i! is of
intcrest to repo( thc resulrs ofHannant.r0 Using concrete
cured in water lor 6v months, iollowcd by an addilional
month sealed in a salLrraled condition at a remperature ol
20'C and heared 2.1 hours bcfore application of load.
Hannant measurcd creep lor pe.iods underload up to 733
days.Ir general, ir was found thatcreep was proporrional (b)
to theapplied stress lor the range4.8 to 11.8 Mlq and lhc 9
specific crccp increased with an increase in temperaturc
up to 95'C (Fi-q. 7.8). In addition, it was reported that rhc
modxlus ofclasticity initially reduces as the temperaiure I
increases b t recovers slowly at higher temperalures to a
value approaching that al no.mal temperatures, and also
thal lhe strenglh decreases with prolonged storage at
elevaled temperature. This finding is similar ro thal ot
Nasser and Lohtia" and implies ihat at higher rempera,
(d) 1
0 100 2@
Trme under oad(log scale) (/+1)dars
Time under road days
a(.7 9. Relarron between logarithm olspecilicela$ic nrain plu$basic
aia. 7.d lnUuene oI temperaruE on! oI sarurared and creep and logarithm oI lime under load lor concretes srored a! various
.eJel !on._e. L. 1de. or'l " op-. .'r mon l-.: .r.'r (nr ned eo 24 lemferalures: aBe al ap|licatDn oI load: (aJ 7 daysr (b) 28 days;
h.u^ befvre ordnE 2Eda\lubeitre,srh:5lMir o (c)60daysi ldl l30daysrand (el.lcrodrrs'"
IaJlueru:e of temperature on bdsic oeep 93
tures the stress/strength ratio increases so thar creep at a and 50 pcr cent relative humidity until approximately two
constant slress/strength ratio would be less. days prior 10 application of load, when rhey were sealed
Browne and Blundcllle advocate a po\rer telarion ro and heated. Thus, as the concrelc was pre-dried at rhe time
express creep as a funclion oltemperature lor thcir results of sealing, the subsequent creep can bc considered to be
and also lor other investigators' resu1rs.e.t6 Tests on basic creep ola concrele wilh areduccd cvaporablewater
sealed concrete indicated an incrcase of specific creep with content- The ralio of specific crep at elevated tempera-
an increase oltemperature over the rarge 20 to 91.5'C for ture to the specific creep at 20'C is shown in Fig.7.1l,
ages at application of load bel\r,ccn seven and 4U) days which shows thal pre-dried concrele subjcctcd to elevated
(Fig. 7.9); spccimens were sealed and stored at 20'C unril temperature at a later age leads to a higher specific creep
heating to the lest temperature shorlly before application relative to that at normal temperature. lt may be noted
ol a stress of 14.6 MPa. These tests were continued for a that, for the 29-day loading, the compressive strengths
period of six yea.s and it is likely thar srrcngth was were similar at the temperatures of 40 and 70 "C and were,
aflected, althoughno values arereported. Theinfluenc. of in facl.20 per cenl greater than the strcngtb at 20 "C after
age at application of load on specific elaslic strain-plus- 70 days under load. Refcrring to Fig.7.1l, thc ellcct ol lhc
basic creep is similar at elevated remperarure to that at increaseinstrengthisappareni:theincreaseincreepfrom
l0'C. as can be sn from Fig. 7.10. 20 to 40'C is lower, there being an increase in strength.
Seki and Kawasumi'1 also investigated fie influence ol but the increase in creepis greaterfrom 40 to 70'C, there
temperature (20 70 'C) on creep for ages at appiication ol being no change in strength.
load of 29 and 100 days;specimens were cured at 20'C So far we have been concerned with the influence of
remperarure or bdsic creep shen lhe re.r remperarure i'
raiscd at least 24hours beforethe load is applied, and tlvo
importanl poinls are relevanl to the dependence ol
temperature on creep: the maturity (or degree of hydra-
tion) at ihe time at application of load and rhe change ir
strength during the period of sustained loading. Thus, if
the temperatureis raised some time before theapplication
oi load, the concrete has a higher maturitv and a lower
subseqLrent creep than if the temperature is raised just
prior to. or during, thc application of load, when the
z This behaviour is apparent in lhe lesls olRuetz," who
attributcd the ditrerence in the creep lemperatLrre re-
lation 10 a change in the hydration process when cement
2AA pa,re,Itecrmcn. {ere heaLed and loaoed al rhe,Jme Ilme
E iso
6 100 9
. aggresate
G- !Limesioneaggreoaie
71A14 2A 100 2 60 80
Aqe at appticalion or oad (tos scale) ais. 717 Influen.e ol age ar applicadon 01 load on basic creep.aiio
F,, 71, lnfluence oI len!.rature on specilic elastic strain-plulbasic (expre$ed as theratio or crep at t6t temprarure io reep ar 20'C) ar
cnepoa th@ concreresnadewith thrcedifrerent aggreeales ior various larious rmpeiarures lor concrete pre-dried and lhen sealed and healed
ases a1 applicalion olload:arplied nre$ - 2 dals prior to loadine 10 E 9 MPa trr
94 I lluence of temperctute ani curins on crcep
(Fig. 7.12)j at above 40"C thc accelerated
compensale the increased creep al higher temperatures-
On theotberhand, when the specimen is completely dried
out by beingsubjected to a higher lemperature before rhe
application of load, creep increases steadily with an
increase in lemperalure.
Similarly, the influence of maturity at the time at
application ofload is apparent in the tests ofHansen aDd
Eriksson,rr who inaestigated the sequence ofhcating and
loading usingflexural mortar spccimens. They lound that
heating before loading led to lower creep compared with
heating afler application of load (see Fig. 7.13I all
specimens were permane tly submerged so that any
,6 influence of relative humidity was absent- lt is possible
that th observed dillercnce is due to the effect of the
temperature change prrs, similar to the efect ofa change
in .clative humidity (se Ch. 6).
Finally, an interesting example of the practrcal srg-
nircanccollhcrn( ffie rn c-eep w'rh lemperi lure i. giren
by Ross e, al.:'1 a unilormly prestressed sealed beam was
subjectcd to a temperature gradient, as shown in Fig-
7.141a). The defleclion induced by initial heating was
020406080 gradually reduced to on{hnd ofits value (Fig. 7.14 (b))
Temperature 'C because ofthe ligher creep ollhe hotler part of the bcam.
F,a 7./, Inlluence oi lefrperalure on specijic creep after six days under
(a) hearedand Ioaded at lhe sane linci lnlluence ol temperature on lolal creep
(b) pE dried bliore loading 1:
The discussion on the p.eceding pages concernd con-
crete which is scaled so thai moislure exchangc with the
cxte.nal environmentis prevented while concreteis under
load. Mar6chal'a performd crccp tesls at temperatures
up to 400'C on unsealed specimens which were moist
Prpf-dled coo Fo a.o roadeo bplo'eheal lgdl2'C pe Lrour
l:ir. z/J. Influcncc oirhe sequence oi healing and l.adins on crcep deflecrion otnortar beams:r
I fuenrc of tenperatute on total creep 95
L-----------J 58.5
(a) Av6rageternperalure
dislributron ("C)
E l'i.
Timesinceapp lcation oiheat - days
aia. 7.r?. la) Temperature disribution in a presrresscd .oncrele bedni (b) Efit oiheatingon denection.,
cured for one ycar and then heated slowly ro the desired investigators.2a,26 In general, pre-dried concrete at a high
temperature and maintained at it for 15 days prior to the temperature shows little or no creep when subsequently
applicalion ofload- Figures 7.15 and 7.16 show thatcreep subjected io a lower temperature under load.
70 C. redches a minimum
'.lcredces up lo 50o( , is lers ar Arthanari and Yura compared the creep of uNealed
a1 105 "C, and then increases again up to 400.C. A plor of concrete dabswith thecreep ofsealed specimens reported
therate of creep versus temperature is showrin Fig.7.17, earlier(page 88)after40days underload. Theyfound that,
which also gives results for concrete pre-dried at 105 "C whereas the basic creep at 80'C was approximately twice
for one month prior to the application of load.,4 It is the basic creep at 20'C, total creep at 80"C was rhree
apparent that heating acclerates the rate ofexpulsion of l,mc\ the rorrl creep dr 20'C. Ihus, lhe incredse in lo-
evaporable moisture from the unsealed concrete so that t
lal crecp at ele\ared lempcralure due ro an increase in
when all the moisture has been removd ihe rate of creep bolh ba.rc creep and drvrng creep. rhe ,atrer berng associ-
is greatly reduced and becomes equal to thar ofpre-dried ated with an acceleration of the loss of moisture. The
importarce of moisture content both bfore and after
Hickey\ tests2s on unsealed concrele were undertaken application ofloadis apparent from Seki and Kawasumi's
in a test chamber so rhal the relative humiditv was lests;rl here, concrete was cured at a relative humidity of
all^ued ro rJrv wIh Lemperature. Spcimen\ tr ere t;aded 50 per cent and at 20'C before the application ofload at
to 5.5MPa after one month of moist curing and an 29 and 100days. The results for sealed concrete subjected
additional month ofcuring at 50 per cent relative humid- to elevated temperature are giver in Fig. 7.i 1. which can
ity.Immediately after the application of load, the tempera- be compared wi th the creep of unsealed concrete shown in
ture was raised dowly (over a period of 24 hours) to rhe Fig. 7.19. For the early age at application of load, total
tesl temperature. Figure 7- 18 sbows the creep aftervarious creep at 40'C is much grcater than basic creep but, at the
times under load and the results do nor indicare a Iarse higher temperature of 70'C, total creep is roughly equal
inlluence on creep ollhe relari!e humrditl po. * Uur tfie to basic creep. For a later age at application ofload, total
varialion in relaiive humidity, except at the lowest creep becomes less than basic creep as both the tempera-
temperalure, was smail. lure dnd time under load rncrea.e Thi. beha\iour can
Theuera found that uNealed coflcrete pre-dricd at be explained by a combination of two effects: a lower
110"C exhibited small creep, which was independenr of evaporabie water conlent at the age at application of load
the subsequent temperature for the range and.'ub.equen,.a redutedconlnbuLionotdrrngcreep
-3 to 51'C, a
finding which has been confirmed by several other to the creep o[uffealed concrete-
96 tnlue ce ol temperatute and curins an creep
Ta r-
.,---::- --=..--,-.-
105 and 150
-,.'--r-'- y-..-
,t2'-' .--""
,-*-150 _
:==.--=-.'" 105
..4.- e:-;Z:2.-::;=;-'
"1 2 3 5
82 110
4i4.7.18. Influene oi tmperalurc on cr*p ol concrer when rlarjve nunidily h allowed toaary.:r
98 lnfl ence of temperuture a d curing on creep
Stored n raborarory
Timeunder load (days):
Temperat!re 'C
fir.7.l9. Influeneolaeeal appliatlon olloadon tolal creep ari. ar
elcvaled tempcrarures {expressed as the ralio of crep al lest tenpera
ture to creep at 20"C)ior unscaled.oncrcle at a relativehumidity oI50
percenr undl trodaystelore applicaxon ol load l 0204060
Time under oad - days
1.4.-.' r'efollro/.'.or!'ere l'8')Tr\.s.'crt'T.1rrrrro
a o.2 04 0.6 03
Slress/sirenqth ratio
au 72, Relation between.rcep ol concrele ailer 9l days under load an d stress,]s lreng lh ratio lo r d iflerenl lcm ures otsrorase.,
vestigalorsto lt
have rcported a proporlionality between these terms being given as:
basic creep and applied stress for any constant tempera-
ture between 20 and 80'C, whilc Nasser and Lohtia'?
dmonstrated lincarjtyfor temperatures up io 230 "C and
+,: l'"
rt,t tar 11.2)
for sl.esses up ro 0.7 of rhe initial strcngth at rhe
application of load. In general, therefore, it isjusrinable to t,,,: lt '| %l [7.3]
study ihe ellect of temperature through specific creep, Be-B(t+bfiEp)
allhough it should bc appreciared rhat, when srrength u.1)
vares, c.ccp is influenced by the rpproximate stress/ t94
strength rule (Ch. 5). ' ,*[ 1oo l''
p I 253.2 i
prediction ol baslc and totatcreep at etevated
Bazant and Panula'z3,'ze proposed a modified version of
their model described in Chapter 12 ro allow for thc
influence ol tcmperature when predicting creep from mix
,:*(oJ'(r' u.7l
paramelerc;the tcmperature remains constant during the where A: lemperalure (K).
crecp process bLrt may vary prior to rhe appiication ot
,o : rcference temperature : 298K(25 "C),
load. For basic creep,2s two inffuences of elevated
temperature are recognized: an i.crease in the ratc of fu : age of thc concrete when lemperature 0 is
creep and a reduction in creep due 10 accelerated hydra, applied.
Ion. Slarlrnc lrom rhc e\presion for lhe ba.ic crccp B: coeficient relared to the 28day strength
coeficient at normal temperature given in Chaprer 12 (t12.511).
([12.49]). the basic creep coefficient d;1,.,o) at elevaied w
temperature bccomes: \later/cemeni rario b) weighl.
,rbll.rur : B,[li"qr "+0.05](r roT, t7.11
: : aggr(tsate/cement rrno b) weight,
where I age of concrete,
and to : age at appiicalion of load.
and ar : coefficint to allow for the type ofcemenr: 1.0
Thecoemcients Ba and rd are iunctions of temperaturc, lor ordinary Portland ccment, 0.91 for rapid,hardening
and r.q is thc equivalent hydration period (or maturiry), Portland cerncnt, and 1.05 for low-hear porrland cement.
100 Influen.e of temperature ond cutins on teep
Bazant and Panula']s claim thal the modelis valid over V
a remperatu. range of
20 to 120'C bur. beyond 95'C. = volxme,\Drlacc .atio ofthe member lmm),
the model gives only crude estimates of creep and does
not predict the decrease in creep which has been observed and l" is a shape factor given by 12.461.
in the region of 100'C.e '5,'6 The drying diffusilirl is expressed as
Whcn concurrent drying occurs. the inlluence ol
elevaled tempcralure on total creep is modelled by an
,/r \ o ,l 100"'. t
':lr;10n5 /bl\r.l
acceleralion oi dryirg and of aging.':l'For further details I I
O' ft .t a) : f'hlt,t a) + O'dl t.,o,r"h.o) Ad,;(,,,o,,.h.0). The decrease in thc basic crccp coemcient resulljng
from drying, Api,(r,i,,.r.,, .lin [7.8], is obtained from the
[7.8] modiiled form of [6.7] to allow for the influence of
When the elevated lcmpcrature is constant during the
creep process (bul can vary prior to loading), d;(,.ro)is
givcn by [7.i] axd the drying creep coemcicnt is cstimated A?,i(r, ro, r"r o) : 0.83(1 10 a/r'1)
Iiom thc follo\,,ing expressions:
,|, +^r00l d; ,,o1
l0 trn1 5)(..q) ^' t'.r61
dl,(r,ro.r",.u): 4(l h I
.11 + 10rl,! (r4(ri) where Ar,h is the reduced period of drying resulting from
For a step-lunction ol temperature histor]:
and n r,ro t 1e
^. r,, r ,hlror r,! z,-hiu)
Bi:11+.:lIUI 8"r.". f7101
L The lotal creep coeficienr.r'(r,ro) given by [7.8] is
In the above, based on lhe so-calied asympiotic modulus ol elaslicity
(see Ch. l2), and the usual total creep coemcient, i.c. the
."h.0 = age when d.yirg commences, ratio of total creep io the elastic slrain at application of
ad is given by [12.60] and [12.61], Ioad, rs obtained lrom [12.6]1.
r.h., is given by [12.451.
I : relative humidrty ofslorage (pc. cent). Creep under varying temperature
t.q is given by [7.2],
m and n are functions of 28-day strength (t12.521 and
ln the ca.licr discussion. mention was made of the
inflxenceon creep of thetimeat which the tcmperature of
[ 12.53], respccrively).
concrete is raiscd. Thc influence of temperature on creep
[ / q1\
__ ,41 was sho$n to be greater when conc.ele is heated soon
andK.:l+04 l+l l, ll '
)\1 )l I
[7. ] 1] betore application of load than when it has been at the
higher lemperaturc since de-moxlding. Application of
In [7.10]. the tcrm A.:h is the reduced period of drying !erL Lo conc-ete alre,ro) u"Ll(r lo,o cau,e, Jl lcrcJ\( ,n
before application of the load resulting from heating
(lo > /"h, o ) and, for a step-function ol tcmperature hisrory: Cyclic variation rn temperature down lrom a sready
valuehas no ellecl on creepif sealed specinrens have been
ar., -
'h oi {ro /e, .a",.. - t) heated to the sleady lemperature before applicatlon of
'" r.h(8,,) /,, ,,.h(0)' "
riL lo-d r" Han"er-rt.o oh.rr.cJ rha ri rhe.erper,IU-e
In the above exprcssion and in [7.9], r,,,,,.h is the lowered aftcr a period at a higher temperature (the
.hflnlage,quare half rnc r.,, page 2001 uhr(h r, J specimen conlinuing under load throughout) the'erccsj
lunction of the member size and drying diffusivily creep is not rcovered. It appears thus that later de
D(,.h o,0), i.e. lormalion is not alTected by carlier creep.
Howevcr, Wallo er a1.13 lound lhat a change in
: o(u':)' - lempcratur increases creep regardless of whether the
r;" J)
change is posilivc or negative. This crn be seen lrom a
Creet unrler Mryinq temperiturc l0j
pcriod ol clcling ra.glng liom o.e to tbur davs. Thv
"<d,ld c(.r ,c! .e. r. t ,ri\.. ro.n"r
ai thc mean tenrpcraturc and ma1 elcn be "ll.;...rur,
qrearer than
that uhich would occur ar the upp"..ort ti.n,p..oLur".
The .elation betwccn ttre ratio of crecp xndcr cvctic
'rmperdl,,'p, ro rhe Lreep rl,he n."n
s c"n.rn,e-pc-o-
iure.d,, is of thc iorml
a: ctxh(t^r) tr.18l
= whcrel:aconsranr
remperalure (.c): ---"":---.---'-'
6 2a ,-!
E 1500
g 5@
u 50 100 150 2t
The elastic strain is expressed throuah the shear increment ofdelayed elastic strain Aed is:
modulus ol eiasricity G(Gpa) which varieslittlc with age
and decreases with temperarurc 0(.C) as follows:
G:a-bq j u.2tl
t?.191 ^sd:locd- "(, "
where a : 14-3 and b :0.018 lor Illstor and Sanders,
where d : delayed elastic strain at the start of the
Delaled elas c srdin ror creep recotery) hai a timrrrng interval. and
.pecrhcmdgnildde(."1I0 "pe; \4Patshichi.retaredro
Q : rate parameter:5-2 x l0 6perMPa lor
temperalure by: lllston and Sanders' tests.33
Cd.:x+]o t7.201
The value of0 is obtained irom thecreep recovery and
flow data (s Ch 13).Inrelation to the other componeflts
where r=6.9 and ]:044 for Iltston and Sarders, ofstrain, the delayed elastic strain is usually small and, in
many analyses of concrete structurcs, can be neglecled
For a timc inrerval during $hl\h rhe srres\. rcmain, without prejudicing the accuracy of the overall predic-
constant and the change h specific llow is Adr"", the
144 lilluetu e of tempeh ute and curhq onieer
Thc lransitional thermalcreepis defined as the strainin
excessollhecreep a1a constnnt lcmperalurc which would
have oocurred had the tempcialrre not changed undcr
Ioad. TIis component of crccp can be crprersed as r
rLr,r1 , olrl-e.t"rpe oi.n1e"'rurd, re n''rrr r' 42
independcnr of maturii-\ and its magni!ude ls uralTected il
rne Lemn( o. \rdca I .
n.lcr_in.' nl r,
'.n1eruit' .,ppl.c., ."cce... . Il'. rr 'l rrn. ue or
.ter'ii. l.,n.irror l'ermr'Jreep( s , ri 'nrr \41'J.'
--- Predicred cuNe
tt -
Cb = ul. 2Ot) L(d 2o)) l-l I
-.- S mpliied Predlct on
, 1,...'\
A.s:rr,. .,11 1 . " )
oT 40 60 ao
Tlme under oad daYS
, _l/ LD m o
: i.o_Vn '_r''d
where AC,. change ir limiting specific transitional ...'-. elp e' Ji ""
lhernai creep ([7 2]l).
in [].2ll..dis thc transitional thermalcreep aL the star!
ol th; inte.val during which lhe specific flo* is A.'r r6
i.e. using th flow at a tempcralure oi 76'C. Thc raie
o-r amerer P r' Jl.o -elJ Fd ro \r ud rr' trl - h'-rle-Jl-r( ' /
io C rnd ,, rorrr.l 'n . 'imil,cr r" 0 L-: he
value ot P $as 9.1 x l0 6 per NIPa lor lllston a d
whcre ,4:500 and B :512 r l0 I lor Illston and
As slrted on page 101. transilionai thermaL crecp occurs lqid,ru,^ l:-,.,nd _r''. Io"
l-'"1 "-. Jnpl.c.ole a
onl! when a rrarticular temperaltrre lnc.casc occurs lor rerrper J .rre ran!r.r l0 J a. i rleo e" rrer.
lhe first time. lhjs means that ii the tcnrperatur de- "nJ.'or
temperetures beiwcen l6 and 95 C. a .eduction factor ic
creass. the transilional thermal creep is zero and, cimi- necessarv to yicld the approprialc flow strain masler
larly, it is zero when the tcmperaiure is increased, in lhe cu.ver the neccssity of a reduction facto. seemingly sug-
co-r.J o .)clrn8 r.' i ',e.uld .r . ib'coLe rr liml eests a conllrmatron oi a reduclion in basic crep which
Thc fourth component ofslrain influcnced by icmpera- has bccn observed in some prelious tesis.
turc is flow. Fo. tcmperaturcs belween 20 and 76 C. lhe The expenmeni.ll lcrification olih. above mcthod for
Ilow strain is lound fronr a single nraster curvc in $hich p,eoi.r'nP '.-rrrJ .or.rr'J .o \ir\inc (n-
flow is plotied against wcighled maturitv l]i. the Latler e tr.o-c. .ho$n rr lig. - ru -)u. r' 'h-
rcing de ,rco "' rhe rrreg-.. or ''nnerdrL c m.,r-riJ. ".,".1r
io,'on,' o,.,,.1 '/.urrrin \rc.r1en' lr .J.r he 'eer
Ihat the ;urvcs predicted using [7 19] Io [7'26] are in
satislactory agreement with lhe measurcd curvcs Aiso
* = \"orrot [].:51 shoun ln lig. 7.27 is the simplified predictioD curve for
which ihe elasric sherr modulus is assumed to be inde-
: lrom 10'C' oeroer' "'.mprraru-e\l- l' l:rnd rherrr.n"r rmee''
i, :l .,,oP, - r,'J'eresle.r.d'nrh:I
whcre 0' t.mperatLrre mcxsured 1erc' \eo
and I : age ol concrele. c-r.rc n'ar1 xlo rrdn.r'r'1dl L\.rm.'l ( 'rp n'L rr rn_
Sl,ecific no\\ er."(10 per MPa)
6 is a function of stanianeoxsly;!le loss olaccuracy does nol appcar to bc
; 2ooo
80 120
Timesince apptication oi toad
ai, 7.r8 Expe.inental rnd p.edicted srains Ior moaar subjecred to increnenrs ol temperalure: loaded to a t.Bional strc*
0 67]tlPa al rhe ase of56 days.rl
-- t0 40 60 80 100
Tlme since applicar on ol toad
li, 729. ExperimenEl and predicted sr.ins lor morrar subtected to a aiqh lemperalure cunne cycle before lhe
lr'!. v 0o-VPd..rhe o'b8 ddl
106 lnll &ting t)n trctp
enc,: oJ tenpetdture arul
Thc e)ipe.imental currc ol Fig. l.l9 is ol interest 7.1. The creep values are after onc to three years Lrnder
bccausc a pre-loading clclc ol iemperaturc lvar applied loadt such a pcriod gi\es a much more realisiicjudgemenl
lor two dals Ilere. a reduclion ol transitiural thcr ol tle behaliour than i thrcc da) Iaboralo.) tcn.
mal crecp occurred over lhc tcmperature rl]]rgc 40 lo It can bc sccn fronr Tablc 7.1 that dre clttcts olthe tlpe
-58 Crr and this obscrvation could be ol practicai impor- olcuring arc modified to a nrlnor eritent by the parliculaI
tancc in situatlons where creep rs 1.r be minimised, !'nr',lJ1oagg-e!.ll.,l.eJ\D,.l].,'l,',
e.g. in prestressed concreie membcrs rubjectcd lo high reducc! c.eep and shrinkage morc when Typc III cemenl
is uscd rlan with Type I cemDt. The behaviour ofstca -
cured concrete mxdc \rith lighlwc]8it aggregate is sinlilar
!o normal aggregate concrete.ri However, lightweighl
lnlluence ol sleam curing and autoclaving aggregatc olten leads ro higher thrinkage and a somewhal
Low'prc!!ure stelm curing reduccs crcep.:5 For inslance. highcr elastic dformation. For this rea$on. the ratio ol
steam curing at 6i 'C lbr 1l hcurs rcduces creep by l0 to crccp to elaslio delormation (creep ooeflicient d) mav be
50 per cen!. partly bec.lusc oiihe accclcraled hydration ol higher than when normal rggrega!c is used. Forinstancc.
ccnenl,-1rn--') _(., . ol h<T,r'.ure o..''icr' itr Radkevlchrr obtained !alues of 1.7 lo 1.0, and 2.4lor lhe
when thc hot specimcns are remoYcd to a drier and cooler t\\'o concreles, respeotively.
atmosphere belorc the application olload. For the same With autocla!ing, cr.cp and shrinkage after three-\eari
,e..lhxn J,'
reason, shrinkage is also rcduced. Dala of the ACI rnder lual " F pene d l) rer (enl or \a. re. [.
(lommiiiee oD Low Pressurc Sieam Curing are rep.o m. j.r ., , na lnS.-m"n,l(!l!.-3iu,\ nEol.un(-e.-
duced in Iig. 1.30. reU-. io'he J' J.t loLr1r.J.1'n nircd \'rh ner-n cL rrs "
E1lensive data on thc iniluence ofcuring on creep $ere 65 C, but thc moduius ol elasticity was reduced bl- 30 per
obtain.d hy Hanson.rn Figure l.l1 shows the spccilic cenl. lypical creep time curves for autoclavcd concrelc
creep tnne relatiolr lor nonn,lllr--cured. low-prcsqxre and for a mixture oicement and silica flour are shown in
\r.^m-cured and dulocla!ed co n cretes mad with normal Fig.1.,12. The latter exhibited creep l2 times smaller than
\|cight and elpanded shalc aggregates. Shrinkage ol nornrally curcd neai cemcnt paste. We may add tha! the
compa ion spccimenr has bccn \ubiracted. I! is evident r\^ 1no ncdr ) he."m. r' . dL L. olc r'r" i \.
that xccclc ted cxring appreciablr reduces creep. Thc With auloclaving, lhe effect oD creep of lhe age at
extent ol reduction i! scen best if thc concretes being loading is viriually absentr6 siDce the struclure of the
compared have the samc strength a nd this is donenr Table hydratcd tasle is not lxrlher modified by lhc passage oJ
Agealapplicat on o1
load (days) and curing condition:
/ .,--_----:_-------z{{-'
ii, rYPerrrcemenr
!iI 2A
! ----'-'-=-.
i -a^;i;; -
A r5o
/::"=, 2as
:-),'----:, o iii
500 1000 0 500
Time under oad daYs-
a,a. 7.J1. Crcep of concEte subje.le.l to dif*enl curins conditlons. M = noislflEdi S
: sleam_curedr A= a'i"l'!'nl
raierpandea sfate aeEreeatc. and (b) sand and eravel assreB.te]6
103 Inlluen.e af tempetdtlte and cutins on tte?p
IdDl. I J CEep a.d ihrnrklseoa low frc$ure {eam-cured.rnd !u1..lnled c.ncreles oleqlrl'ompre{r\c nrengLh
R.Lr i.e \a ue or .hr nLaec
Tlpe I Tlpe lil Type I Tyla III TlpeIIJ Tfpe I TlPe IIJ
r00 62 24 24 100 28 20
t00 11 100 90 ?4 26 2r
100 66
lnlluence ol irradialion
I Practical tests on thc influence ofi..adiatiofl on c'eep nre
pc'1.'r n 'ne e\f. rrllen rr a'ei'ol"ql'
.lo.L "ne, high r raor' r oi fl-' hJ' "be"fnried'rnd
this $ould raiac the temperature in lhe core ol the
cuncreLe .De('r.e I ro lndl'.e o l'e-r l'"' lhcrm:
.r*..., tn<irrccr e',den.c '"'. rh '(lo c. 'o oc '\rain'd
irom the ellects ol radiltion on srrengrh and laslicit) oi
Lossduetosh, ikase
! g !
Blastiurnace slag Expanded shale Sand and Blastlurnaceslag Expanded sha e Sandandqrave
Type lcemenl Type lll cemenl
l:,a 7.JJ. Lossolpreslressolconcrelesmadewilhdinernlagpreeatesa.dsubiededtodilletnlcuringconditionsr6
Praciicaliy dil the data on sreep given in preceding The bhaviour in tension is also rclevant in evaluating
chapters refcr to creep in compression. This is so because various hypoiheses ofthe mechanism ofcreep.
concrete is generally designed so as to utilize its high Application ofa truly axiai tension, even in shorttcrm
compressive strength and is rarely subjected to direct strcngth lests, presents con siderable dificulry (s? Ch. I 5).
lcn'ion, and dl.o becaJre. eep le.r. in comprc..ron rte With creep testing therc are additional problems: the
much easier to perform than under other states olstress. applied stress must be low, and consequently thestrains to
However, in practice, concrete may be subjected 10 states be measured are low too. and it is therefore dimcull to
of stress other than unilorm compression. This chapier is, measure ihem accurately. Il furthermore, concrete is
therefore, devoted to creep behaviour under different drying while under load, there may be concurreni
states ofstress and to creep under cyclic loading. It is also shrinkagc ofa magnirude several limes larger than creep,
inleresting to review the influence on creep ol non_ wilh a resultant possibility of a iarge error in the
uniform stress and slrain distributior computed creep. This is probably the reason lor the
absence ofgcneral agreement on tensilc creep ol concrete.
ulan\rlle and I homa'r lound lhe tolal c'eep rn com-
Creep in tension pression ard in tension to be equal under an equal stress
Creep in tension is ol interest in estimating the possibility (Iig. 8.U thc bumidiry varied while the concrete was
of cracking due to slirinkage or thermal stresses, in undcr 1oad. The equality of creep strains in the casc oi
calculation of tensile stresses in prestressed concrele basic creep was partialty confirmed in US Bureau of
beams, ard in the design of water-retaining strucluros- Reclamation testsr ormass cLrred concrele for stresses up
'6 40
- 41 ComP'essro'
6 20
60 124
Timeundertoad days
, *.,.ured .oncrere r i.nsion and ii compEsr.n: age a, appri.a,ion oI load = l8 dalsiremlerarure
Creep in l sian I1l
Age at applicat on oi oad andsrress
0 50 100 150 2aa
T me under oad days -
ri, /i..1 Creepolmoist-cDredordinarlPorllandeBentconc.etei,rtcnsionandinconpression:sroredar2l Candatarelative
hunidity ol50 l)er cenl.r
resultsshownin Figs.8.6 and 8.7.6 However, for salurared days andloaded at 56days, Fig. 8.7 shows that, in con lrasl
concrete, thc results indicale that the rare ofspecific creep to the 28 day loading, the specific c.ecp ilr tension is less
in tension docs not exhibit a decrcase with time as is the than in compression.
usual case in comprcssion. Also, whcn water-cured con, The plot oi elastic-plus-creep strains in Fig. 8.8 shows
cretc is exposed to a drying environment at the age ol28 the effect olthe stress/strength ratio for a single concrete
. -'-.14
app ed stresslMpal
Inrr a spec I . etash. slrain t1o F pe, Mpa) :
J rn
Time under oad - days
(a) l:lt'" oa-loload'' coDp.e$io.
ar applrafui
ol.oncre,econxnuously nored in warer.6
rg.,,,;1-'.",r r.,J -= in.r"l,
,rr ^se
al -' -l? '''''-i
15 30 60
Tlme under oad days
Stress/strenglh raiio:
100 150
Time since appl calion oi toad davs
; 0.8
6 .9
0001 001 o.t 1 100 1000 10,000
T melo r!prure(oo scate) _ hours
Fis.89. Innrene oI sunained te.sile stress on ltde ro rupture
concrele dryil8 at a relatlve hunidily of 65 per
0.55 0.60
Waler/ o
specimens, the eflectbcingofthe same order of magnitudc
rr,. 8 /0 llPrenr ratro . r lreep o, loiuete .n
apprrcdr on ofr.dd 28 dar.. dsargdreemen
as rhal ot dr) irg creep rn lhe case oispecrmen, alto\^
ed ro ;:::*.i".,
dr\ Jnder lo/.1
A. in rhe ca.e oieompre(ion r.c/ Ch ol, rhe ie\e. ot The rnfluenlc ot nrr proporrion. on creep rn len!ron
evaporable sdler conrenl ar lh( linre at app'icrlion dppear. 1o be \rmrldr lo t\ar rn compre(.iun r.,, Ch ll.
'oao r\ d \o a ,actor rn creep in rcn,ion Domone., le,t," lrgure. 8.10 ind shou lhdr an increJse ,n the
5ho$ a gredLer rotal( reep [or con( reLe cured in sater rhan $drer cenent rdrro increa.e. c,eep while an increJse in
for concrete cured in a sealcd condition from the ase of aggreSare cemenl decrcase\ creep An rncrease in lhe
t$o dar, \r irh lhe 'odd apprred dr rhe dge ot 28 da)."The sater (ement rario dnd in rhe dggregdlc cemenr ralro
explaDarion lie, rn rhe tic. rhar rn ,e;tcLl con(-ete lhe re.Llt in an ircrea.e and dccredte. re.pecli\ely, in the
pro(e.s ol lidrarion teadr lo a ,^qer evapor3ble waler cemenr pd,le conrent a fundamenlal ldcror in creep.
Similarly, an increase in cement content jrcreases rhe
Crcep in tension 1 t7
cement paste content and thus increases lensile creep
ll g.8 r2, lhe.nfiu(aceot rherv|c otcementoncreepin
tension is illustrated in Fig 8.13.
US Army Engineers'lcstslr have shown thai creep in
dircct tension is less than in the extreme libre ofa flexural
specimen, even ilinthe latter case rhe slress/srrength ralio
is lower. Some of ihese resulrs are, however, nor easy !o
inlcrpret and il is not possiblc to make any categorical
slatcments about the creep bchaviour ol concrete in
Fe\ure ll i\prol."blJ preteriDlet^.lLd) ren,,tecrceprna
field of pure tension, bu! in flexure rhe creep behaviour
may be modined by the strain gradient (se? page I361.
I rgu,e 8 l4shos. tr.e creJp bel rour ot plJrn cor crere
rnfle..rre. a "\
lnrriall).c.eep.nLompre,ionind rren,ror
(corrected lor shrinkagel is the same bur afrer about one
month underload the rate ofcreep in tension drops ollto
nearlyzero. It may be noted that the results, as presenled.
ar affected bv the fact that the measured shrinkage on ihe
tensionside wasgrealerthan on the compression side;the
reasons lor this are noi known.
ln lests on piain concrele bams ol Davis ,, dl_.3 rhe
creepon the lension sidewasfoLrDd to be somewhat larger
than on the compression side, but the neutral axis
remained substantially lixed. The influence ofdrying on
the tqo deto-matrnn, ua. nor .he ,rmt rhe increa.e in
aggre!ate/cemenl ratio creep due to drying on the compression side was ahrec
rjj , l?. Ilflucnce oI aggrcgate,/emenr raiio on creen oa in
q rime,larger lhdn or rne ren,ior ,rdc lhr,mi) poinr.o
::trnon: aqeal aDDli.alion o oad = 23davs
the difle.cnce in the drying creep under rhc rwo types of
stress, particularly when a strain gradient is present.
Oberti\ testsrs on concrete made with pozzolanic
cement showed that the ralio of toral deformation lo
loadinC decrrr,c, s
h an inr re,,e rn age
at application ofload: values of5.6 for sevcn days,4.7lor
28 days, and 4.0 for four months have been found after
four years undcr load. A small but constant rate of
Time under road (days):
delormation was measured at that time.
A40 1 2aA
^./ rension itbre
Trme urder load (los sca e)
i:d.3 ri. Crccp oI plai. oon.rerern fle\ur.,!
60 80
T me under oad - days
L9.3./d. Creep ol mortar in tosion
Time under oad - days
Frs.817 CreeDandoeprecoverlinrorsionolno ar siorcd in raler ,o
120 Cteep Mdet djllerent srdrds .y'sriess
/irD/? 8 / (ieep rn torion a.d inconpresion"
(10,5k9m Ls 1l
I B0 705 2.15 71 2:19
2 t75 r05 1.50 91 l.l2
1 190 14.5 4.81
212 t7.l 119
5 212 198 132 6,O
6 251 217
Nolc: i=6tica lr:t.-
/aro: -1 (purevol!melriccreep)
paste contents. The values are as follows: SomE interesting inlormation on Poisson\ ratio oi
concrete can be dcduced from Kordina's test resultsa'] for
Creep Poissont Olerall Poisso. s concretes with dillerent aggregates. Figure 8.20 shows a
contenl by Poisson\ ralio alter ralio after 3.14
plot of the creep Poisson\ ralio oiconcrete after 675 ro
3,14 dals daysunderload
895 days under load al a relal;ve humidity of65 per cent
11.6 0.200 0.126 0.17 against thc (elastic) Poisson's raiio of the aggregate in ihe
concrete. There is no apparent relalion between the two
quantities. It is interestifig io observe, however, the wid
With only two cement paste cofltents, few conclusions variation i.r the creep Poisson's ratio of concrete: between
can be drawn but it appears thal, while the elastic 0.01 and 0.17, even though the humidity condition in all
Poissont ratio decreases with an increase in the paste cases was the same and the concrete was about two years
contenl, the deep Poisson's ratio is almost constant. It is old. I! js possible that some property of aggregare orher
possible, ofcourse, that the real factor is other than the than ils Poisson's ratio influences the creep Poisson's
paste content but the important conclusion is rhat the two ratio. This could well be the modulus ofelasticity ot the
Poisson's raiios do not vary in srep with one another so aggregate (allhough this is not apparent from Kordina's
that prediction ofthecreep Poisson's ratio from the elastic rcsults) or its surface properties influencing the interface
Poisson's ratio is not possible. Equally important is the behaviour, e.g. bond microcracking- The problem is still
observation that the two Poisson's ratios do not differ to be invesiigated.
substattially from one another-
Parrottre reported that the creep Poisson\ ratio of
sealed concrete was slightly higher lhan that for sealcd
hardened cment paste but the ellccts of aggregate con-
lent, type of aggregate and water/cement ratio on creep E o.2
0 18 0.19 01.1 0 2: 02:l 024 0.21 |:l
Sh rkag. lnoe loadingil0 6l
5,1 258 50 2t: 4t zat 3l 55,1
508 ,1)t ll:l 471 69:
79 4l tm
2l:l 179 188
Lrtcra drlrng crce! 110 .l
118 112
l9 ll t6 l8
Dryine.reep totrsoo\ rtiho 0ll 0.17 0.19
Ba!c c.eep P.Ayrni rari.
[La ]c rccovery Pois$nr rati.
Sh rkag.slnceunloadi.glr0 .)
024 025 0.2i 021 0.27 029 0.25
:5 1t6 21 12' 11) 125
Arirl or.ep rc..!ery(10 6l
150 192 1ll 1i] 116 1,16 2ll
Latcralc.eep r.cove.r- (10 1 ,15 2t 54 :0 l5 50
A\ial drj-ug creep rc.ove.y
t-areral ir-"-.!og creep recorerl
ll0 a4
Kordina'r found ihe creep Poisson s.atio ro varv wilh For comparison the clastic Poisson's ratio ranged be,
s[J.rtc. t, r,. bep r urr'r. rlc iar<ral ru.en 0.1^ poi\son'.
"1J 0...,. i.e \. r) clo.e r,, rhe cr(ef
deformation m his lelts lagged bchind rhc tongitudinal r- i, Tr. \!orJ conFrm lhlr rndcr b.ic c-eep (.,r-
delormatron hui, after a time. rhc latter wrs overtaken bv ditions the c.ecp Poisson's ralio is substantix y equat to
'\e lo [e] I re o\Jrd I P. ,. ,r'. theelaslic Poisson sratio. Meyer:j also did notdetectany
a.d creep deformatiod from Kordinas"r..rb".erree.,r-
rests snd rhe ruh.,-11 n dil. r(nre be'sc(r lhr etJ.lic I'o,,,cn \ raLio
rariation in it wilh limc are sLrmmarlzed in Table 8 3.'Ihe and the creep Poisson\ ralio lor basic creep, and interred
\arialion with time in rhc creep Poisson s .atio aloncar is from this ihat the structural dcformarion of concretc in
presentcd in Table 8.4, aud it can be seen that rhis js basiccreep is similar to the elastic deformation. His range
considcrable lor ant givcn concrct:no de6nite prricrn is ofvalues was 0.16 !o 0 25.
,edd'l\ Jr.ce.rrble.r o r. r. ditc.,tr rojLdr. ,,cu nu., o
\( ob . r.(,1 ra,r,rroni'r:-:roernL lrenl,l,..rro-.
Gvozdc\.' howcver lirund rhar the poisson.s ratio Creep and creep Poisson's ratio under
PoissoD'sralioisinirlalll,hjgherlhrDtheetas!icl,oissol]\ From the fact ihat there is creep induced by an
ratio. The creep Poisson's ratio then dec.cases and a\,di.r'!...i1 to,.\,lhtrr..rndcr mLIri.r\rxl.lre.,.rnar)
bccomes slabilized. Gopatakrishnan el al.aa found ttre direction there is crccp due to the srress apptied rn that
crecp ibisson s ratro ol a 1:t.5::1.5 concrete wirh , wirul direction an d also creep due to thc Poisson s ratioeffecr of
cen(nr ro o ol 0-' rr rcJ .. .,r .r,aleo ,r;r to r. rg( creep slrainsin the luo normal directions. The question is
be.u.1n 6 ,,o ,. 0 ou qr. 1lr 1!.tc.ndlic ,JI- whether all tbese nrains occu. independcntly of onc
d'i.n n .1.. .reep P. ..or . ru io s rl' li ne Lnne, ,(-d. another, in whjch case thcJ can be readily deduced from
tlr ur88
111 0.129
0 009
0 151
824 0.173
811 0.t21
895 0. 0
ltniaxial creep daia, or whcther the behaviour is more atrected by the applied stress in that direction, or that axial
creep is afecled by the prcsence oflaieral stresses, or lastly
ln the iormc. case, the creep strains are said to conform that axial creep and Poisson crccp interact- We may note
to the principle oi superposition, which requires that the lhat neither non-linearity of the stress-creep relation nor
net creep in any dircction be equal ro rhe algebraic sum possible anisotropy of concrete vitiatcs the principle of
of creep strains in that direction caused by each stress superposition.
componelt acting separalely. This can be expressed as The problem was investigatedaa lor various combi-
. : r!r ndlions o[ conp,e'{\r 'lrcs.e. bur lo- onl) or( mr\: x
/r(e u.!, !-r !rur 18.11
l:3.5:3.5 concrete witb a watcr/cement ratio of 0.72.
where ..1, .,, and .,3 : axial creep slrajns for principal cured and slored at a relative humidily ol98 per cent and
stresses a,, (,2 and or acting separately. loadcd at the age of eight days when its cube strengrh
was 28.1MPa. The creep specimens were 254mm cubes.
ticr.u: creep Poisson\ ralio under uniaxial com
Companion tests under uniaxial compression were per-
and ., : ne1 creep in direction of t,l when the complex
Figure 8.21 shorvs typical results oI creep and creep re-
siress syslem acts.
covery versus time for multiaxial compression. Inciuded
If it can be furlher assumed that. under a unlaxial srress. are also results lor uniaxial compression at a stress equal
creep is proportional to stress (see Ch. 5) then [8.1] to one oithe stresses in the multiaxial specimen. Ii can be
seen that, at a given stress, when the load system is
multiaxial. creepis significantly lower than under uniaxial
.r: [o1 p.e,,lo, + o])].,e t8.21
where cse : specific creep. Tllc elTecrive creep Poisson's ratios in the direc-
Taking thc three principai stresses in turn, [8.2] yietds tions are of the lypc
three values of creep Poisson's rario, and these wiil be
referred !o as e{Iective creep Poisson\ ralios. If the .,: !p", - a..,1. +",11 t8.rl
prin! iple olsuperponuon i, valid rhe lhree efle. ri\ e ( rccp
Poisson\ ratios must be equal to one anoiher and to the whcrc cr : net creep in the direction of o,
creep Poisson's ralio underuniaxial stress.llthis is nor thc multiaxial stress system acts,
case, it means that the Poisson creep in any direction is c,, : uniaxial creep,
Un ax a creeploraslress a,: 126 MPa \
- ioo
20 30
Time unde.load days
_ 200 7'
"' = ,,u,,"
l; N,-^-^-^
{ ,l-, 2E
132MPa 3 .f 7r
.'-'-lt \
.r = 6:l MPa | I
lb) Time under load days
Fig ,r2l Typrcalcrcep dme curves lor.on.rete under multiaxial c.npresion
Ill Biaxral compresion.
ibr l riaxi.l comfrc$ion.
(:teep ani ueep Poisson's rdtio u der muhitjxiat stess 125
= stress in uniaxial compression,
ou uniaxialtest.Theresultssuggestthat,ingneraljthecreep
and tcp.j = cflective creep Poisson's ratio in direction ,. Poisson's ratio is highcr in a direclion in which rhe ner
corresponding io a particular state ol stress strain is exlen sion than in adirection ofcontraction. Thus
otj oj and ok. the magnilud ofthe creep Poisson's rariois a funcrion of
the rctative magnitude oi the principal srresses. It foltows
The values ol eflective creep poisson's ratio lor different
that creep strai s undcr mulriaxial compression cannot be
applied stresses and pcriods under load arc compared
simply superposed. Figure 8.23 shows rhe relation be
with the uniaxial creep Poisson's ratios in Fig. 8.22. No
tween creep.rand the instanraneous strain on applicarion
systcmatic variation of creep Poisson's rarjo with tirne is
of load in the same direction .li under mulriaxial com-
apparent. The ellective creep Poisson's ratio under mulli- prcssion for all stress combinations. In the same figure,
axial compression sccms ro be lower rhan the uniaxial
uniaxial creep is also plotted againsr the axial instan-
creep Poisson's ratio, the ranges oi the two values being
laneous slrain. The scatter of the points is parrly due
0.09 to 0.17 and 0.17 to 0.20, respectively. For com-
to the inequaiity of the clastic Poisson's rario and the
parison, the creep Poisson\ ratio in Hannant\ triaxial
creep Poisson\ ratio, rnd partly to thc variarion of the
restsro on sealed concrete averaged 0.18 alter 200 days
ellective crecp Poisson\ ratio under different stress
under load. King and Timuska5 also found a tower creep
Poisson\ ratio in biaxial comprcssion rhan under uni
In order to oblain a clearer picture of the influence of
axial strcss.
the state of stress on creep Poissont ratio scveral
Furthcrmore, the value of rhe cfiective creep poisson,s
relations were derived Lom the experimertal data. The
ratio in the three principal directions varies. The highesl
first of lhese is a relation between tbc e$ective creep
value (0-15 to 0.17) occurs in the non-loaded dircction ot
Poisson's ralio, /1"".1in any direction i and tlc instanta-
biaxial specimens buteven this is lower than the value in a
neous strain on application ol load slj. The value oi ir,
beingdependenton thcstressesinihe!hreedirectionsand
4.25 on th elastic Poisson\ rario, represents in a way the slatc
ofstress in the specimen. Figurc 8.24 shows a plot ofli.r.i
versus eir, in which !ce.t is the average of valucs at foirr
a.2a different periods under load. It can be seen that the
effectiv creep Poisson\ ratio is largest when the nct
eiastic strain is entension. and decreases percpiibly wiih
I an increase in contraclion. For comparison, Fig.8.24
:! inciudes a plot ot rhe uniaxial creei, poisson,s ratio
^n againstthe strain on loading. A least square nl of a
second degree curve to the ellective creep Poisson\ ratio
\alues yielded the equarion
t"p,:0.116 152!"r.t + 184 x t01sli):. t8.41
For the same elastic strain .i . rhe unia al creep poisson's
ratio is larger than the cfective creep Poisson\ rario. h
appears, thereiore, thal the creep Poissont ratio in any
425 direction depends not only on the nct elasric strain in rhat
direction but also on thc magnirudeol stress actingin the
,/ -.,
g 100
100 200 300
lnsla.ianeo!s strai. 10 6 Relation bolween crep aier l.4an{j 28days undcrloadandinsranra.eoussrrain o. alplicadon ol load to concrete.
Fig. 8.25, and serves io indicare that the eflcctive creep Figure 8.27 shows an approximalely linear relarion
Poisson's ratio is affected by the relative as well as by the belween the roolmean-square devialoric componenr of
absolute magnitude of principal stresses. creep
It has been found that the volunerric creep (.r +
E,+.1) and also the creep recovery vary with rime +tG, E)' + G, s,)'+G. ,',F],tr
under load in thc same {orm as linear creep. Figure 8.26
shows a linear relation betweer the volumelric creep and and thc root-mean-square shear stress
the mean normal siress, l(o1 + o, + or), signifying an
overatl stress creep p.oportionalily. \llo1 lo,
o)'1 + o)'z + \ot o)'z1l'z.
lia d2r. Relalion belwen efechve creep Poisson's rario and instantaneous strain on applicarion of load 10 concrete.
Creep and creep Poisson's /atio wdet nultiaxial stress 127
.9 0.20 L 400
i1 ,. r.. = o ''u
- 0.0,, . rr[,,:.
015 [*,-l " I
aE 20a
0 0.5 1.0 1.5
Mean normalstress - MPa
Iis.8.5. Relalion btNe. efr@live crp
Poisson,s ralio oI @ncret. aid.8.16 Relatior belween volunetric creep of condele undermulli-
and the rclalive maenitude ol principal srresB, d:(dr + ar). axial compe$ion a.d noan nomal srress.
It appears that, in spite of some scatter of results, both wholly due to the stress 03 . This creep was compared with
volumetric ard deviatoric componenh of creep are uniaxial creep under the same stress ard for th same age
affected by the corresponding components of stress in at loading, and it was found that, even ir the absnce o{
a similar manner. crerpdue to Porsson. ellect. the a al creep ota specimen
The influence stress on axial fieep was studied conined by lateral stresses is up to 20 per cent lower than
by tests in which specimens subjected to biaxial loading in a similar unconfined specimen. This behaviou reflects
for som time were late. loaded in the third direction. the influence of a lateral confining stress on creep sus-
Because at the time of application of the thi{d stress d3 the cepribilly !n (he dxial direction. SLmilar behavrour $a,
rate of creep vr'as low, the influence of the lateral stress on!ed in Ina\ral te\ts in \,\hich lhe !tres' in one
creep suscptibility in the axial direction could be es- direction was inoeased after some time under load. Ths
tablished, it beirg assumed that crp in direction d3 is results do not confirm th observations of R. E- Davis
3 zoo
510 15 20
sheafstress MPa
Root-mean square
Fis, 8,.?7. Relarion belwen .oot-ne{quaE shear c!e@ of concrele ud rool-nean{quarc shar sress.
D8 Cleep u,ids diferent ates ofstrcss
er a/.3i who lound ihat lateral stress didnoi ared rhe Both C,,, and Q a.e obtained from the crecp reco\er
axialcreep. However, rhe tests ofDuke and H F r).vi\rs and flo\1 experimenlat data f.s.. Ch. l.ll.
dnd o' Hannanl'o -Eree guaJ;r,rl\ell u .h I'rc.e -r The uniarial crcep durjng the Lime irrerlai is the sum.:
Gopalakashnan pr
a/ a]
t8.61 and [8.7] while the crccp undcr a triarial system oi
Th( mair c.nclL.i.n, trL)n ttc re\ts o,CoDn,d \ u,hnJn slress is gi!en b1 the principle ol superposition for lh.
rollo$.. areep ,IrJer mutI,J\iJ, cJ,n three directions of the principat srrcsses, e.g for 01:
pression is lcss than under a uniaxiat comprcssion oflhc
same magnitude in the given direclion. But even under c, : (1E, + A,rdJ !",[(dso + AqJ + (A.r] + Asdill
hyd.ostatic compression there is considerablc creep. [8.8]
There is no syslematic varialion in creep poisson,\ ratio
withiime underuniarialormultiaxialstress.Theeflective
where 4er - elaslic Poisson s ratio
The iull histort, of strain is found b] repeating thc
creep Poisson\ ratio undermultia al comp.ession i s lcss
abolc procedure lor all the ritne mcrenrents and addins
than unialial creep Poisson s rario. varying bctween 0.09
the elastic strains in the usual manDer Figurc 8.28 showr
and 0.17. dcpending on the retalive masnirude ot rhc
the comparison betwecn measured and predicled strains
principal slresses. The cllective crcep Poisson,s ratio is
and. lor the parlicular concrere uscd (a lrl.2:2.0 mir
highest in th nonloadcd direction oia biaxi lv stresserl
!p(crmen. oLl c\en .nen il ..lose, tt-"1 lhe Llia\rdlc-een havin8 a $atcricement ratio of 0.4). rhe agreemeni is
sitisfactory. I1 may be added thai othcr methods ot
Poisson\ ratio. ID general, the effecrivc creep poisson\ predictingcreep uDder a mulii.rx ial stress can bc used with
ratio is higher in the direcrion of an ertcnsionat strain
the assumption of equality of elasric and creep poisson.s
than \rhen th nei srrain is a cont.action. Lateral com-
ratio$ these are the rate ol creep- principle of super-
pression reduces creep by rlp to 20 per cenl in excess of
position and the c$eciive and age-adjusted effective
reductjon through the Poisson creep. It toltows that the
moduli methods (see Chs 1l and 161.
effeclivc creep Poisson's ralio is a fxncrion ol lhc overall sone. (r b- ara l..Jrirl te,t,mr)be^r rnlere.r rr
state of st.ess in thc specimen. Creep under nrultiaxial
sl.ess cannot be simplt predlcted from uuiarial creep
elucidating pa cular points. Gambarovst measurcd the
meas uremenls. as & a s con firmed b] Chuang er al., Thus.
crcep ol spiratly preslrcssed conc.ete cytinde.s. and
. ri.rl) compa.ed it with the behaviour ol non-preslrcssed bur
'pcJlirs. r-c princiole or .uoerf.^r.ron ooe\ nor bound cylinders. lt should be noted thar such binding
hold for creep Lnder mJlrra\i, cump-e,,,.". rnd treLp
affects the fundamental properiies of concrete: tor in-
can be predicted accurarely only by an equation ot !h;
stance, the slope of the nrcss slrain curve for bo und. non-
type of[8.3] \rith the etrecrive creep poisson,s ratio civen
prestressed concrete would be higher than in the absence
b) an equJ,,oI o, ,hc rlpe 18.11. nLrne'rrcut
coelilcients havc to be determined experimentally.
'c ol binding.
O!he. specimcns were teslcdr1 in a slecl tube wrapped
Hokc\er Ill,r,,n and Jord".ri5 prooo5e an uppro\ by a prestressing spiral. The tube reduccd rhe axiat creep
mate rncthod ofpredicting c.eep ofseatd concrete unde.
even more lhan spiral binding, pro bably because concrctc
rnultiaxial stress using a value of creep poisson,s ratio
cannol cxpand lale.allv between the spirats ard becausc
equal to the clastic value at the age at appticarion ot a
the tube prcvents all noisture loss.
uniaxiai load. and mcasuring the subsequenr creep and Furr\ tests':T sere also rathcr nDusual in that he tested
creep recovery. The raie ol flow meihod (spp Ch. 13) is
preslressed two way and one-way slabs. He observed no
used. in which there arc required thcdelayed elastic strain
ditrerencein the loss ol prestress:after 113 days this was 25
or recoverable creep and fiow or ireversible creep. When
and 30 pcr cent of the inilial prest.ess lor 11.8 MPa and
the slress varies with time, the period under load is divided
20.7MPa presress, respectilcly. Three qrarters of this
into a number of increments during each of which the
loss took place in the first 40 days. Shrinkagc loss was
stress history is rep.esenred by a step tuncrjon. For a time
allowed for in thesc calculations. Thesc results indicate
ircrement Ar during \rhich the srress is d. the ffow that rhe prescnce ol a biaxial st.ess does not aflec1 thc
increment Ar. is given by:
crccp behaviour in the lo{dcd direcrions: no measurc
ar;: oae,," [8.6] ments were madc in thc direction of the thickness ol the
t: i
iE t9 *
ti t*;
I^ *
e 0r - ulerts R; I
t: I
130 Creep under tlilldent states of s,,ess.
a cyclic slress of the form: the behaviour of concrete becomes more elastic. In
Probst's ihe final deformation ol his two beams.
: d
d 6M + (lndl) t8.el referred 1o above, was approximately the same. Howeler,
,s,r in the beam subjected first io a suslained slress and lhen to
wherc oM : mean stress expressed as a lraction of the a cyclic load, there was an increase in the non-elastic
staiic strength at application ol load, deiormation when the frequency of loading decreased to
A : range of slress, also expressed as afraction of
0.37 Hz. Furlhcrmore, uniform cycling causes iess creep
the stalic strength at application of load. lhan an irrcgular pattern within the same rarge of
., : frequency ofloading (HzJ, Le Camusae performed extensive lests on concrete
and .:timeGec.). subjected to a cyclic load at 8.25 Hz and showed that ihe
dclormation undr cyclic loading is greater than that
Cyclic stresses ranging belween o, and a, can be de- under a susiained load even when lbe sustained load was
scribed byl
equal to the upperlimil ol thecyclic load.Ii is shown laier
oM:lo, + o,) t8.10'l t
rhar rhi, not alua1. the ca.e shen rhe compari,on r.
based on the upper cyclic stress.
Theresulis of Le Camusae mean that lorthe same total
where oj and o, are expressed as lractions of rhe stalic time, the deformation under cyclic loading is than
strength at applicalion of load. ,hal undcr d ,unaincd Ioad. i.e. rhere is eirher an increa.e
Thus, creep under a cyclicload should be detennired;Lt in crccp or an accclcraling creep due to a cyclic load.
thc valu of mean stress oM, i.e. at the mid-point of the The foregoing eflect was confirmed by Whaley and
cycle sincc measurements at values of either or or r, will Nevilleso who subjected sealed concrete (o a cyclic stress
yieid different values ofcreep if any change in the modulus at a frequency of 9.75 Hz. IJsing a l:2:4 rapid-hardcning
of elasticity occurs within the rangc of stress, A. Usually, Portland cement mix with a water/cemenr ratio ol0-5, rhe
however, thechange in modulus ol elasticily under typical inllucncc of thcmcan stress and of the range ol siress were
cyclic loads at frequencies in the region ol 5 to 10Hz is investigated when the load was applied at the age ol 14
small. days; equivalent sustailred load tests were also carried oul
Historically, Probstar.ns was probably the first in- at stresses equal lo the mcan cyciic stress. Typical results
vestigator to observe the behavioirr of concrete under a areshown in Fig. 8.29 which clearly indicates the increasc
rapidly fluctuating (t Hz) stress of given duration and in crcep due to a cyclic load. Figure 8.30 shows that the
found ihe irrcversible deformation 1o inc.ease with the increase in crccp due to cyclic load (cyclic creep) is
number of cycles- [n contrast to young concrete (two approximately proportional to the range of stress up to a
lo three months old), the irreversible deformation for stress,lstrcngth ratio of 0.4. At greater values of range of
older concrete (7 to 12 months oldl reached a stable slress, A, the rate of creep increases and, at A : 0.6,failure
condition. For an uppr compressive stress of icss than occur. uhrLh r, r lrLigue railure. Similar re\r' corcring a
0.47 of the static strengthj the stress strain relation range of mean slrcsses for a constant range ol slress
became linear alter several cyclcs but this would not be the
indicated thal cyclic creep is generally proporlional to the
case above the crilical strcss which is between 47 and 60
mean stuess lor early pcriods under load but, at later
per cent of the staric strength and is the same as the pcriods, the curve does not pass through ihe origin
'endurance limit' for an infinite number of cycles. The (Fig. 8.31). The explanation is that the creep under a
problem ol the maximum stress which concrete can sustaincd stress equal to the mcan cyclic stress may itsell
wirhstand under cyclic loading and the relevant field of be acceleraled and, as a result, the cyclic creep (by
fatigue are outside the scope ol this prsent book; other
defi nitionl would be
works may be consulted.l
The limiting vahes ol mean stress and range of stress to
Probsta3 also reported a decrease of the no.-elastic
avoid non-lineadty between creep and cyciic stress due to
deiormation with an increase in the age at application of microcracking and, thus, possible fatigue failure, are 0.45
cyclic load; this behaviour is similar to thai under static
and 0.3, rspectively.5o For lhese corditions, creep under
loadins. a cyclic load can bcexpressed as the sum ofcreep under a
Both ProbslaB and Lc Camusae investigated the se- sustained stress equal to the mean cyciic stress ard of
quence of alternating and sustained static loading at a
cyclic creep which is dependent on both the mean stress
slress equal to the upper cyclic stress- There was no and the range of stress, i.c.
appreciable additional delormation when a cyclic stress
follows a static load but, for a cyclic strcss followed by a :
C"y" 129oM(1 + 3.874)r1l3 t8.r lt
!lalrc !lrcir. the lotal derormdrion incrc",cd'"
There appears to be an influene of frequercy of where C"y. : creep under a cyclic load (10 6)
loading on cyciic creep,a3 creep generally decrcasingwith
an increaso in ftequency so that under very rapid cycles
and I : time since applicatior of load (hoursi.
Ir the same rnvesligation,5o some other interesling
1cg. A. M Neville, Pfupe,i.r,J C,nodd (lrd edn), Pitdan: Loidon features wereobserved. Belowrhe limiting values of stress,
and Marshneld, Mass,1981.779 p! the modulus ol elaslicity and strergth of concrete arc
Cleep un(let ahe/natins loadino t3t
Range oi st.ess (iraction oi 14-daystrenqlh):
10 100
Timeundertoad(ogscate) ho!rs
Iir.3.rr. Influe.ce ol runse ofstrcs on crep ofconcrete under a cyclic load ai a hean stres oa 0.35 ot the l4 day strcnElh r.
300 t 124
3 200
a n
r_-r_. 0 1
1.0 100
r me under load (log sca
hours e)
lc'4.8.JJ Rrtiool.Icliccreeprocr*punderasusrainedloadequlltoafrean.ycli.slresoI0.l5oIde28-daystrenglh:.oncrelesloredal
! reladve humiditr oI l0 per enl ri
Creep under alternating loadikq 13J
ri,e *o*
b / 3 e 10
:r8Jr'^vara "car"i-
ro"Jr os
. s. 0.'tof '|e28-dcJr.frsrh..etdr\ehJm,orr!ot.ror"ge:,0per*rr.
0.35 70
---- 025 50
ln their proposed melhod of predicting creep under a and dM : mean cyclic slress, e{pressed as a pro-
cyclic load, Bazant and Panula55 assume thar the cyclic portion ol the static strength at the age at
lnad acrclcralJ. onli rhe ba.iccreep and lluL ur) rnC Lreep application of load.
is unallccled. For a further explanatjon oi the lerms used
when drying occurs eilher beforethe application ol the
in thc subsequent section, referenc should be made io load orduring the period ol cyclic loading, the totalcreep
Chaplcr 12. fo. basic creep under a cyclic load. the basic function under a cyclic load, O(r, ,o), i.e. elastic strain- plus-
crccp fLrnclion under a cyclic load, Ob"l"ll,lo), i.e. elastic total creep per unit of mean cyclic slress oM, at any age I
strain-plus-basic creep per unit of mean cyclic stress, at when loaded at the age to. is:
any age ,, when loaded at the agc ,o, is expressed as:
O(r, ro) : ob","(,, /o)
o."".(r, r.) : + 6b,",(.t,to)7p. [8.1]l [d,r,.'0.' o)4. u]l
E,1tl ; h
0.15 3.9
0.10 9.8
E 7.9
q a.5a
Time L.der oad days
Ld .rJ7 (lc.p Poissoni fttio oiconcreE at a hiEn stre$'slrenelh Blnr'
Recent lindings have confirmed this for cycllc Loading lead ro conservati!c resulis \rhen applicd to rhe ultimale
under \r hich microcracking adversely affecred strcngth.6z strengih in ilciure.
In vie\l of this it is probable that the time-f lure Nlore specific iests on the innucncc of stress dislribu
of concretc under a high sustained slress is related to tion on crccp $ere made bt, Zia and Stevenson-66 who
lhe dclclopmenl of microcracks a! thc aggregale paste found that creep under a non unllorm stress disiribulion
lnlcriacc. Such microcracks presumably de!elop under is relaled to that under unilorm nress by an empirlcal
a lcnsile nress normal to ihe dircction ol the applied tacro. R, . In their tesis. the largesl specific creep occurred
compresslve stress. Thc tensio. breaks bond so thar the rn the most highly slressed fibre in ihe spccimen with the
qualiiy of bond. as allected by the type ol aggregate, in- highest stress gradicnl but Rl depends also on the shape
fluences strength. To consider ihe problem lrom another of ihe cross'scclion. For insiance. the values ol Rr lor a
slandpoint, microcracking contributc! to lhe overall lrapczoidal stress distribution irom 1.4 to 8I MPa vcrci
observed crecp, probably in the longitudinal as $ell as 1.27 lor a T-section, 1.44 for a f.iangular section and 1.20
laieraldirection. Specilically, the beginning of ihe forma- for a square section. Zia and Stevenson66 usd thcse dala
lion ot microcracks. termed the critical stress. is between to modif) thc calculalion ol tlme eflects on dcneclion ol
0.7 and 0.8 of the short{erm siatic strength for good prestressed conorctc beams of different sections bLLt it is
quality concrete but, as found b-r Hansen,6r ihe critical doubted that thc lactors as given above are iundamcnlal
stress can be less than 0.4 for concrerc madc wilh poor in iheir naturc. Ralher. they represent empiriaal values
aggregate and n high \rate.icement ralio. However. a undr spccific cjrcumstances:the problem oi inlluence ol
stressrstrDgih ralio lowcr than aboul 0.1 is below slrain gradient and section shape on crccp i1 slill to be
thc microcracking limil ol any concrete so thal under sludied.
working srresses microcracking is unlikely to enter the
picture. The onlyexception is concrete loaded earLier than
1wo daysr an indireci evidence of this was obtained
1. CLINVILLE, W.H..nd THOMAS, F G.. Sludies in
Trc pLLLJirg di*L*ion reter to creeD in com- reinlor.ed concrelc lv. !unher inlesligatlons on c.ccp
p.ession the jnfluence of microcracking and ofcrirical o.1low oi concrete urder load. uailli ! R.\earch Techtical
stress on crccp in tension are covered on page I14. Pdtcr N..:1, Lordon, 1939,4.1pp.
2. US BUREAU OF RECLAMATION. A icn ycar studr ol
creet properrics olconcrele- ca\crete Lutu)rukn! RepafI
ND SP JE. Denver. Cdorado, Jul) 1951, 14 pp
lnlluence ol gradlenl ol strain 3. DAvlS. R. E. DAVIS. H. [. and BROWN, E H., P]astic
flo{ and lolume chlnges ot concrete. Prcc- ASmt- 37,
As il was suggesled that the failure load of concrete may Pan 2. 1931. pp.ll7 10.
be inflLrenced by the nagnitude of total strain developed. 4. MAMILLAN. M., A siudr oi the c.eep ol concrete.
it rs impo(ani 1o point oui that noi only stress but also RILEM Bul.tin,Pu)s,No 3 JulI 1959,pp.15 11
strain gradient influences the magniludc of nrain thal 5. ILLSTON. l. M , The creep ol concrete unde. uniar'.I
r.nsio\, Maad.ine oJ Cand.r. R.sdft'&, 17. No. 51. 1965.
concrete can withstand. Gencrally, a slrain gradienl
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r. rsHAl. o. Ea(( andDeiincra*r behd,o'r
ho,Jr in lorlo. sr mp on creep or cunseiq .1turi.a,+r r;;;."*1"-";i
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tohcrute ln{il,re Spe.ul puhtLa on
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,,J* .rrr"_iii ,,-.".i. ,.,i. , r. sr, r. - ,r, e Delorhotioh
hdrratp,opp, \,r\t.ta
i"',,:iit:,"ii,:,,,n:;:i:,l ,1riI;,i:;"i,";"',,,
1,r'-',,r.B-re,\rna,r-. rR, tte q:. XOnOttq. K.l\tImerr. o" rhe rn rence or L|e
t. ..,.,"*t .r",.1",""1 issresi,e\ on,hecreef oi
= :,l1Nf, r R. Bond,(reer and +nri,ge eflecrs m re
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'.'u,c,-Aree'.p.".4s/v.r8.p.,,',s,,rpp,eiaoo r-n,* re a" .,*i"i"e,.ir,"n Charakren de. Zuschtase auf
,. 9-L l)u-f, r I w H YJJie. r rcrntured Lon.f,e I d;"i(;;:.,,J::li;:;.;)u,,.,,"u...0u,,tr.s,o,,t.
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rr nKrge ..ese.. Buittli.o R.-at.t r" h"i.a, t,ap,t ,14. GopAl A|\Rt5H\A{ x.", rt\ tf. A.M nnd
': \'. 7/, Lundon. 19t0 49 nn
rrr iii ii.1,;;l;;
B 'rrJ 10. \o. j. looo. pT |40 -*".br.on
ro. /U.
16 ROSS, A D. Erperrmcnt\ on Lhe .r.-n ot concrele 45. rilrC,:. W. g. una rlV USK. J., Creep ot concretc under
under r$o.J,me^jonJr stre\inl, M asti;e oJ corcrct. -
;ril,I"Ji;;, ;;";;;i Zii^,,,,,,,",.
: R!, 6,Nu i6 195,t. nn I l0
rynr, u i . c...p i",i ii*'"
Creep recovery
As shown earlier in Fig. 2.4, wher concrete which has Information about creep recoyery is ofimportanc ir
been subjected to a sustained stress is unloaded, the predicting behaviour olconcrete undervariable stress and
recovery of strain is of two types. The first is the also in elucidatirg the mechanism ofcreep. Many theories
instantaneous recovery, whjch represents the elasticstrain postulating a reversible or a partly reversible mechanism
correspording to the stress removed and to the modulus oI creep hinge on the relation between crep and the
ol elasticity at the time ol thc removal of the load. This subsequent creep recovery.
immediate recovery is followed by ar additional gradual
recovery, cirlled creep recovery, by analogy to rhe creep
under load. Prlnclple ot superposilion
The creep recovery is smaller than the prcccdiq creep,
i.e- creep appears to be only a partly recoverable pheno- A theory of reversibility of creep was proposed by
menon. This statement does not, however, make jt clear McHenry'z in 1943 and is generally
whether lhe mechanisms of creep and of creep recovery principle o{ superposition.
are diffe.ent from one anothff or whether the creep Creep is considered as a delayed elastic phenomenon in
recovery is simply a negative creep but the properties of which full recovery is impeded only by further hydration
conoete relevant to creep have hanged whiie the con- of cement. Thus, removal of load is treated as a negative
crete was under a sustained load, load which jnduces a creep equal and opposite to that
Blelzackert points out that the recoverable time- which would be caused by a positive load of the same
dependent deformation is really only potentially re- mag tude applied at the same time. McHenry stated the
coverable bcause, ofl rcmoval of the applied stress, the principle as follows. The strains produced ifl concrete at
reversed deformation and the time-dependenr porential any time t by a stress ircrement applied at any time ro are
energy impose a teverse deviatoric stress on the viscous independent of the effects of any stress applied either
elements. During the time required to recover the poten- earlicr or later than ro. The stress increment may be either
tial energy, fu her dissipations, relaxations and interele- positive or negative but stresses which approach the ul-
mental stress transfers occur. Moreover, as with creep, timate strength arc excluded. Figure 9.1 gives the gmphi-
hygrometric conditions within and wirhour the concrete cal represenlationl lr can be seen I hdt the creep reco!ery is
are faclors in creep recovery. the diflerence between the actual slrain at anv time and
0 40 30 120
9. 50
-:.. ;._.-.__.-...r:-._.._-_
80 120 160
Fis r? Creep recovery oisealed co.crete: obse$ed and predicted lrom the principle olsrperposition.?
the strain that would cxisl a: ihe same time iilhe specimen older concrele (Fig. 9.41 The foregoing applies to basic
had continued to be subjected to the original stress. creep; tests on conc.elc allowed to dry under load, i.e. in
The principle, if valid. would be of considrabic prac, thc case ol iotal creep, show less good agreemen!, the
ticat value in simplifying the calculation of srrain under creep recovery predicted by the principle ofsuperposition
a varyrng slress: a few creep time curves for a conslant being greater than the actual recovery. ln the Iight ofthe
slress applied to concrete at difleren! ages would provide p.esent knowledge olcreep, !his is not surprising becaLrse
adequate information. dr! irg (r((p cnre-. r\e p'. ru-e: rhr. s uJld be gre"re- .n J
Experimental verification of the principle of super- virgin specimeD ihanin aspecimen previously loaded and
posirionwas obtained by McHenry, forsealed (simulared inwhichmoisture displacement has been causcd bycreep.
mass) concrete (Fig.9.2), although he reporred a tater In othcr words, only i small part ofthe drying creep may
series of tests in which the agreement between predictcd
andmeasured recove.y was less satisfactory.r Tests by thc Referring to Fig.9.1, according ro rhe principle ol
US Bu.eau of Reclamationr for mass concrete indicate superposilion, the value ol (R
close agreement for one concrete (Fig. 9.1) but,in another
- 0)/P should always be
concre'e. llc principle ot .uperpo,irion underesrinJre.
the recovery lor young concrete and overesrimates it for
U.loaded ar 28 days Loaded at 28days
R30 ,25
-t.:i .
Observed creep
:l_l ,
{1qE5-iil_:E!- -l
125 150
ll o*",* "*"0,"-*,
- -- Pred cled.reep recovery
"i 600
J U.loaded a191 days
-'-l Loaded at 14 davs
___ __ J U. oadedaroodays
be argued lhat the removal of a conpressive srress shouLd ai the age of 28 days, and unloaded ar 56 days, were
be .cpresented by the addirior ol a rensilc stress of ihc measured over a period of 28 days.
same magnitude. Thc assumprron of equalirl oicreep in Figxres 9.7 !o 9.10 compare lle measured recover] and
lension and creep in compression for the same apptied lhe predicted .ecovcry according to the principle ol
strcss is not :rlways correc! (se Ch. 8). . I .r rh( (a.e oI ba.ic cr(ep rn comp.e,, or.
In order to inlestigate rhis alternative basis of rh ',rpcrpo.irior
no improvement in prediction ariscs from rhe super-
pdnciple of supcrposition, tcsts were carried ou1 to posilion of creep in lcDsion, since recovery tends io bc
compare tbc aclual and prediclcd creep reoovery ot overestimated ai later periods (Fis. 9.7: curvc (1) (3)). On
concrete which had bccD previously subtecled ro a ihe other hand, there is an improvemenr in the predicrion
sustained compressrve stress and ro a sustained tensile ot "eco!e,. 'o, rhe .a.e . roral creep ir .ompre-.on
stress.'o Recorer) is predicrcd by applying rhe principte of rirg o8 cur\e, r, ,J,r. lo, borh cr,e, u..reep rn con
superposition: firsl. in the conrcntional manner, i.e. by pression, rccovery is consistertly overestimated by rhe
representingihe removal ofload by a stress apptied in lhe convention al applicalion of thc principle ofsuprposirion
opposite dircction to recovery, and, second by .epresenl (Fi-qs. 9.7 and 9.8:curves (l) (2)).
ing thc removal of load by a siress apptjed in the same The comparison of actual recovery and prediclcd re-
direction as recovery. Thc experimental data obtained covery aftcr a sustained tensile stress is given in Figs. 9.9
are ior ordlnary Pofiland cemenr concrete madc with a and 9.10. For saturaled conditions of storage, the convcn,
quartzitic g.avcl aggregatc in ihe proportions 1:2:4. and lional applicalion o[ the princip]e of superposilion also
with a watcr/cement ratio of0.5. All specimcns were curcd gives an overestimate of recoverl,: prediction is improved
in water untiltheageof28dayswhen the load \1 as apptied \rhen thc removal ol the tensile stress is represcnred by
to two sets of specimens, treated as indicated below. and the compressive stress (Fig. 9.9). On the orher hand. the
crecp was mcasured. There *ere two conditions of recovery ol lotal creep in lension is moreclosell predicled
storagc: coniinuo usly in warer ar 21'C, and in air at 21.C by the convenllonai application oi the pinciptc of super-
and a relati\'e humidily ol65 per cen1. At rhe age of 56 posrtion (Fig. 9.10: curve (1) (3)).
days, the load was removed lrom one scr oispecimens and, Although lhe above inconsistencies could beexplained,
al 1he same agc. companion specimens which had been to someextent, by experimental variation associared with
stored unde. the same con ditions were subj ected ro !cnsite the difficxlties ol mcasuring creep in tension (se, Ch. 8),
and to comprcssive loads. The other set conlinued under the average lrends ol lhc foregoirg investigalion suggcst
load. The subsequnt creep oi the specimenstoaded at rhc no ovrall improvemenl in thc prediction of recovery by
age oi 56 days. and the recovery of tlc specimens loaded the principle of superposition whEn the removal of the
Ptinciple of superposition 143
App iedslress(MPa):
(1)- (2)
(1) (3)
a _10
Timesince applcationot toad io (1)and (4) - days
Fir. 9.7 Crep r4overy ol @.crcte in compression: observed and predded nom rhe pnncrple ot suDerDosrrron. specimens stored in
trrierrr )l',appliedslrer - 0rol the28.daJ{retrstb.'o
{1)and (4)
oD!6r1-d('aop. o' e')
7."" \l]] g
load is rcprcscnted by aload applied in the same direcxon as creep. The general case ol prediction of strain from a
recovery. We conclude. therefore, that. desplte jts defici- variable lisrory ol stress by using the prlnciple of
enc),, the principle ol superposilion used in the con- superposition is discussed in Chapters 13 and 16.
ventional manner is a valuable tool in deslgn. It is, in lact,
closer 1o thc aclual beha\,iour ol concrete than the
Factors in creep recovery
assumption sometimes tacitly madc lhat thc changc in
slrain is aluays proportional1o thechangein stress, which Typical recovery curves are shown in Eig. 9. 1 I for m ortars
i'equ,\rLe1r roa..LninE P RLrip.q.l) ie reco\er) i. stored wct and storcd dry." Crccp recovel, is less than
taken from the final creep value \\ithout allowing for the crccp and thc slape ol lhe recovery time curves differs
rhar $ould hate heen indr ced b\ rhe continuinc lrom those lor creep time in t\ro respects. First, the creep
Factors ih ieep rccouety 145
Tlpe of cemefi, streneth, strcss aul arl,nixtwes
The results olextensive testsI carried out on 1:3 mortars
made with various types of cemcnt with a water/cement
ralio ol 0 4 are shown in Figs. 9.12 to 9.i5. Whitc ihe
elastic strains on loading and on unloading vary wilh lhe
strengih ollhe mortar (Figs. f.i2 and 9.ll). ard a similar
e$ect is apparenifor creep. the creep recovery shows littte
variaiion (Figs. 9-14 and 9.15). Ir appcars. therefore, that
thc magnitude ofcreep recovery cannot be retatcd to the
. slrength o[the mortar or to the propedes ofthe cement
-/\- used. Since the magnilude ofcreep is inversely influenccd
Res dua deiormat on
by an increase in strength, an increase in srrengrh
generally increases the crccp recovery/creep ratio so that,
for a given stress, creep of stronger concrete is more
100 150
rcversible, i.e. a greater proportion of creep is recovered
Time sinceapplication of load - days
on removal of the load.
Fiq.9.1l. \ypical creep rccoveOi oI morta6 storcd dN and wel:
sfeshtrengtn ratio =
A similar efect is observed from Lyse's testsla on con-
crete stored at a relative humidity oi 50 per cent loaded
at seven days lor 115 days and then unloaded. Table 9.2
recovery is much steeper during the first few days after suggests a higher vaiue of the creep recovery/creep ratio
removal of load. Second, the fuil recovery is complcred at a lower stress,/strcngth ratio and al a lower waler/
within a short time two or three weks - as opposed ro cment ratio, aithough the data are limited.
the slow continuation ofcreep overtong periods. Here, we On the basis of tesls ol Davis erdl.15 on concrete kept in
are concerned with creep recovery 'corrected' for concur- water under load for over six years and ther unloaded in
rent shrinkage which, ior the tesrs of Fig. 9.11, was small waler(Table 9.1), it appcars that creep rcoveryj as well bs
during the period ofrecovery. When thc rime-dependent creep, is generally proporlional to the applied stress so
strain recovery (including shrinkage) is considered, the that, lor a given age at application of load, lhc crccp
completion oltotal strain recovery is also rapid,1, and lhc recovery/creep ralio is independenl ofstress. US Bureau
dirnensions of the specimen become constant when
the change due to shrinkage is equal ard opposite to the
change duc tocreep recovery. However, when concurrent
shrinkage is appreciable, the time for tull complerjor is
much longer for 'corrected' recovery, and depends upon
mix proportions (bur rot on srress).1, RoU', found rhe
time required to complet 'cofiected' recovery ro be
longer for richer mixes with lower water/cement ratios
than for leaner mixes with higher water/cement ratios. In
the subsequent discussion, we shall consider the .cor-
rected' creep recovery, which is in accordance with our
adopted defi nitior of creep.
It has ben found that the time for complerion of creep
recorer) increase, q rrh an increa\e in rhe age at u hich rhe
load is removed. lor a conslant age d( appticarion ol
load.1r As the age at application of load increases. the
time for completion oicreep recovery also increases when
the time under load is constant.ts
In vie\r of the foregoiirg, two problems arise when -!
comparing the experimental data ofvarious investigators
on creep recovery which, generally, imply that creep
recovery has been conpleted. First, the magnilude of
cleep recovery is often much smaller than that of creep o App calion ol oad at age ot 28 days
and, therefore, creep recovery is affected more by experi
mental variation, especially when shrinkage occurs
. Bemovalof load al ageol i28days
during the recovery period. Second, since the time to
develop full creep recovery can vary considerabty, com-
parisons ol values after a fixed time after removal ofload
can lead to erroneous observations: this occurs, for Slrength at theage at changeoitoad - i,4pa
example, in studying ihe influence of time under load or r,, 0 /, F, (1-e ot J..' sr1 on .ta.. . r.J, , rr
I' L" io I or .odd
the extent of reversibility of creep, i.e. the raiio of creep "id"r Rmo\dinf .Jad o-r^'rd.ndoer rn !"r "pp or em.n..:.rred
cnd . or"d dl
" n . hrrroil "t o. nr. .en.. rr. olJeo ro
147MP.'rl '!e
146 Creep recoDety
h 4oo
of Reclamation tcstst6 connrmed proportionality be- ot bd.ic creep lordr creep. and creep at an elevared
lween creep reco!er) and rhe previou.ll ,usr.rned
apphed lemperarureol45 C uere compared toiconcrcres ha! inB
,(rer' up lo a vatue ot 0.1 ot the )8-ddv strenglh. \arioLs Ie\els ol cement replacemenr atrer undergoinp
Vamillanj dnd l sr^n ,a^o tound creep recoterl robe creepal a consrdql \trcss !trenglh rnrro
prop^oflronal lo lhe preceding nre-. Hen(<, rhe u.i
se are or pla:,rcr/,ng anJ at5o supcrptd.tici4ne ddmiilures
Jrrs,'Ied in inrroducrng rhe,frm specihL creep recovery. walfl -reducing agen r\ or ds hrgh u orkabitiry agenls doe.
r.e. creep reco\ery per u nit ol Drevrous stre*
nor dppedr lo jnfluene ba.ic creep recotcry ;r loraJcreep
laadditron,incecreeprecovcry andcreeparesimrlarly
-propo(ronal Io ,rre\. and .inL e creep i, inverrell influen-- On rhc orhcr hand. rhe creep recovcry behdvrour ot d
(ed b) \t.ength.but creepreco\er) r{nor,qecancurmi\c
poryeste."resrn con(rere sith,and as the
lhdt. uhen either lhe slre,s or the .rrengrh var) hne dggregare is
the drflerenr l,dm rhat oi porlland cement conc,eles rn rs.
creep reco\er) (reep rario $rh vary inrer\ci) urth
the pase .26r. Fir.r. rhe .ecoier] rr proronsed.
st.csshtrenSth ratio. Oicourse, we a;e referring
ro values l::!::l:,*:
espcralt) d( the (emperature ofl01
ol (res,\rrengrh rario wirhrn rhe ranBc ot u(p pro- I,ec Fig. 3
second. the creep,ecovcry creep ratio rncredses s rrh
porlronalr]:.rt high !alues oIstress 5lrength ralro. an
mrcro- rncred.e rn lemperJlLrre. Al qoraAe remoerarure\ ot lg
crackrng becomcsrgnihcant.dnd lhF. bvirs\er) ndl.rre,
and l0'C. the rdrro, qere )8 and 3o per cenr. re.pecrivety:
r\ rrreco\erable creep rspp Ch. 51. Thu., an rncrease
in rhe d1 lhal limc rhe recover) sas incomplere. The iniluence
rar,o oelond rhe range or proponionat,r) of
wrll ledd to a large reducrion ol rhe crcep recoreri
temperature on creep recovery is discussed on page l5l.
No significant difference has beer observed in creep 4llhoJgh srre*es dr lhe aggregale matrir intertac maJ
reco\ervo[c^ncrelc t.p, Ch. .]r wher Cem,are rs used as rnlluence rhe crefp recorerv. rhe aggregale i,
paflidl replacement of po land cemenr;.3lhe recovefles not rhe marn
onvrng torce rn creep recover) rnd its pre,ence is nol
Factors in creep rcco\ettr 117
?nrL9.-r Ceep recovery olconcreles wilh dilieEni water.rcemeni
ratios al diflercnl sre$Aftnsth ratios llor t6ts ol ret 14)
decreasein thc modulus ol elasticity of the aggregare.
Using the principle oi supcrposition ot total strains
(elastic strain-plus'1otal crccp). Counto" compared re-
covery predicled by lhe lwo-phase composite modeis
given in Chapter2and developcd lorcreep bythemethod
i eoo given in Chapler 4. For Counlo\ own model, the specific
creep recovery /"r(r) at time t, i.e. rccovcry per unii of
previously sustained compressive stress. is:
-t r r I
' : (1
f-"(d a' ')l
l L._$.1 lt rzt
010203a t9.11
2S.daysirenqlr - MPa where : (/ f.actional volume ofthe rggregale,
Iis.9.lj. InnDcn.c oi slrenerh on creet a.d on creep reco,ery ot
morlars nade wilh various.cmenN: age at applicallon oI toad : 28 E. : modulus ofelasticity ofthe aggregale,
daysrage at renoval ot load = 108 days;cured and stored at a relarive
hunidiry oI 12 perccnt,and loaded to 9.81r'lPa.r'
t"-(r,rr) : elTectile modulus of elaslicily of the
malrix at age I for a sustained com,
prcssive stress applied at age rl(, > ,1)
necessary lor creep recovery to iake place. This was
demonstraled by Mamilian,'? who found measurable
and ,.-(t. t,): effective modulus ol elasticity of the
creep recovery ofncat cement paste unloaded at the age ol matrix at age r for a sustaincd tensile
210 days (\rhen the degree of hydration must have been slress applied at age ,:(r, > r1).
high]: the results are sh own in Fig. 9. I 6. Ir is interesring to The effective modulus oi clasticity of the malrix E..
note that the creep recovcry of neat cemenl paste was includes creep and is given by [4.7] on page 43. For thc
considerably slower than that ofconcretelT this indicares le'1. delJiLed rn Chdpler 2 a (o1rpJ r.^n oterpenmen-
that the elaslic compression of aggregate influences the tal and prediclcd specific recovery (presentcd as speciiic
phenomena involvcd and. in fac1, Counio22 lound rhe residual deformationl is given in Table 9-4. Ii can be seen
magnitude of the c.eep recovery 1o increase wilh a that Counto\ model gives the best overall agrcement with
Idrle 9.J Creep rccove.y of concrete loaded at diflerflt ases and subrrcted to difl.ienr slresses lior t6rs ot ret t5l
AEe at afplicalion oI load Crep Creep recovery
(10 ") (10 ") c.eep recovery
2t 5 003
41 9 0.01
2.1 153 l2
2447 4.1 391 l8 0.05
62 22. 003
41 22) 6 0.01
2121 6.2 192 10 o.0l
516 21
148 CreeP rctoretY
^ -.'-'\
rg.o i,
a h.
6000 IE
I d
a i
400 500
204 300
Tmes nceaPP lcarionolload - days
at the age ol210dals'-
Crep and fcep recovery ol neat ccment paste loaded al rhe ase ot one dav aod unloadcd
? !
detodation using Nmposne modets lor the tests ol Tabie 4 I
Tdbl? 9.4 Compaison of observed and prediclerl residual
ilJi;a-- sp".ifi &Iomalion as predictd obsened
eldsrory uf bJ mode "'d,d 'r,,
!on(Ere. E. l:tl0 'ner MPa) deformation,q.p
Conlosite Conlosite Hnsch Counlo (10 6!dMPa)'
s",r""r r,v..t"ir:-loscp,: ",--G6X: ll1) i 1o "
per MPq r','(36r) = 8'1 x 10 'perMPa)
',1|.1 15.5 1.1 i5R 8.2 110 t1
25 54.3 233 51 14.5 16.4 11.9 30
12,4 55 26.5
_/-l -
Hirsch's model
Compos te hard mode
Res id u al deformai on
6 25a
Tlmeslnceapp car onoi oad - days
l-ia. 9.21 Ct..p and creep recovery under biarial onpression tor
Faled concrete loaded al lhe ase oI l5 daysj applied strcs =
Times nceappticat onot oad _ days
teE I re p rn! sep r(o! er, ui 6n.
L a
nI':l nre$/rrrcnArh rrrio = u4410
re rc lor lwo retatile h umdities oi sloragq t:3.5:3.5 mir waie4cenent rati. : O.?i
successive cycle. He ascribed lhis behaviour to 1he as- explanationrs of creep recovery is by a rcverse visco-
sumption thal a subsrantial part of water lost during elastic process: the stressed elastic phase surrounding rhe
drying creep is not recovered, so that the irrecoverablc saturated voids tends to return !o the state that existed
deformation increases with an increase ir the period prior to loadirg but has to overcome the high viscous
tulder load The revcrnble creep initrd t rncred,e, wirh resistance of the adsorbed water, icading to slow liiuid
time bLt soon reaches a con\rdnl ralue I I rg q.2,{1. Lhri , nigration in the direclion ofrecovery forces.
/,6r o.' r'.eDre!ove') rn rnia\iatdd TLt'r\.at !orpre...rn
ar ehoval *;i;ir* 2a d;i load (Mpa) AEp;It-o da)s
(10 u)
00 "l
Di.trlion Dn{aon Dndion
t8 5.6 122 022. 6? 65 6.3 41 A_29 0.21 031
t8 97 0.3r1 4.0 3.8 3.9 65 0.19 0.,10 0.35 28
5.0 170 0.25 4t 3.4 4.1 105 80 lll 0.29 0.25 031 28
5.,1 130 0.21 5.2 1.6 0 tt2 70 30 0.ll 0.50 0.25 22
28 160 026 10.0 ,.7 3.1 200 140 20 0.31 0.16 0.t2 28
28 10.0 235 0.26 11,2 9.7 2.1 235 r90 25 0:ll 0.31 0.20 28
28 L1.7 25',1 0.25 125 11.4 2.4 240 210 30 0.31 0.10 o16 28
28 t2.2 262 0.26 12.6 7.2 250 120 65 0.33 o.2'1 0.15 28
47 13.r 312 8.4 5.6 t0.l' t5? 82 92 0.19 0.31 0.21 42
l5 10.ti 165 0.23 13.2 9,5' 1.8 270 72 -15 0.27 0.31 014 l5
98 12.5 320 0.21 11.4 11.9 9.1i 275 287 10 0.21 025 1.50 98
6.2 0,03 13.5i 260 267 167 0.24 0.22
No,er A nesalive sign deno tes extension.
I Slress reached
this value in two sGps.
i looc
; 5oo
Timesinceremovaloiload,r days
ais. rrJ. Crep reco ve ry curve pl ol ted ro a semi-logarnhm ic s. ale tooblain lnerateparamelers0r and Ql or
rime r sine removal oI load
concrete. size of member and relative humjdi ty ol storage, initial clastic strain at the agc at application of load is
an assumption inherent nr th method is that a single assumcd to occur alter approximately one year under
function describes thc development of ihe delayed plastic load.
slrain wilh time for any age at application of the load
(see An assessment, carried out by Hilsdorf
and Milller.s': shows that the CEB FIP, 1978 assump-
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50. ISHAI, O.. Influen@ ol sand conceDtration on delorha- Institul liir tsauslofftcchrotogie. Universitet Kdlsruhe
tion otnortar beams under 1ow stesses. ,4 CI Jorlnal 58, (T. H.), oct. 1979.91pp.
1962. pp. 6ll-22- 53. CONCRETE SOCIETY, A simplified method for estima-
5t CEB-FIP. Madel Code lat Conctete Sttuctut.s, Conie ting the etastic modulur and creep of .ormal weiShl
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de la PrdconLrainle. Pdus. t978..148 Do. Cement and Corffete Association: London, June, 1978.
52 HIISDORF. H. K. and VIl IFR A S. (,apari.o,i oJ lp.
Methotls ta PrctlXt Tifte-De@htlent Strains of Concrcte.
Mechanism and theories of
A Ciscussion ol tie mechanism of creep is ol utmost Thus crecp is assumed to be compietely reversibie. The
imporiancein arrivingat an understanding ol the pheno- movement, both on applicalion of load and on its re-
mcna involved but such a discussion is difficuh as our moval, is elastic but is delayed by pressures that develop
knowledge of the problem is slill iBadequate. A number oi in the capillaries. This hypothesis cannot, ol course,
theories have been proposed ovcr rhe years but it is explain creep in water, and is not nowadays accepled.
probably justified to say that, as thcy stand, none is In a latr paper. Freyssinettr expressed the opinion that
capable ol accounting for all the observed iacts. Yer each lhe presence of load on concrete 'increases the proba
explains a number ol obscrvations and accords lully with bility of rearrangements \yhich lead to a reduction of
some o. other o[ the erperimental resulrs. It is possible volume of concrete'. One pari oi the creep is due to the
that the actual creep involves rwo or more mechanisms. tcndency of the hydrated cement pasle ioward maximum
Before accepting such a combined theory, furlher veri- stability underasuslained load. This part is irrecoverable.
fication is. bowever necessary. The other part consists of 'elastic deformation dcferred by
ln \iew ot lhis situation. it is bcst first to discuss the thewetness of the concrete due to pressure', and, as stated
possible mechanisms of creep. and then to consider some above. is believcd by Freyssiner to be reversible. Thus
ol the more complex theories proposed by difle.en1 creep is supposed to be due in part 10 the surface tension
effect and in parl to the tendency to maximum stabitity.
Whiie a part of the irreversible creep may be due to the
Mechanisms causcs postulated by Freyssinet, the theory does not
explain the influence of the various factors on creep and,
On a phenomenological basis, several broad mqchanisms in fact, there exish no corroborating experimental
of creep can be distixguished. They are: mechanical
delormation theory, viscous flow, plastic flox. seepagc of
gel water, dehycd elasticity, and microcracking- These
mechanisms will now bc discussed in rurn. It has been suggested that thecreepoi concrctemay be in
the nature of c.vstalline flow, i.e. a result of slipping along
MechMical delomation the orr planes within the cryslal lattice. This would be similar 10
Freyssinetl attributes the behaviour of concrcte under the plastic flow of metals and explains the early name of
load to internal stresses set up as a result ol the change ir creep ol concret: plaslic fiow. Vogt3 observed that in
the form of the capillary structure of cemeni paste due to some respects the mode ol deformation of concrete is
load. Hc assumes that under a comp.cssive stress th similar 10 that of cast iron and some other brirde metals.
capillaries are dformed and the water meniscus displaced For instance, if aller a period under a sustained load a cast
outward to a point where thc capillary diameter is larger iron specimen is subjected to an addili onal load, the strain
so that the tension underwhich the capillarv water is held increasc is very small until the stress strain curve ap-
is decreased. This reduces the induced compressive stress proaches asymptotically lhc 'virgin' curve. i.e. the curve
and partially offsets the applied extcrnal stress. However, q \ich ttou,LI ha!e been ooldrned b) d recr slre* incre.r.e.
hygral cquilibrium is upset with rhe resuh that warer will Similar behaviour was observed by Vogt in short,term
e\ aporulc ft om rhe capillarie. un I rhe r apoJ r pre,\urc r.
reduced lo thc ambienl value. The tension in rh capillary However, in metals at room lemperature, the plastic
\^ xter ri.e.. dnd lo mi rnt a rn eq rrlibrium rhe compre..ron deformation takes place only it the applied stress exceeds
in the solid phase increascs, too. The rcsultant defor- the yleld point. Some experiments have led Bingham and
mation conslitutes creep, so that it is, in fact, a delayed Reinera to suggest that mortar has a yield point of
elasiic phenomenon, the delay being due ro lhe rimelagin 0.45MPa, while neai cment paste has no perceptible
re-establisbing vapour prcssure equilibrium between the yieid value- The value of this yield for mortar is so low as
cement pasle and the ambient medium. On removal of to guarantee little accuracy ir its determination, and
load, ihe resulting changes in the pressure dillerences Cianville's experimentss showthat, il there is aparticular
between lhe water and air phases within the capillary stress for concrele below which no non-elastic deforma-
slructurecreate forccswhich tend !o rclurn the capillarics tion occurs as a resull of loading, the value of this stress
to their original shapc. is so small as to be negligiblc. Vogt,3 ard Jeflsen and
Mechafisims 159
Richart6 obse ed crcap at stresses as iow as 1 per cent of of creep will be progressively rcduced as the load is
the ultimate strength. It is possible though thal ihere is a transferred from the viscous !o the inert material. Hence.
conlinuous dislribution of yield values starting from very Arnstein and Rcinert'z inler lhat the rate of crccp should
low. In such a case, no sharp yield point would be depend on the nature of the cement pastc bul not on the
obtained and there would bc a gradual transfer of stress prope cs of lhe aggregate. In Chapter 4 dris was shorvn
btween the elements. 1ol lo be rhe r J'e. l'r rlhermorc, rue \ Ncous llow require.
Furthermore, plastic deformatiofl is the result of slip a constant volume,while axinl creep ol concrete results ir
along the plane of maximum shear in the crystal lattice. a lateral creep corresponding to a creep Poisson\ ratio
Undersuch circumstances, no volume change takes place, well below 0.5 (se Ch. 8). If the flow were viscous, it would
As Lynam? points oul, however, concrete is several limes be necessary for thc gel to flow into pores within the
stronger in shear than in tensio( hence, il would be hydrated paste. There is no evidence of flow into the
e\pecred lo fail in rension betore a 'hear 'lip occur.. capillary pores or even of a decrease in the gcl porosiiy
However, this arsument is valid only if gross behaviour but the latter statement is not certain.t
can be taken to apply at the particle level as well. The Viscousflow requires further a proportionality between
second objection to the slip mechanism is that crcep of stressand strainand between therates of stress and strain
concrete leads to a definitc reduction in volume. at any stress. These conditions are fulfilled to a con
A partial acceptance ol the crystalline flow lheory was siderable extent up to a stress/strength ratio of aboul0.5
suggested by Glanville and Thomas,3 who thought that (see ch. s).
creepdl low \lresqes ma) bevi5cou\andal highclre.sesrn In his other work, Reinerla considers creep ofconcrete
the form of crystalline slip. Against this it may be argued as r case of volume orisotropic llow. He argues that whefi
that the creep time relation for low and high slresses is of there is volume flow, apart from shear flow, the matc.ial
the same general lorm and no fundamental change in must bav a viscosity of its own apart from the ordinary
behaviouris apparenr. However, at very high stresses the shear viscosily. I1 lollows, in our opinion, that concrete
deformation of concrete somewhat resembles plasticity musl conlain some holes inlo which the viscous phase is
(and it is reasonable to use the theory of plasticity as a moved, bul il is no! clearwhether it is the water or the gel
basis of ultimate strength design oi structures) but there is as a whole that constitules thjs viscous phase. There does
afundamental dillerence from the behaviour of metals.In not appear to be any experimental evidence substantia-
the latter, the broken bonds cortinually re-establish ting thc isotropic flow theory of creep.
themselves by virtue of strong cohesion,q while in con- Hansenls thi*s rhat the viscous flow in hydrated
crete, where microcracking occurs much more readily, cment paste takes place ir the grain bourdaries or
once the bonds between lhe aggregate and paste have 'welding poinis'. Ir the past, there had been some doubr
been broken, no mending process taks place. Some of the whether solid bonds, like chemical or crystalline bonds.
microcracks within the cement paste may hal but only can behave in a viscous manner. but it has been
after a longtimeunder suitable condilions of moisture or shown'6'1' that this can be the case in the grain bounda-
ries in poly-crystalline metals when the boundaries
It appars thus that some form of plasticity may enter represent a compromise between the crystalline arrange-
the deformational behaviour of concrete at stresses ments in two adjacent grains. Thus cement gel would not
nearing failure but this is not of greaa signjficance to the be unique in showing viscous flow in grain or particle
creep behaviour of concrete under normal loads. boundaries. However, some non-recoverable part of
creep would have to be due to time-dependent, permanent
Yiscous aad isco-elastic fuw thcofies collapse of the gel structure.
The viscous flow theory of creep is one of the more Hansen'5 considcrs it reasonable that the modulus of
impo ant ones and thre are strong reasons to believe viscosiiy, ,lM, as well as the delayed elastic modulus of
thatviscousflow contributesir some measure to creep of concrete, Ii, increase with the amount of cemenl gcl
concrete. The basic argument is that hydrated cement formed. The two moduli must also increase wilh a
pa(le is a highl) \iscou, I'quid $ho\e \r(con0 increa\es decreasc in distance between cement grains, i.e. with
with time as a result of chemical changes within the struc- a decreasing water/cment ratio. Thus, according to
ture, possibly crystallization, possibly agirg in the form Hanscn. it is the same factors that influence strenglh.
of coarsening (decrease in specific surfaccl of the paF elasticily and defrcrmation under sustained siress. Experi-
ticles involved- mental results on the relation between rate of creep and
Viscous flow as a mechanism of crcep was llrst pos- gel density las reffecled by slrength) were obtained by
tulated by Thomas,11 who considers concrete to con, Neville.l3
sist of two partsi cementitious material, which behaves in Parenthetically, it may be interesting to consider the
a viscous manner when loaded, and inert aggregate, creep behaviour of permacrete,re i.e.'concreie' wilh
which does not llow under load. When th concrete is ice as cemnting agent at 5'C. The volume of ice was
loaded, the cement llow is resisted by the presence of the
aggregate, ard as a result of this resistance the aggregate
I Drying, followed by a petting and dryins cycle betwen a relative
becomes more higl y stressed while ihe stress on the hunidily oi 100 and 0 per cent, produes nrevesible shiiitaee oI
cement paste decreases withtime. Now, since the creep of cenen!pasteand anincreaseolsolid voluh.,hlch irplies!d&reasei.
cementpasteis proportionalto the applied stress, the ratc lorosny and a de*ease in lbsolule deisny'l
160 Mechanisn and theoties oJ .rce!
i 03
e 02
l5 per cent of the tolal rolume, the aggregate size transicnt sircsscs. Thcsc. combincd with thc strcsscs duc
bing in thc range ot 50 !o 60 US sielc. Figure 10.1 1o cxlcrnal loading, givc risc 1o a dist.ibulion and
!ho$\ the creep-lime curvei the similarity to lhe nrgrirude oI .r-e*e,'dr drFe.elr [,on tho.r rn o ron.
behaviou. ol concrele is apparen!. parlicularly in so far as shrinking companion specimcn. I1 may bc nolcd that
the elaslic recorery and creep recovery are smaller than shrinkagc cannot accounl lor additional crccp ufllcss lhc
the instantaneous strain on applicationof ioad and creep, stress strain relation is nonlinear. From this it fotlo\,!s
respectlvely. Since the binder is isotropic and homos- that superposition ol stresses does nol produce a super
e,leou\ i. nd) be 'u.pecled l\ar no moirrLre mo\ement rr
involved and the delorrnation is !isco-elastic. A somewhat similar approach was used by Vogt.'::
From lhe assumptior that the stress strain relalion
Elas,ic afi e r -ejle ct t he otie s depends on lhe previous stress hiltory, so that the slress
Two carlier hypotheses relaring creep direct to shrinkage slraln relation is multi-valued. he concludcs that in small
are ofinlerest. Not so much a dilTcrcrt crccp theory as an specimens, even ii shrinkage becomcsfinallv uniform over
oulrighl denial of theeiristence of creep lvas expressed by the whole section. the deformalion after a lime unde.load
Maney.tro By considering distortions due to diflerential will be greater than deformation without shrinkage. The
ht gromclriccondilions and thc iact tha! crccp wa\ at that 'excess' deformation may be as large as the shrinkage
time, usually mcasurcd by surfacc crtcnsometcrs, hc strain itseli This conclusion does not involve the concept
arerred that the true creep is not appreciahle ai working of creep but rccognizes that, at some time in the life of
loads, the elTect ol ioading being simply an elastic change cach clcmcnt. thc st.css cxcccds thc average valu owjng
due to thc changc in non-uniform shrinkage. This does to the transient differential shrinkage. Diflerential thermal
not explain. however, creep in u,ater or creep ol mass- . rre..e. p-odr. e a, ni"r de'orqraronalelTec..
cured concrete. Moreover. the theory is based on thc
rather arbltrary assumplion that the axial time- Sol t solutio theot)i
deformaiion ol a Ioaded specimen is roughly twrce ihat Lea and Lee:3 attempted to explain creep in a manner
oi a simiLar unloaded specimen when mcasured on the similar 1(r the solid solutjon theory ol shrinkage. The
suriacc. and \re know that this ratio is noi independent of vapour pressure ofwaterin a gel is afected by the appiied
lhe maguitud of the stress applied. Maney also assumes stress. with a resulr that the waier content of the gel and its
that in a ctlindrical member under a sustained load the volume are aitered. Even in fully saturated concrele
\hrinkage at thc ccnt.c is zcro and it iDcrcascs radially immersed in waler. the gel waler is under stress. The sel
according to a parabolic law. It seenrs that as cement as first lormed is unstable in that it has a greater
sumptions cannot hold good in all cases. volume than tharwhich charactcrizcs its stable condirion.
Pickeltl explains th iact that creep depends on the fhc (\1..J(J .rd,c rcmrrn. a' long a. ,hc concrere r. rn
ratc ol drling ol lhc spccimen as a natural consequcncc of water but on first drying an irreversible change takes
non.ulrfo-11 .l'Inlagc Jnd d nor l.n<ur i c,, .lrrrr place; lhis is grealer the lower the vapour pressure lo
relalionshipin conc.ele.In his opinion, drving ol concretc which thc concrete is exposed. A similar irrevenible
does not resuliin a di.ect increasein the creep as such,but changeis produced by ihe application of stress, creep and
it causes non-unilorm volume changes $hich produce shrinkage thus having a This argument
Methdn\ims 16t
uoLld4cc,,rlr.or .nrto$Lrcepor .\en-o \ (orcrc. br.. pafliclcs bonded rigidly to each orhcr. lt rhev arc thin
nor 'ur rhe , h gh creef .,1 .ntc-medi ,r.. moi..-re . ,o,.s.. ,l .r,, , J , b(.. J"rr . J tol,n rrin.. I rhe
runren', A r..her rdrtr.ig oi rh.. h\n.rhe.. ., rt.. ..1. ,r!e.n .e.uitJce I .. er-r8\ ot 1e.olid...r,.eo -)
\r^uld cid u o e\De.r r'.( -e,J-at .t.jrn^ag. o ,
,pe.imer u hrcL r.,o .rnJcr n lo b( c\\ lhdn lnJr I. r.n.* e r,r J p.,*.ole r r,\,n .-i
o a.rnid unoJ(ed.f(Jirer {l-rlF rn.Jct,t,I.hi:\nor oI c'c(D. lh! r r.^r\ ]\ .rtpo ea oi ., . r]llari . ut rh,
beer observed.,r Anolhcr argument aeainsr the solid .hdpe nf he.reep ,nJ .\r,n("re .r re c .\(..
sol lion tleoryis Hansen,s observation , a thar ccmenl sel general concordancc in rhe dependence of thc hlo
-rd rt-e
.hou. reTdrtJble .rruL.u-dt .rao:,ir) .on
" frred \\; , phenomcna on a large number ot variabtcs. Lvnamr elen
other gels whcn erposed 10 cxternal toad or to-changes in $(nl ..": lJr cour"l ol ol . r((p "1o
moislure contenr. The dimcnsionat srabilitl- is probabl,,- shflnkr e p,'rnrle\
due to lhe prcsence ot ijbrous pa ictes in lhe gel. lh. eep"lJ {r. . jpro-,ed ,r!'
eldborrrcJ b\ Seeo ' no e" JnJ I ee 't te|
e\pldndr.,n o \.ep. pe j. rh"l ^l Irt-e
The seepage thcory of creep ol concrete was 6rst postu-
dpf (,rion ut . 1
e\'(-n.rl. i(.. .o r,,n.-ete cJr \e\ d !,rnpe n ll-e,n.(,LI
ldred b! I rnrrr rn totl \eep-pc i, a !r\nu, Fu$ o|hc vapour pressure and hencc in rhe gcl wate. conrenl. with
"ru "heJd o nc rti,per.c^1 med rm rhrorJh accompan\ring rolume changes. Now. since hvd. ted
phase. Removal of stress from such a mr).ed svsren i\ o,r.r( r. e... r'r" l! pcl, equi rhflum e,^r.
chdracre o\ r D,r,Jt In ncJi.,re,e11. i" o".a bets(c.l rh. ."rl,ri pre..Lre " Eioot
bya slow elastic aftcr-eflect
lhe qe rIo ,o!J
as is revcrsed. There is t a11e\ ork. dnd di. I bdr ce .i rh( e.llrhbriun' cd r.r. J
thus a volume decrease under a compressive slress, in !hdnEe ir rhe pe udt(r .olte|r jhe r.rle o rcep. p.
contrast to plastic flow and viscousflowwhich invotve no dcpends on the moisrurc gradjent. Moreover. as water is
squeezed out, the srress on the solid incrcases and the
The seepage theory arises irom the observation thar pressure on the \,\,arer correspondingl! decrcases. with a
hydraled cemcnt paste is a rigid gel. and, in such gets re.u r1e redL.lion rn L,re rJr( ot e\lu \rnn o. rhe sr.(f
gcnerally,load causes an enpulsion of the viscous compo- ( reepi,dmJlte\rarruno. r.r..rctd\ n .-e..".t.hi.l rh(
nentfronthe voids in rhe elastic sketeton. This resxhs iD a i xil h,,rm Delqeel . ,e pe'"rJ . .ur.oundrr;.
redistribution ot stresses lrom the viscous componenl to The creep recover] ts simpty the rendency ro rc_
the elastic skeieron. Thus. creep jn concrcrc is taken to bc establish rhe originat statc of affaim wbcn the c\lernal
due to seepage of gel water under pressure. tn this way, lodd h r. be( 1 ren^\ed H^$e\er. tu tre.o\Lr) i:f,c\e -
creep is analogous 10 shrinkage bur the motive forcc is an led b) l1e'^rmi.r^n ot ne\ bono. sher . (
externally appiicd pressure instead ot a dirccr vaDour fet pn rcle
pre\\Jre drderenlral $rlh rne ambierl medrLm. thc
"l Jqed o.on e i. one. ioLlre-.r. d r(.u ( of
creep. Thus a new stable position of rhe get p.rrlicles is
removal of capillary \iarer has no eilect on deformatron. established lt should be emphasized rharit is Jnly the gel
At this stage, a noie on the nature of irreversiblc water that is involved in the movement: neither
,hrinkJge r,.e d-) iig .lrink"ge dr,rincr iron rotru-c the capillary water nor the chemically combined $.aler
move.n(nrl rrc\ be oi inrer(sr.",llr, ,hn1k"re . mo,(
likeiy to be due to a dccrease in porc votumc than in ihe The concept ol fro$ ot get water along the capilirics
lordl \olLme po-..i1).)a l he-c r. p.ubdbt)
". con"l"nl
o agrees wirh the influence ot ambicnt hu;idily on creep:
dr.o a de(rca.e rn rhe .pecitir .Lrtdc( o. I'rc nrdrrLe.r u ten ro-. rcle i. .,ured ii ur) nL s.,rer rrdpo-ale.
phi.c 'ihe ,Deci.1. .Lrtrce oecrea.e. *i.h p-otorgc,t lhe oLlcr end.ot rt..Jprl"
e.,pr,.Juc.nplen.i, n.$h(h
mdist curingr but ihis stabilizarion decrcases onh rhe dra$,s furtherwarerftorn rhe gel. Thus, the dricrrhe air the
rever.rblc .hri1(Jge arJ nor rhe irrc\er.iN. ,hrinkaee nu'e rin'd rhee\"por"t,or. 1o lhe more r.,n J he In* nl
ThL. rh( rrre\er.i J .tlntage rs - proce\\ ot uarer trom he ger. Bu. rh( Cet ir.Jtirs hrero.copr. d ro rhe
stabilization thceffecis of a changein structure and is le,. sJler , (on." n, rhe rcore ti m 1 ,nar $.,.c. I, he J.
no conne(red wr.h rnc.nplete "e-uel.rng of rte inrern l ( on,eoLelr J lhe nrr. rL.c graoren. rhe.
.rrl;(c. He n uth anJ 'l u.\:- h1\ rng.ho$ n rhJl corplere becor(',.flrrrr,,nu iher"tJo seepdgedecred.r. Thep.
re-wetting is possible. nrare rle cnnire.e \urtace uiL dr) o r more pa.i.\
B) conlrd\t { h lrcdecrcd\e rn poro.i.r L1oF..rreve,- oe.Jl,e nl the.ndlle lol", t|rrroral re.i,rance rr rhi
.ible .h..nkige. rhe r(re-.bte .nfinkole
lor rursrrrc flow along the shorter channels.
rlo\e.nenlr rl,nJepeiuenr ol lhe n^ro"itJ L,t .he p""re Ih. .l-"ngL in h( i crinn a.olg rhe cdprltar)
'I l'e proce- ,n1e ,
mL.r. rhereio, e. be.c'oieo ro ien,uper,,.,or trrll he app ied ,t,cs. m,\ be ,r,.our,eJ rorLh-) rle rh" I are irdependcnl ot prronri.. r.h
\uld(c ared modulu, ot etJ.rici.\ ot rhe.olio ",.pe.anJ
it r Io louing argrnen. prr toru]'d ,.\ Llndn $n(n.o1-
thu.e crcre'. elc.rical) conf c..eo ir \irder. rhe fl,,$ ot rh(
the composilion oi the solids. Hetmulh an; Turk,1 water by diminishing the cross-sccrion ot the capiltaries
believe that lhe reversibte shrinkagc is the shrjnkage of and naking rhe gcl more dense. Thus both the head
Jnrlied inJ he tr'(lrolJt .e..!rJn\e !ro!\ roperh(. BI
Io, ll-. agrJ(ment q lh e\p<rrmer r.rl re"u,.. rr i nec...arr
tThn is asins and lhould n.r
be contused wnh rhe behaviour undd o r..ur e nuL lhe i .lion gr,\r. dl J o\er rre rhan .hi
head does. Llnam bclieves that rhe law connecdrg rhese
t62 Mechanisn a d theoties of.rcep
rates probably contains lerms for the surlacc volume out due to the Poisson elTcc!.r0 The problem of internal
.atio, water/cement ratio, finencss of cement, hurnidity sccpage is considered furlhcr in this chapter.
and tcmperature of the air, agc o[ the concrele at ap- While thc seepage theory may not bc correct! there is
plication ol load and the initial modulus of elasricily of no doubt lhat tbe prcsence of evaporable water in the
hfdrated cement paste is a necessary prcrcquisite ior
A concrete specimen stored in air of 100 per cent creep to take placc. Glucklich,sl and Mullen and DolchI
relative humidity is e).posed 1() iull vapour pressurc of showed thatmortarand neat cement pasre fromwhich all
warcr at that temperature. This vapour pressu.c prevents evaporable water has been.cmoved do not undergo
evaporation and the direclion of flow is usually inward creep. This docs rot necessarily mean that creep is due to
since the hygroscopic gel can thcn take up warer. This will seepage as it may bc that the position of gel particles
conlinuc until. with tlme. the equilibrium ber$een thc reaches a minimum spacing when the gel water has been
oulside and inside vapour pressures has been reached. As
moisture is lost, thc gel shrinks owing 10 thc collapse of Because their spccimens oven-dded at 110'C to con-
pore spaces within il. Conversely, as these porc spaces stant weight did noi creep, Mullen and Dolch3r conclu-
bccome filled with \raler. the gel swells. Since lhis ded fiat there is an upper limil !o lhe time-dependent
moisturc movement can also be produced by external dcformation. This limit is eqDal to the maidmum possible
pressurc, j t would appear that shrinkagc due to the loss
ol drying shrinkage and is indpendent of the magnitude of
moislu.e and creep due to seepagc are interrelared thc applied load. Mullen and Dolch call it the absolute
creep potential. A corollary ol the argument that there is
L'Hermitez6 does not accept the hypothesis that creep no creep when all shrinkagc has taken place is that
is shrinkage under load. Admittedly, from the hygro- the source of creep and sh.inkage mechanisms is the
metric point ol vicw lhere is a dependency between creep
and shrinkage but. according to L'Hermitc, it is more Upon re-saturation of ovendricd specimens, Mullen
correlarivc than lunclional. i.c. the two phenomcna are and Dolch3':found a quasi-equilibrium level, lorrcspon-
lnked to a parl or lorm ol the h!dratcd phase rhai leads ding to the residual value of non recovercd shrinkage plus
bolh ol lhe phenomcna !o a similar evolution. any delayed elastic deformation when thc cxpansion has
\e\ertheless. the seepage theorv ol creep has had a reached its maximum value at the given humidity and
considerable suppor!. This is partly due ro the similariry load Thus the equilibrium creep potential (Mullen and
between cement gel and rigid gels and partly ro the facl Dolch's term) is bollr load- and humidiiy-dependcnt.
that the theory gives an explanation ol the largc creep of Mullen and Dolchrz found a higher specinc dclayed
drying concrete compared with wet or dry concrcte. On elastic strain'(creep arisirg ftom a difference in the
the oiher hand, thc seepage theory does not explain why moisture condition) at lower water/cment rarios because
corr rer( dried in dI r qJ lhen ,ubrec,ed ru a compre*r\ ( thereis, in that case, a lowe. volume of capillary voids and
stress in walcr creeps about twice as much as concrete a higher resistance ro flow of expelled water. and hence
stored and loaded in water.t5 Horvever, the creep ol a greater delay in the transfcr of load from thc water
co.crete under lersion in waler is greater than creep phase to the solid phase in a saturared system which is
under compression in water (see Ch. 8) and this accords allowed to drain.
with the seepage theory. In mass co[crete, or even in thick concrete members.
An other obj eclion ro theseepagc theory arisesfrom rhe water is always present. Hornby34 found that evcn after
fact that the measured loss of waier from concrete under seven years there is no signjfican! drying at more than
a compressive stress is insuficient 1() account lor the 610 mm ftom the frcc surface. Even at a depth ol 150mm
quantity supposed to be lost by seepage.z) In fact, no loss the loss is only 16 pcr cent ol the non-chemically com-
of watcr from concrete under load in excess of that un- bined watcr (i.e. water in excess ol thar corresponding to
de. shrinkage without an exrernal load was found bv a water/cement ratio ol 0.25).
\4dnc).' Vamrl dn:sano Nev,lle. o Iri5po.\rbt<rhoug; Indirecr e\rdcn(e ot lhe role o,'saler in creep i. givcn
thal none ol rhe.e u,eJ.ensiri\e enuugh equipncnr ro by Fig. 10.2, whjch shows that mortar stored in minerai
establish very small difererces in wcight. In any case, oil is not subject to creep while water-stored moriar is.35
substantial creep in mass concrete, where no loss to Hrennikoff36 found that steam,curcd and oven-dried
the oulside is possible, has bcen measured. Hansenrs neal cement paste would imbibe kerosene or light lubri-
iound no dilTerence in creep of sealed and unsealed, pre- caling oii without swelling but subsequenl soaking in
conditioned specimens s ubjected to compressive stress for water would lead to swelling without removal of kcro-
453 days at a relative humidity of 60 per cent at 20.C. sene. It appears, rherefore, thal kcrosene enrers only lhe
He concluded that no external seepage rook place. Since, larger voids and is not adsorbed on thc surface of the
however, the specimens were preconditioned, we are cement gel, thusmakingit possible lor waler molcules ro
dealing with basic creep only. and it can now be safety lravel along this surface. The water produces a wedging
assumed that basic creep does not involvc exrernal eflcct and hence swelling. Since this occurs againsl rhe
scepage. Internal seepage is, nevertheless, possible. In solid-to-solidattraciion.itlollowsthatthiswatermustbe
particular, the displacemenl of water may be from pores under strong compression. By contrast, capitlary water is
oriented in a direction normal to the applied force to the !rJrc ol len\ion. or.s.ri( rl).r'elkrng. rn a.ompre*ion
pores parailel lo that direction, whichwould have opened lower than the ahospheric pressure. From lhis it lollo\'r's
Contibution d t ioocrackittg to oeep 163
Sl'pss "l'-lgLh rdr'o'
that regions occupied by the adsorbed water are not stress is transferreal to the ncw gel it creeps, ard sinc it is
available to capillary flow. in a virgin slate, its rate of creep is high.
Hannant3' found that liquids with large molecular size Jaegermann'" poinl. oul lbal cvaporation lrom con_
have noefrect on creep but methyl alcohol has some eflect. ooppo.ingeilecl. On thcone
Since a motecule of mthyl alcohol is 0.35 nm indiameter, hand. a den'er and .lronqer .lruclule ri created rnd
i.e. approximately the same as water, this would suggest hence lower creep should be expected. On the other.
rhdl ihe molecule si/f is lhe crgnihcanl ldclor. some(imes macrocracking may occur and, ifthis is severe, creep may
known as themolecular sieve eflect.33 The polar nature of
the molecules does not seem to increase absorption over a
non-po)ar liquid. From the quantity oi the liquids of
difrerent molecular size absorbed by the hydrated cment Cont bulion ot microctacking to creep
paste, Hannant inferred that about 8 per cent of its
volume is involved in creep and shrinkage. tr has been suggested in the past lhat the non_linearity of
An interesting experimert, often used as a'test case'for the stress strain relation in concrete is due to creep.
a creep h] porhesis. r\ hrch shor s the role of warer in creep However, work by Hsuao showed that the ron'linearity
was performed by Hannant.r? He driedconcrte at 75'C aises from the presence of the interface between aggre_
for 75 days, then cooled and stored it sealed at 27 "C for 50 gale dnd lhe hldralcd cemenr pJne Jnd is abtenr in ncJI
days. Th concrete was then loaded in compression at 27 cement pa{e. O[ courie. creep r' lound in nedl cemcnl
or 70 'C and the resulting creep was observed After 3 10 paste as well asinconcrete. The roie of the interface is that
days under load, when rat of creep became small, with_ of providing a discontinuity wher microcracking takes
out changrng the load or the lemperatule. rhe specimen place, the llp of cract consrdered being knosn Js bond
$as re-\aturaled and shotred in.lantaneous expan'ion crack. from H-u ' work"o il appears lhal lhc upper lmil
followed by a time-depcndent contraction (creep) (se of proporiionality between creep and stressis probablvin
Figs. 10.3 and 10.4). There is no doubt thus that water was thJ region where bond cracks begin to ircrease. Bevond
absorbed and it is possible thatsubsequent crcep was due this sdess leyel. strains due io bond microcrackingtend to
to its xpulsion. This explanation is contrary to that of increase creep at a higher rate. No mortar cracks (i.e.
Hannant. who assumed that creep was caused by a shar crac(s acrorr the malrr\, dre crealed bv ld,ge creep {rdin\
process belqeen lhe crysrals lubricated by qdler' Olher (up to 3000 x 10-6)jn either sealed or unsealed concrete
pos.ible explanation. are con'idered tn rhe iubseouent unless such cracks were induced immediately on appli
discussion of crep hypotheses. cation It iollows that in the absence of mortar
Afactorin renewed creep on re-wetting is that new gel is cracks creep will not produce failure aftet prolonged
formed. When, due to creeP of the 'old' cement paste, loading. On the other hand, if the initial load is high
161 Mechdnism and Lheories ol cleep
E soo
Iir. /r 4 Innuence oI wa ter movene! t o. r ine-d epend ent n rains oI concrere und er a compressive sress al 70 "C. (El.s1ic slrai n . ot showni
the orig]n ol time is alter ?5 daysotcunnsinwater.)rr
Possible nechalism of action oj ndnixttie\ t6S
enough immediarcly to introduce tno(ar cracks! creep sanrc stresshtrengrh ratio thar crccp deparls irom Uncar,
under sustalncd loading will propagate rhese cracks and ity with ihe slrcls,/strength ratio.
cansefailure wi!h timet !hisapplies only ar stress,rslrenglh
ratros in excess of 0.7.
It i' imporr"nl lo rJre .hrr mr.rocrackrng i\ re.n,,n- Posslble mechanism of action oi admixtures
.ibc lor
^n) a po-tr' ot rne Jero"narr"n a*o,iarcd
wilh the sustained load, i.e. ol crcep. Thjs is the irrecov-
An attemprar to inlcstigate lhe rnechanism through
\lhich wateFred ucing and sc!rerarding adlnixtures aflecl
erabl part. The extent of development of the bond thecreepof neatccmentpastcundercondirionsof drying
crark, due o rreep depe]lo. or lhe q JnL \ o. bond was made bysludying thequality ofthecemenr paste, viz.
cracl. rn eri:rence p1o- 'o apprrcalion ul rhe load tt the physical structure of ihe gel and rhe p.opefiies ot the
follows that. in gencral, the later a givcn load isapplied in waler, when lwo selected were used The
thclife ofconcrete thclo\\,er lhc cr;ep.Ir also follows ihat starting point was the assumption thar if watermovemenr
sealed concrete crecps initialty more because of the uithin the hydrared cement paste is the essential elcment
absence of bond cracks caused by shrinkage prior to the iu creep, then the spced or ease ot this movement is a
application of the load. However. afrer a lime. ihe rare of lactor in crcep.It lollows that changing rlrc characleris tics
crecp ol sealed concrete may lalt below thar of similar of moisturc movement in cement pasle niight change its
unscaled concrete because the former has iess water crecp behaviour. One way ole$ecting such a changc is to
presenl for contrjbuting !o creep. In a precracked con alter the propcrties oi water in cement pasre. e.g. the
crete, bondcracking does notcontinue until thesustained
load has produced a strain greater than that atready
I u H H t1
ft' r"
Equations [10.3(a)] and [10.](bll are based on thcfacr It can be seen lhat theenergy requirement islarger in a
that the changes in the potcntial energy are caused by an paste with a iower watcr/cement ratio. The waterr/ccment
Cteep hypotheses 171
r 0.1
i Stress/sirenglh ratio:
.3 o.o1
u 100 1000
T me under toad (log scate) _ hours
r,, /, 7 vanation rn the rore ot ba,c c.eD of seale.l n P'r (eherr
nie"\ nreralb ran$. ods'o wi h r.m. unde' load qr oifierenr
Slress?stren91h ratio:
---- 97-5
01 L..-.--17a
Ory ng
4.2 o6
skessistrength ralio
/\ in e.ur!alenr rrc$ l\P. 110 91)
( rpep hypolhc.e" t-l
I rbo\ c rhr<e ilrcri.n\ dre reJdrt) dercrmineo trom
flow oi water. Hencc, reversibte creep appears to be as-
crcep r'ne. cre..p lemperdru'c. :rnd relx\at,,,n e\|l,.r- sociatcd with water movcmenr.
menli. re\pecti\ el\. d hodsh [.r /.ro, orhL. merhod. . an
be Lrscd 6" Feuna and S.rcda'! hfi^thtsis
-Tleadvantage of rhis approach js in studying the
influences of iactors
The sinplified model of hydrated porttand cement
on creep and in the iormulari;n of struct rc. proposed by Feldman and Sercda5o in 1968.
ihese influences inro a creep tjme rclation. For example, uas di'crsed in ( 2 'l ne,- sor,{ empha.i,,ed rhe
.reen rn en\ion l-", beea u ,h cre(t rn ra\cred nnlure oJ lhe c \. H gel and , tt_dr
(L,mpre\{ron" xnd crecp unoe. d .}ctr( lord t-J. been rnlera)er $drcr reloLarron play, dn rrnponJal role, ar.
.tudied.'3 lne acrivarrL,n ene,p) dpp,occh uJ{ u.ed lo lhouph rl r' n,,r nece..a l) rl-e rdte-dete -n,ningproc.*.
derive tlc relatiolr between creep under a cyctic load and Experimcnts using compacted botrle-hydrated cemcnt
crc(p ulder a .u,rxined loJd rc.".h 8l Varechat . rr.r, powder have demon straied howbondscanbe broken and
3l,o in\enrgateo lIe influence o, remperature uq (.(ep. remade, which Iends support 10 the viscous flow corcept.
Cdmbleond lL.ron o p.opose errendins rhc ucrirarron The ro.e ot do,orbed $d,e- i, nnl ,rsnificant o
"pprod.hror,heorl oi -are proce,sl ro arcornr lor I-eldrlan 'xLrvocared rtc ne.e.,irr ot d,.(\r e\pe.l
changes in moi..ure co enl. renpLrdrure and app red mental mcasurenrcrts ol physical chariges which occurin
n es in r m, nl r.rnd.Tt)-orienred changes rn ac- the m;cro-unih ol the solid parl oi the cement paste
lrvalron ener$ a, $elta.lhe drrected chdnge in a(li\ i.r^q sl.ucture as a resull ol changes in exposnre and intcrnal
eflergy li. Here, a component of locat random energy stress condilions. His tests on hydrated cement paste
change either reinforces or opposes rhe directed cner;i compacts and cement paste involved water sorption
change, and there is an cqual chance ot borh ca; experiments undcr high vacuum conditions in $hich thc
occurring. According to camble and llston.To rhis changes in length and in weight, solid volume and helium
app-or(h re',rlrs rhe lulio$ rng e\pre*rnn tor rhc ra re oi flow characteristics were measured and corretatcd wilh
thechangesin exposure. As a result of this work. Fetdman
advanced the original hyporhesis of Feldman and
J = cN iar,, Ru^
,,nh 11 .n"h L Sereda,so and postulated tha1, in conrrast to the scepage
R0" RA" [10.151
concept of reversible c.eep which involves the movemenr
where C: a material constan t, of adsorbedwatcr,themainmechaDismof creepinvolves
N = distribution of melastable elements at the age a struclural change at rhccntrance to the interla]r spaces
at applicarion of load whose activation which become extended. Under conditions of drvins or
energies are approximately equal io the range an e\ternJl) apn r(J comnrr*re,r.e,. .pecific iegion.
of 0(r); the eflect oi age and pre_treatments ol he entrtnces lo Lhe interll!er \urlace conrracl or
(temperature and drying)roduce N. sepa.ate to lorm new interlaycr spaces. Some water
and f : function of the change in moisture conrcnr movementmust therefore occurfrom theentrances of the
and tcmperature. interlayer spaces. The solid materiat is unslabte and will
move towards a lower lree energy position and lower
In [10.15], rhe nature ol N and I is largely un- .Ldace ared. and further talering or crlsrdtt,/alion of lhe
known but, compared with [10.5], the additio;al term, i,,rccompanied b\ rncrear\ rn \oli.t \o.
cosh (F/RU1) is of inrerest because this means rhat the lume and in inlcriayer
space. Oniy the timited region of
rate ofcreep will always tend to increase due to enviror- the cntrances to the interlayer spaces is afected bistress.
ment changes under load, nrespeciive oftheir sign (since lhe rgrdl) heldinrerlarerwater
xnd the,<parationot rhe
cosh r:cosh(-x)). The effecr may be modified by major.r) ol rnte' a!er \paces
berng un"ffeclcd b) nrc.s.
changes in other terms but ir would seem to account for The abovc process
may be partly reversible depending on
ob\erved eipenmenra. phcnomena, i.e. creep can b( in- how closc
the laycrs have moved toscther.
creiied by borh drlrng and moi,rurc movimenr uhile Crcep t rh J\ d r,,rlbindlron ot proce*c. u \ich
under a sustained load a fcature which cannot alwavs FeldnJn 'cld*ifie.
d, eirhe. rdre-dererminints I.ucesse\
be e{plained b} rhe \arious hyporhece. ot c.eep.
or aclivating processcs. The rale-determining processes
Wirtmann6i calculated rhe microscopic activation consisl of layer collapse
and of adsorbed waier seepage
energy {energy per molecule) lrom relaxation of srress iiom theentrances
ofinterlayer spaces and arcas of ilose
measuremcnts and found the value very much greater proximity
of two sheets. These processes controj the
thall that expecred lrom a singte molecule of eitlrei water init dl rapio ra lc oi . r(ep
but i,( not drrecll! rn\ ot\ed in
or of a ,olio par trcle. S mitar crt(rta on. ot ma( roscopr( longer lcrm creep
In rdd ion. o.hcr proce\se\ ot ,neirr
acri\,atron ene g) renergJ Der molertrom creep mea\ure slippage, microcracking, breaking of and rc,forming ot
menls also rugCesred lhat rhe enrire gel pi.Il(te, are bonds are operativc.
involved in the creep process. The roje oi the adsorbed The aclil,ating processes are the moving togclher of
water is that of dccreasing the surface energy and, hence. .ur'ace. ol rarge
enrrance. ol rnrerlalcr space. rnduced
activation energy of the surface laycrs, thus increasing the b) r (omp-e,,ire ,rre.j
or n) drling Specihc region,
mobiliiy of the gel particles.65 Seltevold and Richardsrl of increased shear
or even rensile stresses are created
mea'ured rhc activilron energJ lrom creep rerovcry le.l, dndlhc) increase rhecreep
rale rhrough.lippage. micro.
and iound ,Irar rhe valJe apre(d wiln rhai tor rhc \ r.cou5 crackrnts. breakrng
oland re-tormins ot oond..
174 Mechnnism and theoties o1 crceq
fhc odflrcr lu,cd\e.r lhc 'esumption ol i-eel un Ic r'unu'nPgel'lr aJ.lrlJ mJnner' lhc 'lre" on the gcl
;l "i.;t;ii"r"i'"r'""'"""" r"i"1'"'i ;pe r''ne 'e'er"'{ec* rrri'r'ker) howercr'
"'i'rd': ni*''* on Lhe rnrer-.and Inrrxtr\'lallin( $rrer
brrne'ceparcrheo-1.i''i'.1 utr.'l*.ln'' on"J'i'"g qords rhe
rv conbin(dr dnd nrc'd)cr *.]iti 'n'' 'r'"
.,(,"'1"*: lir dcl 3rm^'r rroer niFl\ rln orh(r
hvdra,e l.h(n'cJ
waffi"'" "it ol hldrat; ccmenl paste is the
r;moled in addiljon to phvsicallv adsorbed 'ii'*i"-1Ji";"tion
ins collaose of the intcrlav". .pr"., t"t" "" tft" "futtic response ol thc solid matrix with cmpty
i\e re'rrr ".a "lr '"tti"tJiii"
i' " ra,se irIJ!ersrbre 'pure' rn betueen
-ii,;;;;;;.";i;;. *'r'i's 'l'h"''" dr'rinsui'te' bcrqecn rc\errb'e dnd rrre\cr-
oernancnr .h'inraee. Sub*q,.". "'l;";h;; of
sible creep ThJ former is soverned bv migration
iration or new regions or potenhal ".lna;;;;;i
ar relarile humidities above soper cent; wrttm"aiii. "i'i m'rnth' rhe
round an increasc in rate.r c,."p ill tr'c '"'giit'l"h;i';
;;;;';;';;i"c stab ized after alout tuo thc
p;;;"; '" "';'sible because thc mnse or Porc sizcs
hnmidirv from 42 io 100 per cent. lt rs tiom ih";;;; ot phv-rcrr
i"'"'tttf i' out'rde the rangc oi'aclron
fo'rlrons.$nichdorr'l er,u "fttn 't_tnr'yof ''n't'f"" i"t"tp""i.r" r..ces. on removal ofload. restoring iorces
w3tcr lirst commencs,,nu, *o,", -u**"ni'i.,li but this
within the soliri matrix cause comoLete recolerv
to occur and thus lead 1o " "il*t'"lr ;;';;p;;i; " '*** ;";;i;;; "ii"' " a"ra a* r" *i'ous reststanc or the
"';;:;,;i"" leurran. r rhermodlndmrc 'lpp-oach connned lquid , ,
No$.rhe.reeprar,rgprace-- rn inrerp"r'icre and
,".):;;;;.,;,.,r,,i"ai,'.r'"1'*.. i'aiT'''n' rn ottgin'
in tne rLrd.{rnenral equdrior roarlow
i'ii"..'1"''ri* 'p^i'' 'rpeand
tl'" ';';;;;;'; "'" i"*'l""*tle ihc applied load causcs a decrease ifl
concenlration of watcr on tL. "iltiuJ 'llli- ""a or
ments or surraces or rayer"
th" ;h;-,;'" i;i;;;";licle spaces'which are within the rang
,i:;ji"i;; J;--;i;iion, ^",r t","a on ,h" ilJ;i;
",*ti",.;:;";i;;;, pr'l"i"rr"i.."'"'a'ia"e\thecnersYrevcrorrhesvstem
mobhL..orceplr\or\rrsr'dn'rrron''"r';.;;;;;: ih; p'**' i'' rhercto'c rrrc\errb'e' lhc 'quee/rng'
,.",.,'*,. " ,,. i ".... s,. "" ""ii;:;::,: j:1:*:1.;:",;;:. ;lj;j'; ;T"I;:i:i,:d1T:
.'rc-,\'.J,cd\ocare.olrhe'h!'rrod'nrrr'r,cd/,''''''- ;;",;r.-. irre\rr,ib,e.reep d(,ornJrion J\er mJn)
d'sc!: in arer seciion
page l?or e\r'r' berueen t" ti'lijii
o-e5.ure rreP ''r'.l
ivd*rionproduct'.o 'r,,'n.""'0"-'u"111'":i;ii! iiii':i:;':;#i:::;::*;[':,il*;'iJi:*i'l,il
^;r!$henrherelar,\ehum,d,rlctcecd'a!drueor :ti; ,.',;:1":,;;.., ,i t.*t ,,nd,crred b). 'rre".
r0oercenr.FxperrmcnrsJ'rnsaquJr'/broc\'rno''"ll :'::.-",,::;; ,'-","n.+r
t.i,""tl"t no rrre\er'rble c eep
oi :O pe, cenr. rt e prarc. 'epdriled due
lo lhP '1''r ,rL,ce*. dnd r, tollus. lhal
nrc'rrc or rhc ad'orbed ,,,.' n'ln o"'"'n'ng 'he\'; l:q'lll! ':J:lt':l: i:::,.''.i" creeD i. due to rrnex'
i".j,.,Wrrf. ro,..,. Bolh inlerlryer \\alcr h\dratc becar,.e rhi, uourd
i'*,' il,'.. ".n'nse rn el;srrc mod
t'lu\ ani c'eep t'*ewronian r i'-'l l'* : i:ll -orrect.
tmarl' \tre ar( nor "r'e
oc(ur trnrer un) 'rrc- ho$e\{
hchdv:orr tr.a conrequencc "' ".'"''s "";;;;i";''ir t' ;I::lli:::n::::lll;):lil};'::;:';:1";t...,'
seoaration o[ the hydratron proouCIS so $urer makes d ihe
,,eo inL,ed'e'. Howerer. uJrer Il*t'' '*'u i'"'"' t"tp p"'"i' "'' tr'"r " prrr ol bur i'''l'orbed
unaffe'red bv road' on
indi,ecrl) in sedrenrng i'"i'i"'i'* ro 'hnnLagc
onir' '"*'0"'*''''o';';":'nI 'r'' hJnd Jrflu'ior or 'nrer- nnd inrracry'ralline
,rrhouphrhemob,r,r].t,*,o*,0.0*,'*ii'l"ieri "'r't'
.';i;l;'i;i *il;;i';:i;;:lll":':'*T.'.',11")1.:ff,';,t ;'ii];
n,gn ,h. ,onp-,.'., ,,l: :l-:l::p i""'
difl usion ot the $ ale r m olecu les' " ,a"ii ttumidiiies between 50 and 70 per
".r-"iir.g" "f
lshai's hrpothesis ""l|"u".tt"t."", the intcrdpendence of creep and shri -
"U.ri" '\"'ii be considerci rince 'hlnkage senerar'\
lT5:i:l ;:.:",,'.',;:';',#,;l;fii','i:"l'";f"';
*t\\tt" it"''"" 's;
llia"t' 'n i'o''onl' 'trc'" 'rnd Lhr' rs
Lt1x. cr nr'r'he lodd i'disrflbu'ed
,oa,l. ,r* ."rr01.,.." ;,"r," l".oi*a \\ith 'r'e* du'" to,Lhe unphed load' the stre"
Dhasc.. " under .urrdined (ompre'\ion' rhe
iiflu,e. anJ mrenre'rolouer pre*Le ll;:''j";:r: 'i'i" l' -'ore\' "no in'rhcca'eol rreep I'e rn-
on *'"r' p'o''* and rhe rrc\er'ible
ico.,cnc!'. rhc 'r,('. he 'nlrd '"J;;';'; 't"' 'ii"p"'i"g rhe conptesron
rhirc i, an ,rcrca.r ir rhe oer,reo-era,rrc :;;;",:;;
:;;"lJ ")",i. pre'ence ot 'r'rinkape' al'o affecr rhe rnrcrnal
t:;;'';' on rnc pore \arer'm/v
,thi\"reumcnrr'sinilar'o'n"u""tn'o'ii'o"r "i;"c
,";;i, p'..'," and arceler''c the drflu'ionrh( or rhc scl
or road irorr rl.e cemenr marri\ ," ,n.':;ig;i..t'
ir" nop,l"r llal iFccr*imilarl\ rnlensrl) 'ur{ace
arLhouqh rhe phJ'c' cons'rt'*" ** "* "'o'1?',.1''""" "'i* 1hJ'' creep'and
Aller se\ erJld:r) ' under 'uu''nto tit ''"" on lhe len'ron ol Lhe water' 'hrinkage
'ooo ;': ''i' and canno' be merer\ idDerrmposeo
.,;i::;'.^;:;;ri;;;";' ;;,"s ',""''' '; '* '^' "*'t"'
Crcep hypotheses j7j
Tle,e(ond .ntrractron in!olve, the delav(d crd(k irg
ot re1ro\al o[ load the bod) remain. ani,orroprc. Ano,Ler
d d-)rngt)drared..enent paste under loao
ari,r,rg trom efl'el] oi hloratjoq. dno rhr. rs indeperdeni or rhc
driierenridl5h-nldge rar) ing { irh rrne ar any pornL in rhe to"d
.pecrnen. In I'l-.r.s te5l,'" un moflar Jclrng. rs lhe gro$th oi thc ,otrd phJ.e al rhe erpen.e
in lor.ron. on or
the ii,lLio phd\c. with a rc.dltanr increicc ir
re-wetirg after long dryjng tbere was an increase sidiL\ an.
in the ilrenglh. and henle r decr(ase rn rhe rare and ;ag;rr-de
rale ol delormanon. ,ho\r ing tha
I a di5continuous chdngc
hdd ocrurrcd. I his i. due ro rhe reduced sr,rtarc
rhe \olid.dfler ue ,ng. whrch
tenrron ot Ir miy be relevanl to re\l lshar's htpothe.i,_ b\
the.ldoilit) oi rhe (on.rdenng hA suggesred mechunhms of
e\ining shflnk cge c' acks dnd rc,rlt, in a \ponraneou5 inFuer.e o
re temperature on creep. He recognizes six eilects
p'opJgalron in r direclion or;ented b) rhe e\tern.r,
ofan in-
crease m temperature. First is rhe decrease in viscosirl oi
I Ie sJme me.hanlm cdn also dccounl
tor an incredre in the liquid phase which accelerates rhe detormational
the time-dependent deformation of axially_loaded
speci- ce.,e. Sccond 15 rhc dec,(dse rn oindrng <ne-p1 rrl.rn ;ro-
meh wetr."d dler protongrJ drJrng rspp ah. O) thr.
behd\iour has al,o been asc bed lo ren<$ed hrdrarion
cr!\rdl\ and bers een gel panicJe.. reUccred rn rr rncr. dr(
rn eld.lic delo.mation and recoverrbrc creep. tn rd i,
butsuch an e\pldnarion i5 ot doubrfutvat,dir) be;au.eot d
decreare rn \urhcc lenqron oi lhe liqLro phd,e, refl(c.ed
rhe rmmedrare ellict o[ re-we rnp
t he rrreco!erdble octormarion'i. larger rn a \pecrmen 'n Ihe,qelljng.f-0 a healed .pecrmen under pror.,ngea
d, yrng undcr lodd rhan in a set^lored \pecrmen. xno er
eYpo.ure to 50 ro pe. ccnr relarrve hr-mrJrri, rn aoAr.lor
en lo normal thermalciprn\ron: lhuc ,hrinkaAe r\ affec.(d.
rarger rr lhe\pec,men remain.dr! ajler remo\dI
In rhi, case. rhe,urtdcc ren.ron iorces in the hqu,d
o oad. o I ourlh lhe iccelerated Jrling and emplJing ot .dprl-
prodLce rnrernal compreisire srre,.es rn rhe sotid
dr] and^gel porei tjkcqi.e adecrrng.hrink;ce. j r,rh :. d
e\en dccrea\e rn rhe ddhesi\ e .orLe. betu een rhe so,rd pd.l
alter rhe removdl oi lhe toad. lhu. increasing (he rrre- cle
and rhe connncd liquid laters. Ihisconlr'oLre..o!\ro.,
coverable romponent oI the deformation. Sibseqlent
ueltjng u iJl resLtt rn addilronal recote,J due lo re.ret abl) lo lhe compac,rng mechani,m rnd i. reflec..d rr rne
uI large increase in rhe ,r re\e-srbje creef. Sr\rn i, an,e
thece slre\ses Jepending on rhe magnirrrde
uj rhe lodd. In rhe rare o[ htdr arion. l;kes i,e rncrer,ing ,o'rleu
r nrs dgarn rndicate. the rnterdependence otcreep.5hrink h"l the
rrrevenrble creep Thu{ rhe effc(I. ol temperalrre
\reep.are narni) cduscd b) rhe ph\!..a. chdnge, ir .he
An important common factor of hydration, shrinkage
lrquid pha,c ot rhe pet.'t hr. i5 c.nnrmed e\pefinenra
and creep is rheir lcndency ro increas; the
stability of de \
Dv the lacl rhur lemperdrure ha. a (onsrderable,nFuen.l
mtastable componenls of the hydrated cement paste.
on the creep oj \ el and \emi dry conc.ele bul not
This\rabrli/arion mJy o( achrerej by chemrtat mean,, ot or\
shch rrydrdrion con.rribure5 to the dennl) and .rabitirirn specrmenrLezah 7t
To e,timile aoprorlmarcl} rhc .rlrrm.ile bacrc creep
or the get. b) ph)\ica, mean.. in $hich shrrnt rge o
remorc, hld.aled cemenl pa,le. t\hai- .rs\ume, lhdr rhe,nrtan.
the hqurd barrie. bel\ een pr icles and produccs Inrerndl taneous elastic parameters of saturated voids are
r(orroprc pre(ure on lhe gel. dnd b) m(chanicat equal
meanj, in lo thos oi the solid matrix. Thus, Ihe instanraneous de-
uhich lhe e\rer nat toad produce. ihe compacring
rcrron formarion ol rhe pa,te equdls lhc etd\lrc rcspon.e
I h-e 5ynem, ol [or\es induced bv
rhese thrie merhod, are ot a
!ordles, solid bodJ. Howeter. d. alredd) suAce\ted.
d,thrent. The (hemrL.dl proces, i. accompanied under
b) .m,r suqlarne! loid. lte en,rre toad A gradud y transterred
rsolropr. .selting u hich producei len.ron in
conprersion in rbe l,quio I he phy.rcdt proce.s
rhe sotjd dnd lo lne solrd \o t}dt the ult,mate lotdl deformdtlon oI
is chdrac- hJd'aled cement pacte is equat ro rhe insranlaneous
lerr/ed by r\orropic tonrra(rion ol lhe .)\rem
ac a whole clasl,c de,ormilion ol rhe ralne bod] $ilh the roids
!t. h len\ron,n
tle liquio and compreslon in lhe rotid. empt!. Thus, rhe ratio of rhe ultimate roiat deformation
s the'n^eclani*t p,oce,\ i. accompanied by toad
lhe inslanraneoui oeformdrron r. eqral to
orrented delormalion\- \o thrr unia\ial comprec\ron lhe ralrn of rhe
proouce\ a compresron rn bolh lhe \oird modulu.ol clastr(ily o, lhe reat bod) lo ,he moduJur
of a
and the bod) w h rhc \ord rario o{ rhe.o d mJ.fl\ Ihi,
lrquid. \oid
ratio can be taken as the volume concentration of
. The eflects of susiained loading and continued hv.irr_ 'merd,table gel rn the h)ordled
cenrcnt pa\te, r.e. rhe
rron are_rnlerdependenl d. lar,r. .,cep,,
conce, ned on
rhc onc hand. lhe tlpe dnd nagnitude
oi toid dercrnrne It follows th;t rhesmalter t he warer conrent in the voids
rne orrecuon or oflentation ol hydrdrron
progre\s. ()n lhe orher hand. rhe hldrarion
and s .are ol al the lin'e ar dpplicalion ot toad. rhe,arger lhe Insrdn-
*hich con- raneo,r\,de,ormdrion rtor a gi\en ro,al vords rarioJ
onues \atuie_rhe bod] i. delormed under and
load rncrea,e, rhe lhe smaller the magnilude ol rhe uXimare creep._3
rrrecorerdble (omponenl ol deiormalion H;nce,
The depos ion al\o the tnlluence o[ the mo^rure conlent oI toncrele
or a part ot rhcproducl. ol hldrarion take, ptacein
i.rge on rts modulus o[ elasn.,rv
voro( anJ bondc lheir rurface. logelher
lhu, preventi;g Uhrle lhe hJpolhesi5 i. ptau"rbte rr ha. nor been
lull.recovery on remotalottoad Ihis proces,I
as.umed conrrmed bv med5uremenl! ot d(lorn.rlron. po,iibl).
b) Lhar " ro ced\e ater rhe nr,l tew $eels under load
becduse lu her h\dration. compaclion and lormadon
when lhe mig.arion ol(api.tary uatercome.
lo dn enLl. ln
addrlron. lhe cpplicd \tre- orienli the rrreversible
ol ne$ bonds iflecr lhe ,rrualion. An Jdd ron.t, .om-
hvdra. plication arises from the fact that intertacial
tion proces and posibte mrcrocraclrng..",h"';;, particularly sensitive to excessive local tensile
dreas are
or shear
176 Methanism ani th?oties of creep.
stresses which cause irrecoyerablc discontilluous de iransirrcd ironr rhe compressed region 10 the ambient
formations.i6 These de{brmations are mostl, time- vapour aDd e\eniuall! out ol rhe systcm. Since ihe load'
dependenl. like the delaved cracking process, and thus bearing water cannol e\aporatedirect to fie atmosphere,
contr,bute Lo the total rrecorerable delormrlion. an indirect mode ol rransfcr is necessary. As a first stcp,
r!ater mores from the compresscd region to adjacent non
load-bearing paris of e!aporable water.l his transfcrmay
In considering revrsiblc crccp. Powers"e slarts from the be by rapour diflusion !hro ugh vapour-iilled spacesbut is
fact that hydrated cement paste consists ol irregular morelikely to be by molecular diflusion within the suriace
quasi-crysiaUine solid bodics, moslly ol colloidal dimen- layer because of thc smallness of water-lllled spaces
sions. These bodics arc aggregated in such a way that a reladv 1o the mean free-path of walcr nolecules in the
large proportion ol thc inlerstilial spaces is nol wide vapour s!a1c and because of the iendency of lhe vapour
onough 10 accommodate as many iayers of adsorbed molocules to become adsorbed when they coilide with a
water as can be held in the wider spaces at thc givcn sudace. As a conscquence, the load-bearing hlnrs become
relalile humidity- As a result of this obstruction ol thinner and progrssi!e contraction in the dircc!ion of ihe
adsorpiion, a disjoining pressure is induced. These nar- applied load takes place. This, of coursc, is creep.
row spaces may be intra- or intercryslallinc, although Hanscnls raised an objection to this hypothesis on the
Powers is not concerned with rhe iormcr. grounds tha! i! has not been proved that a large_scale
It is relevant to note ihat this water in lhe places of migration oi water molecules takes place \iithin th hy-
obsrructed adsorption has some inlluence on stre gthand dratcd cement paste or that lhc nrternal relative humidity
stiffness oi concrctc since. being strongly adsorbed. the is allered by the applied load.
water caD nalntain a sialic .esistance against the forces The magnitude of thc creep depends on the amounl ol
tr)ing ro erpel ir. Thus the water is load-bearing and waterin area thaimust belost to restore
heDce it represenis a structural elemcD! oi lhe h!d.a!ed eqrilibriumwilh the pre'existing relative humidity-7e At a
cemenr pa{c. Thri *aler ir srable under a rrslained load given prssure, the lree energy content ol a. adsorbed
prLrrlded Ih; Ihickness of Ihe adsorbed film rs as required latcr per gram of $ater is smailer the lhinner the layer.
for rhermodlnamic equilibrium (Free energy is ihat part of tht lolal energy which is
It ma) be no!d thal lhe coexistence oi films of ad- avaiiable for doing work by an isolhermal process.)
sorb.d later oi dilTcrcni thickncss in thc same ccmcn! Therelore, as \r arer escapes, lhe lree energy decreases until
paste at the same rime requires that tlre lilms be under the local relative humidity has decreased to the pre'
correcpondrngl) rarlirg pre-ure.3u Thi pre..Lre i. existing valuc.
derived from tensile stress in the bonds lhat hold the At the same time, ihe pressure on the film dccreases
(.ucture hgether and keep it from urumiied swelling. because rhe load carried by thesolid iramcwork increases
Although some of ihe adsorbed water is load-bearing i! in accord with the addilional slrain of the solid that takes
is not a true solid and ls more mobile than a solid. The placc during crccp. This does not mean, however. that
length of time a molecule of water renains in adsorbed creep takes plac. by a lransier of load from theevaporable
state (the so-called lingering rime) is a function of ihe watcr 10 the solid. In lact, il the pressure due ro the
cnergy lost when a molecule becomes adsorbed (in exlernal load did not continue 1o act on the adsorbed
addition to lhe normdl heat of condensarion)- This energy film. il would.clurn to tbe thickness i1 had before the
is largest for lhe first adsorbcd layr and decreases for application ol the external load. Thus. creep can be
successive layers, becoming negligiblc at the fifth layer. regarded as lhe gradual dissipation of mechanically
Somelypical values givenby Powersre arcas lollows. For induced swelling because a sudden application of load
the layer, the average heat ol adsorption is aboul creates a swoilen state relative to that existing before and
63kJ,/mole. the lingering time being about 0.04sec. The .elative to that at lermination ol creep.
corresponding maximum valucs are T5kJ,rmole and 2 sec. Th( L\anf( .r \^rune of rhe l')drired Lemcil pJ{e h
For the second layer. the average valucs are 52.5klrmole nol caused direclly by the change in the surlace energy
and 0.00022sec. lt is evident tha! lhe nolecules of of the solid phase but is due to the fact that ihe eflective
adsorbed water are not fixed bul nroye in and out oi the area for disjoining pressure is proportional to the totai
adsorbed layer and within the suriace layer. Powers amounl ofadsorbcd watcrin thc system 3oThe disjoining
r, al.siiound that all evaporabie waler can move through pre',ure ir r\e ge F a ma\im rm $hen rhe \pecimen i'
hydrated ccmnt paste at a rate proportronal to llre saturated and decreases as the vapour pressure decrases,
applied prcssur but the activation energy lor such being proportional io the change tu the logarithm of
transport is mucb lighcr than the energy for viscous humidity. Any changc in thc disjoining pressure changes
laminar flow of bulk water and is higher the higher thc also the surlace tension ol the solid phase.
proportion otgel $aterin the total evaporable water.It is Since creep is a functlon of the stress applied to the
therefore doubtful that creep can be explained in terms of load-bearing water, it foilows that, for a given ovcrall
any particular molecular arrangemeni. stress per unit of paste area. the stress in thc load bcaring
When an external compression ls appiied to concrete, water due to the applid load will bc lower lhe higher the
the load-bearing water in the areas oi hindered ad- fraction of the g.oss pasle arca occupied by load-bearing
sorption is subjected to an additional pressure. To water.30 No\r, al a giren internal humidity, lhe fraction
preserve hygral equilibrium water nroleculs must be ol the load-bearlng water is greaEr rhe greater the gel
t t?Pp htpalhc\e\ I
conieni of the paste. Thuscreep depends on the densitv of structure arc forced logerher lor the first rimc. some ot
rhe hJord ed cerenr pJJc Io' Dusre. L,t Lhe ,ame them become ioined al points of contact by chcmical
maturrty thrs means that creep is smaller lhe lower the bonds which restrain rhe recovcr) when thc causal lorcc is
original water./cement rario, and is therefore smaller the removed. We think that this ctTecr may wel be pro
higher the strength ol the paste. This rheoreticat conclu portional 1o stress.
sionis of considerable interest i n relation to Neviltek i1ar,
on the relation between creep and stress/strength ratio.2e
The basic rcnet of Powers' hypothesisTe is that rever- Powers' hypothesis I exp.esses creel, in terms of thermo-
sible creep is due to ihc efi'ect ol an external load on the dynanics of adsorprion and desorption so thar walcr
{ree-energy conlcnt of the load-bearing water. Fo. equili- muslnot be considcred to have a passive (.r,iscous]rote bu!
brium within a system the frec energy per gram of watcr to be a slruclural component. lt is in rhe application ot
must be the same everywhere. Il the thickness of the thermodynamics that conrrovcrsy starls, for it is argued
adsorbed watcr laver va.ies, the obslructing body musi be by Feldman and Seredaso thar rhe equarions of classical
able to maintain gompensaling differences in pressure. As thermodynamics a.e not applicable io filnrs oi water as
tar as c"pilhri $dler i, c.n(erneo. thc compre,\ol or thin as those prcsent in the arcas of hindered adsorption.
lension in il wiu adjust to a value corrcsponding 10 the According to Powers.?e thecrux oi ihe problcm is that the
samefreeenergy as that ol the adsorbed water. Tbc same adsorbed $ate. requires an adjustment ol quantity as well
applies to the ambient gaseous phase- However. a com- as ol state ol slress when thc system changes from one
plicating factor is the influence of rhe salrs present in siate of mechanical equilibrium to anoiher. ie when
solution, which dccrease the frce energy. The so-callcd srress. relative humidity or tempcralure changc. Also, the
waterin hydraled ccment pasrels reallya solution but thc gaseous phase is in \' olved in the conditjons of eq uilibrium.
ol this on energy have not been srudied.
effecis According to Brown and Hope,3a th existence ot
Accordingto Powers' hypothesh,?, which is concerned interlayer waler would seem to invalidate the concept
wilh reversible crcep only, crcep recovery is simply crcep of disjoining prcssure. Also, Powers' measurements ol
in re!eFe. i.e. chdngei occur dJc ro a drop In pre,,ure iI specific surface area of cement paste and calculation
the load bearing water. Thus rccovery can take pjace of pore sizes based on sorption of water are disputed
without thc aid of the potential energy stored in the elasiic because interlayer penetration occurs; nitrogen sorption
lramework oi the specimcn. The behaviour underatensite measurement seem to provide more reliable
stress is analogors: a sudden tensile strcss creates a free- However, Powers?'qpoints out tharrhe laws ot thermo-
cnergy deficiency in the load-bearing .egions. $ilh a dynamics are valid irrespective of thc nature ol the
consequent shrinkage and then rime-dependcnt swelling, evaporable walcror the lorm of rhe physicalmodel ol the
allowing the specimen io elorgale under the constant cement paste an opinion which has been pursued by
tensile forc., i.e. to undergo creep in tension. Bazant.3':Provided tbe load-bearing waler responds ro a
On rhe br.r. ot Poker, hyfl,rhe,r,-" rhere is qome disturbance of irs thermodynamic equilibrium by diffu-
difference in he creepor'e.rled ana unseated,peci.l]enr, sion processes, the finai equations are the same lor anv
arising irom the fact thal in the former rhe ultimare ripe ol load bcaring uarir so rhrr rnre-la1er hlLlrare
expulsion ofwaterto lhe ambient medium is no t possible. water is also included
with the physicatly
'I hu.,he lna Idpour preqrure s ir hrn r .eated,p(umen adsorbcd u arer
i. in the hindred adsorbed iayers.53 In facr. a source of
higher and hence thc creep is lower than in an unsealed disagreement about the mechanism
of shrinkage and
specimen. The magnitude of this effecr is larger the more creep could arisc from rhc
tack ot agreement on rhe
nearly saturated is thespecimen at the time of applicarion demarcation betwecn physically
adsorbed water and
of load. It is doubtful whether rhe e,Iect suggesred by chemically adsorbed The demarcation. as based
Powers is significant because the quantity of water which on the binding enersy (84kJ per motc),
implies rhat all
can be expelled is small. Moreover, resls comparing the evaporable waler can includc intertayer
or hydrate water.
creep of sealcd and water-siored specimens showed no On the other hand, the demarcation
based on rhe limit of
diflerence,3r even though in the sealed concrete a con- reversibility of the isotherm of that parl
ot evaporable
siderable amount of water would have bcer used up in waler below the capillary watcr region implies
that, above
hydratiolr. the limit, the reversible pa is physically adsorbed warc.
The practical value of Powers' hypothesis is limited in and, below ih limit, the irreversible part is
the interlater
that it alplies primarily to revcrsible creep only, and hydrale water. Hence, with thc former dcfinition of
generallyless than one-quarter ol total creep is reversjblc physically adsorbed water,
the micropores (up to t0water
(.re Ch But even irreversible crcep is considered by molecules in thickness) arc probahly occupied in a
PowersTe ot 10 be a viscous, i.e- dissipative. process. salurated state of hindered adsorption-
Once a load has produced a certain irrecoverable strain. Bazant6r posluiates that an essential part ol the creep
re-application of the load woutd not add much strain. process is the diflusior of solids including dissolution of
This ther is not viscous behaviour. for some mechanism solids from the solid suriaces and rheir reprecipiration
must arrest the flow. But the flow depends on stress. diferent locations. Thc solids (probably Cd ions) havc not
so that the actual system must be visco-elasro-plastic_ been obscrved experimentally but this would be hardty
Powers accounts lor the permanent set as a one-wav possible because of their sizc. ThediflusioD of solids in rhe
eldsri. deformarion. shen ce ain 5otrd eremenrs ot rhe mechanism is nccessary to explain certain aspccts of the
178 Mecha itm and theaties oI crcep
crccp and elastic behaviour, in particutar the irreversible and interlayer walcr gives credencc to seepageinduced by
nalure(apa.t from aging),which arenot readily exptai ned the contractions ol the ends oi ;ntcrlayer surfaces. Thc
by Powers' hypothesis.6I In a dry slate, the sotid surfaccs movement of $ aier controls rhe initialrate of creep5o bu1
are as close as possible and, on rc-wetting, creep can is not the prime cause of c.ep. The second point of view is
increasedue to the dissolving ofrhe solid surf;ce cn;bling that adsorbcd water is under a disjoining pressure due 1()
the parlicles to move Compared wirh a com hindered adsorptioq here. creep is calscd directty by
panion (unloaded) specimen, the highcr modulus of water movcment when sub.jccted to increased pressure
elasticity ol a specimen under a sustained load coutd be from the external load.63.3o The classic rest case of
due to precipitation of solids ai rhc boundx.ics of ihe regeneration of creep when dcsiccated concretc is re-
layers increasing the efectivc area and thus rhe sliFness: wetled to arelalive humidity in excess of 50pcrcent does
rhi. effecr wor,rd be !re r rhe grearc, rhe appjred not resoive the problem. Wjih the nrst hypothesis, re-
srre\' Al\o. the decr(d.e in .rloduhr. ot eh.ttrrrl on welling causes new regions of surfaces at the interlayer
dryingwould bcexpected io be much grearerifno Iinksol entrances, the coDsolidation of which enhances creep.5o
solids existed; these bridges must carry a significanr part With the second hypothesis, rc wcttingimposes adisjoin-
ollhe toad on a layer and, at the same time, be capable of ing pressure between the products of hydration which
slow diffusion for creep.'r weakcns the bonds.?3 However, experimntal evidence
Usirg a multiphasc thermodynamic approach, involv- using thin quaftz plates indicatcs that the disjoining
ing sotids and evaporable water, Bazanlrr has derived pressureis snail and insuficienl to accountfor the major
conslilutive equations which purport 10 represent the partolcrecp.saltisknownthatstrengthreductioloccurs
rcsponse of cement paste to strss, hunidity and iem on re-wetting ol desiccated concrete, ,*,hich is probably
peratrre variations- duc to ihe propagation of cxisling microcracks. On a
smallcr scale, it seems leasible lo postulate that other
Concluding remarks discontinuities are also extended by condensatior and
relief ol slrcss concentration so ihat these and micro-
A satisfaciorv theo.), of c.eep musl explain in a unified cracks close undcr the action ol external load and thus
qa\ rLe bchr\iou- o'con..cLe ulde- vdnoL, en!iron-
mental condilions and under various stares oi stress_ The I1 is generally agreed tha! the fundamental cause of
assumption of diflerent physical mechanisms for each shrinkage and creep is the same. Under conditions of
.er ot condirron, qould rmpl) dn undut) cap ci.L. drying, evaporable water is losl to theexternal medium as
bcha\iour olconcrere Thc lJ.k ofin inherent ditTcrence tolal crccp occurs. Howevcr, when concrete is in hygral
belween ihe creep behaviour of concretes made wirh cquilibrium, basic creep necessjtates the movement of
a variety of cements, including the chemically diflerent walcr to voids such as capillary vojds which would havc
high-aiumina cement (see Ch.3), militates aqaiNt a to bc partially empty againsr ever the full hydrostatic
mechin rm ui creep relJlcd ro rhe ,lrL(rure o; robcr- pressure of a saturalion medium, since no weight ioss
morite cryslals or to the dctailed chemistry of hydrated occurs. Ar alternative explanation ol basic creep is by an
cemcnt paste.It is much morc likely that creepis related to increase in the specific gravity ol inrerlayer warer which
the grosser structure of cement gel. has beer 'ho$n lo increar< ds i re.uh of compre\\rre
With these requirements in mind, the preceding dis, stress.34 This means thar the volume occupied b, inrer-
cussion on the theories and mechanism ol creep, while laler $drer decrea.e. rnd rhere r. dn o\erall conrrdclron
cxtensive, docs not yield dcfinite conclusions. perhaps the
only non,controversial saarement that can bc made is that The application oi the laws of rhermodynamics to
the prescnce of some evaporable water is cssenlial to interlayer water and hydrate water is aiso A
crcep. But evcn in this conrection therc is disagrecment as part ofthe lrouble is thar there is lack of agremenr or the
to whether the movemenl of evaporable warer is the definitions ol interlayer water and hydrate water, as
actual cause oi creep or whether ihe role of water is distinct from physically adsorbed water to vr'hjch the
secondary in modifying the movemenr ol get parricles. thermodynamic analysis Advocates of rhis
Changes in creep behavioE at elevaied tcmperarure approach arc of the opinion rhar, provided rhe load-
suggest that, at that stagc, waterceases to play a role and bearing watcr (i.e. ;rrespective of irs lype) responds to a
that il is the gcl particles thar becomc subject 10 creep. disturbance of its thermodynamic equilibium by diffu,
Moreover, experimental evidcnce of physical changes in sion processes, the analysis is valid; rhe di$usion of sotids
thecmentpastestructureundercyclesotdesorprionand is dl.o ilc uJed to accounr lor irre\ers b e J,rlecrs ol creep
adsorption suggest that waiermovement is involved onlv belJ \ ioJr. I lhe.Jccc..ot rhi,ir'troachismea,urcJb)
rn lhe inrrra'.lage5 ol.reep and thar lnng.rerm c.ee1^ the development of constilutive equations which appear
associated with shear, microcracking, bond breakage a.d to describe a range of environmenral influences of creep
bond re-lormation-5o Howeve.. correspondinE n,casur- satisfactorily, although rhe equations are complex in
ments of slructurai changes when cement paste is sub- ndtrre Jnd Inr tr"c cJl pLrfn,e.. emp equd,,on,
jected 10 a sustained exlerDal load have yet to bc made. J,( ,equircd ro e\p,<11 (reep rr re,m. ot rhe \ariou,
The precise mode of water movement in rhc initial
stages of creep is dispuied and two schools of thought whiie some progress has bccn nade in recent years,
exist. Thellrst onearEues that the movefrenr ofadsorbed there remajns a gull bctween h!rrothcscs based on
Refercn es 179
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\ll I anJ.Kt\l tR. ' L ( .eep ,n .^l.rp e u..h Ji d
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1 a,l Lonlon, tq68, fp. l4t 04
.. All.!,Yl'r". \o.^?/.t ni\e.i,). r'r'n,..rool- p| -- IHO\'lA\ t- C. A cort'p,.on or.hc cr<p .,
\b. L1d I\!SI tR a f . \.1p,h.r..m, ot ..eep ..rre
- Jn( .e!n^r .o..r-re.ra,f,Jn, ., r.!" ,rlorc(d .olire e
-rol "no
r e.tim. or o ,he trm, \r. e,
,doSt, tat I'\b", _,toa \,. o ,oo4 oD. .r 57 rL, \ , ,. t.J 4".r. . \, 2 ,o.l,nD oc -r
-_ 1n
<- -8 l\HAL O ft.,.,i. an.r nrtFrn rx,a,,i,,r.,-cn.n
POWTR\. t.r..DN(L..runo ret ro. rA:,i;p ) _r
'E Pls, HI LC lreL;to.:,\o. hrria,e,;,j ..Trk,en rull3-in o,nu-.s.Tp o.( reep or ( on!,err,4a.,r..,a
,^o qLtrrl/ !th.\ pt. re\. t n, tctr t4 t.tttp \pe, _"1 purlt.a,".t \.,. ,. ,ob4,
l,rJ,ir.a,.,h, s..r, /1,a.. porh I pp.65 94.
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<o AII- L.ntl Kf\t529 3:t.
I R., . t . r ro\L.e,u jer .o. \)rt or
79. POWERS T. C, SoDe obscrlarions on the ilterpretarion
, eep or .-oncrere Ah.t, ah t aa r,-p t4.tttdt, orcrec-dJ.r. RlLru Bur?,th_ p.rN. \u ,r tic. .oob,
Prfli.a!,,n l,r. 0. tqn4. pn 62 l Dp. l8l ql
60. RUfl/. w. thr rs. drfle.enr nLr.rcr 1e.hdr.nL E0 PLrwl RS..l_ r..T're .. modjrrm.,. of \,.ture.n.nt
creep rn concrerej pto.. tht. {.ah| oh the structure
d , . p U.,ta.,1. dhr S.,L,,Lre,. pd __ t.\o o rqb8,
pn 4ij- 507
Refereces t8t
81. POWERS, T. C., MANN, H. M. andCOPELAND, L. E.,
floq.or 83. NASSFR. K \,r dnJ Nt\ LI, A. V,.reep o. con-
"aer\oir ,0.
spe.@l ReDot,
hardered pofltdld t'men,
Hignsa) Re.eaht Bo,rd. la)t,
crete d, elerdreo .ennerarurc.. 4{
pp. 1567- 79.
t Jauh"l. n2, tab,
pp 108 2l 84. BROWN. \. H. drd HOP|'. B 8.. theones ot creep.n
82 BATA\ l. 7. P.. I l-er modramics ot hinoered dd.orp or .onclele. Re'eaf., Rprcrt \o. -,. DeDanmenr ot Ci\n
and its inp,.."riors tor ha.deneo !emen( pa.le and rngineeln8 Qreen: Lni,er. ) d, Klns'ron. OnLario,
conc-ete c.h?i! and Cor.p. Re\carh 2. \o. .. ta .2, July 1972. 124 pp.
pp. 1 16.
Chaple|l l
Prediction of long-term
delormations lrom
experimental data
t .9l
P-;babl\ rhe fir.r e\ponenrrrl e\prc*ion oe\(loned lol where d0, ro) : creep coefficient (creep/clastic strain
creep {a' rhur ue-:\ed by l nomar 'f-om con'iderd'r^r'
rL" * .,t (reeD. ld,er. MtHen-t 6 a*ume,l that. ,4 : a constani equal to ihe ultimale creep
"r " of load creates a certain
for a givcn concretc, application coemcienr.
creep potentjal and the rate of creep at any time is (l : ,o) duration of loading
propoitional to the amount of potential creep still 1o
and B and D : constants.
appear a charactcristic of visco-elastic flo\I' Thus:
Generally, hyperbolic exprcssions underestimate creep
dr(r,h) at early ages but for long{erm data a good agrccment is
- - rl ' ,\"roll I 'l 4l
rl'i' ryp( ol e\pre"ron
urual) lound. tor llr. reasorr. is
'where ,
- ,o : duration of loading,
c- : limiting or ultimate creep, shrinkage-tinte exPressions
and ,4: a constant. While therc is argumcnt whethcr or not crcep lends 1() a
Integration ol [11.4] with the boundary condition, limiringvalue. it is generally accepted that shrinkagc does
. : 0 when (r - t,l : 0' Yields: do The.hrinlage .imc crpresror'.ommunr\ u'ed
3 '- o- rhe hyferbolL
c(,,,o):r-[1 -e "i)]. fr
power'z6i3 types, i.e.
For a partjcular concrete and given conditions, the elr '" r) [11.10]
constants.- and ,.1 can be determincd lrom a plot ol the "l
rate of creep against creep. Equation [11.5] has not
shown good agreement with experimental data bul an
improvcmentis achievd by adding a further exponential
(r. d
B1 t
Hypefiol;c exprusliott
Hyperbolic relations between creep and time wcre pro_ Elastic strain lime expressions
poseJ by Ro*" and Lormdn.)' Rosst ern'e*i'n i' Ir this section a distinction is made bclween the de-
pendence of the ciasric strain al the time at applicaiion
(r ,o) tl l.6l
r\t.t.): A+Blt-tn) load on the time takcn to apply the ioad. and rhe
dependence of the elastic strain on time since application
whcre ,4 and B: constants. of load or on the age of concrete.
When (, - ro) - ..,, the limiting creep + l/8, and thus
lhe limitrng c'eep cJn be obt" ned drrcL li trom (\perF ElIect of rte of loadins
mental rcsultt a plot oi [(t io)/.(r,ro)] against 1, h) Since elastlc strain at appiicalion of load and subsequent
qives a straight linc ol slope B. and the intercept on the creep are not easily separated from one another, it is
;rdinate is equal to l. Ross':3 observed that ,4 and B of important to dcine a starljng point ior creep (s,, Ch. 2).
[11.6] vary step-in-step, the mean value ot,4/B being 137.
Th; eiastic strain depends on the rate of application of
In order to allow lor discrepancics atearly ages. theralue load and, at present, not allcodcs of practice stipulate the
ol,4/B should be taken as 100, so ihat [11.6] becomes: lime for application ol ioad in the determination of the
181 Prcdirtion af lontJ tem delomations
tom expeinental duta
ela.lic m-odutu,. fLr,rher morc. pLrbrished
.:"'. rhe roddins rrme. $hrch on
da rd crecp do \dlarrr rr -1odutr. o ctd.rciry $ \ trne (o
:::-"1111. hrmpe;, d ,. ro, a, s:ren b) l tll, i..hoqn in
companson ol e\tlerjmental data. :rppl).rhe'oao
relalion belncen moJulu\ rrg L ,- and rt corii-T. rhe .ralemelt made in Chapter
,A ol eta\ticrr) and , ,,o,r'Fry rrrat an rncred\e rn to appl)
,j*n,'",jrllt lhe toad hac been proposedb) Balanr dnd the Joid Jrom
ranurd., r le .pecific tr"srr .lldin Obt.,,,l, l":.::'9"d' to ruo n,nIe' \,gn,h(anrlJ ,ncreases rhe
\lrarn-ptu\-bastc creep per un rt
r.c eta\ric
ol.rre,s ar anv rime r anJ :li.ll r",, bL s,rhrr rhe r".lge or 2io r0 mrnure.,
roaoeo ar rhe age .o. is expressed rne InLrease In ela\tic,trarn r. lmalter
a,: For a given age ar appticarion oI load
(r and a given
slrength, [11.12] provides a merhod of .srandardizin;,
o, -- BLt,^t") 0.051!r_ r" r" tt, rzl
; {t-
L | -l lrme roappll ,he todd t ompdrilon
or creep dr ld or,
allerndlrrel). a medns o, dlto\.\ i1g'or dimerenr
where E' : fictitious modulus ot elasticitv based ro appry tne Ioad rn djJterent cascs
lrme, ra ken
on the asymprote ot a ploL ofcreeo
sus the logariihm oishort trmrs rn,ler
n :
load (see [12.501),
,-ll1l.ti'"" o:,1:.n rhe.rarrc modurus o, era.ric,ry
and B. and n coefficients which can be expressed as ll-. hyperbolic-po\ler e\Drrssion becnu,e lhe
I r t2 s rl \rrengrl-age eipre5sron i\ of rhal torm
lli'11";;;' ""''rrensrh mooutJs and .lrentslh go hand rn hdnd
dno, generdfl!.
I:r:.sJ]en de:h.and ror smd !atues of Io. mo-i.r<ured
,. resr du,drion, concrere dnd .redrn.cured Loncrele
!. r,ne ,pcr,rc basi( 5train A equat
lo the reciprocat
tcunng period:one to daJ,l ACI:o retared rhe modutus
or _roL
moduius o, etasriciry, E lr"). r.e at;nv agc f.Lro),
r^o,rhe moduJu, ar rhe age ot )d da1..
d,r. u1 the
I=IJ, + Bt(r.) .
E.(.or E + o.o5t](, -
l' ro).. [1r.131
i ,:'.. l8.o.ry .rrersrh. e.s r0 v pa. rhe pard- [] 1.151
_"1^.": L-d
ner:r' aand,lcan be.ouno
It2.<0|roIri coeftcienrs which depend upon rhe
so rhat L1J.1l'l becom<s:
olterren, dnd curing (ond ion\ t,pp rab,e tJ ripe
Un rhe urhe. hand. tor slalrc modulus ot elasrrcity.
*=#r+1oe(,-,0)o1sl. [11. r 4] ^
a_dTair,and Panuta:. dd\ o(.rle the use oi I t. l]] u h
L d
varue or lrne lo appl) rhe loid
equal to l0 | o.ys. rj7
Time loapprythe road m nules
jllj,1;1rr;i,iTffii:^"*entoappry tieroad on bo.rurusoraariciry a, rreaeoizraays.using[r
r.r4] anda$uminsa2&
Atcuracy of prcdntio lE5
ll Ilgcnal.lhee_rrorco(rll:ientiorcreenaran) agertor
r1r"y = g lt + a[l'o) '+ o.o5]]lo ' I lt tr,t
''-' concrele,Jbiecredro uadJranediie-age,uFdeinedr,:
For the dynamic modulus of elasticity, a rimc to applv
rhe load of 10-7 days is used (se? t12.551). In an eartier
, TJ t.(r,,.) j
,: a(t,tJL . (r, r,,)l'
tr 1.l81
paper,lr 1.161 was stated to apply to moislcured I
corcrete and, for drying concrete, the age to should be where .(r,lo) : observed creep after time (l
- ,o),
replaced by an equivalent hydrarion period ,.q which is .'(.,to): predicted creep after time (, ro] es-
given by:
timated from a shortterm tes1.
.,lt,to) = mean observed creep for a number of
fr1 + dll.
-..h orl
r".. r^o -f(r ,.""t,1, . i,, ,^,,t1, [ll'l-l observarions n.
t'- L r*, ll Equation [11.18] can also be used to estimate the error
P:[1 +(10-0.1,r)a] 1, coemcient for shrinkage by substituting the equivalent
11 : relative humidity (per cenl). shrinkage valucs. M isthus analogous to thecoemcient of
variation but deviation is measurcd lrom the rrue crccp
,,h.o : age at the start of drying,
or shrinkage. The accuracy of predictior can be assessed
and l1ir"h = shrinkage 'square half-time'(spc 02.161). in terms ol error coeficient and, if a value of 15 per cent
is acceptable, tbeD the minimum test duration for any
Accuracy ol prediclion method can be determincd. For example, to predict one-
year creep in Fig. 11.2, a rest oi 60 days du.ation is
In virtually all of the equations discusscd in this chapter,
the constants have to be determined experimenlally, i.e. The principlc oi experimental tcsting to detennine
short-term creep tests must be underlaken using 1he a short-term value of creep in order to estimate long-
actual mix and storage conditions. Also. the assumed term values has beer established historically. In 1933,
strain time equations do not always satisfactorily fit thc Thomasls found the ratio of ultimate creep to thal
e).perimcntal data, so that longlerm vahes cannot be occurring during the first yar under load to vary little
estimated with confidence. Generally, the longer thc rime with agc atapplication of load;according to him, rhe ratio
over which the creep and shrinkage have acrually been is approximateiy equal to,li'l (Fig. 11-l). Kruml3s found
measured the bctter the prediclion. This can be seen that for lightweight aggregatc concrete, creep after 10
irom Fig. I1.2, which shows the error coefficicnt M afrer ycars is approximately 1.3 times the creep after 300 days
periods under load of 7 to 180 days for a number of under load. A linear relation between two-yearcreep and
90-day creep of various lightweighl aggregate concrelcs
.9 15
Actuallime under toad _ days
tir. rr.2. Aeu,acy of predictins creep aller o.e year under load irom shortrerfr lests.
136 Prcdntun aI la g term defomdtions lro exrctimentul lata
crror coellicienlol prediction by short.lerm lests at
nofmal lemperature.
At normal lcmperature. prediction of five_year crcep
and shrinkage lrom l8-dal values can be achieved with
acceptable ;ccuracy by the method of Brooks
Nville.3s 16
Here. thc relation betweD creepand cement
D<lne cont'rl \
L\co I 44 I l'
lhc long_lcrm spccrllc
rr.ep i. Ctr.,ol cnd .he '1o'_lern 'peLrrc crcen i'
C(1, to). ihen [4.4]:
c(,,lJ:,1tco,,r0)l' [11.20]
/ , / r !c ,r;or dr"r''e l rD ol Jr'-tre 'o .,nd ,{ _ d Lrrcrion ol lhc cemenr Pasre lreep rarro and
:,;p ,; ;.. ; ,,,r' r",. "nd,s "' "p' L"'. r '' ''d 6ld r.e. 4 - ("lI,rol i( r{tr''oj- '
No\\. d:elJ\trc time Parameter: 'dlt.t.)- '
.r ro rurd :,r lhe ngJ ol '1e dJ) sa' den'1'lraleLl
- l is as dcfined in [1.2]
r."'" ',, ...r".,c \ e{fol'rl' ll-e 'horlcr Lhe 'csl\ $here i,, . .""',," ",ri''i""r rarro 'hrrnkase "ar
a ,, ,"i"
--,;;. . S. --. .ro I rr ' b' \"LrphL 'h rr a '" olld
to th cement pasle content by an
', .f,.wnti to te rctated
,.. '', -1., ' . . '\e rh' p c'r ' 'o ur
I J-(ep Iro'n
r,' Ia.+l' Ihu"hrrn"aCe ' 1r'I5o)crn
ii . eta*,J ;r'air ar appiicetion ol load Sereral attempts "tpr...i,'n.i",f"'
L-.,.-ki.rr,ra. ro iilatc uhimarc crcep !o the elastic he \ho!,n ro toll^!\ lhe relatron
,,1. ,...a:1.,,,i" ro he rar'(r n obabl\ 6,h(r,1"b.r) :,'l'['.h(,1'r.h.o)]' [11.21]
-. .,rd "i'te.o".1(, up^r co'-
, * 1.,",., ' depeco'r e ''e 'ro-1;e .imoor. cre analogou' lo those rn lll''01'
properttes ,1,1.,.. 1ns
ditions. Relations berween creep and the clastic
**"a"*t"pcd bv the US Burcau oi Rccla- ""i';i'""" : i,",ryi. ot h\e']eat crcep Jnd 'hrinkase
and r . ace al the start of dr)rnE'
;ai;;"'" which aep;ars !o bc a valid approach lor a a range or agsregatcs and mix
.r"".l-\ r",1 '." 'g...", 'i"^' Hoqe\er' lhe gcneral ;;;;; ";;**
' ,t,i,' to,ni tt''r ., *o' dppro\rmarer,
i""i""l,,iii.,t r,,,.-"pp",,.r, o^ ror been esrablish'd ;;;;;;';;,. ,rd courd bc e\preeo in rineal
.onsrrre"ed rrnJamentar i ;;;:i'; ;;rr,
l' no r'r0l
";i l";;il-,,",., ir
i", 'r,i,^r,e;,, *,',t*a' long-rerm
i..i""i ,rr"t tt" ..artrs ot clasticitv ol concrere is ihe iJ*
unir) rol
'e" rhJn shrrnkage
;;t' ;".r..,. 'n the masnirude or crcep OrhcrtxLro\d\ ,, , .-^, , )8 rlir'and. Lhereiore
,..,',,1i'', .,,"* t"*'ion or 'horr rerm shrinl'ase' Ior
o, .tc'rr('r) ha\e rL' be con'rdereJ'
r,"""'i.J u, K,rrm,,
" he'e. r\e creep (oem( ienr rrarr^ oii1".."i,..rt,.rc"' UrLt I l8r,robelc*'han l5pelcenl'
be predrcled lro'n 7_da)
or lo"Jr r'.onsrdered ""a 'nnnxage can
-,"'J".".',ii..,*,.,, "ppr,crtr.n ""';..,..,
,*,.- r.,i. L, .,..p" u ,.'' ol 28 davs durarron i'
i"-ti , rr..t;.. "l ,t," ihange in modulus ol elasticitv '",,r
ti-". a.nlri"nt and slress/sirngth ratio' -i.
"rtr. "onaitions
In an :rremr' lo reduce lhe Jur"lr'n o[ .,i., to \(nl\ lhe abote relhod' fi\eJ(rr dala
'l-'r'_lc'mr .i.,,i.r i"'..,irr'"^ r'4o $ere hrleJ ro Lll'l0l dnd
ro* or u..,..r' rrti'lc "nd riszka
i"iioau."a u""a"rur"a crep tcsts in which a higher rirJi ,,
r"r," ir t ',l,'rm'rizc' rhe de'dil' or rhe(a'es'
rac'{ ol rnlormdlron rn 'ome
lrr r( ot n"rn!( i'J'eo. l-or Lghl$eighl aglreg"tc antrlr.i.l rnd, due to a
,i. ,. ', ar,, rr"n u'e'i sd' )8 dJ!'' I igu-e' I l'a
.;;--;;. :...'.,, .;.-ecr .r renpe-trrLres or 45 and "ir.rr:r
to be a linear i" rj i.ii"*,r," *t"ti."s obtained after one vearandfive
ii:- utt". **n a uv" ,nder loati was lourd
(. \r/ tte r(gre*ion Lnes heing gi\en in
run,l,oa ol r00 d.) bJ'iL creep il )l '"..'.,,...01^t,."',"_
i' aole r 1.2. iogerher uirh rh( error coemLienrr
at 45'C: C",oo = 0.96Cb7 + 7 t .'a". *Lr- relations lor estimating long-
""*.a1lrom l8-dn) talues the cuefll-
,,o +r,ri'.g(
al65 "C: a.,no = 0.9lch, 2 [11.19]
\4PJrafrer .i""''"' irr..:or
*o t i'.lll ha\e bcin 'lereln'incd as a
"+ ''
,\cerc,'*,,,,'neL hcbn'rc.'reepll0 i,".i1." l')r tr sa' round 'n"' "o' 'enrblr '
100 da\ s rn \\ oLer at 2l'C. ,i". * ro )ic'o rhe tollos ing equatron':
days in water at '"i.p*,1-t "f "'
and Cor: specificlasic cLeep after 7
elevated temPerature'
but' C6(''ro)=050 ro)0rCb'?s I1.221
Theaccuracyol [11.19] wasfound to be acceptablc
*1.,1'ni. "pp.n,.r, "* "pp'red 1..01. rcre $ rrh a
rJntse,orrl, r, rp
or d,rre,en,xpsregJ.e'.''o,edrniLrunqen:.,:;J:i:,,,"_i25,troe,r,,, orq ,'".c:q t11.231
,n. error (oeli.rtnt inLre,r\ed and s as no beti
Atcurocy oI Pt?diction 187
lo ' zs: 14 18
Neviller6 hardeninS
Po land
Tvp. L too , zOo Fos at 28,90
1OO x 355 2l'C,
150 x lO0 moist al
2OO r 400 21'C
250 x 500
50 per cent
or (39)
o'----------;6-foo 150
specillccreep al2Sdays and aionevear - 10-6 per ['lPa , r, /r.J Reere$roi lie' ol I \e'iear 'Per'hc rorJ cMp ulol c_eo
I', //1',"lRecre''ior B, rr oFe tr r^r
'rih"c re(l'p ''r'ep i^,"J.,e,,"iJ,i',"a B'dr;ne 'edr'or 'rtrren'no ed unde
I i ;. i .,' I )edr ipo 'ne' " r "ed uide'
"i ""i
138 Predick)n of lans'tenn delortnations Jrom experinentaL dtna
tion and the US Bureau of Reclamation\ logarithmic
1500 lunction.s Resarding rhe shrinkage exprcssion [11'24]'
\\e.hoLld .ai rh.r a nvperbotc erp-e-ron is normalll
dccepled but Ihe proDo'ed e\p ec'ion '' a 'Ighl imnro\e_
: 100 . (,-r")oo
and d'
,90 +-92 tosJrtu) r"): -l -i!1-r- c(r, i11.251
Delomation Nlmbr ofslsoi dala Dutalion oi short_tem le$ ErDresrun lor h\e Ycar defomaLion
(daY$ tcr;cp 1o'perMPa.shrnkaBe l0 ^)
6 58 + 2.2rCb:s 15.4
0.4! + r.l8c6r65 9.8
Relercnces t89
100 10,000
shrinkage detormstion ol concrete ior practical purposes, oJ Canctete Reseorch. 21.No. 90, 1915. pf. 3 12.
Betah i Zhele |obetoh,No.4,1962. pp. 114 80. TmnsLal bn BROOKS, J. J. and NEyILLE, A. M., PrcdjctiDg long
Nr. 60J0. Commorwealth Scientilic and Indusbial Re- 'erm creep ald.hrinIdEe trun .horr-rd m rer.. lrJ,, 4
search Organization, Melboume, Australia oJ Con.tete Resedrch,30.No. 103, 1978. pp. 5l 6l
23. ROSS, A. D., Concrere .teep dar., Thc Stuttutdl Ehltih..t, PICKETT, G.. Effect of ageregale on shrinkrge ol con-
15,No. 8. 1937, pp. l14 26. oete and a hypolhesls concerning shrinkage, !Cl Jorraal.
24. LORMAN, W. R., The lheory ol concrete creep, Pr... 52. 1956, pp. 5El 90
,1STM,10.1940, pp. 1082 1102. MEYERS, B, L,, BRANSON, D.8,. SCHUMANN, C G
25. ALI. L and KESLER. C. E., Mechanisns ot crep i, and CHRIS-rlASON, M. L.. The prediction ol creep ard
corcrete, Symposium on Creep ot Concrete, ,4aelican .hr;'\dge f.operrie. o co'cre.e. H.glqar\ aoa4rs.,or
Cancrct. ItLnn e Sp.cial PbLicatbh No. 9. 1961. pp. 35 Repo, No. HR 136, Univemjly ol lo*a. lowa City. lora.
31. Au8. 1910. 140 pp.
26. ACI COMMITTEE 209, Prediclion of creep, shrinkage, t9 L'HERMITE, R. C. MAMILLAN, M. ald LEFEVRE.
aDd temperaturc 6&ccts in corcrele st.uctures, Designing a \r-\eJLrra.lrdriJ( (.hd.h6,-r lJ lelorm..rion er
for Efiects ol Creep. Shrintage. Temperature in Colcrete la rupture du b6ton, .1,nal.s tns|itul ],(hnique I BALi-
Struclures,,,lh./,.a, CrMret. I hst ilute S pec i dl P uhlit dtion ,ehL .t l.s Tturdtx Publics. Paris, 18, No. 207 E. 1965,
Nr. 27, 1971. !p. 51 93. pp. 321 60.
27. WALLO, E. M., YUAN, R. L. and KESLER. C. E., Free 40. HANSEN,T. C aDd MATTOCK, A. H.,Thc influcnce ol
shrirkage ol concrete and mottzt, T- and A- M. Repott size and shape of member on the shrinknge and cree! ol
Na.66,1. Univenity oi lllinois, July 1966, 17 pp. conc.ele. ,4CI J,,r al,63. 1966. pp. 1017 22.
28. BAZANT, Z. P., OSMAN. E. and THONGUTHAI, W., 41. PFEIFER, D. W.. Sand replacement in li8hr
Pracdcal formulation of shrinkage and cteep ol concrete. oeightcorcrete oeep ard shrinkaSe sludies, ACI Jounal,
Mttqidls and Sttuctwes- Paris, 9, No. 54, 1976, pp.395 65, 196E. pp. Ill 9.
405. 4) JONES,T. R.lllRSCH,T. J. ard STEPHENSON. H. K.
29. BAZANT. Z. P. and PANULA, L., Simplified predicrio! The Ph\sical Prcp.nies ol Stuctural QtdLity Lishtw.iltht
ol concrele creep and shrilkage from sbenglh and Conqe t e.'f e\^ Transportalion Insdlute, Texas
.4s st e lt ar e
rJrx. Sttuct*al Ehsineetiag Repart No.78 1016103. a \4 U i\ aollet. Srd on Te\d.. lo<a 46 pp
Depadftent ol Civil Engineeringi Technological Instj, 43. HUMMEL, A., WESCHE. K and BRAND, W., Der
tute, Northwesrern University, Evanston, Illinois. 1978, Einflu$ der Zcmentari.
des WaseFzenent Verhaltnises
24 pp. und des Belastungsaltere aui das Kriechen von Belon,
30. REICHARD, T. W., Creep ald dryinS shrinkage ol light- Deutscher Ausschuss.f Stdrlr?ror, No. 146. 1962. pp. 10
weight and no.mal-weighl concrete, NBS Mr,or.dp,rr l8i 14 70.
No. 74. National Bureau ol Standards. Wxshilgion DC, 44. HANSON, J. A., Prestres lo$ as aflected by typc oi
1964 30 pp. curing. Pr?ltter5e./ Con.rer Insfi!, .Iorrral 9, No. 2,
31. US BUREAU OF RECLAMATION. A ter-)ea. studl oi 1964. pp. 69 91.
creep properiies ol concrele. conoek Labatdtoty Rep.rt 45. BRANSON, D.8., MEYERS, ts.t.. and KRIPA-
,!d. JP JE, Delver, Colorado. July 1953, 14 pp. NARAYANAN. K. M.. Tifre-dependenl deiffmalio! ol
32. US BUREAU OI RECLAMATION. Creep ol co.crele non composite and composite sand liShtweight pre
predicted lrom initlal moduius values, Coacrere Ldlora .rre..eJ .or.rere n,rlui.. /rir H-gh"ot (aa,^-i.a
or Repatt Na- C l212,Denver, Colorado, July 1967. 26 Res.arth Rerytt No. 69 /. Unive6it, ol Iowa, Iowa
p!. City,Iowa. Fcb. 1969.
Chapter 12
General prediction of
creep and shrinkage
from strength,
mix composition and
physical conditions
Thc basic malhemarical expressions of Chapter 11 con- thecoefrcients had to bcdetermined iromtests. Similarly,
r.r.1 .oetr(' $hi{l' ha!e lo \e oerermrned e\pc'inen_ Hummel,5 L'Hermite,6 rnd Rutledge andNevilleT reiated
lally; thcse coeficicnls accounl for thc various lactors creep to st.ength, shrinkage and cemenl paste conlent,
aflc-uns detormal,or. $ hrch are.on!oered 'he ear Ii(r re,per,rrelr, bur sgain..ome e\petinen,al rc'ling i'
ch.,.re; ltaborxlron !r rhe'e 'oefficrenl. rn rern' ot sen<rallr nece\ar) lo Jcrcrmine ll'e coelll(rcnls in lhc
known basic properties ol concrte is a natural corollary various equations.
of this approach, cspecially since iherc are considerabie
dara availabie in lhe literature. Therefore, it should be Melhods ol prediction
po'nb.( t. crl(Jlule coem(r(nl' ano ndrdm(ler\ for
defined in
oreJrclrnq moJu rr' ot ela.lrc r). crccp and 'l'rrnkage ol In thefollowingmethods, thecreepcoeficienlis
any concrete under any condirions lf this is the case, thcn lwo ways. Firstly, the ratio of creep at any age r, after
lests in the application ol load at the age ro,lo the elastic slrain ai the
the need lor lime-consuming and expensivc
laborarory cln beavoided, and only theknowledgeof the age of 28 days isi
composiiion of the mix, slrength ol concretc and iis C(,,,0)8",s
d,s(,,ro): t12.11
opcraling condi!ions are rcquired.
T$o approaches are used. ln the first, a 'slandard' where d,Jr,,ol : crcp coefficicnl.
sirain time curv for a 'standard' set of conditions is C0,ro): crecp per unit ol stress, i'e' specific
assumed and is then modified to account for the various creep,
"acrors. In ,he.econJ, arries rf algebral cquJrion' i' and ,",s : modulus of elasticity at the age of 28
wriilcn 10 account directly for the effect of the various days.
facrors. These app.oaches arc not new, although recently,
with the recognized need to allow for time effcts in Secondly, th creep coeficient is the ratio ol creep at
structures. there have bccnmany publications advocating any age ,, alter application of had at time to, to the elaslic
the adoption of specific methods for design purposes. l-ive strain at the agc at application ol load ro, so thati
di{Ierent methods are presented in ihis chapler including
d(r,ro) : C(,,,o18"(ro) | 12.21
the most recent recommendations. The relative merits
and drawbacks of each method ar assessed alihough, at where d(,,.o) : creep coefrcieDt,
the timc oi writing, some mthods are so reccnt that a :
C(r,rol creep perunit of stress, i.e. specificcreep.
comprehensive comparison of accuracy of prediction is and E.(ro) : modulus ol eiasticity at the age at appli-
not yet possible. tation of load lo.
Rossl was thefirst to suggcst a creep prcdiction chart ifl
1917; Fig. 12.1 makes it possible to estimate the coelicjenl Thcrefore, from tl2.1l and [12.2],
B in the hypcrbolic expression for creep ([11 7]), and
hence it is possible to predict creep at any timc up to the ,,,, ,",
-;-''"'d ,i, r., frz r'
ultimat value.
'standard' curve methods were proposed by Wagner':
ln 1958 and by Jones e, dl.3 in 1959, the 'stan dard' valus 1. Comit6 Europeen du Beton (CEB-FIP), 1S703
of creep a! any time or ol ultimate creep being modificd Crcep
by factors 10 allo\'! lor cement type, ambient humiditv, ln this method, the creep coefrcient is drs(t,lo), i-e. as
membcr size, age and mix properlies. defined in [12.1], and is estimated as follows:
Hansena was probabiy the first to express creep alge_
braically in ter s of composition of thc mir! but some of o,sg,t.): k$,\k4k5 u2.4)
192 GeneruL ptetiction aj ueep nnt shinkage
Slress MPa
Slorage envrronmenl:
.o1 1.0
0.4 0.75
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 0.2
Relalive humidity - per cenl
7 14 2A 56 90 140 360
Age aiapplication oI load (log scale) - days
4 50 100 500 1000 5000 10000
Deoreeol hardening D(log sca e) - day'C
Cemeni conren, (lq/m):
1.0 06
Theo.elica thickness(mm):
E 06
where E"(loJ : modulus of elastlcity at the age al appli- where li : coeficienl for ambienr humidiry (Fig. 12.3 a)
t: : coeliicient forconcreie composition, which is
According to the CEB-FIP, 1970,3 the selant modulus the same as for creep (Fis. 12.2c),
ofelasticity of [12.7], r"(GPa), can bestimatcd from the :
streDgth ol standard cylindcls. ,,",1MPa), viz-
kr coeficient for theoretical thickness (Fig.
E"(r):5.e4ll"y,(r)11'':, 82.81 and k5 : sane comciert as for creep (Fig. 12.2e).
rnu lh( Lcvclutm(11 or .rrnglh {r'h -Pr N gr\e.] ,n
Equation [12.9] applies ro normal weight agsresate
Table 12.1. concrelcs and, lor lightwcight aggregate concretes of the
The CEB-FIP, 1970 method applies to normal weight same compressive strength, shrinkage lies between one
aggregate concretcs and, for lightNeight aggregate con- and two times rhe shrinkage of normal weight aggregate
cretes. the Iinal creep deformation should bc deduced by
extrapolation lrom tcsts. Alternatively, creep may be
estimalcd by assuming E.,s 10 bc that for normal weight
aggregatc concrete and incrcasing the creep coefficient 2. Comit6 Europ6en du B6ton (CEB-F|P),'1978e
d,s(.. ro) by 1.6.
Shrinkage In the CEB-FIP Modei Code 1978,e creep is dividcd into
The shrinlagc deformation, :i.J,,r.h o), measured from irreversible creep (plastic flow) and reversible creep (de,
rhe stari ol drying ,"h.o is expressed as: layed ciastic strain). In addition, thc plastic flow is sub-
dir,lded into a component representing flow for the lirst
r.6('. r." 6) : Aii.A3t 5 lt2.e) day u nde. load (initial fl ow) and subsequenl flow. Thc ba,
sic assumptions ol this model are discussed in Chaptcr 9
1dDl. /J / Thc cflc.t of age on the..tio otslrensthal any ase to
The creep coemcieni is tha! given by [l2.11. ie
lhe 28-dar stuenglh accoid ing r o CIIB FIP,19703
.r,s(,,r0), and rs estimated from tlre sum of delayed elas-
_ tic strain. initial flow and delayed flow components, i.e.
.1","" O*lt.ta): l.A,)) + fdljd(t d+o,l1tl\ Btl,oJ)
b d- Pordandcement Ra pid- hard enins Po land cemenl
3 0.55
0.75 and
28 1 I
r.r,"r:osIr -M] [12. ] 1l
2. Cohlit, Lutapien d B&on I CLB-FIP ) , 197ile 195
Slorage envlronment:
9 - 08
!:oo e
; 0.6
: 2oo
- 100
100 90 80 70 60 50 40
(a) Fe ar ve humidiry - percent 0 100 200 300 400 500
(b) Theorelicalth ckness,r'o mm
r',9.72.J. CIB-FI P, 1970 sltriirage predictioi cu es{sr.1129]1.3
(a) Coemcient lor ambienl lumidnv,ki
(b) Coefrcienl lor theoredcal thrcknes. t,.
In the above equations, r" is thc initial flow, and the d., is the notional thickness cocmcient which takcs into
strenglh ratio ,t(4)/"t", is obtained lrom Fis. 12.4(a). accou t the mcmber size {Fig. 12.4c) by the nolional
AIIernaI\e ). the ,t-engrh ratro cdn be e\pre..ed J.. thickness Io which is siven by:
: Lt2.12l ho:)4
/- D?6\4r+os%/ t-12.15l
0.9 .",r:"_--r---:
a! -"
0. CEB-FlP- 1978curve
,q 0.
' >1600
(c) Noiional thickness ,o mm
I'is- lr.r. CEB-FIP, 1978 cr*!, prdicdon @mes Ge t12.101 and O2.14).,
lal Developmot ofstEnglh wrrh ase
{bl DeveloDmen r ol ddaved elasri. r,'n Mrh i'me
(c) oi norional on c@p
(d) Developmenl of delayed plaslic strai! sith rime,
2. Camiti Eutoftet du Bitan (CDB-FIp).1978e 197
.9 0.5
?abi. 12 2 CEB-FIP, 1978q coe6.imis ol crep and sh.inkase tor The elastic strair-plus,creep delormation under a unit
us in l12.1ol and fl2.21l
stress, or creep function (10-r per Mpa), is given by:
Relative Coehcie.a ol
environment humidn,
(per eno orr,^r: L+d':srr'Io)
'' EJh) [ 12.18]
+100 Now,
4(ro) e.stlyr(roD'/r [12.19]
and, from [12.]21 and []2.191:
20 -120 l5 /,
EJ'u) = 8",,'(4)
1.0 +iJ [12.20]
5 08
Noiionat th ckness, rolmrn):
o _Q; : 2.35 k,k\k;klk6k7 . 112.231 where E"(ro) - modulus of elasticity at the age at appli
For ages at application of load greater than seven days calion ol load ro. whicl r\ rclared lo )b.ddJ{ve
for moist curing, or greater rhan one to three days for strength,ry,rs, by:
steam curing, thecoeficient for age at application ol load
/.! is estimated fromi
E.(/o) = 42.8 x t0 6tp1,r(ro)lrl u).32)
n', : 1 .25 t; 0' 1 3 (moist
/ii : r;o oes (steam I U2.241 -t^
1.13 cunag).] .1.,1(.or:;l;t/,,,:s ll2.33t
The humidity coemcienl ,rl is:
: $here /. r. in CP..,-rrtrot. /.] )8 are rn VPi.,a . densil)
k'l 1 .21 - 0.@6 h, (h > 1o) 112.25) ot (oncrere (lg mrr. and 4 and I depenJ on rhe r!pe ot
wherei : relative humidity (per cent)_ cemert and curing conditions (sud Table 12.5).
Two methods are recommended for determinins rle
member thrclness coefllcienl k;:
(a) A1)eruse thickness
shrinkage ar time t, measured from the slart of drying
For average thickness < I50nm, /rl is siven in Table 12.4.
t.h ., is expressed as follows:
For average thickness between 150 and 380mm.
for moist curing,
*1 . tt4 0000qtr tor ,/ ,or. lyearl
k. - l.r0 0.0000rd tor t, - ro,- t1c,rf --'
where d is the avemge thickness of the concrete member
under consideration (mm). t12.34,l
(b) tlotumelsurfa.e rauo (d > l80mm)
ki = +fl + ll3e roo:rrirs,'l """(,,",")=jffi"",.
shere / S - !olume ,uriace rduo lmm,. {As can be seen whcre E"i: shrintage (10 6)
50 l.l5
15 1.L1 I.25 I .100
100 t.t 1 1.11 1.00 0.r5
125 L04 1.08 rll 210 0.92
1.00 1.00 a.7a
200 Generul prclliction of creep and shrinkase
consequence, it is prelerable to present
shrinkage. As a
For curins times ditrercni from 7 days for moist'cured shrinkage before creep'
expressions for
."."*L. i}rJ*" *"m"ient i; is given in Tablel: 12'6;l' ior
'"r-rl .rr;rg l" , ner rod of onc ro lhree dals' - Stuinkase
The humrdit\, loeflrcienr (ki)is:
ii.rl.t"i. "l ***" '.h(r. r'h.o) at anv lime r' measlrred
, - ,.OO - O.O,On.,OO' , ,n''
1, f'2.Jbl from the start of drling l,h. o, is given by:
tr = I0U 00lU h. (x0 < <
h i00) l [ (, o) l"'
-h*e l, : retative trumiailv (per cent)'
,.-,,,"o, -k;,..1r,, *',.,., I rr24n
i*n -"tnoas are recomminded
for determining
where *i :
a coefrcient which depends on thc ambienl
member thickncss coefficieni Li: relative humidity ,?, i.e.
t.) ) at4\de thrk ess t+ = 1 l0 6
h3 (,1 < 98 Per cenOJ
, l'0 mm. /'a i'gi!en rn Table l2'a : ceni)'
For avera'ge thickness between 150 and 380mm:
k+ -O.,lh:100 Per
- 6), is related to thc mix
4. Bazani and Panula's model ll, 19781r lall ratios beints proportions by wrghtl
an,l /..,,":28-day cyhnder slrenglh
a model
Followirg earlier publications,l':'r3 simplified in t i),is t,,r,. nn. uee,.gdte I'tii marerial'mallc' rhan
a' oroo-o'ea fo' e'Limdting bd'i( creep. Ioral ( reep dnd
+ I mm a nd rhe remirnder i' coar'e aggl'gale
ra)' Tle
".hrin[ ,;e wrrh Lhr' laleil'nodcl lhe inpul dala r(quired 'ize
'r,', I'r.dl1 I'rermed rheihrinkage sqJd-e
are simiiar to those for the CEB-FIP and ACI methods
r-,ilrl.t l.,i.,irrli dr shich,.h 0'<' l he !dlue of
de-cribed prevrousl). Iolal crcep i' conrrdereJ "l"i
'epa' i,,,,,' a"p*a"., ,t'" ,ir" ot the member andis estimated
ratelv trom ba.rc( eep b) rnrroducinga dr)ing'reep te'm
in the creep furction, and this term is a function of
,,,*:4t.;) D,,".1
and D(r"h o): drying difusivily which is given by: The drying creep coefrcieni dl(l,lo,r"n o) is given by
the iollowing equations:
Dlr,,"):24+# !2.471
,r',(/, r", r,,,") : E.ti(,o) or''(1 tt" '*\ "t'
The basic creep function, i.e. elastic strain-plus-basic creep
under unii of stress al any time , for concrete loaded at the
age ol ,0, is expressed as:
e.:(r +ffi). \ Lrr,
Ba6+- [12.59]
ob(,,,o) :;tr + di,( [12.48] Bd=0.0056+1+'Jr+ t12.601
where ob(r, to) : basic crecp function (10 3 per MPa), I i"r ''
and @or,.r0r basiccreepcoeflicienl whrch r.grven as: .-n.rnl I'r,..,."
l" . t')'' l,oro!''
.." 1 -085
di,(r,ro) : Btlro)-'+ 0.051( ro)'. 112.491
It should be noted that di(r,ro) is based on a fictitious :
where s/d line aggregatc/tola1 aggregate ratio. If / * 0
modulus, E , which is the asymptote ol a ploi of creep then Bd = 0.0056. A1so, in []2.581, kf is siven bv:
versus the logarithm of sho( limes under load. The
parameters E', B, m and ,l are all functions of the 28-day ii:1 10 trn'5. I 12.62)
strength, viz: The coefficients ,?, ,(1tr)"h and E h- are eivcn by 2.521,
I [12.46] and []2.a51, respectively. In [12.62], the ambient
=- 0.0110b l.20.lL/..,*r ' ll0 '/MPa) I).501 humidity ,r is expressed in per cent.
The total creep coemcient based on the modulus of
B: 0.3 + i52.2(l"Ds) " [12.s1] elasticity al the age at applicatior of load 4(lo)is
n :0.28 + 4?.541(/;yDs) 'z [12.s2]
d(r, ro) : 4(o)o(t,,o) 1. [12.6]l
r:0.115 + 0.183 x 10 llyDs)r/ [12.s3]
The foregoing expressiors for the total creep function
where,t,r,s :28-day cylinder strength (MPa). apply to the case (t,h.o < ro), i.e. when shrinkage starls
As discussed in Chapter 11, lor small values of test before the load has been applied (see also Ch. 6); rhe
dLrration (, ro), 02.a81 and [12.49] can be used to meihod does not cover the case of (r.h o > h), i.e. when
determjne the sla1ic modulus, or dynamic modulus, i.e. shrinkage starts after the age at application of load.
tt Bazant and Panu1a13 give further expressions for
- -:Lr . 8{\,or ' r0.0s)r0-'l Lr2.54l taking into account the efrects of temperature and cyclic
tt.\t^t r: loading; these aspects are discussed in Chapters 7 ard 8,
ll _: _ respcctively. For a further improvement in accuracy oi
rl,tvrt r1 Lt B((/,,r I 0.0s)t0 "l
-_ [12.55] prediction, they recommend the
which consists of additional empirical
use of their first model,l3
relations, more
whereE"(lo): static modulus at timc ro measured in a
iime of 10 1 days,
and 4Jro) : dynamic modulus a! time ,o measured in a 5. concrete Society (Cs), 197815
time of 10 I days. Following an earlier methodla based on the CEB-FIP,
The coemcients of I2.541 and [12.55] are determined 1970 rccommendations, a simplified melhod for estima-
from the strength reiations 2.501 to [12.531, and ihe lrng rhe nodulu. ot elasricrO and ullrmale creep is
usual creep coemcient d6(t,t0), as based on the static rccommended by the (British) Concrele Society-15 The
modulus at the ase at appiication of load (ro), is given by: modulus of elasticity is estimaled from strength as
The total creep funclion, O(/,lo), i.e. elaslic strair-plus- E.,s :20 + 0.2L,,s 1t2.65)
basic creep-plus-drying creep per unit of stress (10 per where 4(lo) andr",llo) - modulus of elasticity (GPa)
MPa) is expressed as: and cube strength (MPa),
o"r/.,^, -" '.;:- *"l
,rllr L r- respectively, at the age at appli_
o,r.ror- l12 srl cation of load lo,
and 4,a and f,,,s : corresponding values at the
where O6(r. ro) : basic creep function ( 2.a8l). age of 28 days.
2A2 G.netal ptedi.tion af oeep duL shinkaqr
The valuc oi 20 in I2.651 is appropriaie to an average given is dd : 0.3, which compares wilh the CEB-FIP.
high-quality dense aggregate but, for less dgid aggregates, i978' value ol 0.4. Thus the specinc creep recovered or
values of 10 to 20 are morc appropriate. The strength specific delayed elastic strain developed is [0.3/I"00)].
ratio tl"(to)/l",,s] is obtaincd eitherlrom measurer,ents
or from Table 12.7.
The ultimate creep lunction o. (10 tr per MPa) is
6. Proposed modilication
expressed as follows: Crcep
As ;modification ol the prcvious method, Parrott'3 ol
o" :-(rI
+d,l [12.66] the Cemeni and Concretc Associetion proposed thal the
cocmcient ot 20 GPa in [12.65] be replaced bv a value
delermincd lrom ics! datato p.ovide grcater accuracv and
where d" is the uirinate creep coeflicient which is to auow lor thc modulus ol elasticilv of the particulnr
obiained from Fig. 12.6. aggrcgateused when th;sis not allowed for by the strength
Thus, knowing th ambient humidity, age at appli oilhe concrcle. Also, in this vcrsion, the strength ratio
caiion ol load and effective section thickncss (ssg ,.,,(ro)i't,,s (Trble 12.7) is assumed to bc independent of
Table 5.1) the ultimate creep coellicient can be estimated lhe ttpe of cement and, for a given agc. is equal to the
from Fig. 12.6 which is based on the CEB-FIP. 1970 average of the values given in Table 12.7.
Although ,here i. no Dro\rsi,Jn f.rr c't m"ttnp c.eep r"'t' l
coeHcicnt continuous function of timc.lhe Concrete
as a
i,,J,.'1, :;;:''
I!r/? /2 -- DevellrDmentof nrenarh
I '
Society suggests rhat approximalely 80, 50 and 30 pr cen t
ol the ultima@ crcep coemcient occurs after six months
underload, i.e. (ro + llJo)days. for effective thicknesses of
s'knc'h dL.l l
< 200, 300 and > 400 mm, respectively. Furlhcrmore. for Ordinary Ponland menl
no moislurc exchange, baslc creep will dcvclop at a rate
correspond;ng 10 an effective thickness >400mm. ,1
30 60 ?0 90 100
Relalivehum d tY Pe.cenl
air. -/J.6. CS 1978 dala lo. prediclrs uilimale f.ep codn.icnl '5
Comparison ol Yedictionnethods 2AJ
comparisonorpredictionmerhocrs $;;::H:.mffiH;l;"?l;,,*lllf*Tffi:ffi:
.iif1oa, of"ting rime-dependent straini suggests sectioDs (Figs. 12.8 1() 12.10). w h the methods of Bazant
a degree of uncertainiy in this area of knowledge and, and Panula Model 113 and CEB-FIP, 1978, the
ortrrJrgrl un intcrcsting chaltcnge is posed ro th re_ betwcn creep and age at appli.irion oi toad is a tunciion
,"".inJ., trr" p." ,ir-uation is;ificuit for the engineer of rclarive humidity of thc environment. Whcn lhe agc
tacerl wirh dciign problcms. and relative humidity decrease, cEB-FlP, 1978 predicls
The unirersil ;ccpLance of any meihod must be an increase in creepbur, rccordingto Bazanl and Panula.
preceded by confirmation by measurements on actual creep decreases (Fig. 12'11)'
itructures but, untortunately,ihere arefew long{erm data Thc accuracy of prediction- using four methods
ol suficient u""u.""y uuuituut" to undertaie such an lhat ol the concrere socicly), was assessed by the error
exercise. However. in lhe first instance, veriljcation using cocmcient ( [ 1 ] . I 6l J on 6l seis of experimental laboratory
90 40
50 80 35
250 125 30
2a0 1Q0
1 50 75 40
150 100 15
30 a
1 00 50
100 10
50 25
50 10
0 t
_., ti
30 50
60 7Q
F,4..1-?.7. Parrolt: dala iorpr.diclins shrinkage and swelling of high_quah, dense asEregale corqere
t,"" l-,*
204 Generul prcdiction of teep and shrinkuse
Methodof predicrionr
"-\-{B FlP,197o
e5 ".r1,r" "-.
\i:T::\ gz-e- : ...--
Ac r, r
functions, (O(r,ro)), ranged irom 26 to 45 per cenl; the polated ultimate creep strain ranged from 3l to 105 per
creep lunclion was selecred at constant intervals of the cent. For the prediction both of creep function and of
logarithm of time, e.g.1to 10days and l0to 100days. For ultimate creep, the CEB FlP, 1970 method yielded the
ultimate crecp,extrapolation was used in with best results. ln general, the more elaborate prediction
Ross's hyperbolic relation ([11.6]) or, in the case of methods were not necessarily the most accurate, and
Bazant and Panula Model I, 50'year values were used. paradoxically the number of sleps requiredfor predicting
The averageerrorcoemcient between predicted and extra' the ultimate creep by a particular method seemed to be
3s --
-t--CS,1977 \
ac 1978
B-"laiive hum dily Percent
ais. /2.9 Innuenc oI storage enlnonnenl on ulrinale c@p mefrcient as predicled by various
m;rhods: age at apDlicadon oI load - 28 daysr dianetor of cylinder = 50mm.16
FinaL cammenrs 205
Method ol prediction:
Diameterofcy inder _
Iia. 12./0 Innune ot sp{imcn sne on ullimate cre! coeflicient as predicted by larious methods: age ar application oi
load =28days;Elatilehumidily:40percen1.'6
inversely proportional to thc average accuracy of the which the presenl Australian Srandard 1481 is based.
entire set of test data considered. In fact. Hilsdorf and However, the authors themselves acknowledge that more
Miillert6 suggesl that an ultimate creep coctficint d_ of corroborating data are required.
berneen 2 and a i, ryprcal lor 80 per cenr of srrucrur.rl
concrete applications and for all exposurecondirjons. The
range of error coemcients obtained lrom the assessment Flnal comments
of all themethods is of similar order and, rherefore. none In spite of all the recent suggested improvements in the
is ne.rrarib more rliable rhan the simple approach oi gererdl merhod! ol e,rrmaling 'ong.rer nr creep. ir appear,
usins d. -
3. that, for design p rposes, litrle prog.ess has occurred since
Recent work by Roper and BotttT suggests that some the first edition of rhis book in 1970.
Australian concretes arc described better by the CEB- Th.. ma) ,eem ,urp srng bur rhere \rill remdrn\ .r
FIP, 1978 model than by the CEB-FIP, 1970 model on serious absence ol reliable knowledge of thedevelopmenr
100 360 1000
Age al app cationoftoadro(oqscate) days
I'ir /2-lT lnfluenceofagearappricationotroada.dof(oraseenlnonmo!onrheraLrooiulunarecreepLoeflroentvftharoad
cep coe6ciot wnh the roal appl*d ar one rear as"t.a ty , uao,i. .iit o,:.:0,u."t., or
apllied at ago !o 10 lhe ulrinale
246 CeneraL predittion aJ crcer and shrinkaqe
of c.eep with limc for dillercnt values ot cffecrive thick, c,,!rere R.s.dr.n. I8! No.55.1966.
concrete. ,\rard:/h. ry'
ness and indeed ol lhc valueol ultimate creep ior di$erenl PP.69 7:1.
thickncsses Elegant mathemarioal formulation shoutd CEB-FIP. 1nr.r,din,iol R.ohhennatiots lot the Dcsish
ard a, r.,," . a\ pa\,,p1,- dad
not mask these unce(ainties rnd aliow us lo toroer th.l ',,.r,.a5r,,,,,r!\
Ra,.aaenda., .a- , -Tr,i I ur ,peen d- Be.on t edc-a
rhe ornL' ot xn, equal'on i5 n^ ret.rbte rldn rhe
tion llternalionale de la Pr6cont.ainte. FIP Sixth Con-
data used in its formularion.
8ress. Pr.8ue. June 1970: publjshed try Cenent and
Such drla are limiled and do not xlways include a the Concrete Asociation: London, 1970.80 pp.
inlormation about test condirions which a particular 9 C.EB FIP Model Cod. Jot Coaoete SttnL|ures, C:oarte
modcl requires. The data are often used selectively and Euro Inter.ational du Baton Fed6r!1ion Inrernatiorale
thereiore 'excellent' agreemenl is reported belween the de la Pr6conrrainte, Paris.1978, 1:18 pp
'new exprcssion' and irs parenrdata. But what of crecp of t0 ACI COMMITTEE 209. Predntian ol Creep. Shtihkaae
ond Tempe9rrre ElJitL5 i. (:or.rere Srrr.fu/.r,2nd Draft,
dr) concrelc to be made in the futurel Wc are unable !o American Conc.ete lnstiturc, Deiroit, Oct. 1978,9E pp.
coDvince ourselvcs, and even lcss so convince our readers. BAZANT, Z P. and PANULA, L., Simplified predic-
that there is a reliable melhod to be recommcnded. We tlon ol concretc creep and shrinkagc lrom sfength and
can commenl, nevertheless, lhat a simplc method is pre- mix- S,tulLurul F. oineerihg RcNtL No-7E 1Ai6105.De-
lerable to a complicated one for the good reason that it p$imcnt ol civil Engileerilg, Norrhwestern univesity.
is simple land not proved to bc inferior). We can also Elanston, I11inois. Oct. 197E,24 pp.
exprcss the view that a merhod using physical and
Praciical torrnulation of shrinkage and cree! ol conc.ere,
observable componenls is prelerable to one based on a Materiak ahl SLruoures, ?aris,9. No. 54. 19?6, pp. 195
hypothetical division ol strain (as is the case wirh rhe 406.
CEB,FIP. 1978 approach). i3. BAZANT, Z. P. and PANULA, L., Praclical predlctions
This is as helpful as wc can be. In thc cnd. for a gencral ot tiBe dcpendent detormations oi concrete: Parr 1
estimate of c.ccp, the readc. can selecr any method; lor s 'inLrJ(. Pd'rll cr<p. Pir lll D \ing..ecp:
g'(uler -ccrrJ(\. pred tll^n l.on ,l-o-r 'trm rp.r. r. Pa r Iv T.moer"r. -c ere., .1 b".ic .rcep. Pr., V
oullin.d in Chaple. 11.
necessary, as
Temperature eflecl on dryin8 creep: Parl Vl Cyclic creep,
non-linearity and statisrical matter, Mdt?tials t)nt
Sr!.I res, Paris: Il, No.65.1978. pp.301 16jpp.317 28;
ll, No 66, t9?rl, pp.4l5 24:pp.:124 l4j 12. No. 69, 1979,
pp. 169 74j pp. 175 E3.
1 ROSS. A. D.. Conffete creep data. The Sttuct tdt 14. CONCRETE SOCIETY, / Sinple Design Method lat
lnrineer, 15, No. 8, 1937, pp. 314 26. Prelicti g the Eldni( Modulus dntl Creep oj Slru.rurol
2. WAGNER, O.. Das Kriechen unbewehrten Betons. Dell Crr.r,te,l,o!do!, 1978, I p.
scher AusschussJir/ Stdhlberor, No. 13i. 1958,74 pp. 15 CO\CRfrl \OCll- l). A .,mptri.ed me.hod,ur e.Ima
3. JONES,T. R..HIRSCH,T. J. and STEPHENSON, H. (, tlng the elastjc modulus and c.eep oi normat weight
lhr Ph\-.ol h,.r, E. a, s,ru.,utol Qu,lit, Lnht con tete. Training Cehtre Publi.atian No.TDH 7376.Ce-
4e.aht A |jrcgatr (-otrr..,, Te\e Iran\n..ldr,on In\r. ment and Concrcte A$ocialion: London. June 1978, I p.
tute, ColleSe Station. Au8 1950,4b pp 16. HILSDORI. H. K. aro Vi LL|-R H s , umpdf,..r
4. HANSEN. T. C., Creep ald srres.elaxation ot concrete. "/
Up.h. t !- Prpdrt Tn,-ttpDphd.nt Stt)in' at t.n,Nt!,
Ptoc. No. ll. Srcdish Cemert ard Concrete Research h.ur.r lL Bji,roffr(i n^loAi(, I .ve...ur K, rl..uhc
Institulq Stockhoim.1960, 112 pp. (IH). Ocl. 1979. 9l pp.
5 HUMMEL, A., Von Einilus der Zemertart. des Was 11 ROPI R H hnd 80l t. C.. R,.,a .oa,,p,, rt!.r
.er/ereF've,l"hnL.e. JnJ Je. BelJ.,ung.-tre\ .ur Jd. t"tldcar.. (ad, P.rttioa. a S\r.4tao" ahJ a^.p.
Kr e.hen \or Belur. Z.a r/ Aa/( (J1, t2. \o. <, .q(o, School ol Civil Elgineeri.g. Thc University of Sydney.
pp. 181 7. April 1979. t9 pp.
6 LHERMITE. R., What do we krow about lhe plastic 18 PARROTL L. J.. \ npli"ed re.hod. oi Dred(ring rhc
deformation and creep of concrete?, RILEM Bultetih. oe'urn: Io- ot .'rut rrdl .un. -re. o.,,loan.n, R,t"t
Paris. No. 1. 1959, pp.2t 51. Nr. J, Cemot and Corcrete A$ociation: London. Oct.
7. RUTLEDGE, S. E. and NEIrILLE, A. M..Influence ot 1979.11pp.
cement paste contert on treep ol lighlreight aggregalc
Chapler 13
Most of the data on creep have been obtained under Methods ol calculation
conditions of constant stress ard yet in many praclical
cases stresses can vary with time, eithcr gradually or Calculation of strain from stress and of stress from str2in
abruptly. Clearly. it is essential to know how to calculare rnd the.olulron ot rhe parrrculdr Ldtc ot reta\dtron ot
the resulting deformation when thc stress varies. On the stress under a constant strain can be accomplished by
otherhand, sometimes it is desired to calculate srresses in variousmethods which are discussed subsequently.ln this
concrete on the basis of a knowr strain history. Regard- chapter the emphasis is placed on the relation between
le*otwherherlhenroblem toncor calcutallng.lressor relaxation and creep;rhe estimation of strain lrom stress
strain, it is necessary to have dara relating the eiastic, is presented in lurther deiail in Chaprer 16, which inrro,
creep and shrinkage properties under the same con- duces the analysis of creep in members. In
ditionsj these data can be obtained from tests or bv the following analysis, creep is expressed as the creep
p.edicron merhodr as oi,cu,sed rn rhe rwo prerrou, coefiicienl. o(,.,u r. ie creep dr an age r a, d p,opoflion of
chapters. Shrinkage requires carcful keatment since. lor the inir,alela.ric strdrn dr lhe Jge al applcdtion ot load ,o.
example, wher a member is restraired. relaxation of a in accordance with lhe definition on page I91. In cases
compressive stress occurs due to both shrinkage and where it is required ro express the loss o{ stress due to
relaxation as a function of time, a suitable creep time
Rclaxation and creep are two manilestatioffol lhc fact expression (s? Ch. 11) can be substituted in thc ex-
that the relation berwcen srress and strain in concrete is a pression relating relaxation and creep; some examples of
iunction of time. As stated in Chapter 2, relaxarion is this procedure are given by Wittmann.T
usually defined as the variation in stress wirh time at a In this and the subsequent chapters, the symbol for
constant strain, rhe behaviour being illustrated in Fig.2.6. modulus ol elasticiry of concrete 4 is abbreviated ro E.
The problem or rela\alron i, of Lonsioerabte imporrance
in the design of p.estressed concrete structures and in Effectiye modul$ nethod ( EM nethod)
calculating internal stresses in mass concretc due to the For a hislory o{ varying stress under condilions of drying,
thermal cycle. Also, relaxation influences to a large extent the total deformation at any age, (r), is expressed as
the resistance of concrere to cra.king due to shrinkage
and the redistribulion of stresses inhyperstatic srructures
subjected to movemenr of supports. In cases where thc Lrrl E -,.0,,, |
strain varies due to changes in restraint, the problem
becomes that of a varying strain history. where o(t) - stress,
Relaxation tests show thal the loss of stress due to 6,h(,) : shrinkage,
relaxation js influenced by various factors ir a manner
similar to creep.1 2 For example, a higher cement paste
and 4 : eflective modulus as given by:
con tent increases creep and increases the loss of stress due
- E(r")
to relaxation, and both creep and loss of srress due to
relaxalion are approximarely proportional to the initial
"'- tt * oL,.,"tl tll'2l
stress/sirength ratio. The relaxation of a reinforced where E(ro) = modulus of elasticiry at the age at first
con(,ele beam Jnder con.ranr dcflection h qualita vel) application of Ioad ro,
the came a. lhal to- p.ain con.rete. Howcrer, rhe and d(r,ro): creep coefficient ([12.2]).r
developmnt of relaxation is fasier than that of cre.-p
Substitutirs [1].21into [l].11, we obtain
because the stress is continuously decreasing.,.a.s Thi
relaiivcrates of the two phenomenawere studiedby Klug
and Wittmann6 who deduced theorericaliy that the half- dr) '[l t.rr,.ror]+1.5ll). ltJ.J.l
liie time (the time ar which one-half of rhe ultimalc vatue
has been reached) of the creep process is always larger
than the hal ife time of the relaxation process. r Alt*narivel],
d,!(,,,0) can b usd (tr2.ll).
208 Prcdi.tion of stress akd strain under t)atling history. dnd rclaxatiat ol stess
It should be nored that the cmective modutus is based on
total load-dcpendenr srrain, i.e. exctusive ofshrinkase
Wl-en the_qlrail history \a-,e.. the .lre* \ gI\; by
rearrangins [1].31, so thar
"r,r i;ffiI: r"r,t -,,,r,1 03.41
nlto) I +
fh\t,t.) I
where R(r, ro) - relaxation ratio.
Eqlation [13.6] applies ro concrete which is in hygral
equilibrium with the surrounding environment and solhe
creep .oefficrent ab is thdr co esponding lo bacic creep
Howerer. r he,amc equJrron i. applcable ro relaxarion of
stress under drying conditions when rh inirial elasri.
strain is allowed to increase in accord ilith shrinkase. In
thi. cd.e. rhe (reep coefficienr i5 lhar correspondi;g ro
total creep d.
Ro.r and Seeds devetoped a rcta on berwrcn re-
ldraronandcreepinas'mitarformrorhar oiI IJol.anJ
they also allowed for the coniribuiion o{ shrinkage ro
rela\alion b) an e\pression of the,)pe:
Age days
Using rheological models, Troste related ultimate
tl3.7l air. 7.i.1 ltelaxation ot st.c$ at a constanl sl.ain ot 360
calculaled by vanous medrods.a
r 10 6
str-ess due to relaxation to the ultimate creep, so that
f13.6'l becomes
ato:ffiao *fi,ao(,) + d.h(,) t13.91
n:" 1+ d"-
f ".
E(rorlr; I
,, ^.hl u3.121
and, if the modulus of clasticity is constant,
6r E(ro)Ao,h
[13.13] Methodofca c!1at o.:
Equdrion LlJ.lll applres ro rel.\dtion re'ultrng from
lolal creep and .hrintage. When concrele i' in hvgral 600
equilibrium wilh lhc 'urrounding en\tronmenl. i.e. rhe
case ot o.rre relaratiun. I tl.o I cdn be 'ol!ed dirccr ly sin(
dE(,) : d6.J0 : 0. Therefore,
-' dp" . -1-d.(rl-0- lll.l4l a 4aa
irreversible component (flow) and a reversible component As discussed in Chapter9, the change in delayedelastic
ldelayed elastic strain). The influences ol inrrinsic and strain Aed consists of rapid and slow components corre-
environmental factors on thesc components were deter- sponding to the initial and subsequent development of
mined by Iuston,la and are dealt with in Chapter 9; delayed elastic strain, the rates of which are proportional
further details of these factors and of th RF method are to the the concurrent change in flow. Also, the limiting
given in Chapter 16. Two experimertal curves arc re- values of each component are proportionat to stress-
quired as shou,n in Fig. 13.4 so that the two components Hence,lhe change in the delayed elastic strain is given by
0.5 15
creep coffic enid(r, b)
aio 1J..i. Compa.ison ol lhe logarithm olthe invers of fie relaiation ratio an.l creep coemcienl olconciele.l
Meth(ds ol 4l.ulaliun )lt
50 d
! lvlelhod ol calculalion:
i ultimaie recoveryor lirniling delaved
[9.a], i.. ,'. I t ( "'Ire Rl me.h'd \ l "r\er n"'h '" o'
Lro:lorCo,.,. d1){1 e-rd'"rn(io)o'r} .,;,;,;,,..,,;". Jtn,o,,.t.ic,.j.i1F n r.,,....r1.:4
+ lo,Cdr- dr)l1 - e tAi'/d(ro)o'r] [13 23]
l.xation- we obtain
where th symbols are as previoudv (see t9'31 and [9'4])'
r o, + Elr"\t^t,l - e ldcnErbrol Acsh
l' lll)sl
The same equaltons L
r J ' 2 2 l d n d l 13 2 1 can be u'ed
ro calculate Lhe.rre,s rn lhe Irme Ar) uhen the
strain history is known Thus, the expression for t, For the case ol pure rlaxation, As.h:o in ihe above
j!+r", ll - r' r^or Eihra'rl the R f merhoJ F 'uperior to lhe RC and rN4 merhods
for predicting strain under a decreasing stress and re_
+ eo.{1 e tdc't'cdo't} Ae.n laxaiion ol itress under a constant strain' However'
Droolemi aris in predrcrrng rhe behr\iour oi older
e tro'E.o)o'r] I"i-*" Cr,. lo,. I isure' ll \ and I 1 b 'ho$ rome ol
+ Cd,-{ I e t&n'(l")o,ll
England and lllston's rsults.1'
log"R(/,ro): fll.31l
and, if the modulus ofelasticity is constant,
log"R(, tl3.32l
li may be recalled that, sincc
-. dd, Elrol dll, dd , r d"(' r + d. ,"(/).
experimental daia can beconsiderable. The daia can take
the form of a creep surface'r (see Fig. 13.9), which is a
113.27) three-dimensional figure whos surface represents the
When the above differenlial equation cannoi be solved variation of creep strain wiih age at apptication of load
analytically, the numerical solution is given by consider- and iime since loading; a single creep cu e is represented
ing two consecutive finite intervals of time as for the RF by the intersectjon of the creep surface and the plane
method. Applying this procedure !o the calculation of defined by the age at application ofload.
Methods oI calculation 213
t 600
-: 400
'tI F; =;l=il \
\ ",*,*,."
\o.\'- ooseruedr'l
t_l_, )<:-i:; -"--
100 150
0 5r0 30 50 75 100
Time under oad - days
fir. /.i.9. C@p su.tace fo. use in the applicadon of $e pnnciple of s u perposi tio n.
, ,
214 Pretidion of *ress and siain u;det titltJii s histoty, and relaxation of strcss
In order to obtain the total delormation resultingfrom eslimated for decrements of stress. With the Trostle
a varying history of stress, a srep-by-srep procedure is Bazant'3 mcthod. a coclicient is Lrsed which allows lor the
usedin whichlhe variation in strcss is treated as a series of influence ofaging due to change ofstress. In Chaprer 16,
small finite increments and dcc.cments; specific creep the term we use is aglngcoemcient and, here, we shall refer
strains under compression and tension are assumed ro be to the TB method as the age-adjusted eflective modutus
equal ir magnitude. Summation ofihe tenns is achieved methodl3 because oiits ciose relation to the EM method.
by nnmerjcal inlegration of which there are several For a history ofstrcss under dryingconditions, the iolal
procedures (see p. 253). delormation at antr time r is given by:
Calculation ol stress lrom a krown history ofsrrain is
accomplished by rearrangement oflhccxpression for rotal {,):u_+"n(tt []3.311
deformation, and, as previously, relaxation is estimared
from the condition of no change in tolal deformation. whcrc r." : th asc-adiustcd trective modulus, i.e.
Figures 13.1 and ll.8 show that this meihod over-
estimats the stress alter relaxatio& although the pre, E(to)
diclion is superior to the EM and RC methods. A further
E.": 1 + "/(t.ti6i,tr)
comparisoD with other methods is given in Figs. 13.2, 13 5, :
where x(r,,o) the asing coefficient.
13.6, 13.7 and 13.10. Themain disadvantage ofthe merhod
Substitution of[13.34] in [13.33] yields
ofsuperpositior is the requirement ofa larger number of
dr) : +
E(.J tr /(r.
r")d(r. ro)l + .."01. t13.35l
Tnst Bazant nethod (IB nethod)
Equation [1].151 can be compared wirh [13.3], which is
Full details of this method are given in Chapter 16.
Lhe eqLi\dlenl e\pre,sion ior rhe f \,t merhod.
Essentially. the method can be regarded as a modiiied
lersion ol lhe EM merhod to allow for the inlluencc of The aging coemciert depends onthe age at application
aging on creep.13
oiload to, thc tjmc under load (r,o) and the form of the
creep-time function. Values ofl(r,to) ranging from 1.0 to
A failin-q ol the EV melhod is the lact that, ai ages
greater lhan the age at application of the first load. ,o 0.5 with an average of 0.82 are preserted in Chapter 16
(Figs. 16.11 10 16.16) for difl'erent creep time functions
(for which the time-dependent strain is known), creep
and various ages at application ofload and various times
is overestimated for increments of siress and under-
under load.
When it is required tocalculate thestress fiom a known
lrGtory of strain, [13.35] becomes:
o(t) : k(') ,""0)l t13.361
! + t{t, ro)d(,.,o)l
and, for the particular case ofrelaxation due to load and
E 2oo 1. BROOKS, J. J. dd NEYILLE. A. M., Relaxation of stre$
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sldain,Citil Enuiweting dnd P!61i. I4lor(5 R2,i.s,60, Psrts pp.230 8t No. 11,1967,pp.261 9.
Chapter 14
The siud-r ofihc relalion behveen slresses and strains in ditional elemenis rccognizes a departure from sinrple
themost gencral sense is called rheology Theoreticai idcal visco-elasticity, for which springs and dashpots are
bodies with strictll defincd rheological prope ies hale
been postulaled, and these can be combined so as io result A perfectly elastic body is one that exhlbits completelv
in rheological behaviour similar !o that ofreal malerlals. reversible dcformarion. Il the load'deformalion relation
As far as concrete is ooncerned, a number of attempts islinear. the body is represented by a linear spring with an
have been made ro simulate lime-deformation by imagi-
nary rheolo-sical models consisling ol elemcnts. each of t14.ll
qh.h'. r 'oecil'. Jrlo'malional cnrrarlefl\.i.
of a givencomponeni or phase of concrele- This approach where:( : extension ofth spring,
is Lareely empirical and its success depends upon the {: its compliance,
ability ro assign a speciiic part of thc deiormation ol and P = applied load.
concreie ro a glven elemcnt of the model. ln other at_
jemptr. a number ol rheological elements arc combined lf an elaslic body is non Hookean, the sprirg is
simplt ro approumale the observed olerall deforma' non-linear and thc equation is
!ional pariern \ri!hout regard 1o their physlcal signiii_ r: I(P) t14.21
cancc. The laiter approach is lird more than a melhod
ol Iitting in an equaiion, and ils uselulness lics mainly $ith r :0 for P :0. Thc funclion f (Plis single-valLred.
in lacilitating the setting up and lhe solution ofdifferen- Ir is clear ihat during a loading and unloading cycle of
tial equalions invoiving time. stress, 3nd delormation, an elastic body no energy is dissipated. the work done
or their derivativcs with respect to time. The soluiions being stored rs potential energy.
ol these equations ]ield deformation as a lunction An ideal viscous body undergoes a shear deformation
of stress and time li.e. thc creep equation) or siress as a1 a rale which is a function of the appiied shear stress.
a iunction ol dclormation and timc (i.e. the relaxa- The deformation does not give rise to any potential
rion cquation). energy, all the work being dissipated as heat. Thc me-
chanical device representing an ideal viscous body is a
dashpot,with apistonrnoving through afluid oi viscositv
Elements ol rheologlcal models
0. Unde. a sustaincd ioad P the piston moves with a
Thc idealized deformations which are used to build up velocity di(/d, such that
rcal behaviour are elastic, viscolrs, or plastic, and are
represented by a spring, a dashpot and fl lriction element, t14.31
re.p<rl.\c /. I he bodie. {rh tre.e ide-l h.learprope-lie. d,
are referred to as Hookean solid, a Newtonian liquid, and uhere r : displacement ofthe pision.
a St Venant body respeclivcly. we should emphasize that The value of I in a Ncwlonian liquid is constanl; in
ihese mechanical devices do no more than reprcsent the general it nccd not b so.
deiormalion bchaviour it is nol suggested that lhere is An ideal friclion elemcn! is represented by a block
any behavioural similarity between a rheological element resting on a flai surlace. when a force is gradually applied
and lhe mechanism of deformation of a rcal material. [n to the block, no nrovement takcs place until the force
fact, rheological modcls represeni physical properties of rcacbes the static friclion value. Thereafter, movement
continua and are, iherefore, concerncd with the macro- takes place wilh the friction being indcpendent of the
scopic point of 1ic$ on1y. displacement or its rale. This element can bc used to
In addition !o the basic elements spring, dashpot and. simulate a yield point.
less ircquenlly. a friction some of the more
elaborale rheological modcls also use other mcchanical
Basic models
devices such as springs movrng in dashpois wilh dash-
pot walls cxerling friction on the spring, unidireclional The basicelements described inthe prcceding section can
da.hpor.. 'urpr.on element.. and 'elc ol <pnngr gr\ ng be built up into rheological models ol varying complexity
way under different load lvcls. The use of these ad- There are two basic models knoun as a Kelvin (or Voigt)
Basic nodels 217
Since' -owhenr 0 rhecorutronoiLl4.4l rs
wherc rl(: :
dr) rerardation time, represenling the time
required for the deformarion !o attain a value eqlal ro 1/e
ofils ultimate magnitude. The value of a, is equal also to
the iime in which the ultimate deformation would be
reached at a constant rate of deformation equal to the
t initial value.
Figure 14.2 shows thc deformation under a sustained
load and after its removal: luU rccovery is approached
asymptolically. For this reason, a Kelvin model repres-
ents thephenomcnon ofdelayed elasticity. and indccd rhe
behaviour is essenlially elasric bui with time-dependencc
due to the presence of a viscous body sharing tbe load.
If the elemenls of a Kelvin model are nonlinear thc
shape of the delormation time curve would change bul
the general behaviour is similar.
(a) (b)
Iis. .U.? Basic rneological models: (a) Kelvin mode! (b) Maxwell
rrs. /r J. Retaxation ofa Max*ell nodet ar a consranl detotuation F g.l4.r. Burgen modet.
Mo.lels far contrcte 219
ir, the recoverabl slrain q rs Othermodels of FliigBe are modifications as far as tbe
is removed at rime
variation in the viscosity ol the dashpols with time is
.,- n,l\o - 6,)e li n\qc oe 1114 + o,1' conccrned. Cood agreement of the behaviour ol Fliigge's
Rossa assumes shrinkagc to be equivalent to an inter_ mod61s with the actual creep behaviour of concrete was
nal stress a,b (re Fig. 14.7), so that shrinkage at time is ohtained but. of course. themodels were fitted to specific
given by
' corcretes. There was awide variationin the values of the
constants wilh the type of concrete, siorage c'nditions'
and ase at aDDlicxtron ol load.
Hcnce, the total deformalion when both shrinkage and o"!.r H.r*"' rheolosicdl models'i' shoqn in
applied stress are reckoned from lhe same instant is Fig. 14.9. The various elements are assumed to corre_
to ce..n' \oid' and agercgdLe 'and 'hu' an
6: d"J4"(1 ? 4'/"r. 'pind
ox. + (o + f14.131
"i".",,' *"a. i".orr.ldre rhc ph){calcomponenti ol
The Ross model is suitablc as a 6rst approximatior 1(r rhe con(rere wirh rhe p.r'1. ol lhe model which i' more
creeDof Loncrele bul doe\ nol provide lor reld\dlion o[ than the usual search for overall agreement of deforma_
stress. I urlhcrmore, Buetlner and Bhav'ars ha\e sho$n iions. This model is substantially similar 10 Fliigge's
thdt lhe fluiJrl\ laclor in Ro\is nodel N nol constsnl' __'i"tf".
Fldpse' dev;loDed rhe,rlogical moJel'. seeking mrinl, toot part iD developing several rheological
,",".,iinr wi't .ioeri-enrat oaro of Dd\i' and DJ\is- aaaition to tfre moilified Burgers model already
,ia ot Ctan,itte.d One ol lhese models rc shosn in air"u"."a. ffr" n..t o"" of a Kelvin body with a
Fig. 14.8: it consists oi a Kelvin model in series with two spring "onsists
and a dme{hickening dash-
dr:hDol'. one ol tthich lAr ha' r con.ranl !,]sco\rr)' !nd
," I i I l..i,,rg..,,plancc I' in!er'el) proponional
i" *t'i"t t raken place Jnd rhe \ i'cosir)
rhe other (B,a vrsco.rly in(rea'ing wrrh 'he square ol
fhe da'hDr,r ol lhe kelv n model has a coelllcienr of "."" ^.ir'."i)
.i ir'. ir.t ror i' a po$er luncLion of rhe lime durrrg
visioir) inLrea.rnglinearl! \'\ith rime. I he\pringFl;near which creep has beel measured,'l hus lhe coetrcienli "re
$rth a complianle flk. a* : dra and u" - ur//
Reterrine Lo lig. 14.8. tre can obsene lhal undcr "
siets o. the detormdl;onr ol lhe da'hpol B and
ot the Kehrn comoonenl urlimaler) altdrn fin're \alue''
road Howe\er'
rrz " tlr tand o:., u here, is lime under
the detormarion ol dJshpoL A conrrnue\ Io incredse
indefinitely at a constant rate.
air.11.9. tlansenimodelq
Fia. 14.3 Fingge: model.'
222 RheoloaicaL models and (lamping
where d, : compliarcc of the spring at unit deformation, application and removal of load, the iormer model can
,L:dashpot coefncient when the time during simulate creep and creep recovery only.
which creep has taken place is unity, The nodel described by [14.14] is of interest in correla-
and l:aconslanl. tion ol creep and damping characteristics of corcrete.
Figure 14.10 shows the model suggested by Cowan.t'?
The crcep time relation of the model is giver by This consists of a set of brittle springs (with graded
rupture strengths)in serieswilh iwo Kelvin models, one of
which has a dashpotwith a non-return valve. This results
shere..:l /o I/a.\/
'll I \I in non-recovery of some of the time-deformatior The
'\,1 /\r a/ model was primarily devised to represent the stress-strain
response of concrete loaded at a constant rate of strain
Thus creep is a power function of time.
and is of interest mainiy in that respcct.
The second model of Chang and Kesler's is a Max-
Freudenthal and Rollt3 constructed their rheological
weil body with a stress-softening spring and a tjme, model in an attempt io.ecognize the various phenomena
thickening dashpot.lo'11 The expressions for the spring
contributing, in their opinion, to creep, so that compo-
and dashpot coemcierts are
nents of their modei are identified with possible mechan-
u : uzo ar,d tM:alB isms ol the several postulated components of creep.
The model consists of three Kelvin models and one
where d, : compiiance of the spring for a sustained unit
Maxweil model, all in series (Fis. 14.11). The Maxwell
wlere : "
",' lll -B)
Here again creep is a power lunctior of time. The
dillcrcnce between the two models is rhar. while rhe
second one can nmuldte creep and clasric delormarion on
B: a constant,
""i, ".r,""".-
i'-",,-i..i.r''"rr,". numDer o, l'n"s ,n rhe chain 'he
to, rhc 'rdri'rr(r' nJrurc ol rhe
D: a constant with magnitude of unity but di_
"r.,i"',."J.r "..-ounr'
;;;;";;4", rh.orprioF ercrenrs rrrrnde ed ad'orbeJ
mensions of
[-i. ir,.,.,. Hor^cier. r ']rad'"nr'rge ol rhe Kel\i1
= relaxation time of the Maxwell
,1M that it applics to conditions of
+. t : is
ihe Kelvin "r.,1. -,ia-"iiri. r
constan! waler contenr and in
ana,r,.,lr, ana t,, a." retardadon times of ,"a
.aaiii"". p.i.atof lime, erroneousvalues ol the
"i'i,r"and ri'co'irre' orrur uhith dc nol 'o-rc-''
l-n'. 'imotlncarion l$hich agrees wrrh bcha\roul o[ 'nrine moduh
.";;.,;;;i.r, bc rurther a"umed rhdr I - l0r', ii",'i "iiiir'.'rr,,''."' .hJrgc' rn rhe micr^' -r'r,c
:0r,,ona r, - xr r r(.50th:rr l14 lolbe(omc' 6; han'd, ,he ao' inrrgc or rhe Kelv n Jh"'n
rrr"-e 1o'rr1). ';.;ih.;
i"a"i-;. ilru, ,t."r-tt-in differential equations can bc
.:O"-,r,,1r s'i',.)+dd1(2-e I..i*A-*fri"t are useful for an explanation ol the
" ol some factors on crecP'
that,rM, 1r and 11r are stress_ ;;;; of
; obtain a better r;prcsentation
It should be noted
rhe) (Fig'
l4'13b) is
a.o."J.", tU al los 'tr<" nrengrh rJlio' can be
,""-a"i". d'" Maxwell chain model
..,'".ia.r.a.on.ron,. in $nich casc rhe node'become'
ii*"," ""rr"' .t ,t'" coemcients have been rd
Rolli ' dnd
i., b) I 'eudenrhJl J
"rlia" '""r. "i "i*'
+o* g;oa ,g;...*, " 'rh '^me olhcr Ien' on creen anJ
- p;""..
creep reco!efy.
' .i,,". thc L'( or drshp'r' in rheolog'cal
m;dcls for concrcie as implving viscositv and non-
."""r"rrUiiity. and introducis a sorption element' Oi
'n" "'**
Fir Gopalatrishnan Neville and Ghali\ model
to crete 225
The model ol Fig. 1,{.15 consists ol several syslems Th( irterconrecro'i be u(cI rhe diffe-e nr,r.n. rJn
(oupled rogrlherciqcecrc.p. being. Jccord nglo fo--ojd represenl thc redistribuiion ol strcsses wlrhin the speci
and Pae,,.r mo ecular in nature- t .n e\\entrall\ ,rrri* men due 1o creep and shrinkage, but, because of an
lrcai phenomcnon. The elemenr. d'fer rrom one anor rer absence of a lrc dashpot, relaxalion is not provided for
in viscosity and frictional and elasticity coeiicienrs but by the model.
not in their intrinsic structure. In a springin a dashpot, which is extended by a iensile
I he sld r i,rr rr dr,lrrbJl ion
^l nrength s irh rn con( ete
is represented by the unequal friclional coefficients ol thc
load. only those spirals dellect which have overcome thir
lriclional resistancewith thecasing;theremainingspirals
var iou. rou, elcmenl. in I ip. l4 15. With r n inc,ea\rnt -emJ,n undclecred. The rordl e\rei.rorr Jt rhe,pring i.
axi al load, at some stage the frictional resistanc of a given defined by equating the extemal force to the sum of
element is reached and the excess load is transferred to ihe frictional resistances oi th spirals. lf fie applied force
adjoining chains. This is analogous 1() the situatior when overcomes lhe frictional resistance ol all spirals-failure of
a concrete 6bre in flexure reaches its ultimate strength. thc clcment is deemed to have lakcn place.
Itis clajmed that the model oi Fig. 1,1.15 can describe Let X be the distance between the cxtremity of the
deformations due to shrinkage and swelling, as well as due spring and lhc element of spiral dr. Let da be thefrictional
ro lo.d. A 'cJLcrion in rhe lelcl ot the lquid in a r<.er roir forceactingon this differential elemen t ol the spiral. Then
exerts a suction force on the pistons. which will be the total lrictional resistance 4,, or thc sum of all the
displaced. moving vith a negative acceleration, unril thc frictional forccs of a length of spiral X, is
load on the springs, due io their cxtension, becomes
balanced by the diflerence in pressure. Thus any difference
in tbc level of the liquid in the reservoirs will cause J"r'ra'
damped movemenh ol the pistons, i.e. a slow deformation This assumes that in the general case the frictional force
indepenucnr ol rhe e\rer nall) dpplied to.ce. An rncrerse in lunclion {(ri) is not constant along thc spiral but vades
the ambicnt relative hunidity can be represented by an continuously with the distance r.
increase in the level of the liquid in the reservoirs. and a If o is thc applied stress and Px is the force taken by a
decrease in humidity by a drop in the level. spiral section at a distance X from the end, then
a(r)dr:(' ar(x).
-: j" j-,o,*)"1
where a
: compliance of the spring alone.
A more elcmentary version of the Torroja and Paez
modellr is shown in Fig. 14.16: this consists of an elasiic
spring in series with a spring transferring load through
friction to a casing,.and a similar spring in parallel with a
dashpot, connected in series to the first iwo elements.
The first spring represents the instantaneous elastic
response. When tension is applied to the second spring,
the spirals move in succession as the irictional resistance
with the casing is overcome, and rhe load on cach
successive spiral is smaller than on the preceding onc. OIr
removal of load, recovery takes placc but as the free end
of lhe spring is approached each successive spiral will
contracl lcss. so that there is some irrcoverable de-
formation let altcr remolal of load.
The time-dependence of deformation is introduced by
lhe quasi-Kelvin element (Fig. 14.16) but since the dash-
ars.l?.r'J. To[oja ahd Paq\ model.'r pol i, non-linerr wflh re.pec to .tre,,. an
226 Rheolosical madels arul danpins
B elastic delomation: I wedge, 2 .la{i. claNi where ] : angular delormation per unit lenglh of
C feepr l.losed cylnder,4nuid,5 porous pistoni specimen,
D l elescop ic capiuary lubes.
Modelsfor (oncrcte 227
La. /, ?0. Glucklich and hhai\model iorcrecpin
rogll fL : loe "L log
22t Rhe aAical notlels unt dam|lns
varjous Kclvin el.menls cannot represent properties of
88.9 1,10 0
32.1 111
34 r.29
3l.l ll2 00
111.4 850
rndantanous delormalion
Dan\ing )2()
\11 rhis applies to whal Hansenrs calls macr(} or fiom thc iDcrease in ils temperature caused by dis-
rh.ologl. Entirely distinct is mic(lrhcolog). which is a sipalion of vibrational energy in rh form ofhca!.
.d\o rherelar or berweer rh-.necl". r,cd propeflie\ I he ro,. !ib-d, o ral ene-!) ul u \rbrdulC .)Lcm r.
ol mulll'phase composite materials ard the mechanlcal proportionaL to the square of the maximrm amplltude ol
propenies ol the phases. The approach is rhrough thc usc the system. If no cxtcrnal cncrg) is supplied aiter a non-
oi seomelrical modcls \rhich rcscmblc thc truc slruclurc conservative slstem has bccD sel in vibration. the total
ol lle materiel as closely as possibl. Henc, an undcr- vibrational enrgy and amplitude decrease continuously.
itanding oi lhc rlalion bclwccn structurc and mechani
cal properlies may bc oblained. If ,1 : original amplitude,
Generalll.micro rheologicalanalysismaybeusedonly U = vibrational Dcrgy,
$hen Ihe phases involved can be regarded as continuous
and A.l and AU represcnt the decrease per cycle. then thc
media. Cement gel does not fullil this rquircmcn! as thc
spccific damping capacity is
Jze of the phases is of the same ordcr ol magnilude as
tha! ol lhe larger molecules. A T,I
L r) cd'c. c\cn mr( o.rl(olotsrcal dld[.i' cannor ' I_i
provide a key to rhe fundamcntal processes in de-
formaiion and failure. The requisitc inlormaiion must be For small damping,
sought at a molccular or atomic level but lor practical
purposcs the bchaliour ol the composite structure has to
be known and this requires the use of micro-rheological '2A
melhods of analysis. lt follows rhen thal all the ap-
proaches are necessary for a satisfacto ry Lrnderslanding ol
p.opcrlics of conc.c!c.
whe.e J = logarithmic decremenl, i.e. the natural loga-
The damping capacily is that property of a marerial rilhm ol the ralio of two consecxtive amplitudes. Thus.
which causes vibralions in a specimen to decrease in tor small damping, the paramerer 6 is equal to one-half of
amplilude even in the absence of an erergy loss through the ratio of the energy loss per cycle to the total ncrgy
air resisiance, i.e. in vacuo. Damping is caused byinternal Per c)'cle.
ftlction and .cpresen!s dissipalion ol energy under cyclic ln the constant amplitude meihod (forccd vibralion)
stress. Thus, a perfectly elastic material has a .zcro lhc ogJIll-mrc dec'(nenr lor ,ma IdrmDilg *
damping capacily. and ii is the departure from elasticity
lhal is responsible for dampirg. This has led Vaishnav s :"(f' - f) [14.19]
and Kesler3 to suggest thal creep and damping are two
dltrerent aspects of the same phenomenon, viz. of the
inelastic behaviour of concrere.
wher l, : resonanl frequencY
Let us consider a spccimcn subjcctcd to impulse. For a and, and ,, : frequencies oneither side of lbe resonanl
giren sizc and shape ol specimen and a given mode of frequency at which the amplitude of
\ibration, the dynamic response is characterized by the \rbra.ron r' 0 707 I'me5 'he 'rld\ mum
damped natural ftequency of vibration and by the rate of amplitude.], ol its amplitud. Thc lrcqucncy depcnds, inler alia.
In thc dccaying amplitude method (ftee vibration)
on the elaslic properties ol the material, and the rale of
decay of amplilude depends on the rate of dissiparion of
vibralional energy. Thus. lrom the observed dynamic
" t. 4,"
rcsponse, two parameters can be obiained: the dynamic
modulus ol elasticity and the logarjthmic decremenr. where ,4- : amplilude at an arbitrary peak, e.g. the
These paramcters are primarily a function of the internal initial amplitude,
strLrcture and composition of the material. ard ,4.+. = amplitude at ,1 sycles after ,,1-.
Damping can be determined by sonic rests, which can
be in the iorm ol either damped free or damped lorced Equarion [14.20] is, strictly speakjng, valid only il
vibrations. The frequency of yibralion. or the velocity of damping is independent of amplilude. Otherwise, the
sound. yields the elastic properties, while the damping is value caiculated represeDts a mean value of d between
determined by the loss in eflergy of vibration per cycle. ampiitudes,4- and,4-+..
This loss is usually obtained indirectly either from lhe From [14.20] it can be seen rhat, graphically, the
amplitude of thc rcsponse of the specimen at near- logarithmic dccrement is the slopc ol the line of the
resonant frequencies or by the decay of amplitudc of the naturai Iogarithm ol amplitudc versus the number ol
response \rhen in a srale ol free vibrations. Il is also cycles after an arbitrary pak.
possiblc to determine damping hom thc allenuation of I! may be inierestiDg ro note that for a Kclvin model
{a\c or d wd\e ful\e Dropagarrng lhrough rhe \pecimen fixed at oneend. with a vibraring mass ual the otherend,
230 RheoLosital nodels ani danping
the logarithmic decrement3 is given by and opposite in direction to velocity;the damping capac-
ity is inversely proportional 1o ihe amplitude afld to the
;, Tp
-fl [14.21] square of frequencl.
ll i' po.!b'e 1dr 'he rso r)pes ol damprng occLrring
where ., : J(1/mx) : natural angular frequcncy ol the one aftcr anolher are linked with the eariy rapid creep and
laleslow creep, respectively. As already stated,both creep
and damping are manifeslations ofan absence of purely
3 = compliance of the spring,
afld 1) = viscosity of the dashpot. vaishnav and Kesier3 found specific creep after agiven
Thus, th logarithmic decremcnt is related to the pro- time urder load for a given age at application of load, but,
perties of the Kelvin model or of any other rheological regardless of the nature ofcoarse aggrcgate, to be highly
model. Il is. therefore, possible to obtain the elastic and correlated with the logarithmic decremeni of saturated
viscous constants for a rheological model by subjecting it concrete. The relation was linear for stress/strength ratios
to vibration. Hence, the creep charactcrhlics ol the model not exceeding 0.3. The uliimaie specific creep is also
correlated with the logarithmic decrement but the re-
Specificaliy, reterring to [14.14], wc can observe that.j lation is lcss well establhhed. The relation is oithe type:
and,.1are functions oithe elastic and viscous properties of c"e= Aa B
concrete and oflhe sustained stress. These prope ies are
defined by the dynamic mod lus of elasticity, the logar- where c,o : specific creep after I days under load at a
ithmic decrement and the strength ofconcrete. By dimen- relative humidity of 50 per cent,
sional analysis 6 : logarithmicdecrement of saturaied concrete,
/- r and .1 and B are constants determined experimentally
,.:Fl\.t., t.. II from creep and sonic tests.
Damping and creep ol concrele E
' E
ia --.-;l 9
Period oloscllat onoriimeunder oad - se.onds
au 1?r. Vanatlon rn delleciion andi. damprgwilh rinc r'
212 Rhealasicnl notlels anLl donrin!
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l:1. POWERS,T. C.. Some obse.vations on the inLerpretation
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U tlmale speciiic creep - 10 6
per MPa ': B\Z\\1.2. P.. ll,co'\of-recpand hir ,.Ee l.orcFe
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vari.u\mixproporlionsa dwithdifere.tlypesolaggregate.r Pergaftoni London. 1976. tp. I 93.
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GHALI, A., A hypothesis on mechanism oi creep ol
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strong phenomenological simjlarity ol thc inlluence ol concrete. in RliAiry Muteridls t heir Elustitit! dnl I -
various lactors on crccp and on damping. The processes ,las/i.n}., (Eds Reiner. M and ward, A. G), Nonh
rcsponsiblc lor thc two variationsmay $ellbe related. but Holland Publi\hin8: Anster&m, 1954, pp 290 360.
their narLrre is not clerr so that nothing can be said aboul lE. BJUGGREN, U.. Beto.Sens reologi. peda-qogisk modell.
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iheir structural similariiy. 19. CLUCKLICII, J., Rheological behalior ol hardened
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ol research, B,llr,in Nr. 176. Eneilc.rin8 Experiment 21. ISHAI.O.. Elasti. a.dinelastic beha!ior ot cement morlar
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3. VAISHNAV, R. N rnd KESLIR. C. E., Corelalion ol Tradotla T ela, Moscoq, 1966, pp. 137 52.
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6 FI-UGGE. W. Mechanicalmodek on plasticitl and their -p,(.. \. L en!" ul.^-.'ele b\ r. nc . . . ,ii,' r^-
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Chapter 't5
ln o.dcr to be satisfactory, a load ing system for creep tcsts Compression apparalus
shouldbe ableto mainlain aconsrant known stresswiih a
minimum ol maintenance and ol subsequenr manual The majoriiy ol crccp tests are performed on, and
adjuslment. and should ensure a uniform stress distri- rlc cfu,c he aDp"-arL. . Ior. c,,n,prJ*ion .pecimen'
bution over the cross,section of the specimen withou! prisms and cllinders subjected l.J a u,iaxial stress-
reoLirirg -I u.ldu ) her\) :,me.5ince rhe drmarc"rion Broadly speaking, there are five load;ng mcthods: dead
between elastic sirain and creep is not easily determined. load,spring-loaded,dynamometer-loaded,hydraulicand
rhe apparaius should becapable ol applying tlle load very s!abilized hydraulic.
quickly. It
is also desirable that thc loading sysrem be Tl( Jead oad {.re1. llrhough ( i, no.
re",.n 'blJ conp"rr ru In"Le po* ible op(| J ron n" r^on mally uscd in the lorm of a lerer arm ro provide a
wilh conlrollcd temperature and humidirtr. mechanlcal advantage Such an arrangenrent is sho\rn in
There is no geDerally acceplcd standardized appdldrrs Fig. 15.1,1 where the load is applied by a watcr-filled
lor creep tests on concrete, although there is a'standard cylindrical tank rhrough a 20:1 lever arm via a sreel ball !o
Melhod of Test' ot the American Socjely lor Tesling the concretc spccimens. This apparatus is also capable ol
Materials. This melhod is described oD page 243. More being adaptcd to perform stress rclaxarion tesls by
recenlly. a procedurc ior rhe measurement ol creep in incoryorrting an auiomatic controlsysrem which adjusts
compression has been issued by RILEM (CPC 12: 1978). the lerel o $, e ,u as ro mailrnrn,r coni.trnL srrdin.
ln the spring-loaded sysrem, one or more hervy coil
,Dring. dre hciu in a conprr*cd ponrion,gJ,nr r
(20:1) ,Jitable trare. rh.,D nS ano rhe.fecrmcn being in.e ie..
Because the stiflness ol the spring is less than that ol the
concrete. the magnilLrdc oithe sustajned load is oniy litrle
reduced by the change in lhe Iength ol the specimen duc
10 creep or shrinkage, and a sensibly constant load is
mdinriincd. \\ hoLr,, .n-nr. $ilh\rr(n com-
pressed behvccn two phtens hcld bv metal rods, creep
would rrpidly reduce the applied stress. The !cn sion in the
rods can, ol course. be adjustcd. and this is sometimes
done with thc spring system, particularly in rhe early
stages after application of load when the rate ol creep
is highest. This procedure improves thc constancy ol
the applied load. Figure I5.2 illustrates a simple spring
loaded creep frame.
Onc of rhe main difiiculties with
a sprirgloaded sysrem
lies in lhe applicalion of rhe proper load sumcjenrly
rapidl) so that no c.eep takes placc before the zero
measurcment is established. Also, tor large loads. the
process of application bi load becomes cumbersome.
In order to measure the applied load, springs can bc
calibrated belo.chand and the loadis then incrcased until
the shows the desired deformation. Wirh some
lrames. th ioad is appiied to the specimen by placing a
hydraulicjack between thc two steel plales at the upper
cnd olthe lrame (Fig. 15.11. The load is using a
load cell placcd between the lloating plare above the
specimen and the plate below thcjack. When thc desired
Fis. /j.1. Dead load lerer arm sFtch lor applrinc su{ained conl load has been applied, nuts are tighlened down on the
plalc above the load cell and the hydraulic jack can bc
234 Apparutus fot neaswement of oeep
for tightening up ol the frame after some creep has taken
place. T1Ie use ol a load cell between the two top plates
helps to achieve a concenirlc applicarion of load.
A modification of the springJoaded system, useful
when a high stress on concrete is desired. is to place the
spring in a lever system.'? This is shown in Fis. 15.1.
In cases where iargenumbers of specimens are required
ro be lesled ,imulrdneo rslJ. a crude and ine\pensire creep
lrame oi the typc shown in Fig. 15.5 can be uscd.r Two
concrete specimens a.e held in series with a calibraled
steel-tube dvnamometer byfour tie-rods. Since thereisno
spring, the loss ofload due to creep has to be compensated
manualiy by tightedng the four nuts. When arranged
horizontally, this frame can also be used conveniently for
tests in water, the frame supports being so arranged that
the surface strain can be delermined using a mechanical
gaugeimmediately above the walerlevel wilh the concrete
specimens immersed at all times.
High loads can bc applicd more easily and car be
maintained 1o a bigh degree of accuracy by the use of a
hydraulic system. This is jllustrated in Fig. 15.6. Such a
systeml iscompact and flexible:it is, in iacl, possible 10 use
it for application ofa predetermined variable stress. Tbe
application of the desired load is sjmple and reliable.
However. themaintenance of a sustained load is sensitive
to smali changes in the length of the specimen and also
aio 1J ?. Sprins-loaded ..ep t me.
to the ofter unavoidable small leakage of thc hydraulic
ri, /Jr Sprins-loadedrrNpfrrmeu rhi uc,l(eLl Fi, 1t., Leverspring synen lorcrcep tc$s.
Compftstion appuratus 2J5
Sing e
Fi, lj.J simplified crcep trane wnh a dynanoncler l Jr. provided ,he rubbcr pisron cup doe\ nor .tree,,e rn
slightly below the operaling pressure, the other is con_ reducing valve. This js set to produce the required stress
nected to the oil system. and then operates to make up any loss of pressure or to
Anumber ofspecimens subjectedto thesame stress can rclea:e an) fl.c ofpressure due ro. lor instdnce. d ri.e in
be serviced by a singleprcssure suppiy andconlrol system. lemperature. Such an arrangemeni is particularly useful
This is not only economical but ensurcs also an equal load lor testsinvolvinga variable stress, as achangein loading
on thedifferent specimens beingtested. However, shutoff pressurc can be effected by a direct operation of the valve.
valves havc to be provided so as to permit cutting ofl The downstream pressure gauge is used for measurement
individual frames from the main pressure line while some of the applied load.
other lrames are being loaded or unloaded. Details of thc various hydraulic systems naturally vary.
An alternative arrangement3 involves the use ofa llow Sometimes, safety devices, such as a pressure reliefvalve
ofgas, such as nitroge& through aspringloaded pressure_ and a safety plaie to limit the movement of the floating
Fig. 1J.8. Diagrammatic rcprese.Giion ol a stabilized nydraulic load srstem tor cree! tests on a
Atlparatus lbt dit'lbrcnt stat,,s ofstress 237
O =+
ars /J 9. PressuE cell tor a sllbiliTed hrdraulicload syslem.l
F xed I ange
Fi, 7j.15. Test frame lor oecp tests in l.nion
Spring ring
O ring Test lrame ior the deteminltion oI creep innexure. lcis ] Arrngementforxpplicalionof asu$ainedlai'r'ldre*'r
Atpamt sIot dillere tstatesolstrcss 23t)
irside ofa steeltube lorming a closed oil system. Tle cnd the malerial used for thc scaling jacket. In ordcr to
load on lhe membrane is translerrcd to a sreel end rin s hv overcome this problem, BaTant , dl.1s advocalc triaxial
a rubber O-nnp. tests so thal bulgin_s of the sealing jacket is prevented
In Hannant's loading system, the t\ro principal lareral and lhu5 no moi\'u'( loss occl^ tr.m \pecimen.
stresses have to be equal. In order 10 make possible an Moreovcr, the same mcthod ol testing allows 'he creep ar
application of three unequal principal siresses a mech oversaturation to be studied. i.e. when rie pressure ofhot
anical frame, shown in Fig. 15.17. was developed by waterexceeds thc saturation pressure at a gilen tempera-
Gopalakrishnan r,/.14 The frame appljcs a susrained ture. so lhal lherc is an increase in moisture content of
tiaxial stress to cubical crccp specimens u'ith all edges
chamlered in order to make dircct measuremenI ofstrain The apparatus, shown in Figs. 15.18 to 15.20, is re,
on the surface possible in all ihree principal directions. stricled !o specimens of hydrated cemert pasre because
These strains \rrere found to accord wiih strains in the ofthe high expcnse which would be necessa.y ior manu-
centre of lhe specimen. facturing a larger test rig to accommodate concrete
The frame appliesa load to lhe creep specimen through \pec:men\. \.4oreu\cr. tLe do\dntage o \rJ I \pecrmens
concrete plalens whose width is sligltly smaller than drat lies in their quick rcsponse (three minuies) to a change in
of the specimen to permit access io the chamfered edges temperature or moisturc conditionls wrthou! lhe dcvI-
for strain mcasuremnl. An aluminium plate is placcd opment of internal stresses which can occur in larger
between the platen (possibty made of concrete) and thc specimens due 10 tcmperature or moisture gradients and
specimen. ln order to minimize the platen restraint, three which would hamper thc study of the influences of
layers of 0.025mm aluminium foil smeared by polar environmntal facrors on creep.
grease are inserted on either side ofthe aluminium plate. The sealed test specimen, shown in Fig. 15.18(a), is
Load in each direction is applicd by four high tensilc steel provided $ith stainless stcel end-caps and thc scaling of
rods, anchored over stiff bearing plates. A load cell in the ends olthe specimen is achielcd by rubber O,rings ior
serieswith the rods nakes possible a direct measurement temperatures up to 200'C and by teflon O-rings lor
of load on the specimen. Tensioning of the rods and temperalurcs between 200 and 300"C. The rcsr chamber
adjustment ol stress are performed by a hydraulic jack, (Fig. 15.18b, c and dl is made from stainless stecl and
using an auxiliary frame with an additional bearing plate the specimen is contained in a cylindrical cavity (25 x
andfour steel rods coupled to the rods ofthecreep flame. 111mm) having a wali thickness oi 44mm. The speci-
A method of subjecting cemcnt paste specimcns to a men is heated by meam ol six elemenls located in the
syslem of triaxial stress ar high icmperatures (100 !o chamber wall and the chamber is encloscd by bolting the
300'C) has been proposed by Bazanr r d1.15 At high cylinder cap (thickncss 17mm).
temperatures, generally, it has been lound that problenrs Both the axial and thc laterai loads are provjded by
arise \i ith lhe lesting ofsealed concrete 1to reprcsent mass water or air under pressurej thc sysrem for rhe iormcr
concrete in nuclcar reactor vessels) because olthe lcakage being shown in Fig. 15.19. In order io facilitate rhe con-
of seals due to diferertial movement ofconcretc and of trol of temperature, a ceram;c insulating ring surrounds
a,a. /J.17. crce! Irahe capable of alflring rhree unequal trincipal
244 Appordtus 16 measurenent oj teep
the test chamber: the heallng system used is shown in
Fig. 15.20.
Measurement oI creep
O rlng
Thc change in deformarion with time under load can
be measured by gauges ol various types which can be
categorized into four groups, namelt, electrical resistance
gauges, mechanical gauges, displacement transducers and
Cemenl pastecy ind calspecime. acoustic gauges.
Electrical resistance strain gauges, although inexpen,
Tellon iube(<300'C) sive, are generally not suitable lor long tcrm crecp tests
or Copperloil(>300'C) because of the dangcr of a zcro drift which mainly arises
from the creep oi thc bonding material between ihe
gauge and the conc.etc. Ol this typc olgauge, rhe best is
the Monfore standardizing strain gauge'r'which uscs an
unbonded element with a built-in standardizing device.
The iNtrument is mounted permanently and the zero
reading can be checked at any time, thus eliminating the
Boltom specimen cap problem oi inslability. An advantage of electrical re-
sistance gauges and displacemenl lransducels is their
suitability for automatic data logging in cases where it is
required to monitor the slrain ola large number ofgauges
Iir.7J 18 Details of lppararus lor trialial rc{s at high lenleralurer' Mechanical or mechanical optical gauges arc generally
(b) Triaxial lesl chamber th most suitabLe because of their independcnce of time
G) S{rionthroush.nambf eoects. Demountable mechanical gauges have thc ad,
(d) S{tion firoueh base. ditional advantage in that one gauge can be used to
* ri4-;i. -l
Meaturcnent af ct..p 211
Fi4. ij.l9. Melhod of loadi.gihelia\ial lcsl chadb.r oI Frg.1518 bvmeans of high_pr'sure water '5
measure strain in a large number of specinensl it is br '\e u.e ol d lIicrosc.pc rl ;g I5 )21. tor u 5Il mm guuge
common to use a gauge length of 200mm for \rhich thc lenern rhe *.n.itr\il\ r. r' ,eacl l0 6 Such d gaJge .
sensitivity is 10 x l0 6. Lamb's roller extensomeier, rery light and easily installed.
uhrch .rre\ampleold'neci"nical opl(alnraints,uge. A good quality, although fajrly expensive, gauge is the
is shown in F]g. 15.21; the sensitjvity of such a gauge, Carlson strain meter. Types suitable for both sudacc and
having a gauge length of l00mm, is 2.5 x 10 ". internal applicarion are available.
Rossr! used a permaneally installed single lcver gauge Thc recent iypes ofdisplacement transducer have good
in which the mechanical magnilication is supplementcd long{erm stabilily and are very sensillve. There are two
l':":'j- ]l
Ir,. /.2/ t. \endri, r'dneener'of'drb'.e rer.o1e.e'!.1.r pmen'
ai, /J21. Acousti.(or vibralins wtre) srrain gauee
(a) Inlcmal acoustic strain eauge
(b) Sudace-mounted acousrh srrain sause.
Constant relative humidity (provided the tcmpcraturc additional inlormation is helpinl lor elucidating and
isconstant andisnot toohigh)can be achicvcdby passing oorrclating behaviour at the phenomenological or en'
the air over a solution oi a salt with the solid phase gineering level wilh bebaviour at the tundamental level.
present. Such an arrangemeni is illustrated in Fig. 15.24. Other lcsts are available ior detecting changes in
For instance, at 20'C, CaCl,'6H,O results in a rclative morphology of the hydrated cement pastci tor cxample,
humidil! ol 12 per cenl. and sodnrm dichromare opricrl nicroscop). 'uddce r!ann,1g elec .n m,c,o
(Na,Cr,O? 2H,O) produces a relative humidity of 54 scopy, and mcasu.cmcn! of changes in volume and
per cent. Providing thc tempcraturc docs not vary by surfacc arca. Dctalls ol the above-mentioned techniques
more than 10.5'C, the relalive humidily is conslant have to be sousht in specialized technical papers.':o'rt'"
within +2 per cenr anywhere in a small storage cabinet.
Generally, it is desirable to remove CO, lrom the
ASTM method ol test tor creep
circulating air because it reacts with many products of
hydration of ccment and causcs carbonation sh nkagc A noteon the American Society lor Testing and Materials
at the surlace of the A variable degrec of Srandard Method of Test for Creep of Concrete in
carbonation may inlroduce an unknown variability in Compression may be ofinterest. This is known as ASTM
shrinkage and hence in drying creep. 11 is nol known Method C512-76. The method is applicable to moulded
whether CO, has any e$ect on basic creep. ln order ro cylinders ofconcrete with a maximum aggregate size not
prevert possible carbonation ol concrete stored under erceeding 50mm. The test is, ofcours, onlycomparative
saturated conditions. limc-saturatcd watcr can bc uscd. for diflerenl concreles under conlroUed conditions. and
Under conditions ol drying, thc use ol NaOH conlrols gives no direct inlormrtion ondeflections ordeformriions
both CO, and relative humidily at the same time. oi concrete siructures.
ln conneclion with creep tcsLs it is somctimcs dcsirable The mouids have to conform to ASTM Method C192.
to measure ihe moisture condilion ol llrc concrclc. thc usc oi boll horizontal and vcrtical moulds bcing
Various techniques are available. including neutron or pennittcd.
gamma-ray absorption, microrave absorplion, nuciear The ASTM Method prescribes a loading frame capable
magnetic resonance, direct measurement of the relative of appiying and maintaining the required load on the
humidiry ir a cavity, and measuremenr of resistance or specimen. despite any change in dimension of rhe speci-
capacitance olthe concrete. A useful measurement is the mcn. In its simplest form, thc loading framc consisls o[
evaporable water contnt at the start and cnd oi creep heJder p.are, be inp.n rhe end, o rhelorded.pecimen".
and shrinkage tests, although the dem,rrcation between a load-Taiflrin ng elemenr rhd r ma) be eirher a cpring or
cvaporable and non evaporable waler is difficult; it has a hydraulic ca psule or ram. and threaded rods to take the
bcen suggested tha! the former be defined as that lost at reaciion of rhe loaded systcm. Bcaring surlaces of the
105 "C. while the latter is thal held at 105'C and losi at header plates should be plane within 0.025 mm.
1050 'C.I o Similarly, mcasuremen t of creep and shrinkage Specimens ir onc lrame rnay be stacked but the length
could be accompanied by tests to delermine the weight olthe slack or ola sjngle specimen may not exceed 1.8m.
changes during a cycle of desorplion and adsorption, Springs may be used to maintain the ioad, the initial
i.e. by the determination of thc sorplion isotherm. Such compression being applied by means of a portabljack or
211 Apparatus fot measnewnt o1 ueep
manncri attached gauges relying on lriction contact
d resulq machrne. ll\pr;ng. dre uscd. d 'pherical hedd or a
sall ro,ir 'ho ld be pro'idcd ro en'u-e a\ 'Jl loadinE dnd
r i,...rr ihoLld be mcJsur(d on rl lec'r two
,1'r..od pr.11q' 'hou o be rrgid enough lu er'urc unifornr 'Lrarn perrphe J ol rhe
dlLrib,riron ol 'rre.t An acreptable lrame r' 'ho$n in 'nr.ed rrn lorml) or the
sause ,rnes
Fis. 15.25.
i*.i."" r"rcrn,r ' r,in nr r be mea'ured a\ral', lhe
n Lr be -l edn Ilrec lrme' rhe na\imur
ihe load should bc measured to within 2 per cent by a orr m lenelt tle mer'uring')'Lcm mun be
nermanenll\ rn'rallcd hloraulr( pre"ure gauge or by " iir. o, "gi,.pu" ro,'rrain ut lca'l a year $ilhoJl chdnge rn
irldrat,rrcjacL and " toad cell inset'ed in rhe lr"ne uhen "-.utf.
rhe load is dpPlied or adjusied.
*i,t *'.n l..n-ing'o Lhe 'randdrd \\sLcmsin\\hich
The axial iirain in the specimen should be determined
,r,. i u'i,ne .l,"in' ,-i.umparco ulh a con'ranr-length
Ua are(on'id(-ed mon r."iJblt' but unbonded
to thc nearst 10 x l0 but ro direction is given as to 'i*a,,4
electrical strain gauges are satisfactory''
whetherihe strain measuringdevice should be embedded'
F rr,c are ro be in rhe' 150
drrdched. o. por l.tble. Ho\Lercr. il a porrub e dopdrarL\
| 6mn ln diumerer $irh a rengrh of rl leacl 291mm
u'ed, rhe eauge pornt' 'houu be ar''cheo in a po'irivc r\ in conrdcl wrlS lhe nee'bcaring
uhen rhe
Dldres. I. lJ;arh mu'L e\ceed rhe gauge lenglh b, ar
'p..'Incn. lt ho$erc'
in. a,ur.r.t ot't. thcreiscontr(l
with other sDecimen;. i.e. in a stack. a length exceeding the
oause lensrh b\ on,) l8mm I' adequar( but dumn)
i'rli*,' i^. io be protide,l dr rh< end'' rherr lentsrh
;ust be at last equal to their diameler (i50mm)-
The ASTM Method C512-76 requires that at least
5rx rDec'men\ be cd't from each bdlch o[ concrele lor
.,.t ies -noirion. f"o of lhe'e are u'ed ro dclermrne
ii"...-*.i'. nrensrh of concrete' rso are loaded
,n Ltre cieeo trame', and lwo rcmain unloaded ro in_
drate dcformarion. due ro cau'c' other lhan 'oad
Three curins conditions are recogniT-ed: standard, mass
and 'other'. Fo'r the standard condition, immediatelv after
casting, the specimens should be stored at 23'0 t 1'7"C
and covered to prevenr evaporaiion' Atthe age olbetwen
20 and 48 hours, noist curing at the same temperatur
should stalt and continue until ihe age of seven days
Moist curine"onis defined as thal in which lree water is
mantainea the surface of the specimen but neithcr
storase ilr water nor cxposurc to a slream of runniog
waier'is Dermitted. Subsequent storage should be at a
temperature of 23.0:! 1.1'C al a relativ humidltv of
lr mi.s cur,ns condilion. are de.rred. lhe specimer'
havc, at ihe 1im;tcasting or dmoulding,lo be enclosed
and iealed in moisture-proofjackets, e.g copper or bulvl
ruhber. ard hav 1o remain in these jackets throughout
the test.
'Other cuting conditions' is a description of the sit_
uation when information is required for speciGc appli_
cations: test age and ambient conditions are varied
It isimportant toensure axialloading whenplacing the
test spccimens in the loading frame. When stacked
I 150 x 75 mm specimens and external gauges arc used it is helptul to
The preceding chaptcrs have primarily deall with creep ol and also to the lacl thal more complex slruclures are
concrctc as a property oilhe material. The knowledge ol being designed and erected. Furthermore. the use of
this prope(y is ol imporlance in underslanding the be- shallower members permitted by the ultimate design
haviour olconcrete and in utilizing it properly. However. methods may lead to excessive long{erm deflection if
from the engineering slandpoini. ihe main interesr lies in time effects in structures are noi properly taken into
the use of concrele in construclion. and in rhis and the account. Of course, the beneficial effects of creep in the
succeedlng chapters we shall therefore deal with the relielof stress concentrations must not bc forgottcn.
methods of allowins for creep in design calculations. SiDcc It is clear then that ihe designer should understard the
in sl.ucturcs exposcd to thc wcathcr shrinkagc accom influence ol creep on the strength and behaviour of the
panies creep, both phenomena $ill be considered. entire structure and hc must estimate the e{Iecls involved
The problems encountered are not easy. not only in orde. to lulfilthe three basjc desiderata of design: safety.
because oi the complcxity olthc non elastic properties ol serviceabilily and economt. Even ifexac! information on
concrete itselt but alio because concrete;s generally uscd ihe creep propefiies ol the concrere itself is not available,
in combinarion $lth reinfo.cing or prestressing steel. For upper and Iower limits can be established so as to enable
this reason. ir is rhe creep ol reinlorced (or preslressed) ihe designer to bracket his calculations.
Loncrele and rhe efle.r olcreep i1 rel"r.or ro compo.Ie The mathematical analyses developed in this and the
action in general that are ofinterest. succeeding chapiers may not be exact but they should
The distribution of stresses in a composite member ls form a useful suide lor the desisner. They should also help
governed by strains in the components and, owing to him to decide whether the effects of crep are likely to be
creep, there is thus a conlinuous rcdistribution of stress igrrlcrnr .n a pdrtrculdr ca.( The deri!ationi gr\en
even in a simply-supported rejniorced concrctc beam should make clear dre limitations of the approach and
under a constant load: the neutral axis is lowercd with a give an jdea ofthe approximalions involved.
consequent decrease jn the stress in concreie and an Althoxgh this and the following chaplers deal plimarily
increase in the stress in steel- with methods of analysis ol creep eflccls, it should bc
Until recently, time- and environment-dependent menrioned in rhi. inr-nducrion lhd rhc c r' a \cr) rn-
stresses werenot considered explicitly, excepiing the timare interrelationship between creep prediclion and
allowance lor loss of preslress and thc provision of crccp analysis. Ofparticular interest in this respect is the
shrinkage and temperatur reinlorcemenl, wjthout, it has lormulation of the creep function (also called creep
to be admitted, catastrophic results. This is so because. compliancc), O(r,r').r This creep function describes the
in a grealmany cases, limc-dpendent strains do not afecr iotal srrain (instantaneous elastic plus-creep) at obser-
the strength of a member: lajlure is controlled by the very vation time (measurd lrom casting of concrete, i.e.
large strains that develop al collapse, regardlcss of the age t) caused by a unit sustained stress applied at age t'
previous strain history.l However. when instability is a (Fie. 16. 1). This creep function may be expressed ir thc fol,
factor, creep does afect rhe failure load so !hat, lor lowing form
instance, the strength ofa column under a sustained load
will decreasc with time. o(r,r'):-+ I
C(.,r') f16.11
Equally importanl are servi!ability problems due to
crecp and shrinkage: in long-span p.estresscd concrcte whereE0 ) : modulus of elasticity at age t',
girders, creepInay introduce excessive upward deflection
aDd C(r,r') : specific creep at time , when concrete is
il the \ustaincd compressive srress in the bottom librc
loaded by a unit stress ar age r'.1
is considerably higher than that in the top fibre; or, in
high-rise buildings, problems may arise as a result olihe Using lhe creep coeltrcient
largcr creep deformations ol lhe highly stressed exterior
columns. relative to the smaller deformations of the
4\t,t'): Clt.t')Elt')
i In creep herature, the creep lundion n lrequenily denoted by
These are j ust some specilic examples, bu t the enhanccd J(,,r),
interest in fesign for creep'in recent years is more general t Theageal applicarion oIload isdenoled
by r'iln is a variable,and b! I
and is due to the use of more advanced design conccpts with a subscnbed nunber iIn is a constanl
t'llecti\ft modulus methoti 247
fhr, rrD. or c.rcn lJncliu. J' "\ed h) Cl B I lP ' r
i"to, "i A( I 'n ro-'r ,no h\ Ba/Jlr'rr 1r\
i.,uoi. ""ino"., f"" lurm!''Jliu,l ol ln( rreJp lur' 'i"n
s r." .,it ..iro", o' rhuughr pr('en'' crceo l rhc "'ra
;;;,.,';"ia; .",,o"nenr'. name'1 I derh)ed Jra'r '
, ,".t","U,.,."lrpor.n, JnJ Jn rrrcJo\crrDlJ flcs co,I_
ir..'rr te,rure", tt'i' lo-'nrtarron le rhr' r\e
i"r.''"a.['.i. **n",.rr ' r*umed ro he rnoerind(nr
;; apolicrrron ot lnad rnd al'Lr rhdr rhc flow
i. ,.",.3""a b] a 'er ol pardllel Lur\e',' lhe larrer
.,","'-.ri ,r anj ose rLc rare or 'recp ol n
;';;.;;i; ".r.",r,"'
is,ndcpendenr o' rtre r:se ar apprication
ii i""a rr,. crcep iuncr'on \orre'pondrnP ro rhc-e a\-
sumptions is ofthe form:
9 | , A,/1' ,l , A ld{rr rl
o,,.,,- Jrr llh'41
(, f) r\
Elrl C
lr rl'i' cq,J ro1. A, rrd L rre (r'nnJnr'' 'rrcr(ep
a",.,i1.'.f. de\rropmcnr 'l rhc deLved ed\('r
(b) 0f *a b' heuF'ell't'Tc'r o rln$ sirh
,-.ll r,;. u p. '**'
,,.'..n 'un, ion I' L'cd ir I\et lB'llP'
Fi, 161 (al creep iunclion
oi..,,r' or rl'(crreprt'lcrrJns r' din
(b) cEe! coemcient' loii vr.a"rt"a"."
ihe various nerhods oi analvsis $'ill be given in ihe
\ubseoucnt sc(riont o[ lhis Lhapt(r'
li..,le ,re. h"wercr r r u nbcr "l n porranr [eaLJre'
o(,,,') :;- tr + ,r(/,/)1. t16.21 *, .'fr'"."
Jir"rt*a i. this book. "fl
the methods otcreep analysisl
AIl ot them are based on the
is he rrr io crcep hneirl) uirl-''re" Jnd Ihe!
nc c-ecn coe'fiL,enr N dehne'l "l
\\ oen ".,.,nor'"n,f,"r.t..p',r'e'
,llooe\ B"l,,mJnr'arrnrrrle"r'r'rcrpo'rrion'qhi(h$ r'
t.JI ., h)
r"': r/'(r ror'
d(/, Ji
and rcalizing ihat
d. dd, dd d" dd
,,,r q:! : d.l dr '
& ,ir' & = dd ,lr
we can e{press [16.12] in thc well-known firsrorder
diferenti:rl equation developed by Disch]ngerlr to sotve
structural creep problems:
de d(r) I do dr."
dd:6(,") * E(,l.rd * dd' [16.13]
au. /6..t Relalion beiwecn srain and rime ror a unn stre..,..,.,r In rhis equarion,rr rq the c reep coeficient and not thetime
drnt troe,..r ..'p o.h!,v1c..d ' lh.t. i.the indenend(rl ,ariuble.
Rate of fiaw method 249
(a) o
(b) 0 to t. tz t Time
Fis /6J. Relalion belween (a) creep lunclion and (b) creep cocficienr,.d rmc according to the RC merhdd
Assuming a constant modulus of elasticit),, [16.111 \i'hich gives good resul ts lor older concrctc. r Because of its
simpliiles ro shortcomings, the RC method can be considered obsolete
iD its originalform. Houever. attempis to overcome these
;:,rl["o'* f16.13 (a)l shortcomings have revived the inrerestin the RC method.
These ne$, developments will be discussed in the follow-
This diflerential equation is easily solved for a rvide ing section.
va.iety of problems. Howelcr, there are a number ol
assumptions made in the RC mcthod which deserve
Rate ol llow method (BF method)
discussion. The assumption ol parallcl lines. as shown in
Fig. 16.1. mcans lhat creep decreases very rapidly with In order io overcorie rhe deficiencies oi the RC method.
increasing age at applicaiion of load and becomes zcro for namely the underestimaiion of creep of old concrete, and
concrete loaded when very old. Thus, crecp dclbrmarion of crccp rccovery, England and Illston'a proposed to
under incrcasing stresses is underestimated. Parallelism represenl lhe creep l nction rs thc sum of three com,
lurther impiies that only a small creep recovery occurs ponenr,: rhe ela.ric.rr.,in I .,). rhe deldled ela,rrc {ra n
upon removal oi load, and this results in aconstant strain kJ (\r hich is recoverable), and rhe (irrecoverable) flow. ,i
Jier Inl."dr1g,l-rg 'b4l lhrr rs cortrarr ro e\peri- (Fig. 16.5).
mental observations (se? Ch. 9) and leads to an over- England and Illston concludcd lrom cxpcrimnh of
estimation of creep under a decreasing stress, and ol ihcir own and of others tha! thc dclalcd elaslic strain
relaxation under a conslant strain. (expressed in terms oi d, Cd or dd) is independenl ol the
However, for loads applied to young concrele thc age at appiicatlon ol ioad and reaches a final value much
meihod gives good resulls in contrast to the EM melhod faster than the irrecoverable flow. The flow (expressed
250 Methods L,l creep anal)tsis of structwat menlhets
(b) 0
(c) o
I -cr(r) cr (rd +
Creep luncrion,ccording Lo th RF merhod
lmprcwd Dischinget method 251
in terms of 6r, Cr or d) is assumed to represenl the In the original paper,la the delayed elastic component
irreco\erable componenl ot (r(ep in Ihe tame !t"y d. in was considered to be composed of two parts, a rapid
the RC method. i.e. flow curves of concrete loaded by a recovcry occurring duringthe first few days a{ter removal
unit stress at difrerent agcs are assumed to be parallel, of load, and a slow recovery progressing ovr a period of
whichmeans that the rate ol flow at any time is constant;
hence the name of the RF method. As a simplification of the melhod,the authors proposed
with these assumptions, and using the form of thc to ignore the variation of the modulus of elasticity with
creep function given by []6.a1, we have: time, and not to separatc the rapid and slow components
of the delayed claslic strain.
for initial appiication of load at age t0: lf r >> r, we have complete recovery of the delayed
elastic component; thus
("ll.l C,trt- r^,(ro) I6.l4l
|+ d.(r,)dr(h) |
I r.( ,ol+-q,tl d,(o) 'llr: ElrJ arJ [16.18]
- E(rn) L(,,) _
t(ro) Ttis equation simplifies further if E(ro) : E(,r).
[16.]a(a)l Under varying strcss, the slrain has to be calculated
from the integral of [16.61, which is possible only by a
and for subsequent application of load ai age t'> to:
step-by-step Procedure.
qrrr,r r:
1 + ,/,'(,-') + d'(I) dll') The RF method offers a dramatic improvement over
t,lrl Eful E(rJ
!6 r51
the RC rnethod because it represenis properly the creep
recovery of young concrete when unloadd. However. rhe
For a unit stress applied at age ,o and rmoved al age,r, creep function does not represent correctly the creep oi
the slrain at time t is (Fig. 16.6) virgin concrele loaded at age I > ro, and, in pafticular,
{, : fo(r, h) o(r,,,)l [ 16.16]
creep of old concrete is undereslimated considerably.
Thus. for increasjng stress, the creep is underestimated
- "irr:rfi+rfio,rr ,"r
whereas, under conditions of decreasing stress, good
results are obtaincd.
dd (r r,)
E (o) E(,1)
0 lo t- t Time
/66 Relation belween strain and time tor a slrcs applied the period ro to r1, aeo.ding to lbe RF nethod.
252 Methods of oeep analysis ol struttural nembets
part denoted in reference 14 by rapid delayed elasticity, or (cl [16.13] ):
which dvclops within th 6rst lew days after loading or d. I+ tb^ d6 otL) d,,n
unloading. ln order to allow a simple analyiical trcal
mcnl, Nielsent5 proposed to add the delayed elastic part
aO,: tr,.l a,a -rr,l" aa,
olr.r):E +,(rJ[d,lr,rnrl] [16.21] f-;*."ri.g ,t** ..a fo. ,t;gtttty a""."as;ng ,t."r..
superposition ol virgin creep curves gives good agreemcn 1
q her.
l 1 ,i^
t16.21(all wirh cxperimental data, but,forcomplete removal ol Iord
E. t1r r llro ) tor rhe .on.r(le, rhe re(orer) :. .orcuhar o\c'e'.i-
\i.lsen" recommends dJ: I 1lhus Ed:0.?5r(lo). mated. as indicated in Fig. 16.9. However, this is not
Lai.r. cr ol." proposed a lalue ol c,d = 0.'1 lor considercd serious dciiciency because the case ol sudden
ri . r> 90 dali. $hich $3s adopt.d in the CEB FIP. complcte unloading is not common in practjce.T
19?8 Vodel Code. Combining lhe innanianeous and
delayd elastic delormations inio one term, xpressed bv
,d. makes the ID method a hybrid of the EM and the RC
methods.r The idealized creep iunclion is depicted in
Fig. 16.7. The advantage of thc ID method lies in rela-
tively simple analytical treatment and good accuracy for
simple practical problems in which the timc since applica-
lion of load exceeds about threemonths However, for old
,1,$, t')
concrclc, creep is underestrmated as in the RF method. E(t)
The differential equalion according to the ID mcthod is
(ct f16.121):
ds olr) dd, i + d.i dd d""!, OIoltTim-o
,i.:ft,J d, + rl,) d, + d, 116.22)
i:,a /d.d ReDrcscntation ol vnei. crccptunctions
9 o( /')
'v, ar^
0 to t =11
Comparison olactual and idealized dep lunclions lor lhe ID melhod
PtiruipLe oJ superyasiLi.)n ol t)irain oecp .:urrcs )5-l
(b) 0
aia 16.10 Definilion ollnne inlervak lG the nep-bv{tepmeih.d
.,,,= r rl!]d 1 [n.',t numericrl analysis is defined in Fig. 16.10. For best resulrs
' Eirot* Elr,) l-t,) E(/,1 t16.25(a)l
under continuously varying stress, the time intervals A/i
.tu,rld be .ho.U ,r.h rhar ll-e lengrh, J.e app-o\r
The modulus of etasticity ior deiining d(i. r') is frequenrl)
malely equal on a iog-time plot. For continuously
varying stress therc are a number of different wavs to cal-
assumed to beequal to a constant reference valueGuch as
culJre lhe,.rarn Jue lo
l(-) or Il2all. rr $hi.h c"{ rhe denonindror, ot rhe ",lre., tncre.rlenr lor de-
cremnt) Aaj occurring during the rime interval Ari.
.I lcrms have !o b altered accordingly (re.,[16.2a]1.
Thetotal strain at time r, due toa varying stress stadng Bell,s are .\e a ernari\e met,rod, ot p.ocedu,r..
lrom an initial valuc oo, is 1. The st.css increment Aaj is assumed to bc apptied ar
rhe lddl( ol .he,.h .nre rrime r,r.r- fhc el"nr.
: tl + d(,,.o)l + Ol/./) rr dr .t_ain .orponenr rs cdlLu 'al
"rcd "l lhal lime ith L(r l.
"(, ,.(r")g J" and creep F oerrrnrned 'rom rne ,, on"ard,. Ar rhe
This integral cann oI bc solved ln closed form, except if a
special type of creep lunction is introduced which specifies
thar dd./dr :
constant, which docs, however. not.cpres-
I Thc
lera 4ii,. as u$d her reie$ ro crep.urves lhich aE oI simitar
iom and lor trhich the ratio.l lhe creep coelEcienls at diferenr ases ar
ent the co(ect virgin creep lunction. Virgin crcep curves applcation oi load, but under load lor lne sane perlod ol !ime, n
are represcnted much mo.e accurately by alliner creep co.sthl. Mathemallcaily, thn ca. cxpre$ed by rhe afrne irans
curves than by parallel ones. Il amne creep curves are
adopted for the lorm ulation of the creep iunction, it has io ot'r + rLrrl = @1r, + trjtr) r (aconsranr)
251 Merhods aI oeep anallsis ol structwal membets
end of thelh interval (time tj+r) the strain incrcment
Ao a"(,,-,y:
- !o [tL * d]l .,L' t
In the second method, the stress increment Aoj is
assumed to be applied at the beginning of rhe jth Elr,+r t ]
rntenal (lime r, I rnd hall ol rhe stre,s incremenl Al1 of these methods are easily programmed for evalua-
t-l^drl i, dsumed to prL,JJce creep durips rhe lu I tion by computer and they all yield very accurate results if
lenglh oI lhe lime rnrendl Wrlh lhe.e assump on., al a suficient number of time steps is used. Because of the
lhe end of the time intervaljl relativesimplicjty of the first formulatio& it will be used in
the subsequent discussion-
a<,,.,1:-ffitr + jd(,j*1,,j 1)l t16.291 The total strain at the erd of th ith intcrval is the sum
of the strains due to stress increments Aoj applied during
and at the end of interval i: all the previous intervals (ci6.271):
! !46
: ,/,,,,1. L Alilrj .r I r,.',fl drr, ., ll
E* tl + i4,tti t,t) t))
^61r,-,) [16.35]
Loid|i+t,tt+ )
- ,E(r,J [16.]01 Equation [16.35] can be written in abbreviated form
The second term of thc right-hand side oi this equarjon rr,:I4",:I?tL+0.t.
representsthe creepdue 1o the second half of thestress
applied at the end of interval i. This equation is used to evaluate thc strains under a
A third method corresponds to the trapezoidal rule given siress history. An example is a structural element
where the elastic and creep properties for time interval loaded in many stagcs such as a concrete column or an
Arj are the average oi those at the beginning afld the
end of the intewal so that:? Thesame equation will now be used 1() predict the stress
in aproblem where the history of the strain is prescribed.
Alrr+,t := [o(. +,,ri ]) + olr,+r.. +rll Denoting the stress al thc beginning and end of the jth
intervil b) o, and dr. re\peclr\el). we cJr ,ubnrrule
6.311 in fl6.l)lall: Lo,- o , a I Separa ng rhe.rrc,'
increment occur ng during ihe ,th interval from the
summation term. we obtain
[l +d0,*,,r, ,] . 1 I
^^,. ,
:t :
) L L, j-.t 'r,,,,,] )
j=1 ^r
(o +, o, ,)-(l + d,,)
At time ,r+ 1, the strain due to Aoj isi Lt4 | .tt lr +d,1. flo.lbl
A.(rr ,)--1 [O(, I rr r Orrr ,.r,.,r,l Rearranging this equation, we obtain an expressior for
the stress at theend of thc ithinterval, provided the stress
[16.32] at the beginning of the same intervalis known:
A(rr.,) : to{rr-1,/j,) + 4o(rj*1,,j)
? where the dii : creep coeficient from th e middle to the
+ Ofur*,, ri * r)l 6.lll end of the ith interval.
Trost Bazant nethod 255
The term A.ican include any type ol change in strain tl6.18(a)l and 6.a0l, and rearransing:
durins the jlh
interval. such as srrain imposed by
compatibility conditions, by errernal siress, shrinkage, or f' 1+ At,l )
swelling. Temperature strains car also be included, pro- ^'"'' dlr.Io)[o(.r do] .]," Er. )
^fl- +dlr.r')l
- @(r, fol
Trost-Bazant method (TB method)
Thus, the value of th aging coeliicient x depends on ,o, on
A practical method for dircclly computing ihe strain the creep function, and on the variation of the stress or
under a varying stress, or stress under a constani or strain with time. As thc aging coemcient has always the
varying strai& was devcloped bl Trost in 1967'zo andlater same argumcnt as the creep coefficieni with which it is
improled by BaTan!.'z' who calls his method the 'Agc associaled, the argument will be omitted from Dow on-
Adjusted ElTecrive Modulus Method'. This introduccs In his original paper,Trost2o determined thc numerical
the concepi of an aging' coefllcient. Trost's term is values of X on the basis of the CEB, 1964'z creep function
'relaxation' cocmcicnt. Bolh names have their justifica- and oi the following two assumptions: the variation of
tion as will shortly become obvious- However, in order io strain duc to a change in slress follows the creep time
avoid conlusion with the computation of presiress losscs function. and the modulus of elasticity is constant. Wilh
where reiaxation of steel plays a role, thc term 'aging' thal I was dependent
these assumptions, Trost'?o found
.oeffi.ienr w;ll h-- us--d in this hook on lhc value ol the so-called normal creep coellicienl
As discussed before, the difficulty in the analytical d,N: .i(,,28), and on the ase at applicatior of load, ro.
treatmentof structuralcreepproblemsisthattheintegral The load duration (, ,o) was found 10 have only a
equation ([16.6])cannot be solved ir closcd iorm if the minor effeci on the magnitude oi I and was, therefore,
creep or flow curves are ror-parallel. In order to explain neglected.
the aging coeltrcient concept we cxprcss the lotal sirain This has been confirmed for a set of aging coeflicients
.esuhing from an initial stress applied ar age ,o. a(ro) : calculaled for different load durations from a rclaxation
oo, and from the subsequent continuously varying curve determined using the step-by-step proc.durc of
relerence l? and the CEB, 1964 creep formr ation.'lnthjs
connection, it was also found thal establishing the aging
4,) - ooo(.ro)+ Ofr.I'l ! ,lI Ir6.38] coeficient lrom a calculated relaxation curvc (i.c. no1
I' assuming the prescribed strain time rlalion discussed
above) resulted in aging coetrcients which were almost
or,(,):#tr +dt,ro)l identical to those of Trost. It should be noted here that
the CEB, 1964 recommendations2 presented the creep
* f' +,i(.,.
| ) lorr Lo'' l:n, r,,n in the lorm
J', u. , t16.38(a)l
Evaluating the integral of this equation lor an assumed ok.1): +
D(r I -/,(r')/,(r
variation of stress wirh time and expressing thechange of
stress in the form
where N : d t . 28) : the normal creep coefficient,
q, ,
a,,.,1 - d,r, r0 liog,rt / r rl derived from [l6.371 considering only one interval after
..,-, .heJpplr(alronot thcrnilral,oao Hosever.rt ueLrelhe
Lro4/I ( LB t IP lq78creep.rn(Lron,$hr,h(onlain.J moreor
l(* in.ldnlln(ous rrre!e.nble creef rerm a agrng
'\4 + 1\''
*1...f,,,:,,r$1 0 85./
l6 481 .a ue.,L:,rr*irh r \ atue ot appr,,\rmdtety t.00,.
s'horrt) ;trel
application of rhe load.
and .r"(r') : d(r..7) 1.25.' o113.
II 6.49] From Fis. I 6. I 2 it is o bvious that rhe aging coefficienrs
eslablished on the basis of the CEB-Ftp creep funcrion
best rep.esent the expcrimental lrend.
Some furthe. remarks should be made regarding the
agingcoemcients and the relaxalion iunction fronl which
they wcrc derived. Under certain conditions. the CEB-
FlP, 1964 and 1970 creep funciions yield nonsensical
results. As shown by Haas,'za.25 ihe relaxation function
I obtained from the CEB-FIP, 1970 creep function for
concrete nrembcrs wilh an efl'eclive thickness lo > 0.20m
and loaded al a relaiively early age, results in tensile
q \rr(\\e\ eren rl.LBF Lhe iniriJ \r.e\\ qas compres.r!e
The same was found by E1-Shafey,6 for the ACI creep
a lunction ([16.,16]) lor h < five days. No tensile stresses
develop under any condition when the CEB FIP, 1978
creep function is used.
utol From these observations and lrom thediscussion ol rhc
a,q 161l Relatiol beLween relaxarion lunclion and rimc diflerent types ol c.ecp iunctions, it musl be concluded
Trcst Bazdnt tnethod )57
t3 o8
E,per menls e /trrpolaied
'o 0.7
I000 10,000
that in the prcsnr stare of knowlcdgc no method can bc below:one according to Bazant:l established on the basis
rorsidered jo 5e. \r\l Thr. i, ,o becJU'e lhcrL are cerr" n of the ACl, 1971 crccp lunctions lFigs. 16.14 and 16.15)
non linearities in the behaviour of concrete, particulariy and the olher based oD thc CEB-FIP,l9T8 creep lunction.
shortly aitcr loading, which cannot be represenled by The graphs based on the CEB-FIP. 1978 creep formula-
linear creep models. In addition, creep is nor striclly tion are of two 1yps: one set lFig. 16.16)gives thc value
linearly relaied 10 slress, which lurthcr complicates the of X for six difercnt ages at application ol load and flow
.ilrrtion. lo hr. r(a.on r$o ,et, oi graph, a-e g:\en coeflicier r. d. berur n0<odl.r40lo loJJourJllun\ rp
,9 ! 0.8
'6 I 4.7
1 2 3 45 10 20 30 50 100 1 2 3 45 1o 20 30 50 1oO
(a) Agealapplcaionofload,h(logscale) -days (b) Age at apprication ot road,,o(og scate) -
fis./61J Relationb.lwenultinaleagingcoeficienl/qandageatatplicarionoiload,,o:{a)iordif enr now coemcients d;j (b)tor difl*ent
258 U"thod" ol crccp analt .ii aJ vudwd ncnbph
1000 5000 10,000
; oc
500 1000 5000 10,000
10 500 1000 5000 r0,000
road{r rojrtogscdre, doy.
ime unoer
/,,.,76./a Rearonbei*Tn",4..r,dioIT.J1dertudd
aDpl,dro', t. u-t,reep,Lriflro1ror\+,ahalcor..reL"td40l,
Malhemallcal lormulalion ol
the CEB-FIP, 1978 creep funclion
10 20 30 50 100 200 300 500 1000
Such afornulation is needed forall computer analyses of
!r Age at app icalio. or toad, ao(tog scate) - days
creep problcms. The c.eep lunction according to CEB-
i,!, ld.ij. Relalion b.lween ultinate axins .oefiicienl r-, and ase al
trFFli.arlon ol k,ad- based on thc ACl,l9Tl orceprunclion n.dr vlriable FIP6 is expressed by the relation
a.dulDs ol clasticilv (v? L]64lil)
rar srrudural condete 1[16.46]). Ol/,1= I + ,b k r'l f16.sil
lbl vAscon(ere([]6471). L(t') I,*
In this equation
E(r') : modulus of elasticiiy ol concreie loaded at age
The mathematical expressions to iormulate the CEB
FlP, 19?8 creep tuDction are given irl the ncxt section.
Ir should bc mcntioncd here rhat rhere is no need to d (r,l'): creep cocffrcicnt at lime i lor concreteloadcd at
di\tinguish beNveen the asins coc$,-cienl lor plain cos- asc t' wiich, accordins to CEB-FIP, is based
.rere and that for reinforced concrete as requircd in the on a constant modulus of elasticity ,rs,
original approach by Trost. Step-by-stp numericai in- ,,s : modulus of elasticily of concretc loaded at age
\estigalions have shoun conclusively thal the aging 28 days,
cocmcients are idenrical for plain concrete (under con- ,: agc oi concrete at time ofobservation.
dition\ ol constant strainl and for reinforced concrele and 1 : ag a1 application of the load.
lunder constant loadl.
From Fig. 16.13 it is obvious that an averxge value Sincc the age at application of load is a variable in the
z- : 0.82 can be used lor most practical problems where above equation, th slmbol l'is used afld not ,0, whicb is
; i
:: eI
ei : I
!: -L-
l --I
tr TJ#
Asi na coeificieni, x (t' h)
:A ! E iE -=E
"l 1: ,ffi
':; e
1: e
I t4
I ,?
Vr"fr/3 fl,
I ,,/)
\ /11 ,1
L= .ffi
-=* ,L/1'
lt_ -']
= i,]
{i='l i! ,r1; 6
lBll la/. ==
F lH_
-r- tr
; 7+a,a
+ ]
l 'r
:3 I gL t-
i l L -l
iEl l ;EJH|] EH
iiBaE -F+E 3
2a = =
Ag Aqlng coefi .ient x (t,lo)
j 't--"---1-
2" ;l +
3 g.=4 'r
s ql
cf*D ,h =#
qi{'-u- H
el '.
/ ": -t " \t/v/
:'li =F
sF tr= '^W,# aa
; --//A
3, Al
i \t I3
c -tltfi-
aFTti\\T aI
,3 t- \\:JA
aal-*+ sr
t- riels
Mathenaticallbtnukttion af the CEB FIP, 1978 creep tundbn )6t
0.9 , 09
q I
0.8 3 0.8
6 0.7 4A
r,-08(r I0) t. R OSS. A. D.. Creep of conoete under variable stres, .'1Cl
.I.dnrl54. 1q58. p! 7lq t8.
' .OMllr'l-l ROPI l\ DU Bl- lON. R..onafaJdfiorr
lor at tnernatio dL Cade ol Pructice lot ReihJorcetl Con-
ad Cemenl
.re&. Americnn Conoete Insrirure: Detroir.
,.:.,'[,-#(,-#)"'] 3.
and Concrete A$ociaiion: London. 1964, 156 pp.
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a d Coneructlan al Concr.Le Structwes Prirciples a d
[16.s4] Recouqetddtia s- Cam;# Europ6er du B6ton Fdera-
lL:0.21 + 0.'73|, e aatr t\7 [16.5s]
tion hternarionale de la Precontminie. FIP Sixrh Con
gress, Prague, June 1970. Published by Cehent and
.. t/r\
fnrt .l(,*s J l,, ' ,,)' ]
Conoele Association: Londo!, 1970, 80 pp.
iu,r,r I
4. ACI COMMITTEE 209, Prediction of creep, shrinkage,
and tempe.ature eflecls in concrete siructure. Desi8.inS for
I6.561 Eflects ol Creep, Shrinkage ard Temperaturc in Conqete
Slruclures, /lfter;.a, Con.r ete I nslitute Special Publication
In these equalions, the terms not defined in connection Nr.27, 1971, pp. 51 93.
with [16.51] are as follows: 5. BAZANT, Z. P. and OSMAN, E., Double power law for
L(r') : compressive strength oi concrete at age ,',
basic creep of conc.ele. Md tetiak o d Structnes, Patis,g,
No.49, 1976, pp. 3 11.
l:- : ultimate st.ength of concrcte at rime r., 6. CEB-FIP, Model Code fd Crn.rer. S,tu.rres, Comlte
4r; : creep coemcient ior dlayed elastic creep,
Euro Intemational du Belon F6d6ration Irlerna,
lionale dc la P.6corlrainte: Paris. 1978, 3,18 pp.
di :
Ho! coemcicnr, 7. BAZANT. Z. P. and NAJJAR. L. T.. Comparison ol
and rqr = lime delay iactor depending on norjonat approximate linear methods tor concrele c.eep. Jo rn lol
the Stttctttdl Ditisioh. Pra.. Ad. Soc. oJ Citil Ehuineen,
thickness lo as given in Table 12.3.
No. ST9, September 1973. pp. 1851 7.{.
Thecreep coefrcient d! is normally raken to be 0.4, a.d E. MCHENRY, D., A lew aspect of creep in concrcte dd its
the flow coefficient d; rs derermined according to the applicatio! to design. Pro. ,l,tTM. 43. t 943, pp. 1069 86.
procedure outlined in Chapter 12. 9. MASLOV, G. N., Thermal shess state in concrete masses
with ac.ount to creep of conaete, lzwstia Nauhno.
lssledatutelskoso l stituta I.?JII Gitbot.khhiki, Gosener
goizdat, USSR,2E, 1940. pp. 175 88.
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10. FABER. O., Pldtic yield. snrinkage andolher problems oi
corcrele and their efi'cct or design, Minutes ol Ptoc. LCE.
time, no method oi analysis and no creep funclion can be 225, Parr I, London, 1927,.pp. 27 73.
considered to be exact. It musl be slated, however. that 11. GLANVILLE. w. H.. Studies in reinlorced concrete, III:
exact solutions are very rare in
ergineering practice The creep or flow ol concrete under ioad, Bsildixg
because some assumptions always have to be made to ResearchTe.hhi.dl Pqer N o.ll, Department ol Scienrific
simplify the solution of thc problem. In creep-related ard Industrial Research: Lordon. 1930,39 pp.
problems, we have a clroice of two assumptions: (l) we 12. WHITNEY, C. S.. Plain and reinlorced concrete arches,
ACI J awndl,2a. 1932. pp.419 519.
adopt parallelism of the flow curves. which teads to th
rate of flow approach (Improved Dischinger (ID)
13. DISCHINGER. F, UnteBuchungen nber die Knick-
sicherheit, dieelastische Veriormung und das Kriechen des
Method) or to a set oi aging coemcints bascd on this Belons bei Bogenbricken, D el Bouingenieut,ta,No.33134,
mcthod;or(2) we adopt al)iner creep curves which can be 1917.pp.4E7 520; No. 35/36, 1937. pp. 539-52i No. 39/,10,
used to define another set of aging coetilcients. 1937, pp.595 621.
Bolh approaches give excellent agreement with experi 14. ENGLAND, L. and ILLSTON, J. M., Melhods ot
mental behaviour cncouniered in engineering practice. .ompLring nre.. rn concrele trom a hFror) or med\ured
,tiain- (it';] L4qn.iiry .td Puhn, t4otL: RF,t.n, O0.
The advantage of lhc ID approach is thar no tables o.
1965i No. 705, pp. 513 l7i No. 706, pp. 692 4; No. 707.
. harr, ire n(eded to.ol\< the bd.rc drBe-enriat equalion.: pp.846 7.'
howcver, the mathematics involved is somewhat com- 15. NIELSEN. L. F., Kriechen und Relaxario! des Berons
plicaled. The usc of an aging coeficient, on the other Be.toh \tahlbcto htu.65. ic70. pt. 272 5.
hand, requires tables or graphs lin cases when srandard 16. RUSCH, H., JUNGWIRTH, D. ard HILSDORF, H.,
values are rot used) but the equations involved are all Kritische Sichturg der Eirfliisse von K.iechen und
Scnwinden des Betons aul das Verhatren der Tragwerke,
lin..i/ equations, even lor the mosl complicared cases.
Betoh unl S1qhlbetonbdu,68, 1973: No_ 3, pp.49 60:No.4,
For the last reason, the aging cofrcient wi be used pp. 76 86i No. 5, pp. 152 58.
cxclusively in this book. and it will be shown that the 17. GHALI. A.. NEYILLE, A. M. atrd JHA, P. C.. EIIect of
aging coefficient is an extr.mely powe{ul tool to solve all elartic and creeprecoveries of concrele onlos olprestress,
the common problems of creep analysis. ACI J onnal.64, 1967, pp.802 10.
18. BAZANT, Z. P. and KIM, S. S., Approximar relaxation
lunciion lor concrete cteep. Joutnal of the S/7ucturdl
Ditisioh, Ptoc. L1n. Soc. al Cir,l,, 105. No. STt2,
I S..Ioohole on p.253 l979,pp 2695 2105.
References 263
19. SCHADq D., Alterunesbeiwerte fiir das Kriechen votr CEB, Mduat Structural Effects of Time-Dependent
Beton n&h den Spannbotorichrliaien. Betot tnil Stahl- Behaviourof Concrcte, B letin d'Ialotnation No- 80,
betonbe,72, No. 5, 1977 . pp. ll3-t7 . Comit6 Eu.op6en du B6ton, Feb. 1972, 118 pp.
TROS]. H.. A6wrrlunsm des Superpo"irioo(pririps HAAS, W., Comparison ot stress strah laws for the rime-
aut Kried- ud Relaxalionyprobleme bei Beron und dependent behaviou. of concrete, Proc. RIIEM CISM
Spannbron. B?ron. xlld sratlb;ronbar.6t. \o. 10. lqb'7, S)%p., Udin- Sept. 1974, 26 pp.
pp.2l0 8l No. tl.1967, pp.261-9. 25. HAAS, W., Uber ein fii die EDV geeignetes Verfahren zur
2t_ BAZA\ l'.7. P.. Predicrion ot consete creepeflecrs uling Erfa.sunS des Kriechens ond Schwindens von Beton.
dge adru5red etrecri,e modulus merhod. ,4Ci Jo,rn"/.69: Disserratior, Tecbnical University Stuttgarr, 1974, 2l I pp_
19'12, pp.2l2 1'7. 26. EL-SHAFEY, O. A. B., Time Dependent Eflects in Str;;
BASTGEN. t.J. Zum Spannuogq.Dehnun8s-Zei,- turnl Conoete Members, Pn. D. ?r,esiq The University of
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Wechsel wirkuns, Diserrarion, Rheinisch-Wetfelische
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Chapter 17
Crecp and shrinkage cause a continuous change in the mostimportant onc). Shrlnkage is easily included in thesc
slrcsscs in concrete and steel in any reinlorced or pre- equations if it is assumed that it dcvelops at lhe same rate
stressed concrete member. This change will. of course,
slow dorn and iinally ceasc after a number of years. The
kno$ledge of this changc in slresses is of interest for a Cross-section wlth lwo layers ol sleel
number of reasons. For inslance. in prestressed concrete, subjected to a suslained load
we can determine the loss oi preslress, and in ail concrete
In ordcr to derive the general equations for stress re_
members we can calcularc the time-dependnt deforma-
distribulion in a seciion subjected to a constanl load let
tions such as axial shortening and deflection, knowing
us consider rhe cross-section shown in Fig. 17.1. This
rle.hd-ge r1 .r e.. and .he.',,l cr3ir.
contains two layers of sleei of area ,1,1 and ,4,, at a
In the deriillion ol ihe equations for the changc in
distance -r1 and j,,, respectiveiy, from the centroidal axis
!Irers. ile shall make use oi thc aging coemclenL we may
ol thenet concrcte seciion. This cross_section is internally
nore ihar.lor rhe case of ts o later5 oi sleel. the lmproved
statically irdelerminate to th second degree. The neces_
Dischinger mcthod lead\ to rather conpler coupled
sary equations 1o solve for lhe redundant forces and
dif.r.n!ial equanons shich are cumbersome to rohe.
delormarions arcobtained, as usual, irom the equilibrium
There are two difl'erent ways oi analr-zing a secrion tor
of forcs and the compatibility of strains in concretc and
time-dependenr etrects using the aging coefficienr. One
in steel.L ' Let the sustaincd cxlernal forces No ard Mo be
uses rhe equilibrium ol iorces and compatibility of straiDs
applied al time to. For equilibrium of normai forces, we
at the level of the reiniorcement to come up wirh closed
solutions for the change in stress and slrain. The other.
developed recently,l' makes use of ihe transformed
scction established \ri1h a modular ratio n*: ro[1 + Nu:I'"0+N",+N". |t1.1)
/d1r,.o)1. The lirst approach leads to simplc cquations
ior simple cases. but becomes difijcuh ior complex cases
which involvc multiple laycrs of prcsrresscd and non- No:N"t)+N.1(r)+N,,(,) 117.2)
prestressed steel or lwo diflerent concretes produced at
differenr times as in rhe case of composite members. The
second approach is presenred towards the end of this N"o : normal force in concrete at time ro,
chaplcr.In the first part of this chapler. equations for the ln
rid N",,N":: norrnal force sleel .1.r and ,4.r,
rine-dependenr 'r'c..e.. .rrain. defornJrion' Jre
respectively, al time lo,
derived on the basis of compatibility of strains in concrete
andsteelat thesame lelel. Thismeansthat perfect bondis N"(,) : nornal lorce in concrete at rime r.
and N"1(r),N,,(,): normal force in steel ,4.! and .4,,,
Theequarions to be derived are the same for reinforced respectively, at time ,.
and prestressed concrete,except that the relaxation ot the I l-e coIc.ponu.nE c.tL ,t .r . lo' mumc|1. arc'
prcstrcssing steel has ro be considered in the latter case.
For this rcason, in the text to iollow, the term 'reinforced'
is taken to mean thal a section conlains steel: whelbe. o.
not this steel is prestressed is irrelevant to the derivation.
M": M"" + M'r +,M":: M"o + N"rl1 + N',,1,, 7.31
centroid of uppersreel
and M.1,M., - intcrnal momenl of the stress in the steel analogy with []6.131)
about the centroidal axis ofthe net con-
crete sectjon, at tim to.
The tcrms M(r) denote the corresponding moments at
A(4 :
fr or,,,"r *f rr + xott,toD. fr7.l4l
lime ,. For convemence, we iniroduce symbolst for the For concrcic ai the level of Iibre l. we introducc sub_
change in force due !o crecp belween time lo and time ,: script 1:
atl"(r):r"(r)-,\o a. Ao.ltl
I7.51 (,r. ;' f(r.rol + -'' lt /.btt.t r fl-.151
A,rr.(,) : M.(t) M"" 117.6) ^.
A^:,(r) = N",(r) N", 117.7) In these equ ations, Iro = E(to). and,, is the initial stress in
and : N.,t) - N",. t17.81
concrete in fibre 1. wlrich is considered known from an
^I:,(,) elastic analysis of the cross-section al time lo. Strictly
Then the equilibrium equations [ 17.1] and u7.21 yield: speaking, thc aging coeficient should hrve the same
4N"1,): argument as the creep coemcient. but for simplicity ihis
AN"1(r) - AN.:(t). lu.e)
argument is omitted.
Similarly, CompatibiLity under condilions of periect bond re-
rn n -ain
AM"(r): dN",t),},, AN,.(,)).. [ 17.101
quire. rni l rhe
'.rarn" and. llere[ore.l\e changc '.
in steel and in concrete musl be equal. i.e.
Eipressing AA',1(r) and AN"2(.)in terms of steel strains.
we can r rite the change in thc force in concrete :
Arllr) A'"1(r) I
--k.t,t tt(tl
Ir. -/7.1 a.res.nd stranx duc nr shnniasein ase.tion *ith rwo layen ol sieel
where o"h(t, ,,h. o ) : lree shrinkage ir the fibre considered, The corrcsponding steel stresses are obtained with
(/) = 1D111 + p, )lnoo {t (t. t i + E"r \t t, t) L,l Ao,1(,) : d1tilodxd(r,ro) + s"Jr, ro)41
^o", + a,nooMOk,ta)
P,lnoo,O(t,ti + L.hzft,ro)E"lJ I17.13(a)l []7.381
and and Aa.,(,): dlt"ooNd(r,,o) + Er(r,ro)41
d,nooMflt,t.). t17.391
PDI\| + Bj)lnao2.bk,t; + t,b2tj,tJE.7
^6,,(t: ,1, tnoor d(,, ,o ) + "h 1(/, ro) E"l ] . For convenience. all the terms used in lhes equations are
,.0"0n.0 n...,
,,, r.,,0,1
In these equations, the coefficient lD is as defined by , '-T
,'. - +
.rre.r in concrere ar rime /o due
!l].221, ard the other p-coemcienls are rhose given by '{ - to normal force No,
[]7.19(b)1. The symbols 61, , and o,,6, are the elasti;
strains and stresses at 6rst applicalion ofload in fibres 1
and 2, respectively. If shrinkage is the same in both fibres.
8"h,1,.,0) and s.h,(., /o) in [1?.32] and [] 2.331 are replaced
by c"hir, ro).
An exanple urilizing these equations is given in rhe
seclloll on prcstressed concreie.
J 0.6
o,, -
M.,, tvt" initral stress in
concret is now denoted by oo. Thechange
) ,, r - i'rf!\ .n .onlrete al in stress in concrete is Ao(r) : Ao.(1r,. so that from
time lo dne to Mo in a libre drstant -ri [17.40]
liom the centroid of thc transformed Lo(t) : a1pltoooA$,t + 8",,(r,r.)E.-l.
) [17.11]
concrele scction,
,4" : cross scctional area ol the ner concrelc In the case when lhe bcginning of shrinkage does not
section, coincide with the age at firsl application of load, diffe.ent
,4: : cross-sectional area ol the transformed values are adopled for ihe time-dependent paramelers ol
the two lcrms in the right-hand side oi this equation.
At ihis stage, it is convenicnt to consider symmetri-
1" : second moment oi area ol the net con- cally reinforced, biaxially loadcd columns. as [17.38]
crete section, and [17.39] can bc suitably expanded to
Ii : second moment of arer of rhc trans-
lormed seciion. - l,tiodNd(,,ro) + E"h0,,o)41
uo : r"rI(.0) = modular ratio al the rime ar
+ t.daoi' + l\oM')na,l)(t,to) 117.421
firs1application ol load- to. where the terms not defined in connection with U7.381
t, : l,iA..
P - /Jl. : lolal reinforcement ratio,
I : aCing cocilicient, delermincd lrom Figs. ,1"' u. 'rre*
in concrere due ro _nomcnr .\y'o. rn
"' a iibre disranr y- from Lhecentroid oJ
l6.l I to 16.17,
the concrete cross-scction,
d(1,10): creep cocfficient at lime , for concreie
loaded at age t.. "' - ;', .rre..inconcrel<dueromomenl 1,ro, in
dnd r,. r,, - "ee .hrinkage deve opeJ beL$een rime" "t a nbre di'tanl y., lrom lhe centroid ot
lo and r. the concrct. cros$section.
In the absence ol a bending momenl, the change in the
r"r, },1 : distance lrom the centroidal axis to the
stress in steel given by [17.381 and outer layer of reinforccment,
17.]91 rcduces to
Ao"(r) :
a,tnodod(r,ro) + .h(,,ro)41. [17.40l and x1,4, al : creep reducrion coeficierts.
We are now dealing wiih a symmetrically rcinforced The value ol d1 is given by U7.l6l and those of sj and
and arially loaded column. Subscript 1 of the steel stress ai by 111.31). Since the latier equation involves }r :
and superscript N ol thc concrete stress have bccn distance lrom the ceniroidal axis to the centroid of the
omitted in [17.40] as they are no longe. necded. The steel area on each sidc, wc require this disrance in the r
274 Creep arultsis oI untrucked reirlorced a d prestressed concrete menhets
an_d I d,re(_fion .ot d; and q. re\pec v(tJ he urc ot 't
Ar\o. \ : 0.109. r1 : r.,iA":2.5i x to 3/0.193:
1J".4)l ir illr,llared i1 lrg t7.). 0.0ljlm-
The column shown below is reinforced with 14 No 25
bars so that ,.1, : 7 x l0 I m, and p : 0.0363. We have I
the .rrcngrh of concre eJ Jll \4 Pa. no - {, ult,male 1 + 0 27211 + 2.01(0.10c' 00r33) -058
'hrrnkage .
. -J00 . t0 o. d(,,,r"J E_ - 2.5. From [17-42], the ultimarc change in stress in steel in the
ro 60 dals. from l-ig. to r7 I - 080. The-.e(rion corner bar,ubjecred lo rhe hrghest compre,,ion L
propedes arc:
x (-4.07) x 2.5 300 x t0 6
,1" : 0.193 m':, ,4i : U.240 m2, ^o"-:0.55[7.5
x 200 x 1031
1",:4.02x10 3m!, 7i,:5.11 xl0 rma, +[0.6] x( 3.52)+0.58x( 2.05)l
,l.y:2.57 x 10 3ma, 1i, = 3.29 x l0 rma x 7.5 x 2.5: 138MPa.
The normal lorce applied No : 1000kN is eccentric by For some reinforcing bars, ihis time-dependent increase
/, - 0.05m rnd cJ . Thu, tro, - I00k\m an; in stress corrcsponds to almost half the yield stress. tt is
Mo, : 50kNm. interesting to note thai thereduction coeficients sl ard d,
Hence, the stresses in concrete are: do notdiferby much, so thai al may be used rhroughout.
1000 x 10 3
: 4.07MPa
Another simple case which should beconsideredis that of
a concrete member with one layer of sreel: here p, : 0 so
100 x 0.180 x lo l : that p: p,. Assuming a uniform free shdnkage, the
+3.52 MPa
5.11 x l0 general equation [17.32] reduces to
50 x 0.135 x 10 3
The values oi flr for difl'ercnt values of pro and /d (r, lo) tor
three ratios of l.;//'z are given in Fig. 17.6.
Uiing rhe (reep reduc ron coeffi.renr fl,. rhe e\pre!
.ron. Jbr strcin dnd srre,s.rmplit). re.pec!i\el!. lo
-T A,1(r) - d3[., d,(., ro) + A"h(,,,o)] 111.46)
Lo"1lr): calnao &(t,to) + e.i(r,r.)ql. u7.4',7)
These equarions will be useful for rhe prediction of the loss
of prestress discussed laier. The change in the stress in
concrete at level )r is obtained with Ao1(r) p^o"1(t): -
dlplnooldQ, ro) + E"h(,, ro)41. tl7.4sl
o o.o9o ^o1lt):
0 090
Axial straln
v The axial shortening ol rei[forced concrte due to creep
and shrinkase, which is of interest. lor instance. in th;
o 0.r ll tro
prio ""
: Ar"
: +,r0rL ro). rr7.50l
^.(t) tl7.55]
."d, d(r.,o)
I he Jqe '" denule' l\e"l agc rr'l upp i'Jrion ol loao aqd
The iotal axial strain at iime l, including unilo r r ;;; d;e .r rhc oegrnnin3 or .hrrnlaae \eslccrinB rhe
shrinkage, is ir," re,"iorccmenr' r'e ptrrrrng )r ' n' llrs5l
"h;".i "' to tne trivial expression lor time depcndent
r( : A.! l1+ d,d(r,r.ll + r,.,h(I.l,h u) axial strain of Plain concreie
t17.511 ,.j i -" .-nr"ttv no1 equal and' hence, thc time-
I ne nrarr' c, d rd , r are ,nilixlela'Lic 'lra|r ' al 'he lc\elof dependert curvature 1s
: 0.6
Relation belse. creep reduciion coericieni cl and pn.Ior difrrnr ralues ot lar, and three arios
(1 + r:? +,4,r.1 t1 + lltl + P1)) - + o,,bn.t") [l7.62(a)l
" tr-I:
d11, to) ^,1,$)
/: : second moment of area ol rhe transformed
, I, B .-lJ.L.-r,.rtror rt 0,,+1r,,r..,,,,1.no1
.tr l: The lola1 curvature at time / is (assuming uniform
For uniform shrinkagc, i.e. when l/Q) : trrll + qdk,t")l u7.63),,..n.0)= E"i,(,,r.h
o): e"h(,,,"h.o), [17.58] reduces to
Ltt/."tD - l1D 't" ''r.9'r0z: p,, ttt, p,,) Ltl 5o)
lr --
lr ,y'G) : ;+ tl + r,,r(l, f.)1. [17.63(a)]
The evaluations of these equations are somewhat la-
borious but they are needed only for exceptional cases. Shrinkage does not introduce curvature in a symmetri-
More common are members with symmetrical reinforce- cally reinforced member unless diflerential shrinkage
ment or with only one layer ofsteel. derelop.. in \rhrch ca,e rhe \hrinkase curvalure rs
. 0.8
3 o.z
0. 01
a( /7.6 Relation between crewreductio! coemcnnt d. a.d /no lor difterent laluesol/d and threntiosliir:
271 Cteep analyris of ufloacketl rcinforced a d prcsiessed concrcte nehbels
lhe 'oral curv ure F obrdrncd b) rdding LI-.-01 and
lt7 .7 )):
- l/ad5A\t,ta) - at
)",,(r,r""."). t17.?31 !
Hat ing tound rhe creep and (hflntdge curvarurc Au(r. r)
at all nornl. , along d member, se can obtain rhe lime- L
dependent deflection at any point ofa mcmber
= I Ad(r,x)nl\ jdj(
,aal, a !':1
J' .+
where Aa(r): time-dependenr deflection ar any giver )t
point, li.-------
- ,a bending moment at r due to unil load .*' ).,
applied at the gilcn poinr,
I: span, _L -1
and dir - length element along rhe span.
l' t,> l
lhe rern[orrcmenl r. con{lanr along lhe,pdn. rhc e\-
Dre(\ror 'or lhe md\rrLm crcep deflect.on i. ot Lhe form
6_-----------, 2a12n
Ad.) : r.iu tdiy'(r)l-", 117 .7 s)
*here [.A/k)J-., = c.eep cur]arure ar point 1
mum moment,
* 1L.1,
and ,(. = deflection coeficient depending on
the rype of Ioading and of support_
Figure 17.9 gives rhe vatues ofK, for
some staldard cases.
For the general case of a doubly reinlorced beam. thc
creep curvature at the point ofmaximum moment can be
de]ermined trom lt-.57j tor .rn uncrrcked ,)mmerri
cally,eintorced nrcmber LI"02l i, of hetp.,o rhdr rhe l
cleep dcflectron can be wotten jn rhe t rm
l7 9. Valus otX.(in []i.751) fordifferenrtypesof
K,t V oa,Oft. ta) -[17.76] Fiu.
supportcondnions. of
aod,4k,tal 117.771
^a@: The dcflection coemcient r"h is determincd for a con-
where ao -
injrial deflection or application o oad. "
sta t curvature along the member and has th value:
The initial-plus-creep de|ection for a symmetrically
reinforced member is thu ("h." = ; ior a simply supported beam.
a(4: aau + d,Aft,t.J7. Ut]t8)
Ii"h., - +for acantilever,
("h., = +for a beam at one end.
_ For an uncracked singly reinforced beam subjected io and ("h," : *for a beam builrin at both ends.
bending only, the creep dcflection is
La(t) : aoa5Olt,to)
Ttre \ dlLe ol,lls given by rhe eoLrdrions de!etnped
ed,lier. ,pecihrdll) b\ | r? (SJ and ro, , ,tors'y
and the ulrimate value of the initial,plus-creep rernlorced bedm ui any cro.,,ecrjon. b)
tion is
defl ec- ll,.o< tor d
s)mmetncall) rerntorced member .ub:eirea ro trncartr
: \ dr) ing sh nLase. dnd by I r- 7)l ior d ,rmpt) reinto,(td
a ,. aall + .tsO ). Ir7.80l
Civen the shri*age curvature A/.r(t). constant over rhe Combining [17.80] wilh t1?.811 and using [17.72],
lengrh o[rhe member. ue cdn .nd , he shflnLase deflec on we can write the torat uttimate deflection of a sj;gly r;-
by rntegraiion olli?.741 and ger inforced uncracked beam as
of elaslic and crecp strains wirh rimc. If morc specific 1+ Ep(1 + )i/r')@,r
inlormation is avaiiable {or a particular anatysis a;d it it
cannot be assumed that shrinkage varies at the same rate
as creep, tbc use ol the aging coefficient leads !o inac- ' {,,.," * """,,., + E"p(t + }1rr1)
curate results, and the stcp-by-slcp approach outlined on
page 253 is preferable. ,[", ,.,,-_:jr".,. ," ,,.,,]]
t\pres,ion, ior the gcnerdlcc,c ot a doLrbly reintorccLt
beJm are 'omc*hal into,ved. and onlt ,ing l reintorc(J [17.85]
and symmetrically reinlorced members will be considered If the increments ol M and N are appljed al times l. rbe
term olojo has to be replaced by rhe summarion term
For a singly reinforccd membcr, the change in stress jn
concrete a1 the level of reinlorcemenr during a ith time
Aoj: -(c,.j*, e,.j )E"pl1 + rlltz) where Adk : stress incremen! ir concrete al the level of
the slecl due to extcrnal load increment at
where e., i 1 and s". j + | : stcel strains at the beginning time /.,
and end of the lll interval, respectively,
and O,k:crcep function at rime r,+r for a strss
E" : modulus oielasticily of steel. increment applied at time tL.
p : steel arca ratio, Wheneverafl external load is applied, atimejnrerval of
r : radius ol gyration of the net concrete sectron, zero duration should be introduced.
and.),, : distance oi the sreet libre from the centroidal Considering now a member with symmerricat re-
axis of tlrc net concrcte secrion. inforcemenl, subjected to a normal lorce only, wecan use
a similar procedure 1o find the sirain at the end of the
The roral strain. inclusivc of shrinkage, al rhe level of ith irterval:
the sleei, at the end of the ,th interval is
I f-t
:.s.i+j : d,o.o + : ddro,i + E"i i+,
.. -: |+ E"'x 1^f, a''rok+r'h'*,
$here or : initial concrete slress in 6bre 1, duc to ,Lt lrr
u. a, I,- , .. ,)o. l).
normal force and bending, tjl_l
Oio : creep luncrion at the end of the ith irterval Ii7.86]
(rimc ,r+ r) for rhe initial load applied aI For symmetrically reinforced membersubjccted to purc
age ,o, bending, the corresponding exprcssior is
Oij = creep lunction al the end of the irh interval 1
(time ri+1)forload incremenr apptied at the
middle ot thelth interval(time r),
and e,n, : free shrinkage bctween lime to and tr+ o*.,* + E.p(yllrz)
'*, from [l7.811, we find
{.:, ".",.,
Es.r+r:ororo+sh.t+1 't'u".'
[""' ''' "", Jo',]]
| (e..1*, r,.;
j=1 1)r:p(1 + )?/rr)ojj tr7.84l I7.871
Ir order to obtain stresses and forces in the sreel. thc
.s.i+1: dlOro + osh, r+ I
strains arc multiplied by 4 and 41", respecrivety.
(r".r +1 ."., 1)}j"r(l + }.iy',)oj,
Prestressed concrele
I (r..1*1 e,.1 1).,p(1 + r?/r':)oU As mentioned in tbc introducrion to this chaptcr, all the
equations derived for changes in stress, strain and cur-
Ir7.84(a)] vature are applicable 1() prestressed as well as reinforced
276 Cteepa alJtsis of uncrdcked rcinlorced and prestresseil co rcteme bers
concrete. For prestressed concrete, the change in stress ir the change in the slress in steel. Thus.
\reel corre.pono\ lo lhe lo" of preslre\\. Ho$ere'. rn
Al'.(r) o.(r) Arlrl -, .., . ,.
nre,lressed cunc-ele mcmbers, the nre- rn sreel L'u3lly
ctceeds rrs.reep lrmrl 'o lhar lhe lime depend(nr effect
t. Eo
in ih steel has to be added to that due to creep and tj\inp the reldrion Lo - Lo p\l -l'i 11. $hich ex-
shrinkage of concrete- pre..i- the change in .r -e" rn lhe conc'ele in lerms ol lhe
;h.nae in lhe srerl rnd ol'he secrron geomern '
'tre- inAd0)
formulate in lerms of^d,(t), and hence write
wc c;n
Relaxation ol sleel
the relaration loss
The creeD limlI in ncel F genet alr) believed ro bc n.<5 d J. t17.901
v.trere o. i' rhe I proot 't'ess. It F. o[ cout'e.
Per cenl Lo,(t) - ot.t)
1i-n"0+ y,,n i4 /.0$,,o)l
desirable to have experimental dala on ihe reiaxation of
any given steel; faiiing that, the foliowing lime functions
can be used for the intrinsic relaxation:
for stress_relieved stcelr Equahor [17'90] indicates thar the relaxation loss can
t'e accornied (or bv addins lhe intnn'ic loss lo (he nu_
..,rr- -lf,Lloe,"24rr -/n,l('a 0.55J Ilr88rd'l ---; ilir44t'
LU \o5r / i" rtt" utt"n"" o't [17'90] gives the effect o{ the
and for low relaxation steela elastic rovery of "'""p'
the concrete resulting from the reduced
o,y : 0.851" for stress_relieved steel, step numericil procedure and on the relaxation time
o.y : 0.e0 /.. ror row-relaxation sreel, ,*il*J
,F,T"'fi[i in,5l'il]; t!'i"1lii.l"?Lil
,i" : ultimate sirength of prestressing steel, tion'coeficrinr a. as a tuncrron of rhe ratio
and (, - ,o): time since prestressing in davs.
loss due to creep and shrinkage Aon.!+"s)
The negative sign for the relaxation arises from the fact Q : prestress initial
that d,(t)isaloss of tensile strss. Assumirg 50 years as the
life of a structur. the Iinal value of the intrinsic rlaxation
of steel is:
,".: e.+) Ii7.98]
d, :
prestress after all losses have taken place,
O OO2 -Cenlroid oi
-/ nel se.lion
:_\\- Cross se.rion
6.72 - 237 2i
116,( 236)
x( !,1 ^6,
Piz:0.00244 x 17.1[1 +0.410 0.423)]/0.08211
: -0 0,17 116 126
: +60 x 10 timm 1
The ultimate loss of prestress due to creep, shrinkagc and interesting to observe that a downward dcflection will
I I is
relaxation is siven by [17.9a] and [17.96] as: resulr from thc time-dependcnl eilects.
)84 Crc?p rnottrt. ,a unrya, kpd h nlor, ?.t and rrpirc\sed I anc.?r? qpnbet\
6- = 2-s
NW (b)
Fir.17.r, Vaiation along rhe bean in fie los oI preste$ duero *eep and sh.inkage tor a srraight tendon.q
It is importanl to note that the ioss ol prestress is whre dlo : sleel stress before transfer, rlaxation prior to
strongly influencedby the stress in concrete ai thetevel of transfer bing allowed for.
rhe rendon and. since lhi. rs governed b) rhe posirion Thc stress in concrete at the centroid of ihe rendon
of the tendon, the loss varies along the member. This immediately after transfer is
variation is illustared in Figs. 17.12 and 17.13 for sjmpty
supporred beams sith a parabolicand a nrarg\r rendon. Ao'o p(t + y? lrz)
o"" : - -a;l [l7.i071
rc.pecrirel).' lhree lodd,ng condirion. d,e con,idered, + pna( + yilrl )
resulting in a concrete stress distribution at mid-span:
uniform, triangrrlar with a zero stress at the top, and where the vdlues ofp, y and r are determined for the net
triangular with a zero stress at rhe bottom. Thc con- concrete sectior As meniioned before, oniy a small error
siderable range of the magnitude of loss is evident. is introduced if the gross section properties are used
The loss ol siressin pre-tensiored members is the same instead, and this is recommended for practice. Aller-
as in post-tensioned members excpr for the additional nativelyj we can express the concrete stress at the level of
loss due to the elastic compression of concrete at transfer the prestressing steel, using the properties of the trans- concrete sectionl
of stress in pre-tensioned concrete.l This additional loss
lor a member with one layer ol tendons is
---_ror b = 0.25m
6-= 2'5
.3h- = _200 x 10 6
T 10 Mpa 0
a,g 1/.j.1. Va ation along the beah in rhe loss ol prestres due ro -eep and sh.inlase for a parabolic rendon.,
and in concrete at any section. In a rigorous solution, ihe the additional advantage of preventing shrinkagecrack-
deiormations due to slrrinkage and creep atong the full ing.) Finally, multi-stage prestrcssing offers a grearer
lenglh of the beam should be considered but this is flexibility in taking up loading at different phases of
laboious. It is, therefore, convenient to utilize the facl construction than is possible with a single prestressing
rhat, ignoring friction, the value of a, in an unbondcd operalion. On the other hand, re-srressing .aturatly
tendon is the same at any polnt, and mus!, thereiore, lie represenls an additional cost but rhis can often be
beiween the extrcme values which erdst in a bonded balanced by the saving in prestressing steel. mcntjored
member; Figs. 17.12 a.d i7.13 show that these exrremes earlier. To effecl such saving, however, it is essential io
are at mid-span and al supporrs. Hnce. a rasonable eslimale thc loss in prestress with considerable accuracy.
estimate of the loss of prestress in an unbonded member Using [17.92] lor the total ioss in the case of one layer
can be obtained by averaging the values ol Ar"(r) from of sreel, we can find the loss of prestress at time ,1 due
[17.921 lor the suppori seclion and for the mid-span to the load applied a! thc age ro, but the loss due 1o
relaxation ofthe steel has to be treated diflerefltly because
the initial sreel stress o,0 is reached agair after re-stressing.
Mulll-slage presiressing
It is rasonabie 1(] assume that relaxation loss can be
calculated on the basis of the intrinsic loss o. lor the initial
Because the rate of loss of prestress due to shrinkage, stress d.o instead ot rhe reduced loss d; which is uscd for
creep andrelaxationof sleel rapidly decreaseswith time. a ,ingle .rape p e,l re,sing. Henre. rhr lo\ dr rimc , I n
largepart of rhe loss can b recovered by re-stressing a few
. rooodl'r.'ol , ..^r,..r,,iE +dlt i
days atter the iritial prestressing. The operation may be ^_,,,,
repealed. thu. leddrrg lo 'rlulli*rdge prenre"ing. ,,,0(l I r,1 , lLl ';l
Under such circumstances, the loss of prestress can be tr 7.loel
reduced by ore{hird or even by two-thirds,lo and this
offers considerable economic advantages. First, because It should be pointed out again ihat the aging coeliicient
the losses are smaller, Iess prestressing steel is rrluired. I has always thc same argument as the crcop coefrcient
Secord, the initial prestress can be applied ai a young with which it is associated.
age (as the loss will be taken up later, anyway) so that Tbe sleel is now re-stressed, i.c. at the age lr we apply to
formwork can be removed early. (Early prestressing has the steel a stress dl'?): Ao|)(t,)in order to obtain the
282 Creep andlysis of unuacked rcinforced and presffessed co tete mehlbers
same prestress dso which exisled at the age .o. The stress \{here
ol'?) creates in the concrele at the Ievel of the,.ndon,
.ue.i.' \,,1. $hrch produ(c' creep dnJ rn tine c,tt'e' Ao! -- tr.' t : toss Jr rrme . due ro initial prestress d"o,
The lime-dependcnl curvature is arrived ar by a similar elaborale. This isparlicularly so if wehave a combinarion
of reinforcing and prestressing steel in one or two layers'
In a ca.e. an analv'is u'rng lhc creep_lran'lormed
APtul v 'uch
A"/,/, uro),r{,.,o1 - flr.,/ ll lor'.'otL ,ect,on propertrc., deteioped Iecenlly." i' r,ore el(g'nr'
h order to arrive at the iime_dcpendent stresses and
[17.11rJ] strains. the forces in ihe slcel corresponding to lhe un_
i..rra,n.d cre.p, iree'hrrn(age. onO ,.ou"tt1 lntrrn'ic
The delormations du 1o supcrimposed loads applied
rera\ation hte appled lo lhe cre(prran'lormed cross'
-Ier Drer.reisrra mL\t be lreatcLl .eparalely anJ Ir s\ou-d section in \r'hich the sreel is included with the modular
ir.a tnri lhe pre'rre" loss r' 'edured bv
ratio *: r.t1 + xd(l,to)]. For reasons ol inrernal
". ".-
superimposed load by
eourliorium. ihi f",ce. chdnr( .igns when applieJ Io rh
n o,\,d\t,1,) concrer(. I he(on.rere.rreire' re.ulring trom rhi' anal)'l.
\Pl''/ r - 4"'t-pn
1,Jrl t'loi,.,Jl are due 1o all the time-dependenl efiects, and the corre_
sponding steel sresses (obiained with the modular ratio
[17.119] ,il u.. iaaea to the stresses due to unrestrained creep,
where o(1)is the concrete skcss at thclevel ol lhe steel fibre tree'hrinlxqernd l educed, rela\arron soa'rooblain lhe
due to a load superjmposed at time ,, > lo. ,imc dependenl 'tcel nrc's. Th( merhod i' enrirel) gener!l
Al er"Jri!e11, lhe eqJJrion''or lrme-dependenl arial and risorous and can be applied 1() any cross_section (even
o co.nio.ire one, conrainrnP anv number oi'dvers ol
.rrain ^no jL,\arLIc de,r\(o earlre- GP. 1l-.55,l and
nrestressed or Drestresscd stecl.
f17.7ll) can be uscd. Adding the axial strain due 10 '
;elaxation to t17.551, we obtain lor the lotal change in lheoro.edulcl.nowe\plrinedtnderarr lorlhe'imple
axial strain (a.e ol a presre'ed coniroe beam $ilh one laler ol
I x,dlr,r,)+o1(ol ' srre.. corresp^nding Io unre'tlained creep'
: "r4,t, ro) rrL . Thc
LsI ftee shrinkage, ard intrinsic relaxation is obtained from
^.Lrl I
+ (1 sa),.h(,,r.h.o) [ 17.120]
o,r: rodod(r./ol+ ."J1,ru)6, + o;(,) [17.] 231
t2 : elasiic strain at the centroid of thc net The corresponding normal force is lound by multiplving
concrcte sec!ion, this stress by the steel area ,1,:
e1 : elaslic slrain al level of centroid of the steel' t't.tzaia))
NJ:,a,dl I
flr : coemcient defined bY 7.521,
and d;(rl : reduced inirinsic relaxation lncgativ)' An eccentric normai force generates a bending moment
In this equation:
r' Ihe aclual rime-dependent !re\s rn concrete.
ll : cross-sectiollal area, 1
and Ia : second moment of are4 {-'
both calculated for the concrete cross-sectionin which the
J *,
steel is transfonned with n+ : notl + Xd(t,ro)1.
The steel stress obtained from the relation
fN! Mr I -
,,' .ii ln, A" r,.
,; + ,;r
^dr(rr- |Ldi I
oj expressed by fl7.1231 ifl order io
is added to the stress
obtain the time-dependent change in stress. Thus Data given:
Ao,(t)-dI+Aoa(,) u7.121) o-:2.0, no:80,
x:0.75. 4 : 200 x 103 MPa,
: 6"1- - 250 x l0 6,
ol- - 100 MPa
Lo"\t) nooo46 ti + E h(r,,o)E" + d;(,) + Adj(r).
Initiai forces:
Ui.t21 \a))
For a cross-section with a single layer ol steel, the creep-
Presiressing force
(before elastic losses)
Pi, 1.0MN -
translormed section properties (denoted by an asterisk) Moment due to sustaind load Mo :0.16MNm
are determined according to the relatioff
: Modular ratio : n* - + xd.)
A: A,+ (k* - 1)A" I : 8(1 + 0.75 x 2.0) : 20.0
and I [17.128]
,1" : 0.100m,,
I! : ts+tn* I),a,lylt': + as(r*t,l
I - 0.lu7m).
1,. _- 0.099m,.
/s - '.081 . l0 rm".
I- _ 2.0!t t0 rm.. / _ ) Jar . t0 ,ma,
Il : .v",1 - r* &:0, ,: -0.002 m,
,' :0.013m, Ig,, : 0.200m,
11 : 0.202m, y! :0.187m,
j* : (n* r) p* y"., ,4|:0.119m':, ry:2i21 \. tO 3ma,
,.ls : gross cross sectional area of concreie,
,*:0.032m, ),t:0.168m.
Is : second momenl oi area of gross section, Initial concrete stress al the level of theprestressing steel is
(cr. tl7.1081)
)s.1 - distance betweefl centroid of steland centroid of
gross sectio& 1.00 0.16 - 1.0 x 0.187
' x 0187
p--i A
: 11.50 MPa.
0.050t 0.168:h)?Mpa.
rr v!
_ 0.114 - ."io Il -,1'r.r,,rl ,,i- ll-/or"Jl
-"' o u.002721
The corresponding steel stress
: x : 4MPa'
'I h" propert,e, *ilh u prime relcr ro lhe 'eclion
Ao,. 20.0 6.27 125 'ecrron
r" and rho'e $irh an aneri'k Lo rhose
Aclual loss of prestress
rranslormed u ith ai norl-zdr.
The plocedLre lo a beam conld'nrng
ir noq applied
Ao,. - -33,t.0+ 1254= 208.6MPa'
uhrch i' preilressed' The
turet. of \le(1, one oi
For comparkon,lhe loss according to [17'92]
is: 't'*.
,lmore or oace 2 8 qill be re analJqed ue fir't c'!lcu-
i'i"in. ro".. ir.,o.*.p.rnd shr rn(aPe alune rnd rhen
II5,8 2 250 l0" 200 l0' 100 J"t"i-i." tl,. *au*a .eiaxation d;. before finding the
-r-@ !
-*'". srre'rs ol FIg' lT ll dnd d tree
x (1 + 0'75 2'0)
shlnkage I,h. - -400 l0
6.ilr l,)llgites
: 208.6 MPa. : 6 x (-7.08) x 2.5 -a00
"J,, 10r6 x200x =
The two rsults are identical. x10 186.2MPa
fn, ,lr. ou""uffi case ot one lale' ot pre"lte_ lhe 6i",:6 x (-6.72) x 2.s 80 = 1808MPa
.'.e.i"Jp-*a,,. .,v be simpliFeo b)' rhe u'e ol rhe oL:6 x (-30) x 2.5 80 = 1250MPa
simpie equation
lnooaiQ.ta) + E h(, to)4 + d!(41 normal lorce corre(ponding lo lh'e 'lI'!es Is
^6.",: x t1 p.,*(1 + yf'7l/.11 111.1291
Nl: -186.2,0.002 180.8 x 0'0006
\\hrch mean. lhdl lhe in\r'e ol lhe denomindtor
oi 125 0x 0.001
iiisir,"a,n.,erm lr I',*rr vi-r":tlare N
: ,o 606 MN
i..i r'r..urtt.ruticut prooi ot thts idenrrl)
.nd rs not oresented here
- i",.ni. and the bending moment (fol eccntricities' see
Lfran on. rdver ofsreel. rhe *reel slre" d:ir) 17.11 is
r.r. t. ti r.r,a r.' *"t,individual laver, and rhe normal
lalers M!: -0.372 x 0.391 -0.108 x 0316
iorce and tending moment due to the stresses in all
have to be determined For n layels: x (-0 4s9)
I 0.2500 0.034 0.02083
4.,, = 0.002 I 0.0328 0.425 0.01t94 0.391
,4F j - 0.0006 I (ni r) = (r7.4 o 0.0098 0.350 0.00344 0.116
L cenlro da .r is
of sleelqirders
Acrrr- ^ N
9drr.rnr AN.ft) and, introducing the abbreviations t3 : N.J.4.,
' E"4, ', " t'-'.'
r.4. ll-/6n.,"11
- LI8.7l
o{ = M.oyJt., p : A"lA". nn: \186, I = t"lA.. and
Eflects of shinkage and creep in a compasite preulst .ast-in-situ sttuctne 289
.3 = f,i,1",
( ,{
0(.,r.){olY +
(r - +P + fi(Lt,,)lr: lr'1 The time-dependent deformations of a composile girder
can be iound from the change in moment in the steel
+ 4ri.h(r, ro) grrder AM"(l) ([18.11]) and the flexunl rigidity E"1". For
^d"(r) I + pnall + tOfi.Ii1 a singl-span compositc girder, it is sufrcient to determine
the time-dependent curlatures at mid-span and at the
,{, + v? l,' support in order to obtain th deflection from [17.]221.
l t + pnoll + x6g, )tlr ] As an example, let us consider the composile girder of
t18.131 Fig. 18.2 based on refernce 13. The stresses given are due
Having determined Ao,(t), we can find the change in stress to a moment Mo : 1oMNrn applied to the composite
section. The stresses of interest for the computation
at the centroid ofthe concrere deck from
or (tl8.lll) are: dd: -L8aMPa and df:
Ad(d : -pAd"(t). [18.11] ^d"-'na - 6.16 MPa. For pno(1 + td-) =
2.22,118.137 yields, for the case of zero shri*age, the
It is interesting to note that U8.111 to I8.l4l can also change in stress at the centroid of the stel section:
be appLied to doubly reidorced concrete members, and 6.16
can therefore be used instead ofthe equations derived in 10x2 -284 +
Chapter 17. Iiapplied to doubly reinforced members, we I + 2.22(0.7 s',t 10.1',70)
taker the steel area A":A4+A" [18.1]). and the
seond moment of ara of the steel l, = ,4,r )11 + ,4.r,,:,,
,*i +
2 56111O t10
where the distances .),.1 and i.", are from the centroid : -4.09 MPa.
ofihe steel, and not,as inChapter 17, from the centroid of
the concrte section. The values ofthe change in stress in The change in the stress in concrete at its centroid is
the reinforcing bars are obtainedby adding to the change Lo -: (0.092s1t.083) t ( -4.09) : 0.35 MPa. The 6c-
in the axiat stress of[18.14] the stress due to the change in titious stress in steel at the same level (corresponding to
moment; these are, for steel fibres I and 2, respectively: lhe .rre- in rhe reiDlorcrng rleel. il dn) r al time r - .o is
: nood(l + 6.) + no^d -0 + xA-)
oulL'll-7.|n '"- : 10 x (-2.84X1 + 2) + 10 x 0.35(1 + 0.8 x 2)
: 76.1MPa.
Figure 18.2 shows the stress distribution in the composite
., LM"i\
Ao:,lt):;yi girder before and after creep.
The simplified approach of [18.15] is less accurate
because the flerural rrgrdr() ollhe concrete secrion is in
Distancs .)," above th cntroid of the steel sdction are, as fact notrcgligiblqthe values obtained by this method are
usual, ngative. Ad"- : 4.76 MPa and Ao- 0.41 MPa.:
A shortcoming ofthese equations is that dillerential
shrinkage and reiaxation cannot be treated easily, but {or Elfecls ol shrlnkage and creep in a composlle
nomal reinforced concrete the approach of this chapter is precast-cast-in-situ structure
as good as that of Chapter 17.
Ii is interesting to observe that if the flexural rigidity When a composite member consists ofa cast-in-place slab
of the steel girder is neglected. i.e. I. : r3 :0, 8.131 over a precast concrete girder the general approach is
becoms [17.44], i.e. thechange in the stress in steel is the similar to that when a steel girder is presert and the
same as in a sirgly reinforced beam. This is a satisfactory geneml form ofequationsis the same as that of[18.3] and
check on U8.131. [18.4]. With subscript 1 referring to the precast girder,
and subscript 2 to the deck (Fig. 18.3), we can write the
equilibrium equa.ionsfor the changein normal forces and
Neslisible lcxwal isidty of the deck in moments about the centroid ofthe precast girder due to
In most practical applications, the flexural rigidity ofthe
deck is small compared with the nexural rigidity of the
steel girder. Putting r'z :0, [18.131 simplifies to AN"1(,) + AN"'(,) + AN,(r) :0 [18.17]
: + 4.h(r, ro)
rooild(,, ro)
Ad"(r) tl8.l5l AM.,(/) + AM.,(,) + AM,(,) + AN",(0y. + AN"(r))"
t + pn.U + xOQ,t.)1+ y?lr?' - 0.
The change in th stress in concrete at the centroid of the
concrete section is found using [18.14]: The ierm AN"(/) represenh the change in force in all the
steel (prestressed and aon-prestressed) and AM"(t) the
Lo(r) =
pn oo l) 4Q, t i + pE
r o)
[l8.r 6l
change in moment due to thechanges in force in the total
t + pnr1 + xfO.ti7 + ]i:h:' steel such that AM.(r) : :i=1(AN,.ty".J, where t.,r is the
290 C,eep design of composite members
Cross sectlon
I- = 0070m!
-pfcon.,ele \
\ \ ^-)
0 35{ n
\ = \r ot57
I 546
s56 I
Fis. /8.1 Derails oI rhe and rnestres dislriburion undera nooentoI ll]MNm tor rhe erample on pas.289j strcses in Mpa
distance irom the centroidal axis of rhe steel and i relers to and AMs at a given time:
the individual layers.
l AM"(/)
The compaiibility equaiions ([18.9]) enablc us to write
,J- tM"id1 + AM.,(r)(l + x1d,)l : [18.19]
the lollowing fourequations so tha1, together wirh [] 8.171 E"l
and [18.18]. we have six equations to determine rhe I
unkrown changes in forces AN.r,4N.,, l(, AMcr, AM.2 El,l\t',+, + LM',tl)11 + t,O1l) : AM"(r)
N.;", I
---; )
u =lrM)
r*,r, * or", (t)tt + x,4,)l t18.2rl
Bccause of the loss of prestress occurring before the
begin rg of the composite aclion at age ,r, a simple
accurate o(pression fo. the crccp caused by prestressing
and aller rr cantrot beformulated. However, ifwe assume thal
the strain due to prestress is found by multiplying the
r*,r, + + r,.y',)l elasiicstrainduetoP(rr): [Po + AP(r1)] (where Pois the
^N",(,)(r inrrral fre,rre-rng fo,ce ind APrr.l t rhe lo* occurrilg
"f * + + hdl)l
bctwccn,o and t1) by [d,(r,.o) 1,,(rr,,o)], we obtain a
firw.,,1, ^M",(rxr
fairly good approiimation, because the loss olprestress is
normally small and the time dependen( slrain due to the
AN,(r) predominant term Po is cxpressed corectiy by the multi-
E.A" plier [d11r,to) d, (r,, ro)]. The creep coefrcient for the
moment due to slab weight is d1(t, rr).
ln these cquations, the centroid ofthe precast concrele
The solution of 8.l7l to [18.22] does nol preseni any
section (subscript 1) is taken as ihe relcrence axis (s",
dimculty bu1 is required only in the casc of unusual
Figs. 18.3 and 18.4). Free shrinkase ofthe deck and ofthe
structures. In more common cascs. it is possiblc to neglect
precast girder can be included by adding ."n i (I, ,o) and
lhc r(rnlo-cemnl rn one or borh pans of lhe Lomponle
..6r(r,ro), rcspecrively, io the axial strainof components 1 girder, or to neglect ihe flexural rigidity of lhe deck, and to
and 2 in fl8.211 and by adding..rr(,,o) to the axial strajn
consider only one layer of reinforcement in the precas!
of component 1 in [18.22]. girder.
The initial forces, the creep coefficients dr and dr, and
the aging coemcicnts /r and L
used in these equations
deserve some discussion. The normal forces and the Case 1: Fterwal fisiditier of deck slah
momenls inboth sections I and 2 are frequently applicd in a d ofrcinlorce ent aesbctcd
slages so that the single term M" or N" has to be replaced : :
Putting 1", 0 and I" 0, i.e. neglecting the momert
by more than one term. This is virtually always the case carried by the dcck concrete and assuming all the steel to
for the bendingmomcnt acting in the precast girder whcre be concentrated in one laycr, [18.18] reduccs 1(r
the self-weight and the prestressing force are applied at 4M.,fu) + AN.,(,)r. + AN"(,)1," : 0 t18.18 (a)l
age ro, and thc wcight of the deck slab is applied later at
age rl shortly belore the composite action begins. For the and, of the compalibilily equations. only [18.21] and
analysis oi the time-dependent ellccts of the composite tl8.22l remain, and become, aftcr including shrinkage
.b "? ),d- L,
1-1 -+
Fibre4 - cenlro d oldeck steel
4 No 12.7 mm d ameler bars
2 No. - 12 mm slrands
,' 1 l-v"ri
+ / r ,r-' ,r. \
1 - ):,ri + ).,.).i [l 8.101
EJ- tM",C. + A,\.r..(ili + b(h,\j [18.1I]
294 Creep desisn of composite nemben
o, ,d, + E,dr,b
and Ad,rlr-rr- i'\' .iii; )-jt- /,6,'
lu. . A\. (rrrl L r,, ,f ", . r]i., [18.45 (a)]
-o&, + )..6\01
- - AN"lr)" A&0)r,
* "Ld, , 1'{d, * r,o,." ^M.1(,) : Ao,(r),a.,). - Ad.(r).a"1]". t18491
\ + )Jti6
4",(4: Deflectioff of a simply supported composite beam are
(1 + tldi + iE).^\l + x,42)
6htained bv determining the curvalure at a sumcient
,(,.#r) number oi poinl' dlong thc beam and Ihen integrating
ti rtt...".nlricrr) ol rhe pre'tre\\ing lorct is
18.141 .."riu"t .'. f.ffo*t a parabolic curve, ard the load is
uniformly distributea, ihe deflction can be accDrately
predicted by [17.122].
"nd lo presrre*ing iorce p(4,1, _ )o2 ,4t.l . J.8( 8.00) x 0.36 200 x r0-6 x i89
)50.1kN dre needeJ tor rhe compulalion ot rhe lime.
dependent nre* in concretc rn fibre I dccurdinp ro x r0r 5l + 0.029(5.8 x 0.28
o. r(. )4'
tr8.),-] ao-rr50.48,
' -
: :l8o .
.0.02q.00052 .g I . J.08 iu.0052
,o ,
152 ! 25.1 10
!11) q"r-') (lrl !'qr')
63 153.:
1i1.57i 21.48 158 1.37
r98 (s.8 llt 0.95 41 0.04 105
720.9 8.7
506 (J.8 1)r 2.41
-4.20 2t5.7
4.20 r 1116
i" - .^ 6lmn 1,= 619 i t06nn.
'2F = 1.57 (r.d-:Tabt ts ll
I In order ru l.s
a or rhe pre{etre,rl neel,n rhe \eh rnrslab)we dedu.l fie st.el f.on
thc Neb (or slab)area by roduci.g,i by l. This is
*",,'. - or,he $eb tr ri. _,4.r)a;d
n;a;;;;i;;;U;;:ffi""#"1"i,)i i",i,"
T"T"1l,;",i1* s_ orri,.,"o;"
Crc(p-trdnslotmel settion n.thod )97
We can now arrjvc at thc curvature at mid-span by di- The change in rhe slrcss iD steel (18.291)is lo|)(150):
viding the dlfferencc in st.aiD between the sieel libre nnd 3l.7MPa, corresponding to a change in strain ol
fibre 1 by the dlstance belween !hem: : l6il / l0 r'. The chanse in curvature is\1501
This positive curvaturc is mainly ihe result of the dil which corresponds to n iime-dependenr do\rnward de-
fcrcntial shrinkage belween thc deck and girder con-
ihe properties are only lirde a$ected by ihe chargcs in : 906x 10 6[ 870x lo 6J
these values so that the properiies of Table i8.2 will bc vjrl)01 L l.-o 114.0-4- ^'. lhql l0 6
:0.96 x 10 6[0.88 x ]0 "l
The st.sscs duc to ,!/: M'2r+ MGi:33.09kNm
are (cl.
\r ]l09 ^ r0'i .11150) : 3.02 2.32 + 1.25 + 2.ll + 2.,11
I 158 6l) :
" t'' 619^ l0' 0.63 mm 10.62 mml.
: 5.08 MPa The corresponding values lor the beam wilhout tle
superimposed load ,116rare oblained by mulliplying thc
ot;': o';) i).,
values of stage 3 by a lactor Miz)-rMl3) : 0.051.
A comparison of the computed deflections with the
cx perimenral results is sho\r n in Fig. 18.5. ln addition, the
resuhs ol a step by slcp numcrical anallsis by Rao and
Dilger's are presented- Il is obvious lrom Fig. 18.5 thal
The instantaneous curyature and defleclion are. respec- the procedure givenhere reflech accuralely the behaviour
whee... \,1 lt09 ^ r0'i into two parts, one due to girder weight 011r)and one due
.61 to presiressins, sri), then the term E(i) t?,1(,.,0)
/ L (') blo rob tt.n In
d,(r,,r"ll is the correct exprcssion lor creep due to
-102x10 girder weight which devclops aller the beginning of the
298 Creep.Lesign of camposite menbers
91 --- c
F,a /,t j ComDanson ol crDcnDenrat defledt.n. \,nh conpuk.l ralu6 tor rhe examlh on pasc 294:
trlrl!{,dn-meced tA) cxperimenlal resulrs tor bc,n
o-ddi rBre\prmenrarrejusr..u*i,"i,r-,p**p.""ji.";l.tii,iGii;p.lilii"rr.hi,and (D)usiis rhe
and !\ \ ulDa!e\ 2!4 to29l
composilo action. However, if wc de.ermine rlPr for the that it requires the calculation of the time-dependent
inrlral pre.rressirg lorce. ,he .erm .i e tr!, ) slrains and curvatures ol the precast girder due to creep,
d ll .,oll cler.l) o\e-e,lrmale\ rhe c-eep.lrdrn cdused
5) Dre' 'e* ng bccar.e in( l de. the c|ecr ot rhe Io,, ol 'hrin(age and I cla\n tron of sleel"r.ha
lime,I, anJ ,. rn oroe.
lo lind rhe rime Jcpendenl rlrain, I de\eloo al lhe tetel
Freitreq\ o(curring beforc r,me r,. ol rhc cenlroro ol t\e decL tnbre ), aite- the begrnning of
ln a flgoro,H and yi.. lhe me-depenJent strirns de- rhe corpo.ire J(rion. Ont) alte- rh( Lt-anee rn srrdrn ,n
\cloping rn l\e grrder atone berwccn time r, and r-ne / fibre 2 has been estabiished can the composite action be
.hould he Jelermrned lJ, desclbcd in Ch t/r and rhe analysed. This means rhar a total of thre detailed time,
dille,cnce ber$ een rhe tsrrder srra in dnd rhe tree rhrinkage dopendert analyses should be two for the
of the slab conc.ete should be establishcd in order io be precasrgirde tone Jt age/ .and one"l dge r .,r,and one
able to calculate l}e total time-dependent effdcts in the lor rhe corporire g,roer. I[ an accurdrc an"ty.rr t re.
composite section. This procedure is rather elaborate in quired such a procedure is recommended.
.,r,,,[]] .Er"r'J
l'j,/do \'1rn.ia.ompo.'.grJerdFr lhe,,r-trJ.e..nrteErdq.un.e"ranel!reepaltl|,,Iase:,0 .sear
0,.r,e+i,.o pr..c.rF,dp., aoelra*,s.r,\edo.\..,r...or..,-,.,.,,..j.;;:,;t.";:,;j..:ii,a,*o-.r,
Cree4runslbrmed section nethotl 299
For pracrical purposes, however, the analysis can be cu.vaturc which develops in the precast girder alter the
redJceo ro lhe inc d(pendear an"ly!. oi rhe co11poirc beginning olthc composite action. This moment is found
girder only, $ith thc lollowing proviso: strain c!P)is
caiculated lor thc prestressing force ar time ,t, which is
Mi, : Llr (1, t 1)I.,F.t(t )
wler Po : inrtial prestrcssing force, :ffit''u *' -''u""'
and AP(t,) : ioss occurring belore the start of the com
ing the reduccd relaxation ollr) to thc stresses of the The time-dependcnt deformations (strains, cLrrvatures
prestressed laycr(s), if any- The reduced relaxation is de- and deflections] are obtained by adding to those due to
termlned as explajned in detail on page 276. In addition unrestrained creep and shrinkage the valucs due to the
1(] lhe sieei forces. lhe dcck generates a normal lorcc and iorces N* and M*, calculated with the age adjusred
r bending moment. The normal force corresponds to eflective modulus Ef.
the dillcrcnce between lhe trcc shrinkage of ihe deck. Thechangein axial strain in the composirebeam ar the
ri"h,(r, rr), and thc strain in fibre 2 which develops afrer level ol the ccntroid of rhe girder I is
time rr due to the forces acting on the girdcr. This
diference in strain is ar(l): e!"td,,(t, r.) d,(r,,,0)l + !'z,(i,(,,rr)
t,J : .t zlf 1tt, t aJ dr(r1, ro)l + l,ldr(r,,,)
^Etlt. +.sh1(r.rl) ,14r1 i.El If + 6"b1(r, ro) l8 5el
[] 8.521
Thc force in the deck corresponding to this difference in and the change in curvature is
10l ol l0'
For thc computalion of ihe lorces N* and M*. we firsl
need tlre clastic stresscs at rhe levcl of rhe stccl,4", and -ut,:
'- rr,s127
)09 10"^ 282 ^ tor
,4.) and at the cenlroid of the deck. due ro thc forces.r
time ,1 : .18 da),s N(1] : Po + AP(rr) :
-292 + 1t.'t : x (1.45 - 1.09): 0.06kNm.
250.lkNand M=[Po+AP(,,r]: +M(I): 250.3 x
: Total lorces N* and M+ a.c (sce [18.56] and [18.57]):
0.041 + -8.65kNm. The values of Aplt,):
41.7kN and of r! : _rl :0.01t m were determined on N*: r1.3 l9.r + 128.4:98.0kN
pages 296 and 295 respecrivelr. The concrere srrcsses
in fibres 1, 2, 3 and 4 due to these lorces are oblaincd.
-e.fecrrve,r. $r'\ 0. J l50nm. , 4t mm lr M+: 1l.l x 0.101 19.1( 0.093)
and ri = l53mmin the usualway: 6.30Mpa; of): + 121r.4( 0.099) 0.06
,r,1'r = 10.28 MPa; ot' :
8.00MPa and ,f;) : :
+0.03MPa. Nos, according to I7.1231 omitting 12.l I kNm.
relaxation ol the steel. It is obvious that Ma, js very small compared to rhe total
moment M* and can be neglecled in this particular case_
6::6.7r t1.00)(1.45 - 1.09) 200 x 10 6 x t89 x 103 Theconcrete stress at the level ol the prestressingsteel due
: 57.1MPa to N* and ,LI* at 150 days is:
and 98.u^ lor t2l]^ro.
^o. o..o5o ' ;r2 . ro" lol o'5) P'
('5:6.7(0.03)(1.45 6x189x103
- 1.09) 200\ 10
: 37.8 MPa. Thechangc in rhe stress in steel berwen 48 and I50days is
(from [] 7.1271):
The corresponding forces arc (cf. [17.124(a)])
: d{ +lli^dj
Nir: 57.1 x198xl0r- .3kN
^o,r : i7.r + 10.8 x 0.s2: 51.sMPa.
Wc c"n now dclermine th( reduceo rcta\alion occLrring
betwecn 48 and 150 days. The stress in the prestressing
NIl: -17.8 x s06 x t0 r: l9.lkN. steel at the age of 48 days is o".(48) - t4j5 2t2:
Tbc force NJ, in thc concrelc deck is obrained with
1263MPa, the value (
212)MP; be;ng the prcstress
loss occurring between 7 and 4il days. With the para-
cl:,r : 0, E5(48) = 9.3 x 103 Mpa and a net deck area meters l: /es : 0.6e and o: Ad"./o$(a8) -
,4.: : 18.0 x l0rnmz from [18.52] and [18.53]: 0.0,11, "e"1a8)/
}le rcad from Fig. 17.9: 4:0.89. Tlius. rhe
Tdrle /8.J Crcep lranslorned secrion propefties tor rh. peiiod rj 48 days to rr tsodavs
= =
Translorned | ,t*!
immr llolnnjr immr (r06dma) (r06oma)
l5l i 254 1.0 38,610 59 2016
6l r 610 0.532, 2At4l 158 l2l0 99 200.1 6.8
198 t9,o 42 8t l0t 19.8
ll08 1)l 419
65,950 714.4
',i trr: tux:o.l:0 5rl
t,f:5.8(l+08Ort.O8)=l0B I = 65,950 - 5"'
,1= 9l(l + 080 r I54)=2O.l /*:197.4+21,1.1=612xl06mnl
Ei(150,48)::12.8 ! lor.i(l i O8 : 1.08): l?.6 x IOr Mpa
,!(150.481= 20.8 x l0rr,(l +0.8 ! 1.54)= 9I : torMpa
Creep ttrnskrned seoian ethod 301
Ao,r : 45.4 + 0.29 x 10.8 : 42.3 MPa. (b) Supatinpased load applied at ase of53 la)s
Thus. the total prcstress loss between 48 and 150 days is The clastic analysis is ldeniict to rhat on page 295. The
momenlM12) + trorl :33.09kNm generates the tbllow-
.\a.3 : 5i.5 12.1 = 93.8 MPr. ing concrete strcsscs at the level ol lhe sleel Iibrcs '1
.rnd '1:
+t hr{l2.lrl+ ^"t'
302 Creep design ofconposite members
rabL 184 Calolalion oI rime-delendent stresses in cotposnebean
Fibre Section Area Confete d;r Nl ri(ml Mi A"l{.)'
,,1, stres (GPa)lMPa) = NI)ir (MPal ^,J.)"
(kN) (tNm)
(MPa) ?r, 00 1
(r0 1 =io.
(10 1
I 0.059 0.09 0.09
2 Slab 38.000 0.28 1.6 -2OO + 560 361.6 ; 133 0.099 12.71 - 1.16 1.5,1
3 ,4,1 198 8.00 - 102.1 200 -102 I r39 5?.r -45.4.( .r)it 0.10r I 1.14)'r (0.52) ( 51.5)fr
04 189 17_7
20.1 -2.05 0.80
0.091 1.78 -3.34
506 -200 199.6 19.1 73.3
I (98.0)it (- l2.13Ii
Nearly all concrete structures are built in srages. This D,lt) : D,(t.)dk,t") 19.11
means that the structural analysis performed for the
structure as a whole gives only approximatc values of the
iorces present in such a structure. For mosl sttuctures
where 4(h) : elastic displacemen t at coordinate i due to
a sustained load applied at age ,o ro the
ruch dn anal).i5 r, ,alr.ldclor,. bur rhere arc (a,e, in
released structure.
which the forces shortly after a certain stage of con-
slruction differ substanlially from those obtained lrom an and dr(r,ro): creep coefiicient at time r for a load
analysisofthe structure asa whole.In ihis case, and when applied at age ,0.
support conditions change, substantial time-dependent Due to the constant redundant force Fi(ro), we havc a
forces arc induced. and these may radically alter the
time-dependeni displaclment at coordinate i
elastic mometrt configuralion. The struclures in which
time-dependcot effects are most prorounced are rhosc F,QiLlt - F,lt,,) t,,tt, t") t1e.2l
made continuous at a later stage. or those undergoing
diferentiai sefi lement.
The analysis of the tim-dependent forces in continu- ,F,(r")"4,(r) = 4(r")4,d(., ro) !9.31
ous siructures due to crcep and shrinkage is conceptually
easy 1o understand if the aging coefficieni is uscd. How- A time-dependent force A4(t) (which is zero at agc ,o)
ever, it should be emphasized again that the use of the de\eroprng at coordinare r rerulr' in lhe tollowing lrme
aging coemcient is applicable only under the foUowing dependent displacements: ai coordinate i
+ xd(ti1 t1e.a(a)l
(a) the support conditions arechanged suddenlyas in thc ^Ft(t)[ft): ^F1|ol\u
case of an instanlaneous differential settlement or in
stage construction wherc additional forces are applied Arq;lr)lt(,) - dFj(r)I,tr + /d(r,ro)1. t19.4 (b)l
suddenly (e.g. by prestressing); or
(b) the support conditions or the imposed deformations In the above equations, Ii and ,t are flexibiliry coem-
change at the same raie as creep, as in the case cients, i.e. disptacements ai coordinate i orjdue to a force
ol shrinkage or diBerential settlement devcloping Ft : 1, and /
is the aging coemcient, which is introduccd
here because the lorcc AIl(.)develops graduallywith iime.
approximately at the same rale as creep_
The argument ol the aging coeficient is always the same
Ii !h changes oclur considerably faster or slower than as that of the creep coemcient with which ir is associated.
creep, the aging coeliicient cannot be used. The case The final lotal forc Fi(l) is obtained by adding lhe rial i
of slow or rapid diflerenrial settlement will be rreatcd iorce 4(ro) and the time-dependent force AIt(r). viz.
when the condition (a) or (b) is satisfied we can flnd 4(r)=4(r.)+AI,(r). Iiq.5]
the tirnc-dependent forces in a continuous (uncracked) The above equations do not include the effect of re-
concrete structure by expanding the well-knowr elas- iniorcement on the time-dependeni disptacments. This,
tic equations of Miiller-Breslau to include the rime, howver, does not normally hav a pronounced eflect on
dpendent efects. In order to do this we determ;nc the the lime-dependent forces bccause both the displace
time-dependent dispiacemerts resulring from: ments due to the initial forces and those due to the
(a) statically determinate lorces due to sustai.ed loads time-depcndent forces arc affecred by the presence ofsteel
(including prestressing), in much the same way.
(b) known statically indeterminatc (redundanr) iorces The steel n]ay be approximarcly allowed lor by the
due to sustained loads (including prestressing), and
creep reduction coellicients 1r and r, defined, respective-
(c) unknown slatically indeterminate rime-dependenr ly, by t17.361and [17.]71. Coeficient al is introduced lor
creep duc to axial forces and d: ior creep due to bending.
As bolh coemcients aredennedfor symmetrical reinforce
Due lo creep, the displacement at coordlnate i due ro menr thelr are. strictly speaking, applicable only ro rhose
external loads in the released structure is equal to conditions. As noted in connection with rhe erample on
'I\to-spdn &nttnuo s bean huih in t,-o sttlqes tA5
pagc 110.,1 and ,: olten halc nearly rhc same n mcrical
valLrc lor a gilen cross,secrion so thal rhc coemcienr 1, Two-span continuous beam with diflerent creep
mat be used lor the catculalio! oi rhe timcdependeri properties in the lwo spans
displacements duc both to arial torces and ro bending For rhrs slructure, rbe compatlbilitl condjlion lakes the
momenis, in which case rhe c.eep coelilcienr d, in
[19.i] to
19.11 is replaced b) a1d. A.jgorous mcthod to include
the effect olreiniorceDent will be presenlcd later.
(D\') + Mil !t)dl') + (r1.) + M, /'i,)dr,) + AM,(,)/!,?
We shall no\t,utllize the abore equalions to anallze a x (l + /11)d11)) + A,{r,(r)/!'1tt + z,e4c,,: o ,,r.r,
'es .r-nDlr t b<ro e c.r rb, .rrrg rhe gereratequaiion.
",c. where lhe supcrscripts (1) and (2) refer respecti\,ely ro
spans I and 2. Soivinglorlhetime dcpendenl momenl. we
Wilh M1 : - Djl,,, we see rhat the two terms in thefirsr 11 is to be nolcd that the limcs I and l, fo. span 2 are
bracket add up to zero so that Arlrl(i) has to be zcro as counled from a di0erenr origin rhan for span 1. The
well. The meaning of this observarion is that no time- diflerencc in rhe modutus of elaslicity of the rwo bcams
depcndent momcnts are induced in a lwo-span beam as maybeconsidered when calculating the displacemenls Dr
long as the crecp properlics are the samc rhroughout and
as long as thc support conditions are Dot changed. This
and the flcxibility coemcicnts r. r
Actually, the rate of creep at time I > ro due ro a load
well known st:rtement is valid tor dll continuous struc applicd to beam I at age.o is difierent from that duc ro a
tures, and not only ior rrvo-span beams. Load applied ar age 11. Ho\vever according to rhe rale of
306 Tine-dependent fotces in rcntinuous cancrete structures
Span 1 Span 2
. ttlt t11
-. -
Slatrca y delerm nrle moments
Mr, assum ng bolh spans This equation indicates thal a substantial po ion of the
are.asl slmu laneo0s y elastic moment is restored by crcep.
If the beams are prestressed prior to providing thc
conljnirity, the displacement Dl includes the effect of
iii}ifl^iii= ?i prestressirg. The prestress loss AP(r) after the beams
have been made continuous, which develops at the same
.ate as the unknown moment AMr(r), gcnerates a time-
Fis /9I Ela$ic and rim+dependent mom.nrs in a r\o-slan con-
rinuour beafr bu r in two nlges. depcndent moment
8o* method, whe:r most of the creep is due ro flow, rhe AM1D : M,pAP(r)/P(ro) [19.15]
rate of flos is independent of lhe age at application of where M1e is th secondary moment in the continuous
'odd 'o thal onl! a ,mrllerror rs inuoouced by d*um;ng structure due to the inilial prestressing lorc P(ro). Thus.
thdr r\e creep due lo load. applieo al drflerenr age. the lo1al time-dependenl moment will be
develops at the same rate.
(bQ,to) Oltt.t.,)
n'r,O: M, I9.161
I + 7,4(t,t)
Two-span beam made continuous by
a casl'in.silu iolnl Continuity tendons stressed after hardening of rhe joint
concrete are treatcd in the same way as tendons in
If two precast beams, which are supporred as simple continuous beams- Prestressing ol a continuous slructure
beams from age ,o, are made continuous afrer thev have
does not introduce any time-depcndent forces, cxcept
been plJced i;po.irion tFig. tv.)r. rhere are no nigatre
those resultirg from the presrress loss which is exprcssed
moments aciing at the time of providing the continuity
by the lerm AMlo of 19.151.
(at age tl) unless they are stressed by continuity tendons
at that timc.
Themoment al the joint is entirely time-dependent and
A5 an erample. ler u. con,rder bedm,4r Lesred by Ktr
can be detennined usins 9.111 with M1 and the :0 p, //.ru Thi. beim qa, pre.lresstd dnd made con nLous
appropriatc creep coemcients:
by casl-in,situ conc.ete at age to : 22 days. The elasiic
LM1(tl : Mlt) moment at ihe support due to the dead load and to the
or Dll)[d(1)(r, ro) initial prestressing is Mj : 76.22kNm. For rhc con-
d(,)(r,,r")l crete loaded at age t0 : 22 days and kcpt under load for
+ Dt?{Ot1)(t,ta) dt'.\(t1,t.J)
AM,(,) = . [19.12]
740 days, d :0.99 and d- = 1.18. From Fig. 16.16,
/11t1 + t(1,d(1)(r,/L)l t{762,22) : 0.87. The change in momert due to the loss
+ ft?llt + xtz)Otzt(t, t 1)) of prestress is AM, r : 10.69 kNm (given). Usins [19.16]
and realizing that 1, : ro, wc find
If both spans are equal and devetop the
Mfi62): 0gq
l+ +
16.22 10.69
[19.12] simplifies to
- M,(,) = /+ x 0(ti - 6lt1,t.) .
1+ xdg,t1) [19.1]l
which compares favourably with the observed vatue of
Realizirg that -4lr1 represents the elastic moment M1 3l 0kNfr
in a continuous beam, we can write [19.13] in the form From lhe few simple cases considered so far wc can
draw the lollowjng jmportanl corclusions:
M,ttt M. ffi.ta\ - flt,.tr) 1. Creep does not change rhe forcs in a staticall,
' I+ titt,t,)
indeterminate concrete frame if the initial forces (mo-
StruLtwe \rith houndaty conditi.)ns thanged a1 two tlilfere t dqes j07
menlslare equal to thoscin the continuous monolilhic We now consider the second stage, i_e. the sirualion
structure and thc creep is the samc tor al1 conponenl after fixlug the dghrhand support Compatibility of
displacements requires rhat all time,rlependent dispiace
2. Il the inilial forces dife. from the elastic torces ments developing al coordinate 2 afier lime r, must add
determined for the continuous monolithic structure. uD r^ /ero fhc dr.p,d Lmer.. Jr(.dre ro and
creep tends to restore the forces of the monolithic prestress (both applied a! age ..,):
l\,1 . I19.31]
The moment Mo is due to the permanent load applied at ^M?\t): ^Mt:\tltlll
SLb,riruring rhr equarion inro I 'q.2q I dnd rearringrng.
age lo, prestress included. wc find
The reason for calculating A,t1l1)(t2) is that in rhe
second step of our calculation we have to 1ind the or,:,,,_ D.trl' av'rrltrir.rrr aM', ur'r,r.rr.r
displacement due to M!l)(r) developing ar coordinate 2 )t!, tJ'it\. t','ll1 t yd(t.t))
after time rz, with the beam fixed at coordinate 1. f19.321
308 Tine-depe dent lotrcs i @ntinuous to crete strut:trrcs
The three terms in the numerator are defincd by [19_22] and
Fis 7r.J. Disllacemenrs due to sari.lty dereminate monents and {lue to unit nomenrs al coordi.aEs I ro ,.
Continuaus s'ru(tute built in ttuod lA9
'/:niber iri:..n.rl_a beam W = Hence.
AMl(r) : 4.46 x :l : 17.8 kN"nr
and lhe stifnesses indicated in Fig. 19.4 \r'c firrd the Struetute b ilt in thrce stagcs
Figure 19.5 reprcscnls the bridge io be analyzed, which
displacement in the released sirrcture and the flexibility
has a constanl cross,section. During the 6rst stage of
construction. the first span plus a shorl canlilever ltotai
M, : -5.31 x 4: -2l.2kNm.
ft'1)lr.t'):.blt lz,t' a,)
( 2592 + 192 : s.3l)2.5
= ,1.,16 kN.
192(l + 0.82 1.t + 296 Ot'tk.,.t') : 4,lt,,t - i.)
5raqe r sraoe 2
prestressed at lime t3
where t3 :
age of the concrete of stage 1 at the time of AM!':,(r3) and AM12\r.) we put respectively! , : 13 arld
casting stage 3.
Let us now find the time-dependent moment which
t -," in [19.37] ro [19.39].
We now proceed to analyze the effech of the loads of
dvelops in the two"span beam at coordinate 1. In ab- construction stage 3. At coordinate 1, a moment AM!3{,
bre!iared torm. qe can e\presc lhe comparibitrr) equa- isgenerated and thismoment is to oflset the displacemen;
tion ior.oordinate i hv caused by the momenr AM!3)(r). Thus
D1O +
F9.371 + /131(r) : 0 [19.40]
The lerm D.rr, 'epre\ent\ rhe lime-dependerl drsplace- ^Ml3{4/!31(,) ^M!r{'
menr' de\eloping dtler me r/ due lo lhe etasric tslalr-
(dil, delermindre and rnde(ermrn.rter momenls: AMi '(r)
i. Ihe rime-dependent momenr due to \rage 2 con- :
struction, and /1,?(r) expresses rhe time-deperdenl ,rnt,r
displacs..n,.ru,.O Oya u nrl moment devetoping gradu-
f,,ffi n + rd(l{/,,3)rdjr
dll, dftcr rime /.. L\t'rcssing D,lr) and i,,,,1r) in ierms ol
inlegrdls. \ae obrarn rhe rarher tengrh) e\pressrons:
.1,,,h, + xot2)(t.\i)dx tre.41l
I rt'1t:'1' 7
'"" I '""':'i la"" '
"""10' :
*!""ffit"'r''o'to' r':lo
!,,,ffi t+ xd.{,,',)l dr
*[,.,ffi0,"'r,,,,t0, . us.427
[19.]81 1.,*#u+xd('z)(,,r3)rd'.
Solvinc [19.40] for AM!3)(r, we obtain
t, + xot')(.r.t")1d' : LMt:\t\.
^Ml'Ir: -^MfIo4(,)
I,,ffi t1e.43l
I V,. Ir
is inreresrine ro nore lhat. Dsua ). rhe rario /ll,rr.l
- t)tldx. lle3el 7,,.',
), .r,;,,,rlt -rQ"'tt ,.,pp?",r,,,,i.ri .q,"t ro /),i /!ri. i.e. ro rhe
,re onry unkno\\,n jn r1e37r is -,.,.0 0. Ij.i,il,.ll";:;'::.i:-i[*'ir::"f[".?l""lif,:;l]
velops as a result olconsrruction ^Mrr4,
stage 2.In order to nna momentl;! rnii"a*"Jlr',i" -ti" a"stic moments due
Ca tinuaus str cture built i stage! 311
to siage 3 loading (see Fig. 19.5) is uscd 10 define 2\31. i.e. t tr,
+ I . rrlrr
_',ru [r + /dr:]r/.7rlld\
- I r r.rrrr
^'1 r/. rt ,,E' 'r'.,,rlo(. Lre4,{l
At coordinaie 2, compalibility ol displacements lor
r > lj can be expressed in the short lorm
For the normal conditions, when the lcngth of the
D,(t) + tt':lo cantilever does notcxceed 0.21, we may neglect in [19.46]
^Mf)\l ^Ml':\.3)/!'z/(rrl
+ + - 0. [1e.4s]
the integrals which involve the ierm M,, over length 111).
with the momcnts aMl'?'(.) known from the andlysis of
^M|)t)/!31(r) ^M!310/!'l{,
In this equation, stage 2, and using the solution of [19.43], we oan now
,,(t) : time-dependent displacemcnt at cooF solve ior the unknown time-dependenr momen! AM!3)(l):
dinate 2 due to all elasticmoments (stati-
cally determinatc and indelerminate), AM'rr)(rl:
4(|) +
^Mi'z\r)/!':1(r) ^M!'z)(Qlzu
t I fl (,)l'//1'/(4 + l!'l(,1
AM(r':)(r) : known time-dependenl moment at coor-
dinate I due to stage 2 loading at time [19.19]
l>rr, Using the cocmcient defined in connection wlth
i.131 as
AM\'z){rr) = known time-dependent moment al coor- [19.43] or t]9.a41, $'e can wriie [19.49] in the lorm
dinate I due to stage 2loading at time .r-
AM13)(t) : unknown time-dependent momcnt a! co- AM:r)(r) : D,(r) + -
).?t l:l(t) +
^M!',\.)"/',(,'l(r) ^M!r\r3)/!ri{,r)
ordinale I due to stage 3 loading,
and AM!r)(r) = unknown lime-dependent moment at co-
ordrnale 2 oue lo slage .1 lo:rdirP. Ai ultimate time, I is rcplaced by r-. Thc total inai mo-
mnt al coordinate 2 is obtained by adding the time-
The displacement ,,(r) and lhe rime-dependent flexibiliry dependent moment AM!3'l(.,) to thc elaslic moments
coefiicients of [19.45] are expressed by integral terms as
M!'7) and Mlr):
M.(r-): M!:) + M!r, + AM!r)(r-). [19.50]
I 'lL l/1r/ or\r,t r ' p' \/,.,rljd'
- - .,r
A three-span conlinuous bridge (1 : constant) is con-
| "- "'"., . Lqtt1t.t,1 ,p .t .1,1 6y structod as shown in Fig. 19.6. Stage 1 is prestrcssed and
)t Etn 1)t stripped at age ij :
10 days, stage 2 is cast 20 days later
+ | ," ,,,,, drlrr r.rd.
T i,Llrr/ and prestressed and stripped 10 days thereafier (/, 40
days). Stage 3 is cast 60 days afier castjng ol stage 1 and
I il" E1(rrlr :
prestressed and stripped after anothr l0 days (tr 70
I ':t:{I:l/':: te
- Jr. 1,.,,r- p \,, ,,r,J. days). The concrete is assumed to be th same lorall three
stages. The crecp oocmcients needed ior the analysis ar
hased on the CEB-FIP. 1978 Modcl Code" and on as'
f M6)rV. -
+ I L1\t
:: d'''(,.,,)dr
sumed values 4i = 2.0 and no 0.20m, viz.: -
-a i(.t 10) : 2.s6. d(r,,, 10) : 2.10, d(-, 70) : 1.86,
''r.) c)'\t.t,tdY
I rr(rr).r
- Ir. Llqaol d(70,10) : Ll3. d(10,10) : 0.91, d170,40) - 0.67.
tr,loments tor cont n uo rs Oeam with EI = con slant
l"s. /9.6 Momentsdue todead load in a6ree spancontinuous bean builtin
firee slases lmonents in MNml.
,10 5
Et(t,\1D|O: 123.6.
: 3.06 MNm. I'urlher,
We now calculate thevarious terms ol [19.15]. As before, Lltt )lt . {L_,- T
L .
trlr,I l
all terns arc multiplied by E1(rL)I. Wc obtain J, ,
: /d(')(-,/3)]dr
[1 +
' Idr')(,,.,,] d(')(,3.rr)ld-r
-.5)0,, . t0 . r2 <6 , lJ, I 0 :jx1.0'?x40(1 + 0.82 x 1.86),/1.18
t2t :28.53
: -1.8r ++ x (1.0'? + 1.0 x 0.8 +0.82)
I *'"' '
*.], x i0(1 + 0.82 x 1.86)/1.18 :17.11
ur,,r u,r,,r-
+Jx0.822x40(1 +0.82
x [d11)(,.,,,)- d(')(,3, r,)] d.r
x 2.10)i1.13
:+l-22.02 + 2 x 1.88)0.2 x ro
x (2.10 0.67)11.11 : 5.2r
E,(r,lrl131(,-) 66.50.
I M ttM "
J,, E,rt.rEJatd '(t''"rld'
+ Nexl.
-. f
M",M- AMl3\r-) :
J,, 8,,,, !6,(,J -0.298( s.t8):2.44MNm.
The final total moments are:
x [l + rdrr)(r_,/r)] dr
:*t0.2(1.0+2x0.8)l M\lt-i: -7.50 - 22.02 + 3.58 7.81 + 2.44
x l0(1 + 0.82 x 2.10)/1.13 : 2.09
= 31.31MNm
+*[0.8(1.0+2x0.2)] and
I M:,
-. 1,, Dr(r) = lime-dependent displacement at coor-
E (r.l EilrJ dinate /. due to all elaslic moments
x [1 + tdr])(,-,rj)ldr (statically determinate and indeter-
minate) up to , < ,k+ 1,
:+ x 0.2, x 10(r +0.82 x 1.86)/1.18
AMLl1(r): known timc-dependent momert al co-
= 0.29 ordirate k - 1 at time r> rk+1 due to
+ J(0.2, + 0.2 x l.o + t.o,) previous loadjng slage /.,
. _ ^ttl l Ml l'
"'' L\\ ; p,e5!.e:,eodndsr.,poeddraoer-
l-"tl ut',t
Preslressed and slr pped atage 1r
nz f* l)
l- ^4-
Fr'.10 i
AMlll= o 4.M'i::' dutll)t tr'!,:l'
.avl;t, '
E n ',t,t
a,s 197. Momenis in a nulriple*lran bridge co.structed span,by,span.
| lk- 'i'
,.', ,,,- Jr' r{Ir+r
.r, rE'' 'u.r",rrd' )r
This can be wrilten in abbreviared lorm as
: .,.1[li]. k x [19.58]
^Mllri,(/) ^Mll+')(,).
Similarly, the moment at coordinate k 2 due 1()
. rI0 is
'See loohote on pase25l
E ett o1rcinlbrcment on redisiibution ollbrces 317
at age Ish.o. causes a displacement rt thc released supporl followlngtolal time-dependentdelormarionsof a secrion:
D1 : s"h(r,.",, tre.64l
rrt- Ar"
o)1. +
A time-dependenl rcdundant force Al.,(t) applied sra a ; ,,l/./ur ,1rl 10. 01
dxaily at coordinate I .esults in the displacemcnt
and due to bending moments
A4(r)r,(r) : d4(r)r,tl
+ ld(r,."6.0)1. [19.65]
M^" dt,./.i MT
These two disptacements musl add up io zero. so rhat At,rrt-t;r, " r,+E+
"htu, r,r oll + Arr(r)r 1[1 + zd(,.,.h o)] = 0 [l9.661
Time-dependent lorces tnduced by sefltement
of supports of a continuous beam
r./,7o o \'lon dr. 11 D.e.-r g rdeF nnu(.o,,n,,1. b). In order to allow for difterential settlement of supporh
"" caJ-
in the design of a continuous reinforced or prestressed
Tiw-dependent farces inluced by settlement of supports of a continuo t beetm 319
concrete structLrreii is necessary to know the settlement-
tjme relation, the creep function and the charge in the
properties ofthe structure during the period ol settlement.
Figure i9.10 illustrates thc development of parasiric
at theinlermediate support 1in aslructural system made
reactions of a two-span continuous beam due ro a staticaliy determinatc by .eleasing the redundant moment
downward movemnt d of the central support. If the at that support. The elastic moment induced by Dr at
movement is sudden andits magnitude remains constant, age ,o is
the magnitude of the reaction will be reduced by creep,
tending to a final value lq-, as showr by curve / in M, = -D,|f,,.
Fig. 19.10. In other words, relaxation takes place. The time-dependent displacement irducd by momert
In the majority oi structures, the sertlemenr ol suppo s Mt is Mrfnd and the time-dependent displacement
takes place over long periods of time so that settlement induced by the unknown time-dependent moment M(r)
and relaxation occLr concurrently. The variation in the is equal to AMO r l(1 + td). Compatibiljty requires that
magnitude of the reaction Ir is indicated by curve B in
th sum ofthe two displacements b equal to zero so that
Fig. 19.10, and it can be seen that the rnaximum value of F
is much smaller than when the settlement occurs sud- Mttft + + rO): 0 f19.781
denly- However, the ultimate value Fi for a gjven value of ^M\t)1;11
i is larger. As it is the maximum valDe ofI that is a design Rearranging, we obiain the time-dependent momenl due
critrion, ignoring the fet of the interaction of rc-
laxation and setilement is uneconomical.
For the analytical treatment of rhe {orces induced LMlt\ : M, -!-
t+t.p rl9.79l
by diflerential settlement, we have to distinguish four
different cases:
and lhe total moment at time ,:
1. Instantaneous settlement,
2. Settlement occurring at the same rate as creep,
3. Settlement following a standard rime consolidation M,(.):M, +AM(.):M,l i
/ ,r\
.| +-l./4t/ [19.80]
4. Settlement occurring at a rate not included in(1) to(3). The creep- and aging coefrcierts have to be determined
The first two cases can be solved convenicntly by rhe for the age ofconcrete ,o at whjch the settlement occurs.
aging coefficient approach. If the settlemenl iollows a It is interesting to note tbat the case of two beamsjoined
slandd,d lrme con\olidallon cur\e. rhe chdfl\ grven after they have been put in position can be conceived as a
Figs. 19.14 to 19.16 are help{ul. The general case where continuous beam in which the negative moment a1 the
settlemert follows an arbitrarycurve is best solved by the intermediate support is eliminated by a differential settle-
step-by-step procedure described in Chaprer 16, adapted ment.s The resulting time-dependent moments for bolh
to the analysis ofdiffe.ential settlement. cases are expressed by the same equation (cf. [19.14] and
Instan aneous difiercntial sefilenent h t The moments imposed by instantaneous settlements
are reduced asin a relaration process(where the imposed
An instantaneous differential settlement ofmagnitude d1, deformation is kept constant) and at in6nile time only 15
occurring at the age of conqele ,o, results in a dis- ro l0 per.enl ot the rnrliall) rnduced force remain5.
The presence of unilormly dislributed reinforcement
can be iaken into account by the creep reduction coem-
cients st and d, as discussed on page 268.
0 ao Age
rir. /9 /0. Timedepndent fores causd by difrerential settlement of a Compatibilily of displacements is achieved if the fol-
supportin a.onlinuous reinlorced concetebeam. lowing equations are satisfied (argument of the initial
324 Tinellepenient lbres in conLinuous nterc siuctures
force and olthe creep coemcient being omilted):
: Dltlerential settlemenl occurri.g at the
same rate as creep
where fi1 are the coefrcienrs of rhe matrix inversion
Using [19.82]. we can rewrite []9.811 in rhc iorm: In order to be abie to use the agjng coelicient for slow
setllement the following condition has ro be saiisfied:
Dft + LFJ\\lt + xd) +
6lt : .Y ,!14
+ LF"I1"\I + x(b) : O
Itq.84] which means that the settlement occurs at the same rate as
Drf + LFkilO + x0) +
Let us consider a lwo-span continuous beam_ The time-
+ A4rk"(1 + rd) :0 dependent displacemert 4 resultingfrom asetrlement 61
has to be eliminaled by rhe displacement resulring from
the time-dependent moment AM1lr) such that
lF,(,)r, +... + A,F'(r)r" : r,l_t Dt + LMlt)l jl1 + xO) : o.
A&(,)lL1 + + A4(r),
": D,liA 2L L
. t1e.88l
],,*" fttt+xO
From this it follows that The quotient ( D1ll;r) represerts rhe elastic response of
/, the slructure td a seftlement dr. and ihe term l/,at +
rr)=( r,,rD, - ,;:r,)li,o !r\e. rh( reliet ot lht etarlic torcc b) crecp. l hu,, hs
^f M,(t).
: -r,# * u,yl: v,
fl9 86r
-r' + tQ [le.891
p.operties ol lhc concrete. The problem is, therefore, $here Fi I : lorce (reaction) at the beginning of the ith
$cl .uired'o- J ncp-b)5r(p (a Lulalron. d. fropo\ed b] intervai.
Chrh..,l ' ,l;::creep coeiilcient at the end of the ith
Relcrring to the reaction F of Fig. I 9.10, ler us divide thc interval lor a lorce incremenr applied
period at the end cl which is required into ,1 intervals, during theith inlervai,
not necessarily of equal length. The change in caused I q- modulus ofclasticity ofihe concrcte at the
by the seltlemnt and btr creep during any inrerval j is
assumed to occur in the middle of ihe interval. We can middle ollhej!h interval,
calculalc themagniludc oflF at the end ofany;th inrerral ,i : modulus ofelasticity ofthe concrete at the
(time rtj r) ii the magnitude ai the beginning of the same middle of the ith irlterval.
interval (time tt r)ls known. idj : differential setdemenr occurring during rhe
In gcneral terms, the relation between a chanqe in lhe jth interval,
evcrnal to'(c Ai and hc ins,anrJr(uu, deuecr,in Ar aL and
the poinl ofapplication ofihe force is ofthe form: K" : stillness coeflicient determined by lhe
AF: K",rol"Ad [19.911
theory ofelasticiiy.
where KlL = srifness coemcien ! determined by the thcory Equation [19.96] gives a step by-step method ol cal-
oi elasticity (this coeflicient can be readily culating the forcc I at the end of any ith irterval if rhe
related 1() K" of Fig. 17.8), valucs of lc at the limits of the prelious irtervals are
known. Ilan adjustment i. thc level ofsupports is made,
Eo = modulus of elasticity ol concrete at the time
this can be included in the term Adj.
ol application of AF, As mentioned earlier in the discussion of the srep-by
d1d / .e(onJ moment of areu oi lhe .e. ron step methods of computation. only a few steps are
For necessaryinevaluaring !9-961 so thathandcompurarion
a continuous beam with two equal spans of Icngrh I
and the centre reaction F, lhe strflness coefficient can bc used- The eflect of reinforcement can be aliowed for
,(", : 6lr. by an appropiate creep reduction coeillcient a-
As an example ler us consider a prestressed concrete
Let us assume that the setrlement occurs over a lons
per rod ol r'nc.lhe e c\rrj deflecrron d -r ring rhe
foot bridge- The bridge is contiDuous over two equal
lrh inrerva'l spans of 20.0 m and has an expected differential settle-
berng relared lo the.oad rncremenl At, during rhat ment o10.12m, its ratc ofdevelopmen! bcing as shown in
inlerval b] fl9 o ll, so tlar
Iig. 19.11, starting at age .o:30 days. What rs rhe
marimum iorcc induced by this settlemenr'l
, (.q1" 119.921
3 0.6
where drj h the creep coefrcient at the end of the ith
interval for a load applied at th middle of thejth interval. .9
with AFi : Ir+1 ri j. [19.92] and [19.93] yield ; 0.4
-tt a2
+r - ,)L(Ft+L F ,)KJllr+d,,). t19.941
Denoting the settlement during the lth intervai by Arj, we 23 7 14 28 90 180 360 720 1800
can also writc thedefleclion at theerd ofthe rlh intervalas Time(ioqscale) days
/. -- 0 0685 ma. dt-.30) : 2.0, and E s : Thus, the maximum force is Fa: 69.9kN at the age of
25, 10'MPa.
--\te_as,sume The,variation ot Elr) rs assumed to 720 days. The maximum mom;t induced by ditrere;rial
rollow the equation:rr settlemenr is M : aa(2t)/4: 69.9kNm, and represents
45 per ceni of the moment of l560kNm which would
El,)= E-^t-l / occur under sudden settlement ol0.t2 m at the agcof 30
"\ 4.2 0.85r
The value of ,("J":6 x 0.0685/20r - j1.4 x 10 6m
(sillce K", : 6/13).
The rime rnlervah are,elecled so r hal during each otthe Diflerenlial seltlement progressing at a
hr't iour interrals 25 per cenl ot the tolal seltlemenl Etandard .ate ol consolidation
(: Thecorresponding intervat boundaies
0.03 m) occurs.
dre 30. 70. I 10. 2 I 0. 720 and I n.910 diy. I l0 )ear,). Forthe general case ofslow settlement olsupports, the use
As Jn illu.r'alion. lel us conpule lhe !Jiue d)r. th^ i5 of[19.96] can be aided by design charts which wil now be
the creep coefrcint ar the end ofthe third interv;l ior a developed. The consolidation rime relation is normally
load applied at the middte of the firsr inierval. At the givefl ir the lorm of values of 6(l)/r- versus the ratio
middle ol the first inrerval, , = 50 days, and at the end of ir - ,o)/(r- ro), where
the lhrrd inrendl / 210 dals. U\rng rhe ACI .. creep d(l) = settlement at time l.
rormuralron tor nrucrurar concrete. grven b) I t0.46l and j. : ultimate settlemeni,
06.491, we find
: ,o age at which settlement starts.
(210 x x 50 0'113
d., :
and ,- : age at which 95 pr cent of the settlement has
10 + (210 50)o 6 occurred.
t 2.39
The appropriate values arc given, ior instance, by
: l.t8 Terzaghi and Pecke, but for our purposes amathemadc;i
lunction is more convenient- The expression
qhere_1.19 is rhe lalue ol lhe relerence
creep coefficienr
,l d" : I e\p[-]u l(,j1.- tu)l [19.97]
Tle other drj values arel agrees closely wirh Terzaghi and peck,s data (except that
they assume that 92 per cenr of the total settlement has
drr = 071
occurred at the age ,J.
4r = t.09 Qzz = 0.75 Figure 19.12 shows the variaiion in the mag tude of
fuL: 1.28 ,:1.08 drtr _ 0.78 the se(lement-induced reaction wilh age in the form oia
o1t:1.51 04': t.43 Oi:t.33 O4=014 plor ol r \e ralio of rhe actual reac,ion I (rJ lo lhe reaclron
d51 : r.88 d5' : 1.74 dst - 1.63 051= 1.45
inJuced b] a sudden se lemcnr /o. forconcrele lodded ar
the age ol28 day,. d\.uming a colstanr \alue of.tiffness
dss:1.0e. E7 and a creep coefficient d- 1.90. The range (/.:
The forc induced at the end of the first inrerval is ob-
exteflds from zero to five years. The CEB-FIp, 1978 creep
taiqed from [19.96j wirh E5o : 25.9 x 106kpa: formulation" was used toesrablish the graphs. The creep
coemcrcnl do t.qn correspond. to a flo\ coefficienl
r- ul 25.9 r 106
10 6.0.0J-0r d, -
2.01o. a norional lhicknesi /,. 0.40m -
,-;;;{51.4 Figure lg.ll plor. lhf same raLjo of reacrions as an
: 23.4kN orJinare agarnst rr
/or lor ages al apphcalion ot load
ol 7.78.q0and160dd),tor lheca.er_ _ I !edr.Thevatue
At the middle ofthe second inrervai when ,: 100 days.
rroo : 26.5 x 106kPa- Then, usins the coefllcients wilh
ot d . rs l-90 rd. -
2.0ra. before. I urlher charls are gi!en
in Figs. 19.14 to 19.16, which show the maximum vatue of
the first subscript 2, the force at the end of the second
interval is found to be:
fr,r Fo and also rhe rdlue ot /.
Fo as a iuncrion ot the
time during which 95 per cnr ofthe differential setdemenr
occurs, (t- -
' 1+0.75
,o), for rhree ages at application ofioad (28,
90 and 160 days) and rhree noiionat rhicknesses (O.ldm,
0.40m and 1.60m) for values of4;- between 1.0 and 4.0
23.4t1 + r.09) corresponding to the values of r{y'. given in the graphs.
.[,,, r10 6x0.06
25g m- For example, in order to evaluate themaximum and final
fo'cc\ de\cloped rn rhe tuolbriogc anaty.ed on pJge r2l
:41.5kN. \ e find rro'il tig. l9 l4,uq ng o. t.S Jnd [n - 0.40m,
for ,:210 days: F: = 58.2kN, F'""=0.48 r 156:74.9kN
,: 720 days: Fa = 69.9kN, when G- - ro): 500 days,
,- 10,930 days: F5 : 56.6kN. and I- : 0.18 x :
156 59.3 kN.
Dilferential settlenent ptogressing dt d stanla tdte of consolidatio 323
- 0.4
: .-,,.
I --)
10 10,000
(") 10 100 1000 10,000
1/- rol ( os scale) days
a(.191l Relation between ratio at),/I; and line durin8which95 per cenr olrotal seitlenent oco61..
to)ior various eepcodlcienrsolconcrete: aseatbesinninsolsertlemenr,.o - 28days;(a)/,o - 0.10m.
(b)Io = 0.40n, a.d(c)/b = 160m.
Differ.ntidl scttkm.nt pragressina at a starulard rnte af consolidatio S25
- ---1i,----
16 -a
--a l
1 ll oq s.ale) da)s
F(0: : ;1.
'06 --TF:1
100 1000
l0 (rm /o)(os sca e) days
(b) io r00 1000 10,000
(lm rd( os scare) crays
.9 04
lc) r00
I000 10 000
d(rog scale) days
,p ,!,0 8e |on ber-ee|qr.o l",,' roqnJrjm-o,. ns"t"i h05per.m.otror,5plt.metrro--u^,r
/n lor,,{(lii\je'..or!01!p'e rd(dr oeCrrnindot..r,enfl
(.1r. ,,i"ri" O.rl]m
lb)/'n od0m. and l.o0m
Rekrcnces 327
.ontinuous reinlorced concrele beams, /CI Jo'rnai, 66
'.14o pp. r0- l5
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<leperdint lorces induced bv set!]emenl of supports in
Chapter 20
delormations of reinforced
concrete structures
So far we have considered uncracked concrele members A proper assessment ofthe effect ofconcrete tension is
only, but, of course, many memters in servjce are. and particularly dilicult {or th purpose of the computation
are erpccred to be. cracked. This is e,pecrd lhe case
wrlh u rrmale loaJ and lrmil stale de.rgrl melhod,, q hich
of both the inirial and tirne-dependent fl exural defl ections.
The same applies to the deflection due to shear and to the
ollen re\ult in rhe design ot ,hatloqe- ,eclion, than wa\ tr!isl cau.ed b) lor.ion. {n accurxre prediction of rhe
the case with the older design mcthods. The use of such efrect, olconcrere rn tensron berseen rhe Lrdc[s is diftcult
seciions has consequences upon deUection and, in facr, as it depends onmany diflerent parameters, such as bond
prediction and conrrol ot deqections have become in_ properties of the reinforcing steel, crack spacing and
creu.ingl) more rmpo ant $ irh lhe u,e,,t higher \rrengrh reinforcing details. For these rcasons. rh m;lhods dis-
or mdrerial, J1d $,rh rhe reoucrion rrt toad tcrorr rnrro- cu$ed beloq are appro\imdte and .ome engjneering
duced during tlc last lwo decades. judgement is needed wirh regard to the interpre-tation oT
In Chapter 17 we considered prestressed concrete: that the results obrained.
r.. e,,enr l' c""cL-iee.,.r1ior I omfdred \\ ,h pre
" "
.tre...d .o1. r(l(. reinior..d corc,e.e L rt elr ro c\hihil
rub'tdntial ) ldrge_ de8ec,oD, becau,e o, rhe ore,en.e Flexurel dellecllon ol beams and one.way slabs
olc-ack. becau.e or .ne ab.en-e ot p..,r.,i,ng.o- It is usual to refer the totai deflection at time
mtrts, which counte.act those due ro externally applied , to the
rnstantaneous (initidl) deflection, do, and for this reason
some comments on the calculation of the instantaneous
Knoqledge and conrror o[ oeflecLion, in concrele defl ection are necessary_
structures are important for two main reasom: first. to
warrant th strength of structural elements which are Initial defectiorl of a cru.ked beanl
suscptible ro buckling or which ma) be overloaded as a
Figure 20.1 shows diagrammatically the moment
resull olldrgede8crion\ (e.g. pondrng ota flar rootl:and,
cruvature relation (Mr/r) fot a beam. For values of
second. Io \arirty lhe ser viceabrlit) crireria. r.e. to prevenl
mrment lower rhan the cracking moment, M",, the slope
damdge lo non-srructural etement\ Although unsighlly
oirhe V ., relarron represenr" rhe flerural rigidiry ofrire
\dgging does not neces.aril) lead ro srrucrr,-ral damagi.
uocrackedseclion.rEl rr.Above V.,.15.-16;ru non-;,n.o,
a large delormatron of a strucrure alwals gires rhe lrdnsrlron betqeen Ifl rr and the \alue ol the fu lty cractd
rmprersron o, rnadequate design and ma) frighten rhe
nexrlrdt figrdll] tfll: near lhe \iejd moment tr',. the
trdn\rlron srilthe.s is denored by tL/r.. .lhe mome _
Most design codes limit deflections indirectly by speci,
" ma\rmum slenderne* curvdrure rela on ma) be idealned as a bi-tinear drdgram
tying rdrios. bur the conrrolling
regulatjons are rn some cases roo resLricrire and in orheri
as.indrca(ed in F ig.20. t. Upon unloading rhe piune tt
lollows.lhe dashed line ot Fig. 20 t. which ma) be
unsound as.elidenced b) Lhe numerous case, otdJmage
assumed, for computational purposeq to pass througi the
Before the introducrion of the ultimate limit state
design methods, the calculation of deflection of flexural
lhe_stdndard e\p(.sror tor lhe.n, at rela.t,(ldellec
I ron ol dn uncracked fle\ u ral member ot con\rant flexural
membrs was usually based on the uncracked concrete
section, with the rsult that, if the member was actu2ltv
flsrdrt) (E/} : A/ rs
6M ^. "
.1r.1 Diaprnomaric repae tation oI lbe momorl{uralurc
and l' : depth of the compression steel measured from
the exireme compression fibre.
Elaxon lor .v" = yield momenl,I1.. = .racking fioncnt.
For a singly rcinlorced beam, [20.4] reduces to
that [20.3(a)] becomes which has been adopted by several codes of practice
6 l
The cracking momcfll can be dclermined from the usual
r,: noAillt - r,)(1 - k,i3). t20.1(b)l
The value of i. for a doubly reinforced concrcte beam is
given by
3 tt' T m?-J e pend pnt detornot n^. oJ h i lot. pd t rn. t ct c int\ t urt.
where lh - modulus of rupture of concrele. whcrc ,f : compressive strength of concrete in
and )l : distance lrom ocnrroid of the transformed MPa
section to the exlreme tension fibre.
l* : ,4J(b*dl = tension steel area ratio in the web (in a
As menlioned beror(. lhe,lcel may be neg'e(red in cal-
rcctangular beam p- : p),
culalrng rhe proper es /- dnJ l;of the concrere.ecl,on
if the steel area ratio is small_ and o" : _, , : ttr... in tteel un,ler ma\rmum
According to the CEB-FIP, 1978 Model Code.3 the r moment (in MPal.
modulus ol rupture is
Fquar,on [20.15.l(onrain. rhe main paramere^ $ hich
1-:0.30/3Ji(0.6 + 0.4n- i,4) t20.l0l inlluence rhe contriourion ot lhc conc.alc rn the cracled
tension zone to the stiflness of the beam: the tensile
where Iy1 : compressi ve strength of concrete cylinders in strength of tlre concrete, the amount ofreinforcemenr in
the tension zone and the stress ir the tension steel.
and /l : total depth ol the srructural member in The shortcoming of [20.15] is that ir does not offer a
smooth l.ansition of the ellective stilTness lrom the
The term in brackets is not to be less than unity. The uncracked to the crackcd stage, but for beams which have
AmericanCodeACI 3t8 ?:'recommend.theerpies,ion definitely reached rhecracked stage this expression works
well, as illustrated in Tabte 20.1 and in the example on
[. : 0.6J /..,. [20.11] page 336. For slabs with small stcel percentages, this
Although [20.8] was initially established for a simply approach is not recommeniled.
,upDofled be"m ,JbleLred lo J Lnriorn t\ di.rributed
io"d. onl\ r .m"ll e or j. inllodLced r rhe e\T.c,non i: Lons-tern deiectiol
applied ro othcr load co.figurarions and end condilions. The .a,cula.ion oi lrme-dependenr defie(ron i5 com.
Fo. conrinuous beams. the mean value of the ralues ofle plicatedbymanyfactorsofwhichthcmostimpo(antare:
at nid-rpan and oi.he alerase raluc at rhe supporls will an increase in lhe depth ol the neurral axis due to creep,
lead !o a re$onabh reliable predlction of rh. deflecrion:e -cdin.ibrlon oi,tres.e" $rrhin the compre.,ion zone,
jt1., + +(1., + 1.311 [20.12]
formation ol new cracks and widening ofexisting ones, a
time-dependeni change in thc properties ofbond between
where I", : second moment ofarea at mid-span, concrete and st1, and shrinkage.An exactsolutjon taking
and /.1 and /.3:second moment of area at the two account of all these paramelers is exceedingiy complex,
continuous cnds of rhe span. particularly because of rhe downward shiir ofthe neutral
axis and oi the lime-dcpendenr deformarions resulting
With only one end cortinuous. lrom the concrete in the tension zone. which are dil]icutr
r.:j(r.,+1"1). to lormulate accurately. Slncelittle is to be gained ftom:rn
accurate solution o{an inaccurately formulated problem,
The initial deflection is ihen expressed in the iorm
it is adequate Io use approximate methods such as a
simple'usLdined modLlusor.impte mutriptier, apptied ro
,o : x. [20. ] 3l lhe eta.lic deuecron. the nr,t approach -equirer the
shrinkage deffection to be calculated separately, whereas
The accuraci o[ tne approach ot t20.8] i\ d.rrdred i rhe secold approrchallow, the.hrinkaee Jefleclion lo be
in Tdble )0.1 tor rhe re,r dara of Wd.hd and I tuck. o All in(ludeo rn rhe mulrrplier,. Wc shat, firsr conyder rhe
lhe beam, were simpl) ,uppo ed and.Lbiecred lo a long-term dellection due to creep.
unilormh, drstrihDted ln:.1
An alrirnarive approach. used. among orher,. bJ Leon-
hd, dr dnd Ka)arl.rr \ u and \\ inrer.') d;d by Ne\;tJe, ri.
Delection due to ueep
The oldest, and perhaps simples!, approach to the calcu-
ba(ed on rhe dejleclion ot.r tu ) cracked member, wrlh
lation of the defiection rcsulting from thc creep of con-
lhe ellecr oI rhe concrele in rennon and of rhe uncrdcked
crete is the effective modulus approach. In this mcthod.
zones allowed for by a reduction iactor do. so ihat the
effectjye stilTness is expressed in the form (E.I)" :
$e u\e rhe effecti,e modutu, L Lu | ,
(Ell. do Thi. Jllo$' L. lo eypres, rhe rniriat Jeflecrron in,redd of lhe initia modu,u, utelds,rcirl 1,, and henci
replace the value Eo in [20.1] and [20.2] by E,, and the
in the lorm value n0 in [20.3] to [20.6] by l',: rotl + d(,,ro)].
This approach has been used successfullv bv maav
a": %K. (6r), [20. r 41 researchers! 'r,11.1s.16 alrhough some orhersi cliim thai
lhe eflecLire modrlr, melhod doe, not grv d good
I1 is suggested tha! reliable values of deflection are ob- agreemelt h ilh e\Denmenrit reiults. Hosever. rla proper
tained with the following empiricai formula for do: account is laken olrhe ellecr ofthe concrete in the tension
zone and of tle deflection duc to shrinkage, excellent
d.:I +>0.4 t20.15l agreement is achieved with experimenlal rcsuks. as dc-
monstralcd by lhe comparison in Table 20.1.
9 R9Ss3
e5EA ;ai
? E
ri 8: :; 99
,9 ia
.! e SAFE : lai
d*E 5
B-e HSHgH :: -:
; it
e 3s E i{
312 Tine dependent delbrmatians oJ reinlbrted caffrete sttu(:ntres
After ihe initial application of ]oad- the etrect ol the redistribution of st.esses duc to crccp in a step by slep
concrele on lhc stiffness ol the tension zonc is reduced
by relaxrlion and by the formation ol new cracks, as The second approach to compuring lolrg{crm dc
illustrated in F;g. 20.2. Thc reduction rn stilTness duc to llcclion i\ to mul!iply thc irilial elastic dcllection /o by
thcsc iwo causes is rpfropriately cxpressed by dividing lactors \rhich nroperly represent the eflec1 ol creep on
lhe second term of the right hand side of [20.]il by deflection. This rneihod x used by Branson,5 Mayer,13
fl I d(r,hll. Thus, Trost and Marnz,r Corley and Sozenl' and others. Ac-
btl' cording to ihis approach, the creep deflectjon is prcdic-
' r""'f1 + dlr. h)l 120.161 tcd by thc cxp.ession
' (Er)., f20.r7l [20.19]
tor low reinforcement ratios. as used in slabs. thc use ol
where M-"' : mariimum moment due to the sustained this coeffcjent is reliable. Howcvcr, for bcams rvith l) >
Ioad. 0.007. this coel'licienr seems to overestimate the creep
rnd (E/),, deflection as indicared by a comparison ofthe theorctical
- sccond momeni oiarea ofa fuily cracked
.e( eo sirl'L /,. and enperimental results ofrests performed by Haddad.'o
For such values oip, a bc(cr agrecmenl behveen dreorv
I .lo-ld be ,ored .1,]l. " rh 'Lql- th. cffert re nn and erperimenl is achrered \rith Mayer's coellicieni'3
dulxs meihod is valuablc in calculating the defleciion, deiined by the equation
it cannoi be used accuralely to dctcrmine the stress dis-
tribution in the compression zone as thc st.ess strain Ad: *. [00fno) , L t20.201
relaljon is complicated by the different stress history ol trll lt
diflcrcnt fibres. The error is. however. not large. as shown
which is represenred graphically in Fig. 20.4. For p' : 0
in Fig. 20.3. which compa.cs thc ellcclive modulus
approach wirh thar ol Elias,'1!r'ho takcs into account the .ri,, :,1\i(100p,0). t20.20(all
Theoreli.a sJress
:q --l ',li;
ooo t.,,,
. .() -l
Stre$andslraindhtrihutioninasinglyreinlorcedstionrapproa.njrr (c) und* su$ined load using the eltedive
(a) at atplicltionol loadi (b) undersusraincd load using Elial approach with tension in.onoete neglected.
For beams with iow reinforcemeni area ratios, ard for Deicction dre to shtinkase
beams subjecled 10 moments only marginally above the Independently ofthe applied load, shrinkage contributes
cracking momenl. the value of K., given by [20-20] to the deflection of a structural concret member- This
urderestimates thecreep defl cction sincesubstantial parts much is cedain. However, as far as the magdtude ofihe
ofrhe beam are uncracked and their sontribution to the ellcct is concerned, opinions ofexperts vary very widely;
creep deffection is increased by the creep factor. this is iuustrated by the plot of the shrinkage curvarure
tn the ligh! ofthc information provided by Heiman.'zr coefficienl K$ in Fig.20.5. This shrinkage curvature
Blakey, and Clarke et al.,2r it is clear that there are coefi.ient represents thecurvature generated in a beam of
numerous faclors which are not accurately, if at all, depth i : I by a unit ollree shrinkage.
reflected by the above approach or by other approaches In Fig. 20.5, K"h is plotted as a function ol the tension
ro rhe deflecrion problem. Load' applrcd Juring con- reinforcement ratio /, for three diflerent ratios of com-
struction, particularly al theearly age, have an important pression to teNion steel lario, p'/p. Trost and Mainz's
influence on the deflecljon at early ages. and so have thc curvesr (adopted in a dishtly modified form by Rnsch and
construction sequence and environmental conditions Jungwidh':a) starl near a value olK,b : l.0for vcry small
334 Time-dependent defomations of reinlorced concrete siuctures
; r.o
o 0.8
Ien:ron sleel area ralto,: a\ p tncrea\es, K". rncrea,e. for a"h(,) : Ii,h.,,r'"i(r)l'?.
p p=0.bur decrea.e< tor p p-0_5 and p p-t.O
I,ranson i curre, sla near K.h _ 0 when p is rer) smd For simply supported beams, (.h.. = *; for olher sup-
and inLredie wrl\ p lot p-p -0 and tor p,p-_05 port conditions, see page 274.
However, when-p'/p : 1, K.h :0 for all values of p. _ Bransonr5 has proposed to include the shrinkage de-
Beeby's curvesls lie between those of the two other flecnon silh rhal due ro creep by moditying lhe mu[i-
investigators. plier ot [20.lel as lollows.
Trost and Mainz's curves cannot be correct because. for (": 1/(1 + 50p'). 120.231
ver) .mdll percenrage' o[ reinforcemenl. lhe efecr ot lhe
rernlorcement on'hrinkage curvalure vanishes eren iilhe For beams withp > 0.007,this coefficient seems io be verv
beam is cracked. On the other hand, Branson's curve for hrgh. and rl is. lheretore. preterabte ro crlcu,are.hrinkage
p'lp : I car,not be cor.ect ither because a cracked deflection separatety and to add to it the creep deflecri;n
doubly reinforced concrete beam will develop ol [20.18], with rd defined by [20.20].
shrinkage cu ature as a result of rhe shdnkage of the
uncracled compre..ion 7one. In rhe cracked rensionzone. Conpafiso of cdculated Mlues with test rcsutts
shrinkage wiu add littte to the srrain in the steel, excepi of Washa and Flucklr
that it will result in an increase in the widlh ofthe cracks. The results of the two approaches to the catcularion of
For this reason, it is thought that the curves ofBeeby are creeD dellec on d^cus.ed earlier are compared \rith the
m-osr plau'ible. and Lhe] s i be adopreJ tor r he predr;lron \
ob,erred deflectrons ot asha and ftucl. The re\r para-
ol shflnkase curv.trr re meters and the results are compiled in Table 20.1. The
iDilidl deflecl,on. oi borh approache, (ompare selt w h
.shrinkale curvature is calculated according to the
.elation the-re:ls. for lhe rheorelicaj prediction ot rhe tonE-term
-9 o.
are overcstimated arrd those of the smaller members Eo = modulus ofelasticity ofconoete at age ro,
underestimated owing to the use ofconstant values of d
and 6"h for all the beams.
E1 = modulus ofelasticity ofconoete at age ,1,
1"o : second moment of area for load applied at
age ,o,
Beah sublecled lo variable load or to and I"1 = secord momena of area for loads applied at
dlller6ntlal seltlement age ,o and tr,
ln many actual structures, the magnitude of the super-
The second term on th.ight-hand side of [20.24] should
imposed load vades with time, but it is rarely that exact
be recognizd as the iitial deflecrion ao due to moment
inJormation on this is available. Nevortheless, ir order to
make a rcliable prediction ofdeflection, the magnitude of
Mo. The creep deflectiondue to the twomoments at, > ll
the sustained load must be realistically assessed.
Ifa major part ofthe sustained load is applied at a later LaA): aoKbft,td + a6a4)O,t). l2o.2s)
stage, this should be reflected in the deflecrion calculation_
Two factors should be consideredt first, the reduction Ifthe structural membd has to support temporarily a
in the flexural rigidity determined wirh a new ratio relativly heavy load at an early age, as in the cas when a
(M"./M^") in [20.8] or a new vatue ofdj in [20.15], and member ofalower storey has tosupport theweight of the
a higher value o{ the modulus of elasticity at the age of fresh concrete of an upper storey, the ellect of the
application of the additional load; second, the reduc- temporary load on defle.tion shouldalso beconsidered. A
tion ifl ffeep for a higher age of concrete. Although not reduction of the moment by Ml at age ,r leads to a
rigorously conect, it is recommended to calculate the reduction of the initial deflection by
creep deflection due to the additional load by muttiplying
the additional initial deflecrion by the appropriate value , E,I. [20.13 (a)]
of }id and d.
Theinitial deflection due to the suprimposed moment
M1 applied at ag to is:
The deflection at r- due to the temporary load is
detemined with the irecoverable component of creep
(-rqoMt* + &1M1" )r, 4"*6* 1. developed betweer the ages lo and ,r. According to the
E,1", E"r.o CEB-FI P, 1978 creep formulation,3 1he irrecoverable pa
(ct [12.10]):
where i<,o : deflection coefrcient for configuration of o,(t,t)- p"ai - p,(t,) +.bilpttlt ftti).
moment Mo applied at age to, All the terms of this equation are defined in connection
f,; : deflection coefrcient for conignration of wnh [12.10]. Realizing that the oeep cofficient in the
moment M1 applied at age 11, CEB-FIP approach is defined for 4:ra, we car
336 l ime-dep?nrlent defanndtions al rcinlorrcd conUete structwes
express the irrccoverable de8ection by With lhe steel stress undcr M--, o" : 35.12 x 10 3r
(0.816 I 10 r x 0.870 x 0.318) : 156 Mpq we find.
usins [20.15]:
^,r/):i r [Kd,,biir]. ro rl. t20 271
t'. l)6 )
The et.,live \ccono romenl ot ar<a, /., .Jn be o(Ler- du:1'0 ora; ^ r16,:o.sll
ni'lcd hJ 20N o b) /r ro. whJre /. anJ ru rre detncJ
by [20.]'l and [20.15], rcspectivety. An cxample demon, -
For the load,configuralion given. Fig. 17.9 yields K,:
slrating the applicarion of rhis cquation when load is 0.0951 so tha!, from [20.1a], the initial deflection duc
removed lrom a slab is given on page jt8. to the two point-loads is:
As an erample of calculation of defleclion. tet us consider For p:0.0142 and p':0, Fig.20.6 yietds a shrinkage
a simply supported beam iested by lts cross- curvature coefrciert K"r : 0-79 so that, according to
: 0.350m, d 0_3l8rn. and
scctional dimensions arc l]
t - 0.1,{n m. fhe hear \pxn,4.10m ino- up ro rhe ag(
[20.21] and [20.22], rhc shrinkage deflection at agc 360
days is
ol Joo ddy, ri,Jblecrcd ro r{o Lonc<nrrdted loadj_ each
a.h(160):+ x 0.79x2t)4x 10 6 x 4.30r/0.I7
1.75m l,om rhc nedr \uppo . prodLcrng a mdrimum
bendrng momenl M - 3l.bgk\m. Ihc mdrrmum mo- :1.18 x I0 3m: 1.l8mm.
ment due 10 the sellweight of rhe beam is 3.43 kNm so The creep deflection due to the two poiflrloadsis (9.94
thai the total momenr at mid-span is M-.- : 35.12 kNm. 5.77):4.17mm, and the creep deflection due to the
Other data are as follows: self-weight of the beam (deflection coeficient - S/48)
is obtained by proraling this deflecrion according to
Iy,:262MPa at age at application of load /o
: 28 days, the diferenr deliection coefficients Aa. and to the mo_
Eo : 22.9 x 10r MPa.
5t .: : 049,"",.
4 : 201 x 10r Mp4 .^.----.
tlo - 8.16,
^d(160)-4.r? 48 00951 ll 69- ' '
The total measu.ed deflecrion is the initial deflection due
.4, :0.8t6 r l0 3m1.
to the lwo pointloads plus the time-dependent de|ection
6.h(360): 204 x l0 6.
due to the total load so that
p _ 0.0t42,
a1360): 5.71 +.4.17 + 0.49 + I.l8 - 11.61mm.
d(360,28) - 2.50, This compares very well with the observed value of
p, :0. l1.il0mm.
We first check whether or nor rhe beam is cracked. With For comparison, rve shati now use Branson.s
th: -Tldull: of ruprure. raken as t_:0.6JI= approach.s W;th the known vatues of 1r,12:
3.07MPa, 1::760x l0 6ma, and -yi:0.r60m. we lEl),/Ea. M., and M-", we find the efrective second
lind, usins [20.9]: ,1{".:14.54kNm < M-"-. From momenl ol area according to [20.8]:
[20.6], ft. : 0.390 so that l" = 0.870, and from [20.3 (a)]:
(EI)2: 201 x l0r x 0.816 x 10 3
' l5 ,
r 12
.oo o" |L -rlilir
x 0.318?(1 0.190)0.870 t375tl0 6
and the initial deflection; duce ihe most reasonable results with a relatively small
computational enort. The wide beam approach with
0.0951 x 31.69 x 10 rx4.30'1 modifications has been used by a nurnber of
"" x l0 :
I 6.05 mm.
,79 ^ r0'^ 402 l0 " workers.3o,3',32
Aa(r) : 0.295 x 2.5 r 6.05 : 4.46mm. ln order to be able io use the wide beam melhod, the
moments in thecolumnslrips and middle strips in the two
Includinq thc creep deflection due to self_weight of the
directions r and ], musi bc known. Thes moments may be
beam o{ 0.5lmm, we obtain the totaldeflection
obtained eithr from a direct design method, wherebv
: 6.05 + 4.46 + 0.53 + 1.18 : 12.22nm. certain fractions ol the total static moment are assigned to
"1r) crilical sections of thc positive and ngative moment
This value, like that using the effectile modulus q,
compares very well with the experimental resull, \Ihere- dco
as Branson's coeficicnt leads to a significani oveF
estimatioiroi the time_dpendent deffection of this beam'
Delleclion ol a two-way Elab
vrrtuatt) atl reinlorced concrere llar slabs
As mentioned before, Branson.s ellective
second m.-
menl o[ shou]d be u,ed tor s.rU. tecau.e rrre,o
coelicient of [20.15] was estabtished for beams
p > 0.001.
It should be mentioned that in a normat rcrnlbrced
conc-ete.ldb o.rly the cotrmn \trip, are (racled u
hrle lhe
nroore \lIp momenl\ a.e normd,tl connderdbiv
'ha n rhe crackin! moment.
theage ol21 days while thc slab u as still carrying thc load \r l ttirlJpjlet,o, oj rclunr,t t'n-drc.tna
of thc slab above equal to
5.91kPa. This load was The effectivc sccond momenl of area, 1", at the section
sustained lor 34 days. Thereafter, only thc dead load of over the supporl (per metre width) is found as follows.
5.51 kPa $asacting. The concreie strength al lhe age of 28 With ,h:9.3. and p:0.0060, we find /r,:0.282 and
days was 22.8 MPa, and the strcngth al1he rge of 2l days t. : 0.906, so that I, : 0.365 x 10 I m4.
is calculated to be 21.9 MPa. Othe. rclevant data are: Also, M".lM''"':27.2/74.57:0.365, and /" = 1.166 x
l0 rm4. with this information, wc calculale,
p .0ouoo,' .\e.ecuo .ubjecred ro muvrtrll
moment. /.:0.1653x1.166x10 3+(1 -0.3653)x0r6s Y l0 3
,u, : +r'Dli. -1, : i5.51 \ 1.32'z t 1.24 Th mean value ol 1" for the column st'jp is
a.^:r,zr.rrro x 1.166 r 10
Thecreepdeflection due to a temporary construction load ::5r8
(, /()'
(J ^ 10 'm L
The resulting shrinkage deflecrion of that strip is prc : V : 0.l6\ l,r + 11r" V,] f20.t0l
dicted using the avcrage values of the curvalrre and ', h_l
&h." : 1/16 (s,e pase 274):
- - '- _.54: :
d.^ . t'100) rr '5 t 1..2b, 4.28nm. I/ shear force,
b. : width ot the beam web,
For the middle strip in the other directjon, lhe shrink d = elTeclive depth,
agc curvature has to be established lor the uncracked
condition. which is given by [17.71]. With pro : 0.002 x
p.: A.l(b*t),
9.3:0.0186, l:0.82 lfrom Flg. 16.17), .r(1300,21): /""r : compressive strength ol concrete cylindcr,
2.0,J1 : 0.095m and r :0.070. we find: and ,U : moment at ihe section investigated.
Delectiar ol d t^,"s"! sldb J4l
When the shear stress excecds I]c. thc wcb of a rc and that ol the stirrups
inforced concrete beam is assumcd to behave as a truss.
as indicatcd in Fis. 20.11(a). Assumi.s the cracks to make
an angleB, and theslirrups an angle a, with the axis of the where r., nnd .s! arc thc strains in the slrxl and the
beam, we can derjve the loUowing relation belween the stirrups, respectively. Equation [20.31] can now be ex-
shear angle ) and the deformations of the concrete strut pressed in the form
and the stirrups (see Fis. 20.11(b)):
rncrined compress o)
z1- 1 A.'
We can no$ lormulate e)(prcssions lor lhe strains in I rn'l ' ao,. 'n o
concrctc and ncel by the relevant substitulions. We 6nd The sinplified expressions oi [20.15] become:
the (rain in conc.ctc:
,1 A, + 4rop,
""'= r,,4-' r*, * -,pXi"1l [20.401
and lhe nrain in thc stirrups:
p+, 7,, !.E
t/l ^'-'"( [20'1-rbrl
: "
'i' I,/L, ;i""1, + t20.411 Comparing [20.a7(a)] and t20.471b)1, it js interesting
""10si,,, to note ihal bcams with stirrups inctincd at 45, have a
,e,e'a / .r / ,. ,, . 'c.per, .! ].11. l]oddtr. considerablJ higher shear stiffness rhan beams with
' .1r. . ,. 6, ' ,. ..e.i .rd o,r rhJ Jge ar ve.tical This is thc resull of ihe smaller com-
ool ,..o' .d. I'c r.. . .lt rrr r. ,.{ obl..ned pression in the inclined struis in bcams with 45,, stir-
b\ .rb.' ur ns ,...,(.r.rrn.or l.0.J1lrfe\at-.,hom
[20.10] and [20.a1]. Afrcr rearrangins, wc obrain trom
rups.rT It rs clear rhat if the shear iorce varies alons rhe
he rm ne he.rr ..iln(,. A, , .o r"rie. I h( \her; Je-
ti".,.o. , .orl, 11,.""'A DL.'r,",)l .""=i"-*,.*;* t20.48l
[20.,r2] where 4r is the shear forcc due !o a unit force applied
\\. nou .c(.rl' rhc srdnddrd c\prestrron o, .he. .,rd n at the poinl at \rhich the dcflection is to be catcutai;d.
tn . 1r,,m.gc teox'
'ecrr.n Lolg -t em s he at defedi on
.vl If we areintercsted in the long lcrm deflcction we can stijl
':il,c-6' [20'4]l
use the cquations for (,
bur theprimary difference is thar
\ihe.e 6 shea. modutus. r:", musl include the rime,dependert strains.If the.e is no
and n; : shear stllTncss
sb.inkage, we simply multipty r", by Ii + .r(]. Thus,
[20.16] becomes
we car .ner.-ore.or.idcr ,he (rm rr ,qL".L bract
eLr in
)n.j2l J rf. Inr.r.c ot hc o..r-cric,|I|q ,r(d. .r']he., A.l.r A.
p,4 sinad sina l(cot ( + coi ll,
or 3 concrete member Th,,\ k,sina,4 + p,no0 + d(r,/,,)l sina, [20.49]
which simplilies for f: 45' and a : 90" to a"- : 6.86 + 2.40: 9.26mm.
):ho : 2s"h(r, ro) [20.53] For comparison, it may be inleresting to note that the
: initial and ultimate deflection duelo bending are 3.15 mm
and for p 45' and d = 45" to
and 6.04mm, rcspectively.
].'; : s",,{r,,"). [20.53(a)]
The shear deflection due to shrinkage of a beam is Delormalion due to lorsion
oblained by integration of the shear angie )"!, over the
length of the beam which conlains inclined cracks. For a
The volume of information on torsion ir reinforced
concrete providcs ample eviderce aboul the drastic
beam with vertical stirrups and a symmctrical pattern of
reduction of the torsional stillness caused by the forma-
inclincd cracks over its fuil length (as caused by a con-
tion olinclined cracks. As in the casc ofbending and shear,
centrated toad ai mid-span), thc shear deflection due to
we need 10 know the elastic postcracking stiffness before
shrinkage is
we can assess lhe long-term efiects on thc iorsional
[20.s1] deformation. The elastic pos!-cracking torsional stiAness
is well documented in the literature. and lor pure tor
These expressions ior time-dependenr shear deflections
sior information on time-dependenl ellecls is available.
duc to creep and shrinkage havc bccn verified by experi-
Howcvcr, such information is lacking for torsion-plus-
ments of Dilger and
bending, and for torsion, shear and bending combined.
For this reason. our discussion is restricted to the case of
A' an e\amplc.lcl u..'on.ider a I00 m cdnrile!er cJrr) ing ln pure torsion, the drasticchange in torsional rigidity
a concentrated load ol P : 1.12 MN at the end. isgoverned by ihe formation olihe first inclined crack. To
The properties of this beam are: b" = b:0.300m, d : predict the cracking torque we use the theory olelaslicity
1.50m, p : p*: 0.027, ," : 0.012 (provided by verti- in combination with the cracking stresses recommended
cal stirrups), l:25.0MPa, ro:8.0, and E :200 x by Leonhardt and Schelling.4o According to these
103 MPa. For thc concrete used, d- : 2.5 and ,.b. : wo.kers, the value of the principal tensile stress which
400 x 10 6. Frorn [20.30], ,":1.03MPa so that leads to torsional crackingdepends on the shape and size
4: 463 kN. Hence, of the cross-section and lies between the modulus of
rupture and the direcl tensile strength. Evaluated by
k' : |20 463 :0 586' elastic theory, thc following principal stresses 01 have
1120 been Iound,e craclins under pure ror.ron:
From f20.47], with: : 7/8 d: 1.312m.
in a hollow box scctioni d :0.241 f., t,'r Mpa
: 0.012x200x10tr
r.:o 0.300 x 1.312
"--0.586+4x8 x 0 012 in a rectangular section: when ,/b : 1,
bbr lr ,,J
II la)
2, r.r. Deiriiion.i dinensions oI a saace lrus
ac.ordtng (o C!B-Flp, 1978.!
are the dislances belwcr the corner bars (Fig. 20.12). The
lor a rectangular scction \,!all thickness ofthe bon is also deiined in Fig.20.12.
The truss consists ol longitud inal slringers represcnting
T lhe longitudinal reinlorcement concentrated at lhc cor-
t-20.55.l ners, and inlcrmediate shear r!alls reinforced by stirrups
and for a hollow lhin-walled scctionl
which act as posls. The concrcte struts in the inclined
shear walls transfer the diagonal compression as depicted
T in Fig. 20.11. The angle oiihe incl;ncd srrurs is normalty
t20.56l somewhat less than ,15', but for our computation of the
delormation ofthe space lruss. we can assume p = 45. as
shown by Thnrlimann and Liichingcraa and Karlsson and For pure torsion, we may assume that the angie ) is
Elfgren.a5 For a variable anglet] olthe struts, rhe relevanl constanl around the periphcry ollhe box so rhat
equations are similar to those derivedfor shear. Since the
stirrups are always vertical, d 90'. :
The post-cracking stiffness oi a membcr subjected to f:;,0,n0,1 [20.63]
pure iorsion, denoted by Kr, is dlined, by analogy to the Making the appropriate substilutions and rcarranging,
reiation for a homogeneous member, by lhe relalion
where dd : t\ ist developed over the lenglh d-!. wherc ,h = modular ratio.
Thc value ol d0 is defired by the strains developing ll r' (on!enierr ro introduce the lollouing rdtrn\:
undr the torque T in the longitudinal stdngers, the
ilr up. rnd rhe,nc ined concrele .rrurs. {"umin8.)m'
meurcal longirudinil rernlorccmenr tor pure tor'ron. i.e. /.,rr
,{" -,.1:, we find from the equilibrium of the internal ""'' h.J,',,4,,l/r
lrs [20.6s]
forces in the 45' space-truss:al
and for longitudinal steel
strain in the longiludinal steel
2A" 24,
' --Tu,
4,{-,,1. E.
Wilh these definitions.
strain in the stirrups
t", : ?s
.&: ,h5(;.;.,,"#)] [20.67]
By analogy with [20.57], the post-crackirg stiffness is the
and strain in the 45' concrete struts invcrse ofthe term in square brackets, i.e.
T 4E,A+
For convenience. ail the terms arc defined below:
I *1
F t20.681
I: applied torsional moment,
ur : perimeter ofthe space truss (: 2(br + dr) for a This is the post-cracking torsional stiflness derived by
rectangular section), Lampert.a3
-1r : area enclosed by the centre line of the thin
walled box section, Edpiical nodif.ations of the exprcssiot' fot
l" : cross-sectional area ofthe longitudinal steel in po st - c nc k i,tg s t ifne s s
the two bottom corners, Equatior [20.68] needs to be modilied to represent the
-4s, : cross sectional area of one stirrup 1eg stiffness under service conditions. It is known from many
experimenls that the stresses in the longitudinai reinforc-
s: spacing olthe stirrups,
ing bars and in the stirrups do not increase linearly with
,8" : modulus ofelasticity ofthe steel,
the torsional moment but increase only alter cracking, as
Eo : modulus ofelasticity of the concrete, shown in Fig.20.14. This behaviour can be represented by
and qI: wall thickness of the concrete box used in inrrodJcing a coemcrenl lr. As.uming a linear iDcrease rn
calculations. stress (or strain) from zero at the cracking moment 'li, to
the valueat theyield moment 4,weobtainthe coefrcient
The strains given by [20.58] to [20.60] define the shear
strain ? of each of the {our walls of lhe box in much the
/.rioratorque l:. < I<'!:
same way as demonstrated for shear, except that the
l,_l Trl/T ". T\
longitudinal strain ofthe comer bars needs to be added. ' T \7, T,,.J
I [20.60]
dx )ArJ' r20.621 - 4 A.ArlJ
316 Tine-dependent deforru ians of reinforced concrcte structues
with 45' struts lcads to shear anglel.L
a 2E"h1l, lo). Wc :
now use [20.61] to deflne theangle oftwistper unit length
resultins from l'"h or E"h(r,1.):
: ].h:,;r.hlr.rot, 120.73)
shrinkage being considered from the instant olcracking
which normaliy coincides with thc time at Iirst application
Karlsson et d7.46 subjecled a rectangula! rcinlorced con-
crete beam (6/I : 0.20 m/0.40 m, irldr:0.16m/0.36m)
toaconstantpure torque I: 19.8 kN lor aperiod of400
days. Other data are as follows:
,.f' r')*o^"
\/,tr /' / \qr 1xl10xl0 6x0.0576x465
r, : 35.03 kNm.
Eltecl ol creep and shrinkage on lorsional slilfness
'Iherme.dependen delo'marionorrhecontrererncrea'es
We use the average value of
34.26kNm. Now,
I: +(11.48 + l5.o3r:
the twist olrhe beam with time. The effect olcreep can be t) \) /)4 )6 rg 80\
included, as ir the case of shear, by increasing the de-
formation ofthe concretc slruls by the creep cocmcient d.
t-_: I
' I
r9.80\14.26- tr t, /t:059 (from t20.6el)
The strains in the steel members arc assumed to rcmain 50x10 6 x 1.04
: 00lt:l
unchanged. The torsional rigidily for the inilial'plus- 0rom t20.651)
0.0576 x 0.080
creep deformation is then obtained by replacing ,1o by
,,: ,otr + d(t,,o)l in t20.711. rhus. and
4 E"Al 2 x 34(}x lO 6
:0.0118 (from t20.661).
K.1r) : E 120.121
+ l) + ',,'1,tt
+ drr
\,t1" qql '"rl :
J Eo = 4800i 24.8 x 10r MPa so thal nu = 8.0. The
Shrinkage strains are nor dependent on load and wall thickness qr
: 0.20/6 0.0llm.:
cannoi, therefore, be determined using the stiffness ol a
member. As discussed before, shrinkagc can contribute
coffiderably to the long-term delormations ofa member Iabtu r0., Values olcoemcient 4lor dillerenr ratios nrb
subjected to shear and should, thereiore, also be included
1.0 t.i 2.0 t0
in the longlerm delormation of a member subjected to
ror{on. A. sl'oun lo, .heJ L)0.511..\I1rJtse rn J Iru* 0.208 0.211 0.2,16 0.267 0.282 0.299 0.301 0.113 0ll3
Lots columns 347
We find ihe torsional stitrnss irom [20.71]: columns of unusual shape and ol variable cross-section.
For this reason. amethodwhich allows us toanalysc such
4x200x103!0.05763 columns is presented here.
r04 While in most cases crep does not no liceably aflecl the
4 x 0.0576 x slrength ofconcrete mcmbers, in long columns and shal_
1 04 x 0.033 low arches, creep can produce deformations (Fig. 20.15)
leading to a considerablc increase jn the bending mo-
: 0.907 MNm'] ment, which may result in instability. The problem is
and the angle oftwist per metre complex because crecp teads to a iime_dependent shiil of
lhe neutral axis, and this shift, togcther with the long-tcrm
19.8 , l0 3
:21.8 x 10 I radians deformaiion of the concretc, leads to a time-dependent
0.i163 momentwhich in turn aflectsthe strain distribu lion in lhe
The initial-plus-creep deformation is found using n, : scction. Closed solutions olrhe problem are not available
: in the literaiure and lor this reason wc shall resort to an
8(1 + 2.9) 31.2 and
approximate solution. Wc assume that the column is
4x 200x103x0.0576r subjected to srvice loads which are sustained for an
1 04'z er;nded DenoJ or rime lr i. the nurpo\c of our (a'
I\rlrl - | l culerion. io nrd .\e rnrrJl anJ ine-depcndenr larcrJl
" - ' | 0d 0.r,rt dellections of lhe coiumnl instabilitv is assumed to occur
\r,.,,1 l3 0,,1 l8 ' as aresult oi an additional short term ioad. and not under
:0.45,1MNm'? a sustaincd load oflixed magnitude.
.o r lhc rrrial-plu. t reep rngle ol tq oer mct-e i' The noDroach 'aren s " trial ard-adirsl-nenr pru
rhd ''t *au,. l,'eo on rhe e1(Lr,\e m.'duru5 dplrodch
q,hich has been successfully applied by a number of
x,,,: 01l1:qi.6
454 ^ ro
workers.a'a3 a' In this approach, an assumed strain dis_
tribution within th section is successively modified un_
Shrinkage generatcs an anglc ol iwistpermerre [20.73] of til the resulting intornal forccs are equal to the external
rnd ones. Wehave to apply this procedure to two sections, one
a,,,' 'odilo' ssn' to lo4 lr' 'rJd'Jn" at ihc end. the other at thc mid_heighl ofthe column, in
which case thc external moments include the moment
This results in a tolal argle of twisr afte 100 davs under Ar', caL.ed h! rhe defl(cred shape o' rhe (olumn. For
a\sumed \dlues ot lhc concretc rrrain r
rnd lhe neLrrJl
0(,),",,, : (43.6 + 10.4) x 10 : 54.0 x 10r radians. axis deprh r, we can establish the well-knorvn relations
between slrain. stress and internal forces in a section. For
The observed inirial angle of twisl was 21 x 10 radians the cracked cross section of Fig. 20.16 containing t\vo
and lhe value after 428 days was 53.0 x 10 radrans, layers ol reinforccment, we iind:
demonstrating excellent agreement.
siress in tension steel
Long columns
Design of regular long columns is covered in all design
codes. For simplicity, the code equations are oflen con- 1;
servative, and they are also generally not applicable to Momentsand dcnecxonsi. a...centr.nlly loaded column
J48 Tin!11?poklent delnhnatians al t tlJorced toru:rete structufts
f --- l
o a.o jd L/.""'-' o.a! i,
rid 2, 16 Strahsand nresses in$ lecxon oI a6lum. subiecled to n.flnal lorce and bendins momenl
12.51 x 200 x l0r
^ ro
= 91.8MPa :70.5 x l0 rm
- 70.5mm.
o.: 600 x 10 x 25.0 x 10r: -15.00MPa. The observed latcral deflection was 61.2 mm. while the
The internal forces are agreement of the dcilections is not parlicularly good 115
per cenl diflerence), the observcd strain in the com-
tN:i( 15.00) x 0.265 x 0.[85 x r0]: 27s.lkN pression face at mid-heighl (r. : 2.5 x 10 r) is lery
91.8x735x10 r : 675kN 2.45 x l0 3. It is
close to ihe theoretical value t.:
, t\- J4l.8k\ also inleresiing to nolc that the strcss in concrele oi
the extreme fib.e does nol vary much between time
IM:27s.1 x (0.r71/2 0.I]8s/l) : l0.8lkNnr ,o : (,. 14.9 MPa) and r- (o. : 2.15 r l0 3 : 6.4 x
61.5 x (0.t1t12 0.0325) : 3.58 10r: l5.7MPal, which explains why the ellcctive
lrt u.r t x rrr modulus method \iorks quite $,ell for prediciing long-
rcrm lateral deflections ol Iong columns.
The curvature is Although ihc prescnl example represents the simplest
possiblc case. ihe method can be extendcd to pinned
,y',:600xr0 6/0.1385 : 4.13 x 10 3m 1.
columns uith a variable cross-section. in which case more
Before we can calculate the dc0ection at mid-heisht, we rhan two sections should be invcstigaled and a numerical
hale to know the curvature ry', at the end sections. technique applied to 6nd thc deflection.
Investigating ihese, we find that they are uncmcked so The method can be extended to reslraind colum ns. bul
that the curvalure is establishcd using the elementary the numerical work will thcn incrcasc considerablv.
relation,y'1 : Mol(EoI:). with I'" : 139.3 x 10 6ma{es- Vanue and Vdccregor ' lr(rrmcnt'' ol t1t p-oblem rs
tablished with ,o : 8.0), we find helpful in such a case.
10 35 x l0 l
25.0 x l0r x 139.3 ! 10 6
:2.97 x l0 3m ' Concluding remark
The initial lateral deflection is now found using t20.801: The book ends, but creep goes on.
a.:tr2.97 x l0 3xs.132+(4.33-2.97)
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Name index
jlr 12!'ll. r617 (!51,2551. 171(264). l].2 (264), 18.91287), 19.7 (:l2t),
LOHTTA. R. P. I rr r90.91.9:,99).9 r7 (t 20.11 {ll0l. 20.23 tl3:r. 3l7t
loR\r1\. rv. R.. r.1011).5 28156). r I 1.1(183) NGAB, A S,:1.52{12,ll),I5l (l:r)
LOSBERG. A. 10..161:t,16r NIILSEN,K E. C..28{12)
LOTT, J L.15816t,64),7.[ (88.100. ]01) NIELSIN, L F,2.13 (]5),8.25 (120, l2r),ll t6 (211.2l]). t6.15 (25])
LUCHINGER, P.. 20 4,1 (1,15. 1.171 NrLSON,A.IL,l.s2(32.:l:ll,:1.53(13),20.32(]]7)
LUKAS,J., t1.12 (r 82) NISHIBAYASHI,S,, 3,9 (]l]]
LYN,\V. C. C., 10.7 (159, 161) NtYOGl.A (_5.19(59)
LYSE, t..4 r2141),9.14 (t4i. 147), I t.t3 (l8l) NYLANDER. ll..20.28 (137)
RADKEVTCH, B L.7.17 t106).9.24 (149) TADROS, M. K., 1?.5 (276), 17.6 (216)
RATNT.ORD.E C., 7.11 Lt0r) TAMAS. F. D., 10.47(r661
RANGAN, B. V.,20,1r Elr, tt8).20.11(137) TAYLOR, P. J,20.29 tlll)
RAO. P. S,5,19t61) TAYLOR, R. S..l.4l{100)
RAO.V J. 18.14(294), ]llr5(194,297,298) TETCHEN.K.-Th, r3 r 5 (2101
RAPEAEL,J.M.,.12(18),5.1:l(57. 58,62.611,6.1 ( ILl TERTEA, I ,
,1 16 (,16. ,17)
{182.186, rnr.llr8) TERZAGHI. K., 19.! (322)
RALTSCH. r--, 2041 (144) THTODORAKOPOLILOS,D. D,4.19(48.49).444(48,49)
REICHARI), T. W.,4.6 (39.46),5 22 (51,5,1). 11301186. 188) THIUER, A. U, ? 4187,88,95).9.4:l (151,
RLTNUR. M..2.15 (l5t. r0,1{158), ]012 (159), 1014 {159), 14.2 (2191 TEOMAS. F C., 3.1 (17, 21. 2,1), 8., (l I l, 120),
'52) 10.8 (l5q), 10 11 (159),
RIIOADES, R.,421(45) l0 7? (l?4), 11 15 (183, 185, 186)
RICHARDS, C \{., 10.11(17:ll
'tHoMsoN, J N..8.12 (120.128),8.18 (1201
RrcHdRT.F.E..43(18), 58{5rl. t9(il). 1061158 9), 119(llJzl THONGUTHAL W., I1 28 (18:l), 1212 (200)
ROLL, F.,5.6 (5r,6r),9.11(1,15).9 25ll'19, 150), 14.13 (122,221), 18.5 THURLIMA NN. B., 20.44 (145. 147)
'1IMUSK, J.5 46 (6r) 7.ll (101),8..15(125)
ROPER. H..4.21144t. r2 r7 (2051 TIPTON, C R.7.4O1108)
ROSS. A. D., t.r 3 (3),1.6 (18. 19).3l0 (20.21),5.21 (511.6.29 (75), TOMIS,,\WA. T.l9 (20)
I2 (87,88, q4,95), Ll5 (88, 1001.8.21 (118), rl26 020).9., TOPPLER. J. F., r7 r0 (281)
04r. 142). 11.211i8lt, r2.1 (191, 192), ll.4 (207,208,209,210, TOR ROJA, E . 10.10 (162), 1,1 r'1 ()24. 215. 226)
2r 1. 21:l, 214), ll.rJ (2081, 1.1,1 (221), 221), l5.ll 1.23'1. 2)8, 241, l RosT. H.. t:l9 (208), 1l r9 (214).16 20(255,256,25r). 18.7 (287),
242),_16.11246) 18.8 (287), 18.10{28?). 19.1 (104).203 {129,132. lll,134)
ROSlASY. F S.. 13.1512101 TROXELL, G i., l.l2 (181. ,l 2 (:lE), 4.37 (47). 5.ll {57, 5ll, 62. 6ll. 6 1
RL',ETZ. W..5.15 (5rJl,6 r5 (72,75. ?61.I22 (91,94),8.11 (115, 118, (69,70.l4). l.t
(182. 1E6,18?, 188)
rr9, r 20), r 0 60 (1691. 10.61(169) TSUJt, Y.,1.14(21,22)
RUSCH. H.,4.16 (41,,16),5.48 (61),5 49 (61),8.43 (122),9.10 (r50), TULIN, L 6,8.6i (l:16)
r0 42 (!651, r6 t6 (252), r71r (278), 18.13 (289), 19.5 (31!),20.1 (l!8). 1LJRK.D.Ir.1024(l6r)
RUSShLL, H. C.:1.15 (22,lll)
RUSSELL. J J..616 (78) uLITSKII.t.t.,5.54i6r,62),6.8(?0), 11.22(l8l)
RUTLEDGE. S. r:, rl.l (191) us ARMY ENGINEERS. rl3l{18), rr r4(182)
sAr IGER, R., 11 1l 0rJzl STATION,41r (41,,11)
sAl-MoN, c.c,209(ll0l US BURE^UoFRECLAMATION,I28(26),,1.12(1r.131{45).
SANDERS, P D, ?.10 (101, l0l), r.ll (101, 103, 10,1, 105, 106), 9.42 5206).82{111, 112),91(r4O),9.16(145 6). 11.8(11J2, lll8l, ll lt
(151) {186),rr32tr86)
SaNGIJA.C M.,5 50(6r)
SATALKIN, A. V,I26 (26,27). 1112 (117)
SATTLER. K.18.11231) VAISHNAV.R N., 1054(167). 14.1C19,220,229,230)
scHADE, D, r6 r9 (:54.256,2s71 vAN ANTWERP. E Il..l.l0 (27,28)
ScHELLINC, C.,20 40 (r,11) VANDFRBILT, M D , 20 30 (ll7l. 20.14 (137)
SCHMIDT, J.,9.12(150, 151) vhNlJAT, M,3.11 (21)
ScHUMANN, C C., I I 331133, 189) VERBECK, G,6 r7 (74)
saAMAN. F. E.,7 3r1t1061 vERLAAN. K.. 19.101306)
SEED. H B. r025 (161).11lJ 1208) vrEsr" l. M..20.47 (l4rl
sE(r, s.I l9 (l4t. r.2l (93.95,98) vocT, F.,2.14 05), r0I (1581. 10 22 (160)
sHFrKrN..\ A,5.ll(51) t34. t5L 1.56 (21). 9.20 (r461. 9.21 (1.16)
SHIDELER, J. I , ,1 5 (19t,4.45 r49) WALLAGE. P. A., I48 (20)
SIESS, C P. r7I1276),20.301lr7) wALLO, E V.,5 58 (63,6-1),6.16 (7), ?.r I (88.100.101),11.27 (183)
srftcIl, s. P.,135 (29) WALTERS, D. 8., 2012(ll7)
SLATE,F O., I 52 tl:. ll). l.5l (ll),5 r8 (58.59).6l0(75) wAL'fIrER, R., 20 16 (140). 20.17 (140.142)
sMtTH,A A,7 8 (87.881 wARD. M. A,l.l5 (29, 30).I l7 {29), 1.55 (21)- 4.15141,42).8IJ (114),
st4rTH, [.8..18 (])
sNowDoN, L. c..425 (4il wARNER,R F..19.8 (:r6l
sozEN, M. A., r? I (2761.10.19 (1321, 20.10 (ll7) WASHA. G. W, 5 l1 (51), 20.10(r10, 111, 31.1)
SPOONaR. D. C.. 5,ll (60), 1,1 27 l2lll WATSTETN, D,1.4(17 lll).5.25 (55)
STALEY. H. R.,9.1,1(151) wEtL.c..5.53 (61.621
STAUNTON. M M., i.30 (57,60,61),8 6.1(116) wli-cti, G. B , 3,r0 (]1,35)
STAVRIDES, H., 4.19 (,18,.r9) wEscHs, (..5 3l (59). 11.43 (188)
STFPHENSON. E K, r r2 (l). l.l4 (29), s 24 (55). 6 ll7 (78), I I 42 wHALEY, C P,lr.50 (130,131.112,114),9 48 (152)
088). t2.l (l9]) wr TE, A.It,14(2)
STEVENSON, J. F..5.59 (61),ll66 (116) wHTTNEY,C S, rl.rz (209),16.12 (248)
sT6cKL. S.,5 5r t6l) wIERtG, H J.,6.2i(751
srRArjB. F. 10 67 (r 71. L7l) WILLIAMS, A. J., 7.,11 (l0ll)
s].RALrB. L. G., r 16(182) wrNTER, G.,20 r2 (ll0)
WITTMANN, F H. t,l2(60). 10.65(l7q 171. 172, l?1, 1741.1066
STUPACHEN(O. P P. 10.48 1166)
(rrl, lo.rl (1?4- 178), 11.12 (182), 13.6 (207), 1l7
SUTER. G T, S 5l (1ll,ll4) (171), 10.67 171),
s\lAI\. G I:.,20I (ll9) c0r)
s\1.,\NIY. R. N, r 20124),4.39 (48,,19),4.44 (48,.19) woLFF. H..i, r8.8 (2871
S!VE-_SO|-. Il G, l0 5l (166), ll 22 (243) wooD. R H.,8.17 (120)
s\rI\7o\\ c. K. 1019 (r59.160) wooLsoN,L H, r.2(l)
YASHIN, A. V.. 5..1-1(61
YU^N. R L. 5 53 (61 6.11 7 1l rS8, 100. t0ll, I I lr_ ltSll
YoRK,G P,8ll t Lr0) YUNEKURA, A,. i,]9 (108, I09]
YOU\G, A G, 3.10 {t ln,I15,116)
YOU\G,J I:,10,161166) I049 (166) ZAL,\N, L M,:] 25I:6I
YL. C. W. i 11188,39.95, l0:). r.40 (l5ll zlA.l.5 i9 i6lr.8 66 tl16)
Subiect index
Adsorben waler, 6. 167. 168, 171. 176 Can iron asEregat., 41. I 17, 14E
CEB, ee Conn6 Europeen du B6ton
.hemntr, nolation, 1l
Ase adiu$.d.lTedive nodulus, 255, 299 compositcs. reinlorced. 4?
Aee at applicrlion oI load,51,51.69, 151, 192. 199
conrent, l9l, l9l, I94. 200
asnrulli pn,s nateral5
content,11.40,42.149 inlluen.c on crep. 17
AsEregateicement ratio,,10
AEing,5l Coemcie.r ol vncous lraction. 119
dryrng,8,9. 11,69.72
caily inrcsligations, I
Delialoic delormarion, 15
Difr.rcnLidsn nkagc,289-294.ll8,lr7
Di[usi,ii!, dryi.g. 2CO I
ol old concrele,58,89. ?49.252 DisjorinE pr.ssu.e, 174, 176, I77
!redrcxon,7t,99. 128. 134, 182, l9l Displacenenl, timc dependenr, :104, ll9
Pohson's ratio, l5 16, 120, 122 Dsplacenonl lransducer, 240
Drline creep, 8, 10. I l, 69, 72
rare oI, 57, 511.62, 71. 95. 99, 165 Dryinsdifrusi!n},200 t
rso!c.y, 10, l5j 4:l .1, 139. I.14,:,18 Drying, iniluen.e o. creep.69, ?2. 150.161
Forces, tine-depen dent, 304, 308 Maturity, 53, 89, 99, 104 151, 192
oI cEep,7l,99. 128. lld 182. 19l ar.a ritio, 142
olelasticstrai., 182, l9l Shorr rerm creep,5l 185
oisnnnkage.l82, 19l
Prc dryin&74,91,95. 169 Sh.inf,ase. 1.3,51, 5),71.71,76. 78. l6l, 182. l9l,:07,246.155.:64,
Preplaced aggrcgale .on.rte, 47 266,267.t8l,10,1.Ir6.ltr,r37,l4t,146
and aggregale contenl. :10
lossoi 55. 108, 278, 291. 297, 106
Ratcol loading, 10, 183 oI aurocLalcd co.oere, 106
oI neam-cur.d 106
Rate process theorl. s.e Acrilation ener8y oI tosio. specimens. ll8
Recolerable detormalion, I4. 52 1 prediction ol, 182, 191
squarehalilime. 100.200
Rednldburion ol moments. l5 timeexpresion.l8l
Rcinlorcd cement conposites. ,17 Dnimar., 4?. 199. 200
Reinlorced concrere, 1,9, 2.16. 128 unrts ol meastrcment, 10
due l. renperature.255