Flotation Theory Reagents and Ore Testing PDF
Flotation Theory Reagents and Ore Testing PDF
Flotation Theory Reagents and Ore Testing PDF
Rala D. Crozier
Flotation has become one of the most important techniques
available for mineral processing. This work provides a unique
and authoriative review of sulphide mineral collector
properties, their manufacture and use with specific ores. Special
emphasis is placed on the different flotation mechanisms
involved in particle capture of sulphide and non-sulphide
minerals and the effect of antagonal mechanisms on reagent
The author provides details, some previously unpublished, of
the chemical properties, manufacture methods and possible
surface-active impurities of commercial collectors and frothers.
In addition, the chemical composition of a broad number of
North American and European commercial reagent designations
are usted.
Ore sampling, sample preparation, testing machines and
routines are covered as practica! guides to mine laboratory staff.
Suggestions to testing procedures, equipment selection and
graphical data evaluation methods to multivariable problems are
Arecommended text for practising flotation mili metallurgists,
technicians and professional engineers working in the mining.
and mineral processing industry. Also of interest to laboratories
serving geologists, mining exploration and water treatment
ISBN O 08 041864 3
Related Perqamon Titles of ~I"lterest
Processing of Complex Ores
Extraction Metallurgy
Mineral Processing Technology
Acta Metallurgica et Materialia
Minerals Engineering
1el .e c';~ q ,
Q4C ./ .....
lntroducton 1
Chapter u. Noa-metallc !\/1!i!ll!eJrall 1Fliot,il!l1:imn 212
Non-sulphide mineral flotation 212
The nature of oily collector flotaton 213
Structure of mineral surfaces 216
Mechanism of collector adhesion 217
Collectors for industrial minerals 220
Fattyacids 221
Anionic collector chemistry 224
Industrially important fatty acid collectors 225
Cationic collector chemistry 225
Factors affecting selective flotation 228
Metallic oxide minerals mill practice 229
Industrial minerals mill practice 230
Bibliography 324
Table 34.- Reagent practice, moly recovery'from porphyry ores, moly circuit 113
Table 35.- Regional mine performance 115
Table 36.- Moly plants using the sulphide process - Shirley (1979) 119
Table 37.- San Manuel copper and moly assays 129
Table 38.- Molybdenite plant reagent consumption 135
Table 39.- Microscopic analysis of the moly plant streams 138
Table 40.- Lab results of sand/slime tests, without added reagents 138
Table 41.- Lab results of sand/slime tests, with split after 6 minutes 140
Table 42.- Lab results of sand/slime tests, with split after 12 minutes 142
Table 43.- Plant test of the effectiveness of the sand/slime separation 144
Table 44.- Screen analysis and copper distribution - Andina 145
Table 45.- The effect of NaSH conditioning time on copper recovery 146
Table 46.- Andina - results of test for addition point of NaSH 148
Table 470- Material balances for El Teniente 152
Table 48.- Floatability of samples from different mine sectors 157
Table 490- Material balance and screen analysis retreat regrind 167
Table 50.- Effect of Nokes reagent on rougher recovery 171
Table 51.- Effect of Nokes reagent on first cleaner recoveries 171
Table 520- Moly/copper separation cleaner tests with columns 172
Table 53.- Froth flotation in the UoSAo; source: Ll.S. Bureau of Mines 175
Table 540- UoS. consumption of collectors in 1975 and 1985 176
Table 55.- Consumption offrothers in the total U.S. mining industry 177
Table 56.- Industrial copper mili flotation performance data 179/18
Table 570- Industrial copper mili flotation reagent data 185/191
Table 58.- Average porphyry copper mine performance in 1975 192
Table 590- Collector use frequency comparison for copper milis 194
Table 60.- Frother use frequency comparison for copper mills 196
Table 61.- Collector consumption in copper sulphide ore flotation 198
Table 620- Power and water use in U'S, flotation milis 199
Table 63.- Screen size equivalents 201
Table 64.- Principal sulphide minerals 206
Table 650- Secondary minerals in Pb-Zn complex ores 210
Table 66.- Collector reagents for non-metallic minerals 220
Table 67.- Fatty acid content of oils and fats (weight %) 222
Table 680- The structure of sorne anionic collectors 222
Table 69.- Critical miscelle concentration for anionic collectors 224
Table 700- Nitrogenous cationic flotation agents 226
Table 71.- Cationic amine collector structures 227
Table 72.- Molecular species solubility, pK a , and polar head diameter 228
Table 73.- Commercially important boron minerals 232
Table 740- Glass fiber colemanite specifications 233
Table 75.- Typical composition of spruce pine alaskite 235
Table 76.- Reagents employed in the flotation of feldspatic ores 237
Table 77.- Reagents for fluorspar, sulphide and barite flotation 240
Table 78.- Fluorspar grade specifications 242
Table 79.- Specification for commercial quartz and feldspar 242
Table 80.- Reagents employed in the flotation of glass sand in the USA 243
Table 81.- Experimental design and results - glass sands 245
Table 82.- Experimental design - glass sands flotation 246
Table 83.- Reagents employed in the flotation of phosphate rack in the USA 250
Table 84.- Reagents used in potash flotation 252
Table 85.- Reagents employed in the flotation of potash in the USA 253
Table 86.- Scheelite flotation results 253
Table 87.- Mineralogical analysis of Kings Mountain spudomene ore 255
Table 88.- Feldspar, quartz, spudomene minerals in N.e. pegmatites 256
Table 89.- Flotation testing variables 259
Table 90.- Influence of EtX and alpha-terpineol consumption on grade 268
Table 91.- Influence of EtX and octanol consumption on concentrate grade 269
Table 92.- Three-variable five-Ievel Box-Wilson design layout 273
Table 93.- Flotation cell dimensions and standard flotation test conditions 285
Table 94.- Reproducibility of time-recovery curves for Leeds cells 287
Table 95.- Parameters to determine sample size for different minerals 288
Table 96.- Column flotation variables used in reground pulp cleaner study 318
Table 97.- Overall experimental plan for the RRC samples in the 2" column 320
Table 98.- Optimum flotation conditions for the 2" column 321
Fig. 34.- Mineral content of Teniente concentrate - 1984 155
Fig. 35.- Monthly moly assays and tonnage produced by sectors 156
Fig. 36.- Monthly moly assays for 1989 for Colon and Sewell 156
Fig. 37.- Floatability of samples from different sectors of the mine 158
Fig. 38.- The alkaline c1eaner flotation circuit at Colon 160
Fig. 39.- Performance of the copper c1eaner circuit 161
Fig. 41.- The effect of pH on pyrite and molybdenite recovery 163
Fig. 42.- Effect of pH on Cu and moly recovery from second c1eaner 164
Fig. 43.- Molybdenum content of Teniente tailings water 164
Fig. 44.- Potential-pl-l diagram for moly-sulphur-water 165
Fig. 45.- First cleaners and copper circuit flow diagram 166
Fig. 46.- Effect of grind on copper and moly recovery 168
Fig. 47.- Moly content vs particle size - Colon 169
Fig. 48.- Moly content vs particle size - Sewell 170
Fig. 49.- Proposed new Colon cleaner circuit 170
Fig. 50.- Redox measurements of rougher flotation - Teniente 172
Fig. 51.- Overall mill performance, world survey 193
Fig. 52a.-Collector frequency graphs, world survey 195
Fig. 52b.-Frother frequency graphs, world survey 197
Fig. 53.- Complex ore differential flotation circuit 204
Fig. 54.- Effect of grind on copper recovery from ores 208
Fig. 55.- Forces in adsorption and chemisorption 216
Fig. 56.- Water clathrates 218
Fig. 57.- Effect of brine composition on ratio of oleate chemisorption 228
Fig. 58.- Feldspar, mica and quartz flotation, Spruce Pine, NC 236
Fig. 59.- Weathered decomposed pegmatite processing, N.e. 236
Fig. 60.- Fluorspar milI, Reynolds Mining Corp., Texas 238
Fig. 61.- Mill circuit for a fluorspar-zincheavy media concentrate 239
Fig. 62.- Pilot plant flowsheet for sand beneficiation 244
Fig. 63.- Lock cycle tests and pilot plant - glass sands 244
Fig. 64.- Flow diagram for a phosphate rock plant 249
Fig. 65.- Potash scrubbing-desliming-reagent conditioning system 251
Fig. 66.- Foote spudomene flotation circuit 254
Fig. 67.- Spudomene and feldspar-quartz-mica flotation, Kings Mt, NC 255
Fig. 68.- Results of 2 kg laboratory flotation tests, single variable search 261
Fig. 69.- A two-variable factorial design 262
Fig. 70.- Experimental design based on a square pattern 264
Fig. 71.- Cubic experiment for a truncated 3 by 3 design 265
Fig. 72.- Effect of frother and collector on copper recovery 266
Fig. 73.- Collector/frother interaction on recovery and grade 267
Fig. 74.- Interaction of octanol and EtX on recovery and grade 270
Fig. 75.- Box-Wilson rotatable two-variable five-level design 272
Fig. 76.- Box-Wilson rotatable three-variable five-level design 273
Fig. 77.- False optimum in a one variable at a time search 274
Fig. 78.- Steepest ascent experimental procedure result 275
Fig. 79.- SSDEVOP: climbing a response surface, from Mular 276
Fig. 80.- Standard 5.5 liter (2 kg) flotation cell from ASTM 281
Fig. 81.- Flotation cell proposed by ISO committee on coal 282
Fig. 82.- Flotation cell impeller and diffuser 283
Fig. 83.- Comparison of the performance of flotation machines 286
Fig. 84.- Minimum representative sample size 289
Fig. 85a.-Standard 2 kg ball milI used in Chile (body) 301
Fig. 85b.-Standard 2 kgball mill used in Chile (cover) 302
Fig. 86.- Schematic of a flotation column 314
Fig. 87.- CIMM's column flotation pilot plant 317
Fg. 88.- CIMM recommended flowsheet for cleaner column flotation 322
The author acknowledges with thanks the assistance given by the folIowing companies
and publishers in permitting the reproduction of illustrations from their publications:
John Wiley & Sons Inc., 605 Third Ave, New York, NY 10016
Stephen J. Lippard, Editor, Progress in inorganic chemistry, Volume 23, copyright -
1977; containing: D.L. Kepert, "Aspects of the stereochemistry of six-coordination",
Figures 6.7,8 & 9; and Michael G. B. Drew, "Seven-coordination chemistry", for
Figures 10 and 11.
Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 270 Eight Avenue, New York, NY 10011,
Janusz S. Laskowski, Editor, "Frothing in flotation", copyright: 1989; containing Ronald
D. Crozier, and Richard R. Klimpel, "Frothers: plant practice", Figures 15, 20, 21, and 22
Australasian Institute of Mining and MetaIlurgy (Inc), Clunies Ross House, 191 Royal
Parade, Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia
K.L. Sutherland, and I.W. Wark, "PrincipIes of flotation", copyright: 1955, Figure 25
metallic flotation, Chemical reagents in the mineral processing industry, Editors, Deepak
Malhotra and W.F. Riggs. SME of AIME, Littleton, ca, pp. 3-20 Figures 58, 59, 61,
and 67
'rile Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, 44 PortIand Place, London, W1N 4BR
Grainger-Allen, T.J.N. (1970), Bubble generation in froth flotation machines, Trans.
I.M.M.;]2, pp. C15-C22, figure 1
Lekki, J., & Laskowski, J. (1971), On the dynamic effect of frother-collector joint action
in flotation, Trans. I.M.M., Section CM, C174-80. figures 16, 17, and 18
Mathieu, G.L and Sirois, L.L. (1984), New processes to float feldspathic and ferrous
minerals from quartz, Reagents in the minerals industry, M.J.Jones and ROblatt, Eds,
(London: IMM), pp. 57-67; Figure 62, and 63
The author is also grateful to Mr. Farlow Davis for permission to use unpublished
material on molybdenum depressants; to CODELCO-Chile division management for
providing the data used in the case histories on the Andina and El Teniente mines; to
the Director of Chile's Centro de Investigation Minera y Metalurgica for providing the
column testing data; and to Sherex Chemical Company, Inc, which provided flotation
testing procedures and details of the test equipment. Sabine Slotta is thanked for the
many tedious hours spent copy editing the manuscript.
- 1-
2 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
Much has been written on how to design and manage the proper exploration
of an ore body and the design of an optimum drilling programme.
Computer programmes are capable of processing drill, core and tunnelling
data, and presenting these in terms of three dimensional topologies of the
mineral species, and spewing out the proven, probable and inferred reserves
of the future mine, including an indication of the confidence leve! of the
Introduction 3
As will be apparent from the text, the selection of appropriate reagents for
the optimum flotation of a particular ore is more an art than a science; but
the use of a systematic approach to obtain laboratory flotation data can
reduce the hit or miss aspects of this particular art. Information on the
performance of flotation reagents is frequently contradictory because non-
identical flotation circuits may be conforming to a different flotation regime,
and therefore the reagents in the full-scale plants act different1y from the
case histories described in the literature. Even if we limit our review to
current1y fashionable flotation equipment, we must qua1ify any reagent
recommendations, as frothers and collectors will not react in the same
manner if the flotation is carried out in small subaeration machines, forced
air units, modern giant cells or flotation columns. Quite obviously, there are
also operational differences between the generically similar machine designs
of different manufacturers, which can affect the choice of the reagents.
To add complexity to our information matrix, there are at least four different
types of minerals that are upgraded by flotation: (1) metallic sulphide
minerals, (2) metallic oxides or tarnished sulphide minerals, (3) non-metallic
4 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
Definition of terms
Floatable minerals can be c1assified into non-polar and polar types, according
to Wills (1988). The segregation into these two types of minerals is based on
their surface bonding. The surfaces of non-polar minerals have relatively
weak molecular bonds, difficult to hydrate, and in consequence such minerals
are hydrophobic. Non-polar minerals inc1ude graphite, sulphur, molybdenite,
diamond, coal, and tale, all naturally floatable in the pure state. The ores
containing these minerals usually require the addition of non-specific
collectors to their pulp to aid the natural hydrophobicity of the floatable
fraction, i.e. oily collectors, such as fuel oil, kerosene, coal distillates, etc.
The minerals in group 1 are all sulphides, with the exception of the pure
metals. Their flotation characteristics are not uniform, and, based on
Finkelstein and Poling (1977), must be further divided into three more sub-
6 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
Group 4 Group S
Soluble Collectors
2-Mercaptobenzothiazol ~Je-s 8
O,O-Aryl,O-aryl Ph-O S
acids Ph-oIP(s-Na+ Insoluble
Dialkyl xanthogen s O
R-O-C-S-C-O-R' Insoluble
Dialkyl thiono- S
R-O-C-NHR' Insoluble
Xanthic Esters Insoluble
Slightly soluble
Fatty acids R-C-OH in water
Sulphonates R-S-O-OH Soluble
dimers are Iorrned, while coursing bubbles dominare when there is true oily
collector flotation, With the exception of pentlandite, ambiguous minerals
are less often encountered in the flotation laboratory,
CresyLic acid
ALkoxyparaffins /OCH2CH3
1,1,3-triethoxybutane CH3CHCH2C-H sLight
or TES I \CH 2CH3
Dowfroths R(OR' )xOH miscibLe at Low 'x'
to partiaLLy
Aerofroths R(OR' )xOH soLubLe at high 'x'
The largest volume flotation operations are those that involve the upgrading
of commodities: iron ores, coal, phosphates, limestone, potash, copper... but
the technically most interesting are the separation of similar metals from
complex ore, such as mixed lead, zinc, silver and copper ores, or
copper /molybdenum concentrates.
Flotation Fundamentals
Bu/k flotation is a sornewhat imprecise term that covers nearly a1l the normal
rougher or scavenger flotations, where a single mineral or a group of related
minerals are separated from gangue and other low value minerals in a single
flotation step. An exarnple would be the recovery of a mixed copper
sulphide concntrate from an ore containing pyrite and gangueo Others
inelude the separation of KCI from sodium chloride, upgrading phosphate
rock, desulphurising iron ores, etc.
Collectors are reagents that coat and/or react with mineral surfaces and
make them water repellent or attachable to air bubbles. The chemical
structures of most commonly employed collectors are shown in Table 2.
Sulphide ore collectors a11 contain sulphur and are thiols or can hydrolyse to
a thiol. Non-sulphide and non-metallic minerals are normally floated
employing collectors such as fatty acids, amines, quaternary ammonium
compounds, sulphonates or petroleum oils.
Frothers are surface active reagents that aid in the formation and
stabilisation of air-induced flotation froths. The commonly employed
frothing agents are aleohols which are only slightly soluble in water, or the
more modern frothers, which are generally varieties of polyethers or
polyglycol ethers that are completely miscible with water. Examples are Iisted
in Table 3.
pH Modifiers
Soda ash:
Caustic soda:
Resurfacing agents
Cations: Ba++, Ca++, Cu++, Pb++, Zn++, Ag+
Anions: Si0 3, P04-- CN-, C03' S=
A material balance algorithm for a single cell can quantify both the pulp mass
flow rate in and out of the cell, and also the concentrate mass rate, if assays
are available for the different streams. At a lower confidence level, the rate
of return of water to the pulp, and the rate of flow of the different
components of the concentrate, can also be calculated. Under steady
conditions, the height of the interface between the concentrate froth and the
draining froth can be inferred from froth physical property measurements,
such as density or metal concentration profiles,
12 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
that define the rate of capture of the mineral by the bubble, involve electron
transfers when the mineral is conductive, and surface tension forces when
the mineral is an insulator.
The froth flotation literature labels these two particle capture processes as
the coursing bubb1e process, and the air precipitation 01' nascent bubble
process (the latter wiIl be used in this text). Bubb1e capture, 01' coursing
flotation, predominares when oily collectors are used to concentrate non-
metallic minerals or non-sulphide metallic ores, 01' when collectors
containing double bonded sulphur atoms are used with metallic sulphide ores
which do not form dithiolates on the mineral surface, but ionise and form
metal salts. As we see from the data in Table 53 (page 175), the bubble
capture mechanism occurs mainly with minerals where the concentration
ratio is less than 5:1, and selectivity is usually obtained by employing specific
depressants rather than making collector adjustments.
"No matter from what source they [the minerals] came, each
gave a constant maximum contact angle with ethyl xanthate,
and moreover, this angle was invariably 60 oo. Metals gave
the same angle, and it was immaterial whether the sodium
or potassium salt was used. This angle of contact is
therefore characteristic of ethyl xanthate; any surface that
has responded fulIy to the colIector .exhibits it. There can
only be one explanation for this fact, namely, that the
mineral becomes coated with a film ~f xanthate, and that
the effective surface is, in fact, the xanthateitself."
Other authors have pointed out the static nature of contact angle
measurements and the danger of extrapolating contact angle results to
14 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
The seminal work on the signifieance of contact angles in fiotation has been
done by Gardner and Woods (1973, 1974, and 1977), and summarised by
Woods (1976, 1977, 1981). The key to their work was the design of a cell
which allowed the simuitaneous measurement of contact angles and a surface
potential on an eleetrode, and a miero-fiotation device equipped with an
electrode capable of transferring an electrieal potential to a bed of mineral or
metal particles whieh permitted dynamic measurement of electrochemical
potentials and flotation reeoveries. The initial work was with gold and
platinum, which was then extended to pyrite and galena surfaces.
Data on contact angles fOI xanthates from which many of the generalisations
on the properties of coIlectors have been based are reported by KIassen and
Mokrousov (1963), and surnmarised in Table 5. Extending the range of the
data in Table 5, Taggart (1947) cites a series of contact angle measurements
where the nurnber of carbon atoms in the xanthate alkyl group went from 1
to 16, and the contact angle increased from 50 for methyl xanthate, steadily
to 80 fOI amyl, 87 fOI hexyl, 90 fOI 7 carbons, 94 for 8, and 96 for 16
carbons (cetyl).
Statements in text books that longer chain alkyl group xanthates are "stronger
collectors'' are based on these contact angle values. In fact, beyond sorne
minirnum bond strength between the mineral and the bubble, persistence of
adhesion is onIy a function of the froth rheology and turbulence. What does
correlate with contact angles for xanthates is that longer chain alkyl groups
coincide with lower selectivity, so amyl xanthates wiIl result in the production
of a larger volume, lower grade, rougher concentrate.
Xanthates with alkyl chains longer than hexyl provide lower flotation
recoveries. Decyl and longer chain xanthates are good depressants. A weIl
known, but generaIly unpublished, property of xanthates is that they may be
used as emergency copper depressants in moly/ copper circuits. Operators
16 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
We have commented on "over oiling", a term which was first used around the
time of World War 1 to describe the phenomena that excessive amounts of
colIector in a flotation systern will result in a decrease in recovery. This
decrease in recovery with increased dosage tends to be ignored in published
papers on flotation research.
The reason for this omission seems to be that Hallimond tube and other
micro-flotation tests do not detect the drop in recovery with excess collector
and/or frother, and for many of these papers the only flotation
measurements carried out have be en on a micro-scale.
1 O O O O
2 59 60 60 60
3 68 69 68 67
4 74 78 73 74
5 88 90 86 82
6 100 94 95 95
Effect of Branching
ButyL Xanthate
NormaL 74 78 73 74
Branched 77 78 78 78
The Hallimond tube has been very popular in research laboratories because it
eliminates the cost of assaying head, tailings and concentrate. The need to
assay is avoided by studying artificial ores made by mixing pure minerals.
The most common system has be en a mixture of galena and sand (or pure
quartz). To perform a flotation experiment in a Hallimond tube, a very
dilute pulp (usually about 1% solids) is placed in the bubble generating unit,
which is the size of a test tube. The tube has a side arm welded to the upper
Mechanism of Flotation 17
regin; to operare, the unit is tilted until the liquid is level with the side arm,
and air is turned on to the bubble generating device (usually a glass frit).
The concentrate overflows into the side arm, is collected for a fixed time, and
weighed. As a frother normally sequesters collectors and interferes with the
operation of Hallimond tubes, they are usually omitted. Thus we have the
anachronism that a device without a controllable froth is used to simulate
froth flotation.
Because Hallimond tube flotation does not require the use of a frother, the
effect of frothers on flotation performance also tends to be ignored in artic1es
reporting fundamental research, In addition, many of these articles only
report the collector concentration in the water phase, and do not inc1ude the
pulp density. Therefore, it is important to translate the published reagent
dose shown in recovery curves into mill terms (grams or pounds per ton of
dry mineral), using a best estimate of pulp density (1 - 30%?) if unspecified,
when evaluating whether the information reported has any possibility of
being pertinent to mill problems. Typical sulphide ore flotation dosage of
collectors used industrialIy are about 0.02 to 0.2 pounds per short ton of ore,
or 10 to 100 gm per metric tonne of ore. These ranges translate to
approximately 5 mgjl to 50 mgjl or 0.029 to 0.29 mol/litre of the water
phase, for the molecular weights of the typical xanthates studied.
the flotation process, there is arate limiting step, which is the velocity of the
formation, or attachment, of a micro- or macro-bubble to the mineral
surface. Once the bubbles have attached themselves to ore partic1es, the
bubbles rise in the pulpo First they form a lattice which appears like a loose
sponge, then later the bubbles tighten into a froth. This tightening process
results in the squeezing out of a great part of the occ1uded water, which
returns to the pulpo This returning water mechanically c1eans the froth and
detaches the gangueo During this c1eaning stage there may be sorne
secondary capture of valuable mineral that has fallen from bubbles in the
stable froth region, but this secondary capture is not a controlling step in the
overall mineral recovery process.
step 1 s . .s
step 2
su sn
2 (RO C-S >ads---+ (RO e-s>2 + 2 e-
s" _
su ..s
(RO e-s ~ds + RO C-Ss~l;;-+ (RO e-s>2
~02 + H20 + 2e ~
+ 2H+ + Ze
- \
02 ~ HZOZ
Indirect evidence of this last reaction has been provided by Jones and
Woodcock's (1978) discovery of perxanthates in tailings pulp from flotation
20 FLOTATIN - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
s s
2ROC-S + H202 --~ ROC-S-O- + H20
and point out that the only source of hydrogen peroxide in a pulp would be
the last reaetion aboye.
The nature of the dixanthogen forrned will depend on the metal cation
involved. In the case of galena the infrared speetra show that the anodie
reaction involved is
s s
PbS + 2ROC-S + 1/202 + 2H+ ----~ PbCROC-S)2 + So + 2e
Solvated cations
'" sx Water dipole in
edsorbed anion in IHP
Soluated anian
Water d ipo Ie in
b'" I
la4 I
I _I L '1'
,1 I
~ I
---r--- 'I'd
I I .,
I I '1'5
Charge reuersa 1
because of
adsorp-t ion af
~-:--::;; ~ counterions
The structure 01 water is also a factor. Most theories 01' the rnechanism of
flotation stick to the electrical double layer theory as an adequate description
of the influence of the water phase on collector adhesion to a mineral
surface. Possibly it is an over-simplification, as the structure of water is
controversial. Linus Pauling suggests that for pure water, at ambient and
lower temperatures there is considerable regularity to the structure; between
O and 4 he suggests that the crystalline regularity 01' water molecules
corresponds to a mixture of ice 1 crystals (Fig. 3), which has a density of 0.92,
mixed with ice Il, a structure similar to quartz, which has a density of 1.17. As
the temperature approaches the maximum density of water, at 4C, the
relative proportion 01' ice II rises. Above 4C, water becomes more
amorphous, the crystalline regularity becoming more and more discontinuous
as the temperature increases.
Fig. 3.- The structure of ice, showing the orientation of the hydrogen
bonding, adapted from Pauling (1967).
Mechanism of Flotation 23
Lone e lect.ron
Fig. 4.- Localised-bond structure for H 20 with sp3 orbitals for oxygen
Fig. 4 shows the spatial arrangement of the orbitals in water, and the
explanation for the abnormally high dipole that this molecule exhibits. In
mineral pulps, the aqueous phase is alkaline and contains common saline
salts in solution, usually including calcium, magnesium, silicates, sodium
chloride and excess hydroxyl groups. Schematically, the orientation of the
water molecules in the hydrated anions and cations will be as shown in Fig. 5.
Laskowski proposes that the hydration of a mineral surface in an impure
aqueous solution will consist of multilayers of water molecules ordered into
ice type crystals with stray water molecules and small hydrated ions captive
within the clathrate structure. Presumably the value of the measured
electrical double layer charges reflects the energy necessary to penetrate this
hydration layer.
The topology of the layer may well be even more complicated than
Laskowski's model, as concentrated transition metal salt solutions are known
to have peculiar solubility characteristics . which reflect a crystal-like
regularity. For example, a 60.2 weight per cent zinc chloride solution, a
concentration which corresponds to 5 molec~les of water per molecule of
zinc chloride, becomes a perfect solvent for polyacrylonitrile polymers, while
a solution with less than a 45% zinc chloride (a nine to one mole ratio) is a
non-solvent (see R.D. Crozier, et al, U.S. Patent 3,346,685, 1967). X-ray
diffraction data on the concentrated solutions gives diffuse crystalline
24 FLTATIN - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
scattering, though the liquid ordering involved has not been determined,
- 25-
26 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
for [lHb identat 3 1
CompLex b
1.34 24.7
1.32 23.8
1.24 19.9
1.22 21.1
1.21 18.7
1.19 16.8
1.21 20.3
1.19 20.1
much longer (3.5 A) and weaker than the sulphur bonds. The cupric
reactions are:
e ..
/:.:. ;"'::::"':::" ~_-l/
r ce (xanthate ) 2] POLYMER Cu
Note that for the trivalent metals the geometry of the complexes are capped
octahedrons. The evidence on polymer formation is tenuous, which probably
means that xanthates reacting with lead cations in solution will usually only
form dimers and trimers at the mineral surface. The complex wiIl have
available Ione electron pairs to transfer to the mineral particle.
~ L-.~~
~) _~ep'
lone pail:'
StructuraL Parameters of Tris(bidentate) (Lone pair) CompLexes
CompLex M- a M- b aMa bMb aa ab
All the flotation literature surveyed, including recent compendia such as Leja
(1982), always refer to dixanthogens as oily liquids. This suggests that impure
products have been used in flotation experiments, because methyl, ethyl and
isopropyl dixanthogens are solids at room temperature, as is the
mercaptobenzothiazole dithiolate. The ethyl and mercaptobenzothiazole
dithiolates, which are readily available commercially, are yellow solids, in all
The 1983 Merck Index, under dixanthogen (compound 3402) lists as alternate
names thioperoxydicarbonic acid diethyl ester, or dithiobis[thioformic acid]
O,O-diethyl ester, and describes the product as yellow needles, mp 28-320 ,
onion like odour, solubility in alcohol 2g/100 mI, freely soluble in benzene,
ether, petr. ether, oils. Almost insoluble in water. Use: insecticide
formulations, herbicide, topical parasiticide. Under dithiobis[benzothiazole]
(monograph 3389) it also lists the dithiolate of mercaptobenzothiazole as
pale yellow needles, density 1.5, mp. 1800 , (minimum commercial
Sulphide mineral flotation 31
s S
Dixanthogen R-O-C-S-S-C-O-R
The role of alkyl dithiolates in flotation systems, and the type of surface
bonding involved, was extensively reviewed by Finke1stein and Poling (1977).
The relevant dithiolates they studied are shown in Table 7.
Bis CdiaLkoxyphosphono-
thioyL) disuLphide CRO)2PCS)SSCS)PCOR)2 CDTP)2 DiaLkyL dithio- DTP
2,2' Dithiobis
benzothiazoLe s S CMBT)2 Mercaptobenzo- MBT
\ / thiazoLe
/ \
mineral surface, and that it was the natural floatability of the sulphur that
caused the flotation of galena. More important was the controversy that, in
all cases, for a xanthate to act as a collector, it must have reacted to form
dixanthogen. The analysis is best summarised in their own words:
This explains why sorne 01' the early research suggested that elemental
sulphur could be the active collector on galena al'ter exposure to xanthates,
Finkelstein and Poling's most interesting conclusion in their overal1 survey 01'
published data on infra-red surface analysis (which predates Woods review)
is that the active species on galena is alead xanthate. As there is considerable
evidence that the lead atom in galena is labile, there should be Pb+ + present
in solution in flotation pulps, so the lead xanthate identified on the mineral
surface is likely to be the seven coordination complexes depicted in Fig. 9.
These complexes have lone pairs which can be donated to the mineral
Woods' 1977 analysis, based on voltamograms for galena, and the concept
that significant contact angles are essential to flotation, is as foUows:
Orpiment AS2S3 +
+ @
Cinnabar HgS @ @ @ @ +
SphaLerite ZnS @ @ @ @ + @ @
Antimonite AS2S2 @ + + + + @ @
ALabandite MnS @ + + + +
Bornite CuSFeS4 @ + + + + Cu(DTP)2 Cu(MBP)2
ChaLcocite cU2S @ + + + + Cu(DTP)2 Cu(MBP)2
Galena PbS + + + + Pb(DTP)2 @
S.. . h S:
'e v
I t-~---I>
As the species is the anion of xanthic acid, it is obvious that the single bonded
sulphur can provide an electron for an ionic bond. A very similar picture can
be given for the dithiophosphates and the > mercaptans, while the
thionocarbamates, xanthogen formates and xanthic esters exhibit resonance
in their sulphur-to-carbon bonding, as well as a similar resonance in the
nitrogen or oxygen atom.
Sulphide mineral flotation 37
Sorne specific calculated charges given in this paper are: for molybdenite,
average charge for Mo, -0.74; for S, +0.37; for proustite (Ag 3AsS3 ) , formal
charge for Ag -1; for sphalerite and wurzite, average charge for zinc -0.67;
and for sulphur, +0.67; while for galena, which has a sodium chloride
strucrure, the bonds are resonating, and the average charges are + 0.43 for S,
and -0.43 for Pb. These are listed in Table 10, and compared to the mineral's
semi-conductor properties and flotation critical pH.
The general conclusion is that, for the majority of the sulphide minerals, the
negative charge on the metal forces the collector- mineral electron transfer to
be from the collector su1phur atom to the mineral su1phur atom.
~:d = Cu
~1\!1l = As
= Cu
e= Fe 0=8
= Zn
p-type to provide a point of adherence for the collector, the n-type for the
transfer of electrons to oxygen dissolved in the pulp to thus maintain
electroneutrality for each mineral particle. The bulk semi-conductor
properties (Baleshta et al, 1970) of the more important sulphide minerals are
Iisted in Table 110
We have looked at how collectors adhere to mineral partic1es but not at the
nature of the collector-bubble bond, or for that matter the overall mineral
partic1e-bubble bond. We know that mineral capture by bubbles is a
reluctant phenomena, In all cases studied, an induction delay in gas-solid
contact has been detected, One can visualise the time delay as the bubble
girding its loins and battering its way past the defending forces to finally
reach the mineral surface. In this case the defending forces resisting the
bubble approach are the water of hydration around the particles and the
oriented water layer at the liquid/gas interfaces.
The theory and mathematics of these surface tension phenomena and their
effect on the dynamics of flotation are complexo KIassen and Mokrousov
(1963) extensively reviewed the classic thermodynamic information available
prior to 1960. Laskowski (1974) published "Particle-bubble attachment in
flotation", a thorough up-date, His synopsis, which agrees with KIassen and
Mokrousov, says:
The forces holding a collector to the surface of a sulphide mineral are due to
bonding through the transfer of lone electron pairs as well as ionic bonding
by van der Waals forces. This bonding is obvious, but due to the use of
contact angles to evaluate whether bubble attachment occurs at given
conditions, an implicit subconscious assumption is present that the alkyl
group of col1ectors is hydrophobic and therefore that a bubble attaches itself
to this hydrocarbon layer through surface tension forces. In fact, the use of
contact angle measurements to evaluate positive floatability is dangerous, as
there is incontrovertible evidence that successful sulphide mineral recovery
by flotation requires that the amount of collector present be considerably less
than a monolayer of collector, while stable contact angles are measured when
there are multilayers on the sample surface. \
To determine what force, other than surface tension, accounts for collector-
frother adhesion, one can analyse the bonding of each link in the chain
joining the bubble to the mineral particle. First, what is the collector to
mineral bond: it is obvious that as the collector has transferred electrons to
the sulphide mineral, there is chemical adsorption, and a covalent or ionic
bond between the collector and the mineral.
Second, what is the bond between the exposed side of the collector and the
bubble: here the same reasoning as that used for the validity of the contact
angle indicates that the surface tension forces that come into play with
hydrophobic surfaces cannot be major contributors to bubble adhesion; but
there is independent evidence that, in sulphide mineral systems, frothers
adsorb onto collector coated minerals, so chemical adsorption between the
frother and the collector is probably present. Supporting this is the fact that,
to adsorb collectors, the sulphide mineral particle must maintain
e1ectroneutrality by oxidation of oxygen dissolved in the pulp; therefore, there
must be a charge on the collector adhered to the mineral, and this e1ectron
deficit will be available to form a chemical bond between the frother and the
Third, what is the bond between the collector-frother complex and the
bubble: a simplified mechanism of nascent bubble formation on the mineral
surface posits that this will occur at electrical discontinuities on the sulphide
particle surface; this charge anisotropy will attract surface-active species in
solution, which will then stabilise the growing bubble through normal
surfactant action. In effect, an e1ectron bond is formed at the same time as
the bubble, and bubble stability is produced by independent frother
molecules, with either the same or different chemical structures than the
species forming the collector-frother complexo
~c'" 41'd /.l4llill water \
~+-'"0 lec u les
~ \ o?? \ oC;:::;> rP II t
Step 1
bubble approaeh ~ UJ!!lU ~ ~:~I.~I:~
/~~~0~{; Mineral particle f\.\ 0(/
1:\ solid phase /)",oJ.i
air phase
Step 2
bubble adhesion
co 1 lector frother
Leja and Schulman (1954) studied the interaction between colIectors and
frathers in 1954, and demonstrated that a colIeetor eoated mineral will
remove frother from a solution. Their experment was quite simple. They
took a sample of ground galena, plaeed it in a xanthate solution, drained off
the solution and then added water containing a known amount of a flotation
frather. Analysis of the liquid phase demonstrated a reduetion in the frother
content and therefore the formation of sorne form of colIeetor-frother
44 FLOTATIN - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
Fig. 15, taken from Crozier and Klimpel (1988) depicts a xanthate-alcoholic
frother interaction complex on the surface of a sulphide mineral. It shows the
chemisorption of the demised sulphur atoms and the physical adsorption of
the double bonded sulphur atom. Note that these double bonded sulphur
atoms are on the same plane as the single bonded atoms, The frother
molecules within the collector matrix are oriented so that the hydroxyl groups
are pointing away from the mineral surface, so, when bubbles adhere, these
groups are located at the interface with the air water boundary to bond the
bubble to the mineral surface.
priJTIary 0]("
(J ,/
\ frother BUBBLE /'
"OH-"O / /'
Hydrogen oer-t-ted
H, ) .,/ excep't; for OH
.......0 H
H H .....
,....P~ H frot.her posit.ion
assulI"es H bond
with collect.ol' Oxygen
1.84 A Mineral
Mineral surface
The bond between the frother alkyl group and the collector could be a
hydrogen bond with the oxygen atom attached to the CSz group, See page
36 for the possible resonance structures for xanthate anions which would
accommodate this sort of bonding. Note that the collector's single bonded
sulphur atoms transfer electrons to form a bond with the mineral's sulphur
atoms, not the metal atoms. Though the illustration assumes adsorption of
the double bonded sulphur atom, it can chemisorb to the mineral sulphur
atom because the double bond can resonate between the S =S and S = O
positions in the collector molecule. This resonance can also provide the
electrons for the frother-collector hydrogen bond. The atomic radii employed
in the ilIustration are based on Pauling (1967).
This was discovered because pressure for prompt suppIy forced the use of a
temporary synthesis route, which on being \modified into an economic
industrial process reversed the Iocation of the alkyI groups. Later bench
flotation showed that, for that particular ore, a methyI group on the nitrogen
side was as effective a collector as the traditional ethyI alkyI thionocarbamate,
46 FLOTAnON - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
and much cheaper 1.0 manufacture. In the manufacture we ran into the
problern that imrniscible collector and the by-product brine densities were
such as 1.0 malee separation impossible, so the collector was extracted with a
lower density alcohol - MIBC. The mixture was tested as a collector in the
concentrator and was found 1.0 he as good or better than the pure
thionocarbamate, Interestingly, Butte was employing MIBC as its frother at
that time, al. a dosage of about half that of the collector. It was found that,
even though the MIBC contained in the collector mix was as much as the
MIBC fed independently as a frother, it did not reduce the amount of frother
required for goodoperation. The gross amount of collector added also
remained unchanged, so in effect, concentrate and recovery grade was
unchanged at half the collector consumption and double the frother dose.
Properties of xanthates
- 47-
48 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
As most sodium alkyl xanthates crystallise with two molecules of water, very
pure xanthates can only be obtained by recrystallising frorn a non-aqueous
solvent or by preparing the alcoholare with metallic sodium.
Recrystallisation is done by dissolving the xanthate in alcohol and salting it
out with ether, The anhydrous xanthate has a crystalline cream colour, and is
easily soluble in water. If kept cool and dry (in a dessicator) the salt is
relatively stable, but on exposure to moist air it will darken and acquire a
disagreeable odour.
In the presence of water the following secondary reactions can occur, either
during the synthesis reactions or the dissolution of the solid xanthate:
The reaction will occur without COz if there is a ,mineral surface present to
catalyse it. With dissolved copper cations in the pulp the reaction is:
Tertiary aleohols are difficult to react with caustic to form alcoholares, bur do
react readily with sodium metal, thus this is a good laboratory route lo pure
From the author's experience, to make sodium ethyl xanthate using exactly
the same process, it would be described as folIows: in a steel kettle, equipped
with agitation and cooling, a 300% molar quantity of recovered alcohol (a
96% azeotrope of alcohol and unreacted CS2) , plus an equimolar amount of
fresh alcohol is charged. To this a slight exeess of 50% caustic is slowly
added. The rate of addition wiII depend on the cooling available, and should
be adjusted to such arate that the alcoholate reaction temperature does not
exceed 60C. The alcoholate is then cooled to about 35C (but not less than
25C) and a slight excess of CS2 added through the bottom of the reactor at
such a rate so that the cooling system maintains the reaction at, or below,
50 FLTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
40C. The reaction time will depend on the geometry of the reactor and its
eooling eapacity. Usually this is designed for about a 40 minute overall
reaction time. Yields, in solution, are on the order of 95 - 98%, but at 40C,
in the reaetion mix, xanthate loss is about 0.25% per hour. It is very unlikely
that a commercial dried xanthate could be obtained by this method, because
of decomposition and degradation during the drying step. The alcohol can be
recovered by vacuum andjor steam distillation, and the solution used on site
as a raw material or as a col1ector. From the description of the process,
there are three critical steps involved: 1) the preparation of the alcoholate, 2)
the xanthate reaetion, and 3) the drying step. The sodium ethylate reaction is:
The seeond reaetion also has side reactions tlrat oeeur as a funetion of
temperature and water eontent. The main reaetion is:
NaOEt.2EtOH + cS2 ------~ EtO-C-SNa + 2EtOH
Higher reaction temperatures will favour both hydrolysis and the aboye
reaetions, redueing yields. The third, and always most eritieal step, is the
reeovery of the dry xanthate. In the presenee of exeess water, there is a
signifieant deeomposition of the xanthate to volatile components (CS2 and
alcohol) even at drying temperature as low as 50C. Based on a 1959
Russian artic1e, Harris, in the Encyclopedia artic1e, reports the data in Table
12 on the decomposition of dry sodium ethyl xanthate,
In the presenee of water the decomposition rate is mueh higher. The a1kali
metal alkoxides with alkyl group ehain lengths of three or more carbon
atoms, and partieularly those prepared from secondary or tertiary alcohols,
Thiol Collector Chemistry 51
are considerably more unstable than ethyl alkoxide, as are the xanthates
thcmselves, As they are considerably less soluble in their own alcohol than
the ethyl xanthates (see Table 13), the excess alcohol process is only
commercially interesting for the ethy! xanthate, and then only if it can be
used as is. The economics of the solvent recovery and the drying step are
questionable, when compared to suspension processes.
O 79.32%
40 74.38
64 65.66
88 65.06
In the suspension process a much larger reactor is charged with the recycled
solvent and a moderate excess of alcohol (contained in the recycled solvent),
and caustic (preferably beads, though flakes may be used) is dumped into the
reactor at a rate compatible with the eooling system available. The peak
temperature during the alcoholate reaetion should be kept to less than 60C.
Adjusting the reactor pressure, this can be aeeomplished by refluxing the
inert solvent. After the alcoholate reaetion is complete, an equimolar amount
of CS2 is added, again at arate dependent on the eooling system eapaeity.
The reaetion temperature depends on the alkyl ehain length, but norrna11y
will be under 50C. The produet is a slurry of solid xanthate containing,
hopefu11y, only a portion of the water of reaetion. After the reaction is
eompleted, the final xanthate slurry is filtered and the solid xanthate is
vacuum dried. The recovered solvent is also dried, by any convenient
method, and recycled to the reactor. At equilibrium eonditions, an alcohol
excess builds up in the recycle stream; thus, insufficient feed will reduce
yields and excess will keep increasing the excess alcohol, so the optimum for
each alkyl chain length must be determined by operating experience. The
required excess usually is in the 10 to 40% range. For a11 the xanthates, a
slight CS2 excess is required to maximise yields, usually in the 2 - 5% range.
Raw material speeifications have dryness as the top priority, and purity
second. Typical xanthate compositions obtained from the suspension
reaction system are shown in Table 14. The higher moisture content of the
sodium xanthates is due to their containing up to two molecules of water of
erystallisation. Overall reaction yields will be somewhat lower than the dry
basis xanthate purity, due to reactor losses and decomposition losses in the
drying step.
purity and lower moisture content than competitive material, which suggests
that a1l other producers employ batch processes, The Dow continuous
process can only be surrnised, as there is no public information on the
process or even on whether it was non-batch. Their Na isopropyl xanthate
averaged 90 - 93% purity, compared to a norrn of 75 - 80% in the market,
and moisture content ranged from 2.5 to 5% compared with a norm of 12 -
18%. Por sodium sec-butyl xanthate, the figures are 80 - 85% purity,
compared to 70 - 77%, and moisture 2 - 5%, compared to 10 - 15%.
Xanthate powder has been known to ignite spontaneously, though this does
not seem to have been observed with pellets. Pelletised material must be
kept dryand cool to maintain long term stability in storage. Protection from
moisture is particularly important, so drums should be stored on their sides,
if they are in the open. Because decomposition products are extremely
flammable, storage precautions should be those usual for flammable
materials. If stored in bulk, bins should be nitrogen purged.
When cleaning storage tanks that have contained a xanthate solution, toxic
gas precautions should be taken as there is always the possibility of
decomposition to CS2, so suitable equipment for dealing with a poisonous
explosive atmosphere must be used. The maximum worker exposure limit to
CS2 vapours in air is 20 ppm, average, during an 8 hour work day.
Thiol Collector Chernistry 55
Xanthate analysis: the most generally accepted quality control method 01'
analysis for xanthate pellets is the Dow Chemical Company procedure,
described in its "Mining Chemical" trade publication. Summarised, the fine1y
ground powder is dissolved in acetone (0.5 g in 35 ml of acetone), the
solution is filtered and neutralised with about 40 ml of 0.1 N standard HCL
solution and promptly back titrated with 0.1 N NaOH solution, using 3 to 5
drops of methyl red as the indicator. This method is preferable to titration of
an aqueous solution, as, in water, impurities such as thiocarbonates and
sulphides will report as xanthate. Numerous instrumental methods are
recommended in the literature for pulp, or dilute solution, analysis.
Na iso- Z-11 343 10% 1.041 1.040 1.039 -4 0.3 0.6 1.8
propyL 25% 1.1031.101 1.098 1* 0.2 0.7 1.7
Na 1so- Z-14 317 10% 1.036 1.034 1.032 -3 0.6 1.8 3.6
butyL 25% 1.087 1.084 1.081 -9 0.6 1.6 4.0
35% 1.1181.1171.112 -13
Na sec- Z-12 301 10% 1.0391.0381.036 -3 0.2 0.6 1.2
butyL 25% 1.0991.096 1.094 -8 0.1 0.5 1.4
35% 1.1361.133 1.130 12*
P + 2H 2S
S.P. oc at mm Hg
O,O-dimethyLdithiophosphoric acid 65 - 68 3
O,O-diethyLdithiophosphoric acid 80 - 82' 2
O,O-dipropyLdithiophosphoric acid 8 - 10 2
O,O-diisopropyLdithiophosphoric acid 82 - 85 1.5
These acids react, in many cases, in a like manner to xanthic acids, for
example they form dithiols when treated with oxidising agents such as iodine:
s s
--------~ CRO)2P-S-S-P(RO)2 + 2HI
s S
2(RO)2P-SH + CLCO,oc2H5 ------~ CRO)2P-s-co,oc2H5 + NaCL
s s
Thiol Collector Chemistry 57
In flotation they behave similarly to the alkyl equivalents, with the exception
that as the acids are stable, they need not be converted to the alkali salts
prior to use as a collector. They will decompose in an alkaline media with
the evolution of H 2S, so may act as mild sulphidising agents during the
flotation process. Their collecting properties are very dependent on the
cresylic aeid purity used in their manufacture, so the technology of the
manufacture of reliable collectors, based on dithiophosphates, includes
having a reliable source of raw materials. Today's availability of synthetic
cresylic aeid has ameliorated the problem. As will be noted in the
descriptions of the aryl dithiophosphate collectors marketed by Cyanamid,
the usual manufacturing pro cess consists in reacting an excess of cresylic acid
with p 4SlO' so the exact composition of the collectors is unknown. The
amount of unreacted cresylic acid fixes the frothing properties of the
15 minutes. He does not mention the need for a heel to start the reaetion.
The most eommon method of carrying out the reaction is to suspend the
phosphorus pentasulphide in an inert solvent, heat to the right temperature
and carefully add the alcohol to the agitated reaction mix, The most
common inert medias employed are benzene, toluene or xylene; the choice
depends on the reaction temperature.
The aryl dithiophosphoric salts are used as flotation reagents. The solutions
are corrosive and irritating, and must be handled in stainless steel piping and
pumps, or cautiously selected plastics. They are toxic and shouldbe handled
using normal chemical safety precautions. They are more corrosive than the .
alkyl equivalents, and should be handled with greater careo They are
especially corrosive to plastics, so hoses should be avoided unless previously
tested for durability. They are highIy flammable and toxic, especially for fish.
They will produce strong allergenic reactions on handling, so complete
chemical protection should be used by the operators. They are smelly, and
can give off H 2S, which is highIy poisonous, so should be stored in well
ventilated places.
Xanthogen formates
These are the product of the reaction of a sodium alkyl xanthate with ethyl
Thiol Collector Chemistry 59
s s s o
Et-O-esNa + Et-O-eeL ----~ Et-O-e-s-e-O-Et + NaeL
Commercial xanthogen formate contains only about 75% XF. The main
impurities are active collectors: xanthic anhydride (10 to 20%), diethoxy
carbonyl sulphide (less than 10%), while diethyl carbonate, the only inert, is
present at the 2 to 5% level. The probable by-product reactions are:
s o s s s o
Ro-e-s-e-OR' + Ro-e-s ----~ Ro-e-s-e-OR + R'e-s-
xanthic anhydride
o o o o
R'o-e-s- + eL-e-OR' -----~ R'o-e-s-e-OR'
diethoxy carbonyL suLphide
o o
eL-e-OR' + R'-OH ------~ R'o-e-OR' + HeL
diethyL carbonate
s o S S
+ - 11 + _ 11
decarued Irom thc brine. The brine was sent lo distillation lo recover the
excess ethyl alcohol, and the oil was washed lo rernove the rernaining brine.
The process is much more sensitive than would appear from the description,
as impurities in the ethyl chloroformate can upsct the reaction, producing
unstable by-products which remain in the oil phase. The final product cannot
be neutralised and cleaned up with soda ash or caustic, as it degrades.
Dialkyl thonocarbamates
The Dow process is based on reacting a xanthic ester with an alkyl amine:
s s
IsopropyL-o-C-S-CH3 + Et-NH2 ---~ IsopropyL-O-c-NH-Et + CH3sH
Due to better yields, the Dow process is lower cost than the direct xanthate
plus amine reaction, but only if the methyl mercaptan by-product can be
disposed of economicaUy. Since Dow closed down its plant (and its process
patent expired), the xanthic ester process has not been used because the
mercaptan disposal problem has not been solved. The traditional laboratory
synthesis is based on refluxing an alkyl isothiocyanate dissolved in a great
excess of the corresponding alcohol, a process first reported by Hoffman in
1870, and probably the process employed by Douglass (1927), at Du Pont, in
1928. The reaction is:
R-OH + R'-N=C=S ------~ RO-C-NHR'
The first practical industrial process was developed by Harris (1954) in 1950.
It consisted of reacting an alkyl xanthate with an alkyl halide, followed by
Thiol Collector Chemistry 63
reacting the ester forrned by the first reaction with an alkyl amine to form the
s s s
RO-C-SNa + R"X -~ RO-C-SR' + NaX + R'NH 2 -1> RO-C-NHR' + R"SH
The Dow industrial process for the production of Z-200 was carried out in a
single reactor. First the xanthate reaction was produced using a large excess
of alcohol, and caustic: 4 moles isopropyl alcohol, and 1.135 moles of NaOH
per mole of CS? The reaction temperature was maintained between 35
and 50C by cooling, The reaction mix was then reacted with 1.01 moles of
methyl chloride to esterify the xanthate. This reaction was carried out at a
temperature kept between 44 and 55e, by refluxing the reactor contents.
On completion of this reaction, the amine was added, while keeping the
temperature below 500 e. The final product was steam distilled to remove
the mercaptan and the excess alcohol employed in the xanthate synthesis.
overnight to obtain decent yields. The catalyst was filtered off (a somewhat
mcssy job as the nickel salts produced are very fine). The collector oil was
then decanted and washed. The resultant sulphhydrate brine is a serious
disposal problern, so the Minerec, as well as the Dow plants, are no longer in
operation. Yields were on the order of 88%, and purity over 98%. The
rnethyl thionocarbamates, normally produced by Minerec, form an oil whose
density is very close to that of the brine, so to effect the decantation, MIRe is
added to dissolve the organic phase, and the mixture sold, after washing, as
s o
Xanthic al/yl esters have been marketed by American Cyanamid for a number
of years as specialty collectors for co-product molybdenum in copper ores
(Re 3302). The use of these esters as supplementary collectors has be en
proven in a number of mines, and at this writing are the only structure that
has consistently improved molybdenum recovery in a gamut of copper mines.
Thiol Collector Chemistry 65
Mercaptans were laboratory tested extensively in the early thirties, but wefe
rejected commercially because of odour problems. Pennwalt (U.SA.), and
Phillips Petroleum (USA.), with strong mercaptan by-product positions,
have bcen trying to introduce longer chain rnercaptans as molybdenum
collectors, with varying success,
lO - N
11 - +
-,VC-S Ha
Chapter 5
Only recently have collector and frother manufacturers and marketers started
to identify the chemical composition of their reagents. A particularly good
overview of reagent use as well as elear identification of their trade marked
products is contained in the latest Cyanamid (1989) "Mining Chemicals
Handbook". The tabIes in this chapter are based on Crozier (1977), but now
inelude current commercial sources of collectors and frothers,
The application data have been updated using company literature, general
references such as the "SME Mineral Processing Handbook" (1985), review
artieles, and mill visits. The tabIes should be a good starting point for a data
base which can be continuously up-dated from trade literature and technical
publications. Products no longer available commercia1ly, such as the Dow
xanthates and Z-200, and the Minerec xanthogen formates, have been
ineluded because many flotation laboratories have extensive colIections of old
sample bottles which can be used in screening tests when current reagents
fail, and if a particular structure is spectacularly successful, custom
manufacture can generally be made available. The Dow Z series
nomenelature for xanthates, and the Cyanamid thiophosphate designations
are also of interest because much of the old literature on flotation identifies
reagents only by their trade names.
The trade designations and compositions of the collectors have been grouped
under xanthates (Table 18), xanthic esters (Table 19), xanthogen formates, or
Minerecs (Table 20), thionocarbamates (Table 21), dithiophosphates
(Table 22), and miscellaneous collectors, such as mercaptobenzothiazole, etc.
(Table 23). Tabulations for individual suppliers have been ineluded, as those
with extensive product lines do publish and distribute booklets. The old Dow
products are easy to identify as the Z series are xanthates, with the exception
of Z-200, which is a thionocarbamate. Cyanamid identifies its xanthates by
the trade name Aero Xanthate and a number, its dithiophosphates by the
designation Aerofloats and a number, and unusual compositions (such as
xanthic esters) by the designation Aero promoters. A very brief surnmary of
- 66-
Cornrnercial sulphhydryl collectors 67
X = xanthate
68 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
and the undesirable minerals in a panicular ore. But the choice of specific
equipment to employ - say selecting between the use of giant cells, flotation
columns, and different schemes of "flash" flotation - is still an art, and the
particular sequence of the steps used in a separation process direct1y affects
how collectors, frothers, modifiers, and depressants interact, so it is
impossible to give categoric recommendations on how or where to apply
given reagent. Collecting and collating case histories for flotation mills is a
monumental task that has not be en repeated since Professor Arthur Taggart
put out the last edition of his "Handbook of Mineral Dressing" nearly fifty
years ago. Bis recomrnendations on how unusual ores have been deah with is
stil! probably the only reliable source for suggestions on the initial reagents to
be uscd in an experimental prograrnme to provide process design data. But it
cannot cope with al! the perrnutations of combined minerals that have
contradictory flotation responses. Despite this, it certainly is the most prized
possession of the mil! manager of a boutique concenrrator purchasing ores
from small miners in a polymetal!ic district.
EthyL amyL XF Minerec Corp M-104D
EthyL methyLamyL XF Minerec Corp M-27
or EthyL 2-heptanoL XF
70 FLOTATIN - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
DiaLkyL dithiophosphates
Na diethyL DTP Am. Cyanamid Sod. AerofLoat
PhiLL ips 66 CO 500
Na diisopropyL DTP Am. Cyanamid AF-211
PhiLLips 66 CO 510
Cornmercial sulphhydryl collectors 71
n dodecyL C12H25SH PhiLLips 66 CO 100
t dodecyL or LauryL CO 200
Mixtures of
mercaptobenzithiazoLe with Am. Cyanamid Aero P. 404
dithiophosphates Aero P. 407
Aero P. 412
Aero P. 425
dithiophosphate mixtures Am. Cyanamid Aero P. 4037
O - M
II -
,.g....... c-S H.
Am. Cyanamid Aero T. 130
Mercaptans were mildly popular as colIectors in the early thirties, when mill
operators equated odour with colIecting strength. They faded from use
because of their smell, and, possibly more important, because the short chain
mercaptans have frother properties. Recently the very long chain ones
(lauryl mercaptan) have been touted as a replacement for fuel oil in the
primary and by-product recovery of molybdenum. Trithiocarbonates (i.e.,
xanthates based on mercaptans) were also popular sixty years ago. Sorne are
still used in South Africa.
K amyl xanth.
Natural pH 8 with 300 gft CUS04 activation
Sodium Ethyl X a) Sphalerite 45 - 60 none - Natural pH 8 - 9.5 or adjusted with Lime t-J
CH 3CH20(C=S)S-Na+ Coal tar 5 adding 330 - 500 gft Cuso4 for activation o
FueL oi L O
15 ....
b) GaLena 33 - 450 none - NaturaL pH 7.5 :<:
CoaL tar 1 ?:J
220 ButyL xanthate 80 For finely disseminated galena in ore with (1l
high carbon, naturaL pH 8. (]q
c) Bulk sulphides 125 Creosote 70 SuLphuric acid to pH 5 ~
d) other metal 8 - 80 .....
sulphides :o
e) Bornite 17 K amyL xanth. 20 pH 10.7 with Lime at Mufulira, Zambia I:l
Type Manufaeturer MineraL Dose gft CompLementing Dose gft FLotation Conditions
Sodium isoamyL X moLybdenite
(CH3)2(CH2)2CH20(C=S)S-Na+ e) Stibnite 165 none - At pH 8.0 with soda ash, adding
740 g/t Lead aeetate for aetivation ;:T'
.. f) free goLd
g) Cerussite
At pH 8.6 with soda ash
At pH 10.0 with soda ash, adding
1 kg/t NaSH for suLphidisation
h) MaLaehite 50 PaLm oiL 16 At pH 9.0 using 900 g/t NaSH to n
suLphidise g.
i) Cuprite 1,650 none - At pH 9.0 with Lime, adding 500 gft i'P
NaSH to suLphidise O'
Potassium hexyL X a) ChaLeopyrite 8.3 Aerofloat 238 8 At pH 11 with Lime '"
R-O-(C=S)-S-R' ~
Type MineraL Dose g/t CompLementing Dose g/t FLotation Conditions
ALLyL AmyL a) ChaLcopyrite, 7.5 Z-11, AX-343 4.5 At pH 10.5 with Lime
chaLcocite, ""'3
moLybdenite ::T
b) cu, zinc, moLy 2 - 20 FueL oiL 80 ...,
suLphides; :;::
suLphidised Cu
carbonate ~
AlLyl hexyl a) SimiLar to 2 - 20 (il
AP-3302 ...,.
MethyL isobutyL TC 5-
EthyL isobutyL TC a) ChaLoeite 8 ...;
(CH3)2CHCH20(C=S)NHCH2CH3 (1)
R-O 5
R-O/ "'5- Na +
Na di-methyLamyL DTP
a) Cu suLphides 8 - 40
These eoLLeetors are CH 3-"p/S ...,
manufaetured by reaeting CH -/ "<, 5- NQ + ':<
eresyLie aeid with P2S5. 3
pb nitrate to aetivate S
e) MetaLLie Fe 100 Z-6 40 At pH 4 (HCl)
R-o/ 'S-No.+
R"P/'S 5'
R / 'O-No. ...
Type Mi nera L Dose 9/t CompLementing Dose g/t FLotation Conditions
o-r O
Mixtures of Z
mercaptobenzithiazoLe with a) ChaLcopyrite 57 Z-11 6 At pH 9.8 with Lime ..-j
dithiophosphates i:r"
Thionocarbamate ::o
dithiophosphate mixtures substitute for Z-200 ~
ThiocarbaniLide a) Ag suLphides 33 AF-238 12 At naturaL pH 8 g
O-M 11
ThiophosphoryL ChLoride a) BuLk SuLphides Used in acid circuits >-3
R-o/ "o
Chapter fa
Froths break down through rupture of bubbles due to film thinning, as shown
by Ewers and Sutherland (1952), who state that the key factor is movement
of inter-bubble liquid away from the point of potential rupture: "The surface
moves from a region of low surface tension (high surface pressure) to a
region of high surface tension. When the surface tension is highest at the
centre of the disturbance, the film will be stable; when the surface tension is
lowest at this point the surface film and hence the substrate will move away
from this point, and the film will rupture". Thus, low molecular weight
frothers, such as aleohols, which tend to diffuse rapidly, will even out surface
tension differences along the bubble film, and.produce less stable froths. This
concept of film flow hindrance explains the better stability of three-phase
froths with inter-bubble mineralloads. Here tt.e mineral partic1es act as pegs
locking the bubbles in position, as do slimes, colloids, and other compounds
affecting inter-bubble liquid viscosity.
- 85-
86 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
Frother Power: Wrobel (1953) defined this term as the volume of froth
generated in a standard machine under standard operating conditions. Fig.
16 shows froth voIume data for systems without a mineral pulp, reported by
Leja and Schulman (1954) for straight, branched chain and cyclic alcohols
having a varying number of carbon atoms, used alone or in conjunction with
straight chain xanthates. In all cases, reagent concentration was one
thousandth molar (M/1000).
As can be seen from Fig. 16, sorne general conclusions can be reached on
the effect of carbon atoms in the alkyl group, or chain length, on the froth
properties generated by aleohols. Froth volume, which Wrobel equated to
frother power, increases with the number of carbon atoms up to 6 or 7, and
then drops drastically when the alcohol has more than 8 carbon atoms. A
xanthate, with less than 6 carbon atoms in the alkyl group, alone does not
produce frothing, while lauryl xanthate wiIl produce a froth on its own, but
will kill the froth if mixed with an aleohol, possibly explaining why long chain
xanthates are depressants. With strong frothers, such as cresylic acid or pine
oil, lauryl xanthate produces a non-mineralisable foam.
The curve for froth volume versus number of carbons in the alcohol shows a
steady increase in froth volume, up to 7 carbon atoms. Mixing the alcohol
with longer chained xanthates, such as potassium amyl xanthate (KAX),
increases froth volume for the short chained aleohoIs and strongly increases
frother power, when combined with alcoholic frothers with up to 7 or 8
carbon atoms, while a shorter chain xanthate such as potassium ethyl
Properties of Flotation Froths 87
xanthate (KEX) dccreases frother power for aleohols with 5 or less earbon
atoms, and only moderately inereases the froth volume for the longer ehain
aleohols. Lekki and Laskowski (1975) repeated sorne of the above frother
power measurements, in the presenee of minerals, and, in general, confirmed
Leja and Schulman's pure frother /collecror data.
8111 8111
411 411
31a 21a
These data support the observation in operating mills that control over the
froth hydrodynamics is easier through changes in the collector than by
changing dosage or type of frother employed. It also explains the fact that
longer chain xanthates are "stronger" collectors, because their effect on froth
texture is to make it less selective due to retention of particles, which
automatically results in increased overall recovery coupled with reduced
concentrate grade. At least in sulphide flotation, the correlation between
contact angle and recovery could well be fortuitous, as under normal
operating dosages the contact angle for the different xanthates, if present,
does not vary a measurable amount. \
tend lo produce Iittle or no froth and only a thick dry film of mineral will
float. Salts (clectrolytes) in solution in the pulp will generally significantly
reduce froth stability during sulphide flotation, even if present only in very
low concentrations. On the other hand, in coal flotation, sea water can be a
good self frothing media. These also are phenornena that can be explained
by Irother-collector interaction on the mineral.
From two different papers by Lekki and Laskowski (1971, 1974) it is possible
to compare the effect of varying collector and frother dosages on flotation
rate, when the flotation is carried out in a HalIimond tube (Fig. 17 and 18)
or in a laboratory flotation machine (Fig. 19). Note that to obtain flotation
rate curves with a Hallimond tube, the xanthate dose must be an order of
magnitude greater than in a froth flotation celI, and that at the high collector
concentration required in the Hallimond tube the phenomenon of "over-
oiling" does not appear, although the interaction between the frother and
colIector on the recovery at constant fIotation time is obvious. But the same
experiment carried out in a laboratory machine produces iso-recovery curves
that very clearIy refIect the practical experience in milIs: i.e., that over feeding
either the colIector or the frother results in a rise and fall in the overalI metal
recovery. Because of this hill-Iike recovery response in fIotation, milI men
intuitively look for a reagent system where the peak of the hilI is fIat, to avoid
100 r-------------,
1.': ....s
~ "o
" 40
~ -o
x llo
2;0 So
O 20 40 60 00 100
Concentna t ion of IX tel'pineol EtX a.la it ion, l<ig/t
\ 105.
30 SO 70 90 110
EtX a.ddition, g/t
'J "
, _. J.
15 '\
\ 70
.S 10
\ \
a <44 JIM
40 g/t O".
30 g/t
.-.........~ 8 60,
/ / 297
210 1lM------
5 6~
o 209/t 50, /
10 g/t
0,+--..--.--......---.-- /
SO 60 70 eo 90 1 00 20 30 40 50 60 70 SO 90100
% Copper ReCOl'tlry
Colleetm- dosages, g/t
Probably the most extensive combined laboratory and plant scale testing of
the influence of frother chemical structure and frother dosage on rate of
recovery is also the work of Klimpel and Hansen. As might beexpected, the
rate of industrial mineral flotation was found to be significantly slower than
that associated with non-mineral systems, regardless of the frother type used.
They emphasised the interaction of frother structure and dose with particle
size, and a number of industrially important trends were observed. The first
is the rate influence of increasing the molecular weight of polypropylene
glycol frothers (such as the Dowfroth frothers). A detailed study was
Properties 01' Flotation Froths 91
... 3:> ..
~ 9.6
... 35 M 25 "-...,
~ 6.6 211
11 ~.9
1l h -~~~~-,---l.J...L.l.LL~-'--.a...l.II.."""""""'LL..R-.L..a~~~
l-OLJ_c.a..LR.l.- n1 lU
a.i 0.4 0.1 '1.4 '1.1 '1.4 0.1 0.4 '1.1 '1.4 '1.1 '1.4 0.1 11.4 0.1 0.4 a.i 0.4 l
0.2 11.2 11.2 11.2 11.2 11.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
FROIHER, poundsfton
where 'n' was varied gradually so as to give molecular weights from 200 to
400. Increasing the value 01' 'n' clearly increased the rate 01' recovery 01'
minerals,coals and potash. However, almost always, this increase in rate 01'
recovery was accompanied by a decrease in selectivity. In mineral systems,
the alcohol frothers were almost always slower in rate than the polypropylene
glycol frothers, over all mineral particle sizes, especially the coarser sizes.
The alcohol frothers were 01'ten more selective, especially with the fmer
particles. In coal flotation, the alcohol frothers were found to have excellent
rate character, but almost always the rate associated with the alcohols was
much more sensitive to dosage than the rate associated with propylene glycol
frothers. A second important trend obsered is the strong influence 01'
frother dosage with particle size, as illustrated in Fig. 21. This is an
illustration on coal 01' the R/K trade-off that is frother dosage driven, rather
than collector dosage driven. The three frothers shown are among the three
most common coal frothers in commercial use today: MIBC, Dowfroth 400,
92 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
Over oiling
Seventy years ago, when frothers with collector properties, such as cresylic
acid, were commonly used as the sole flotation reagent, it was known that as
the dosage of the flotation "oil" was increased, mineral recovery first
increased and then decreased, This depression with excessive collector or
frother was known as "over oiling". As soon as a separate collector was
introduced, it was noted that the same behaviour was exhibited independentIy
by the collector and the frother; i.e., increasing the dosage of either the
collector or the frother results in a rise and then a drop in metal recovery.
Curiously, there is very Iittle published on this effect, and it seems to be
practically unknown among the researchers on flotation.
Klimpel (1987) has studied this over oiling extensively in industrial scale
sulphide and coal flotation processes, and has called the effect "the R/K
trade-off", and attributes the changes in recovery to changes in the rate of
flotation. This terminology is taken from the observation that as collector
dosage is increased from starvation dosages, both the equilibrium recovery,
R, and the rate, K, at which this recovery occurs, increase. However, as
collector dosage is further increased, the value of R continues to increase, but
the rate of flotation, K, passes through a maximum. Excess frother dosage
can also lead to the R/K trade-off, but the effect in plant environments is
most often due to excessive collector. If the rate is slowed sufficiently, the
associated plant capacity may be insufficient to correct for the time delay in
levitation, and the observed plant recovery actually falls at "excessive"
collector dosage.
Fig. 22 is one of the many examples which illustrates the R/K trade-off on a
copper mineral circuit. The K values indicated are the result of
Properties of Flotation Froths 93
The depressve effect of excess collector has been used ndustrally. In one
US mill in which a copper/moly separation was operated, it was not
uncommon to have problems depressing the copper with certain changes in
the feed ores. When this occurred, rather than increasing the dosage of the
depressant, additional copper collector was added to the moly circuit, and the
copper was successfully depressed at a lower cost.
o Sy"teM 1 R = 0.80 J( = 3.0
o Systeh\ a R =0.711 K =5.0
-01-_ 1 - 1 " -
Necovery Nate or 1 Equilibriu..
K control or N control
Lal> Ti..e <..inu tes>
Chapter 7
Sorne properties of alcohols used as frothers are shown in Table 24. Note
the generally low solubility, which resuIted in the assumption that all effective
frothers should be nearly insoluble. The synthetic glycol polymers reversed
this premise.
- 94-
Chemical properties of frothers 95
Mixed C6 to C 9 aleohols: sp. gr. 0.856, viscosity 5 cps, solubility in water, low;
flash pt. 552C. A more selective frother than MIBC.
Natural oi/s: in the early days of flotation, eucalyptus oil was a popular
frother cum colIector (because the first industrial scale flotation milIs were in
Australia). Later, pine oil became the dominant natural oil frother, because
of its greater availability in the western world. The quality standard was set
by the Yarmour trade-named oils distilled by the Hercules Corp. (U.S.A.).
Essentially all the pine growing countries (Canada, Finland, China, etc.) have
supplied different grades of pine oils at one time or another, but from the
flotation point of view the problems that mill operators have faced is the
difficu1ty in specifying a particular grade and obtaining the same frother
performance from different suppliers. This problem, and the fact that the
natural oils all have colIector properties, have made them less popular with
modern mill operators who now favour MIBC and synthetic non-colIecting
soluble frothers, Those using pine oils remark on its smalI-bubble, closely
knit, froths that do not alIow excessive particle fallout, but break down readily
in the launder. The close-knit pine oil froth favours recovery but lowers
concentrate grade. Increasing the amount of pine oil fed to the cells tends to
flatten the froth, decrease its volume, and cause surface spatter. An
emergency supply of pine oil can be very useful at rnills with ores which tend
to have periods of over- frothing. It can also be used in blends with MIBC to
regulate the characteristics of the froth and ~ompensate for changes in ores
which may affect selectivity and rougher recovery.
96 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
FellCllyl Alcohol
Typical properties are: sp.gr. 0.927 - 0.940, distillation range 200 - 235C,
flash point 172C (C.c.).
The eucalyptus oils have greater collector action because they are richer in
ketones than the pine oils, which contain primarily camphor, while eucalyptus
oil ketones are cineoles and piperitones rather than camphor, and borneols
and piperoteols, as well as terpenes. Typical eucalyptus oils available today
have a specific gravity of 0.921- 0.923 (25C), distillation range 174 -177C.
~3 ~3
I '" e-e-ell] I
I'~ e-e-CII.l I
IIze I alz IIze I CHi!:
Typical specifications for pine oil to be used as a Irother are: a clcar, yellow
oil, with a typical smell, that boils between 170 and 228C, with density of
0.915 to 0.935 g/m!. At least 44% by weight of the composition should be
alcohols (expressed as terpineols). At least 78% must c1istils between 170 ano
220C. Its average solubility in water should be approximately 2.5 g/!.
Eucalyptus oil used in flotation has similar specifications, as Iar as alcohol
content is concerned. Its main odorous component is the ether 1,8-cineol,
rather than the ketonc, camphor. Its solubility in water is typically 1.4 g/l.
Cresylic acids: the same quality control problems as for pine oils apply to the
cresylic acids, as these proclucts are also distilled from impure starting
materials (coal tars), and in aclclition have strong collecting properties. Their
popularity declined when acid circuit mills went out of fashion, though they
are still popular in coal flotation because of their availability from coking
ovens, The froths produced by cresylic acids are generally similar in
structure to those of pine oil, but of a sornewhat larger bubble size. An
increase in frother dosage decreases froth volume and produces a tendency
to effervesce. The lower boiling fractions produce a more fragile froth and
are somewhat more selective.
Typical specifications for flotation grade cresylic acids were: distillation range
of 190 - 23SoC, with no more than 2% below 190C, no less than 7S%
distilling below 23So; density, 1.01 to 1.04 g/mI and solubility in water, 1.7
g/l. According to the Condensed Chemical Dictionary, today's commercial
grade has not less than SO% distilling over 204C. If it boils beIow 204 it is
called creso!. A typical commercial cut boils between 220 - 2S00C, and has as
typical compositions: meta, para-cresols 0-1%; 2,4- and 2,S-xylenols 0-3%;
2,3- and 3,S-xylenols 10-20%; 3,4-xylenols 20-30%, and C; phenols SO-60%.
O/ "O
This is a more powerful frother than TEB, but otherwise has similar
characteristics: low water solubility, good stability, and a strong effect on
flotation rateo
Polyglycol ethers: these frothers, which are completely miscible in water, were
first developed by Tveter (1952), at Dow Chemical Co., and Booth (1954) at
the American Cyanamid laboratories. Until they came on the market, mili
metallurgists assumed that good frothers could only be very slightly soluble in
water. These glycol ethers are produced as by-products of synthetic brake
fluids. They are marketed by the Dow Chemical Company under the name
Dowfroths, by Union Carbide as Ucon frothers, by Cyanamid as Aerofroths
and ICI as Teefroths. With MIBC they account for nearly90% of all frother
use in metallic ore flotation. The polypropylene glycols produce compact,
Chernical properties of frothers 99
lasting froth structures that break clown readily in the launders. Unlike the
froths Irom slightly soluble frothers, these frothers produce more tightly knit,
more selective froths, that do not spatter on over-feeding the reagent. The
Dowfroths are designated by numbers that are proportional to the polymer's
molecular weight. Dow informs its customers that the higher molecular
weight products are more powerful frothers; the strongest are Dowfroth 400
and 1400. Because of the high activity of the polyglycol ethers, al! can cause
persistent froths which can cause operating problems if over-dosed.
wuh Dowroth 200, 250 and 1012 having molecular weights 01' approximately
206, 250 and 400. Dowfroth 1400 is a diol of 400 molecular weight, with the
Polyglycol glycerol ethers: One 01' the two new families now being produced by
the Dow Chemical Company is 01' the general formula:
I n
XK 35004.1L and .02L are weak frothers that can be blended with other
polyglycolethers to fine tune froth properties. They are stable in the range
pH 3.5 to 12.3, and usual1yemployed in alkaline flotation.
Chapter 8
102 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
Sutherland and Wark (1955) provide a variety of graphs on the effect of the
cyanide ion on the critical pH, and also show that the effect of the cyanide
ion can be calculated from the ionisation constant for the different cyanides
as a 450 straight line on log-log paper.
Activating agents
These are chemicals that are used to permit flotation of a mineral that is
difficult or impossible to float with only the use of a collector and a frother.
Lead nitrate or acetate are used to actvate stibnite and to reactivare copper
sulphides depressed with cyanide, They are sometimes employed to improve
recovery of tarnished gold. They are also activators for silicates and
carbonates in soap flotation, and Ior sodium chloride in fatty acid flotation to
separare potash from halides.
pH modifiers such as lime, soda ash, caustic soda, sulphuric acid, etc., can
also be considered activators because for all mineral/reagent combinations
there is a critical pH aboye which flotation will occur. Because theflotation
process is a surface phenomena that is extremely sensitive to the ion content
of the flotation water, the use of soda ash (caustic) versus lime as a pH
controller depends on whether the calcium cation will form insoluble
precipitates with naturally occurring anions in the pulpo
Inorganic depressants
Lune S used for depressing pyrite and other iron sulphides, galena,
marrnatitic zinc and sorne copper minerals, as well as cobalt sulphides, It will
depress gold in xanthate Ilotations, and interferes with sulphidisation
processes. For inorganic rninerals, it wiJI retard recovery of silicates when
cationic collectors are involved.
Zinc sulphate is used in conjunction with cyanide, or alone, for the depression
of sphalerite while floating 1ead and copper minerals.
Ferro and [erricyanides will help separate cobalt and nickel sulphides from
copper sulphides.
Organic depiressants
Quebracho and tannic acid are polyphenols used for the depression of calcite
and dolomite in fatty acid flotation of fluorite or scheelite and also pyrite.
The formula for polyphenols can be represented:
Glucose units
106 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
Natural gll1llS, such as gum arabic, gum traganth, and guar, have strong
flocculent properties, but can be treated to be selective depressants for tale
and siliceous materials, Their che mical structure is:
Chapter 9
Sodium sulphide
108 FLOTATlON - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
o 11.0 Na2S.9H20
5 12.3 11
10 13.4
15 14.5
20 1.1682 16.5
25 17.5
30 1.1972 19.8
40 1.2287 23.4 Na2S.9H20
48.5 transition to Na2S.6H2o
50 27.6 Na2S.6H20
60 29.0 11
70 30.8
80 33.4
90 36.8
91.5 transition to Na2 S. 51;H20
VoLumetric soLubility, gm Na2S/Lt soLn
20 192.7
30 237.0
40 287.5
Ref: SeideLL-Linke (1965), page 1113
z: /-~
':s:! 9.4 I
z: .-l
- ...
0.3 \
1-< ~
z: ~
~ :
u al
z: o
O : 0.2
u o
-- -......
~ 0.1
4 6 8 10 12 14
Fig.23. Ionisation of sodium sulphide solutions
1 I
61i\l 20 g/l I
\ I
, I
39 19 g/l
5g/l \ ~ = NaSH
\ \
Mole/li t:re
29 g/l
19 \
x 19-5
8 I
4 1 \
n ! I
1 5 gIl
\ I f
8 9 19 11 12 13
Fig. 24.- Relative effect of the addition of NaSH and Na2S on solution pH
Heads %-200 pH Main - PRIMARY FLOTATION CIRCUIT - concentrate % SoLids
PLant & company % cu % Mo mesh MineraL CoLLectors Frothers % Cu % Mo Thickn Flt -'
United States
Bingham, Utah, Kennecott 0.7 0.025 60 8.5 Cpy/Cte Reco. F.O. Cres.Ac. ,MIBC 28 0.9 45 35
Ray, Arizona, Kennecott 0.9 0.018 60 11.5 Cpy Reco. F.O. MIBC(SheLL 10) 18 0.2 60 15
Chino, New Mexico, Kennecott 0.9 0.008 55 11.0 Cpy Reco. F.O. SheLL 10,P.O. 20 0.2 50 15
Mc GiLL, Nevada, Kennecott 0.9 0.016 52 10.8 Cpy Re404,Z-200 MIBC, P.O. 20 0.2 O 45
Sierrita, Arizona, DuvaL 0.3 0.03 47 11.0 Cpy Z-6,3302,F.O. MIBC 25 2.5 50 30 '"rj
MineraL Park, AZ, DuvaL 0.4 0.04 60 11.5 Cpy Re3302,Z200 MIBC 18 1.3 50 20 l'
Esperanza, Arizona, DuvaL 0.4 0.03 60 11.5 Cpy Re3302,Z-6 MIBC 22 1.5 50 20 O
MIBC(SheLL 10) 28 30
San ManueL, Arizona, Magma 0.7 0.018 60 10.5 Cpy/Cte Minerec,F.O. 0.5 55
Mission, Arizona, ASARCO 0.7 0.018 56 11.5 Cpy Re238,Z- MIBC,P.O. 25 0.4 60 35
Pima, Arizona, Cyprus
Bagdad, Arizona, Cyprus
Morenci, AZ, PheLps Dodge
MIBC(SheL L 10)
Twin Buttes, Arizona, Anamax 0.6 0.03 53 11.0 Cpy Z-6 MIBC 28 1.0 50 35 >-]
Inspiration, AZ, Inspiration 0.7 0.007 55 10.5 Cpy Minerec 898 MIBC,AF-65 35 0.3 O 35 ::r'
Pinto VaLLey, Cities Service 0.5 0.011 35 10.5 Cpy/Cte Z-14,NaAerofL Dow250 26 0.2 30 15 Gl
Canada ::;<
Brenda, B.C., Noranda 0.2 0.05 40 8.0 Cpy Z-6 MIBC 22 3.0 65 18 ::<:i
Gasp, Quebec, Noranda 0.6 0.015 67 10.0 Cpy/Cte Re3302,Z-6 BHB 27 0.3 50 25 Gl
IsLand Copper, B.C.,Utah Int. 0.5 0.017 50 11.5 Cpy Z-6, Re238 MIBC 24 O. 65 35 q
Lornex, B.C., Rio ALgom 0.5 0.016 50 9.5 Cte/Cpy Z-6,Z-11 Dow250,P.O. 33 0.3 50 35 Gl
GibraLter, B.C., PLacer 0.4 0.01 70 10.5 Cte/Cpy IPX-343 MIBC,P.O. 30 0.5 55 30 ~
ChiLe ::;
Chuquicamata, CODELCO 2.0 0.06 46 11.0 Cte RE238,Z-11 Dow250,MIBC,PO 40 0.9 60 35 o...
EL Teniente, CODELCO 1.5 0.04 67 4.2 Cte/Cpy Minerec A Diwl012 42 0.5 - - O
EL SaLvador, CODELCO 1.2 0.024 50 11.0 Cte Z-200,Z-11,F.O MIBC,P.O. 42 0.8 60 45 (1J
Andina, CODELCO 1.8 0.015 70 9.0 Cpy Minerec2030 MIBC,Dow250 28 0.25 55 40 >-]
Peru ~
ToquepaLa, Southern Peru 1.2 0.018 60 11.5 Cpy/Cte Z-11 Pine OiL 31 0.3 60 30 S'
BaLkhash, Kazakhstan, USSR 0.4 0.01 62 12.0 Cpy/Cte Z-11,Z-14,Kero Pine OiL 16 0.15 45 45
ALmaLyk, Uzbekstan, USSR 0.7 0.01 46 11.5 Cpy Z-7, Kero Pine OiL 17 0.2 60 24
Kadzharan, Armenia, USSR 1.2 0.05 60 9.0 Cpy Z-7. Kero Pine OiL 16 1.5 60 25
Medet, BuLgaria 0.3 0.008 60 8.5 Cpy Z-14, Kero Pine OiL 13 0.2 50 20
MolY/copper separation section practice Final CuFinal Molyoverall
concen- concen- Reco-
Feed Heat ----- Reagents used Number trate trate ver~
Plant & company pH Treatment Depressor Other Clners %CU %Mo %CU %CU l,f10
United States
Bingham, Utah, Kennecott 11.0 Roast Utah process NaCN,Nokes 6 30 0.1290 1.0 90 56
Ray, Arizona, Kennecott 11.5 - Na~Fe(CN)6 Nokes,Na2Zn(CN)4 9 20 0.0882 1.8 82 31
Chino, New Mexico, Kennecott 11.0Steam, roastNa H Nokes, 14 20 0.1 82 1.25 79 52
Mc Gill, Nevada, Kennecott 9.0 Steam Na~Fe(CN)6 NaCN 9 20 0.1560 1.5 78 15
Sierrita, Arizona, Duval 9.0 Steam No es - 8 26 0.2080 3.0 90 76
Mineral Park, AZ, Duval 7.0 Steam Na4Fe(CN)6 - 8 20 0.1090 0.3 76 62
Esperanza, Arizona, Duval 7.0 - Na4Fe(CN)6 Roast to Mo03 8 25 0.1283 1.5 87 74 (j)
San Manuel, Arizona, Magma 11.5Pres. Steam Na4Fe(CN)6 NaEZn(CN)4,H202 6 30 0.0685 1.0 92 70 e
Mission, Arizona, ASARCO 11.5 - Na4Fe(CN)6 Na N 10 28 0.0885 1.0 89 67 -S
Silver Bells, AZ,ASARCO 11.0 - Nas,NaSH - 8 30 0.1885 0.8 84 30 ::T
Pima, Arizona, Cyprus 11.0 Roast Na H,(NH4)2S Roast for talc 6 28 0.1042 1.8 83 33 P.:
Bagdad, Arizona, Cyprus 8.5 - Nokes NaCN 12 30 0.1590 1.0 88 64 CI1
Morenci, AZ, Phelps Dodge 10.5 cook Na~Fe(CN)6 Na2Zn~CN)4,H202 8 26 0.0685 1.0 83 -
Twin Buttes, Arizona, Anamax 10.5 - Na H 8 29 0.2573 1.1 76 35 tJ
Inspiration, AZ, Inspiration 10.5autocLave Nokes - 7 38 0.1792 0.5 76 40 (1l
Miner 2030 =
Miner 898 ethyL isobutyL xanthogen formate
Minerec A ethyL ethyL xanthogen formate
Reco Na dicresyL dithiophosphate
Re 404 mercaptobenzothiazoLe
Re 3302 aLLyL amyL xanthic ester
Note that there are only six mills that do not use sorne form of sulphhydrate .
ion in the copper/molybdenite separation. Flotation recovery of
molybdenite from porphyry copper ores is governed primarily by copper
metallurgy, but is adjusted to accelerate and optimise molybdenum recovery
Sulphides - Depression and activation 115
(Note: these data are deliberately pre-1980 because they provide a more
comprehensive technology comparison)
The tables show .that in 67% of the plants producing molybdenite, some form
ofaxanthate is used as the collector. Half of them used it as a single
collector, with or without the addition of fuel oil as a moly promoter. Eight
plants used a dithiophosphate coupled with a xanthate and fuel oil; none
used only a thiophosphate. Five employed a thionocarbamate; only two of
thern did not add a second collector. Two mines - El Teniente and
Inspiration - used xanthogen formates. Final1y, five operations used a xanthic
ester (Cyanamid RE 3302), usuaIly combined with a xanthate, Xanthic esters
are the only family of collectors that show a statisticaIly significant correlation
with molybdenite recovery.
An .analysis of all the data available for reagent practice in copper sulphide
concentrators (Crozier, 1978) showed no statistically significant correlation
between rnolybdenite recovery and either collector or frother selection, with
the cxception of a weak one with xanthic esters, despite the amount of
published opinions on improved moly recovery with fuel oil additions to the
collector suite, or the use of pine oil as a frother. The probable reason for
this contradiction is that in mills for which the data was analysed, the main
collector-frother combination was selected to enhance the recovery of the
most valuable mineral component - usually copper. The exceptions are
Sierrita in the U .S.A., with copper heads of only 0.3%, and Brenda in
Canada, with 0.2 Cu in the concentrator feed. In both cases the molybdenum
recovery is much higher than the norm (76% and 81%, respectively),
indicating that the circuit design optimised moly and copper recovery, It is
significant that in both mines a xanthic ester (Re 3302) is used as the
collector, and MIBC as the frother. Two mines in Canada and two in the
United States, which have low copper heads (0.4%) also have abnormally
high molybdenum recoveries (61%); again Re 3302 was used with a xanthate
as the colIector.
1.- Steaming
Sulphides - Depression ami activation 117
2.-Pressure steaming
3.-Skin roasting (a light roast)
4.-Cooking (indirect heating of the pulp)
5.- Conditioning with acid and hydrogen peroxide
6.-Conditioning with soelium hypochlorite
Needless to say, the skyrocketing oil prices of the early seventies eliscouragecl
heat treatment of copper concentrates, and encourageel the elevelopment of
more sophisticated copper depression schernes, as also the use of
hydrometallurgy to effect the final copper removal from the moly
o Contact possible
e be lou cur\!es
~ 60
::tJ 40
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Sulphides in the copper/moly process: the first use, in the western world, of
sodium sulphide in the depression of copper in a molybdenum by-product
plant appears to have been in 1934 at Cananea (Mexico). The process also
was patented in Russia in 1936. The Nokes reagents, a sulphhydrate variant,
were patented in 1949 by Kennecott for use in El Teniente.
IsLand Copper NaSH used a primary depressant. NaCN used in finaL eLeaners.
Air (oxygen) and water are the most important variables with respect to
sulphide consumption in the depression process. The effective amount of
sulphhydrate ion is based on its ionic concentration, therefore pulp dilution is
a major factor in consumption. Shirley (1979) reports (Table 36) that at a
Canadian mine treating chalcopyrite, where the molybdenite rougher is
operated at 25 to 30% solids, NaSH consumption is about 10 kgjt, while
other mines running at 35 to 40% solids have consumption rates just aboye
10 kgjt. A further reduction in sulphhydrate consumption can theoretically
be obtained by replacing the air in the flotation machines with nitrogen
sourced from an oxygen plant feeding a flash smelter. Apparently the
laboratory reductions in reagent consumption are not always duplicated
consistently in the full-scale operations,
In many applications the sulphide fed into the copper j molybdenite roughers
is supplemented with sodium cyanide or the ferro or ferricyanides in the
cleaners to try and reduce the number of stages required to meet concntrate
The reaction has been studied by Castro and Pavez (1977), who postulate the
Sulphides - Depression and activation 121
while Gutierrez and Sanhueza (1977) indicare that they have identified the
Iollowing hydrolysis products
Na3PS202 + H2 0
Na3PS03 + H2 0
Castro and Pavez (1977) deterrnined that at a 13:10 ratio, the solution
assayed an equivalent 27% Na2S, and at 1:1, 30%. Using this reagent, El
Teniente is one of the very few mines that does not need to supplement the
depressors to meet concentrate copper specifications, nor do they heat the
concentrate of the rougher pulpo The improved effectiveness is attributed to
unidentified phosphorous compounds.
Anamol D or Arsenic Nokes is covered by the Nokes patent, but in use its
addition rate is adjusted to maintain a pulp emf aboye -200 mV, which is
covered by an Anaconda patent issued to J.P. Delaney (US Pat No 3 655 044,
1972). It was for many years the standard depressant in Anaconda's
Chuquicamata mine. Its use was discontinued by CODELCO because of
concern over handling arsenic trioxide on site. Anamol D is prepared by dry
mixing arsenic trioxide and sodium sulphide, or can be prepared by adding
arsenic trioxide to a sodium sulphide or sulphhydrate solution. Ease of
dissolution depends on the purity of the arsenic trioxide. The ratio of sodium
sulphide to arsenic trioxide employed varies between 3 and 4:1. In a mixture
containing 4 parts sulphide, only 27% of the Na2S reacts. Castro and Pavez
(1977) suggest that the fol1owing reactions occur:
These reactions indicate that the depressant species are HS-, sodium
arsenate and a mixture of mono-, di-, and tri\thioarsenate. With Anamol D,
the HS- ion is more important as a depressant than the arsenic compounds,
which probably function as oxidation inhibitors to protect the HS-; while in
the LR-744 there is only a small residual HS- concentration, suggesting that
the phosphorous compounds are probably the more important depressants
for copper.
122 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
The first use of sulphidisation was with Australian lead-zinc-silver ores, the
pioneer flotation industry. The excessive consumption of sodium sulphide
and difficulty in controlling the flotation process has kept the Australian
CSIRO active in research on methods of improving the process. Veryearly
on, the stage addition of the reagents was instituted, and in the past decade
the use of ion specific electrodes to control the residuals of SH- and collector
molecules has been successfully applied. Jones and Woodcock (1979)
studied the recovery of values from oxidised lead minerals from old dump
material, which they treated by flotation of a sulphide concentrate (galena
and marmatite) followed by sulphidisation and flotation of an anglesite
concentrate. Sulphidisation by slug addition of Na2S gave relatively
uncontrolled sulphidising conditions, but potential controlled sulphidisation,
using a sulphide ion-selective electrode (ISE), resulted in good control and
improved metaUurgy. The optimum Es value for three stage flotation was
found to be -600 mV (the absolute value may not be reproducible because of
differences in electrode construction). They noted that sulphidisation time,
at -600 mV, over the of range 1 - 5 minutes, had little effect on oxide
recovery. Flotation time was important and three 10 minute stages (total 30
minutes) was needed for good lead recovery. A decant wash prior to
sulphidising improved metaUurgy and decreased sulphide consumption.
Excess S = in solution displaced xanthate from the mineral surface, the
amount displaced varying dependent on Es. At Es more negative than -600
mV, maximum displacement occurred.
Sulphides - Depression and activation 123
The flotation procedure used was based on a scheme provided by The Zinc
Corporation. A 500 g sample was wet ground in an iron ball mill for 20 min.,
giving a product sizing 5% plus 0.1457 mm, 58% minus 0.074 mm, and 80%
passing 0.104 mm. After transfer to the cell and conditioning for 1 mino with
225 g/t copper sulphate, the sulphide minerals (galena and marmatite) were
floated with 135 g/t KAX and 18 g/t MIBC, using 5 mino roughing and 10
mino scavenging. Conditions for this sulphide float were kept constant. The
rougher and scavenger concentrates from each test were assayed separately,
but the results for a combined sulphide concentrate are reported.
pulped with 1200 mI of tap water, and, after conditioning with sodium silicate,
sulphidised and floated.
1.- A single slug addition of NazS was made. After 1 min, 225 g/t
CuS04.5H zO was added, and after a further 1 min, 90 g/t KAX and
4.5 g/t MIBC were added, Rougher flotation of an "oxide"
concentrate (i.e., sulphidised anglesite) was conducted, After
addition of a further small amount of KAX and MIBC, a 10 minute
scavenging was conducted,
All solid products from each test were dried, weighed, and assayed. After
fusion with NazOz, cooling and dissolution of the melt with 1:1 HCI, and
appropriate dilution, total lead and zinc were determined by atomic
absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). Sorne products were assayed for silver
by AAS or fire assay.
Leach Precipitation Float (LPF): the process, where copper from partially
oxidised ores was recovered by a sulphuric acid leach followed by metallic
copper precipitation with iron particles in the pulp and flotation, is now
obsolete, though the term is used to describe certain sulphidisation schemes.
Currently, oxide copper ores are heap leached with sulphuric acid, the
dissolved copper separated from iron in solution by liquid-liquid extraction,
and metallic copper recovered by direct e1ectrowinning, a very low capital
and cost process; it rescued the financial1y crippled Arizona copper mining
industry in the early eighties by providing instant cash flow.
The classic LPF process was still used in the USSR into the sixties, but in the
post World War 11 western economy LPF had been displaced by vat leaching
and cementation with scrap iron. When the vast amount of cheap scrap iron
from the battle fields was exhausted, the LIX copper extraction process was
introduced. This process produces copper in an acid solution pure enough to
be directly electrowon. A precocious example of direct electrowinning was
the Anaconda Company operation in Chuquicamata, Chile (1913) , where the
Sulphides - Depression and activation 125
oxide copper ore was low in iron, and therefore could be sent directly to an
electrolytic refincry, without elaborate pre-purification,
Dry ore was fed into the drums by conveyor belts; water was then added to
dilute to approximately 78% solids within the drum, followed by sulphuric
acid to lower the pH to 1.6. Finely ground calcium sulphide in a water slurry
was drawn from a circulating loop pipeline and injected into the drum.
Control of this reagent is vital to the success of the process. This was
accomplished with an oxidation-reduction meter whose electro des were
immersed in a sample stream of the discharge solution. A negative millivolt
reading was maintained, which resulted in not-quite-complete precipitation
of dissolved copper.
At San Manuel, the final copper concentrate, which contains bctween 1.0 and
1.2% molybdenite, is thickened to 50% solids and sent to two conditioners in
series. In the first conditioner, a sodium zinc cyanide complex is added to the
pulp, which is kept at a pH of 6.5 to 7.0, using sulphuric acid. The second
conditioner is fed oxide. Conditioning takes between 22 and 25 minutes.
From the conditioner the pulp is diluted to 20% solids with fresh water, and
fuel oil is added as the moly collector while it is sent to the rougher flotation
stage, where the pH is controlled with sulphuric acid. The feed to the first
cleaner combines the concentrate from the rougher and the tails from the
second and third cleaners. In the first cleaners and the scavengers, sodium
ferrocyanide is added as the copper depressant, and MIBC as the frother. In
the next two cleaning stages the reagents added are potassium ferricyanide
and sodium hypochlorite plus MIBC as the frother, following which
potassium ferricyanide is added at each stage. The froth in the final stages is
kept in check with Exfoam (Dearborn Chemical Co). The amount of each
reagent fed in the different flotation stages is controlled by measuring the
pulp's Redox potential. The San Manuel flowsheet thus consists of two
distinct stages: (1) collector removal in the conditioners and the rougher
flotation using hydrogen peroxide and sodium zinc cyanide, and (2) ferro and
ferricyanide copper depression in the cleaner and scavenger circuits. The
moly concentrate from the final cleaners may or may not be leached to meet
the copper specs. San Manuel's copper and moly concentrate assays are
shown in Table 37.
Because Farlow Davis's paper on the S~ Manuel moly plant was only
circulated as a mimeographed handout at the local section meeting of the
AIME in Arizona, and therefore difficult to obtain, the following pages are
reproduced verbatim, as they provide his explanation of the mechanisms
involved in the copper depression process at San Manuel.
-127 -
128 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
v '"
concentrate TaiL---..- -
I (2a)(3)
CLeaner number 2
Tai L - - - - -..
v v
cu thickener
. Tl
CLeaner number 3
lnd Scavenger ~" - - - " ,I
TaiL ------
TaiL ~ I '"
.. Concentrate
r---"=Tl LJ
CLeaner number 5
CLe:ner number 6 .. ~ I
-1 I '"
concentrate T:i L J
v - - - - - - -..~
--------------.. Dryer
Fig, 26.- San Manuel Molybdenite recovery circuit (Farlow Davis, 1976)
Mili tests - case histories 129
Laboratory work has shown a strong response of ORP to the reagents used in
the conditioning steps of the molybdenite circuito This strong response of the
ORP to reagent conditions controIling the oxidation-reduction reactions in
the pulp suggested the use of this function in regulating rates of reagent
Sodium zinc cyanide: This is the reactant product of sodium cyanide and zinc
oxide. It serves two purposes: (1) to provide a desired level of HCN in the
conditioning step with hydrogen peroxide; and (2) to remove, either wholIy or
partially, the colIector coating on the mineral surface. The addition rate is
critical for an effective conditioning step with-hydrogen peroxide. As wilI be
explained later, too little or too much are equaIly unsatisfactory. It is added
to the #1 conditioner to prepare the coIlector on the chaIcopyrite for
nuIlification by the hydrogen peroxide in the second conditioning step.
two factors: (1) the property of cyanide as a reducing agent; and (2) the
ready complexation of Cu + and Fe + + ions at the mineral surface with a
slow solution of both. On slightly altered chalcopyrite surfaces, cyanide
would reduce cupric sites to cuprous, at the same time losing fui equivalent
free cyanide as cyanate. A monolayer of adsorbed cupro and ferro cyanogen
complexes would form which, given time, would solubilise 1eaving vacant sites
for further cyanidation alld solution. The process is one of mobile
Admittedly, the action on the mineral surface under these conditions is not
elear. If the cyanide does penetrate the absorbed collector, then sorne
complexing and solution would be expected. It is possible that metal collector
bond eleavage might take place leaving the collector ions in proper condition
for reaction with the hydrogen peroxide; or, at least, leaving the surfaces
elean for reaction with the ferro-ferri cyanide complexo
Other minor factors affecting the reaction time are temperature and the type
and amount of reagent being used. The process has operated satisfactorily
with pulp temperatures varying from 60 F: to 90 F throughout the year.
Different xanthates have been used with no necessary adjustments from one
to the other. Oily col1ectors, as has been stafed, apparently do not react with
hydrogen peroxide in the conditioning step. It has been found that over-
feeding the primary collector (SM-8) in the copper plant will adversely affect
the copper-molybdenite separation. Chemical changes in the molybdenite
plant will not remedy the effect. An increase in the secondary collector
132 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
(Z 11) in the copper plant will not result in the sarne situation, since
apparently a change in the hydrogen peroxide Ieed rate will result in a
satisfactory separation.
Another factor which indirectly affects the reaction time and directly affects
the amount of peroxide that must be added is the concentration of the
hydrocyanic acid in the feed to the second conditioner. Hydrocyanic acid ~"
needed to stabilise the hydrogen peroxide in the rather hostile atmosphere of
a copper concentrate pulpo Besides the normal catalytic decomposition of
peroxide in such an environment, hydrogen peroxide reacts with chalcopyrite,
San Manuel's primary copper mineral. This reaction will take place in
preference to the slow dimerisation reaction. Hydrocyanic acid can be used
to inactivate catalysts causing decomposition of the peroxide. It was also
pointed out that if there were not enough hydrocyanic acid present to
"poison" all the catalysts present, the catalytic decomposition would take
place at a faster rate. In other words, enough hydrocyanic acid has to be
present and anything less than enough is unsatisfactory. A sodium zinc
cyanide-sodium cyanide mixture is added to the pulp in the first conditioner.
It was found that the cyanide feed rate could be set at a fixed value which
would provide a satisfactory amount of hydrocyanic acid during normal
fluctuations in the amount of feed to the plant. Of course, drastic changes in
the amount of feed would call for an adjustment to the cyanide feed rate.
Also, it can be seen that lowering the pH would also call for an increase in
the cyanide feed rate.
Although pyrite has not been mentioned in this discussion, it appears that the
proposed theory applies equally as well to its depression. The iron positions
in pyrite are also generally considered to be in the reduced state; and,
therefore, ferricyanide would be the effective depressant if the surfaces of the
mineral were fresh and c1ean. However, if the surfaces were subjected to an
oxidising atmosphere, ferrocyanide would be the effective depressant.
In the five final c1eaners, potassium ferricyanide is added. In the pilot plant
test work, the results indicated that, if ferricyanide was added in the fmal
c1eaners, a satisfactory concentrate grade .could be produced without the
need of adding sodium hypochlorite; whereas, if sodium ferrocyanide were
used in the final c1eaners, sodium hypochlorite would have to be added to
produce an acceptable grade concentrate. As it turned out, hypochlorite had
to be added in both cases.
In the pilot plant test work it was not necessary to use sodium hypochlorite in
the circuit. However, its use in the molybdenite plant is essential for the
continuous production of acceptable molybdenite concentrate. Various
substitutes have been tested to replace hypochlorite but, to date, none have
been successful.
cleaner circuit, it is generally thought that the more dilution the better. This
has proven to be the case at San Manuel; however, the amount of dilution is
limited by the necessity of maintaining a satisfactory froth condition
throughout the cleaner circuito The addition of frother to the cleaner stages
to obtain a froth is not completely satisfactory because of its tendency to
build up in the final cleaners. Therefore, the solids density maintained in the
various cleaners is important to proper cleaning. This does not mean to
imply that a final value can be set for each cleaner since optimum values will
vary from day to day, but generallimits can be seto
Cu 27.61 27.92 31.48 0.50
MoS 2 1.12 0.2 3.72 96.20
Re 0.0017 0.080
Au oz/ton 0.38
136 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
In 1977, Andina pushed up mill feed from 13,000 to 14,000 t /d, with a
consequent drop in what was alrcady an unsatisfactory recovery, so corrective
action had to be taken.
The starting point for the experimental programme was from the 1976
circuit, shown in Fig. 27. It consisted of two banks of 10 each Agitair No
120 flotation cells having a unit volume of 240 ft3, and a total rougher
residencetime, per bank, of 20 minutes. The cells were in three groups of 3,
3 and 4 cells. The effect of increasing the tonnage was a reduction in
residence time in the flotation bank, and a coarser grind with increased
middlings. The metallurgical department was asked to study seven different
schemes to improve mill performance:
Fronl grinding
and classitying
I .-
i~ Recovery 77.7 ~
~ -- O
ResuLts % Cu sL ime Sand .....,.
!Group No 2 ~ Circuit Circuit -"-<
Heads 0.31 ResuLts % Cu Groups Groups ResuLts % Cu
Concentrate 8.00 No. 1, 2, No. 1, 2, >--1
TaiLs 0.22 Heads 1.24 and 3. and 3. Heads 1.51 i:l'"
% Recovery 6.7 Concentrate 20.41 Concentrate 20.37
TaiLs 0.20
% Recovery 49.8 I I
Tai Ls 0.18
% Recovery 36.6
ResuLts % Cu ?:J
IGroup No 3 ~ ~ (ll
GLOBAL Run #1 #2 ~
TliLs 0.20 ResuLts % Cu % Cu g
I ,; Recovery 1.5
Heads 1.34 1.40
ResuLts % Cu % Cu % cu % Cu % cu % Cu % Cu % Cu
Resutts % Cu % Cu % Cu % Cu % Cu % Cu % Cu % Cu
Sand/stime resuLts
GLOBAL Run #3 114 115 116 #7 #8 #9 #10
ResuLts % Cu % Cu % cu % Cu % Cu % Cu % Cu % Cu
The resu1ts for the first two tests, where the overall flotation time was
unchanged, are shown in Table 40 and 4Ob; the detailed resu1ts are included,
with a summary for the extended flotation times at the bottom of the tableo
The third series involved a bulk float for the first 6 minutes (the first group of
rougher cells), followed by a sand/slime separation, and sand and slime
circuits. Here another ten experiment series was runo Samples were taken
of the plant feed, the concentrate and tails of the first group; a common
concentrate for the second and third group, and the overall rougher tail.
With these data, standard recoveries for the first group and the combined
group 2 and 3 were calculated. As in the first series of runs, the tails from
rougher group 1 was sampled and screened to simulate a cyclone split. The
+ 200 mesh fraction was repulped to 40% solids, 15 g/t of amyl xanthate was
added and a 6 minute float was runo The -200 mesh fraction was also floated
for 6 minutes without further addition of reagents. An example of the data
obtained is shown in Table 41.
, ,. r
miLL discharge
ResuLts % Cu TaiLs l'
!GrOup No 1 f--- Heads
CycLone SpLit
Product % Wt % Cu ~
Tai Ls 0.55 -J
% Recovery 63.6 + 200 m 39.7 0.61
..I ResuLts x Cu
- 200 m
0.55 Z
IGroup No 2 ~
Heads 0.55
.. -J
Concentrate 5.60 O
TaiLs 0.34 SL ime Sand
% Recovery 14.8 Circuit Circuit ~
..I ResuLts % Cu
x cu
and 3.
% Cu
The Iourth series of ten experiments consisted of normal flotation for the 12
minutes corresponding to the first two banks of the unexpanded roughers,
folIowed by a sand/slime split and separare flotations in the rernaining cells
01' the roughers. Samples were taken of the plant feed, the combined
concentrate of the first and second groups, the tails from the second group,
concentrate from the third group, and the overall rougher tails. With these
data, standard recoveries for the combined groups 1 and 2, and for group 3,
were calculated. As in the first series of runs, the tails frorn rougher group 2
were sampled and screened to simulate a eyclone split. The + 200 mesh
fraction was repulped to 40% solids, 15 g/t of amyl xanthate was added and a
4 minute float was runo The -200 mesh fraction was also floated for 4
minutes without further addition of reagents. The 4 minute float is intended
to simulate the third group of cells. One example of the data obtained is
shown in Table 42.
To complete the sand/slime test series, a full plant test was carried out where
the B section was modified and the ten existing celIs repiped to conform to
the flow diagram in Fig. 29. A series of eight runs were made in the plant
during the A shift (8 am to 4 pm). Samples were taken from the points listed
in Fig. 29, using specially design air lift pumps for the pulp samples and
diversion launders for the concentrate samples. Simultaneously, the same
samples were taken on the A section, to evaluate each experimental runo
The second part of this study was the possibility of avoiding the investment in
a sand/slime modification of the plant to see if the non-sulphide copper can
be floated by sulphidisation. The experimental design for the sulphidisation
testing was based on preliminary trials to determine the range of the NaSH
dose and the conditioning time required to complete the reaction. The
laboratory flotations were made using the standard grind and flotation time.
The responses me.isured were sulphide and oxide copper recovery.
Another important variable was the optimum addition point for the NaSH
(Table 45).
To determine the optimum addition point for NaSH in the plant, a set of
runs were made in the laboratory with a plant pulp sample from the feed
distributor box; another set with a tailings sample from the first group of celIs
(i.e., after 6 minutes of flotation); and fmally a tailings sample from the
second group of cells (i.e., after 12 minutes of flotation). The results of
these experiments are shown in Table 46.
These tests did show a definite favourable effect of sulphidisation, but not
enough to discourage the installation of ~ sand/slime separation and
individual flotation circuits.
Group No 1 and 2 common Tails from Group 2 t
Results % Cu %sol ids ..
----.J Str eam % solids % split % Cu %-200 m
Heads 1.67 39.3
Concentrate 19.00 40.3 Feed 38.6 100 0.41 58.2
Tails 0.41 38.7 bott om 62.4 51.4 0.55 25.1
% Recovery 77.1 over head 27.8 48.6 0.31 93.2 'Tl
Slimes circuit Slime Sand Sands Circuit >-.l
Circuit Circuit ;J>
Results % Cu %sol ids Results x Cu % sol ids >-.l
Heads 0.31 27.8 Heads 0.55 35.8
Concentrate 2.10 20.5 Concentrate 4.80 17.2
Tai ls 0.24 32.7 Tails 0.31 37.4
% Recovery 3.3 % Recovery 6.0 >-.l
r1esh Wt % % Cu Wt % of %cumm. Mesh Wt % % Cu Wt % of%cumm.
on Cu Cu on Cu Cu Cu
+65 12.88 0.53 4.43 4.43 +65 0.4811.40 0.20 0.20
+100 10.44 0.65 4.40 8.83 +100 2.1416.10 1.25 1.45
+150 9.36 1.03 6.25 15.08 +150 6.2819.30 4.38 5.83
+200 10.00 1.57 10.18 25.26 +200 11.1822.10 8.93 14.76
-200 57.32 2.01 74.74 100.0 -200 79.9229.50 85.24100.0
+65 13.86 0.48 12.38 12.38 +65 0.90 5.50 0.46 0.46
+100 9.60 0.48 8.58 20.96 +100 1.749.80 1.56 2.02
+150 9.34 0.51 8.87 29.83 +150 3.6811.90 4.02 6.04
+200 8.60 0.50 8.00 37.83 +200 5.7812.90 6.84 12.88
-200 58.60 0.57 62.17 100.0 -200 87.9010.80 87.12100.0
Mesh Wt % on % Cu Wt % of Cu %cumm. CU
The first of the test series is an evaluation of the effect of adding the NaSH to
the flotation feed. For this, two pulp samplqs were obtained under normal
plant operating conditions. One sample is floated under standard laboratory
conditions that simulate plant conditions. The other sample is floated under
the same conditions as the first sample, except that 0.10 lb/t is added to the
flotation cell at the start of the test.
146 FLTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
NaSH Condition % recovery % recovery % recovery
Lb/ton -ing mino oxide Cu suLph. Cu TotaL Cu
o O 2.7 84.7 87.4
0.05 1 3.0 84.7 87.7
0.20 1 3.5 84.9 88.4
0.12 2 3.7 85.0 88.8
0.05 3 3.4 84.2 87.6
0.20 3 3.5 85.4 89.0
The second series is intended to simulate the addition of NaSH in the plant,
after 6 minutes of flotation (i.e., to the tails of the first group of 3 cells).
Again two samples are taken of the pulp feed from the planto One is floated
under standard conditions, and the second has NaSH added to the flotation
cell 2 minutes into the test, which corresponds to 6 minutes in the planto
The third series simu1ates the addition of NaSH to the plant after 12 minutes
of flotation (i.e., to the tails of the second group of 3 cells). Again two pulp
samples of the plant feed were collected using the standard procedures. The
first sample was floated under standard conditions, and the second sample
had NaSH added to the laboratory flotation cell after 4 minutes of testing,
Mili tests - case histories 147
The copper porphyry ores in Chile all have about 0.25 to 0.30% Cu as non-
sulphide minerals. As a consequence, with the exception of Chuquicamata,
whose ore is unique, al1 the major concentrators have copper recoveries of
under 85%. The cerrusite content of the gangue contributes to this poor
recovery because it generates colloidal slimes that adsorb on the copper
mineral surface and retard flotation. In this case, if sulphides improve
flotation, the effect may well be to peptise the cerrusite rather than to
activate the oxide minerals or sulphides. There is clear evidence of this in the
Andina data reported in Table 46, where the NaSH addition was more
successful in activating sulphides, especially when added late in the flotation.
Cu r-ecov , r-ecover-y
4.72 ~- 20.3 +15U-<r:25
CU recov.
r-ecove r-v
Cu r-eccv , r-ecove r-v
+1:;0-- 0.23 -----.m- ~
L/o 10
+150- -0~.-9o------r:r:4
Cu r-e c ov . recoverv o
O .18
Total 0.21 11.75 Total 0.22 11.88 lotal 0.21 11.6::1 fotal O.la 10.03
Mill tests - case histories 149
about 36 months of work between 1988 and 1991. First, a general review of
the plant operations is given, to provide a base line for the studies,
~ --.--
35 ......
1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 Jan Feb March
Both Colon and Sewell's flotation processe.s start with a rougher equipped
with 1,500 cu.ft WEMCO flotation cells, folIowed by one cleaning stage
equipped with 1,000 cu ft WEMCOs. The c~ncentrates from these cleaners
are cycloned, the sands re-ground in open circuit ball mills, both cyclone
slime and reground pulps are mixed (the pH obtained on mixing is 8.5 to 9),
then fed to a common final cleaning and scavenging circuit, where the pulp
undergoes a second cleaning (3 banks each with eight 500 cu, ft. cells),
150 FLTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
followed by a scavenger bank (one bank with 7 large 1,500 cu.ft. cells), and
finally a re-scavenger (2 banks containing twelve modified 100 cu.ft. cells).
The final tails from this section are returned to the Colon primary rougher
head, and the concentrate is sent to the molyI copper separation planto The
primary tails from the acid flotation are mixed with the tails from the Colon
circuit and fed to the tailings re-treatment plant, where they are scavenged
using 3,000 cu.ft., 1,500 cu.ft., and 1,000 cu.ft, flotation cells without addition
of fresh reagents.
Fig. 31 is labelled "simplified", as pipes and valving are in place to route all or
a portion of the copper circuir tailings to the retreatment plant, as well as the
tails from the first cleaner banks of the Colon and Sewell sections. The
copper concntrate from the copper circuit is then processed in a
moly/copper separation plant using Nokes Reagent (phosphorous
pentasulphide plus caustic) to depress copper. The different streams are
number coded, and their pulp tonnage and Cu assays are shown in Table 47.
For the particular month documented (April 1989), global copper recovery
was 79.8%. Colon's alkaline circuit recovered 8227% of the gross copper
input, and from the acid circuit (Sewell), copper recovery was 71.6%. The
Oyeran cleaning recovery was 96% for copper.
The current copper collector in both the alkaline (Colon) circuit, and in the
Sewell acid flotation circuit, is diethyl xanthogen formate (now Shellflot 203;
xanthogen formates used previously were Minerec A and TM-200l), and the
frothers are Dowfroth 250 and MIBC. As a moly conector, diesel oil is added
to the pulp canal prior to coming down the hill from Sewell, and to the
conditioner in Colon. In both cases the dosage is in the 10 to 20 g/t range for
the diesel oil, 15-20 g/t for the frother, and about 35 g/t for the xanthogen
formateo Prior to 1989, 90 g/t of a mixture (designated T-3010 and patented
by Teniente), consisting of Minerec A or Tecnomin 2001 (60 parts), gasoline
(30 parts), and MIBC (10 parts), was the standard conector. The addition of
gasoline was justified as a molybdenite collector, and the MIBC as an
emulsifier. As well as improving recovery, the mixture resulted in a
significant cost reduction as, prior to 1979, 90 g/t of unmixed Minerec A was
the standard. As frothers, 25 g/t of Dowfroth 1012, or Powell accelerator or
TEB, were used. Because of a very leathery and dry overflow from the
flotation cells with DF-1012 after the changeover to the large WEMCO cells,
Dowfroth 250 was substituted, and is used in the 15 to 20 g/t dosage range.
The addition of MIBC as a modulator has resulted in a more manageable
froth when ore changes occur.
Mill tests - case histories 151
1 Colon Se~Jell
pH:: 10.5 -11 pH :: 4.0
'5\,l 3
J eleaner
1\ 6 16 J Cleaner
\ flotaton
11 r 13
I Rougher
\ flota.tion
Colon Colon 1/ Sl!Wl!ll Sl!Itll!ll
4 11 19 111
24 . 29
second Mol!;l/Cu
Cleaner V Circuit
21 15 23
i'lotation )--
2!.l pH : 12+ 22 Copper
Circuit 1 25
28 l{ Scauenger
q Re-
Scauenger ~:
3El po
Tonnage 4684 2717 4704 ::J
% Cu Tot 20.8 34.45 14.17 Copper recoveries Percent Q..
Cu content 974.5 935.9 666.5 OveraLL CoLon concentrator 82.69 O
Scavenger circuit OveraLL SeweLL concentrator 71.59 ....
Stream number (22) (23) (24) Retreatment pLant 96.04
Tonnage 4704 2736 1968 GLobaL for both miLLs 79.84 -J
% cu Tot 14.17 22.95 1.96 Rougher fLotation CoLon 82.72 ~
Cucontent 666.5 628 38.6 Scavenger - CoLon 95.32 S'
MoLy/cop~er PLant Rougher fLotation SeweLL 71.92 (JQ
OveraLL a Lance Scavenger - SewelL 97.91
Stream number (21) (25) (26) Copper circuit recovery 58.41
Tonnage 2717 2700 17 Scavenger circuit 94.21
% cu Tot or MoTot 34.45 34.65 2.52
Cu content or Mo 935.9 935.5 0.4
Note: CoLon recovery based on adding CoLon + TaiLings retreat concentrate + taiLs from retreat sections
"Stream number" = code shown by Lines in Figure 31
MilI tests - case histories 153
The unique acid flotation circuir ernployed in Sewell since 1926 was imposed
by the ore from the altered cap, which required an uneconomic amount of
lime to produce a stable alkaline pulpo This inherent acidity has been a
constraint on the choice of flotation reagents cver since. Due to the low
natural pH, and the use of sulphuric acid as a modifier, the initial mill
experience in the twenties was the need for 2 to 4 kilos of potassium ethyl
xanthate per tonne of ore to obtain an acceptable recovery, This prohibitive
collector consumption inspired the comrnercial development of acid stable
xanthogen formate as the preferred collector (in 1928) by DI. Arthur Fischer
at Minerec, The acid circuit's extraordinarily high xanthate consumption
justified the continued use of over 100 g/t of exotic Minerec A as the main
collector for the next fifty years.
Ior .Sewell ores for the period after 1983, and the longer term trends of the
non-sulphide content of the Sewell, Colon and composite Teniente ore are
shown in Fig. 33.
As can be seen from Figs. 32 and 33, the copper and molybdenum grade is
slowly decreasing, as is the oxide copper contento Partial data for the oxidised
molybdenum content has been:
The higher oxidised moly values for Colon, as compared to Sewell, are due to
feeding a significant amount of Teniente level 4 ore directIy to Colon, rather
than to the rougher flotation in the Sewell circuito Mine levels aboye
Teniente 6 are very high in oxides; in one case - Teniente 4 North Standard -
they run close to 40% non-sulphide. To minimise the effect of this non-
floating oxide, blocks with particularly refractive molybdenum (i.e. N-9, N-B,
and N-15) were identified and were dosed to Colon to be diluted with
primary ore.
14 . ......: 4~ H!L ~ 43 : 40 H9. 1-,35 L32 28
................. ............ 16 .,
0.8 . ~
..... -. ::
... "C
t 0.6 I:,:I..j:,f ..............1':'1 + 12 o
ll.. rf.
0.4 . I:::II:::Ij::f 1:::1+ 8
O:-j--~~~~~~III ~.~
. ~ ]mlll~ 1-- 4
1~ 1~ 1~ 1~ 1~ 1~ 1~ 1~ 1~
Fig. 32.- Sewell ore CuT, CuNS and % oxide copper content
Mili tests - case histories 155
1987 1988 19851 1990 1991 1992 19513 199L 1995 1996
Dec Feb Apr Jun Aug Oet Dec
Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov
The mineralogy of the fmal concentrate w~s studied using monthly samples
that covered most of the year 1984. The main copper mineral recovered was
chalcopyrite, which as can be seen from Fig. 34, was predominant over the
secondary copper minerals: chalcocite, covellite and bornite.
156 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
PERCEMT MOL~BDENU~ t-thousands
O.!H 1[m , r - - - - - - - - - - ,
gross "01"
0.025 60
0.Oi5 '.10
0.005 non-sulphide 1001'1
0.0 o
Oct Dec Feb Oct Dec Feb Apr
Jan Mar May Jul Jan Mar May Jul
Fig. 36.- Monthly moly assays for 1989 for Colon and Sewell
The effect of processability of different sectors of the mine was also testcd
with sufficiently large samples to perform normal industrial size laboratory
flotations using Teniente's standard procedure. The raw data is shown in
Table 48.
The most interesting data obtained from this very extensive floatability test
programme based on mine sector samples is the difference between the
recovery obtained from an acid pulp and an aIkaline pulp, rather than the
absolute value of the recovery, whose representativeness is difficult to
evaluate a priori. These differences have been plotted in bar form in Pig. 37,
which also shows the sector source for the different groups of samples. Prom
these data it is obvious that Teniente level4\:lre contains extremely refractory
copper and molybdenum, while Teniente levels 3 and 5 are normal. Por these
sectors, Table 48 shows absolute recoveries for copper aboye 90%, and for
molybdenite aboye 80%. From the differential recovery values, the optimum
process for the easily floated ore in levels 3 and 5 is not obvious, though for
copper there is a slight tendency in favour of an acid environment.
158 PLTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
- 1 f r ! f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / -11lJt-----t----ae- I - + - - - - - - "
AIka line ",ecoue"'!J be1:1:e",
- 1 s - 1 f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / -'w--+------Ut---+---j
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
2 4 6 81E!12 14 1618 2E! 2 4 6 8 ra 12 14 16 18 213
Por Teniente level 4 samples, copper recovery is better in acid circuits, and a
higher pH (10-11) favours moly recovery. The moly recovery problem at
Teniente is losses in the cleaner circuits and not prirnarily molybdenite losses
in the rougher flotation. The month by month moly recoveries for Colon and
Sewell, shown in Fig. 36, suggest that moly recoveries from acid pulps could
be better than standard basic pulp flotation.
From Pig. 37, note that certain mine sectors are not floatable, particularly in
Teniente level 4.
an unavoidable side effect the over-grinding of the moly fraction (as can be
seen in Fig.s 46 and 47). This operating procedure, causing over-grinding,
has been continued because the value of the moly lost, at current prices, is
lower than the potentially lost copper production. It has also resulted in
raising the flotation pH to a maximum (pH greater than 12), to help depress
pyrite, des pite the possibility that the very high a1kalinity of the concentrate
triggers soluble moly losses in the tailings as well as providing more calcium
to depress floatable moly (see Fig. 42). If the pH in the second cleaners is
dropped from 12 to 10, the moly lost in the tails halves, but the iron in the
final concentrate rises from 20 to 25%, and the copper grade drops from 32
to 28%.
To check the performance of the "copper circuit'' whose flow diagram and
equipment is shown in Fig. 38, particularly to obtain data on the rates at
which moly and copper floats in the Colon cleaner circuits, plant tests were
mn in which samples of the concentrate from each of the flotation cells in the
second cleaners, scavengers and re-scavengers were taken and analysed. The
results are shown in Fig. 39. These data can be interpreted assuming that, as
the residence time in each bank of cells is essentially the same for a11 the
flotation cells, the copper and moly content in the concentrate samples is a
measure of the flotation rates.
The first pair of graphs show the copper and insolubles assay in the
concentrates in the first panel, and moly grades in the second panel, during
normal operating conditions. From the shape of the copper curve, which does
not show a drop in concentrate grade by the last cleaner cell, it is obvious
that the rate of Cu flotation is too slow for the design cleaner flotation time,
so a very significant amount of copper is carried through to the scavengers
causing a large recirculating load (67% of the total recovered) from the
scavengers and re-scavengers, though overall copper recovery is not adversely
affected (94.2%), even when it continues to float vigorously through ce11 #5
of the scavenger bank. Molybdenum, on the other hand, is being severely
depressed in all the cleaner bank, and only starts to float after the fifth cell in
the scavengers. Note that the moly depression is such that the Mo grade of
the cleaner tails (i.e. the feed to the scavengers) is 1%, nearly double the
grade of the pulp fed to the first cleaner ce11 which contains 0.6% Mo. The
fact that moly only starts to float in the scavenger when the amount of copper
floating is dropping suggests that one factor, contributing to moly depression
is crowding out by the copper.
160 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
1 Second
7x1,506 cu ft 2 Sca uenger-s :
ce lIs 12xlllll cu fi
Concenhate 3
3 lllJ500 ft 3 ce l ls , in 2
21 +------- 4 Second 4 banks
to He 2,41l0 ft3
Mol~ plant 5 Cleaners 5
llx15BB ft 6
7 12JIlllll rt3 7
B 8
Reagent T-3010 = Shell 203 nxed uith
~ 24
The second pair of graphs show the results of a plant test in which the Sewell
regrind ball milI was stopped. The rate of flotation of copper increased,
though the number of cleaner cells available appears to be barely adequate,
as the first scavenger cell still produces a concentrate with a specification
copper grade. The tail from the cleaners dropped from 18% to 11%,
signalling the higher flotation rate obtained.
The shape of the molybdenum flotation curves are improved, but because of
an ore change that doubled the grade fed to the second cleaners, the data
cannot be compared with the next plant trial. As the copper concentrate
coming off the head of the scavenger bank is nearly at specification, this
suggested the second plant trial in which, as well as shutting down the Sewell
regrind mill, the concentrate from the first three cells of the scavenger,
instead of being recirculated to the cleaners, was piped directly to the P-4
thickener which feeds the coppery'moly separation planto Under these
operating conditions the copper response is essentially normal, with a fully
functioning second cleaner bank. Note though that the second cleaner tail
now is at 4% Cu, as compared to 11% when cells 1 to 3 of the scavenger were
being recirculated, and 18% when the Sewell regrind was operating. The
moly flotation is marginally better, with recoveries impraved as the scavenger
Mili tests - case histories 161
2nd cleaner scavenger>
4b copper
~~-r~ ..,'
~ :~_ cleancr 2-'
~?Il -t e il ')1 .-
=_.. . ~~ __ ~copper . t.
n __ ft. . . . _ . sCl\uenger ~\...- i:.ail
01234&67& (J.1234557 012~4557091CDn2 "
Cell nu.....her Cell nUMber
8: Ineo I
.= : copper ~ 'ti.1""!li.~Qi1l
O "" .'1-
" 35
..:; 00
'g :15
'" "
ax :~
Insol J
..e . . . c "
01 :i!30458TB 012:!461llT 012:J4!il$Tag10tl2 C12!4S67B 012345~7 01234liB7n.Gl0n2
Ce Lf -number- Cell nUlI1ber
Inso 1
rf copper 1.
x ....."...
01 2 a 45 B 78 D1 234 5 B7
o f 2 3 450 7 o9111112 012345670 01234567 0123456HUlOn2
Cell nu.. ber- Cell 1l11 .. ber-
tail now is at 0.3% Mo, compared to 0.45% at normal operations with both
regrind milIs going.
The stroog effect of calcium ions 00 the depressioo of pyrite has beeo known
for sorne time, but surprisiogly little flotatioo data confirmiog this is
available. Cea aod Castro (1975) published Hallimood tube data that clearly
shows the multiplyiog effect of using lime rather thao caustic soda or soda
ash as the source of alkalinity. This confirms Glembotskii et al's (1963)
earlier observatioo "a comparisoo of the effect of Ca(OH)z with that of
NaOH 00 pyrite shows that lime is the more powerful depressant". lo Fig.
41, a comparisoo is shown betweeo the effect of pH 00 pyrite recovery, as
measured by Li Guoogming et al (1989), with that of caustic and lime 00
molybdenite flotatioo, measured by Castro and Paredes (1979).
Mill tests case histories 163
.. ~ ......... ,b., .Do.
45 ... ,.,,;., ".!.- , ,
"jj""".""."~ ,~,;o""",.,,,,,
o 40
e 25
] 20 ""'' .':.... ''''."'''''''".,,.,', ... ,
~ 15
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Percent Oxide Content
\ 611
211 1--
5 11 13 5 7 9 11 13
The combined pulp feed to the copper circuit (which contains 25%
chalcopyrite and 30% pyrite) was submitted to bench scale flotation tests
performed at half pH unit intervals. Copper, moly, pyrite and insolubles
assays were made for all tests. The results are shown in Fig. 42. They
confirm that chalcopyrite is not significantly depressed up to a pH = 11. They
also confirm that pyrite starts to depress at .pH 11, but indicate that even at
pH = 12 there is far from complete depression, and that depression of
molybdenite, as a function of pH, in the pre~ence of calcium ions, is greater
than that for pyrite. The behaviour of the insolubles is indicated by the grade
recovered in the concentrate rather than by recovery. From these figures one
can conclude that there is no significant depression of insol in the pH range
164 FLTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
"'"--- ,. --';;'--e--_
Unreground Sewell -1- Colon Concentrate
~1""'''' .... "" ~h"" .. ", ..
Moly IRecover'} I
....... --lt....... ... ""'~~,
o 94 Pyrite " ,'.,,'"
Q) 93
o: 92 ,, ~
o 91
(5 90
w::: 89 16.4---15.9---16.3-16.5---15.8-15.9_15.7~16.1_15.7
Concsntr cla Percentooe Insoluble Content
8 8.5 9 9.5 10 1 0.5 11 11.5 12
Flotatlon pH
studied. The obvious alternative of testing soda ash or caustic as the modifier
reagent, to eliminate the effect of the calcium ion, is impractical because of
reagent carry-over from the rougher flotation at Colon where, with the high
ore tonnage treated, the cost of substitution of lime as the pH regulator is not
justified by the additional moly recovery. Similarly, opting to operate an acid
rougher in a concentrator designed for alkaline flotation requires expensive
acid proofing.
... :1
, "
" o, o'
" ,
-o .- 00
" ,-
4 - -
Jan Fob Mar Apr MayJun Jul Aug Sop et NovDocJan F ob Mar Apr
1988 1989
I --~ Colon - . - Sawall I
Lime, ancl high alkalinity, also reduce moly recovery because oxidised
molybdenite reacts at very high pHs with calcium ions to form powellite, or,
in the presence of limonite, the surface compound forrned could be
Ierromolybdite [3(FE:P3).Mo0 3.8HP]. Both of these are water soluble
and can be lost in the tailings water. Fig. 43 shows that this happened in
1989, when the moly content in the Colon tailings jumped up. At 12 ppm the
losses in solution in 1989 would have amounted to about 300 tonnes of Mo.
for the precursor reaction for the formation of ferromolybdite, the water avid
compound on the molybdenite surface.
0.6 HMoO~
-1 +---,-----,---,--+-----,------,-------,-----,-----,---''''+
3 5 7 9 11 13
Vd = 2934 Vd = 2559
682 Vd 1328
Vd = 5493
.. 23B7 Vd TAIL
MB=B.67::.o: Cu = 6.68x
Mo B.35::.o:
Cu = 88 .By. Mo = 78 .Bx 3186 t/d CONCENTRATE
Cu = 35 .88y.
t10 = B .9Bx
For both Colon and Sewell liberation of the molybdenite prior to regrinding
is practically complete - 99.0 and 99.4% respectively. In the case of the
copper minerals, there is a moderate to marginal improvement in liberation,
which could justify regrinding - 92.8% to 96.8% for Colon and 96.8% to
97.2% for Sewell - but the critical factor in concentrate specifications is pyrite
and insolubles. The greater sensitivity of the Sewell ore to form colloidal
slime, which are notoriously refractory to flotation, is due to the softer nature
of the ore. This shows up in the power consumption figures of Table 49 -
4.88 kWhjt for a reduction ratio of 1.68 for Sewell, as compared to 8.11
kWhjt consumed for a reduction of 1.79 at Colon.
In late 1988, CIMM had performed a similar size distribution study as a part
of the design of the moly plant rougher. The data showed that the moly
fraction of the concentrate fed to the moly plant contained 41.9% -13
micronparticles, while the CIMM study showed that the extremely fine moly
168 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
A ......... \
8 70 ..- .
60 1 .~ ;.
60 65 70 75 80 85
% Passing 325 Mesh Tyler
The data in Fig. 46 show that regrinding second cleaner feed can improve
copper recovery, but at the expense of moly losses. Considering the
depressant effect of any type of slime on sulphide mineral flotation, picking
the optimum degree of comminution becomes a very difficult exercise. The
problem in choosing a moly flotation system is seen in the studies made of
the distribution of the molybdenite as a function of particle size. The result
for Sewell and Colon ores is shown in Figs. 47 and 48.
Post moiy/copper separation pytite scavenger: A serious look has been grven
to removal of the excess pyrite after recovering the molybdenite at an
optimum pH throughout the Sewell and Colon flotation process. The
proposed final cleaner circuit is shown in Fig. 49. The advantage in moly
recovery of operating the second cleaners at the rougher pH, or lower, is
obviously a greatly enhanced molybdenite recovery. The disadvantage is also
obvious - the need for a considerably expanded moly/ copper separation
plant, as there are already problems of moly losses due to overloading the
existing plant.
~ 50
,., 4Q . .
'O 30
:2 ..
' 1
417 208 104 50 25 13
295 147 74 \33 18 -13
Particle size tracton - microns
Fig. 47.- Moly content vs particle size - Colon before and after regrind
170 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
i 50
'-' 40
"O ...... _-- ...-.......
:2 30
e 20
417 208 104 50 25 13
295 147 74 33 18 -13
Partid e size fraction - microns
Fig. 48.- Moly content vs particle size - Sewell before and after regrind.
6E1x to Colon
Moly plant rougher flotation - increased dosage of LR-744 (1,500 g/t to 2,000
g/t) will improve total molybdenum flotation slightIy. In laboratory tests, with
higher levels (2,500 to 4,500 g/t), moly flotation is slightly impaired, possibly
because there is physical occlusion of moly with the increased depression of
the copper minerals, Moly. selectivity is directly proportional to LR-744
dosage, though the depressive effect of high doses restricts this route to the
production of a molybdenite concentrate with a low Cu content. Typical
laboratory data show:
Moly plant first cleaner stage - up to 300 g/t of LR-744 can be fed without
reducing MoT recovery, but these amounts of depressant provide only
marginal improvements in CuT rejection. Greater additions of LR-744
increase se1ectivity, but at the cost of a significant drop in MoT recovery, viz:
Use offlotation colul1llls in the 1II0(v plant - Iaboratory tests of columns in the
cleaner stages gave the following results:
Plant tests also have eonfirmed that the use of eolumn cleaner stages is
eeonomieally very attraetive in the moly/ eopper separation proeess.
Teniente is therefore going to modify the Cu/Mo separation plant.
2:- ro ~ 70
o 1:
~ 00 ~ 00
eg so ~ .so
S .w
u, ;lO
Standal:'d ;JO
ro operating
conditions Standard
1~ 10 operatin!J
o " NaSH 1IMn04 conditions
-400 -:lOO -200 -'00 o '00 200 lOO ~ 500 00Il ~ 150 2511 35(] -450
Pulp potential (~U) Pulp potential (~U)
been carried out. Results for rougher flotation of Colon and Sewell ore are
shown in Fig. 50. The colIeetor used for thc Sewcll ore at pH = 4 was isobutyl
xanthate, as there were problems adjusting the redox potential values with
the normal xanthogen formateo In light of the similar shape of the curves, the
aeid results should also apply to the xanthogen formares.
The statistics and other data quoted in this section provide practical target
performance figures from operating mines (i.e., ore grades, concentration
ratios, concentrate grade, average mineral grind, power and water
consumption per tonne processed for the different types of ores, etc.), which
can be used as a guide in setting parameters for laboratory studies. The very
extensive average operating data, contained in Tables 56 and 57, should be
used, based on the predominant mineral of the ore to be tested, to select the
initial system conditions, and starting reagents.
- 174-
Sulphide Mili Practice 175
metallic carbonate and oxide ores, and the increase in tonnage treated since
1960, is due to iron ore, which the USBM puts in this classification.
TabLe 53.- FROTH FLOTATION IN THE U.S.A.; source: U.S. Bureau of 11i nes
SuLphide Ores
Ore Treated tonnes 141,022,000 256,545,000 254,455,000 176,520,000
Concentration ratio 26.5:1 31.8: 1 38.1: 1 33.3:1
MetaLLi e Carbonate and Ox i de Ores
Ore Treated tonnes 2,594,000 20,193,000 39,003,000 22,264,000
Concentration ratio 3.0:1 1.7:1 1.8:1 1.7: 1
NonmetaLLic Ores
Ore Treated tonnes 32,901,000 73,603,000 178,545,000 124,865,000
Concentration ratio 3.0:1 3.4:1 3.5:1 4.2:1
Anthracite and CoaL
Ore Treated tonnes 3,738,000 11,824,000 11,728,000 25,200,000
Concentration ratio 1.5:1 1.5:1 1.7:1 1.4:1
Grand TotaL ore
treated by fLotation 80,255,000 362,165,000 483,723,000 348,849,000
The quantities of coIlectors consumed in 1975 and 1985 (the only two years
reported in comparable detail in the Minerals Year Books), are shown in
Table 54. Note that the fatty acids dominate the oily coIlector market, and
the xanthates the metallic sulphide market.
The sulphide and non-sulphide ore tonnage treated is about equal, but the
oily coIlector consumption is thirty times sulphhydryl reagents because
industrial minerals require a unit dosage that much higher. The average
calculated reagent consumption is 589 g/t for the oily coIlectors, and only
23.5 g/t for the sulphide minerals. This is one reason why the inorganic and
oxide minerals' coIlector and frother market is financially much more
attractive to the reagent suppliers, despite the lower unit value of the fatty
acids and organic amines.
The breakdown by ore type for frother usage and consumption is less precise,
because the same reagents are used with all the different ore types. In
addition, there does not seem to be a consistent reporting basis between the
two latest years, as can seen from Table 55. Fuel oil and kerosene have been
176 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
separated in this table, beca use they modify frothers, and act as mild
collectors. But they can be a primary collector if the mineral is naturally
floatable, so are difficult to classify, and should be allocated to both the
frother and the collector tables.
where the geology of the deposits are somewhat different, The reagent use
and operating conditions reported also tend to be more representative of the
larger and newer mines.
At the time the SME Handbook was published, over a million tonnes of
copper capacity had been removed from the market, mainly in the U.S.,
because of the mining industry crisis. Thus, temporarily or permanently, most
of the mines treating the lower ore grades. were shut down, or shifted to
leaching processes combined with low cost direct electrowinning of the
copper. AH these factors must be taken into account when generalising from
the data.
Tables 56 and 57 are both divided into ore characteristics, head grades, and
concentrate properties; and separately the collectors, frothers and modifiers
(where avaiIabIe) are shown with the quantities employed, and an attempt is
made to indicate the point in the flotation process where the different
collectorsare added. The completeness of the statistical data for the
different mines varies considerabIy. As there have be en significant ore
changes in the oIder mines over the years, the reagents reported are
consistent with the ore description, but do not necessariIy reflect current use.
Looking over Tables 56 and 57, it is interesting to note that there are
operating conditions and reagents listed that reflect quite arbitrary regional
preferences. Most noticeable is the tendency of U.S. designed plants (North
and South America) to grind their ore slightly finer and to operate at higher
alkalinity than the Pacific (mainly Philippines) mines. The only two mines
listed that employ an acid circuit, El Teniente in Chile and Lepanto in the
Philippines, do so because they have very specific ore characteristics that
require low pH operation. Lepanto uses an acid circuit because its ore is
very high in arsenic (enargite), while the El Teniente ore not only has a
relatively high non-sulphide content but also has acidic components in the
gangue that in the past have required very large amounts of lime to raise the
alkalinity to the habitual pH 9-11 (this may not be true in future when harder,
primary, ore will predominate).
From the mines listed in Tables 56 and 57, which represent over half of the
world's copper production (4,500,000 tonnes) in 1975, we can list average
operating conditions and performance for the different producing areas. As
can be seen in Table 58, between 1965 and 1975 the average copper
concentrator treated ores with 0.782% Cu, of which 85.35% was recovered.
Regional1y, head grades range from a low of half a percent copper in Canada,
to a high of 1.455% in Chile, while recoveries go from a high of 87.7% in
Canada, to a low of 80.4% in Europe.
Principal "ineral CHALCOPYRlTE
Reag. gft POA Reag. gft POA Reag. gft POA Reag. gft POA
1B Twin Buttes, AZ Z-6 16.5 RF Z-200 1.7 CF
1C Yerington, NV Z-6 7.8 RF Z-11 3.7 RF Z-6 3.3 SdF Z-11 2.5 sdF
3A Mission, AZ Z-6 10.3 G, RF 238 2.1 G, RF 97A 6.2 G, RF CIl
3B Si Lver BeLL, AZ Z-10 8.3 G 238 8.3 G 97A 3.3 RF
4 HighLand VaLLey, BC NEX 12.4 RF KAX 15.3 Se eS
5 Bagdad, AZ Z-4 20.6 RF Z-6 4.1 RF 404 12.4 Se e:
7 Aitik, Sweden KAX 18.6 C NIX 0.8 C NIX 4.1 (1l
Merritt, BC
242 13.6 RF,Se Z-200 0.8 RF ;t::::
10 Pinto VaLLey, AZ Z-14 12.4 RF 238 12.4 RF
10A Miami, AZ Z-14 'i:l
13 Sierrita, AZ KAX 2.1 RF 3302 6.2 G ~
13A MineraL Park, AZ Z-200 3302 ~
13B Esperanza, AZ Z-6 3302 :=;.
1} Er.stberg, W. Irian Z-200 16.5 G,RF Z-14 16.5 RF
1 MeLeese Lake, BC NIX 8.3 RF,Se Z-200 8.3 RF,Se
16 Tide Lake, BC Z-200 14.9 RF Z-200 1.7 CF
17 Nairne, S. AustraLia Z-200 24.8 RF
18 Lakeshore Casa Grande
20B MeGiLL, NV Z-200 6.2 G Z-4 20.6 G
20C Ray, AZ Rae 41.3 RF
20D Utah Mines Reeo 8.3 RF OiL 6.2 Se
21 Noranda, Quebee 404 792.4 G 343 466.4 RF CuS04 24.6 RF
21A Logan Lake, BC NIX 24.8 G,RF KAX 28.9 Se
22A Superior, AZ 404 24.8 RF NIX 4.1
23 Marinduque, PhiL. Z-200 16.5 G Z-6 20.6 RF,Se Z-11 20.6 RF,SC
25 Hokkaido, Japan 3501 11.1 3477 11.1 KAX 92.5 SC KEX 13.6 CF
26 Mount Isa, AustraLia NIB 206.4 G
27c Rokana, Zambia NIX 177.5 PKD 132.1 C
28A Geeo, Ontario 350 24.8 RF NIX 26.4 RF
28B Horne, Quebee KAX 44.2 PA KAX 102.4 CF NIX 69.8 PC '-'
28C Brenda KAX 31.8 G FO 12.8 C 00
Principal .inerals Chalcocite. IIalachite. and 80mite
Reag. gft POA Reag. gft POA Reag. gft POA Reag. gft POA
1A Butte, Montana Z-6 2.1 RF Z-200 3.3 RF 1331 10.7 RF MA 16.5 RF
1D Cananea, Mexieo 238 7.8 RF 343 1.2 RF C/l
3C Saeatan, AZ Z-6 4.1 G Z-6 0.8 RF Z-6 0.8 Se e
19A Inspiration, AZ 898 12.4 RF -O
Christmas, AZ
Chino, NM
Z-6 10.3 RF
Rae 28.9 RF
404 7.8 G s:
22B San ManueL, AZ Z-11 0.4 G 3302 G 4.5
0.4 SM8 G
27A ChingoLa East, Zambia
ChingoLa West, Zambia
KonkoLa, Zambia
Copper Queen, AZ
NIX 177.5
NIX 239.4
Z-200 3.3
PDK 132.1
Z-11 0.8 Se
33C Morenei, AZ Z-200 21.9 G ....
33D Tyrone, NM Z-11 18.6 G ('j'
331: Me'tea Lf, AZ Z-200 6.2 G NIX 3.7 Se (1J
36 GibraLter, BC Z-11
39 ToquepaLa, Peru Z-11 10.3 RF 3302 8.3 G
45 White Pine, Mieh NIB 90.8 DAP 9.9 Se
48 Chuquieamata, ChiLe SF-323
49 EL SaLvador, ChiLe SF-323
Principal ftineral IlAL\CHlTE
43B Kamoto, Zaire KEX 66.0 KAX 66.0 NaSH 1238.2
43C Kakanda, Zaire P 920.0 RF
Principal ftineral BORNlTE
37c MufuLira, Zambia NEX 17.3 RF KAX 17.3 Se
Principal "ineral CHALCOPYRlTE
Reag. gft POA Reag. gft POA Reag. gft POA pH Reag. gft POA 'Tj
1B Twin Buttes, AZ R-23 10.3 RF 11.0 Lime 3,880 G O
1C Yerington, NV A-65 2.9 RF A-65 5.8 sdF A-710 3.7 SdF 11.0
Mission, AZ
Si Lver BeLL, AZ
PO 2.9 RF 11.5 Lime
11.0 Lime 825
PO 37.1 G .....
4 HighLand VaLLey, BC MIBC 14.0 RF PPG 4.5 RF Lime 351 G O
5 Bagdad, AZ 1639 24.8 RF PO 28.9 RF 11.5 Lime 2,064 G Z
7 Aitik, Sweden PO 18.6 41G 8.3 Lime 289 G
8 BouganviLLe MIBC RF 250 RF A-65 8.5 Lime G e-3
9 Merritt, BC PO 5.8 RF Lime 413 e-
10 Pinto VaLLey, AZ 250 16.5 RF (1l
10A Miami, AZ 250 PO 10.5
13 Sierrita, AZ A71 8.3 G MISC 33.0 M 11.0 Lime 1,032 G :.<
13A MineraL Park, AZ MIBC 11.5 :;;;
13B Esperanza, AZ MIBC 11.5 (1l
14 Erstberg, W. Irian PO 8.3 G,RF MIBC 24.8 G,RF 250 28.9 G,RF Lime 619 G ()Q
15 McLeese Lake, BC MIBC 8.3 RF,Sc 250 4.1 RF,Sc Lime 413 G (1l
20B McGiLL, NV 10.8 Q..
20C Ray, AZ 1639 74.3 RF 11.5 Lime 2,683 G O
20D Utah Mines MIBC 22.3 RF 8.5 Lime 743 G ....
21 Noranda, Quebec TEB 26.0 G 8.5 Lime 1,486 G e-3
21A Logan Lake, BC 250 11.6 RF PO G,Sc Lime 908 G o
22A Superior, AZ MIBC 20.6 RF Lime 2,064 G ;!;.
23 Marinduque, PhiL. MIBC 20.6 G A65 16.5 RF,CF 250 16.5 RF,CF 9.0 Lime 310 G ES'
25 Hokkaido, Japan PO 47.9 Lime 2,542 G (Jq
26 Mount Isa, AustraLia TEB 82.5 RF
27c Rokana, Zambia TEB 12.4 RF TEB 6.2 C
28A Geco, Ontario PO 27.2 RF NH3 118 G
28B Horne, Quebec PO 14.0 PA PO 38.4 PC Lime 2,022 G
28c Brenda MIBC 12.4 C 8.0
Pr-incipal Hiner-al CHALCOPYRlTE
Reag. gft POA Reag. gft POA Reag. gft POA pH Reag. gft POA
28D Gaspe, Quebec MIBC 10. OLime G t::
30A O'Okiep, S. Africa CA .16.5 RF Lime 1,238 G >5"'
30B Nababeep, S. Africa g:
30C CaroLusberg, S.Africa CA 16.5 RF Lime 619 G (il
Reag. gft POA Reag. gft POA Reag. gft POA pH Reag. gft POA
Principal " CHALCOClTE t""'
1A Butte, Montana MIBC 4.1 RF 10.5 Lime 3,880 G
1D Cananea, Mexico 250 13.6 RF Lime 2,518 G ~
3c Sacatan, AZ MIBC 20.6 Lime 1,238 G ~
19A Inspiration, AZ MIBC 12.4 RF 10.5 Lime 1,238 G O
19B Christmas, AZ MIBC 22.7 RF 9.5 Lime 3,302 G Z
20A Chino, NM PO 51.2 RF MIBC 44.6 RF 11.0
22B San ManueL, AZ MIBC 23.5 RF 250 0.4 RF 10.5 Lime 702 G ~
27A ChingoLa East, Zambia Lime G I:T
27B ChingoLa West, Zambia TEB 12.4 RF TEB 6.2 C Lime G (1l
27D KonkoLa, Zambia PO 27.2 RF NH3 118 G
33B Copper Queen, AZ 250 9.1 RF 11.5 Lime 2,889 G ~
33C Morenci, AZ CA 21.9 RF 10.5 Lime 2,229 G :::o
33D Tyrone, NM 250 16.5 RF 11.4 Lime 1,651 G (1l
33E MetcaLf, AZ 250 8.3 RF Lime 3,508 G ClQ
36 GibraLter, BC MIBC 10.5 (1l
39 ToquepaLa, Peru
45 White Pine, Mich
PO 8.3
250 5.0
73 8.3 RF 11.5 Lime
9.5 Lime
1,238 G
660 G
48 Chuquicamata, ChiLe 11.0 Lime G i:l
49 EL SaLvador, ChiLe 11.0 Lime G e,
Principal" IlALACHlTE (1l
Abbreviations for Tables 56 and 57
Symbol identification Depressants
C conditioner OxRo oxide rougher REG regrind CN cyanide
CF cleaner feed PA pri'!1ary ~era~or Sc scavenger GG guar gum
CRT copper rou~her tailings PC pyr1te C1rcu1t SdF slime feed Nig nigrosine and dextrin
G grinding c1rcuit POA point of addition SRT sulphide
M middlings Reag reagent rougher tailings
Reagent Abbreviations
collectors Frothers (f)
Aeropromotor 3302
Aeropromotor 3501
sodium amyl xanthate
sodium ethyl xanthate
sodium isobutyl xanthate
Union Carbide frother
Union Carbide frother
resin oil
cresylic acid
FLotol B
Aerofroth 73
DAP di-isoamyl DTP NIX sodium isopropyl xanthate PO pine oil M300 PPG derivative
potassium amyl xanthate
potassium ethyl xanthate
Minerec SM8 Powells acceLerator
25 Aerofloat 25 238 Aerofloat 238 Que quebracho
MA Minera A 242 Aerofloat 242 250 Dowfroth 250 ';I
244 Aerofloat 244
SheLl MIBC + 10% stiLlbottoms
Shell MISC + 15% stillbottoms p.
343 Aeroxan~ate343 (1l
350 Aeroxanthate 350
898 Minerec 898
1331 Minerec 1331
FO fueloil
P palm oil
192 FLOTAnON - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
The flotation data being analysed are biased towards U.S. design preferences,
as the statistical information represents very nearly a 100% of the U.S. mines,
90% of Chilean mines, only half the mines in Canada, U.S.S.R. and Pacific
area, and less than half of the European and African mines.
Fig. 51 shows four frequency bar charts listing flotation recovery for copper
and moly, ore treated grade, concentrate grade, grind minus 200 mesh
percent, flotation pH and co11ector consumption for a11 the mines in Tables
56 and 57. From these we see that copper recovery shows two distinct peaks
which probably reflect the difference in treatability of primary sulphide ores,
which even for very low copper grades show 90 + % recovery, and that of
partially weathered, high grade ores whose mean recoveries trend in the mid
eighties range. Mines with recoveries below 80% are obviously involved with
ores with special treatability problems. The greater complexity of the mixed
molybdenum ores is reflected in the very broad scatter in the moly
recoveries, which range rather indiscriminately between 30 and 80%. The
copper concentrate grades produced, bunch in the 25 to 34% range. Mines
with higher concentrate grades are treating relatively unusual ores, like those
found at Chuquicamata and El Salvador, where the weathered cap has rarer
mineralisation, such as atacamite. The numbers confirm that for most ores,
dissemination of the mineral is fine, and that a grind that gives 50 to 65%
minus 200 mesh is required for proper liberation.
As noted above, only two mines in the list operate with an acid pulp, but at
normal recoveries. Otherwise the listing shows that flotation at a neutral pH
is not attractive. There is no good explanation for this, other than to
speculate on the depressant effect of ions that are normally present in
solution in natural mine waters, but that could be precipitated by the lime
used to increase the pulp alkalinity. The scatter in the last graph underlines
that there are no generalisations that can be made on what sort of a co11ector
consumption should be considered normal, though not unexpectedly, there is
Sulphide Mili Praetiee 193
80 80 rIl:
o 60 60
V Bll
y 40 41l
211 211
11 11
12 (, B (, 12 12 (, B (, 12 12 (, B (, 12
llillil Iillil
~ Izl
R 81il 81il
e a=
e i"
o I
61l 611
y 49 49
21l 21l
Il Il
12 s 11 s 12 12 (, 11 (, 12 12 s 11 1> 12
88 1:10 e 88 ~ ea
f.O b8 v 6B 6B
e Il!
48 48 48 48
1- "
2B 28 28 28
8 8 8 E!
12 (, 8 b 12
Number of Mines
BI'I 81'1 R 88 88
bE! bE! o G8 GEl
48 48 Y 48 48
2E! 28 28 2E!
El El El 1'1
12 (, 8 (, 12 12 (, 8 {, 12
Number of Mines Numher of Mines
Ore treated dry t '000 194,741 36,318 28,704 34,268 95,41473,926 3,290
Copper recovered, t '000 2,858 330 843 391 1,267 1,02 811
ro of reported Cu production 45% 40% 89 ? 82% 83% 83%
the shifts in collector use were during those years. The numbers do
underline the domination of this market by the xanthates, The frothers,
shown in Table 60, and analysed graphically in Fig. 52b, also indicate that
there was relatively little change in frother technology. Unfortunately there is
no more recent data which is cohesive enough to update the trends.
Certainly the copper industry took a bath in the early eighties, and, after
numerous bankruptcies, it has been reborn with new owners, a different
investment philosophy, and a fundamentally changed view on the most
economic technology. Flotation per se has not seen changes other than the
trend to reduced capital intensiveness through the use of giant flotation cells
and columns for upgrading rougher concentrates in cleaners circuits, or to
reduce the capital investment in moly-copper separations. Flotation is still
the lowest cost method for partition of two similar solids, but heap, or in-situ
leaching, followed by selective extraction of the metals from the solution, and
then direct electro-winning, has rescued from the scrap heap a number of
mines which had by-passed oxidised cap ores. The quantities of these
reserves are limited, so should become exhausted in a relatively short time,
but have given the industry a breathing spell to find new technology to treat
the massive, low grade, disseminated deposits that are now idle. The crisis
also spawned a gold-rush, which now has gradually tapered off.
Circuit design normally starts with comminution. Allfloatable ores must first
be crushed and ground to a particle size that will liberate the valuable
componentes) from the gangueo The liberation grind will depend on the
dissemination of the ore components, but usually the optimum from the
recovery point of view is the 100 to 350 mesh range. At less than 50 mesh, the
particle is usually too heavy to remain attached to the bubbles, and at grinds
greater than 400 mesh the pulp will contain slime which can interfere with
efficient flotation. The equivalent micron sizes for the nominal screen sizes
normally found in a metallurgicallaboratory are listed in Table 63. From this
table we see that the approximate optimum particle size range found in a
Sulphide Mill Practice 201
A major technology change during the past few decades is the great increase
in the size of the individual flotation cells, and the use of high capacity non-
mechanical flotation devices, such as columns. One consequence is that the
202 FLOTATIN - Theory, Reagents ami Ore Testing
The simplest flow scheme used with buIk sulphides and simple industrial
mineral upgrades is the rougher-cleaner arrangement:
" ~
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
" .. .. ----Iotails
A more conventional circuit includes a scavenger after the
Rougher-Cleaner-Scauenger Flotation Circuit
~_'H' 1234567 B
Rougher bank pulp solids are normally maintained at 35% plus or minus 5%,
while the cleaner feed is normally diluted to around 25% to improve
If the mineral contains native gold, as is not uncommon with sorne copper
ores, the feed and tailings launder can be lined with sacking or corduroy, to
Sulphide Mill Practico 203
recover coarse gold particles that do not float, The cleaner can be cascaded
with re-cleaners, In a moly j copper separation, these may reach 15 stages.
The residence time in the rougher and cleaner varies according to the ore
involved. With typical copper ores, roughers in the Pacific basin are
designed for 8 to 12 minutes residence, while European and African mines
will provide up lo 40 minutes of roughing time. Cleaners typically are half to
two thirds of the rougher time. Complex ores (Zn, Cu, Pb, Ag mixtures)
normally involve European type flotation times.
Complcx ore processing schemes can become very involved, but they all can
be simplified to a general set of circuits, consisting of a primary rougher-
scavenger flotation bank for the feed and each separable mineral, followed by
a cleaner-scavenger and recleaner - scavenger bank. The scavenger
concentrates are reground and returned to the primary feed, while the
recleaner scavenger concentrate is recycled. In each case the recleaner
concentrate is the final concentrate. The same circuit is used for the recovery
of the lead and zinc sulphides. The tails from the previous circuit is the feed
for the downstream systems.
The reagent suite used is different for each mineral recovered. Not shown in
Fig. 53 is a dewatering and reconditioning step placed between the copper-
lead and lead-zinc circuits to remove the collector, frother and other reagents
adhered to the ore in the previous circuitj and to add new conditioners,
collectors, frothers, depressants and activators for the next separation.
Reagent selection for the flotation of complex ores is dependent on the ores
t o.j>.
~ 6
i"T ~
\ I
l"'''"' I L -
.. ,.. 1"
1 ~
~ ~~ >-l
FEED ........
6 --, SCAVENGER 1 2 .. 3 ..4 ..5 ..6 'I i:r'
<l~~ <l ';;<
<l-I 6 I 5 (il
- .. (il
<l---- ;::?,.
! <l, + _ (JI:
and the exact mill circuit, and flotation conditions favoured by the designer.
As there are interactions between the inorganic and organic reagents, there is
little that can be said, a priori, about which set of reagents is an optimum.
Prediction of the circulating load from the scavengers is also difficult to
determine in the laboratory, and essentially impossible to do from first
The largest tonnage copper flotation mills treat low grade porphyry ores, with
chalcopyrite as the predominant mineral. As chalcopyrite contains less than
36% Cu, concentrate grades obtained contain about 30% copper, and low
head grades (0.4 to 0.9% Cu) mean that tailings with less than 0.1% Cu are
unusual. To maximise grade and recovery, the flotation plant should be
operated with powerful collectors having a high degree of selectivity. As the
chemists have not developed a collector that combines these two properties,
in most flotation plants a high recovery is obtalned using a strong collector in
the roughers, followed by a selective collector in the cleaners. If, as is usual in
low cost and low capital mills, the pulp fed to the roughers has a coarse grind,
a kicker (strong collector) is added to the main scavenger bank to recover
mineralised coarse particles, and the scavenger concentrate is re-ground in a
Sulphide Mili Practice 207
small ball mill to liberate copper and help reject gangue, cornbined with the
cleaner tails, and then returned to the rougher bank,
In simple circuits, xanthate addition to the ball mill will result in the recovery
of a relatively low grade rougher concentrate. This concentrate is upgraded
in the cleaners by diluting the pulp down to around 25% solids, and adding a
more selective Cu collector, such as ethylisopropyl thionocarbamate (Z-200),
in combination with a mild depressant, which can be more lime added to the
cleaners to increase the pulp pR. When the copper minerals present contain
a large proportion of chalcocite, and bornite, the Z-200 in the cleaners can be
replaced by cheaper collectors - dialkyl dithio-phosphates. When high grade
concentrates are obtained, it is always an indication that the ore being
processed is from thealteration zone, and contains chalcocite, covellite and
bornite. Another sophistication is to separate the rougher launders into
sections, and stage-add the collectors: a dialkyl dithiophosphate or alkyl
thionocarbamate in the ball mill, combined with separate collection of the
concentrate from the first few rougher cells, followed by a selective xanthate
in the second half of the roughers, and a strong xanthate in the scavenger
section. Outokumpu Oy's "flash flotation" cells are a variant of this scheme,
where cyclone bottoms are scalped prior to return to the ball mill feed.
copper ores. The exceptions are the acid circuits of El Teniente in Chile,
Lepanto in the Phillipines, and Flin Flon in Canada. The ore of the latter
two contains a significant amount of copper in arsenic minerals, such as
enargite. The standard collector has been a xanthogen formate, usually ethyl
butyl XF. This is very stable in acid media and only decomposes at pH 10 or
greater. It also has been used in alkaline circuits successfully (Inspiration in
the U.S.), and is a good collector in sea water pulps.
~ ~
1)fi ~
e "
~ JU -"
r- ~ ~
:o.fi m ~. ~
j w ~ " o
e ~
1O 1~,}- 20 25 SO $0 - 40 4.5 50
Grind. X .. inullO zaB naa:h
-- 60 613 70
::10 ,5 eo
:"1 = Chllllcopyrii;e ... = eh-. leos i-t.a
Fig. 54 plots copper recovery as a function of grind for the mines in Tables 56
and 57. The lower recovery of copper from ores where chalcocite
predominates is obvious. Of interest is that, at least for gross statistical
relations, the correlation between grind and recovery is tenuous; possibly this
is due to the difficulty in floating fines, as undoubtedly liberation should be
improved. The probable explanation of the lower recovery of copper from
chalcocite ores is a greater fraction of the copper content corresponding to
non-sulphide copper minerals, which in tUfn implies the presence of sericite
and clays.
trommel which fed into the ball mills. In the ball mill the acid pulp was
neutralised with home made calcium sulphide, manufactured on-site by
calcining Iimestone with pyrite. The crude calcium sulphide contained
significant quantities of metallic iron which precipitated out cement copper
from the liquid phase of the pulpo The sulphide mineral and the cement
copper were then floated with ethyl isopropyl thionocarbamate. A similar
process, but using iron powder, was used at a mine in Baja California where
smelter slag was floated with sea water and Minerec A, after an acid leach. If
liberation problems have required a very fine grind which has resulted in the
formation of slime, a common solution used to improve overall recoveries
has been to cyclone the ball mill output and separate the pulp into sand and
slime circuits. The sand circuit is handled in the normal way, and the slimes
are agglomerated with additives, such as water glass (silicates).
Chrysocolla, and other copper silicates, do not float efficiently, They have
been recovered by acid leaching and the LPF process, but if available in an
economic quantity, the most profitable method of recovery now is heap
leaching followed by liquid-liquid extraction and direct electrowinning.
Sulphide Mili Practico 211
of each species. Native copper, as well as native gold ancl silver, can be
easily floated at slightly aboye a natural pl-l with a xanthate and a collector-
Irother such as pine oil or cresylic acid. The dithiophosphates and
benzothiazole mixtures are also good collectors. The minerals normally
associated with lead-zinc ores are listed in Table 65. They must be taken
into account in the selection of reagents, as many contribute soluble cations
to the flotation pulpo
Chapter 12
So far, we have dealt with minerals in which the flotation mechanism involved
is the selective adhesion of sulphhydryl collectors to sulphide surfaces; the
technology that has been described is restricted to nascent bubble flotation
(operative at concentration ratios aboye 15-30:1) where bubble attachment
occurs through bridging to frother / collector complexes chemisorbed on
active sites. As we saw, the principal minerals with this behaviour are the
porphyry copper sulphides and sorne complex sulphide ores, such as high
grade zinc-lead-silver sulphides, and sulphidised metallic non-sulphides, This
section will review the behaviour of non-sulphide metallic minerals,
industrial minerals and salts (insoluble, soluble and semi-soluble). And in
contrast to nascent bubble flotation, data taken using experimental
procedures and designs based on measuring contact angles, or using :
Hallimond tubes, and/or mechanical flotation machines, give acceptable and
credible results with these minerals.
The reason for this change in viewpoint is that in bubble capture flotation, or
oily flotation, there is no need for the transfer of an electron from the
air /water interface to the mineral surface to trigger the deposition of a
collector, and to provide the bubble particle bond. Por non-metallics,
adhesion between the particle and bubble is only (or possibly mainly) due to
the hydrophobic nature of the final surface of the particle encountering the
- 212-
Non-Metallic Mineral Flotation 213
Note that when sulphhydryl collectors are tested with metallic minerals that
exhibit oily flotation characteristics, the quantities of xanthates et al needed
for successful recovery is such as to provide more than monomolecular
surface coverage (i.e., at least a fivefold increase in dosage is required as
compared to nascent or normal flotation). Laboratory tests are cited which
show that synthesised dixanthogens act as collectors on sulphide and non-
sulphide minerals; misinterpretation of these data can lead to erroneous
mechanistic conclusions, as when minerals have surfaces fuIly coated with
sulphhydryl collectors the dithiolate is adsorbing in the same way as a
hydrocarbon oil, while when dixanthogen is detected as the active species in
nascent bubble flotation, the xanthate has chemisorbed and polymerised in
Non-Metallic Mineral Flotation 215
Glembotskii (1963) has a short chapter at the end of bis book on flotation
which summarises a Russian publication, "Concentration of Non-metallic
Minerals by Flotation", that suggests there has. been m-6ch wider use of
flotation in the purification of soluble salts in Russia than in the West. He
provides sparse details of the separation of nitrates from chlorides, and
sulphates from chlorides, as well as the well known technology of sylvite
purification. He underlines the use of lead nitrate
as an activator for sodium
chloride in some fatty acid reverse flotation systems. When it acts as a
depressant, he suggests this is mainly with chlorides, where there is the
formation of lead chloride which is relatively .insoluble, and thus can coat
crystal surfaces.
216 FLOTAnON - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
r ,
d ..
""' I
.....'-' ,r
............'" 1
'" ~
: 11
r CI>
, ..._~,/ Chel'l'll isorp-t:. i.on
There has been considerable research on the crystal structure of water. Post-
Pauling (1960), the molecular clusters postulated in liquid water at ambient
temperature generally are pictured as having the shape of a distorted basket
formed by an outer shell of five- and six-membered rings held together by
hydrogen bonding, with two or three water ~olecules and a proton in the
centre. CastIeman et al (1991,1989) have studied both gas phase and liquid
phase water clusters. In the gas phase they have found that the cluster which
can be identified as either H+(H20b or H 30+(H20)zo has a very stable
form, and described it as weakly bound aggregates whose properties lie
218 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
between those of water vapour and liquid water. Here the cage structure
consists of 12 five-mernbered rings, where the oxygen of the water molecules
forms the vertices. In the liquid phase they have identified anionic water
cluster ions with the formulae OH-(H 20 )n and O-(H 20 )n which can show a
different n, whose value is more diffuse than the gas phase n=20.
More interesting from the flotation point of view is that , with n =20, these
clathrates contain 40 hydrogen atoms, 30 of which are involved in hydrogen
bonding (forming O-H-O bonds), which means they have only 10 surface
hydrogens available for hydrogen bonding (if an eleventh is associated with
the proton in the centre of the protonated water formula). This structure
was detected as quite stable in the vapour phase. In liquid water the picture is
more diffuse, as it appears that n=20 is a preferred charge in the cluster, so
then the available surface hydrogen bonds are ten. When n is less than 20,
available hydrogen bonds are less than 10.
bonding hydrogens
suggested that 8 water molecules were being displaced per collector molecule
adsorbed. He has interpreted this number to be related to the size of the
arca covered by the polar group of the Aerosol, but it is interesting to
speculate if it is not more likely to be related to the hydrogen bonds available
on the clathrate structures, and that this number could be fixed by the surface
charge originally on the unhydrated mineral.
These are reageuts or oils that coat andz'or react with mineral surfaces ami
make the mineral selectively water repellent and attachable to air bubbles.
Those that react with the mineral surface can be c1assified as surfactants that
chemisorb, such as hydroxamic acids on haernatite, or oleates on fluorite or
calcite, or long chain ionic surfactants which absorb physically as counterions
in the electrical double layer, such as dodecyl sulphonate on alumina or
haematite, and dodecylammonium chloride on quartz; but over 90% of the
Soaps and fatty acids RCOOM weak
ALkyL suLphates RS04M Na+, K+ RS0 4- strong
MorphoLinium saLts
rcagents used as collectors for industrial minerals are soaps and Iatty acids
(including tall oil frorn the naval stores industry).
Because the raw materials for the manufacture of these reagents are
generally natural oils and fats, products from different manufacturers are not
necessarily nterchangeable. It should also be emphasised that, as is the case
for detergents, cationic and anionics should not be used simultaneously, as
they can react and neutralise each other. Water quality, which is a problem in
sulphide ore flotation if heavy metal ions are in solution, is more of a
problem in industrial mineral flotation, which is normally associated with
soluble inorganic salts, as a11 cations and ions that are in solution in the
flotation pulp can interfere with the reagent action.
Fatty acids
The tendency for a col1ector to adsorb onto a mineral surface will depend on:
4.- The pOSltlOI1 of the ionie groups on the ehain and the distance
separating the groups
5.- The nature of the ionic groups and the cross-sectional area of the
6.- The nature, position, and number of nonionic hydrophyllic groups
1.- The base strength, whieh can be quantified by the PKa values
2.- The solubility of the collector
3.- The critical miscelle concentration (eMe)
4.- The Krafft point
5.- The tendency of the collector to adsorb onto a specific mineral
CarboxyLic soap R- C H+ or Na+/K+ 4.7 0.5
SuLphate Na+ or K+
R-S-O -
SuLphonate Na+ or K+ :::: 1.5
Hydroxamate R-C-N
I Na+ or K+ :::: 9
o ol-
Phosphoric acid P H+ or I'il:l+/K+ 7 2.5
H/ \_
224 FLOTATION - Thcory, Reagents and Ore Testing
The most important anionic collectors are shown in Table 68. Mishra (1988)
points out that carboxylates are fully ionised at pH values aboye 10; the alkyl
sulphates do so at a pH aboye 3 (at a lower pH they hydrolyse to alcohol and
bisulphate); while alkyl sulphonates are stable even in strong acids. The long
chain Iatty acid carboxylates go through an ionisation process between pH 4
to 10. At pH around 8, the ionisation is to a 1:1 ion complex,
RCOOH-RCOO-. Similar intermediare species are present in the case of
alkyl sulphates and sulphonates in the half-ionisation pH range; as a
consequence, these compounds can act as a dual collector/frother at those
pHs. In fatty acid flotation it has been noted that adsorption, and recovery,
improve with the degree of unsaturation in the alkyl group. Collector
properties also change if aryl groups are substituted for sorne or aIl of the
hydrocarbon groups.
Note that, within the same species, the CMC occurs at progressive1y lower
concentrations as the chain length increases. There also is a significant
difference if the potassium salt is involved; i.e., the CMC value for the Na
oleate drops from 2.1 x 10-3 to 8.00 x 10-4 for potassium oleate.
The majority 01' the Iatty acids used industrially are of vegetable origin, rather
than animal fats, Tall oil Iatty acids are by far the most consumed organic
reagents in non-metallic ore flotation, Their main components are
unsaturated oleic, linoleic and linolenie acids, and the saturated palmitic and
stearic acids. All commercial products also contain a varying amount of rosin
acids, which are frothers and normally do not act as selective collectors.
As has been noted previously, interfering ions are a greater problem in non-
sulphide flotation. The presence of calcium or iron in solution can result in
activation of the gangue with coIlector complexes. Here, pH can be an
important variable to correct these problems.
The only cationic collectors used in metallic mineral processing are the
amines. These reagents ionise by protonation. They are c1assified as
226 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
detected because of light scattering when a Iight beam is passed through the
solution. The free energy decrease that the system experiences when this
phenomcna occurs is significant - 0.6 kcal per mol per CH z unit. For
dodecylamine, therefore, the free energy decrease is 7.2 kcal/rnole on
formation of miscelles,
DiaMines It
" + ,"
R-N (CHa)x N,
, t/
H N /H
TriaMines H_~t (CHZ'x-C-(CHZ
1 t
PYl'idiniuJIl salts CN --
/CH 2-CH2" _
MoX'pholiniuM salts R-NH 0+ CI
1+ _
SulphoniuM salts R-S -CI
228 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
The structures of typical eationic amine collectors are shown in Table 71.
Leja (1982) has pointed out that earboxylates, sueh as oleie aeid, can
ehemisorb, as well as adsorb, dependent on the ionic salt eontent of the pulp
58ft Sclution Concentration = 0.062;5 molal
'O 0.8
o 0.7
'E 0.6
.c ".J!I
o 0.5
!!J'" .'
~Ql 0.4 ,.,,0"'"
oe 0.3 ,.,1" Na~o4
o O""
'''".';1",.........~ ........"
'8 0.2 .'
u: 0.1 ......::::::::::::: ~~---~
o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Fraetion Oleate Adsorbed
Note that sodium fluoride inhibits chemisorption of fluorite, and that the
sulphate ion does the same for barite, These data are interesting in that they
suggest the mechanism by which anions can influence collector selectivity, but
it must be noted that there is not clear evidence whether the oleic acid salt is
ionised or unionised on the mineral surface. Leja points out that co-
adsorption of non-ionised carboxylic acid contributes to an increase in overall
hydrophobicity of a particle, not so if the carboxylic acid is ionised.
Carboxylic acids become more and more insoluble as the alkyl group
lengthens. In addition, the acids and soaps are powerful frothers, even more
so if the alkyl groups are unsaturated; therefore they norma11y can be used as
collectors without the need to add a separate frother, an ability which is
frequentIy a disadvantage. Because of their limited solubility, an increase in
pulp temperature reduces the amount of collector required for a given
recovery, and winter weather requires additional amounts of collector to
maintain recovery,
According to Sutherland and Wark (1955), in the early days of iron flotation
oleie aeid salts were known to be promoters for haematite, as Sulman and
Edser (1924) patented their use of oleates or stearate soaps with sodium
silieate to separate haematite from feldspars. Based on later work of Keek et
al, they report that for 100 gjt oleic aeid and 50gjt of terpineol as the
frother, the optimum pH for reeovery is a littIe aboye pH=7. As recovery is
inhibited below pH = 5.5, they eonclude that oleic aeid itself is not the
collector, Calcium is a depressant at very low eoneentrations, as are metals
sueh as ferrie eations, and Pb 2 + , Mn2 + , Sn2 + , Cu 2 + , and Sn4 + , as these a11
form insoluble soaps with the fatty acid. \
36.5% Fe, and producing a concentrate with 65.4% Fe ancl 4.95% Si02, with
a recovery of 4%. The operator's experience is that conditioning is crucial
to minimising the amount of collector required. The collector is a distilled
tall oil containing 91% oleic acid, 6% rosin acid, and 3% unsaponifiables.
The amount of collector required is about 600 g/t of ore, ten times the
amount reported by Sutherland and Wark, and laboratory work at the mine
has shown that very intense conditioning will halve the amount of collector
required for a given recovery. The flotation circuit treats 18,000 tpd, with a
sand/slimes split using two conditioners, each consisting of a number of 4.5 x
4.5 x 5-ft cells equipped with 24" ship-type propellers driven at 290 rpm by
motors drawing 12.5 hp. The pulp density is important, and is maintained at
65 to 70% solids, which gives a residence time of 5 to 8 minutes. Recovery is
reduced in winter, so steam injection is used to maintain pulp temperatures
at 70F. Similarly the Hanna Mining Co.'s Groveland mine in Dickson
County, Michigan is processing 15,000 tpd of an ore containing magnetite,
haematite and iron silicates assaying 34.5% Fe, which they upgrade to 64.4%
Fe and 6.3% Si02, using flotation, elutriation and magnetic concentration.
Overall recovery is 42.2%. In their flotation section the deslimed elutriator
underflow is conditioned at 66% solids in a bank of ten 60 cu ft conditioner
cells equipped with ship-type propellers driven by 25 hp motors. Retention
time is 10 minutes, and the conditioning pH is held at 5.8 to 6.0. The reagents
used are:
The use of flotation to upgrade industrial minerals has become more popular
as a consequence of declining reserves of high grade material. The products
usually treated include barite, beryllium, borates, calcite (limestone), clay,
graphite, gypsum, feldspars, fluorspar, glass sands, iodine, kaolin, kyanite,
mica, pegmatites, phosphates, potash, quartz, rare earths, spudomene, tale,
verrniculite, wollastonite, and others. The sources used for these summaries
are the SME Mineral Processing Handbook (1985), Taggart (1945) and
Redeker and Bentzen (1986).
Non-Metallic Mineral Flotation 231
Outside the U.SA., barites are frequently associated with sulphide minerals
and are recovered from the tailings of the planto In this case the conector
used can be oleic acid, fatty acid sulphonates or sodium laurate in an alkaline
circuito Barite is easily depressed by acidifying the flotation circuit with
sulphuric acid. If quartz is present it can be depressed with the addition of
silicates to the pulpo
According to Paul Chamberlin (SME, page 29-7), beryl has not been treated
232 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
Borates: the four most important boron minerals are listed in Table 73.
Colemanite is the only mineral that has been concentrated by flotation on a
regular basis.
borax Irom sylvite in the borai process. The collectors that are normally
used are oleie and naphthenic acids, to which xylene, turpentine and kerosene
may be added. The flotation can be activated with barium salts, Boric acid is
naturally floatable. This property has been used for many years in the nitrare
industry, which has recovered boric acid from the iodine plant acidification
step when the world price and the ore was favourable. It also has been used
to process colemanite by decomposing the ore with saz, to form boric acid.
This is done by grinding the ore finely, suspending the solids in a saturated
boric acid solution, and then adding the gas. The reacted pulp is passed on
into flotation cells, where a small quantity of frother is added, and a boric
acid concentrate collected. The concentrate may be further deaned, or
dissolved in a hot, saturated boric aeid, from which pure acid is crystallised by
Maxmum % Mnimum %
250 g/t of sulphonate, In sorne cases the addition of sulphuric acid to reduce
the pH to around 5 will markedly improve the selectivity. With sorne lode
ores, the addition of sodium fluosilicate, at the rate of 1 to 2 kg/t, wil! do the
All test runs produced acceptable concentrate grades (78% CaC03) and
recoveries after cleaning the rougher concentrate. The best results were
obtained at 3 minutes of conditioning with 1,000 g/t sodium silicate and
500g/t soda ash (pH = 9.3), followed by flotation with 300 g/t of sulphonate
promoter, 300 g/t fuel oil and 150 g/t frother, stage added to the six flotation
stages, obtaining an overall CaC0 3 grade of 81.4% and recovery of 92.6%.
Feldspar: glass and ceramic grade feldspars are produced from alaskite (a
uniform granite-like ore), or from more isotropic pegmatites.
The alaskite ores in Spruce Pine, North Carolina, according to Redeker and
Bentzen (1986), have the chemical and mineralogical composition shown in
Table 75. The run-of-mine is crushed and wet ground and then rid of its
minus 200 mesh fraction by cycloning and classifying. The fines, though high
in feldspars, are discarded as waste.
Non-Metallic Mineral Flotation 235
Wt % Mi nera L \It. %
The third stage consists of the cationic separation of feldspar from quartz in a
hydrofluoric acid circuit. The tails from the second circuit are again
dewatered to 50 - 60% solids, and conditioned for 3 minutes at pH 2.5 with
600 g/t of HF, 200 g/t of tallow amine acetate, 50 g/t of kerosene, and 25 g/t
of frother. The dilution to 20 - 30% solids increases pH to the 3.0 - 3.5
range, and the product is floated for 5 minutes making a glass grade feldspar
concentrate ready for shipment. A small portion is further upgraded by dry
grinding in pebble milIs and iron scavenged with high intensity magnetic
separation, prior to selling it to the pottery rldustry. The quartz tails can be
c1eaned by floating off the impurities, sized and dried for sale as a high purity
product for use as a fused quartz (see Fig. 58).
236 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
to uaste
Reag, e
Rod Mili
trollHle 1screen
ea nesh
Ha net
Sep ~
Dry Ground Mica ~
Pebble IHU D~er
Pottery feldsp l' GI ss Gla s liaste!
Feldspar Quartz
H!1dr o
Uast.e iron
.. inerals ...- ..J
HF - amine flotation
When the raw material is weathered pegmatites, the circuit used is similar,
except that in the first stage, after wet grinding in a rod milI, a very coarse,
fairly pure mica can be recovered with a trommel equipped with 1/8 "
screens. The minus 1/8 inch material is passed to Humphrey spirals, where,
because of the shape factor, the flat mica concentrates in the outer sides,
where it is removed by splitters. The impure mica is cleaned by acid circuit
flotation with olcylamine acetate as the collector (Fig. 59).
FLOTATION pounds vaLue US$/t.ore
CoL Lectors
Unspecified amine 125 $117 0.483
Amine saLt 287 252 0.333
Fatty and rosin acid soaps 1,000 350 1.500
Fatty acid derivative 251 107 0.877
PetroLeum suLphonate 210 133 0.234
FueL oiL 886 96 0.668
TotaL 2,759 1,055
AL iphati e aLcohoL 40 21 0.101
Pine oiL 39 24 0.037
PoLygLycoL 8 1 0.060
PoLygLycoL ether 35 25 0.095
PetroLeum based bLends 48 34 0.334
TotaL 170 105
HydrofLuoric acid 525 202 1.144
Lignin derivatives 35 1 0.300
HydrofLuoric acid 599 271 0.813
pH reguLators
SuLphuric acid 1,743 56 1.543
Caustic soda 797 91 0.598
ALuminium saLts 351 10 0.140
Unspecified poLymer 33 36 0.040
pH reguLators
Caustic soda 719 14 3.420
Lime \1,299 55 2.421
Floccu Lants
Unspecified poLyacryLamide 5 6 0.040
PoLyacryLate 55 52 0.253
PoLyethyLeneimines 11 9 0.800
Unspecified poLymer 29 38 0.009
238 FLOTATlON - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
In 1985, according to the Minerals Yearbook, there were ten mills operating,
with a daily capacity of 2.65 million tonnes/year of ore. Actual operations
were at 71% of capacity. Concentrate produced amounted to 235,000 t of
quartz, 550,000 t feldspar, 60,000 t mica, and an undisclosed amount of lithia.
The reagents used are shown in Table 76.
~~ ~J
18- 48 ft 3 cells
I.m", :
to th ickenee
and Fluorspar &' x O' Ball un
'-- -.62:1. Zinc FINAL CONCENTRATE
to thickener and filter
Soda Ash +
SodiullI si licate
No 1 Cleanel'
L- ---' 5 - 5Hrt3
Glass sands: sand is ubiquitous, but rarely of a suitable quality even for use as
aggregate in concrete, and certainly very rarely of the chernical quality
required in glass ma1cing, quartz melts or as a flux in smelting. It is also a
very large volume, low value, commodity, Normal processing requires
washing and grading as a minimum.
The alkaline flotation route is chosen when high carbonate content is the
impurity, but again dependent on the impurities involved. The commonly
used collector is a fatty acid. Conditioning is done at 65 to 75% solids, with
the pH adjusted to about 9.5 plus or minus 0.5, using caustic soda or soda
ash, and with about 500 g/t of fatty acid. At the end of the conditioning, a
frother is added. Frothers used inelude pine oil, the water soluble glycols, or
MIBC, with dosage a function of the frother and the sand quality - usually 25
to 50 g/t, Fue! oil can be used to help disperse the fatty acid and control the
froth if the impurities tend to vary. Solubilizing the fatty acid with caustic has
allowed conditioning at a lower pulp density than that used with raw fatty
acid or fuel oil/fatty acid emulsions. Conditioning at too low a pulp density
has been one of the major reasons for unselective quartz flotation with fatty
acids, according to Redeker and Bentzen (1986). After conditioning, the
pulp is diluted to 20 - 40% solids and floate. The overhead contains the
carbonates, and is usually discarded.
If the sand is heavily contaminated, the quartz will be floated with a primary
amine. High solids conditioning, at a neutral or slightly acid pH, is carried
242 FLTATlN - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
The comrnercial sand specifications cover the size and the impurities
contained. For containers and float/flat glass, the sand should be less 20 plus
1S0 mesh. Closer screening is required for fused and optical grades of glass.
Chemical specifications are usually tolerances, rather than minimum values.
Undesirable are colour producing metals, such as chromium, nickel,
manganese, cobalt, and copper. Iron is less deleterious in small amounts for
clear glasses, and actually desirable for amber and green glasses. Refractory
heavy metals are always excluded,
TotaL Si02 % 95 - 99 97 - 99 65 - 68 65 - 68
Quartz, % 90 - 96 96 - 98 NS 8.0 max
In 1985, in the USA, there were eight milis upgrading sand by flotation. They
processed 2.5 million tonnes of sand, and produced 2,163,000 t of clean sand;
a concentration ratio of less than 1.2:1. Reagent use is shown in Table 80.
The following case history from Mathieu and Sirois (1984), describing a
proposed Canadian operation for separating quartz from feldspars based on
sea sands, shows the effect of conditioning times, collector dose and pR on
the separation. Note that recoveries are highIy sensitive to pR. The
collectors used were petroleum sulphonate, tallow amine acetate, propane
diamine dioleate, and a Hercules, lnc. experimental iron mineral collector
identified as CX-62. Conditioning in a11 cases was done at 65% solids, and
the flotations at 25% solids. The specification targets are detailed in
Table 79.
Non-Metallic Mineral Flotaton 243
<aLL vaLues in thousands)
FLOTATION pounds vaLue US$/t.ore
Diamine 91 $76 0.140
Fatty and rosin acid soaps 2,639 812 1.180
PetroLeum suLphonate 143 35 0.420
PetroLeum derivatives 596 70 0.885
TotaL 3,469 993
Pine oiL 4 2 0.007
PoLygLycoL 15 13 0.150
PetroLeum based bLends 3 3 8.400
TotaL 22 18
Sodium siLicate 20 0.100
Sodium hydroxide 36 3 0.730
pH reguLators
SuLphuric acid 1,922 95 2.465
caustic soda 1,885 173 1.425
Sodium SiLicate 344 24 3.440
pH reguLators
SuLphuric acid 210 7 0.563
Unspecified poLymer 20 17 1.150
Source: USBM
The schematics show the laboratory lock tests employed and the flow sheet of
the pilot plant. Tables 81 and 82 detail the experimental design and results.
244 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
Poundry Screen
sand No 45 sieee
(').10 I'~
sand, Fine acreen
0.5-'- US tlo 00 acd leach
t,rt x
[1] ~Fe
sand !
00 soln
", Coarser---'---..
I~" [I]+-------------=~=-....J
Gidss sand
SIMes tailings
( 0.1 wt x) Glass
Uei - HGHS
Ceranie - - - - -.... ~Fe Cone .~--_I Cross-rin9
Feldspar nagnetle separatnr
Fresh Uater
Fe- Fe Idapar-
(c~cle 11
Filt1'ation Quarb:
(e~cle 2)
Fig. 63.- Lock cycle tests and pilot plant - Glass sands
Non-Metallic Mineral Flotation 245
Test 1
Fe conditioning 5 65 1.2 1.2 PS 2.1
Fe flotation 4 25 2.4
Feldspar conditioning 5 60 1.0 0.2 1.3 TAA 2.2
Feldspar flotation 4 24 2.5
Test 2
Fe conditioning 5 65 0.5 ex 6.9
Fe flotation 3 25 6.8
Feldspar eonditioning 5 60 1.0 1.1 0.5 POO 2.0
Feldspar flotation 3 24 2.5
Test 3 PS + POO
Fe eonditioning 5 65 1.3 0.3 + 0.45 2.9
Fe flotation 3 25 2.4
PS = petroleum sulphonate; TAA = tallow amine aeetate
POO = propane diamine dioleate; ex = Hercules eX-62 iron eoLlector
Test Produets Analysis, % Oistribution
Wt% Feldspar Fe203 Quartz Feldspar Fe2~ Quartz
Fe Cone 1.6 10.4 4.90 79.7 1.7 34.0 1.4
Feldspar 16.0 55.2 0.49 42.7 89.1 34.0 7.7
Quartz 82.4 1.1 0.089 98.2 9.2 32.0 90.9
Feed (cale) 100 9.9 0.23 89.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Graphite: graphite ores are c1assified as flake, vein and amorphous. The
most valuable, flake graphite, is found in metamorphosed feldspars. To
pro cess it, it must be carefully ground to liberate, but not degrade, the coarse
flakes. It is naturally hydrophobic, so was historically the first ore ever
concentrated by flotation (the Bessel brothers in the 1880s). Despite the
natural floatability, the separation of feldspar, quartz, mica and marble
gangue is normally improved by the addition of a small amount of kerosene,
and floated with pine oil or MIBC as the frother. Selectivity is improved by
adjusting the pH with caustic soda to the 7.5 to 8.5 range. Cleaning with
regrinding usually is ineffective because the graphite will smear over the
246 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
surface of the gangue 011 grinding, and make it floatable. Because of this,
and the natural interleaving of mica with the flake graphite, it is not possible
to produce grades of over 95% by flotation. Super purity graphite is made by
chemically leaching out the impurities from the concentrate.
Iodine is produced in Chile from the strong sodium nitrate mother liquor,
which contains over 500 gil of salts. The iodine is cut with S02 in a packed
absorption tower, followed by a reactor, where the effluent of the packed
Non-Metallic Mineral Flotation 247
tower is mixed with fresh mother liquor. The reaction between the iodide
Irom the SOz tower with the iodate in the original mother liquor produces
metallic iodine. The effluent from the reactor is a dilute iodine pulp which is
fed to standard small Denver rubber lined cells, without the use of reagents.
The concentrate is washed with water and the pulp melted under pressure to
purify the iodine. The only operating prablems encountered are when the
nitrate ores are high in boron minerals which also react with the SOz and are
converted to boric acid. Boric acid will float without reagents, and
contaminate the iodine. When the ores treated are very high in borax, the
effluent from the tower can be sent to flotation to recover boric acid, prior to
entering the cutting tank where the solid iodine is precipitated.
Kaolin: of the clay minerals, kaolinite, which is used as a filler for paper, as
well as in the manufacture of porce1ain, is the main componeiit that requires
extensive treatment to meet selling specifications. Clays are normally
washed, suspended in water, and "fractionated" into two sized fractions by
means of centrifuges or hydrocyclones. The fine white material is used for
paper filling, This fraction is frequentIy contaminated with 2 or 3 % of
anatase (Ti0 2) , which gives the product a yellow tinge which cannot be
bleached. To remove the anatase, a process known as ultra-flotation is
employed, where the anatase is removed by "piggy backing" on a second
mineral, which adsorbs it. The second mineral is usually ground limestone.
The mixture is floated with the usuallimestone reagents (soda ash, fatty acid,
and fue1 oil), and the resultant limestone concentrate removes all the anatase.
Kaolinite clays witha brightness of over 90 are produced by this method.
A second flotation step is used to remove the small amount of residual clay,
mica and pyrophyllite contained in the kyanite. The pulp is conditioned with
50 to 100 g/t of cocoamine acetate, at a neutral pH, and the contaminants
floated off.
The final step in the purification process is a bulk flotation of the kyanite. To
do this the pulp is thickened to 70% solids and given intense conditioning
with 1 to 1.5 kg/t of petroleum sulphonate at a pH of 2.3 to 2.6 (sulphuric
acid). The pulp is diluted to around 30% solids and the kyanite is floated and
248 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
Reagent usage in the primary flotation is 400 to 1,000 g/t of fatty acid, about
a tenth of that amount of caustic or ammonia to obtain pH of 8 - 9 in the
conditioner, plus 500 to 2,000 g/t of fuel oil. Conditioning time is 5 to 8
minutes, and flotation 3 to 6 minutes at 20 - 30% solids. The de-oiling step
requires sufficient sulphuric or fluosilicic acid to wash at pH 3- 4. The
cleaner quartz flotation requires 50 - 100 g/t of amine collector, plus 25 to
150 g/t of kerosene at the head of the cells, and 3 to 6 minutes flotation time
at 25 to 30% solids.
Non-Metallic Mineral Flotation 249
PRIMARY DESLIMING -------------~ -0.1 mm WASTE
----------~-0.1 mm WASTE
+1.5 mm -1.5 mm +0.5 mm
-0.5 mm +0.1 mm
-- - - - -~
pounds vaLue US$/t.ore
CoL Lectors
Secondary amine 4,847 $1,600 0.223
Unspecified amine 4,800 2,880 1.200
Amine derivative 6,885 2,444 0.221
Quaternary ammonium saLt 1,644 553 0.319
Fatty and rosin acid soaps 151,447 23,015 1.419
Fatty acid derivative 10,770 1,268 0.121
PetroLeum suLphonate 110 50 0.300
PetroLeum derivatives 676 68 0.074
FueL oiL 130,943 12,521 1.268
Kerosene 8,863 1,025 0.170
TotaL 275,410 47,950
PoLygLycoL ether 82 41 0.019
Unspecified poLyoL 13 11 0.400
PetroLeum based bLends 50 32 0.200
TotaL 145 84
Sodium si Licate 1,170 139 0.190
Starches, ceLLuLose 374 52 0.350
pH reguLators
SuLphuric acid 134,866 3,398 1.3a0
Caustic soda 5,649 455 0.526
Ammonia 28,362 2,626 0.294
Anionic poLyacryLamide 19 17 0.003
Sodium siLicate 126 19 0.009
Potash: the most common potash ore is sylvite, which consists of a mixture of
potassium and sodium chloride, usually assayingabout 23% KCI, 72% NaCl
and 4% others, which includes clays, iron oxide and silica. The separation of
salt from KCI by flotation is relatively straightforward. In the early process
the NaCl, activated by lead or bismuth ions, was floated off with anionic
organic reagents and fatty acids, the KCI reporting to the tails. Concentrates
containing over 60% K20 could be obtained, but at a cost of rather high
reagent consumption.
Non-Metallic Mineral Flotation 251
Most current plants are doing the opposite, floating off the KCI (sylvite) and
leaving the halites in the tails. The run-of-rnine ore is crushed and classified
dry, then wet ground in a saturated NaCI and KCI solution, down to
liberation size (usually minus 4 plus 65 mesh). In the conditioning step, clay
depression reagents such as starch are added at a dosage dependent on the
ore grade, then the pulp is conditioned with the flotation reagents at 50 to
75% solids, The normal collectors are primary aliphatic amines of about C6
to C Z4 carbon chain lengths, used at arate of 250 to 1000 gil. Polyglycol
ether frothers are common, with fuel oil added to control the froth. Flotation
is then carried out at 20 to 35% solids, for 3 or 4 minutes, after which the
concentrate is cleaned. It is washed in a saturated KCI solution, and/or
water, and dried.
+100 mesh
,. -200 mesh
screens ~
+100 mesh
I Hydro ~l
<4- - - - <41 + 250 mesh
-270 mesh
Fine +200 mesh
I . -150 m Hydro --~
+150 mesh 1
-270 mesh
to sLime
I Conditioners thickeners
L-~tO<4 I
tumblers, to rernove c1ay particles from the crystal surfaces, and to disperse
the c1ay in the brine, Ores with over 3% slimes are scrubbed in stages, with
each stage followed by a screening to remove the slime-laden brine. The
screen oversize is repulped with c1ear brine at each stage. An optimum
power input must be determined and pulp densities are critical in effective
scrubbing, as dilute pulps reduce partic1e contacto The presence of carnallite
produces problems as, when it dissolves, it adds magnesium chloride to the
brine, and causes partial crystallisation of KCI and NaC!. If carnallite content
fluctuates when the low cycle occurs, the chlorides tend to crystallise on the
original crystal surfaces, while during the higher carnallite content period the
recrystallised chlorides tend to remain in the slurry as extremely fine crystals
that will be lost in the desliming steps, The slime removal circuit is
complicated, as can be seen from Fig. 65, which shows a typical procedure.
Slime depressants in common use include starches, guar gum, dextrines, and
synthetic polymers, such as polyglycols and polyacrylamides. High molecular
weight polyglycols are effective, but affect frothing. Most amines in
commercial use contain smal! amounts of low molecular weight amines, such
as capryI, lauryl and myristyI, which provide frothing. MIBC, in potash
flotation, can be used when there is over-frothing, to provide more selectivity.
Typical reagents used (according to the SME Handbook), and their
consumption, are shown in TabIe 84.
There were five potash flotation pIants in the USA in 1985, operating at 70%
of capacity. Ore treated had 11.3% K20 and amounted to 10,090,900 tonnes,
from which 1,517,270 tonnes of 59.15% potash was produced. The flotation
reagents consumed are shown in Table 85.
Non-Metallic Mineral Flotation 253
The competing concentrare recovered with 400 g/t of oleic acid was only 7 to
11% W0 3, at the sarne recovery leve!. Holmes notes that grinds as fine as
95% minus 200 mesh may be necessary to provide adequate liberation of the
scheelite. Sodium silicate additions of 500 to 2,000 g/t to the rougher and
each c1eaning stage may be necessary for gangue depression and slime
dispersa!. If carbonate gangue is present, quebracho (10 - 50 g/t) may be
needed to depress the carbonate in the c1eaners, though care must be taken
not to over-dose as quebracho affects sulphonate coIlection power. If the
process water is hard, soda ash should be used to reach the operating pH of
8.5 to 10.5.
PebbLe '"
miLL grinding
-40 mesh
cycLones ----~ to waste
Humphrey'" spiraLs
cLassifier '"
Spi raL Concentrate
sands '"
Rougher fLotation ceLLs concentrate
,. I ~--,
concentrate '"
scav~;;&Le '"
'" ngs
TaiLi 'I" '1- - - - ''"1
to Waste dewatering
MineraL Wt. %
Spudomene 15 - 25
Potash feLdspar 12 - 15
Soda feLdspar 28 - 33
Quartz 25 - 35
Muscovite and others 5 - 15
lJJl)-{;I:~ Quartz
.. -211B nesh
s l iaes
'------01-----1-+- Reagents
In both processes the ore is wet-ground to flotation size and about 250 g/t of
NaOH added to the ball or pebble mili feed. The ball milis operate on a
closed circuit with cyclones delivering a -65 mesh product to the process.
The pulp is then diluted and recycloned to remove the -400 mesh fines.
Glass Spar Pottery Spar spatic Spudomene Quartz Sand Clay Ground Mica
Trade name F-20 K-40 NC-4 K-200 Foote sand Glass Ceramic Low Glass K-30 Hallosite KM-25 P-80 Oil O
Spar Chem. Iron dry Well
Chemical Analysis, weight %
Si02 68.00 67.10 68.15 67.10 68.70 79.20 63 64.12 64.80 92-98 99.03 47.90 53.8 44-48 44-48 Z
Al2~ 19.00 18.30 18.88 18.30 19.27 12.10 24.7 26.50 26.25 0.5-3.0 0.23 36.91 32.10 31-38 31-38
Fe203 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.06 1.7 0.9 max 0.10 0.1-0.15 0.20 0.30 1.40 5-max 5-max ...;
CaO 1.85 0.36 1.60 0.36 tr 0.52 tr tr tr - tr na tr - - ::r'
MgO tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr - tr na tr - - ..,
K2 0 3.75 10.10 4.50 10.10 3.69 2.62 0.50 0.27 0.14 0.5-2.0 0.23 1.05 2.20 9-max 9-max ::;<:
Na20 7.15 3.80 6.70 3.80 7.91 4.80 0.30 0.32 0.35 - 0.08 0.25 0.13 0.5-2.5 0.5-2.5
Li20 - - - - 0.08 0.35 5.6-6.5 7.22 6.83 - - - 0.08 - - (1l
Ign loss 0.13 0.26 0.10 0.26 0.25 0.35 0.30 0.50 na wet 0.11 13.50 10.30 4-5.5 4-5.5 ():
Approximate Mineral weight % ....
Potash spar 22 60 26 60 22 16 3 2 1 2 - 3 5 I:
Soda spar 61 32 57 32 67 41 3 3 3 4 - 2 1 ]5 ]5
Lime spar 9 2 8 2 - 2 - - - - - - - O
Quartz 8 5 9 6 11 41 9 5 6 90-95 +9 9 2 10 5 5 (1l
Spudomene - - - - - - 85 90 90 - - - - - - ...;
Clay Minrls - - - - - - - - - - - 90 80 10 10 (1l
Muscovite - - - - - - - - - - - 3 4 80 80 '"
Tyler mesh ():
+20 0.1 - 0.1 - - - -
-48 42.0 - na 1.5 - - 43.2
+100 85.5 56.15 35.1 20.0 0.5 - 82.1 - 2.2 1-2 10-70
+200 97.2 90.05 75.1 50.0 90.0 100 97.5 tr 14.4 13-18 70-90
+325 - - - - - - 1.0 30.1 78 10-30
Non-Metallic Mineral Flotation 257
Flotation tailings are dewatered and conditioned for iron mineral and mica
removal by flotation with petroleum sulphonate in an acid circuit, The low
iron feldspatic sand is sold to glass makers. Flotation eleaned white mica is
also produced from the previous flotation's concentrate. Typical
specifications (Redeker and Bentzen (1986)) are shown in Table 88.
Tale ores are ground to 65 - 200 mesh for flotation. Although in apure form
tale has natural flotation properties, its ore requires differential flotation, so
it is usual to add a frother and fuel oil to the flotation eells in staged sma!!
quantities. If only carbonate gangue is present, small additions of amine
eollectors can inerease tale recovery. If the ore contains quartz, mica, etc.,
amines are to be avoided. When nickel and iron sulphides are present, these
can be depressed with citric acid. If graphite is present, the tale can be
depressed by raising the pH to over 12, and graphite floated.
Plannng a test
- 258-
Flotation Testing 259
procedure, The result of this, in mines with years of operation, is that the
frother and collector doses are not effectively recheclced when the ore
gradually changes as the mining operations go deeper; so today many of
these mills are using an excess of collector and frother in their roughers, and
this excess is not only costly, but results in an undetccted lowcr than
optimum recovery.
Experimenta! design
Usually these five steps are a good framework for the organisation of the
final report on the technical study.
In planning the experiment, it is good practice to write out the main points of
the mechanistic hypothesis used as the basis for the design, and all the
identifiable variables. The variables that will be tested should be specifical1y
listed, indicating which will be varied and which will be kept constant. Those
that cannot be control1ed should be clearly identified. At this stage, a priori
information on which of the variables are dependent should be noted, as well
as any possible interactions. Written lists of variables are helpful when
evaluating results during the experimental programme, as too great a
familiarity with the milI operations result in not spotting the effects of
secondary or uncontrolled and unmeasured variables. These lists are also
important to determine the confidence level of the results that will be
required to arrive at a cogent management decision, and to confirm, by
measurement, that the testing programme has met these criteria. Although
these are the ideal factors to fIX the experimental design, in practice the
experiment will have to be trimmed to conform to the limited research funds
T I I I I 90% T I 1 I 1
86% .
T .
J. J.
J. 82%
J. 78%
10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60
co LLector gft frother gft
To visually analyse the results for interactions, the data can be plotted as
grams per tonne frother versus g/t collector, with the recovery as a response.
Fig. 68 illustrates this stage in testing. It is based on scattered data taken
from a series of experiments carried out at el large, privately owned copper
mine in Chile, which had operated for a number of years with a coIlector feed
of 50 - 65 g/t, and around 40 g/t of a polyglycoI ether frother. It was shown,
after more than ayear of laboratory work, that, without changing the
reagents, a considerably improved recovery could be obtained at coIlector
feed rates of under 20 g/t and a frother dose of about 60% of this value.
262 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
As can be seen, this initial data gave no indication of the results that were
eventually obtained in the long testing programme; i.e., that the optimum
recovcry at this mill is attained at coIlector and frother doses of 20 g/t of
coIlector and about 12 g/t of frother. On the contrary, the preliminary
experiment suggests that the milI is operating at close to optimum recovery,
with 60 g/t of coIlector, and that, if any change should be made, it would be
to milI test an increase in the .frother dose to 50gjt.
.79 60 79 80
86 50 74 79 82~83
. . . . .
79 83 85 86 83
40 79/83
-: 85 86 83
85 89 84 79 75
10 ~75I I I I I
20 30 40 50 60 20 30 40 50 60
coLLector gft coLLector gft
Examining the factorial in Fig. 69, it is obvious that the experiment can be
simplified by using a repetitive unit cell based on an experimental group of
the four corners of a square. This reduces the factorial to a two variable two
level experiment, which can only detect linear responses; adding the centre
point converts it to a three level design yielding considerably more
information. This type of design, the corners and centre of a square, is a
popular layout for two variable designs, as is the corners of a cube plus a
centre point, in three variable problems, where tendencies can be seen clearly
by visual inspection.
In Fig. 70, the square with a centre point design is applied to the example.
The initial design consists of the square with a replicated centre point. The
existing plant conditions correspond to the left upper corner of the first
square (shaded). The unit difference in frother and collector dose is chosen
to yield a change in recovery of at least twice the experimental error. The
next group is picked, after the flotation results are in hand, based on: (a) that
the next experimental group has at least one common point with the prior
.group (doubles as a check of the experimental error of the next set); (b) that
the next centre point lies on an axial or diagonal line, starting from the prior
centre point, following the overall slope of the four corner points. Thus, with
five experiments, one generates a semi-factorial 2 variable 3 level design that
is easy to analyse, relatively quick to detect a maxima in a response surface,
but ambiguous if there is more than one maxima in the surface because only
three levels are studied. It is desirable that all the points be replicated; this
is not exorbitant in cost because the ten tests required are a convenient one
shift flotation laboratory load for a float technician and aide. A very
important point in the design is that all the flotations of each unit cell must
264 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
60 60
82 86
50 50
40 I' I,
15 83
83 30
20 20
10 10
82 80
10 20 30 40 50 60
CoLLector gft
Numbers shown are the rougher fLotation recovery.
Ordinates are gft of frother
axis can represent the frother and collector dose, respectively, and the z-axis
the pH. The recoveries recorded are from the prior experimental series. This
is a good point to indicate that pH is not normally a continuous function of
collector and Irother dose, as it will show a recovery discontinuity at the
natural alkalinity of the are (pH between 7 and 8.5), therefore a cube which
straddles this region will give ambiguous results.
.. y
Data: x y z Response
Frother coL Lector pH LeveL Recovery
Run # 9ft 9ft 9ft Lime percent
1 15 35 150 82%
2 15 85 150 74%
3 15 85 350 78%
4 15 35 350 82%
5 30 60 250 79%
6 45 35 150 82%
7 45 85 150 78%
8 45 85 350 80%
9 45 35 350 85%
Fig. 71.- Cubic experiment for a truncated 3 level by 3 variable test module
As can be seen, this simple experimental design method can give a surprising
amount of information from a very few experiments, particularly when one
considers the very high error estimated for the laboratory recovery
measurements; but if, say, the effect of varying the amount of a sulphidising
agent must also be studied (i.e. if one must estend the experiment to four
variables), experimental design for visual evaluation becomes much more
difficult. The obvious choice of repeating the cubic experiment at three
different levels of sulphhydrate is not easy to interpret because of the
possible inflections in the response surface.
266 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
80 _
~ 105. _ 60 .~
:!:: III
~0; 40 g
10 30 123
EtX addition, kg/t
Fig. 72.- Effect of varying frother and collector dose on copper recovery
contours for chalcocite - batch tests vs Hallimond tube
Based on this preliminary work they later (1975) published the only detailed
results of a two level, two variable flotation factorial, induding its
mathematical analysis for the interaction between potassium ethyl xanthate
and three different types of frothers: one with collector properties, alpha
terpineol; another inert, diacetone alcohol; and a frother with distinct surface
active properties, octanol. The responses measured were recovery and
rougher concentrate grade.
The results of the recovery and grade measurement for alpha terpineol and
diacetone alcohol are shown in Fig. 73, and for octanol in Fig.74. Note that
for octanol the recovery assays were not completed because the concentrate
grades obtained with this strongly surface active frother were not of
Flotation Testing 267
~ SB
Recovery curves, Y. Concen1:ra1:e Grade, Yo
188 188
168 168
148 148
128 128
188 188
BEl 811
68 68
48 48
28 211
commercial interest. The calculated results for the three frothers are shown
in Tables 90 and 91.
The authors note that the ellipsoidal recovery contours, with a plateau at 80 g
EtX and 80 g a-terpineol per ton, are similar to those conditions found for
the Polish ore from which the chalcocite was obtained, and that the angle of
slope of the axes of the ellipsoid indicates the high interaction between the
two reagents. They also say:
experimental ~ 150
region s:
.. 100
Fig. 74.- The interaction of octanol and EtX on copper recovery and
concentrate grade
The general model (response function) includes three types of terms III
addition to the constant b o :
l' : k.
l'ange : l' 3
~ l' : ka
t 1 4
when p : nUMbel' of val'iables I then k: JP
These design principles are applicable to more than three variables (at 5
levels), as they always include three types of combinations: the axial,
factorial, and centre points. Thus axial points include each variable at its
extreme levels, with the others at their centre point level. The factorial
points include all combinations of intermediate levels (indicated by the
plus and minus ones in Table 92). A centre point is a single test at the
average level of each variable. To estimate experimental error, the centre
points are usually repeated three to five times during the experiment.
Designs for any number of variables can thus be laid out using these
When testing has been completed, a regression analysis must be carried out
to determine the coefficients of the response function. For convenience, this
is done keeping the independent variables in coded form.
, ,
Flotation Testing 273
I 2a
I I ....-'
-. _ ~. _ ~ ~_l(_a-+C':l} ++_/a ~
+ka ~
Fig. 76.- Box-Wilson rotatable three-variable five-level design
X = x1 Y . x2 Z = x3 X = x1 Y . x2 Z = x3 X=x1 Y . x2 Z=x3
1.73 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
-1.73 0 0 1 1 -1
0 1.73 0 1 -1 1
0 -1.73 0 1 -1 -1
0 0 1.73 -1 1 1
0 0 -1.73 -1 -1 " -1
-1 -1 1
-1 1\ -1
Other on-line search strategies: The simplest technique - varying one variable
at a time - usually consists of holding constant all manipulative variables,
while a search is made, variable by variable, for changes that result in a "rise
27-1- FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
Mular (1976) points out, using the response contours shown in Fig. 77 as an
example, that it is impossible to avoid "false maxima" using this procedure.
He believes that the steepest ascent method is sounder, as it is a steady-state
strategy based on orthogonal designs. The procedure should be obvious from
his example in Fig. 78. Here the calculated interactions from each orthogonal
experimental group are used to layout a series of individual runs designed to
find a maxima. A new orthogonal group is then run with the centre point at
the maxima. This sequence is repeated until the true maxima is found for the
system. The procedure can be generalised to more than 3 variables. A
cautious version of the steepest ascent method is EVOP, developed by Box
(1969). A variant, shown in Fig. 79, also taken from Mular, is SSDEVOP:
Simplex Self Directing Evolutionary Operations. Spendley et al (1962)
minimises the number of runs performed, and sacrifices statistical inference,
to speed up the experimental process. The experimental design requires
n + 1 runs for 'n' manipulable variables. Mular describes the process thus:
Flotation Testing 27S
00 runs
Fig. 78.- Steepest ascent experimental procedure result
276 FLOTATI01\J - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
Testing procedures
The type, size and investment in a mineral testing laboratory, and the
specification of the equipment and staffing required, varies according to the
testing objectives, and differs greatly if the work to be done is:
If the tasks envisioned include the development of the full mineral processing
scheme for a new mine, including its process design and construction, all the
above services must be available, and they must be supplemented with
equipment to handle various thousands of tonnes of ore samples, and a
complete line of crushing, grinding, screening and processing equipment of
such a size and design as to inspire confidence in the accuracy of the scale-up
data required for the detailed design of the mine.
water supply.
4.- Adequate vacuum resources, as concentrate and tails collected during the
test are normally dewatered in a large Buchner funnel.
5.- A good sample drying oven. In cool climates the drier can be a steam
heated metal table, otherwise a home-made vented cabinet with
slide-out shelves will do the job adequately without overheating the
tailing and concentrate samples.
Fig. 80.- Standard 5.5 litre (2 kg) flotation cell from ASTM coal standards
proposal, equipped with a mechanical paddle
282 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
~ '\
Rubber pac
drive rtlechanisrtl
I --
L--' h- j
I '- ~~
r: -I
- -
1 - - 225-- "156
~; "I
'., 1
connect ion fol'
constant level ~158--1
hood diffuser
~) =n
27-----J1 ~
I 14--=11=--- .....
W Impeller
all dimension in mm
Fig. 82.- Flotation cell impeller and diffuser dimension for coal flotation
machine, Fig. 81
normally handled as dilute water solution. Lime is handled as is usual ill the
mill, as a standard suspension.
The point of addition for each of the collectors depends on usual industrial
practice, but for most of the oily reagents half to three quarters of the dosage
is usually added to the ball mill prior to starting to grind, and/or to a
conditioning stage. The use of a conditioning stage and reagent addition at
this point also conforms .to normal mill preference, unless it is a variable
under study. It is simulated in the laboratory by initial operation of the
flotation cell with the air cut off.
The data obtained from manual testing, by a good float man, will give
considerably more information than an automatic machine, or even one only
dependent on mechanical paddling, because, for example, the way the frother
Flotation Testing 285
has to be added to maintain a stable froth and the time changes in froth
colour can give important clues to the rate of flotation of the minor minerals
which can be very important in evaluating scale-up.
A recent paper from SouthAfrica, O'Connor et al (1987), provides data on
the comparative performance of Denver, Wemco, Agitair and Leeds
Autofloat machines (with square and round cells). The comparative testing
was done with a blended gold slime residue obtained from an old dumpliear .J'
Johannesburg. The slimes2-orl't'a'ined 2.6 wt% pyrite and screened 75% -200 ~'i ..
mesh (75 micron). The standard flotation conditions and the dimensions of
the machines and cells used are sho,~~;~~~~~:cLo .
CoL Lector 90 g/t Na mercaptobenzothiazoLe
Frother 17 g/t Dowfroth 250
Aeration rate 6 L/min (STP)
SoLids concentration 1250 rpm
Froth height 20 mm
NominaL ceLL voLume 3 Litre
Machine Leeds Agitai r
ImpeLLer diameter, mm 80.0 90.0
PeripheraL speed m/min 314 353
Square CeLLs
dimensions, mm top 200 x 140 x 170 155 x 158 x 145
bot 140 x 60 x 120 155 x 158 x 145
Working voLume, cm 3om 4,000 3,550
CeLL surface area, cm 2 280 245
Froth crowding ratio surf/voL. 0.070 0.069
Round CeLLs
Machine Denver Wemco
ImpeLLer diameter, mm 72.0 50.0
PeripheraL speed m/min 282 196
Square CeLLs
dimensions, mm top 190 x 150 x 140
bot 160 x 90 x 65
Working voLume, cm 30m 3,590 . 3,350
CeLL surface area, cm 2 285 305
Froth crowding ratio surf/voL. 0.079 \ 0.091
Round CeLLs
dimensions, mm diameter 197
286 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
-- ... --- ~ 20
Aqitair n 15
] 10
j] 5
WemGO 10 30 50 70
Pe:rcent Recove:ry
TiMe in seconds
0 -1--~__._-__._____,_-__.____,_____1
10 30 50 70
~ Recovery
1 00 200 300 400
T i",e in seconds
It is unfortunate that the authors did not include a Hallimond tube in the
devices studied, as by far the largest number of theories on the mechanism of
flotation have been based on data obtained with Hallimond tubes and bubble
contact angle measurements. The comparison was also only between
different makes and designs of bench scale testing equipment, and not a
verification of scale-up capability. As the purpose of a laboratory test is to
simulate an industrial installation, the machine with the "best" kinetics and
recovery in the laboratory might or might not provide the poorest scale-up
The data are useful as a guide to the selection of a machine for a specific
experiment, as most flotation laboratories own various different types of
machines, not because of confusion on which are the best, but because for
different ores it is necessary to pick a machine that most closely follows the
responses of the specific full-scale unit under study. This, and the ease of
getting into a testing rhythm, is the key to the empirical preference of good
flotation technicians between different machines.
Normally the most difficult part of doing reli~ble ore testing is to obtain a \ \v\ C I'
durable representative sample of the ore to be tested. The most readable- c;.
reliable, practical and comprehensive treatise on this topic is contained in the
-!!" e-!c,dc
288 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
m = kd"
These values are plotted for the numbered curves on log paper in Fig. 84,
expressed as sample sizes in kilograms, or tonnes, and particle sizes in
The theoretical basis for this minimum sample size definition assumes that
an infrnitely large, inherently uniform, sample source is available with only
short scale anisotropy. In practice, these conditions do not describe a mineral
body, rather they are those of a specific shipment of ore, and only if the ore is
of a uniform size and the property to be measured is the main component
assay. Even under these very ideal conditions, the minimum size sample will
only be representative if the sample gathering procedure is random and
Flotation Testing 289
C) 100
0.1 -+----t---t--t""'l-'l-t-'!""t"'!'--+-~_;_'l_I_"'!"'t"'!"1"""'-......
1 10 100
average particle size, mm
systematically unbiased.
To provide reliable samples for valuable ores where the error involves large
sums of money, such as in the purchase of gold ores, Taggart describes
sampling plants whose construction costs would be comparable to the
investment required for a full size crushing plant. The designs include
.elaborate continuous sampling devices located at the different size mineral
transport points, just to provide reliably representative samples for assaying.
He quotes an amusing study made in the thirties which shows that, despite
these precautions, gold assays favoured the seller or purchaser, depending on
which party did the sampling.
The pattern used to collect samples for reserve calculations of an ore body
are determined by the need for geologic information on the formation, and
are carefully evaluated three dimensionally, using arbitrary cut-off grades, to
obtain a meaningful reserve figure for investment decisions.
Although the most representative assay samples from an ore body are
obtained if a very large sample is crushed to a small uniform particle size and
then quartered systematically, finely crushed material is not ideal for an
extensive flotation study, as the sample should have the minimum of prior
crushing to assure that the material tested, on anyone day, has as close as
possible the same freshly generated surface history as the ore that will be fed
Flotation Testing 291
to the head end of the flotation cells in the future concentrator. Therefore,
for metallurgical purposes, it is important to choose a primary sample
particle size that wil1 not bias the results because of loss of high grade fines
during quartering and transport, as well as to provide a minimum of old
mineral surfaces. To keep stable samples, service labs usual1y will keep their
ore samples in an inert atmosphere and at as Iowa temperature as possible,
particularly when a sulphide ore is involved.
At a lab that the writer was associated with which dealt with repetitive work
on optimising reagents for a particular mine, it was possible to maintain a
large ore sample unchanged, in terms of its flotation characteristics, for a
year or more. Samples, on arriving at the lab, were crushed to half inch size,
quartered into convenient equal size samples, and stored in sealed plastic
bags at freezer temperatures. At the same time a number of attempts to
obtain untarnished samples from a mine in a humid location (Bouganville),
where transit time was a number of weeks, was never successful. Nickel ores
also seemed particularly prone to alteration, and had a very limited storage
Sampling ore for flotation testing in an existing mine is easier because of the
number of points where mineral streams have automatic sampling devices
292 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
If the ore to be treated has been stockpiled, sourced either from low grade
overburden or waste, or, in the case of precious metals, an alluvial gravel,
there are statistical sampling models, such as those in Taggart, or Gy, which
relate the size of the representative sample with the particle size of the
disseminated metal and the average size of the blasted are, to the size of the
sample required. A representative sample of a gravel may be orders of
magnitude smaller than if the are is in the form of 10 inch lumps.
If the bulk samples received at the laboratory are wet, and this is not
representative of the deposit, they should be rejected and replaced with fresh
dry samples. If the ore-body or the waste heap is naturally wet the samples
should not be dried, as long as the test work can be carried out promptly and
294 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
the samples can be kept sealed to maintain the moisture content constant
during the testing period. Otherwise a test flotation should be done with a
representative sample which has been split into two portions, and one portion
dried by the most convenient low temperature process available. If the
flotation test indicates that dried samples do not duplicate the tests
performed on the wet samples, the only alternative that might permit delayed
testing of the wet ore is freezing quartered and sealed ore batches.
Whenever naturally wet ore is to be tested, additional replicating standards
should be incorporated in the test programme to monitor mineral surface
aging during the test period.
On receipt, a normal sample should be screened and the plus half inch
material crushed separately, usually in a laboratory jaw crusher. The under
half inch fraction can then be screened to remove the minus quarter inch and
the oversize reduced to quarter inch with crushing rolls. The whole sample
should then be homogenised and split into about 10 kg portions using
standardised equipment. A rotary splitter (such as a spinning riffle) is
convenient for this step. The 10 kg samples are then sealed in plastic bags,
and, if the storage time will be long, placed in freezers.
Otherwise the extent and the type of primary non-metallurgical data needed
will depend on the objectives of the test planned, and therefore how
elaborate an experimental design will be required to accomplish the purposes
of the test at minimum cost. For most copper properties, the head assay
should include total copper and total non-sulphide copper, as a significant
oxidised mineral content would require exploring more complex flow
schemes and retreatment loops, as well as the possibility of sulphidising prior
to flotation.
Flotation Testing 295
Testing routines
The procedure used in a flotation testing series must take into account the
known surface instability of metallic sulphide ores and the possible aging
effects that can occur with all minerals; thus, it must follow a very strict
sequence and rhythm. Unless the concentrator will have an unusual location,
such as at extreme altitude or latitude, the tests are all run at the ambient
temperature of the laboratory. It is recommended, though, that a pulp
temperature record be kept for each test, and duplicates be included morning
and afternoon, as a long test series may involve a systematic rise in the pulp
temperature during the day, and produce a spurious trend in the recoveries.
tests the pulp density varies during the time of the test and should
usually be set somewhat higher than that used in the mill at the start
of the batch flotation.
4.- The cell is placed on the machine stand and the agitator lowered
into position. The time between the end of the grinding cycle and
the start up of the flotation machine agitator should be kept as
uniform as possible during flotation tests in each series. To be able
to do this, each step of the transfer procedure should be such that it
is carried out in the same time at the start and the end of the day
when the operators are tired, so it should be consistent but
5.- The exact sequence followed after the start of the agitator will
depend on the ore and the experimental design. Usually there is a
short conditioning time which is used to adjust pH and add the
frother and any other of the reagents required for the particular test
being run. The reagent addition time should be consistent and
recorded, as should the time of each later addition of reagents.
Flotation machine settings, such as agitator speed and air rates,
should be standardised and recorded. Power consumption
measurements during the course of the flotation can be of value but
usually are not essential.
6.- After the start of aeration, the consistency of the rhythm and depth
of scraping, plus the pattern in which the froth from the rear of the
cell is recovered, is the secret of accurate reproducible flotation
results. The procedure is certainly not the same for every operator,
but always must be consistent. If there is significant change in pulp
density, the air flow rate valve is adjusted periodically to standardise
the air supply with the rotameter. Depending on the rate of flotation
of the different minerals contained in the ore being tested, the
timing of the scraping can consist of a sequence such as a stroke
every 15 seconds for the first 2 to 4 minutes, followed by 30 second
intervals for a similar period, and continuing at 60 second intervals
thereafter. The pulp and froth levels are kept constant by washing
down the agitator stem and the cell sides with flotation water from a
clip-controlled rubber tube fed from an elevated tank. This
washdown also must be at fixed time intervals, say every 60 seconds.
Frother is added as needed during the whole period of the test. A
common problem in testing is over-frothing. This preferably is
foreseen and controlled by limiting the amount of frother used in
each addition, or in some cases by varying the time in which stage
addition of the collector is done.
7.- Normally the concentrate is collected for equal time periods,
separating each batch. The collection process ordinarily covers
Flotation Testing 297
With a skilled two-man team, about ten flotation tests per day can be
completed. In laying out the experimental programme it is important to keep
this sort of limitation in mind as the unit - grinding, flotation, and sample
collection - cannot be broken up.
The following describes the flotation procedure used at the Dow Chemical
Company when it was active in the collector market; it is summarised from a
paper by David J. Collins, presented July 1970, at the 6th Annual
Intermountain Minerals Conference, Vail, Colorado:
Ore samples received from the mines, which range in size from 75 to 500 Ibs.,
are first crushed in a 4 by 6 inch laboratory jaw crusher which discharges on
to a 12 by 30 inch low head vibratory screen equipped with a 20 mesh deck.
Oversize is then further crushed in an 8 by 5 blch roll crusher which also
discharges on to the vibrating screen. Undersize is collected in large trays
placed under the assembly. Dust control is achieved using vacuum collectors
located on top of the screen and crushers.
298 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
After crushing, the samples are mixed for 30 minutes in a 2 cu. ft. twin shell
V blender, and then riffled down to provide suitably sized charges for
splitting into 500 g samples.
Following splitting, the samples are weighed to 500 g, and stored in heat
sealable plastic bags... For those ores which oxidise rapidly, the plastic bags
can be purged with nitrogen, sealed, and then stored in a freezer. The bags
are easily opened and empty cleanly.
All samples are wet ground in a 8 by 8 inch 304 type stainless steel ball mill
using a 304 type stainless steel ball charge. The ball charge is made up as
BaLL size No. of baLLs
1.25" 14
1.00 41
0.75 99
0.50 178
totaL baLL weight = 7.4 kg
Flotation Testing: The flotation cell that Dow employed had been completely
modified to substitute for the usual square glass unit. Their cell was
constructed from a 4 1/4 qt. 304 type stainless steel beaker with the
conventional 'quiescent zone' and lip. They felt it desirable to incorporate
the beneficial properties of a circular cross-sectional cell, and thus eliminate
dead zones which would allow material to settle and cause variation in
flotation results. The full cell width lip was retained in the modification.
Stainless steel punched plate baffles were installed on the standpipe
immediately above the agitator. These reduced excessive swirling,
particularly of the froth column. The cell was also fitted with a bracket,
mounted on the side of the unit, to which was attached a 10 rpm paddle used
Flotation Testing 299
for froth removal, as they thought that this device would greatly eliminate
human error or bias in a flotation test. Experience in other laboratories
indicates that this unbiased operation provides less reliable and complete
data than a good operator who can visually identify the different minerals in
the ore and their relative rate of recovery.
The machine was supplied with supercharged air. The rate of flow was
monitored using a glass rotameter, and maintained at a constant rate relative
to the cell surface area of 0.0381/cm 2Imin. (or about 7.71/min.). Water for
initial make up was added via a pipe which fed through the standpipe of the
machine. Pulp levels were measured at the beginning of each test and this
level was kept the same from test to test. Impeller speed was monitored, and
usually maintained constant at 1750 rpm.
The water, from a graduated plastic squeeze bottle, was used to wash down
the sides of the cell and standpipe during flotation, and was added at the
same rate as the volume of froth removed. The volume of froth removed was
monitored using a graduated receptor pan. It was felt that maintaining a
constant pulp level, and hence a constant froth column height, greatly
enhanced experimental reproducibility.
The speed with which tests could be effected naturally depended on the
conditioning and flotation times. As an example of what could be
done, Collins indicates that, with relatively short conditioning (grind 4
minutes, condition 1 minute, float 4 minutes), two men, one handling
grinding and sample filtration, and the other running the flotation, carried
out up to 66 flotation tests in one day.
tests, the float technician can obtain important information on the relative
rate of flotation of the different minerals when he hand strokes the froth out
of the cell. This added information probably compensates for any improved
uniformity of results which may or may not be obtained by using
mechanically driven paddles.
David Collins discusses the equipment used at Dow Chemical Company, but
not how the conditions at which tests should be carried out are chosen. We
should add that the preliminary screening of the processability of an ore, and
most mill optimisation studies as well as reagent replacement tests, are done
simulating the rougher stage, without attempting to determine the final
concentrate grade attainable. Batch flotation tests to determine optimum
conditions on subsequent separations, such as cleaners, scavengers, etc., and
the separation of more complex ores, such as moly/copper concentrates, or
lead, zinc, silver operations, require so called locked cycle tests, which are
very difficult to carry out reproducibly.
Flotation Testing 301
~ 6 3/4"
Detail A
Detail A
1/4"..L. ,
I ;---:--r------ ------- ------,,
21/2" , ,,
L ,, I
, I
-----: 0:-
,, ,
f-; :t/B , 83/4"
-;! F
5 V'S" I
- -
1 1'13/4"
I, 53/4"
: 1
:1 3/4"
- - - - - - - - - - _____________ J,
-S-*o ---- :
/1 =-t 13/10" : .
5/S" 19/16-+ 15/S" 4-- 1 5/S" ~1 7/16"
1 ; - - - - 3 1 3 / 1 6 " - - - + - - 3 13/16"----tI
I < - - - - j - - 4"
Fig. 85b.- Standard 2 kg ball mill used in Chile (cover and retainer)
Flotation Testing 303
The procedure to be followed in running a batch flotation test with a new ore
must start out with setting up appropriate grinding time and flotation test
conditions. If the test involves an existing concentrator, the first step is setting
the standard conditions which will be used as a comparison in the evaluation
of results. These are arrived at empirically because the continuous industrial
process will be approximated by a batch laboratory test. To do this, the exact
rougher flotation conditions must be obtained from the customer. The
information to be obtained from the customer (or mill superintendent if the
lab is in-house) must include:
1.- representative head, tails and rougher concentrate grades for the
type of standard ore which will be used during the test programme,
including any mineralogical information which is available;
2.- the standard mill and grinding section operating conditions which
resulted in the average tail, head and concentrate grades reported
have to be obtained in detail. This information should include all
reagents employed, dosage and addition points, as also pulp pH
wherever it has been measured, plus any information on observed
changes in the natural pH of the ore pulp;
3.- an annotated flow sheet, showing recycle streams, which will allow
the calculation of all the solid and liquid mass balances, pulp
densities, average pulp residence times in each of the operating
stages, starting with the different stages of wet grinding through the
conditioners, rougher flotation and scavengers. This is a good
document to use to record any unusual temperature conditions;
4.- the operating data should include all pertinent mineral assays done
during normal plant performance monitoring, and screen analysis of
the feed, cyclone recirculation, rougher pulp feed, tails and rougher
concentrate if available. Also the operators should be asked for their
opinion of the rate of flotation of the different minerals in the ore as,
from the colour of the concentrate overflowing the flotation cells
along the length of the rougher, a good observant operator has some
idea of how fast the different mineral species float.
The scope and nature of the data required should be set up a priori. Ideally
the ore sample which will be used for the flotation testing should be collected
concurrently with the operating data detailed ~bove, in such a way that at the
end of the data collection period a representative, stable, uniform sample is
made available for the flotation test programme. Experience indicates that
the sample size collected should be at least twice as much as the maximum
amount that the experimental design calls for. As a tonne of ore can be
304 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
If the ores to be tested are the feed to an existmg mill, the grinding
conditions for the sample can be set as a given percentage retained by a 100
mesh screen, or better, they can be set up by trial and error to match the
flotation results obtained under the mill's current operating conditions. To do
the latter, a standard test flotation time is picked that is some ratio of the mill
rougher residence time modified from previous experience with a similar ore.
The pH, conditioning time, reagent feed quantities and conditions, including
location (mill or flotation cells), and the pulp densities used by the mill, are
generally duplicated as closely as possible. Usually, though, frother addition
sequence and dosage is adjusted arbitrarily to provide an "adequate" froth.
The amount of frother used in each test is of course recorded. Based on this
standard laboratory flotation sequence, a series of ore samples are ground in
the laboratory ball mill for different times and floated. From the tailings
assays obtained, and the behaviour of the rougher concentrate grade, the
standard grinding time and the standard flotation conditions are fixed. If the
mineral recovery results of the series do not approximate the mill conditions,
the grinding media load, or size distribution, or details of flotation conditions
may need to be varied, and another standardisation series run. Usually the
rougher recovery and concentrate grade in the lab is found to' be similar to
the plant, but the mineral particle size distribution and the frother dosage
rarely coincide with the plant averages.
Using this procedure to set the grinding and laboratory flotation machine
variables, such as air rates, agitator speed, sample times, froth dipping rate,
etc., an experienced flotation technician can scale up his collector dosage and
structure conclusions quite reliably. In all cases, though, the flotation results
of changing reagents, dosages, pH, or grind must be confirmed by duplicating
the experiments on a single flotation row (in older plants with smaller cells)
or in a pilot flotation cell row fed directly from one of the concentrator ball
mills. It is very rare that the effect of laboratory frother changes made in
batch bench level flotation test will correlate with the plant. Therefore nearly
all frother optimisation is done on a pilot row; followed by a full scale plant
trial. As a consequence, laboratory collector testing is usually done in the
lab with the standard mill frother, and if one fmds that a proposed new
collector requires a frother change to operate satisfactorily, scale up to the
mill will require optimisation of the frother in a full scale mill test. Because
of the danger of recovery losses, mill superintendents will be reluctant to do
this without a very significant potential recovery improvement.
Flotation Testing 305
If the ore to be tested is completely new (a case that is routine for contract
concentrators which purchase ore from small miners), or when a process
development project for a new mine is involved, the grinding conditions for
the test flotation are picked to approximate the size distribution obtained or
obtainable in the full scale plant. Matching the size distribution of mill feed
exactly is impossible, as industrial ball mills are invariably operated in a
closed circuit with the oversize material from a cyclone or rake classifier
returning to the mill feed. Under some circumstances, the use of a
laboratory scale rod mill could help to change the particle size distribution of
the laboratory grind to better approximate a full scale ball mill. Under no
circumstances, though, should dry grinding in a disk pulveriser be considered,
as the fines produced by pulverisers and the iron contamination make the
resultant flotation results very erratic.
Laboratory ball mills: Collins describes the Dow Chemical ball mill as a
commercial 8 x 8 inch laboratory unit. In Chile the standard mill is about 7
inches in diameter by 8.8 inches long, much lighter than an 8 x 8 inch mill,
and easily made in a normally equipped machine shop from standard thin
wall stainless steel pipe. The use of rubber lined stainless steel for the walls
does not seem to reduce the iron contamination as compared to plant mills,
as long as the balls used are standard steel ball bearings. CODELCO's
sophistication of adding a Linatex rubber lining makes for a quieter
laboratory, but otherwise probably has a negligible effect on the tests. The
drive mechanism usually is a table equipped with two rubber covered rolls
driven by a variablespeed electric motor. These tables do double duty in the
metallurgical labs and are used in agitation leach experiments or to prepare
and homogenise reagent solution by rolling the glass bottles. The rolls can
also be used to drive ceramic grinding mills if iron contamination is one of
the variables important to the flotation.
At El Teniente the ball charge is 127 1" ball bearings, weighing approximately
10 kg. Ore is crushed to 100% minus 10 mesh and the normal are charge to
the mill is 1,000 g with 500 cc of plant process water (67.7% solids). The
laboratory grinds flotation feed to 25% + 100 mesh, which for current ores
requires about 10 minute grinds.
One reason that flotation charges of less. than 1,000 grams are not too
popular in industrial laboratories is the need to use a smaller mill so as to
approximate the product size distribution t~ that observed in the flotation
mill. Wet grinding more than one float test quantity, and dividing the pulp
into various portions, is definitely not recommended, as surface aging will
vitiate the comparison between different test conditions.
306 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
The ball charge used varies with the operator. Usually it is a mixed charge of
1 1/4 inch, down to 1/2 inch ball bearings with a total weight of 7 and 10 kg.
A typical size distribution of the balls used in a standard charge for a 7 x 8.8
inch mill is:
1.25" 9 1,037
1.125" 16 1,530
1.00" 19 1,310
0.75" 103 2,304
0.50" 135 980
Cycle tests are performed when the circuit called for in a mill includes
returning a middling or cleaner tail to the rougher. This can be imitated in
the lab by flotation of the concentrate to simulate a cleaning step, returning
the tails from this flotation step to another rougher flotation of the same ore,
and repeating the cycle until the cleaner tail assay becomes constant.
section, to avoid the effect of recycled reagents from the other flotation
banks. If this is not possible, testing can become quite involved as it requires
operating enough back to back tests, lasting at least a week each, to allow for
a steady state amount of the reagent under test to return in the flotation
water recovered in the tailings thickeners. Recycled water effects can be very
significant not only on how a frother performs, but also on collector
performance, and should always be considered in the experimental design.
To minimise costs, the assays required can be limited to two or three head
assays to verify the uniformity of his overall sample, and ten concentrate and
tailings assays. Elements assayed would be total copper, non-sulphide
copper, and iron. The in-house incremental cost of this series would probably
run about US$1,000, including technician wages.
sequence to try and determine the exact circuit which will give optimum
recoveries for the particular ore. This can rarely be simulated in the lab.
The flotation conditions then depend on the bias of the particular float
technician and his standard laboratory procedures. Most labs try to maintain
a reasonably constant flotation environment by stage-adding reagents while
adding fresh water to keep a constant cell level; or water containing the
standard reagents, fed from an overhead container above the flotation
machine, can be used so as to keep a standard cell level and thus
approximately maintain a constant reagent concentration in the pulp.
Most tests include collecting timed concentrate samples during the test,
rather than a single composite. Assays, and screen analysis, of these partial
samples will provide flotation rate information and an idea of the floatability
of coarse fractions.
Normally the minimum assay done is to weigh the concentrate obtained and
assay only the tails, calculating the grade of the concentrate and recovery
from these data. Better practice is to weigh and assay both the tails and
concentrate and back-calculate the head assay to check the accuracy of the
From this brief description of the test procedure there are a number of
points of non-duplication of the operating plant that should be obvious
sources of possible errors. First, the ball milling cannot produce heads with a
comparable size distribution to that obtained in the mill because there is no
oversize fed back to the mill during grinding. Secondly, in the full scale mill,
the rougher flotation is continuous and conditions in anyone rougher cell are
steady state and in no way comparable to a decreasing pulp density and
overall grade that occurs in the batch flotation test. Thirdly, the environment
is not identical to that in the mill as the dissolved air in the pulp and the age
distribution of mineral particles, etc., cannot be duplicated in a batch test.
Operator-affected factors include the rate of removal of concentrate, the rate
of addition of water to maintain cell level, and the visual froth control
through manual adjustment of air flows to the cell impeller. In practice the
difference between a really good float technician and a poor one is the
intuitive uniformity of flotation conditions maintained by the good technician
just by observing changes in the froth and other operating characteristics.
Most labs have tried mechanising the concentrate removal by installing
rotating paddles, but as the level must also be controlled, most labs have
found that their good technicians can obtain more reproducible results on the
standard test than can be obtained by the mechanical paddles.
310 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
One problem that can be solved by a very simple trick is the reliable addition
of fixed amounts of collectors and frothers to the float test. Most labs use
hypodermic syringes. The operator changes needles for the different
reagents, usually choosing a thinner needle for the less viscous liquids, trying
to maintain the same volume drops. A procedure that has been found more
accurate is the use of home made droppers made by drawing capillaries
between pieces of 6 mm glass tubing over a Bunsen flame and then cutting
the capillary at a diameter for each reagent that provides drops having the
same weight for the different reagents. If the reagent is a non-volatile oil, at
least a week's tests can be handled per filling of a particular dropper. Water
soluble reagents should be prepared fresh every day. Generally xanthate
solutions are fed as a 0.5% concentration solution, and conditioning agents
such as sodium cyanide, sodium sulphate, copper sulphate, etc. are fed as 5%
Concentrate grade or copper recovery for a test series tend to fluctuate more
erratically than the metal content of the tails, so that experienced
metallurgists believe trends signalled by changes in the tail assays, more than
changes in calculated recoveries. It is also considered a good idea to slip in
at least one blind duplicate into each series of tests with a given ore for an
error estimate, plus routinely duplicate or triplicate tests with identified
samples. The reason for blind standards is not distrust of the tester, but
rather the human impossibility to avoid all subconscious bias in flotation
testing. Because of this human trait, and the lack of reliable automatic
flotation testing equipment, one research lab has had the habit of keeping the
flotation collectors and frothers unlabelled, but experienced technicians with
a good sense of smell can usually identify most common frothers and
collectors, so the use of unidentified reagents in a flotation lab is probably a
waste of time. The steps required in testing an ore for floatability will explain
the reason for the human bias problem involved.
There is an extensive (40 page) standard for the flotation of hard coal issued
by the International Organisation for Standardisation, which includes
detailed examples of how to calculate all results. A similar standard is under
study by the ASTM in the U.S.
Flotation time
Three minutes, unless plant flotation time is known, in which case, plant
flotation time is used.
Paddling intensity
Three two-handed strokes every 15 seconds. Paddle during the first five
seconds and allow froth to build up during next ten.
Percent solids
Simulate plant conditions. If not known, use 200 grams dry weight, or 209
grams "moist weight", or 8% solids.
Reagent consumption
Use the .same ratio ofstandard reagents (frother Zcollector) as used in the
plants, and, for a better comparison, maint~in this ratio to fuel oil or
kerosene with Shur-Coal reagents. Testing other ratios can be beneficial, but
the final decision on this will be made in the plant, where the effect of the
hydrocarbon oils on the froth structure and volume can be taken into
consideration in determining the optimum ratio.
312 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
When planning the test work, add the reagents in the ratio of their specific
density. In compiling data for consumption curves, attempt to hit the same
level of reagent feed rate as used in the plant, and at least two other levels,
one of which should be twice the standard to determine overdose effects.
Visual observations
Make notes on froth structure, abundant froth volume, tenacity of froth, end
of mineralisation, etc., because these often can determine the effectiveness of
a reagent under plant conditions.
For wetting dry samples - 5 minutes with 1,500 ml of water. Then with the
impeller stopped, add water to the desired 2,400 mllevel.
Add 60% of the total reagents with a microsyringe. The reagent should be
injected below the pulp surface.
Bring water level back to 2,400 mllevel by washing down the cell sides and
the impeller shaft.
Turn on the impeller and condition for 10 seconds. Add remaining 40% of
the total reagents with the impeller going.
Conditioning time
Before reagent addition - 10 seconds
After reagent addition - without air - 5 seconds
with air - 15 seconds
Flotation time
1 minute 30 seconds
Instructions for paddling intensity and washing down all sides remam the
same as for the rougher flotation.
Column testing
Flotation columns: The concept of flotation columns has been around for
nearly 30 years, but it has become a hot topic since the copper mining crisis
of the early eighties forced companies to drastically reduce capital
expenditures and operating costs. A schematic of a classical flotation
column is shown in Fig. 86. The obvious operating difference with flotation
cells is the lack of an impeller, or any other agitation mechanism, generating
a saving in energy and maintenance costs.\ Turbulence and mixing is
deleterious to column operation, and is usually avoided in large diameter
columns by incorporating internal baffles to maintain plug flow. The other
major difference in the operation of a column, when compared to standard
flotation cells, is that in most ore processing applications wash water is
314 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
Wash water
x x
I xx x x~.. concentrate
rJn r-'I------ _
X X X x I CLeaning region
Froth height z 1 meter
PuLp feed
PuLp zone height z 10 m
o0 0 0
o 0
o Co
o 0 0 MineraL recovery zone
o L 0
o U 0
o .. 0
o N 0
Air injection BubbLer
L . TaiLs
the bottom of the column by a porous sparger. The design of this sparger is
critical to efficient operation, as, with most process waters available at mine
sites, plugging of the pores of the bubble generating device is a significant
maintenance problem. The sparger is also critical in setting up a laboratory
test programme, as bubble sizes and size distribution may affect plant
operating efficiencies, so must be evaluated during a test programme.
Industrial columns have a height of 9-14 m, and a diameter of not more than
2 m, without baffling. Usually they are operated with sufficient overhead
wash water to provide a net downward flow of water, a condition known as a
positive bias. Positive bias has been the norm in column operation because
the froth layer in a column is stabilised by the wash water. The greater the
Flotation Testing 315
flow of water down the column, the greater the selectivity and the thicker the
froth layer. The usual froth depth in stable operation is somewhat over a
meter. A negative bias will eliminate the froth altogether, very deleterious for
a process where the concentrate is the desired product, but a condition to
consider for coal cleaning when the reagent selection results in the lower
volume product (ash) going to the tails.
(Pc)(Jg *)(Ln(PT/P c)
Jg =
PT - Pc
J g*= gas veLocity at standard conditions at the top of the coLumn
Pc = absoLute pressure at the top of the coLumn
PT = absoLute -pressure at the sparger
An increase in wash water rate will increase the height of the froth layer,
increase the concentrate grade, and reduce recovery. The optimum water
316 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
Under normal conditions the column operation can be stabilised after about
three hours of operation, at which point representative composite samples of
the streams can be taken. Usually for each run six or seven samples of each
stream are taken at 10 minute intervals, which means each test requires
about 4 hours running time, including feed preparation. Total feed required
per run is about 4 m 3. If additional reagents are required for each run, these
are added to the feed conditioning tank.
The 2" column consists of four glass tubes, each about 6.5' long, which when
assembled form a 26' (12.3 m) flotation column with a pulp feed about 2 m
below the concentrate lip. Operation is very similar to that of the 8" column.
Flotation Testing 317
- - PUMP
_ = 0
Ii> Tailings
Moyno pUMP
Target - determine the effect on the recovery and grade of the cleaner
concentrate of the following variables:
Sampling - about 600 l/day of pulp was collected by means of a pump. This
was sufficient to perform 3 - 4 daily tests, which were carried out for a total
of 7 days (a total of 21 complete tests). To avoid changes in the sample it
was kept in a continuously stirred feed tank during all the testing period.
Experimental design - the range of values of the variables chosen for this
study are shown in Table 96.
Later, a centre point was selected as a reference point, shifting the other
operating conditions to the extreme values, as shown in Table 97. These
decisions were taken on site as the assay results were obtained, and taking
into account how stable the column operation was at the previous conditions,
and evaluating visually the froth quality.
Review of the experimental results - the best results were obtained from tests
RRC - 09, RRC - 10, RRC - 11, and RRC - 12, with the following results:
These results were equivalent to those obtained in the plant with two cleaner
stages, with conventional recleaner sections. It would result in a significant
circuit simplification if an industrial size column were installed at the plant.
It is interesting to note that the best copper recoveries were obtained for the
-74 micron/ + 18 micron size range, and the best molybdenite recoveries
occurred in the -53 micron/ +34 micron fraction.
320 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
Computer simulation and final design of the proposed flotation circuit: Column
flotation can replace the two cleaner circuits used in the plant to upgrade the
rougher reground concentrate with one full size column, as demonstrated by
the fact that the test 2" column produced a concentrate grade of 39.3% Cu
and 0.69% Mo, as compared to an average of 35.3% Cu and 0.5% Mo in the
plant operations.
1.-Average specifications of the test puLp feed
Weight % soLids = 17.5; Copper grade = 21.5%;
MoLy grade = 0.43%; Screen size = 96% -200 # TyLer
2.-0ptimum coLumn operating conditions:
F = PuLp feed rate = 54 - 55 L/h
T = TaiLings voLume = 60 - 62 L/h
B = Bias = T-F 6 L/h
He= Froth height = 15 - 20 L/h
Tp= Average puLp residence time = 15.7 minutes
3.-Performance projected
Concentrate Grade, % Recovery, %
Copper 38.5 - 40.0% 97.0 - 98.0%
MoLybdenum 0.6 - 0.7 84.0 - 85.0
Based on these results CIMM proposed the flowsheet shown in Fig. 88.
Computer simulation of this circuit indicates that it is feasible to obtain a
final copper/moly concentrate with 38.6% Cu and 0.7% Mo, with overall
recoveries of 87.6% on Cu and 61.3% on moly. This performance would be
very similar to that obtained in the current plant. They recommended that,
prior to implementing their design, a further test be performed on-site with a
semi-commercial size column.
322 FLOTATION - Theory, Reagents and Ore Testing
Plant Feed.
Wash water
Dilu. tion we. ter
Reg~ound rougher
l ...
Concentra te
Design of the industrial column: Based on the experimental results, the key
design data used in the calculation of the recommended column flotation
flowsheet were:
and these rates will result in a froth bed 1 m high, and a pulp residence time,
~ = 24 minutes.
- 324-
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- 336-
Subject Index 337
343 -