ANNEX VII March 2013 - tcm334-341487
ANNEX VII March 2013 - tcm334-341487
ANNEX VII March 2013 - tcm334-341487
Address: Address:
5.(a) 1st carrier (2) 5.(b) 2nd carrier 5.(c) 3rd carrier
Name: Name: Name:
Contact person:
Tel.: Fax:
7. Recovery facility Laboratory 10. Waste identification (fill in relevant codes):
Name: (i) Basel Annex IX:
(ii) OECD (if different from (i)):
Address: (iii) Annex IIIA (4):
(iv) Annex IIIB (5):
Contact person: (v) EC list of wastes:
Tel.: Fax: (vi) National code:
11. Countries/states concerned:
Export/dispatch Transit Import/destination
12. Declaration of the person who arranges the shipment: I certify that the above information is complete and correct to my best
knowledge. I also certify that effective written contractual obligations have been entered into with the consignee (not required in the case of
waste referred to in Article 3(4)):