Black Body Radiation
Black Body Radiation
Black Body Radiation
Blackbody Radiation
(3 Hours)
Dr. Ahmad Taufek Abdul Rahman
E hf
DR.ATAR @ UiTM.NS PHY310 - Modern Physics 2
Need for Quantum Physics
Problems remained from classical mechanics that the special theory of
relativity didnt explain.
Attempts to apply the laws of classical physics to explain the behavior of
matter on the atomic scale were consistently unsuccessful.
Problems included:
Blackbody radiation
The electromagnetic radiation emitted by a heated object
Photoelectric effect
Emission of electrons by an illuminated metal
A black body is an ideal system that absorbs all radiation incident on it.
Stefans law:
P = s A e T4
Rayleigh-Jeans law.
2 c kBT
I ,T
The oscillators emit or absorb energy when making a transition from one
quantum state to another.
The entire energy difference between the initial and final states in the
transition is emitted or absorbed as a single quantum of radiation.
An oscillator emits or absorbs energy only when it changes quantum
The energy carried by the quantum of radiation is E = h .
E k BT (1.1)
Rayleigh -Jeans
theory Classical
Wiens theory
E hf (1.2)
c f
then eq. (1.2) can be written as
E (1.3)
From eq. (1.3), the quantum of the energy E for
DR.ATAR @ UiTM.NS is inversely proportional
PHY310 - Modern Physics to its wavelength. 25
It is convenient to express many quantum energies in
The electron-volt (eV) is a unit of energy that can be
defined as the kinetic energy gained by an electron
in being accelerated by a potential difference
(voltage) of 1 volt.
Unit conversion: 1 eV 1.60 10 J
In 1905, Albert Einstein extended Plancks idea by
proposing that electromagnetic radiation is also
quantised. It consists of particle like packets (bundles)
of energy called photons of electromagnetic radiation.
For EM radiation of n packets, the energy En is given
En nhf (1.4)
where n : real number 1,2,3,...
PHY310 - Modern Physics 26
Photon is defined as a particle with zero mass
consisting of a quantum of electromagnetic
radiation where its energy is concentrated.
A photon may also be regarded as a unit of energy
equal to hf.
Photons travel at the speed of light in a vacuum. They
are required to explain the photoelectric effect and
other phenomena that require light to have particle
Table shows the differences between the photon and
electromagnetic wave.
DR.ATAR @ UiTM.NS PHY310 - Modern Physics 27
EM Wave Photon
Energy of the EM wave Energy of a photon is
depends on the intensity of proportional to the
the wave. Intensity of the frequency of the EM wave
wave I is proportional to the where
squared of its amplitude A2
E f
IA 2
740 10 9 m
a. The frequency of the photon is given by
c f
3.00 108 740 10 9 f
f 4.05 1014 Hz
b. By applying the Plancks quantum theory, thus the photons
energy in joule is
E hf
E 6.63 10 34 4.05 1014
E 2.69 10 19 J
and its energy in electron-volt is
2.69 10 19
E 19 E 1.66 eV
DR.ATAR @ UiTM.NS 10 - Modern Physics
1.60PHY310 30
Example 2 :
For a gamma radiation of wavelength 4.621012 m
propagates in the air, calculate the energy of a photon
for gamma radiation in electron-volt.
(Given the speed of light in the vacuum, c =3.00108 m s1 and
Plancks constant, h =6.631034 J s)
6.63 10 3.00 10
34 8
4.62 10 12
E 4.31 10 14 J
4.31 10 14
1.60 10 19
E 2.69 10 5 eV