BS 4533-102-17 PDF
BS 4533-102-17 PDF
BS 4533-102-17 PDF
EN 60598-2-17:
Amendment Nos. 1, 2
and 3
Part 102: Particular requirements
Section 102.17 Specification for
luminaires for stage lighting, television,
film and photographic studios
(outside and indoor)
UDC 628.977.7:654.191
Cooperating organizations
Austria Italy
Belgium Luxemburg
Denmark Netherlands
Finland Norway
France Portugal
Germany Spain
Greece Sweden
Iceland Switzerland
Ireland United Kingdom
Cooperating organizations Inside front cover
National foreword ii
Brief history 2
Text of EN 60598-2-17 3
National appendix NA (informative) 8
National appendix NB (informative) 8
National appendix NC (informative) Inside back cover
BSI 07-1999
Copyright British Standards Institution
Reproduced by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
BS 4533-102.17:1990
National foreword
This Section of BS 4533 has been prepared under the direction of the Electrical
Illumination Standards Policy Committee and is the English language version of
EN 60598-2-17 Luminaires Part 2: Particular requirements
Section 17 Luminaires for stage lighting, television, film and photographic
studios (outdoor and indoor), including Amendment A2 published by the
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC). It was
adopted by that organization from IEC Publication 598-2-17 (1984) edition 1,
with Amendment No 1 (1987), and Amendment No. 2 (1990) which is identical
with the European Standard.
There is no amendment A1 to EN 60598-2-17 because amendment 1:1987 to
IEC 598-2-17:1984 was endorsed by EN 60598-2-17:1989.
The foreword and preface of IEC Publication 598-2-17 (1984) edition 1 and the
preface of Amendment No 1 (1987), which do not form part of the text of
EN 60598-2-17, have been quoted in National appendix NA. Annexes designated
normative are part of the body of the standard. Annexes designated
informative are given for information only. National appendixes are designated
In 17.1, 17.2, 17.12 and 17.13 where the words Section of Part 2 of IEC
Publication 598, section of Part 2 and section of Publication 598-2 appear
they should be read as section of BS 4533. In 17.1 and 17.2 where Part 1
appears this should be read as Part 101. Where the words Publication 598-1
appear they should be read as BS 4533-101.
Cross-references. Details of other international publications quoted in this
British Standard are given in Annex ZA. Where there are British Standards
corresponding to these international standards the relationships are given in
National appendix NB.
Product certification. Users of this British Standard are advised to consider
the desirability of third party certification of product conformity with this British
Standard based on testing and continuing surveillance, which may be coupled
with assessment of a suppliers quality systems against the appropriate Part of
BS 5750.
Enquiries as to the availability of third party certification schemes will be
forwarded by BSI to the Association of Certification Bodies. If a third party
certification scheme does not already exist, users should consider approaching an
appropriate body from the list of Association members.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
the EN title page, pages 2 to 8, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the
inside front cover.
ii BSI 07-1999
Copyright British Standards Institution
Reproduced by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
+ A2 July 1991
UDC 628.977.7:654.191
Key words: Lighting fitting; luminaire; film; television; studio; stage; indoor lighting; outdoor; tungsten filament lamp; particular
English version
Part 2: Particular requirements
Section 17 Luminaires for stage lighting, television, film
and photographic studios (outdoor and indoor)
(includes amendment A2:1991)
(IEC 598-2-17 (1984) ed 1 + Amdt 1 (1987))
Luminaires Leuchten
Deuxime partie: Rgles particulires Teil 2: Besondere Anforderungen
Section dix-sept Luminaires pour leclairage Hauptabschnitt siebzehn: Leuchten fr
des scnes de thtre, pour prises du vues de Bhnen, Fernseh-, Film und Fotostudios
tlvision et de cinma ( lextrieur et (Auen und Innen)
lintrieur) (enthlt nderungen A2:1991)
(inclut lamendement A2:1991) (IEC 598-2-17 (1984) Ausg. 1 + Amdt 1 (1987))
(CEI 598-2-17 (1984) ed 1 + Amdt 1 (1987))
CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the CENELEC Central
Secretariat or to any CENELEC member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French and
German). A version in any other language made by translation under the
responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to
CENELEC Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria,
Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxemburg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and
United Kingdom.
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comit Europen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europisches Komitee fr Elektrotechnische Normung
Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B-1050 Brussels
Foreword to amendment A2
The proposal of TC 34Z to endorse
amendment 2:1990 to the International Standard
IEC 598-2-17:1984 was submitted to the CENELEC
members for unique acceptance in August 1990.
The reference document was approved by
CENELEC as amendment A2 to EN 60598-2-17
on 25 June 1991.
The following dates were fixed:
latest date of publication
of an identical national
standard (dop) 1992-06-01
latest date of withdrawal
of conflicting national
standards (dow) 1992-11-01
For products which have complied with
EN 60598-2-17:1989 before 1992-11-01, as shown by
the manufacturer or by a certification body, this
previous standard may continue to apply for
production until 1997-11-01.
2 BSI 07-1999
Copyright British Standards Institution
Reproduced by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
EN 60598-2-17:1989
1) U
R = effective value of the working voltage
US = peak value of the pulse voltage of the ignitor.
BSI 07-1999
Copyright British Standards Institution
Reproduced by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
EN 60598-2-17:1989
17.6.2 The luminaire for certain types of If the lamp (i.e. a lamp complying with
high-pressure discharge lamp, where an explosion Sheet 357-IEC-3155) does not shatter owing to the
risk is declared by the lamp manufacturer, shall increased voltage, it is broken by mechanical means.
incorporate a device to prevent immediate access to The lamp is prepared for the test by making an
the lamp after switching-off or shall be marked in incision in the bulb wall. After 5 min operation at
accordance with the requirements of rated voltage, the lamp is destroyed by hitting at the
Sub-clause 17.5.5. location of the incision through a hole provided for
17.6.3 The luminaire shall be constructed so as to this purpose in the luminaire.
retain particles of glass or quartz produced in the If parts of the lamp drop down, they shall not ignite
event of the lamp shattering. the cotton gauze. Discoloration and scorching of the
Openings through which particles could fall under gauze are neglected. The safety of the luminaire
gravity with the luminaire in any of its normal shall not be impaired after the lamp is destroyed.
operating positions shall be such as to retain 17.6.4 Hanger (stirrup)
fragments larger than 3 mm.
Where a hanger is provided, the bearing parts of the
All other openings shall be constructed in such a hanger shall be capable of supporting ten times the
way that parts of a shattered lamp cannot leave the weight of the luminaire without permanent
luminaire by a direct path. deformation and shall be manufactured from
The luminaire is deemed to comply with the non-combustible materials such as steel or its
direct-path requirements if openings are screened equivalent.
with a mesh with openings not exceeding 8 mm or Parts of the hanger carrying the weight of the
are screened with a labyrinth. luminaire shall be capable of supporting ten times
The above requirements of this sub-clause do not the weight of the luminaire without permanent
apply if the luminaire is clearly marked that only deformation.
lamps which comply with Sheet 357-IEC-3155 are Parts of the hanger carrying a proportion of the
to be used. weight of the luminaire shall be capable of
If in front of the lamp there is a protective shield supporting ten times the proportion of the weight.
made of glass, the luminaire is deemed to be in The connection between hanger and luminaire shall
accordance with the requirements if in front of this be locked against loosening.
glass shield a mesh is mounted with openings not 17.6.5 The design of the luminaire shall be such that
exceeding 12 mm.
removeable accessories, e.g. colour frames and
If the luminaire is provided with a protective glass barndoors, when properly inserted cannot fall out of
shield in the form of a single lens, the openings of the luminaire from any position of the luminaire
the mesh shall not exceed 25 mm. If the luminaire is irrespective of its normal burning angle.
fitted with a multi-lens objective no mesh is
17.6.6 A secondary suspension shall be provided for
necessary. the luminaire, except where the luminaire is
These protective shields shall be suitable for the arranged for floor mounting or intended for
temperature in normal use and their clamping hand-held use. This secondary suspension shall be
means shall be able to keep a broken shield in designed and mounted in such a way that even in
position. the event of the failure of the primary suspension no
Compliance with the requirements of part of the luminaire can fall.
Sub-clauses 17.6.1 to 17.6.3 shall be checked by Compliance shall be checked by the following test:
inspection and by the following test: With the end of the secondary suspension remote
Test: from the luminaire securely fixed, the luminaire is
The luminaire is operated at a rated voltage in the allowed to hang freely by means of the secondary
most onerous position of normal use until thermal suspension alone. The luminaire is raised in its
equilibrium is achieved. Five layers of cotton gauze hanging mode a distance of 300 mm vertically and
are placed on a wooden base at a distance of 500 mm allowed to fall freely. This test is made 30 times.
below the outer luminaire housing. The lamp is then The secondary suspension shall not fail and no part
caused to shatter, for example, for filament lamps, of the luminaire shall fall.
by abruptly increasing the voltage applied to the
lamp by about 30 %
4 BSI 07-1999
Copyright British Standards Institution
Reproduced by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
EN 60598-2-17:1989
17.6.7 Where the handle of a luminaire encases 17.12 Endurance tests and thermal
electrical circuitry it shall be of insulating material, tests
unless the handle is double insulated from
current-carrying parts in which case the use of other The provisions of Section 12 of
materials is permitted. Publication 598-1 apply, together with the
requirements of Sub-clause 17.12.1. Luminaires
Compliance is checked by inspection.
with an IP classification greater than IP20 shall be
subjected to the relevant test of
17.7 Creepage distances and Clauses 12.4, 12.5 and 12.6 of Section 12 of
clearances Publication 598-1 after the test(s) of Clause 9.2 but
The provisions of Section 11 of before the test(s) of Clause 9.3 of Section 9 of
Publication 598-1 apply. Publication 598-1 specified in
Clause 17.13 of this Section of
17.8 Provisions for earthing Publication 598-2.
The provisions of Section 7 of 17.12.1 The housing temperature shall not exceed
Publication 598-1 apply. the value marked on the luminaire in accordance
with Sub-clause 17.5.6.
17.9 Terminals
17.13 Resistance to dust and moisture
The provisions of Sections 14 and 15 of
Publication 598-1 apply except that spring-type The provisions of Section 9 of
screwless terminals of the Type b shown in Publication 598-1 apply. For luminaires with an IP
Figure 19 of Publication 598-1 shall not be used. classification greater than IP20 the order of the
tests specified in Section 9 of
17.10 External and internal wiring Publication 598-1 shall be as specified in
Clause 17.12 of this Section of Publication 598-2.
The provisions of Section 5 of
Publication 598-1 apply, together with the 17.14 Insulation resistance and
requirements of Sub-clauses 17.10.1 to 17.10.2. electric strength
17.10.1 External and internal wiring shall have a
The provisions of Section 10 of
cross-sectional area not less than 0.75 mm2 for
Publication 598-1 apply.
current ratings up to 3 A and a cross-sectional area
not less than 1.5 mm2 for current ratings over 3 A.
17.15 Resistance to heat, fire and
17.10.2 Where luminaires are fitted with plugs and tracking
sockets for connection to independent or remote
control gear, the plugs and sockets shall not be The provisions of Section 13 of
interchangeable with the plugs and sockets for Publication 598-1 apply.
connection to the mains supply if the direct
connection of the luminaire or control gear to the
mains supply is dangerous or is capable of causing
damage to the surroundings of the control gear or
BSI 07-1999
Copyright British Standards Institution
Reproduced by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy
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EN 60598-2-17:1989
Annex ZA (normative)
Other international publications quoted in this standard
When the international publication has been modified by CENELEC common modifications
(mod = modified by CENELEC common modifications) the relevant EN/HD applies.
IEC Publications EN/HD Date of issue of EN/HD
598-1, mod EN 60598-1 Sliding; latest edition
Part 1: General requirements and tests
6 BSI 07-1999
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Further information can be found in the Report on Voting indicated in the table above.
This publication should be read in conjunction with IEC Publication 598-1: Luminaires, Part 1: General
Requirements and Tests.
Preface of Amendment No 1 (1987) to IEC Publication 598-2-17 (1984) edition 1
This amendment has been prepared by Sub-Committee 34D: Luminaires, of IEC Technical Committee
No. 34: Lamps and Related Equipment.
The text of this amendment is based upon the following documents:
Six Months Rule Reports on Voting
34D(CO)111 34D(CO)128
34D(CO)125 34D(CO)141
Full information on the voting for the approval of this amendment can be found in the Voting Reports
indicated in the above table.
8 BSI 07-1999
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Reproduced by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy
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BS 4533-102.17:1990
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