Dbbvi GKV WWGK KVWPS: Class: Six English 1 Montly
Dbbvi GKV WWGK KVWPS: Class: Six English 1 Montly
Dbbvi GKV WWGK KVWPS: Class: Six English 1 Montly
[mRbkxj GKvWwgK Kqvi]
5, c~e kIovcvov, gwbcyi zj G KjR (ev-3) Ifvi exR msjM wgicyi
gvevBj t 01710082739, 01857903250
Class : Six English 1st Montly
Word A_ Word A_
fond of wcq At present eZgvb
attentive to gbvhvwM of all mKji
try to Pv Kiv indifferent to D`vmxb
deviate from wewQb nIqv absorbed in gM _vKv
depend on wbfi Kiv prevent from evav `Iqv
contented with mw result in Gb `Iqv
lies in Kvb wKQzi ga result of djvdj
wbwnZ _vKv
ambition for DPvKvv result from Drcb nIqv
devoid of ewZ proud of MweZ
true to wek abstain from `yi _vKv
consist of MweZ nIqv give up ZvM Kiv
consist in wbwnZ _vKv popular with Rbwcq
fall victim to cwZZ nIqv proficiency in `Zv
loved by mKji viv friendly with ezZ c~Y
run after wcQz QvUv sincere in AvwiK
hanker after jvf Kiv worthy of hvM
greed for jvf good at fvjv/ `
brings about NUvq desire for BQv Kiv
lead one to bZZ `Iqv the habit of Afvm
suffer from fvMv faith in wekvm
destitute of ewZ abide by gb Pjv
deprived of ewZ clings to AvKo aiv
in our life Avgv`i Rxeb angry with ivMvw^Z nIqv
in the examination cixvq in lieu of cwieZ
in the country Avgv`i `k according to Abymvi
in the world wek / cw_exZ weak in `~ej
familiar figure to cwiwPZ expert at `
stretches out evwoq `Iqv skill at `
confined to Ave able to gZv
in the field of difficult for KwVb
importance of MiyZ interest in AvMn
useful to us DcKvi a matter of welq
useful in many ways AbK w`K w`q belive in wekvm Kiv
provide with hvMvb `Iqv come of RbMnY Kiv
impact on cfve weZvi Kiv kind to `qvjy
turn into cwiYZ nIqv forget of fzj hvIqv
in order to Dk serious about Zrci /mPZb
leads to bZZ `Iqv fell into cwZZ nIqv
seek for LuvRv sat on em _vKv
set up _vcb Kiv wanted to PvIqv
bear in mind gb ivLv one of the AbKi ga
superior to k honoured by mvb c`kY
refers to ejZ evSvq grateful to KZ
absent from AbycwZ able to mg
addicted to Avm pray for cv_bv Kiv
(Kvb wKQzi
named after bvgKiY Kiv pray to cv_bv
Kiv(Kviv wbKU)
divided into wef nIqv root of g~j
concerned about DwM nIqv satisfied with m
hit upon a plan cwiKbv Kiv governed by cwiPvwjZ nIqv
accountable to `vwq a large number of wecyj msLK
blind to `vli cwZ A kinds of cKvif`
blind of `w kwZ A suffer from ivM fvMv
take care of hZ bqv concentrate on gbvhvwM nIqv
afraid of wfZ nIqv a lot of cPzi cwigvY
displeased with Amy nIqv have to / has to KiZ nq
Adhere to msjM used to AfZ
entrapped into RRwiZ march on GwMq hvIqv
in danger wec`i gyL cov preparation for cwZ
go forward to mvgb GwMq backbone of giy`
come forward to mvgb GwMq Devoted to fw
stands for ejZ evSvq aware of mPZb
include in AZfz along with mv_
formed with MweZ nIqv entered into cek Kiv
with a view to Dk made of cZzwZ
all sort of mKj cKvi full of cwic~Y
refrain oneself from weiZ ivLv because of KviY